#just with worse weapons
mossywizard · 11 months
Hi I would like my body to actually cry instead of being numb this sucks
Gunna talk about mess in the tags you don’t gotta read it I just aaaa
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Kitty for sanity
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arthursfuckinghat · 1 month
Playing red dead online really is a nightmare to play as a beginner like it doesn't matter if you're delivering goods or taking in a bounty, someone out there is going to make your life hell until you join a new server
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abaroo · 6 months
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I realised I had to refine Ceroba for my au…
In the cowboy swap au, Ceroba is actually the Sheriff and leader of the Feisty Five. Clover is still the Deputy and goes by “Lucky Star”. He loves hanging around town with his Mama ☺️. I haven’t come up with a cool cowboy name for Ceroba yet, although she probably wouldn’t use one :/
Cowboy Swap Masterpost
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
“hey stop making jokes abt mass shootings in america”
“well u insult our accents which is classist so we’re both in the wrong”
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Even if Betty got Simon back without Golb I feel like the effects of the war and fallout would have made him a different man anyway.
Like they’re living in Ooo and while Betty sees that these are reminiscences of their old life, Simon remembers the bombs falling and people getting sick and dying. He remembers having to run for his life and care for someone who he probably believed he was lying to about things ending up okay. He watched the world, not just his personal world, fall apart.
I mean it’s somewhat hinted that Betty jumped to the future before any real effects of the war hit meaning she can’t really understand his feelings on that even if she gets the whole magic madness is a theoretical post Magic Betty state.
I like the idea that even if together something will forever separate them from being as close as they once were.
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korrasamibottles · 7 months
Yeah Venom of the Red Lotus showed us how crazy powerful Korra is but The Last Stand had Korra transform the destructive power of a massive bomb blast into something regenerative in the culmination of one of the best character arcs I've ever seen. In my OPINION!!
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seth-burroughs · 8 months
I don't think that the reason why Number One's homunculus came out perfect and everyone else's was defective is that No1 had a ""Superior"" extra wrinkly guinness record brain or whatever the fuck. It's most likely because, you know, the UG facility's research was probably way better funded and carefully, well, researched, and picked out just one individual to focus on cloning -- on the other hand, KW's Project: Homunculus was unbelievably fucking rushed because Huesca wanted so bad to have one over the unified government he just started raw dogging the experiments and collected the DNA of almost every single person in that city because even if their homunculi do come out a bit undercooked at least they've got the numbers babyyyyy take that unified fuck. I think more thought and care went into building all these damn clone pods we saw for all of them than their actual creation. "something unexpected occured in our efforts to find suitable DNA" -> "i will die in approx. 20 seconds and STILL I won't admit I any% blind speedran playing god and failed due to the easily foreseeable consequences of my abysmal choices. It's actually a dna skill issue on those defects fuck them pinkies my final message. goodbye"
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whump-in-the-closet · 4 months
The Shadows Under Their Eyes
Leslie-- weapon-in-training--completed a mission that left her rattled. With her world falling out from under her feet, she confronted the Organizer and now faces the consequences of her actions.
cw: death mention, that trope where a character keeps pulling weapons out of their pockets, broken bones and crowbars, severe beating because Leslie punched the Organizer (Sage) as she had every right to
Leslie, living weapon whumpee, reluctant to do her job (she/her)
Sage, whumper (they/them)
Kaspian, works for Sage, trains Leslie (he/him)
Locked in her room, Leslie had time to think. Too much time.
Between the racing thoughts, she’d see Swift’s eyes.
Hopeless. Blank. An expression she recognized. Those hopeless eyes. 
Her hands shook. Leslie clenched them, opened them, remembered the blood–bright, vivid, not her own–closed them again. 
Swift had slumped against Leslie as she died, like a deer folding to the forest floor, eyes wide and dark. Leslie sobbed, pressing her shaking hands against her mouth to stifle the sound. 
Oh god.
All that training, and for what? 
Oh fuck. 
Leslie muffled a strangled cry in her throat. 
Then she heard voices outside her door. Frantic for a distraction, she pressed an ear against the wood. It would have been better if she hadn’t. 
She recognized Kaspian’s voice first. “Sage, with all due respect, I won’t allow it.” 
The punishment. Right. Sage had threatened to make her regret her actions last night. 
Leslie shuddered. Kaspian better get her out of this. He had to. 
Sage’s response was curt. “Do you want to be reprimanded alongside your apprentice?” 
There was only soft hesitation. “No.” 
Kaspian was not getting her out of this.
All she had said was…
What had she said? Oh, right, she had entered Luca’s so-called important meeting with clients and punched Sage with her blood-drenched hands. 
She may have said something along the lines of “Sick asshole,” and left. But she hadn’t done any real damage to Sage's face or anything. They still had all their teeth. 
Leslie turned back to the conversation in time to hear Sage say: 
“Then your apprentice will take the reprimanding and thank me for it. She needs to learn what it means to be an Elite.” 
Leslie couldn’t take it. “You mean I need to learn to be a boot-licker?” She shouted the words through the door, uncaring. 
Sage wrenched the door open and Leslie fell back, but not quickly enough. They grabbed her by her shirt collar and hauled her into the corridor. 
Kaspian only shook his head. He gave her a look that said, you got yourself into this, get out of it yourself. 
Fine then. If Kaspian wanted her to Leslie-style this, then she would. “Personally, I’m disappointed in the both of you–” Leslie began to mock Sage. 
Sage slapped her across the mouth. “Not a word.” To Kaspian, they snapped, “Send her to Room 359. And then we will be speaking about additional training.” 
Leslie could only stare, mouth dry. 
Those hopeless eyes. 
Kaspian only paled slightly. “You’ll…you’ll kill her.” 
“I’m not that lucky.” 
Kaspian glanced at Leslie, then at Sage. Back to Leslie. He mouthed I’m sorry, then spoke up, voice cold. “You have to provide medical care after.” 
That snapped Leslie out of it. “Kaspian!” 
Cruel, cruel, cruel. 
Sage smiled.  “I knew you would come to see reason” They paused, and Leslie knew it was for effect, and added, “Agreed. I’d forgotten you’re an Elite after my own heart.” 
“For Christ’s sake,” said Leslie.
“What’s that?” said Sage. 
“I said–” 
Kaspian grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind him, “Nothing. She said nothing, my liege.”  
“Boot-licker,” whispered Leslie, for only Kaspian to hear. 
Kaspian made no motion of hearing her. 
Sage pointed at her, expression stern, “You’ll learn the hard way not to cross me.” They left the hallway.
 “Oh, sorry, I’ll take notes this time,” Leslie shouted after them. She didn’t stop there. Her face was still red where Sage had slapped her. “God knows who they think they are.” 
Kaspian lifted an eyebrow. “Sage holds our lives in their hands.” He gestured to her room. “Get back in there. The guards will pick you up tomorrow morning.” 
“Aw, are you still pissed at me?” 
“Go to your room.” 
“Okay, dad.” Leslie’s voice was sharp with sarcasm. If her voice cracked, they both pretended they didn’t notice.  As she stepped inside, she turned around with the final word, “Dad this, and Dad that, and fuck you, by the way.” 
Kaspian shut the door and locked it. He couldn’t look her in the face. 
Leslie was back with the racing thoughts and Swift’s dead eyes. 
The guard kicked Leslie awake. He only had to kick once. She grabbed his ankle and twisted as he drew his leg back a second time. 
The guard hit the floor with a satisfying thud and Leslie had a blade to his throat, and a knee on his chest– that was even more satisfying. 
His Adam’s apple bobbed. He looked from her, red hair matted around sharp features and a dead light in her eyes, to the twitching blade. He exhaled shakily, “Don’t try anything. I’m to bring you down to the 359. The Liege’s orders.” 
Something inside Leslie twitched. 
The white room. With its tiled floor and dried stains that they never cleaned off. 
Her head suddenly began to throb. 
The guard regained his confidence. “Get off me!” 
Leslie stepped off him. “Yeah, cry about it.” 
The guard stood, with as much dignity as he could. With his eyes on her blade, he said, “Hand over your jacket and your weapons.” 
Leslie twirled the knife, watching the guard’s nervous twitch. After a small pause, she handed it to him. Then she surrendered her jacket. 
The early morning sun hit her arms, cold and sharp. Her posture slumped.
“Your other weapons,” said the guard. 
She took three more knives out of various pockets with slow, exaggerated movements and dropped them to the floor. 
“Is that all?” 
“No, I have an arsenal on me. I always plan to start international wars on a fucking Tuesday.” But she pulled out a small explosive and a vial of poison from her boot. 
The guard fumbled with both and she laughed at him. 
She stopped laughing when the guard shoved her into the hall with a rough, ’Get moving’, and the reality of it all became far too crushing, far too soon. 
Oh, fuck it all. 
He took her up several flights of stairs and into a long hallway with bright fluorescent lighting. No windows. 
Leslie felt her throat constrict. She didn’t say anything because she knew her voice would crack if she tried. 
It had been so long since Room 359. 
They stopped at the door, the numbers on a plate beside it. 
The guard unlocked it and shoved her in. “Should have kept your mouth shut,” he said with a shake of his head. 
“Go to hell,” Leslie snapped at him as the door closed. Her voice shook on the last word. 
She took in the room, with its iron-red stains and not-so-white walls. Someone had smeared a bloody handprint on the floor. It smelled faintly of ammonia and vomit. 
She tried not to think of how many people had cracked and begged and sobbed in this room. And how soon she would be one of them– 
She didn’t have to turn around to know three guards had entered the room. She could hear their footsteps just fine. 
They circled her, in masks and tightly-stitched armor. 
Leslie closed her eyes and let her thoughts wander. 
To Swift– 
She exhaled sharply. 
Not to Swift. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Leslie saw one of the guards swing a crowbar with a slow methodical flick of their wrist. 
They brought it across the back of her knees.
Leslie muffled a scream and it came out as a strangled sound. Her knees buckled and she dropped to the floor. 
The smell of vomit became overwhelming. 
She saw white– splintering across her vision– bright and malignant. 
One of the guards hauled her to her feet by her shirt collar and Leslie tried to yank out of their grip, but they punched her, hard, in her stomach. 
She doubled over, coughing. 
The guard let her go with a disgusted sound. 
For a moment, she lay on the cold tiles, aching with an all-consuming hurt. Like it was something inside her, and alive. 
To the floor, she whispered, “I could take you any day.” 
“Smartass,” said the third guard. And brought the heel of their boot down on Leslie’s extended hand. 
She didn’t mean to cry out. But the pain curled up her wrist and exploded in her arm in a brilliant swath of murderous throbbing. 
Viscous and burning and she couldn’t think— 
The guard ground his boot into her hand. “You want to say that again?” 
Leslie screamed through a clenched jaw. 
The other guards laughed. 
One kicked her in the ribs and she curled up instinctively. 
Through her distorted vision, she could make out the vague outline of the crowbar, ticking back and forth.  
They took their boot off her hand and she knew, with the wrenching kind of sound her limp wrist made, it was broken. They dragged Leslie to her feet, again. 
And again. 
The crowbar, the fists, the boots. 
And again. 
She wasn’t conscious when they left the room. 
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redbean-nom · 1 month
quite poetically ironic for demagol to do all those jedi torture-experiments in the name of "finding out how the force works" only to turn out to be force-sensitive himself
#star wars#redbean talks#mandalorians#kotor#demagol#is he the only one to get his name turned into a word?#also its kind of funny demagol is the one remembered as The War Criminal bc of the jedi vivisections#when cassus fett was famous for nuking several planets just to prove a point#like. the only reason cassus escaped being remembered The War Criminal is because demagol somehow managed to be even worse#between that and the other field marshal guy who infected everyone with rakghoul on purpose#and also ultimate offering to buy the system-destroying worms and also pay that company to make more weapons of mass destruction#the mandalorian high command was really competing for Most Evil Guy Of All Time huh#i do wonder how many mandalorians were unknowingly force sensitive#demagol-as-rohlan managed to use the force a few times i think without even being aware of it#given that the jedi are definitely steering clear of the mando kids they don't seem to have a way to tell if someone is force sensitive#unless the kid is either stolen directly from the jedi (grogu)#friends with several jedi who can sense it (sabine)#the actual child of a jedi (venku)#or used the force in a very obvious way (grogu and presumably tarre)#i think that covers all the known force sensitive mandalorians?#i wonder if mando jedi are more prominent because of the more obvious philosophical differences#while a sith-inclined mandalorian would just be a crusader or war criminal etc#idk maybe the entirety of the Most Evil Guy(s) Of All Time war leaders would have been sith if they weren't already mandos
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countlessofvoids · 1 month
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betasuppe · 1 year
May I just say that since my last ride on Lightcycle/Run, I really & truly appreciate the fact that before you get to the loading platform & Team Orange is given a run through, you have all these programs with fun names, like Abrahammer, Bucannon & Stonecypher, who all are striking these cool, tough guy poses, like...
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Only for when the lazy susan of programs to rotate, you get a look at all the full team line up.... & then their team captain Rinzler, who legitimately looks like he's about to go fucking ham & is so jumped up with anxiety or the intent to murder that he's about to go haywire if he doesn't get his enrichment time in first lol
Like, look what you did, Sam. You ruined an already fucked up program. Look at him - he's got anxiety now.
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But side note... can you not see why I have been obsessed with this dude for so damn long??♡ A specimen of complete imperfection♡♡♡
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serostuffsmh · 10 months
Don’t go out with older men DONT DO IT
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editor-the-benjamin · 30 days
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people who don't know Sonic Boom's backstory vs. people who do know Sonic Boom's backstory
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cherubchoirs · 4 months
Since i'm always having weird dreams i'm curious if risen v1 has them too
Like at first when it tells Gabriel he thinks "oh it dreams now" and doesn't think much of it but when it tells him about it it's the most absurd, crazy thing ever, and that's how it dreams, no normal stuff comes from the weird angel machine haha.
Also my cat Charlie says hi.
OH for sure, although gabriel didn't even know what it was talking about at first when it kept referring to them as "automated simulations". weird as some of them might be though, he likes to have v1 recount them as he sees just what occupies most of its thoughts - he certainly features a lot in its dreams, but v2 and the ferryman are there often as well, as is something like the earthmover (i like to think v1's equivalent of the "failing your final" dreams is it losing against the earthmover lol) he's also sometimes amused by what v1 itself considers to be "strange" dreams, as they're usually the ones gabriel would rate as far more mundane - it stood outside of a gas station all night long, waiting for it to open so it could get something to eat, only to immediately wake up when it remembered it has no mouth!!! it tells each one in the most vivid detail, after which it likes to have gabriel tell it about his own dreams. it becomes something of a morning ritual for them, something they both greatly look forward to, although gabe can swear sometimes v1's dreams just sound like it was up all night playing in the cybergrind.....
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
is hamas = isis?
i've been seeing zionists say that 'anti-zionist and pro-palestine jews who oppose israel are not real jews' and ... first of all. who are you to decide who is and isnt a real jew?
and secondly!!! guess what this is a disturbing parallel to? ISIS.
because when the islamic state declared a caliphate, they also said smth similar: that any muslim who opposes the caliphate of the islamic state, is an apostate.
also interesting to note that, according to isis, hamas would also be apostates + isis also opposed hamas bec isis believed that nobody besides the caliphate of islamic state had the right to declare jihad -> so isis declared war on hamas
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on the other hand, israel has provided free treatment to isis and other syrian militants in israeli hospitals
obv the tactic of equating hamas with isis is pure hasbara done for the sake of creating mass hysteria against hamas and convincing the usa/nato to sanction the mass killing of palestinians (in the name of eliminating hamas). macron even said the same coalition fighting isis should also fight hamas
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some more differences + links mentioned below the cut:
some other differences:
isis is a salafi/wahabi org (look into islamic statism) /// hamas is a sunni org
isis is a transnational org /// hamas is a palestinian nationalist org
the aim of isis is to eradicate all 'bad' muslims+non-muslims & establish their rule all over the world /// the aim of hamas is to secure complete liberation of palestine
isis has conducted militant operations in different countries beyond its territories /// hamas does not conduct operations beyond historic palestine
isis kills anyone who does not adhere to its extremist interpretation of islam (including yazidis, jews, christians, shia & sufi muslims) /// hamas has been tolerant to different sects (alliance with shia hezbollah org) + different religions (palestinian christians/foreign aid workers)
isis literally legalized slavery which afaik no other islamic militant org has done (besides boko haram i think?)
isis is extremely anti-shia and opposes hamas for having links with iran and hezbollah
isis also feels obligated to kill any other muslim that does not pledge loyalty to the caliphate (even attacked some of their own previous allies) /// hamas has an alliance with several other palestinian resistance organizations regardless of different ideologies as long as they share a common goal of liberating palestine (palestinian joint operations room)
pls lmk if any info here is incorrect/needs editing!
What Effect ISIS' Declaration Of War Against Hamas Could Have In The Middle East : NPR
Hamas Is Not ISIS. Here's Why That Matters | TIME
UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS - IBTimes India
Ideology of the Islamic State - Wikipedia
Why Islamic State has no sympathy for Hamas - Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East
France’s Macron says anti-ISIL coalition should fight Hamas | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Salafist ideological challenge to Hamas in Gaza - BBC News
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