#just your average guy (general/casual)
shining-gem34 · 1 year
Rook Golden Eyes
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||Where Rook used to be raised, he was scorned for having an unnatural eye color: gold. The people he grew up around with saw it as an omen for disaster. They saw him as a harbinger of misfortune, a child of a witch who summoned a demon, or worse; an abomination.
People feared and hated his eyes.
Rook learned to ignore their gossips and jeers behind his back. While he is self-conscious about it, he finds the superstition of his eyes valuable. Why, it proves useful in intimidating people if he doesn't want to be bothered or make his opponents (who believes that golden eyes are signs of misfortune) falter. It gives him the upperhand in a fight.
If they don't, then it doesn't matter; a fight is a fight in the end.
In short, Rook doesn't bother to hide his eye color and wears them proudly. He has his moments where he wants to hide his eyes, but he only feels that way when his mood is in the all-time low.
Once his journey through space began, Rook find sit refreshing that no one bats an eye to his eye color. It's a normal eye color, or contacts, on some planets. Other planets may be weary but Rook is quick to leave soon for the next one.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Hey. Maybe not the place. But people treat your ask box like a forum so 🙏 I thought I was ace because porn does nothing for me and I only like erotica/doujinshi if I like the characters. But I recently discovered watching wrestling does something for me. Is this really weird? How do I know where I fit?
I will gleefully embrace the identity of basement-dwelling gremlin who prefers horny fiction to actually dating or having sex with other people.
But porn tastes aren't what defines sexual orientation.
Neither is willingness to get off the couch.
Are you attracted to people, anon? That's usually how people define the various identities on that spectrum: no attraction, very occasional attraction way below what's seen as commonplace, attraction only when you know someone well, etc. (Which, of course, brings up the question of what level is "normal" and whether someone's judging based on Hollywood nonsense or on what's actually typical.)
For me personally, mainstream porno movies have actors I find un-hot wearing clothing I find libido-killing in ugly environments with bad lighting and camerawork. The scenarios lack the psychological depth needed to interest me, and there's little sense of intimacy.
This has nothing to do with orientation and everything to do with film craft.
Doujinshi of characters I'm already familiar with have a lot more context for what's going on, and this can add a lot of zing to kinks or increase the apparent intimacy.
Wrestling has plotlines. It has deeply charismatic stars. It has different body types than a lot of porn. There's nothing odd about finding it hot but not liking the porno movies you've been exposed to.
Plenty of people prefer all of the horny film festival favorites of the 90s to actual porno movies. It seems like funding dried up for those kinds of movies for a decade or two, but they used to be common.
I preferred the kinkier ones. Crash, for example, was a staple of my teenage viewing. Not the cringey one that won too many awards: the pervert one with the eight billion scenes of people licking each other's scars like they were performing oral.
It really digs into the psychology of kink... in addition to being far more visually beautiful and starring far hotter people than most of the commercial porn I've seen. Same deal with The Pillow Book or ¡Átame! or Maurice or Bound.
I've been seeing articles lately talking about a return to 90s levels of sex in arty movies. People point to the likes of Call Me By Your Name and Saltburn.
Live action commercial porno movies do vary, obviously, but it's just so, so, so common to find them tacky or boring while liking other forms of porn, even other live action sex scenes.
Hell, even for poorly shot stuff, I've never seen even amateur porn capture the vibes of this one long-deleted youtube video of a guy giving a lecture on anal massage and treating his subject like a prop while lecturing to a big group of onlookers.
Sometimes, people just aren't very into casual sex, and horny art where they can fantasize about people who actually know each other is better than horny art about the pizza delivery guy. Sure, there are pornos that try to have more plot, but porn stars are generally good at being porn stars, not at subtle and naturalistic acting.
Wrestlers are hardly subtle, but they do do different acting from your average porno, and there's more continuing plotline. Unless you mean... like... college wrestling? (In which case, Kink.com has or had some series where people wrestle to decide who gets to top. Wrestling is hardly a niche interest.)
For kinksters, the context and psychology often matter a lot. Showing an object with a lot of cultural baggage, like shiny black leather, can be hot, but the viewer might need more, and your average porno isn't geared up to provide that.
Anyway, if you want to determine your own orientation, your interest in art isn't necessarily going to help that much.
If you're only rarely attracted to people, and you have to know them well first, you could be demisexual, but you could equally well be shy or nervous or depressed or repressed or too busy and stressed to spend much time noticing your own feelings—or just surrounded by people who aren't your type. Only your personal interpretation of your internal experience can determine which it is.
But no, being horny for wrestling is not weird.
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a-mint-bear · 7 months
Yandere Girl Types
The Super Fan
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● She can't help but trail after you like a lovesick puppy. She looks at you and everything you do with the rosiest of rose-colored glasses. Whether you're the talented type or just an average person, she looks at you like you are her everything, because you are!
● Whenever you're together, she's a little clingy. But it's nice to have someone who likes you as much as she does. It makes you feel special, wanted. She's not shy about making the first move, and she's especially not shy about telling you how she feels. But she makes sure you know that you don't have to say it back if you're not there yet. She knows you will though. Soon.
● She sits and smiles at the pictures of you all over her room. Anything you've touched, she considers her greatest treasures. She saw you drop your favorite pen one day and meant to give it back to you, honest. But the moment she touched it, it was like something came over her. She stuffed it in her bag and took it home, and ever since, she can't help but take your things. Especially the stuff that smells like you. She keeps taking more and more of your things, but it's not enough. It's never enough...
● She makes copies of your keys when you "lose" them on day. At first, it's just to sneak into your place and take things she can't get otherwise, but it quickly escalates. She lets herself in and plays house, imagining your life together. Soon, she's watching you sleep and even lies down next to you, just for a little bit. She wants to touch you so badly...
● She wonders... if you woke up, would you smile like you always do? Would you hold her close? Would you be hers?
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
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● On the outside, she's the nicest girl. Whenever you see her, she's always got a sweet smile on her face and is always willing to help you if it means she gets to spend a little more time with you. You think of her as the kind and generous type, but she doesn’t extend this behavior to anyone but you.
● She doesn't really seem interested in dating. Anyone who actually has asked her out gets turned down gently. But a few of them swear they could see a look of disgust flash across her face for just a second before the rejection, but they always thought they just imagined it. In reality, there's only one person on her mind, so no one else can even compare.
● No one sees the other side of her. The way she stares down the girl who always laughs at your jokes. How she swears under her breath when she sees how your best guy friend just casually touches your arm, how her nails dig into the palms of her hands until they bleed. But when your eyes meet hers, you’d never guess the things she’d just been imagining.
● She hears a rumor that someone is going to ask you out. At first, she just plans to put them in their place and remind them that you deserve better, maybe just harass them or scare them. Or maybe ruining their life a little, poisoning their friends against them or getting them fired. But the thought of them getting pity from you or running to you and telling you how she acts when you’re not around… The thought of you holding them close, telling them you how much you love them... Something in her just snaps. She catches them when they're isolated and gets rid of them. Nothing can ever be traced back to her.
● She can't risk you seeing her in a bad light, even if it's so the two of you can be together. Everything she does, it's all for you!
The Secret Admirer
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● She's had a rough home life. She has no one in her corner, no one's been there for her. She doesnt have anyone she can call her own. Until she sees you for the first time. Something about you is just... right. You fill that empty spot she's felt her entire life and the thought of you is the only thing that makes life worthwhile.
● She's quiet, reserved, and always looking your way. You can feel someone watching you sometimes, but when you turn around, no one's there. You don't connect it to the girl you've seen around lately. It doesn’t matter to her how you treat her, whether you say hello, smile politely, or give her a look for staring. Any attention, good or bad, is everything to her. You're everything to her. But she can't tell you, not yet. If she messes it up, if you reject her... She couldn't live with that.
● You start noticing things. Little gifts someone has left you, sometimes snacks and treats. The book you've been reading suddenly has a pressed flower inside the front cover, baby's breath. You find love notes in your bag. Some are flowery poetry, others get a little steamy, but it's all a bit clumsy, somehow. At first you think it might be one of your friends pranking you, but no one you know would pull something like this. Maybe someone actually has a thing for you? But how are you supposed to respond when there's no way to give anyone an actual answer? You decide to just ignore it until this person actually decides to meet you face to face.
● You don't smile when you see her gifts anymore. The notes she pours her heart into get left where you find them. Seeing you just walk away when she does something for you shatters her. Love her, hate her, anything! Just don't ignore her!! Without you, she has nothing to live for... Please... Don't leave her behind. Through her tears, her agony turns to desperation.
● You can't get rid of her. She won't let you. Maybe... it's time for you to meet.
The Boss Lady
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● You've been working under her for the last few years. She's powerful, she's beautiful, and so very, very intimidating. She gets what she wants, no matter who she has to step on. She seems to have locked onto you for some reason, having you run and get her things and having you stay and work overtime.
● She seems to like running you ragged and seeing you flustered. You have half a mind to believe that she’s been “accidentally” brushing up against you reaching for files or leaning to talk in your ear as you sit at your desk, her charming, sultry voice sending shivers up your spine. Your damn body is betraying you. You don’t want to think that damn tyrant is attractive! Your coworkers are jealous that you're spending so much time with her, but you think they'd think twice if they were the ones picking up her dry cleaning and coffee orders, day in and day out. You tell a coworker you'd quit, but you need the money too much.
● One day, she calls you into her office. She says she has a proposition for you. She wants you to be her executive assistant. It comes with great benefits and a HUGE pay raise. The work will be harder, sure, but you'd have to be an idiot to say no. But the conditions get more specific and odd. You would accompany her on all her business trips, eat all your meals with her, you'd even be living in her penthouse suite. At first, you think it's just a weirdly intensive position, she just needs someone to manage her life. But the way she's looking at you... it's like she wants to possess you entirely.
● All you can think to ask is, why you? There's a bored look on her face as she starts talking about her career. How her job and climbing the corporate ladder were the only things she put any effort into. Everything else was so tedious and dull. Until you started as an intern, dropping off her coffee order with that nervous smile. She started noticing how hard you work, how you never turn down her requests, how you try to hide your smile when she praises you... How your breath hitches when her hand brushes yours. And how, every day when you clock out, her world stagnates until she sees you again.
● Say yes, and you'll have everything you could ever want. But make no mistake, you'll be hers. And she has no plans to let you go.
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beta-therapy · 21 days
Female Sexual Freedom = More Sexless Men?
By all metrics, female sexual freedom is at an all-time high in Western society. In this discussion, female sexual freedom / liberation / empowerment is a general term used to describe women’s
-openness to casual sex,
-average number of sexual partners, and
-ability to be sexually promiscuous without social repercussions.
We see today’s women, in large numbers, going out in revealing outfits that draw attention to their sexual features. We know that the typical modern woman does not have the same hesitation toward casual sex that women had 30 years ago. Rather than hide her sexuality and treat it as sacred, she wears it like a crown, unapologetically. She flaunts it on social media.
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This is just one effect of a broad scale cultural change in the developed world. As we become more scientifically and technologically savvy, there is a large movement to depart from the ancient wisdom encoded in religious principles, and instead, to derive our values from rationality.
And this is the result. A population of free, empowered women who live with a focus on fun and pleasure. They reject religious dogma (it’s just a bunch of arbitrary rules!). Since there aren’t any objective values and everyone can pick their own, this leads to the feminine tendency to be inclusive and tolerant of everyone (except when it comes to sexual selection, of course. There’s no inclusivity there, but it’s just biology so you should respect women’s decisions).
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Now here is the paradox. Sexuality has become a lot more public. Women are much more open to engaging in casual sex. Hookup culture is widespread. We’ve never lived in a more sexual society. So it should follow that your everyday, average Joe is getting a lot more sex, because the barrier to sex is so low, right?
Actually, the opposite is true. The average guy experiences a barrier to sex that has never been higher. It is fair to say the average man today is invisible to women. Check out the standards females set for men today. Check out the statistics on male sexlessness. The number of sexless men has been rapidly increasing every year in this digital age.
The culture is becoming extremely sexual, but here’s the catch: the only men who get to participate are those in the top tier (the men who women actually want to have sex with).
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Therefore, instead of saying we live in a hypersexual society, it’s more accurate to say that women are no longer beholden to traditional values, so they can freely express their deepest desires, and instead of getting shamed, they are accepted. We are letting their true colors shine through!
And what did those true colors turn out to be?
Women love sex! But not with an average guy.
In plain, honest terms, what women want is to chase the man with value. The man who could get any girl. She wants to seduce him. Make him fall in love with her. That’s the female sexual fantasy that we’re watching play out. It has nothing to do with giving out sex to an average guy.
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This paradox is an example of the tug-of-war between freedom and equity.
Society has removed much of the stigma on sexual promiscuity, substantially increasing our ability to freely make sexual decisions without getting judged. We’re taking down the barriers on sex and sexual behavior, so it’ll be more accessible to everyone!
But the effect is the complete opposite of “more sex for everyone.” Women’s freedom to act out their deepest desires without apology has resulted in the strongest social caste system of men, because those deep desires only pertain to alphas. Some men fuck hundreds of girls. For other men, the only way to have sex is to pay for it.
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The same consideration applies to every item of public policy. The laissez faire capitalist system is attractive because everyone is free to make their own decisions. But since consumers are naturally going to select the best products available, the system is prone to monopolistic takeover. The result is that everyone buys from the same few companies, and your average Joe cannot enter the playing field because he has no ability to compete.
We know one thing for certain. Freedom is key! We should all be free to pursue our highest potential. That’s equality of opportunity. You can’t control the outcome without infringing freedom. Some of us will achieve at a high level and reap all the rewards, but most of us will never come close no matter how hard we try. At the end of the day, we accept the rewards if we’ve won, and if not, we don’t complain when we see the spoils awarded to others.
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aeonmnei · 2 months
i had to share more filipino haji from this 😭
hajime is a tapsilog FIEND. if tapsilog has one million fans he is one of them. if tapsilog has zero fans he is dead. to him it is the MOST balance you can get from a meal, especially for breakfast
indulges in karaoke and line dancing, of course! not very good at line dancing (kinda stiff) but is generally proficient in following everyone else. average at karaoke. isn’t the type of guy to bang on his ukulele and start singing lemonade or something but he gets around the 80 score
WILL court you. insists it’s not– no it’s literally courting. he’s going around giving you gifts and helping your family out (while also giving them gifts, may i add). it’s because he thinks courting is just singing and poems and writing letters…spoiler...it's not
has visions of your wedding, your kids, and the house situation the two of you will have 60 years down the road when you guys sing a duet
so yeah he’s a hopeless romantic. doesn’t seem like the type at all but ohhhhh there are a lot of things about him. every gift he gives you has a secret underlying affectionate meaning (no gift is meaningless with hajime) and will he tell you? probably dies on the inside, but NO he won’t fucking tell you because that ruins the romanticism of it all 🙄 
TSISMOSO OHHHH biggest fattest tsismoso. you cannot tell me that he’s besties with tooru and DOESN’T know the tea. not a gossip mongerer obviously but is nosy in a casual way. knows how to recount everything he just heard and WILL tell you if you mention a person he has dirt on
TANNNNN he’s beautiful he’s golden in the sun
points with his lips…obviously
has a plastic cup in the bathroom that tooru took “back” to the kitchen…darling no…that’s the tabo (and yeah they probably have a bidet but it’s also for the tub)
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yuzukult · 4 months
untitled teaser | hvc & reader
title: currently untitled pairing: vernon x fem!reader/oc rating: rated m for final fic genre: angst, fluff, smut, wealthy!vernon, unrequited love!au (on both sides, it gets flipped lol... idk it's a confusing one) wc: 10k+ (ongoing) warnings: clubbing, adult themes, oc tries to seduce vernon lol, grinding...... idk just club things a/n: this is what i have been working on instead of actually finishing my own series HAHA i currently don't have a title but if you wanna give me some ideas lemme know ,,,, currently the doc title is "attention"
The burst of blackberry, a tart aroma with hints of bay leaves and cedarwood, has you intoxicated over his cologne alone. His slicked back chestnut brown hair, the calmness he exhibits, and his quiet, mysterious exterior is supposed to make him seem unnoticeable; yet for some reason, he’s always the most attention-grabbing in a room full of people.
Besides his handsome looks, he’s wealthy. The thickness of his bank account doesn’t present itself through his narrow, slim wallet, mostly because he doesn’t showcase the worth of his business unless it’s an obligation. He’s successful, yet remains humble about it; his clothes are made from the luxury brands without it embossed on the outer material, instead the names are stitched inside to keep himself modest. 
His car is the only thing that advertises the amount of digits that his business profits. The fastest, sleekest, and illustrious cars are the ones that he owns—from Corvettes to Teslas to Bentleys—he collects a plethora of them, those three barely denting all the marques, he finds himself indulging in that category and limits it to just that. Fine dining isn’t a necessity, but he does it for ventures required by his company. Expensive hotels and stays are just for comfort, but not something he needs, understanding that it’s more of a want if anything.
Hansol Vernon Chwe is just that guy.
Apart from all of that, Vernon is still an average person—other than the fact that you practically drool over the sight of him and he’s in the 1%. He’s sweet and kind, a general minimum trait that men should have, but he’s also good at overextending himself when people need him to. Last year, he hosted a gala for the Children with Cancer Foundation, earning more than enough donations and then on top of it matching the amount that was donated from others. 
Geez. Even your panties are getting drenched at the thought of him just busting out that fucking power move.
Unfortunately, as much as you boldly put yourself out there, Vernon is unavailable. Emotionally, probably, but mostly because he clearly states that you just… weren’t his type. You’re not a mirror of him; there’s never saccharine words that leave your lips unless it’s to seduce, donating to charities isn’t really on your list of priorities, and to be quite fair, you weren’t much of a charming go-getter as he is either. 
Opposites attract you’d try to justify, but to Vernon, that’s not enough.
Your gripe with Vernon isn’t because he rejected you—it’s that he rejects you but still likes to be… around you. When you’re out on Friday and Saturday nights, your mutual friends lead the group to hang, and when he hears your name included in the list of attendees, he’s there. Even after a long day of dealing with difficult people, you can expect to see Vernon there in his white dress shirt with the first couple buttons unraveled, resting on one of the couches at a table in the VIP lounge, legs parted in his trousers. 
He’s just sitting casually, but he looks like he owns the place.
“You sure you don’t wanna date?” you ask, lips almost brushing against his outer ear as he lets out a soft chuckle and brings his glass of whiskey on ice to his mouth. The music is loud, booming in the speakers of the dim club with strobe lights, making it hard to have any decent conversation but to be honest—who is even trying to talk here when their bodies should be?
“You’re pretty,” he admits, his chocolate swirls of eyes locking with yours. “And—I’m attracted to you. But for dating… you don’t really fit my criteria.” 
Criteria. He says it like he has a checklist for the girl he wants to date. 
Despite constantly hitting on him, you knew your limits for the night. Patting his clothed thigh with your manicured hands, you lean in to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Okay, then I’ll leave you for the night. Maybe I’ll try again—but for now, I’m not gonna let today be ruined because Vernon Chwe said ‘no’ to me,” you smirk, pulling down the hem of your dress before standing up. Gesturing to a friend, she excitedly gets up from her seat before shuffling to you. “Let’s go dance!”
Vernon is a liar.
He likes you—a lot. The way you laugh, covering your mouth with your hand as if he still can’t see how far your jaw drops when you’re cackling. His favorite view is when you’re just tipsy enough that your hooded eyes become more alluring, cheeks hot from the alcohol, and your words slurring with weighted truths to them. The last time you were drunk, you admitted that you wanted his dick in your mouth. Vulgar but… still honest.
Dating you meant drama—well, dating in general meant drama, and Vernon knows how you are. You’re not labeled a “drama queen” per se, but you are definitely quite the handful. He saw how defensive you got when a random guy at the club turned down your friend Sana because her nose was a little too big; those earrings were unlatched, dropped into Sana’s palms and somehow your shoe was in your hand, ready to swing.
Okay—he concedes. He kind of enjoys seeing you be like that.
Vernon is calm, cool, and collected. With you being the opposite, he’s not sure if being with someone that intense is good for him. You’re not who people expect to stand by his side when he’s at a banquet or when he’s on those business trips—your party lifestyle reminds him of those people who don’t ever settle, live on breaking hearts, and he’s partially afraid he’ll just be another number on your list of another one you’ll hurt. 
Not to mention that he’s not entirely sure that you’re the type of girl his parents would like if they met you.
You’re entertaining, he’ll agree to that, but you're far from someone who could be his more. You’re aggressive, overly outspoken, and worst of all, you do weird things to him.
You’re the cause for his heart stuttering—he almost mistook it for a heart attack—and you’re the reason why he paces back and forth when he accidentally said something that was borderline offensive in the midst of vetoing the chance of ‘us’ yet again, concerned that those harsh words are why you don’t return his texts. Only then, he realizes you’ve napped through the afternoon and didn’t get a chance to check your phone. And even on those really arduous days where his clients tend to be a little more finicky than usual, you still manage to make him laugh and feel the burden lift from his shoulders. How are you able to do those things to him without much of an effort?
Yet, at the same time, you’re also the pounds of stress that replaces the burden. 
Especially at times like these.
There’s a lot of things about you that he likes, but one of the things he doesn’t like is how quick you're on your feet when he turns you down. It barely takes minutes or even seconds after he says ‘you’re not my type’ before you down a couple shots and head to the dance floor with your ass against some other guy’s crotch.
“Oh,” Vernon’s friend, Mingyu, sings in amusement. “She’s dancing with Minghao.”
Vernon furrows his brows. Who the fuck is Minghao? Not all the words that pour in his thoughts spill from his tongue. “Minghao?” 
Mingyu nods, mid sip of his cognac. Cognac isn’t much different from whiskey, as much as people think—the only thing disparate between the two is that cognac derives from grapes and whiskey comes from grains. Vernon just prefers his whiskey over cognac; he can’t actually tell them apart, but he just… favors the one more than the other.
“Yeah, Xu Minghao. Heard he fucks… like well.”
Vernon scoffs. “… He fucks. Like well?”
Mingyu nods, lips pulling into a straight line as he swirls the drink in his hand. The condensation falls, dripping onto the fabric of his jeans but he could care less, especially when his own girlfriend is on the dance floor beside you, who wasn’t Vernon’s own. “Yeah, my girl heard from a couple of her friends that he’s good with his hips.”
With a quirked brow, Vernon licks his teeth. “You sure that it’s not your girlfriend’s experience we’re talking about here?”
Mingyu narrows his gaze. “Don’t play. Just ‘cause the one you’ve been eyeing suddenly captured Minghao’s attention doesn’t mean that you can jab me like that. Least I can commit.”
Puffing up his cheeks, he doesn’t even bother turning to look at Mingyu when he throws his sharp response. Nothing can avert his attention away from you, especially when you’re fixated on Minghao, your hand atop his as his own rests against your hips with your back pressed against his chest. Is this what you’re into? Some guy with blue hair, similar to the label on a Dasani water bottle or marginal Sonic the Hedgehog? 
“I don’t have commitment issues,” he counters through his gritted teeth. When did he clench his jaw so tightly, and why does he feel his fist balling up? You’re not his, after all, and yet he’s acting like you are. 
“Then what are you going to do about it?”
Vernon doesn’t even think. It’s out of character for him—what he often does is plan out his moves before making them. When it came to work or even what he wanted to meal prep for the rest of this week, Vernon always thought things through. Vacation? He’s already got an agenda. Dinner with friends? He’s got reservations at four different restaurants. Just pick one.
But you? You drive him absolutely insane. He can’t predict anything with you, and he doesn’t have a plan on what to do with you. 
Before you know it, he’s on the dance floor—an unfamiliar place for him because Vernon isn’t the type to bust a move even when he’s intoxicated but tonight, he’s a bit offbeat. Maybe he had too much of the whiskey, or maybe he caught some secondhand smoke from the guy taking a puff of a joint but nonetheless, he’s got his hand wrapped around your wrist and tugging you into him.
“I don’t like you rubbing up against him.”
Mouth slightly agape, you step back from him. “Okay, and? You're not my boyfriend.”
He sucks in his cheeks irritably. He knew rejecting you would eventually bite him in the ass. “I just don’t like it.”
“You don’t get to tell me what you like and don’t like,” you retort, rolling your eyes before pushing your hair back. “Now if you would excuse me, I’m going back to Minghao.” But before you could get away, Vernon pulls you back. The impact of your cheek against his chest is a harsh one—but not… a bad one.
It… kind of turns you on? 
But you’re not gonna let him know that.
He exhales out a deep breath. “Okay, then fine. Be my girlfriend.”
You choke on your spit. 
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ok the end lets hope i finish this one and that it's a banger
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blacksunrequiem · 5 months
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Disclaimer: I wrote this post as an enthusiast for Dune: Part Two (2024) and the ‘seductively sick’ portrayal of Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Any other thoughts or comments are welcomed and appreciated! TL;DR: The aesthetic choice of Feyd’s blackened teeth aligns well with the widespread custom in ancient Vietnam — a sign of beauty, maturity, and even brutality. Read more below. Original photos belong to their respective owners.
Teeth blackening in Dune: Part Two (2024) through the lens of Vietnamese culture
One thing that mesmerizes me about Feyd in the 2024 Dune movie is his blackened teeth. Not only does this provide an impressive physical appearance for Feyd, but it also reminds me of a long-lost fashionable custom in my home country.
Original inspiration. As far as I know, the film crew creatively invented this aesthetic for the movie from the inspiration of the black mamba (a type of venomous snake in sub-Saharan Africa) and images of geisha with black teeth. Similar to folklore and legends, other countries and ethnicities also dyed their teeth black with their local traditional recipes.
Vietnam-specific. Particularly in Vietnam, teeth blackening was once a popular aesthetic choice for both commoners and noblemen. As teeth blackening was a sign of elegance and decency, it was prevalent for Vietnamese women to adhere to this practice. This custom was deep-rooted as early as 400 BCE and grew so profound as an indicator of being ready for marriage or fierce on battlefields. Side note, Vietnamese people would not dye their teeth black until they came of age; it was indeed a statement of maturity.
A clash between the East and the West. It is also hilarious that until the early 20th century in Vietnam, white teeth were regarded as barbaric; only animals, savages, and evil spirits would have white teeth. During this time, one may casually make a sarcastic remark about pretty girls with white teeth such as “Oh you’ve got a pretty face but your teeth are as white as doggo.” On the contrary, in the eyes of the French colonists, the locals had impressive straight teeth but those were “as black as sewer pipes”.
Cannibalism? In some online discussions, internet users theorize that Feyd’s blackened teeth may indicate cannibalism. This fan theory is reasonable enough, because during World War I, to curb the abuse and bullying from the larger and stronger Moroccans and Senegalese mercenaries to the smaller Annamese counterparts, a French officer spread the rumor that black-toothed people were cannibals and could devour two legs in just an hour, terrifying the African mercenaries and bringing peace to the Annamese ones.
How to? So, without the privilege of wearing an Invisalign filled with black dye like Austin, how did the Vietnamese dye their teeth? In short, one must generally undergo the following stages to dye their teeth black: mouth sanitization, red dyeing, black dyeing, polishing, and maintenance, which on average took around three weeks. It was reported that the first teeth-dyeing session would rather be physically painful due to swelling mouth and lips, stinging sensation of the dyed teeth, and strict dietary restrictions (e.g., refraining from fatty and hot food, smoking).
On another side note, I don’t know exactly what the food that Feyd chewed in the early morning attacking Sietch Tabr and degrading Rabban, but to maintain the sheeny stylish black teeth, ancient and older Vietnamese often practiced betel nut chewing.
Dear Dune fan fic writers, please consider adding this long-lost social custom into your fics; multi-cultural representation would be greatly appreciated and respected.
Please let me know if you want me to delve into greater details of the teeth blackening tutorial in Vietnam. I may do a part two on this for my lovely Feyd and Vietnamese culture if you guys are intrigued!
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moofuuu · 4 months
The Triple S
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The Triple Threat~☆
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And some headcanons below about these guys!! And I mean all six of them!!
V So a big post if you press past this point!! V
Here's some headcanons and other info I have for my own characters and designs in general to the triple S!! I am very passionate how I represent these guys, and I would like to note that now, before you guys read any further, I AM MYSELF A TRANS MAN!!! I DON'T SPEAK ON MOST PEOPLES BEHALF, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT SOME THINGS MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME OF YOU IDFK
Now without further adoo, let's get on with the headcanons and information about the hedgehog's!!!
Sonic Headcanons
He/Him! Bisexual!
24-25 yr old
People say his boobs are growing, and yes I fully agree with that, and yes I do prefer him as a Trans man... but I love the idea of a strong muscle man with Trans scars is so goddamn UGH ♡♡♡
Sonic is getting built, growing some more muscles, and getting stronger with each series and or game!! It's the reason he's getting so big!!
He's also had both surgeries!
Top and bottom scars and also he's way more like the cocky type if you think Archie comics a bit, but of course he cares for his friends!! A whole lot actually and plays around with them too.
Amy gave him those knee and elbow pads to prevent a whole lot more scraping
even though it doesn't help much It still looks nice and it fits him, and the amount of times he slides against the grass and grounds a lot, of course he's gonna rely more on the knee pads a lot.
He wears hiking boots/shoes because they last way more longer than regular running shoes! It's something he prefers and well, the kicks have a lot more "oomf" to them when he does kick with those boots of his.
It takes a lot to take him down!! He's not your average soft man or gentle guy, he's more of your tough brother and he does get emotional!! But it's not usually the way you'd typically think, for he just gets a bit more colder to the shoulder when it's a serious situation with a more cutting edge.
Sonic's a goofball, just like it shows in the Sonic boom series, he loves just fucking around and doing silly things on the side really.
He's still learning a lot and still has that young college boy mentality to be honest.
Also well versed in close combat because of his best friend and rival Knuckles! He learned some moves from him when they met and all!
He has hyperactive ADHD!!
Sonic is a close combat character!! He prefers to fight his enemies as close as he can as he can hit powerful kicks and can throw powerful punches.
His relationship with Shadow is mostly rivalry, and the two butting heads all the time!!! But never actually hanging out casually as Shadow refuses to hang out with him, and Sonic is fine with that; besides, he gets on his nerves intentionally... Never unintentionally, and the two of them know when to take matters seriously. He also thinks Shadow has a thing for someone, but he ain't no gossip-er... though Rouge brings that out of him, and he hates it.
His relationship with Silver is casual rivalry, but he can't even trash talk with him!!! He takes things to literally and doesn't even understand half the words he's saying!!! It's like he's an old man!! But Silver isn't even the oldest of the three!! In fact, the youngest and yet Sonic can never find himself having fun trash talking to the guy, but he is fun to hug though and a great listener...
Shadow Headcanons!
Any pronouns
• [Usually default to he/him though]
30-50 yrs old
He doesn't really know nor really cares to know. Also, the oldest out of the triple S but not the tallest despite his alien genes.
He's in the middle... though mostly fighting close as he uses guns when necessary. Shadow is a close combat and ranged combat mobian, his muscles mostly in his arms as you need to keep your guns steady and able to handle the recoil in guns in general.
He has a bunch of old accessories! Like old patches from old bands, stickers and magnets but he hides those in small containers because he doesn't want to stick the stickers on anything.
It also usually works in the night!! He can't really work during the day as his black fur sticks out like a sore thumb and he also can't really sleep anyways sometimes.. as his nightmares sometimes gets to him.
If he doesn't have anything to do, he'll be pacing around in his office, wanting something to do, someone to talk to or listen to... but he's not about to go bother someone as his colleagues might be busy. Definitely won't go talk to Sonic as he's annoying.
He wears shades!! Mostly because the sun hurts his alien like eyes sometimes on some days where he pulled all nighters and hasn't seen the light of day.
He definitely has some routine going on as he has too stick to it, he's always so strict on himself because if he isn't, they would only end up thinking to much about their past and they're not about to deal with that.
They look great for their age, it only makes sense though as part of his life was in a tube, grown and raised in space.
After crashing into earth after escaping the A.R.K and leaving Maria behind [against his own will], it traveled the world for a bit, for Maria, for it... for itself as it was curious about the world... but eventually, G.U.N. caught up to him and, with the lack of fighting skills, eventually caught.
His shoes are bulky!!! Being made in the 1950s, there's no way his shoes look that sleek, and I will continue drawing them bulky.. also, I'm keeping the rings to how they originally looked in the SA2. Instead of straight-up rings on the hands... some rims are on the rings as they show that the ring inhibitors can come off.
Shadow is known to keep to himself most of the time and is close to his friend Omega and Rouge
He has autism, PTSD, and a bit of auditory hallucinations..
The hivemind is a part of the reason it's still there, but he destroyed that long ago! Yea, he did, but he's still needs to get used to the sounds in his head about needing to renew his own species.
Relationship with Sonic •
Its relationship with Sonic is... rocky, he gets that he's the hero and everything, supposed to keep the world safe, but he won't leave it alone!!! Of course he's better at everything than him!! Fighting! Guns!! He can do it all! But racing!! Gah!! He won't shut up about it! And how he won't shut up about how much shorter he is... but seriously, it seems like each time they're in the same room, Sonic's goal is to annoy him or get on his nerves... which works each time not going to lie.
Relationship with Silver •
For Silver, his relationship with him and all that, despite being the one to almost kill Sonic when meeting and killing him, he learned a lot, and he's glad to have shown the bad things and bad intentions Mephiles was planning. The fact that he doesn't even try and do anything suspicious either is refreshing... The fact that he holds no judgment to anyone too is something new and refreshing too, meeting Silver was like... for once someone doesn't judge him and just listens... he also lost a best friend, which was Blaze. He gets it.. doesn't he..? Why does he feel this way..?
Silver Headcanons!!!
Pansexual | He/They
20-23 yrs old!
Wears a jacket for warmth, a binder for comfort, and pants for comfort plus warmth as well! He wears these rings to keep his own magic in check, and so it's much easier for him to not always focus on the target he's holding.
From the future, but a devastating one... no matter what he did, no matter what he said!! The future never changed, and it was always some wasteland. He needs to check up on it every once in a while, though, to make sure the future is still the future and that he should figure out how or what to defeat their enemies with!! They don't know specifically or much details but with their small Itty bitty skills of detective work from reading books, they will be able to help at some point... right???
Shortest of the three and lacking muscle, but there's a reason for that!
They are mostly ranged fighter as they rely on their telekinesis a lot and can not fight close for the life of them.. can't even use a gun without being scared of it!!
They are well versed in the books, and had read a lot of things, when they read instructions, they can get it not instantly but with a few trials and errors they can actually perfect the thing they're learning. Cooking? Yes! Baking? Yes! Sewing?? Few pokes by accident but yes!!!
Though his build is small, he's actually pretty brave, as he grew up in an apocalyptic world, learning to scavenge and fast with food and water... learning about plants and all!
He infact... hates the cold but wants to see winter snow... he got way too used to Crisis City and its extreme heats!!! His body is cold like a fridge, but... luckily, he has friends that can keep him warm!
He lost his best friend and sister, Blaze; her sacrifice to sealing away the evil that was in the future and now wears red earrings to represent her. Though... the Blaze he met that's from another realm... reminds him too much of his old sister... though she seems a lot more strict with herself than anything.
Learned most of his knowledge in books!! No matter how bad the writing may have been, he would read it... and tries his best to keep an open mind to a lot of things... Blaze (from his timeline and world) had even helped him read and learn some things from the books.
They're indeed the fluffiest
Has albinism!
Got their powers from when they're young, telekinesis is actually quiet rare!![I rarely see anyone use this and just IMO!!! Concludes to being it a rare super power..]
Telekinesis/Psycokenesis is actually quiet rare, how he got it was through an attack, an attempt was made at his life by flames and Blaze wasn't there to help, but luckily his powers activated in time, blowing away all the flames that threatened him.. though now he's scared still
Has Audhd!!
Introverted as you can't just shove someone into a group of people even though they haven't even been around anyone but ONE person all their life!!
Though he does have lots of interest and loves listening in on everyone's conversation.
He thinks out loud to himself
PTSD as well...
Trust issues after Mephiles.
Relationship with Sonic •
His relationship with Sonic was rocky at first, and he hates how he was so mean to Sonic! Trying to kill him and all for the right reasons!! He swears it was for the right reasons!! He almost did it, and he was so glad Amy was there to stop him... though it was hard to understand at first, but lucky for his open-mindedness, he was able to get over it. Finding out Sonic was actually the good guy and learning that he was actually the one he read in all the books about the legendary blue hero and not the so-called "iblis trigger." To meet your idol and the hero, and he's so calm and nice and oh— never mind he's fighting with his friends again... well, at least he's so forgiving and forgetting... but Silver sure as hell ain't, he hasn't even forgiven himself yet for being so mean to him at first. But he keeps trying to do this trash talk??? Sometimes Silver gets it...
Most times, not getting it one bit. Though his charm and skills are very admirable, and they want to learn it someday.
Relationship with Shadow •
He's the reason he even got out of killing the blue hero in the first place and sure was cold-hearted and rude at first.. even kicked him in the head, but that was well deserved, honestly. But seeing through the lies and actually the original form that Mephiles had taken!! And to learn he was actually manipulating Silver!? Agh! It's hard to read someone, but... Shadow just looks like he needs a friend and someone there to show him it's okay to open up at least a bit! That's what Sonic showed him, and that's what Blaze did too!
Silver can't help but look up to Shadow sometimes though, admiring him and his work and how well organized he is! Better than Silvers chaotic schedule that they try to keep too!! But learning that Shadow had a friend and lost them ... Silver can't help but feel closer to him in some way after learning such detail.
v The Triple Threat v
Scourge Headcanons!!
24-26! He/Him
He's the shortest of the three cause, well, he's a hedgehog! He's insecure bout that, but not as much as you think. He is also a big-time flirt and puts up a big tough guy front. Has commitment issues and also hates really keeping up with any friends, especially after how many times he been fucked over.
But that didn't really seem to stop him getting to more other buddies, Venice and Terios, who's actually not as bad as the rest and actually have been on the same level as him
Terios is intimidating and strong, sure, but he Scourge can never get that guy to get angry at him and it's fair, guy seems like he's been through a lot.
Venice just so happens to come from some future, but he said he was sent back to save the past... but surprisingly, the guy just didn't want to and joined Scourge's ruling.
So his new friends are really okay to say the least, they can care less about others as much as him but no matter what Scourge is still some type of Sonic, so of course he has some respect for his two buddies...
Pathetic really as he can't get over his ex Fiona, and everytime he complains about it Venice is there to slap that outta him, he's not about to go through another pathetic crying session.
Scourge wears all this outrageous stuff because of how he has very much a identity crisis every other week, trying to separate himself and his own looks from Sonic, trying to remove the title of "evil sonic" off of him, gets mad each time he's even referred to the name as he screams out "IT'S SCOURGE!!!" Hating how he's always compared to Sonic as well as he's not at all like him!!
His quills are much shorter but well kept, despite the punkish look to him, he's a lot more cleaner than Sonic himself, as he also likes to plan ahead of time too, but can't really read people well like Sonic though..
Has a dead dad
Ain't as built like Sonic
Just as chaotic, if not worse, and evil at that, who cares about who gets hurt??
Other than his two pals.. don't hurt his two pals.
Venice the mink
21-24 | He/him
Despite the looks of it, he's not at all well put together, screaming and yelling at everyone who gets him pissed off, and even dares to make fun of his interests, very closed off as he's always pushing away everyone from him.
Note; as surprising it is, Scourge and Venice are still buddies, though, as their goals in life are really just the same.
Unlike Silver, he doesn't have that pretty privilege that the white hedgehog has, as he always thinks his scar is awful, tanking his insecurities more and how much he hates his looks.. so to combat this, he built his own body to make up the scar he's so insecure about, wrapping what he could in bandages.
He hates seeing Silver and hates how he acts as he sees too much of his younger self in him. He also hates how open they are.
Very much has inner homophobia of himself and has VERY FRAGILE masculinity
Venice would rather get shot in the head before admitting to himself for liking anyone, as he has his feelings locked away deep inside himself so even the smallest fuzziness he feels he would immediately try and push the person away or just be meaner. Self-destruction if you will.
Despite this Terios and Scourge stick by, it's not like they both heard worse and by this point they're starting to learn that Venice's aggressive behavior is also becoming a bit more like aggressive love..
Says lots of death threats to both Scourge and Terios but he can't actually kill Terios, and Scourge, he's why he's okay with being friends with at least a few people.
He hates the other for teasing him so much but it's not like he makes fun of the hedgehog back..
Keeps Scourge alive because Scourge is his kill, no one else's, despite how gay that might sound they're only just friends with benefits and rarely go at it anyways.
His relationship with Terios, he's also somehow less hostile towards the porcupine, but that's because of the power the guy has, and what he's capable of doing.
Terios the porcupine
40 to 50 yrs old
He/him Unlabled.
He's the tallest of the three and is the strongest, waken up too many times and also been resurrected to many times for his own good.
Doesn't like getting into fights much and rather avoid everyone at all costs, but because of Venice and Scourge freeing the guy from his prison, he's tolerant of those two, and ONLY those two.
Full of anarchy baryl, but is weak to the chaos energy from mobius...
He very much has a dad bod and he also just stays out of trouble for the most part because he rather be left alone in nature where no one's there to bug him and actually hurt him... mostly passive and he's also originally a porcupine that was swept off the streets long ago.
A science expirement gone wrong, and left alive for as long as they can... Lucky them, Terios got out, and the island blew. .. well not lucky for them nevermind.
They all said it was for the greater good.. science...
Terios hates technology... not because of his age and non understanding of it...
It's because of how much it terrifies him and actually what the thing is capable of, he's not about to go back and listen to all the humming and buzzing of machines.
Terios sneezes like a dad would, loud and noisy
He rather avoid everyone and everything, not really liking technology or even the city in general.
Has multiple bullet wound scars, but the fur has overgrown them.. but if you touch the body sure can feel them.
He was originally a normal porcupine actually, from the earth instead of space
Not many things can hurt or kill him like his counterpart... he actually died multiple times before but brought back alive each time.
The Triple Threat has a lot more headcanons, but I realize how big this post is getting lol
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
My hockeyblr experiences are largely catered to my own personal tastes -- mostly Leafs, a little Penguins and Stars, one or two who post about Stevie Y and Sergei Fedorov. These are obviously not the only teams out there.
This study was designed to survey as much of hockeyblr as it possibly could, gathering data on which teams people like and to what degrees. There were five questions and a free space -- my attempt to ask people to rank the teams they enjoyed in three levels, from religiously followed to casually affectionate, and an additional couple of questions on love for players versus team. I received over 500 responses. Here are the results.
Yeah, yeah, you all want to know: The most popular team is the Penguins, by a long shot, then the Leafs.
Because my sample size (n = 523) is actually fairly small compared to the number of NHL teams there are, I find definitive rankings tend to be difficult. It’s also worth noting that, as a mainly Leafs blog, my numbers are definitely going to be skewed a little in favour of the Leafs.
Your Guys
These are the teams closest to your heart: the ship you go down with, metaphorically or, depending on how married your old men are, literally. For me, I picked just the Leafs.
The average respondent had 1.9 teams in this category. The most popular, by far, was the Pittsburgh Penguins. Below is a table of teams, arranged roughly into tiers by the number of respondents. Each team has the number of respondents in brackets next to their three-letter code.
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I allowed people to pick as many teams as they would like; the average person picked 1.9 teams, but here’s a distribution of how many teams they picked:
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4 people picked 0 “your guys” teams, and 2 people picked seven, nine, or ten each teams. Just about half of people had one main team.
I then wondered: what teams were people most likely to only follow? That is, if you hold [x] team in the closest part of your heart, are you more or less likely to also hold any other teams? Almost exactly 25% of picks were solo; I wondered if there was any correlation at all.
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Only a little bit! Of the samples large enough to actually consider (so: nothing in that cluster at the bottom left, who all received fewer than 10 picks total, and a few of whom -- CGY, CHI, NSH -- received zero solo pickers), the most devoted fans chose the Sharks, the Bruins, and the Leafs. The fans who liked the most other teams chose the Avs, the Kraken, the Canucks, Panthers, Sens, and Ducks.
Probably a next step would be to look for correlations: if people are a fan of one team, are they more likely to be fans of another? THAT BEING SAID that’s a lot of regressions. Maybe keep an eye on that for the future, but I don’t know!!
Objects of Enjoyment, and Generally Nice
These two were successive tiers meant to distinguish teams that people like from the ones in the category above. I admit I probably could have phrased the questions better; I received several comments saying that they’d watch any hockey when they wanted to put a game on. The dynamics between Your Guys versus Objects of Enjoyment versus Generally Nice would best be described as devoted fan of versus casual fan of versus favourable opinion towards. 
As I said a few paragraphs back, people picked 1.9 “devoted fan” teams on average. Again on average, they picked 4.7 “casual fan” teams and 6.5 “favourable opinion” teams. Not all ratios are equal, though! Some teams had significantly more casual than devoted fans, and others still were much more liked generally than average.
I gave each team’s “devoted” count an index number of 1 and measured their casual and favourable count as a ratio against the index number. The teams assembled themselves into a few groups.
No Commitment
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Arizona and Anaheim have decided to be soulbonded (Excel refuses to let them have different-coloured dots) and it took me three hundred million years to attempt to (and unsuccessfully) fix, so let’s ignore that. These teams all have a fairly high slope of interest -- a range of casual interest at about five times the pace of fervent interest, and good opinion at about ten times fervent interest. The Calgary Flames are an outlier on the entire graph, not just here. 
Casual Interest
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I gave up on trying to colour teams according to their real colours shortly after the Anaheim/Arizona debacle. Please employ the legend. Nashville is included on all five graphs for reference. These teams all have a casual interest factor of about 3, and a favourable opinion factor of around 5; the same ratio as the casual fans of the teams in the first category to their fervent fans.
Saturated Market
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These teams have a much lower ratio of hardcore:casual:favourable fans, at about 1:2:3. 
We Get It, Those Are Your Guys
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Pittsburgh and Toronto; these teams have an almost equal ratio of all three categories.
...Whatever This Is
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Every other category is defined by its ratios; this category is defined by its shape. While all teams have their rate of hardcore fandom set as 1, the other two tend to increase in a roughly linear form, without too much significant difference between the first interval and the second interval.
These teams, though (again, Nashville is for scale) don’t do that: they have a set increase between hardcore and casual, and a significantly smaller increase (or, in a couple cases, a decrease) between casual and favourable. This suggests perhaps some kind of divisiveness; if you’re not already in there, do you really want to get in further? Either that, or it’s something closer to what the Leafs and Penguins have: that is, a devotion. Like you’re in or you’re out.
Taking these values together
Because the casual:hardcore ratios are measured as indexes and not absolute values, they say nothing about the actual popularity of the team in question -- Calgary is one of the least popular, which is why I assume it’s so weirdly high up; small sample sizes lead to higher error values!
But we do have the absolute values, so we can measure them against each other.
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If we consider the “In or Out” to be a category of its own while the other four are along more of a continuum, then we can absolutely see a correlation here -- larger fandoms tend to have more involved fanbases.
Players or Teams?
I also asked participants if their guys tended to be players or teams -- and if those they liked at a more casual level tended to be players or teams.
The results are… not particularly surprising.
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On a hardcore level, people tended to prefer teams, although the variability was pretty slight. On a casual level, individual players were much more popular.
I also wondered if people who chose more teams in the hardcore fan question tended to do that because they prefer players.
On average, people who picked players on their hardcore level chose 2.1 teams. People who picked teams chose 1.7 teams. That’s definitely a difference!
Fun Shtuff
I got way more write-in responses on the hardcore player/team question than on the casual question, including this:
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Three separate people answered “Minnesota Wild” for their guys and chose no other teams on any level. Hell yes. (One person also did this for the Kings.)
It took about 300 responses before the first Flames fan (at the hardcore level.)
On all three levels, the Seattle Kraken are really popular -- they’re in the top five in each.
What's Next?
If I were to update this survey, I would probably include a question about where all of you are from -- some people (like me) follow their hometown team, while some people most certainly don't (shoutout to the one person from Edmonton who dislikes the Oilers) and others still don't have a hometown team (shoutout to my brasilian + european + etc mutuals and everyone else!!)
Feel free to shoot me an ask if you want me to do anything else with this data -- examine a specific team, give actual casual fan/etc counts and total aggregate rankings, anything else!
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Can you talk more about height and combat? Like for example a taller woman fighting a shorter man? I usually see the opposite (and the woman having all of the disadvantages) but how would it look the other way around? Assuming neither is skinny.
In most circumstances, height is less important than a lower center of gravity. Height can be useful in some situations, such as being able to see over obstructing obstacles. Reach is very useful, though overall height results in a negligible increase to reach.
So, generally speaking, any object with a lower center of gravity will be more stable than one with a higher center of gravity. Obviously, when we're talking about inanimate objects, you can get some weird examples where this isn't the case, but when you're talking about your normal, roughly humanoid object, a lower center of gravity will be more stable than a higher one.
This leads into another general statement that won't be true in every possible case, but is important to be aware of, if someone says that women have, “all of the disadvantages,” in a match-up, they don't know what they're talking about. The low hanging fruit is that women are more resistant to exertion and exhaustion than men, and that will become important in a prolonged fight. As mentioned earlier, they have a lower center of gravity (in most cases), meaning that they'll be more stable than a male foe.
If you've ever watched Judo videos of a five-foot-nothing girl casually tossing a massive guy around, what you're seeing is a practical consequence of that lower center of gravity. This is just a practical application of basic physics. If your center of gravity is below your opponent's it is far easier to leverage them off the ground and deposit them in a tangled pile of limbs at the location of your choosing.
Beyond that, while getting into ground fighting can be very dangerous for the smaller fighter (regardless of their sex), being able to put your foe on the ground before getting dragged down yourself, does open the door to some options for ending the fight, if you have the stomach for it.
A taller woman versus a shorter man will narrow the difference between their respective centers of gravity, and may make it possible for the man to get his center of gravity lower than his foe, but it depends on the relative height difference, and you'd be looking at some pretty extreme differences before this starts to become a realistic possibility.
In the grand scheme of things, the total amount of mass is less important than where that mass is located. This is why ground fighting, that is to say, when both combatants have already fallen over, and are continuing to fight without getting back on their feet, can be very hazardous. At that point, both participants are about as stable as they'll ever be, and sheer volume of mass can be used effectively. When you're standing, not so much. Also, yes, there is a window in the transition to ground fighting where one combatant has gone down, and does have a stability advantage. Some martial arts (again, Judo comes to mind) specifically train to act in this window. You're not going to fall over again, so you may as well take the opportunity to maneuver and drag your foe down, with an eye for making their trip to the ground less pleasant than yours.
Something we've said, many, many, times is that reach is very important, and this is true. So, it would follow that a shorter person would have less reach, which is also true. On average, your arm-span should be roughly equivalent to your height. So, if you're 6ft, you should have a 6ft armspan. If you're 5ft8in, you should have a 5'8” arm span. (There's some slight variation based on gender here, which has more to do with the length of your individual arms. The average arm length for an adult male is ~14.5”, while the average arm length for an adult female is ~13.5”, even though the average height difference is ~5”.) However, in most combat situations, when we're talking about the importance of reach, we're talking about a difference measured in multiple feet. Someone armed with a 4” dagger is going to have a difficult time countering someone armed with a 60” greatsword, for example. However, when you're talking about a difference in a few inches, that's not nearly as decisive. Unless your shorter character is dramatically shorter, they shouldn't have any difficulty reaching their opponent, so while reach is an exceptionally important consideration in armed combat, gender isn't likely to be an important factor when calculating overall reach.
The big thing to understand about height, and this is very true when looking at authors interpreting its importance in writing, is the factor of intimidation. A taller person will generally feel more intimidating up front, and a lot of visual narratives use this as a cue to show that a character is at a disadvantage. Adventure fiction, like Indiana Jones for example, uses this to great effect and so do most martial arts action movies. When someone is talking about the importance of size, that's usually what they're referencing. When you see a massive person walking on screen or popping up in your favorite anime, your brain mentally checks itself and goes, “oh. Oh no.” This, of course, has nothing to do with reality, it's just our brains interpreting danger.
We say this a lot on the blog, but really, you learn to fight with the body you have. Men and women fight the way they're trained to fight, so they don't have intrinsically gendered fighting styles after release into the real world. The concept of gendered fighting styles really comes from anime and other fighting games or as a reaction against socially constructed systems such as 'fight like a girl!'
If you ask Michi, who grew up doing martial arts, what it looks like when a tall woman fights a short guy, her reaction is to shrug and say, “it looks like two people fighting.” There just isn't a discernible difference outside of personal, stylistic preferences.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
No one is entirely sure how it started, as it came about so gradually. Certainly it wasn’t the job Hob Gadling was originally hired for at Endless Ltd.—in fact no one can quite recall what his original job was at this point, beyond that whatever it was he’s no longer doing it—but no one is complaining, as it’s generally agreed to be a major benefit to the office environment.
The idea is that if you request a meeting with him, and he accepts and puts you in his schedule, it’s understood that you’re meeting in his private office to have sex with Hob Gadling, Company Slut.
You wouldn’t think it necessarily to look at him. Sure he’s gorgeous and charming enough, but he behaves like your average friendly coworker—you wouldn’t be able to tell that underneath his business casual clothes he was wearing lingerie and a plug to keep him nice and open for his next “meeting”, or that he has a small closet full of other sexy little numbers and toys in his office (that the company gives him a budget for).
The whole thing mostly works because Hob is just so likeable, both in and out of meetings. He cheerfully participates in work events and hangouts and friendly office gossip, and remembers important details you shared about yourself and your life. And in meetings he’s open to most things, never makes you feel shamed or embarrassed for what you’re into, and always helps you clean up and put yourself back together at the end (and of course he’s an amazing fuck every time). Everyone remembers fondly the story of there being a mix-up and two different people showed up to Hob’s office at the same time for a meeting. Hob had looked at the pair of them and suggested they share the time slot, as he thinks they’d appreciate each other’s contributions. After that meeting the two started dating, and have recently just gotten engaged.
(Everyone also remembers with awe the story of the board meeting that was turning incredibly tense, and if it exploded the way it was threatening to it would’ve caused a lot of problems for everyone at the company. Then someone had the bright idea to call up Hob and ask if he was willing to come mediate. He walked in, then a couple hours later everyone walked out looking pleased and relaxed, all issues resolved. Hob stumbled out after them looking very rumpled, very satisfied, and very worn out, and everyone was very understanding when he decided to reschedule his next few meetings and take the rest of the day off.)
Currently, office gossip has noticed that Hob has been having a few more meetings than normal with Mr. Dream Endless, one of the CEOs (Hob usually goes to the Endless CEOs for meetings instead of them coming to him, so it’s easier to notice when they happen), and a few people think they’ve spotted the two of them spending time together outside of work, possibly in a date setting? General consensus is pleased for Hob and they wish him well, though some are concerned about what the relationship would mean for his job, both for their own interests and for his job security.
(Dream has no intention of ending or changing Hob’s position as Company Slut so long as he’s happy to keep doing it. For one thing, it’s clearly a benefit to the company; employee turnover is at an all time low, productivity is up, and morale has never been better. For another thing, Dream finds it all incredibly hot. The only way it’d be better would be if he could watch Hob at work, if it weren’t a violation of privacy for his other employees. As it is, Hob has taken to sending Dream post-meeting selfies of himself looking well-fucked as a compromise.)
I like this concept soooo much. Company Slut Hob!
From 9 til 5, Hob works a very busy day. He usually grabs breakfast at the office cafeteria so he can say hi to his colleagues - he's a very social guy! And after that, he gets right to work. He mainly organises his own diary so from 9 - 11am he's mainly arranging "meetings", taking a few calls (some people like to just talk to Hob, and it's a service he happily provides as he describes his lingerie of the day). By late morning, it's time to properly get to work. Frustrations have been worked up, people are getting tense and frankly, some just need stimulation. That's exactly what Hob is there for. And aside from a quick lunch break, he's pretty much block-booked up until he staggers home at 5pm. Occasionally he works overtime - more than usual, ever since he's been spending more time with workaholic Dream... but of course so one wants him to burn out, so he has plenty of scheduled days off to relax and rest his tired body.
When an email finally goes around to the whole company announcing that Hob and Dream are dating, many workers nearly have a heart attack! But the email assures them that Hob will keep his job and nothing will change. The whole office collectively sighs in relief. The company would definitely collapse in less than a month if Hob had to quit! But if anything he seems more horny and full of energy than before. He's got new lingerie to show off, and Dream has given his whole little office a makeover so it's now even more comfortable for both Hob and his colleagues. In fact, some workers who weren't really interested in Hob’s services before start showing up just to cuddle on his big plush sofa and talk through their problems.
Hob deserves a very big bonus, and no doubt he'll get one... in the form of Dream’s cock and a blank cheque for him to spend at his leisure!
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shining-gem34 · 1 year
Space Traveler Rook(ie)
Name: Rook K. Cessborn
Species: Earth Human
Affiliation: NA
Occupation: Traveler/Mercenary
Gender: Male
Height: Typically around 5’7” (~ 170 cm)
Age: 27
Birthday: January 17th
Path: Destruction
Element: Quantum
>Ship Status: Open to multiship
>Voicelines || Headcanons
“A traveler flying through the stars, whose story originated from Earth, however such characters are unremarkable in this vast universe. Yet, Rook's fate continues to be entangled with every person he meets…”
Character Story I.
He opens his eyes to nothingness. 
As far as the eyes can see, he’s surrounded by darkness. There’s no ending or beginning. He cannot even see his own hands. 
His head hurts, because the last thing he recalls is the doctor experiment running wild before it exploded. When he tries to grab his hand, he realizes he cannot move a finger in this space. 
Am I dead? 
An ember lights up in the darkness, and then it flashes a bright light that almost blinds him. His vision clears, unable to grasp the scenery in front of him. 
Surrounding him is the vastness of the universe where stars are innumerable and shine brightly only for their life to be snuffed out one by one. At the center of the destruction is a towering humanoid with a golden scar on their chest. Their eyes are not on him, but sweeping over the universe like a grand plan was about to unfold.
He is certain he’s dead and stepped into the afterlife.
An assumption quickly proven wrong by a swearing pain all over his body like knives digging into his flesh and tearing him apart. 
Ah, I’ve been stabbed.
Then, the pain is gone only for it to repeat again and again with his limbs torn apart and burned until he feels his existence slowly fade away. The pain of dying repeatedly seared into his brain. Before he closes his eyes, he sees a giant sword diving toward him. 
Character Story II.
He opens his eyes to a brick ceiling.
The sound of the alarms alerts the town of an incoming danger. He hears the roar of the beasts storming through the streets and the people screams of despair. There’s no doubt they’re running away to seek shelter, even the guard outside his cell has left too. 
Right, he woke up in an unfamiliar land surrounded by the sea and was rescued only to be put in a prison cell for several months. With no way of communicating with the townspeople, he was left to rot until his fate was decided. 
The thought of this land being a planet had crossed his mind at some point, but he brushed it away as wistful thinking. It’s a fantasy for Sci-Fi lovers. He has no time to entertain dreamers when he’s too busy trying to survive in reality.
A thud of the keys landing caught his attention and spotted the culprit; it’s one of the children who often visited him with her friends. Her expression determined, if not scared, sends the message crystal clear. 
It’s either: “Help us” or “You have to escape too”.
The answer is both when he leaves his prison cell and runs outside to see a pandemonium. 
Flying beasts dive to the ground to snatch the defenseless townspeople and the prowling monsters move like lightning; tearing apart the flesh of their prey. Evidently, the townspeople had fought back to protect their home before they were overwhelmed by their numbers.
“AAAA!” The girl screams, cornered by a monster with her back against the wall. 
He could’ve easily left these people to their fate. In their eyes, he is an outsider; an unknown, a threat.
But he was never the type to betray his ideals. 
Not since the day he swore to find justice after The Exam. 
His feet move, charging straight into the danger with no regards to his own safety. He pulls his gun out, the cylinder loaded with bullets.  Something tugs at his senses, the world disappearing as if he stepped into a tunnel. The next thing he knew, he landed atop of the beast's back. 
“Cover your ears!” He shouts before aiming at its head and pulls the trigger. 
A bullet to the brain. The beast, now dead, falls to the side unmoving. he jumps off of it, and at the same time, the girl runs to cling tightly to his legs. Automatically, he places a hand on her head. He tries his best to reassure her despite the language barrier. Either way, he carries the girl in his arms and maneuvers his way through the chaos. 
Enemies, who spotted them, are promptly dealt with on the spot. 
Enemies, who are about to attack the townspeople, are promptly dealt with on the spot. 
Enemies, who are grouping together for a coordinated attack, are promptly dealt with on the spot with a grenade. 
He’s not sure how he’s doing it, but a single thought runs through his head-
Mission: Reunite the girl with her family, kill the hostiles, and SURVIVE. 
When morning arrives, there are airships approaching from a distance. The remaining monsters that have attacked the town are gone quickly under a rain of bullets. 
Character Story III.
He opens his eyes to the artificial skies and clouds. 
The IPC, who rescued the townspeople, injected a [Synesthesia Beacon] into his body. They’ve explained their purpose for arriving on the planet. They’ve explained they’re “relocating” the citizens for their safety due to the monster attacks. Their word choices, combined with their polite smiles, set off alarm bells in his head. 
However, the IPC is his best chance to find his way back home. 
So he boarded their ship, leaving the planet after saying his goodbye to the little girl and her family.
Unfortunately, the IPC were unable to locate his planet or the solar system he is from. 
“If you have nowhere to go, why don’t you join the IPC? You looked pretty good with that gun. People with your skill sets are always welcomed at our company.” An IPC employee with a freckled face and curly hair suggested. 
“Tempting offer…” He muses, thinking deeply for a moment before he looks at him. “Sorry, especially after helping me out, but I think I’ll have to turn you down.”
“How unfortunate. You’re wasting a good opportunity to live a nice life with amazing life benefits here.” 
“I’m not the type to have a stable lifestyle. Besides, my place isn’t here.” He glances at the window, staring at the endless stars and stardusts.
The IPC employee sighs, “If that’s your final answer, then I can’t force you to stay here. You had one chance to make a living here.” 
“I’m not that desperate to stick around here and twiddle my thumb waiting for a solution to drop onto my desk. The universe is an endless journey- I might find what I’m looking for if I travel around on my own.” 
“Alright. Alright. Enough with the dramatics, I get it. You want to find your home planet on your own two feet and two hands.” The IPC employee shakes his head and gestures to a room at the otherside. “Come on, let’s register your information in the IPC system and discuss your options.” 
Nodding, he follows him to a different room, “Thanks for your help, Mr…?” 
“Bernie. Bernie Maxwell.”
Character Story IV.
He opens his eyes to the harsh sunlight peeking through the broken metal ceiling. 
Groaning, he sits up to nurse his sore head after wrestling the sand-snake that tackled him into a rock. Thankfully, it was easy to kill once he stabbed into their weak spot and butchered it for their scales and meat. 
With a knife, he marks another line on the wall and counts the numbers: 27.
It’s been 27 days since Maxwell tied him up and kicked him off the ship on this desert-like planet. The bastard smiled at him the entire time, dropping a bag of supplies next to him. As the ship disappeared, he still remembers Maxwell's words. 
“There’s a valuable resource on this planet that I need. But it’s sand and monsters as far as the eye can see- It’s a pain for me to find it myself until you appear. You seem like a resourceful guy. Let’s strike a deal, shall we? If you help me find what I need, I’ll give you that ship you wanted so badly. If not- Well, you don’t have a choice, do you? I don’t care if you end up dead or alive, I’ll get what I want in the end.” 
It isn’t the worst situation he found himself in, but the events leading to it annoyed him more than anything. 
The days he spent scourging for any signs of civilization left him feeling less than hopeful. This planet, as far as he can tell, is abandoned and inhabited by monsters. Any remnants of human civilization are left in metal scraps and stone ruins buried in sand. 
Today, he says goodbye to the base and ventures further than he has ever done so in the past month. He lost count of the days melting into weeks. The passing oasis is a brief salvation before he continues to walk through sand and half-buried ancient metal. 
At the end of his journey, there is an abandoned military base still standing on the sand. A few salvageable items can be used, but his interest lies in the hangers. Some are empty inside, the others have spaceships that are broken beyond repair. 
Except for the last hanger, the spaceship remains intact and functional.
“I’m no mechanic in spaceships. Best I can give you is a clean up and hope nothing inside is broken.” He comments, running his hand across the painted characters. 
Through the sweat, grime, and sand, he grins broadly seeing his hope to finally escape this planet.
And to screw-up Bernie Maxwell plans for this planet.
Character Story V.
Rook is a dark-skinned young man with a semi-muscular build, but he appears somewhat slender. He has a dark curly (sometimes spiky) hair that is almost purplish with amber (gold) eyes. He has a mole underneath his left eye.
On most days, Rook typically wears a sturdy combat uniform. A black/dark gray tight-fitting shirt and a neon green/dark brown vest. He wears a pair of dark pants with combat boots. There are various straps on his body: gun holster on his torso, thigh/waist for his hunting knife and sword, and a belt for holding crafted items for easy access on the go.
Due to the danger-levels of his new life, Rook commissioned handguards to protect himself from unknown hostiles who may or may not be poisonous. He wears a handguard on his right wrist and on his left is a combination of a gauntlet and shield strapped to his arm. They have a distinct purple hue that appears otherworldly...
Nowadays, Rook is more open to speaking people on friendly terms. In general, he is a friendly individual that people will find easy to talk to. He likes to make sarcastic comments or jokes to lighten the mood at times, especially when trying to break the ice with strangers.
Rook does have a big heart that cares too much. He will do his best to help his friends in any way he can. But he will only do so from a distance because he lost too many people he cares about. A contradiction because he will get close to people but not too close out of fear.
Rook follows the Path of Destruction wielding the element Quantum. He switches between his arsenals of weapons depending on the situation.
Basic ATK: Rook aims his revolver gun and shoots a single target; attacking his enemies with minor Quantum damage. Skill: Rook unleashes his sword-whip, slashing at a single target and adjacent targets; attacking his enemies with major Quantum damage. Ultimate: Rook takes advantage of the Quantum element to expand the length of his sword-whip to surround all enemies. He releases it and the blades slashes his enemies apart. Ends the attack with a single shot of his gun at their head. AOE attack dealing major Quantum damage. Follow-Up: Debuff the enemy a certain number of times, Rook will throw bombs and deal Quantum damage to all enemies.
Combat Experience: Due to his training since his youth, Rook is experienced enough to handle a fight on his own. He relies on his speed/accuracy and his ability to adapt to new situations to gain the upperhand of the fight. He is also not above using underhanded tactics to achieve victory.
Weapons: Rook mainly uses a sword-ship, a knife, and a revolving gun. He is also open to using other weapons depending on the situation.
Marksmanship: Rook isn't the best shooter, but he doesn't care as long as he can hit his target.
Crafting: If he has a recipe, Rook can make his own ammunition, bombs, and traps. This also extends to basic healing items...
Hunting/Foraging: Rook is already used to hunting/foraging food whenever he's on a planet that has no major cities. He is picky about certain food types though...
Cooking: Rook is used to living on his own even before he was spirited away so he has to cook and clean on his own. He actually likes doing house chores because he finds the motions soothing. And he can sometimes get creative too.
Pilot: After a while of living in this universe and earning his license, Rook will have his own ship to pilot. As for his ship name, he's still working on it.
Rook (All Multiverse including Mallory) Icons belongs to "The Strongest Characters in the World are Obsessed with Me" (Webtoon/Novel) by Zion. The character is Meldon Arthus.
Character Reference
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Additional Items Not Shown:
Beacon (Phone)
Synthesizer/Craft Kit
Inventory of various bombs, grenades, flash bangs, traps, and bullets.
Stargazer (Spaceship)
IPC Identification Documents (Under Investigation)
||Updated on 07/12/2024
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steam-beasts · 6 months
Can the steam beasts loaf and who is the best loaf? (I crave loafing steam beasts)
Absolutely! Obviously since their bodies resemble cats so they definitely loaf. (Also gonna use this ask as an excuse to infodump >:) )
Any standard gauge tank engine in general;
Average loafers. Can tuck their tails beneath to give them that extra heat since their fireboxes can go cold overnight. I’m currently contemplating if I should give tank engine beasts this ability to rip off their tails to intimidate others and have that detached tail just squirm around from muscle memory and heck, if the tank engine ever wants, they can EAT their own tail. They’ll grow a new one in a span of two weeks. A fun fact; Mrs Kyndley once caught a tank engine loafing on her roof, she was mostly shocked that her roof didn’t cave in from the weight of the engine and had to call STH about it. Tank engines somehow get everywhere, in your house, on your house, on a tree, you name it.
Any standard gauge tender engine in general;
Tender engines CAN loaf, but not quite, they can tuck in all their legs but it’s mainly their enormous tails that are the problem, more so since their tenders are in the way. Speaking of the tenders, the citizens all mostly think that the tender engines just carry their tenders, but no, the tenders are physically part of the tail. Tender engines have to drag their tails around due to the weight, but they CAN move them about with enough strength. The tails can be attached and reattached, so take away the tail and they’ll be better at loafing.
Also, quick bit about paw difference; Tank engines have more stubby fingers and Tender engines have more human-shaped paws for good grip. So imagine an engine casually picking up a person.
Narrow gauge engines in general;
Superior at loafing 🍞
These guys got longer, thicker fur on their underbellies and shorter fur on their arms, so they always loaf to keep those parts warm. For extra measure, they can sleep on their tails. They are also great rock and tree climbers, so any prey that goes up into any of those places has no chance of escaping.
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steevbuckk · 1 year
some short fics that i love 🥰
Brooklyn by @toli-a
[Post Avengers, 8 749 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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Sexiest Man... Alive? by @otp-holic
[Post Endgame, 2 473 words, General Audiences]
Steve has been away from the public eye for three years, and he decides to come back to be named Sexiest Man Alive.
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Infinity by @andrea1717
[Post TWS, 1 258 words, General Audiences]
Bucky and Steve spend a very special new year's eve together.
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maybe bi guy by @yetanotherobsessivereader
[Wrong number AU, 3 338 words, Mature]
Steve: i saw that guy again. i think i’m not as straight as i thought i was
Unknown number: i hate to tell you this but you got the wrong number pal. but hey, i’m bi. i’ve been there. i can talk you through it if you want
Or Steve embarks on a journey of self-discovery assisted by a helpful stranger who likes to make really bad puns
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Cat Calls by @cable-knit-sweater
[Shrunkyclunks, 4 819 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
When veterinarian Bucky gives Steve his personal number, he’s pretty sure he’s obvious enough in what he wants him to use it for. But Steve doesn’t call to ask him out for a drink, or dinner. No, when he ends up calling Bucky late at night, it’s not even for a booty call. It’s because of his newly adopted cat. And he continues to call Bucky about his cat. Until eventually…
“Just uhm, doing my job,” he says, waving away the compliment. “So, do we have a name yet?”
“Yeah she sure fuckin is,” Bucky chuckles.
Steve smirks back at him. “No, her name, I named her Cat.”
Bucky stares at him in disbelief, looking for a sign that it’s a joke. It’s not. He named his cat Cat . He’s not sure if that makes him more or less attracted to Steve. Still, he won’t stand for it.
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#BeProud by @iamnelvenqueen
[Coming out, 9 021 words, Explicit]
To say that Steve had thought about it would have been a lie. It wasn’t an impulse decision either, but it had just occurred to him in the heat of the moment a couple of days before.
He looked back over his shoulder at the sleeping body in his bed, incapable of preventing himself from smiling as he took in his lover’s open mouth and soft snores.
Yes, he was sure of himself. Even if he hadn’t thought about it for more than a few hours at most, he wasn’t about to take back his decision.
In which Steve Rogers decides to casually come out on Twitter on a sunny Sunday morning.
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getting off (on a technicality) by MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)
[Modern AU, 4 510 words, Explicit]
Steve looks exactly like his dating profile had advertised, with one glaring exception—the sheer size of him.
Apparently mass doesn’t translate to the small screen, because instead of getting your average beach muscle gym-bro like Bucky had been expecting, he’d instead been met with what has to be 200lbs of build-you-a-house, carry-you-up-a-mountain, wrestle-a-bear-and-win whole ass man, and it’s short circuiting Bucky’s delicate brain.
And he’s not hiding it particularly well, if the way Steve’s smirking at him when Bucky pulls himself together enough to actually look at his face is anything to go by.
In which Bucky most resolutely, definitively, uncompromisingly does not fuck on the first date…
…until he meets Steve.
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more fics
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firecooking · 11 months
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A fun piece that took me WAY too long to complete!
I wanted to draw out the Z stacks for my humanoid au and do something fun with the outfits and the posing. I almost always draw them in some form of work uniform or in their formal gear and while that's pretty accurate for most situations they also have non work good clothes, of course in shades of Zero Marine Bigg City approved browns and blacks.
I also wanted to highlight more personal styles with them as well as keeping the context of the 1920s in mind! I also gave them all weapons for fun!
Zip has a VERY stylish youthful way of dressing for the 1920s, his bow tie would be seen as rather formal in contrast to his outfit which would be very youthful and in matching, shorts don't match with sweaters, boots don't match short sleeves, young men often dressed 'eclectically' to 'stand out'. Zip Carries a rather standard hunting rifle, he doesn't much like to use it, but it lets him stay away from danger while protecting himself. He's a small guy and doesn't like to be in the action, the gun lets him keep his distance, and he quite likes that. He does know how to use it and will if necessary.
Zug wears a pretty average day suit, it's pants cut is a little big and the coat is a sport cut, he'd been seen as basically a lousy dresser, sorta like a used car sales man. Zug carries a Tommy Gun, he's a small guy and it gets the job done.
Zorran dresses in a modern for the time business suit, the cut is straight on the pants and jacket and the bi coloured pants and jacket would be seen as a more relaxed choice and he's forgone the vest of old. Winged saddle shoes complete the look, he would be a snazzy dresser in the eclectic sense like Zip. Zorran is a resourceful man and will fight with anything at hand, but a good old fashioned lead pipe is easy enough to carry and conceal and even easier to ditch without suspicion
Zebedee forgoes convention, instead going for comfort and a relaxed fit. The Zoot Suit is still two decades out but the smoking suit is making its debut, considered a wasteful use of fabric Zebedee is on the cutting edge of fashion, even if he just wanted something comfortable. He is a fan of brass knuckles, if he has to fight he'd rather brawl fair and square
Zak, like Zorran, forgoes a piece of the standard business suit, However his piece of choice is the Vest, which sets him firmly into casual. With a dark grey shirt and matching tie, pants, hat and shoes, Zak is scrubbing against the grain of fashion conventions of the time, Zak would be kicked out of a fancy restaurant on sight in such an outfit. Zak keeps a switch blade on him at all times, he's a big fan of stiletto style knives, they make quick work of any target
Zaffre opts to forgo feminine dress but doesn't abandon women's wear. The Blazer is in its second decade as women wear, note the lack of collar notches on the blazer and the single button, and the loose fitting light fabric pants are the trend with young flappers for day wear. Her shirt and tie are what step back into men's wear but are not unheard of anymore. She's young and a great example of a second generation suffragette, the right to vote is just the first step, you know. Zaffre hasn't opted for any weapons yet, the hat pins and batons of days past are not needed when you are ready and willing to beat someone to death with your bare hands. Maybe she'll find something someday
Also have a high chart because I am terrible at drawing them to scale, by 1920s average heights they are all pretty average, Zug and Zaff being extreme but not unheard of, by today's average heights literally all of them are average and below with Zug being unheard of as a 'normal' hight
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smallidarityfan · 1 day
Hello! I know this is a Smallidarity blog. But I wanted to ask, what's your opinion on Boat Boys? And don't take this the wrong way, I love both Smallidarity and Boat Boys!
Hi!!! It's okay to ask non-smallidarity things hehe :3
text wall below (i like yapping):
I like Boat Boys !!! Honestly only just after Joel got onto Hermitcraft I'd say. I watched Joel's Double Life when it was uploading and honestly like. their dynamic didn't feel any more special than two guys playing minecraft and having fun on a casual/content creator level so it didn't really stand out to me at that point.
But Limited Life had like 2 banger Boat Boys one-liners from Etho i guess, and then the Decked Out Stream with the neck kisses bit which was pretty funny, and then Hermitcraft when they really went with the obsessed bit LMAO 😭😭
by HC tho I think they two finally had their dynamic sort of established ? Like we'd finally know how they'd act in casual circumstances or just when playing normal minecraft. Which I do like seeing at the times it happens!!
I think what really made me see their game is especially especially all the fan arts and those animations by Mellozheist really assured me of their dynamic and aesthetic as a duo, which I do love seeing on my tl often!!
Though in Joel's streams, chat would ask his opinion on Etho often and Joel would either make an obsession joke or comment how completely mysterious Etho is. Which tells me on the down-side that they're still at the stage of average friends and colleagues rather than close friends, so canon-wise they aren't my favourite duo compared to other pairings. (i am a sucker for dynamics of people who are close friends)
Also, pet peeve i have, but sometimes I do feel like their interactions feel a liiittle bit forced with chat pushing them to talk about their 'obsessions' with each other all the time. Which i feel like. yk it's been more than 6 months since the bit started. like even I am over smallidarity's "Is this the closest we're ever going to get to making out?" and don't base their entire dynamic on that one instance of them making out in Real Life smp. Yk ?!
(which i guess these kinda things are an unavoidable part of content creation where fans hold on to early introduced bits as long as there are new people flooding in) (so I won't generalize that much onto the duo themselves) (also i HATE FUN!!! /j)
All in all, canon-wise, not my favourite pair. But pretty high standings in terms of aesthetic and fanon interpretations !
Final score: 7.6/10 🆒‼️
(You can really tell that I like to stick close to canon dynamics rather than fanon concepts so er 😭 might be a tad bit biased) (i also loveeee best friends tropes if uh. that wasn't clear with my whole account. LMAO)
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