mtndw-whteout · 3 months
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Mine is on the left, Adam's is on the right
It was a pleasure drawing the aftons w you, Adam
Reference below
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i bring springlock willry 🤲
This is insane this is maddening this is so incredibly beautiful i do not have the words <333 thank you jesus christ thank you <33
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ilaiyayaya · 6 days
Haha what if I hacked the Genshin Impact servers and hypothetically sent a server-wide message to all players that said "Haha I hackered the gaem and now you hjave to see this message where I tell you to have a very nice day and thank you for-a playing my game! :)" I think that would be funny I think
7 ROLLS AWAY FROM RATE UP PITY! 7 ROLLS!!!!! SURELY I'LL GET CLORINDE TOMORROW, ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY!!! I mean I pretty much have a 100% chance of getting her before her banner ends as long as I get at least 1 roll per day since there's 8 days left but like, I WANT HER NOW!!!!! doing the math starts typing 80085 into my super calculator if I do my dailies and also do a *tiny* bit of grinding each day (open 1 chest) I have a 100% chance to get her before her banner ends, BUT, I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal, so I got a 141 2/3% chance of winning at gambling (that means, tomorrow's the big win!). The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for THE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT WHO INVENTED GAMBLING I HATE GACHA GAMES I HATE IT I FUCKING HATE IT!!! I JUST WANT FONTAINE YURI WOMAN #2!!!!!!!!
But, but, see here's the thing, I have god (lots of stellar jade) on my side, and jesus would never let me down, The Bear just knows that tomorrow SAM (I will not call her Firefly I don't care about shinji i only care about the robot shinji is supposed to fucking get in) is releasing in Star Rail, and I have loadsa rolls saved up in that game and also pity because I only roll on like 1 character every 6 months in that game because I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT AVENTURINE I DON'T CARE IF HE'S GAY HE SMELLS WEIRD. I'm gonna get the funni epic hot epic funni robot hot robot and also her light cone while only spending 2 rolls total because god, jesus, and the bear all love me very much and want me to succeed in life (predatory gacha games) AND god, jesus, and the bear i need to fucking stop saying that it's becoming a problem i can't get that phrase out of my head getoutofmyheadgetoutofmyheadgetoutofmyheadgetoutofmyhead are just saving my Clorinde pull for tomorrow, that way I can be extra super happy and get 2 epic vimeo games characters in 1 day, thus tripling my life expectancy! it's so simple, it's not that I have bad luck, it's just that I'm actually the luckiest girl on the whole wide internet and ALL OF MY LUCK IS GONNA HIT TOMORROW ALL AT ONCE AND I'LL GET CLORINDE AND I'LL GET FIREFLY AND ALSO ELON MUSK WILL DIE AND ALIENS WILL COME DOWN FROM SPACE AND GIVE ME 1 BILLION DOLLARS AND UMMM YEA :))))
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astrologylunadream · 28 days
How Their Higher Self Feels About You💍💎🩷 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream~😇 We will be "diving into" a reading on exactly how your person's true higher self feels about you!🌊🩷 hope you find your message ^^
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of yourself, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌊💞
Pile 1🫧
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Pile 2🪼
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Pile 3⚪️
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Pile 4🐋
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🌊💍🩷
Pile 1🫧
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Sign energy: Soul connection, Demand, Cheeks, Suspicion, Offer, Libra, 8th house, Neptune, 4th house, 11th house,🩺🧖‍♂️🫰📱
🩷Your person's energy: So this is a very dreamy and lovely person, they have really soft cheeks I'm hearing😇💕 Some of you may have met them online, through friends or possibly a dating app🤭 I can see a lot of my pile 1's falling in love with them through your phone. Your person is very kind and sweet, they feel spiritual aswell as emotional. Sign placements are Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius. There is a very soft feminine aura to your person in this reading!💗😭 This is someone you have a soul connection with, they can be psychic when it comes to you and you are the same with them. This person is very intuitive, and they may have a sneaking suspicion about their connection with you.🔍🫢 They are comforting and gentle, also they seem friendly and good to you. Now some of you may have an obsession with this person, and you can't get enough of them.💓👀 They have a refreshing vibe, could be a water rising or neptune aspecting ascendant for some in this pile. You feel comfortable about this person, they feel safe and protective.🫂💖 Your heart rate may increase when you two are alone together or when you feel an intense energy from them.😮‍💨 Their fingers are really hot just saying😂 Some of my pile 4's like their posts or stalk their social media, or just fantasize about them a lot. This person has a lot to give especially in their relationships with people, they just give out so much love and kindness.🤗💞 But they may expect something deeper in return from their lovers. They can be a little pushy when it comes to getting back what they give. So they can be really sweet but they then want the other person to return their kind gesture🫴👀 Lol they may spend a lot of time on their phone, or with friends. You see this person as a soulmate or a potential forever partner which is so sweet.💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Flower, Keep a secret, One and Only, Unrequited love, Practice, Water, 10th house, Capricorn, Pluto, 9th house,🎨🏃‍♀️‍➡️🐝🦵 Okaaayy they know you like themmm🙈💞 You are the only one for them!! They're keeping you like you're a secret PILE 1😝 You're just so soft and cute to them they wanna pick you up and bring you home😭🥰 Their higher self is aware of your feelings towards them and they aren't mad about it either😏💖 They actually really enjoy you feeling that way about them, it makes them feel reliable and admired.👑 Also they wanna make all your dreams come true, they bee-lieve in you haha because the bee emoji😂 I just realized the emojis is a girl running towards the bee, the bee movie anyone?🤣🤣 LOL now I can't stop laughing maybe that movie resonates with you. If you're going through a time of unrequited love they want to encourage you to confess and go through with it! Your person's higher self really wants to keep you in love with them, because it feels so good.😭 Their higher self also sees your spiritual or occult practices as something very intelligent and knowledgeable, like wow pile 1 knows all this that's amazing😢💗 You are unlike any other to your person's higher self, they feel you are so creative and ambitious! They have very delicate feelings for you, so soft for my pile 1's!💭 Their higher self is very drawn to you, there is a deep attraction to your legs and thighs🫢 They kinda want to be the only one to own you, there is this magnetic attraction towards you they can't ignore. They want you to be able to depend on them, and care for you. Their higher self does want to warn you to be careful of falling into deep obsession and hiding it, they want you to focus on broadening your horizons with knowledge instead💡🥰 Their higher self hopes you can keep running towards your goals and make it to the top!🔝🎉✨️ You can do it pile 1 and their higher self believes in you. They feel so much love and care towards you, they see you as something so pure and gentle that must be protected by them.😩👏💓 They feel you are the "only one of your kind" so maybe you're different than the people around you, family or your cultural background. Pile 1 this person is cheering for you so hard! Their higher self is supporting you every step of the way and that is so adorable and sweet I'm gonna cry🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Hug me, We have a past together, I can't tell you, This happens every time, Can we be together? Thinking of you, It's so hard to resist you, I wanna steal your kiss (Hug me then I wanna steal your kiss CUTE😖😫💗💞💓) Extra cards: Melody, My everything, Corner, End, Autumn, Cancer, 8th house, Gemini, Eros, 2nd house (You are their everything pile 1!!! Their higher self desires you so much, they are here for you!🫂💗)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🪼
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Sign energy: 5th house, Material, Dance, Violate, Foreign country, Saturn, South node, Sun, Mercury, 11th house,💍🏃‍♂️‍➡️🔊💀
🩷Your person's energy: Wow so pile 2 this is interesting your person is a very unique individual🤭 Sun energy just jumped out first thing from your person, they have a powerful presence about them! There is Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius energy here.✨️ Could have 5th house placements, Sun-Mercury conjuct or aspected, Sun or Mercury in 11th house those are some placements I'm picking up on for some of my pile 2's person.💞 I personally love that energy so it makes me want to assume they're automatically really attractive to you guys!😩🫶 I just knowwww lol. They could speak a different language than you, or learning one just for fun.😁💬 For some of you this person is from a foreign country, others they are just simply interested in other cultures and languages.💗 I feel like your person is very reliable and stable with money, they may work hard and it's giving husband/wife material💲💍✨️ There is something creative they like to do, could be dancing or something artistic for a hobby or work. Oh for some of my pile 2's this person has a dancing career. With the sound emoji and mercury coming through, maybe a singer for some of you too.🎤🎼 They could be an investor or entrepreneur or that's something that they would be good at. Some of you may have had a past with this person, there could have been problems surrounding boundaries or barriers in communication.🔇🚫 Your person is very successful and far from ordinary, they have a lot of worth👑🥰 I'm picking up on another scenario for some of my pile 2's, who this could have been a short romamce kinda thing. So the passion started out strong with this person and it may feel like it ended as quick as it started, so the romance with this person may have fell flat.💔 For others your person is not in contact with you. Some of you may be manifesting them, manifesting marriage even.🫢💭 Your person could be chasing their dreams and ambitions for their career, they are very talented and focused.🌟 They have a lot of passion, also come off flirty and smooth. They do shine and I think they have very high standards. They could be running away from something, possibly commitment.😬 They give a busy vibe too, they may tell themselves they don't have time for a long term romantic partner.
💎How their higher self feels about you: Cage, Drop, True, Comfort zone, Chaos, Fire, 4th house, Gemini, 3rd house, 10th house,🎧🪫🫡☹️ I think their higher self is a little worried about you, as they have a perspective on how everything is playing out.😭 They feel you are very hyperactive and hard to contain, they know you think of them a lot...😳 You appear a bit chaotic in the eyes of their higher self, they may see potential problems surrounding around you and their reputation or career.💼👤 Aw but this is so sweet they would drop everything for you pile 2, because you are like home.🏠💗 Their higher self find you sweet and caring as much as energetic and fun. They wanna hold your hand😫🤝 I'm kinda getting like a shark cage imagery you know when it drops into the water and that can seem scary, your person's higher self sees you in that cage and they want to keep you safe. Maybe they represent the cage, not to trap or contain you but to protect you and keep anything harmful away from pile 2.🥺💕 Okay so your voice gives them so much comfort, they love hearing you speak and if they had your voice on recording they would drain their battery so much just from listening to your voice LOL that's what I'm seeing with them.😂 You could be going through a hard time with your professional/public life, there could be rumors about you or things feel very unorganized and problematic.😵‍💫 Your person's higher self has a lot of empathy for you, I can picture them so sad just thinking about what you're going through. Their higher self misses you if you're apart, they feel everything is moving too fast. Some of you moved away from this person, their higher self feels the time is running out.⏳️😢 You are like a true best friend to them, I'm also getting even though you make them feel comfortable I think their uptight nature is challenged by your seemingly unpredictability. Everything feels new with you, they are faced with things they aren't used to or questions they never had before.💬 They are on the edge of their seat with you sometimes I'm hearing. Their higher self may feel like you are a handful, but they're willing to free their hands just for you.🩷 I think there is just a lot going on for you both in 3D and they know it's a tough situation with you.😞🌧 But they want to give you comfort from their higher self, and they would hold you in their arms if they could.💞😭 They definitely wish to communicate and talk with you my pile 2's. They want you to know it's going to be alright, and all the bad things that are keeping you from smiling will soon dissolve. They would give you head pats OMG pile 2 their higher self is really there for you, they just really wanna keep you safe.🫂🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Tell me more, Your fantasies are achievable, I wish I had you, You have so much worth, I want to comfort you, I'm going to steal your heart, You make me look bad, I was wrong (YES pile 2 they want to comfort you as said and they wanna hype you up!!👏🥰💗) Extra cards: Unrequited love, Hands, Purpose, Chains, Cutie, Sun, 1st house, Juno, Air, Leo (They don't want you to be held back from what you can achieve!! Also they really wanna hold you😫✊️ You have a purpose in their life and they do in yours, likely commitment!! They think you're cute😉 And a little something else but it's not that type of reading~😏)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the jellyfish emoji~🪼 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3⚪️
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Sign energy: Care taker, To the grave, Prediction, Maturity, Jealousy, 5th house, Leo, 2nd house, Gemini, Saturn,🌃✍️✌️💐
🩷Your person's energy: Okay pile 3 this is someone responsible and sweet, physically your person is really eye-catching and appealing.😘💕👀 They could be a bit older than you, or that is just the vibe they give off. Mature, caring and very polished💅 There are significant 2nd and 5th house placements in their chart, Leo, Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn energy. I am getting a mostly masculine vibe, just because they are quite stable and efficient.✨️ They give off some feminine aura too. You could be intimidated by this person's presence, status or maturity. They just come off like they know what they're doing.😩 The vibe they give others is like untouchable. Lol They look like they mean business I'm hearing lol, they could have capricorn mercury or mercury-saturn, mercury in earth sign or 10th house those are some aspects take what resonates.🤗 They are quite commanding and naturally authoritative, their neck is also something very attractive😳 I'm hearing "dictator", feel like this person looks like they have a lot of money, they spend well💸💰😍 Also they put pride and effort into their appearance, they're big on self care. They are a wise thinker and can plan ahead nicely.⌚️⏳️💭 Pile 3 your person is HOT😭 They're just so snazzy, they could be a writer for some of you. Also night owl, they could enjoy journaling at night before bed. For some of my pile 3's they're in the entertainment industry, director, producer, brand ambassador or business owner. Those could be things they're interested in starting as side gigs/hobbies omg something really impressive okay lol😍 They could be a singer for some of my pile 3's. They could like to invest, also their time is an investment I'm hearing.✨️ AH pile 3 your person also has such a romantic smooth side, like they can win you over so easily with their words😩💋 I'm seeing that a lot of people want to take from this person, your person has a hesitation to give to others and they find it hard to trust. They're like in their own spotlight so they could have a lot of people jealous of what they have, some more harmful than others😬 Your person could have a hidden/secret hobby, could be writing, something that helps them settle down in calm and quiet. also they have a specific scent or perfume/cologne. They are not only phsyically attractive but also mentally too.🧠👀
💎How their higher self feels about you: Words, Activity, Past, 9th house, Throne, Eros, Cancer, Sun, 9th house, 2nd house,😬🧯🫗👏 Okay so 9th house came out twice lol there could have been a lot of spontaneity within this connection, their higher self may have seen it as something unstable or costly. I think they feel very uncertain about you, because on one hand they find you very charming, but also difficult to manage.😳 Some of you could be cancer sun or cancer placements. They see you as someone very soft and sensitive, with the cup spilling their higher self sees you as someone with many emotions.😢💗 They could feel like you are too giving, which is a reflection of their own fear of giving too much. You appear very different from them at first glance, but you both share similarities aswell.👥️ Your person's higher self has an admiration for your sensual beauty and they kinda put you on a pedestal tbh😏👑💞 They feel very drawn to your sweet and calming aura, they also feel you are someone of very high worth. You feel precious to them, and they would pay anything for you if you had a price tag😭🏷💖 Their higher self knows how much you care about this connection and that really touches their heart.🫶 But I think the thing is, they are quick to defuse these feelings you give them. And they prefer to keep a distance from it, mostly because their higher self does not want to pour their heart out more than they should. They are very cautious and considering the possible outcomes from these feelings.💭 Ah but the things you say really turn them on honestly😩❤️‍🔥 Their higher self is really good at resisting, but it seems like you make them waver. You're like that really expensive and high quality item on sale that they can't ignore.😘 I love that they see you as something precious, because this pile is represented by the pearl!⚪️💕✨️ I think if there was an unpleasant situation in the past, they have worked past it with you. Their higher self feels a little bad, because you may give so much of your energy and they wish to give you the same in return. They want to pay you back for your love and/or kindness to them.💗🔙 Their higher self almost feels like a charity case to you, and may feel bad if you pity them ever or from caring about them for whatever reason. You radiate a beautiful soft aura and it definitely has them curious.💭 Your person's higher self feels inclined to treat you like royalty, they think you're really classy😉✨️ I think they see you as a loyal and kind person, and feel drawn to you physically as well as emotionally. They may worry about their power or status if they fall for you too much, afraid of letting their guard down for someone. They have a lot of respect for you, I'm picturing them slowly clapping for you like a sophisticated individual at a classy event.👌🥂✨️ Their higher self feels as you are on the same status as them, and that makes them both intrigued and concerned. They are uneasy with someone matching their level, and they may not know how to approach you. They're worried that their superior presence won't phase you.😧🙊 You are just so valuable to them, admirable and lovely💞💕💗
💌Messages from them: Things didn't go as planned, I can't hide it from you, I don't want to decieve you, You make me mad, I wish I could, I wish I could stop thinking if you, I would kill for you, You're wrong (Haha things didn't go as planned and yeah they're such a planner like mentioned before so this is just freaking them out😭 They have a knack for investing and they do NOT wanna miss out on a limited deal which is pile 3!!!😍💓 They could be at a loss for words or repeating themselves a lot, because they are just so stuck on this situation🥺💭) Extra cards: Ability, Tongue, Beginning, Let go, Intense, Aquarius, Aries, North node, Eros (Ohh we really have some spicy energy here. Intense passion and aggression from your person.🥵 Not that type of reading but you can head over to one of my spicy pacs for that!!!🫢)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the pearl emoji~⚪️ (actually just a white orb lol) Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🐋
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Sign energy: Restaurant, Childhood, Acceptance, February, Last, Earth, 1st house, Pisces, Air, Water, North node, 4th house, 10th house, South node, Saturn,🆓️🤷‍♂️🏖☀️
🩷Your person's energy: There is a lot of summer/beach vibes in this pile! Your person has a lot of bright vibes🥰 This could be someone some of you know from childhood, but I think your person's past is significant to their personality. They could be born in february or that is a significant month, signs that came out are Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn. Air, earth and water sign energy, there is also sun symbolism so Leo placements are also possible. They could have saturn in 4th house, pisces in 10th house, or earth rising. They could live in a coastal region, or interested in those locations.🏝🛶💗 Your person may not have the best self esteem, they also don't have a very solid reputation. They could own a restaurant or love to eat out.🥗 For many of my pile 4's this is a water sun, but not for everyone in this pile. They could have bad a strict or limiting childhood, I'm hearing "lack of freedom"😭 Your person is on the inside artistic and sensitive but they may have restricted that behavior from themselves when they were younger. Maybe they couldn't really express themselves to their family.😢👤🚫 They don't have confidence in their identity because of how they grew up, they could have felt unaccepted or unacknowledged for the real them. I think they have become so positive and bright despite the odds!🥺💞 This person could be from an island, also I am really getting heavy hawaii energy from this pile lol that may resonate for some here😂💫 This person is often confused and feels like they lack direction. They hide their feelings. They may have not had enough stability when they were younger, so that is something they are working towards having themselves.🥹 They have such a comforting and welcoming presence about them, but it doesn't come for free I'm hearing. This person may be hesitant to easily trusting anyone, they really have to make sure you are a safe person. Because they can be taken advantage of if they aren't careful😭🫂 I feel like people never believed in them enough! They are so sweet and have so much to offer, they are a hidden gem💎💕 For some of my pile 4's this person acts oblivious, or just doesn't notice things much. They could be a bit childish, or wish they could be like a kid again. They are very funloving🌟 I feel like this person is just sort of stumbling through life trying to find their place and where they belong🥺💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Zoo, Prince, 7th house, Happiness, Consume, 6th house, 1st house, Jupiter, 5th house, Fire,🍫🛫♑️🥗 OHH pile 4 you are in for a wonderful surprise!!! (Unless you already know it😉) Your person's higher self sees you as a romantic partner, you literally bring them a ton of happiness like it's in the cards!😍💓 This is so sweet, you make them feel better instantly. There is so much love and passion for you, their higher self feels like you are so nice and dependable, you are a stable source of happiness for them🥺❤️ Also their higher self feels like this is a very healthy connection you two share, you are nothing but good for them! They think you're so sweet, and also consumable😳 I won't go into detail since it's not that type of reading BUT, let's just say there is a lot of physical attraction from them. They can't get enough of you❤️‍🔥 They want a taste of you y'know....😉 It's kinda naughty of them. Besides that! Their higher self feels like you complete them, you make them wild honestly. They feel so lucky that you exist, and wanna work so hard for you😫✊️ Their higher self feels so much passion and romantic feelings for you, their emotions just off like a flight.✈️ They may want to travel with you. Pile 4 you make them smile so much omg it's so cute💗!!! Their higher self thinks and even overthinks about being in a relationship with you, there is such an urge to date you. You make them feel looked at as something worthy, also they really want what's best for you. You are so sweet to them, and they are just so charmed by you😭❤️‍🔥 I'm hearing "fly away with me" they wanna go so far with you. Another thing I'm seeing is your person really wants to eat out with you😆🥪🍵 They wish to experience so much with you guys, like they wanna make sure you're theirs too💍😭🩷 All they want is to see you smile. The may want to visit a zoo with you aswell, I see many fun trips they wanna take you on🥰 Their higher self sees you as their person, they think you're so pretty and lovely. They would do anything to make you happy that is WHAT IM HEARING😭💗
💌Messages from them: Would I be asking for too much? Think of the things that make you happy, You'll do anything, I want to please you, Your eyes are beautiful, You will find happiness, You should smile more, I am your future (Omg🥰😍💞 Pile 4 they love your smile, honestly there is so much love in this pile it is so sweet!😭) Extra cards: Cage, Matching, Bad habit, Past, Comfort zone, Gemini, North node, 9th house, 10th house, Earth (They feel like you guys just FIT together, and you literally heal wounds from their past, you make them feel so safe pile 4 their higher self absolutely loves you with all their heart.🫂)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the whale emoji~🐋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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lovesquarebrainrot · 2 years
Adrien: "It's simple, Plagg. To make her fall for me, I just need to become Marinette's everyday Cat Noir." ----- Ms Bustier: "Alright, does anyone have any questions about how to find the area of a circle?" Adrien: *Raises hand.* Ms Bustier: "Yes, Adrien." Adrien: "I need to ask, where's the point in all of this?" ----- Chloe: "I'm serious! Ladybug totally told me she was going to give me my miraculous back any day now!" Adrien: "Don't worry, Chloe, I definitely Bee-lieve you!" ----- Adrien: *Falls trips and falls, rolling down the stairs and landing face first on the lower floor of the gym* Marinette: "Oh my god, Adrien, are you okay?" Adrien: "Hey, Marinette, check it out, I'm a Roll-Model." Marinette: "You're bleeding!" Adrien: "Must just be all my love for you gushing out." ----- Alya: "Hey, Marinette, don't you think that lately Adrien has been kind of - " Marinette, gnawing on a pencil: "Unbearably attractive?" Alya: "I was gonna say cringe, but sure."
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Finished an art piece for @just-bee-lieve inspired by his William in Drag post :3o
I'm getting a femme fatale vibe from her
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dykeyaoi · 6 months
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they heard your club only has four members
thanks for the mental image @just-bee-lieve :p
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lilbabydilljr · 1 year
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Hi! Okay! So I’ve hidden details below, but if you just want the download link here you go.
Download (SFS)
Requires: UC, Easy Inventory Check
Alright, so a while back I found this lovely beehive conversion from Foresty, which was based on Untidyfan’s 3to2 conversion, which is in turn based on Gwenke’s functional beehive. What a way we’ve come! Believe (bee-lieve) it or not this is actually the object that got me interested in modding.
What I didn’t like about the original object was that it used 2 different objects as the honey, and the overload of effects. Lots of lag. So I’ve made a few tweaks!
The first 2 are cosmetic, I’ve moved the hive from the gardening section to Hobbies.../Misc, and the default texture is yellow, but the original green is still available. Bees are yellow, duh.
Sims now harvest honey directly into their inventory, which they can drink or stock the fridge with. This is a 4to2 conversion of the honey, which I thought was neat.
The hive now only displays the bee effects when open, or when a sim angers the bees. It produces a jar of honey every 18 hours, and Gatherer sims have a 50% chance of harvesting an extra jar each harvest. Lucky sims have about a 5% chance, and these can stack. A Lucky + Gatherer sim can harvest 2 extra jars, potentially.
Sims will autonomously harvest honey and occasionally inspect the beehive, please let me know if these values seem off to you I wasn’t super sure on them. Cowards will never harvest honey. Too many stingers!
The hive now builds nature enthusiasm when it’s used, and sims can harvest multiple jars at once. I’m not sure if there’s a limit to how much honey the hive can hold? I guess just keep an eye on it.
There’s two 2 new memories included as well. If you’re not comfortable with custom memories in your game please leave them out of your downloads folder, the hive seems to work just fine.
Bee-cause of course there are. I might work some of these things out, but right now I’m done with this project.
My beehive and Foresty’s share the same GUID, and my jar of honey does as well. I’m not sure if that’s shared across all these hives or not. But you can’t have both in the game.
Children can not harvest honey, I didn’t feel like working on the animations.
Sims can’t drink the honey straight from their inventory, it must be placed first.
The animations and tool used to grab the honey are a bit off, but not enough that it actually bothers me right now.
Finally, the jar of honey itself.
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As you can see the textures aren’t great? But I don’t know enough about objects to get it right. I’ll put this out there, if someone wants to help me fix this I’d be forever grateful.
I also wanted to edit the anger bees interaction, but I couldn’t get the chased by bees interaction to work? So I gave up. I do think there should be more ways for sims to die by flies anyway, but it’s not my ideal interaction.
Lastly, I wanted to convert the Honey Cake from 4, but food again proved challenging, and when I got to trying to do the coding so it requires a Honey in the fridge, it looked like a LUA script to me? So I backed off. Maybe one day. Not today.
You might be able to get away with not having the UC for this, but I think at the very least you’ll need BV. I can’t support any installations other than the UC though.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I am! It’s just a fun silly little thing, but our sims need bees right???
Credits/Thanks: Foresty, Untidyfan, Gwenke. Your original objects and coding are amazing, I hope I’m not stepping on any toes here! I did DM Foresty, but I figured since Gwenke’s code has been reused a couple times now I thought I’d be fine.
Edit: 04/30/23: Moved honey jar out of the catalogue. Whoops. Had it in there for testing.
Edit 05/08/23: Bees no longer accumulate inaccesible honey in the winter.
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clompe · 21 days
Nasty girl...:) by @just-bee-lieve (comm)
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irradiatedsnakes · 6 months
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the full aggie from last night!!
i don't know everyone who participated, but of the urls that were left/im aware of being there: myself, @dykeyaoi, @dino--draws, @just-bee-lieve, @ittybittybumblebee, @soscout, and @hatsunoid feature here!
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acerodons · 2 months
sent me a random bright eyes song and now i CAN'T STOP it's like highschool all over again
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derangedanomaly · 3 days
I cannot bee-lieve someone sent the who bee movie script, it's just un-bee-lievable
Like? Right, I can't BEE-lieve my eyes.
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
Lego monkie kid au, all of the monkey demons and monkies in generally are just swarms of bees.
they're all just a bunch of bees in a trench coat, if you can bee-lieve it
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macamadamia · 8 months
Crime & Punishment Chapter 1: The Crime
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Ship: Dom Castiel/Sub Dean Winchester
Rating: Mature
Total Word Count: 3,587
AO3 Tags: Collars, Dom/sub, Total Power Exchange, 24/7 Dom/sub, Punishment, Discipline, Caning
Dean knew he was in trouble when he opened the door and saw Cas in the small entrance way, arms folded, leaning against the door frame. He looked far from happy.
Cas may be his partner and husband, the man he stood beside in front of their families and friends and made vows with, but right then he was simmering with badly concealed irritation, and all Dean saw was the Dom who was not only angry with him, but disappointed.
That hurt.
He wasn’t even sure what he’d done wrong this time. He wracked his brains trying to figure it out. He hadn’t fucked up that much lately.
Staying in the garage office for an extra few hours to finish the paperwork Bobby didn’t get around to doing wasn’t enough to incite this reaction. Sure, he was late, but he’d texted to tell Cas he wasn’t going to be home in time for dinner, and he’d grab a snack at work. Bobby’s wife Ellen always kept the office fridge stocked with snacks for the times they worked late. There were times when he first started working for the old man that those meals were the only decent food he ate for days.
But he’d definitely texted him. This time. He resisted the urge to reach for his phone to double-check, he doubted Cas would appreciate it.
Cas doesn’t have many rules, but “if I’m talking to you, I will have your full attention” is near the top of the list. Right above “text me if you’ll be late” and right below “no shoes on the coffee table” (and didn’t he remember the bruises he carried the first time he forgot that particular rule.)
Although he didn’t know exactly why he was in trouble, Dean had known something was up the moment he stepped up to the small porch at the front of their single-storey home and seen what was waiting for him.
On the small table next to the front door, sitting innocuously next to the potted money tree plant, Dean’s eyes had zeroed in on his collar and leash.
It wasn’t the nice collar, either. It wasn’t the soft, supple brown leather collar he always wore when he wasn’t at work (because who the fuck wanted to have that conversation with their boss). This was the heavy leather collar, the black one that pressed a little too hard into his jaw when he turned his head. The one that was rough on the inside, and irritated his skin.
He knew he was in trouble right at that moment, and he briefly contemplated getting in the car and driving back to work. Maybe hiding under his desk. Or changing his name and crossing the border into Mexico.
But he didn’t. Instead, with a sigh he’d picked up the collar and leash, and opened the front door to find Cas. In the face of his righteous fury, he’d dropped to his knees in the doorway. Never minding the open front door or the tile underneath him.
“Hello, Dean.”
“Heya Cas, how’s it hanging?”
Cas tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes.
Quickly regretting his little show of bravado, Dean made eye contact with Cas’ sock-clad feet and tried not to fidget.
“You know, I don’t have many rules.”
He risked a glance at Cas’ face to assess just how mad he was. When their eyes met, his Dom raised an eyebrow, and Dean quickly returned his focus to his socks. They were bee themed, today, with the text “bee-lieve in honey” in yellow and black. Dean had teased him about them this morning.
Now he stared at them like his salvation lay in cute cartoon insects and bubbly bee puns.
“What rule did you break, Dean?” Cas shifted, his feet crossing at the ankles, while Dean’s bad knee started to protest at holding this position.
“I don’t know, Sir.”
“Try again.”
Dean was silent, his mind working overtime trying to think of an answer that would please Cas and maybe (although he wasn’t very hopeful) mitigate the punishment that was coming his way.
Above him, Cas sighed.
Staring at the bee socks, something in Dean’s head clicked. Oh shit.
“I wasn’t home for the grocery delivery.”
“Right. So why am I going to punish you, Dean?”
Because you’re a controlling asshole. He swallowed the words down. Now was not the time to snark at Cas, now was the time to answer his Dom. Who was currently watching him, eyebrow raised, head titled, like he knew exactly what Dean was thinking.
“Dean. Why are you going to be punished for not being home for the grocery delivery?”
Dean risked another glance upwards.
Cas wasn’t just mad, he was stressed out. Then Dean remembered the conversation they’d had that morning while he was getting ready for work. When Cas had mentioned he was going to be late home from work that afternoon, and Dean needed to be home for the delivery.
Because Cas’ brother Michael (Michael the Maniac, Dean’s mind unhelpfully supplied) and his family was coming for dinner.
Oh shit. The conversation played out in Dean’s head – the groceries, Michael’s visit, and the plan for Dean to cook dinner.
Dean deflated. He’d fucked up.
“I’m sorry sir.” His voice, contrite, sounded small in the face of just how much he’d screwed up.
Cas finally, finally, straightened up and stepped forward. He put his hand on Dean’s face, and Dean nuzzled into it, closing his eyes as he felt tears gathering. The hand left his face and began carding gently through his hair. Dean felt Cas pick up the collar and leash from his hands.
He tilted his head back, eyes shut tight against Cas’ disappointment and disapproval, and swallowed as the collar was buckled in place around his throat. He felt a gentle pull at the collar and heard the click as the leash was attached.
The fingers in his hair tightened, and he opened his eyes and whimpered as Cas titled his head back until he was face to face with Dean, the leash held taut in his hand.
“You’re not sorry, Dean.
He leaned in. Dean could feel his breath on his face.
“Not yet.”
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Small Stories Hour: Darkspace Portent
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↳ "You're very…hmm."
Thrive quirked an eyebrow and glanced up at Guetry, the normally minor height difference exacerbated by the fact that Guetry had perched himself on the navigation console, long legs swinging under the panel. "Very what, Sympa?"
"Careful," Warren warned from his chair, on which he'd reclined and closed his eyes for an impromptu nap a few minutes earlier.
"Okay damn," Guetry said. "Settle your balls, guys. I was just gonna say that the obhelian looks very yellow today."
Warren cracked an eye open and looked at Thrive across the bridge. The gold form suit paired with his sun-lightened blond hair did make for an interestingly lemon-tinted experience.
"Look at that," he chuckled. "You're like a ray of sunshine."
Thrive gave him a dark look.
"Want some wine for your cheesy appearance?" Guetry snickered. "I mean…I technically own part of my dad's vineyard, I could probably hook you up."
Warren snorted. "C'mere," he said, crooking a finger at Thrive. "Lemme give you some sugar for that lemonade."
"Been flung into any suns lately?"
"Don't be scared, babe, we're all friends here."
"This whole exchange is making me go total bananas."
"Hey, duck!"
"You wouldn't bee-lieve what I think of you right now."
Thrive waited until they stopped before scrutinizing each of them with hawk-precise eyes. He suddenly jerked a hand toward Warren and the bolts in the bottom of the chair popped out an instant before the chair itself flew backward and onto the floor, taking its occupant with it.
Guetry burst into laughter so hard he missed it when Thrive turned to him. His laughter stopped abruptly upon catching his piercing stare. "Oh, fuck, don't hurt me."
"Of course not," Thrive murmured as he stopped inches from him. "That's not in my nature, is it?"
Guetry swallowed thickly. "I'm getting some hardcore 'it's very much in your nature' vibes right now, old man. Keep in mind I love you very much and want nothing but the best for you."
"Spare me," Thrive sighed, tapping Guetry's temple and sending a very mild shock through his entire body.
Guetry reeled and fell off the console, rolling underneath with a loud shout. His port and tattoo emitted a blinding purple flash.
Thrive peered around at Warren, who cowered behind the upended chair. "Are you finished?"
"Yeah," Warren breathed, excited. "Hell yeah. Do it again."
"I'm beginning to think you're a masochist, Cougar," Guetry screamed, hands clasped over his eyes.
Warren turned a maniacal grin to him.
"No puns," Thrive interjected. "Not on this bridge. Not ever. Understood?"
Warren and Guetry nodded on polar opposite ends of the spectrum of enthusiasm until Thrive strode through the door, after which Warren got to his feet. He and Guetry shared an expression of anxiety.
"Jesus," Warren muttered. "He was easily the highlight of my day."
Guetry screamed into the floor again.
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heya, just found your old post about going on a date with a girl who had a bumblebee tattoo behind her ear and i was wondering if you guys ended up together? feel free not to answer i was just curious
I cannot BEE-lieve (hehe get it) that post is still going around. We did not end up together and now she lives in Canada and I live in Scotland. But we are still friends!
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