#justice for elijah
phoenixisnthere · 1 year
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They don’t deserve reduced anything
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megankoumori · 2 years
This was murder. It was murder three years ago and it's murder today. It was murder with the original autopsy report and it's murder with the amended one.
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undeadcourier · 1 year
thinking about how the theme of letting go (and the related motif of critically examining long-held beliefs/relationships) appears with the companions.
there's arcade and veronica, who were raised in insular environments and surrounded by enemies their entire lives, who fundamentally disagree with the politics of those groups, and who have to find a way to reconcile the love and loyalty they have for the only families they've ever known with their personal ideologies and goals.
while cassidy and crimson caravans aren't major factions in the vein of the ncr/enclave/brotherhood, cass' quest also revolves around whether she upholds the legacy of her family or follows her own path.
boone is disillusioned with the ncr after the bitter springs massacre but still wears his first recon beret, perhaps as a sign of lingering loyalty, or perhaps as penance. he participated in a horrible war crime because he was following orders, because that mindset was drilled into him since he joined the military. he's not as ideologically opposed to the ncr as arcade and veronica are to the enclave and brotherhood, respectively, but the similarity is worth noting.
what makes these companion quests so memorable is that we're meeting these characters at critical crossroads in their lives, where they have to come to terms with complicated attachments, where they'll define themselves by whether they choose to hang on to a legacy or strike out on their own.
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alinahdee · 2 months
This happened in June and I am just now hearing about it. There is no media coverage of it where I live.
Boost this information. Demand justice.
Elijah Hadley's name was released to the public before the OFFICER WHO SHOT HIM FOUR TIMES AND THEN 15 MORE TIMES WHILE HE WAS ON THE GROUND.
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lgbtqreads · 11 months
Happy Native American Heritage Month 2023!
Happy Native American Heritage Month 2023! To celebrate, we’re featuring books starring queer Native American and First Nations characters, by Native American and/or First Nations authors, as well as indigqueer poetry. While the usual affiliate links are included, I encourage you to check out and purchase from Birchbark Books, whose links are included as well. To Buy Now Rabbit Chase by Elizabeth…
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In defense of Kol Mikaelson
Personally for me, the most unbelievable thing that ever happened in TVD, is that Elena survived Kol's death. Maybe Kol had not very nice relationships with his family, but he was their brother and they claimed to care about him.
Kol was there for Rebekah ("You need to kill some guy to take revenge on the bitch who stabbed you, and we can end up in trouble for that? I'm in." "I need to return to the town just to help you to torture people and find the Cure you wanted? Say no more, I am on my way"), he defended her from Klaus few times even after she betrayed him, what resulted in him being daggered in 1914.
Klaus clearly was in pain after Kol's death, it was written all over his face. He was trapped in the room near his little brother's dead body, he did not want Kol to die and the loss was harsh. They had really complicated relationship, but Klaus cared for him.
Elijah said that family is his first priority and, I quote, "No one hurts my family and lives. No one."
Apparently, no one hurts his family and lives, except Elena and MF gang. After Kol's death he had quite civil and polite conversation with Elena, exactly the same person who, maybe did not kill Kol herself, but at least arranged his death, participated in the kill and the whole need of killing him was for her to have the Cure she did not even needed so much. That is a little bit hypocritical, Elijah, don't you think so?
Rebekah even pitied Elena for the loss of Jeremy (what in my opinion says a lot about "good" Elena and "bad" Rebekah). Open your eyes, Bekah, she, in fact, killed your brother and Jeremy was the one whose hand ended his life.
Klaus, who seemingly was deeply affected by this tragedy, helped the gang with aramaic translation, decided to save Caroline's life (you can say Caroline did not participate in the deed, but she at least was aware of the plan, and Klaus killed for lesser) AND did not do anything to avenge Kol.
For the family like Mikaelsons, revenge upon everyone who was envolved in their brother's murder is the least they can do. But instead, they did no harm to Elena, and some of them even helped her, pitied her.
It is just unlogical. This is the most unreasonable thing in the entire series and I am so mad for that.
And I can absolutely understand Kol for his rage later on. He felt like his family did not care for him, that he was wronged and was robbed of the revenge he deserved. My darling certainly deserved so much better.
Rewatching the fourth season made me very angry so excuse me
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 10 - Dangerous Liaisons
Warnings: none/ a little Stefan x Kassie moment?
A/N: the og title of the episode was too iconic I couldn't change it
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October 2010
"I haven't written in this diary since 1996. With good reason though. I was daggered. For 15 years I exited between dream and reality. My mind was in limbo and I could do nothing about it. I was at the mercy of my brother and his whims. I've only been awake for a little over a month and already I find myself itching to get away from Klaus.
Mother is also back. Somehow. I don't like it. I don't trust her. She is up to something, I know it. But the others seem to not notice. Except for Elijah. I think I can convince him. He will believe me. 
She spoke to me about him. She told me that I needed to let him go for my own good and that I had been wasting time waiting for him to return. When she said that...it felt like she ripped open all the wounds in my heart and poured salt all over them. It felt worse than when I was daggered.
I know he is alive. I know it. 
Tomorrow evening I will have to attend a ball Mother has organized. She claims it's in honor of our family being reunited. But...I don't know. I just can't believe she forgave Klaus so easily after what he did to her. 
Oh, did I not mention? Klaus is the one who killed her. Not our father...I know she's planning something. I just have to find out what."
"Are you going with me or not?" Bekah asked as she entered Kassie's room. 
"Of course I am. Just need to put on some shoes." Kassie replied as she grabbed a pair of heeled Chanel boots from her closet. 
She was dressed in black boot-cut jeans and a black turtleneck. Over that, she wore a black Vivien Westwood blazer. 
Where were they going? Well to stalk Elena Gilbert, of course. Once Rebekah was awakened, she told Kassie how, on the day of the homecoming dance (the same day Kassie was brought back by Klaus) Elena stabbed her in the back with a dagger. 
Naturally, Kassie was pissed and volunteered to help Bekah get her lick back. 
They found themselves in front of the Mystic Falls Ambulance as they waited for the doppelganger to exit it. After some time, they finally heard her voice. She was with Matt Donovan, the mortal Rebekah had a crush on, apparently.
"Get home safe," Matt said to Elena and left. 
The girl got inside her car and turned it on. She started reverse parking but seemed to hit something. She got out of the car, worried she hit someone. At the foot of her trunk, she saw someone lying on the ground. 
"Oh my god!" Elena gasped and rushed over to the person. 
She gently touched them and turned their head only to be met with the face of one Kassandra Mikaelson. Her bright blue eyes opened and met Elena's and a wicked smile appeared on the vampire's face. Elena immediately recoiled from Kassandra. 
"Well hello, darling. It seems you should work on your reverse parking. You could've killed someone." The vampire said as she got up and was now face to face with Elena.
"Kassandra...what do you want?" Elena asked as she looked around the dark parking lot. 
"Me? Just out for a night stroll. Don't worry about me, little doe. I'm not the one you should be scared of." She remarked and Elena couldn't help but shudder. Kassandra grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around.
"Drive much?" Rebekah, who appeared of out nowhere, commented. The blonde grabbed Elena by the throat and slammed her against the car.
"Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Elena! It hurt." Rebekah hissed and was about to bite Elena's neck when something pushed Rebekah away. It was Elijah. 
He held his sister by her throat and told her to leave. Rebekah pushed his hand away. "Are you challenging me?" He questioned.
"You're pathetic. Both of you." The blonde said and vanished. 
"God, Elijah. You just can't let a girl have some fun." Kassandra commented from behind Elena. The girl jumped and gasped while the vampire just chuckled. 
"Kassandra. I expected better from you." Elijah remarked as he got between Elena and his sister. 
Kassandra rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. "Well, I'm glad you think so highly of me, brother." 
Then her eyes fell on Elena, who couldn't help but cower under Kassandra's intense gaze. "It's nothing personal, love, I just needed to let some steam off since I've been feeling quite...restless lately."
After a moment of silence, she added  "Actually, it is personal because you stabbed my sister in the back!" Kassandra moved toward Elena, but Elijah stopped her. 
A shiver went down Elena's spine as Kassandra hissed in her direction, her fangs on full display. Elena had seen many vampire faces but something about the Original's faces froze her blood.
"Enough! Kassandra, go home." Elijah reprimanded his youngest sister who was still staring angrily at the doppelganger. 
The Original finally listened to her brother and backed off. The fangs and black veins disappeared but her blue eyes still stared coldly at Elena. Elena could feel her heart beating wildly against her ribs. 
Kassandra seemed to notice this as well. "You're scared...Good." She remarked with a smirk and turned to leave. 
"Oh, and If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open." She added, and in a second she was gone.
"Well, I believe we have a little catching up to do," Elijah said and Elena gave an exasperated look.
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The next day
All of the Mikaelson siblings were in the lounge room - Rebekah was getting her nails painted, Finn and Kol were getting their suits tailored, and Elijah was...cleaning his shoes? Kassie was on the opposite side of the couch from Bekah and was filing her nails. She preferred doing her nails by herself. She had a habit of being a little bit of a micromanaging freak.
"Rebekah. Tell me how handsome I am." Kol demanded as he looked at his sister through the mirror.
"Oh, Kol. You know I can't be compelled." Bekah responded and this earned a chuckle from the rest of the siblings. 
"Kassie?" Kol turned to his other sister. 
"You look handsome, Kol," Kassie replied flatly, not even looking up from her nails. 
"But you're not even looking at me!" Kol remarked. She looked up for a split second and repeated herself. 
Then, Klaus burst into the room and questioned Bekah and Kassie for going after Elena. 
"Here we go," Rebekah remarked as she looked up at Klaus. Kassie glanced at her furious brother from the side of her eye. 
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened. 
"Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol commented. 
"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus hissed at Kol. 
Kassie rolled her eyes. "God, you're such a hypocrite" She murmured under her breath. 
This caught Klaus's attention because he snapped his head in her direction. "What did you just say?" 
"I said, Oh my god, you are such a hypocrite!" Kassie repeated loud and clear. 
"How dare you-"
"Ah, ah, ah! No! You have been silencing me for centuries. Not anymore. You're the first person in this family to use and promote violence when it benefits your goals and you're the first one to go after someone and take revenge when you feel slighted. 
But when we want to do the same thing, we're not allowed cause it goes against your grand plans. Well, I don't care about your stupid plans. Besides, Elijah stopped us before we could do anything so no need to get your knickers in a twist."
Klaus was fuming and the only thing missing was steam coming out of his ears. He walked closer to her. "You little-"
She quickly got up and stared him down. "Look me in the eye and tell me what I just said isn't true."
"Instead of pretending to know anything about my plans why don't you go back to moping around and pining after your dead lover." Klaus taunted.
The room was dead silent. Nobody moved. It was like time itself stopped. Elijah and Finn exchanged worried looks while Rebekah and Kol stared at Klaus in disbelief. He was not to be mentioned. Ever. It was an unspoken rule and Klaus just broke it after 900 years. 
Kassandra looked shocked and a flash of pain danced across her face but she bounced back. "Ad hominem, brother. I thought you knew the rules of rhetoric. You seem a bit rusty. Perhaps you should brush up on Aristotle." 
Before Klaus could respond their mother intervened all of a sudden and beckoned Klaus into a nearby room. "Enough! Niklaus. Come."
 "Kassie, are you ok?" Bekah asked gently. 
Kassie stood in the middle of the room frozen, thinking about Nik's words. "I don't mope around..." She murmured and quickly left the room, her dark curls bouncing behind her.
One more hour until the ball. Kassie was already dressed, with make-up and hair done to perfection. Yet, she felt incomplete; she felt like something was missing. Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to find what was wrong and then realized. 
She quickly locked the door to her room, making sure no one would disturb her. She scrambled to her closet, knelt, and brought out her diary chest. Alongside her diaries, there was also a small wooden box. Picking it up, a thought appeared in her mind - "What would the others think? Is this the right move?"
But then, she remembered how Klaus insulted her mere hours ago and how her Mother reopened her wounds only days ago. No, I will do this. I no longer care what they think.
With a deep breath, she opened the box. 
Kassandra was nowhere to be found. Mother instructed him to find her. Using his supernatural hearing, Elijah scanned the house - Kol and Rebekah were talking in the hallway, Finn and Mother were...somewhere and he couldn't hear them, which only raised his suspicions and Klaus was on the couch. 
Kassandra, from what he could hear, was in her bedroom. Speeding up the stairs, he stopped in front of her door and took hold of the door handle, only to find the door locked. Gently knocking on the door, he called for her. 
"Kassandra. It's me. Mother wished for all of us to gather in the living room."
Seconds later, the door was unlocked and opened. In front of him stood his sister, in all her immortal beauty. She was dressed in a beautiful, long gown of blue velvet; the underbust, forearms, and waist were covered in many a pearl. 
Her dark curls were pulled back and braided into a bun. Around her neck was a stunning choker with six rows of pearls and a big oval sapphire in the center. On her ears were small sapphire studs. XXX
He was in awe. "Darling, you look...magnificent, simply brilliant."
She offered him a shy smile and a little chuckle. "Why thank you, brother." She said and did a small curtsy. "You don't look so bad yourself." She added. 
With a smile, Elijah offered his arm. "Shall we?"
She linked her arms around his and at that moment, something caught Elijah's eye - the shimmery blue gem on Kassandra's hand. She hasn't worn it since... 
"What is she up to?" Elijah thought but held his tongue. 
"Don't you look exquisite?" Kol commented as they walked toward the main hall where the ball was being held. 
Kassie rolled her eyes playfully. "You always have something to say, don't you?"
Kol smirked and offered his arm. "What else am I supposed to do with a beautiful sister like you?" 
"Flattery will get you so far, brother," Kassie remarked as they entered the main hall. 
Dozens of people in formal suits and gowns were scattered across the room, talking to each other with champagne in hand. An orchestra was playing a classical piece that sounded familiar. Yet, Kassie had no time to ponder on the music before she and Kol bumped into Carol Lockwood, the town mayor, who was talking to Damon Salvatore. 
 "Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson." Kol introduced himself and kissed Carol's hand. 
"May I introduce my sister, Kassandra Mikaelson." Kol introduced Kassie as she shook hands with Carol. 
"Pleasure to meet you. And this is my friend, Damon Salvatore." Carol introduced the blue-eyed vampire to the Originals. 
"Yes, we've met before," Kassandra commented as she shook hands with Damon. 
Kol was already bored, Kassie could tell. "Excuse us. There are many more people to greet." Kassie said and the two siblings started walking away, just as Elena Gilbert walked in. 
"Doppelgangers and their love triangles," Kassie thought as she observed how smitten Damon seemed with Elena. 
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Kassandra found herself standing on the stairs, below Kol and above Elijah. With her right hand, she held a glass of champagne and with her left, she held onto the stair railing. She observed as Finn talked to the Gilbert girl. 
"Strange," she thought; Finn was never one to go up and talk to random people. 
"If everyone could gather, please," Elijah announced to the entire hall. Finn excused himself and quickly found his way up the stairs. He stood below Rebekah. 
Elijah went on to say how a dance was in order and asked everyone to find a partner. "Shoot. Who am I dancing with?" Kassie thought with panic as her family started descending the stairs. 
She was in such deep thought, that she failed to notice Kol offering his arm. "Kassie!" 
"What? Oh, thank you, Kol." She said and grabbed her brother's arm and they walked down the stairs. 
"What is going on in that pretty head of yours, doll? You seem distracted." Kol commented as they walked toward the dance floor.
Kassie shook her head. "Nothing, just don't know who to dance with." 
"Ah, there you are! Kassandra, it seems Stefan lacks a dancing partner. Would you like to dance with him?" Carol Lockwood asked, appearing out of nowhere while the Salvatore begrudgingly stood next to her. 
"I would, yes," Kassie responded. Better him than someone else. 
Kassandra put her left arm on Stefan's shoulder and connected her right hand with his. They, alongside the other couples, started dancing. This was her first time being so close to him. In the 1920s he spent most of his time with Bekah or Klaus, rarely talking to her; though to be fair this was mostly her fault as she avoided him. 
"You look beautiful, I must admit." His gentle voice broke her out of her thoughts. She felt blood rushing up into her cheeks. When was the last time she was in the hands of a handsome man? She doesn't remember.
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." She said, returning the compliment. 
As they danced, they outstretched their arms while holding each other's hands. Stefans's gaze fell on the sapphire on her left hand. He doesn't remember her wearing such a ring in the twenties. 
"That's a pretty ring." He commented as he pulled her closer. 
She averted her gaze, catching a glimpse of Klaus dancing with Caroline. "Yeah, it is." She murmured. 
"Where did you get it?" 
"...It was a long time ago," Kassie responded quietly, not excited to talk about her potentially dead husband. 
"Was it a gift?" He asked and she simply nodded. "From who?"
She sighed and unknowingly squeezed his shoulder. "From someone near and dear to my heart." 
Stefan noted the pain in her voice and hummed. "Where are they now?"
Finally, she looked back at him - A storm of emotions brewing in her eyes - anger, grief, anguish and so much more. One thousand years worth of sorrow were swimming in her bright gaze. 
"I...don't know." 
He then spun her around and with that, she was gone, in her place, now stood Elena. 
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After the dance, Kassie found herself all alone. She was sat in a remote corner chugging down champagne. She had no friend in the stupid town, no one to talk to. Maybe Rebekah, but she was with Kol, somewhere. 
Maybe I'll go outside for some fresh air, she thought as she got up. Right as she turned around the corner, she bumped into someone - Caroline Forbes, one of Elena's friends. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." The blonde apologized quickly. 
"It's alright...I like your hair." Kassie said.
"Oh thank you! You look gorgeous as well!" 
Kassie smiled. She has forgotten how it felt to be friendly with other people besides her family. Caroline left to go outside and Kassie almost went after her but then heard her name being called.
She turned around to find Elijah standing at the end of the hall. She quickly walked toward him, her velvet gown dragging across the marble floor. He pulled her into the same corner she was sitting in minutes ago. 
"Lijah? Is everything alright?"
"I just had a moment with Elena. She went upstairs to talk to Mother. I have a feeling Mother is...onto something. I asked Elena to relay their conversation once it's done."
"And you trust her?" Kassie asked with a raised brow. 
"Why shouldn't I?"
Kassie rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Elijah. The last time you trusted her, she stabbed you in the heart with a dagger! She and her stupid group of friends want nothing more than to get rid of all of us! I have no idea why you put so much trust in her."
This gave Elijah food for thought. 
"Plus, Finn's been acting strange," Kassie added as she looked over her shoulder.
"How so?" 
"I don't know. He's been ignoring me all evening. I would expect it from Klaus, but not him. He's never been so cold toward me." 
Elijah hummed. "I'll keep an eye on him as well, I suppose." 
"What do you need me to do?" 
Elijah sighed. "Try and keep Rebekah and Kol out of trouble. You know Mother's rules." 
Kassie nodded. "I'm onto it."
All the attendees were now in the main hall. A round of champagne was served. Kassandra stood next to Kol and Finn. A waiter passed by with three glasses. Finn took one for himself and gave one to her. 
"For you, sister." He said, which was the first time he spoke to her that night. 
"Thank you." She said and took the glass. She smelled it. It seemed like normal Rosé. 
From atop the stairs, Mother gave a speech about how happy she was her family was reunited. 
"Cheers!" Mother said, raising her glass. Everyone else followed suit. 
Kol was the first one to drink it. Finn was second. Kassie hesitated, but it seemed that Finn noticed. 
"Won't you drink the toast, sister?" Finn asked. 
"I've drunk enough and maybe even too much this evening," Kassie remarked. 
"One sip won't hurt." Finn insisted. 
Kassie looked down at the pink drink and hesitantly took a sip. It tasted like regular champagne though something in it left a strange aftertaste in her mouth. 
"....he gave you five seconds of attention? Don't be so predictable, Rebekah."
"You don't have to be rude about it. Just leave him be, okay?"
"What's happening?" Kassandra's voice rang clear as she approached Kol and Bekah. 
Kol sighed and rolled his eyes. "What do you want? Elijah sent you here, didn't he?" Kol groaned, his voice laced with annoyance. 
Kassie looked him up and down, her brows furrowed. "Excuse me. What's with the attitude?" 
"Kol is just being an arse. Let's go." Bekah said, grabbing Kassie's arm, set on leaving the scene. 
"Rebekah chickened out, that's what happened." Kol hissed. 
"Chickened out of what?" Kassie asked. Kol proceeded to explain their plan of killing Matt. 
"Seriously?" Kassie sighed and pinched her nose. 
"No. You're not killing anyone. Kol, just leave him alone. You know Mother's rules." Kassie said sternly and left alongside Rebekah. 
Almost half an hour had passed since Kassie last saw Kol and she was nervous he was going to do something. She split from Bekah and told her she would go upstairs to search for him. Bekah went to search for Matt.
Just as she was climbing up the stairs, Matt Donovan came into view. His back was turned to her and he seemed to be walking toward a balcony. Damn this dress, she thought as the heavy velvet gown drug across the floor. She wasn't able to use her vampire speed in front of all the humans roaming the halls. 
She walked briskly, her white heels clicking against the marble floor as she neared the balcony. Focusing on her vampire hearing, she could hear Kol's voice as he introduced himself to Matt. From the sounds she was hearing, he was crushing Matt's hand. Damn it! 
"Hey, hey, easy on the hand. The guy's a quarterback."  The voice of Damon Salvatore rang in her ears. 
"ENOUGH!" Kassandra's clear voice but through the night air. 
All three men looked at her - Kol was crushing Matt's hand, Matt was kneeling on the floor and Damon was to her right, looking at her like she spoiled his fun.
"Kol, let him go! Now!" She commanded her brother in their mother tongue. 
Kol looked outraged that she was commanding him but something in her eyes told him he wouldn't like the alternative. He clicked his tongue, rolled his eyes, and sighed dramatically but eventually released Matt's hand.
"Well, what are you doing? Help him and get out of here! Both of you!" Kassie commanded Damon. 
Giving her one last look, Damon helped Matt stand up and the two walked away. Kassie turned her attention to her brother and gave him a disappointed look. 
She tsked. "Why did you do that!?" 
Her brother avoided her eyes, his gaze fixed on the marble floor. 
"Kol. You're not a child. So why do you act like one?"
"...Just shut up." He spat and walked away, leaving her alone on the balcony. She sighed and walked over to the railing. Looking down, she saw Elena and her band of friends leaving the party. 
Elena looked up and locked eyes with Kassandra. A shiver went down her spine as the Original stared her down. There was a certain vitriol in her eyes that Elena knew was directed explicitly at her. Something told Elena that Kassandra specifically would be difficult to get rid of. 
Taglist: @ashaluuler
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thedeviljudges · 1 year
@kingkangyohan brought up such a lovely point on the bird app about how yohan's vendetta suited him; that the hate that burns through people actually looks good on him, and him being pleased and liberated is such a wonderful take on yohan because it's true!!
i think that's why yohan is so satisfying as a character because he's not trying to be anything other than himself. he doesn't go through the guilty stages or remorse - though most people would esp if it means potentially losing the love of their life.
yohan won against egregious transgressions, and it's gratifying for everyone to see someone who went through something so traumatic get revenge in a way that isn't necessarily the right way to approach coping with those feelings, but he does so nonetheless, and he's happy. yohan knew what he wanted; he got it (and more), and he can finally be at peace.
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aloneatpeace · 10 months
In Another Universe
Chapter 22
My boys
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Cas led them to the book they get to the underground and climb down the steps when Klaus look up, he sees the red glow “she is near “
They move fast as cas lock up the door
“Where that tunnel goes?” dean asks
“Under the river”
The opening of door causes them to look back to see you use your power to open the door you are limping blood all over, you eye glow red. Klaus try to fight you but Sam held him back “not now”.
“Go go go “dean yells
You blast the two tables away from your way limping your way towards them cas push the buttons on the side closing up the doors you blast one after another chasing after them they slow down after seeing you gone as cas pushed the last button. They stand glancing at door warily the water drip down the celling
“Where did she go?” America asks no one particular
Suddenly you appear out the side making them scared and America and dean to let out a scream your face had scars and bloody a horrifying sight it looks demonic almost “I warned you “
“Other y/n if you’re in there hold your breath “Klaus hit the ground hard with all his might causing the water to pour down
“Did you kill her?” dean asks him
“No, just brought us some time. “Klaus hastily said when they finally reach the last door to the book klaus rip open the door and they stand taking in the viewpoint.
The place beamed with magic, it’s like whole another colliding each other colorful and enchanting. Everything seem to floating and book was glowing from its stand on the floating floor. Klaus jump and lands safely dean and cas jump after him Sam glance at her.
“Come on kid, you got this “dean call her out from the down with a node from Sam she jumps and Sam after her.
“This is the gap junction the gap between universes “cas inform
Klaus eyes is trained on the book and turns to Sam “would you do the honor?”
Sam walks towards the book “alright book, give me what I need” everyone watch as Sam take the book and the glow dims. He carefully walks back towards them when suddenly America yelps when she was grabbed by the red energy.
You stand behind them drenched in water hand in Americas hair as she yelps surprised by the sudden attack Sam try to move but Klaus prevent him and speed towards you only to be thrown away and they get hit the book was caught the red energy and it’s turned into ash Infront of them.
 You bind them with red strings at the same time control America to go motion less. You slowly raise your fingers and manipulate her mind to open up the portal to the universe where you float with eyes closed on the sacrificial ground on the throne of wundagore, a chilling smile on your face when you see yourself calmly floating you push them inside.
They land on the floor harshly the four giants who was praying to you move as you open your eyes iris glowing red.
In earth 838 y/n lose her conscious and drop to the floor quickly she regains her conscious, taking rapid breathes her thoughts quickly went to her family
“My boys” looking around she sees she is not in her home and fly to door going back to her boys.
“y/n stop this there still time” Sam pleads you bind them again restricting them from doing anything and walk towards America
“This isn’t what your children would want” America 
That angered you as you lift her off the floor to the table, America pants and look at them “STOP IT” dean yell from the side. As they relentlessly try to break free.
Without giving them a glance, you circle the table and stand at side, behind Americas head “they’ll never know” you murmur
“Maybe not but you will” you falter a movement; the demons start to walk towards the entrance when Wong appears. You left them to deal with them. Wong use a conjured orange sword to fight off the giants, successfully killing them.
As he kills the last one you send a blast to him that he quickly turns and the blast hit the giant send it fall down the mountain.
 While you are fighting with Sam yells at America making her slowly open her eyes “America, you have to stop her”
“Yeah, kid use your power just like you did at the lab” dean encourage.
“But I can’t control it “tears filled her eyes
“Yes, you can “Klaus words surprised her as he was always bitter towards her “you have been all along every time opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go “
“But your family…everyone died”
“Yeah, but you still can save yourself and us. When you’re gonna kick that witch’s ass “klaus said with a smirk
Dean looks at him with a cheeky grin “didn’t know you had it in you”
America node with determination as she breaks the binds with her power and free them from, they’re binds. Wong grunt as he tries to keep you inside the magic sphere. You break free from the magic and walk towards them seeing they’re free you crash them with your power breaking their bones before you could kill them America jump from the table with a war cry and punch you in the face, causing multiple universe portal to open.
America stunned at her own strength clenches her fists raise her eyebrow at you “huh huh” 
Touch where she hit you smirk at her with a crazed look on your face “Mm mm”
She punches you again, again and again and kick you on the stomach as everyone gather around dean and klaus cheer at that as Sam watch it all anxiously. The last kick had opened portal to hell and Sam and dean cas share look at the familiar place.
You almost fall over before you catch yourself quickly glancing at America with a murderous look before she can punch you, eyes glowing red, you caught her fist in red glow slowly pushing her back America grunts, and Wong stop them from intervening. 
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You absorb her power making the portal close “I can’t beat you. “With her other hand clenched “so I’ll give you what you want” she throws the last punch making a portal enraged you grab her by the neck making her kneel.
When you see where she opened the portal you glance at familiar place in panic turning to see your boys sitting on the couch “Charlie, Oliver” the petrified frozen state of your boys made you heart hurts.
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yeonban · 2 months
At the moment, you want...
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TOBIAS: to be seen.
it is so, so loud. everyone around you is talking, crowded together. despite how loud it is, you cannot hear them, even when they talk to you. you try to talk to them, but you can't hear their responses. you take this as no response at all. it feels lonely, and dark, despite you all sitting in the sun together, and everyone's having a great time except you. you keep trying to get their attention, and when you do, it never feels like enough. you can't keep doing more. it's tiring. you see yourself floating in space, it's cold, and dark. they're still down on earth, laughing, so loud. you desire to be seen right now. you feel unappreciated, you feel left out.
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ELIJAH: to run away.
your heart at the moment desires to run. it's haunting, chasing you, booming louder. sometimes it's distant enough that you can handle ignoring it, but now, it's so loud. maybe you've tried to face it before, even fight it. you may have failed, or possibly succeeded, but you spared its life, and now it has returned. maybe you never fought it, and simply kept running. and now more than ever, this feels like your last resort. your mind is telling you that you need to run, to run, to run, faster and faster, to lose sight of this. to shake it, because you couldn't shake it before. but is that the right solution? will it really solve anything?
TAGGED BY: @malumitare TYYY!!! TAGGING: Everyone seeing this! <3
#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; meta. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ muse. elijah. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ elijah ; meta. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ dash games. ❫#Tbf I was shocked at Tobias' result at first but after a bit of contemplation it's pretty on the nose!#Not because of his personality per se but bc of the way he's wired. No one he's met has EVER understood (seen) him completely!#He also very much does feel left out of everything bc he can't relate to normal people OR to the people in the underground!#He's neither good (like Wammy's House) nor fully evil (like the people he's bringing to justice); he's just in limbo between the two#He's an outlier at Wammy's and he's an outlier everywhere else. He doesn't necessarily CARE about that but it does show how#he's all that he has. Even when others try to get to know him; they still fail! They might hear his answers but fail to understand him!#'Everyone around you is crowded together' 'Despite you all sitting in the sun together; and everyone's having a great time except you'#Those ^ were wild to read. They perfectly describe the Tobias (and aspd in general) experience!!#And then Elijah's was expected but it's so :(........ he's been trying to run away his Whole life but in the end chose not to!#bc suffer as he might; at least it helps OTHER people not suffer anymore and that's a sacrifice he's willing to make!#He still wants to run away & leave his shitty life behind every time he's on a mission and facing the worst of humanity#but he's 'learned' that's not smth he Should do (girl wake up!!!) so he's going along w Wammy's House & Tobias' plans regardless
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cadmuslabs777 · 6 months
Breezeblocks is SO Daneel, jesus christ.... That robot WOULD think "please don't go I'll eat you whole I love you so I love you so I love you so" regarding Elijah and keep it to himself. I'm feeling sick.
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carpemydms · 9 months
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This is not a witch hunt. There are plenty of people I’m sure that would love to be roughed up and treated like less the human. They’re called submissive or sub for short. You want to tell me you’ve got protocols and then you don’t fucking follow them? Elijah McClain didn’t need to die because he was different. Nobody does. It’s bad enough being black is a death sentence. Now mental health is another capital punishment crime.
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The Republican-controlled House Oversight and Accountability Committee has disbanded the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, which focused on issues including voting rights, freedom of assembly and criminal justice reform policies.
In a committee meeting on Tuesday, Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said this doesn’t mean topics related to these issues can’t be brought before the committee.
“Let me be very clear: any topic that’s not mentioned in the subcommittee jurisdiction is reserved for the full committee,” Comer said. “We can have a committee hearing in this committee on basically anything we want.”
A spokesperson for the panel told The Hill that “Oversight Republicans are realigning subcommittees to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies. Going forward, subcommittees will now be better equipped to meet our mission, identify problems, and propose meaningful legislative reforms for the American people.”
But Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) is urging the committee to reinstate the subcommittee, saying that the loss of it sends an “unmistakable message to the American people that their civil rights and civil liberties are no longer a priority to the 118th Congress.”
Crockett, a civil rights attorney, said she was appointed to the Oversight Committee on Friday, when she heard the news that the subcommittee had been removed.
In a statement, Crockett called the decision “reckless and cruel.”
“Rather than squandering their authority on investigations of the President’s family, the Chairman and House Republicans should use their authority to conduct oversight and investigate the merciless murders of innocent Americans – mainly Americans who look like me – at the hands of law enforcement,” Crockett said.
“Systemic policing and extremist violence are killing people, devastating our communities, and breaking the hearts of families we took an oath to defend and protect at all costs.”
On Tuesday, Crockett introduced an amendment that would reinstate the subcommittee.
“Especially in a time like this – when across the nation, from small towns to big cities, Americans are crying out against the horrible injustice that was perpetrated against Tyre Nichols and so many others every single day, it is undeniable that the civil rights of the American people are under threat and this committee must do something about it,” Crockett said on Tuesday.
Ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) has thrown his support behind Crockett’s amendment.
Invoking the late Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), who was chairman of the Oversight Committee before his death in 2019, Raskin said he feels an “obligation to stand in defense of this subcommittee.”
“Mr. Cummings was always adamant that there are two major purposes for the Oversight Committee and one is to make sure that the laws and programs that Congress adopts actually go to the benefit of the people that they’re intended for and not siphoned off in waste and self enrichment and corruption and other forms of fraud and abuse,” Raskin said.
“But the other purpose is to make sure that the government is always respecting the rights and the freedoms and the civil liberties of the people in the conduct of its operations,” he added.
In previous years, Raskin said, the subcommittee was able to address things in a bipartisan manner, including the war on drugs, the treatment of marijuana, governmental seizures and forfeitures that violated the civil liberties, as well as extremist political violence across the country.
It’s unclear why the subcommittee was removed, or if it will be reinstated at any point.
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failmilias · 1 year
Elijah has been in pain for as long as he can remember; the growing pains never stopped, so it seemed. He did mention it at various times over his childhood, but he was usually brushed off with a painkiller and a pat on the head if he was lucky, so he stopped. It wasn’t until university— and too many nights lying in bed unable to move, much less think, and too many times he swore he had a sunburn when everyone told him there was nothing there— that he actually received his diagnosis.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
Mustrudi came cold, and with it came the university’s winter break; and on its eve Ingo blew gently on his fingers to keep them warm.
The sea was calm, and there were slow heavy flakes falling from a grey sky. He could immagine the top of those clouds with a staggering clarity - the shifting waves and the softened rush of the wind, smoothening everything into quiet, like the ocean of cumuli that had his knees weak as he watched it pass by through the ruined top of Dragonspire Tower.
(They had seen it as children, taken by their uncle, and they had spent what felt like an hour looking at it breathlessly, Emmet had said - and then they had dragged Iris along when she was old enough, which was why she had been the one to bring him back to those beautiful old stones to see that vaporous sea so perfectly reflected in the saltwater he was sitting on right now.)
His eyes followed the light gray trail of the cigarette’s smoke back down, until he reached the reddening tips of Briosa’s fingers, peeking through her mitts.
She took a drag and swayed it out of her mouth with a lazy motion, letting her hand fall on the knee she had propped up on its twin; flat lips pushed forward, she blew without whistling, slow, so that the smoke would build up, turning into big soft bouts of fog.
Her short frame let her lay across the width of the boat, heavy boots hanging safely above the waves without getting wet, an arm sitting on the railing, head reclined and cap down over her closed eyes. Relaxed.
Mawile was swaddled tight and warm in an old repurposed fleece scarf, following Cryogonal’s trajectory as she floated about way too high.
The air was crisp.
It reminded him of the Icelands when the summer ended (always too quickly) or the Highlands when the spring came (always too slowly).
Ingo breathed in and felt at peace.
How nice.
Briosa sniffled: the tip of her long broken nose curled like a Buneary’s, red as a Cheri, and she rubbed it with the coarse wool back of her gloves.
“Alright,” she announced, pulling her legs back into the boat and slapping her cigarette back in her mouth, “Better get back to shore before our asses fall off from the cold or Emmet finds out you’re over the big terrifying ocean and tries to kick my rotulas in.”
Ingo snorted.
The wind cut at his face; he hid it deeper in his coat.
She stopped him before he could say bye on the docks, reaching into her backpack and pulling out some kind of plastic bag chock full of little dumplings.
“Warm Mustrudi!” she said, handing them over to him. “Turtlén. With the pasta and the meat stuffing made by hand by me. Takes two minutes to cook in boiling broth. Don’t know how many people y’all might be having with you know, family, Elesa, so I got you a bunch since I make way too many just to be safe.”
“You did not have to!” Ingo replied, signing slowly as he spoke.
Briosa smiled sharply with her wide rectangular grin: “Yes I did! I promised Emmet a year or more back I’d make them for him and then I kept forgetting. And anyways it’s tradition! Turtlén in broth on Mustrudi eve. It’s even snowing. Perfect weather.”
The taller man accepted, thanking her profusely and asking her to wait just a moment. The substitute looked curiously as he rummaged in what seemed to be an endless pocket of his coat.
When the other pulled out a pair of tall disks wrapped in thick white papers and offered them to her, the cigarette nearly fell out of her mouth.
“Is that the-?”
“Gogoat brie!” he nodded.
“The one you guys had back in--?”
Briosa looked up at him with eyes so wide they barely fit in her face.
“For me?” she asked, voice so high in pitch and cutesy it was almost enough to give him twelve cavities and then some.
Ingo nodded again, thrusting the cheese in her hands. For a moment, she did not seem at all a thirty-one years-old man with a tooth collection and a penchant for violence; she was giddy, like a little boy with the world in his hands, eyes shiny and gleeful with disbelief, holding the food to her chest like it was the most perfect gift ever.
It was literally just cheese.
Knowing her, she couldn’t wait to cut a slice for her father to try out that evening.
Warm Mustrudi!, Ingo signed as loudly and fluidly as he could.
Briosa laughed her rubber Ducklett laugh as he began to leave, Mawile waving at him from her shoulder, her squeaky voice hindered by the cig she was still trying to hold onto until it finally fell into the water; she slapped a hand over her curly bracket-shaped smile and blew him the biggest kiss.
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Sorry I don't know your OCs names yet but
Ask game: truth vs lie, how they see their own flaws vs others
Hey! Sorry I'm replying so late, I got bogged with work lol
My fanfics are primarily set in the universe of The Vampire Diaries/The Originals.
My main OC is Adira Lee, and you can read her profile here. In essence, she is a vampire who works as a demon hunter.
My friend's OC is Percy Grimm, who is basically half vampire, half witch; she is also Adira's adopted daughter. My friend has her profile here
The rest of the main deuteragonists are not my own OCs, but nonetheless play important roles. They are:
Mikael Mikaelson (kinda the gruff dad friend of the group; I made his profile here)
Elijah Mikaelson (Mikael's second eldest son, more of the voice of reason than anything)
Kol Mikaelson (the wily troublemaker of the group, and Mikael's youngest (living) son)
I hope that's a good rundown lol, but feel free to ask if you wanna know more :D
Now, the questions:
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
Adira: No; she has very little tolerance for fluffy lies, and in her line of work, a lie could very well spell the difference between life and death. Personally, if she finds out someone lied to prevent from telling her an unpleasant truth, she's going to have a hard time trusting that person again, because she views that as a breach of trust. She is no stranger to unpleasant truths, so give it all to her.
Percy: Given what I know of her personality, there may be some instances where she may prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth, but because of her abilities as a witch (especially one with very high empathy at that), she's going to find out and call the person out, even if their intentions were good. Expect her to be hurt.
Mikael: Another zero tolerance case. He views not telling the truth as an act of cowardice and weakness, both of which motivate the person to earn his disgust and derision. God forbid he catches you in the lie - he's not going to be as merciful as Adira or Percy. He can also compel the truth out of you if he thinks you're lying.
Elijah: Elijah prides himself on being noble and honest, so naturally, he's not going to like being lied to either. While he may be understanding of motives, he views lying as a breach of trust. Like Adira, he's not gonna trust them again, and like his father, he can likewise compel the truth if he suspects there's a lie.
Kol: Kol's a tricky one. While I could see him preferring a lie over the truth (he is the troublemaker, after all), I think it would depend on the people involved. With those he is closest to, if a lie prevents a needed truth from getting out, he's going to give that person absolute hell and demand the truth, either through compulsion or other means if necessary. With those he has more distance with, he may not even know or care that it's a lie unless he finds out otherwise.
2. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Adira: Adira is keenly aware about her own flaws, and while she has gradually learned to accept their existence and try to work at them, they oftentimes haunt her and keep her up at night. If someone were to bring up her flaws, she's going to lash back at the person, most likely in a verbal manner, but deep down she's going to feel the sting. Plus, being sired and connected to a demon king means her flaws get brought up a lot.
Percy: Percy is EXTREMELY sensitive about her flaws. If someone were to bring them up, she is going to be upset. Don't let Adira catch the person doing this, because she will go into Momma Bear Mode.
Mikael: Mikael is a PROUD man, and this pride has, over the years, caused his skin to thicken, so to speak. He knows he has flaws, and eventually he does try to correct them down the line, if someone were to bring them up, he's probably not going to pay much attention. Still, he laments his flaws later on, and tries to accept responsibility for the gap he's produced in his family.
Elijah: Elijah has a similar pride streak to that of his father, but nevertheless his flaws haunt him to such a degree that he actively tries to cover them up with his appearance and mannerisms.
Kol: Kol is certainly aware of his own flaws, but I don't think they make him lament to such an extent where he is tortured by them. Additionally, he has also made steps to amend what flaws he does recognize.
3. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Adira: It honestly depends on the person. If this is a person that Adira is close to and loves, while she still acknowledges their flaws, she tries not to be nitpicky, I guess you could say. If she is not close to them, she can see them more clearly, but will only step in if they try to harm innocents or those she loves.
Percy: It is actually very easy for her to ignore the flaws in those she is close to, especially Adira and Kol. With other people, she likewise is very trusting, to a worrisome extent.
Mikael: It's difficult for him to ignore flaws in others. Oftentimes, he will likewise point out those flaws, even if you are close to him. In his mind, if you're close to him, he's offering constructive criticism (at least in his own mind); if not, he is simply stating the truth.
Elijah: Like with Adira and Percy, if the person is family or someone he loves and likewise trusts, then it is easier for him to ignore the flaws in others for the sake of helping them. If the person is a stranger, he will come off as judgmental and wary.
Kol: Honestly? It's hard for me to say. If they are close to him, then he'll downplay their flaws and defend them, but if not, he's a menace.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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