#justice for the birthday smooch basically
whinlatter · 1 year
Harry’s thoughts of Ginny in the Forest: a meta
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‘Nothing too big, because you wouldn't be able to take it with you... I wanted you to have something to remember me by.' - DH, p. 99 (UK edition)
Here I am, on a rainy Thursday, doing re-reads for some writing and thinking about the parallels between Harry and Ginny's kiss on his birthday, and Harry’s thoughts of Ginny as he goes to his death. 
I’m thinking differently about Ginny’s motivations for the kiss these days. I used to think about her words to Harry that morning, and the act of kissing him, as a promise she’ll wait for when he comes back. Lately, I’m wondering if it’s not something sadder, and more profound. I think what Ginny does on Harry’s seventeenth is the act of a person who is starting to process the fact that the person she loves is likely going to his death — that he might not be coming back. It's a scene of a person bracing for grief and thinking about love after death, and it will set the stage for how Harry meets his own death in the Forest.
So here’s a much-too-long meta to help me think through these ideas - about the kiss, Ginny’s suspicions about Harry’s fate, and what it means that Harry returns to the memory of Ginny at the end of his life. (Stick the kettle on for this one and if you worked this all out long ago before me, just give me an eye roll and forgive me).
I’ve always taken Ginny's words to Harry before their kiss at face value. I thought of it not quite as a fun scene - it’s certainly sad - but sweet, a little sexy, and sort of reckless, even a bit mischievous on Ginny’s part.
It’s the birthday of the boy Ginny loves. They’re not together anymore. She knows he's going away. She wants to give him a birthday present, but she doesn't want to give him something he has to haul around or might lose. She does want to let him know that, despite their separation, her feelings are still the same. She craves a moment with him before he goes. She is still in love with him, she is deeply attracted to him, and part of her still feels a bit possessive. Although she’s not really concerned Harry’s going to crack on with some Veela, she does want him to have a memento of their time together. She wants him to have a happy memory, of physical intimacy and emotional comfort, to keep him going while he's away, to feel less alone.
Most of all, I used to think of the kiss (and whatever Ginny imagined might come after the kiss) as a promise. I still love you. Even though we’re not together and I respect why you have to go, I’m still all in on this. I’ll wait for you for when you come back. I want you to have the memory of this, as proof.
Harry’s reveal
But the more I’ve thought about it, the more I think about the context of when this kiss happens, after Harry and Ginny's last conversation before his birthday. It's the one a few days before, when Harry and Ginny are laying the table for dinner, and Harry lets slip to Ginny what he, Ron and Hermione will be doing when they leave:
'‘And then what does she think’s going to happen?’ Harry muttered. ‘Someone else might kill off Voldemort while she’s holding us here making vol-au-vents?’ He had spoken without thinking, and saw Ginny’s face whiten.‘So it’s true?’ she said. ‘That’s what you’re trying to do? ‘I - not - I was joking,’ said Harry evasively. (DH, 78-9, UK edition)
This is a desperately sad scene, but it’s also an important moment. Harry, so used to having his guard down with Ginny, realises he’s accidentally confessed something big: that he’s going on the run to try and kill Voldemort himself, with Ron and Hermione’s help. 
Ginny is shaken by this. As a character, she tends to either take things in her stride, or yells first, processes later. But this catches her off guard. Her words suggest there has been speculation about what it is the three of them are going off to do (‘So it’s true?’ suggests that Ginny, and perhaps other members of her family or the Order, have been speculating about this for some time). But both she and Harry realise here that he’s flippantly confirmed something huge that Ginny did not already know for sure. He’s spoken aloud the task is that Dumbledore has left him. 
It is a sign of how close Harry feels to Ginny, how safe he feels in her company, and how difficult he finds managing keeping secrets from her, that he lets this slip. He won’t come as close to telling the truth to anyone else, even people he trusts. The scene before this, in his conversation with Mrs Weasley, he didn’t let on nearly as much (though he admits that he found affirming the importance of secrecy difficult when he looked at Mrs Weasley and saw Ginny’s eyes staring back at him):
‘Well, Dumbledore left me . . . stuff to do,’ mumbled Harry. ‘Ron and Hermione know about it, and they want to come too.’ ‘What sort of ‘stuff’?’  ‘I’m sorry, I can’t—’  ‘Well, frankly I think Arthur and I have a right to know, and I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Granger would agree!’ said Mrs. Weasley. Harry had been afraid of the “concerned parent” attack. He forced himself to look directly into her eyes, noticing as he did that they were precisely the same shade of brown as Ginny’s. This did not help… ‘Dumbledore didn’t want anyone else to know, Mrs. Weasley (…)  I didn’t misunderstand,’ said Harry flatly. ‘It’s got to be me.’ (DH, 77-8)
Later, he’ll also refuse to give any information to Lupin, for the same reason. 
'‘Can you confide in me what the mission is?’  Harry looked into the prematurely lined face, framed in thick but greying hair, and wished that he could return a different answer.  ‘I can’t, Remus, I’m sorry. If Dumbledore didn’t tell you I don’t think I can.’  ‘I thought you’d say that,’ said Lupin, looking disappointed.’ (DH, 173-4)
But with Ginny, he’s accidentally gone much further. He hasn’t said Horcruxes, but he’s as good as. The trio are setting off to try to kill Voldemort, the most dangerous task imaginable in this war. He tries, in vain, to undo it, but the damage is already done. Ginny knows more now than she did before: that the journey he’s about to go on is one that very likely will claim his life. 
What does Ginny know about Harry’s fate before this moment? 
It's clear from this interaction that Harry has never discussed any of this with Ginny before. In their breakup scene, Harry repeatedly said that he was breaking up with her for her own safety. He said he did not want her to be used as bait, as she already had been previously, and as Sirius was: 'Think how much danger you'll be in if we keep this up...' (HBP, 602). The focus was entirely on the risk to Ginny's life, a risk Harry says he cannot live with.
Ginny’s remarks at Dumbledore’s funeral told us something about how she, at that point, understood the path ahead for Harry. She made her half-joke that Harry was always busy saving the Wizarding World, and says she thinks he 'would never be happy', never fulfilled or satisfied, unless he were 'hunting Voldemort' (HBP, 603). She showed she interpreted his actions as choices being made by someone brave, determined, and personally committed to bringing about the end of Voldemort, not someone destined to. Harry’s motivations and reasons are ones she respects and empathises with. She knows the path ahead is dangerous. She doesn’t yet think of it as lethal. 
Harry didn’t respond to her assessments at the funeral, neither correcting nor confirming them. He didn’t let her know, at that stage, exactly what it is he is going to set off to do. The closest Harry came to revealing the road ahead for him in the break-up scene was this:
'It’s been like… like something out of someone else’s life, these last few weeks with you,' said Harry. 'But I can’t… we can’t… I’ve got things to do alone now.' She did not cry, she simply looked at him.’  (HBP, 602)
This is a pattern throughout their relationship, both as friends and later as romantic partners. Ginny knows a little, but not a lot, about Harry’s path. She thinks of it almost entirely as a decision he has made himself. Conversations about Harry’s destiny - about the Prophecy, about being the Chosen One, and, eventually, about the Horcrux hunt - happen near Ginny, but never with her. She does not seem to believe that Harry is the Chosen One or in any way bound to Voldemort's own fate. At the start of HBP, on the train in Slughorn’s carriage, Ginny states publicly her belief that any speculation about Harry being the Chosen One is nonsense: 
‘We never heard a prophecy,” said Neville, turning geranium pink as he said it. ‘That’s right,’ said Ginny staunchly. ‘Neville and I were both there too, and all this ‘Chosen One’ rubbish is just the Prophet making things up as usual.’ (HBP, 140)
Ultimately, before DH, Ginny has been given very little information. We can assume that she’s decided to respect Harry’s decision to keep any information from her and not to push for it. She has reason to fear he might be in danger, but she doesn’t yet know the full extent of it.
Ginny’s response
The immediate aftermath of Harry’s confession at the Burrow is very telling. 
‘They stared at each other, and there was something more than shock in Ginny’s expression. Suddenly Harry became aware that this was the first time that he had been alone with her since their stolen hours in secluded corners of the Hogwarts grounds. He was sure she was remembering them too.’ - DH (79)
It’s important that, immediately after this confession, Harry’s mind immediately takes him to private time spent alone with Ginny at the end of HBP. His certainty that Ginny, too, is reminiscing about them is typical of their wordless displays of understanding. They both reach for memories. And the memories of the last time he was alone with her, when they were still together, suddenly trigger an intense emotional and sexual tension. They are soon interrupted, and the dinner afterwards is extremely awkward. Harry wishes he were further away from Ginny, and tries, with great difficulty, to avoid touching her at the dinner table. The energy between them is intense and charged, anticipatory and frustrated. There are lots of ‘unsaid things’ that have just passed between them, and both are aware of it (DH, 79).
There are important themes being introduced here. Whenever Harry thinks about memories of his time with Ginny in DH, he does so consistently in two clear ways. To him, those times were private, intensely intimate moments which carried huge personal significance. It is strongly implied those were moments of sexual intimacy between the two of them, and where they shared an emotional closeness neither has found with any other character. But those moments with Ginny are also something Harry feels he was wrong to take. His relationship with her was something that, in retrospect, he embarked upon against his better judgement. He now feels it was something he was not entitled to, on account of his own burdens and obligations. Those were ‘stolen hours’ that were ‘something out of someone else’s life’. If we look to the wedding scene, we can see this most clearly:
‘‘Yes, my tiara sets off the whole thing nicely,’ said Auntie Muriel in a rather carrying whisper. ‘But I must say, Ginevra’s dress is far too low cut.’  Ginny glanced around, grinning, winked at Harry, then quickly faced the front again. Harry’s mind wandered a long way from the marquee, back to afternoons spent alone with Ginny in lonely parts of the school grounds. They seemed so long ago; they had always seemed too good to be true, as though he had been stealing shining hours from a normal person’s life, a person without a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead…’ (DH, 121) 
There are certain tropes at play here, that will that recur again and again in Harry’s thoughts of Ginny until the point of his death: the memory of time alone, the feeling of shared emotional and physical intimacy, to an intense degree; the sense of their time together being something stolen, both in the sense of it being snatched from within darker times, but also being forbidden, given with Harry’s fate when it comes to Voldemort. That Harry recalls these moments at a moment as two other characters make lifelong vows of marriage to each other is not insignificant: all is set up to maximise the sense of tragedy.
Ginny processing Harry’s fate
Ginny is not naive. Harry’s confession seems to change something about how she thinks about what he’s about to do. She may once have dismissed the prophecy of Harry as the Chosen One as nonsense. But she now has reason to suspect that might not quite be true.
She may well re-trace what she does know. After all, she was at the Department of Mysteries two summers prior, where she learnt that Voldemort, at least, thinks there is a prophecy of significance that involves Harry directly. She knows Harry has been having one-on-one lessons with Dumbledore: she even gave him one of the invitations (HBP, 228). She also knows that Harry and Dumbledore left school for a secret mission alone on the night the Astronomy Tower was attacked and Dumbledore was killed. She observed how Harry saw Dumbledore’s death as a catalyst to prepare for a path that required him to step back from her. Above all, we also know that Ginny is a character who understands Tom Riddle intimately. She is one of the people who comes closest to understanding the stakes of your life being bound, in some way, to Voldemort.
It is also significant that Ginny is a character canonically intrigued, and touched, by death, and by powerful Dark magic. The diary, and her own near-death experience, is the most obvious example. But in the Department of Mysteries during OotP, we are told she is also one of the characters most drawn to the veil, despite having far less direct experience of loss and grief than Harry, Luna, or even Neville:
‘[Harry] took several paces back from the dais and wrenched his eyes from the veil. ‘Let’s go,’ he said. ‘That’s what I’ve been trying to — well, come on, then!’ said Hermione, and she led the way back around the dais. On the other side, Ginny and Neville were staring, apparently entranced, at the veil too. Without speaking, Hermione took hold of Ginny’s arm, Ron Neville’s, and they marched them firmly back to the lowest stone bench and clambered all the way back up to the door.’ (OotP, 775)
I don’t mean to suggest Ginny knew what was coming for Harry, that she foresaw him having to go to his death. She knows nothing of Horcruxes, she doesn’t know the contents of the Prophecy, and she certainly doesn’t know Harry himself is a Horcrux. Harry, of course, doesn’t yet know the certainty of him going to his own death, at this point in the text. But given the information she alone has been handed, inadvertently, by Harry, she has plenty of reason to begin to suspect the path Harry is on is one that might end in death, moreso for him than for an anyone else in this war.
Ginny doesn’t appear much in the following pages, other than in her role helping to prepare the house for the wedding. Over the next few days, she has lots of time to consider Harry’s words. We know she’s also sharing a bedroom with Hermione, who is actively preparing for their imminent departure, and watching the three of them try to sneak off together to make plans. This is time for Ginny to start to digest the information Harry has unwittingly divulged. She can now begin to think about how she ought to respond to the prospect of him leaving for a mission that will, likely, cost him his life.
The kiss itself
We can see Ginny has planned this interaction with Harry in her bedroom. The false casualness of how the scene opens - ‘Harry, can you come in here a moment?’ - and the actions of the bedroom’s other occupant, Hermione, suggests some level of premeditation and collaboration. For the first time, Ginny brings him into her bedroom, with the door closed. The setting is obviously intimate and suggestive.
Harry describes Ginny as seeming nervous, but purposeful, like she is readying herself for something - she ‘[takes] a deep breath’. She is looking at him ‘steadily’. Harry is nervous, too: he cannot bring himself to look at her, finding it almost painful, like ‘gazing into a brilliant light’ (DH, 98). Her trademark blazing look is in full force. She doesn’t entertain his attempts at small talk: she is serious about what she’s about to do.
‘‘I couldn’t think what to get you,’ she said.  ‘You didn’t have to get me anything.’ She disregarded this too.’ (DH, 98-9)
Ginny opens by revealing how difficult it has been for her to work out what she could give him, under the circumstances. She is, in her own way, acknowledging how hard she is finding processing what it is he has to do now. She has been struggling with the prospect of Harry’s departure, and the possibility, even the likelihood, of his death. But she has decided she wants to make that path easier for him. Despite his reassurance, she insists she wanted to give him something. 
‘‘I didn’t know what would be useful. Nothing too big, because you wouldn’t be able to take it with you.” He chanced a glance at her. She was not tearful...' (99)
These lines are so significant. The first two lines in particular are deeply profound. They read very differently to how I first thought of them, if seen in this light. I didn’t know what would be useful, she says, because she doesn't know what she can say that will be useful. What could possibly make this easier, to help Harry think about the enormity of his situation, or to help guide him on a path requiring him to accept his own likely death? 
She doesn’t want what she gives to him now to be too heavy, too sad, or too serious, because she knows Harry will not be able to deal with it (‘nothing too big’). Anything too declaratory, too sentimental, or too enormous, would be impossible for him to leave with. In the last part of the sentence, her words are deliberately vague: because you wouldn’t be able to take it with you. 
I think this is the most poignant part, and it suggests the part of Ginny's mind that believes in, and is curious about, what happens beyond, after death: the voices on the other side of the veil. I think there is some part of her that thinks Harry might be going somewhere she can’t reach him - what Dumbledore will later call going on. Ginny does not openly speculate about where Harry will be taking whatever she gives him. That it could be to his own grave, or beyond, is left unspoken. He looks at her, finally, after these words, because he seems to understand, on some level, what she is trying to say to him.
‘She took a step closer to him. ‘So then I thought, I’d like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you meet some veela when you’re off doing whatever you’re doing.’’ (DH, 99)
Ginny has decided: the thing she will give him is a memory, one that he can take with him when they part. Something to remember me by. She wants the memory of her, of them, to be useful, to serve him in some way, and to be something that he might be able to take on with him after death. She tries to soften what she’s trying to convey, with the joke about the veela. But both seem to understand what she is really saying: that she isn’t really asking for his loyalty or fidelity. She doesn’t say she’s giving him ‘something to remember me by’ for when he comes back and they can be together again. Her words are very final. The joke is supposed to make it easier for him to hear what she is saying: she’s telling him, quietly, how to think about her when he leaves, whatever leaving might mean.
Harry, for his part, continues the joke. (‘I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest.’) She plays along, sort of, in a very sad way (‘there’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for’). But both seem to know that there is no real silver lining to this. 
And then there’s the kiss itself: 
‘There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for,’ she whispered, and then she was kissing him as she had never kissed him before, and Harry was kissing her back, and it was blissful oblivion, better than Firewhisky; she was the only real thing in the world, Ginny, the feel of her, one hand at her back and one in her long, sweet-smelling hair —’ (DH, 99)
It all comes to a head here. Harry recognises that this kiss feels exceptional, unlike any other they’ve ever shared - that Ginny has never put so much into a kiss before. It is ‘blissful oblivion’, this moment of extraordinary intensity, where she kisses him and allows him, for a moment, to think only about her and them together. It’s heady and sexual (‘the feel of her’). It’s a gift for Harry  to be able to forget everything and let this moment be a vacuum, to focus only on her. The crescendo effect of the short causes and run-on sentences allows the moment to build and build, a crescendo effect that anticipates something to come. 
Of course, their moment gets interrupted, again. Unlike when Ron interrupted her with Dean, Ginny doesn't rage at him this time: she is subdued, a response that is far more appropriate for her processing the fact that she may have just had her final kiss with the boy she loves. Harry suspects she has started to cry, something he notes is out of character. Ginny had imbued a lot of meaning into this interaction: this is a portrait of a character whose heart is breaking.
When Harry and Ron are discussing the kiss outside on the lawn, after the initial shock of being yelled at by Ron for going anywhere near Ginny, Harry has his own, shattering realisation of what all of this means for himself and Ginny:
‘Yeah, but you go snogging her now and she’s just going to get her hopes up again—’ ‘She’s not an idiot, she knows it can’t happen, she’s not expecting us to— to end up married, or—’  As he said it, a vivid picture formed in Harry’s mind of Ginny in a white dress, marrying a tall, faceless, and unpleasant stranger. In one spiralling moment it seemed to hit him: Her future was free and unencumbered, whereas his . . . he could see nothing but Voldemort ahead.’ (DH, 100)
Thinking aloud, Harry says it would be idiotic for he or Ginny to imagine they could be together, either now, or at any point in the future. He expects her to find someone else; he cannot even begin to imagine a future for himself after the task set out for him. He does not say his inevitable death - he has not yet embraced that reality - but he remains caught in the certainty of an existential battle with Voldemort that he knows he may well not survive.
Later that day, Harry will receive the snitch from Dumbledore’s will. Though he doesn’t know it yet, he now holds the resurrection stone, the item that will open at the close in the forest. It is a birthday that starts and ends with hints about what little time he has left: the stage is set for an arc that, now, has to end in his own death.
Foreshadowing Ginny and the Forest
Moments foreshadowing the significance of the forest are all over Deathly Hallows. Sometimes, they mirror the moment of his own death; often, they are related to Ginny. When they leave the Ministry, with Ron splinched, clutching the Horcrux locket, they arrive in a forest. For a moment Harry’s heart ‘leaped’ at the thought that they were back in Hogwarts’ grounds, the site of so much of his earlier happiness with Ginny (DH, 221). When the trio hear that Ginny, Neville and Luna tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor, it is the Forbidden Forest they are sent to by Snape as punishment (248-9). Harry does not fear the Forest, and is consoled by the thought of Ginny serving detention there rather than anywhere else.
In the Forest of Dean, the scene where Ron returns begins with Harry thinking of Ginny. He sits at the mouth of the tent, wanting to look for Ginny on the Marauders’ Map, until he remembers it’s Christmastime and she is at the Burrow (297). Later, in a moment that mirrors his later walk to his death, he follows his mother - Snape’s patronus, the doe - into the woods, in order to recover and destroy the Horcrux, inching Harry’s own life closer to its close:
Though the darkness had swallowed her whole, [the doe’s] burnished image was still imprinted on his retinas; it obscured his vision, brightening when he lowered his eyelids, disorienting him. Now fear came: Her presence had meant safety. “Lumos!” he whispered, and the wand-tip ignited. The imprint of the doe faded away with every blink of his eyes as he stood there, listening to the sounds of the forest, to distant crackles of twigs…  He held the wand higher. Nobody ran out at him, no flash of green light burst from behind a tree. Why, then, had she led him to this spot?’ (DH, 299)
Foreshadowing Harry's end in the Forest means also foreshadowing Ginny's own appearance at the moment of his death.
Harry’s ‘death’ in the Forest 
In the final battle, Ginny is the last person Harry sees before he begins his walk into the Forest. He takes the words she says to the child on the ground as her final act of comfort. Harry hears them as if they are being spoken to him: 
‘He was feet away from her when he realised it was Ginny.  He stopped in his tracks. She was crouching over a girl who was whispering for her mother.  ‘It’s all right,’ Ginny was saying. ‘It’s okay. We’re going to get you inside.’  ‘But I want to go home,’ whispered the girl. ‘I don’t want to fight anymore!’ ‘I know,’ said Ginny, and her voice broke. ‘It’s going to be all right.’  Ripples of cold undulated over Harry’s skin. He wanted to shout out to the night, he wanted Ginny to know that he was there, he wanted her to know where he was going. He wanted to be stopped, to be dragged back, to be sent back home (...) Ginny was kneeling beside the injured girl now, holding her hand. With a huge effort Harry forced himself on. He thought he saw Ginny look around as he passed, and wondered whether she had seen someone walking nearby, but he did not speak, and he did not look back.’ (DH, 558-9)
Harry believes that this is his final moment with Ginny before he goes to die. A part of him wants her to know that it’s happening: he is leaving, at last. But he can't call to her, because he worries she will try and stop him, and he might let her. Instead, he walks on, and doesn’t look back. After watching Ginny comfort the girl crying for her mother, Harry then goes on to the Forest, and summons his own mother, his own family, to walk with him to his death.  
‘His body and mind felt oddly disconnected now, his limbs working without conscious instruction, as if he were passenger, not driver, in the body he was about to leave. The dead who walked beside him through the forest were much more real to him now that the living back at the castle: Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and all the others were the ones who felt like ghosts as he stumbled and slipped toward the end of his life, toward Voldemort. . . .' (DH, 561-2)
Harry is already preparing to go on from this world: his living loved ones are the ones he now feels furthest from. He stands now with the dead he has summoned, who recognise him and seem to have memories of him. He doesn't fear the dead: he is going to join them.
It’s the death scene itself that I think has subtle, but important parallels with the kiss scene much earlier. In both imagery and in writing style, the scene recalls that earlier moment, where Harry found himself on the edge of another kind of oblivion. There is this mounting, febrile sense of anticipation. There is a tension that is almost sexual, a dynamic injected into the scene through descriptions of Bellatrix’s body language and behaviour towards Voldemort:
‘Bellatrix, who had leapt to her feet, was looking eagerly from Voldemort to Harry, her breast heaving. The only things that moved were the flames and the snake, coiling and uncoiling in the glittering cage behind Voldemort’s head.’  (DH, 564)
The ugly parallel of Bellatrix and Voldemort is not supposed to show the pair as the mirror image of Harry and Ginny. Rather, it is a theme that recurs throughout the series to demonstrate the gulf between Harry, with his immense capacity for love, and Voldemort, with none. Bellatrix and Ginny are memorably paralleled twice in the series: once, at the Department of Mysteries, where Bellatrix moves to ‘torture the little girl’, and Harry steps in to prevent her (OotP, 783), and again in the final battle: 
'Bellatrix was still fighting too, fifty yards away from Voldemort, and like her master she dueled three at once: Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, all battling their hardest, but Bellatrix was equal to them, and Harry’s attention was diverted as a Killing Curse shot so close to Ginny that she missed death by an inch—  He changed course, running at Bellatrix rather than Voldemort, but before he had gone a few steps he was knocked sideways…’ (DH, 589)
As Harry waits for the killing curse, we see the most direct parallel with Ginny's final kiss to him:
‘None of the Death Eaters moved. They were waiting: everything was waiting. Hagrid was struggling, and Bellatrix was panting, and Harry thought inexplicably of Ginny, and her blazing look, and the feel of her lips on his — ’ (DH, 564)
There's such an intense physicality and breathlessness to the whole scene, and an enduring pseudo-sexual tension, with Bellatrix audibly panting. Even the sentence structure even invokes the kissing scene: the run-on build up of clauses, the repetition of the present participle to actively hold the reader in one present moment, building and building and ending on a dash, the promise of something more.
At the end of his life, Harry returns to the memory Ginny gave him. She meant for it to be useful, if he was to go to his death. And at the close of his life he chooses to use it, as he prepares to leave her behind in this world and depart for the next. Just as the Resurrection Stone helped accept death, so too does the memory of Ginny. He feels the memory of her, the sensation of physical touch and of being kissed, the look she gives him that he knows as one of love and great courage. As he is killed, he remembers her last gift to him, the certainty of her love for him impressed upon him.
There's a line in OotP that I think is such an underrated line that sums up who Ginny is as a character. Harry is trying to get to Umbridge's fire to speak to Sirius when he thinks the latter is being tortured at the Ministry; Hermione suggests using Ginny and Luna as a distraction, despite Harry's objections:
'Though clearly struggling to understand what was going on, Ginny said immediately, ‘Yeah, we’ll do it,'... (OotP, 736)
This is who Ginny is. It's especially who she is to Harry, during the war. She doesn't fully know what's actually being asked of Harry (and, by extension, what is being asked of her, as the person who loves him, and who has most to lose if he is to die). But even when kept in the dark, she is enormously selfless, and her biggest act of bravery is extremely quiet. She keeps the secret Harry accidentally bestows on her, and she realises, in some sense, before he does, what it will likely mean for his life. She chooses to let him go on, knowing that he is loved, to make the path that he is on a little bit easier, even when she has realised that it will take him away from her for good.
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teyamsatan · 9 months
My sweet bb Andra 💕 How are you doing love ? 💫
I have a juicy Request and I know you will make its justice 😩🤌🏻
So basically, we have Neteyam and Mate going out for a little time together at the lake, or pond whatever (deep enough 😏😳). Reader decides to draw Neteyam. So he poses for her and well she starts drawing and all. She is all concentrated looking at the paper for a moment and she feels something being thrown at her. She looks at him and well 🥴 We don't need any precisions here :3
Reader is all flustered and Neteyam is just smirking widely. Reader hasn't any time to react because we hear Jake's voice screaming Neteyam's name from afar. Oh ! Guess what ? Neteyam forgot. Yes. He forgot a training with his father (Pls let this poor guy rest a bit 🙂).
And Lo'ak (Otherwise it wouldn't be funny hehe)
Neteyam tries to grab his loincloth but reader is faster and throws it far into the bushes, with a smirk obv. So Neteyam has no choice to jump into the water (I know that Na'vi are less ashamed of nudity... Are they ? Anyways !)
So his brother and father get there, very fastly. Everything that happened before was like in 10 secs.
The rest I leave up to you 😏 We only need some funny dad-Neteyam and brother-Neteyam interactions when he just can't go out of the water, but he's very very late... Then we have Lo'ak that finally understands and just cannot stop laughing, making Jake more than less annoyed than he already was. And we have some intense playfull eye contacts with the reader. She's enjoying it haha.
Yeah... You can end it like you want 😂💖 My brain is a mess sometimes ugh 😥
Okay Imma stop 🙈🌸 I hope this inspired you and no pressure okay ? 🫂
Smooches 🥰
no cause this is so so funny and i hope you enjoyed bestie xx it feels good to be back writing for neteyam :((
pairing: neteyam x human!reader
wc: 1170 words
warnings: smut, fluff, minors do not interact 🔞
na'vi compendium: yawne - beloved, tewng - loincloth, tanhí - bioluminescent freckles
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As a human on Pandora, there wasn't much for you to do, very little your body was inherently made for. You were slow and clumsy, a stark contrast to the Na'vi carrying you on his back like a little doll, all nimble and quiet as he treaded the deep shrubbery, his thumbs massaging your thighs as you rested your chin on his shoulder, humming contently in between peppering kisses to his neck.
As a human on Pandora, you were stuck in a lab most days, with filtered air and fluorescent lights, that did nothing for you, that had a rare talent of making even the most beautiful creature look ghastly and ashen, that gave you a headache, that made you miss the beautiful light peering through the uneven gaps created by the branches of the tall trees of the Omaticayan forest. Stuck as you were, you turned to artistic outlets for your boredom. You loved to draw, and you became very good in time, enough that the entire lab and some of the village were now covered in your landscapes and your portraits. The people loved you, and your talents, and often urged you to draw them or loved ones, as a way to immortalise a face or a moment forever in time, a priceless gift for them, and one that gave you a place amongst the Na'vi, even different, as you were.
As a human on Pandora, you didn't have a lot of choice of entertainment... or men. But you've never felt the lack... not when you had Neteyam. Your best friend, your confidant, he was always up for a challenge, and, let's just say, he always thought of you as one. In the few years since your 18th birthday, a rite of passage of sorts for humans, you were told, Neteyam made it his purpose to show you that you will never have to miss out on anything on Pandora, that he would make it his life's mission to... be there for you, in any and every way you needed, be it to be a shoulder to cry on, or a shoulder to rest your legs on as his head was in between your thighs, Neteyam was always there - ready to help, ready to serve.
You gulped as you reminisced about this morning, about the moans that escaped him as he was lapping at your folds like he was quenching an unquenchable thirst, like eating you out was for his own pleasure, and not your own, or the way he didn't stop until you were so overstimulated you were crying, something he made up for by showering you in soft kisses and quiet whispers of "you did so well for me, yawne. you always take me so well."
"You ok back there... friend?"
"Yes, Teyam. Just tired. Are we almost there yet?"
"Patience, love. You wanted more inspiration for your drawings, right? I told you I found just the place, and you're going love it, I promise. It's just a little further."
Well, he was right. The little meadow created by a small, clear pond, bustling with little fish swimming peacefully, drowned in warm sunlight, was the perfect backdrop for the painting you had in mind. With a small smirk, you pointed at the water and clicked your tongue at your much larger, beautiful, muscular friend.
"Get in, Teyam."
"I've wanted to draw you for a while, I just wanted the perfect background, and now I have it. Now go."
You chuckled to yourself as you heard a loud splashing noise, and settled on removing your pad and pens, placing them on the ground next to you as you thought about what positions would work best for what you had in mind. You gasped loudly when something soft hit you in the face, removing you from your less than innocent reveries - it seemed Neteyam was ahead of you, as you felt for the object that you removed from yourself and realised it was his loincloth. When you looked back at him, your mind shortcircuited at the sight of his naked body, glistening in the sun as the water dripped down every defined muscle, down his chest and abs, down his v-line, down his -
"You like what you see, yawne?"
Although it pained you, you raised your eyes until they met his beautiful features, tanhí shining brightly even in broad daylight, as they always did when he was overtly happy or amused, and by the wild, mischievous grin and crinkles by his eyes, it was a safe assumption he was both.
"I say you forget the painting for now, and come here so I can show you how... grateful I am you thought of me as your next subject."
It was a no-brainer to you, really, but when you heard a voice you knew all too well screaming, the noise echoing through the trees, heightening the sound, your body stilled in place.
"Neteyam! Are you there, boy?"
"Fuck! I forgot I was supposed to meet my dad for training."
"Quick, throw me the tewn-" you screeched as the instruction came too little too late, and in the heat of the moment and much to Neteyam's dismay, frightened by the quickly approaching steps of the Olo'eyktan, you threw the cloth in the opposing direction, somewhere in the bushes.
"Netey- ah, kid. What are you two doing here?"
You just looked at him, panicked, eyes flickering from him to Neteyam's younger brother, who looked at you suspiciously, eye narrowed as they assessed the situation at hand through a lens of youth and misdemeanour Jake couldn't really see, and you were glad.
"Cat got your tongue, kid?" The Sully patriarch's raised eyebrow did very little to will out of the catatonic state you found yourself in, so you remained quiet as he scoffed, turning his attention to his oldest son, instead.
"You were supposed to be in training at 1400 hours, remember?"
"Yes, sir."
"Come on, out. We need to be off and make up for it."
"I-I... can't."
"And why the hell not, boy?"
You felt Jake's eye roll deep in your soul, and you felt like you should take the blame for this since... you threw Neteyam's clothes away in fear, and everything. You should rectify this.
"Jake, I-"
"Oh, my Eywa! He's naked! He's so naked!"
Your mouth dropped in shock, but it was too late. The cat was indeed out of the bag, and as your and Neteyam's eyes met, listening to his dad's groans of disgust, you were a little relieved to see a hint of a smile on his face, the beautiful twinkle of amusement putting your mind at ease, letting you know it was all going to be ok. As long as you were together, and you had him, it was all going to be ok.
Reaching your hand behind your head to scratch the itchy spot at the base of your neck, you laughed awkwardly as you spoke:
"I'm... experimenting with some new artistic techniques?"
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Billy's Birthday Bash part 1 (DC)
Billy yawned and sat up in bed, reaching over and turning off his alarm clock which was blabbering away about how the justice league had saved the day last night, again. from alien attackers, Again.
"Like I don't know that." Billy muttered, swinging his blanket off and twisting in his bed so his bare feet could hit the floor. "I was only there."
Billy Batson after all was the secret identity of the world's mightiest mortal Shazam, gifted with gifts from seven gods and one of the league's heavy hitters.
Just thinking about that brought a smile to the 13 year old hero's face and he turned to pose in in the mirror in his bedroom, and then his face fell as he saw his reflection.
while once he said his magic word he was a 6'9 muscled beefcake, the image looking back him with it's scrawny arms and chest which were covered with a faded flash themed PJ top while around his hips was a semi bulky and again flash themed overnight diaper, that was drooping from being used many times (Thankfully only wettings though, something he confirmed with a quick pat to his padded rear and a sniff of the air) despite Billy having only made it to bed at around 3 am.
He hadn't of been worried about getting in trouble for being out so late though.
the once orphan had been happily adopted and taken in by one Barry Allen and got alone great with his new dad and tried to be pleasant around Miss west, Barry's girlfriend who came over often enough to have her own key.
It wasn't that she was unpleasant or anything, it was just with Billy's 'problems' acting up bad enough that he needed his diapers basically 24/7, she insisted on diaper checks, even in front of her nephew Wally who'd come over sometimes with her and was like the coolest guy ever!
The reason why he hadn't of been worried about Barry finding out though was because Barry was also a member of the Justice league, ironically the Flash who's symbol had been on the front of the bulky diaper at one point.
"You'd think he'd be mad these things even exist since till Bat's set up that account for us there was no way to collect royalties." Billy grumbled to himself.
But when asked Barry admitted if he could help kids like Billy who had potty issues feel big and brave like superhero's, He was fine with the diapers being made and mostly didn't touch his share of the royalties.
though as Billy's legal guardian Shazam couldn't touch his share either without permission and was irked that Barry would use some of Billy's money to stock up on his diapers.
"I'm teaching you to be reasponable. if you have to pay for the diapers you'll be less likely to rip them up like that first pack Iris got you." Barry had reminded Billy, with a smirk on his face but a slight stern tone.
"I said sorry..besides they had stupid ponies and stuff on them." Billy had whined back.
still he fell in line and even if he had wanted to just blast the diapers with his lighting some times and suck up the wasted cost, with his new day's symbol on it he just couldn't do it.
Since he was only wet Billy was allowed to change himself, there had been the great carpet incident a few days after he'd moved in trying to change a dirty diaper on his own and Barry had made him pinky swear to ask for help with those.
since Billy was on the family plan and had his own cell phone he could just discretely call Barry when he was smelly, though thankfully his daytime accidents were few and fair in between.
Snapping the tapes off Billy had a minor moment sulkiness again since his budding pubic hair had been shaved clean because of his diapers, though he had to admit Barry had been right, he was getting a LOT less rashes.
balling the soggy diaper up and holding it out with one hand, Billy took a deep breath and pinched his nose with the other one as he stepped on the foot petal for his diaper pail and dropped it in, not wishing to smell memories of diaper past.
with that done he walked around enjoying the lack of a waddle in his step for the precious few moments he would and tugged opened his version of a underwear drawer, stocked full of daytime and overnight flash brand diapers.
"Gee, what's a boy to wear, flash themed disposable undies or flash themed disposable undies?" He asked, tapping a finger on his chin and smirking a little."the struggle is real for 13 year old pants wetter."
"heh, Oh really?" Came a voice from the doorway and Billy yelped and tugged to tug his shirt down, even though he knew Barry had seen everything.
"B-Barry knock!" He huffed, and blushed, hands over over his crotch now.
"I did, someone was off in his own little world.. in fact so off he forgot what today is." Barry said and smirked, pointing over to a Shazam themed calendar on the wall, with the dates date circled in red."Your not 13 anymore silly. Happy birthday~"
Billy, who normally was ignored on his birthday either by choice or lost in the shuffle while in foster care really had forgotten and now grinned big time.
"That's right! I get a real party, with cake, and ice cream an-" Billy was saying and was cut off as Barry zipped over, a little bit slower in his blue jeans and denim shirt but not by much and was ruffling Billy's hair.
"And you get a birthday spanking." Barry teased, but winked to let Billy know he was joking.
"Try it and I'll saw you know what." Billy giggled and blew a raspberry.
"Hmmm flash vs. Shazam in a spanking fight. we could sell out areas. But At last, your butt's just too cute to mare." Barry chuckled and gave the boys chubby cheeks a soft pat before zipping back to the door frame.
the pat while gentle, was unexpected and Billy yelped and a little trickle of pee came out, something Barry missed but the now hard wood floor of Billy's room could handle it.
"Finish getting dressed buddy and I'll get this cleaned up in-"
"Don't say it!" Billy groaned rolled his eyes.
"A flash!" Barry said, zipping off as Billy snatched a pair of daytime diapers out.
'He's so corny sometimes.' Billy thought.
Dressed in a red t-shirt and a baggy pair of black shorts that did a good job of hiding the bulk of his padding (there there was a tell tale crinkle for those listening for it) he made his way to the dinning room and grinned ear to ear as the table was loaded with chocolate pancakes, blue berry waffles, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and a pitcher of chocolate milk and a pitcher of orange juice.
with how fast Barry's metabolism was he was always making big meals and was part of the reason Billy had put on some much needed wait, but even so, this was above and beyond.
with drool trailing down his chin he grabbed a plate and looked over the feast, almost at a lost of where to begin.
"heh, Did daddy do good or did daddy do good?" Barry asked, zipping into the room.
"This. Is. Awesome!" Billy squealed. "Was this all you or did Iris help too?" Billy asked.
"She's out of town on a assignment for a news papers, she's sorry she's gonna miss the party." Barry said, looking sorry.
"Well it's ok." Billy said, starting to load up his plate, a impish grin coming across his face. "we can just have anther party with more cake when she gets back. It'll be hard having all that sugar and getting double presents, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." he said, topping off his plate and plopping his butt onto his special chair.
with his bulky diapers and the fact he leaked sometimes, Barry had gotten him a dinner chair with sides coming up to the middle of his tummy so Billy wouldn't lose balance and fall off, and it had a plastic cover for a easier clean up instead of the stained oak that the rest of the chairs had.
Naturally Billy had been least then pleased at the fact he had a toddler chair but after falling off of the other chairs three times he'd finally bit the bullet.
"Oh, your willing to have two party's huh? truly, your a saint among men. We'll see what happens." Barry said, coming over and getting his own plate while taking a second to mentally gush at just how adorable Billy looked, his legs kicking under the table as he scooped food in his mouth like he hadn't eaten in a month. "Heh, wow, and I thought I was fast..slow down before you choke buddy."
Billy as normal, took that warning as a challenge and sped up.
After 4 helpings Billy just sat back in his chair, burping softly and groaning as he put a hand to his belly, not even offering a fight as Barry came over with a cloth to wipe his face and hands.
"Did somebody maybe eat more then he should of?" Barry asked sweetly, as he helped the groaning boy out of the chair, and after a second picked him up, setting him on his hip and patting his back.
Billy's reply was a loud blench and Barry winced, glad he'd had the foresight to get Billy's head over his shoulder.
"well put. any follow ups?" Barry chuckled, and kept patting, this wasn't Billy's first semi food coma and he doubted it would be the little thunder champions last.
Billy went to open his mouth to say something then a loud booming fart blasted out of his bottom and for a split second Barry wondered if his arm would of been burnt if not for the padding.
"I-I didn't..I.." Billy whimpered and buried his head into Barry's shoulder and Barry could feel the heat from the boys face.
"Hey..hey..it's ok. fart's happen. besides you've gone uh-oh in my lap so this is hardly worse." Barry said, tilting his head and giving the poor blushing little guy a smooch on the head.
"N-Not helping!" Billy whined.
"Ok ok, I'll drop it.. here let's get you sat down and watching some carto-" Barry started to say but anther thunder poot from the champion of lighting cut him off.
"gawd! that stinks!" Billy whined.
"...Or Maybe you wanna go and sit on the potty." Barry said trying to be nice, but the boy wasn't wrong.
"I know when I have to go poop Barry!" Billy huffed and two more loud farts came out and the boy switched from huffy to shocked. "..and that would be right now. Potty daddy!"
Any other daddy wouldn't of stood a chance in the world, But Barry Allen didn't call him the fastest man alive for nothing, but even then it was a close call as he barley got Billy's shorts and diaper down and got him on the toilet before the boy started to unleash hell.
Knowing how Billy valued some privacy, Barry left almost as quick as he'd gotten him in there, though not before bringing a few room freshers into the bathroom and opening a window.
'don't want him to pass out form his own stink.. man..I wonder if there's anther god powering.. skunkculues, champion of stink.' Barry mused as he waited outside the bathroom door just in case he was needed.
Billy groaned as he hunched over and pounded a fist on the sink's counter, wondering if maybe he had a natural power over lava because that's what this felt like as he made use of the potty.
His own stink was assaulting his nose though thankfully daddy had set it up so it would be as bad, though he still ended up having to flush a couple of times just to help with the smell.
Sweating, Panting and feeling drained, he barley had it in him to wipe himself when it was all said and done, and swore he'd never cram that much food into his tummy again all at once.
(of course since he swore that once every three or so days the oath may of fallen on deaf ear.)
which his cheeks wiped, Billy went to stand up on shaky legs and plopped back down, then noticed the shart stains in the back of the diaper and signed.
"Dadddd..IUh...I need help." he called out. huffing and slumping, elbows on his knees and waiting.
when the door opened up and his cousin/cool bro via adoption opened the door Billy yelped and in vain tried to cover up the diaper around his ankles.
4 minutes earlier...
Wally who had retired from the superhero game while going to collage and trying to be a CSI like Barry, had surprised Barry by showing up for the party.
"Wally! good to see you!" Barry had said, shaking the younger mans hand, but then, ever the good daddy/uncle had narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you suppose to be in class right now?"
"The professor for the only class I had today had a family emergency, so the class was called off, and I was gonna try and make it anyways." Wally said, keeping his voice down and Barry picked up on it and kept his down as well.
"Ah, a birthday surprise for Billy." Barry said and smirked. "you know he thinks the world of you right?"
"I might of picked up on that. hence why I pretend not to notice his little problem." Wally chuckled and ran a hand though his orange hair. "you'd think he would of linked how Aunt Iris doesn't do bum checks when I'm around with it buttt.."
"Heh, Well he see's what he wants to see. He's on the potty right now though so maybe if you hi-" Barry started to say when his com beeped.
it wasn't his JL com, but the one he'd given the Meta human crimes department for central and Keystone city, being the hero of the twin cities.
dashing over he answered it, and frowned, then dashed back to Wally but even as he did he was in costume.
"I hate to do this, but Weather wizard and Captain cold are causing heck in Keystone. could you stay with Billy? he might need a little help." Barry said and gestured his head to the bathroom.
"Of course. Listen, if you need any back up.. I might not have my costume, but after Billy gets out.."
"Hey, I'll handle it. I'll be back.."
"in a flash. I know I know." Wally groaned, having the same opinion as Billy about the phase.
Barry just smirked like it was the worlds greatest dad joke and took off.
"W-Wally!? Get out! I-" Billy was whining and had actual tears welling up in his eyes, making Wally just wanna hug him.
"Billy, Billy listen to me, Barry had to go and fight the rouges, I came here for your party..and I've know about your diapers since Barry adopted you." Wally said, cutting right to the chase.
"..No you haven't! I was super careful and someone as cool and awesome as you wouldn't wanna hang out with a diaper wetting baby!" Billy whined, in denial even as Wally sighed and shook his head.
"Really Billy? I'm training to be a CSI, so I'm learning to notice little things, I move at super speed, not as fast as Barry but still, and you crinkle lots." Wally listed off on his hand, raising fingers, then giving Billy a hurt look. "Also, you think SO little of me I wouldn't wanna hang out with a awesome and cool little guy like you just because you have accidents?"
"But..I.." Billy whimpered and sniffled, and went to wipe at his tears with his arm but Wally was there, with a wad of tissue.
"Hey, it's ok Billy. Truth be told, I wet the bed for 3 years after getting my powers. But My Parents weren't as nice and Uncle Barry and aunt Iris. they were the ones who looked after me like they're looking after you now. so no more tears alright? let's get you dressed and then we can play some video games." Wally said, and ruffled the boys hair.
Billy gave him a smile and then hugged Wally's waist, and the 19 year old almost melted and patting his head.
Tossing the dirty diaper, Wally got Billy in a clean over night diaper, and added powder, though Billy whined a little he was pacified by Wally saying he thought those looked cooler.
Going off of that logic Billy when offered a pair of baggy pants to go over the thicker diaper went all shy.
"uh. well..I mean.. if you wanna see this diaper because it's cuter.. and we're not going out anywhere.." Billy said, squirming and shifting all around.
"..I do think it's cuter, and Barry said he'd call if he needed us. Uh.. " wally trailed off and then blushed himself, and put a hand behind his head. "I have ONE question that's been bugging me."
"heh, what is it?" Billy said, holding up his arms for the older boy to pick him up.
"when you change.. do you have to take the diapers off first or..how does that work?!" Wally asked, picking him up and gushing as Billy cuddled in.
"heh, Nah, the big guy isn't padded, and as to how that works.." Billy paused and let wally hold his weight as he spread his hands, wiggling his fingers.
Wally snorted and smirked.
"your such a dork sometimes you know that?" he asked playfully, carrying Billy at normal speed down the stairs.
"Pffft please, I've seen you marking out over dad's cases when going over them with him, and not his stuff as flash, but as Barry Allen,CSI."Billy teased back.
Wally huffed and blushed himself and then smirked.
"You're lucky your cute or I'd super speed your butt to central park right now."
"heh, you wouldn't do that, A) because I'd say the word and leave, B) because Dad would kick you butt and C).." Billy said and tapped Wally's chest as he listed off his points. "You'd made me cry and hate yourself for it~"
"..Dang, guilty as charged."
Getting into the living room, Wally sat Billy on the couch and then went to look though the selection of games they had for two player.
"Super monkey fury 5 good for you?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Um..whatever YOU think is a cool game!" Billy said, and gave a big grin.
he might of been 14 but in his diaper and t-shirt, and all eager to please his 'big bro' figure, he looked like a toddler.
"Heh, it's YOUR special day Billy, whatever YOU wanna play we'll play it." wally chuckled.
"W-Wellll.. Dad doesn't let me play Duty calls a lot because it's so violent.." Billy said, poking two fingers together.
"..I think Barry will understand." Wally smirked and put the game in, coming over with controllers for both of them.
As Wally sat down he was surprised as Billy moved from his spot next to him to sitting in his lap.
"heh,What are y-"
"it's MY Special day right?" Billy asked, flashing his imp smirk. "So I can sit anywhere I want.. rightttt?"
"heh. of course."
Barry hated how long it took him to deal with the rouges, they had gotten reinforcements from mirror master so it took longer then he would of liked to finish up, plus then he had to deal with the police over and handle the press, all part of keeping up the hero image and while any other day it wouldn't of irk'ed him, knowing he was missing out on Billy's big day, he was short tempered
he had almost snapped at Detective Morro, a long time friend on the force in both identities but caught himself.
"you ok Flash?" his friend asked.
"I..I'm missing out on my kid's birthday party for this." Barry admitted.
"heh, didn't know you HAD a kid. go on, get." the heavy set cigar chomping hard ass said. "We'll try to manage without you for the rest of the day...Oh, tell yer kid happy birthday."
"heh, Will do!" Barry said and after a trademark flash salute, was off and running.
Getting back to the house Barry found Billy in Wally lap and whining a little, sucking his thumb and a kiddy cartoon was on the TV, much younger then Billy usually liked to watch.
"Hey guys, I'm back, whats going on?" Barry asked.
"Oh well see, I was a jerk and tried to make Billy play a game I like an-" Wally started to speak up but a whimpering Billy cut him off.
"Noo! it was me! I made Wally play duty call's with me and it was way more awful then I thought and I know I've done worse as you know who but but..I dunno and I started to cry and and-" Billy whined and whimpered.
"..Billy when your Shazam you have the wisdom of Solomon that let's you work out why you have to do the things you do. not so much as yourself. that's why I didn't want you playing that, you're not in trouble, either of you but I think we're gonna keep it to cartoons or silly games for the day." Barry said, coming over and as Wally hugged the whining Billy in his lap, Barry did too and Billy sniffled and smiled.
with Billy calmed down, they sat down for a few episodes of different baby shows, with billy giggling and clapping alone even if Wally and Barry were bored out of their skulls. trying to break it up they pulled out a few board games but after having to watch Billy do his 'i won you lost' diaper booty shake 4 times in a row (which admittedly was pretty cute with his diaper butt on display) they switched from candy land to clue, where Wally won 2 out of the 4 games.
Barry technically could of won the other two but played bad on purpose for the last game where billy was getting all huffy.
After that they played pay day and once again were subjected to Billy's singing about how awesome he was and how much they sucked, while wiggling his padded rear in their faces but compared to the sulky silence that losing brought, Barry and wally put up with it.
Or at least they tried to till in the middle of shaking his butt in both their faces Billy froze and then let out a muffled poot.
"Really Billy?" Barry asked, waving his left hand at super speed to blow the smell away.
"I-I didn't mean to.d-do that! I'm Sorry!" Billy squeaked and turned around, blushing and starting to tear up. "P-Please don't ha-"
Before Billy could finish his thought, Wally and Barry were on either side of Billy, hugging him.
"Hey, hey, It's alright, Fart's happen." Wally was saying, rubbing and patting Billy's back.
"And I'm 90 percent sure you wouldn't fart on me after winning a game. Now if you lost.." Barry said and winked, patting billy's bum.
"Hmmm, Feels like it was just a fart, do you wanna sit on the potty just to be sure buddy?" Barry asked.
"Daddy, I know when I have to po-" Billy started and let out a long fart, one eye half closing and a leg coming up. the fart went from a normal sounding if massive one to wet and muddy, then Billy's leg came down and he was popping a squat.
Of course either Wally or Barry could of gotten him to the bathroom, but honestly, they had both agreed wordlessly to just let him fill his diapers.
"D-Daddy I'm Pooping!" Billy whined, as if Wally or Billy couldn't of told, and they just hugged him tighter and went double time with the bum and back pats as he whimpered and put his face in either shoulder, bearing down and finishing up even as whimpers of 'stinky' came out of his mouth.
As the diaper drooped in the back and Billy finished up, he sniffled a few times then pulled back.
"D-Daddy..Wally..Diapie change?" He asked in a voice that made him sound like a toddler.
"Of course buddy. I'll have you clean i-" Barry started to say but Wally moved his hand over and closed Barry's lips.
"I'll change him it means I don't have to hear that pun again." Wally said and winked to Billy even as Barry's eyes went wide from shock then a little glare.
Billy meanwhile was giggling like crazy and hands coming up his mouth to try and hide it.
Barry got Wally's fingers off his lips and smirked.
"oh, you think that's funny little man?" Barry asked, looking to wally and giving a evil smirk.
"I mean.. Kinda.. sowwy.." Billy said.
"Oh come on Barry, it WAS funny." Wally said and smirked.
"..Not as funny as this is gonna be." Barry said and Wally saw what was going to happen but could never beat Barry's speed, so was too slow to stop what happened next.
His hand moving at a blur, Barry smushed and squished the mess in the diaper around, making sure the boom boom went EVERY where as Billy's mouth formed a O and Wally groaned.
Zipping up to his feet Barry smirked.
"Have fun cleaning that up.. Oh and you can't use speed speed for cleaning up a poopie diaper, it'll hurt billy's bum." Barry said and went off to go and start working on lunch.
"wait what?!"Wally yelped.
"I..Poopie all over..I.." Billy was mumbling, looking out of it, and swaying back and forth on his feet, too out of it for Wally to ask if that was really a thing.
"DICK MOVE BARRY!" Wally yelled, then cradled Billy, the smell was even worst now and Wally gulped, wondering if he was strong enough to do this.
Billy mewed softly and wrapped his arms around Wally's neck and nuzzled his head into Wally's chest.
"I Sowwy. I stinky." Billy mewed, eyes semi glazed over.
Looking at how much Billy needed him, Wally found the will power needed and dashed billy off to the bathroom, though he did a slight detour to get a clothespin for his nose.
'maybe it won't be as bad as I think.' Wally thought, getting Billy on his back on a towel in the bathroom, sliding the little guys thumb into his mouth and gushing at how cute he looked.
opening the diaper, Wally realized it wasn't as bad as he thought.
it was worse, much much much.
Wally wasn't a stranger to changing diapers, as big of a family as he had and baby sitting jobs but this was the record for longest and grossest he'd ever handled.
going though a whole freshly opened box of wipes, he got it done, going at normal speed and taking time to comfort billy and talk softly to him.
it took the better part of 15 minutes, and then just to be safe Wally gave Billy a quick bath, semi worried as Billy had apparently slipped into a baby mode of sorts and was playing with some rubber duckies while Wally washed him, at one point offering one of the duckies he had been chewing on to wally.
"Uh..No thanks. you keep chewing." Wally said with a sweat drop.
Billy just giggled and nodded, noming on his ducky and letting wally wash him, only fussing when his hair was being washed, though thankfully Barry had gotten no more tears shampoo.
with Billy washed up all nice and clean, Wally got him dried off with a big fluffy towel and was walking him back toward his room to get him dressed when Barry cut him off, holding one of the presents under one arm.
"Thought I heard the tub running.Lunch is ready downstairs, I'll get the birthday boy dressed. go get something to eat." Barry said.
"Heh, Sure, now that I've handed all the smelly stuff you wanna tag in." Wally teased, and Billy giggled.
"What can I say, Perks of being a daddy and honorary uncle." Barry said.
Wally just shook his head and headed down the step while Billy toddled along side Barry, wrapped up in the towel and then just laid back his bed, willing to let Barry do all the work.
"heh, your being pretty cute kiddo. maybe you should poop your pants more often." Barry teased, tickling billy's tummy and getting a fit of giggles out of him.
Deciding with how little Billy was acting and the bigger accidents he was have, Barry got billy into a daytime diaper but cut slit in the front of back of it first, while Billy watched with a confused look and a finger on his bottom lip.
"Ummm daddy, what cha doing? I'm leak all over now." Billy pointed out.
"Well, if that was your only diapie you would, but daddy figures since we're not going out and you're having lots of accident's.." Barry said and pulled out the bulky bed time diaper.
"Sheesh, I'll be waddling like a toddler with both of these on!" Billy said and stuck out his tongue.
"I know! I don't know why i didn't think of this sooner!" Barry gushed and got a raspberry from billy.
with the bulky diaper taped up over the thinner one, Barry helped billy stand up and gushed and coo'ed at how Billy's legs were forced apart.
"Sheesh, One more and I think I'd be stuck crawling!" Billy said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't temp me." Barry said then handed Billy the present. "Here, open this up, it's from Iris and I thought it might be useful right now."
Warning bell's were going off in Billy's head as he took the present and he had to suppress a groan, it was a flash themed diaper shirt.
"Well what do you think? Iris noticed that your diaper sag a lot when you got pants-less and this will help! Heck, might even get you a few of theses if it works out. but for now,you can be the fastest pamper butt alive!" Barry asked.
"..I think I'll save it special occasions." Billy tried and Barry just laughed.
"Silly boy, this is your birthday, that IS special, here, I'll help you get it on." Barry said taking the diaper shirt from Billy and dashing around the boy. in seconds he was snugly fit in the diaper shirt.
Despite how humiliating it was to need the shirt for his saggy diapers, Billy had to admit it felt right, even if his bulky diapers semi showed.
"Soooo?" Barry asked.
"..I could get used to it. " he said and started to head for the door, realizing just HOW bad his waddling was now as Barry squealed behind him. "..I'll calling it in. carry me."
Billy sighed then giggled, holding his arms out.
"Well if I HAVE to." Barry laughed, coming over and picking up Billy and heading for the dinner table.
So far the day had been fun and cute, and it was only gonna get better.
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frantic-fiction · 7 years
Full of Suprises
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Gif Not Mine :)
Hello, my lovely friends, I’m back with another one-shot courtesy of an anonymous prompt submitted by one you beautiful people. Since my birthday is coming up and I’m a bit selfish I decided to finally write this. And here starts the apology for this being so late. I believe this prompt was sent to me a little bit before my hiatus so if the author of this prompt is reading this I hope I did it justice and I’m terribly sorry that it is so late and I do hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Can I have a request where it's the readers birthday, and for some reason her ex thinks its okay for him to show up with a new girl, the avengers are pissed, reader is upset, and Steve comforts her while the others deal with her ex? Smooches! xx 
Word Count: 2,372
A single knock rap against the door of your small apartment, however, it goes unnoticed by you as you sluggishly begin to craft a basic breakfast. You start by cracking a couple of eggs in a small purple bowl quickly mixing the yokes with the egg whites. Placing the mixed eggs in a large saucepan, you set out to make your favorite cheese and bacon omelet.
"You know you really ought to keep your doors lock, Brooklyn can be a scary place." Your closest friend Steve chuckles from behind you. "Wouldn't want the birthday girl to be robbed on her very special day."
"Steve, we talked about this..."
"I know...I know, but you know birthday's only come once a year. You can at least humor me." Steve shrugged falling onto one of your squeaky bar chairs while you plate the omelet onto your plate and sit opposite of the super soldier. Digging in Steve just watched with a smile across his features.
"Oh were you thinking that I might have shared?" You questioned with a mouth full of food. "Well tough toots, it's my birthday Rogers." Pushing off his chair Steve moves to the recently brewed coffee filling a cup.
"Okay, now that we're accepting the whole birthday girl thing you have a party that Tony's planning for you at eight tonight. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I know you hate those so just pretend you didn't know." Steve sipped his coffee with an obnoxious slurp as you groaned throwing your fork down and placing your head in your hands.
"No!" Your groan is stuffed by your palm. "Tony can kiss my ass cause I'm not going!" Ever since Steve had introduced you to all of the Avenger's during the annual Christmas party last year, Tony has spent countless time trying to wrangle you back into the tower for whatever devilish reason the philanthropist kept behind his smirk.
"Believe me when I say I'm not usually a big fan of Tony's party but it's your birthday, and you deserve something special," Steve explained tossing the remaining bit of coffee down the drain. "Plus y-you could...uh...you could bring Justin."
You stiffen at the mention of his name, tears already threatening to trickle down your flushed cheeks. Justin dumped you last week with no explanation other than a text claiming it was over leaving you to spend the last week moping alone in your apartment. "Um...About that, well you see me and Justin are no more. He kinda...." The shattering of a ceramic mug startled you from your thoughts.
"Oh god, I..I'm sorry Y/N." Steve stuttered kneeling down to pick up the shards of ceramics from your kitchen tile which ended with a silent curse and a bit of blood.
"Jesus Steve, did your mother ever teach you not to play with glass?" You stressed jumping off your chair, rushing over to the super soldier you cradle his injured hand in yours. The damage was small, but the blood was enough to make your squirm. "Let's get this clean and cover before I throw up." You spoke all previous thought surrounding Justin vanished from your conscious.
After you had led Steve to your first aid kit and he patched himself up with little to no help from you, Steve left with a promise he would pick you up in time to make it to the party. There for you had no escape from your special birthday extravaganza complimentary of Mr. Stark himself.
With defeat in your mind, you set out to at least look somewhat decent for the party, meaning you sat on your laptop for about six hours until you rushed into your bathroom to clean up and throw on whatever looked good. You picked out a simple turquoise blouse and some skinny black jeans, adding a dash of mascara and a pale gloss you finished off your look just in time to meet Steve at your door.
Opening the door with a bit of reluctance your eyes land upon a muscular chest fitted with a basic navy blue button up and light brown khakis. His eyes wide and cheeks flushed. "Wow Y/N you look lovely." Steve breathed fiddling with the wrapped box in his hands. "Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday!"
"Steve you didn't have to..."
"Oh shut up and open it." Steve groaned in anticipation. You went to protest more, but the look in Steve's eyes prevented you otherwise. Sighing in defeat, you pull the frilly wrapping paper off the package to reveal a black velvet box. Looking to Steve for an answer he raised an eyebrow urging you to open the box. Following the silent instructions, you flip the top back to show a beautiful green emerald surrounded by small crystals connected to a silver chain.
"Steve it's beautiful." You gushed pulling the chain from the box and unlatching the necklace. "This must have cost a fortune,"
"The price doesn't matter," Steve brushed off plucking the jewelry from your fingers and asked you turn around. "Do you like it?"
"Very much thank you." Turning around you give Steve a quick hug, before looking him in the eyes a smirk playing on your lips. "Why don't we just stay in and watch a movie?"
"I would love that. However Tony spent a lot of time planning this, and he would probably cry himself to sleep for the next week if you don't come. So Missy grab your purse." Steve beamed holding out his hand expectantly. Grabbing your clutch, you take his hand and let him lead you to the cab he previously called to your apartment building. The ride was spent in a comfortable silence, and once you arrive at Stark tower, you and Steve take the elevator to the top floor where the party was in full swing.
Stepping off Steve trails behind as your confused by the dark penthouse in front of you. That was until all the lights flashed on and a loud incrusted "Suprise," blared in your ears making you jump in shock. Forcing your best-surprised face, you rush towards the Russian redhead who was walking towards you for a hug.
"I know Steve told you, but I swear if Tony finds out he'll mope about it for weeks," Natasha whispered into you ear as she wraps her arms around your torso in a tight hug. "Also Happy Birthday Y/N."
"Noted and thank you, Nat."
"Y/N! Are you shocked? Now please don't fell too bad for not catching on I am the perfect liar." Tony rambled on pulling you away from Natasha and into a firm hug. "What did the ice cube get you? Bet it's not as good as what I got you." Tony smirked pulling out a small manilla envelope.
"Tony..." You started.
"Oh stop being a pansy and open the damn thing." Tony interrupted, waving his hand nonchalantly. "You're going to love it." Following his orders, you peel open the flap and pull out two tickets to the place you have dreamed of going to ever since your freshmen year of high school.
"Oh my God, Tony you didn't."
"Oh but I did, now put those in your fabulous purse and let's get this party started!" Tony demanded running off with a cheer to probably find a sexy girl to dance with and a sweet drink to get drunk from. Laughing to yourself, you do just that and stash the tickets quickly mingle with the party goers.
The party was going well, and you had to admit you were having fun and dancing, well at least after a couple of drinks were resting in your abdomen, you were. Although there was one super soldier, you had yet wrangled into a dance. You sat at the bar swishing a light fruity drink between your lips while searching the dance floor for Steve. After a moment you spot the man uncomfortably leaning against the glass wall of the apartment, dropping your drink on the counter and swiftly make your way towards Steve, a smile plastered on your features.
You casually lean against the wall mimicking the stance of the soldier. "Hey Stevie," You spoke elbowing him in the arm. "You know a party is for dancing so....wanna dance."
"Y/N," He started before being cut off by you.
"Nope, it's my birthday so you're gonna dance with me and you are going to like it, soldier." You enjoined gripping his arm and pulling him into the large crowd of drunken dancers. "Now enjoy," Steve cautiously placed his arms around your torso while you link yours around his neck, you begin to sway slowly despite the fact no slow song was playing.
"I'm glad you're at least pretending to enjoy this party. Happy Birthday by the way." Steve whispered in your ear.
"Thank you, Steve, though I would have preferred that we celebrated my special day by just ordered a pizza and watch Friends again." You chuckled resting your head on his shoulder softly.
"We can do that tomorrow if you..."
"Well, well, well I guess we both moved on fast." A bitter voice spat behind you. Steve's arms tighten around your torso as he glared at the intruder.  "Should I have brought a gift?" Turning around your eyes met the dark brown ones of Justin, he dawned a fitted tux with a skinnier, taller and prettier women draped over his arm. She wore a tight red dress that seemed impossibly small on her tall form.
"Justin, what are you doing here?" Your voice quavers as you push out of Steve's protective grip. Looking around most of the more sober dancer had ceased their activities in favor of gawking at the little group Justin formed in the middle of the dance floor. Out of the corner of your eyes, Natasha shot daggers from across the room knowing what Justin did to you. Tony tugged on Natasha arms confusion radiating from his features before she quickly informed him of your little situation forcing a scowl to cross his features as well.
"Oh you know I received an invite from Mr. Stark for your birthday two weeks ago, and I met Lena the day after kicking your ass to the curb. So, I thought I might take her to have some," Justin grinned gripping Lena's ass through her tight dress. "And believe me Y/N, Lena and I are going to have so much fun. More fun than me and your fat ass ever had." Justin spat instantly forcing tears to trickle down your cheeks. Stifling your sobs, you thread through the crowd and out to the roof.
As Steve watched you flood the scene, he couldn't help but feel his blood boil beneath his skin. Seeing the way he treated you made Steve want to watch the blood drain from Justin smug face as Steve squeezed the life out of him. And on instinct Steve found himself pulling the younger man up by the collar so that Steve could stare intimidatingly into Justin's face.
"You have no right!" Steve spat gripping Justin's collar tighter. "She has done nothing but loves you, and you break her heart for the second time this week. God, I could kill you right now." Steve yelled balling his fist to strike, that was until a firm grip fell on his shoulder and a streak of red hair crossed his face.
"Steve stop," Natasha spoke. "Y/N needs you, go we'll show him out." She smirked cracking her knuckles as Steve dropped the boy and moved towards the door.
You lean against the cold concrete railing staring out on New York City. The bright lights of the buildings contrasted against the lonely night sky blending into an almost surreal painting. The cold air stung your cheeks but helped to calm your nerves from the growing anxiety boiling within. It was stupid to cry over that douche bag but to see how easily he threw away the eight months you two spent together for a skinny blonde in a red dress hurt like hell. Rubbing your eyes, you silently thank yourself for not over-doing your make-up for this event.
"He's gone," Steve spoke closing the glass door and meeting you by the railing. "And Natasha made sure he will never come back." With that, you chuckled imagining what Natasha might have done, but ultimately the tears still rolled down your cheek. "Hey," Steve breathed cupping your flushed cheek with his calloused hands. "Why are you crying?"
"I-it's s-st-uipd." You hiccup more sobs emitting from your throat. "I-I...He just threw me away." Collapsing into his arm, Steve lets you cry on his shoulder stroking your hair and whispering comforting words into your ear.
"Y/N, that asshole never deserved you." Steve began holding you at should length so he could look you properly in the eyes. "Y/N you're brilliant, beautiful and sexy and God Justin was a fool to give you up." Your lips parted with his words; you instinctively brushed his cheek with your hand.
"Steve..." You're cut off by Steve's lips crashing into yours and his arms pulling you into a heated embrace. Carding your fingers through Steve's hair, you attempt to draw the supersoldiers closer to your body. His hands fall on your side, his thumb rubbed circles against the exposed flesh of your hip. You confidently swipe your tongue over his bottom lip asking permission which he graciously grants.
Your tounges meet in a heated battle for dominance that leaves you even more breathless. Pulling away for air Steve rests his forehead against yours exhaling deeply. He tapped the green jewel on your chest playfully.
"Happy Birthday Y/N," Steve whispered before reconnecting his lips with yours, unaware that behind you Tony was angrily handing Natasha a twenty silently pissed he didn't see this coming.
Hope you all like it. Request are open so send me your plot bunnies! Anyway everyone have a wonderful rest of your day and I’ll see you next time!
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I’m starting this blog post by firstly saying sorry that I haven’t kept my blog updated in almost two months. I’m sorry for being so so rubbish, but here I am filling you in on the past two months which have been super busy!
Picking up where I left off, after we visited Palais des Beaux Arts, Lucie, Christina, Ellie, and I all went ice skating in Wasquehal! It was so much fun, and it was like Bambi on ice in real life. We had such a good time, and I haven’t laughed that much in ages! Ellie, I’m sorry I didn’t take any candids of you on the ice but thank you for taking mine <3
Then, one Saturday (when it seemed like Lille drained of Language Assistants) Lucie, Julia and myself took the train all the way to Lens to visit the partner extension of the Louvre. It was okay – not the best gallery I have ever been to, but the main salle was really spacious and more my type of gallery rather than the cramped exhibitions. After the museum we went for lunch to a little brasserie and we were amazed that this was a restaurant that DIDN’T HAVE MENUS!? You literally had to ask the waitress for what you fancied and she would do her best to get something similar to you. We all had steak (I obviously had mine with peppercorn sauce) and it was yummy scrummy in my tummy!
Then, surprise surprise, Greg visited and we celebrated our one-year anniversary and my 21st birthday! For our anniversary, we had a limit of £15 to spend on each other. So, I treated Greg to some new books – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci Code! I love buying other people books, I think they are such satisfying gifts just to hold! Me, being the lucky devil that I am, got given a photo album with all the photos of me and my Greg from the past year! Is that not the sweetest thing you have ever heard in your life? So so kind of you, thank you so much Greg <3 And, if that wasn’t enough, the next day Greg and I celebrated part 2 of my 21st birthday celebrations and Greg gave me tickets to see Jon Richardson (my favourite ever comedian) and a Tiffany’s necklace! I was a literal heart-eyes emoji! I was so overwhelmed by all this love I cried, but I have worn it every day since and I love it. Greg, if you’re reading this (and you better be!) thank you thank you thank you! X
As 4 language assistants are all born in the same week (Julia, Beth, Lucie, and myself) we decided to organise a birthday meal at Fuxia so that everyone could get together and celebrate as one big group. We chose Fuxia because they have a really good reputation for Italian food. I treated myself to a goat’s cheese, pear and honey pizza which was so delicious! It was such a lovely evening and afterwards we all went for Crunchie Cake at Julia’s and we played Golden Gate. Best birthday party ever.
With the whole world shook by the news Donald Trump is actually the POTUS, Franny, Alisa, Kalen, Christina, and I took our disgust to Paris to protest against the Muslim Travel Ban. What a horrible rule to bring in, and I truly hope as many people protested as possible. After a day in Paris screaming about our disbelief and the prejudice going on in America, we decided to head towards Le Marais (the old Jewish quarter of Paris) and get some falafel! Best day ever, and I was so glad to get some of my social justice-related anger off my chest.
I managed to tick another country off my bucket list since I posted last! Me, Luke, Julia, and Becca spent a day visiting Luxembourg! As excited as you might think I sound – I’m not. It was pretty rubbish. If you go in winter everything is shut, so there’s nothing to do or look at!   So we spent most of our day looking in bookshops and in bars, restaurants, coffee shops, ANYWHERE just to make the time go faster! I personally wouldn’t visit again, but at least I can say I’ve been!
I’ve also been for birthday cocktails with Julia, Beth, and Lucie, visited Le Waf to celebrate Marley’s first birthday, and me and Beth had a girly afternoon of scrumptious salads, shopping, and getting our nails done to treat ourselves! I had my nails done silver and blue so that I looked like Elsa! But all this pampering must have been for a reason, I hear you say! Well, delighted reader, it was because MY FAMILY CAME TO VISIT! My mum, dad, Cara, and Lloyd all came to celebrate my Mum’s birthday (and to give me my presents!) and we had such a special day. For my birthday, my parents bought me and Greg a trip to Dublin whenever we like! We are so lucky. I bought my mum some perfume from a little parfumerie  by my house, and I think she loved it! To celebrate, we went on a huge bike ride, to Palais des Beaux Arts, and to Le Waf so that everyone would find something interesting to do! I had such a great time with my family, and I do really miss them when I don’t get to see them every day. I’m so grateful for everything they do for me.
Because my family were driving back to Wales, they offered to take me up to Liverpool so I can stay with Greg – how kind of them to pay for my crossing as well! I arrived in Liverpool at around 8:30 and Greg had cooked me the world’s best pie! Steak and ale, my favourite. After plenty of smooches, Friday Night Dinner, and vegetarian breakfasts we did our two favourite things: tea out at the new Mowgli on Water Street, and a cheeky hour at Ghetto Golf. We don’t need to go into the ins and outs of who won and who didn’t… (congratulations Greg!) After a fab time in Liverpool, we got the train back down to Birmingham for Mr James McKee’s 21st birthday! Joyeux Anniversaire! After an evening, night, and early morning full of pulled pork, gin and photo booths I had to get my train to London and Eurostar back to Lille. Crying. The whole way.
But since I have been back, our group of assistants have done some pretty fab things! On Wednesday 1st March we had a late Mardi-Gras/St David’s Day celebration over at Julia’s place! I was on pancake duty and cooked the best pancakes ever!!! It was so nice that everyone came together to celebrate my culture, so I organised a quiz all about the best country in the world: WALES. Did you know there are 3 sheep for every person in Wales? Or that the A5 is 181 miles long?
Last Saturday I woke up early and went all the way to Disneyland for the day with Jess Porter (who plays excellent games on the bus), Lucie, and Beth! We even planned our day so everyone got a ride they wanted. I really love the smaller quiet rides (think mum with toddler rides) whereas the others love the horrible, scary, throw you up in the air ones that terrify me. So I was a big girl and went on them all and I even held back all my tears when it felt like my stomach was doing flips! We had such a lovely time, and obvious I was basic and bought Minnie Ears!
Next weekend is Versailles! So I’ll upload after then!
Smell ya later X
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