troiings · 6 months
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Be honest, is this the origin story for ADITINP. Because same.
if Yen knew eating a pomegranate would get her absolutely railed she'd have done it way sooner
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dedalvs · 2 years
I'm so happy you're back on the hellsite. I was literally telling someone about the old days on your Tumblr just the other week, because they thought the language in Avatar was just made up gibberish, which prompted me to go on a whole explanation bender about conlangs and Na'Vi and trigadesleng and why Klingon is not actually the superior conlang, and how neat I thought it was that you were available on social media. The other person walked away about 3/4 through my rant, but it did make me think of you and wish you were back on tumblr, and here we are 😂. Thanks for coming back to the zoo, it's been lonelier without you.
I'm happy to be back! I'm glad to hear you spread the conlang gospel. Not everyone need be interested, but it would be nice if many more knew that conlanging was a thing, and there is a difference between gibberish and a fully constructed language. What anyone would do with this knowledge is up to them, but there are so many that have no idea... So thank you for fighting the good fight!
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dunhamsolivia · 2 years
I just want to thank you for still having that BSG gif in your mobile header, because if you didn't I wouldn't be able to rmbr which fandom I originally followed you for 🙈🙈🙈
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bahahah omg ik, i’m sorry!
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laiqualaurelote · 5 days
WIP Word Game
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with each letter of that word.
thanks for the tag @nix-nihili, who gave me the word PROSE! these are all from The Katabasis Job
P: “Payne’s design,” she murmurs. “Rowland’s handiwork. Yet neither of them’s about. Which begs the question — where are the lads?”
R: “Right. Couldn’t we go through Wrath?” “I’m not taking you through Wrath, Charles.” “Right. Fair enough.”
O: Out loud, he said: “Guess we better start running, then.”
S: “Snacks,” says Charles with a straight face.
E: “Edwin, is, um, not available right now,” says Niko.
New word: LIGHT. Tagging @justplainsalty @babyseraphim @eisoj5 @dearheartdont @saltyoaktree and anybody else who'd like to do it but also no pressure!
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Arien's Advent Calendar, 2024
25 days of TLOU fic
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To say a big THANKS for supporting my fic throughout the year(s), I’m doing the Advent Calendar Fic thingamy again!  I did this last year and it became this collection of stories.
From 1 - 25 December 2024 I will be posting a short story (it will be short, I will control myself) as part of a new collection of works from Driftersverse, Making Mirrors, Interstellar Overdrive and Legend of Charro.
Beneath the cut I have a little information about the story to be written each day (universe, characters and date/era).  I’d like to dedicate each to a reader, so please claim one and I’ll write it for you.
I don’t think all days will fill up, but I’d like to give everyone a chance to get one they really like, so at this stage each person can claim ONE day only - I’ll open it up to more later on. You’re welcome to send me a few in order of preference in case someone has already beaten you to the punch on your favourite, and I haven’t yet updated the list.
If you would rather claim as anon, please give me a name or an emoji or something - just so I can identify you against your chosen day and so we don’t get multiple anons muddled up. 
Please send claims via asks so I can keep track of them in one place and if not anon, include your AO3 name (if you have one).
Happy Holidays! (And thanks to everyone who voted and helped me decide what to offer!)
DD – Driftersverse (my TLOU sandbox, Tess lives) MM – Making Mirrors (Snowqueen of Texas/Parallel Lines - no Cordyceps AU) LOC – Legend of Charro (the Western) IO – Interstellar Overdrive (70s AU) AU – Alternate Universe, unrelated
“OC/Canon, any universe” is a new entry this year.  This means I’ll write a story with the canon listed and you can choose either canon or one of my original characters to appear in the story with them, plus specify universe in which it takes place.  (Eg, Frank and Joel, IO).
Please be kind and keep it to characters I am known to write (I may refuse a claim if you start waving Owen or Mel at me) and who could reasonably interact with one another.  I’ve got enough writing to do, don’t break my brain!
“Mystery AU” is exactly what it sounds.  Last time one of these spawned IO so who knows what could happen?
“Crack box” is the one crack fic I’ll write.  Last year’s took me by surprise, but this year I’m reserving a space for it.
Where are all the Tommy/Maria fics?  They’re still getting three more stories to themselves, so that’s coming probably 2025 at this stage. O_O
1. DD Tess/Joel, 2022 @justplainsalty 2. IO Joel and Ellie, 1977 @march-flowerr 3. LOC Tess/Joel, sweetheart years @seethesunny 4. DD Tess/Joel and Tommy, 2005 @dancingonmoonbeams 5. Ellie and OC/Canon, any universe OR IO 1980 (but whom?) @finnelfin 6. DD Joel/Tess 2024 @ belantana 7. Mystery AU @finnelfin 8. DD/MM Joel and Sarah, 1993 @march-flowerr 9.  IO Tess/Joel, 1974 @emilylawsons 10. Maria and OC/Canon, any universe @ameerawrites 11. LOC Tess/Joel, bandit years @adoringhxxd 12. MM Tess/Joel and Sarah, 2005 @ammotraguslervia 13. DD Tess/Joel and Ellie, 2025 @ameerawrites 14. Tommy and OC/Canon, any universe @adhdprincess 15. Crack Box OR third Mystery AU @toomanytookas 16. IO Tess/Joel 1976 @flckrsoflight 17. DD Tess/Joel, Tommy/Maria 2027 @bumblepony 18. LOC Tess/Joel and Ellie, family years @chujo-hime 19. Mystery AU @bignosebushybrows 20. DD Tess/Joel 2011 @betweentwoceremonials 21. IO Tess and Ellie, 1970 @becomethesun 22. MM Tess/Joel, 2004 @bignosebushybrows 23. Frank and OC/Canon, any universe OR DD Tess/Joel 2007 @justplainsalty 24. DD Tommy/Maria, 2022 @bumblepony 25. Mystery Christmas Story @adhdprincess
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consultingzoologist · 4 months
The Last of Us Fandom Exchange
I was chatting to @cherriesxinthespring and @sedumlineare about encouraging more engagement in the TLOU fandom so as promised I made a post about it!
I'm proposing a less formal version of a Big Bang or gift exchange: to boost some fan art/edits/videos/podfics/playlists/whatever, how about we make a little something for a piece of fic you loved! It doesn't have to be elaborate or an artistic masterpiece, mood boards are a time-honoured tradition on tumblr!
Just think it could be nice to get people chatting to each other and being Creative, feel free to add to this post or tag as #tlou fandom exchange (or indeed chime in with ideas)
Tagging @adhdprincess @liveandletcry23 @the-portal-rule-book @pettson @justplainsalty cause you guys might be interested
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finnelfin · 4 months
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get know better and/or catch up with!
Thanks @seethesunny!
Favorite color: Gray! When I was a kid, like first grade maybe, our teacher asked us this, and then proceeded to tell me that gray wasn't a color and it couldn't be my favorite, I needed to pick a real color, lol
Last song: Catch and Release by Silversun Pickups
Currently reading: Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee
Currently watching: I've been going through some old shows that I meant to watch and never did, so I'm currently watching Dark
Currently craving: Listen, I know this is probably meant to be about food, but I need a vintage map cabinet in my life (that doesn't cost roughly a million dollars to purchase and ship)
Coffee or tea: Coffee! I've never really found any tea that I like, but I love coffee. I've got a really nice brewing setup, and get beans from my local coffee shop
@justplainsalty @22thumbs @two-birds-alone-together @adhdprincess @be-an-echo uhhhh anyone else who wants to play tagging is a bitch on my phone
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adhdprincess · 5 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @justplainsalty and @ameerawrites! Thanks!! ❤️ I mostly write in a notebook, so half don't have titles. I'll do a short summary for the untitled ones.
WIP (Yes. That's what I named the google doc. It's my trunked 50k word Jackson fic that may never see the light of day.)
Alcoholic Joel
Collab Fic
Tommy's 5 y.o. finds out Joel died
Silver Lake but it's hella awkward
A baby Ellie fic from her cute POV
Tagging: @bearrycool @logan178 @paigegonerogue @ketchupchipsaregross @wyked-ao3 @theneverwriter @cherriesxinthespring
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pettson · 10 months
spotify wrapped ✨
ty @morgaussy for the tag! <333
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can you tell i hyperfixated on Auroras latest album? lol. and the only one to make top 5 that wasn’t Aurora being the Eurovision winner is very on brand for me
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it's pop queens and coldplay for me!! + broadway and choral, because if there's one thing you need to know about me it's that i'm a musical and choir nerd 🤓
also pretty nice that I got to see 4/5 of my top artists live this year!! 🥺 actually discovered Griff because she was opening to Coldplay and her set was sooo good
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tagging @justplainsalty @oliviassunrise @seethesunny @hypnotisedfireflies @beerandyarn and anyone else who wants to share!!
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lilydalexf · 1 year
Hello. I only recently read the fic about Mulder being obsessed with Scullys tits and forgot the name. Can you help me to find it. Thank you.
This fic does not sound familiar to me. Sorry!
If you know what fic anon might be looking for where Mulder's obsession isn't aliens for once, please let us know!
(Edit: Anon, if you can remember any more details, let me know. I agree with @justplainsalty that this fic may be hard to exactly identify without more details.)
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emilylawsons · 5 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @justplainsalty. Thanks for the tag!
So far, what I have in my folders, ranked by likelihood of finishing:
Chapter 16 (TLOU)
Letter K (Fringe)
Tessjoel Cairn (TLOU)
Olivia Mom Angst (Fringe)
Evermore 1 (Fringe)
Tagging: @seethesunny @tessaservopoulos @wreckedtodeathandback @writerxwren @bumblepony (also @elialys even though she was already tagged)
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queensabriel · 2 years
Six Questions
Tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster :D
Last Song: Iron 2021 by Woodkid
Last Show: The Last of Us (incoherent jibbering ahhhhh)
Currently Watching: Ozark, Aggretsuko, Abroad in Japan's youtube channel
Currently Reading: Abaddon's Gate (again), Crash and Hellblazer
Current Obsession: Flight Rising (dragons dragons dragons pretty dragons), the Delta Green campaign I'm playing with my friends (did i write a 10,000 word fic that only three people will be able to appreciate? yes.)
Unrelated Obsession: Learning pixel art and Japanese, the latter with the express purpose of being able to read the menus on my Tamagotchi without having to constantly look them up :')
Tagging (without pressure): @closetcellist @justplainsalty @aranov @agarbagebagofhumanteeth @lunaofthemiste @nonbinarybriarmoss @flowerslikemadness @treesofgreen
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perceptivehands · 2 years
ask game thingies all jumbled together
tagged by @mrgaretcarter & @justplainsalty (thank you) relationship status: (borrowing justplainsalty's answer here bc it's pretty spot on:) single and on track to die alone surrounded by my five cats and 100+ houseplants (by choice ofc)
favorite color: green. always green. green makes me happy. GREEN GREEN GREEN.
favorite food: you want me to choose one? impossible. i really love bruschetta for some reason and anything that involves bread. sushi and burger as well.
song stuck in my head: et de clarinette by palov + mishkin. it's a bop.
last thing i googled: looking up bins for my kitchen.
current time: 7:48pm
dream trip: oh don't get me started... scotland, australia. ain't got time for that rn, though. feel miserable being stuck here.
comfort movie: you've got mail, steel magnolias, spirited away (definitely forgot something important here i'm sure)
comfort food: burger or anything that oozes with fat really
comfort clothes: sweatpants and any printed shirt i own (sans bra!)
comfort song: beirut - the riptide, sol seppy - slo fuzz
comfort book: embarrassed to admit that i haven't been reading books (for entertainment) much because i've been so focused on fanfics lately (excluding certain comics here but i wouldn't call them comforting lmao). so i'll give you my comfort fics instead: here & here.
comfort game: idk man, i don't play much nowadays but probably bioshock infinite? for the steampunk vibes and the music. also i love codenames and gartic phone.
3 ships: (in no particular order) jack/phryne, eliza/william, cal/gillian :(, (david/kristen)
1st ever ship: tom/diana (the 4400)
last song: nym - cansaço
currently reading: 2nd volume of 'starving anonymous' (recommend if you like gory shit)
currently consuming: nothing yet but i'm making poppy seed snails. the dough needs to rest for another hour before i can pop them in the oven.
currently watching: started skinamarink last night and fell alseep. so gotta go back to that. in terms of tv shows i couldn't make up my mind yet about what to watch next (perhaps tlou? who knows)
currently craving: those poppy seed snails and a healthier mindset
tagging: @ozqueen, @vhenadahls, @melsunicornonesie, @sheep-in-space, @ravenish-huffnpuff, @weemssapphic (and as per usual anyone who wants to ofc)
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laiqualaurelote · 3 months
@eisoj5 tagged me for Five Favourite Characters from Five Fandoms!
tagging: @bropunzeling @justplainsalty @leupagus @nagia-pronounced-neijia @swallowtailed and anyone else who should like to do this!
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hypnotisedfireflies · 15 days
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks @sixhours for tagging me in WIP Wednesday! Here's something a little different. @march-flowerr requested to see the 'Surfside' story from Interstellar Overdrive - the holiday Tommy refers to where Joel took him to the beach when he was 10 years old. It takes place in 1951.
So I've been quietly working on this in the background between PL chapters. Here's a preview.
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Tagging: @seethesunny @finnelfin @justplainsalty @adhdprincess
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Tag 5 people you want to know better!
Tagged by @justplainsalty
Relationship Status - in a serious relationship with a tv show.
Favorite Color - blue.
Favorite Food - Thai food. But also homemade ground beef tacos like my nana used to make.
Song Stuck In My Head - Lizzo’s “It’s About Damn Time”.
Last Thing I Googled - ring worm in dogs. I don’t wanna talk about it.
Current time - 11:07
Dream Trip - taking my bestie to Paris. Also going on a cruise to alaska. Finally convincing my bestie to go to Hawaii with me.
tagging @blossom--of--snow @andallthatmishigas @holy-ships-x-red-lips @glittermermaid18 @modernamericangirl
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