#juvia as gajeel's best man
1chaerry · 27 days
Atp I need ANYTHING with Laxus. I feel like I’m in love with him. His tattoos are so cool. Idk if you read the 100 year quest show yet, so maybe smth with him after the new members joined? If you didn’t maybe smth at the tourment? I’m happy with everything
The way I am in love with this man as well, I get you. He looks so fine and in the new season he looks scrumptious. So, I want to understand the 100 Year Quest a bit more before I write about it. I guess, I'll write a part 2 of this.
Lightning Sparks and Dew Light
summary: ever since you joined Fairy Tail, you've had a strange relationship with Laxus, at first you were best friends but then, things changed and somewhere along the line of growing up, everything waa gone.
c.w. : angst, fluff, GMG, best friends to enemies to rivals to lovers trope, hurt feelings, confessions, slight banter
w.c. 2.2k
Reader is called "Saram" meaning "Human/Person"
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"Wendy, have you seen my jacket?" Saram asked as she looked around Fairy Tail Team A's room. Despite not being a member of the GMG teams, Saram had roomed with them - it was the insistence of Lucy and Wendy - and had been staying there throughout the event. Currently, she was looking for her jacket as they were all going to head out to the arena for the D-3 of the games.
"I'm not sure, maybe you left it in Team B's room?" Wendy suggested as she sat on the carpet in front of the bed, Carla helping the girl tie her hair up. Saram pondered over her words for a moment, she remembered going to Team B's room with Mira, Juvia and Cana last night after dinner to drop the girls there. She had stayed in the room for awhile longer with them, talking and laughing - Gajeel and Laxus were not supposed to return until later so she made herself comfortable - and perhaps, somewhere between her stay there she must've taken off her jacket.
"I think you're right, you guys go ahead, I'll join you all at the Arena later." Saram smiled and left, hearing Erza kick awake Natsu and Gray behind her as she closed the door, and walked towards Fairy Tail B's room. The rooms were on completely different floors so it took her a bit time to get there but eventually Saram found herself standing in front of their room.
Two knocks later, Cana opened the door, a grin blooming on the brunette's face upon seeing Saram. Immediately, the card user enveloped the girl in a hug.
"Cana, we just saw each other last night." Saram pats the girls head, ruffling her hair, Cana grumbled about messing up her hair, her hands coming up to fix her hair. Saram was pretty close with Cana - well she was close with everyone. except the one person - and so she knew that Cana was just kidding when she was grumbling.
"Did you need something?" Cana asked, hands on her hips. Saram nods, "I think I left my jacket here last night."
Cana hums, thinking, "Well, I was heading out, Mira and Juvia are waiting downstairs, you can go in and check. Do you want me to wait?"
Saram shook her head, "It's fine, you go on ahead, I'll close the door behind me when I leave."
Cana nods and walks out as Saram walks in. She doesn't notice Cana stopping to say something as the door closed behind. Nor does she notice the shoes that were still by the doors of the room as she walked into the room in search of her jacket. Cana shrugged in the hallway and walked away, thinking that Saram heard her words.
The woman looks through the room, not noticing the large jacket - not her own - in a corner on a single sofa. Her bare feet brushed against the carpets as she walked over to where she sat with Mira, Cana and Juvia the night before - she knew it was Mira's bed because Juvia had pointed out the picture of the Strauss siblings beside the pillow last night - talking and spending time.
"Ah, there it is." She found her jacket neatly folded on the low, small chair that was beside Mira's bed. She bent down slightly and reached her hand towards the jacket –
— when the bathroom door swung open
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"Where's Saram?" MiraJane asked as she sipped the coffee.
"Oh, Saram is in our room, she left her jacket there, said she'll join us once she finds." Cana shrugged as she chugged her beer.
"Where's the lightning bastard?" Gajeel chewed on a piece of iron.
"Ah, Laxus-san was taking a bath, he said that he will meet us later." Juvia said as she bit down on the piece of cake.
MiraJane and Cana paused, before they glanced at each other.
"Should we do something?" Cana asked.
"Let them fight, rather than Saram ignoring him constantly, that's better." MiraJane chuckles and the others shivered.
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Saram froze like a deer caught in headlights - her entire figure stilled, eyes slightly widening - as the door opened and her eyes met those of Laxus'. Steam drifting pass the bathroom door as he closed it behind him – his eyes steadfast upon her, gaze heavy – his own silhouette was frozen. They stood in silence – Saram wondered what was more hurtful, the silence or the fact that she no longer held anything to tell him – eyes on each other.
As if regaining her senses, Saram swallowed her feelings and walked towards the door, silently and Laxus watched her – considering that the bathroom had to be crossed to reach the door – as she walked closer towards him. His heavy gaze, it used to be soft and gentle once, felt like a weight upon her frame. And just as she was about to cross him, he moved. His large frame blocked her passage, she cursed how tall and bigger he was than her that he so easily blocked the path, her eyes immense darted up to meet his eyes.
"Move." She said in low voice.
"Saram, talk to me."
"Move." She emphasized.
"How long will you not talk to me?" Laxus spoke, his voice firm and tense - holding a sense of wear - but Saram didn't care. She wanted to leave. She would have used her magic but considering that he was on the B Team, she didn't want him to use his magic or injure – she isn't doing this because of him, he can go to hell – and if Fairy Tail lost because of that, she would not be able to forgive herself.
"Dreyar, get out of my way."
Laxus felt a crawl in his skin at the name. He despised it. Hated the way she called him.
"Saram, I know I have done a lot of wrong things in my life and I haven't even repented half of it yet but I really am sorry. The guild, Gramps – I will apologise for as many times needed, but, you have to talk to me." His voice was almost pleading – a stark contrast from the strong and firm Laxus – and Saram hated the way her heart faltered at the tone.
"I have nothing to say to you." Her voice was cold and unrelenting.
"Then tell me. Tell me how I can ask for forgiveness. How I can make it up to you, even a little, for everything I have done? Yell at me, fight me, curse me out – but please, talk to me, Saram."
Saram clenched her jaw and proceeded to push pass him but he grabbed onto her wrist causing her to stop. If she felt goosebumps from his touch, she doesn't acknowledge it - the way his touch was firm yet gentle – and keeps her eyes down.
"You were my first friend in this guild. The first person I went on a mission with." At her sudden words, his own gaze fell upon her figure, "You were my best friend. And then you changed completely. You became colder, more violent, uncaring. Until you eventually began considering everyone beneath you when you became a S-Class Wizard."
She looked up at him, "Even that, I could have forgiven. I was willing to forgive everything. Just so I could have my best friend back. And then, you started the Battle of Fairy Tail."
Laxus' mind goes back to the events of the Harvest Festival. He, to this day, regretted that day. The day he ruined everything, ruined every bond he had and yet he was welcomed back into the guild.
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Saram was confused when she was suddenly not in the guild – Cardia Cathedral was recognizable immediately to her – and found herself facing Laxus. Her lips pressed into a line as she instinctively took a step back, goosebumps on her skin.
"Saram, so nice of you join me." He mocked as he sat there.
"What's the meaning of this? Stop this mess, Laxus, you can still fix this." Saram tried to reason but flinched when lightning struck right on her side.
"Fix what? This is the redemption of Fairy Tail, Saram!" Laxus laughed as he stood up, walking closer to her.
"Why don't we also fight and see who is stronger?" He sneered. Saram dodged to the side as lightning strike where she once stood. She shook her head at Laxus, a look of desperation in her eyes, "I don't want to fight you, Laxus. There has to be a more reasonable method to talk."
"I do. I've been itching to fight you!" He laughed and sent lightning towards, Saram's eyes widened as she put her arms in front of her in fear.
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"I was wrong, back then, I was an idiot. I hurt Gramps, the guild members," He clenched this jaw as he stared into Sarah's eyes, "I hurt you."
"You forced me to fight you." Saram glared, "You used your damn lightning to teleport me to you just so you could fight me." She yanked her wrist out of his grip as she took a step closer to him.
"And I regret every bit of it."
"You hurt me, you didn't hesitate one bit."
Laxus clenched his fists as he couldn't move his gaze away from Saram, "How can I make it up to you, Saram?"
"I don't know, can you? I have too much anger, hurt, pain in my heart to forgive you like the others have." She truthfully concised.
"Then," This time his gesture was soft as he placed his hand on her head, her body voluntarily looking up at him, "Can I hope that there is a chance of forgiveness as well?"
She paused, there was a moment of silence before she scratched her cheek, "......I won't say for sure but I'll think about it..."
Laxus' lips twitched into a small smile, barely visible as he nods, "That's enough for me now."
"I didn't forgive you."
At her rebuttal, Laxus could not help the grin that came to his face, "I know."
"Don't smile."
"I'm not."
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Saram didn't know how it happened. One moment she was beside Asuka in the Fairy Tail cheer area and the next she found herself kicked harshly in the stomach, depriving her of air. She couldn't even decipher what was happening, mind disoriented, as she found herself held up in the air by red locks of hair on her hands and legs. Gaining her steadiness, she found her eyes meeting those of Laxus'.
His eyes were furious and wide in rage. Bolts of lightning sparked around him as his eyes were dark.
"Let go of her." He glared.
"Lax- mmph!" Saram struggled as Flare wrapped hair around her mouth, muffling her words. A muffled scream left Saram as she felt her skin burn where Flare's hair was holding her, her body convulsing inwards.
"What a pretty girl." Flare gave a cold smile as she tightened the grip.
Laxus felt his blood boil as he watched Saram struggle. Ivan laughed and when a muffled shrill scream left Saram as magic hit her, hot and head on, Laxus felt his restraint snap.
Saram was barely awake, she couldn't use her magic. Something was stopping her from using it. Her body felt drained and she felt like ants were crawling up her skin as her body convulsed in pain. She was barely aware of Laxus fighting Raven Tail as she fought to keep her consciousness. Her ears were ringing, her vision felt tunnel-like.
What she did register, was that someone held her limp body in strong arms, her head against their chest as they held her close to them. She knew that scent. The scent that she was aware of her entire teenage years and adulthood. And as her eyes closed, she found herself clutching onto that person for dear life.
Laxus clenched his jaw as he held her, running to the infirmary with her body, ignoring the yells and shouts of shock and surprise when the true arena was revealed. He found Wendy ready to heal Saram as he laid her onto the infirmary bed. He didn't leave. Laxus stayed by her side, eyes trained upon her, watching how she breathes slowly, the slight stirring and the way her face frowns at times.
And when she gained consciousness, Laxus practically engulfed her as he hugged her, his large stature easily dwarfing her own. Saram stayed quiet but he felt her hands grasp onto his turtleneck as he felt his shirt dampen. He placed a hand over her hair, a softness that he never he could relay came through as he held her.
"Sorry, I dragged you into something against your wish again."
"Shut up."
"I'm quiet."
"Stop smiling."
"I'm not."
"You are." She leaned back and looked up at him, face scrunched into a frown yet it didn't hide her tear streaks. Laxus smiled, it was more of a smirk, as he cupped her face with his large, calloused, rough hands.
"I'm not."
"You drag me into weird situations."
"Shut up."
She hits his chest in annoyance as Laxus chuckled, deep and rich, it didn't hurt him, but he knew that he deserved at least this much.
"Sorry, Saram." He sighed, leaning his forehead against her own, his eyes closed. Saram grumbled but the way her hands clenched onto his turtleneck betrayed her words. The way she didn't push him away or yell, contradicted everything she knew of her own feelings.
"You're forgiven this time."
"About the harve-"
"Don't push it."
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
Middle of the night thoughts: im always going to be a sucker for the "character who seems averse to romance falling first" idea. Which is why I truly think Gajeel catching feelings for Levy first on his path of redemption would've been the superior choice. The idea of a formee villain who is only beginning to properly figure out friendship realizing one of those people he's befriending strikes a cord in a way the others don't.
Now as I was thinking about this, I was struck with the question "do we ever see a man in fairy tail fall first and pursue the romance?" I don't mean something like Lyon where he falls for juvia and nothing blooms between them. I mean genuine reciprocal romance where the guy is the one who has to wait or act first.
Cause I don't know if we ever do. It's common in shoujo for it to happen and honestly when it's done well it sticks in my brain and makes me giddy. But I feel like every fairy tail romance follows the same pattern and it's part of why most couples don't work for me.
Guy and girl meet and start off on rocky terms
Guy proves himself to be a hero by saving the girl and the girl blushes as she thinks he's cool and realizes she might be into him.
Girl gets jealous and indignant when guy is oblivious to her feelings and is friendly at all with other women.
Several scenes with misunderstandings are written in for drama and comedy as we play up how overdramatic a woman can be.
Guy realizes down the line he's into the other woman who becomes much more subdued when romanced.
It's a repetitive pattern. It's really disappointing because Mashima has decent concepts for couples that could be fleshed out in interesting ways if done right. Juvia and Gray could've been a slow burn due to Juvia figuring herself out beyond romance and Gray only falling for her when her true personality shines through without the veneer of romance (fjord and jester from critical role are a great example of this. Though juvia and Gray are not perfect parallels to them.) Gajeel and Levy could've been a slow burn enemies to lovers where Gajeel has to first prove himself as a decent person before Levy even considers a friendship with him and we focus on then finding common ground and working well as a team to build the bond (honestly beauty and the beast would be the best example of things for them, though again not a perfect parallel to my own vision.) Jellal and erza could've focused on the difficulties of forgiveness when the one you care for betrays you and how that can change a bond over time and the difficulties of moving forward from that. It could focus on the complexities of the feelings they have for each other and not just had them immediately fall back into some kind of romance with little to no build up. (I don't have a comparison for this. But these two move way too fast for me to enjoy them in canon)
Mavis and Zeref should've been a full will they won't they that ends with they won't because the circumstances of their lives won't allow it. A continuous dance and bond that would've lent so well to tension in scenes where they interact and tinged their moments with sadness and bittersweet longing.
There are so many ways to flesh out the romances in the series without constantly reusing the same formula with alterations barely made based on the personalities of the women. People who enjoy fairy tail claim romance is the one thing Mashima does well, but as a romance fan I have to say I don't think a single couple in fairy tail was well executed. I do love several of them, but that doesn't mean they were well written.
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fearibays · 5 months
I think there should be more Gajeel and Juvia brotp moments 🥺
They’re the cutest ever, man. Imagine them talking about their love lives or about old times in Phantom Lord, and more. They’re the best.
I bet they talk every day about the most random shit imaginable.
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ijustwannadraw0716 · 4 months
I like you, have a cupcake.
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It's Levy. Literally the best character ever. All her character writing flaws are Mashimas fault not her. I love her you leave my beloved alone.
First, I didn't change her appearance too much, gave her glasses, and played with her hair a little, but honestly, I had no qualms about it! I like the yellowish-orange color of her dress, I think it brings out her blue hair well and makes her look all sunshine and cute. I kept her outfit simple with long sleeves but have her legs out. I enjoy her having small breast's, not every woman has a D-cup. I enjoy the plain outfit for her, she likes comfortable clothes that she can lounge in and read a book, but she still wants to look cute.
In my redesign I'm taking her self-conscious attitude over her tit's away though. I don't think she would care. She likes her body. If anything she's self conscious over how clumsy she can be. Yes I do like the clumsy bookworm trope, except when she trips or stubs her toe it's almost always followed up by a string of curses. She doesn't curse alot, she finds it dumb, but when her toe is stubbed? Fuck that.
Moving on, Levy as a character is great. She's mature, brave, intelligent, but severely underestimated. She can read in many different languages, and her magic is incredibly useful, but she is seen as weak. I feel like where she lacks physical fighting strength, she makes up within her magic. I understand she originally was supposed to be a background character, but when Mashima changed his mind, he should have begun developing her a bit more. We get no backstory for her, and after it's clear there's a relationship with Gajeel, that's all we seem to get. I love their relationship, but I want more outside of it.
I love her being mature too because she can easily reel Gajeel in. Like Erza, I imagine just a sharp look from her has him hanging his head and scoffing. It's cute seeing the little shrimp of a woman reel in this large man who's abrasive and ready to rumble. I love their relationship. It's not perfect but God is it cute.
I want more relationships outside of ya know Jet, droy, Lucy, and gajeel. How is her relationship with Juvia? She was in the same guild Gajeel was. I know juvia didn't attack Levy, but she attacked Lucy, her best friend. Do you think she holds some sort of resentment towards her that slowly drifts away over time? Same with Gajeel- she wouldn't forgive him so easily. Let alone did he attack her, but he attacked Jet and droy, her team. Also speaking of Jet and Droy- please please give them more too??? Why are their personalities just revolved around Levy ;^; Make them befriend other people in the guild perhaps. They're a guild!
Listen I haven't watch fairytail in a hot minute so if I'm mistaken on any of these takes, let me know but I kinda just want more lol. Even if it's small moments, I know I know they're side characters, but if you're gonna introduce characters into your story (and they're a l o t of them), make them more. Even if it's subtle! Character design makes these things known! Which is why Jet and Droy are also getting a redesign.
I'm gonna get through like the main main people I guess first, I just had to do Levy because I adore her. She's my favorite.
Also no not all of the redesigns will look like the original designs I promise ;^; I JUST REALLY LIKE HER DESIGNNNNN ALREADY.
I do have to draw her in her lil time skip outfit though when she's on the magic counsel. The coat is chefs kiss.
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laxus x freed fic recs
alone by Synnie - 3,029 words and oenshot
summary: laxus has been exiled, but that doesnt mean hes left magnolia completely. when it storms, he pays freed a visit
the proposal by Redbottomshoes - 3,009 words and 2 chapters/compete
summary: everything needs to be perfect. laxus knows that freed only deserves the best and he will be damned if he falls while taking a knee
green envy in blue pegasus by Rhov - 7,897 words and 5 chapters/compete
summary: in fairy tail, it was easy for laxus to hide the fact that he had no interest in women. so when the raijinshuu join blue pegasus while fairy tail is disbanded, laxus faces the greatest challenge ever: how to keep hiding the fact that hes gay when women flock around him, and how long can he keep his commposure as he rages internally with envy any time a person flirts with freed
Dragon instict by shadow_faye - 63,465 words and 21 chapters/complete
Summary: Laxus didn't know what brought on this change in Freed, but he knew he didn't like it. He wanted the old Freed back. The quiet and composed Freed that rarely spoke, but when he did his words meant something. Also known as, Laxus is incredibly worried when Freed shows signs of not coping with what happened on Tenroujima.
Freed-bury bunny by Rhov - 3,173 words and oneshot
summary: laxus wants freed to be his very own easter bunny, costume, cotton tail, floppy ears, and ready to lay an egg
Neko freed’s not so purrfect life by FraxusRevolution - 1,629 words and one chapter/incomplete
Summary: Bixlow decided to prank Freed again: This time, by giving the Rune Mage a potion which would turn him into a Neko. But the flipside of this joke is that the effect lasts for a year.
Making our own story by Rhov - 3,446 words and oneshot
Summary: Freed is a famous writer in town for a book signing when a man asks him to write a special message in his book. "Thanks for the coffee." It's an odd and inspiring way to ask a guy out, so how can he say no to the blond bookstore worker?
The emerald dream by Cyane (orphan_account) - 1,879 words and 2 chapters, uncompleted
Summary: Another one of Juvia's love potions turns to disaster, and Freed is shocked-- and thrilled-- to discover that Laxus is head-over-heels for him. Juvia has a cure, but it would crush Freed to know that his entire relationship with Laxus had been a lie.
The secret in the box by Rhov - 2,870 words and oneshot
Summary: There was a locked box on Laxus' curio shelf. Freed never should have opened it. Now he doesn't know if Laxus is cheating on him or not
Waiting for my mate by Veikari - 198,458 words and 87 chapters/conplete
Summary: Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he would finally return. Dragon mating season has started and all kinds of things will happen. After the season their journey won't stop but there will be lots of new stuff they have to get adjusted to.
Revenge is a dish best served… with a side of fish by sweet_lovin_zombie - 2,420 words and oenshot
Summary: Freed has always been one of the most level headed members of Fairy Tail. But when he becomes Happy's servant to make Laxus jealous... will he lose that title?
Baked to perfection by Rhov - 1,714 words and oneshot
Summary: Freed ruined a cake he had hoped to make to celebrate Laxus' return. Laxus has a better idea about how to use up all that sweet, creamy frosting. Rather than eating cake, he wants to "devour" the cook.
Hopelessly in love by sweet_lovin_zombie - 2,767 words and oneshot
Summary: Ever since Freed and Laxus started dating, the blond has been acting quieter, and less like himself, and Gajeel plans to get to the bottom of it. Fraxus, Gajevy
Why Laxus doesn’t need an exceed by Rhov - 2,980 words and oneshot
Summary: Gajeel wonders why Laxus is the only Dragon Slayer without a pet. Laxus doesn't need an Exceed or giant snake. He has a very obedient "pet" already, one who is more than eager to obey.
Movin on ( or not) by sweet_lovin_zombie - 2,690 words and oenshot
Summary: When the Fairy Tail gang went missing on Tenroujima, Freed wasn't among them, he remained at the guild. In the seven years that they were gone, Freed changed a lot, the biggest change being that he quit Fairy Tail, and joined Lamia Scale. But now that Fairy Tail's strongest are back, Laxus is out to get his rune mage back into the guild, willingly or not.
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sofya-fanfics · 1 year
Your Melody In My Heart
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Fandom : Fairy Tail
Relationship : Gray x Juvia
My Tropetember 2023 contribution for the prompt : Rockstar / Actor / Model / Famous AU.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : It had been a little over a year since Juvia had discovered this idol group made up of four boys. Natsu, Laxus, Jellal and especially Gray. Gray-sama, she thought with dreamy eyes.
Disclaimer : Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.
Juvia put her phone on the table and a huge smile lit up her face. She had managed to buy the last tickets for the concert of the band Fairy Tail. If she was not in a public place, she would have jumped for joy.
It had been a little over a year since she had discovered this idol group made up of four boys. Natsu, Laxus, Jellal and especially Gray. Gray-sama, Juvia thought with dreamy eyes. At that time, Juvia was going through a difficult time where she thought she would never get out of it. She was in her senior year of high school. Her boyfriend had broken up with her and the students in her class harassed her. They found her too gloomy, too strange and they did not like her way of speaking in the third person. She felt like it was constantly raining on her heart and that the rain would never stop.
One day, she had seen on television the band Fairy Tail who had been invited to a variety show to present their new song. It was then that she first saw Gray and heard his voice. By listening to him, the rain had stopped for the first time in a long time. The sun was reappearing in her life.
Since then, she never missed any broadcast show in which the band was invited, she followed them on social networks, she collected all the goodies in their image, she even sewed a plush toy with the effigy of Gray and she hoped to be able to offer it to him at the concert.
It would be the first time she would see him in person. She could not help imagining their meeting. She would meet him by chance before the concert. Their gaze would meet and it would be love at first sight. She would give him the plush toy and he would take her in his arms to thank her. During the concert, he would sing for her, never taking his eyes off her, and he would dedicate a song to her. This would be the start of their love story.
She came back to earth when she received a text message from Gajeel telling her that he would be here soon. She was in a cafe where she was waiting for her best friend. Both had spent their childhood in the same orphanage. They were lonely and had difficulty in bonding with others. They had become friends when girls from school were annoying Juvia and Gajeel had defended her. That day, Gajeel had become much more than her friend. He was her family. She smiled when she saw him enter the cafe. She waved her hand to signal her presence. Gajeel went to sit at her table.
“Weren't you supposed to come with a friend ?” Julia asked.
“He won't be long.”
A friend of him was in town for some time and Gajeel had insisted for Juvia to meet him. When she asked him why, he only replied with a big smile :
“I'm sure you'll be very happy to meet him.”
A few minutes later, the cafe door opened once again and a young man entered. Juvia frowned. He was tall and slender, but she could not see his face because of his cap, his sunglasses and the mask he wore.
“He looks like an idol trying to hide,” she commented.
“You don’t know how right you are.”
Juvia gave him a questioning look. Gajeel waved for the man to approach their table.
“Good to see you again,” Gajeel said.
“You could have chosen a more private place.”
“Sorry, I hadn't thought about it.”
But Gajeel was anything but sorry. The boy sat down and Juvia had a strange feeling. As if she had seen him somewhere before, but she could not remember where.
“G this is Juvia. Juvia, this is G.”
G looked at her. Juvia could not help blushing. His gestures, his voice, everything about him was familiar. She chatted with him and laughed. She felt comfortable and it was the first time she felt like this with a stranger. Yet something inside her told her that she knew him and she could not help staring at him. She blushed and looked away when G, feeling observed, looked at her. After a while, G received a text message from his work and had to leave.
“Your friend is really nice,” Juvia said.
Gajeel laughed lightly. She wondered why he was reacting like this.
“I can't believe you didn't recognize him.”
Juvia frowned. It was true that he was familiar to her and it annoyed her not to know where she had seen him. If only he were not wearing his sunglasses, she thought.
“Was he at the orphanage ?”
“No, I met him when I was playing hockey in middle school.”
“You know that Juvia didn't know your hockey friends.”
Gajeel smirked.
“You listen to him every day, him and his three friends. You have pictures of him in your room. You have a whole collection of goodies on him. You even sewed a plush toy that looks like him.”
Juvia opened her eyes wide and she put her hands to her mouth. Her heart was beating faster and faster, realizing what had just happened. She had just met :
“Gray-sama !”
It had nothing to do with the first meeting she had imagined. Suddenly, everything went black.
Two days had passed since Juvia's meeting with Gray. All she hoped was that she had not made a fool of herself in front of him. She arrived at Gajeel's apartment. His girlfriend’s birthday, Levy, was approaching and Juvia had promised her friend to help him find a present. She loved Levy and it was out of the question for her and Gajeel to break up because of an ill-chosen gift from the young man. Juvia opened the apartment door. She spent so much time at his place that Gajeel had given her a key.
“Gajeel, are you there ?” she called, closing the door behind her.
“He went to do some shopping. It shouldn't take long.”
Juvia jumped, not expecting anyone else to be in the apartment. She thought she was fainting when she turned to face the person.
“Gray-sama !”
She blushed and looked away.
“You're in your underwear.”
Gray looked at himself and gasped in surprise.
“Oh no,” he muttered. “I did it again.”
Juvia heard him get dressed and had to restrain herself with all her might not to look. She remembered she had read somewhere that Gray had a tendency to unconsciously undress. He had spent much of his childhood in the mountains and the cold did not bother him.
“You can watch.”
Juvia looked at him. He was now wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She was almost disappointed that he got dressed so quickly. She shook her head violently, telling herself she had to stop daydreaming.
“Is everything alright ?” Gray asked.
She nodded shyly. The images of their first meeting came back to her mind and she felt embarrassed.
“Ju…Juvia is sorry if she did or said anything embarrassing last time.”
Gray shook his head negatively.
“Quite the opposite. It made me happy to be able to speak and act normally in front of someone who didn't know who I was.”
Juvia realized that Gray's life must be very different from what she imagined. He was a celebrity scrutinized by everyone and the slightest misstep could end his career. The door opened abruptly and Gajeel entered.
Juvia turned over on the other side of the bed, clutching the Gray plush she had sewn. She could not sleep and stared at Gray's poster. They had seen each other several times, usually at Gajeel's. When they were outside, he always wore his cap, his sunglasses and a mask so he could not to be recognized.
It had been two weeks since the band traveled to the north of the country for a series of concerts which introduced the start of their tour. Gray was supposed to be back in town in three days. During the time he was away, Juvia had plenty of time to think about how she felt. She had gotten to know him and she had learned to make the distinction between Gray Fullbuster and Gray the idol.
The more time passed, the more she loved the real Gray. She loved him when he was happy or grumpy. When he got angry when Gajeel laughed at him. When he smiled at her when he heard her humming one of his songs. She liked his qualities and his faults. She had never felt this way for anyone and since he left, she missed him. She wondered if he felt the same. Probably not, she thought sadly. For him, she was just Gajeel's friend and one of his fan.
“Calm down,” Gajeel said. “You will end up tearing it by dint of tighten it like that.”
Juvia slightly loosened the bag containing the Gray plush she was holding against her and took a deep breath to calm herself. The band Fairy Tail was in town to give their concert. Thanks to Gray, Juvia and Gajeel had been able to go behind the scenes. Juvia had brought the Gray plush with her and she hoped she could give it to him.
She was both eager and anxious to see him again. Thousands of questions and possibilities raced through her head. How would their reunion be going on ? Had he thought of her ? Did he miss her as much as she missed him ? Her heart was beating faster as they approached the dressing rooms.
Juvia opened her eyes wide in wonder. Everything was as she had imagined. The band was here with the musicians and the staff. Some concentrated, others warmed up their voices or had their makeup done. Among all these people, Juvia saw Gray. He was at the back of the room, seated on a chair and concentrating on a score. He looked up and smiled when he saw Juvia and Gajeel. She waved at him and he waved back.
“Everyone, hurry up, it's time to go,” the band manager shouted.
The room gradually emptied and Juvia told Gajeel that she would join him in the concert hall. He smiled at her, wishing her good luck. He sincerely hoped that Gray would accept Juvia's plush and feelings. He knew they could be happy together. Juvia shyly approached Gray. He smiled blushing, and lightly scratched his cheek, embarrassed.
“I'm glad to see you again,” he said.
“Juvia too.”
She felt the fear she had for this reunion vanish. She had the courage to give him the plush.
“Juvia wanted to give you this.”
She handed him the bag, which he accepted. He took the plush out of it and opened his eyes wide. He had not expected to see a plush that looked like him and on closer inspection, he saw that it was handmade. It would have embarrassed him if someone else had given him this gift. Seeing all these goodies bearing the image of him embarrassed him. But coming from Juvia, it made him happy. He looked up at her. He restrained himself from laughing, seeing her face. She was both happy to give him his gift and anxious waiting for his reaction.
“I love it.”
A huge smile lit up Juvia's face. Gray was about to tell her something else when his manager arrived.
“Gray !” he exclaimed. “What are you still doing here? Hurry up !”
He left as quickly as he had arrived.
“Juvia is going to meet Gajeel.”
She was about to leave, but Gray grabbed her hand.
“Wait, I want to talk to you.”
He took a deep breath to give himself courage. He was not one to easily talk about his feelings, but for Juvia, he was willing to open up to her.
“This time spent away from you got me thinking. I missed you. A lot. It's the first time I've felt this. It's as if you are in my heart and in my head and you refuse to leave. What I mean is...”
He nervously ran his hand through his hair.
“I love you.”
Juvia threw herself into his arms. She kissed him and Gray kissed her back with as much enthusiasm. Nothing mattered anymore but Juvia's lips on his and her body pressed against his. He felt like he was in another world and he did not want to leave.
“Gray !” His manager yelled.
Juvia and Gray moved away. Gray rolled his eyes and Juvia laughed lightly.
“I'll meet you after the concert,” he said as he kissed her knuckle.
Juvia nodded and Gray walked away as the manager screamed once again. When Juvia was sure she was alone, she jumped up and exploded with joy. Gray loved her. He had just confessed to her that he was in love with her and they had kissed. It was a dream come true and she could not be happier. She heard the first song start in the distance. She rushed to the concert hall to find Gajeel, where Gray was going to sing just for her.
The end
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Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox
all fairy tail characters basically - Character
Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic
Fluff and Angst
Friendship developing feelings
Lucy has new spirits I checked constellations and gave her ones I thought were cool
Lucy is thrown into a world she didn’t know existed. Join her as she unravels this new world full of magic that brings adventure, romance and destruction along with it.
Just a modern re-telling of Fairy tail following its arcs with a few twists and turns along the way💞
You can also read it here
Chapter 4
Lucy didn't want to admit it, but so far she was having fun with Natsu on their job.
She just wasn't sure he was feeling the same.
Looking down at the man doubled over in pain on the seat next to her, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him.
'I see why he asked me if we could walk to Peace Village now.' She thought with a grimace looking at his green, slightly sweaty skin.
"How is your motion sickness this bad?" Lucy asked, more to herself, but Natsu seemed to have heard her as he let out a low whine, turning to look at her, green face and all.
"It's a drakon thing, Wendy has the same problem. We can't handle transportation." He made a gagging noise in between sentences, as the train hit a bump on the track.
"Oh that sucks, we'll be there soon I promise. Why don't you try and sleep it off, huh?" She suggested.
He straightened as best he could in his seat, looking at her through half-closed eyes, and promptly sprawled himself over her lap.
"What are you doing?" Lucy squeaked.
"I need to be comfortable so I can sleep, do ya mind?" One of his eyes turned to her, and he looked so pathetic that she couldn't turn him down.
"I don't mind, just don't puke on me!"
"Aye." He mumbled, burrowing his head in her stomach.
Staring down at him, she watched his breath start to even out, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach at the intimate contact, and the way she could feel his breath through her shirt.
Tentatively she put one of her hands in his hair, lightly scratching his head.
"Huh, it's softer than I thought it would be"
Lucy said quietly to herself out loud as she turned her head and looked out the window thinking back to the previous days she spent in the guild, meeting new people and picking her first job.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
When they returned from Hargeon with Lucy's things they put them in the temporary room she was staying in at the guild.
After putting everything away, Lucy finally met more of her new guild members.
Gray Fullbuster was a snarky, slightly sarcastic man, who had a serious stripping problem, but he was nice and fun to talk to. That is when he and Natsu weren't trying to kill each other.
The woman who could drink like no other, she learned to be Cana Alberona, an exceptionally talented witch, that excels in tarot cards.
The girl offered Lucy a reading, and they agreed to do it when she returned from her job.
She also met Macao, and his son Romeo, who both had fire magic, though different and not as powerful as Natsu's, but still very cool.
Wakaba and Nab had been interesting characters to meet as well, the former having a type of smoke magic, and was never seen without his smoking pipe, while the latter Lucy learned through Gray, was always standing by the job board, but never actually picked out any jobs.
Bisca and Alzack were quite a duo as well, they were a couple, who had an old western vibe to them, and their magic was composed of magical weapons, like shotguns and the sort.
Lucy had to admit, they were cute together and seemed to pull off the Western theme.
Everyone was incredibly nice and welcoming, and extremely curious about her magic, as if they'd never seen anything like it before.
'Sure, Natsu can eat fire, but the moment one of my magical keys summons a person from a different realm it's a cause for gawking' Lucy thought, remembering how freaked out she was when she witnessed Natsu slurp up fire.
After showing Mira and Levy the key she found whilst, in Hargeon, Levy urged her to summon it in the guild so they could all see.
The spirit Lucy had acquired turned out to be Crux the Cross.
He was an odd one if you asked her. With the body of a man, the head of a cross, with a mustache to top. He was asleep when he came out of the golden light.
Levy, as well as anyone else in the vicinity, marveled at her power, and that was when Lucy learned that her Spirit Summoning was thought to be lost magic to their world.
She recalled the man that bound her magic telling her father she was the last known summoner.
"They were supposedly eradicated on the orders of a dark mage, known as Zeref," Levy told her after she had made a contract with Crux. "There aren't many records left about them, it happened a long time ago. But I guess at least one of them survived, considering you're here."
Lucy decided to summon Crux again with Levy there so they could both learn more about her magic once she returns from her job since Levy seemed just as eager to learn about it as Lucy.
The Cross spirit turned out to be an encyclopedia of sorts, having information about the history of spirits as well as their Summoners. He was a kind if not a bit aloof old man, and Lucy's heart swelled for the spirit.
After talking with Levy, the other girl excused herself, having to go finish some translating work she was hired for.
Lucy then turned to ask Mira to inform her more about the jobs they have to offer, explaining how Natsu asked her to go on one with him.
Mirajane had a wicked look in her eyes when Lucy informed her that she was going on a job with the pink-haired man, making Lucy wonder if she should have asked someone else for help.
After schooling her features the older girl explained to Lucy that there were several different ranked jobs, and usually the higher the reward, the more dangerous the job was.
There was also a special class of jobs specifically for S-ranked mages, the more powerful ones.
Those had rewards with billions on them.
She then pointed to the bulletin board on the raised platform and told Lucy to go check it out.
Natsu joined her as soon as he saw her looking at the board, and tried to persuade her to go fight some monsters that are on Mount Hakobe.
That was when Lucy had to remind him that she only had one fighting spirit, that one spirit needed water to be summoned, and she didn't even have the stamina to keep her gate open long enough to fight.
He pouted at her, saying she didn't need to fight he could kick ass for both of them, but Lucy wouldn't budge. If they were going on a job together she wanted to be able to contribute in some way.
She ended up choosing a job that seemed simple enough, it was a good amount of money offered but it didn't sound as scary as some of the others.
They were to meet their client in Peace Village, retrieve a rare book, and safely deliver it to a scholar near Desert Village.
Taking the paper to Mira, she asked her if this would be a good one to take, the white-haired girl approved telling her it was perfect for a first job, and stamped the paper for Lucy.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
"Natsu, Natsu wake up, we're at our station, and if you don't get up, you're gonna be stuck on the train till the next one."
Natsu felt his bed moving and heard a familiar voice call for him to wake up.
"2 more minutes Happy." He mumbled out, trying to remember where he was, and why he felt so sick.
"Who's Happy? Just get up already, the train is about to take off again."
With a sudden jerk, Natsu found himself waking up on the floor in between two train seats, and a blonde girl staring down at him in amusement.
"Luce?" He asked dumbly.
"Come one, we have to go." She pulled him up and out of the train.
The moment he hit solid ground Natsu got out of Lucy's hold and bent down, kissing and revering the pavement.
"Oh sweet solid ground, how I've missed you." Natsu muttered, his senses returning to him slowly.
He could hear the train leaving the station, the people walking and talking all around him, and smell the merchant products that they were selling at the market next to the station.
A young girl crying in one of the bathrooms, a child crying for their mother. A man and a woman fighting.
He took a calming breath, trying to slow down his heartbeat and readjust to the smells and sounds coming from every direction.
As he was trying to find something to focus on, a hand landed on his shoulder and his nose caught the scent of lavender and sage, he heard a giggle come from the girl next to him.
"And you call me weird. Come on, we need to meet our client and then I'll treat you to some food, how does that sound?"
Lucy asked him, and all of Natsu's nausea and disorientation from the steel death trap evaporated at the mention of free food. He perked up instantly, flashing her a smile.
"Yes! I'm all fired up now. Let's go get some food." He took her hand in his and pulled her from the station into the village.
"We are meeting with our client first!" She yelled after him but he ignored her, running even faster and cackling as she yelled at him to slow down.
They're going to be a great team, Natsu thought.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
The meeting with their client went smoothly, the man was polite enough and gave them the book wrapped in cloth and safely secured in a satchel, as well as the address of where they were supposed to deliver it.
When they parted, he warned them not to open the book, and to protect it with their lives.
Lucy was a little spooked at his warning, hands clutching the satchel around her shoulder.
When she took the mission she was under the impression that it was a somewhat tame job, with minimal danger.
I mean how dangerous could delivering a book be?
Now, she didn't know what to think, she could feel a malicious, twisted sort of magic on her hip emanating from the book.
"Hey, Natsu." She called out to the man walking slightly in front of her, arms crossed behind his head as he tried to sniff out a place where they could eat.
She noticed in the few days of knowing Natsu that Levy was not exaggerating when she said Drakons have heightened senses. As she noticed that Natsu could hear a great deal, and from great distances.
His nose seemed to be like a bloodhound's as well. He could always sniff out the best places to eat.
And that's what they were doing right now.
Walking the streets of the village, looking for somewhere they could eat and sleep, preferably both at the same place, after deciding to stay the night here and continue traveling in the morning so Natsu could at least eat one meal and get a good night's sleep.
"Yeah?" He answered her, looking over his shoulder.
"Do- Can you feel the magic coming from this thing too?" Lucy asked him quietly, knowing he would hear.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned so he was standing in front of her, a serious look on his face.
"Yeah, felt it the moment we entered that droopy-eyed guy's house. It smells evil, so no reading it." He told her and she scoffed at him.
"I wasn't going to read it." She shot back, not believing her own words, she did think about sneaking a peak, but just at the cover! She didn't want to open it!
"Right, like I believe that, the room ya have back at Fairy Tail is filled with books, ya were thinkin' about it." He snorted at her, bringing his hand to flick her forehead with two fingers.
"Come on, I can smell some good barbecue this way." And just like that, his focus was back on food.
Lucy sighed, touching her hand on her forehead for a second, it was still warm where his fingers touched.
Shaking her head with a smile, she followed after him, clutching the bag close to her the entire way.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
Lucy thought things were going pretty well for her first mission. And that's probably what jinxed it.
They managed to leave Peace Village early the next morning and arrived at Desert Village around 11 am.
It will take them about an hour to walk to where the man they were delivering the book to lived. Lucy decided last night to pity Natsu and agreed to walk the hour route.
They grabbed some quick breakfast at the station when they arrived and started a steady trek towards their destination.
Not ten minutes after leaving Desert Village Lucy saw Natsu tense slightly turning his head to the side and sniffing the air.
"Natsu?" She asked the pinkette as he continued to smell the air.
"We got someone followin' us." He muttered so low that she could barely hear him if they weren't next to each other.
Lucy felt fear envelop her at his words, her hands subconsciously clutching the satchel closer to her.
"Are you sure?" She trusted his nose, but she had to ask, hoping it was a coincidence.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I caught their scent when we were walking through the village, I didn't think about it till I smelt them following us now." He told her, and her heart sank.
"Okay, so what do we do? Do we keep walking and see what they're gonna do or?" Lucy asked him, rationalizing that he had more experience than her and should know what to do.
Instead of answering her question, Natsu turned so he was facing the trees next to the road they were walking on.
"Come out ya bastards, I know you're there!" He yelled and Lucy felt like she was going to faint.
'What was he thinking?!'
There was a slight rustling through the trees. "It seems you have caught us, now, hand over the book and no one gets hurt." A voice said, coming from the forest.
"Come out ya coward so I can beat your ass!" Natsu antagonized the voice and Lucy knew at that moment that he was an idiot and that she was going to die.
Hitting him upside the head she yelled at him. "Are you crazy! Why did you do that?"
He rubbed the back of his head, turning to look at her with a wide-eyed expression. "Hey, what'dya to that for."
"Me? I'm not the one challenging our stalker to a fight!" She exclaimed.
Before either of them could do anything, an explosion sent them flying in opposite directions, and suddenly they were surrounded by 4 men, dressed in black hoods, and their faces covered by masks.
"Now I'm all fired up! Come at me ya sons of bitches." Natsu yelled out as he covered his body in flames and took on a fighting stance.
"You should pay more attention to the enemy, instead of fighting each other."
The same voice that spoke to them earlier said, making Lucy look up, disoriented from the blast her surroundings came into focus and she saw a man by her side, before she could move, or scream, he ripped the satchel from her and started running.
Not even thinking about it, Lucy ran after the man following him through the forest.
She had faith in Natsu and knew he could take down those thugs without breaking a sweat. Lucy also knew he would be able to, for a lack of better word, sniff her out when he was done with his fight.
Lucy had never been more thankful than today that her father insisted on her having a 'proper' physical education and hired private coaches for her.
She may not know how to fight, but she at least had the stamina to run.
It took her a couple of minutes to catch up to him, he seemed to have run into a clearing, not noticing her following, the man stopped running and opened the satchel, going for the book.
Picking up her pace, Lucy put all of her into the run and charged straight for the thief.
'I can't let him open it!' She thought to herself.
The moment she was in touching distance she threw herself into him, taking him by surprise and knocking him over, the book fell out of his hands and landed a few meters from them.
They both hit the ground hard, Lucy on top of the other man, thinking on her feet, she started attacking him as best she could.
With a war cry, Lucy punched and slapped the man, who tried his best to avoid the attacks.
Not focusing on keeping him pinned down and loosening her hold he managed to push her off with force making her cry out and land roughly on her back.
"You bitch, you're gonna pay for that." The man told her, voice rough.
He held his hands out and a ball of energy was suddenly coming towards her, jumping to the right to avoid getting hit Lucy barely managed to move on time.
"Fuck" she muttered.
"Aren't you gonna fight back?" The man taunted her, throwing another blast her way.
Lucy moved, but not fast enough and the impact knocked her off her feat.
"Is this what Fairy Tail mages are like? Pathetic." He spit out at her as he walked closer.
Lucy managed to get up on shaky feet, clutching the arm that she fell on. 'I think my shoulder popped out.' She thought, not taking her eyes off her opponent.
"Fuck you. You know nothing about Fairy Tail and the people that are a part of it! They are all amazing mages and individuals, they help and protect people. Something you will never understand. So don't go running your mouth." She launched at him as she finished her impromptu speech, but he saw her coming and sent another blast her way.
She had no time to dodge this one, it was coming fast, Lucy closed her eyes, putting her hands in front of herself for some protection, bracing herself for impact.
Only to feel warmth envelop her entire being, opening her eyes Lucy gasped, she was on fire.
She was on fire. 'What the actual fuck?'
Natsu. It had to be, how else would she be on fire, and not burnt to a crisp?
Looking up, she noticed the energy blast getting disintegrated by the fire before it could make an impact.
The mage in front of her was dumbfounded, staring at her with his mouth open.
Before either of them could comprehend what just happened, Natsu burst out of the tree line with a roar.
"Fire Dragon, Iron Fist!" He shouted as he punched the thief with a flaming fist, sending the man flying through a couple of trees before blacking out.
Lucy followed the trajectory of the man, wincing slightly at the damage done to the forest around them.
"You okay Luce?" Natsu was at her side, hand on her chin, turning her face to look at him.
He had a fervent look in his eyes as he assessed her, brows furrowing and eyes hardening as he noticed her shoulder.
"The hell where ya thinkin', just runnin' off on your own?" He scolded, hands moving to hold her shoulder.
Lucy winced when he put pressure on it.
"I'm gonna hafta pop it back in, on the count of three, okay?" He told her, apologetic eyes finding hers.
Lucy nodded her head and grit her teeth, mentally preparing herself for the pain to come.
"One, two-" and with a twist of his hands the shoulder popped back in its socket with a scream from Lucy.
"And three. There" He said pulling his hands back and giving her some space, but hovering close enough to help her if she needed it.
"Thank you, and sorry for running off it's just," she nodded towards the book in the middle of the clearing and went to pick it up and put it back into the satchel "He used the fact that I was disoriented to steal the book and you were busy with the others." She shrugged her good shoulder at him.
"I knew you were going to be fine, and honestly I didn't even think about it. I just ran."
Natsu stared at her intensely for a moment before letting out a sigh and finally relaxing.
"Just, don't go runnin' off alone, okay?" He asked, gentler this time. And Lucy could tell he was worried about her.
"I won't. Let's get going, we lost time with the fight. Should we call someone about them?"
Lucy asked as she stood next to Natsu, the satchel back around her shoulders, she could already feel her injury healing slowly.
'Huh, Wendy was right.' Lucy thought.
"I called ahead, don't worry, someone's on their way to arrest them." He gestured for her to walk in front of him and they started walking again.
"That was cool what you did back there." Lucy said out of the blue.
They've been walking in comfortable silence since the attack, both alert and looking out for any more trouble.
As they were nearing their destination, Lucy thought back to how Natsu's flames had enveloped her body, and how she felt protected in its blaze.
The man in question turned his head to look at her, confusion evident in his eyes.
"The way your fire surrounded me and stopped the attack? I would've been a goner if it had hit me." Lucy elaborated, making Natsu look away quickly, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck.
Huh, he was either embarrassed or uncomfortable.
"Yeah, it was. I didn't think I'd get to you in time so I sent a blast instead." He shrugged it off.
Lucy hummed in response, deciding to drop the subject since it seemed to bother Natsu.
"Look, I think that's it!" He exclaimed suddenly, and Lucy looked to where he was pointing.
Sure enough, a small cottage was in view, tucked between some trees, with moss growing on the roof. It looked cozy.
They approached the house and knocked on the door, a few moments later an older dark skinned man opened the door.
"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" He asked them politely, and as his eyes looked at Lucy they widened "Layla?" He asked softly, almost in disbelief.
Ignoring the look on his face Lucy cleared her throat and smiled slightly before answering. "Good afternoon, we are Fairy Tail mages." She flashed her left hand to him, showing her guild mark. "We are here to deliver a book?"
The man shook his head and smiled at them. "Yes! Of course, welcome! Come in, please." He opened his door wider and stepped to the side to let them in.
"My name is Lucian Grayson. I have been expecting you, but you can never be sure these days." He told them as he gestured for them to sit at the round table by the kitchen area.
"Can I offer you some tea? Or maybe water?"
"I am Lucy, and this is Natsu, yes to the water, if it isn't a bother. We ran into some trouble on the way here. I should warn you they were after the book." Lucy told the man.
He should be aware that people might come after him because of it.
"I am sorry to hear you were attacked, here have some refreshments." He set a plate of cookies on the table and two glasses of water.
Natsu instantly went for the cookies, stuffing his face.
"These are good." He mumbled with a mouthful, making Lucy cringe slightly at his lack of decorum.
Slapping him on the back of his head, Lucy snapped "Don't talk with your mouth full, and don't just shove them in either."
She heard Lucian let out a laugh at their interaction and she turned to face him, cheeks flushing red.
"I apologize for that, thank you for the cookies." Lucy said politely to the man.
Reaching into the satchel she took the book out and placed it on the table.
Lucian took it, carefully tracing the spine with his fingers.
"Might I ask what this book is exactly?" Lucy asked him and he looked up at her.
"It is known as the book of Zeref. Well, this is one of them. Nemesis. There are several
out there, not all of them books, technically.
All varying in power. This one in particular has a nasty array of spells and possessions." He explained voice grave.
The atmosphere in the room dropped.
"Zeref, I've heard that name before. He's the dark mage that annihilated the spirit summoners." Lucy said, remembering Levy's story about him ordering the attack.
Lucian froze at her words, eyes snapping to hers, he looked at her with a question in his eyes. "You're Layla's daughter aren't you?" He then asked softly.
"You look so much like her, I thought I saw a ghost when I opened the door." He continued
"I, yes, I am Layla's daughter. I'm sorry, how did you know my mother?" Lucy asked, a little confused.
"We were part of the same guild in our younger days." The man said with a reminiscent laugh, pulling up his shirt sleeve to show a dark blue mermaid on his forearm.
"You were a part of Lamia Scale." Natsu supplied.
"Yes, I was already a member when Layla joined, she was maybe 16 back then. We were good friends." Lucian told them, a nostalgic smile on his face as he reminisced.
Lucy smiled at the thought of her mom being a part of a guild. How did Lucy not know this? And at 16? Mom told her she met her father when they were in their early twenties so her mother had spent a good part of her life in a guild.
'Why did she never tell me? Why didn't she stay?' Lucy thought to herself, feeling a pang in her heart at the fact that she never really got to know her mother.
She felt a warm arm wrap around her shoulder, and the scent of smoke and pine filled her senses. Natsu squeezed her good shoulder and Lucy relaxed into his hold.
Lucian was observing them, and then suddenly he stood up. "I have something to give you."
He walked towards a bookshelf that was covering one of the walls of the cabin, it was filled to the brim, not only with books but various objects, and what looked like bottles of bright liquids.
He searched for a few moments before pulling out an ornate box, similar to the one Master Makarov gave her when she retrieved her memories.
"I received this almost 11 years ago, it was sent by someone from your estate after your mother's passing." He explained, bringing the box to Lucy.
"There was a letter that stated it was her last wish for her beloved spirits to be in the care of her trusted friends and allies all over Fiore. I do not know who else received them, but I can give you this one. As it belongs rightfully to you."
Lucian placed the box in her hands, and Lucy thanked him, looking down at the box. Hands trembling slightly.
She felt warmth wrap around her, and Natsu's presence at her back, grounding her.
She opened the box carefully to reveal a golden key, with the sign for Virgo engraved on the top.
Lucy looked up at Lucian, with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, truly, for not only this. But being a friend to my mother and protecting her spirit all these years."
Lucian smiled back at her warmly.
"It was my pleasure, and I am glad to see you love them as much as she did." He told her and Lucy felt a few tears escape and cascade down her cheek.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by ccnchas.
It's about time I get a LoLu request! I have been dying to write something for these two! I love LoLu! ZerLu may be the ship that led to me getting into Fairy Tail, but LoLu was my first ship since watching the show. It's no longer my OTP, but I still love it nonetheless. I love their Princess x Knight dynamic! There are not enough LoLu fics and I would be more than happy to provide some. A romance between the two of them would likely be forbidden, but they would still make a really good couple, I think. I love this ship a lot! 
I hope you enjoy!
A Lion's Pride (Loke x Lucy)
"Iris! Eros! Come to eat your sandwiches!" 
Loke stood in the shade of a tree, his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the trunk of the tree. A fond smile stretched across his face as he watched his wife sit on a picnic blanket with a basket next to her. A pair of seven-year-old twins, both auburn-haired and brown-eyed, ran to their mother. One twin, a boy, had Plue in his arms while the other twin, a girl, had a doll clutched in his grip. The two children sat in front of their mother and began eating the food that had been packed for them, resting before they resumed their play in the surprisingly empty park. 
A silent sigh escaped Loke as he watched his family, his pride. He remembered the day he married Lucy like it was yesterday. The journey to that point wasn't short. He chuckled internally when he recalled how long it had taken him to get Lucy to agree to date him. Loads of flowers, mountains of chocolate-covered strawberries, hundreds of love letters, and countless promises to never flirt with another woman again. For three years he pursued his wizard, but it was all worth it, in his opinion, because Lucy had finally agreed to a date. And it was an amazing date. 
They dated for a few years, trying to survive Mira. They watched as Natsu married Lisanna, Gray married Juvia, Erza married Jellal, and Gajeel married Levy. It made Loke yearn for the same thing. He had spent several months watching Lucy closely every time the prospect of marriage, wondering if that was something she wanted. Eventually, he finally decided that he would ask her. When Lucy told him that she had dreamed of getting married since she was a child, the first thing he did was get the biggest diamond ring that he could find. 
The sound of Lucy screaming "yes" was the best sound he would ever hear. Tears trickled down both of their faces as they kissed, hugged, and professed their love for each other multiple times. Their wedding had followed just a few months later, courtesy of Mira, with Natsu as Loke's best man, Levy as Lucy's maid of honor, Aquarius walking Lucy down the aisle, and Makarov officiating the couple's marriage. 
Two years later, the best day of both of their lives arrived. After fifty hours of painful labor and crushing worry, as well as a nearly broken hand on Loke's side, a pair of twins were born as the sun rose above the horizon. First, a girl. Twenty minutes later, a boy. The names of their children weren't difficult to pick. There were only two names that could fit the small angels they were gazing down at lovingly. 
Iris and Eros. 
As time went by, Loke spent as much time as he possibly could with his family, to the point that he was in Earth Land more than he was in the Celestial Spirit World. He didn't mind this, though. All he wanted to do was spend time with his wife and children. 
Loke pushed off of the tree he was leaning against and walked toward the picnic spot, calling out as he got closer, "I'm here!" 
Iris and Eros whipped their heads up to look at him before they threw their sandwiches onto a couple of plates and ran to the celestial spirit, yelling joyfully in unison, "Papa!" 
Loke laughed and kneeled on one knee as he opened his arms wide to accept a hug from his twins. Iris and Eros soon pulled away and pulled their father over to the picnic blanket, both telling him about what they had been doing all day. Their chatter came to a stop when Lucy spoke, "Iris. Eros. Finish eating and then you can play with Papa." The twins obeyed, diving back into their food. 
Once finished, they jumped up and ran off, wanting to continue playing as they urged their father to join them. Loke chuckled and answered the pair, "give me a moment. I want to talk to Mamma." 
When the twins ran off, he turned to his wife and leaned forward to kiss her a few times. Lucy placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed him away, muttering when their lips were now only an inch away, "you're late." 
Loke smiled, pecking another kiss to her lips before he responded, "sorry, I got into a fight with Aquarius." 
Lucy chuckled at that. The couple kissed a few more times. When they pulled away, the celestial wizard leaned into Loke's embrace, giving a contented sigh as her husband wrapped an arm around her. Loke reached his other hand toward her, rubbing gentle circles on the small, but noticeable bump in her belly.  
He asked with a hushed voice, "do we know the gender yet?" 
Lucy answered, her voice just as low as his, "I was hoping we could wait until the baby is born."
Loke nodded, telling her that he was perfectly fine with that. He then questioned, "any name ideas?" 
Lucy snuggled closer to her husband, answering, "I was thinking Medea if it's a girl." 
Loke thought about the name, quickly deciding that he loved it. He then looked back down at his expecting wife to question, "and if it's a boy?" 
Lucy shrugged, responding, "I was thinking you could pick one." 
Loke gave a slight chuckle before he took a few moments to think of a boy's name that he liked. It didn't take him long to come up with something. "How about Damon?" 
Lucy nodded as she mumbled, "I love that name." 
Loke tightened his hold on Lucy, just slightly, as he looked back at his other two children playing with Aries, who had been summoned by one of the twins. The soft smile on his face got bigger as he soaked in the peaceful moment. 
This was all he needed. A day at the park with his pride. He couldn't think of a more perfect way to have family time. 
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matt0044 · 2 years
The Case for Fairy Tail’s Death Fake-Outs
I think Craftsdwarf put it best in how Manga like Fairy Tail often utilize these shocks to increase reader interest since they often live or die by the brutalities of the Manga industry.
Even so, these moments can feel more than a little… clickbait-y where they're leading you on. However, I feel like giving a lot of these their due. As what they lack in actual character loss, they make up for it in character gain.
1. Erza merges with the Tower of Heaven which would kill here and seemingly sees a future where her guildmates are coming apart at the seams over her passing, least of all being Natsu.
She doesn't die but it gives her the perspective needed to make progress as a character when she sees what she means to others. It fits with an arc that's all about facing her past demons and letting others into her heart.
2. Lyon seemingly blowing up with Racer works to show how he’s truly turned over a new leaf after being Gray’s nemesis.
3. Perhaps Wendy’s defining moment for me was when F.A.C.E. had to be exploded on sight by Carla. Yes, her kicking Ezel’s ass with Dragon Force was a sight to behold but it was afterwards that cemented her growth and cemented my adoration for her.
Wendy could’ve ran away herself or, more likely, grabbed Carla and got to safety. However, she realized at the time that FACE needed to be stopped before it was too late. So she choose to stay with her closest friend and do what would’ve likely killed her. Not because she thought herself as disposable but because she knew she was valuable. As a friend. As a wizard.
Fans may complain that Doranbolt’s rescue undermines this moment but her dying wasn’t the point. It was her having the bravery to not abandon Carla to die alone, her bravery to face certain death for the sake of stopping Tartaros. She never accounted for any last minute rescues. This was it as far as she was concerned.
4. Now for the Alverez Arc, starting with Gajeel. Bloodman’s suicide attack incites a moment not unlike Erza’s above where Gajeel takes stock of his life in what seems to be the end of it. It highlights how he went from a rebel without a cause to a true Fairy Tail guildmate as well as cement his love for Levy.
5. Juvia and Lucy’s both are similar but also incite Gray’s eventual confrontation with Etherious Natsu Dragneel, leading to a sort of closure for the former young man.
6. The only real one that does rub the wrong way is that of Makarov’s supposed final Fairy Law casting. Part of it does come from how while the other characters feel like there’s more to gain from them, the Guild Master himself has always been an older father figure with all the cornerstone’s a of Mentor.
The Mentor death, be it at the beginning or near end of a story, is cliched... but for good reason. In a coming of age story, this is the metaphorical moment where the characters can’t fall back on any wise, old coots for emotional or battle support.
This does feel like a weird editorial mandate considering how much time had passed between his presumed death and his revival. Maybe if he was shown to be sick and said to have been in a coma where there was no telling if he’d pull through, that’d at least work.
It’s not as deal breaking as some make it out to be but I do see how it would sour people on this arc. The better kind are the ones that less so make us hope they made it out or at least give us some character growth. Less so are like, “Yeah, I survived so let’s move on.”
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zai-doodles · 2 years
Ok ok last question then I’ll stop bothering you lol (but I eagerly look forward to anything you will say in the future about fairytail!)
I think I got your thoughts on Nalu, but what about other ships? You said Gajeel and Levy are your fav ship, could you tell us more why? What about Gray x Juvia? Do you have a least favorite ship?
(And don’t be sorry for rambling a lot/your posts being long! I really enjoy reading your thoughts!)
bestie i literally love u i never have the chance to post my ft hc stuff im THRIVING
aight so im going to make enemies with this post i can feel it in my bones gjkfdhgsfdkj
however i just want to say if u like these ships thats completely fine and if you read them diffrently than i do thats also dope
so lets start positive!! i LOVE gajevy sm its so perfect i just ljdghfkjd
no listen like the thing that gets me abt gajevy is how it elevates gajeel as a character SO MUCH and gives levy so much agency at the same time, like u cant tell me ft would have embraced gajeel the way they did if levy didnt CHOOSE to forgive gajeel in some capacity and like fuck imagine ur GAJEEL in this situation like bro wakes up everyday and this is just his life
gajeel lost metalica at a young age, and (i dont remember too much of canon but im pretty sure its implied he just kinda fucked around until phantom tropue picked him up which yikes) like this CHILD was on his own most of his formative years and then got picked up by a super shitty abusive group of ppl and he just LEARNED to blend in, like yea metalica made him kind of a punk but he was a KID so during those years he was alone he probably just closed himself off to survive and learned to prioritize himself over everybody else and to do that it takes a level of desensitizing urself to others pain
and like ok again im playing hard and fast with canon but i THINK its implied he like, had done a lot of bad shit with them or whatever right? like what he did to levy and fairy tail wasn't NEW, so when the events in canon happen and he ends up at fairy tail, in my mind that's the FIRST TIME he has to face how HIS ACTIONS DIRECTLY HURT SOMEONE
and not only thats but someone who OBJECTIVELY DIDN'T DESERVE IT
like ugh gajeel just,, having to learn to let himself care but also it fucking sucks bc it just makes it set in more and more what a bad person he is (he isnt but he thinks he is) THEN FUCKING LEVY PULLS UP AND JUST?? IS THE BEST???
she literally blows thro all his expectations of her bc at this point i think hes use to dealing with ppl being afraid of him bc that ssomething he understands and control, what he DOESNT understand is her being NICE to him and it makes him RESPECT her and its so out of no where that by the time the GMG roles around and gajeel has fully accepted the fact that he indeed has emotions like everyone else, ONLY TO HAVE TO FACE LEVY BEING SCARED OF HIM AGAIN
learning to put others needs above his own and being empathetic in his own fucked up way
ok enough positivity time to make ppl mad
gonna link my juvia is a lesbian post here bc it sums up a LOT of my feelings on gruvia but the tldr is that my personal hc is that juvia is a lesbian with a serious case of comp het from trying to fit in with other kids growing up and it literally was just never corrected until she got to fairy tail and actively started to form friendships
the main reason i dislike gruvia is that it paints gray as the one who needs to change in order to accept juvias feelings and not just cuz he needs to grow as a person and learn to allow himself to be vunrable.
like grays arc doesnt ONLY center around juvia but its a big part of it and juvias growth CENTERS around gray and we can talk about the the borderline misogynist idea of having a female character whos damn near whole identity is her feelings for a man where she never grows or learns meaningfully but instead just very slowly chills out more so from being sidelined than growth but i digress i just dont like them
last is jerza,, i just dont like em,, jellal is really boring in my opinion and he had a lot of potential but meh? his redemption is neat and his history with erza has potential but i feel like the point of erzas arc is about growth and moving on and while i think her and jellal can still be friends and have each others back she still has so much healing to do after tower of heaven
idk i dont see a lot wrong with jerza i just feel like its a lil bland and not my cup of tea
and yes queer platonic nalu is my life id die for them actually and i have more stuff about natsus abandonment issues and how they carry into his relationships with ppl but imma stop bc this post is long jgkfhgdjhfdjk
tldr: i love gajevy, actively dislike gruvia, very meh about jerza, love qpp nalu
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firedragonironfist · 2 years
Fairy Tail, but the whole thing is gender swapped. Inspired by this drawing of nalu by rusky boz.
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- sexy and fiesty Luke Heartfila has recently run away from home, and has the singular goal of joining fairy tail. he comes across chaotic good Nashi Dragneel, who's looking for her mom. Happy is a puppy. Luke gets lured into some shady boat business and who shows up to save the day? Yep. Nashi. At first Luke just thought she was kind of weird, you know with the whole eating like a pig thing and the motion sickness, but. Damn girl. She's not weird, she's bat shit crazy. Luke loves it.
- Ezra Scarlett is Fairy Tail's strongest male wizard, and Gildartia (omg these names are so hard) is Fairy Tail's strongest female, and in general, wizard.
- Elfi (Elfman) is a massive feminist. Locks (Loke) is still a womaniser but she's lesbian.
- Gray's name would be Ash. Or Ashly. Her and Nashi would be a disaster but kind of like how Mira and Erza were back in the day. Except their relationship never changes.
- Gajendra (Gajeel) and Levi would be!! So cute. Imagine this super buff and tall woman with this adorable NERD. man I love it.
- Zelda (Zeref) is our main villian :( but she's super pretty and kills loads of people 😍 Mavis will still be called Mavis but damn my guy is HOT. wait so maybe their relationship wouldn't make sense bc how tf Mavis gonna give birth if she's a dude??? Unless we do mpreg (which will ruin lots of things), Zelda will have to give birth but her memories get wiped? Or something.
- Master Macaroni (Makarov) is this old woman who just loves beefy men 🤪
- juvias and grays relationship would be a disaster. Jail time. But edols gruvia were fine!!!
OK so maybe it's not the best idea, but withholding some details, I think it'd be fantastic!! I want a OVA episode of this.
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jemmahazelnut · 2 years
I found your take on Juvia very interesting. I think that's the best description I have found for her character. How about Juvia and Freed friendship particularly after the Battle of Fairytail?
Thank you! I'm glad you like my version of her!
In regards to Juvia & Freed, as I mentioned, I think they would get along great, I think in general Thunder Legion + Laxus + Juvia & Gajeel would get along, having had somewhat of a similar arc. So, here's how I think Juvia and Freed might interact:
Of course we all remember the scene where Juvia sacrificed herself for Cana in front of Freed, and how Freed was surprised by it. I think this would be a great starting point for them. In my mind Juvia would be the first to go talk to Freed, because she understands firsthand what it's like to go from being an enemy of Fairy Tail to being a friend, and she understands how difficult it can be at first. So her intention is to help Freed integrate into the guild and make new friends (because in my head Juvia longs to have lots of friends and not be alone). Freed on the other hand is surprised by her actions, and is curious as to what led her to sacrifice herself for Cana when Juvia had only known her for a short time. Knowing each other, Freed is impressed by Juvia's ability to sacrifice, not because he doesn't understand it (he would sacrifice himself for Bickslow, Evergreen and Laxus of course), but because he doesn't understand why she would sacrifice herself for people who might not care as much about Juvia as Juvia care about them. And so he discovers this side of Juvia, and that's basically why Freed starts to respect her.
I also think their interactions would be fun, because Juvia and Freed are temperamentally very different. Freed is a reserved man, so even if he wants to make it up to the guild, he is very proud and has difficulty integrating, Juvia on the other hand is a bubble of energy, who is literally willing to do anything to join the others. Even though she was initially presented as shy in interactions with guildmates, she wants to put herself out there. So they would be a duo trying to approach the guildmates in completely opposite ways. Juvia would be the one pushing Freed to do things he wouldn't do, like 'Erza needs someone to help her bake a sword cake, let's do it', or 'Natsu wants to organize an arm wrestling match, let's do it' and stuff like that, and Freed, although initially skeptical, follows her, because when someone says 'this will help us integrate more with them', what do you do, don't you follow her?
I think they would train together, in general I think Juvia would train with the whole Thunder Legion and with Laxus. I also think a Laxus&Juvia fight against someone would be pretty cool and they could do a unison raid, and everyone would be schocked. (Although, seriously, what's to be surprise about? I think Juvia would be able to do unison raid with anyone. It's easier with Laxus just because their powers are compatible).
Overall I think Thunder Legion and Juvia & Gajeel would take many missions together. Except we were deprived of an entire arc of the five of them going to get information from Raven Tail, which I thought would have been super interesting (yeah I know it was technically just Gajeel, but it makes sense that Juvia and the Thunder Legion would join him in some way), and this would be just one more reason why they start working together. After that mission it might become a habit to join often to do missions together.
I think initially Freed would hate Gajeel, and Gajeel would hate Freed, because they are temperamentally opposites, and Juvia desperately wants the two to be friends (again, she is obsessed with having friends around) so she does anything to get them along. And she has Bickslow as an ally, although Bickslow probably just enjoys annoying Freed, but whatever. She could set up missions that aren't really missions and let them work alone so they learn teamwork (it doesn't end well).
Freed and Juvia would be friends who spend a lot of time together in silence and are comfortable together. Juvia at the beginning thought she had to talk and be sociable to make friends, she discovers that not everyone is like this and she is comfortable being with Freed, like him reading books while she sews clothes/gifts for guildmates.
Juvia gives everyone gifts, so the first time she gives Freed a gift, he feels compelled to reciprocate, and since he doesn't know her well, he gives her something that Juvia doesn't really like (like baking her some cinnamon cookies). Juvia still cries with joy because no one had ever done something like this to her before. Freed convinces himself that Juvia actually likes cinnamon, and Juvia never tells him that she actually hates it. When Gajeel reveals the truth, Freed feels like an ass.
In the end, Freed and Juvia would both be assholes who would kill and even literally torture if someone hurt the people they care about. Freed would probably also be interested in how the Water Lock works and how it's a magic that ultimately tortures those stuck inside it. I know the Freed&Juvia friendship is underrated, but I actually think there would be some really fun interactions. I really think Thunder Legion + Juvia & Gajeel would be great together.
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
Team Shadowgear headcanons/rewrites for fun. Note, it'll be a bit lengthy:
Levy, Jet, and Droy all get orphaned by the same monster attack on their village. Some older fairy tail mages save them from the destruction and one of them keeps the group housed even until modern day.
The trio have a sibling bond and are intensely supportive of each other, capable of knowing which areas they aren't great at and who excells.
The placement of Jet, Droy, and Levy's guildmark was chosen by levy, but the name rather than just being decided by Levy, was heavily debated among them for about a year before they settled on it.
In celebration of them going on their first mission unattended they get ear piercings. Almost like a rite of passage/adulthood. This was a Jet request as he always wanted some. (Note this is why I always draw them with the same piercings.)
They specialize in curse breaking, historical notations, and general collection of knowledge. Very much not a combat based group, often they go with other mages/groups for support and recon.
Levy has a habit of hoarding books. Droy and later on freed are the 2 who help her go through and remake books/rewrite them to help avoid rot that comes with older transcripts she finds.
Levy knows how to cast magic through sign language which is an incredibly complicated skill and can make script magic unstable of the mage isn't practiced enough. It's quicker to cast but trickier to get right.
Jet has to get specific magical shoes that are reinforced and sturdy due to his magic constantly wearing them out. He got so bummed about this that it leads to a decent portion of the guild spending a week helping him figure out how to preserve what he has.
Droy is the only one in shadowgear who can handle spice. He makes his food far too spicy and has learned to make separate portions for Levy and Jet.
Droy is the most friendly and easy to get along with in the group. It's not that they others are unfriendly, more that they get lost in their own worlds at times and aren't as focused on proper human connection. Though there aren't many close friends of Droy in the guild.
Jet has a more questionable sense of humor, he tends to find comedy in really tense and dangerous situations.
Juvia joins them a few months after getting into fairy tail due to a growing friendship with Droy as she takes up gardening as a hobby to try and figure herself out.
Gajeel joins a few weeks later, he actually would've become a bit more friendly with Jet since Makarov would've had both of them working on information gathering. Also Juvia wanting to work as a team with gajeel again.
Juvia bought Gajeel his guitar he always uses and considers herself his number one fan since she supported him even before joining fairy tail. She will fight people on it.
There is a lot of bad blood and tension between Gajeel and Levy at the start. She outright hates the man and doesn't take it easy on him causing him to have to work overtime to prove his intentions to improve and change.
When Lily does join he initially feels intensely awkward due to this hatred and an understanding that he should not involve himself and try to quell things. He tends to just pretend he can't hear or see anything since he knows how best to mind his business after years of politics and service to nobles.
Levy agrees to let Gajeel help her during Tenrou mainly because he's the only teammate who won't take it easy/will push her and it's the first time there's a clear amount of trust between the two of them enough for it to almost be said they're friends.
Juvia gets approached by Makarov before tenrou Island to see if she'd actually be willing to test for S-class, and ultimately, she refuses. Makarov wants his kids to improve but is also supportive of them figuring things out on their own and taking their time.
Droy grows various foods for the guild and guides plants into reinforcing damages the guild sustains. Him and Laki work overtime during the timeskip to keep the guildhall standing and develop a friendship.
Juvia starts a clothing line during the timeskip. Mainly, it's for children, though she also has a fair bit of exceed customers. She also makes custom dolls when requested to match her patrons.
Jet works mainly on infiltration and information gathering over the timeskip. Becoming closer with Warren, Vijeeter, lamia scale and the trimen as they all search out the missing members of the guild. He avidly refuses to accept anyone has died. Chico also assists in the efforts by conversing with spirits and making entirely sure none of the members appear after death.
Droy is naturally fat but was dieting and unhealthy with trying to stay slim, his focus shirting to caring for the guild means he goes back to his natural weight and is the most content he's been in years in spite of his grief.
Juvia post time skip is one of the main mages that keep the guild standing due to just how terrifying her abilities are. While the guild does have squabbles with rivals who want to take over the territory, no one is keen to cross her and she often calls some rain to make a point if people get to bold in their threats to the guild.
Jet started learning languages over the time skip. He and droy had a rough understanding of some prior to tenrou Island due to Levy's insistence, but as he runs more missions he does begin taking it more seriously. He's nowhere near Levy's level or knowledge, but he has a few learned by the time the tenrou crew returns.
Juvia knows how to speak 3 languages. What would be the equivalent of French, Russian, and English.
Droy is able to clock almost any plant and explain it's good and bad effects. He gets very excited about it and often rambles.
Droy, Jet, and Juvia typically try meeting for meals at least once a week just to catch up and keep the bond tight. They meet more often then that when Jet isn't on missions.
There's a noticeable shift in Gajeel and Levy's dynamic post Tenrou. Nothing explicitly romantic at first but Jet, Droy, and Levy see the beginnings of something and start a betting pool on what they think will happen. Most of the guild gets involved.
Pantherlily is fantastic with kids and considered the guild babysitter by most. He's the most easily able to handle being rough and grabbed.
I know I have more but that's my list for now. Featuring a height chart:
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Fairy Tail Ships
Some Rando came at me on my main for a ship I hadn’t even said a single word about on a post about a character not involved in said ship so now I’m just gonna write down all my Fairy Tail ships unprompted out of pure spite
Multi and Probably Problematic shipping a-hoy under the read more be wary!
Okay so as every other of this kind of post will plainly spell out I always have One Guy who is just the Ship bicycle. This character could kiss literally anyone and I would be more than happy. Typically they in fact do.
For Fairy Tail, it’s Gajeel Redfox
You would not believe your eyes if my first fucking Gajeel ship was Gajeel/Gajeel. I love Edolas Gajeel and up until that point Earthland Gajeel interacts with pretty much no one positively. I fully believe he hard made out with himself. First kiss. First time? The full shebang. Canon as far as I think.
Following that IMMEDIATELY is Gajeel/Lily. My god. My God let’s just give Gajeel a beefy cat man to homoerotically throw around. “That’s My Cat” I love him he’s so fucking stupid he makes out with Lily on the regular.
Gajeel/Levy is probably the best developed canon ship in Fairy Tail and that’s really not saying much but I think they’re cute. The only caviot is Levi pegs him. I’m sorry, Gajeel cannot be a top.
I think Gajeel/Natsu is funny as hell they’re so violent. Gajeel thinks Natsu’s the dumbest man he’s ever met. They don’t kiss they bite.
Gajeel/Laxus is just as funny but just because they both think they’re the smart one in the relationship.
After that all I might loose a bit of steam but Romance in this show is rarely interesting but here’s some of my takes anyway;
Laxus/Freed is always a free sail Freed pining from the beginning Laxus having no idea what his own feelings are until some time mid season 7. Laxus taking everything casually and Freed over thinking every little piece of affection he gets. They’re an uncommunicative mess and I love them.
I like Juvia/Grey not because I think it’s a well balanced and fleshed out canon romance, but because I love Juvia and want her to be happy and think Annoyingly Horny Stalker and Too Tired For This Shit is the funniest trope. Also Transfem Lesbian Grey, Demiromantic Bi/Pan Juvia
Speaking of Stalker/Obsession ships, Lucy/Flare??? My god I had not-antagonist Flare for 3 episodes and I will never let her go. Red headed Lesbian raised by a Village of Giant Men. Get yourself a blondie GF you deserve it.
Another Stalker/Obsession because I’m just gonna keep on goin; Erza/Sho???? Hello??? That was one baby me was entranced by. Love when the stalker is also the bottom. I love Sho I think he’s so cute, I think his obsession with Erza is so cute, I think his Sister Complex is so cute.
More Erza tops a little sibling!! Erza/Kagura!! What is it about Erza that gives everyone who meets her an Incest Kink?? I love her. I love Kagura she’s SO pathetic after her angst over Jallal is swept under the rug for no reason (no I’m not salty about that)
SPEAKING of Kagura; Kagura/Millianna is very cute I am on board. The Lesbian Kagura content for those without the taste for Sister Complex.
Elfman/Evergreen is so funny to me because this is a Bisexual man with a huge preference for Men who really REALLY wanted to fall in love with a Man and be Married Manly Men who grow into Old Men together but no. He just HAD to catch feelings for The Prettiest Girl in his guild. He’s so mad about it. Whole ass that “But I am in love with a MAN. RIGHT NOW.” meme but gender swapped.
Gildarts/Cana is so freaken good that YuGiOh Episode with Scorpio during the Eclipse Spirit Arc where he says he wants her to call him Daddy and she says she Would if he’s Been Around More you two I am going to scream don’t talk like that we’re trying to d-d-d-d-dddddDUEL
Also Eclipse Scorpio’s crush on Cana is cute as hell I love him he just wanted to play YuGiOh with a Hot Girl and she deserves a little boyfriend like him I’m all for them
Seven steps back tho the BEST Lucy ship, hands down, is Lucy/Taurus and I am SO INCREDIBLY SAD I’m alone on this! T4T Lucy/Taurus is my EVERYTHING!! Give him a SMOOOOOOOOOCH!!
Panther Lily/Samuel is so good to me another little freak with an unwarranted Incest Kink I love Samuel so much he’s so weird I want him to come back so badly please bring the little weirdo back so he can call Lily Big Brother some more for no god damn reason
Panther Lily and Edolas Coco is Very Cute and if it wasn’t for Gajeel being so unabashedly into Panther Lily that whole arc I would have appreciated it more.
Speaking of Exceed X People ships, Sting/Lector are like!!! Super good!!! Exceptionally solid I love them both so much!!
Rouge and Frosch as well but I feel like they’re super out of balance. Rouge is infantalizing Frosch and/or Frosch is not an adult in the world of Exceeds
Five steps back again because none of my thoughts are ever organized Second Best Lucy Ship is Lucy/Loke I just love a lot of Lucy/Celestial Spirit ships but this one This One is so cute I love how extra romantic he gets after going back to being Leo one of few ships I could actually see tying the knot and getting married.
Fuck it I’m just gonna keep talking about Lucy’s celestial spirits; I think Aquarius was Lucy’s first love and also her second mommy I don’t think they ever dated but to Lucy the love she felt for Aquarius was both Familial and Romantic when she was little. She claims Aquarius as her first kiss, despite it being a motherly peck when she was like 6.
Lucy/Virgo is super funny and I am positive it has Doujins out there made by men for men that I Do Not Want To See. I am putting the Asexual label on Virgo and shipping it from there.
Aquarius/Layla Lesbian Lovers in the Historical way. Layla had her Good Friend Aquarius come stay with her while her husband was away on business. They were Very Good Friends.
More spirit stuff Grey/Eclipse Cancer is so fucking funny Cancer literally opened Grey’s heart, they Yuri On Iced around with a Rainbow Gradient following them. Grey is repressing this so hard.
SPEAKING of Grey repressing he is Gay; Grey/Sugarboy??? Am I obsessed with the Catholic Arc of Fairy Tail? Yes. Yes I am. But Edolas Sugar Boy as well. Grey has such a Thing for your average stereotypical Gay Man and he is doing everything in his power to ignore it. I think he wants to be one of them.
Ultear/Meredy is SO FREAKEN CUTE. Mother/Daughter *chefs kiss*. They would both die for the other to live and they attempt it multiple times. Am I made Ultear eventually succeeded? Yes. Extremely. Get back here dammit you’ve already asked and the answer was No.
Lucy/Michelle more Stalker/Obsession more Sister Complex with a little dash of objectophilia post Catholic Arc. I love how the Fairy Tail anime just dropped Every inanimate object has thought, emotion, will, goals, and feelings but is unable to act upon them or even knows they have such feelings without forbidden magics and just Expected me to be Okay with that. I am not. I never will be. Michelle wants to fight Aquarius for taking Lucy’s first kiss right in front of her.
Wendy/Sherria are exceptionally cute. I don’t have much to say I just think they’re cute and wholesome and should be girlfriends.
But ALSO I think Mest/Doranbolt’s crush on Wendy is very cute I bet he beats himself up over liking a little girl. He’s her first kiss, she initiated it.
ALSO ALSO Doranbolt/Lahar is canon and I’m SO MAD THEY KILLED LAHAR LIKE FOREVER MAD. My Buddy Cop to Lovers...
Macao and Wakaba are a “Didn’t realize I was Gay and In love with my best friend until AFTER I was married to a woman” pair and I love them. They keep their relationship a secret. Make out in the guild’s storage room. Mira’s caught them once or twice and promises to keep their secret, so long as she never catches them with their pants down that close to the cheese again.
Levi/Lucy are a cute Best Friends to Girlfriends kind of ship. No one would notice if they started dating because they’d act the exact same as before 
But also Cana/Lucy?? Same energy in that no one would really know they’re dating until Cana gets stupid clingy/protective when other people hit on Lucy.
Mavis/Zera is under appreciated I know Zera isn’t real and is just a projection of Mavis’ loneliness and isolation but also she’s Mavis’ gay thoughts a WLW side. Her self love and care in personhood. They kiss.
Canon evil lesbian queens Kyoka/Seilah is a lot more than I expected out of this program and I am so here for it!! Go girls go!!!
Dimaria/Brandish as well, evil lesbians having a bad spat and taking it out on the entirety of Fairy Tail is very funny to me. They are toxic and horrid and I hope Brandish gets away from her.
Kamika/Cosmos, while not evil, are just as canon lesbians and I love that for them. Also Lolicon Cosmos.
There at the start of the War Arc when Toby and Millianna were walking into war together and he’s looking at her with a flush on his face little guy got puppy love and I!!!! Am all about it!!! She’s a lesbian for sure but she’ll make an exception for him. I don’t think he knows what a gender is anyway
I think that fact that Ichiya and Nichiya most certainly Fuck is not discussed enough in this fandom this man fucks his own Fursona I need more people to speak of this.
Okay now my take on the Big Ships and Canon Shit because I actually didn’t talk about them above I focused on what I’d actually like to see.
Natsu/Lucy is. Fine. I saw someone say a headcanon that Natsu thought they were dating the whole time and I love that. ADHD Natsu who decided he liked Lucy and was going to ask her out but Forgot and then Forgot he Forgot and proceeded to think they were an official couple for 9 more season.
Natsu/Lisanna is also pretty okay. I love baby love, I love them as kids playing house playing marriage awkward dancing and kisses on the cheek and holding hands. They were eachother’s first love and that means so much to me there’s very little that could ever make you forget your first love. (Side note I think at this age Elfman had a crush on Natsu but didn’t say anything sense Lisanna also liked him)
Erza/Jellal bothers me. Maybe I just don’t like Jellal as a character enough yet but not only is he Not In The Guild like every other main series ship, he also is on some pretty thin ice on being an Antagonist or not. But, like above, he was Erza’s First Love and that really is kind of a Big Deal, being actually In Love for the first time. I think they could heal, and I’d love to see that actually play out. If anyone has any fics where this is a Real Issue that they talk about and face I would actually love to read them.
Mavis/Zeref is also pretty. Okay. I don’t like it, I think it’s pretty forced, I think the fact that they had a child when Mavis died after their first kiss is a fucked concept everyone’s avoiding despite it being the most interesting part of the ship. He’s her pathetic little meow meow, she’s his last shred of sanity decaying in his arms as he desperately plants kisses over her small prepubescent body. It’s VERY Dead Dove and everyone is avoiding it.
Happy/Carla... is this one people actually ship or just something in the background? Honestly Happy feels so much Younger than Carla most of the time despite them probably being the same age. He just acts like a little fool. I don’t like it. I think Carla deserves better. And is also a Lesbian.
Now for the end of my list a collection of characters I don’t have ships for but would Really Like To because I Love Them as characters and just want them to smooch somebody (would also love X reader fics with them)
Warren Rocko
Reedus Jonah
Tono Rabbits
Jura Neekis
Yuka Suzuki
Dan Straight (The fucking guy of all time)
Toma Fiore
Jacob Lessio
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kilannad · 1 year
As the Stars Burn On Chapter 20
Masterlist. Ao3.
New Dawn
With all eleven of them--even with Lily and Chopper in their smaller forms--the galley was packed to the brim. Outside, rain started splattering against Merry, but even if it was a clear day, Lucy doubted any of them would want to leave the cramped quarters. Robin and Nami were pressed tightly together on one side of the bench, Chopper huddled next to them. Zoro and Luffy were across from them. Usopp sat leaned against the counter near where Sanji was working, and Lucy was in between Laxus and Gajeel on the ground, Lily in her lap.
For a long time, they were all quiet, Sanji passing out hot cocoa and tea, setting platters of warm bread, and sliced meat on the table for them to pick at.
“So,” Usopp said, clearing his throat. “That happened.”
Lucy gave a hysterical little laugh. “That's an understatemeant.”
“Not to push where it isn't wanted,” Robin murmured, warming her hands against her tea. “But...?”
Gajeel tensed behind Lucy, his hands clenching at his side. “Short version? I was part of an enemy guild of Fairy Tail called Phantom Lord. Lucy's shit father hired us to capture her, then Master Jose ordered me--he told me to rough her up so we could get more money from him.”
“Sweet seas,” Nami muttered. “Your old master sounds like an ass.”
“You have no idea,” the three mages all said at once.
“Gramps let me join afterward,” Gajeel offered quietly. “Me 'n Juvia, even though we'd done our best to try and kill his guild. Been with them since.”
“Can't exactly judge for that,” Zoro pointed out. “I think half this crew tried to kill Luffy at least once.”
“Once?” Lucy teased. “Nami tries to strangle him every day.”
“He deserves it,” she declared.
“For the sake of transperancy,” Lily put in, “I should mention I was also an enemy.”
“So was I, at one point,” Laxus added.
“Wait,” Usopp started, “But I thought your granfather was the guildmaster.”
Laxus grimaced, nodding his head. “I...was a member at the time.” Zoro's eyes narrowed, cold fury descending. “It was the lowest point of my life, if that's any explanation.”
“Glad to know you guys are all as fucked as the rest of us,” Sanji said. “But if I might back up...what's this about Lady Lucy's father hiring you?”
“Ah.” It was Lucy's turn to shift uncomfortably. She didn't mind telling them, but after the last time she saw her father, she wasn't particularly fond of ruminating on him for long. “I'm the only daughter and heiress of--what was once--a new money business tycoon. I ran away at 16 but my father needed me back for an arranged marriage.”
“He was trying to marry you off?” Gajeel demanded. She'd forgotten she hadn't told anyone, not even her team, of the real reason her father had wanted her back so bad.
“I didn't know that,” Laxus agreed. “To who?”
Lucy hesitated, knowing that it was likely Laxus and Gajeel had at least heard of her fiance to be. And his reputation. “Duke Sawarr Junelle,” she finally muttered.
Both of them went rigid, even Lily's fur standing on end as he cursed.
“Who is he?” Chopper asked.
“A dead man,” Gajeel promised.
It probably said bad things about Lucy that she found his and Laxus's murderous impulses comforting.
“Setting that aside,” Lucy hurried on, not wanting to linger on Junelle or the horrifying possibility of her actually marrying him. “I think I just figured out why some of us were affected and others weren't.”
“I've been considering that,” Robin agreed. “But I don't know enough aboout everyone's pasts to know if my conclusion is correct.”
“To be honest, I'm in the same boat, and this is mostly a guess but...I think the reason you five weren't affected is because you've already faced your fears.”
Nami was the first to understand what she meant. “Arlong. My worst fear has always been Arlong reneging on our deal but that's already happened.”
“Mine was seeing Edolas run out of magic,” Lily concluded. “But we handled that.”
“Zoro's would be loosing to Mihawk, Chopper being an unwanted monster, and mine was failing at protecting Kaya and my village,” Usopp finished. “It holds up.”
“Then the rest of your fears?” Chopper asked.
“Being indirectly responsible for all of your deaths,” Robin told him.
“My father,” Laxus said.
“Ditto,” Sanji agreed.
“Loneliness,” Lucy said. “And I think Luffy was the same.”
“Phantom shit,” Gajeel finished.
“It doesn't matter,” Luffy interrupted, speaking for the first time. Lucy wondered what he was thinking about all this; for someone who cared so deeply about his crew and fought to be so strong so he could protect them, he must have hated being faced with a problem he couldn't fight his way out of. “Whatever happened in the past, it's done. We handled the bounty hunter.” He grinned, as bright as any sun. “So let's set sail.”
Nami slammed his head down. “Idiot! It's storming and the middle of the night. We're not going anywhere until tomorrow.”
“Oh. Right. Oops.”
Lucy couldn't help dissolving into giggles. Though none of them slept besides slight dozing through the night, no one complained in the morning. They were all too glad to be together and out of their nightmares.
Vice Admiral Jonathan leaned back in his chair, eyeing the open letter on his desk like a viper. Not an impossible comparison, he considered. One never knew what crazy new inventions the Government had access to.
“You could always say no,” Jessica suggested quietly, though she knew it was a death sentence. Being the wife of a Vice Admiral, she knew just as well as him what refusing a summoning could cost.
Outside his office, the loud cacaphony of repairs painted a bright orchestra; while G-8 had lost the Straw Hats, all the soldiers were coming together with a new vigor to ensure it didn't happen again. For them, at least, he had to try and maintain his position. He was in check, but that didn't mean the game was over yet.
“No isn't an option,” Jonathan finally sighed. “I want you to stay here, though.”
“I know, Jess. I'll take a few trusted men, and leave you and Drake here to run the base.” He looked out the window, into the wide, bright sea beyond. “I better pack,” he mused. “Enies Lobby waits for no man.”
Lucy waved as Loke vanished, chewing at her lip. It was the morning after they'd escaped their nightmares, and the crew had set sail early in the morning. It was still cold, and likely would be until they entered the next island's climate. Lucy had taken over the back deck to do some summonings. She wasn't strong enough to have Loke and Shé out at the same time, so she'd settled with starting with Loke, hoping to calm what worry she'd caused.
Turned out, she had a few more things to be worried about.
While all her Spirits had been terrified about her being trapped in a pocket dimention, unable to answer any of her summons due to the nature of the Dream-Dream fruit, they'd had something of a discovery.
They couldn't open their own gates. Not Loke or Virgo, not Horologium or Aquarius, not even Mă. It wasn't that they didn't have the power, Loke had stressed. Lucy was a strong enough mage that her strongest Spirits should have no problem coming through on their own. They'd done it before. They just...couldn't. Like the door was locked and they didn't have the key. According to Loke, Shé, if he knew anything about it, wasn't talking, so Lucy had to conclude it had something to do with the Void Century and/or her ancestor. How, she didn't know, but it went on the pile of things she needed to look into. A pile that got longer by the day.
The deck creaked, pulling her out of her thoughts and to Laxus, who had joined her.
She didn't know how to talk to him. He'd stayed by her side all night, since the crew had piled into the galley for some semblance of sleep, and didn't seem to be ignoring her any more. Yet it felt strange to be around him; she didn't know if he was still upset by the scars, or if she should apologize. For what, stars only knew, but she had the urge all the same.
“Newspaper came,” Laxus told her, proffering the wraped bundle of paper. It didn't look like even Robin had gotten to it yet, which was sort of impressive; she usually woke up first and left it for Lucy to find later.
“Thank you.” She clutched the paper to her chest, shifting from foot to foot. Laxus leaned against the railing, not far but also not close, not the way he used to; he didn't look at her.
The sails snapped in the wind impatiently, Merry rocking with the force of the waves. The ocean was rough, and normally Lucy might be worried, but so long as Nami didn't say anything, she had confidence that they'd be fine. Though if there was ever a time for a typhoon to hit, it'd be now; Lucy would take anything to get out of the growing awkwardness.
Did he want an apology? Did she? She wasn't really mad--sad, maybe, that Laxus had found it so easy to cut her off--and she honestly just wanted to go back to how things used to be. On the main deck, Usopp cursed colourfully, something delicate shattering against the hard planks. Gajeel laughed, getting a Tabasco Star down his throat for the offence; Chopper rushed to get him a glass of milk. All around them, the ship was alive with noise and anticts, yet their bubble went untouched.
Sweet Mavis, she hated it.
“I'm sorry,” they both blurted.
“Why are you-”
“There's nothing to be-”
They both paused, Lucy biting her lip, Laxus wide eyed.
He chuckled, dragging a hand through his hair. “There's nothing for you to be sorry for. I was the one being an ass.”
“I won't say you weren't an ass,” Lucy agreed, smiling at his exasperated look. “But I'm sorry for not...trying to clear the air, I guess. I thought you needed space.”
“I did,” Laxus admitted. “But that was for my own shit. I didn't need to put that on you.” His eyes flicked down to where her sweater covered her arms. “I...I fucking hate that I'm the one that put scars on you.”
She rubbed her arms, contemplating. She'd spent a lot of the months in Alabasta considering her time in Fairy Tail. She'd been a member for almost a full year, but had never really had the time to stop and truly think about what it all meant. But there had been something about the sands of Alabasta that had invited reflection and through the months there she'd come to a few realizations.
Taking a deep breath, she pulled up a sleeve, taking a step closer when Laxus looked away. “You know,” she started, keeping her voice low and contemplative. “I used to hate all of my scars. I know I'm attractive and I like to take pride in it; it was the one part of growing up an heiress that I actually liked. Dressing up, doing my makeup, being pretty; it makes me feel good. The first scar I got was from Galuna Island and I refused to show my stomach for weeks.”
“I'm going to guess this is going somewhere,” Laxus murmured.
“Yeah. I realized something, in Alabasta. Every scar I have reminds me of an adventure we went through, people we saved, battles that I won.” She used the hand with the bared scar to turn his head until he met her eyes. She smiled, making sure he could read her sincerity. “I like my scars. Especially these ones; it means I helped you and we saved Skypiea. What more could I want?”
Laxus turned his head into her palm, breathing deeply as he ran a gentle finger, lightning nowhere to be seen, over her arm. “I'll try to keep that in mind,” he murmured. “Just...sometimes shit is hard.” He slitted his eyes open, watching her closely. “Gaj feels the same, you know.”
There was a weird weight behind those words, one she wasn't quite ready to face head on. Not yet, when she still couldn't put her own desires into words. She decided to respond to the more obvious message. “Yeah, well, he has a guilt complex almost as big as yours.”
“Only almost?”
“Yours is pretty big,” she pointed out. He smirked, eyes sparking with playfullness; her face went red, realizing the inuendo.
Laxus laughed, long and loud, and everything seemed a little better. Even if he was an ass.
Usopp stumbled into the galley, juggling various lumps of clay and porcelain, muttering insults to Gajeel. Sanji looked up from the stove, raising a brow as Usopp settled at the table. Unlike the deck, which was full of the crew, the galley was quiet and peaceful, just the two of them present.
“Dare I ask?” Sanji sighed, pulling out one of their chipped mugs and pouring from a pot he'd been keeping warm on the stove. He slid it over, and Usopp gladly wrapped his hands around it, taking a greedy gulp. Chai, with milk and maple syrup; his favorite.
“You may, good sir,” Usopp began, gesturing grandly at his supplies. One of the prototypes fell over with a sad little clink. “For I have had a realization!”
“Sweet Blues,” Sanji hung his head, but wiped his hands on a dishtowel and leaned against the counter. Exasperately, he said, “What realization?”
“Often, we all pile into the galley, nice and cozy where Merry can protect us from the rain and wind and hail the size of Lily. Usually this involves beverages of some delicious form.” Sanji smiled a little, relaxing at the praise, and Usopp made a mental note to tell him how appreciated he was more often. “So I thought to myself, 'Great Sniper Usopp, what could make these moments even better?' and I answered, 'Well! Individual teacups, of course!'”
Sanji tilted his head, looking more closely at the odds and ends. “You're making a teacup set?”
Usopp dropped the dramatic voice, tilting his hand from side to side. “Well, more like individual cups. It'll be teacups for the girls, since they usually prefer them, a sake cup for Zoro since it's the only thing he'll drink from--even tea can you believe him?--and various types of mugs for the rest of us. Oh, and little ones for Lily and Chopper that will be specially designed to make them easier to hold.”
“That's a really good idea,” Sanji offered honestly; Usopp flushed, though he wasn't really sure why. It was nice though, getting Sanji to talk to him instead of just when they were arguing. They never really spent much time together, but after the nightmare fiasco, Usopp was glad for it.
“Thanks.” He fiddled with a broken piece of porcelain, quietly adding, “My mom did it for us when I was young. Even made one for my dad in case he came back.”
Sanji turned away, pulling out ingredients and pans. Usopp barely made out what he said. “I get that. I used to cook for Mom when she was sick. Tried to make her feel better, y'know?”
For once, words failed Usopp, though he didn't think Sanji minded. They were quiet while they both worked, but it was a comfortable kind of quiet, the sort that comes when two people know a secret and don't have to worry about hiding. A good quiet, Usopp decided.
He took to working in the galley more often.
“You're sure Nico Robin joined their crew?”
“Yeah. Jonathan confirmed.”
Fleet Admiral Sengoku 'The Buddha' sighed, steepling his fingers as he stared down Admiral 'Aokiji'. Kuzan didn't flinch, far too used to being judged. “This is going to be a problem,” Sengoku summarized.
Privately, Kuzan thought this had been a problem for twenty years, but he'd long since learned not to question orders. It wasn't worth the energy.
The whole room shook as, with the oft heard sound of crumbling plaster, Garp burst through the wall. He paused, mid-munch of a rice cracker, when Sengoku didn't yell at him for the property damage.
“What's crawled into your uniform, Senny?”
“Your grandson.”
“Bwahahaha!” Garp dropped down onto the couch, his thick set frame sinking into his usual well worn spot. “What'd he do this time? Break into another base?”
“Worse,” Sengoku told him. “His crew now numbers eleven, one of which is Nico Robin.”
“Eh? You're all twisted up about her? She's been quiet since she turned on Crocodile.”
“That's because she's a Straw Hat!”
Kuzan opted to ease his way to the side of the room, wary of being caught up in one of Sengoku's and Garp's legendary tiffs. He considered just going for the door, but that would require passing through their line of sight. Maybe if he busted the window and made an ice slide down?
“So what? Luffy will get his head on straight eventually and calm down.” Garp shoved a few crackers into his mouth, as if he had to wash down the taste of the lies he told himself.
“Nico Robin. Laxus Dreyar. Gajeel Redfox. Whatever that cat with a Devil Fruit is named. His crew is getting too big, too fast.”
“You don't even know about the Thunder God and Blacksteel. They probably just have weird Devil Fruits.”
Sengoku's fist slammed down, his desk too well crafted to crumble. “Damnit, Garp. Take this seriously. Straw Hat has four persons of interest on his crew and has shown he isn't afraid of the Warlords. We have to do something.”
“He's a green nosed rookie,” Garp argued.
“So was Roger once upon a time.”
For a moment, even Kuzan had to gape. While concern was warranted with Nico Robin, he thought comparing a rookie--even a supernova--to Roger was going a little far.
Something passed between Garp and Sengoku, an unsaid message between what few remained of Roger's Era. It made his hair prickle.
“Intelligence puts their likely port of call as Water 7,” Sengoku announced. He turned to stare down Aokiji. “Since it was your failure to capture the Devil Child that originally led to this, you can be the one to go to Enies and pass your golden den-den to Chief Spandam.”
Kuzan thought that was a terrible idea, but no one ever asked him. And if it got Robin out of the way... wasn't it worth it? Saul would've hated it, but Saul was a dead traitor and Kuzan was Admiral. “We're giving CP9 permission to activate the Buster Call?”
“Tell him that his mission perameters have spread to encompass the capture of Nico Robin, level Platinum.” Sengoku waved a hand, clearly deciding the meeting was over. Kuzan took the escape, ignoring the furious voices that started up in his wake.
Platinum was the highest directive there was, going above even the Fleet Admiral's head. A Platinum level order came from one place, and one place only; the Five Elder Stars. Kuzan didn't know what CP9's current mission was, but he assumed it was nasty; adding Nico Robin into the mix could only end in pain.
The question was who would be bleeding when the dust cleared.
Lucy finished shooing Laxus away, trying to cool off her face. For all that she felt better now that they'd talked, she was still caught up in how to act around him. She had felt attraction before--and Fairy Tail was filled with attractive people--but Lucy had never cared for anybody the way she cared for Laxus. It left her buzzing and anxious, always dancing to the wrong beat.
Stars, maybe she should ask Aquarius for advice.
Actually, after considering it for a moment, Lucy decided that was the worst idea she'd ever had.
Not quite ready to summon Shé just yet, Lucy opted to settle against Merry's rails, snapping open the newspaper. She was glad she didn't have anything to drink, or she would've done a spittake at the front page.
In big, bold letters all the way across the top was; Straw Hat Menaces! How Terrible is the New Generation?
She couldn't understand why they were running such an article now; they hadn't done anything since G-8 four days ago, and they'd already written an article about that. In a hurry, she scanned the article, and quickly realized the source.
She didn't know much about 'Big News' Morgan, but she knew enough to guess that he'd been paid by the World Government to write this piece. It reeked of propaganda, though for the life of her she couldn't figure out what had set it off. Surely them breaking out of G-8 hadn't earned them this level of disdain?
The article sketched the outline of the Straw Hats journey, from their inception in the East Blue all the way to their escape from G-8, but did so in the most needlessly antagonistic way Lucy had ever seen. Reading the article gave the impression that they'd picked the fight with all the East Blue's top pirates--which might be true, knowing Luffy—but only because Luffy was power hungry. It even implied they'd been the ones helping Crocodile take over Alabasta. To tie it all together, it even reprinted the bounties for their crew members--Robin included. It mentioned, briefly, that several other new pirates were making names for themselves in equally horrific ways; besides mentioning the Surgeon of Death and 'Captain' Kid, an ex-Rear Admiral named 'Red Flag' X Drake had just turned traitor and been slapped with a 70 million starting bounty in response. This was also, somehow, the Straw Hats fault, though why wasn't clarified.
Lucy had to admit that as infuriating as it was, it was well written and evocative. In short, the government had just ensured that any island the Straw Hats landed on would be immediately suspicious of them.
“Why can't propaganda ever be on my side for once?” Lucy bemoaned.
“'Cause that would make things too easy,” Gajeel responded, joining her on the back deck. He jerked his head towards the paper. “Something 'bout us again?”
She nodded, offering it to him. He shook his head, leaning against the railing not far from where she sat. The wind gave a howling push, chilling her even through her thick layer of clothes. She leaned against Gajeel's legs, hoping to suck up the warmth that all dragon slayers radiated. With a chuckle, he dropped down next to her, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close. She was immediately ten times warmer.
She settled comfortably and slapped the paper. “Government is going for slander, now. We'll have to be careful of how we act around civilians.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “The idiots who believe shit printed in the papers are the same idiots who'd give us shit for being pirates anyway.”
“True,” she allowed. “But if anyone was on the fence...”
“Then we'll deal.”
She smiled, pressing her face into his shoulder to warm her nose. She wished she could have his confidence; she felt like every time she got her feet under her, the world got ripped away.
“You know-”
Lucy never got to finish her thought. The Going Merry gave a shuttering groan, something splintering with a great crack as, in the middle of the Grandline, they started taking on water.
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fiercewinged · 1 year
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@kurogane-redfox asked:
He's just gonna grin at Keigo fangs on display as he did so. Was the Dragon going to try flustering the other male? Most likely but it wasn't like Keigo didn't LIKE it when the Dragon was like this. If the other wasn't paying attention which, he likely wasn't since he tended to only come to the Master's quarters to unwind.
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"Ya know, I'm never gonna tire of seein' ya bent over like that, gihi,"
Once the other got past the fact that the Dragon actually WANTED him, their blothes had very quickly become memories. In fact, he recalled having to buy MORE clothes for the more slender of them since he'd ripped everything the other man had been wearing off that night. Not that Keigo had complained. Oh no. He'd liked it a lot, maybe a bit TOO much even. Not that the Dragon complained.
"Been a bit since ya were here last, worried I'm gonna make ya bed ridden 'gain?"(I told you he was gonna bother his birb)
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With his back turned to the door - sound canceling headphones around his neck now that he was in a safe, private area where no one could bother him, Keigo had let his ever-present hyper vigilance fade into the background as he shifted some of the pillows and blankets around on the Iron Slayer's couch to make himself a nice, comfortable spot to sit and relax. Because his spatial awareness was dulled for the time being, paired with the fact that Gajeel could move damn near silently if he really wanted to, he hadn't even heard him open the door, let alone move into the living room until he was practically right behind him. He nearly jumped out of his own skin when the large male spoke, wings fluttering as he whipped around with a startled chirp on his lips, clutching his chest as he tried - and failed - to glare up into his face.
"Damnit Gajeel! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! You can't just...sneak up on me like that! I almost stabbed you!"
He hadn't...not really...seeing as he hadn't even reached for one of his feathers to draw as a blade. There were several small loose feathers hovering around him though, each one hardened and razor sharp from the spike of adrenaline through his system. He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as his cheeks flushed at the following comment, wings rustling as he pulled the stray feathers back to them and glanced to the side to try and hide his embarrassment.
"I...w-what...no! I...I've been busy. You know that. You're the one who's been signing off on all my jobs."
It wasn't that he was actively avoiding the Slayer. Not at all actually. He really had just been busy with missions - some that made sense only for him to take, and others that paid just a little too well for him to pass up. It wasn't that he needed the money, he was very well off. But he'd been donating extra funds to the local orphanage, trying to make sure they had everything they needed to keep the kids as comfortable as possible so that they'd have the best possible chance of getting ahead in life. It was his own secret pet project...something he hadn't even told Gajeel about, though he had a feeling the other already knew.
"I thought you were busy today. I could have sworn I saw a stack of papers on your desk almost as tall as Juvia when I walked by earlier."
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