#k-drama fandom
daliain · 3 months
New Fandoms:
•Reverse 1999
•Vincent: The Secret of Myers
•Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
•Mushroom Oasis
•Kingdom (K-drama about Zombies-)
•Where The Winter Crows Go
•What in hell is bad
•A Date With Death
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honestlyyoungtyphoon · 5 months
It's funny how kdrama/manhwa fandom suffers from "second male lead syndrome" but never the second female lead syndrome. If a female character dares to breath next to male lead she gets the most hate. Male leads and second male leads could be rapists, mass murderers, destroy people's lives but if they say sorry or simp female lead, it's all fine and dandy. But a female character (not as a female lead) even side eyes the MC, she's treated as demon incarnate.
Unfortunately it's not just in kdrama or manhwa. I saw this phenomenon in Hollywood too. For example breaking bad. Skyler gets so much hate for not being okay with her husband being a meth maker, the guy who ruined people's lives, tried to rape his wife, abused his son. But somehow she's the most hated character in BB.
In Harry Potter, Umbride is hated so much yet Voldemort gets woobified.
There are so many examples like this.
Male characters could do absolutely vile things yet still get forgiving but if a female character is a bitch, she's the worst.
Y'all just love to hate women.
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bubbleworldaddict · 4 months
To all the haters everywhere about anything and everything - that scream cancel - that scream they should die - that act like they make zero mistakes and curse and dehumanize and vilify those in the limelight when they displease you or make a mistake -
Think before you speak - just because you can does not mean you should - actions have consequences.
Just really...
Stop the madness.
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melaniemelody · 6 months
new melanie martinez fandom
Okay so i love melanie martinez but the new fandom sucks BALLS like leave oliver alone she has stated this like two times, And thats just the tip of the iceberg and now everyone thinks that melanie martinez is problmatic! Because of the sa/r4p3 alergations and she didint even do that. She has been a huge hyperfixation for me and just seeing this fandom fall off just makes me really upset. But i'm pretty sure this has happend to all clebs. And what is their problem with harrassing people? Like if you don't like melanie martinez thats fine! people have diffrent music tastes. old melanie martinez fans please say that you agree with me here. (if your reading this and you're a new melanie martinez fan please just dont be the bad ones) (and please dont hate me lmao)
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https-st4r · 9 months
Hi! I'm Star:D I go by He/they! I like to write things, uhm, request things you want me to write<33 I write smut, fluff, angst, etc!!
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glowingreverie · 2 months
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scarefox · 10 months
So how long will it take till korea gives us a horror or thriller themed BL as well?
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thesimoneashley · 5 months
this is gonna be a long rant so fair warning:
Having been in the 🐝 fandom since before season 1, I've seen fandom fights come and go. Despite not often engaging in fandom discourse, the exposure of what is rotten in some parts of the fandom thanks to anons at @waitingforeddyneddy and the latest shadyness thrown at Simone and Simone fans made me do this post for my followers. I am not tagging this because I know these vile people love to go around doxxing and bullying.
Before anyone considers harassing or bullying me as well, I want to clarify that I am not friends with Annie, nor do I follow her. However, I appreciate her blog and some anons for exposing some of the nasties within this fandom. It reinforces my belief that certain JB fans have a superior complex and put this yt man (and themselves as “the better fans”) on a ridiculous high pedestal.
It's disgusting to continuesly see people labeled unfairly, like being called "homophobic" for not stanning JB or “racist”for whatever other reason (mainly because they are a fan of Simone but apparently they are not “right” enough).
I used to think JB and SA fans where a unit but ever since S2 dropped the shadyness from JB fans hasn’t stopped, it has increased.
So I am saying this:
If you’re one of those supporting the nasty and passive aggressive comments from certain JB Stans who claim Simone “hasn’t said shit about Kanthony S3” and “only talked about the KA dance a year ago and that was her only statement”, disregarding her numerous interviews from the past year, compared to JB's one time interview about S3 KA in April last year; if you believe Jonny's vague “we are back”qualifies him as the K*nthony king where he couldn’t even name drop his leading lady nor her character and you insist on policing anyone rightfully calling Simone the “K*nthony stan queen” (or whatever name 😂)due to your hurt ego as a JB fan; if you engage in sending death threats and hateful messages to @waitingforeddyneddy or anyone who is not a fan of your damn white as chalk man, if you are joking about “Simone's (un)employment” and calling her boyfriend all sorts of names; if all this aligns with your behavior, please unfollow me now and go f*ck yourself.
I may not support everything discussed over there, but thanks to that blog’s anons, I've become aware that some Simone fan sites (some whom I used to follow and support) are involved with or even instigating negativity. I hope you feel ashamed of calling her boyfriend ugly or harassing her fellow stans, or make fun of people supporting her just because you don’t like them while also having the audacity to dictate Simone on her own instagram how, when and what to post. What a big ass hypocrite and disgusting person you and your friends are.
To those love to claim that Simone's fans behavior reflect poorly on her and the fandom (I quote “this is why everyone hates SA fans”), you would benefit from taking a moment to reflect on everyone’s individual behavior including your own. JB fans, look no further than to your mutual stans who tell SA fans they wish they “got aborted”. All for your yt man who will never f*ck you. Your sick in the head.
And for anyone who wants to know what piece of worthless scum there is among the JB / (k)*nthony fandom read through the anons from the blog by @waitingforeddyneddy
Trigger Warning: I hope those with braincells in the JB fandom understand that I'm not generalizing all fans as a whole.
Everyone else playing superior while stanning that yt man:Wishing you a change of attitude.
I am linking this post pinned to my blog since Season 2 dropped.It features (TW for the ego hurt) THE ONLY interview from JB in April 2022 about KA S3 he ever gave since the show dropped contrasting with numerous instances where Simone(the Queen of Kan*hony;))))), has discussed KA. You are welcome to shut tf about now.
Edit: you are also f*cked up to think JB telling some random stalker fan he “loves” Simone means they are secret besties or whatever. Talking about parasocial.
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izzythehutt · 7 months
Rewatched a bunch of episodes of LBD this weekend (probably hadn't seen the videos in about eight years) and man the most cringe thing about that was reading my decade old comments on every one.
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june-again · 7 months
Hi! I just wanted to know if you're taking requests for k-drama?
hey anon! sorry, I'm not taking requests at all at this time!
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venacoeurva · 1 year
I realize I am definitely out of the loop of any interpersonal beef that is probably nuts in this fandom on here and I’m happy to stay out of that loop based on how I saw it happen in my last one
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dark-muse-iris · 1 year
I don't have the energy for fanwar shit, especially when the songs aren't even good--or worse, not good anymore. 🤷‍♀️
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
Can I ask you something? I'm making a modern au fanfic and I was thinking what Athanasia would study / work and I can't think of anything. I know she likes to study, so I think it would be easy for Athy to choose one of these majors where people studies a lot (medicine, law, engineering...) but I don't know which of them best suits her personality.
I'm biased because I'm a law graduate, but hear me out, I think law really fits Athy. It's a super academically intensive career, which sounds like something she would be into. It's also very associated with power (and I guess to some extent with ruling, lots of people in positions of power are lawyers, including heads of state), which I think is the best translation of the kind of duties she fulfills as crown princess without making her literally modern royalty (I like fictional and historical royal figures, modern ones... not so much lol). Also, Athy genuinely is someone who cares a lot about things like justice and fairness, so I can see her being interested in that romantic idea of law that most first year students have (before discovering the hell they got themselves into /j). And this might be just me, but when Athy talked back to Anastasius in the empress arc, and then exposed his real colors to the nobles, that sounded just like the closing arguments of a really good prosecutor.
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idolstylekpop · 1 year
Tumblr media
On December 31, 2022, South Korean media outlet Dispatch revealed their New Year’s couple, as per annual tradition. They reported that their New Year’s couple for 2023, IU and Lee Jong-suk, have been dating in secret for four months.
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livvyisb0red · 10 months
XO, Kitty has taken over my life
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fireofjudgement · 1 year
Are you gonna write again??
Of course! I don't know why, but every time I take a break from writing, I get an ask like this. Rest assured, as long as I'm part of any fandom (and I'm part of many, lol), I will be writing. Sometimes I'll post every week, sometimes I'll take a couple months off, but I'll always come back. Right now I'm preparing for the agust d concert I'm attending on Friday, but as soon as I'm back I'll make a separate post announcing a few changes to this blog, as well as opening up my requests again! So worry not, I am here and I will be here, I'm not going anywhere!
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