#k9 thunder
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Norwegian K9 VIDAR
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Estonia previously signed a contract for the delivery of 24 of the self-propelled artillery units from South Korea, however, an additional 12 units are now also set to arrive. The final delivery is scheduled for 2026(..)
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ladiesandgenerals · 2 years
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Monsuno: Project Cerberus
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'Cerberus' is the Storm prototype for a mass produced K9 unity on steroids to patrol cities, act as guard/attack dogs and raid illegal Monsuno fight rings as well as illegal Monsuno essence trading.
Helena Griffin is the daughter of the scientific Daniel Griffin, head of his own Storm funded laboratory, Helena is astmathic and despite having to be monitored closely at all times manages to live a rather normal life but her condition makes it hard for her to keep up physically with others, her father, sensing her loneliness, came home one night with something hidded under his jacket, a stray puppy named Taffy.
The two grew very close and Taffy now works as her personal service dog and best friend, despite being a rather sizable pitbull, Taffy is nothing but sweet and gentle, always at the ready to comfort Helena during her asthma attacks while Helena comforts her as well during thunderstorms, which her canine companion is afraid of. Daniel, on the other hand, his workaholic ways made him a very forgetful and fidgeting man that is always on a hurry. This would have undesired consequences as, one night, being called for a work related emergency in the middle of a heavy storm, Taffy, protective as always and sensing his distress, escorted him through the door without him noticing and on his hurry he left the front gate open which allowed her to keep following him outside of their home. A bright lightning followed by deafening thunder made Taffy panic and run into an incoming car, ending her life instantly.
Consumed by guilt and unable to face Helena, Daniel carried her beloved guardian's body in the back of the car and, secretly, put it through the process of Monsuno creation using already existing blueprints of a prototype: Project Cerberus.
Reincarnated into a mighty creature, Taffy immediatelly recognized Daniel and, with her personality intact, it was as if she was never gone...
Project Cerberus: Part one
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trudemaethien · 1 year
Ocean Torrents
Merverse Part 1 | Part 2
rated M, gore, trauma, death, war, betrayal, language barrier. Echo/Fives(/Rex if you squint)
Fives is a pretty experienced dude, as these things go. He’s a sergeant and a raider and he is good enough to be on the team of The Marine, MSgt Ward. He loves what he does and he is skilled at it.
He’s never seen anything like this.
He’s in the weird zone now where his body is doing all the things it needs to do to survive, but his mind is feeding him a constant stream of bullshit like how the sea really does look like wine, Odysseus had it right. He was a warrior aboard a ship too, and damn.
The blood in the water is going to be attracting sharks. He scans frantically, trying to locate his troopers, Jester, or Hound and Grizzer. Slick’s boys are supposed to be holding the other side, but he can’t tell in this clusterfuck.
Too far away to easily get to, he thinks he sees Top’s distinctive dark beard …and the way the grunt with him moves, that’s Jester located. Bacara’s got him, he’ll be alright. Fives is probably going to get his ass chewed by his master sergeant for misplacing his shiny, but his kid isn’t alone and he has better than even odds of making it with that kind of buddy. That’s more important than Fives’ pride.
Lt Tano and Gunny Faie are still in play, he sees by the pop of smoke to his starboard, but they aren’t his concern. Where are the rest of his boys?
He puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles sharp and loud, then moves. It’ll get SGT G’s attention at least, and when his ears perk up, Hound will notice. He can’t stay where he whistled from though, too much of an enemy target there.
He’s not even sure who the enemy is, at this point. Everything is insane, storm thrashing, water roiling, thunder and lighting, shouts and screaming. There’s some kind of whirlpool happening, and his mind goes Greek Classics again—Charybdis. Now all they need is a six-headed monster to eat squads at a time and a bunch of sirens trying to drown them.
There’s a surprising amount of solid surface for a sea battle, though very little of it is level. Ships have toppled and collided, wreckage and flotsam making a half-submerged shifting maze.
He hears the scramble, splatter, wet patter, and jingle of Sergeant G coming out of the water. He acknowledges her and looks up for Corporal Hound, who should be right behind him. Empty space.
Grizzer runs up to him and noses his knees, turns twice for ‘follow me’, and runs back to the edge of the deck, leaning down. Fives goes to see, maybe Hound is still climbing. Maybe he sent Sergeant G to Search.
It is not Hound.
Well. It is. It’s just …not anymore. His body bobs in the water nearby, dead beyond a doubt. Ravaged, nearly in half. Grizzer is whining and pawing at the deck edge. She must have rescue-dragged the body of her handler the whole way here. Fives’ heart goes out to their K9. “Good girl, Grizzer; good job, girl,” he says with tears threatening in his throat, ruffling the dog’s ears.
Taking his blade between his teeth, he goes down the side of the platform and into the water with no splash. It’ll be gory, but he cannot leave a fallen brother behind. He secures Corporal Hound’s remains above deck as far above the waterline as he can, marking the location and hoping this wreckage doesn’t shift and sink before they can retrieve him.
“Leave it,” he commands the mastiff, knowing it’s not fair but necessary and might save Grizzer’s life.
“Sergeant Torres!!” That’s Lt Garcia’s voice! He’s never heard such a beautiful sound in his life, not even when they’d been sobbing out his name —and not his last name— just the other day. They haven’t defined anything yet, only been tipsy and giggling together, sharing a bunk a couple times, haven’t even gone on a date. Fives looks around to locate them and his brain chooses that moment to remind him of sirens’ mimicry again. Cautiously, he goes on the move.
“Grizzer, Heel,” he commands in a hoarse whisper, and Grizzer’s ears go alert. She comes in close, and then Fives sends her around the corner, “Grizzer, Search.” She really is a good marine. Fives hefts his long knife in a reverse grip, not even trying to mess with his sidearm in this kind of wet.
Grizzer barks once sharply for contact and then makes no more noise. “Grizzer, good girl. Did you find Fives? God, I hope so,” Echo says, sounding exhausted. He doesn’t indicate duress, even though he’s apparently forgotten all of the approved commands. Good enough, even though neither marine has given the all-clear.
He comes round the corner and stops dead. The corridor tilts downward and is half-submerged. It is Echo there, crumpled against a bulkhead, wan and somehow diminished, but at least it’s not their midsection missing. They’re wet and bloody and have an emergency blanket wrapped around them. Their legs must be tucked underneath, but they’re too low to be kneeling.
Behind them, half-immersed with elbows out of the water, is a stranger. A very, very large, sharp-toothed, shark-finned stranger.
Sing to me, oh muse, thinks Fives a little hysterically. Monsters of the deep are real.
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/35458459
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
Doctor Who: The Five Doctors
I rewatched this story on 25 April 2023. It's not quite forty years after I first saw a version of it in Australia during an amazing thunder storm that put static through our video recording of it. I recall the nervousness of whether or not we’d lose the picture if the electricity cut out. Anyway, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this adventure in a few different forms. The one I watched for this was the 1999 DVD special edition… Lawks, that's 24 years old now... Anyway, 20 years of a TV show! Not many can claim such a record…
We begin with a short pre-credit grainy monochrome clip of William Hartnell from when he farewelled the first travelling companion to leave the TARDIS. That was the first real time I ever saw him as Dr Who.
We then join Turlough sketching outside. In the TARDIS, we see a brand new console and Tegan in a new outfit. The Doctor and Tegan join Turlough outside, and the Doctor suffers a twinge of cosmic angst. Meanwhile, the Doctor (Richard Hurndall) is snatched up by a weird thing; he later pairs up with Susan. Then we go to UNIT HQ where the Brigadier (retired) is looking forward to a reunion… he should be careful about what he wishes for! The Doctor (Patrick Troughton) arrives and they are both snatched up by the weird thing. The Doctor (Jon Pertwee) is driving Bessie, when he’s snatched up by the weird thing. Sarah Jane Smith pays attention to K9 issuing a warning, but ignores him when he mentions the Doctor, and the weird thing snatches her. The Doctor (Tom Baker) and Romana are punting on the Cam (a scene from Shada). The weird thing fails to snatch them. 
And then we turn up on Gallifrey, looking once more like it has for each time since The Deadly Assassin. This time, the Master is invited to rescue the Doctor who has been trapped in Gallifrey’s death zone to play the game of Rassilon. It’s a rather fun framing device for an adventure bringing in so many old friends and foes together, plus a few new foes. Not all of it makes sense — and there are hilarious trips and falls — but that’s fine. So many quotable quotes! Yes, I love this story.
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Title: As The Rain Falls Pairings: Narvin/Leela Summary: As Narvin waits for Leela to return, he ponders on his own mortality as the rain falls. Set between Gallifrey series 4.
Narvin pulled his cloak tightly around him and shivered as he prodded the fire with a stick. Leela had been gone for a couple of hours and normally, he wouldn’t be concerned for he knew Leela was more than capable of taking care of herself but it was growing dark and the portal back to the Axis was due tomorrow morning. 
Thunder rolled across the sky and he flinched when a flash of lightning crackled like a whip unleashed at a circus to tame a mighty lion. Rain began to pour, and fell into a gentle soothing rhythm outside the cave that they sought shelter in. 
He only hoped Romana and Braxiatel were having a better time on the Axis than he was in this miserable cave.
There plan had been to gather supplies for the Axis, for they were running low on food and medicine and other necessities. Romana had suggested the two to split up, whilst she and Braxiatel fixed the computers with K9 as the computers had been playing up recently, thanks to the cheap second-hand machines Braxiatel acquired. 
Narvin had strongly argued that in an ideal situation, he would have been more suited to fix the computer given his engineering background, but Leela had given him a stern look, indicating that Braxiatel and Romana needed some time alone together to talk through things before she dragged him by the elbow, and threw the portal before he could so much as open his mouth to complain.
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j-r-macready · 2 years
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subscribe1 · 2 months
K9 Thunder Howitzer Hits Target at 50 km with Precision Excalibur Round
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asestgrin · 2 months
У России появилась новая угроза в Чёрном море
В последние годы Румыния активно укрепляет свои позиции как один из основных форпостов НАТО на восточном фланге. Это подтверждается масштабными планами по перевооружению армии и закупке современных образцов техники, которые стремительно реализуются. На прошлой неделе Румыния заключила контракт с Южной Кореей на поставку 54 самоходных гаубиц K9 Thunder и 36 транспортировщиков боеприпасов, а также 18 тысяч 155-мм снарядов. Соглашение рассчитано на пять лет и первые поставки запланированы на 2027 ... Читать дальше »
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beiruttimelb · 3 months
اخبار مترجمة :رومانيا تشتري 54 مدفع هاوتزر من شركة Hanwha Aerospace الكورية الجنوبية
وارسو، بولندا – اختارت وزارة الدفاع الوطني الرومانية مدفع هاوتزر K9 Thunder ذاتي الدفع عيار 155 ملم للقوات المسلحة الوطنية. وقالت الوزارة في بيان لها إن الجيش في البلاد سيحصل على إجمالي 54 مدفع هاوتزر مع المعدات ذات الصلة. وتم الإعلان عن قرار شراء السلاح، الذي تصنعه شركة Hanwha Aerospace، في 19 يونيو عقب اجتماع عقده وزير الدفاع الوطني الروماني أنجيل تيلفار ونظيره الكوري الجنوبي وون سيك شين. ويأتي…
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Korean War Museum, Seoul.
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aresdifesa · 3 months
Semoventi di artiglieria K9 alla Romania Romania e Corea del Sud hanno raggiunto l’accordo relativo l’acquisto da parte del Paese europeo di sistemi d’artiglieria semovente K9 e dei veicoli portamunizioni K10 ARV d’accompagno. Si parla di un contratto del valore complessivo di 960 milioni di dollari che prevede la fornitura di una cinquantina di K9 Thunder e di una trentina di K10 ARV alla Romania. Originariamente si stimava un programma del valore di 1,9 miliardi di dollari per l’acquisto di almeno novanta K9 Thunder destinati ad armare cinque gruppi dell’artiglieria del Esercito di Bucarest. L’accordo con il costruttore Hanwha Aerospace dovrebbe prevede la realizzazione di alcune
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ladiesandgenerals · 2 years
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theam-cjsw · 4 months
The AM: May 27, 2024
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Just a regular ol' episode of The AM, the first in a few that isn't a showfill or anniversary. Enjoy a mix of brand-new tunes, lost classics, and international obscurities, from a groovy Devo cover to municipal planning-inspired analog electronics to thundering Canadian psych-rock.
Listen on CJSW.com
Streaming links and tracklist are after the break.
Hour One:
Wild Light Helios, Hollie Kenniff • Single
Found Objects Buildings and Food • Echo the Field
A Shared Sense of Purpose Warrington Runcorn New Town Development Plan • A Shared Sense of Purpose
Old Reeds Group Listening • Walks
Birds in Winter Libra Rising • Every New Moon
Veil (Reprise) NETRVNNER • Final Frontier
Kite Corker/Conboy • In Light Of That We Learned Later
A Dazzling Ode to Sun, Sand, and Surf Orange Crate Art • Taking Liberties: The Pop​-​Art World of John Van Hamersveld
The Loops (Grief) Tony Njoku • Last Bloom
X is closer to A Kessoncoda • Outerstate
Skater Four Tet • Three
Hour Two:
Through Being Cool The Rare Sounds • Introducing: The Rare Sounds
Thema Maboneng Abacothozi • Thema Maboneng
Juan’s World BADBADNOTGOOD • Mid Spiral: Order
Headcleaner Jeffrey Silverstein • Roseway
Roc alpin Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes • Paix
Jusqu'à ce que la force de t'aimer me manque Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes • Paix
Lost in the Woods (Paranoid) Project Gemini • Colours & Light
Distant Dream Magic Fig • Magic Fig
Feline Wave Race Nap Eyes • Single
K9 Freaks Mix (Freak Heat Waves Remix) La Sécurité • Stay Safe! REMIXED
Hour Three:
Go To Sleep Blume • Go To Sleep​/​Passes Me By
Four Leaf Clover Color Green • Fool's Parade
The Coward Astral Swans, featuring Julie Doiron • Single
My Way Crystal Eyes • The Female Imagination
Faded (original cassette version) The Cat's Miaow • Skipping Stones: The Cassette Years ‘92​-​’​93
Far Away from You Sachiko Kanenobu • Misora
Take Me Where I Ain’t Scott McMicken and the Ever-Expanding • When It's Happening
New World (Edit) Tindersticks • Soft Tissue
Concrete Sea Jon Mckiel • Hex
Pier 57 Black Market Karma • The Technicolour Liquid Audio Machine
(Dizzy) Eagle The Besnard Lakes • Single
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militaryleak · 5 months
Vietnam Sets Sights on K9 Thunder Self-propelled Howitzer Procurement
Vietnam's Ministry of Defence (MoD) has revealed its intention to acquire the K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer (SPH) from South Korea's Hanwha Aerospace for integration into the People's Army of Vietnam. Vice-Minister of National Defence Hoang Xuan Chien articulated this plan during the '11th Korea-Vietnam Defense Strategy Dialogue' convened in Hanoi on April 23rd. The dialogue, serving as a platform for regular consultations between the Vice Ministers of Defense of both nations, underscores their commitment to enhancing mutual defense cooperation and industry collaboration. Initiated in 2012, this bilateral forum has facilitated annual exchanges aimed at bolstering defense ties. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak #vietnam #howitzer #southkorea
Vietnam’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has revealed its intention to acquire the K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer (SPH) from South Korea’s Hanwha Aerospace for integration into the People’s Army of Vietnam. Vice-Minister of National Defence Hoang Xuan Chien articulated this plan during the ’11th Korea-Vietnam Defense Strategy Dialogue’ convened in Hanoi on April 23rd. The dialogue, serving as a…
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