#kacchako secret valentine
dekusheroacademia · 2 years
Ships list updated (Izuocha, Kacchako, Kamijirou)
I added all anime extras and Novel 6 moments for the Izuocha list, Kacchako and Kamijirou list of shipping moments.
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These were the additions:
------------------ KACCHAKO
Novel 06
Ch1: Uraraka worries that Bakugou’s personality is not great to befriend Eri
Ch1: After Uraraka has been “taken out” of the training, Midoriya devise a plan to help Bakugou befriend Eri. After the exercise, she complains that she also wanted to partecipate in the plan.
Ch2: Tsuyu asks Bakugou and Deku for help in finding the mysterious “Prince Charming”, and Bakugou immediately guesses that the reason they are looking is that a girl wanted to give chocolate to this Prince Charming and was too scared. Uraraka is surprised his guess was so accurate - thus accidentally revealing that Bakugou’s guess was right.
During the “Saving the world with love” filler episode, Bakugou decides that one has to go to the store, and he asks Uraraka to go alone so that the whole team of hero won’t get noticed
------------------ KAMIJIROU
Novel 06
Ch2: It is San Valentine and a bunch of girls bring chocolate to Jirou (a lot of it), saying that they loved her singing. It is confirmed by the novel (by how Mineta's react) that it is heartfelt-chocolate (not friends-chocolate). Kaminari complains that all that chocolate is for her and not for him.
Ch2: Mineta goes full zombie mode because he is desperate to get some San Valentine chocolate. Kaminari decides to stop him and let the girls run away. Jirou does not like the plan, but Kaminari still stays - and gets distracted. Mineta escapes and Jirou calls him a dumbass.
Filler episode of season 3: Kaminari and Mineta decide to organize a visit to the school pool because they overheard the girls talking about it. They both want to see the girls in bikini. Once they arrive there, Jirou comments on Kaminari being at the pool too (and the girls are not in bikini)
In season 6, after the war we see Jirou supporting Kaminari, to help him stand him
After the war, while Deku is in a coma, Kaminari is also at the hospital, and Jirou and Tokoyami with him
------------------ IZUOCHA
Novel 06
Ch2: The girls and Sato are cooking friends-chocolate for San Valentine. The chocolate is for the whole class, but Ochako’s mind immediately goes to Deku, and she immediately “shoves it down deep, into a secret place of her heart”.
Ch2: A girl from another class gives Class1a’s girls chocolate for a mysterious “Prince Charming of Class 1A”. They have no idea who that is, and Uraraka wonders if it is Deku. She panics and she “slams the lid of her heart closed, and put a padlock on it”. Ashido teases her when Uraraka says that she was only thinking of a bug.
Pool filler episode: The boys are having a swimming competition. During the last turn (Bakugou vs Deku vs Todoroki), Kirishima cheers for Bakugou, Uraraka for Deku
At the beginning of season 3, the anime reintroduces Ochako’s crush: she comes close to Deku and he seems embarrassed (while waiting for the bus to leave), and when she notices how close she is she turns red and starts dancing about their trip, out of embarrassment.
In the filler episode of season 3, where the class has to stop a fake robberer, Deku and Uraraka both react the same enthusiastic way when they hear about the special training
In the same episode: Uraraka and Iida compliments Deku for getting praised by Aizawa
In the filler episode of season 4, the students hear that a reporter is gonna come to UA and Ochako turns towards Deku, who blushes because she is close
In the same episode, Ochako blushes in shock looking at the reporter taking a selfie with Deku. Later on, she comes to greet him and smells the nice food All Might has gotten Deku. By doing so she ends up a bit too close and they both blush.
During the Overhaul arc in season 4, the anime adds a scene where Ochako sends Deku a reassuring confident look (like cheering him up)
Season 5 also adds a scene where Ochako extensively thinks about Mei’s breasts on Deku and punches herself, the scene is enhanced when compared to the manga
At the end of season 5, we have a scene with a bunch of characters receiving news of the next mission, and Ochako and Deku look at each others, questioning
The start of season 6 adds to non-speaking scenes of Deku and Ochako seen acting together to start the mission (in helping the people)
The second OP of season 6 shows a scene where Ochako finds Deku and offers him her hand. The camera shows Deku imagining how he could take Ochako’s hand
The second ED of season 6 adds Deku’s treasured memories. The tok moment is among them, another one is training with her and Sero and walking home with her and Iida
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lemonade-of-gods · 7 years
@mindydraw Happy Valentine’s day, macha! This was written for the Kacchako secret Valentine’s day exchange event, and I’m your secret Valentine! I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING *thunder and lightning in the background*
Valentine’s day, in Bakugou Katsuki’s fine opinion, could gladly go fuck itself.
He was aiming to be the number one hero. The schedule he’d drawn up simply didn’t include crushes, dating, relationships or any of that shit which had the entire school population batshit crazy. Which, by default, was driving him crazy.
Apparently Valentingitis wasn’t a valid disease, and so wasn’t a legitimate reason to skip school.
And apparently it wasn’t considered heroic to murder your classmates either, no matter how sappy they acted.
“Ooh, that’s a lot of chocolates, Uraraka!”
“Oh I bought those yesterday! Luckily they were cheap!”
Store bought...Bakugou let out a breath he hadn’t noticed he was holding, upon hearing those words.
For some goddamn reason, the vision of fucking Deku getting chocolate popped into his mind. What really made him grind his teeth was the vision including a blushing Uraraka handing over a box of chocolate to the little bastard.
“-made some for Todoroki-san-”
He hated valentine’s day. He had nearly driven his mom up the walls complaining about how bullshit the day was.
“-so sweet of you Yaomomo-”
And Uraraka was just a classmate. Granted, she’d gained his respect and interest when they had fought in the sports festival (like seriously the plan she’d used was fucking good and the fact she did on her own and gave all that she had while looking certainly not fragile and strong and HOLD IT THAT’S GOING WAY OFF COURSE MOTHERFUCKER), but she was just his classmate.
“-tell me Uraraka-”
“-made homemade chocolate?”
“I have, yes!”
Bakugou’s head snapped up.
“That’s interesting!” He heard Yaoyorozu say, in an interested manner, “Who have you made it for?”
“Uh...” He stiffened at the uncertainty in the gravity user’s voice; it was one she used when she was trying not to reveal a secret.
“Ooh, is it for Iida?” Ashido’s excited voice was heard next.
For that square headed pansy?!
“W-what? No!!” Uraraka squeaked; he could imagine her blushing rather prettily.
Alright, from where the fuck did this one come from?!
“Let’s not pressurize Uraraka-san! It may not be Iida-san she’s planning to give!”
“But then who else could it be?”
“Wouldn’t Midoriya be more obvious?” Came Kyouka’s drawl.
Son of a fucking- the imagery of Deku and Uraraka was becoming clearer by the minute. Where’s the brain bleach when you need some?
“Yo, Bakugou!” Someone said, snapping him out of his dark thoughts. He looked up to see a concerned Kirishima. “You okay there, bro?”
“Do I look fucking okay to you?!” He snarled, setting off explosions in his hands.
Kaminari’s smart ass comments did nothing to reduce his temper. “Ooh, does the king of explodo kills want some homemade chocolate? The girls may not give you any, but I certainly can cover-”
“Do you want me to kill you, you bastard?!”
“Enough chitchatting.” Aizawa-sensei’s lazy drawl cut through the chatter, “I get it’s an exciting event today but you’re in school to study. Back to your places, everyone.”
By the time school had ended for the day, Bakugou was ready to live up to his self-professed nickname and do some explosion murder himself.
Those shitheads from 1-B got chocolates but I didn’t?! What sort of messed up logic is this?!
Aw, is Kacchan upset because Angel face gave chocolates to her darling Deku but not you? A voice in the back of his mind sniggered.
“Fuck off!”
Her voice stopped him in his tracks. It was impossible to mistake her voice for someone else’s. They were alone outside the building after all.
“Yeah?” He grunted, turning around to face a visibly nervous Uraraka Ochaco, whose arms were behind her back.
“You were looking upset today...” She trailed off tentatively, “Are you okay?”
Upset was an understatement. “If you don’t have anything else to say-” He said, almost turning around, but was cut off by a “WAIT!” from the girl.
Uraraka took a deep breath. “I, uh...” She made eye contact with him, her face slowly turning red, “I kinda...I made a whole speech and all, you see... and I thought you’d be embarrassed if I gave you in public...” She struggled with herself a bit, before a determined look appeared on her face. She thrust out her arms to him, her hands containing something wrapped in pink paper. “Th-this is for you, Bakugou-kun!”
All his thoughts came to a crashing full stop,
Don’t fucking tell me...
He took the packet, staring at the obnoxiously pink wrapping. In the background, Uraraka was rambling.
“I was on a tight budget you see I’d bought chocolates for Deku-kun and Iida-kun and a couple of others, and I couldn’t make better chocolate and it’s my first time making it anyway-”
“-I’m not sure how well it turned out but it didn’t taste that bad and I know you like dark chocolate a lot-”
Kacchan.exe has stopped working.
“-and I wanted to give you in the morning but there were people around and I didn’t want to embarrass you-”
It was for him.
“-luckily I wanted and did make some only for you, so I hope you like it-”
Only him.
“-and Happy Valentine’s day, Bakugou-kun, goodbye!” She squeaked, snapping him out of his shocked state.
“Hold on a fucking minute!” He said, the tone a little sharper than intended. Uraraka, who had taken a step away from him stopped in her tracks.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“Woman, have you eaten yet?” He asked irritatedly.
“Um...no...” She mumbled, looking anywhere but at him, the blush never leaving her face.
“There’s a diner nearby.” He grunted, “I’m hungry, you’re hungry, there’s some shit I want to make clear and I don’t want anyone else with us. Meet me at seven.” And with that, he turned towards the dorms.
“Hey!” She said, suddenly sounding indignant, “That’s no way to ask someone out!”
“I’m not doing any of that sappy shit, Uraraka!” He snarled, cringing at the mere image of him making goo goo eyes at her in front of his friends.
“Forget sappy, you didn’t even ask, Bakugou-kun!”
“Fine!” He turned back and strode over to Uraraka, until they were inches apart from each other. Her fading blush came back on with full force at the closeness. His neck suddenly grew a lot warmer.
“Will y-” He began, trying to force out the words, “Will-will you...meet me...” How hard is it to ask a fucking question?! “-meetmeatthedineratseven?!” He finished with a hurried whisper, his entire face now hot enough to cook omelettes on.
Uraraka stared at him. What, did I mess up or something? Say something, goddamn it!
“Look I did what you told me and asked you, so don’t waste my time and tell me-”
“-if you’re coming or not-huh?”
She gave a tiny nod, and took a step back. Then with a “seeyoumeetatseven”, she made a break for it to the dorms.
His schedule, Bakugou recalled, didn’t cover dates or relationships.
Well thank the fucking gods I’m a flexible guy.
Whelp, I’m done! I hope you enjoyed it, meri dost! Have a nice day!
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miqitten · 7 years
Here it is! My Kacchako Secret Valentine for @fanatic-scribe! This was a real tough prompt, but it was fun to write! I hope you enjoy it!
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ditzydesu · 7 years
Another Surprise- Kacchako Secret Valentines
I was secret valentines for @jaydpuppycat! Apologies for being late ;; This was posted on Ao3 too and gifted to you~ please enjoy! 
If he was being honest, Katsuki Bakugo wasn’t good at the whole romance thing. He had no experience in the field whatsoever, and hadn’t watched any romance movies to get a general sense of what he was supposed to do. He would also never dream of asking anyone for help, because that would be showing weakness, and he wasn’t weak. Also, if he was being truly honest, he had forgotten that Valentines Day was a thing until 3am.
Traditionally, he would be the one receiving gifts of chocolates on this day. But he was trying to prove himself as the best boyfriend ever, and if that meant making chocolate for Uraraka at 3am, then Bakugo was going to make the best damn 3am chocolates.
He would never speak highly of his parents (not to their faces, at least) but they had given him a gene for being good at cooking and the skills to put them to use. Sweets were harder to make than dinner was, but because they were living in the dorm there was no way he could make a meal for the two of them without everyone else wanting some of his renowned cooking.
It took almost an hour for him to finish the sweets, three different types of chocolate- whites chocolate with freeze dried raspberry, milk chocolate and orange peel and dark chocolate mixed with mint oil. They didn’t look pretty by anyone’s standards, but he stuck them in the fridge to set regardless, and set an alarm to get up in the morning before anyone else could steal them.
Luckily for him, he awoke with the alarm and dashed to the fridge- chocolates chilled and where he left them. Now solid, he could take them back to his room and get ready for the day. Unluckily for him, he bumps into Kirishima on the way back, who’s eyes light up with joy when he sees the chocolates.
“Who are they for?” He asks, a grin clear on his face. Bakugo and Uraraka haven’t really made their relationship public- only Deku, Iida and Tsuyu know, and they’ve been sworn to confidence. Bakugo hasn’t told any of his friends because they’d take the piss out of him, and he really doesn’t have the energy to deal with that. And he really doesn’t have the energy to deal with this.
“Me, hair for brains. Am I not allowed fucking chocolate?”
“Oh! A gift?”
“No! Fuck off!”
“If you’re giving them to someone, you’re a month early.”
“I’d be surprised if you got any chocolates today, fuckstick.”
“I don’t mind if I do or don’t,” Kirishima shrugs, “the fact that I caught you with chocolates is enough for a gift for me.”
Bakugo pushes past him at that, storming into his bedroom to the sound of Kirishima cackling with glee. Despite his anger, he’s still gentle with the chocolates, and he doesn’t bother with breakfast to get to class early. His entire plan relies on being first for once.
Uraraka’s morning starts of with a much different note. Her gifts have been ready for a week- cheap shop bought chocolates that she’s split into fourteen separate gifts and wrapped neatly- one for every boy in her class. Bakugou’s present is different, but she writes on his card that he’ll get his proper present later. She gathers them up and puts them in her bag, ready to hand out as soon as they get to class.
Breakfast goes smoothly- she sits with Jiro and Hagakure, who also have plenty of gifts to hand out. Mina has forgotten, evidently, as she has hastily made cards made from folded paper and with designs drawn in felt pen. She laughs as she makes her way out the door with them. Tsuyu hands Valentines out to the girls who are there, giving Mina’s to Uraraka and Momo’s to Jiro to pass on before leaving herself. Yaomomo enters last with an armful of Valentines that everyone stops to admire. Uraraka can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy that she can’t provide for all her friends with such luxurious presents.
Aizawa is kind that morning (or too tired to care) and doesn’t insist on everyone being in their seats. The girls (minus Tsuyu) hand out their Valentines, and everyone (minus Mineta) receives five gifts. Mineta only receives one, from Uraraka, who despite his nature can’t help but feel sorry for him. From her seat at the back of the room, Uraraka watches Bakugo carefully as he reads her card, turning around the smallest amount to nod- a sign he’s understood her message. She relaxes at that, and finds herself able to concentrate on class with no issue.
They meet in a cafe after school, walking separately so as not to draw attention to themselves. This cafe is where they had their first “date”, which only took place after Uraraka insisted she paid him back after a training session. He had kissed her then, which came as a surprise to her (but not an unwelcome one) and their secret relationship began. Today is different, though, or so she tells herself. He’s there first- yet another surprise. He’s ordered milkshakes for them, and sits with his arms folded until she sits opposite him.
“Hey,” she says gently, and he perks up a little at that.
“Thank you for the milkshake.” It’s a little too awkward, a little too formal, and she has to take a deep breath to steady herself. “I made you this,” she says, fishing another wrapped gift out of her bag.
“Thanks,” he says, a hint of a smile on his face. He rummages in his own bag then, and presents his own gift to her, carefully handing it across to her.
“Bakugo, you’re not supposed to-“
“And? In other places they don’t have white day, so I can give you gifts whenever the fuck I want, got it?”
“Th-thank you.”
He unwraps her present, and takes a moment to admire the sugar sprinkles and glitter that makes the top of his homemade chocolate bar. Then he reads the icing, and his face pales. “I love you” is written in pink icing, and he can only stare blankly at her. She’s nibbling on her lip nervously, eyes wide with panic.
“I love you?”
“I’m sorry!” Uraraka cries. “That was probably way too forward of me, and...” she trails off, but he only laughs, leaning across the table to her, whispering close in her ear.
“I love you too.”
She squeaks at that, drawing back, face flushed red. She covers her face with her hands, and laughs once more, pocketing her chocolates for later.
“D-don’t say things like that?”
“Even if they’re true?”
“I-if they’re so true, why don’t you tell your friends about us? I’m okay with it, so-“
“I was only not telling people because I thought you wouldn’t want my friends to know!”
“Aha, so you admit they’re your friends~”
“Shut the fuck up Uraraka.” She giggles at that, smug at this apparent victory. Her laugh is cut short when he leans across the table and presses his mouth to hers. She smiles, and pulls him closer.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Star’s Master Fic Page!
Updated: 11/19/2020
This is where you can find all of my fics!!!
Current Fic Count: 200
Original Content Count: 6
Fandoms: Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia, Miraculous LadyBug, The PowerPuff Girls, The Promised Neverland, Ducktales, Gravity Falls, Original Works
Bold are Chapter fics!
My asks are always open for requests!!
Commissions are open!!
Fairy Tail
1. Lying - Gruvia
2. It Should Have Been Me - Gruvia
3. Of All The Colors: 1 - 2 - Gruvia
4. Blue Skies -Gruvia
5. My Savior - Lucy and Aquarius
6. Little Notes - Lucy and Aquarius
7. Movies - Gruvia
8. Books - Gajevy
9. Candles -Nalu
10. The First Snow -Nalu
11. Letting Go - Gruvia
12. Written In The Stars Au. 1  2-Nalu
13. Fine- Gruvia
14. Reassuring- Gruvia
15. Melt for Me- Nalu (Candles pt 2)
16. Marshmallows- Nalu
17. Book Shelves- Gajevy
18. Flower Crown- Gruvia
19. Sweatshirts and Coffee- Gruvia
20. Bloody Smile- Nalu
21. Water Body- Gruvia
22. Balloons- Gruvia
23. Marriage- Gajevy
24. Can’t help falling in love with you- Nalu
25. The Siren Song- Gruvia AU. 1
26. Mario Kart- Nalu
27. Beating Hearts- Nalu
28. Mint- Gajevy
29. Can you feel the love tonight?- Gruvia
30. Clock- Nalu
31. Show me whats behind your back. -Nalu
32. Just Smile- Gajevy
33. Can we?- Nalu (Adult Content)
34. Broken- Gruvia
35. Immortal- Gruvia
36. Russian Roulette -Gruvia
37. Sit Down -Gruvia
38.Don’t Cry- Gruvia
39. Water Lily Wedding- Gruvia
40. Cycle Of the Rain -Gruvia
41. Lost -Gajevy
42. Forgiveness -Jerza
43. Auto Shop Hearts -Gajevy
44. Valentines Day?? - Gruvia
45. Music- Gajevy
46. Past and Future -Gajevy
47. Leave me alone -Gruvia
48. Valentine Exchange -Nalu
49. Cold Feet -Gruvia
50. Silence -Nalu
51. You’re Hurting Me- Gruvia
52. Magic Trick- Nalu
53. Damp Skin- Gruvia
54. Mall Adventures- Gruvia
55. I prefer blondes- Nalu
56. The Secret Admirer- Gruvia
57. Forgiving- Gruvia
58. Missing You- Gruvia
59. Ill Keep You Warm- Nalu
60. Ive Got You- Gruvia
61. Adventures In Lush- Fairy Tail Girls + Others
62. The Anniversary To Remember - Gruvia
63. A Chance Meeting- Gruvia
64. Do You Have A Ride Home?- Nalu
65. I Can’t Trust You- Gajevy
66. You Could Have Warned Me! -Nalu
67. SnowBalls- Gruvia
68. Stuck In The Elevator- Gruvia
69. Labor- Gruvia
70. Rescued- Gruvia
71. Liquid Locket- Gruvia
72. Very Happy- Gruvia
73. Gruvia Week: Proposal
74. Gruvia Week: Surprise
75. Gruvia Week: Devotion
76. Gruvia Week: Sport
77. Gruvia Week: Heartbreak
78. Lost- Gruvia
79. Mortifying Merch- Gruvia
80. Never Stop- Gajevy
81. Blind Date- Gruvia
82. Fates Desire- Gruvia: Chap 1 Chap 2
83. Stairwell Kisses- Gruvia
84. Stolen Shirts- Nalu
85. “Kiss Me”- Gruvia
86. Happy Birthday- Nalu
87. Enough- Gruvia
88. The Moment- Nalu
89. Are You Safe- Gajevy
90. Bruises- Gruvia
91. The Ex Boyfriend- Gruvia
92. Double Date: Gruvia/Nalu
93. A Royal Heart- Gruvia (Big Bang Event)
94. One More Time: Gruvia
95. Deserving of Love- Gruvia
96. Kiss As a Lie- Gruvia
97. To Ignore the Rain Would Be A Pity: Gruvia Chap 1 Chap 2
98. Go Get Your Happiness- Gruvia
99. Death n Diamonds- Gruvia
100. Drabble- Gruvia
101. Silver Shorelines- Gruvia
102. Gruvia Day 2019
103. Fire n Water- Navia
104. Starsoba Fictober- Candy- Gruvia
105. Chained With Love- Nalu
106. A Years Difference- Gruvia
107. Grains Of Purple- Gruvia
108. Truly Beautiful- Nalu
109. Dress- Nalu
110. Back to those Summer Days- Gruvia
111. The Legend of The Lake- Gruvia
112. Upon the Frozen Lake- Gruvia
113. Waiting in the Rain- Gruvia
114. Only A Fairy tale- Gruvia
115. Learn to Love Again- Gruvia
116. Toxic in Trade: Chap 1 Chap 2- Gruvia
117: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 1
118: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 2
119: Within The Darkness- Gruvia
120: By Your Side- Nalu
121: A Touch of a Hand- Gruvia
122: Scars- Gratsu
123: Promise Me- Gruvia 
124: Ice Ice Baby?- Gruvia 
125: The Melody of Loving You- Gruvia 
126: Holding You Close- Lucy x Juvia 
127: Gruvia Day 2020
128: Beautiful Revelations- Gruvia 
Miraculous Ladybug
1. Why Can’t You Just Love Me Back?- LadyNoir
2. Fallen Heroes -LadyNoir
3. Regret -Adrientte
4. Lights- LadyNoir
5. Not the Time -Adrienette
6. Reason to Live - LadyNoir
7. Indigo Tears -MariChat
My Hero Academia
1. Credit Due -Kiribaku
2. Angry Kiss -Kiribaku
3. Tell me you need me- Kacchako
4. Bath- Kacchako
5. 3 A.M - Kacchako
6. Sick Days- Kiribaku
7. Dance Dance Revolution- Kiribaku
8. A Confession- Kiribaku
9. The Assassin Code- 1
10. No Time To Waste- KiriBaku
11. KiriBaku Week: Dance
12. KiriBaku Week: Scars
13. KiriBaku Week: Support
14. KiriBaku Week: Soulmate
15. My New Dream- KiriBaku
16. 90’s- KiriBaku
17. Best at Boasting -KiriBaku
18. My Everything -Kacchako
19. StarSoba Fictober: Pumpkins-KiriBaku
20. Gift Swap- BakuDeku
21. Gift Swap: ROCKin Around the Christmas Tree- Kiribaku
22. What It Could Be- Kiribaku
23. Sleepover Secrets- Jiroumomo
Powerpuff Girls
1. Own Escape- Blossick
2. Up In The Clouds- Blossick
3. Pretty Sparks- Butchercup
4. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Chap 1 -Blossutch
5. Green Light District- Butchercup
6. Enchanted For a Moment- Chap 1, Chap 2 -Blossick (orphaned)
7. Valuable Possessions- Butchercup
8. Bite my Tongue- Blossutch
9. Tease-Blossick
10. Cute- Butchercup
11. Come Get Me: Butchercup
12. Hair Twirling- Blossutch
13. I’m a Mess- Butchercup
14. Stay- Blossick
15. Fireworks- Butchercup
16. Shields and Sparks- Butchercup
17. The Talk- Butchercup
18. Spa Night- Butch and Bubbles
19. Roomies- Butchercup
20. Desperate Hugs- Butchercup
21. Incinerate- Blossutch
22. Bounce House Blues- Brickercup
23. Bruises- Butchercup 
24. Tender Kisses- Butchercup
25. Like Ashes We Burn- Blossick
26. Little Red Bow- Blossutch
27. More than you Think- Butchercup
28. When The Night is Still Young- Prinbrute
29. Like the Weight of the World- Blossick 
30. Enchanted For A Moment (Revamped) Color Code- Chap 1
31. Falling Back to You- Blossick 
32. The Freedom of Being Yours- Blossick 
33. Until My Heart Stops Racing-Mike x Mitch 
34. Blue With Envy- Boomubbles
35. Drawn That Way- Blossucth 
36. Don’t Panic, I Got You- Boomer and Blossom 
37. In The Depths Of The Deep Sea- Blossutch 
Duck Tales
1. Drive Thru- Fentonald
Poems/ Original Work
1. Red
2. A Fateful Friendship
3. Head Held High
4. Turn Your Back on Me
5. Ashamed
6. Like A Rainbow
The Promised Neverland
1. To See Her Smile- RayEmma
Gravity Falls 
1. Mystery Mom- Wendy’s mom commission 
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 4 years
Ochako's Valentine
Ochako's Valentine by Sir Skullian
When Ochako and Bakugo find a pink envelope taped to her locker, they take an impromptu tour of UA following clues in the hopes of finding out who left them for her.
Words: 3504, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Valentine's Day, kacchako, Katsuki Bakugo swears a lot, fantasy come true, scavenger hunt, Riddles, Happy Ending, Secret Admirer
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29447808
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boxwel · 5 years
Secret Dating
Asking Crush Out - Valentines Day Prompt
Denki Kaminari:
Shocked - Denki x Reader
Bakugou Katsuki:
Meow - Bakugou x Reader HC’s
Reversed Roles
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sheikuhs · 7 years
Happy belated Valentine’s Day, @rolierose! I’m your secret valentine for the @kacchakosecretvalentine event ♥ as requested, here’s a fluffy college au for you! I hope you enjoy, as I had a lot of fun writing it uvu
Words: 5,293 Pairing: Kacchako Rating: T+
The tone of his voice was always reassuring and calming, but it had caught her off guard and made her jump suddenly. Her head tilted back, chin up, thick lashes hooding her caramel colored eyes as she met the scowl that constantly rested on his face. It wasn’t unusual for her to see him like that, as she was use to it by now. A soft smile pulled at her lips before she tapped the end of her pen against the table and offered a soft wave.
“What brings you here?” Uraraka asked casually before sitting back in her chair.
Bakugou merely stood with his hips against the table that the brunette sat at, balancing the weight of his body as he looked down on her from above. The way she looked at him with gentle eyes and a playful smile almost made his heart beat a little faster, and his cheeks burned from an aching blush — he’d always fight the shade of red from his face, telling himself he’s too good to blush because of some girl.
He clicked his tongue before turning his face slightly, side-eyeing her from where he stood. “It’s the fucking library, I needed to stop by here for some shit. Plus, I needed to check on Kirishima.” The thought of his redhead friend coming to library by himself was unsettling, considering that he was failing a class or two and insisted that he could figure it out on his own; it was only a matter of time before he came crawling to Bakugou for help.
Uraraka’s daring gaze never changed, and instead of continuing to stand in front of her, staring at her from the corner of his eye, he grasped one of the nearby chairs and pulled it out. His ears had been rewarded with the screeching sound of wood against wood, and by the time he sat across from her, Uraraka now had her hands cupping her chin as she leaned forward on her elbows.
“I didn’t know Kirishima was here, or I would’ve said hi,” she spoke softly, acknowledging that there were studying students all around them, unlike Bakugou who had rudely disrupted the entire room. Her smile widened and it sent a wave of flocking butterflies through his stomach. A growl reverberated in the base of his throat before he placed his elbow on the table and let his face rest in his hand, holding the weight of his head as he glanced around the large building.
It was a comfortable atmosphere, filled with the soft humming of provided computers, or while students scribbled notes in a notebook. There would be the occasional student who would look rather stressed while they paced around in an empty corner — but Bakugou didn’t come here to focus on any of that nonsense. He showed up because of her.
“How late are you planning on staying here?” He overlooked the statement she said, offering a smirk in her direction as he glanced back at her. He could see the light shade of pink circulate in her cheeks, flaring against her ivory skin and he loved that look the most. He had caught her off guard again, and he’d be lying if he said that Uraraka Ochako wasn’t cute whenever she blushed.
“Well,” her eyes glanced away from him, her thoughts jumbled as she let out a soft hum. “For a couple more hours.”
He didn’t like that answer, knowing full well it would be dark by that time and like hell he was going to let her walk home alone. Another disgruntled sound formed in the base of his throat, but a soft giggle halted his noises. Scarlet eyes landed on the color of coffee once more, fully aware of the way her eyes shimmered whenever she looked at him. Uraraka’s lips had been parted as she shook her head; this was another thing that annoyed him about her, and it was the fact that she believed she would be okay even during the darkest of nights by herself.
“I’m fully aware that you don’t like me walking home late at night, and as my roommate, I totally get that. But I’m capable of taking care of myself, Katsuki.”
The way his name rolled off her soft lips always awoke the beast from within, making his heart beat at a rapid pace as his eyes widened a little. It was always an internal fight with himself whenever it came to the round-faced brunette — little did she know that deep within, something stirred in his heart and it would drive him wild.
It wasn’t always like this, his feelings that had formed for her. When they first moved in with one another, it was a mere arrangement to save money — college aside, it cut their living expenses in half and helped the two of them while they attended school. Furthering their education until the day that they could part and go about their separate ways; but the idea of her leaving once they were done with school was rather unsettling anymore. The mere thought was unnerving, and it always made Katsuki anxious whenever he thought about it.
Once he began to form feelings for her, everything began to change. The way her sweet scent lingered once she left their apartment would calm him instead of annoy him — he’d usually reprimand her for wearing so much perfume, or whatever the fuck it was, and she’d simply apologize before vanishing through the front door. Not only her alluring scent would capture his attention, but the clothes she wore, and the way she walked from one class to another, or how she would sit at their apartment when it came time to finally relax. His scarlet eyes would take in and notice it all, and she had no idea.
Uraraka would always give him that gentle look, accompanied by a soft smile and holy shit, his body temperature would climb and he’d search his mind for an excuse to flee so she couldn’t see him blush.
Katsuki finally pulled his thoughts together and blinked away the memories. A low sigh fell from his lips before he slapped the palm of his hand against the table and sat back in his chair. He lifted his bag up from the floor and began to fish through the contents inside, finding his notebook and pulling it out before placing it on the table. Uraraka’s look of curiosity made him smirk once more before he threw his bag back to the floor. His arms came to cross over his broad chest as he matched her look.
“Oh- nothing. You’re staying here?” She asked, and the crack in her voice didn’t go unnoticed. It had been months since he had seen her this nervous around him and while he felt somewhat bad, it was also kind of amusing to him.
“Is that a problem?” He retorted with an even tone, one slender brow raising as he watched her head shake from side to side.
Their conversation fell flat as they both worked on assignments over the course of the next couple of hours. Every now and then, a soft sigh would fall through her lips, and Bakugou’s mind kept lingering on the idea of feeling her breath against the skin of his throat, and how it would feel — the mere thought was driving him up a wall. It was hard to focus on his work, because he could smell the strawberry scent of her perfume slowing fluttering all around him, alluring and inviting and he wanted to know just how good it smelled up close and personal.
“I’ll be back,” he muttered before laying his pen down on his notebook and pushing himself out of his seat. He could hear Ochako say something before he had his back turned and quickly walked away from her — hell, he could even feel her burning gaze on his back as he made his way for the exit.
The moment he pushed through the metal doors, he was greeted by the cool grasp of winter; he was breathing hard, his chest heaving with each exhale and he could hardly get his thoughts gathered. Everything about her was driving him wild; from the way she looked at him, to the way she breathed and wrote in her notebook. Bakugou slowly found the building with his back while his hands came to cup his face and slowly make their way towards his hair. He ran his fingers through the blonde strands, trying to make sense of these overwhelming feelings and just what in the hell would he do?
He couldn’t fucking look at Ochako the same or talk to her without feeling like he was going to trip over his words or stutter like a fool. Bakugou’s body slid down the cool building, his bare skin coming in contact with the bricks until he was finally seated on the concrete ground.
A familiar voice snapped him out of his make believe world, making him search for the voice that had just called out to him and when he found a pair of ruby eyes looking back at him, a wave of relief washed over him.
“What’re you doing out here without your jacket? It’s cold and-”
“Shut up, Shitty Hair. I just needed a breath of fresh air,” he breathed out, voice shaky and fingers slowly releasing his blonde tresses.
Winter’s cool grasp continued to hold onto him, but he couldn’t feel it, due to the heat that continued to emit from his core. A moment of silence fell over the two of them before Kirishima took a step towards him. It was only a matter of seconds before he was bent at the knees, his face level with Bakugou’s; his eyes held curiosity and they almost mirrored Uraraka’s from earlier.
A soft exhale sounded before his bright smile appeared on his face. “It’s Uraraka, huh?”
Katsuki’s eyes widened slightly, the corners of mouth turning down before he glared at his friend. “It doesn’t fucking concern you.”
“I can certainly tell that it’s troubling you, and I don’t like that, bro. You know you can talk to me about anything. Even if it’s about a girl, I’ll try to offer as much help as I can.” Kirishima knew when he should shut up whenever it came to Bakugou and trying to offer help, and instead of staying in his face, he began to stand up and straighten his posture before hoisting his backpack up.
As stubborn as the blonde was, he watched as Kirishima began to walk away. His words continued to bounce around in his mind, and as much as Bakugou wanted to watch him walk away, he couldn’t help but call out for him. It was a soft hollar, something he was most certainly not use to, and when their eyes met once more, Bakugou knew he was going to regret this.
Kirishima was back at his side in an instant, sitting down on the cool ground next to him before leaning the back of his head against the wall. It was a quiet and cold night, the colors of dark purples and blues swirling overhead while the stars twinkled and winked at them from above — it was unusually clear for a winter night, but neither of the boys were complaining.
It took Bakugou about five minutes before he finally growled, catching his friend’s attention.
“I’ve never felt this way towards a girl before.”
His voice was soft and low, almost unreal as he admitted his feelings for the brunette that was clueless. Kirishima remained quiet, waiting for anything else that he might’ve wanted to say, but when he turned his head to stare at the side of Bakugou’s face, he felt some sort of relief enter his body before Eijirou’s voice began to fill the atmosphere around them.
“It’s been obvious. And that’s not a bad thing, but I’ve definitely noticed how gentle you are with her anymore. At first, you were always gruff and rude; now, you’re a total softy!”
Bakugou turned his head immediately, while his brows furrowed — scarlet bleeding into ruby before Kirishima finally threw his hands up, a playful smile revealing his shark-like teeth.
“Like I said, it’s not a bad thing! It’s just what I’ve noticed. You don’t complain about her like you use to, and you spend more time with her. It’s almost as if you’re dating-” Bakugou’s glared deepened, but Kirishima frowned right back, a smile still playing on his lips, “-I said almost!”
Katsuki settled back once more as he let the redhead’s words sink in. He was right, Bakugou had turned into a total softy for the girl, but he’d never admit that. Uraraka was always such a determined, smart, stubborn, yet sweet and kind girl — he had witnessed her break down before, but even when she had been knocked down, she wouldn’t stay down for very long. It was something he envied about her, and he sure as fuck knew she wasn’t some fragile little thing.
She was hard working and headstrong; whenever they got in an argument, she wouldn’t back down. As annoying as it was, he always felt equal with her — anyone else would’ve backed away from his challenge, but her… she was always something else.
“Hey.” Kirishima nudged Bakugou’s elbow with his own. “It’s getting late and I still need to run some errands before going home. Don’t let your feelings eat away at you. I know you’re not use to something like that, but trust me, everyone goes through something like that, so you’re not the only one. Call me if you need anything, and make sure you’re not out here for much longer! It’s getting cold.”
He rolled his eyes as Kirishima jogged away into the night, fully enveloped by the darkness that surrounded him and Bakugou was then left alone. The blonde thought about what his friend had said, and although he felt weak for confiding in someone, he felt somewhat better for getting the stress off of his shoulders. He took a few more minutes to himself, while his body began to grow cold from the breeze that had picked up, and as he pushed himself up from the ground, he made his way back towards the table that he had been sitting at.
Uraraka was still working hard on her assignment, but he could tell she was getting tired. With the way that she was holding her head, and how she was hunched over the table — she had studied enough for the day.
“Oi, you ready to pack up and go home?”
She didn’t even spare him a glance, only nod her head before throwing her pen down and leaning back in her chair. The bags that had accumulated under her eyes were obvious, and while Bakugou began to pack up his belongings, he noticed just how quiet she was. A frown settled on his face the moment he zipped his bag up and shrugged his jacket on over his shoulders. Instead of questioning her, her scooped her bag up the moment she closed it and threw it over his shoulder.
“Hey-!” She shouted, but Bakugou’s brow was raised at her while his lips pressed into a firm line. “I can carry that.”
Uraraka had her arms crossed almost immediately, and the way her lower lip pouted out nearly made him laugh, but he nudged her with his knee, simply pointing out that it was time to leave.
“You’re so rude sometimes, Bakugou!” Ochako grunted before turning on her heels and stomping towards the exit.
And that was what made him chuckle as he followed behind her closely, “glad you’re finally noticing, pink-cheeks.”
Their walk was short-lived as Uraraka stomped ahead of him, her clenched fists at her side as she walked at a decent speed — Bakugou thought it was somewhat cute how she held herself most of the way, and by the time they reached their apartment, she had no other option but to talk to him.
“I need my keys,” the brunette spoke with a firm tone as she turned around. The hardened over look in her eyes had eased up slightly, and as he really looked at her, he noticed a soft glaze of water coating her eyes. Concern instantly struck in his chest, making his breath catch in his lungs before he lowered her bag down from his shoulder and offered it to her.
“Thank you.”
Tension settled around them, and it was unusual for that to happen. Everything was either calm or quiet, but now, it felt awkward and he didn’t even have a chance to ask her what in the hell was wrong before she pushed the door open with her foot and entered their dark home. Uraraka didn’t flip any switches, or bother to say anything to him; she simply drug her backpack behind her and walked to her room before gently closing the door.
Katsuki was left absolutely speechless as he entered the front room, flicking the switch to his right and watching as his surroundings lightened with unnatural lighting.
“Home, sweet home,” he muttered to himself before setting his bag down and removing his jacket from his body. He was clearly annoyed with how Uraraka was acting, but it would be out of his comfort zone to ask her what was going on — plus he knew that if she wanted to talk, she’d come and tell him; but for now, he was settling on making dinner and kicking his shoes off to relax.
Between the opening and closing of doors that sounded from around the corner and down the hall, and the white noise of the television, Bakugou couldn’t focus. He was lost in thought once more that night, allowing his feelings to eat away at him as he thought about what could possibly be on Uraraka’s mind. His dinner sat on the end table next to him, clearly growing colder with each passing moment, but he had lost his appetite.
“Hello?” Kirishima’s voice sounded on the other line of the phone. Bakugou was completely numb to the fact that he fished his phone from his pocket and dialed the redhead’s number. Now he was just sitting on the phone, completely quiet as he listened to the running shower from down the hall. “Bakugou?”
“She won’t fucking talk to me.”
A low hum, until some muffled noises sounded and Bakugou was greeted by laughter. “I’m sorry! Kaminari is here and- did you say anything insulting to her?”
Bakugou scrunched his nose up, while his fingers came to pinch the bridge of his nose. Nothing came to mind, other than their conversation before he had gone outside; he hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary, or went out of his way to be rude to her, so what in the hell?
“No.” He answered flatly, and another round of laughter sounded from Kirishima’s side of the phone. Bakugou was slowly losing his patience with him, but he waited for something. He hated relying on others for comfort, especially when he was wandering around blindly, totally unaware of how to handle a situation. He exhaled loudly, trying to get his point across.
“Can I call you back?”
He no longer had the patience, and instead of answering, he simply hit the end button on his phone and tossed it to the side. It was at that point that he also heard the shower turn off, his ears in tune with what she was doing. Of course his eyes watched the show on the television, but he immediately became distracted the moment the door opened. A moment of silence passed before she came stumbling into the front room, her eyes fixated on his, and it made his heart clench in his chest.
Her familiar scent of flower shampoo instantly filled the space around them, and it was only a matter of time before he had to leave and go to his room. It was suffocating, being in the same room as her and wanting to hold her, but they weren’t like that — they were roommates, stuck in a building together and Bakugou was stuck in this endless cycle of unrequited feelings.
“Bakugou.” She muttered softly, and it instantly pulled at his heart. He was left breathless as he stared at her, concern painting his face and he could only watch as she made her way towards the couch.
The moment she placed a knee on one of the cushions, she let her body fall to the rest of the furniture, her head landing in his lap. Katsuki’s heart throbbed inside of his chest, making him nauseous and all the more nervous as she quietly laid on him; he swallowed before letting out a soft grunt, and that was when Uraraka turned onto her back, her chocolate eyes falling on him as she faced him. It was sheer instinct as his brought his hand to cup the crown of her head, his fingers barely running through her wet, curling strands of auburn hair.
They sat like this for awhile before she finally cleared her throat and wiped at her glossy eyes. It was clear to him that she had been crying, due to the fact that her cheeks were red, and not that lovely shade of pink; even the look deep down in her eyes had been shattered, and all he could see was something breaking inside of her.
“I’m failing my classes.”
Bakugou was in shock, but he didn’t display it. He could hardly breathe, but he continued to run his fingers through her hair as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.
“I can’t fail my classes because my parents will be really disappointed. They’re already paying for my rent, which you knew that, but…” she trailed off, her voice cracking as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.
“I feel like I wasted a bunch of their money, thinking that I could attend college and try to make a future for myself. I just don’t want to disappoint them, and I feel like that’s where this is heading.”
It was Bakugou’s turn to stay quiet. He wasn’t sure when she had learned about her failing grades, but Uraraka had been holding it in for quite awhile if she was finally breaking down from it. He swallowed hard, his fingers twirling the ends of her brunette strands; if it was up to him, he would’ve wanted to stay like this for the rest of the night, except he wouldn’t want to see her cry.
“How long has this been going on?”
It was the only thing he could think of, but it was better than staying quiet in such a tense and stressful situation.
“A couple of weeks,” she responded softly while the back of her hand dabbed at her wet cheeks. A short sniffle sounded, before another stray tear rolled down the side of her face.
“And you’re just now telling me?”
“I’m not your responsibility, and the last thing you need, is to worry about my stress when you have your own classes and life to worry about.”
But that was the exact opposite of what he wanted — he didn’t care if he had to listen to her complaining and whining about classes, or talk about things that frustrated her or about how her coffee went cold before she could finish it. He wanted to hear about her day, and he wanted to spend more time with her. It drove him nuts because she didn’t know that he felt these things, yet she would always come to him for comforting, even if he could only offer her a minimal amount.
Katsuki could feel his heart beating in his ears now, his cheeks completely burning up while the tips of his ears mimicked the hot and irritating feeling. While his fingers began to run through her hair once more, he could feel them tremble.
“Stupid girl,” he breathed out. It didn’t phase her to be called that by him, mostly because he meant no harm, but she looked at him now; raw and beautiful, one hundred percent exposed and only he had ever seen her this way. “You’re aware that you can always ask me for help…”
It was clear to him that she heard him trail off, and not only that, but the way his voice faltered before cutting off. There was more he wanted to say — he would’ve reprimanded her, but it was clear to him that she was already undergoing so much internal pain, and the last thing he needed to do was scold her like a child. Uraraka had come to him for comfort, and now that he sat there with her head in his lap and his fingers tangled in her hair, it felt like a cheesy movie scene. And just when he thought it was hard enough to breathe, her soft hand finally came to cup his cheek.
“It’s okay, Bakugou. You don’t have to say anymore,” her voice was soft and reassuring and it was settling the storm that continued to brew inside of him. Whether it be from the waves of anxiety that clashed against his ribcage, or the butterflies that hardly fluttered from within his chest, she was calming all of it.
She was the one that came to him for comfort, yet she was settling all the nerves and doubting thoughts that continued to circulate in his mind. When he finally realized just how soft her hand had been against his cheek, he slowly tensed up; Uraraka did nothing more than let her fingers trail down his jawline before taking her hand back to himself.
It was when the heat of her small hand was gone, that he missed the feeling of her already. Bakugou swallowed hard before clearing his throat softly, his eyes looking anywhere but at her.
“Damn nerd.” He muttered under his breath, but it was apparent that Uraraka had heard him.
“You’re so serious all the time,” she spoke back to him. It caused his eyes to glance down at her, finding that shimmering look that always reflected in her eyes when she looked at him and it only formed a lump in throat, making it hard to breathe.
She smelled of sweet flowers and fresh linens, something he had grown use to in their time of living together; it was a smell that calmed him and as he continued to twirl his fingers in her hair, he felt himself relax slightly.
“If I’m so serious all the time, then why do you still find time to bug me?” His voice wasn’t as hard as he intended it to be, but another giggle filtered through soft, pink lips. Ochako was smiling now before she reached up to brush some of his blonde strands from his eyes, and it was only a matter of Bakugou blinking before he felt the weight of her head lift from his lap.
Uraraka was now situated beside him on the couch, her knees underneath her as her fingers continued to push his messy blonde hair away from his face. Bakugou could feel the blush lighting up in his cheeks, but he didn’t want to look away this time. Instead, he pressed his lips in a firm line and let her run her fingers through his platinum tresses — after all, it was only the two of them and no one else.
“Because you’re funny,” she stated. “And I like you.”
It was only a matter of those four words that made it feel like his heart had stopped dead in his chest; nothing more, nothing less. He could feel his cheeks ablaze now, while his eyes widened, searching for answers in the depths of her chocolate colored eyes. Uraraka simply sat there with a gentle smile and stars twinkling in her eyes. Of course that cute shade of pink rested on her cheeks, and while Bakugou wanted nothing more than to kiss her, he restrained himself.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He muttered with a hoarse voice. It took everything in him to play stupid, but Uraraka saw right through it.
“I, Uraraka Ochako, like you, Bakugou Katsuki.”
It was such an unnatural thing to hear someone say to him, let alone a girl that he was only supposed to be roommates with. Feelings and confessions were never supposed to be involved — mere living arrangements to save money and get through school, that was it. But now that she had gone ahead and admitted her feelings for him, it was that much harder to come out and say the same thing.
“Well you’re goddamn stupid for that,” his eyes hardened slightly, but Uraraka didn’t back down like he wanted her to. It only encouraged her to sit back a little bit and give him some space. This girl was everything he had ever wanted; she knew how to read him, knew what made him tick and knew when to stop. She respected him, and he respected her. They had their little routine that they had fallen into… would dating make that difficult, or would it be okay?
A few moments of comfortable silence ticked by, and as Bakugou worked up the courage to look back into her shimmering caramel pools, he swallowed hard.
“I like you… too.” He muttered softly.
Now it feel unreal. He had finally admitted his feelings for her, making this entire thing that much more complicated, but the smile that appeared on her face made it worth it.
“Aww, Bakugou!” She cooed softly. “For how long?”
He knew she was teasing him, but it had clearly baited him. He growled softly, the low and annoyed sound reverberating from within his throat, but he merely wrapped his around around her back before pulling her to his chest.
“Knock it off, Uraraka,” he spoke against her hair before pressing his lips to her damp tresses. Another giggle sounded from her and it was even more relaxing to hear her from that close. Her breath ran against the skin of his chest, making him shiver with excitement before loosening his grip on her.
“So does that mean we’re official?” She was beaming at him now, her pearly white teeth showing while her chocolate eyes shimmered with all the stars in the night sky.
“Only if you say yes,” he spoke with that entrancing smirk.
Uraraka came to lift a finger to her lip, her eyes glancing off to the left as if she had to think about the answer and it only amused Katsuki before he pulled her back to him.
“Quit being such a damn nerd!”
“I guess I’ll say yes this time.” She laughed into his chest before nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.
He hadn’t expected his night to end like this, but now that Uraraka was his girl, everything felt different. He wouldn’t have to wake up and pretend like he didn’t care, and he wouldn’t have to appear at the library like he was waiting for a friend, only to walk her home. He could call her whenever he wanted, he could take her out, maybe even hold her hand or kiss her whenever other guys got to close — but for now, it was just the two of them tangled up on the couch together as they watched some show, mindlessly talking about their classes until she had finally fallen asleep on him.
She certainly was everything he ever wanted.
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goldenchildkatsuki · 7 years
looking for a beta reader
!edited version!
So I’ve been getting very frustrated with my writing. Most of the time after editing my work several times I still find typos and grammatical mistakes. English is not my first language but I still want it to be as good as possible. Also I would like more feedback when it comes to the plot or writing in general.
Now I’m looking for a beta reader!
I’m currently looking for:
a beta reader that is willing to proofread work I already posted and give me feedback on my grammar. (MID TO LONG TERM)
a beta reader that is willing to proofread and give feedback on my series Silver Brass Bastard and possibly other series. (LONG TERM)
a beta reader that is willing to proofread and give feedback on work for events, such as secret-valentine/secret-santa etc. (SHORT TERM)
a beta reader that is willing to do all of the above. (LONG TERM)
If you’re interested in being a one time beta reader or a regular beta reader send me an message or an ask, giving information such as:
How much experience you have as a beta reader
What you’re comfortable reading 
How you work
It would also be nice to read some of my work beforehand to get a better idea of what you might be working with and what and how I write exactly.
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If you have any other questions for me feel free to add that in your message!
Some quick information beforehand:
I’m in the boku no hero academia fandom
I mostly write kacchako
Most of my fics/chapters are between 2k and 5k
I’m open to receive requests until the 11th of February. After that I’ll get back to everyone that has reached out to me.
Requests that come in after that date I’ll consider and I’ll get back to.
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mindydraw · 7 years
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I am so sorry that I am this late. I thought I wasn’t part of Secret Valentine thing when I didn’t receive any message from Kacchako Secret Valentine. Then Valentine’s day came up and I got my gift and I was so confused, so I messaged them and they said that they tried to send me a message but I never got it so :/
Anyway apparently I was free to do anything, so I made this:
They are having a Aquarium date
“And it was at that moment Bakugou really knew: She was beautiful”
@tachango Happy Really Late Valentine’s Day!!!!! <3
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hamartian-cathexis · 7 years
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @auro-cyanide (!!!! hi???? i didn’t??? know??? that you were aware of my existence??? I LOVE YOUR ART?????)
Relationship Status: Single and completely, utterly, NOT ready to mingle, like, ever (probably)
Favourite Colour: Grey. Spelled with an e (important).
Lipstick or Chapstick?: Chapstick. If I feel like bothering with either.
Last song you listened to: Technically…the ED to season two of Boku no Hero Academia. Before that, that one Ed Sheeran song that’s been playing everywhere. But the last song I’ve actually listened to, for the sake of listening to music, instead of just hearing it casually at the end of a show or overhearing it played somewhere… Haikyuu!! OST. As in, the song from the Haikyuu!! OST that is titled Haikyuu.
Last movie you watched: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. My sister and I went to Universal Studios the other day and we spent like 4 hours in Harry Potter world so we were planning a Harry Potter marathon…unfortunately an entire day of walking around is not conducive to sitting through roughly 16 or more hours of movie watching so we only got to the second movie, haha.
Top 3 Characters: …hhhhhhhhhahahaha you mean. Top 300, right? ha…ha… I’m just going to stick with anime/manga characters because… if I try to include book and movie characters (that includes anime movies because there are way too many favorites there too) I’m done for. Also… yeah. The top 3 thing isn’t going to work. haha. ha. I’m just gonna go all out… Series listings in no particular order, characters within series ordered starting from most favorite. Here goes.
Mob Psycho 100: Hanazawa Teruki, Kageyama Ritsu, Reigen Arataka, Mob
Boku no Hero Academia: Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta…and like, all the class 1a girls, let’s be real (but especially Hagakure)…and basically everyone else oops
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai Osamu, Yumeno Kyusaku
Noragami: Yato, Yukine
Pandora Hearts: Elliot Nightray, Echo, Jack Vesalius, Lacie Baskerville, Oz Vesalius, Xerxes Break
Code Geass: Lelouch vi Britannia, Rolo
Hyouka: Fukube Satoshi, Oreki Houtarou
Death Note: Light Yagami, L Lawliet
Haikyuu!!: Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Asuka Langley, Ikari Shinji, Nagisa Kaworu, Ayanami Rei, Misato Katsurugi, Ritsuko Akagi
Mushishi: Ginko
Durarara: Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo, Karisawa Erika, Kishitani Shinra, Kida Masaomi…okay, and pretty much everyone else
FLCL: Mamimi Samejima
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: E V E R Y O N E
Cowboy Bebop: Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Edward
Hunter x Hunter: Kurapika Kurta, Killua Zoldyck
Princess Tutu: Rue, Fakir
…tbh i actually…have a lot more… but maybe… ive already gone a bit too overboard… i will stop now… rip fma, baccano, steins gate, psycho pass, zankyou no terror… and many more…
Top 3 Ships: :^) again with the top 3 thing… i…just can’t… listed in no particular order…only including normal pairings, no OT3s or poly ships (i have lots of those)
Mob Psycho 100: Riteru
Boku no Hero Academia: Hagakure x Ojiro, Hagakure x Himiko, Iida x Hatsume, BakuDeku (ik it’s problematic…but shipping something doesn’t necessarily mean i think it’s healthy or that i think it should or would work out, i just really love angst…that’s all I will say on the matter), Kacchako, Shindeku (shinsou not shindou), Bakushima, Jirou x Kaminari, TodoDeku
Bungou Stray Dogs: KenKyou, Odazai, Dazango, Kunikidazai, FitzJohn, Steincraft, Shin Soukoku, Dazaku, Dazatsu, AtsuJuni
Haikyuu!!: TsukiHina, KageHina
Kuroko no Basuke: KiKuro, AkaKuro, AoKuro, MidoTaka…Oh man there are lots of knb ships, knb is what made me multishipping trash, i can’t list them all…
Durarara: Shizaya, Erika Karisawa x Walker Yumasaki, Seiji Yagiri x Mika Harima
Ouran High School Host Club: Haruhi x Hikaru, Haruhi x Kyouya (I’ve been told this is problematic? In my defense when i first watched it i was a cinnamon roll who had no idea what was going on and totally believed what Haruhi had believed in That One Scene. I just want to see them grocery shopping and being happy about their shared delight in smart spending okay), Honey x Mori, Mori x Haruhi, Haruhi x Kaoru
Death Note: LawLight (duh)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: all the canon ships. all of them. the only show that made me ship all the canon ships with all the canon ships being het, it’s amazing, watch it
Hunter x Hunter: KilluGon
Neon Genesis Evangelion: KawoShin
Pandora Hearts: Echo x Oz
Books and manga you are currently reading:
Mob Psycho 100, Boku no Hero Academia, Noragami, Bungou Stray Dogs, Black Butler, Oyasumi Punpun… all of which I’m at least a few months behind on except for Noragami.
Top 5 Musicals:
I’m not really a musical person, so I don’t know if I have 5 tbh. uhmmmm. Little Shop of Horrors, Sweeney Todd, Les Miserables, Newsies?
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thewritingstar · 5 years
Stars Master Fic List
Here ya go!! If you wanna binge read my fics from the past years, they are all here!!
Updated: 1/26/2020
Thank you all for the love and support and I’ll be sure to update as the fics come along
Fandoms so far: Fairytail, Miraculous Ladybug, My Hero Academia, Ducktales, The Promised Neverland and original works. \
Bold are Chapter fics!
My asks are always open for requests!!
Fairy Tail
1. Lying - Gruvia
2. It Should Have Been Me - Gruvia
3. Of All The Colors: 1 - 2 - Gruvia
4. Blue Skies -Gruvia
5. My Savior - Lucy and Aquarius
6. Little Notes - Lucy and Aquarius
7. Movies - Gruvia
8. Books - Gajevy
9. Candles -Nalu
10. The First Snow -Nalu
11. Letting Go - Gruvia
12. Written In The Stars Au. 1  2-Nalu
13. Fine- Gruvia
14. Reassuring- Gruvia
15. Melt for Me- Nalu (Candles pt 2)
16. Marshmallows- Nalu
17. Book Shelves- Gajevy
18. Flower Crown- Gruvia
19. Sweatshirts and Coffee- Gruvia
20. Bloody Smile- Nalu
21. Water Body- Gruvia
22. Balloons- Gruvia
23. Marriage- Gajevy
24. Can’t help falling in love with you- Nalu
25. The Siren Song- Gruvia AU. 1
26. Mario Kart- Nalu
27. Beating Hearts- Nalu
28. Mint- Gajevy
29. Can you feel the love tonight?- Gruvia
30. Clock- Nalu
31. Show me whats behind your back. -Nalu
32. Just Smile- Gajevy
33. Can we?- Nalu (Adult Content)
34. Broken- Gruvia
35. Immortal- Gruvia
36. Russian Roulette -Gruvia
37. Sit Down -Gruvia
38.Don’t Cry- Gruvia
39. Water Lily Wedding- Gruvia
40. Cycle Of the Rain -Gruvia
41. Lost -Gajevy
42. Forgiveness -Jerza
43. Auto Shop Hearts -Gajevy
44. Valentines Day?? - Gruvia
45. Music- Gajevy
46. Past and Future -Gajevy
47. Leave me alone -Gruvia
48. Valentine Exchange -Nalu
49. Cold Feet -Gruvia
50. Silence -Nalu
51. You’re Hurting Me- Gruvia
52. Magic Trick- Nalu
53. Damp Skin- Gruvia
54. Mall Adventures- Gruvia
55. I prefer blondes- Nalu
56. The Secret Admirer- Gruvia
57. Forgiving- Gruvia
58. Missing You- Gruvia
59. Ill Keep You Warm- Nalu
60. Ive Got You- Gruvia
61. Adventures In Lush- Fairy Tail Girls + Others
62. The Anniversary To Remember - Gruvia
63. A Chance Meeting- Gruvia
64. Do You Have A Ride Home?- Nalu
65. I Can’t Trust You- Gajevy
66. You Could Have Warned Me! -Nalu
67. SnowBalls- Gruvia
68. Stuck In The Elevator- Gruvia
69. Labor- Gruvia
70. Rescued- Gruvia
71. Liquid Locket- Gruvia
72. Very Happy- Gruvia
73. Gruvia Week: Proposal
74. Gruvia Week: Surprise
75. Gruvia Week: Devotion
76. Gruvia Week: Sport
77. Gruvia Week: Heartbreak
78. Lost- Gruvia
79. Mortifying Merch- Gruvia
80. Never Stop- Gajevy
81. Blind Date- Gruvia
82. Fates Desire- Gruvia: Chap 1 Chap 2
83. Stairwell Kisses- Gruvia
84. Stolen Shirts- Nalu
85. “Kiss Me”- Gruvia
86. Happy Birthday- Nalu
87. Enough- Gruvia
88. The Moment- Nalu
89. Are You Safe- Gajevy
90. Bruises- Gruvia
91. The Ex Boyfriend- Gruvia
92. Double Date: Gruvia/Nalu
93. A Royal Heart- Gruvia (Big Bang Event)
94. One More Time: Gruvia
95. Deserving of Love- Gruvia
96. Kiss As a Lie- Gruvia
97. To Ignore the Rain Would Be A Pity: Gruvia Chap 1 Chap 2
98. Go Get Your Happiness- Gruvia
99. Death n Diamonds- Gruvia
100. Drabble- Gruvia
101. Silver Shorelines- Gruvia
102. Gruvia Day 2019
103. Fire n Water- Navia
104. Starsoba Fictober- Candy- Gruvia
105. Chained With Love- Nalu
106. A Years Difference- Gruvia
107. Grains Of Purple- Gruvia
108. Truly Beautiful- Nalu
109. Dress- Nalu
110. Back to those Summer Days- Gruvia
111. The Legend of The Lake- Gruvia
112. Upon the Frozen Lake- Gruvia
113. Waiting in the Rain- Gruvia
Miraculous Ladybug
1. Why Can’t You Just Love Me Back?- LadyNoir
2. Fallen Heroes -LadyNoir
3. Regret -Adrientte
4. Lights- LadyNoir
5. Not the Time -Adrienette
6. Reason to Live - LadyNoir
7. Indigo Tears -MariChat
My Hero Academia
1. Credit Due -Kiribaku
2. Angry Kiss -Kiribaku
3. Tell me you need me- Kacchako
4. Bath- Kacchako
5. 3 A.M - Kacchako
6. Sick Days- Kiribaku
7. Dance Dance Revolution- Kiribaku
8. A Confession- Kiribaku
9. The Assassin Code- 1
10. No Time To Waste- KiriBaku
11. KiriBaku Week: Dance
12. KiriBaku Week: Scars
13. KiriBaku Week: Support
14. KiriBaku Week: Soulmate
15. My New Dream- KiriBaku
16. 90’s- KiriBaku
17. Best at Boasting -KiriBaku
18. My Everything -Kacchako
19. StarSoba Fictober: Pumpkins-KiriBaku
20. Gift Swap- BakuDeku
21. Gift Swap: ROCKin Around the Christmas Tree- Kiribaku
Duck Tales
1. Drive Thru- Fentonald
Poems/ Original Work
1. Red
2. A Fateful Friendship
3. Head Held High
4. Turn Your Back on Me
5. Ashamed
The Promised Neverland
1. To See Her Smile- RayEmma
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lemonade-of-gods · 7 years
Hello, this is Yumi from the Kacchako Secret Valentine event! I was just wondering if you were still interested in participating!
I am very much interested in participating! Just give me the necessary details and I'm all ready!
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goldenchildkatsuki · 7 years
I just finished writing an 11k fic for kacchako-secret-valentine and I want to climb on my roof, rip my shirt off and scream at the sky
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mindydraw · 7 years
Hello! This is Yumi from the Kacchako Secret Valentine event and was just checking in to make sure you were still interested in participating!
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thefloralpeach · 7 years
I had no idea kacchako secret valentine was a thing but I am so flipping blessed to see all this lovely art and writing in the tag ❤❤❤ truly a lovely day
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