adorner061-blog · 2 years
﴾فَوَجَدَا عَبْدًا مِّنْ عِبَادِنَا آتَيْنَاهُ رَ‌حْمَةً مِّنْ عِندِنَا وَعَلَّمْنَاهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا عِلْمًا ﴿٦٥ “So they found one of Our servant from among Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught [unseen/heavenly] knowledge from Our own Presence…
(The Cave, 18:65)
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quranmejeed · 2 years
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wordsbyhisheart · 4 months
Qur’anic Sūrats and Ad’iyyah (supplications) and Wadhāif (Litanies) to pray:
Before Fajr:
Read the three Quls three times (Ikhlāṡ, Falaq and Nās)
Read SubhanAllāhi Wa Bi Ḣamdihi 100 times
Yā Wahhābu 7 times
After Fajr
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā ‘Azīzu Yā Allāh 100 times
Sūrah Yāsīn
After Dhuhr
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Karīmu Yā Allāh 100 times
After Asar
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Jabbāru Yā Allāh 100 times
Read the three Quls three times (Ikhlāṡ, Falaq and Nās)
After Maghrib
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Sattāru Yā Allāh 100 times
After Isha
Āyat al-Kursi
Tasbiḣ-e-Fātimah (33 SubhanAllāh, 33 Alhamdulillah and 34 Allahu Akbar)
Yā Ghaffaru Yā Allāh 100 times
Sūrah al-Mulk
Before sleeping
Surah Fātiha (4 times)
Āyat al-Kursī
4 Quls (Blow on your hands and rub all over the body)
4th Kalima 4 times
Astaghfirullah 10 times
Durud Sharif 10 times
Anytime during the day
Durūd Sharif at least 100 times
Astaghfirullāh 100 times
Lā Ilāha illAllāh 100 times
Lā Hawla Wa Lā Quwwata illā Billāhil ‘Aliyyil Adhīm 100 times
Thursday Nights
SallAllahu Alan Nabiyyil Ummiyyi Wa Ālihi (1000 times)
Sūraah al-Dukhān
Sūrah al-Kahaf
Durūd Sharif at least 500 times
This is a general schedule for very beginners. I hope this will suffice for now.
For more daily Wadhāif and Supplications read “Al-Wadhīfah Al-Karīmah” compiled and authored by Imām Ahmad Ridā Khān (رحمة الله عليه) and also if you have more time then start reading “Dalāil Al-Khayrāt” daily by Imām Al-Juzūli (رحمة الله عليه).
Allāh knows best.
— Mawlana Mohamed Husein Qadri
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fjellatelie · 4 months
En Beroligende Bjelle
“Ini adalah sebuah dongeng kecil di negeri utara Eropa. Dewa itu serba gelap. Memiliki tanduk bercabang layaknya Sang Rusa. Ia telah menghabiskan masa hidupnya untuk bersembunyi di balik kegelapan kahaf tepi pantai…. … dengan sebagian jiwanya yang hilang, dan tiada ketenangan.”
Bagi Sang Penjelajah, mengikuti haluan udara adalah bagian dari hidupnya.
Penjelajah itu bernama Lukas. Jika diperkirakan berdasarkan pergantian sang mentari, sudah hampir tiga tahun ia menghabiskan waktu untuk menjelajah setiap sudut Kepulauan Lofoten.
Pulau yang indah, baginya.
Ia pandangi setiap sisi pegunungan dan ladang nan begitu luas dan hijau, dengan udara yang begitu sejuk. Dan yang paling menarik dari tempat ini baginya adalah: tiada kata malam bagi sang cakrawala negeri ini. Sang surya terus menerus memancarkan cahayanya dan tetap abadi hingga pertengahan malam pun tiba. Dan tak lupa pula dengan para aurora yang menari di sekelilingnya.
Rasa kagum dalam dirinya perlahan bergejolak. Hingga air muka kebahagiaannya itu tercampur begitu sempurna dengan teriknya mentari dan tarian para aurora di bawah langit malam.
Hanya saja, di saat yang sama; entah mengapa ia merasa begitu lelah setelah perjalanan panjangnya ini dan membutuhkan tempat untuk istirahat.
“Wahai Sang Anemo… tuntunlah aku dengan anginmu,” gumam sang pengembara sembari menenteng sebuah lonceng bulat berwarna emas, lalu dengan perlahan ia mendentingkannya. “Kemanakah aku harus bersinggah untuk mengistirahatkan ragaku ini?”
Langkah kakinya terhenti di sebuah desa bernama Værøy. Desa itu tampak begitu sepi. Hampir tiada rumah di sekelilingnya.
Tidak ada rumah. Tiada tempat untuk bersinggah, pikir Lukas.
Ia pun mencoba memutar otak. Sembari berjalan dengan mengikuti haluan udara, ia tak sengaja menemukan sebuah pantai nan begitu luas.
Puinn Sand. Pantai yang tampak begitu indah menurut Lukas. Dikelilingi perbukitan nan diselimuti salju tipis, meski saat ini bukanlah musim dingin. Di saat itu juga, ia menemukan sebuah lubang besar—yang kemungkinan adalah kahaf—tepat di kaki bukit.
“Aku menemukannya,” gumam penjelajah itu dengan hati yang cukup tenang. “Mungkin, aku bisa melepaskan rasa penatku di gua ini untuk sementara waktu.”
Lukas—sebagai sang penjelajah, yang notabene tidak masalah jika ia tidur atau bersinggah di mana saja—memutuskan untuk bersinggah di kahaf itu. Setidaknya untuk satu malam saja.
Hanya saja, ketika ia mencoba memasuki kahaf itu….
“… sepasang cabang pohon?”
Melihatnya saja sudah membuat Lukas tersentak.
“… bukan,” gumamnya dengan rasa tak menyangka. “Manusia…? Bertanduk rusa…?”
Sosok manusia dengan tanduk layaknya rusa—yang sejak tadi duduk meringkuk di dalam kegelapan kahaf itu—menoleh ke arah pemuda berambut cokelat di hadapannya.
“… manusia tersesat lagi,” gumam manusia bertanduk rusa itu. Hal itu menimbulkan sebuah asumsi di benak seorang Lukas Hagen.
“Er du ikke et menneske?”
“Apakah di matamu aku terlihat seperti seorang manusia?”
Sungguh tak disangka. Lukas benar-benar tak menyangka dengan hal ini. Untuk pertama kalinya, ia bertemu dengan makhluk mitologi—yang sejauh ini, ia pikir itu hanyalah dongeng belaka. Meskipun ia percaya: tiada yang mustahil ada dan terjadi di dunia ini.
“Hai, manusia tersesat. Kalau kau tahu legenda Dewa Rusa atau Cervus sang Dewa Pelindung Jiwa, akulah wujudnya.”
Mendengarnya saja sudah membuat Lukas tersentak. Di sisi lain, ia merasa dirinya masih sedang bermimpi, sebab ia telah bertemu dengan Sang Dewa Rusa. Tetapi, entah mengapa ia teringat sesuatu.
Sebuah dongeng kecil dari sang Ibu. Ia masih ingat, ibunya pernah menceritakan sebuah dongeng tragis—yang mungkin—ada hubungannya dengan Sang Dewa yang tinggal di kahaf ini.
“… Sang Dewa adalah Cervus. Sang Pelindung Jiwa.” Lebih dari enam ribu tahun Sang Dewa hidup di tepi pantai negeri utara. Meski Sang Dewa tampak gelap, ia bagaikan payung teduh. Cervus, Sang Dewa Pelindung Jiwa yang sungguh tenang. Sang Dewa selalu menyelamatkan jiwa para manusia yang tersesat. Tetapi saat itu, Sang Dewa dipertemukan dengan seorang manusia. Manusia yang sungguh tersesat. Tanpa arah. Tanpa harapan hidup. Sang Dewa berpikir bahwa ia bisa menyelamatkanmanusia berparas indah dan berjiwa suci itu. Hanya saja, Sang Dewa gagal menyelamatkannya. Jiwa manusia itu telah tenggelam dalam genggaman samudra,lalu tak pernah kembali lagi di mata Sang Dewa. Sang Dewa terpuruk. Ia kehilangan separuh jiwanya. Ia gagal menjadi Sang Dewa Pelindung Jiwa. Hingga akhirnya, Sang Dewa menutup diri dan bersembunyi di balik kegelapan kahaf selama lebih dari dua ribu tahun….… lalu tak pernah menunjukkan dirinya lagi di hadapan dunia nan fana.”
Mengingat hal itu, Lukas sungguh penasaran. Ia ingin memastikan bahwa dongeng itu ada hubungannya dengan keberadaan dewa di hadapannya saat ini dengan sebongkah pertanyaan kritis.
“Apakah kahaf ini memang singgasana Engkau, Wahai Sang Dewa—”
“—panggil saja aku Cervus,” jawabnya dengan nada begitu datar.
“Baiklah, Cervus,” ucap Lukas dengan nada santai, meski terdengar tidak etis. “Apa kahaf ini merupakan singgasana Engkau?”
“Seperti yang kau lihat,” jawab Cervus dan mengangguk pelan. “Tetapi, maaf jika aku tak bisa menerima lagi manusia tersesat yang ingin berteduh di kahaf ini.”
Mendengar itu, Lukas tersentak.
“Engkau tahu betul tujuanku di kahaf ini,” ucapnya sembari tertawa kecil, lalu meneruskan pertanyaannya. “Tetapi, mengapa Engkau tak bisa menerimaku untuk berteduh di kahaf ini … setidaknya sejenak saja?”
Jika Cervus mengikuti instingnya, ia ingin menerima pemuda berambut cokelat di hadapannya itu untuk berteduh di singgasananya. Hanya saja,
“Karena aku … gagal menjadi Sang Dewa Pelindung Jiwa.”
Oh. Jawaban itu. Sama seperti di dalam dongeng itu, batin Lukas.
Jawaban Cervus tak hanya sampai di situ. Ia lanjut menjelaskannya lagi mengapa ia tak bisa menerima manusia tersesat di hadapannya itu.
“Aku tak ingin jiwamu hanyut lagi dalam dekapan samudra sebab kegagalanku untuk kedua kalinya….”
Entah mengapa, tiada angin tiada hujan, gelak tawa terlontarkan dari mulut Lukas. Membuat Cervus merasa tidak nyaman—tidak, Sang Dewa Rusa justru merasa kesal.
“Tidak etis. Kau hanya manusia, tetapi kau tertawa di hadapanku—Sang Dewa.”
“Habisnya, ini pertama kalinya aku menemukan sosok dewa yang berbeda dari filosofi dewa yang kuketahui selama hidupku,” ujar Lukas masih tertawa. “Dewa yang unik.”
“Oh, maafkan aku. Aku lupa memperkenalkan diri kepada Engkau,” ucap pemuda berambut cokelat itu sembari tersenyum lembut. “Namaku Lukas. Lukas Hagen, dari Oslo. Hanya seorang penjelajah biasa yang hendak menikmati indahnya ciptaan Tuhan.”
Cervus tersentak mendengar ucapan itu. Jarang-jarang ia menemukan sosok manusia yang tak jauh dari definisi mentari. Ia begitu bercahaya. Sudah begitu, terik pula. Manusia yang sungguh ceria.
Cervus sudah begitu pasrah menghadapi pemuda berambut cokelat di hadapannya itu. Ia tak tahan dengan air muka keceriaan itu, lalu membiarkan pemuda itu bertindak sesuka hati. Dan secara tidak langsung, Sang Dewa Rusa membiarkan pemuda itu untuk bersinggah sementara di kahafnya.
Selama Sang Dewa Rusa bersemayam di kahaf ini, yang ia rasakan adalah keheningan, kegelapan, atau mungkin hampa. Tetapi, sejak Lukas berada di kahaf ini, rasanya sungguh berbeda.
Pemuda itu … berbeda dari manusia-manusia tersesat yang pernah ia temui sebelumnya. Bukan tersesat, bukan pula tiada tujuan. Pemuda itu rela mengorbankan waktu, jiwa, dan raganya untuk menjelajah wilayah ini—hanya untuk menikmati indahnya ciptaan Tuhan. Bukan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya.
Sementara, Cervus masih merasakan ketakutan yang tak terbendung sejak kegagalannya saat itu. Ia kehilangan separuh jiwanya dan tidak menjadi payung teduh lagi. Bagi Sang Dewa Rusa, ia berbanding terbalik dengan manusia bernama Lukas itu. Ibarat siang dan malam. Bak cahaya dan bayangan di antara pepohonan. Sang Dewa begitu gelap, sementara Lukas sungguh bersinar—
“Omong-omong, aku akan melanjutkan perjalananku lagi.”
Seketika, ucapan dari sang penjelajah itu menghentikan pikiran-pikirannya. Hal itu membuatnya kaget bukan kepalang.
“Sekarang…?” tanya Cervus terkejut.
Lukas menghela napas. “Iya. Masih ada lagi keindahan dunia yang ingin kujelajahi. Maafkan aku jika ini terkesan mendadak….”
Masa terus berjalan, lalu berputar. Padahal, baru saja jiwanya merasa sedikit terisi berkat kehadiran Lukas sang penjelajah.
Jika Cervus boleh berkata jujur, ia merasa tidak tenang. Pemuda itu akan segera meninggalkan kahaf ini. Hampa? Mungkin saja. Cervus berpikir, tak semudah itu ia akan menemukan manusia secerah Lukas lagi. Menyakitkan.
Entah mengapa, Cervus tak ingin berpisah dengan pemuda berambut cokelat itu. Ia takut untuk merasakan hal yang sama seperti dulu lagi. Tetapi, Lukas menyodorkan sebuah lonceng bulat berwarna emas secara tiba-tiba di hadapan Sang Dewa Rusa.
“Untuk Cervus,” ucap Lukas sembari tersenyum lembut.
“Omong-omong, Cervus. Bagiku, Engkau tidaklah gagal menjadi Sang Dewa Pelindung Jiwa. Kau memberiku tempat untuk berteduh sejenak saja, itu sudah berarti bagiku,” lanjut Lukas dengan nada yang menenangkan. “Ini lonceng untuk Engkau. Sebagai rasa terima kasih Ibuku pernah bilang, jika kita mendentingkan lonceng ini, jiwa kita akan merasakan ketenangan. Jika Engkau merasa cemas karena kita harus berpisah, Engkau bisa mendentingkannya dengan khidmat. Terimalah ini.”
Lukas bergegas menenteng ransel miliknya, lalu berpamitan dengan Sang Dewa. Tepat di depan kahaf itu.
“Tusen takk, Cervus.”
“Sejak malam itu, tepat di bawah cakrawala negeri utara, dengan cahaya sang surya yang abadi,beserta tarian para aurora di sekelilingnya,Cervus, Sang Dewa Pelindung Jiwabangkit dari kegelapan, dengan “Lonceng Penenang Jiwa”.
☆ Lofoten adalah satu kepulauan kecil yang ada di Norwegia ☆ (Dalam bahasa Norwegia) Er du ikke et menneske=Apakah kau bukan manusia? ☆ (Dalam bahasa Norwegia) Tusen takk=Terima kasih banyak
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shifaashaikh · 2 years
It's Friday read lot of darood and surah kahaf and remember the whole ummah in du'a
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quranwithsehar · 1 year
Reflections from Surah Kahf -6
The Prophet of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said that: “He who recites Surah Al Kahaf, as it was revealed - َIt will be for him, a light, from where he is, all the way to Makkah on the day of Qayamah.”
Meaning, reciting Surah Al Kahf in the manner it was revealed will bring about a guiding light from one's location all the way to Makkah on the Day of Judgment.
So, the farther you are from Makkah, the better it is
According to this narration, the good deed of the recitation of Surat al-Kahf will appear as light and guidance on the Day of Resurrection. This light will protect the Muslims from the horrors of the grave and the Hereafter.
“And whoever reads its last ten verses will be safe from the Fitnah of Dajjal when he emerges.”
In another hadith, we learn that Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “If anyone learns by heart, the first ten verses of surah Al Kahaf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.”
And in another hadith, we learn that: “He who recites سورةالكهف on Friday, it will illuminate for him a light between two Fridays.”
Between two Fridays! So he who wants Allah’s light in making decisions in his life to continue on the straight path then he must observe this sunnah of reciting Surah Al Kahaf every Friday. And whoever wants to be saved from the fitnah of Dajjal and have a light for himself then, what is it that he needs to do? At least pay attention to the first ten verses and the last ten verses of Surah Al Kahaf.
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makanabazari · 4 months
Iran is one of the oldest nations in the world. Some scientists say first human was created in Iran. But they are wrong. Iran is center of land transit of planet earth. All human genetics have passed through Iran to go from one corner of earth to another corner of earth. This is why they traced genetics of first humans in Iran. Iran was the most powerful Civilization and Empire for majority of its history. Iran was glorious and powerful Empire for thousands of years. Iran had many great Kings. Some of the most powerful Kings of history of earth were Iranians. Iran has far older history and civilization than 2500 years. But Hakhamaneshian started Persian Empire 2500 years ago. Cyrus The Great Koroosh Kabir was King of Iran. He rebuilt old Temple after He conquered Middle East and several other regions of the world. Jewish People of Israel anointed him Messiah. Jesus Christ came 500 years after him. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Darush Kabir Iranian King built Suez Canal. Darush Kabir built Iranian Empire. Prophet and King David conquered Israel after he defeated Goliath. After him Prophet and King Salamon built old Temple in Jerusalem. King David conquered. King Solomon built. It is similar to history of Koorosh and Darush. I have also conquered all of planet earth. I have conquered the world. I am also extending Persian Gulf to Medditrnean Sea. We call it Persian Canal. It is far greater than Suez Canal. I am doing better than Darush Kabir. I am doing it before they crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. We are not rebuilding old Temple in Jerusalem. We are not destroying Alaqsa Mosque. We are building a wall from Copper, Iron, and other materials in Iran to defend Iran against Ajooj, Majooj, invaders, enemies, and other dangerous things. We are building it according Surah Kahaf in Holy Quran. We are also building best civilization, weather, climate, rain, industries, factories, manufacturing, rivers, lake, forests, grasslands, ecosystem, and other good things in Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Ghafghaz, Central Asia, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Greater Iran, Greater Middle East, West China, and Southwest Russia. I bring rain.
Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Ghafghaz, Central Asia, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Greater Iran, Greater Middle East, China, Russia, and all others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iran had many great Empires before Hakhamaneshian. Civilization of Iran is older than 2500 years.
I am one of the Greatest Kings in History of Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
https://express.adobe.com/page/UNHXCnGu0Zzlt/ Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
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Iran is one of the oldest nations in the world. Some scientists say first human was created in Iran. But they are wrong. Iran is center of land transit of planet earth. All human genetics have passed through Iran to go from one corner of earth to another corner of earth. This is why they traced genetics of first humans in Iran. Iran was the most powerful Civilization and Empire for majority of its history. Iran was glorious and powerful Empire for thousands of years. Iran had many great Kings. Some of the most powerful Kings of history of earth were Iranians. Iran has far older history and civilization than 2500 years. But Hakhamaneshian started Persian Empire 2500 years ago. Cyrus The Great Koroosh Kabir was King of Iran. He rebuilt old Temple after He conquered Middle East and several other regions of the world. Jewish People of Israel anointed him Messiah. Jesus Christ came 500 years after him. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Darush Kabir Iranian King built Suez Canal. Darush Kabir built Iranian Empire. Prophet and King David conquered Israel after he defeated Goliath. After him Prophet and King Salamon built old Temple in Jerusalem. King David conquered. King Solomon built. It is similar to history of Koorosh and Darush. I have also conquered all of planet earth. I have conquered the world. I am also extending Persian Gulf to Medditrnean Sea. We call it Persian Canal. It is far greater than Suez Canal. I am doing better than Darush Kabir. I am doing it before they crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. We are not rebuilding old Temple in Jerusalem. We are not destroying Alaqsa Mosque. We are building a wall from Copper, Iron, and other materials in Iran to defend Iran against Ajooj, Majooj, invaders, enemies, and other dangerous things. We are building it according Surah Kahaf in Holy Quran. We are also building best civilization, weather, climate, rain, industries, factories, manufacturing, rivers, lake, forests, grasslands, ecosystem, and other good things in Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Ghafghaz, Central Asia, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Greater Iran, Greater Middle East, West China, and Southwest Russia. I bring rain.
Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Ghafghaz, Central Asia, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Greater Iran, Greater Middle East, China, Russia, and all others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iran had many great Empires before Hakhamaneshian. Civilization of Iran is older than 2500 years.
I am one of the Greatest Kings in History of Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
https://express.adobe.com/page/UNHXCnGu0Zzlt/ Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
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urduhindipoetry · 5 months
Juma Ke Din Surah Kahaf Kis Waqt Padhen | Surah Kahaf Ki Fazilat | Juma ...
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erum-art-journey · 7 months
🌟✨ We had the incredible opportunity to witness the heartwarming generosity and dedication of Laiqa Zahid, the owner and founder member of Kahaf Foundation! 🌟✨
Artbox was graciously invited to Kahaf Foundation's event, where winter clothes, socks, and quilts were distributed to those in need. But what truly made this occasion exceptional was Laiqa Zahid's boundless energy and passion! Her kindness knows no limits, and her enthusiastic spirit uplifted everyone around her.
Kahaf Foundation isn't just another charity or welfare organization. It's a beacon of hope and empowerment for the less fortunate. Through initiatives like teaching skills to widows without education or skills, and showcasing their handiwork in local exhibitions, Kahaf Foundation is truly making a difference in people's lives.
Rest assured, if you choose to donate to Kahaf Foundation, you're contributing to a cause that's not just about giving, but about empowering individuals to create a brighter future for themselves. 🌟✨ #KahafFoundation #Empowerment #MakingADifference
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the-muhammadan-way313 · 9 months
Cave of Ashab al Kahaf 309 years through a Portal
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emanblr · 1 year
The 1st of September is ending and it’s drizzling outside, it hardly ever rains here so i am loving it.
So about studying , I have 4 months to prepare for this exam. Yes ! I finally have an exam to take. So far I am done with only one unit ( pulmonology) , so yea , its a lot to be done. I am doing endocrinology as the main one and on the side 1 derm and 1 infectious disease topic everyday.
I think its safe to say that i am trying my best. I just need to stop reading every topic in crazy detail and limit the number of resources that i look at but i have no clue how to do this.
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Topics i studied today in detail ( did the respective topics questions from amboss too)
Chlamydia trachomatis , diabetes inspidus ( this one was a beast) , insulinoma , s. dermatitis
Brushed on prolactinoma and pheochromocytoma
Highlights of the day: It was Friday so i read surah Kahaf ���️ and had my fav tea from the cafe and also got fries on the way home. Stopped by the shop and got a cute journal and some pens.
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Sura Al-kahaf chapter 18
Sura Al-kahf has one special verity those people who recite this sura on Friday they will find special light on Sarat at the day of judgement (Sarat is a bridge which will be thin like heir and sharp like sword and Allah will say come on who will go another side of bridge find paradise . Many people who follow devil in this world can’t go another side of Sarat.
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jumeratnabila · 1 year
It's Friday read lot of durood and Surah kahaf and remember the whole ummah in du'a ✨
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quranwithsehar · 1 year
Reflections from Surah Kahaf - 8
And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and in the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire, and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.
In this ayah, Allah has asked us to keep the company of those people who remember Allah in the morning and in the evening. A person who remembers Allah in the morning and evening; he is worthy of being befriended. He's worthy of taking as your friend.
Allah says, ‘You should seek their company; you should seek their friendship.’ Those who are ahead in deen, not those who are behind in deen. Those who remember Allah, who love Allah so much that every morning every evening, they remember Allah. And this command was first given to Rasool Allah SAW. If he is ordered, “You should keep the company of such people,” then what about us? And why is it so important?
Having a friend who reminds you of Allah makes it easy to be patient. In the face of challenges and trials, having someone by your side who constantly brings you back to the remembrance of Allah can provide a source of solace and strength.
Their companionship serves as a gentle reminder to stay patient, have faith, and trust Allah's wisdom and plan. Their words of encouragement and reminders of Allah's blessings can help you maintain a positive mindset and persevere through difficulties with grace and resilience. With a friend who reminds you of Allah, patience becomes a natural response as you draw strength from your shared faith and find peace in knowing that you are not alone on your spiritual journey.
And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire, and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.
Meaning, do not desire the company of worldly people, the company of those people whose concern is just this world, whose worry is this world; why? Because if you sit amongst them, you will also become like them.
So, If you are feeling alone in your spiritual journey or struggling with patience, seeking out places where the Quran is being recited or joining Quran classes can be immensely beneficial. These environments provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share a common love and reverence for Allah's words.
The recitation of the Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, has a profound impact on the heart and soul, instilling a sense of peace, tranquility, and guidance. Being surrounded by individuals who are also seeking knowledge and enlightenment through the Quran can offer a supportive community that encourages and inspires you in your spiritual growth.
Through their companionship, you may find solace, encouragement, and the motivation to remain patient and steadfast on your journey, knowing that you are not alone in your pursuit of closeness to Allah.
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shaikumarfarooq · 1 year
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