#kai makes pride merch
ominousmotion · 1 year
Here's the trans butterfly effects butterfly!
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deadghosy · 3 months
Headcanon of singer user? Like they're in a popular band and the Slytherin boys are fanboys of them
A/N: hi Kai! Hope you like this one lol
Slytherin boys headcannons towards singer!reader
Ft. Mattheo riddle, Draco malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire
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Mattheo riddle
He’s the type to like every thirst edit there is of you.
😕he’s a closet simp that soon takes pride into saying shit like “oh them? They’re hot.”
Literally will try to romance you, he’s a lover boy type of fanboy. But if you do notice him, he’s kicking his feet up and down when he gets back to Hogwarts.
Has a shirt that says “I 💗 [singer name]”
Tries to figure out what kinda men you like so he can just try to flirt with you.
He’s the type of fanboy to jokingly be like “I wanna be their microphone” every time you get up close to it.
He’s so silly!
Draco malfoy
Buys all the expensive merchandise😭😕
He would even rub it in a little girls face in Hogwarts, bragging how he got the best merch from your store
He buys a front row ticket and a back room permission as well😭😕
He’s the type of fanboy to be like “hm, they’re not all that…”
His father had to scold him about using money
Blaise Zabini
When he’s walking in the halls, you best believe he has your songs playing already in his headphones.
Listens to your voice when going to sleep….
But honestly I feel him being a fanboy of you would make him save edits of you😭😕
Possibly Lorenzo had sent him a lot of your edits off of TikTok and it made Blaise fall inlove with you.
Definitely the type to just act like he doesn’t know you when literally he knows the next release of your next song and album.
Probably sings a song to himself when he’s bored.
He’s just built like that
Theodore Nott
I mean cmon reader, he’s hot, you’re hot. So why not hook up🤷🏾
Broski literally follow you on all platforms, mostly on instagram. See, if he never knew how to speak English. He would for you.
He’s gotta propose in some way in the future lmao.
He definitely stole of Enzo’s vinyl records
He’s not giving them back either
Lorenzo Berkshire
Number 1 fan! And fan boy!!!
He got your albums, discs, you name it.
Boy was hoooked when pansy had showed him your songs.
Goes to your concerts and of course not every one, he’s not that crazy…
But he definitely is the leader of your fan club, definitely wears it with pride
People worship you and him because you are the amazing singer, while he is the king of knowing so much about you.
He’s most definitely a narwar fan😭😭
He probably has merch of you, maybe posters…
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Obligatory insecurities Pt. I
This is a little angsty but mostly fluff, wasn't planning on separating it into parts at first but it just ended up being too long.
Behind pride, sits doubt. It lingers behind the day to day problems he has to chase after and solve, behind the piles upon piles of work he has to sift through each and every day, waiting for the straw to break the camel's back.
Only then does it come forth, bouncing in the space behind his eyes, demanding he think on his failures. Is he truly doing what's best for his brothers? Or is he really the tyrant they call him.
Would they be better without him? Back in the Celestial realm? All of this is his fault, he is the eldest, he can't make it okay.
That's when they come to him, the human who to him seems to suffer no such doubts. MC's gone and barrelled through the Devildom guns blazing like no human ever has, or ever will again.
They sit beside him, and merely hold him, cradling his head to their chest so he can hear the assured beat of their heart.
'You are perfect, you have done enough, we're okay. You're okay.'
Affirmations tumble from their lips, and as if by magic they overpower the bastard doubt echoing in his head, replaced with the warmth and assurance of them.
But the affirmations keep coming, doused with affection given without reservation or pride, until he can think of nothing but the peace they bring.
It should be obvious what makes him break. One insult too many, misplaced blame too often, lack of trust from the demons he loves most.
He knows he's greedy, he can't help it. He wants to best, for himself, for his family, for the ones he loves to have everything they could ever want.
They don't see that, and one day, the witches get a little too close to violating parts of him which were never on the table.
Nobody cares though, because he got himself into this mess, he should suffer the consequences.
Nobody cares, but MC.
They've laughed at him being hung from the ceiling for something menial before, rolled their eyes at his pick pocketing gambling tendencies, but when they arrived to pick him up, their eyes were no joke.
For a second, he's sure they're going to snap at him, instead, they pull him in, and hug him like he can't ever remember being hugged before.
'Are you alright? Did she hurt you?'
'I...'m sorry, I just- I thought-'
He broke, and MC caught him, guiding him back to his room without speaking a word. If the witch had tried to stop them, he doubts she would've survived the attempt.
MC sat him on his sofa, brought him hot chocolate, put on music, and cuddled up next to him, all without a word.
He stares at the homemade hot drink in awe, he's not used to being taken care of like this, but when he looks up, there's that smile that's worth all the grimm in the Devildom.
'Don't be scared of calling me when you're in trouble, kay? I'll always come get you, no matter how you got yourself into it.'
Oh boy, where do we start here?
Envy is inherently insecure, he's always wanting things he doesn't have. The next season, a new merch line, all of it. Wanting, wanting, wanting.
It's endless, and exhausting. Being an Otaku is by far the most harmless of outlets he's had in his lifetime, but what's remained common, is his hatred of people.
People and their ability to socialise and make friends so easily. People who take those friends for granted and go forever without acknowledging them.
Between the want, and the hunt for more, his head is a mess of insecurity and desire, except in the presence of that one human.
MC just has to sit in his room with him, and suddenly, he envies no one, wants for nothing.
They bought themselves a bean bag and set it in his room, it's their space, a little piece of MC which stays in his room all the time. It even smells like them.
Even when they're not with him, he just glances at that purple bean bag, and smiles. He still wants, and chases, but the yawning chasm that once plagued him to get a better one, a bigger one, a faster one, was a little quieter, because he knows there's no improving on his best friend, on that little slice of peace that smiles at him from that bean bag and makes him lose when they look so dang cute.
His insecurities are...dangerous. He's learned that the hard way.
His wrath hurts people when he lets it out, hurts him when he bottles it up, and though he's had time to control it, sometimes, one's nature is unavoidable.
Wrath is not synonymous with control, he feels like all Hell has broken loose in his chest and throws everyone away.
Especially MC, if he hurt them, he'd never forgive himself.
He locked himself in his room, fighting not to rip the place to shreds, until something slid under his door.
A note, scented with chamomile, with three simple words in MC's handwriting.
I love you
At that moment, those words felt like the be all and end all, allowing him to slowly, carefully, bring himself out of his own head.
I love you, they wrote. They love him, despite his terrifying nature.
It must have been hours before he finally opened the door, and found MC, curled up in the hallway, resting on a pillow off their bed, sound asleep.
They'd been there all along, and would be every time he had an episode. They know they can't be near him, for both their sakes, if this is as close as they can get, they'll take it.
From then on, Satan knows he's not alone with his wrath.
Pretty, pretty, pretty, has to be pretty. That's what they see, pretty Asmo, perfect, sexy, horny, lustful, and he is all of those things.
Is that all he is, though? Just...pretty. There's more to him than that...right?
He looks in the mirror, muttering affirmations to himself as he puts on his makeup, until he stops, and the tears start to fall. The mascara starts to run, and when next he looks up, it's with blurry eyes that he sees something so very ugly, but it's not his face.
There's nothing else to him, he fears, behind a pretty face, there's nothing else there.
Beside himself, he reaches out for someone, anyone, and MC answers the call in seconds.
They're at his side and cradling him like the most precious thing in the world, right there on the bathroom floor, as he blubbers his insecurities like a fool.
'Oh love, you've got so much more than beauty. You're so beautiful inside I wouldn't care if I could never see you again, I would still love you.'
'Abso-fucking-lutely. You bring me so much joy without even trying, you never judge and find beauty in so many things, the world is wonderful seen through your eyes.'
Sniffles replace his sobs and he melts into their embrace, laying affectionate kisses to their neck. 'Tell me more...please?'
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rubykgrant · 4 months
The Reds and Blues (your full group and anyone else you might wanna add) are in a Pride Parade. What is everyone doing? All I know is that Sarge is driving a float and Simmons here is IN CHARGE OF CONFETTI. (This ask is brought to you by me going to my first Pride Parade yesterday)
Hey, first of all, congrats! I hope you had fun~
Sarge is definitely driving his own float, and Lopez helped him build it; the thing looks like a big rainbow version of Red Base, with multiple flags of various gender/sexuality combos (but also, they all have the Red Team insignia in a corner somewhere). Rather than drive it out of sight, Sarge is towing the whole thing in the warthog, and he's wearing a special version of his armor (just this ONCE he will be more than pure RED; he's the sunset lesbian flag, because- "It's got all of us on there!". he fully embraces this, let's go lesbians!)
Simmons is once again the Social Chairman, so he got put in charge of trying to organize everybody's duties and make activity schedules. He had to revise it several times (because he tried to micro-manage EVERY LITTLE THING), but it finally worked out pretty good. Once everything is going good, he can finally just... relax. People can still check in with him for specific things, but he mostly just gets to chill and walk around with Grif (my personal ideas for Grif and Simmons- Simmons is trans and gay, Grif is bi. they've both been in different levels of denial/awkward about this over the years, but now they can finally be themselves and embrace it. Simmons felt the need to wear a binder for years, but for the full effect of feeling accepted and proud, he has a light button-up shirt with the gay rainbow as stripes opened with a loose-fitting binder that has the trans colors underneath. then just some jeans. such minimal clothing! in public no less! Grif's in shorts and his own opened button-up shirt with the bi stripes. they participate in the parade at one point, holding up a banner that reads- "Why Are We Here? Because We're Queer!")
Caboose is the confetti king, with Freckles naturally helping! He's wearing his helmet (just regular clothes instead of full armor), and Church helped him figure out how to make the visor outwardly change to different pride rainbows without messing with his vision
Doc has a booth for anybody who needs any medical attention, and also walks around to help re-fill hydration stations, plus a variety of free snacks for people (with plenty available for people with specific diets/allergies). He has a lot of helpful references for anybody who wants to read and learn about gender/sexuality (so family and friends who want to be more accepting and mindful can get more info, and other people can figure out how to find their own community)
Donut is handing out coupons for places that sell special soaps/candles with various pride color themes. He has his own float in the parade as well, and it is a WHOLE musical number, with some flamboyant special effects and excessive glitter
Tex is just walking around ready to intimidate the absolute heck out of anybody who tries to disrupt the events. No cops or bigots at Pride, just Tex (she WILL throw a car if she needs to). She and Church participate in the parade for a bit, just kinda having fun with casual drag (she's in a masc outfit, he's in a dress. Donut helped make sure he'd be very pretty~ nothing fancy, but they have fun going with a rock-a-billy theme)
Church is handing out different kinds of glow-sticks as the sun goes down (some of them the bracelet/necklace kind that clip together). Once it is really dark, he and the rest of the Fragments put on a light show, with Theta creating the most AMAZING pride color fireworks!
Kai helped get a few different live music things going, and set up booths that have various merch/clothing for people... and once that is done, she took her rightful place in a throne on a float (there are several intersex, bi, and pan designs... but she also has a crown that says "Slut Queen", and the kink flag as her cape~)
Carolina sings some songs, and helps with some of the booths here and there... but she's mostly just enjoying the chance to take this all in, and appreciate everybody all around her
Locus is still awkward with crowds... like Sarge, he's in full armor, but similar to Caboose's visor, his can change to different rainbow combinations. He's actually more comfortable being in the parade, where he doesn't have to TALK, so he does that most of the day
Tucker is helping with the kid-friendly areas (and gives anybody who wants to call this "forcing kids to be gay" MORE than a piece of his mind). There are a lot of games, snacks, free clothes/merch. When Tucker participates in the main parade, he sets off some confetti canons with his sword (on the float, he skips a shirt, and wears leggings with the big community pattern)
Wash has clothes with his ace, trans, and gay colors, and he helps set up different booths/floats. He also passes out free key-chains and bubble bottles for people
My OCs Poppy and Junonia would help as well; Poppy would be on a float that has different flowers arranged in pride color rainbows, tossing out fake flower bouquets to the crowd. Junonia has a booth for disability inclusion (with info for people who want to learn more), and also hosts artists/craft creators who are selling merch
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carli-meows · 2 years
it's the side characters (i think)
please click for quality
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from left to right we have
CoSee Merch (like "Cozy Mer Sh")
this myme is a candyman living in Cloune Toune (Joey Lane), who prides himeself off the quality and quantity of of his candy. they are GizMoe's primary hookup and have known eachother since they were in clownschool. they are often slick out the mouth and lacks a social filter, and often gets harassed by hound dogs trying to get the scoop on the Demented Myme Crewe's Scary Lady Silent Kayti, who they also have the occasional hookup with. He is seemingly very secretive about his past, mainly because his motivations since gighood have been to become the "manufacturer of the good goods, no matter what". He lives a relatively calm life, as all he does is peddle candy and exercise. The biggest thing he has going for him is the Scurra has called upon him once, but he was too sugar rushed to make it to the Temple, so they told him to standby and survive for 50 more years. He can't really recall if he was trippin or not but, he very much will wait for a word back and has vowed to get high very rarely.
KaLe GoDosh (like "Kay Lay Go Doe Sh)
a Jyezter (HarrlleCloune) doshboy who, due to a large crime spree and riot last year, has them working at many different convenience stores around the Graey Scale. they were apart of the school bully gangs, so they are erratic in nature but, often stick to a specific goal when put to it. they are also given the power to see into and past the 4th wall of the Scurra which gives them intense amounts of cockiness making them assume they'll get out of most conflicts with no problems. Their sadistic nature led to a heated rivalry with Shakedown Division's GiGii Quimp, after the Cloune took a liking to one of their first targets. GoDosh had spent most of the school year making attempts to do whatever they could to get their plaything away from the Cloune, only leading to conflicting feelings after it was revealed that GiGii vowed to marry the nerd and immediately dropped out of clownschool. KaLe lives by the Bookery where she hopes to one day participate in a breakout and reek havoc on Cloune Towne.
GiGii Quimp (like "gE GjEE")
GizMoe's mom who was once considered the Stongman of the west in some region on earth. she spends most of her time by the Pierrot Boardwalk helping load ships and watching over the rookie fishermen. she used to live with her son when she lost her tent 10 years ago in a freak bitch accident where she went to a clown school reunion and had to fight the new Bully of Little Street and get her title of best bully back. she's married to Z'Moe and lives with him to also make sure he's always safe (he is), they met though school back when she would shake him down for change. eventually, the shakedowns became an excuse to see him more and ended up leading to her going on hiatus from the Bully faction. She now lives her days doing whatever it takes to support her husband's dreams and keeping an eye on her son who runs a foodstand named after her without her permission (she free food instead of having the name changed).
KangolLeen Abbei (like Cane-Goal-Lean Ab E)
a cloune that lives in an underground dance studio on Urthe, where she often makes beats for VhekTeeRi (Vehk-Tee-Ree) of the Demented Myme Crewe. thanks to this dope ass turn of events, she also was given a spell that helps her get to and from Urthe without the need of sneaking into a portal behind mymes, unfortunately it becomes less effective the more she talks, so she has taken on part of primitive Myme culture and taken a Somewhat strict vow of silence, with one exception being to only speak in the presence of her loved one. oh, she is also in love with disowned son of Steve Jobs, Machintosh aka The_Mac who, together, occasionally create tunes for little amounts of dosh in the Hip-Hop scene in the alleys of the Graey Scale. But due to his mission to kill his father, they are often seperated of extended lengths of time, making ever reunion so much more meaningful. she also manages a radio station and works at petrol stations in her spare time to snag some extra cheddar.
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Hi. I was talking with my best friend and we were going over the rogues of Young Justice and who had which person as their common adversary such as Tim with all of Batman's rogues being his and the point of it was that when they were all adults who would be their own personal nemesis? Batman has The Joker clearly, Superman with Lex Luthor, The Flash and Reverse Flash, Wonder Woman and Cheetah etc but what about the YJ crew especially Bart? Who would be Bart's main nemesis when he's an adult?
Did you forget about Thad Thawne?
Thad Thawne is absolutely Bart's main nemesis NOW in current, no matter how much Thad deserves and SHOULD get a redemption arc (which likely will never happen considering Fastest Man Alive is canon again).
I also really am hesitant to say Tim's rogues are just Batman's rogues because he ran into a lot of other people and themes in his own comics on a fair basis that there are other options available. Also it looks like the one responsible for Young Justice Dark Crisis (Mxyzptlk's son, allegedly) has already decided Tim is his nemesis (see Tim Drake's Pride Special).
***Edit*** Mickey was in fact NOT the person who Tim is currently up against in his comics. When this was written, it was assumed they were going to be the same.
King Shark (yes, he's a Superboy character) with Kay Fury as well as Amanda Spence (allegedly dead) are Kon's in his own comics but having them extend into the future with him as an adult is... iffy. His 2011 solo comic had Simon Valentine (his FRIEND) being setup as his Lex Luthor with a parallel narrative as well but meh, I really liked Simon and I just want these heroes to have fucking civilian friends and have their own rogues not just mirror their assumed mentor's.
Bart however is a little more tricky because in his own comics he rarely had reoccurring villains (Thad) that truly wanted to harm him (Thad), and many of them were more Max's adversaries anyway or were guest rogues.
We do have a few however but I do not foresee them as being a problem for Bart when he is older. But they could be brought back for fun.
For fun let's just explore a few interesting people from Bart's run that were presented as villains, see if they are a candidate for future rogue-ness, then I will tell you my own personal pick for his true nemesis that isn't Thad.
White Lightning
The first 'major adversary' we see is White Lightning who has some mild 'pheromone mind control' that allows her to manipulate men just like Poison Ivy, only she has not shown any murderous intentions.
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Impulse #80
She shows up early on in his series, and she shows up every now and then and is predominately a thief who uses adolescent boys to assist her in her heists.
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Impulse #4
She would make a GREAT current 'rogue' because she's basically a social media influencer. She uses the internet of 1995 to attract potential 'gang members', and she even has her own merch! This would translate VERY WELL for today for a morally gray rogue.
She's FUN, but she's not really a villain so she's out for being Bart's nemesis. She's more like a Robin Hood character than a true crook (a Robin Hood that KEEPS the money).
Likelihood of being a future rogue: 6/10
lmfao white lightning has her own merch but bart doesn't
Evil Eye Eddie/Wilfred Parker (once called "Danny" by his dad)
His first appearance is in Impulse is in issue #27 and he shows up on the regular up until the near end of the series. He's a very well written character that when he first shows up he is a thug and a bully that wants nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of his father, and grandfather (Dr. Morlo) and be a super villain, and a gang member.
As time progresses with him in the series, we see that he does not actually have the disposition to do what he needs to do in order to be that, but he still retains a shitty attitude which makes him more likable. He also has a friendship with Rolly that from everything we see is genuine and he does care about him. One day I'll make a meta post about Eddie because he's fascinating as fuck.
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Impulse #47
Evil Eye also finds out on his own who Bart is later and doesn't tell anyone about it so he's not a good candidate for being a rogue of Bart's later. Dr. Morlo couldn't even keep up with being Max's rogue and they instead have a divorced spouse relationship. It would be fun to have him back though. I want him to meet Stephanie Brown.
Likelihood of being a future rogue: 1/10
Pocket Pal
A better contender is Pocket Pal who was penned for issue #60 by the legendary Dwayne McDuffie (yes, Milestone's McDuffie. RIP).
His particular abilities were similar to Chester Runk's aka The Chunk in that he had a pocket dimension in which he could put an infinite number of things into. He was slick, angry, and a young thief who could definitely grow up into a regular rogue for Bart to deal with later.
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Impulse #60
I could absolutely see him coming back as an adult rogue for Bart to deal with on occasion. There's a lot of writing potential for a character that has a bag of infinite carrying.
Name's gotta change though. I like Supermassive (as in black hole) but I do not write for DC and I likely never will so Pocket Pal it is.
Likelihood of being a future rogue: 8/10
Honorable Mention: Shanela
Shanela first shows up in Issue #82 and she and her twin sister Shantay both have the ability to manifest illusions. Shanela is just an A N G R Y teen, and her sister Shantay is seen as the one who is constantly trying to keep her in check.
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Impulse #83
Shanela has a great narrative and she deals with a lot of internal teenage negativity and low self esteem. She does not really use her power to physically hurt anyone but she definitely has enough anger and hatred towards her peers to get to that point and probably would have had Bart not intervened. Her weakness it turned out was dogs as she is petrified of them.
She was a fascinating 'villain' and it would be fun to see her and her sister again; whether working together as some sort of hero team, working against each other, or simply being civilian metas.
Likelihood of being a future rogue: 5/10 (it's circumstantial)
And now... The person I feel personally strong about being Bart's rogue (other than Thad)...
Bedlam/Matthew Stuart
There's something about a Speedster having an adversary that has infinite power and ability through use of magic that just offers infinite potential when it comes to possible stories. It's terrifying and exciting. When it comes to this particular character however we have established history AND motivation and this character has already mentioned that he HATES Bart (and his friends) and will absolutely given the opportunity wreck his life just out of spite.
Good god don't let him team up with Thad.
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Impulse #85
For context here we first meet Matthew in the story that started Young Justice. JLA: World Without Grownups and he is supposed to be a brat even before he comes into his powers.
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Now, you can make the argument here that he is justifiably irritated that his father almost did not make it back in time for his 13th birthday, and that his family dynamic is not the best here, and there is probably some toxic dynamic but he's also a moody teen with some anger at the world that helps him along the path of being Bedlam. You can read this scene as him being a brat, or you can read it as him just being a normal kid dealing with loneliness and acting out. Either way, things go bad quick.
He comes into his powers by accident from that clearly stolen archeological artifact his father dug up, someone get Arthur because the Atlantean artifact contains the magical power of Garn Daanuth.
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He becomes possessed by this entity Bedlam and immediately changes reality to mirror something he finds fitting; one without grownups where children rule.
Eventually he is apprehended by Tim, Kon and Bart and it is Bart who is key to finally beating him.
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Matt remembers Bart very fervently when he shows back up 2 years later without the entity, but with all of his powers roiling through him (TLDR the actual entity was able to be born as a mortal human being and he ditched his magical powers and they went back to Matt).
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Impulse #85
Matt to me would be top tier level for an original adversary for Bart specifically considering he targeted Bart (and other members of Young Justice but not the the same extreme as Bart).
He has history, motivation, and a kick ass power that would be nothing short than mayhem any time he showed up.
Now YES he did technically lose all his powers (Bart again, foiled him) and they jumped into Bart's body, but there is no real reason to not have Matt regain the abilities in some way. These are comics, after all.
I feel that in a hypothetical scenario where Bart had to have primary rogue that was not Thad it would be Matt Stuart 100%.
So these are just my own thoughts and Bart certainly dealt with a lot more than just those I have listed but this was still fun to explore and I hope this got you thinking into the subject of hypotheticals and maybe it inspired some fan works.
Thank you for the probing question!
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terrence-silver · 2 years
How would Twig, Terry or old man Terry feel about having a beloved who rarely asks them for help because they are so used to doing and dealing with things on their own?
Beloved starts eerily reminding Terry of John, I think.
Something that would both endear and somewhat vex Terry internally. Why does everyone he distinctly cares about act this way, testing his patience? He wants to be devoted, oh so devoted, and hurt someone for someone he cherishes, if so asked, so why wont people just let him? He sees a pattern of behaviour as clear as daylight. He believes it to be a sign of things being right. That he chose right, in a sense. That he, by extension, chooses a certain type of people, unconsciously. John has this innately special space in his life regardless of circumstances or the decade, or even if they're on talking terms in the first place, so for beloved to have, if you will, the same sort of reluctance to seek aid and utilize Terry's near infinite resources (and willingness) to provide, them being maybe, fiercely independent, prideful, or even shy and embarrassed to rely on someone (that someone being him and him only) would only push Terry's resolve to make them accept his help, by any means necessary. They'll be helped. He'll make certain of it. If they rarely or don't ask at all, he'll simply do things of them on his own accord --- things he'll analytically decipher they might want or need, lavishing them so much until they need nothing anymore. Ordering his staff to deliberately lavish them too and get them accustomed to such a treatment by proxy. He makes that decision for beloved. They don't need to decide; that is what he's here for. John didn't need to decide things either. Terry just sent him on an all-expense paid trip to Tahiti, commissioned specialized merch for Cobra Kai and bought dojo locations in the 80's, as an example. If Terry thinks beloved deserves the world then who's to say they don't? Who's to say Terry Silver's wrong? Who's to stop Terry Silver?
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dragonbeak · 2 years
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Furry Weekend Atlanta 2022 was amazing!!!
For the first time in years, let's return to convention review!
Well, I gotta say, for a first big con to return to I'm glad it was FWA 2022! FWA has always been one of my favorite local cons, even if circumstances had prevented me from attending since 2016.
At the encouragement of friends I applied for the 2022 Dealers Den last fall, got waitlisted, and then received an email from Dealers Den head, Kay, about a month before the event. And I was like, okay!!!
So April was a big rush to produce new merch to make my FWA DD debut exciting! This included a new line of pride python pinback buttons, repurposing some Helluva Boss fanart as pinback buttons as well, and my most exciting, a new shirt design "Slither Slaughter Slumber" which I had been workshopping for years but put on the backburner with pandemic times and all. And woo! I'm so glad my shirt manus pulled through, Terminus Tees are great to work with, if anyone happens to be looking for a GA based T-shirt printing company.
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Man, this was the fastest I'd ever sent a file to print, haha! Also my first 3-ink color shirt which I was a little nervous about because it raises the printing cost. But it was all worth it because furries loved the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiirts!!!
Muwhahaha, so this was my first big con to have shirts as merch. And, dang, they were definitely my best items. Which was very encouraging because outside of Kickstarter my Etsy shirt sales are like... eh??? For what it's worth I know I could have better and more engaging product photos but I don't know the first thing about directing a real photo shoot.
But huh, I've mostly been talking about the con prep so far and not FWA itself? Well!!! Lemme tell you, FWA was a blast! All the attendees were so nice, everyone abided by mask rules, everyone was really kind and said such nice things. I appreciated how transparent con staff, especially Kay and the Dealers Den team, were about running the event. Even if you could tell they were working really hard due to being a little understaffed!! ovo;;; Oh man guys, don't work too hard. Understandable, since it's the first FWA to be hosted in person in about 3 years???
And my fellow vendors! Wow, I think this was the most nice welcoming experience from other vendors. I got the most art trade offers ever, got to network with folks and talk shop. I also got the feeling most furry vendors already knew each other? That was very interesting. This was actually my first time vending at FWA in the Dealers Den instead of Artist Alley and I think it was a very good fit for where my art selling hobby is at now. I also went a little wild and splurged a bit XD;; Muwhahaha! Everyone had such beautiful art!
Since it had been a while since I last sold at a furry convention, I forgot how nice furry attendees are to artists TToTT Ah, everyone was so nice. Man, I left the experience feeling really inspired and more pumped than ever to make more art merch!!! But then... just as I was getting ready to relax after one impromptu convention... Momocon literally emailed me the following Monday asking if I'd like to get off the waitlist for their convention in two weeks!!! ovo;;; Oh man!!!
To be continued?
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denkilightning · 4 years
trans bakusquad headcanons
(written by a transmasc person)
First their ✨gender flavors✨:
denki (afab): transmasc enby (he they), katsuki (afab): trans boy (he), hanta (amab): genderqueer (they, later +she he), mina (amab): genderfluid (any pron), eijirou (afab): trans boy (he); [additionally kyouka (afab): nonbinary (they)]
the first to come out was hanta and they were very stressed cus their dad almost killed them the first time they came out
imagine their surprise when denki just went "oh wait thats?? a coming out????" and hanta goes "yes???" and denkis just "oh cool. name, prons and identity?" and mina just goes "if u have one. its perfectly valid if you dont have it figured out" and katsuki adds "also alright if youd like to not be referred to at all" and hanta just starts happy crying cus its so fucking easy??? so they tell their name and prons and that theyre genderqueer
and then they realised "wait- some of you are trans too?" and every single one of them goes "yes" and they all laugh and eijirou reminds them that if they want to change some things up or try some new terms the squad is there to support them and apologies for misgendering them before
and then the topic changes and they just go on their day
and thats how they all came out
denki realized he was trans when he was three. that is, when his sense of gender has developed (scientifically speaking, the sense of gender identity shows up around three years old) and since his older sister was trans too
his parents asked him what name would he like to have (his parents were incredibly smart but,, they were also dumbasses) and he just went 'blip!! electricity!!!' so they were like 'uh okay? how about denki? it means electricity in japanese!' 'kay'
and that is peak enby culture. im still thinking about changing my name to 'rock rock' and fleeting to australia or new zealand
katsuki doesn't bind!!! he trains and sweats too much to wear one!!!!! he just wears sports bras!!!! and honestly so good for him!!!!!
eijirou never really minded femininity and stuff but he just really really really like 'manly' stuff. his love for crimson riot only deepened that and on of his moms went 'maybe youd like to be a boy honey?' and he just went ':O i can???' 'if you feel like it?' ':D!!!' and he got his binder and started T before entering ua
mina doesnt really know her gender... if she were to describe it shed describe it as like a holograph itll always look different. they experimented with terms throughout middle school and high school. he just threw genderfluid sprinkles in like the 3rd year and went 'yeah thats cool'
bakugou manspreads to assert domination against weak cis boys
mina makes them all pride merch!!!
denki took blockers all his life so he has absolutely no idea how period feels, he jsut knows biologically-wise what it is and that it can hurt more than a fucking heart attack
so he freaks out when katsuki gets his period at school. the rest of the squad freaks out too. if not eijirou theyd all be dead
from that time denki carries all the period stuff in his backpack and always has an extra in his locker
squad in skirts? squad in skirts
'on wednesdays we wear skirts cus gender roles are for ugly people'
denki doesnt really like dresses but hes cool with skirts, especially paired with his martens so in consequence their skirt days turn out to be way more punk than expected
denki is v v v non passing so he looks like a soft butch lesbian most of times
he likes the way he looks but that gets many people hitting on him who think hes a girl. he doesnt mind, he always makes sure to send the cute and nice ones to mina though
they have a huge ass weighted blanket with a trans flag on it, and the whole squad fits there
denki hanta and minas hobby is confusing cis people
gender comforming? never heard of her
denki once said jesus is a trans man and hanta, a half portuguese catholic, cannot get this out of their head
anyway theyre all trans fight me
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bananaink · 4 years
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I’m revisiting some of my very old OCs, just because I felt a bit dumb again and it helps not feeling dumb going back to comfort-characters :’D (the new pic is the first one, the second from 2012)
He’s one of my favourites from early 2012 that just got buried under all the new ones. I had my steampunk-phase, built a whole world actualy for a story and I still very much love it! But these details, man... I bow before everyone that has the patience to draw every little gear and trinket in true steampunk-fashion.
But I managed to improve his design and feel more secure about his backstory and what I wanna do with him :D His world-setting is steampunk-fantasy-ish, which basically means every fantasy-people-creature you want, plus a bit of magic here and there.
More Info on Kai and Lizzy under the cut :D
I drew Lizzy-the-Lizard one time and just copied her into every picture, making sure I never had to change her pose :’D Even now I just added some small details because I’m tired :’D
Kai on the other hand - I changed a lot about him! Well, outfit-wise. He’s still an asshole, an engineer and has such a big ego you can riverdance on it. Also, very cocky and thinks he can improve every bit of machinery or whatever comes his way. And if it doesn’t work, he keeps working on it until it does and he can shove it under your nose with a big "Ha! Who is the idiot NOW?!”
He’s especially annoying to his coworkers because he makes thinks work that should not work because this cable doesn’t even power anything?! How is the joint moving - there are no gears running it!!! What did you do?!
And Kai will just sit there, cocky smile on his face, chest puffed out with pride and tell them to shut up, he’s the best, he knows what he’s doing, no further explanation. Just watch and learn.
What he doesn’t know is, that he has a bit of magic running through his veins that accidently leak into his creations, giving them enough live of their own to work as intended. Because of said magic, his body rejects any long-term implants or body-modifications, which leaves him without a prothesis for his lost arm. Instead, he took it upon himself to make as many prosthesis as he can because he not only wanted one for himself but also because they are the hardest to get to function properly. If you lost a limb/wing/organ, go to him because it will work.
He’s book-smart, knows his way around all kinds of gears and machinery, but when it comes to people? Ufff. Plane crash. One time he fixed a blown-off mermaid-tail with a mechanical one and improved her speed over her original tempo by 30%. But by the end of the attachment-operation he was banned in three different sea-cities and had to be saved by his coworker from drowning because they had a full out brawl in the patient-tub. The mermaid didn’t want to talk about it and Kai was trying to get his already-paid-for creation back (which would be bad for business).
His boss is exasperated, but the customers come in for the quality of the merch and Kai has made him a ton of money so he keeps Kai around because the guy is not too bad. Usually. They make sure he has as little contact to their customers as possible. Kai is fine with that. He has already lost so many jobs in the past and getting customers on his own is just straight up impossible so he stays. But he has Lizzy, his self-made left-hand with a mind of her own. He doesn’t want to go out drinking or eating or partying like the rest. He doesn’t need an acknowledging pat on the back for a job done well or friendly jokes to lighten the mood. He has himself, Lizzy and more to create.
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ominousmotion · 1 year
It's in my bones or something
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I really love the breakdowns for breakfast skeleton so I did a redraw of him and made him trans
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
well, I have a lot of headcanons but the long-short is I just think he’s neat.
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Um alright so since you specifically asked tho about Excalibur I can ramble a lil on my thoughts on him??
Alright buckle up; I have no idea how long this will get. Please understand I have been a member of the soul eater fandom since yen plus started translating it into English.
I do not really interact with the fandom (not really sure why I never did/do. I guess it’s just cuz when I got into the fandom I didn’t really have access to fandom spaces and by the time I did I wasn’t really sure about it.)
however, I have cosplayed as both Eurka Frog (and I met Todd Haberkorn!!! I chased him to an elevator and threw a fanart at him and then ran away. I did get him to sign a piece the next day. he’s super nice. I am very distressed I missed a chance to get a signed piece by Troy Baker and I really cannot express how upset I am by this. Like honest to god I am so upset. I had been in line I was ready I was so pumped-- and then my friend was like hey let's go he has a thing tomorrow you can do it then and like an idiot, I did and guess what wasn’t the next day? a troy baker signing. Sighs. He’s not been at any cons I've attended since so I’m so disheartened I will never get my annoying sword autograph) As well as Maka Albarn (IDK if I posted photos or not but I think it’s on my cosplay blog or on twitter)
Anyhow onto Excalibur and why I think he’s a pretty neat character.
We’re going into a read more cuz this is LONGGGGGG
Also Obviously I am going into spoiler territory
I pull info from both the anime and manga when it comes to my personal SE HCs. This is more evident in my Shinigami-Sama/Kishin headcanons but I’ll save those for another post if there’s actually an interest in it (as well as my Chrona is a Genie hc. that one is a shorter HC but yeah.) My friends who’ve sat and listened to me (and my sister who knows the show but isn't invested like I am. Like fun fact is even tho I don't do much fanart; anytime I see soul eater cosplayers or merch I like to get it.) say I’m pretty convincing so lol.
So Excalibur as a whole is set up to be this hella annoying, talks over you, egotistical, member of the great old ones, warlord of anger, most powerful weapon.
in both the anime and manga he’s shown to always seem to stick to the same points when he talks. His legend begins in the 12th-century blah blah.
And his ridiculous list to become his meister.
Which set him up to be as you put “trash sword”
But I think it actually helps open something up.
So I, myself am a rambler when I’m nervous or excited. I will reiterate points when I’m frightened or upset (for my I tend to ramble on stupid factoids like octopus or my chronic illness)
And I kinda see this in Excalibur. Not a nervousness per se but that he’s purposely putting up a barrier between him and others.
He’s lonely.
He’s willing to cut down on the list of requirements for Kid and Black Star. Even with Ox he was asking to be taken. And He did partner with Hiro for a time.
He’s been in that cave for a long time. Since Asura pretty much.
How does a weapon who can pair to anyone and is as powerful as he is get shoved into a rock and left there just because he’s “annoying”
This always bugged me.
More so when we get moments later on when he’s like chatting with Death or Kid and he’s actually really serious. Like there’s no pretense, no interrupting. Like yes he does slightly interrupt when they aren’t listening or say something dumb but for the most part you see a completely different side to him.
This is what cemented in my head the fact the whole “annoying” bit is an act he does. He’s capable of emotions. He shows attachment to things like his legend.
Specifically that bit always made me think he really misses King Arthur. Like why else would he always fixate on that? like his legend begins sure but there’s more to it right? he never talks about his time with Shinigami and the old ones. Only his legend and then how he was such a wild child. but it lacks substance. The guy is over 800 years old there should be more he can ramble about.
So here’s where my headcanon takes a weird turn
but I think Excalibur.
Is the sorcerer Merlin.
A man born with a Grigori Soul and the ability to use magic. It’s shown Eibon and Excalibur tended to not get along. and Eibon based the demon weapons on Excalibur but wouldn’t tell him.
Excalibur isn’t counted as a demon weapon. he’s a holy sword.
There is no other record of a weapon like this.
I think Merlin, in an attempt to help his dear friend Arthur with his battles, turned himself into a powerful weapon to aide him. He’s an old one with the power of Madness of Anger. Anger can take many forms including possessive love. Wouldn’t it make sense for someone who knows they are strong to do everything they can for their loved one? I know I’ve been angry enough to kill for the ones I love. Like nothing makes me angrier than someone hurting someone i care about.
I think he was heartbroken to outlive the king. Clearly he doesn’t age and is super focused on the 12th century. I think it really hurt him.
Moving to another point
he’s selfish. Egotistical. but i think it’s another front. Like yes he has some pride obviously. But all his stories involve other people. Shouting fool at anyone who who deems worthy of the name.
People won’t care if you get hurt if you’re a dick.
You can’t get hurt if you aren’t close to people.
If not evidenced by my AHIT oc Eclipse and my baby Kai; I’m a sucker for self sacrificing in the name of love because you don’t see yourself worthy or love. (this is more self projecting than anything but I’m not gonna unpack that here)
I think Excalibur is the same way. he demands to walk in front of people. he wants to be the center of attention. But he won’t get close to others. He’ll take the burden on of being annoying and strong so people focus on him and others can sneak around.
So to sum up my personal headcanons:
Excalibur is a sorcerer named Merlin who had a powerful grigori soul and turned himself into a weapon to aide the man he was close to (and yes I’m 100% suggesting he had romantic feelings for Arthur. but Arthur was for Guinevere so he stood to the side and let them be) He plays up being an asshole because he doesn’t want to lose another person since he outlived Arthur.
Also i didn’t clarify the reason I say he has a grigori soul is due to the facts we know about them. Wings, Halo, purifying, rare. these traits are shared by Excalibur when he’s wielded. I think it’s a pretty cut and dry reason for why I say this ya know?
So Why do I like him?
I think he’s a character who gets written off as a joke superficially but when you sit and reread the manga or rewatch the anime and pay close attention to him; there’s actually a lot there to unpack and enjoy. I think he’s a deep character who puts up a front to protect himself but slowly warms up (I mean heck he’s clearly running around by the end of the manga. and people aren’t screaming)
So thanks for coming to my ted talk I love Excalibur and I don’t care if I’m the only one who does.
Also if curious, my fanstory “Fuller” which has my oc Mira and Excalibur as the main focus actually takes place post Manga and stuff.
Um I guess tho if you want to hear my two cents on anything else soul eater you can ask too I have a bunch of other theories like how Kishin are actually a race not just demonic souls and how soul types show there’s more in the world than we get shown (like look at Free. He’s an immortal werewolf. what’s up with that? and Maka had a Genie hunter during a resonance which means those exist and then there’s teh thing with witches and then blair is a weird existence and just. look. I have a lot of feelings for this even tho I don’t post much on it.)
I just love soul eater okay
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
i swear this is gonna be my last request but could you make overhaul's s/o be a huge gaming nerd and they do streams alot and they have lots of game merch
Also please dont say its your last request ;-; im srry if Im a failure.
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"(Y/N)... get out of that." "Fight me honey, but no. Im almost finished here." "Angel, is eleven p.m, go to bed." "So?" "I swear to god that I'm going to turn this thing off" "DON'T YOU DARE!"
Let's just say... he isn't a fan of them.
Thinks is too much time consuming and useless. Already said this in your face once and he was in doubt if he should feel threatened or guilt after seing your reaction to his words.
Doesn't like when you stream either, why the hell show your face while you're playing a game? Seriously, what's the point?
There was this one time you showed him mortal kombat... worst mistake of your life.
Why? Well, we all know how Chisaki is prideful and arrogant... so imagine his face when you challenge him that you could beat him up on a, what he says, childish game...
The man's jaw hitted the floor the first few seconds when you completely knocked his character out.
"...what?" "YAY! I won!" *inserts here your victory dance* "... you sit back down this instant, you just won because you made the first move."
No, he just sucked at it.
It was already pass midnight and Chisaki simply refused to get up and go to bed, and forbided you to get up too.
"Honey, we need to work in a few hours..." you whined, while he only shook his head, with his eyes pierced on the TV screen and desperate fingers hitted the controller.
He accidentally overhauled one of them...
"..." "..." "angel I'm sorry I swear I will buy you another one right now." "It doesn't have to be right now Kai is oka-" "it has to be right now, my victory was close I can feel it."
The worst part is that he KNOWS when you let him win, and that just hurt his ego even more.
So, I'm sorry but you will stay glued to his side until he wins that shit.
When he won though, it was already 5 a.m and no way in hell you two would be working that day.
When he discovers that playing games is a way to distress he just remembered that night and thought "no the fuck it didn't distress me, it did the opposite"
Chisaki actually is interested on some soundtracks of some games of yours (ex: undertale sad musics in general ;-;)
Besides that do you know what he secretly loves?
You, laying on him, while playing. That's it.
He will watch and make some smartass coments about it but seing how you lay your head on his legs while evem playing a game on your phone he has heart eyes at you.
Lay between his crossed legs while playing the console? The man will scoff bit pat your head BECAUSE HE LOVEs THAT SHIT.
Can get sometimes jealous of your game... yes. A game even.
Also about merch... don't let him know about it... seriously, if he finds out he will buy even the fucking store for you. DON'T LET THIS MAN WASTE ALL OF HIS MONEY JUST TO PLEASE YOU.
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crollalanzaa · 4 years
My Haikyuu Thoughts
(reposted from twitter)
I started the manga 23/6/14 largely because there was a void left by me falling out of HP which RL and PJO wasn’t filling. I saw Hinata art on viria’s tumblr and was, ‘oh, who he?’  I think I watched a bit of the anime but had not thought much of it ???
So there was this kid who was irritatingly enthusiastic and embarrassingly bad at volleyball and it was all the cringe making stuff I hate because I’m not into vicarious humiliation, but as I read on, and he hit that perfect shot and yelled ‘ALL RIIIIIGHT!’ I was almost hooked.
Then he appeared and you know who I mean. It wasn’t the appearance at the middle school match but turning up at the gym, realising his place was now under threat, but going out of his way to make sure the two idiots bonded on court.
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I was intrigued and more than a little koo-koo  over Suga, but still not absolutely hooked. The point where I knew this was not only my thing but a story which was going to reel me in was the Neighbourhood match. The drama of the Asahi/Suga/Nishinoya dynamic was one thing. Asahi calling for the toss still sends shivers up and down my spine and yet ... what hooked me was the adults leaving the match, their conversation as they went back to their normal lives They laughed with fondness and nostalgia about the drama of HS volleyball and   as an adult reading that, it suddenly transcended the kids/teen lit I’d thought it would be (nothing wrong with that -I often prefer this genre because books written for my demographic I find samey and overly romance or abuse based) because we had normal people like me who’d left their HS dreams in the gym (or the drama studio for me) but were happy(ish) in their everyday lives and enthusiastic about volleyball as a hobby. When Shimada put himself out to help Yamaguchi. When Saeko put herself out to get the idiots to Tokyo, it felt like they were falling for these kids and this team like me.
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Reel back a bit. Hq had been going for two years when I jumped in. I binge read everything in two days, finishing at 112 (I think). Back in the day, my friend, we were relying on fan translations. There was no official site, and the translators did it all for love,  which was wonderful but there was a lot of debate about reading for free and waiting for the translation could be tortuous. I wanted to support Furudate but couldn’t buy the physical copies. It was suggested at one point that Eng speaking fans shouldn’t be a part of the fandom  - not by anyone remotely official, you understand -  but that was the state of things in 2014. I bought official merch instead and watched the anime while I waited for 113 to drop.
So forward to 117. If you ever want to know why I still catch my breath and laugh a little at the Daichi Dead moment it’s because we all had to wait for what seemed like twenty years to find out what the high heck was wrong with him. I genuinely thought he’d wrecked his shoulder and was distraught because there was no way they’d win everything with the Captain out!
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(Of course I had no real idea about Ennoshita stepping up to the plate, but that’s another story) The discovery it was a tooth had me SCREECHING! So relieved. I yelled to one of my first hq friends (who’s now deactivated) and then casually went to France with friends -hahaha.
I’ve done complete 180s on so many characters now that it’s safe to say I never trust the initial narrative Kags, Tsukki, Yams (come on, he was Tsukki’s mate giggling in corners over Hinata’s ineptitude. It was only when he saw what Hinata could do he stopped being a sock puppet).  
 The biggest turn around was on Oikawa who I hated to the point where I threw things at my laptop when he appeared. It wasn’t so much him as everyone going ka-ka over him which pissed off my withered adult heart. What changed was forcing myself to write him for an IwaOi week. I reread/rewatched his story and through Hajime’s eyes I began to appreciate him. I wrote Philos as an Achilles/Patroclus reincarnation type fic and that led on and on. And this is what Furudate does so well. Gives you a ‘villain’ then adds the backstory so they’re a hero.
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Disliked Tendou, too but his Farewell My Paradise, his acceptance of defeat and the way he was such a good sport about it, made me gasp. And I love love love his new career.
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It’s the appreciation of amazing play by the opposition which made me fall hard for Inarizaki and Atsumu. (Look at him here! Punt him out the f*cking window!) I’d learnt not to automatically hate anyone, so I reserved judgment. Moment I decided I liked him? Setting for Kags.
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Moment I decided I loved him - getting laughed at by Osamu.
Before this turns into an Atsumu appreciation thread, let me tell you about the characters I was indifferent to but then warmed towards. The main one was because one of my earliest hq friends (yes, you Megan) likes him and through her eyes I started to appreciate the hngg that is Konoha Akinori 
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When I first started reading hq, I did some searches on tumblr and came across quite explicit Kuroken fanart, so I was understandably nervous meeting those Nekoma boys.   Although I’m still ultra fond of the kurokens I wrote, hindsight is a dreadful thing when you see how off your assumptions and hcs were. But in retrospect I don’t think anyone envisaged quite how dorky and shy Kuroo had been as a boy. The error I laugh over the most is somehow transplanting Yaku’s personality into Kai and vice versa, but that’s what happens when you write before canon is done. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Could I have held off writing for six years - nyope. Not a chance. Watching the story unfold, week after week, year after year has honestly been the happiest part of my life. Is that sad? Is it melodramatic? 
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Perhaps. But it has brought me so much apart from a fantastic story. Found friends. A shelter from when real life’s shit. And so many laughs. I still on occasion burst out laughing in the street when I think about Hinata forgetting to spike, or a daft hc shared on twitter. Still sigh a little over the ppl who said they’d leave when their team lost. Remember the time I was warned not to celebrate the Crows winning because it would upset the Seijou fans. I restricted myself to a brief yay then deleted. All nonsense, because most of the Seijou fans I was friendly with accepted the narrative with a bit of wistfulness and looked forward to the next chapter. And for those who wept that Oikawa ‘deserved to win’ they received their own message from Tooru that his ‘worthless pride’ meant something and he was still a winner! 
Oikawa Tooru’s journey perfectly illustrated the idea that your life doesn’t end at High School, that your path is never fixed, and you’re not only made of your achievements but perhaps more so by the doubts and failures. We saw that more recently with the strongest player    Ushijima Wakatoshi whose recent backstory with Iwaizumi has at last made me warm to him. (Iwa-chan has this effect!) 
 There are so many stories to relate to. So many moments. Yachi and Suga overthinking. Kiyoko finding something else she was passionate about. Asahi returning. 
You all know I write and some of you know I’m an amateur actor - both of these rely on a certain amount of internal motivation but also external validation. What if the story flops? What if I dry on stage? ‘What if’ can become a never-ending mantra. So when Hirugami’s story appeared, where despite being amazing at volleyball it was making him miserable, until Hoshiumi suggested he could quit and that freed him - it sang to me.  I’ve been through ups and downs with writing, and much as I love acting it can takeover especially the worry that you’ll fuck up. I know I won’t set the world alight and that used to ‘Concern’ me, but partly thanks to this story and also my hq tl, I’ve realised it’s  unimportant.
If I fuck up on stage, I might throw off other people, but no one will die. If no one reads my fic, I won’t die. If I never write another fic ... no one will die except for the fictional characters and my headcanons. And even then they’re still alive in my head.
And look, I have so many ppl to thank who’ve made this journey with me and supported me all the way, but I’m too scared of missing people out and in a way everyone has helped. But none more than the creator. So Thank you Furudate and Haikyuu for everything. 
Great Receive!
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 229
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Last time, Vegeta blew a hole in the Budokai stadium!
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What do you have to say for yourself, Vegeta?    “I’m a baaaaaad wittle boy.”
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The crowd flees the arena, and even 18 is disturbed by Vegeta’s actions.    She says she’s never sensed a ki like this before, wait, since when could 18 sense ki signatures?     She couldn’t do that before.
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Babidi, on the other hand, is thrilled, because 200 people were killed.   Wait, why should that matter to him?  That doesn’t help him reach his goal, unless he just enjoys innocent people dying on sheer principle.   Babidi’s a terrific villain.   He’s kind of underappreciated, really.  The ranking should be 1) Cell, 2) Vegeta, 3) Buu, 4) Babidi, 5) Frieza.
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The crowd pleads for Mr. Satan to save them from this tiny golden monster in their midst, so he steels himself and tries to get tough, but then he backs down and asks them nicely to settle down.
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Vegeta ignores Mr. Satan completely, and tells Goku to fight him, unless he wants more people to get killed.    At this, Goku suddenly realizes that Vegeta might have let himself get mind-controlled, just so he could make an ultimatum like this.   
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Vegeta’s only response is to shoot another part of the stadium.   This isn’t a bluff, and it’s not a negotiation.    If Goku won’t fight, then Vegeta will keep killing people until he does.
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And you can tell that this pisses Goku off.    Yeah, he wanted to fight Vegeta too, but not like this.   
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Gohan tries to intercede, but Vegeta just shrugs him off.    He’s not listening to anyone except “fighting with Goku.”
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So Goku turns Super Saiyan, and it looks like they’re going to throw down right here and now.  
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Vegeta basically admits to doing all of this on purpose.    If Goku’s so intent on saving the world from Babidi during his one day back on Earth, then the only way Vegeta can get his undivided attention is to join Babidi’s team.   Right now, the only way to stop Babidi is to go through Vegeta.   Literally.   
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Here’s what makes this so awesome.    I feel kind of goofy even explaining this, because it feels self-evident to me, but maybe there’s someone reading this who hasn’t watched DBZ before.   In which case, dude.    This is the stupidest possible way to experience DBZ for the first time.    Just watch the show and come back later.    This liveblog will still be here.    Unless Wordpress shuts this site down.   
Where was I?  Oh, right.   So what makes this work is that the Supreme Kai is absolutely right to call Vegeta’s stunt foolish.... but.   But!  Anyone who’s watched the entire series up to this point gets it.    As horrible as it may sound, on some level, we wanted Vegeta to do something stupid like this, to piss Goku off, to really get him riled up, so that they would finally have their big rematch.
I remember when Goku first turned Super Saiyan.    For a while there, they had all this Super Saiyan Goku merch, and Vegeta looked so ordinary in his regular non-Super Saiyan form.    I thought it made sense for Goku to have this epic ascension, but it seemed like a waste that Vegeta would never be able to match it.   How could their rivalry continue like this?    They could never fight each other again, because Goku was so far ahead of him that it would have been pointless.  
Then Vegeta turned Super Saiyan, and it looked like they could finally settle things, just as soon as they got all those damn dirty androids out of the picture.  Only by the time that finally happened, Goku was out of the picture too.    Now the rivalry was truly impossible, because they would never see each other again.   
Then Goku comes back, for one day only, and it looks like we finally have this narrow window for Goku and Vegeta to fight.  They even got paired off in the tournament bracket.   First round, so there was no chance of Goku getting disqualified against Mr. Satan in some unlikely hijinks.    The fight can finally happen.   Goku vs. Vegeta, they’re both Super Saiyans or Super Saiyan 2′s or whatever, even steven, let’s see who comes out on top.   
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But now, here comes Babidi and the Supreme Kai, with all this Majin Buu bullshit, and Vegeta has to wait inside a spaceship for like an hour.   And both sides of this conflict are idiots.   The Supreme Kai has no idea who he’s dealing with.    He didn’t know what Super Saiyans could do, he didn’t know Dabura and Yakon were on Babidi’s team, and his sidekick Kibito was the first one to die.    The whole thing was dumb and quite frankly not nearly as awesome as Goku and Vegeta punching each other.   
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And let’s face it, after all these years, Vegeta’s still mad that Goku overpowered him way back in Episode 30 or whatever it was.   Since then, Goku’s saved his life, first from Krillin, then from Recoome.    Why, it’s gotten him so riled up just thinking about it that his face is all twisty.    What the hell...?
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Is it stupid?   Yeah, it is.  Like I said, the Supreme Kai is right.    This is absolutely ridiculous.    Vegeta’s risking the fate of the universe so he can settle a petty grudge.   No one thinks this is worth it.    No one gives a shit whether this sawed-off asshole gets his do-over.   Well, I mean, the audience probably does.   I know I always did.  What I’m saying is that no one in-universe ever cared about this guy getting to avenge his pride.   
But Vegeta cares, and the fact that he’s the only one who cares is probably why he’s so desperate and upset about making this happen. 
I think this is what makes the character so appealing to people.    In spite of all the shitty things he does, people can relate to Vegeta’s passion and to the sheer loneliness of that passion.    We all have things we alone care about that other people dismiss as meaningless or unimportant.     What’s the big deal?   It’s just a TV show.   It’s just a drawing.    It’s just a story you wrote.    It’s not that important.   Meaningless, really.    Let’s go back to what’s really important, which is making Gohan feel better about whizzing that fight with Dabura, or congratulating Mr. Satan for his championship victory.   What a kooky character he is!
I think we’ve all been there before.   I’m not saying we’ve killed 200 people to make the point, but we’ve been in situations where everyone laughed it off and dismissed how we felt because “what’s the big deal anyway?”   And that’s one reason Vegeta leaves a lasting impression with people, because he’s powerful enough that he can make people understand why it’s a big deal to him.  
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Against all of this, all Goku can say in response is to call out to Babidi.   He demands to be teleported someplace where there’s no bystanders.    Some place, like... I don’t know... Goku Town.
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We did do it, Babidi.    This is awesome.   Good job, everyone.
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Then the Supreme Kai gets in between these two, and he’s all “No!  This fight is too metal.    I can’t allow it!   If you’re going to fight Vegeta, you’ll have to fight me first!”
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And Goku’s like “Sir, that was a very metal thing you just did, but please, get out of the way before I kill you.”
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The Kai is stunned.    Goku’s not bluffing here.   He will kill the Supreme Kai right here and now, if that’s what it takes.  
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But the most awesome part is Vegeta’s reaction.    He looks just as surprised to see how determined Goku is to settle this.    He’s been so focused on getting this battle that he forgot who he was dealing with.   
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Defeated, the Supreme Kai stands down.    He did a brave thing, stepping into Goku Town, but he knows he can’t pay the rent.  
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Man, this episode rules.   The Surpeme Kai is just so... despondent.  He’s completely lost control of the situation.  
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And Babidi’s convinced that he’s won.   Once Vegeta and Goku start fighting, it’ll only be a matter of time before Vegeta inflicts enough damage to transfer the energy needed to revive Majin Buu.   And nothing can stop that fight from happening.    Everything’s coming up Milhouse Babidi.
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So he grants Goku’s request and teleports them away.   Mr. Satan is relieved, because this means he can claim they ran away before he could unleash his righteous fury.
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So, I think this is the Giskard Wasteland, but I’m not up on my Dragon World Geography.   This may even be the same setting as the original Goku/Vegeta fight, but I don’t feel like looking it up.  
From here, the Supreme Kai bows to the inevitable, and accepts that Goku and Vegeta will fight.    All he can do now is force open the hatch to Stage 4, so he and Gohan can proceed down Babidi’s ship and stop him before Majin Buu can be revived.   Of course, that means he’ll have to risk jolting Babidi’s ship, which could accidentally break Buu’s seal prematurely, but at this point he has to risk it.   
Note that this is precisely what Vegeta wanted to do at the start of the last episode.  If the Kai had gone along with it then, he would be in the exact same predicament he’s in now, except he’d have three Super Saiyans backing him up instead of just one, and he wouldn’t have the ticking clock to worry about.   
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But Babidi has no intention of allowing the Supreme Kai to leave Stage 3 so soon, and he orders Vegeta to kill him and Gohan before they can carry out this plan.   
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But Vegeta refuses, insisting that he doesn’t care what Shin and Gohan do, so long as it doesn’t get in the way of his objective, which is to kick Goku’s ass.
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Babidi has some sort of leverage here, as it seems to cause Vegeta physical pain to resist him like this, but he remains steadfast.    Babidi might control him body and soul, but Vegeta still has his pride, which must be satisfied before he’d ever consider anything else.   
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Babidi is astonished, as this has never happened before.    It begs the question of whether Babidi could ever truly control Vegeta.    Maybe if he defeated Goku in battle, Vegeta might become more pliable.   Or, perhaps beating Goku is the only thing keeping Vegeta and Babidi on the same side.  
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But Dabura convinces Babidi that they’re better off letting Geets and the Supreme Kai have their way.    If Vegeta’s so determined to fight Goku, let him, because that’s good for Buu.    And they might as well let the Kai and Gohan out of Stage 3, so they won’t accidentally break Buu’s seal early.    It’s not like they can win on their own, since they’ll have to go through Dabura.
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   So Babidi opens the hatch, but before Gohan goes through, Goku gives him a senzu bean, because he remembered he still had some from when he got them for Gohan’s girlfriend.   I like how Goku just casually says that, when the situation is too tense for Gohan to object.    “Hey, son, before we start our epic laser battles, I just remembered that thing I got for that girl you’re in love with!”    
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Then he gives him one last piece of advice: Get angry, like he did when he fought Cell.   Goku seems convinced that if Gohan is furious enough, it’ll make up for his ring rust.   
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Gohan takes minute to lament that Goku’s one day back in the living world ended up this way.    It is kind of sad.   Gohan just wanted to hang out with his dad, and all of this crap happens.    It’d be kind of funny if Babidi controlled Gohan’s mind, and he blew up the stadium demanding a hug.   
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So they leave, and now it’s just Goku and Vegeta.    Goku’s like “Fuck this, I can’t take any damage in this fight, so I’m gonna go balls to the wall, right now.”    Well, that’s not his exact wording, but you get the idea.  
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So Goku turns Super Saiyan 2!    Good job, Orange Brick DVDs.    It’s worth cropping Goku’s head so we can see all that stuff on the sides.
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Of course, no one calls it Super Saiyan 2, because he term hasn’t been coined yet.    Vegeta just notes that Goku is stronger than Gohan was when he fought Cell, so you get the idea.
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So then Vegeta powers up and now he’s a Super Saiyan 2, too!
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When I first watched this arc, I honestly didn’t get that “Ascended Super Saiyan” was meant to be a distinct form, because it looks virtually indistinguishable from the original Super Saiyan.   I learned to tell the difference eventually, mostly thanks to the video games, which allow you to compare the models before and after, but in this leg of the anime, it’s just about impossible.   I think the animators had trouble keeping this straight.  
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The main feature I picked up on is that Goku’s SSJ2 form has beadier eyes, at least initially, and more of his bangs stick up.    With Vegeta, I don’t even get that much to work with.   His hair looks a little more “knife-y”, but that’s about it.   
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Anyway, Goku realizes that this will take a lot longer than he planned.   
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And this is it.    Goku-Vegeta II.   The fight we’ve all been waiting for, but at what cost?  
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
1 2 4 6! @goldenworldsabound
1. Are any of your F/Os LGBT+? ummmm p sure my idol girls are all somewhere on the ace spectrum. Rin is nyanbinary! [geddit? bc she nyas?] She probably is also demiromo and ace! Mari is definitely lesbian and actually probably not that ace at all. Ai-Ai is mmmmm maybe pansexual? and Demiromo? I honestly wouldn’t know without seeing more content of her. But I can see her being pan easily. Hanamaru is aroace! 
as for the boys... uh. My husband is in a queer relationship regardless bc I’m queer, so it doesn’t really matter? And Otoya... Ace? Ace. Aspec? Grayce? I honestly don’t know since, y’know, basically otome series so it doesn’t really matter much. 
Caulifla is possibly bi or pan leaning strongly towards girls, so more likely goes by lesbian? idk how to explain that one correctly right there bc my brain is mush rn
Kale is lesbian
Cabba is ace and demiro because i said so.
Trunks is an enboy/enby demiboy, and also ace. because he can be?
i think i’m missing someone but it’s probably bc they don’t come up/haven’t figured into anything.
2. Did you come out to them? How did it go?
uhhhh coming out to lance re being ace was more like shouting excitedly because i finally found the word/experience explanations that made sense and realizing that FINALLY. A WORD. TO GET EVERYONE OFF MY BACK ABOUT DATING AND NOT WANTING SEX. BLESS. it basically just involved me excitedly yelling across the room to him. it was cute, he says. 
realizing being arospec was....... a lot more difficult bc i worried a lot about him thinking that it meant that i didn’t love him, bc i do, and that maybe it proved that i was more selfish or something, and etc etc, but he could tell that something was eating me up lately so we finally sat down and had a talk and he... took it very well? he wasn’t hurt by it because i still showed him love and compassion and support and pointed out that my feelings towards him hadn’t suddenly changed or been any different than they were before all of this. that it didn’t change anything about how i felt, how much i loved and cared for him. [and he gently nudged me about if i had thought about gray or demi labels and whatnot and i eventually found/looked into more labels and hoo boy my sub labels are too much please help i do not like having like 4-5 terms and conditions] i still felt bad for awhile that i couldn’t love him in the same way that he did, but he did his best to show me that our love was still the same, if not it being seen in a different light now, and that he wasn’t going to leave me or get angry with me because of it. it was a really hard first few months for me bc of intense guilt about it but he still stood by me and eventually it started to go away.
the enby stuff was a recent thing as of a year or two ago and i basically was just like “hey babe, i think i’m enby? or agender? i’m not sure which rn but enby sounds cuter and has the better flag colors so i’m gonna try out that for awhile” and he was just like, “okay. let me know if you change pronouns or anything” “ ‘kay “
4. How did you celebrate pride together?
i go as part of sbux’s group and my husband usually has to work but this year (and 2018? or the year before. Whenever the mass shooting happened) he went with me to make sure I stayed safe. if it happens this year he says he’ll go with me again, tho he’s been trying to suggest that I skip out on it this year if it happens. I told him I’ll play it by ear. 
There aren’t a lot of us aros and aces at pride. Someone’s gotta represent us and that’s usually me.
6. Do you own any pride merch? Have you made any yourself?
not a lot! I recently got some more stuff this year. Ummm I have an ACE hat with the flag colors on the word ‘ace’ and that’s been cool. I’ve forgotten to wear it for the last few years but it also got lost a coupla times the last few years ;>> I recently got a cute agender and ace pin at the last con I went to before all covid happened! and I picked up two queer pins from hot topic, i thought? maybe it was just the one, which is “Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not”. I feel like there might be something else I’m forgetting about between but I recently gave in and bought the dragon wing collar pin here and the aro one here. ;>_> gee i wonder why. 
Oh! if tarot decks count I have the Numinous Tarot! and I backed their oracle deck based off their huge comic. and i think there might be one more deck but that’s honestly the only one that comes to mind that is EXCLUSIVELY queer by design and not just “the lovers card is queer and that’s all the rep you get in the deck” [btw the lovers in numinous was instantly my fave/i fell in love with/was BASICALLY WHY I BOUGHT THE DECK, because it was definitely aroace inclusive and i even asked the creator about it and they said it was an influence!] 
I was gonna make myself some beaded keychains of the flags but that fell through as did my energy levels. 
OH THE FLAGS. I FORGOT THAT I BOUGHT ACE AND ARO FLAGS OFF AMAZON FOR PRIDE LAST YEAR. i was gonna get an enby one but they weren’t as cheap :T plus i can only fit two flags around me as a cape. which is one more than others.
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