#kaibaman x
trupie · 1 year
Hey y'all, you come to me for completely unsolicited Yu-Gi-Oh headcanons, right? Of course you do.
So I recently watched the episode of Yu-Gi-Oh GX where Jaden duels against Kaibaman, and there was one line in particular that really stood out to me from Chazz.
"The Kaibaman card was created by Kaiba himself."
That struck me as weird. Kaiba is vain sure, and he's definitely an egotist. But his egotism isn't really wrapped up in his own image, if that makes sense. Usually his vanity is in the Kaiba NAME, or in his demonstrations of his wealth and competence. Not so much "Look at me, aren't I beautiful" as it is "Look at how great everything I own and do is." Kaibaland. Kaiba Corp. The Blue Eyes White Jet. They're all demonstrations of his ego, but they're more about WHAT he is than WHO he is.
And sure, maybe that's what the Kaibaman card is. A card that is an enabler for a creature that only he owns. A demonstration of his inexorable link to the BEWD. "You can't even use the Kaiba card because you aren't worthy" etc.
But I posit that the card is something different. The card was made by Kaiba, but who says it was made by Seto?
What if Mokuba is the one who made the Kaibaman card?
What if Kaibaman was the ultimate tribute to his big brother, depicting him almost as a BeWD themed superhero, because that's how Mokuba saw him?
Especially considering the ending of DSoD, where we don't know Seto's ultimate fate. Maybe the last time Mokuba saw his brother was when he was leaving for the ultimate duel. Maybe Mokuba wanted to immortalize his brother the same way that Priest Seto wanted to immortalize Atem. Seto's legacy would live on in Duel Monsters, forever tied to his beloved Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
I mean my other theory is that Pegasus made the card to take the piss out of Seto, and I 100% believe Pegasus would spread the rumor Kaiba made it to start shit, but this theory is a lot more heartwarming
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mahoushoujoumonster-x · 2 months
Card games on motorcycles!
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“Y’all keep saying that like it’s going to happen. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard (and I’ve heard Kaibaman speak) and it’s not going to happen!!”
[ X amount of years later…]
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“Well gosh-darn it… I guess I owe Kaibaman a coke.”
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Ship/Songs - #2
Timeshipping - “That’s what I like“, Bruno Mars
Mizushipping - “Perfect“, Ed Sheeran
Effectshipping - “Treasure”, Bruno Mars
Trustshipping - “Marry me“, Jason Derulo
Replayshipping - “Paparazzi“, Lady Gaga
Here’s my second Yu-Gi-Oh! ship and music list. Like if you agree, comment if you disagree with the choices.
Keep in mind that just because it’s on the list doesn’t mean I ship the ship, or even like the song, I just think it fits the ship.
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thewittyphantom · 3 years
Whoa, someone made a replica of Seto Kaiba’s briefcase! (Does it count as cosplay if it’s an object? XD)
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pixeltera · 5 years
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beyond-far-horizons · 4 years
BFH watches LoK Epi 4/S1
Spoilers obv!
Wow this is an action packed episode!
We get introduced to two major characters, a new romance starts, there’s a date, a gala and two fights! Plus a ton of character development for Korra.
Let’s talk about this sweet girl, I’m really liking her more and more. Talk about a waterbender out of water. She’s in a completely new environment and trying her best, not just at airbending (which she still can’t do) but at socialising and shouldering the huge burden of being the Avatar. What I love about Korra is her enthusiasm, her joy in her powers and her willingness to do her best for people.
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Sadly given the introduction of smarmy politician Tarlok and full villain mode!Amon all of those things are under threat. I’m usually able to separate my fiction from RL quite well, even while critiquing for sociological storytelling and problematic tropes etc. I also have a confession to make - I’m a huge heroine x villain/anti hero shipper/enemies to lovers enthusiast and having seen some great Amorra content I was fully onboard with the ship despite knowing his behaviour was dark and unacceptable in the main story (he is a villain after all!). Still having watched this episode, it’s getting a little too close to RL. Seeing a confident, powerful young woman, full of life, not only manipulated by a much more savvy, older male politician and then overpowered and terrorised by a masked man and his gang was really hard to watch in some ways. 
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I know, I know, it’s fiction and and all, but seeing her lose her spark and cry childlike in Tenzin’s arms afterwards is heartbreaking. (BTW Tenzin and Korra’s mentor relationship continues to grow and delight me.) I just want a cut scene where she goes Avatar mode, bypassing Aang and Roku and goes full Kyoshi on Amon’s ass, then we’ll see who’s going to be destroyed!
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Speaking of Amon, does he practice his villain speeches in front of mirror? Also how long was he and his crew lying in wait in the dark? I always wonder about this trope - Character A waiting for hours in the dark for Character B to turn on the light and be shocked, like Bond to M in Skyfall. It’s a bit ridiculous when you think about it. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Amon and he’s intimidating as hell but yeah not cool, Phantom, I mean Amon, not cool. (”I received your invitation, young Avatar...” “Yeah well you’re late aren’t you?”)
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The animation sequence of the ambush was amazing, great use of light, dark and fire effects, not to mention music. Also while I’m not a fan of the Statue of Liberty!Aang and the whole Americanisation of the Avatar world (see this blog by author Jeannette Ng for more), it was really powerful to see Korra psyching herself up for the showdown in Aang’s shadow, both a comfort and a burden to live up to. 
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The concept of the Avatar is one I’m fascinated with and have been even since learning about the Dalai Lama and various Eastern spiritual traditions as a child. Rebirth as a spiritual notion is what captured me, but here we are starting to explore it as a character development tool. This was always fascinating in A:TLA with Aang having to deal with the fallout of Roku’s epoch and Roku being a reaction to the strictness of Kyoshi etc. But also because most of us start the series having bonded with the previous characters of A:TLA it actually mostly reminds me of Star Trek Deep Space Nine and the character of Jadzia Dax who is one in a long line of hosts to a benevolent symbiote and retains its previous hosts’ memories including a previous friendship with Commander Sisko (now I’m also thinking about the Tokra from Stargate too.) 
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Jadzia Dax in DS9
Korra dealing with the feelings of inadequacy compared to her predecessor and trying to find her own place in the world are feelings we can all relate to esp young women and I continue to love Korra being allowed to have these feelings whilst still being a badass and looking gorgeous at the gala in her traditional dress and having awkward crushes. The fact that no-one brings up ‘bUT you’RE JusT A gIrl AvaTar’ is so refreshing. The lack of sexism and the presence of empowered multi-faceted women throughout the world so far is wonderful (apart from Katara, shakes fist endlessly!)
Talking about looking gorgeous and awkward crushes...I guess I better mention the entry of Asami and the start of the love triangle.
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Now frankly I can’t blame Mako, every time I see Asami I feel like I’ve been hit by a moped too. The woman is one of the most gorgeous characters I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen ALOT of anime. Plus she’s got the femme fatale and kooky sweetness with the cool motorbike fashion and I ugh, wow! The romance is too fast and it would make me suspicious if (spoilers) but damn if Asami asked me on a date I would go with her 100%. So Mako got himself a super hot rich girlfriend AND met Henry Ford  her dad who’s gonna pay for them to enter the tournament - good for him... probably.
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Sigh, Korra’s jealous and I get it, I would be too if I was her. I think I’d be into this dynamic a lot more if I was younger but also given (spoilers) how we know things are going to go I just want Mako and Asami to declare themselves ‘Unicorn hunters’ right now and ask Korra to join them - Makorrasami FTW. Not usually a fan of that sort of relationship but I’m totally on board this time and it would be a completely balanced mutual love fest (even though Korra likely should be a bit older though before things get too intense) 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Finally I’m sorry but when Korra launched into a rant and challenged Amon to a duel all I could think of was - 
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Like imagine if Amon turned up like - 
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“You’re a third rate Avatar, Korra, with a fourth rate gaang!” (Kaibaman’s a fanboy of the original series, clearly!)
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
have you done antinomy from 5ds?
You're in luck i have not!
While antimony is his actual name since i know him better as Bruno I'm gonna mostly refer to him as Bruno (assuming i have the right character lol)
What i like about him/what i don't:
I mean in terms of being antinomy i like the idea of despite being from the future working for Z-one he prefers to instead of appear as his enemy as such he likes to kind of guide yusei to break limits so that he may overcome tougher opponents and obstacles which was really noticeable in their s5 riding duel
In terms of him being bruno however i like how even Thou he was amnesiac he didn't want to build a hostile relationship between him and team5ds for when he would regain the memory of being antinomy he genuinely cared and wanted to help them out the best he could he's just a general good boy as Bruno.
What i don't like however is probably more just a general thing
The fact that he was working for Z-one in the first place sad ik reasonable in the sense of betrayal hurts yes but probably a very dumb reason
I also don't like the circumstances that he met yusei and Co under as Bruno in the sense of the fact that he was amnesiac that satilite couldn't afford to keep in prison (just so he doesn't go a walking and getting into trouble) bc of the WRGP so mina and ushio just ask them to take him in bc well who tf else could they ask apparently. Could've avoided a bunch a trouble with Jack when he caught Bruno tinkering with wheel of fortune if the circumstances had been a lot more casual.
What i like about his appearance:
Antinomy's design is very suttle in look. The thing that really sticks out is probably the visor as it's a more vivid colour compared to the rest of his outfit which probably makes it even more heartwrenching when you see it break when he dies bc just like the rest of him, the vibrance of his life died too. The hair style is pretty neat too being kinda slicked up
His design as Bruno is more symbolic of his vibrance as you know
A lot more lighter suttle colours as complimented by his white jacket with the primary colours in places
I think the white could also be symbolic of the fact that as Bruno he's very innocent and pure but as antinomy he's not however maybe all the blue is symbolic of justice?? Not totally sure
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Do i prefer dub or sub names:
I know both versions call him Bruno
But I'm not sure if the dub called him something else depending on the one time they dueled in 73 or 74.
Favourite card they used
While I'm not sure if T.G Star Guardian was ever used in the anime (probably not considering most monster cards that have any resemblance to a cannon character got released after their respective series, well probably except for kaibaman and some photon cards and putting yubel aside bc they were a duel spirit) if not I'd probably say T.G Halberd Railcannon I think that's the right name don't really know the Tech Genius archetype that well.
Favourite scene they were in:
Tbh a lotta the Bruno is ep80 bc yusei just brings home this skinny tall guy and starts talking d wheels n their tech with him and everyone's just like either their love birds or annoyed that Yusei's apparently having a Serious Conversation with him (Ahem looking at you jack atlas) i like how they're talking about how revolutionary Dr Fudo was for the creation of Turbo/Riding Duels and the whole thing about how yusei was named after the Yusei Gear and that apparently duels is the main gear that connects everyone together (when really i think it's actually yusei but hey) it's a nice anatomy
And as Antinomy i saw a clip of this weird yet wonderful magical girl transformation (that's actually canon) where he goes from being bruno to just transforming into antinomy its strange but its unique (well ok vrains did take the magical girl approach with sequences of Yusaku becoming Playmaker Takeru becoming Soulburner and Aoi as Blue girl becoming Blue Maiden after meeting aqua but they weren't as weird as this)
Also all enemy buissness aside his duel with yusei in s5 for how he was practically training yusei to surpass his limits
Least favourite scene they were in:
Just his death really
It's heartwrenching
Toolshipping (Yusei and Bruno)
Yeah I mean it's basically two tech dorks together and Heck the twins said they're like lovebirds plus Bruno has the honor of being the person the protagonist dramatically screams out their name due to loosing them (whether that be death or just missing n those sorta situations)
Bruno x sherry
Not exactly sure if anyone ships it other than for joking that Yugo from arc-V is their child but I just don't feel for it even if they've the connection of both being in alligence with Z-one
Speaking of Z-one
Antinomy x Z-one - remembering that Z-one isn't actually yusei and is only someone who cloned himself to look like yusei
Unless this was just like a dark version au of tool where Z-one actually as Yusei (as hinted as something to wish for in the final volume of the 5ds manga) i just don't see it working
Basically anyone who's working for Z-one i don't ship with him
OT3 :
I think i mentioned once before on either yusei or Jack's about an OT3 between these three so why not
Bruno x Yusei x Yusaku TECH DORKS UNITE
I mean you've the all tech enthusiasts right there. I mean hey with yusaku's hacking and programming skills i bet the three could make one hell of a D-wheel motor
Would i fuck marry or kill:
Again like many others I'd just hug him.
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🎵Kaibaman Kaibaman, does whatever a kaibaman does 🎵
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junk-warrior · 6 years
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Kaibaman Moetan Transformation [x]
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relentlessadherence · 6 years
@sethokai X
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setokaibaisgxtra · 7 years
YuGiOh Voice Actors
I was losing my mind, watching YuGiOh 5D’s, looking up voice actors like every five minutes so I compiled a semi-thorough list to find them easily. (Just for Duel Monsters, GX, and 5D’s.) Putting most of this under the cut.
(Duel Monsters) Yugi Muto/ Yami Yugi/ Pharaoh Atem - Dan Green (Jay Snyder) - His other roles include Timaeus and Trudge in Duel Monsters, Beauregard and Guardian of the Labyrinth (along with the Yugi Muto cameo) in GX, and Tetsu Trudge and Guard Robot in 5D’s. He reprises his role as Yugi Muto in all films.
(GX) Jaden Yuki - Matthew Charles - His other roles include Bob Banter, in GX. He reprises his role as Jaden Yuki in Bonds Beyond Time.
(5D’s) Yusei Fudo - Gregory Abbey (Frank Frankson or John Campbell) - His other roles include Tristan Taylor (after episode 11) and Jean-Claude Magnum in Duel Monsters, Damon in GX, and Hermann in 5D’s. He reprises his role as Yusei Fudo in Bonds Beyond Time and Tristan Taylor in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Main Characters - Duel Monsters:
Joey Wheeler - Wayne Grayson (Vincent Penna Jr) - His other roles include Dartz, Shadi, Hermos, and Roland (for episodes 128 to 148), in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voices Syrus Truesdale, Lyman Banner, Elemental Hero Sparkman, Skull Knight, Pharaoh, Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise, Alien of Light, and Roland (in episode 76). In 5D’s, he voiced Bolt Tanner, Jesse Wheeler, Grady, Dr. Fudo, Bashford, Dr. LeBlanc, Malcolm, and Robert Pearson. He reprised his role as Lyman Banner and voiced Solomon Muto in Bonds Beyond Time and The Dark Side of Dimensions. He reprised his role as Joey Wheeler in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions. He reprised his role as Shadi in The Dark Side of Dimensions
Tea Gardner - Amy Birnbaum - Her other roles include Bonz and Sam, in Duel Monsters. She reprised her role as Tea Gardner in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Tristan Taylor - (episodes 1-10) Sam Riegel - He also voiced Para, Rex Raptor (until episode 145), and Arkana in Duel Monsters. He voices Radley in 5D’s. (episode 11-224) see Yusei Fudo
Seto Kaiba - Eric Stuart - His other roles include Priest Seto, Kemo, Sid, and Critias, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voices Bastion Misawa, Titan, Para, Dox, Elemental Hero Avian, Ojama Black, and Kaibaman (along with some Seto Kaiba cameos). In 5D’s, his voices Sir Gil de Randsborg, Lug, Mr. Pitts, Sid Barlow, Sergio, Boss, and Ellsworth. He reprised his role as Seto Kaiba in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Main Characters - GX:
Syrus Truesdale - see Joey Wheeler
Alexis Rhodes - (episodes 1-26) Priscilla Everett - Her other roles include Echo, in GX. (episodes 27-155) Anna Marrow (Emlyn Elizabeth Morinelli) - no notable other roles.
Chazz Princeton - (episodes 1-89) Anthony Salerno - His other roles include Rex Raptor (episode 188 to end) in Duel Monsters, Lorenzo in GX, and Lenny, Aero, and Haley in 5D’s. (episodes 90 to end) Marc Thompson - His other roles include Duke Devlin, Valen, Rafael, Gansley, Zigfried von Schroeder father, and Aknamkanon, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Sartyr, Burgundy, Dimitri, Prince Ojin, Franz, Orlando, Frost, young Kagemaru, Mr. Huffington, Skilled White magician, Mr. Stein, human Yubel, and The D. In 5D’s, he voices Z-one, Hunter Pace, Tenzen Yanagi, Sayer, Hideo, Roman Goodwin, Dr. Schmidt, Officer Kaz, Nicolas, Hanson, Don Piero, and Broder. He reprised his role as Duke Devlin in The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Main Characters - 5D’s:
Jack Atlas - Ted Lewis - His other roles include Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Bandit Keith, Alister, Croquet, young Odion, Richard Goat, and Gozaburo Kaiba (season 5), in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Chumley Huffington, Admiral, Howard X Miller, and Neo-Spacian Grand Mole. In 5D’s, he voices Mitch, young Rex Goodwin, and fake Jack Atlas. He reprised his role as Jack Atlas in Bonds Beyond Time and Ryou Bakura in The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Akiza Izinski - Bella Hudson (Erica Schroeder) - Her other roles include Mai Valentine (season 4), Mana, and Dark Magician Girl, in Duel Monsters. In GX, she voices Camula, Sarina, Fonda Fontaine (until episode 60), Tania (after episode 148), and Dark Magician Girl. In 5D’s, she voices Rally Dawson, John, and Zora. She reprised her role as Akiza Izinski and Dark Magician Girl in Bonds Beyond Time.
Crow Hogan -  (episodes 30-93) Clay Adams (Christopher Adams) - His other roles include Reginald Van Howell III and Jesse Anderson, in GX. (episodes 94-136) Tom Wayland - His other roles include JIm Crocodile Cook in GX, and Breo, Lester, Syd, and young Aporia in 5D’s.
Leo & Luna - (episodes 9-64) Cassandra Morris - Her other roles include Alice and Yubel in GX. (episodes 65 to 136) Eileen Stevens - Her other roles include Sherry LeBlanc in 5D’s and Yubel in Bonds Beyond Time. She reprised her roles as Leo & Luna in Bonds Beyond Time.
Other Characters - Duel Monsters:
Solomon Muto - Maddie Blaustein (formerly [Dead Name]) - Her other roles include Shimon Muran and Zygor, in Duel Monsters. In GX, she voiced Sartorius, Taiyou Torimaki, and Kozaky. In 5D’s, she voiced Larry and Rex Goodwin. (in Bonds Beyond Time and The Dark Side of Dimensions) see Joey Wheeler
Mokuba Kaiba - (episodes 1-184) Tara Sands - She reprised the role as Mokuba Kaiba in The Dark Side of Dimensions. (episodes 185 - 224) Carrie Keranen - Her other roles include Kisara, in Duel Monsters, and Mina Simington and Misty Tredwell, in 5D’s.
Serenity Wheeler - Lisa Ortiz - Her other roles include Cinderella and Injection Fairy Lily, in Duel Monsters, and Toon Gemini Elf, in The Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie). In GX, she voiced Mindy, Yasmin, Linda, Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, Claret, Ms. Dorothy, and Maiden in Love. In 5D’s, she voiced Barbara, Patty, and Claire.
Mai Valentine - (episodes 1-144) Megan Hollingshead - no notable other roles. (episodes 145-224) see Akiza Izinski
Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura/Thief King Bakura - see Jack Atlas
Shadi - see Joey Wheeler
Rebecca Hawkins - Kerry Williams - Her other roles include Sadie, in GX.
Arthur Hawkins - Mike Pollock - His other roles include Jean Louis Bonaparte, in GX.
Duke Devlin - see Chazz Princeton
Ishizu Ishtar - Karen Neil - no notable other roles.
Marik Ishtar/Yami Marik - Jonathan Todd Ross - His other roles include Strings, in Duel Monsters, and Slade Princeton and Jagger Princeton, in GX.
Odion - Michael Alston Baley (J. David Brimmer) - His other roles include Shada, in Duel Monsters.
Maximillion Pegasus - Darren Dunstan - His other roles include Witty Phantom and Funny Bunny, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voices Adrian Gecko, Abidos the Third, and Don Zaloog (along with the several Pegasus cameo appearances). In 5D’s, he voices Andre. He reprises his role as Maximillion Pegasus in Bonds Beyond Time.
Weevil Underwood - Jimmy Zoppi (James Carter Cathcart) - His other roles include Dr. Grossfield and Hobson, in Duel Monsters.
Rex Raptor - (episodes 1-144) see Tristan Taylor. (episodes 145-187) Sebastian Arcelus - His other roles include Espa Roba in Duel Monsters, and Marcel Bonaparte in GX.  (episodes 188-224) see Chazz Princeton
Mako Tsunami - Andrew Rannells - His other roles include Noah Kaiba and Leon von Schroeder, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced young Zane Truesdale, Wheeler, and Belowski. He voices Toby Tredwell, in 5D’s.
Bandit Keith - see Jack Atlas
Bonz - see Tea Gardner
Gozaburo Kaiba - David Wills - His other roles include Nesbitt, Seeker, Mr. Ishtar, and Roland (other than episodes 128-148), in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Tyranno Hassleberry, Chancellor Sheppard, Kagemaru, and Lucien Grimley. In 5D’s, he voiced Tank, Mr. Armstrong, Lawton, and Dragan. (season 5) see Jack Atlas
Dartz - see Joey Wheeler
Rafael - see Chazz Princeton
Valon - see Chazz Princeton
Alister - see Jack Atlas
Zigfried von Schroeder - Oliver Wyman (Pete Zarustica) - His other roles include Dr. Alex Brisbane, Alexander the Great, Aknadin, and Akhenaden, Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Aster Phoenix, Brier, Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, and Guardian of the Labyrinth's Shield. In 5D’s, he voiced Alex.
Mana/Dark Magician Girl - see Akiza Izinski
Mahad/Dark Magician - Michael Sinterniklaas - His other roles include Jakob and Torunka in 5D’s. He reprised his role as Dark Magician in Bonds Beyond Time.
Akhenaden - see Zigfried von Schroeder
Karim - Marc Diraison - His other roles include Sergei Ivanoff and young Solomon Muto in Duel Monsters, Chancellor Foster in GX, and Commander Koda and Kalin Kessler in 5D’s.
Kisara - see Mokuba Kaiba
Other Characters - GX:
Bastion Misawa - see Seto Kaiba
Zane Truesdale - Scottie Ray (Scott Rayow) - His other roles include Devack, in 5D’s.
Dr. Vellian Crowler - Sean Schemmel - His other roles include Bobasa in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Ojama Yellow, Elemental Hero Neos, Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, Mr. Phoenix, Mathematica, Mad Dog, Doctor Collector, Thelonious Viper, Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle, Trapper, Elroy Prescot, Sky Scout, Guardian Baou, and Chaos Sorcerer. In 5D’s, he voiced Geiger, the MC, ZigZix, Rudolph Heitmann, and Hans. He voiced Paradox in Bonds Beyond Time.
Blair Flannigan - Lisa Jacqueline - no other notable roles
Professor Lyman Banner - see Joey Wheeler
Chancellor Sheppard - see Gozaburo Kaiba
Chumley Huffington - (episodes 1-50) see Zigfried von Schroeder. (episode 85) see Crow Hogan
Ms. Dorothy - see Serenity Wheeler
Atticus Rhodes/Nightshroud - Jason Griffith (Adam Caroleson) - His other roles include Osamu and Harrington Rosewood, in GX. In 5D’s, he voiced Bruno/Vizor, Primo, Aporia, Taka, Shira, and Ghost.
Jean-Louis Bonaparte - see Arthur Hawkins
Aster Phoenix - see Zigfried von Schroeder
Tyranno Hassleberry - see Gozaburo Kaiba
Adrian Gecko - see Maximillion Pegasus
Echo - see Alexis Rhodes
Jesse Anderson - see Crow Hogan
Axel Brodie - Duane Cooper - no other notable roles
Jim Crocodile Cook - see Crow Hogan
Sartorius - see Solomon Muto
Sarina - see Akiza Izinski
Yubel - see Leo & Luna
Thelonious Viper - see Dr. Vellian Crowler
Other Characters - 5D’s:
Mina Simington - see Mokuba Kaiba
Tetsu Trudge - see Yugi Muto
Carly Carmine - Veronica Taylor - Her other voice roles include Kenta and Chris, in Duel Monsters. In GX, she voices Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat, Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn, Princess Rose, and Fonda Fontaine (episodes 53-155). In 5D’s, she voices Ancient Fairy Dragon and Haluna.
Misty Tredwell - see Mokuba Kaiba
Rex Goodwin - see Solomon Muto
Lazar - Gary Mack - no other notable roles
Rally Dawson - see Akiza Izinski
Sayer - see Chazz Princeton
Greiger - see Dr. Vellian Crowler
Sherry LeBlanc - see Leo & Luna
Kalin Kessler - see Karim
Roman Goodwin - see Chazz Princeton
Devack - see Zane Truesdale
Dr. Fudo - see Joey Wheeler
Aporia - see Atticus Rhodes
Jakob - see Mahad
Lester - see Crow Hogan
Primo - see Atticus Rhodes
Bruno/Vizor - see Atticus Rhodes
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
I must ask you about JouKai for the meme, predictably. Nice questions, btw!!
Don’t worry! It’s predictable in a good kind of way :D
And thank you! I’m glad you liked the questions! I feel like you can determine my terrible taste in fic by reading these questions~
Rest under the cut:
What they watch during movie dates and what kind of snacks they get from concessions.
Hehe. I think we talked about them watching horrible realityTV and avant garde films that neither of them can stand. But, for the movies,they probably watch really lame live action kids movies with monsters andDRAGONS. Jounouchi also likes genre pieces, like samurai and yakuza flicks.Anyhow, yeah, Jounouchi buys popcorn and sour gumdrops from concessions withthe intent of feeding Kaiba in small increments through the movie, but he getstoo into watching the screen and eats it all himself.
Which one gets in to a fight with the other’s parents.
You’d think it’d be Kaiba given his own parents are too DEADfor Jounouchi to fight with. But, yeah, I can’t really see Kaiba doing it. Hemanages some passive aggressive snark when Shizuka forces Jounouchi and himinto the presence of Jou’s mom, but he’s trying to be nice and also not tryingto pick fights with nobodies, so hekeeps himself contained for the most part. He also tries to be passiveaggressively snarky with Jou’s dad, but Jou’s ready to kick anyone who is meanto his dad straight out the door, so Kaiba also contains himself there too.Anyhow, it’d totally be Jounouchi if Kaiba’s parents or Gouzaburou were stillalive. Jounouchi might be intimidated by Gouzaburou at first, but eventuallyGouzaburou would cross some line in Jounouchi’s presence and from then onJounouchi would be ready to fight him ALL THE TIME, 24/7, NO BREAKS. Ugly, uglystuff :v
What kind of street performance they’d put on to raise money if they were stranded somewhere.
Despite being a comedy routine in motion, I kind of doubtthey’d jump to that immediately. At first Jounouchi’s like – let’s put on aduel as a performance. And then Kaiba’s like – no – and walks off. Jounouchistarts out juggling, and singing/busking, and trying to do a kind of one manstand-up comedy show, and it’s just not working, and so over time it startsdevolving and he starts pleading with every nice looking nee-san and jii-chan thatpasses by – lend me some cash pls pls. And then Kaiba returns because in themeantime he’s hijacked somebody’s street cart and pounded its business intoshape and aggressively sold a bunch of extra units. It’s probably good Kaiba gotback when he did, because Jounouchi’s next method of recourse is probablymugging people…
How they’d be as parents if they had-a-kid/someone-forced-a-kid-on-them.
Jounouchi’s all into being nurturing in my head. So he’s cookingmeals, and blowing bubbles in the bath, and listening to the kid’s problems,and also he functions as a human jungle gym some of the time. Totally fussy, soccermom, and also goofy dad jokes. Also definitely the parent to go to if you’relooking for sympathy and support, and to get away with shit. Omg, he’s theworst at discipline.Yeah, so Kaiba gets to play bad cop a lot. Jounouchi would probably also stickhim with icky jobs like diaper duty a disproportionate amount of time. ButKaiba also maybe does stuff like tell bedtime stories – quiet things. Comparedto Jounouchi – he’s hard to draw approval and affection out of, so the momentswhen he shows these things become very !!! You’d want to make him proud and tonot disappoint him.Also, you totally wouldn’t realise as a kid, but as you’d get older you’drealise that Jou and Kaiba were totally playing you. Like, they were working insynch this whole time and providing really complementary things as parents, andyou’d suddenly be blown away by how much the things you appreciated or blamedone for and not the other were really a joint effort all along, and you wereTRICKED! Haha, I think they’d be good parents x’)
Who would cause the most trouble during a camping trip and how.
Kaiba would be such a bump on a log during a camping trip. Ifeel like he wouldn’t be into it AT ALL. How dare you drag him away from workfor this bullshit.
“C’mon, Kaiba, if you don’t help get this fire started, we can’t eat.”“Wecan just not eat then.”
So, since Kaiba’s not willing to do anything on this camping trip, he doesn’tactually cause any trouble. But, by the same token, Jounouchi’s definitely theone that solves all the trouble he creates by himself. Jounouchi gets themlost, and Jounouchi manages to get them unlost. Jounouchi breaks the frame forthe tent and then repairs it using twigs and woven grass. Jounouchi doesn’t sealup the food properly and wild animals get into it, and Jounouchi has to chaseoff the bears and monkeys and everything by himself and then make entire mealsfrom the one can of beans that’s left over and whatever he forages. Jounouchi’sa resourceful idiot, so somehow they make it out okay.
What they would give each other as both a serious gift and a troll gift.
I don’t feel like they’re a gift-y kind of couple because Jounouchihas no money and Kaiba doesn’t need anything and also Kaiba actually beingsentimental enough to give out presents(??)Serious gifts from Kaiba are probably like ‘my undivided attention forhalf-an-hour’ and ‘I paid for this apartment, and also your health and life insurance’and ‘I am touching your shoulder and attempting to be emotionally supportive. Doyou see how hard this is for me?’ They are spontaneous and touching gifts… Exceptfor the insurance bills; he pays those every month. Troll gifts from him… I’mnot sure Kaiba knows how to troll Jou without being rude and cruel. It isunknown~Serious gifts from Jou are probably in the realm of 500 sandwiches deliveredover the course of a year, or I brought you chocolate for Valentines and friedchicken for Christmas. Troll gifts are probably honestly the kind of thingKaiba gets for his birthday. Jou buys him things like KaibaLand souvenir cups, orridiculous neon glow-in-the-dark-sex toys he doesn’t even think Kaiba wouldlike, or little blue dragon hair clippies for little girls.
Who moves in with them as an unfortunate third wheel roommate.
I’m pretty sure Kaiba is the unfortunate third wheel roommatein most of my headcanons considering both ettuship and battleship. But- okay,let me do this for real.Although I’m sure Kaiba would be annoyed by anybody that moved in unexpectedlywith the possible exception of Mokuba, none of Jou’s friends are really allthat unfortunate. It’d probably be… Pegasus or Siegfried (maaaaaybe Amelda) manipulatingthe fuck out of Seto, and creating some elaborate set of fake circumstances andalso blackmail for why they can’t stay at the hotel while they’re in town, and bothSeto and Jou would very much like them to leave but- no.
How they feel about handholding and sudden kisses in the ear-cheek vicinity.
Handholding: no. not casually at least. Sudden kisses: in public– no. in private – one of the few joys in Seto’s life.
Who’s always snapping photos and who’s pack-ratting clutter.
Jounouchi’s definitely the one snapping selfies andcapturing Kaiba’s frowny face on camera during all important life junctures. Phonecamera is getting worn out.I don’t think either of them is very pack ratty. Probably Jounouchi sometimesgets into moods where they can’t throw the thing out because what if we need it later. (‘We’ll buy another one,’Kaiba says, honestly confused by the question.) But even Jounouchi’s probablyof the personal philosophy that every important thing in life can be carried ina backpack, so I think for the most part he’s not collecting clutter.
Who hogs the bathroom in the morning and who causes toothpaste related drama.
Neither one of them is hogging the bathroom. And, idk, whois the real causer of toothpaste drama – the one doing the toothpaste thing, orthe one making a big deal out of the inconsequential toothpaste thing? Well,squeezing the toothpaste from the top of the tube, leaving toothpaste on the sink,trying purposefully to be annoying and writing messages on the mirror withtoothpaste – Jounouchi does all those things. Also, in an attempt to solve the issueof squeezing Kaiba’s toothpaste tube wrong, he buys his own tube of toothpasteso they each have their own. But he buys annoying flavours like bubblegum andbanana and it kind of pisses Seto off.
What their matching costumes were for that one party.
Probably it should be Duel Monsters themed, yeah?! Lord ofDragons and Red Eyes? Kaibaman and Flame Swordsman? But imagine Jou as Marioand Seto as Luigi and Jou tried to convince Seto to go as Princess Peach butKaiba was like, ‘absolutely not’, and Jou was like ‘yeah, you’re right.Princess Peach actually has an ass’, and everything was terrible.
If I think they’d get married and why or why not.
Never say never. But, honestly, probably not? Headcanon isJounouchi thinks marriage is like, ‘I have a promise and responsibility as aman to always protect and support my spouse and our kids.’ And Kaiba thinksmarriage is like, ‘I want to bind us together for eternity.’ And I thinkneither of those is really compatible with their relationship with one another.Jou’s view is kind of condescending to begin with, but it probably even strikeshim as condescending when it comes to the absurdity of him providing (physical)protection or (fiscal) support to Kaiba. And Kaiba probably spends his timetrying to figure out not how to bind himself closer to Jou, but rather how to createspace and breathing room in their relationship in a way that isn’t cruel orharsh or pushing Jou away for good. So I don’t think either one would reallyhave an inclination to approach the topic with one another – even though I’m allfor them being together until and after they’ve become crotchety old men.Also, you know Seto went through hell and also murdered people to get thatsurname? It’s a big deal for him. He’s not letting his surname go and, also, onlyhim and Mokuba are worthy of the name Kaiba – you have to prove yourself. And, withany luck, by the time Seto and Jou are settled enough for this to ever come up,Jou will probably be sure enough in himself to go, ‘fuck you. I’ve got nothingto prove. you can have your smelly name all to yourself’. And, also, we shouldpity the poor girl or boy Mokuba decides he wants to marry, because who knowswhat hell awaits them before they are accepted™ by Mr Kaibaman.
Who has over a thousand unread emails in their inbox or five hundred icons on their computer desktop and how the other reacts to this gross mismanagement.
Kaiba. Definitely. Thousands of emails. Hundreds of desktopicons. It’s a kind of orderly disaster. Jounouchi doesn’t care. He reacts byslowly trying to shut Kaiba’s laptop, and then Kaiba tells him to knock it off.
What their hidden artistic talents are and how appreciative the other is of these talents.
Jounouchi’s handy and canonically good with model kits and stuff,but I think Kaiba’s the more classically artistic. For some reason I think he’sboth a good singer and good at drawing – although he doesn’t do more thanrandom sketches. Kaiba himself doesn’t put much time or value into either ofthese talents (except when drawing comes in handy for invention concept art andconstruction blueprints) but Jou – Jou kind of thinks it’s both super cool andsuper annoying bc, gdi, why is Kaiba good at everything?!
What they consider each other’s most attractive quality and/or their favourite thing about the other.
I think I answered this one a while back, but Kaiba’scharmed by Jou’s smile and that Jou is so unrelentingly sturdy. And Jou kind ofadmires Kaiba’s pride and persistence, and also how much he cares for Mokuba.
Thank you for the ask :D
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ax100 · 4 years
BNHA x YGO fusion ideas I need to get out of my system before I combust (part 1)
I got my friend Doi into BNHA and another fandom we both have a soft spot for is YGO, so of course we ended up talking about what kinds of Quirks YGO characters would have, based on their Decks (RIP to that one idea we had where Kaiba literally transforms into Blue Eyes White Dragon, like literally, that’s his quirk). But one thing led to another and we thought, HOW ABOUT...YGO CHARACTERS...IN BNHAVERSE????
Under the cut for mostly Kaiba-related dumb shit:
First thing’s first: Duel Monsters still exists in this universe. Which implies that Industrial Illusions and Pegasus also exist in this universe. Card game tournaments are still thing, but maybe not to the same world-shaking degree of importance as in YGO (or maybe they still are)
For the sake of one of our ideas (which will come later), the YGO characters are aged up by like 5 years
KaibaCorp is a still a huge company, one that manufactures both hero support items and gaming goods because Seto Kaiba is a man who knows how to marry his interests
Speaking of Seto Kaiba (OH BOY HERE WE GO), not only is he famous for becoming the CEO of KaibaCorp at 16 years old (and establishing the gaming goods division), but at 21, he is also the BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON HERO: KAIBAMAN
(but don’t worry, he don’t look like that)
but yes!! The hero-mogul Seto Kaiba, folks!!! #2 most difficult hero to talk to right after Endeavor!! Also, everyone has to live with the fact that they have to call him Kaibaman when he’s doing hero work.
His quirk is Molecular Acceleration--he can convert the potential energy in an object into kinetic energy, making them explode. He can charge pretty much anything, but the bigger the item is, the harder it is and the longer it takes to charge. More often than not, he uses cards as his weapon of choice. (If that sounds familiar, that’s because it’s a rip of Gambit’s power, wholly inspired by all the times that Kaiba has ever thrown a card at anyone on the show)
He’s a graduate of UA’s Hero course, where both his classmates didn’t really know how to interact with him, teenage billionaire and CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation as he was. But also, he was an egotistical jerk even that early on, so he got on a lot of people’s nerves.
Teachers always had high praises for him, though, for his high grades, efficient and elegant use of his quirk, and quiet demeanor. 
All his internships were done under Endeavor by invitation; he only accepted because he was expressly forbidden to intern under his own company.
Between hero training and running his company, he was (and still is) an active Duelist, and he rose through the ranks there too, catching the attention of the Dueling community and of one (1) Maximillion J. Pegasus.
As a businessman, he’s cutthroat and merciless. As a person, he gloats but is unshakable in his self-assurance. But as a hero, he’s actually pretty lowkey (He ranks around the 20s in the Hero Billboard Charts)
Except for the fact that he flies around in the Blue Eyes White Jet but--
Most people fixate on his business persona and don’t realize that he does a lot of hero work in the background, mostly focusing on corporate crimes--investigations into organized crime, illegal syndicates, pyramid schemes, money laundering, etc. He has been involved with the infiltration and takedown of various criminal groups running shady business and committing white collar crimes. It’s not very glamorous work and he prefers not to be identified in relation to these investigations when the details are finally leaked to the public, so most people don’t even get wind of these things.
Duel Monsters is still a thing in this universe, so he’s still pretty much obsessed with Yugi, which confuses the hell out of a lot of people who only follow him for his hero stuff--who the heck is this kid, he’s not even a villain or a hero??
(Yugi isn’t a hero in this one. He’s got a pretty weak quirk--which we haven’t figured out yet--but hey, guess he doesn’t need to be a hero to be a thorn in Kaiba’s side)
(and for the record, we haven’t figured out the rest of Yugi’s friends quirks either lmao)
(More ideas to come!)
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boobiemom · 7 years
Saw that YGO x FGO post, and now I'm just swimming in YGO servant ideas. Caster Mahado becomes the Dark Magician as he ascends. Ditto for Caster Mana. Saber Gearfried, who goes from the Iron Knight to the Swordmaster as they ascend. BERSERKER GAGAGIGO. Gaia the Fierce Knight as a Rider. PHARAOH ATEM AS RULER AND BANDIT KING BAKURA AS AVENGER... Assassin Man-Eater Bug?
Casters Kaibaman and “Azure Maiden” who summon Blue-Eyes when they use their NPs, and if you have them both in the same party at the same time and both have NP fully charged, they do a double attack, Kaibaman becomes Priest Seto and the two just hold hands, summon Blue-eyes Shining, and RAVAGE the enemy team, with the front enemy being an instant kill.
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nero-the-fallen · 8 years
Deck Recipes
Seeing as how dueling is constantly shifting, turning, and modifying, I figured there’s no harm in sharing this info.
First off, for those new or unknowing: A deck recipe is the term given to the specific cards a player uses to build their deck. Each player tends to have a name for their own theme. Never understood the origin, but them’s the breaks.
First Recipe: “Darklords, Dark World”
Main deck
Spells: 15
Lightning Vortex
Into the Void
Dark World Lightning
Dark World Dealings
Cost Down
Banishment of the Darklords
Mystical Space Typhoon
The Sanctuary in the Sky
Mystic Plasma Zone
Dragon Shield
Shard of Greed
Card Trader
Attraffic Control
Trap Cards: 13
Windstorm of Etaqua
The Forces of Darkness
The Transmigration Prophecy
Raigeki Break(2 copies)
Kunai With Chain
Half Counter
Darklord Rebellion
Dark Scheme
Divine Wrath
Nightmare Wheel
Forced Requisition
Monsters: 29
Goblin King
Damage Eater
Magna Drago
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
Lancer Archfiend
Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
Zure, Knight of Dark World
Dark Valkyria
Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World
Magical Marionette
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
Darklord Edeh Arae
Latinum, Exarch of Dark World
Darklord Amdusc
White Night Queen
Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
Chaos Hunter
Dark Armed Dragon
Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World(x2 copies)
Darklord Superbia
Darklord Asmodeus
Darklord Desire
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms
Extra Deck: 1
Coral Dragon
Side Deck: 4
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Fiendish Chain
Spell Shattering Arrow
Gateway to Dark World
Dragon deck, Main Deck:
Spells: 13
Swords of Revealing Light (x2 copies)
Summoner’s Art
Red Medicine
Photon Sanctuary
Goblin’s Secret Remedy
Earthbound Whirlwind
Burst Stream of Destruction
Pendulum Shift
Attraffic Control
Trap Cards: 12
Pendulum Back
Mirror Force
Magic Cylinder
Half or Nothing
Dimensional Prison
Bottomless Trap Hole
Champion’s Vigilance (x2 copies)
Roar of the Earthbound
Pixie Ring
Dragon’s Rage
Bad Reaction to Simochi
Monsters: 26
Turbo Booster
T.G. Cyber Magician
Maiden With Eyes of Blue
Flamvell Guard
The White Stone of Legend
The Calculator
T.G. Catapult Dragon
Stealth Bird
Armed Dragon LV3
T.G. Jet Falcon
Earthbound Linewalker
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
Armed Dragon LV5
Red Eyes B. Dragon (x2 copies)
Odd-Eyes Dragon
Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast
Armed Dragon LV7
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon (x3 copies)
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
Pendulums: 8
Stargazer Magician
Dragonpulse Magician
Oafdragon Magician
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Wisdom-Eye Magician
Nobledragon Magician
Timegazer Magician
Dragonpit Magician
Extra Deck: 13
Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Formula Synchron
T.G. Recipro Dragonfly
Underworld Fighter Balmung
T.G. Wonder Magician
X-Saber Wayne
Ally of Justice Catastor
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black-Winged Dragon
Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
T.G. Halberd Cannon
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Side Deck: 4
Stardust Shimmer
Pendulum Call
Metaphys Armed Dragon
Junk Synchron
Noble Knights, Main Deck
Spells: 25
Swords of revealing Light (x3 copies)
Reinforcement of the Army
Last Chapter of the Noble Knights
Gold Sarcophagus
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Dark Hole
Swords at Dawn
Mystical Space Typhoon (x2 copies)
Book of Moon
Noble Knights of the Round Table (x2 copies)
Xyz Unit
United We Stand
Noble Arms of Destiny (x2 copies)
Noble Arms-Excaliburn
Noble Arms-Caliburn (x2 copies)
Magnum Shield
Mage Power
The A. Forces
Field Barrier
Traps: 13
Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force (x3 copies)
Malevolent Catastrophe
Magic Cylinder
Dust Tornado
Dimensional Prison
Solemn Warning
Call of the Haunted (x3 copies)
Monsters: 22
Lady of the Lake
Gewnhwyfar, Queen of Noble Arms
Junk Snychron
Dawn Knight
Noble Knight Gwalchavad
Noble Knight Bedwyr
Skilled White Magician
Noble Knight Medraut
Noble Knight Borz (x2 copies)
Knight Day Grepher
Noble Knight Drystan
Noble Knight Artorigus
Skilled Dark Magician
Noble Knight Peredur
Noble Knight Gawayn
Noble Knight Eachtar
Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn
Dark Magician
Buster Blader
Black Luster Solder-Envoy of the Beginning
Extra Deck: 4
Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn
Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons
Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights
Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus
Side Deck: 8
Noble Arms-Arfeudutyr
Noble Arms-Gallatin (x2 copies)
Foolish Burial
Release Restraint Wave
Timegazer Magician
Stargazer Magician
And that wraps up the three decks I currently can easily find. I have a machine deck lying around, but eh, not in the mood to dig it up.
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Kaibaman doesn’t appreciate what is happening right now.
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