#kaisoo: analysis/theory
cckaisoo · 7 years
Mini Kadi Shippers/Supporters’ Survey Result
I would like to thank everyone for taking their time to respond to this survey. Your contribution is much appreciated. Anyway, this might sound a bit formal. But as long as I deliver the message, aite?
This is a mini kd shippers/supporters survey. I asked a question and collected responses which were consisted of a statement(s). I managed to collect a total of 99 responses in a span of 10 days.
Question:  i have an honest question. i’m really curious. who re u guys that ship/support kd? ks stans, ji stans, ex0-l, non-ex0-l, not even into kpop?
Next, I’ve analyzed the data using a simple coding method (use in a qualitative study). I’ve extracted a few important points from the data and divided it into two main categories - Group Stan & Bias. The subcategories were determined based on the amount of the same response
Group Stan - (1) EX0.L, (2) Non-EX0.L and (3) Not Stated Bias - (1) Jong.in, (2) Kyung.soo, (3) Jong.in & Kyung.soo and (4) Others
The unit used in the result is counted as per response [x/99].
1st Category: Group Stan
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I think the highlight of this result is the Non EX0.L. Altho it's not many of them but I find it interesting that Non EX0.L take an interest in kd. These were some responses from the Non EX0.L.
º im not ex0.l anymore and if it weren't for kd i wouldn't be here (in the fandom) º just kai.soo-l. im not into kpop or ex.o anymore... i just exist here now just for kai.soo. tho i still go to ex.o concerts but just to see kai.soo. º I'm not a EX.O fan but I believe Kai.soo are dating  º not really an ex0.l i literally only went to ex0.rdium to see them both c:  º ...I'm a bt.s stan irl  º Im an ar.my but i've been shipping kai.soo almost since the beginning :) they are The only ship that I actually believe is real
The ‘Not Stated’ subcategory is self-explanatory. I believe it doesn’t affect the result that much.
2nd Category: Bias
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Ks bias and ji & ks bias share the 1st spot on the chart with a total of 33 responses, respectively. I find it quite shocking. I expected that there would be more of ks bias since I’ve only heard many kd shippers are ks bias.
It is expected from my pov that there aren’t many kd shippers that biased ji, which I also find it interesting. Perhaps this has anything to do with his popularity among ifandom? Or they are more of them that ship other otp like se.kai etc? Mybe his past dating scandal affected stans in some way? //shrug.
The least frequent answers fell under ‘Others’; consisted of those who doesn't bias ji and ks, bias all ex0 and not stated specifically.
As per stated in the title, the result represent kai.soo shippers and supporters. This is not a proper survey since the data are varied and I’ve only managed to extract few points when they could have been more. So take this survey as it is~ Anyway, it was a fun mini survey and I also had fun analyzing the data! Click ‘Keep reading’ to check out all of the responses.
That’s all for now. Thank you and have a nice day :)
These are the raw data. So it is unorganized. Thank you for the participation!
Ks stan ji stan ex0l
I love Jong.in and KaiSo0. And EX0. ❤ my one and only bias, ship and group.
Ks stan, ji stan and ex0 l
ji stan ks stan ex0l
ks stan, semi ji stan
Ks-ji stan and ex0 l
ex0-l, ksoo stan (but i love them all wtd)
Ex0 l def, soo stan altho jong.in is close 2nd
Kyungso0 stan and EX0-L definitely and semi Jong.in stan <3
EX0-L, Ksoo biased
ksoo stan
I am an ex0-l but not a kyungso0 stan nor a jong.in one (my biases are baek and jongdae)
but my sister, who supports kaiso0 too with all her heart, is a jong.in stan !
i noticed ji first because of dance, then i realised ji comes with ks as a package, so i started noticing kd and then i believed kd is real so im a supporter instead of a shipper. im not an ex0L but i do appreciate all members of ex0 because i genuinely think they each have something special. but i dont really follow the activities much. some of those i chat with thinks im in transition from a non ex0L to an ex0L. i dont ship any other pairings but i like se.kai which i think are bros. not jagi bros. but maknae dance bros. i dont know i can fit into ur data though but here is all my information.
I saw your post haha... I'm an ex0l and a Kyungso0 stan that is also becoming a Jong.in stan... So a kaiso0 stan. I can't choose only one of them. They come together haha.
EX0-L, JI stan, KS, stan, stan the group as a whole.
I dont consider myself an ex0*l, thou i buy their albuns, if i like a mv a lot, i´ll watch over /over again. Im just not into fandom culture, i find it toxic, with all the fanwars inside and out. I love kd, ji and ks the same and more than ex0 as a whole, I only follow blogs that are kd, ji and ks centric, but idc much about their acting jobs. So im not sure in what place im, but in a way it makes sense to me. lol!
I'm ks stan, I'm into kd because ks (and their love;;), I'm into e x o because kd.
im not ex0l anymore and if it weren't for kd i wouldn't be here (in the fandom)
i'm a ji and ks stan combined. i can't have one without the other. i make sure to check out whats going on with the both of them. but sometimes i do feel like i go more crazy over ji. i'm a capricorn and i have that same introvert personality, which is one of the reason why i love them both so much. i'm a ji stan ks stan and a kaiso0 stan.
im a ksoo stan and i ship kd so very much !! they make me so happy and are my motivation in life tbh _ノ乙(、ン、)_ <3
kaiso0 biased, ex0-l
I'm a kyungso0 and jong.in stan, but kyungso0 is my ultimate bias. EX0-L.
Am a proud ks stan \(⊙♡⊙)/
i'm an ex0-l and a kyungso0 stan~
KD support
Kyung Soo stan
She's jong.in fan n even before i talked to her about kadi, she already knew theres something different about them (she did some digging on her own). I swear i didnt plant any idea on her haha
Ex0-L, 100% Kaiso0 shipper, Jong.in Stan, Kyungso0 Stan, all of EX0 Stan especially C.hen and Xiu.min because they seem to get neglected sometimes
D.o stan kai bais wrecker ex0l
I starded as a Jong.in stan then thanks to that I discovered kaiso0 and it made me take interest in ex0.Now I'm a kaiso0 supporter,ksoo stan,Jong.in ultimated biased and ex0-l :D
Ex0-l, Ji is my ub but Ks is in my top 3 members.
Ex0-l, ksoo stan but ji is very close.
just kai.soo-l. im not into kpop or ex0 anymore... i just exist here now just for kai.soo. tho i still go to ex0 concerts but just to see kaiso0. i still listen to ex0 songs but just a few chosen ones that i like.
Ex0l ks stan ji stan
ex0-l, ksoo stan !! ♡
Ex0l, jong.in and kyungso0 stan(i cant choose, both are my ultimate biases)😊
i saw jong.in in nylon kor~~ he made me stan ex0 then i discovered kadi... so im a jong.in stan kadi "shipper" (i think they r real, but then im also scared of projecting something that may not b there. i think i saw somewhere that its usually ji fans that r the worst "kadi shippers" or w/e lol anywaysss let me know what ur results r from the poll!!)
Am a proud ks stan \(⊙♡⊙)/
Not even into kpop but because of kaiso0, started listening to ex0 songs
ex0l & ksoo stan
Multi-fandom here! I stan both but mostly kyungso0 and lowkey yi.xing because he keeps making me swerve
For survey, I'm not a EX0 fan but I believe Kaiso0 are dating. If I have to choose, my favorite member is Baek.hyun and I like a couple of songs like Growl and Call Me Baby. I started thinking they're dating after I saw them at a concert a friend brought me to accompany her. They did fanservice with the rest but the way they acted towards each other was so different from what I know of fanservice. When I got home I searched them up. And Ka!'s dating scandal last year made me believe in them more.
Kyungso0 stan and i love jong.in and kaiso0 too
Kyungso0 stan. And became Jong.in stan because when you love ksoo you should love jong.in too
cannot decide because both of them came as a complimentary set agjsgsjgsjgs not really an ex0-l i literally only went to ex0rdium to see them both c:
ex0l. ksoo stan, ji stan, kai.soo shipper, um what else
ks and ji stand but i dont really follow ex0
An ex0-l OT9 stan♡
#kpop Stan since 2010#ks Stan#since 2012 *starts crying*
EX0-L, Ksoo biased
hi! im a ksoo stan that ships kd
I stan both. I only stan ex0. Forever an ex0l. Kaiso0 is real. 🐻💜🐧
was a jong.in stan now a kadi stan, i started to be a real/invested ex0l only after supporting their relationship
I'm a ksoo stans and kai comes in second and together they are THE power couple of my life
Kd supporter , Xiu.min biased/Ex0-l
jognog is my bias first. ksoo comes in later cause kaiso0.
Mainly a ji stan but I love ks just as much. I adore kaiso0. I'm an Ex0-L but I don't listen to any other kpop.
ex0-l and kaiso0 shipper
I'm a jong.in Stan but ksoo cuteness never make me calm. ex0-l
ks stan, ji stan, ex0-l!!
Started with overdose as a jong.in stan, I feel ashamed but I didn't even notice kyungso0 until much later. Then now I am a proud jongsoo supporter T_T
A proud ex0l and ji stan c:
Kyungso0 biased EX0-L. Love all members, including Jong.in. Kaiso0 is the only EX0 "ship" I take seriously.
for the kai.soo thing !! i wouldnt call myself ex0 l but i like ex0, jong.in stan (i love kyung.soo too. i only care about kai.soo basically anyway)
I am an ex0 & ji stan since their debut, they are only idol pairing I believe 100%, from watching ji closely over the years!
ks is my bias in ex0 but I'm a bt$ stan irl... ex0 is in my top 5 fav groups but I'm mostly with them for ks
before watching iotl i wasn't into kpop,ex0 is the first and only kr band i stan,cuz of actor do ks,ks is my bias,ji is my 2nd bias sometimes i wonder if ji is my bias now,i don't like all ex0 members but i consider my self an ex0-l,i listen to all their songs but i only watch the shows if ks or ji is in them, i'm only interested in ks and ji solo works not the others i've never watch other members movies,dramas,shows or v apps,their happiness is all that matters to me even though i'm muslim 1 i'm muslim and being gay is wrong according to my religious beliefs but looking at them all i see is love,no one around me knows about my love for them,they are my guilty pleasure 2
I'm a kyung.soo stan!
I am definitely a kai.soo supporter T_T Always! 100% jong.in stan and 100% kyung.soo stan! I don't know what is the criteria of being an ex0L! I do love their music and watch the variety shows they are in but I never bought an album or went to their concert!!
Kyungso0 is my bias
I'm ks stan, ex0-l, and start liking ji bcs if kd ;)
Se.hun fans, broken hearted kriso0 shipper
I'm Min.seok biased but I love couples, I started loving kd a couple months after I started liking ex0 and xiu.han. Kd is so cute and so real! But I'm lowkey a ji and ks stan...
so i stan both ji and ks i find them really talented and i like ex0 in general . I don't really stan other groups but i appreciate kpop a lot.
To your question, I ship kd and i'm ex0-l and Jong.in stan, but i got into EX0 bc of Kyungso0, i felt in love with him the first time i saw him <3 so basically a ksoo stan too(? im not sure :_
ex0-l since predebut era. originally a ksoo stan now both kd are my babies TvT
I’m a Kyungso0 and Jong.in stan ☺ Baek.hyun’s my bias wrecker though
I'm Kyungso0 stan followed by Jong.in. and I only ship Kaiso0
both are my biases but kji is my ult💕 ex0-l for lyf
I started shipping kai.soo back in 2013 when I was a casual ex0.l and didn't have a bias. Now my bias is jong.in :)
Ex0-l, my ult is kyung.soo, and jong.in follows!
ex0-l yi.xing stan HOLLA HOLLA love kaiso0. stan ksoo over jong.in just a lil bit.
EX0-L, I love all EX0 members! Baek.Hyun is my bias! <3
I'm a Ji Stan but I love both boys with all my heart
I'm a jong.in stan that was exclusively a jong.in stan before I cared abt or knew any other members. and then kaiso0, like immediately afer
Ksoo stan
ksoo and jgnog stan :^))))
Ex0-l - stanning both
I love all of ex0 members, but I'm Jong.in biased. I do support (believe in) KD since I entered the fandom 2 and a half years ago ^^
ksoo and nini stan
Im an arm.y but i've been shipping kaiso0 almost since the beginning :) they are The only ship that I actually believe is real
ji & ks stan, but i knew about and supported KD before i entered the fandom
Kyungso0 Stan ❤❤
I'm not an ex0-l but i like ex0.. and i recognise love when i see it
Yi.xing stan Kai.soo shipper!
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iloveepinkandkadi · 7 years
The Differences Between Real Couples and Kaist*l(ft.Dispatch)
Hello everyone i was looking at Netizenbuzz today then i saw the dating news of Uee and Gangnam( Congratulations to the couple ^^ ) and again who did reveal the couple? : Yes Dispatch ^^
Let’s look at the photos:
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(cr. to Dispatch)
They are hugging and they don’t realize Dispatch is taking photos of them.
Now let’s look at another couple( i think they broke up now, i dunno); Seolhyun and Zico :
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(cr. to Dispatch)
Can you see how Seolhyun is wearing a mask to hide herself and running( like in a panic or rush idk)? ( Btw a Kaisoo suppporter friend made an analysis of SeolCo and Kaist*l and talk about the differences but i couldn’t find it, if you find it pls add it or message at me ^^) . It seems like Seolhyun doesn’t wanna be caught while in a date with Zico, mmmm.....
Now SongSong couple ( they are going to marry this October,congratz ^^ ) :
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(cr. to Dispacth)
B*ekyeon :
(I’m sorry but i’ve always believed that they dated or they are still dating i don’t know.)
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(cr. to Dispatch)
Lee Min Ho and Suzy :
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(cr. to Dispatch)
Hani and Junsu:
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(cr. to Dispatch)
They are trying to hide themselves,it’s so obvious.
Taeyang and Min Hyorin :
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They are wearing masks and enjoying their date like a REAL couple.
(cr. to Dispatch)
There are so many couples revealed by Dispatch but i will end it here.
Now look at our FAKE couple( they are not anymore. Btw they weren’t in the beginning what am i saying lol. Don’t mind me :D ) :
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Did you see the differences? They don’t hide themselves like other couples does. They don’t wear masks like other couples does. Dispatch did not catch them. Look at Kryst*l in the last photo. She is like “Oh are you there? that’s good.(smiling) Okay let’s do this!” and look at our poor baby Nini ‘cause he was put in a fake realationship because of his bitch company SM( you know they must hide the gay....) He is like “ okay take some photos, i wanna go home and sleep..” He doesn’t even look at her Come On???!!! Can’t you see there is sth wrong in these photos? Doesn’t this remind you a photoshoot? They don’t in a panic or rush. They are like they wanted to caught deliberately.. As a Kaisoo supporter myself nearly 3 years, when i first saw these pics last year, i realized they didn’t look geniune and this was all fake. Even the accounts about them seemed so fake.And now, after i saw a new couple this year revealed by Dispatch and after i looked at their photos(how they are hugging) i again remembered how SM tried to make us believe this all over fake relationship :D . Now i’m glad they also confirmed their fake break up 1 month ago ( because u know they were never a couple hihi :D ) You tried SM but we are not kids u know? :D.
In conclusion, i just wanted to show how their photos seems fake and different from other couples. :) 
Take Care of Yourselves and Love And Support Real Couple aka Kaisoo :* 
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faakeid · 4 years
I am new kaisoo Supporter.
I am very logical person & I don't get convinced easily. After I saw almost all theories and analysis.
Kaisoo Supporters have always presented theories and analysis without any fake scenarios.
It was all based on true events & moments.
That's make them "real" than any other "ships created for entrainment purpose only."
That's why they are getting new Supporters.
Because to consider them real you have to keep your homophobia aside and your eyes and brain open.
(I am not a native English speaker sorry for my bad English.)
Kai/Soo is the obvious real ship.
S*M behaviour all the damn time + Theories and analysis + Kaisoo treatment given to eachother Vs other members = kai/Soo is real.
It's easy, people are acting dumb, deaf and blind and mainly homophobic.
I found my self doubting sometimes to but i seen some unexplainable things from them that no other ships have done it made me support them more i really hope their relationship can make it through all the trials and tribulations they faced and will have to face im shocked a whole 10 year relationship under all their circumstances not even supposed straight industry relationships can do that hopefully they can live there truth one day
There are a LOT of weird coincidences involving those two. Just to mention a few:
Kd predebut photos (especially the sandwich one);
The way the otp was born (there’s a post I did regarding their origins as an otp);
A few members reactions towards them (especially S*ho and CY and a bit of BH too);
How KS is adamant into slapping the other members on screen (HARD) but with JI is less expressive;
JI had an habit of slapping members while he laughed but he hardly did it with KS;
That time where they were super close to each other until they saw a fan filming them and they had to change positions to fit bro narrative;
And this (you can ignore the words but the images talk for themselves, byeeee);
All the times they were backstage giving each other massage (known as a zone we don’t let people we don’t know get close with);
How confession was a song Jon*gin wrote and it doesn’t talk about women but uses mostly masculine traits (like a deep voice);
All the ways Jon*gin mentioned he loved Kyu*ngsoo;
How KD (mostly JI) and the other members calls them Dika;
How little they were paired up together in almost ten years of promotions;
In other hand, the ways Lotte promoted Kaisoo, SM shakes;
The whole mess involving ka*stal;
The awkward way KD behaved towards each other during April 1st and a few days afterwards;
How the timeline between the same sex couple and KD match (kd being weird around august - sept around the time the rumor between the couple was revealed and how it was brought up again a few days before april 1st);
How they always mentioned themselves as the members who got the closest after a short time but, at the same time, they never openly said they were like brothers or best friends (JI’s besties are Ta*min and Moo*kyu);
They hanging out at Valentine’s day only the two of them???? In the evening???????;
How media seemed adamant into taking pictures only of the two of them;
Including sports seoul;
That time KS changed “Nothing on You” pronoum from girl to boy (when the original song had girl);
How KS’s first love narrative fits JI;
That day KS had a problem with his zipper and JI... closed it for him??????;
A preview of a constirpated bro ???;
That time where JI mentioned he spent his bday with R*vi and Moo*kyu but didn’t mention KS at all when, in reality, he was the only member there;
How to explain any of this?;
And this?
More for y’all;
All the times they said the cutest compliments towards each other;
All the times JI (and KS too aknowledge KD shippers in concerts);
How they hold hands <3;
The weird reactions regarding jagi;
Soft stares;
Xi*min at a call with KS and JI’s voice on the background. Funny that later, when they reunited, they weren’t together even the voice is totally JI’s...
How the bros know they took showers when they were supposdely to live in different floors;
List of couple or same items, shoes and accessories
I could make a list with more stuff but this is enough and I feel like I wouldn’t be able to finish it today. In any case, meanwhile, haters just are loud psychos who love to brag about their faves being straight bc of media couples and bc the other makes straight dramas.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
I am new kaisoo shipper. I read all theory and analysis about kaisoo in Tumblr. Now I am curious about their overall relationship right now. So much happened to them in last 9 years. Are they okay? How are they doing right now? Sorry for my bad English.
They're so fine. And so stable. And your English is so good.
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talentless-mess · 7 years
This is a Kaisoo analysis, again! I just made one yesterday (you can check it out because that Kaisoo moment hit me all the soft spots), and doing another now. This is not healthy, at all… And I’m half conscious so perhaps this is not really coherent…
First off, I wanna say many thanks to Alvabear94 for her amazing JI and Kaisoo videos. If you haven’t followed her Instagram, please do or you’ll miss out on many awesome vids!
Now, I wanna make a (not so) brief analysis on the Shyness of JI and KS at the last part of this vid.
This is super duper obvious that JI was a lot bit flustered when they all did that kneeling move and he met KS’s gaze. He all but blinked and averted his eyes (JI practically turned his head from left to right, shying away from making eye-contact with KS) and then reverted his eyes back to KS’s back again. (Could you be more obvious, Nini??)
But, the thing I found extremely interesting here is that KS immediately turned his head away too (Very subtle, Mr. Do!). I was wondering Why? Why after all those years living and working and falling in love with each other, they were still acting like they just met and got to know each other and flushed while being caught stealing glances (like they were just new in this relationship lmao).
And the most interesting thing is that when the kneeling move ended, all the members got to stand up, KS for a moment turned around again and smiled (that’s too obvious that he was smiling with his cheekbone rising even when the angle blocked most of his face). Why did he suddenly smile? What did he smile at? Who did he smile to?
So my sorry head used all the rare neurons that it possesses to over analyze everything, again. I’m not able to read KS’ mind whatsoever, so my next hypothesized monologue is just plainly based on what I think KS’ facial expressions were showing.
At first when he knelt down and caught JI’s gaze, he abruptly turned away because “Holy fck, our eyes locked. I’m so embarrassed. What should I do? Turn away, turn the fck away now.”
And then he just nervously stared at JD’s neck and back (it even looked like he almost lost balance while finding a right spot on the ground to put his palm on to gain support. Holy shit, I’m like over observing and commenting on every trivial stuff lol). And he was looking like considering something in his pretty little head. Probably he was thinking “Maybe I should give JI a smile when we stand up. Maybe a smile can make things less awkward from that flustering eyes locked (and just because it’s JI, he deserves all my pretty heart heart-shaped smiles lol).”
So he did just so. Given by how high his cheekbone rose, I bet he was smiling his face into half. So bad JI didn’t get a chance to see it or else he would be in ninth cloud and we could have a lot of Kaisoo smiling at each other pics now .
But when he realized that JI wasn’t looking in his direction anymore, he turned his face to other side and his smile faded and he looked extremely disheartened. Poor thing I just wanna hug the hell out of him. And when he walked to another spot on the stage, he even looked like heaving a sigh of disappointment.
I just really love it when KS can keep his emotions at bay, but it’s just so endearing to watch his getting all flustered around JI even though most of the time it’s JI who has his heart on his sleeve.
So that’s it. That’s all. That’s just a lame analysis and I bet most of you watching the vid can already see it. But I just have a lot of free time now, which makes me wanna rambling a lot. (sorry not sorry)
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exo-kaisoo-theories · 8 years
Wow, ok. So I know I’m probably considered dead by those who follow me, but I just wanted to say hello again, and I am not dead. You can expect a lot more posting (reblogging) from me now, I am officially back! (not like anyone missed me, but oh well<3)
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cristallodineverosa · 5 years
Kaisoo handwriting couple analysis, aka The Match Made in Heaven Couple
Sorry for the cheesy title but I’ll explain later, I’m still a little mindblown. 
As requested, I’m doing a compatibility analysis just like I did for Chanbaek, always graphologycal-wise. I strongly recommend you to read my separate analysis posts (Kyungsoo, Jongin) before continuing with this post, because you might miss some important points if you don’t know the details about their individual analyses.
But let’s begin.
First of all, let me say that before doing this analysis I wasn’t a firm believer in this couple, not even a proper shipper. There is no particular reason because of this, I just thought they were cute and I never looked things too in-depth  because I guess I never really felt the need to. This is actually how things were before I started supporting Chanbaek... I just thought they were cute, then I started doing some researches and then BAM, hooked, because hints were everywhere and I just couldn’t say they weren’t real anymore. This is pretty much what is happening right now... I’m not a hardcore supporter yet, but at least graphologically-wise, Jongin and Kyungsoo are VERY compatible, even if on a totally different level than Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Let me argumentate a little more and I’ll explain why (brace yourself because this totally blew my mind).
As a preliminary note, I already emphasized in my posts that Jongin is far from being that sexy beast SM wants us to know, while Kyungsoo is very private and a little bit solitary. I defined Jongin as a very artistic man, with a strong push to express himself through arts (dance, draw), while Kyungsoo, even if driven by a big desire of communication, is very introverted and usually keeps his impulsivity at bay.
Let’s reinforce these statements by looking at their handwritten samples again:
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Let’s compare them without focussing too much on the graphological fundamentals. At a first glance, Jongin’s writing looks sloppier, less controlled than Kyungsoo’s, and this might add to our theory: as I said in the title of his individual analysis, Jongin is “the artist”. He loves expressing himself, going with the flow, even if he shows some (slightly worrisome, at least in my own opinion - don’t bash me for this) signs of social awkwardness and a of a certain tendence to detach himself from others instead of seeking for company and so on. On the other hand, Kyungsoo is a lot more guarded, much more aware of all the eyes focusing on him, and his writing looks a little “masked” to me, as if he feels he needs to write using proper Hangul form and mantain a certain aestheticity. 
What really blew me away is their name written in capital letters at the beginning of their little message. Doesn’t look that important? Other members wrote their name as well? I know, I know. But believe me, it’s meaningful: NO other member wrote his name in Latin letters and in such a big caliber like that (someone else, like Joonmyeon, used Latin letters but with other purposes). You might say, so? What’s your point?
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See what I mean? They are the only ones that used the same pattern: name in capital Latin letters, short message (and not a papyr like Chanyeol’s or others lmao). This is very interesting, and made me wonder if they wrote it physically on some board while they actually were together? Because if it’s like that, then it’s something that you could take as a very important piece of evidence about their mental connection. Writing in the same style (using the same fonts, a similar spacing, a similar sized message) is what established couples do. It’s a bit like when you live together: you slowly pick up the other’s habits, the other little quirks and manners, and you find yourself doing the same or interiorizing that move, doing it without really thinking. This is a sign of a very deep mental connection... and this actually happens a lot, if you think about it, both among animals and among humans. These “imitation” is made possible by a combination of motor neurons effect and autonomic nervous system.
This trait actually helped me to understand this couple’s dynamics a lot better than before. If Chanyeol and Baekhyun complete each other, mainly filling in each other’s weaknesses, Kyungsoo and Jongin are actually the opposite: they actually share a lot of traits, and they have a lot of similarities. I said similarities though... not that they or their personalities are the same. There are some differences as well. 
We noticed that they both use a pretty big spacing between words, meaning shyness and some difficulties in managing social situations (even introvertion, especially in Jongin’s situation): they both show this trait. So they are both not exactly the proverbial social butterfly. Another thing: ambition. They are both ambitious and driven by a strong will to succeed (as we can gather from the ascending pattern of the lines). Also, look at the linkings: we have many occurrences in both samples, meaning that they do share a bit of impulsivity as well (even if Kyungsoo is more the “impulsive” type and Jongin the “sloppy/not careful/decides on a whim” type, in my opinion). Both writings show signs of high occurrences in lower level, meaning grounding to balance out the impulsivity: they are both very loyal and reliable people (and the perfect husbands, oh my God. Do you understand now what I meant when I said this analysis blew me away?).
So, until now we have: shared ambition/strive to success, shared shyness/introvertion, shared tendence towards impulsivity balanced out with a good level of grounding. Beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s not talk about the differences.
Spacing. Kyungsoo’s writing is aligned towards right, meaning a strong will to detach himself from everything that is his old self, while Jongin is more cautious. Let’s not forget that lost his father not too long before writing this message... I can see some signs of sufferance in his writing, and this just breaks my heart. 
Forniveau. Jongin is more sensitive, more delicate in matter of feelings, while Kyungsoo looks more stern, more down-to-Earth (but not disaffected or cold... his feelings look more disciplined, as if he learnt to keep his fears or enthusiasms at bay). I think Jongin is the most easily hurt between them, while Kyungsoo is the one who can help him reason when he feels wronged. 
Caliber. Kyungsoo writes in a bigger caliber, meaning he has some dominant traits in his personality (not saying that he’s the dominat one in the couple or that he’s manlier than Jongin, I actually hate this kind of things. It’s very heteronormative and totally not my style. I’m just saying that he can balance out well the frailer traits we saw in Jongin’s personality).
To conclude: at least graphologically-wise, Kaisoo look like a very strong and long-established couple with shares the same goals and look very in tune. They of course balance out some weaknesses of each other, but what strikes me in them is especially this “established couple”’s vibe they give off, and I think this is really interesting because I didn’t feel the same when I analysed Chanbaek’s handwriting. 
What are your thoughts about this? I’d love to hear them~
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soofection · 5 years
This is a serious question, have you watched vlive sim4 you MS house edition? About the house, MS house is gorgeous, comparing to the KD apartment theory/analysis KD's apt looks like more modest n simple than MS house. KS has the highest net worth among them besides Yxg. And JI still had his ig live on that bed bunk last January. I mean why
i think the most straight forward answer would be kaisoo probs bought/rented their apartment quite a while ago, maybe even before kxk apartment rumour in 2016. back then ji/ks weren’t earning or saved as much 
Maybe they don’t bother moving, and they need to be super careful if they move 
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midnightpains · 6 years
kaisooist is the strongest breed
kaisoo tag will forever be kaisooist safe haven, let's us keep it here only, pls refrain to spread it to elsewhere especially at 🐦 bcos we all know how 🐦 stan are.
I'm sad to see how kaisooist were called names after 1/1, they called us delulu when all analysis/theory wrote by our amazing kaisooist is with evidence and not just an empty talk.
people will believe what they want to believe and we choose to believe in kaisoo, soo let's keep our safe haven free from hater and I really hope that "whatever happens in tumblr, stays in tumblr" 😉
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myfirelight64 · 6 years
im a hardcore chanbaek and kaisoo shipper for years already, i just followed you recently (like last night lol) i can see that youre mainly a chanbaek blog, but i would like to say thank you for answering kaisoo questions too. Is there a possibility that you will do some kaisoo theories/analysis in the future? or you just gonna stick with chanbaek? sml for your blog~ ♥
Thank you ♥♥♥ Hmm I’m not sure. I’ll probably be sticking with chanbaek for now but I hope to be here for a long time and I’m sure something will come along eventually that I’ll want to analyse!
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kaisoounderground · 6 years
Kaisoo Apt. Analysis
My Kaisoo Apartment Project Posts - Part One - The Missing Windows
As my followers know, I have been posting about Kaisoo's apartment for some time now (beginning in November 2017) and in recent weeks I began researching it in earnest and promised to post my findings. Well, I have done my research and am now ready to start sharing what I found.
I am going to kick off my series of posts with a really fun reveal so, in my best Kyung*soo voice, "let's go!"
In the room where Jong*in does the V-Live, there are no windows to be seen. I have looked at the footage over and over and there are none. Other items on those walls are easily seen, so a window, even covered, would at least have a shape. Obviously you cannot have an apartment without windows so there has to be at least one somewhere. That got me to thinking and I realized fairly quickly what was going on but would not publish until I researched it thoroughly.  
The apartment clearly looks to be a studio based on the size, layout and the loft/bunk bed/sofa combo. Two things that I remember about apartments in high-rises with security, especially studios, are that windows are on the one far or outside wall (unless you have a corner apt) and that the kitchen and bathroom are together (plumbing) on the opposite end on the inside walls (no windows) and that is usually where the front door is also (off a common interior corridor). I researched Seoul apartments and found them to be the same. (See example below of studio apartments in Seoul)
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Okay, so one, no windows. Another point of interest for me, and helped to confirm my theory, was the way the light was shining/reflecting in what looks to be some sort of hall area. I noted that the light bounced off the walls on the right side and on the end but not on the left.  On the left side the light went into a void, or better yet, was coming from it. (Please see the pic of Jon*gin below to see this area and the lighting)
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So with the lack of windows and the way the light was reflecting my first thought after studying the video where Jong*in pans around is that the wall behind the bunk/loft bed/couch combo is a partition wall, put there to separate the single room into two rooms and create a bedroom. I wondered if that was a popular thing to do in Seoul and again, I found that to be the case.
Normally we like our living space to have the view but if we are going to partition the main room, it would be awkward to have the bedroom right off the kitchen so the only other option is to have a windowless living area. Many people use see-through partitions to keep the light and the view (see collage below - the left pics are actual examples of Seoul studio apartments with see-through partitions creating a bedroom, the ones on the right are my examples of how a solid partition wall would look).
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So based on the fact that there are no windows in the living area, the way the light shines/reflects and having researched to see if they do this is Korea, I have concluded that kaisoo have built a partition wall to create a separate bedroom in their studio (I don’t think it was already there and will expand on that in a further post).  (The graphic below is a mock up I made of how the living area layout might really look)
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(Below are pics of Jong*in showing that “hall” area - an original still from the V-Live and a straightened version for comparison)
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And there you have it!  It seems that Kaisoo have turned their studio into a one-bedroom apartment! This was really fun to research. In Part Two I will discuss my theories in detail regarding the "bedroom" area and its layout and also why I think Kaisoo built a solid rather than a see-through partition. I would have added it here but this post is very long as it is. I will be posting it shortly.
Of course I must add that I don't KNOW anything, these are my theories based on what I do know and see none-the-less, and I stand by them comfortably. Always willing to be convinced otherwise though.
I must warn: these are my exclusive posted findings and cannot be taken and added to any list or compilation (including giffing) without permission. Again, this is is my exclusive creative content, and may not be used or expanded upon without permission, unless through reblogging only, keeping my original post in tact. Any post referring to these findings must include a link to kaisoounderground. I am sorry to have to be so militant about this but in light of recent events, I must.
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aprilreignshowers · 6 years
Come in my inbox and talk to me about Kaisoo.
Because they dont care anymore and are shouting their love to the rooftops. I need theories, thoughts, moment analysis etc.
I believe Kaisoo is real and I dont put belief like that in my other kpop ships.
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faakeid · 4 years
I just love how we all try to make theories and analysis about kaisoo apartment with the help Crumb's given by our Jagi nation president.
But then boom we got the new things with new apartment.
Some dumb people say he have lots of apartments to hide his "girlfriend/s Identity".
Wow the person who already caught twice (fake af mediaplays). Why the hell he will hide now? (Unless he is dating a boy. For almost a decade now and almost got outed by DP🐍.)
It wouldn’t make sense at all since all his public dating were public so far~
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Ji called ks "jagi"....how about ks ?? Whats name he call ji ?
First of all I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate on this but Idgaf,
so yeah! I don't acknowledge the Jagi moment yeah! TADAAAAA!
But I'll explain wut I think n trust me just listen n read n follow the logic..
No but seriously..as much as I want to believe the Jagi moment I really can't.. cuz I'm a rational person n I don't believe in analysis or any words easily until I find it logical or have evidence.. I'm a logical rational person n I like to analyse the slightest details to come up with sure conclusions..cuz I saw a clearer version of the video n I saw that Ji twirled his tongue in his mouth while saying that word "jagi"..also he pushed his tongue outside between his teeth and closed his teeth on his tongue while saying the "Jagi" word...and WHY in the hell would u put ur tongue between ur teeth to say Jagi?? U must say something that has the "TH" in it to be able to put ur tongue btw ur teeth! There's no way u can say "Jagi" With ur tongue out squeezed between ur teeth?!
But hey! As a couple Kaisoo say a looooot of Jagis n they spoil e/o a lot with them cat-calls. And tbh isn't that something you should figure out urself?? U don't need an insider or a genius to tell u that any couple can cat-call each other??? I mean..ofc u don't need me to confirm it to u. All what I can confirm to u is that Kaisoo are real. And the rest u should imagine it urself? Hahahahhaha I mean when I tell u they're real so ofc all what couples do... kadi would be doing it?!?!?! Right??
So all couples are the same...they're lovey-dovey n teasy n flirty with each other 🤭💞♥️💗💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 ROMANCE.
Ji in in Ksoo's Dm be like 🤭👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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I don't want anyone coming to me throwing hate cuz I discarded Jagi moment.. cuz let me tell u something...I read and watched all the "jagi moment" analysis from all kadi Respectful pages that I respect a lot...n as a Kaisooist since 2012 I can't find myself to see the "jagi" on his mouth call me blind IDGAF, cuz I repeated that video like 36290136290101283629 times with all the closes ups n clearer versions of the video I even had a professional friend who cleared the blurr from the video n made it HQ for me n I still can't see the "JAGI" coming out of Ji's mouth. N dont tell me to give u the video cuz that happened in 2016 n I no longer have it.. I changed my phones like 362827391 times.
Lemme EKSPLAIN.. for me he did say "Ja" at the beginning but at the end he put his tongue outside n squeezed it btw his teeth as if he was saying "Th" in English. So to me it looked more like "Jathi" n that makes no sense...so here's what I think : it's either Ji said a word in English (which I can't find myself to analyse why he did it..tbh I don't find a reason for him to speak English there hahahhaha but maybe he did? But what did he say in case?)
And the second supposition for me is that HE DID SAY JAGI but TWISTED HIS TONGUE TO LURE THE CAMERAS TO NOT CATCH IT! cuz he knows cameras are everywher???!! That's the theory I believe tbh! even tho it seems weak but that's the only analysis that made me explain what Ji said to call Soo in that day in the concert n that's the only explanation I could give myself to believe that he really said Jagi! That's the only reason that seemed logical to me. Cuz that word didn't mean anything other than Jagi in Korean hahahahhaha n I saw some n analysis saying that he said "Jani" or "Jathi" becuz of the squeezed tongue btw his teeth. But in Korean there's no such words??? So what's language did Ji speak??
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But at the end we all agree that Ji Always calls Soo "Jagi" n ksoo calls him "Yeobo" back haahahahah 🤭
Hey I don't want anyone throwing hate, read everything first til the end. I don't have the time to deal with shit. I'm already having fucked days n I'm so busy 😂
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talentless-mess · 7 years
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This may or may not be a Kaisoo analysis, it depends on what you prefer. If you’re a Kaisoo shipper, it is. If you’re not, it doesn’t matter, because I just wanna talk about JI and KS lmao. This scene is from EXO’s Showtime episode 12 (about 14:45 if you wanna see things more clearly, I know this gif is low quality heh).
I know this is old af, like 4 years ago, and maybe there’re posts talking about this already which I haven’t stumbled into, so I have to release it here or it’ll keep nagging my sorry head for the rest of my life. If I say something offensive, I have to say sorry beforehand. Now prepare yourself for a long-assed post and half-assed attempt in English.
For ones who don’t recall where this scene from, it was the thigh-strength battle that JI himself suggested others to play and in which he “won”. And this is his bitter expression after knowing that his victory was in the script that other members were acting along.
(He looked so hurt, someones go and give him a hug or something to help him boost his ego pleaseeee…)
So when I was in the middle of weeping for our poor boy, I glanced briefly to the left of the scene, and what have I got here? I bet at this point all of you’ve noticed it right?
Idk if Kaisoo is real or not, I even don’t know if I wish they were a real couple or not, because then it’d lead to a lot of shitty stuff relating to idols and their sexuality and other shit which would undoubtedly do harms to our boys, but well that’s not the point here.
The point here is that: when other members were having fun and acting along with the shitty script and it seemed like no one fcking cared about what JI were feeling, here we go! Please look at KS in the background.
KS laughed along with others at first, then his smile died immediately after he turned to look at JI. And holy shit, my heart explodes every time I watch this scene (and I’ve watched it for 736384 times already, which is pathetic I know).
First he smiled pretty widely (because hey, everyone was laughing, so why wouldn’t he, right? This was supposed to be fun, right?), then he saw JI’s expression, then he blinked his eyes several times (like he couldn’t control his emotions), then his smile faded and his eyes averted to elsewhere (like he couldn’t stand watching JI being hurt), and at last he even ducked his head to look at the floor. And damn that crossed chopsticks and those caption words and CY’s handsome face for fcking blocking KS’s reaction, but nonetheless, you get what I mean, right?
Idk about other members’ reaction to JI’s expression because all the scenes were very brief and zoomed out so all other faces were tiny af, but I’m so fcking sure that KS looked so fcking sad because his boyfriend was fcking sad and he just cared so much about JI’s feelings at that time (or all the times may I say :->). Just look at him, and if you tell me KS just ducked his head to look down at BH’s shoes which might be more interesting than the whole scene before his eyes, fight me (or not, I’m just kidding).
To me KS is a type of guy that hardly shows what he’s truly feeling. He always looks pretty calm or cold or blank or puts on satansoo’s facade whatsoever, but in this scene, he was like being caught off-guard, and we all can see how much he was affected by JI’s feelings. I know probably KS would be reacting the same if this were other members, but still, I find this (this scene, this brotherhood, this bromance lol) absolutely beautiful. So even if watching this scene makes me hurt, it also warms my heart too.
Omg I need to stop here lmao. Sorry, again, for this shitty post which I doubt there is even someone else not me read. I just wanna release my feelings *laughs* *cries*
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ms1611 · 7 years
exo-kaisoo-theories*tumblr*com/page/20 cckaisoo*tumblr*com/tagged/kaisoo%3A-analysis%2Ftheory jongsooyah*tumblr*com/post/121185361233/anonanswer-part-2 catsandlion*tumblr*com/post/143941287104/timeline-kadi-relationship-and-blind-items lu-for-bottom*tumblr*com/post/156797342602/hello-do-you-have-any-post-of-kaisoo-analysis those are a few that i enjoy the most
Hi anonnie.!!! Thank you for the recommendations..!!! For those who wants to read these here are the links ^^
some of the answers from my previous Kaisoo analysis recommendations post..
An anonnie sharing his/her thoughts about Kaisoo.. awww thanks ^^
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I think THATS ALL.!! hahahahahhaa.. I have yet to read any of these but I  WILL.!!! huhuhuhu.. Lets all be drown in Kaisoo.!!! 
love -Ai-
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