#life of a kaisoo shipper
talentless-mess · 7 years
This is a Kaisoo analysis, again! I just made one yesterday (you can check it out because that Kaisoo moment hit me all the soft spots), and doing another now. This is not healthy, at all… And I’m half conscious so perhaps this is not really coherent…
First off, I wanna say many thanks to Alvabear94 for her amazing JI and Kaisoo videos. If you haven’t followed her Instagram, please do or you’ll miss out on many awesome vids!
Now, I wanna make a (not so) brief analysis on the Shyness of JI and KS at the last part of this vid.
This is super duper obvious that JI was a lot bit flustered when they all did that kneeling move and he met KS’s gaze. He all but blinked and averted his eyes (JI practically turned his head from left to right, shying away from making eye-contact with KS) and then reverted his eyes back to KS’s back again. (Could you be more obvious, Nini??)
But, the thing I found extremely interesting here is that KS immediately turned his head away too (Very subtle, Mr. Do!). I was wondering Why? Why after all those years living and working and falling in love with each other, they were still acting like they just met and got to know each other and flushed while being caught stealing glances (like they were just new in this relationship lmao).
And the most interesting thing is that when the kneeling move ended, all the members got to stand up, KS for a moment turned around again and smiled (that’s too obvious that he was smiling with his cheekbone rising even when the angle blocked most of his face). Why did he suddenly smile? What did he smile at? Who did he smile to?
So my sorry head used all the rare neurons that it possesses to over analyze everything, again. I’m not able to read KS’ mind whatsoever, so my next hypothesized monologue is just plainly based on what I think KS’ facial expressions were showing.
At first when he knelt down and caught JI’s gaze, he abruptly turned away because “Holy fck, our eyes locked. I’m so embarrassed. What should I do? Turn away, turn the fck away now.”
And then he just nervously stared at JD’s neck and back (it even looked like he almost lost balance while finding a right spot on the ground to put his palm on to gain support. Holy shit, I’m like over observing and commenting on every trivial stuff lol). And he was looking like considering something in his pretty little head. Probably he was thinking “Maybe I should give JI a smile when we stand up. Maybe a smile can make things less awkward from that flustering eyes locked (and just because it’s JI, he deserves all my pretty heart heart-shaped smiles lol).”
So he did just so. Given by how high his cheekbone rose, I bet he was smiling his face into half. So bad JI didn’t get a chance to see it or else he would be in ninth cloud and we could have a lot of Kaisoo smiling at each other pics now .
But when he realized that JI wasn’t looking in his direction anymore, he turned his face to other side and his smile faded and he looked extremely disheartened. Poor thing I just wanna hug the hell out of him. And when he walked to another spot on the stage, he even looked like heaving a sigh of disappointment.
I just really love it when KS can keep his emotions at bay, but it’s just so endearing to watch his getting all flustered around JI even though most of the time it’s JI who has his heart on his sleeve.
So that’s it. That’s all. That’s just a lame analysis and I bet most of you watching the vid can already see it. But I just have a lot of free time now, which makes me wanna rambling a lot. (sorry not sorry)
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yonkaisoo · 5 years
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"I could spend hours looking at you,secretly hoping you catch me looking and pretend you don't see me~"
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jonmyoen · 5 years
can ppl leave jenkai ALONE????
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kaisooconnection · 3 years
Hi!! Recently I've doubting kaisoo's relationship, i didn't mean to. I have anxiety and trust issues that's why whenever I'm seeing a post abt some of j*nkai shippers, I'm starting to lose my sanity and thinking some thought abt "what ifs" i just want toake sure that kaisoo is real, im going to risk everything to this matter but at the back of my head says don't expect too much, and it's hurting me.
Pls comfort me with some of their moments! They're my life!
Sorry for my english, it's not my first language
Hello darling,
I'm so sorry it took me a while to answer this. I don't usually get any asks so this came as a very pleasant surprise.
Sweetheart, it really sounds like you're suffering with this issue and I'm so very sorry to hear that. I want to give you some kind words to soothe your aching heart, but, before I can only give you my opinion and feeling on the subject. You are free to take my advice or completely ignore me. Just know that what I'm about to say comes from a good place of me caring for kaisoo and their supporters.
The part of your ask where you said "I'm going to risk everything for this matter" - I think this is the part that is causing you such heart ache. I have always felt that kaisoo is real. I have felt it in my bones. I have been in love before and I know what those subtle looks and touches mean. I could give you hundreds of kaisoo moments to prove to you that they are real because to us they look like two people who are truly in love.
However, to other people, they look at kaisoo and see nothing (we will come back to k*stal fans later....they are an exception to this). They just see kaisoo as friends who share a deep connection, some even look at them and think they are being fake and it's fanservice.
The point I'm trying to make is that it's all about perspective. Different people will look at the same situation and perceive it differently. This is why, when you look at a post that claims kaisoo are just friends and are not in a relationship, your heart sways a little bit. You feel like "ah, maybe they aren't real". It's because the comments that people that don't ship kaisoo make can also be reasonable. Maybe an accidental touch of the hand or stroke of the arm is nothing special between friends. Maybe they have a point.
With kaisoo....
It's not just a touch of the hand. It's how long the hand stays there and lingers, savoring the touch. It's how the hands move towards each other like muscle memory, like magnetism.
The stroke of the arm that allows soo to feel all of the curves and muscles in jongin's arms. His hand then travelling all the way down his arm to squeeze his hand. This doesn't seem like a simple touch between bandmates/friends.
I think those kaisoo sceptics don't take the time to really watch those kaisoo moments and see them fully to see what we see. In the past I have tried to look at it from a sceptics perspective. But, I still just saw way too much love between kaisoo to just be a friendship.
The point I'm trying to make (and I'm sorry for taking so long to get there) is that it's perfectly normal to question kaisoo, especially when you read posts convincingly arguing that they are just very good friends. Don't be hard on yourself. It's good to question what you believe.
However, also in those moments ask yourself why you didn't look at kaisoo as just friends yourself? Why did you always see them as a couple right from the start? What did your intuition tell you when you first started shipping kaisoo that made you feel that they were a real couple?
And the answer is, most likely, that you saw something in them and in the way that they interact that convinced you they were more than just bandmates and friends. Trust in your intuition because there are plenty of people that see what you see and think the same about kaisoo. Please let that ease your mind. You are not alone. We all believe kaisoo is a couple.
Now, about the kxk and kxstal shippers....they are a special case because they use fake evidence and rumors to discredit kaisoo. They don't show any evidence of kaisoo being heterosexual. They also don't provide any evidence of jongin enjoying spending time with the girls he has had scandals with. After so much recent dating/marriage news coming from s*m and other companies showing blossoming couples, why didn't that happen with jongin? Simple. Because it was fake af. So, please ignore these shippers. They aren't questioning kaisoo's relationship. They are just pushing a heteronormative narrative on those boys. While I totally recommend questioning what you believe about kaisoo, I don't recommend listening to these shippers. They are spreading a toxic narrative that I take real issue with.
The last thing I want to say to you, my dear kaisoo supporter, is that you are beautiful, kind and loving and you have a wonderful heart. I know that because you see true love between kaisoo and I think you have to have an open heart and mind to see the truth in kaisoo's relationship. You have so much to offer the world. Please go and spread that love you have with the world. And one day when we are older and kaisoo feel comfortable coming out with their truth then let's celebrate together. Until then, please don't let the truth of kaisoo's relationship consume your life. You should let kaisoo inspire you to do great things. In the meantime can enjoy the moments we have of them already and savour those interactions until they give us their truth.
Let's spread the love that kaisoo share with those around us and the rest of the world. I think we all need a little bit of that love right now.
Take care of yourself, dear. And remember that you are not alone in this. Kaisoo supporters stand strong with you.
P.S. Please never apologise for your English. Your English is great and your ask was very clear! I'm always impressed by how fluently non-native English speakers are at conveying their feelings in another language. I wish I could speak more languages but I'm not that gifted. Kaisoo really have some gifted fans!
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
Do you think kyungsoo album will have anything about his and jongin relation since he writes a song and most of the songs are love songs
I don't know. Tbh I'm not a "Couple items" or "lyrics meant to lover" person, in other words.. I don't believe in couple items and couple outfits blah blah and the Lyrics written to one another and lovestagram and captions meant to lover etc..
Coz most of the times it's just pure mere coincidence and ppl take it as a moment. Like couple items, most of the times it's just a trendy item that everyone has but shippers tend to relate it to their ship to prove its real and that they're really dating, also Like the Sky post Ji posted on his bubble every kaisoosist and Kaistal shippers and jenkai shippers went down for real for it and went crazy relating it to Ksoo's album theme which has a lot of sky, Kaistal shippers related it to the post Krystal posted with the wide protruding sky behind her , and the Jenkaiists related to Jennifer's latest posts about sky. So what?? Ji is dating all the three of'em?? Are they having a foursome affair?? Are they all dating e/o 😂 So i find it stoopid tbh.
Not everything Ji does or whenever he breaths that means it's for Ksoo Krys or Jenn 🤷🏻‍♀️ Wake up be logical folks!
Also the captions?? Every Ji or Jenn or Kryst caption on their posts for their shippers it means something, that they're hinting to e/o! No! That's not always true! Idols aren't into all the lovestagram thingy coz they WANT TO KEEP IT LOWKEY NOT TO ATTRACT EYES TO THEIR AFFAIR AND LOVE LIFE 💁🏻‍♀️
So please not every captions Ji or Jenn or Kryst posts is abt Ksoo or e/o please stop this!
Also those delulu fans who go around in lives and Ask Ji and Jenn and Krys (or any other idol) "Touch ur hair if u love Ksoo" " "Rub ur nose if you miss krystal" "Scratch ur neck Jenn if u still dating Kai" "turn around if kaisoo is real" !! THAT'S STOOPID STOP IT! STOP EMBARASSING URSELVES!
Ofc every person would scratch their neck and touch their hair or rub their nose if it's itchy during a live! I touch my hair and neck all the time while speaking to ppl it's a habit doesn't mean I'm dating Ji! Also turning around?? You cant stay still during a long ass live ofc you will move and turn around and do a lot of stuff! Ur not a robot! Idols ain't a robot. So pls stop this.
I believe in what I see only. Not what I can't see , which is what's on their minds.
Not every song someone writes means something to them or that they lived that experience 💁🏻‍♀️ Sam Smith only writes about breakup songs and departure of a lover and betrayal of a lover but he was always in a relationship happy and healthy during those times he wrote those songs 🤷🏻‍♀️ but maybe it was from his past maybe not 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe he never experienced those feelings that he conveyed in his songs.
For example I write fanfics with terribly angsty scenarios and tragic tragedy but I never experienced those feelings not have I ever lived them 🤷🏻‍♀️
I wrote about Breakups and heart breaks and divorce and death of a lover with much feelings and deep meaning but I never experienced those things 🤣 But my stories are so sad and depressing someone might say I'm a suicidal person while I wrote them when I'm happy or drunk 😂
Anyway it's possible that he wrote something abt Ji 🤷🏻‍♀️
Let's hear his album first and analyse the lyrics later.
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kaisoobeliever · 3 years
there's a kxk shipper account that post sasaeng sayings once a week,some of it became true specifically if it's about sm artists,but this saesang and admins of the account are sure that kxk are real,got back together since the end of 2019,and that ji wants to announce their relationship to the public but sm wants him to postpone his announcement till his enlistment,and they say ji is working on his solo album and exo cb now,and that he'll keep hinting about kxk rs every week when he is playing football on his show,and the dating program that he wants to watch,and the program with kids that he talked about last Thursday are one of the hints about how he wants to marry krys and have kids.
Kxk meaning kai and Kyungsoo right?? 😃😃
Well I don't know if it is true or not. All we can do is give so called evidences to support our ships. Honestly I don't think I'm that stupid to misread Kaisoo interaction. 😎 There is SOMETHING that's not present in friends.
But if he really does marry a woman I'm sure there must be a reason. I hope they become happy.
About hi Ppl think loving children equals to wanting them but sometimes that's not the case tho. I know many women who love kids but are not ready to have their own as that's a life long commitment. I think the same about Ji too. Remember how he asked his sis to get the kids back. 😁😁 And if I'm not wrong he's said in some interview that he's seeing his sister struggling with two kids. So...
Another thing krys*tal herself said she doesn't believe in getting back with her ex (considering they actually DID date, which I don't believe they did).
Honestly, I don't see Ji living his life with anyone else than Ks. That man is beyond whipped.
So...all we have to do is wait.
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dika1288 · 4 years
Recently in the history of Mikawback (choreographer of the SM / EXO) he uploaded a photo where Kai is wearing David Bowi's shirt.
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Why is this interesting?
"David Bowie, a pioneer in music, film and fashion, also adopted androgyny in his lyricism.
His androgynous aesthetic and veiled bisexuality made David Bowie a timeless icon of barrier-free sexuality. How could it be otherwise another of his songs ‘John ​​I’m only dancing’ with his sexually controversial lyrics was another of the movement's musical standards. "
He is a bisexual icon of his time, known for his great talent, he maintained gender ambiguity throughout his career, he refused to be pigeonholed that made him an inspiration for successive LGBT generations, many of whom have only recently seen a majority acceptance in society to more open concepts of gender and sexuality. It was an inspiration to many at the time and until now.
Well, by saying this we will return to Jongin.
He was openly a fan of Bowie when he wore his shirts at times and even dressed like him at the Halloween party. We can say that he is a fan of his music or his performance but, being that way, we also have to take into account that Bowie's life, his success and massive influence in the training world is partly due to what he declared openly bisexual in an era where the gay liberation movement lived a boom, after the decriminalization of sexual relations between men in Britain in 1967. However, for many people who idealized Bowie, its relevance is not in its statements but in its aesthetics .
And to say that Jongin doesn't know about this and just follows him for his music is trying to ignore Jongin when he clearly isn't.
It's nice to see how Jongin loves David bowie who is thanks to his music a great icon of the LGBT community. That jongin is a man who indirectly supports this community.
He already showed it on occasion, by changing the letter of Confession not including a genre, by visiting an exhibition of paintings with homosexual themes and publishing an image in his personal IG account, not being afraid to wear women's clothing leaving in Of course, stereotypes do not dominate him, that he is free. And many things I could mention.
He is our president of the kaisoo, so we can also deduce that he is very comfortable with being shippered with his coworker, that also made it clear, noting kaisoo shipper not one if not several times, smiling proudly knowing that their shipper were showing love to the couple, by liking the post of a kaisooist in ig and by showing their love to kyungsoo openly.
Conclusion, Jongin is a system breaker and don't be surprised if he is the one who breaks all the stereotypes in Korea and becomes a gay icon of the Kpop. ♡
I was very excited, I saw Dika_couple talking about this on tt and I liked the idea of ​​delving into this topic that is extremely interesting, I hope you liked this analysis. I extended a lot but I think it was necessary ♡
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always have a fuck off: assholes repellent spray with u in case u bump into kaisoo haters irl
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thechanbaeklibrary · 5 years
Summary: In which Chanyeol’s mom is Baekhyun’s favorite customer, and spends a year and a half trying to get them together Author: fortysixxand2 Side Pairing: past!krisbaek,kaisoo Lenght: Oneshot Status: Completed Genre: cafe au, fluff, romance, smut Rating: R
Submitted by: zesamani2  Why you submitted: this fic is incredibly perfect, it’s the fic that I’ve been searching for my whole life! Lol jk, but HELL IT’S A MUST-READ! duh.. Chanyeol’s mother is us shippers, and chanbaek are so so cute and their personality are just amazing
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jonginsboyfriend · 4 years
Ji being sentimental on insta live, trying to open up and be friendly with his fans, them : J3nk4i Is ReAL.. uugh they'r so annoying, they never care about ji probably jni too, they only care about jenk4i fantasize them and how they look good together, they probably not even their fans.. they treat them like puppet and act like they know his feelings.. i dont like when a shipper try to analyze every single thing, every single move , it's not their place..
Oh no, they do care about jen. I've noticed mostly her stans or gg stans in general care about this 'rlship' and can't let go of it after almost a year. It's frustrating to see that gg stans live their fantasies through ji. They should find a bf or gf and leave ji alone. They're obsessed with the idea of them being a 'power couple' or the fact that they are both so hot and they look good together. Or that the king and queen of kpop date. This is so childish and screams of 13 year olds thinking this is some teenage television series where the shipping culture is rampant. Idk if that's all it takes for you to ship someone cuz they look good together? What about their interests and stuff. Do they have any common interests, do they have anything in common? It's just so superficial.
The thing with shipping is very weird regardless. I think I've only done that like 2 times in my life with shows I really care about. Kd is excluded cuz I don't 'ship' them. I just believe they're in a relationship lmao. I don't consider that shipping. You last line yes absolutely true. This goes for kaisoo fans too. There's some boundaries we shouldn't cross. Even though people do analyze his every move from both sides ajskjsj ugh.
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heloveshimthemost · 5 years
Hi...have you seen Jongin's backpack that he wore to the airport to NR Fanmeeting in Jakarta? I've been wondering if they're the same backpack Kyungsoo used at the airport to SMtown Santiago last year (I couldn't find the pic, but on that day he wore some fluffy grey jacket with brown backpack). Do you have any idea, or probably some thoughts on this? Since I am delusional kaisoo shipper I want to say it looks similar, but I could be wrong...
i think anon is talking about those:
 ji’s bag in the airport flying to Jakarta
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ksoo’s backpack at lax flying back to korea 
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(yes, i didn’t zoom in the bag cuz ji is there too lol)
a clearer picture of the same bag at ICN 2 days before
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as we can see, they’re different bags (i don’t even think they r from the same brand but idk). ksoo is known to religiously use this bag throughout his abroad schedules while ji likes to switch it up. the only bag ji stuck w is gucci which is understandable given his their k-ambassador.
and since anon ask for my thoughts there we go!
both ji and ksoo have different styles. and u can definitely tell the difference. 
ksoo’s style is simple, mono-colored (often black & grey) & repetitive. he def values comfort so if he found a piece he likes, he’ll be loyal to it for life lol. but don’t let this fool u, he’s a rich b!tch and DRESSES like it, even it’s not clear to the average eyes like mine but thank fck for those style acc, some of the shit he wears (despite looking like u can pick them up from Walmart) r HELLA expensive.
on the other hand, ji IS a fashion model. it’s part of his image to be stylish at all times. not just to satisfy the brands he’s currently endorsing but also to attract new clients and overall live up to his public image. above all that, ji enjoys fashion. we can see racks & racks of clothes in ig live (hell he even did a mini fashion show wearing different outfits just for the airport to the fans). he also seems to have some creative control on his stage outfits (tempo’s croptops & “i see u” superior outfits) both of them were very daring & bold which proves to me that he sees his fashion as an extension of his performance, another way of expression, not just on stage, but he wears fansites’ clothes that they buy for him to show his gratitude and we see him often keep up w the “bear” thing as well cuz he knows the fans eat it up. 
this contrast is another cute kaisoo thing to adore!
speaking of bags.. let’s bring back ksoo’s floral bag to cleanse our eyes!!
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talentless-mess · 7 years
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This may or may not be a Kaisoo analysis, it depends on what you prefer. If you’re a Kaisoo shipper, it is. If you’re not, it doesn’t matter, because I just wanna talk about JI and KS lmao. This scene is from EXO’s Showtime episode 12 (about 14:45 if you wanna see things more clearly, I know this gif is low quality heh).
I know this is old af, like 4 years ago, and maybe there’re posts talking about this already which I haven’t stumbled into, so I have to release it here or it’ll keep nagging my sorry head for the rest of my life. If I say something offensive, I have to say sorry beforehand. Now prepare yourself for a long-assed post and half-assed attempt in English.
For ones who don’t recall where this scene from, it was the thigh-strength battle that JI himself suggested others to play and in which he “won”. And this is his bitter expression after knowing that his victory was in the script that other members were acting along.
(He looked so hurt, someones go and give him a hug or something to help him boost his ego pleaseeee…)
So when I was in the middle of weeping for our poor boy, I glanced briefly to the left of the scene, and what have I got here? I bet at this point all of you’ve noticed it right?
Idk if Kaisoo is real or not, I even don’t know if I wish they were a real couple or not, because then it’d lead to a lot of shitty stuff relating to idols and their sexuality and other shit which would undoubtedly do harms to our boys, but well that’s not the point here.
The point here is that: when other members were having fun and acting along with the shitty script and it seemed like no one fcking cared about what JI were feeling, here we go! Please look at KS in the background.
KS laughed along with others at first, then his smile died immediately after he turned to look at JI. And holy shit, my heart explodes every time I watch this scene (and I’ve watched it for 736384 times already, which is pathetic I know).
First he smiled pretty widely (because hey, everyone was laughing, so why wouldn’t he, right? This was supposed to be fun, right?), then he saw JI’s expression, then he blinked his eyes several times (like he couldn’t control his emotions), then his smile faded and his eyes averted to elsewhere (like he couldn’t stand watching JI being hurt), and at last he even ducked his head to look at the floor. And damn that crossed chopsticks and those caption words and CY’s handsome face for fcking blocking KS’s reaction, but nonetheless, you get what I mean, right?
Idk about other members’ reaction to JI’s expression because all the scenes were very brief and zoomed out so all other faces were tiny af, but I’m so fcking sure that KS looked so fcking sad because his boyfriend was fcking sad and he just cared so much about JI’s feelings at that time (or all the times may I say :->). Just look at him, and if you tell me KS just ducked his head to look down at BH’s shoes which might be more interesting than the whole scene before his eyes, fight me (or not, I’m just kidding).
To me KS is a type of guy that hardly shows what he’s truly feeling. He always looks pretty calm or cold or blank or puts on satansoo’s facade whatsoever, but in this scene, he was like being caught off-guard, and we all can see how much he was affected by JI’s feelings. I know probably KS would be reacting the same if this were other members, but still, I find this (this scene, this brotherhood, this bromance lol) absolutely beautiful. So even if watching this scene makes me hurt, it also warms my heart too.
Omg I need to stop here lmao. Sorry, again, for this shitty post which I doubt there is even someone else not me read. I just wanna release my feelings *laughs* *cries*
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yonkaisoo · 5 years
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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
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faakeid · 4 years
Why y’all kaisoo shippers are always targeting pcy? Not other members but cy? Cy: *has close rs with ksoo* You and yours subs: let’s talk about Cy’s personal life, let’s leak some info, let’s talk about his rumors and etc. Believe me, a cy stan, you know nothing. Literally nothing about it. So, please, talk about kaisoo on your blog with your subs, not about other member personally life and etc. just because y’all hate chansoo shippers or sth. He did nothing bad or wrong to you, so stop.
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kaisooconnection · 4 years
The hardest thing about being a jongin stan and a kaisoo shipper is that I have to sit back and watch jongin receive all sorts of negative comments about his sexuality as well as his persona as an idol.
It's so hard for me to see kaisoo sceptics try to use jongin's behavior as a justification for why kaisoo isn't real. For instance:
1. Jongin has female friends who he is very close with - this must mean he is straight. Because there is apparently NO WAY he could be friends with attractive women without being in love with them. But if he is close with an attractive guy (aka kyungsoo) then that doesn't mean anything. Where is the logic????
2. Jongin has 2 dating scandals - obviously he is straight. Clearly there is nothing suspicious about how/when these scandals took place. Also, let's just ignore all of the inconsistencies in the stories surrounding these scandals. There is NO WAY that this is a cover up for jongin being in a relationship with kyungsoo, apparently
...and actually it's sad to think about all of those kaisoo shippers who left the fandom after the scandals. I understand wanting to support jongin in whatever relationship he chooses to be in and if it makes him happy then of course I would support it! BUT that shouldn't mean you close your eyes to the obvious facts in front of you and to avoid all of the obvious flaws in these dating scandals. Many shippers even blamed jongin for ruining their ship. Wth?! You think he wasn't having a hard enough time dealing with the fake scandal and its consequences, not just for his career but also his relationship with kyungsoo??? It breaks my heart to think of those moments
3. When kyungsoo joined the military and all of the other members mentioned kyungsoo in one way or another while jongin was reluctant to mention him at all. I saw many shippers and non-shippers claiming that jongin doesn't care about kyungsoo because he barely mentions him or visits him. Really??? Like really??? Do you blame him for being scared to comment? It must be so hard trying to pretend that the love of your life is just another bandmate especially when you must miss him so much that it hurts. Just consider how much trouble he would get into if he mentioned kyungsoo.
I remember when chanyeol posted a screenshot of their gc on ig for kyungsoo's birthday and jongin had put the watch emoji. Him and chanyeol must have gotten into so much trouble for doing that. We know because jongin had to go on ig live to make up an excuse for the emoji. That must have been so hard for him and probably caused him a lot of drama with the company. He must have to tread extremely carefully.
Essentially, the point I'm trying to make is that jongin is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. It breaks my heart to see people use his behavior as a reasoning for why kaisoo aren't a couple. I understand not shipping them, it's not a requirement, but I would appreciate people considering other possible explanations for his actions. And to all the kaisoo shippers that feel sceptical about kaisoo because of jongin's actions then please consider the difficult situation he must be in and how hard it must be for him to talk about or interact with kyungsoo at all. when he has the weight of his band/company/fans/friends/family to consider when he makes any moves in life.
I just wish the world was kinder to my bias and his partner. I hope their future is much brighter than their past has been 💞
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
suddenly i miss 9493room masternim:((( what is the reason they closed?:(((
U have no idea how much kaisoo news or pics are confidential in korea. She can't survive the sasaengs, the hate and the threats from k-Ls especially solo stans of both Ji and ksoo, let's not forget how terrible and dangerous and secretive Ksoo's solo stans are.
So most of the Kadi shippers and fanclubs and fansite mastermind try as best as they can to stay lowkey.
Instead kaisoo have more japanese shippers and masternims.
I don't know what happened to her, but i believe that's the cause of every other kaisoo fansite/blog that disappeared, also they're busy with life and school work etc...
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