#kaizo trap
johndoent1 · 6 months
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thabugoon · 1 year
Yet another Special Guest card
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Couldn’t help but do this after the “Crumbling tower of Pizza” reminded me of the escape sequence from Kaizo Trap
these two deserve a long vacation after all of that lol
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sacredwhores · 5 months
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Kaizo Hayashi - The Trap (1996)
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duchampscigarette · 5 months
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Kaizo Hayashi - The Trap (1996)
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taintedtowers · 1 year
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TPT anime. you agree.
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art-yeet · 2 years
Breaking News
Depressed grown man fights a bunch of teenagers. More at 8.
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oh wow, yeah, it's the best of the trilogy by a wide margin, it is not even remotely close, although there are parts that feel odd in their exclusion given the trajectory of the series so far, this feels more like a bonus chapter than a conclusion of the themes and ideas of the series, and it's also much more psychosexual drama ala Silence of the Lambs or even closer to giallo like Argento's Suspiria than it is neo-noir anything, really. this shit gets Freudian. this gives me a lot of the same feelings as Shyamalan's Split, except this is a much, much better and more ideologically cohesive and coherent movie. it's so shockingly rare you get to see a movie series get BETTER with every release. IMMEDIATELY one of my favorite movies of all time.
My ★★★★★ review of The Trap on Letterboxd
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syxnewt · 5 months
Hope they add annotations back to YouTube one day because I bet people did really cool things with them back in the day and you can do cool things with them now
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I saw a comment on a post criticizing how the Bad Futures in Chat Blanc and Ephemeral were the result of Marinette and Adrien getting together: "If you are telling us why they can't be together, you are telling us why they shouldn't be together." And... yeah. That's one of the big issues with both of those episodes.
Obstacles in a romance should be what impedes efforts to develop the relationship and get together, like Marinette's anxiety, Lila's manipulation and interference, and Gabriel's controlling nature; they have to get past this to get to here. Romance arcs should not have a Kaizo Trap of "If they successfully get together, this horrible thing will happen, so even if it is a natural progression, they must not get together while the failure condition exists."
Yeah it's.
Chat Blanc and Ephemeral only serve to solidify that if they ever get together, it will end in the villain finding out their identities and using it against them. So they can't get together until the villain is gone.
But while the villain thing is an obstacle, it should be far from the only one and never a guarantee.
So many things can go wrong and establishing the extreme 'if they hook up we're FUCKED' mentality really makes Season 5 very on edge in a bad way because 'when is Gabriel gonna connect the dots and Bunnyx has to retcon the entire goddamn season'.
(Actually Bunnyx erasing Season 5 would be nice right now BUT-)
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Root: You read my diary?
Lumi: At first, I didn't know it was your diary! I thought it was a very sad handwritten book..
Forum: What time is it?
Juliano, looking at his phone: …Saturday.
Forum: That's the best you can do?
Juliano: There are some numbers above it, but those could be anything.
Lily: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Franky: They do.
Lily: …Why did you say that with such certainty?
SMG4: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
SMG3: Bob, probably.
Mario: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
Luigi: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Mario: They're not.
Luigi: Haha, very funny.
Mario: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Luigi: No… what happened?
Mario: …Why would you fall for it again.
Plurality: You helped me! Why?
Lil Coding: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
Kaizo: Are you bummed you don’t get to be on the same team as Meggy?
Mario: Have you ever played a game with Meggy?
Kaizo: No…
Mario: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine?
*Meanwhile, on the other side of the field..*
Mario: *closes a cabinet*
*A crash is heard behind the cabinet door.*
SMG4: What was that?
Mario: The sound of someone else's problem.
Shantae: What's wrong, Tutu?
Tulip: Hey! That’s mean! Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
Shantae: That’s technically true. Why are you calling?
Tulip: Well… There’s a crisis.
Bob: For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Lil Coding: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
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asksmg4hollowau · 5 months
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Kaizo's webs are extremely sticky and are used to catch people, animals, and other things for food. It is highly advised if you are walking through Applepine woods to keep a light source on you during the night as they basically become an invisible trap in the night. If you are caught in one you are not getting out without a sharp object to cut it. Please stay safe.
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thejonymyster · 9 months
What's your favorite game you played this year?
2023 games i havent played many of them this year have played some more recently as i have started streaming on and off gives me permission to play games instead of not doing so mental health issue etc
Games that stand out
Mosa Lina:
Groundbreaking new indie physics based "puzzle" platformer / "immersive sim" featuring aggressive randomization which ends up being intrinsically rewarding as a result of no challenge feels artificial as none are designed they simply occur
Level editor support increases continued play value but replay value without is already very high dev currently still supporting with updates to main game
Premise simple there are 24(asofnow) Tools and (i dont know how many) levels. 9 tools are selected from the pool of 24, to be put into your "deck", and 9 levels are selected from the pool of many. Then, you are placed in one of the 9 levels at random, with 3 random tools from your deck. You must collect or destroy all fruits in level and make it to exit portal. if you win, level is removed from pool. if you lose, level remains in pool. Either way, you are sent to a random level in your pool with another random set of 3 tools from your deck. Go nuts. You win upon defeating all 9 levels.
Tools are clever and engaging level designs are varied Game feel is great soundtrack is ambient game is good go play
(costs money)
Trouble In Terrorist Town:
incredibly modular first person shooter turned social deduction game, fun to play if you can arrange with friends, have been playing with discord server for thekla's the witness Some issues in that gameplay can of course annoyingly devolve from logic but can be frustrating as there is no voting system - players vote by action you simply kill the "impostor" group. Recommend minimum 5 players, Ideally 6-8. Not much to say else. Funny premise. "You are an innocent terrorist."
(costs money)
I Wanna Be The Guy: Remastered and I Wanna Maker:
I wanna be the guy - famous "unfair" precision platformer long time one of my favorite games of all time remastered not my first time playing remaster but recently revisiting and greatly enjoying game again nice to have less crashes. need to dive into alternate characters. newfound appreciation for retro collage style art of game and booby trap idiosyncracies. Recently watching lots of kaizo mario rom hack play throughs newer hacks have strayed away from what i find ideal in genre in older entries like Kaizo Mario World 1.
I wanna maker custom level editor game for i wanna be the guy type games interesting but weirdly feels limiting in ways i didnt expect despite massive customization + simple scripting options - feels almost too clean rejoyced when they added blood splatter death previously was unsatisfying poof now i have my character set to visceral blood explosion upon defeat but everything else still feels wrong often find myself using (one of?) the only tilesets present in original iwbtg everything else feels inappropriate or misplaced not sure i think theres a different sort of charm to being hit by mario paint plane vs making fake version in copyright safe form. great game constant updates cool features but just makes me want to just program a full game...
Cat Planet and Super Cat Planet:
cat planet random indie game fun floaty "platformer" (you mostly fly around so its a platformer in the sense that flappy bird is a platformer or like underwater mario) collectathon, very good easy thing tbh go play. Super cat planet fan sequel made by unaffiliated group boosts difficulty and depth of gameplay introducing light "story" elements and many secrets to encourage more exploration
super cat planet MUCH hrder than cat planet by large margin definitely would consider it a *precision* platformer. cool that it exists at all, go play if you feel up for challenge
additional notes sorry i still havent played retrush it looks really good will add to my stream list will most likely motivate me to play it as previous barriers prevented most gameplay in general
played many paper puzzle genres which i would not consider video games
played celeste wasnt always what i was looking for but still solid
started playing dustforce havent gotten far in enough to really review but so far so good
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sacredwhores · 5 months
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Kaizo Hayashi - The Trap (1996)
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duckapus · 11 months
Thought of a funny side story for this:
Normally Wario and Waluigi would be All Over a competition like this, especially since Wario already has an iconic two-seater car they could modify into a high-speed tricks-and-traps-filled death machine, but instead they, along with Amy, Mira, Marcy, Kaizo, and Wario's long-time rival Captain Syrup(who hasn't shown up in anything since Wario Land: Shake It!, unfortunately) have all gotten wrapped up in one of Shantae's adventures due to Interdimensional Bullshit.
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taintedtowers · 2 years
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hey check out my magnum opus. do you see it
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superluigiglitchy · 6 months
Really specific ass headcanons on the cast of SMG4
Meggy is really stubborn about sleep not because of her coffee addiction but because of nightmares she has from the anime island incident, the YouTube graveyard and pretty recently from Wild Spaghetti and Wren and pretty much just her trauma in general which results in her having some pretty bad insomnia
She's gotten better though because the glitchy gang don't want a repeat of what happened the last time she didnt sleep for days (read: she got a pretty bad fever because her human body hasnt adjusted to her newly made immune system and prettu much had a breakdown both from the stress, sleep deprivation and delirium caused form her fever) and she's trying to be better for them
What usually helps her sleep is having her cat Loaf near her, having one or more members of the gang sleep in a cuddle pile with her, a good cup of tea with some ramen noodles or the most embarrassing one for her: being rubbed behind her pointed ears
So far Mario and Luigi are some constant cuddle buddies of hers but Tari is a close second with Melony, Boopkins, Saiko and surprisingly Bob in third
With Meggy only looking human physically, she still retains all her inkling functions (plus a little something extra thanks shaggy) meaning yes she can still very much purr and she hates it
Mario and the others often exploit this
I am applying my inklings are basically aquatic cats headcanon onto Meggy and no one can stop me
Saiko is allergic to pollen and is practically knocked out during the first week of spring, yes Tari fusses over her a lot during this time
Bob is capable of being a good business man, he just needs to shed his old habits and bad practices this is easier said than done though
Unbeknownst to anyone not even herself, Tari is very susceptible to viruses, why she hasn't been infected by any is both a combination of dumb luck and being smart on what video games she enters (which is also a result of dumb luck) however that may change soon if TvWare involved now
Kaizo very much teases Saiko about her crush on Tari after he found out every chance he gets, he in turn nearly gets whacked with a hammer by the red faced pinkette
He's super supportive of her crush and will kick anyone's ass who objects, wingmans with Meggy so the idiots can finally confess to eachother
Mario wears a lot of star patches and bandages because he's silly like that
Peach went apocalypse survivor mode for a few weeks and did pretty well while trapped in the demon pit her castle was in, it's just that she got infect by the demon goop A week before SMG4 and the others could go down there to fetch the star, if the crew were to return and search around the remnants of the castle they would find a camcorder and a series of videos tapes of Peach's exploits and find the last 3 tapes are of her expressing her thought as she's been thinking of her actions from the past few years as of late and her regretting how she treated the others, Mario especially and how she wants to apologise to them and treat them all better once she gets out of this literal hell hole
Of course we all knew what happened after that
Luigi has seven evil ex boyfriends, each of which have experienced the wrath of Mario
Mario is also super supportive of Luigi and will also kick anyone's ass who objects
Peach and Daisy are dating, no one is aware of this and no one has figured it out
Pls add Daisy to SMG4 I want to see her kick ass and be a menace
Tari knows some karate moves and will not hesitate to use them post- western spaghetti, clench just speeds up the fighting with a laser and other dubious weapons that Tari didn't know her arm had
Boopkins has a guilty pleasure of watching scooby doo
Smg3 would make an animal sanctuary for any friends Eggdog makes
When Meggy gets sick (which is rare AF) she sorta acts... Kinda like a feral cat
Bob can confirm this statement with all the beak bite mark scars he has and scratches too
For some reason she's not mean to Mario, Luigi, Saiko or Tari (which is to be expected) but also Jubjub and Boopkins
Mario and Luigi consider Meggy A third Mario brother, Meggy cried for an hour straight when she found out about this because of how happy she was
She know uses the named Meggy Spletzer-Mario
Yes I still find it funny Mario and Luigi's last names are Mario so Mario Mario and Luigi Mario
Swag and Chris married for tax benefits
Everyone thinks that's a lie
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