#kala draws people
kala-mies · 3 months
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I think the DM Bizly outfit for Wonderlust goes hard as fuck
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felassan · 2 months
Edge – The Future of Interactive Entertainment magazine, issue #401 (October 2024 issue) – Dragon Age: The Veilguard story
The rest of this post is under a cut for length.
Update: this issue of this magazine is now available to buy from UK retailers today. it can be purchased online at [this link]. [Tweet from Edge Online] also, Kala found that a digital version of the magazine can be read at [this link].
This post is a word-for-word transcription of the full article on DA:TV in this issue of this magazine. DA:TV is the cover story of this issue. When transcribing, I tried to preserve as much of the formatting from the magazine as possible. Edge talked to BioWare devs for the creation of this article, so the article contains new quotes from the devs. the article is written by Jeremy Peel. There were no new screenshots or images from the game in the article. I also think that it contains a few lil bits of information that are new, like the bits on companions' availability and stumbling across the companions out and about on their own in the world e.g. finding Neve investigating an abduction case in Docktown.
tysm to @simpforsolas and their friend for kindly telling me about the article!!
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Article introduction segment:
"[anecdote about Edge] We were reminded of this minuscule episode in Edge's history during the creation of this issue's cover story, in which we discuss the inspiration behind Dragon Age: The Veilguard with its creators at BioWare. Notably, director John Epler remembers the studio experimenting with a number of approaches during the early phase of development before eventually locking in to what the game was supposed to be all along, above all else: 'a single-player, story-focused RPG'. As you'd expect from BioWare, though, that was really just a starting point, as we discovered on p54." BioWare draws back the Veil and ushers us into a new Dragon Age
"BEHIND THE CURTAIN BioWare's first true RPG in age age is as streamlined and pacey as a dragon in flight. By Jeremy Peel Game Dragon Age: The Veilguard Developer BioWare Publisher EA Format PC, PS5, Xbox Series Origin Canada Release Autumn
The Dragon Age universe wasn't born from a big bang or the palm of an ancient god. Instead, it was created to solve a problem. BioWare was tired of battling Hasbro during the making of Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, and wanted a Dungeons & Dragons-like setting of its own. A small team was instructed to invent a new fantasy world in which the studio could continue its groundbreaking work in the field of western RPGs, free of constraints.
Well, almost free. BioWare's leaders mandated that the makers of this new world stick to Eurocentric fantasy, and include a fireball spell - since studio co-founder Ray Muzyka had a weakness for offensive magic.
Beyond that, BioWare’s storytellers were empowered to infuse Dragon Age with their own voices and influences, leaning away from D&D’s alignment chart and towards a moral grayness that left fans of A Song Of Ice And Fire feeling warm and cozy.
In the two decades since, the world of Thedas – rather infamously and amusingly, a shortening of ‘the Dragon Age setting’ that stuck – has taken on a distinct flavor. It’s something director John Epler believes is rooted in characters.
“There’s definitely some standard fantasy stuff in Dragon Age, but everything in the world, every force, is because of someone,” he says. “The idea is that every group and faction needs to be represented by a person – someone you can relate to. Big political forces are fine as background, but they don’t provide you with those interesting story moments.”
Dragon Age: The Veilguard bears out that philosophy. The long-awaited sequel was first announced with the subtitle Dreadwolf, in reference to its antagonist, Solas – an ancient elf who once stripped his people of immortality as punishment for betraying one of their own. In doing so, Solas created the Veil, the thin barrier through which wizards pull spirits and demons invade the waking world. In other words, many of Dragon Age’s defining features, from its downtrodden elves to the uneasy relationship between mages and a fearful church, can be traced right back to one character’s decision.
“The world exists as it does because of Solas,” Epler says. “He shaped the world because of the kind of character he was. That’s, to me, what makes Dragon Age so interesting. Everything can tie back to a person who to some degree thought they were doing the right thing.”
Perhaps BioWare’s greatest achievement in slowburn character development, Solas is a former companion, an unexploded bomb who sat in the starting party of Dragon Age: Inquisition, introverted and useful enough to get by without suspicion. Yet by the time credits rolled around on the Trespasser DLC, players were left in no doubt as to the threat he presented.
Determined to reverse the damage he once caused, the Dreadwolf intends to pull down the Veil, destroying Thedas as we know it in the process. The next Dragon Age game was always intended to be his story.
“We set that up at the end of Trespasser,” Epler says. “There was no world where we were ever going to say, ‘And now let’s go to something completely different.’ We wanted to pay off that promise.”
Yet almost everything else about the fourth Dragon Age appears to have been in flux at one time. In 2019, reporter Jason Schreier revealed that an early version, starring a group of spies pulling off heists in the Tevinter Imperium, had been cancelled two years prior. Most of its staff were apparently moved onto BioWare’s struggling Anthem, while a tiny team rebooted Dragon Age from scratch. That new game was said to experiment with live-service components.
“We tried a bunch of different ideas early on,” Epler says. “But the form The Veilguard has taken is, in a lot of ways, the form that we were always pushing towards. We were just trying different ways to get there. There was that moment where we really settled on, ‘This is a singleplayer, story-focused RPG – and that’s all it needs to be’”.
Epler imagines a block of marble, from which BioWare was attempting to carve an elephant – a character- and story-driven game. “We were chipping away, and sometimes it looked more like an elephant and sometimes it didn’t”, he says. “And then we eventually realized: ‘Just make an elephant’. When we got to that, it almost just took shape by itself.”
2014’s Dragon Age: Inquisition was an open-world game commonly criticized for a slow-paced starting area which distracted players from the thrust of the plot. The Veilguard, in contrast, is mission-based, constructed with tighter, bespoke environments designed around its main story and cast. “We wanted to build a crafted, curated experience for the player,” Epler says. “Pacing is important to us, and making sure that the story stays front and center.”
Epler is very proud of Inquisition, the game on which he graduated from cinematic designer to a lead role (for its DLC). “But one of the things that we ran into on that project was an absentee antagonist,” he says. “Corypheus showed up and then disappeared. You spent ten hours in the Hinterland doing sidequests, and there wasn’t that sense of urgency.”
This time, The Veilguard team wants you to constantly feel the sword of Damocles dangling above your head as you play – a sense that the end of the world is coming if you don’t act. “There’s still exploration – there’s still the ability to go into some of these larger spaces and go off the beaten path to do sidequests,” Epler says. “But there’s always something in the story propelling you and the action forward, and allowing you to make decisions with these characters where the stakes feel a lot more immediate and present. And also, honestly, more real.”
No sooner have you finished character creation than Dragon Age: The Veilguard thrusts you into a choice. As your protagonist, Rook, steps into focus on the doorstep of the seediest bar in town, you decide whether to threaten the owner for information or make a deal. Brawl or no, you’ll walk out minutes later with a lead: the location of a private investigator named Neve Gallus, who can help you track down Solas.
You proceed into Minrathous, the largest city in Thedas and capital of the Tevinter Imperium – a region only alluded to in other Dragon Age games. It’s a place built on the backs of slaves and great mages, resulting in tiered palaces and floating spires – a kind of architecture unimaginable to those in the southern nations.
“When your Dragon Age: Inquisition companion Dorian joins you in Orlais, in one of the biggest cities in Thedas, he mentions that it’s quaint and cute compared to Minrathous,” Corinne Busche, game director on The Veilguard, says. “That one bit of dialogue was our guiding principle on how to realize this city. It is sprawling. It is lived-in. Sometimes it’s grimy, sometimes it’s bougie. But it is expansive.”
Immediately, you can see the impact of BioWare’s decision to tighten its focus. Around every other corner in Minrathous is an exquisitely framed view, a level of spectacle you would never see in Inquisition, where resources were spread much more thinly. “When you know that you’re gonna be heading down a canyon or into this plaza where the buildings open up, you have those perfect spots to put a nice big temple of Andraste or a mage tower,” art director Matthew Rhodes says. “You get those opportunities to really hit that hard.”
BioWare’s intention is to make strong visual statements that deliver on decades of worldbuilding. “People who have a history with Dragon Age have thought about what Minrathous might be like,” Rhodes says. “We can never compete with their imagination, but we can aim for it like we’re shooting for the Moon.”
The people of Tevinter use magic as it if were electricity, as evidenced by the glowing sigils that adorn the dark buildings – street signs evoking Osaka’s riverfront or the LA of Blade Runner. They’re just one of the tricks BioWare’s art team uses to invite you to stop and take in the scene. “A lot of what you start to notice when you’re the artist who’s been working on these big, beautiful vistas and neat murals on the walls is how few players look up,” Rhodes says. “We design props and architecture that help lead the eyes.”
For the really dedicated shoegazers, BioWare has invested in ray-traced reflections, so that the neon signage can be appreciated in the puddles. There are also metal grates through which you can see the storm drains below. “The idea behind that is purely just to remind the player often of how stacked the city is,” Rhodes says. “Wherever you’re standing, there’s guaranteed to be more below you and above you.”
One of BioWare’s core creative principles for The Veilguard is to create a world that’s actually worth saving – somewhere you can imagine wanting to stick around in, once the crises of the main quest are over. To that end, the team has looked to ground its outlandish environments with elements of mundanity.
“A guy’s normal everyday life walking down the streets of this city is more spectacular than what the queen of Orlais is seeing, at least in terms of sheer scale," Rhodes says. “One of the things we’ve tried to strike a balance with is that this is actually still a place where people have to go to the market and buy bread, raise their kids, and try to make it. It’s a grand and magical city, but how do you get your horses from one place to the next? Where do you load the barrels for the tavern? It’s really fun to think of those things simultaneously.”
Normal life in Minrathous is not yours to behold for long, however. Within a couple of minutes of your arrival, the very air is ripped open like cheap drapes, and flaming demons clatter through the merchant carts that line the city streets. A terrible magical ritual, through which Solas intends to stitch together a new reality, has begun.
“We wanted the prologue to feel like the finale of any other game we’ve done,” Busche explains. “Where it puts you right into this media-res attack on a city and gets you really invested in the action and the story right away. When I think back to Inquisition, how the sky was literally tearing open – the impact of this ritual really makes that look like a minor inconvenience.”
Our hero is confronted by a Pride demon, imposing and armored as in previous games, yet accented by exposed, bright lines that seem to burst from its ribcage. “They are a creature of raw negative emotion,” Busche says. “So we wanted to actually incorporate that into their visual design with this glowing nervous system.”
When a pack of smaller demons blocks Rook’s route to the plaza where Neve was last seen, battle breaks out, and The Veilguard’s greatest divergence from previous Dragon Age games becomes apparent. Our rogue protagonist flits between targets up close and evades individual sword swings with precision. In the chaos, he swaps back and forth between blades and a bow. He blends light and heavy attacks, and takes advantage of any gap in the melee to charge up even bigger blows.
“Responsiveness was our first-and-foremost goal with this baseline layer of the combat system,” Busche says. Unless you’re activating a high-risk, high-reward ability such as a charged attack, any action can be animation-cancelled, allowing you to abort a sword swing and dive away if an enemy lunges too close. “We very much wanted you to feel like you exist in this space, as you’re going through these really crafted, hand-touched worlds,” Busche says. “That you’re on the ground in control of every action, every block, every dodge.” Anyone who’s ever bounced off a Soulslike needn’t worry: The Veilguard’s highly customizable difficulty settings enable you to loosen up parry windows if they prove too demanding.
Gone is the overhead tactical camera which, for some players, was a crucial point of connection between Dragon Age and the Baldur’s Gate games that came before, tapping into a lineage of thoughtful, tabletop-inspired combat. Epler points out that the camera’s prior inclusion had an enormous impact on where the game’s battles took place. “We actually had a mandate on Inquisition, which was, ‘Don’t fight inside,’” he says. “The amount of extra work on getting that tactical camera to work in a lot of those internal environments, it was very challenging.”
Gone, too, is the ability to steer your comrades directly. “On the experiential side, we wanted you to feel like you are Rook – you’re in this world, you’re really focused on your actions,” Busche says. “We very much wanted the companions to feel like they, as fully realized characters, are in control of their own actions. They make their own decisions. You, as the leader of this crew, can influence and direct and command them, but they are their own people.”
It's an idea with merit, albeit one that could be read as spin. “It’s not lost on me,” Busche says. “I will admit that, on paper, if you just read that you have no ability to control your companions, it might feel like something was taken away. But in our testing and validating with players, what we find is they’re more engaged than ever.”
There may be a couple of reasons for that. One is that Dragon Age’s newly dynamic action leaves little room for seconds spent swapping between perspectives. “This is a much higher actions-per-minute game,” Busche says. “It is more technically demanding on the player. So when we tried allowing you full control of your companions as well, what we’ve found is it wasn’t actually adding to the experience. In fact, in some ways it was detrimental, given the demanding nature of just controlling your own character.”
Then there’s The Veilguard’s own tactical layer, as described by BioWare. Though the fighting might be faster and lower, like a mana-fuelled sports scar, the studio is keen to stress that the pause button remains as important to the action as ever. This is, according to Busche, where the RPG depth shines through, as you evaluate the targets you’re facing and take their buffs into account: “Matching elemental types against weaknesses and resistances is a big key to success in this game.”
You pick between rogue, warrior and mage – each role later splitting again into deeper specialisms – and draw from a class-specific resource during fights. A rogue relies on Momentum, which is built up by avoiding damage and being highly aggressive, whereas a warrior is rewarded for blocking, parrying, and mitigating damage.
Those resources are then used on the ability wheel, which pauses the game and allows you to consider your options. The bottom quadrant of the wheel belongs to your character, and is where three primary abilities will be housed. “Rook will also have access to runes, which function as an ability, and a special ultimate ability,” Busche says. “So you’re bringing five distinct abilities with you into combat.”
The sections to the left and right of the wheel, meanwhile, are dedicated to your companions. Busche points to Lace Harding, the returning rogue from Inquisition, who is currently frozen mid-jump. “She is her own realized individual in this game. She’s got her own behaviors: how she prioritizes targets, whether she gets up close and draws aggro or stays farther back at range. But you’ll be able to direct her in combat by activating her abilities from the wheel.”
These abilities are complemented by positional options at the top of the wheel, where you can instruct your companions to focus their efforts on specific targets, either together or individually. Doing so will activate the various buffs, debuffs and damage enhancements inherent in their weapons and gear. “So,” Busche explains, “as you progress through the first two hours of the game, this full ability wheel is completely populated with a variety of options and different tactics that you can then string together.”
BioWare has leaned into combos. You might tell one companion to unleash a gravity-well effect that gathers enemies together, then have another slow time. Finally, you could drop an AOE attack on your clustered and slowed opponents, dealing maximum damage. The interface will let you know when an opportunity to blend two companion abilities emerges – moments BioWare has dubbed ‘combo detonations’.
“I like to think about this strategic layer to combat as a huddle,” Busche says, “where you’re figuring out how you want to handle the situation, based on the information you have on the encounter, and how you and your companions synergize together.”
Deeper into the game, as encounters get more challenging, Epler says we’ll be spending a lot of time making “very specific and very focused tactical decisions”. The proof will be in eating the Fereldan fluffy mackerel pudding, of course, but Busche insists this shift to fast action isn’t a simplification. “What really makes the combat system and indeed the extension into the progression system work is that pause-and-play tactical element that we know our players expect.”
The autonomy of The Veilguard’s companions doesn’t end with combat. BioWare’s data shows that in previous games players tended to stick with the same two or three beloved comrades during a playthrough. This time, however, you’ll be forced to mix your squad up at regular intervals.
“We do expect that players will have favorites they typically want to adventure with,” Busche says, “but sometimes certain companions will be mandatory.” Others may not always be available – part of the studio’s effort to convince with three-dimensional characters. “They do have a life outside of Rook, the main character,” Busche says.
"They'll fall in love with people in this world. They’ve had past experiences they’ll share with you if you allow them in and get close to them.”
Being separated from your companions, rather than collecting them all in a kind of stasis at camp, allows you to stumble across them unexpectedly. Busche describes an instance in which, while exploring the Docktown section of Minrathous, you might bump into Neve as she investigates an abduction case. “If I go and interact with her, I can actually stop what I’m doing, pick up her arc and adventure with her throughout her part of the story,” Busche says. “What’s interesting is that all of the companion arcs do ultimately tie back to the themes of the main critical path, but they also have their own unique challenges and villains, and take place over the course of many different intimate moments.”
Some parts of a companion’s quest arc involve combat, while others don’t. Some are made up of large and meaningful missions – as lavish and involved as those along the critical path. “While they are optional, I would be hesitant to call them side content in this game,” Busche says. If you choose not to engage with some of these companion-centered events, they’ll resolve on their own. “And it might have interesting implications.”
The Veilguard promises plenty of change, then, even as it picks up the threads of fan-favorite characters and deepens them, honoring the decades of worldbuilding that came before it. This is perhaps the enduring and alluring paradox of Dragon Age: a beloved series which has never had a direct and immediate sequel, nor a recurring protagonist. Instead, it’s been reinvented with each new entry.
“It’s a mixed blessing to some degree,” Epler says. “The upside is always that it gives us more room to experiment and to try new things. There are parts of the series that are common to every game: it’s always an RPG, it’s always about characters, and we always want to have that strategic tactical combat where you’re forced to make challenging decisions. But at the end of the day, I think what makes Dragon Age Dragon Age is that each one feels a little bit different.”"
Q&A Matthew Rhodes Art director
Q. Early BioWare RPGs were literary, with the emotions and detail mostly happening in dialogue boxes. How have you seen the studio's approach to visual storytelling evolve? A. This has been my entire career. When I first showed up at BioWare, it was at the tail end of Jade Empire, and then I was working on Dragon Age: Origins and early Mass Effect. The games had taken that next step out of sprites and 2D models, and it was like: 'How do we say more? How do we communicate more clearly?' During those early days, a lot of games depended on words to fix everything for you. As long as your character was talking bombastically, you could lend them everything that they needed. But as time went on it also became a visual medium, and it's been this long journey of trying to establish art's seat at the table. I've worked with some great writers over the years, and art is also an essential part of the storytelling. From Dragon Age: Inquisition on, I've been trying to stress with my teams that we are a story department.
Q. Is part of that also letting writers know that your storytelling assistance is available, to help them show rather than tell? A. On The Veilguard, that principle has been operating the best I've seen it. Where you would need a paragraph of dialogue in one of those exposition moments where a character just talks to you, we could sell that with a broken statue or a skeleton overgrown with vines. We've had more opportunities to do that on The Veilguard than most of the projects I've ever worked on combined.
To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, and so in every department, writing will try to solve it with more words, and art will try to solve it with more art. I've bumped up against moments where it's like, 'As much as we could keep hammering on this design, I think this is actually an audio solution.' And then you take it to audio, and you don't get that overcooked feeling where each team is just trying to solve it in their silo. It's a really creatively charged kind of environment.
[main body of article ends here]
Additional from throughout the article --
Image caption: “Spotlights shine down from the city guards’ base as they pursue you through the streets of Minrathous.”
Image caption: “While most of your companions can be sorted into comfortingly familiar RPG classes, The Veilguard introduces two new varieties: a Veil Jumper and a private investigator.”"
Image caption [on this Solas ritual concept art specifically]: “The name previously given to the game – Dreadwolf – was a direct reference to Solas. Your former companion, now on his own destructive mission, still features, despite the name change.”
Text in a side box:
"RATIONAL ANTHEM The hard lesson BioWare drew from Anthem was to play to its strengths. “We’re a studio that has always been built around digging deep on storytelling and roleplaying,” Epler says. “I’m proud of a lot of things on Anthem – I was on that project for a year and a half. But at the end of the day we were building a game focused on something we were not necessarily as proficient at. For me and for the team, the biggest lesson was to know what you’re good at and then double down on it. Don’t spread yourselves too thin. Don’t try to do a bunch of different things you don’t have the expertise to do. A lot of the people on this team came here to build a story-focused, singleplayer RPG."
Image caption: “In combat you no longer control your companions directly – this is a faster-paced form of fighting – but you are able to direct them in combat, and can even blend their abilities in ‘combo detonations’.”
Image caption: “You’ll be exploring new regions across Tevinter and beyond – Rivain is a certainty, and that’s only accessible via Antiva travelling overland.”
Image caption: “There are three specializations per character class; on the way to unlocking them you’ll acquire a range of abilities.”
Text in a side box:
"MEET YOUR MAKER “Full disclosure: Dragon Age has traditionally not done skin tones well, especially for people of color,” Busche says. “We wanted to do a make-good here.” In The Veilguard’s character creator, you can adjust the amount of melanin that comes through in the skin, as well as test various lighting scenarios to ensure your protagonist looks exactly as you intend in cutscenes. “Speaking of our first creative principle – be who you want to be – we really feel these are the kinds of features that unlock that for our players,” Busche says. “We want everyone to be able to see themselves in this game.” For the first time in the series, your body type is fully customizable too, with animations, armor and even romantic scenes reflecting your choices."
Image caption: “Your companions are a mix of old and new – Lace Harding is a familiar face. Veil Jumper Bellara is new, with a new occupation, while Davrin is a new face with a familiar profession – he’s a Warden.”
Image caption: "Arlathan Forest is home to the ruined city of the elves, now a place of wild magic, Veil Jumpers and (allegedly) spirits".
Image caption: "Bellara is driven by a desire to learn more about the elves, rediscovering the shattered history and magic of her people."
[source: Edge – The Future of Interactive Entertainment magazine, issue #401 (October 2024 issue) - it can be purchased online at [this link].]
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Mars Ruled Nakshatras - Longing For Forgotten Shine
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The Nakshatras of Mars experience a unique condition of struggling to let go of the past due to external circumstances freezing them in place either physically or emotionally, and the present being exceptionally punishing in contrast with a blissfully unaware and comfortable past.
@thehiddenoctave explored this particular theme in his video about Mrigashira Nakshatra, but this phenomenon is something that can be observed in all Mars ruled Nakshatras.
For most accurate results in chart research, I recommend the Kala Astrological Software by Ernst Wilhelm, that gives you an option of calculating Nakshatras based on the position of Mula in the Galactic Center. This Calculation may slightly change your Nakshatra alignment, although that doesn't always happen, and I find it to be the most accurate Vedic Astrology Calculation option available in the world. It is a game changer, and has been the cherry on top of my many years of Astrology study. I mention this here because I used this software for celebrity research, that led to conclusions for this post.
For more understanding of Mrigashira, I recommend visiting the Hidden Octave's YouTube Channel, where there is a long video focusing on this Nakshatra in particular.
To better explore and understand the theme of difficulty in moving on in Mars Nakshatras, one needs to understand the position of Mars in the Nakshatra wheel. The Mars stage comes right after the Moon stage.
In the Moon stage, we have a unique capacity of garnering attention in one form or another, due to the Moon's ability for capturing the senses and manipulating their audience. Thus, in the Moon stage we enjoy a unique Lunar Radiance, that draws people in. Different Moon Nakshatras have variations in expression of that experience, the circle of trustees getting larger with every stage. Rohini relates more to domestic and family comforts, Hasta extends to business partnerships and Shravana tends to be the collective favourite child and has a knack for being a center piece of communities and attracting crowds. These people tend to naturally attract attention, care and companionship throughout their lives. That happens, even if they suffer personal losses. One person appears to caretake them in some form after the next.
The Mars stage is where we gradually loose all of that attention and protection. Mars Nakshatra natives normally have a knack for early success in life in some form, as they are still running off steam of the latent lunar influence from the previous stage. These natives suffer a lot from the Golden Child syndrome - first pampered, then discarded. The issue with the Mars stage, is that these natives are formed just like the Lunar natives in their childhood years. They naturally get adjusted to receiving a lot of attention and adulation. Then, due to unpleasant external events, they lose that adulation, typically as a result of betrayal by those, that were supplying them with the very emotional care they are so attached to.
As a result, the entire nervous system of these natives goes into shock, and they become fundamentally defensive. Depending on ones chart, two scenarios can occur.
The healthier scenario, is that the native properly develops and uses their Mars energy, and becomes the builder and protector of their own circle of safety, away from those, that subjected them to betrayal in the first place, and making sure no one suffers like they had to. In charts where Mars Nakshatras are particularly well functioning, there is almost an inborn animal instinct, that these people rely on, that makes them look for a way out of birth circumstances and leaving the Moon stage innocence and naiveté behind. That can occur in particular with Ketu in Martian Nakshatras, which shows a past life talent for sensing an inherent lack of safety in any environment. For instance, I have Ketu in Mrigashira, and I never trusted my family circle, and always looked for ways to leave it since the youngest age.
Sadly, there is also another scenario, which can easily occur if the planets in Mars Nakshatras are under some form of affliction, which causes emotional strain to the native and messes with their mindset. In the other scenario, the native becomes frozen in the long forgotten past, living a life of illusions, constantly wounded by the fact, that the life they so cling to will never come back. They realise, that the people who hurt them were never good to begin with and they stopped caring for them in the present, in fact only used them and never cared for them to begin with, and they can't cope with that, so they mentally escape into the past, into a time, where they still felt like they received the protection and nurtuting they miss now.
You can find very good examples of this phenomenon related to Mrigashira Nakshatra in the Hidden Octave video, which mentions a character of a child prodigy that has grown up to become stuck at home, filled with resentment, way into her matured age. She spends her time reminiscing on her easier times as a child actress, adored by her parents, but put into a reprehensible position due to her sister's insane jealousy.
Chitra natives tend to be more physical in their expression of Mars traits, modifying their bodies in order to retain youth and finances, since their family may have been more affluent in the past, but might have faced financial loss or simply separation. This motivates these natives to go to great lengths to preserve the illusion of status and comfort, experienced in the past, and makes them prone to playing social games and enjoying material wealth as "toys", just so they can feel like a child on the playground again.
The screenshot from the top of the post talks about a Dhanishta Moon native, Britney Spears, famous singer and dancer since a very young age, then betrayed and drugged by her family, now a wreck, stuck in her past dream of her family's adoration for her through her career status, still performing young girl dance routines, even though it's more inappropriate and disturbing with every passing day as she matures into her 40s.
These Nakshatra examples are a good place to mention, that the desperation of Mars natives is what can ironically pave their path into further success. A desire for attention leads to developing seduction methods to keep sustaining that attention. A desire for physical beauty motivates these natives towards acts such as plastic surgery to keep looking youthful. A desire for the attention of the crowds makes these natives act in provocative ways, just so that they feel someone will still keep talking about them. However, these acts usually end up either collapsing, as one is not really contributing anything useful to the world, which grows bored of the native, or producing love-hate reactions from the crowds, which only exacerbates these native's emotional problems.
Mars is healed, when it completely cuts off the past, lets go, stops trying to control people's reactions and trying to constantly get external validation and attention and charters its own course, developing independence. A healed Mars is a builder, that sets realistic goals and focuses on them, without looking for external approval. Mars is a spiritual planet, and it is where we develop faith in something bigger than ourselves for the first time, which ends up being crowned and maturing in Jupiter.
Mars is the King's Soldier and a Soldier's Mantra, is that he marches forward even when he doesn't know where he's going, because it's the belief in his path and the rhythm of his journey that keeps him alive.
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
So, Shutara in the anime, huh?
okay okay yeah i got around to e13 this morning and I see what everyone was excited about. Some of the new lore i'm a little iffy on, but ooo the visual designs are more than enough for me to chew on.
So the obvious highlight is Shutatsu Karagara Shigaraminotsuji[娑闥迦羅骸刺絡辻]
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Shutatsu[娑闥]: Oldwoman* gate
*weirdly this kanji does not appear to be commonly used in Japanese at all, but does have the Japanese specific(as in Chinese and Korean don't use it this way) meaning of "old woman" but I have no idea in what context it would be used or if there is some other usage of it that could be evoked here other than to mean "old woman."
The "Gate" in question though seems to be a more obviously superficial reference to the shape of the bankai itself using the bits of sewing machine to make a tori gate.
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Karagara[迦羅骸]: "Kala" Husk
So it appears that the Kara[迦羅] here is from the Chinese writing[摩訶迦羅] of the Sanskrit Mahakala[महाकाल] which is alternatively named Daikokuten[大黑天] in Japanese, and is a Buddhist god of wealth. (it is also the way the Japanese write the name of a 6th century Korean kingdom? but that doesn't feel relevant here...)
But of note, the Japanese name itself made up of ka[迦] which has no meaning(?) and is just used phonetically? and ra[羅]: referring to "Silk" or "gauze" or other similar lightweight fabric. The -ra at least seems to have more literal applications here, but honestly it feels less pertinent next to the extremely conspicuous word choice...
And gara[骸] is "shell"/"husk" and other similar things that get left behind when you remove the innards. The character itself can also mean a "corpse"/"cadaver" but not generally when it's pronounced as "gara." (The image it evokes to me is letting a robe or gown slide off your shoulders and drop to the ground, the robe being the "husk.")
(but apparently some people think this could be a play on the sanskrit karagara[कारागार], meaning a "prison"/"jail" or otherwise "place of confinement"? But i have no idea why anyone would have chosen the kanji in question to approximate that... I'll be honest, I don't buy it; it gives me very "I'll send you to the netherlands!" translation flub vibes. The techniques themselves do feel reminicent of the Buddhist naraka in theme and aesthetic, but the leap from "prison" to "naraka" seems unsubstantiated by the wordplay here.)
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Shigarami-no-tsuji[刺絡辻]: Bloodletting crossroads
shiraku[刺絡] is the bloodletting technique used in old Chinese medicine. It's sometimes thrown under the umbrella of "acupuncture" but the methods are different. Where as the needles in acupuncture are meant to be precise and release pressure, the blood letting involves a few semi-random pricks in a localized area and then the use of a heat cup to create a vacuum that draws the blood out.(better than leeches at least...) The thing with the heat cups is what's being referred to here.
But broken down it's, shi[絡] "thorn"/"prick"/"splinter" + kara[絡]: "entangled"/"entwined"/"enmeshed"/"wrapped up in" etc... literally describing being "in the middle of (many) needles"
tsuji[辻]: a "crossroad." Nice and straight forward.
my issue however is that I'm not entirely sure where the "mino" phonetics here came from, or what that very deliberate choice of alternate reading might mean in this context... (see comments section)
(also, sorry if anyone's squeemish about cups full of blood, but I tried to find an image that at least obscured the actual needle wounds)
and then there is...
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Shideno Rokushiki Ukimonnohata[死出六色浮文機]
Shideno[死出], lit."death+exit" a more specific term for "Death" from shide-no-yama[死出の山]: "mountain of death" that refers to a mountain the dead cross to get into the afterlife. Appropriately evoked by forcing the Sternritter each through their own illusory ordeal.
Rokushiki[六色]: "Six Colors" appears to just refer to the fact that there were 6 of them.
Ukimonno Hata[浮文機]: "Brocade Loom." "Brocade" being made up of the words [浮文]: "Floating+Character" referring to the raised patterning. and [機] being a kanji for "machine" but when pronounced "hata" it specifically refers to a loom or other textile machine.
Much easier to pick apart by comparison at least...
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How do you do solarpunk aesthetic week when you live in a tiny apartment with no outside access? I always want to participate but I feel like most stuff y'all post is geared towards people who live in houses...
Hey, thanks for sending in the ask!
We put our heads together and came up with a few ideas for you!
Grow plants indoors! You could grow a few houseplants to green up your space, or even try growing some vegetables and/or herbs indoors! I've heard people have lots of luck with basil indoors, and my freshman year of college I grew cherry tomatoes and peppers in my dorm room! Maybe check out information on semi or full-hydroponic setups? You can also propagate a lot with a few cuttings and a glass of water! If you have a balcony with your apartment, that could also be a good place to grow flowers or vegetables--depending on the season and temps where you are, it might be a bit cold to start things out there right now, but you could always start planning!
Crafting could be another fun idea! You could try your hand at mending clothes, or making your own clothes from scratch! I (Ani) am learning crochet, if you wanna join me in spirit and pick it up as well! Kala/Fennopunk (who lives in a small apartment 👀) also knows a lot about crocheting, its a pretty nice winter craft! You could also try embroidery, so you can add unique designs onto your clothes! Other options are things like knitting, sewing, leatherwork, jewelrymaking, soap making, and maybe even woodworking or soldering if that interests you!
Learning how to repair tech would be cool! Honestly, learning how to repair anything sounds super cool and is pretty solarpunk! This can also kinda go hand-in-hand with learning how to build your own things (one of my friends knows how to repair and build computers, for example). Try finding some information on something you're interested in and going wild!
Decorate your home in a way that feels Solarpunk to you! Even if you don't get it all done during the event week, I think its definitely a nice way to bring joy! Look into ways your apartment can change with the seasons, ways to keep yourself cozy and warm in winter but cool and bright during the summer! If you get started, feel free to send in progress images, we'd love to see!
Guerrilla gardening! Winter's a great time to scatter wildflower seeds (at least here in the states for me) as it gives the seeds time to acclimate to weather conditions! if you want flowers in spring, you plant seeds in winter! Maybe find a place you wanna target if you go out, think about what seeds you want to plant, and start planning? Or if you have seeds on hand already, you know what to do! Honestly, I also kinda view picking up litter as hand-in-hand with guerrilla gardening, if you've got the vibes for that at all.
Build community with your neighbors! Even if its just saying hi, or talking about what you're up to!
Maybe guerrilla art as well? Moss graffiti, spray painting, or even plastering a couple of stickers up counts as solarpunk! I will give a general warning that doing stuff seen as illegal probably shouldn't be posted online, but hey, you can participate in the week without telling us what you do!
Speaking of art! Maybe you could make art at home! Whether you use chalk, or pastels, or paint, or pencils, or if you've got a tablet you can use--find some inspiration and draw! I've seen lots of people draw solarpunk fashion ideas, solarpunk building concepts, or just general vibe art!
You could also take a crack at writing! You could write a short story, or get started on a longer project idea! You could even just write worldbuilding-type stuff, like examples of event listings or building histories you imagine a solarpunk society would have, or ideas for holidays and festivals!
Learning an instrument feels pretty solarpunk to me! I (Ani) say this as someone who has 2 guitars around and has forgotten 80% of the stuff she learned in her lessons back in high school. Just in general, picking up an old hobby you miss, or starting a new one works great for this event honestly!
You can also check out the Apartment Solarpunk tag on the Practical Solarpunk blog, it may have more ideas for you!
We hope this helps! Either way, I hope you enjoy the event week!
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OC Questionnaire (Warden Edition)
got tagged by lovely @shivunin and @greypetrel! <33 Going with my Wardens for now cus this is gonna get long otherwise x'D (also stealing Mo's idea to do tarot cards instead of star signs cus i can never settle on birthdays lol) edit: here's the others!
tagging in turn @cao-the-dreamer,@herearedragons, @nebulouswinds, @nanowatzophina, @creativegoblin, @exantivancrow, @goofsoup, @wonderofthemoon, @a-drama-addict, @bearsizedant, @beelzebard, @feyfiendish, @curiouslavellan, @exotic-inquiry, and anyone else who'd like to join in! c:
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NAME: Neira Surana
NICKNAME: .. none really xd
GENDER: Female (there are some cisn't feels there but it's never sth she explores or bothers with)
TAROT CARD: Queen of Cups
HEIGHT: Average elf height (i like to think she's a bit taller than June lol)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Wild strawberries
FAVORITE SEASON: Late winter/ early spring
FAVORITE SCENT: Wood smoke, old parchment, lyrium
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea! Specially herbal or mild floral ones
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Lol. lmao. (sleep is very inconsistent)
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs (she's allergic to cats
DREAM TRIP: Would love to travel the length of the Imperial Highway
RANDOM FACT: Would love to say that there's an epic story for her scar, but it was just some random ass encounter with darkspawn where she wasnt careful and healed too slowly and sloppily
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NAME: Kalagna Brosca
NICKNAME: Kala, Dwarf
GENDER: Female (?) (i doubt Dwarven gender works the same way as Human gender but rn female works well enough)
TAROT CARD: Five of Pentacles
HEIGHT: Tall-ish (still shorter than Neira though)
ORIENTATION: Alistair Demi (fr though Ali is the only person she's ever felt any sort of attraction for)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Passionfruit or Apples
FAVORITE SEASON: Late autum/early winter
FAVORITE FLOWER: Sunflowers or magnolias
FAVORITE SCENT: Fresh nighttime air, magnolias (they're her fave in part cus of the smell lol), sulfur (smells like home)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7-ish? on slow days she likes to sleep in though
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs? No opinion really.
DREAM TRIP: Kal-Sharok
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: as many as are available
RANDOM FACT: She has tried to use Barksparn as a mount before. It did not work.
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NAME: Var'Renan Mahariel
NICKNAME: Renan, Da'Renan
GENDER: unlabelled (only label he'd actively reject would be agender; they Do have gender(s), just not contained)
TAROT CARD: Five of Cups
HEIGHT: Tall! Def more than a head taller than Noya
ORIENTATION: Pan and demi
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: (Fereldan/Southern) Dalish
FAVORITE FRUIT: Cornelian cherries
FAVORITE FLOWER: Wild garlic or foxglove
FAVORITE SCENT: Mint, petrichor, rotting wood
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-7 (they get antsy when they sleep longer)
DREAM TRIP: Antivan coast; would like to visit the Dales and the Emerald Graves sometimes as well
RANDOM FACT: They can't whistle and is grumpy about it
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NAME: Noya Tabris
NICKNAME: Tadpole, sprout (both mostly by Cyrion but sprout sometimes teasingly by others too)
GENDER: Female (uses she/they though)
TAROT CARD:  Seven of Wands/ Queen of Wands
HEIGHT: Short mfer (around same height as Kala)
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Ace
FAVORITE FRUIT: Green olives
FAVORITE SCENT: Fresh stew, petrol, hot dusty summer air
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 8 pre-coscription; after more around 6
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs. She's always wanted a puppy...
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: preferably 2 but 1 will do
RANDOM FACT: Has no shame staring at people; does it a lot bc she likes drawing and also bodies are fascinating
Blank meme:
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
It was a fool’s errand to try to upstage Jarvis Cocker during Pulp’s remarkable 1990s peak, but bassist Steve Mackey, who has died aged 56 after a long period of ill health, came close. A model of self-contained cool and dance-influenced grooves, he was key to the Pulp sound and look. On stage, Cocker was the insinuating, finger-pointing extrovert, but Mackey, reserved and elegant, was an attraction in his own right. His basslines gave Pulp a disco undertow that set them apart from their indie peers.
After he joined in 1989, the Sheffield group evolved: no longer struggling art-rockers but danceable art-poppers, they found their own space as Britpop’s idiosyncratic outliers. Mackey’s description of their sound was, without much exaggeration, “Eastern European Balkans disco with acid house and Sheffield bleep music”.
When Pulp made their mark in the mid-90s, some of the success could also be apportioned to Mackey’s skill at managing the band’s visuals with Cocker in the early years. A Royal College of Art film graduate, Mackey oversaw graphics and video ideas with Cocker, who had studied film and video at Central Saint Martins in London. The pair asked famous people to recount how they lost their virginity and made a short film of the answers, releasing it with the single Do You Remember the First Time? (1994).
For the sleeve of their 1994 breakthrough album, His ’n’ Hers, they chose Philip Castle to create the sleeve art because they admired his poster design for A Clockwork Orange. They got what they paid for. Castle’s hyper-real drawing made each member look confrontational, with Mackey at the back wearing a “Come on, then” stare. Conversely, a handsome 6ft 2in, he could also carry off a smouldering teen-idol look, as captured in an early-90s Jean-Baptiste Mondino shot.
Mackey’s interest in music was equalled by a love of photography, which he parlayed into a second career in the 2010s. He shot campaigns for Armani Exchange, Miu Miu and Marc Jacobs’s 2018 Redux Grunge collection; he also worked for the fashion magazine Love, founded by his wife, the stylist and editor Katie Grand.
Pulp had taken eight years off in the 2000s, and returned for a 2011-12 tour, but even if the reunion had lasted beyond the tour, Mackey was by then a busy freelance record producer and remixer. As producer and/or writer, he worked on Florence + the Machine’s debut album, Lungs, Arcade Fire’s 2017 album Everything Now and MIA’s Kala (2007) and Arular (2005) albums. His list of remixing credits is lengthy and includes Kelis’s Bossy (2006) and Cornershop’s Topknot (2009).
Can you say "Icon"?
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carbondated · 1 year
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#CARBONDATED " I'M AN ARCHAEOLOGIST, I DUG YOU UP!" Rani's Prof. River Song. Post Library and Canon divergent. est Jan 2013. affiliates & mains under co.
*not affiliated with Doctor Who, the BBC or Big finish.
PORTRAYAL- I am canon compliant with the show and EU respectively, except for the episode, 'name of the doctor'. Please note, this account has existed in one form or another since early 2013, as such my River has developed past canon. My main verse will be post-library. Thandiwe Newton is the default faceclaim for that verse, however I will still write River's third and canon regeneration in addition to Mels Zucker. ACTIVITY - I work full time and when I'm not doing that, I'm a community organiser so my activity here will be sparse and inconsistent. If you can handle that then we'll get along great. ** currently on leave.
FORMATTING - I use minimal formatting with small text and 50x85 icons. If you need me to make any adjustments for accessibility sake, please let me know.
CONTENT - Typically I write multi-para but I'm fine with chat style rp as well. I love love love! adventure/mystery/sci-fi driven threads. I'm looking for long ongoing threads overall though.
CURRENT INSPO: MUSIC :Signed, sealed, delivered. Everlasting Love. Go your Own way. The loneliest time, I've been to the moon. LIT: Antony & Cleopatra , Death At Daylesford, Partners in Crime. Ode on a Grecian Urn. Endymion ART: Lady of Shallot, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Garden of Earthly Delights. Madame X, Judith Beheading Holofernes, The Raft of the Medusa, The Sleeping Beauty MEDIA: How to steal a Million, High Society, Firefly, Timeline, Carmen Jones, The Mummy.The Crypt of Tears. VERSES - I don't typically write AU scenarios with the exception of canon alternate universes eg: Kala's Guard Universe. So far this has worked for me. If I do write a thread with a character from a fandom where time travel or aliens etc doesn't exist, then I will just play it by ear. Each verses that I do write follows several arcs, the same way the show would.
SHIPPING - River is bisexual and poly in canon. I love shipping. I'm open to it. However, I'm not a big fan of a lot of Doctor/River ships in canon. ( mainly River/10 and Releven ) That doesn't mean we can't plot something out if you do write the Doctor. Everything else is open for discussion.
FOLLOWING - Due to certain themes, I really don't feel comfortable interacting with anyone under the age of 18. I apologise if this offends anyone.
TRIGGERS: Just ask me if you need something tagged, I honestly cannot remember a hundred different things for a hundred different blogs, even if you have it in your rules it's simply impossible to do. THEMES- Please be aware that this account WILL explore some dark themes such as murder and other high crimes. However, there are definitely things that I draw the line at. I WILL NOT be interacting with anyone who chooses to write the following themes, P*edophilia, r*pe, transphobia, racism, etc. lastly, but certainly not least, if you are a Zionist don't follow me don't and don't try to interact with me in any way. this includes anyone that KNOWINGLY continues to interact with people that have OUTWARDLY stated they are Zionists.
ABOUT: Rani 25+ She/her. South African Tamil. Not new here.
BLOGROLE: @unitlead [Kate Stewart ] / @n1teshade [ Morticia Addams ] / @actiongal [ Multimuse] / @sonicwielded [ Dhawan!Doctor] / @sweetglace [ oc companion ]
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thatcharmingjerk · 1 year
15 questions/15 people
got tagged by @angry-velociraptor , cheers!! I love these things! :D I’m just horrible at remembering to actually do them!! x’’’’3 
1. are you named after anyone?
HMM I guess?? Like my given name was after a granma of mom or something I think but my real (second) name is after dads dad! 
2. when was the last time you cried?
I really can’t say???? I don’t really cry because of sadness these days but i do tear up because of dumbest shit!!! Its wild how easily I can get happy/emotional tears!!!
3. do you have kids?
oHOHHAHAHAAAHA nope. No thank you. At least I have that going on for me for being trans!!!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I don’t know ;;w;; Sometimes yes but I think people sometimes depict stuff I just say as sarcasm idk!!!! I used to be sarcastic me thinks?? These days not that much tho??
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
HMMM like- the aura??? The presence??? Style, what you’re wearing, what accesories there is, piercings, tattoos, or lack of them! Height too, kinda at least like I just noticed last time I met a friend how short she is????? And I’ve known her for like 5 years!!?!?!?!? I’m also very bad with faces! 
6. what’s your eye color?
Greyish blue! 
7. scary movie or happy endings?
As a greedy bisexual; BOTH!!!! Seriously tho both have their charm, and they don’t really even exclude each other. I don’t really have preference for either, if the movie is good then its good!!!
8. any special talents?
Well, art?? And I can move my ears at will!! 
9. where were you born?
In hopsital öhöhöhhehehvfgdjfs but yea Finland
10. what are your hobbies?
Arts and crafts, as you can guess, drawing/painting/sculpting/needle felting, but I hike/take walks with the dogy, I love watching birds and other creatures and nature in general on walks..! Moss is life!!! I keep plants and aquarium, i’d love to get second tank only for shrimps!! And paleontology and mythology nerding, i do play them cursed videogames bit too, oh yeah I read too, like actual books of paper!! Tryna teach myself to read more again!! That’s some of it! 
11. do you have any pets?
Dogy and fish!! Aamu the dog and Peetu the kala!!! also shrimps! 
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
Not really anything?? Haha, like I used to really like football and uhh salibandy?? sähly??? as kid (idk floor ball??? ground hickey!?!?!?) and participated on class teams (badly cause I was astmathic fat kid) for those and also randomly in basket ball too??  I wasn’t really athletic but I wish I had been!! I did some horse riding too, nothing proper though cause we were poor but yeahh..! 
13. how tall are you?
166cm, i’mma short king ! 
14. favorite subject in school?
As kid I liked almost everything, I used to love math, but hmm, lets say art and biology!! 
15. dream job?
Oughhhhh idk............. Part time something???? I wish I could do more ceramics?? But idk, maybe concept artist or character designer?? Maybe paleoartist??? idk, tbh I been thinking about applying for retirement and just do whatever dabbling |’’’3 I think I really need to get my mental health in order properly before I can really think career??? I really wish I had some sorta handler or secretary or manager anyways !!!!!! Oh right if i didn’t have allergies I’d probably be some sorta animal dude, like horse trainer or something!! 
tagging: HMM LETS SEE @lil-bear-femme @kuoringankalmo @theonlygayinoulu @niborniac @chundertale 
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judeisms · 2 years
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do i really have to tell you how you brought me back to life?
name: jude kala pronouns: he/him  age: 24 occupation: art school teacher zodiac sign: cancer parents: both alive, living in new york siblings: none
traits and personality!
positives: enthusiastic, candid, honest, speaks before he thinks, easygoing negatives: dramatic, talks a lot of nonsense, has a difficulty focusing on one topic at a time, sometimes gives in to pettiness likes: random items that stand out. neon green everything (yes, even mountain dew), taylor swift reputation era, stargazing,  spending time with his pets, spouse and child dislikes: two-faced individuals, sweet desserts   aesthetic: wornout converse and leather jackets, slept-in hoodies, friendship bracelets, netflix and chill, cat cuddles
jude grew up in a loud environment. a really loud one. his parents used to fight when he was a child, and when he reached his teenage years, his parents were no longer sleeping in the same bed. all of this was, of course, hidden from the rest of their family to maintain the perfect family image they were so keen on masquerading around. jude always had to be the perfectly dressed child as a result of this, as if his immaculately-pressed clothes could make up for the lack of love in the household. there were always other members of the family visiting, which resulted in a lot of ceremonious cleaning up and tidying to “keep up appearances.” on sundays, the local church community always gathered at jude’s family home together for lunch after service. as much as jude dislikes to admit it, this shaped his personality growing up.
in the middle of a loud environment, he became interested in observing people, which then led to sketching them as they went about their days. jude believes that a lot can be said about what a person is doing when they are in the presence of people they like and dislike. turning to arts also gave him the quiet time he sought, but that is not to say he’s bad at social gatherings. jude is pretty well-adapted, and he finds it easy to mingle whenever necessary. even as he left home and moved to california to study, he was able to adjust well enough. it also helped him in his search for freedom, realizing how much of who he thought he was, was actually different from who he wanted to be. 
at home, he would always be the one caring for his younger cousins at family reunions. his love for the arts and for children made it easy to decide on what he’d do after graduating from fine arts. 
jude believes in the presence of a higher being, though he is not practicing the religion his parents raised him in.
jude always wished he had siblings. this tends to make him look at friends in a sibling-like manner by default.
jude is a serial hobbyist. one day he’d be knitting, next time he’d be into calligraphy or badminton. the only passion he has sustained is for the paper arts.
jude liked to stay on rooftops when he was a kid, mostly to escape the sounds of his fighting parents, but eventually he learned to love the stars and would always seek higher ground to look at them to find peace.
jude has adhd.
jude has a habit of drawing his favorites, ranging from his current hobby to his favorite people or places.
it took a long time before jude realized how his actions were selfish as a response to his search for freedom.
ooc note: thank you for reaching it to this point. please do make sure angst is plotted properly between us if it involves my muse. no communication on your end will result in me ignoring attempts to involve my muse in it. with that said, i will also reach out first if i do believe my muse is feeling some kind of way <3
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travelagentss · 17 days
Exploring the Best of Mumbai: A Comprehensive 800-900 Words Tour Guide
Mumbai, the "City of Dreams," is a vibrant melting pot of culture, heritage, and modernity. Known for its fast-paced life, sprawling beaches, colonial architecture, and diverse cuisine, this bustling metropolis offers a unique experience for every traveler. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a foodie, or a nature lover, Mumbai has something to captivate your senses.
For more information please visit - Mumbai Travel Agent
Day 1: Discovering Colonial Mumbai
Mumbai’s charm lies in its colonial architecture, a legacy of its British past. Start your tour at the iconic Gateway of India, a magnificent arch that stands tall overlooking the Arabian Sea. Built in 1924, it commemorates King George V and Queen Mary’s visit to India. Take a leisurely stroll along the promenade and admire the grandeur of this historical structure.
Right across the road, you will find the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, an architectural marvel that has been a symbol of luxury since 1903. Its rich history and opulent interiors make it worth visiting, even if you’re just there for a cup of tea.
Next, head to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT), one of the most stunning railway stations in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Gothic and Victorian architectural styles blend seamlessly, making it a photographer’s delight.
After soaking in the colonial vibes, visit the nearby Prince of Wales Museum (now known as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya). It houses a rich collection of artifacts, from ancient Indian sculptures to Mughal miniatures.
Day 2: Beaches and Bollywood
Mumbai's coastline offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. Begin your second day with a visit to Marine Drive, also known as the "Queen's Necklace" due to its shimmering lights at night. This 3.6 km long boulevard is perfect for an early morning walk or evening relaxation as the sun sets over the Arabian Sea.
A little further along the coast, you’ll find Girgaum Chowpatty, one of the most famous beaches in Mumbai. The beach comes alive in the evenings with local food vendors selling delicious street food like bhel puri, pav bhaji, and vada pav. Take a dip in Mumbai’s street food culture and enjoy the local delicacies while watching the sunset.
No visit to Mumbai is complete without exploring the glitzy world of Bollywood. Film City, located in the suburbs, offers guided tours where you can witness live film shoots, explore movie sets, and even meet a few celebrities if you’re lucky. Bollywood enthusiasts can also visit Mehboob Studios in Bandra, where some of the biggest blockbusters have been filmed.
Day 3: Spiritual and Cultural Mumbai
On your third day, delve into Mumbai’s rich spiritual and cultural side. Begin at Siddhivinayak Temple, one of the most revered temples dedicated to Lord Ganesha. It attracts millions of devotees and celebrities alike. The temple’s serene atmosphere offers a peaceful break from the city's chaos.
Next, head to Haji Ali Dargah, a stunning mosque located on an islet in the Arabian Sea. Accessible during low tide, the Dargah is a symbol of secularism and unity, attracting people from all walks of life. The walk to the mosque, surrounded by the sea on both sides, is a truly surreal experience.
For art lovers, Kala Ghoda is a must-visit. This vibrant art district in South Mumbai is filled with galleries, museums, and street art. The annual Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is a cultural extravaganza that showcases visual arts, music, theater, and film, drawing artists from around the world.
End your cultural day with a visit to Chor Bazaar, one of the largest flea markets in India. Known as the "Thieves Market," it offers antiques, vintage items, and curiosities at bargain prices. The bustling market lanes give a glimpse into Mumbai's vibrant street life.
Day 4: Elephanta Island and Shopping
Mumbai’s proximity to the sea offers unique opportunities for exploration. Take a ferry from the Gateway of India to Elephanta Island, home to the ancient Elephanta Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These rock-cut caves date back to the 5th century and are dedicated to Lord Shiva. The intricate sculptures and majestic rock carvings are a testament to India’s ancient artistic prowess.
After returning from the island, indulge in some retail therapy. Colaba Causeway is a shopper’s paradise where you can find everything from trendy clothes to traditional jewelry. Bargaining is key here, so make sure to haggle for the best deals.
If you're looking for high-end shopping, head to Palladium Mall in Lower Parel or Phoenix Marketcity in Kurla. These malls house luxury brands, fine-dining restaurants, and multiplexes, making them perfect for a day of indulgence.
Day 5: Exploring Local Life
To truly understand Mumbai, you need to experience its local life. Start your day with a visit to Dhobi Ghat, the world’s largest open-air laundry. It’s fascinating to watch hundreds of dhobis (washermen) washing clothes in large stone basins. The rhythmic sounds and organized chaos reflect Mumbai’s work ethic and determination.
Later, take a walk through Dharavi, one of the largest slums in Asia. While it may seem daunting, guided tours offer an insight into the thriving industries within Dharavi, including pottery, leather, and textiles. The people of Dharavi are known for their entrepreneurship, and this tour sheds light on their resilience and creativity.
Conclude your tour with a visit to Crawford Market, a bustling wholesale market offering everything from fresh produce to pets. The Victorian Gothic architecture and lively atmosphere make it a quintessential Mumbai experience.
Mumbai is a city of contrasts—modern yet deeply rooted in tradition. From its iconic landmarks and beaches to its vibrant culture and street life, this city leaves a lasting impression on every visitor. Whether you're exploring colonial buildings, relaxing by the beach, or diving into the world of Bollywood, Mumbai's energy is contagious, making it an unforgettable destination.
For those planning a trip, Mumbai offers the best of both worlds: a perfect blend of history, culture, and modernity. Come with an open mind and a sense of adventure, and you'll discover why Mumbai is truly a city like no other.
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sceneloc8official · 1 month
Dahi Handi Celebrations in Dwarka: A Vibrant Tribute to Lord Krishna’s Playful Spirit
On Krishna Janmashtami, Dahi Handi is a colorful and exciting significant celebration in Dwarka, Gujarat. The festivities are filled with rich cultural heritage and community spirit. Sceneloc8 explains the cultural significance, historical background, and exciting elements of Dahi Handi. It also recommends the finest places to go and offers safety advice to ensure an unforgettable time.
Cultural Significance and History of Dahi Handi
Dahi Handi, sometimes called Gopal Kala or Utlotsavam, honors Lord Krishna’s carefree early years. Lord Krishna was well-known for his fondness of butter and curd. According to tradition, to access pots of curd that were placed high to deter theft, Krishna and his companions would arrange themselves into human pyramids. This custom represents not just Krishna’s mischievous nature but also virtues like cooperation, harmony, and the victory of good over evil.
The occasion is more than simply a physical test; as individuals from all walks of life unite to rejoice, it captures the spirit of community. The exhilaration of shattering the Dahi Handi pot and building human pyramids strikes a deep chord with both participants and onlookers, fostering a happy and supportive environment.
Sceneloc8.com aims to introduce visitors to Dwarka’s most well-liked and thrilling Dahi Handi festivities. It offers information on the unique aspects of every event, safety precautions, and tourist advice. This guide will assist you in fully immersing yourself in the colorful celebrations, whether you are a resident or a visitor.
Popular Dahi Handi Locations in Dwarka
Dwarkadhish Temple
Location: Dwarka, Gujarat; Dwarkadhish Temple
Special Features: This temple draws large crowds for its spectacular Dahi Handi ceremony, which is accompanied by performances of traditional music and dance.
Nageshwar Temple
Location: Dwarka, Gujarat’s Nageshwar Temple
particular Features: Celebrated with particular ceremonies and community involvement, this place is well-known for its spiritual atmosphere and Dahi Handi celebrations.
Local Community Grounds
Location: Different Dwarka community green spaces
Special Features: Prize-money competitions are held by local mandals, frequently accompanied by food vendors and cultural acts.
Shri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations
Location: Dwarka’s public squares and temples
Dahi Handi celebrations are held at several temples and public spaces around the city, each with its own distinct style. These gatherings are a wonderful way to feel the joyous mood of the community and frequently incorporate regional customs.
Dwarka Beach
Location: Gujarat’s Dwarka Beach
Although not a typical Dahi Handi location, some neighborhood organizations plan coastal events that blend the exhilaration of Dahi Handi with the breathtaking scenery of the coastline, creating a one-of-a-kind experience.
Safety Precautions
Given the physical nature of Dahi Handi celebrations, safety is paramount. The following are some vital safety precautions to think about:
Appropriate Training: Participants need training to securely create human pyramids with the most vital people at the base.
Cushioned Ground: The area should have a cushioned surface to reduce the danger of injuries in the event of a fall.
Avert Congested Areas: To avoid mishaps, pyramids should not be built close to entrances or stages.
Wear Appropriate Clothes: Participants should dress comfortably and form-fittingly to promote mobility and lower the chance of accidents.
Detailed Descriptions of Dahi Handi Events
Dwarkadhish Temple Dahi Handi
Location: Dwarka, Gujarat; Dwarkadhish Temple
Special Features: Dancing, music, and traditional decorations will create a joyous mood for this occasion. The celebrations gain a spiritual touch when the attendees are blessed by the temple’s priests before the occasion.
Nageshwar Temple Dahi Handi
Location: Nageshwar Temple, Dwarka, Gujarat
Unique Features: The celebration includes devotional songs and rituals, making it a profoundly spiritual experience for participants and spectators alike.
Tips for Visitors
Crowd Management
Arrive Early: Due to the potential for excessive crowds, get to the arena early to obtain a good viewing area.
Be Alert: Keep an eye on your surroundings to prevent mishaps, particularly when the pyramids are forming.
Essential Items to Bring
Comfortable Shoes: Wear comfortable shoes with good standing traction when walking in.
Sunscreen: Since the festivities are frequently held outside, shield yourself from the sun.
Camera: Take pictures of the festive moments, but do not block anyone else’s view.
Local Customs and Etiquette
Honor the rites: Recognize the religious significance of the occasion and treat the rites with deference.
Engage Gently: If you are asked to participate, do so with grace and understanding of the physical demands involved in creating human pyramids.
Content Creator and Photographer Tips
Unique Angles
Gather Different Views: Take close-ups of the participants and aerial pictures of the human pyramids to highlight the energy and collaboration.
Include Personal Anecdotes: In interviews, share the experiences and perspectives of local organizers or participants to give your article more depth.
Time Management
Arrive Early: Get to the location early to take advantage of the finest viewing spots and to catch the excitement leading up to the event.
Safety First
Put Safety First: Avoid dangerous situations when taking pictures of the event to protect your own and the participants’ safety.
The Dahi Handi celebrations in Dwarka provide a special fusion of exhilarating excitement, communal spirit, and cultural history. You can completely enjoy this colorful celebration by comprehending its significance, being aware of the best venues, and taking necessary safety precautions.
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frogletscribe · 2 months
consider: tenak x anthe
Second ask: "or tsa'hani x kala"
Hi anon! Thank you for the asks! I'm assuming you mean shipping here, but correct me if I'm wrong!
So the only issue I have with Tenak x Anthe is that they have a sibling relationship. They are not blood related, non of them are if we include Kala here too, but Tenak is very much Anthe's big brother so im not super comfortable with the thought of shipping them romantically for that reason.
I realize that i haven't posted any of their lore so i don't expect people to know that off the bat lol
I have considered Tenak x Kala, though, bc in said unmentioned lore, they are both older and from the same clan/village so the two of them are less siblings and more very close friends.
Tsa'hani and Kala would also be super cute! Tsa'hani is a part of a whole separate thing in my head but if they met i think they would be adorable together, even just as best friends lol
I do have a couple sets of ocs that I ship together but they still need some time to bake lmao (i.e. i have yet to draw them into the world + a lot of them do not have names yet)
For the longest time i have been an OC x Canon Character person (i play a lot of RPGs with romance plots like BG3, Dragon Age etc), and its actually only more recently that ive been moving more towards OC x OC, so i do have couples or solo ocs that im more inclined towards shipping, I just havent gotten to posting them quite yet!
Thats not to say i'm against shipping any of these characters, I just didn't exactly make them with that in front of mind, or if I did than it was an OC X Canon Character that I am now moving a bit away from.
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Exploring the Pinnacle of Indian Architecture: The Best Architects in India
India, with its rich heritage and rapidly modernizing cities, has become a canvas for architectural innovation. The country boasts some of the best Indian architects who have left their mark with iconic designs and sustainable structures. At Design Forum International, we celebrate these trailblazers who have shaped the architectural landscape of India. Here’s a deep dive into the top architects in India, their philosophies, and their most notable works.
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1. Hafeez Contractor: The Visionary Innovator
Hafeez Contractor is one of the most well-known names in Indian architecture. With a career spanning over four decades, he has designed numerous landmark projects across the country. Contractor's work ranges from residential buildings and commercial spaces to educational institutions and airports.
Notable Projects:
Imperial Towers, Mumbai: These twin residential skyscrapers are among the tallest buildings in India, reflecting Contractor's penchant for high-rise design.
DY Patil Stadium, Navi Mumbai: A state-of-the-art cricket stadium that showcases his versatility and understanding of large-scale infrastructure projects.
2. B.V. Doshi: The Pritzker Laureate
Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi, the first Indian architect to receive the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize, is renowned for his sustainable and humane design approach. Doshi's work emphasizes the use of local materials and traditional methods, creating spaces that are in harmony with their surroundings.
Notable Projects:
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore: A campus that blends modernist design with traditional Indian elements, fostering an environment conducive to learning and innovation.
Aranya Low-Cost Housing, Indore: This project exemplifies Doshi's commitment to social architecture, providing affordable housing solutions without compromising on aesthetics or functionality.
3. Charles Correa: The Master Planner
Charles Correa was an architect and urban planner whose contributions have significantly shaped contemporary Indian architecture. Correa's designs are characterized by their responsiveness to the climate, culture, and needs of the people.
Notable Projects:
Kanchenjunga Apartments, Mumbai: A residential high-rise that cleverly integrates cross-ventilation and open spaces, offering a modern living experience while mitigating the harsh tropical climate.
Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur: A cultural center that draws inspiration from traditional Indian architectural principles and cosmic geometry, creating a space that resonates with the local heritage.
4. Raj Rewal: The Structural Artist
Raj Rewal's architecture is marked by a deep understanding of structural engineering and an artistic approach to design. His projects often feature bold geometries and innovative use of materials.
Notable Projects:
Hall of Nations, New Delhi: Although recently demolished, this iconic structure was celebrated for its futuristic design and was a testament to Rewal's vision and technical prowess.
Asian Games Village, New Delhi: Designed for the 1982 Asian Games, this residential complex reflects Rewal's expertise in creating livable, community-focused spaces.
5. Sanjay Puri: The Modernist Maestro
Sanjay Puri is a contemporary architect whose work is characterized by its striking forms and dynamic designs. Puri's projects often incorporate bold, fluid lines and vibrant colors, making them stand out in any urban landscape.
Notable Projects:
Bombay Arts Society, Mumbai: A building that challenges conventional design norms with its fluid, sculptural form, housing galleries, and artist studios.
The Courtyards House, Rajasthan: A residential project that combines traditional Rajasthani courtyard planning with modern aesthetics, creating a unique fusion of old and new.
Why Choose Design Forum International?
At Design Forum International, we are inspired by these stalwarts of Indian architecture. Our team comprises some of the top Indian architects who bring their unique perspectives and expertise to every project. Here’s why you should consider us for your architectural needs:
Innovative Designs: We believe in pushing the boundaries of conventional design to create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Sustainable Practices: Our commitment to sustainability ensures that our projects minimize environmental impact and promote green living.
Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize our clients' needs and visions, ensuring that every project is a true reflection of their aspirations.
Comprehensive Services: From conceptualization and design to project management and execution, we offer end-to-end architectural solutions.
India's architectural landscape is rich and diverse, thanks to the contributions of its best architects. At Design Forum International, we strive to uphold this legacy by delivering cutting-edge designs and sustainable solutions. Whether you’re looking to build a residential masterpiece or a commercial landmark, our team of top architects in India is here to bring your vision to life.
Contact Design Forum International today and let us help you create the space of your dreams, inspired by the best Indian architects.
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searcharoundyou · 11 months
Best Tourist Places in Varanasi: A Spiritual Journey along the Ganges
Varanasi, also known as Kashi or Banaras, is one of the oldest and most sacred cities in India. Nestled on the banks of the holy River Ganges, it's a city steeped in spirituality, history, and culture. From its famous ghats to its narrow winding lanes, Varanasi offers a unique and enriching experience for travelers. In this blog, we'll explore some of the best tourist places in Varanasi, ensuring you get the most out of your visit to this captivating city.
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Dashashwamedh Ghat
One of the most famous and vibrant ghats in Varanasi is Dashashwamedh Ghat. It's known for the daily Ganga Aarti ceremony, a mesmerizing ritual that attracts tourists and pilgrims alike. The ghat is also a great place to take a boat ride and witness the ancient charm of the city from the river.
Kashi Vishwanath Temple
The Kashi Vishwanath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is one of the holiest places in Varanasi. The temple's gold-plated spire and spiritual aura draw millions of devotees each year. Be prepared for crowds, but the experience is undoubtedly worth it.
Located just a short drive from Varanasi, Sarnath holds immense historical and spiritual significance. It's where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon, making it a pilgrimage site for Buddhists. The Dhamek Stupa and the Sarnath Museum are must-visit attractions in this peaceful town.
Assi Ghat
Assi Ghat, often less crowded than some of the other ghats, offers a tranquil atmosphere for contemplation. You can witness the Ganga Aarti here as well. Don't forget to explore the nearby lanes, which are home to quaint cafes and vibrant street art.
Manikarnika Ghat
Manikarnika Ghat is one of the two burning ghats in Varanasi. It's where Hindus come for the cremation of their loved ones. While it might seem morbid to some, the experience offers a unique perspective on life, death, and the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism.
Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
If you're interested in the academic and cultural aspects of Varanasi, visit Banaras Hindu University. Explore the Bharat Kala Bhavan Museum, the New Vishwanath Temple, and the sprawling campus that has been a center of learning for over a century.
Ramnagar Fort
On the opposite bank of the Ganges, you'll find the historic Ramnagar Fort. The fort is known for its stunning architecture and the Ramnagar Museum, which houses a unique collection of vintage cars, royal memorabilia, and antique artifacts.
Tulsi Manas Temple
The Tulsi Manas Temple is not just a place of worship but also an architectural marvel. It is dedicated to Lord Rama and constructed entirely with white marble. The walls of the temple depict the Ramayana, making it a popular attraction for tourists interested in Indian mythology.
Varanasi is a city that can be overwhelming and awe-inspiring in equal measure. It's a destination that offers a blend of spirituality, history, and culture, making it a unique experience for every traveler. While the places mentioned above are some of the best tourist spots in Varanasi, the real charm of this city lies in its narrow lanes, ancient temples, and the warmth of its people. Whether you're a pilgrim, a history enthusiast, or a wanderer in search of enlightenment, Varanasi has something remarkable to offer.
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Motion for all of them! 💗
[ask game]
*cracks knuckles* aight, all of them it is >:]
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Neira: Moves in a way that feels reserved and closed off; not many big motions or grand gestures, mostly keeps her arms close to her body. Also, silently. Not in a "sneaky on purpose" way, but in a "unassuming and will lose her in a crowd" way. She somehow blends into the background without consciously trying to, but she's okay with that (most of the time). Overall her movement is either very practiced and careful or very subconscious with little in-between.
Kala: Not fast, but surprisingly smoothly, and with precision. She is good at adapting to different clothing and situations and at moving efficiently and sure-footed; you can tell that she is used to controlling her motions very deliberately. Always makes sure to wear something to support her core when on the field/on missions.
Liam: Kind of clumsily, but also not? He's not good at delicate or carefully controlled motions but has very good reflexes, balance, and muscle memory that allow him to move with a lot of speed and relative agility. The back injury compromises some of that and does make his movements stiff some days. Prefers clothes that allow for a wide range of movement. Gestures and fidgets quite a bit with his hands.
Lilian: With presence. She can be quiet when she must but generally speaking she draws attention. Generally her movement is more about force than about agility; it's purposeful. She does have a limp after her leg gets messed which she tries to hide at first. If you pay attention she does not move with a lot of grace but her casual confidence does a good job in covering that up.
June: Kind of skittishly? Even if she isn't she often gives the impression of being nervous by virtue of being very fidgety. A lot of her movement is intuitive as opposed to carefully controlled, and she has a hard time surpressing tics or reflexes. Also has a tendency to be loud. Not necessarily loud in a literal way, but.. chances are you'll Notice her.
Ari: Disciplined. Especially when he is with other people he is very very conscious of and deliberate with the way he moves. Feels almost slow sometimes, but is very precise. When he is relaxed he is a hand talker, but otherwise he keeps his hands very still.
Noya: Almost restlessly, but with confidence. Despite her size she seems to take up a lot of space with how she carries and presents herself. Naturally has a fast gait and argues that she walks at a normal speed whenever people tell her she's walking too fast.
Var'Renan: Elegantly and silently. They're a hunter so they know how to move without drawing attention, but they also do it on purpose sometimes because they like looking (and feeling) Impressive -- and because their long limbs make them look gangly when they pay less attention and that makes them self-conscious.
Adriel: Uncoordinated at first, but over time, develops a fluid swiftness. She's athletic and values the feeling of being aware and in control of her body. Plus you're less prone to injury that way! Which. Definitely happened a lot as a kid lol. Still rarely holds still for long though.
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