#kaliyo critical
queen-scribbles · 10 months
Sorry, Kaliyo fans, I still hate her guts🙃
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storyknitter · 2 years
Who are your 3 least favorite Swtor companions and why?
Hey, thanks for the ask!
Skadge. I know most people aren't fans of him, so this isn't a surprising answer. Just... he's a sleazeball and the BH gets ZERO choice in actually letting him join their crew. I tend to ignore that he's on the ship at all and headcanon that my BH kicked him off the ship/shot him when he tried to pull the whole, "I'm going with you whether you like it or not" bullshit.
Kaliyo. Some people love her, but in my defense, I ran Sanna through KotFE before starting the IA storyline (yeah, I know I know!), so that was my first experience with Kaliyo. I think my opinion might have been different if I'd met her through the IA storyline first, but who even knows? (WAIT, I TAKE IT BACK! I FORGOT SHE WAS ONE OF DOC’S EXES!!! Regardless, she’s a solid meh for me. Skadge is really the only companion I hate)
Tanno Vik. I've only run through the trooper class once or twice, but I can think of a couple other NPCs I'd rather have in my crew instead of him. He's another one of those "ignore he's even on the ship" NPCs
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serenofroses · 1 year
Starting Agent story on Ania and she has Kaliyo tagging along... though Kaliyo doesn't last this long as a companion as her fate ended by Jadus.
This was an one-way ticket of me writing Kaliyo out by having her killed by Jadus. Kaliyo doesn't have much impact to Ania's story as Marr does. I'm not really fond of Kaliyo and my verse's Jadus did me a favour of sparing Ania from Kaliyo's betrayal.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Who are your 3 least favorite Swtor companions and why?
Okay first- Doc. Don't get me wrong, I have never once played an f!knight because i have approximately one (1) Jedi Knight Blorbo who lives in my brain eating my braincells at all times - but EVEN SO, how he acts towards unromanceable characters is so fucking annoying. Corrain has so much fun telling him to fuck off when he tries to mess with Kira. my god. bitchass 'doctor'
Second would be Skadge. his personality is just Villain, there's nothing interesting about him besides him being a Generic Sith Baddie without the Force Powers and buffoonery. and he's not even like, an INTERESTING villain, like Khem Val, with his Sithy History stuff, or Broonmark, who at least has a motivation beyond "Likes Being Pointlessly and Annoyingly Evil," or Tanno Vik/Kaliyo, who are at least kind of just like "fuck authority and morals but I'll hang around for the paycheck and the perks." Skadge is just. bitter about being thrown in jail....for being an extremely violent gang leader who enjoyed exploiting people for no reason. like what?
and Third....M1-4X. Like....he's kind of okay in the sense that he's not rude or anything but if I had to pick a character that would pull some shit like "but it's patriotic to turn in suspected Undesirables to the government now!" it would be M1-4X. Like I understand why it's wise to make the superweapondroid intensely, unnervingly loyal to the government it's supposed to serve.....but the utter *lack* of ability to criticize a government is fucking terrifying and my queer ass is a little too keyed up around nationalists to like him.
Thanks for the ask!!! <3
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Darth Jadus Levitates
It goes without saying that Darth Jadus is presented as one of the most enigmatic antagonists of the game. (Its right there in his lore object.)
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But did you know.... he levitates in place???
Its true!
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This is - like - a power move, right? He’s showing off?
(Right now i’m thinking of Essek from Critical Role.)
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rum-inspector · 4 years
OH MY FUCKING HELL ANOTHER WEEK of swtor not getting the subscriber "reward" bc I missed one day of logins.  How is this a good addition to the game? How is this "rewarding"? Why would you make the subscriber tier reset weekly when subs are already paying extra for the game??
I was thinking atleast it didn't succeed in making me obsess about logging in every day since THAT is the true evil of daily login "rewards". But it did. I WAS anxious about remembering to log in enough days to get the reward - but I still couldn't, apparently. A game shouldn’t make you feel obliged, like playing it is work. That is a good time for most of us to simply stop playing, but of course some unfortunate people can’t simply do that.  
There are no good things coming out of this. NONE.People saying "but free stuff" and then turning 180 saying "but you don't HAVE to login, the free things are crap anyway" like they don't get that they're making my point. Nothing good. The rewards aren't worth the toll.
I really don't know how to explain this better. Jimquisition on youtube has some good videos about video game addiction and the predatory activities of game companies (EA in particular) to get some perspective and perhaps open your eyes to those sneaky little things so that you don’t fall for them so easily.
And this feels so meaningless with everything else going on in the world so I feel like stupid FirstWorldProblems person to even bring it up. This would be job for the influencers to point out, they were supposed to be the “link between players and devs to help make the game better” or some other bs but I’ve seen nothing but praise?? I can see why someone who doesn’t think too far about this might be fine with it, but praise?? 
This is one of the things you probably don’t even think about if you or someone close to you isn’t an addict, or have other obsessive/compulsive problems. I DIDN'T understand addictive mechanics of MMOs either when I started playing, even when I fell to borderline addicted behaviors - which I managed to shake bc as much as I feared all my life I might be an addict I’m not - but tough luck if you are. So now that I do know more about the psychology behind these mechanics, I can't recommend the game to just anyone in good conscience anymore without a list of disclaimers. The daily login “reward” system is just one completely unnecessary addictive mechanic more in a game that is already highly addictive.
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badsithnocookie · 6 years
the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond replied to your post “i gotta admit though[[MOR] i am… cautiously intrigued and hopeful...”
Yep please... And like, Kaliyo is clearly bi, but there is no romance with her...
man kaliyo’s biness drives me up the wall like she is clearly and explicitly portrayed as bisexual in vanilla (i mean, she even has a near-smooch with anspishel that they chickened out of and half-removed) but despite her having romance with the f!agent planned in vanilla and even for her kotfe chapter they fucking backed out and cut it. like in the case of kotfe it wasn’t even an acina- or satele-style no romo/bait-n-switch but actual relationship (as much as kotfe romances are) that they left on the cutting room floor because? reasons?
and it’s like yeah kaliyo isn’t exactly Great Rep - she’d be Morally Bankrupt Bisexual Woman #2 (psst, bioware, stop writing morally bankrupt bisexual women, thanks) but it’s the same fucking
character type as jack from me2 - a 2edgy4u bi woman who is only actually willing to have a relationship that matters to her with a dude, which is a fucking ugly trope all by itself
am i mad about lgbt+ rep in bioware games? must be a day ending in y
Let Kaliyo Be Bi You Cowards
Write LGBT+ Characters Who Are Neither Morally Bankrupt Nor Traitors, It’s Easy I Promise
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depressed-sock · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I got tagged by so many people lmao 😅 Thank you @griever-receiver @sixleggedboar @punkranger @kruk-art
I’m not tagging anyone but if you see this and want to do it feel free! :D
Dragon age- Fenris
Mass effect- Jack
Destiny- Crow
The Old Guard- Nile
Fallen Hero- Ortega
Critical Role- Caleb
Marvel comics - Hawkeye
Star wars- Kaliyo
Saints Row: Johnny Gat
Borderlands- FL4K
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR asks
Going to answer these for myself because I am trying to get my head back to writing. 1. Least favorite class story?
Jedi Knight. Hands down. 
2. Least favorite companion on the Imperial side?
Skadge is the obvious choice.
3. Least favorite companion on the Republic side?
Doc. No fucking question.
4. Least favorite expansion?
Oricon or Iokath. Both because there's no way to complete the story without Ops, and that simply sucks. Also Iokath because it kicks off the traitor arc and the Commander doesn't have a way to say "I'm not allying with any of you. All of you need to get off my lawn now." 
5. Least favorite Kotfe/Kotet chapter?
KOTET chapter 1 because of the walker, and because it actually is hard to see Voss being destroyed. You go through the same areas you played through in the class story/planetary arc and seeing it all in pieces is sad. Also because of the ridiculousness of it being a dark side choice if you don't want that Zakuulan in your Alliance.
I don't begrudge the game giving players a chance to save that person if they want. Obviously, a lot of people want to save him, and cool, you do you. I do have a lot of very strong criticism for Bioware's decision to only allow for extremes, and to make refusing a DS choice. Like if you don't forgive and actively, closely associate with someone who has directly caused you great physical and emotional harm, and if you don't want that character to be there instead of Lana and Theron in the end, that's somehow bad? Okay, Bioware. Please fuck off now and keep fucking off until the end of time for that one.
Runner-up: chapter 8 because that choice was NOT necessary. If you had enough Alliance Specialist influence or had done enough Alliance alerts you should have been able to save both. It's awful. And there's a walker again. The only reason this is not first is because you can pull back the lost companion at the Odessen terminal and I certainly have on my bounty hunters. 
In KOTFE, chapter 10 because no, I actually really don't want to help Kaliyo. 
6. Least favorite romance?
I don't think it's a good idea to say. There are very few romances in the game I do - I'm sapphic and so are my characters, generally. There are some romances that I honestly personally think "I cannot even begin to understand WHY a single person anywhere in the universe would ever like this or want to romance this character." But people do like them and they have that right, and I don't need to understand it. I just filter out those characters' names and ignore it. 
7. Least favorite planet?
Hoth. In addition to the confusing maps that always get me lost, the screens of solid white snow tend to induce headaches for me. I usually get on and off Hoth without doing any side quests because it's physically painful. I really wish they would make a night mode for Hoth. I had a graphics bug once where the sky was dark and it was so lovely.
8. Least favorite flashpoint?
Either of the Ilum ones tied with Spirit of Vengeance because they are like seventeen hours long each and boring as hell. I really like the purple crystal you get at the end of Battle of Ilum but I have enough of them and I can't be induced to run that arc anymore unless it's a Viri clone OR a character who can stealth through the flashpoints.
9. Most embarrassing or bullshit way you have died in game?
Walking across a room. Walking in my ship. Opening a fuse box. Clicking things. It's not a bug, it's a feature. ;) I've also done plenty of falling off cliffs and buildings, forgetting I'd left a character in a combat zone when I went to get a snack, and so on. 
10. Worst multiplayer experience?
Most of the last year or so on Star Forge. I invested in transferring most of my characters off Star Forge because that server had become unplayable. Ninjas, people stealing objectives, people trying to drag me into their mobs so I'd fight their NPCs, duel spammers, people who dress their companions in slave costumes - I'd had way too much of that. If I had not transferred them all I think I would have quit the game because it was unbearable. 
11. Worst fandom experience?
Eh. There are always fandom sheriffs. There are always people wailing when certain characters get screen time. There are always those who are behaving badly in other ways. As someone wise once said, the worst thing about Star Wars fandom is the fans. I filter and block very liberally and do not fucking engage. It's not worth my time or energy, it's just worth blocking them. It's why I have asks turned off entirely and PMs turned off unless someone is a mutual. Fandom's supposed to be fun and nobody has to give even a second of attention to those who are trying to make it not fun. 
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
Old Wounds
Summary: In which Erisine reacts understandably poorly to learning Vaylin is under a kind of mind control very similar to what she was once subjected to and forbids Garen from using it, and a disapproving Valkorion has no meaningful sense of boundaries and no qualms about outing Eris’s trauma to Garen without her consent to try and convince Garen she’s being irrational and making a mistake.
Tags: No Archive warnings apply, mind control aftermath/recovery, implied/referenced mind control, hurt/comfort but it’s pretty light this time, KOTET spoilers
Find me on AO3 at Dragonheart37!
Reactions to Garen describing the events aboard the Gravestone and the news about Vaylin's keyword varied.
Nox recoiled, eyes wide and brow furrowed as if she wasn't sure how she felt about this revelation, only that it wasn't a good feeling. Zashiil startled almost as much, glancing across at the rest of the council like she was looking for reactions too. Theron swore under his breath and pushed himself away from the table to pace across the back wall, shaking his head. Lana rubbed a hand over her face, thoughts flickering behind her eyes too fast to read.
The Commander, whose opinion on this development mattered most of all, did not startle, or pace. A split second of shock flickered across her face, and she went very, very still, lowering her gaze to stare at the holotable. Her fingers might have been a fraction tighter on its edge than they had been a moment ago, but Garen had been watching her face, not her hands, so she couldn't be sure.
Lana was the first to speak. “We could use that to stop Vaylin. If we can just get close to her – we can stop her.”
“I don't like it,” Zashiil muttered. “Taking someone's free will from them. Separating them from the Force. It's wrong.”
“So is massacring a hundred thousand people to catch three fugitives, but Vaylin hasn't had any problems doing that,” Lana countered.
“Zashiil's right,” Theron said, turning back to the table and running a hand through his hair. “We can't justify everything with what our enemies are willing to do, or we're no better than them.”
“Lana might be right about this one,” Koth added, though he didn't sound certain. “Vaylin has to be stopped somehow. She's a monster.”
Zashiil glanced at Nox, as if expecting support, but Nox was staring at the table, fingers clenched around her own biceps as she crossed her arms, silent. The Barsen'thor hissed between her teeth. “I hate Vaylin as much as anyone, but it's not right. You know that.”
“Enough,” said the Commander. The word wasn't loud, but it drew the whole room's attention back to her somehow. She was still staring at the holotable, face carefully neutral, but her voice was sure when she spoke. “This isn't an argument worth having. It's not an option.”
The collective shock at the decisiveness of that rippled through the Force. Lana blinked, clearly taken aback. “Commander?”
She looked up now, green eyes hard as chips of jade. “I'm not arguing about this, Lana. I'm taking it off the table. Zashiil and Theron are right.”
Koth made a shocked noise in the back of his throat. “Commander, you can't just – this is Vaylin we're talking about. I don't like it either, but we need every edge we can get.”
“You will not use Vaylin's programming against her,” the Commander said, turning to look Garen square in the face. It was so small Garen could have imagined it, but she thought she heard a tremor in the Commander's voice. “That's an order, Master Garen'ishta.”
Garen recoiled a little despite herself, startled. An order – the Commander so rarely gave those, or at least rarely said it so bluntly, to her councilors. Lana leaned forward. “Commander, I understand your hesitation, but -”
“But nothing,” the Commander snapped, then paused to take a breath. When she went on, she sounded calm again. “I understand the risks and prices. But I won't allow it. There are depths even I won't stoop to. Let whatever price we may pay be on my head.”
Lana didn't get a chance to respond to that before the scene froze, colors fading.
Valkorion's voice interrupted. “Commander Ganne. Such a brilliant woman. And yet so foolish sometimes.” He circled around behind the Commander, shaking his head. “Such an obvious mistake, and she's walking right into it.”
“She's right,” Garen retorted. “It's wrong to – to manipulate Vaylin like that. Even Vaylin.”
“Vaylin is a danger to herself and everyone else,” Valkorion said, eyes narrow. “Your Commander would agree, were it not for her past. She allows her fear to get the better of her.”
Garen hesitated. “Her – her past? What are you talking about?”
Valkorion smiled grimly. “Vaylin is far from her first experience with such programming. She served my Sith Empire. She knows what it's like to have a leash.” He tilted his head, examining Erisine's frozen face. “She was dangerous, too. In a different way. She killed a Dark Councilor; she could have killed more, perhaps. So she was brought under control.”
Garen's brow furrowed as she turned that over in her mind. She hadn't known this; the Commander had never spoken of it. Which no doubt meant she wasn't supposed to know. “None of this matters.”
“Oh, but it does,” Valkorion disagreed. “She's making a critical mistake, one that might cost thousands of lives, all because she's letting her emotions override the logic that tells her she should know better. She sympathizes with Vaylin because she's been Vaylin. That doesn't mean my reasons for controlling my daughter weren't sound.”
Garen gritted her teeth. “Why are you telling me this? You can't expect it to change my mind.”
“Perhaps not. But I hope it will, and that you won't let the Commander's irrational emotions dictate your actions.”
“You're wrong,” she insisted.
“So be it, then.”
The world came back into focus as Valkorion's presence receded. Garen spoke, aloud this time. “I'm not planning to use Vaylin's keyword, Commander. You have my word.”
The Commander's shoulders relaxed slightly, a little of the tension going out of her, as if she'd been braced for Garen to fight her on this. “Good. Now that that's settled, we should talk about Arcann and how to handle him.”
For a moment, Lana looked like she might still protest, but the tone the Commander spoke in brooked no argument, and after a beat of hesitation Lana sighed. “Very well. If you're sure about this.”
Garen found the Commander standing on the edge of the balcony, leaning against the railing with one foot propped behind the other, staring out over the forests of Odessen. She hesitated a few meters away, not wanting to interrupt the Commander's thoughts.
The Commander nodded slightly without turning around. “Garen.”
Garen blinked, then moved up to the railing next to her. “How did you know it was me?”
Erisine smiled dryly, still looking out toward the horizon. “Footsteps. Yours are the lightest out of anyone on the council. And no one outside the inner circle ever comes to find me out here.” She snorted. “Well. No one who isn't Kaliyo, anyway. But she wouldn't have hesitated to bother me.”
Garen shook her head. “You never cease to amaze me.”
“I have to keep some tricks up my sleeves.”
They stood quietly for a moment, while Garen tried to formulate a way to broach the subject she wanted to gracefully. “So, uh,” she started, hesitantly, ignoring Valkorion's disapproval seeping through the back of her mind. “You seemed... pretty upset about Vaylin.”
Erisine turned to look at her, long enough for Garen to start getting uncomfortable before she spoke. “He's told you something you're not supposed to know about me, hasn't he?”
Garen winced. “I'm sorry. I didn't... I can't always shut him out.”
“Don't apologize. It's not your fault.” Her fingers tightened on the railing. “What did he tell you?”
She could feel him projecting himself standing behind her; she ignored him as best she could. “He said you know what it's like to have a leash. You sympathize with Vaylin because you've been Vaylin. That...” She pulled one lek over her shoulder to fidget with it uncomfortably. “That you're letting your emotions override logic, even though you know we should use Vaylin's programming against her. You – you get the idea.”
The Commander's lips tightened a fraction. “I see.” She looked back out toward the horizon again. “I have to ask you to keep this to yourself, Garen. It's true I know Vaylin's... situation better than almost anyone. But I assure you, it's no longer relevant.” She took a beat to swallow, and Garen tried to pretend she hadn't felt the echoes of old hurt in the Force, too strong to block out completely. “I undid my programming a long time ago. It's not a security threat.”
“I know,” Garen said softly. “You wouldn't let something like that compromise the Alliance.”
Before she could say more, she felt Valkorion step further into the front of her mind. “She's wrong,” he said, circling around into view behind Erisine. “She may no longer be under control of a keyword, but her past is a threat to you. She sympathizes with Vaylin.”
Garen frowned. “I wouldn't use Vaylin's programming against her even if the Commander hadn't ordered me not to,” she replied silently. “It's wrong. No matter how much of a threat Vaylin is.”
“And when innocents die preventable deaths because you wouldn't do what was necessary to stop her?” he challenged, arching one eyebrow. “What will you say then?”
That made her falter. What would she? What could she possibly say?
No. Don't let him break you. He was just looking for weaknesses – things he could exploit to manipulate her. She'd come this far and done this much good without needing to justify horrors; she couldn't start now.
He'd felt the hesitation, though, and Garen felt his satisfaction seep into her mind. She focused for a moment, pushing him back into the background again. Time caught up with her – she hadn't even realized it had stopped this time – and the Commander was looking at her, half a question in her eyes. Before Garen could say anything, Erisine said, “He was talking to you.” Garen nodded. “You get this – look on your face. Like you stop registering everything else for just a second.”
Garen sighed. “Valkorion has this trick he likes to do sometimes where he slows down my perception of time so he can talk without being interrupted. That's probably the look.”
Erisine shook her head. “I'll never understand the Force.” She smiled dryly. “He say anything I should know about?”
Garen flicked a lek dismissively, though even that was half-hearted. “Badgering me about agreeing with you. About Vaylin, I mean. Nothing important.”
Erisine mmed understanding. After a beat of silence, she asked, sounding hesitant, “Does he do that often?”
“Badger me?” Garen shrugged wearily. “Not usually like this. He's always listening, and he likes to give annoying commentary. We disagree on a lot of stuff.”
Erisine laughed. “I can imagine.” She sobered again, then said quietly, “I am sorry you got stuck with this. I don't really understand how it all works, but I've had a voice in my head, even if it wasn't a ghost of the Force or whatever. It's not easy.”
“You've had a voice in your head?”
She waved a hand. “Weird – brain stuff. Side effect of the programming. Turns out the human brain doesn't respond very well to external control being forced on it.” She huffed a half-hearted laugh and added dryly, “Can't imagine how that might apply to Vaylin.”
A vague sense of disapproval from Valkorion floated through Garen's mind. She ignored it, again. “I do wonder how much it was his... choking control on her that turned her into this,” Garen admitted softly. “I wouldn't blame her for rebelling, against that. Even if she's taken it much too far.”
Erisine pursed her lips. “No. I can't blame her for that much either.” She looked down, staring blindly over the railing for a long stretch of silence. “Garen, I don't want you to feel like I don't care that I'm putting you at risk. If I didn't think you could beat her...”
Garen reached out to touch Erisine's elbow lightly, just a brush of fingertips. “I know,” she assured her. “I wouldn't use it even if you'd told me to. It's not right.”
Erisine snorted. “Telling your superior you'd disobey a direct order? Brave.”
Garen let a smile crinkle her face. “A Jedi never lies.”
“I think the Barsen'thor would disagree,” Erisine replied, smiling back. She shrugged her arm away from Garen slightly, and Garen took her cue to withdraw her hand from where it still lay against Erisine's elbow. “It's good, I think. To have people willing to push back against me and tell me when I'm wrong. That's one thing the Empire was never good at. Perhaps the Alliance can do better.”
Garen looked out again over Odessen, over the dock below. “We'll pull it off,” she promised. “We'll beat Vaylin. And we'll set things right. All of us, together.”
Erisine nodded. “I hope you're right.”
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anchanted-one · 4 years
Eternal War. Book II. 17. SCORPIO’s Grudge
Read on AO3
In the aftermath of SCORPIO’s first grand offensive, Lana and her team were anxiously watching the special news broadcast on the holonet. For once, even Kaliyo was silent.
“This is Kinoko Sharale of the Nebcon Corellian News Network,” their anchor spoke gravely. “Reporting LIVE from Coruscant. Less than an hour ago, ships from the Eternal Fleet emerged outside orbit of our capital and attempted to bombard the Empress Teta sector. Fortunately, Republic High Command was alerted to the possible threat and was able to deploy the planetary shield in time to prevent any damage whatsoever. Ground based artillery and orbital defense facilities opened fire on and destroyed several of the enemy ships before the rest of the fleet pulled away. We are told that the warning came courtesy of Odessen Alliance Commander Arro. Many in the Senate have criticized the former Jedi Master’s carelessness in allowing the rogue droid SCORPIO to gain control of the Throne during the Battle of Odessen, but it is good to know that he has not lost his edge. Perhaps he can dethrone another Empress before the year is done.”
“In the meantime, we are getting reports that Coruscant was not the only world to be attacked. Dromund Kaas, Corellia, Balmorra, Koros Major, Manaan, Kothlis, Onderon, Alderaan, Commenor, Contruum, Nubia, Carida, Balmorra, Kuat, and many other worlds have also successfully repelled attacks. But not all worlds were as lucky. Defenses on Dubrillion, Ryloth, Tython, and Nyssa have proven lacking. These worlds are currently under bombardment, with operations underway to relieve them. We remind our viewers that Tython was abandoned at the end of Emperor Arcann’s War. There are few Republic resources left on-world although the illegal Twi’lek Settlement called Kalikori Village still remains. In contrast, Dubrillion is a wealthy and important world that is known to boast a powerful shield and ground batteries. It also has seventeen dedicated fighter squadrons and two Eagle-Class Cruisers with its own escort ships. Why these defenses and more weren’t readied when the alert went out is unknown. What is known is that we are at war once again. We will return with more news as it comes to us. Until then, stay safe. Do not attempt Hyperspace travel until it is confirmed that the Eternal Fleet has returned to Wild Space.”
Lana sighed and rubbed her temples with her fingers. Time was running out.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Ody: can I shoot her now? PLEASE?
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Truer words were never spoken🙃
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valoniya · 7 years
I just…I’m a bit scared with the direction that swtor is going right now. Like since Kotfe, practically every single main companion we have had (except Theron, Lana, Gault and now Elara) has the potential to be killed. And honestly I wouldn’t mind that, I get that people have their play styles + get curious. But Bioware seems to have fallen into a habit of not respecting all choices. You know, maybe I don’t want to kill all my companions, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t talk for the rest of the game. The game shouldn’t act like they’re dead and basically irrelevant to the story. Don’t they understand that the Kaidan/Ashley choice in Mass Effect wouldn’t have had half the impact it did if the one you saved just left for the rest of the game, or didn’t talk? Choices only matter if the consequences are followed up. If they can’t do that then they might as well just go linear because I don’t want to end up with Theron, Lana and 20 silent npcs for an alliance just because some people might have killed them.
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lavampira · 6 years
1 and/or 33 for Seline?
oooh thanks, ana!! :’)
1. does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? which one are they closest with?
seline is an only child, so she doesn’t have siblings, but she did spend time with cousins and other extended family members when she still lived in the ascendancy. she moved to the empire with her parents when she was young, though, and the nature of her career is secretive and infrequent in communication, so she isn’t really close to any family members, let alone ones who are her age.
33. in the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
the level depends on who is criticizing her and why, but seline is a mixture of defensive and willing to improve. to her superiors, especially during intelligence training, she bites her tongue and accepts the criticism, but uses the “advice” to make her into a better agent. however, if anyone in her crew (especially kaliyo) were to make a remark about her or her work performance, she would react very defensively and probably snap at them. she does file it away for self-improvement when she’s alone to think about it, though.
send oc questions
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queenofthieves · 5 years
kaia? or if you've already been asked her, nica?
Thank you!! c: I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to do both of them! (for Nica I’m still going through her story and figuring her out so hers is shorter)
Liar, as part of her job but it’s also something she enjoys
Tends to be very: mission above everything else. 
If she judges that torture and killing are the best approach to an assignment, then that’s what she’s going to do.
Flirts to leads people on. It can be a good way of getting more intel, making someone empathetic to you if things go sideways, etc. 
But she also just does it for fun. Catch her and Kaliyo leading ppl on at cantinas, only to ditch them and have a good laugh about it on their way home together.
Very guarded, can come off cold at times. She does soften for her friends.
Morally questionable
Won’t get therapy? She really fucking needs it.
Let’s her sister assume she’s dead for like, two years???
Erases her identity to cope
Can be critical of others because she has high standards for herself and those she runs operations with (she does get less critical as time goes on though)
Makes me do multiple replays of her bc she owns my fucking brain I guess
Doesn’t know how to turn down a challenge
While she does hold grudges, with people she cares about she can be a bit too forgiving
Known to be passive aggressive
Plan? What plan?? She likes to improvise 
Has let people try her bad cooking
in it for the $$$$$$
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Vector Hyllus making a choice
This exchange on Alderaan is the most important moment in his story.
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... huh?
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(Well, you ordered her stabbed to death, but i suppose that’s what happened.)
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I mean... its a valid position, but that’s the sort of thing we’re supposed to talk about BEFORE we storm the castle.
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This is critical in understanding how the killiks think and act.  
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Oh, man. The anguish. Even the pic doesn’t do it justice.
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The moment of truth.
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I would submit that this is huge for Vector as a character. As has been pointed out by others, most (if not all) of the Agent’s companions are untrustworthy. SCORPIO tries to kill you multiple times. Lokin blackmails you into taking him on, has a lifetime of secrets and is spying on everyone else. Raina is delightful, committed to the Empire, but she still has her own secrets and she ultimately does terrifying things to keep them. Kaliyo is... Kaliyo. People think they can trust Vector. From what i can tell, most of them feel this way because he is amiable, loyal and surprisingly humane for an imperial character. This is despite the fact that he’s been chemically conditioned to be part of a society that is not only foreign but completely alien in its philosophy. But in this moment, in the final moments of the IA’s Alderaan story, he chooses to side with you and the Empire. Even though that burns the hell out of him.  This is great storytelling and characterization. They are SHOWING us, rather than telling us, what is most important to the character.
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