barrendream · 2 years
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Decided to post the first chapter of my comic cause why not?
In the future, a lot of rough subjects no one wants to talk about will be addressed within it. I’m excited. Hope these platforms let me keep it on!!
There’s also gonna be a bunch of gay shit. Most of my characters are just not straight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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spookyblazecoffee · 7 months
All of the Power Rangers shows I'm watching/have seen in Percy Jackson part 2: Ninja Steel
Brody: Son of Hermes
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Preston: Son of Hecate
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Levi: Son of Apollo
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Sarah: Daughter of Apollo
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Hayley: Daughter of Aphrodite
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Calvin: Son of Hephaestus
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Mick: Son of Hephaestus
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Mick: So, Calvin, what are your plans for next year? Hayley: Calvin's gonna try acting. He was worried there weren't as many roles for white actors as there used to be, but then I laughed for fifteen minutes.
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thena0315 · 3 months
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kiqo-gw2-corner · 24 days
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A commission I did earlier this year for a guildie, Kanic! Magic swirlies my beloved...
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dion-iron · 2 years
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Ice brick,by Jormag with love
For Kanic on discord!
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tag-that-oc · 1 year
I need ship names for my characters Vircity, Linia, and Kadraa. I already have Virnia for the first two gals on their own, but I don’t have a name for them as a whole
virnidraa, lincidraa, or kanicity!
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augment-techs · 5 months
Another one on the made-up fic title thing: A Bad Batch of Cookies + Calpresto
Title: A Bad Batch of Cookies//Worth a Baker's Dozen From the Shop Rating: T Relationships: Preston Tien/Calvin Maxwell; Hayley Foster/Sarah Thompson. Characters: Preston Tien; Calvin Maxwell; Mick Kanic; Redbot; Hayley Foster; Sarah Thompson; Brody Romero; Levi Weston. Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff; Mini Dates; Horrible Cooking Skills; Kitchen Shenanigans; Dyslexic Calvin; ADHD Preston; Mick being a better father figure than both Dane and Mr. Tien combined; Bakery Donuts; Diner Date. Summary: "Can we have chocolate milk and dino nuggets instead?" Preston continued to hold the cookie tins aloft in his apron that really wasn't appropriate for the kitchen (terrycloth? really?) in the oven mitts with the cows painted to look like ladybugs; smoke wafting up around him and the fire alarms blaring like emergency calls.
Calvin, for his part, continued to look innocent, but also completely and utterly done with this situation in the multi-thousand dollar kitchen Preston had commandeered for the day with the promise of giving his staff the day off. The egg mess was still drying on his crotch and shoes, and he was fully aware that he'd need a boiling hot shower to get the caramel syrup and rum extract out of his hair.
Additional Scenes for thought:
Preston accidentally turning store bought eggs into pigeons, cardinals, robins, and two very confused peacocks.
Mr. Tien telling Calvin he smells like a girl because of the extract and syrup and Calvin being FULLY secure in his masculinity, thank you very much.
Calvin being totally aware that he's wearing a blouse and heeled boots he got in the mutual breakup with Hayley, but being totally unwilling to give them back no matter how many times someone brings it up.
Kissing in an unexpected downpour and cutting scenes to observe Calpresto walking soaking wet into a Denny's.
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yumejo · 1 year
so first off, disclaimer, What It Means to be You is a very heavy story with multiple suicides of the same two people and everybody needs therapy. everything is horrible but ends up peaceful... the main couple (violet and winter) had it rough. like really rough. horrible. they both suck at communicating and were mostly self interested and were abused by in-laws
ANYWAYS! enough sad context so Hayen is Winter's right hand man and basically Always Busy.
his sad man backstory is that his parents are gaming addicts and make Hayen work so he can pay them money. He gets a high paying job from Winter, the richest man in the country who actually paid off the country's debts, so he does get that nice salary (works a lot though)
there is just one scene on this and im literally not kidding Winter receives a letter from Hayen's parents and is like "im throwing them in jail" and Hayen is like the happiest man on earth
anywhos during the story he's by Winter's side as he works for the Kanic Hotel(s), Winter's main source of money-making. He goes through Winter's many successful suicides (like 3, and every time winter kills himself he switches bodies with Violet, which happened on her end like 6... yeah) and like Hayen found Winter dead one time from when he jumped off the balcony. and so he was like so done and Violet was living separately, so he actually just Goes To Her House, has a drink, and sobs at her table.
he's extremely loyal to Winter for saving him, and he's worked so hard through everything crazy (Winter's horrible parents, every mess from the Royal family, which Violet is from)
not to say Winter and Violet didn't have it bad I think they had it the worst but like. Hayen is literally right there. and he still works for them. he's a simple guy he likes to see people smile and do good work and be happy and likes peace. not (waves hands around messily) everything that happened over the last 140 chapters
the story concept sounds so interesting, so every time the main couple kills themselves, they switch bodies?
there is just one scene on this and im literally not kidding Winter receives a letter from Hayen's parents and is like "im throwing them in jail" and Hayen is like the happiest man on earth
THANK GOD FOR THAT what shitty parents??!! who makes their own son work just so they can continue feeding their gaming addiction 😭 good riddance!
hayen sounds like the character winter desperately needed!
"he's a simple guy he likes to see people smile and do good work and be happy and likes peace." <- GOOD CHARACTER RIGHT HERE
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fly-chicken · 2 years
Saw the coolest fucking art at Nuit Blanche in Toronto tonight. It’s living art bc each piece is made with bioplastics and living algae WITHIN the sculptures
This way the art is a LIVING sculpture, capable of providing oxygen to the observers 💜
Anyway here’s a pic of the explanation
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As well as the pieces themselves!
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Anyway the artist has a gofundme here
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omvilchis · 1 year
Recien termine de ver Power Ranger Cosmic Fury y honestamente no es lo que tanto se comentaba en #youtube, decían que sería un reinicio de la franquicia, que sería el final de 30 años de historia, bla,bla,bla.
Pero la verdad solo es un cierre de espectacular de una temporada, con referencias de la temporada #MMPR, la mención de Zordon, entre otras cosas, si #Neflix y #Hasbro hicieron un gran trabajo con solo 10 capitulos, la alejaron de totalmente del Sentai e hicieron un producto totalmente fuera de serie (lo que no logró ni quiso hacer Saba) entregando un producto totalmente a la altura de los fans de la franquicia desde 1993.
Lo nejor fue ver al actor David Yost nuevamente como Billy Craston y mentor de los Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, tal como se comentaba, de acuerdo a las filtraciones, un renger se vuelve malvado (como se dío en algunas temporadas, iconicamente el renger verde Tommy Oliver de #MMPR) , además de la reaparición de dos villanos menores de la temporada de Dino Fury redimidos, lo cual también se habia visto en temporadas anteriores (Atronema en Lost Galaxy y Ransik de Time Force por mencionar dos ejmplos) .
En cuanto a la historia, los capitulos son ecuenciales, narran un arco argumental seriado, que a diferencia de las temporadas anteriores no tienían una secuencia, más bien erán historias individuales que no llevaban un seguimiento de principio a fin, en esta temporada fueron 10 episodios sostenidos por si mismos en los que vemos un Lord Zed identico al que comenzo en #MMPR con una maldad implacable y sin ese humor bobo, además de la llegada de los Ranger's al plneta Zordia (en el que se dío el encuentro con Billy y Mick Kanic mentor de los Ninja Steel) para encontrar el altar de los Cosmic Zord's, ahí es donde nos dan una referencia de los Shoguns Zords con un dialogo de Billy.
Cosmic Fury hizo lo que solo pasó en 2 ocasiones anteriores (Lost Galaxy con la muerte de la Pink Ranger y Dino Fury con la muerte del Red Ranger), una trgendía el Ranger negro pierde un brazo. En general, esta temporada no es un reinicio, no es el final, es la muestra de lo que se puede hacer cuando puedes tomar decisiones sin depender de las escenas del Seintai, lo que si hubiera deseado es que aprecieran otros actores de la franqucia, pero esperando que la sociedad #Hasbro / #Neflix continue puedan retomar esos equipos con historias más maduras para el publico que sigue siendo #Generación #PowerRanger.
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ehud1564 · 1 year
I f****** hate Mick Kanic. So much. Why does he have to be here too. I want Preston instead. This isn't fair.
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dsksjshaoibskkahb · 1 year
i do feel like im being physically tortured. it feels like my body is filled to the brim with smouldring coals and im about to explode. hot-cold over my face. i am choking on flour. the voices around me keep growing and lowering at alarming rates.-
" three people are in the room with me. one speaks with a high strung panic, and another, her husband, with a subdued and apologetic tone. the third person, my mother, speaks eith a kanic edgd. all three are locked in lighthearted conversation the entire time. however, i hear misplaced clips of them talking about me with..dissapointment. or morbid fascination. talkimg about me in low voices like they dont want me to hear.
"before she was just a little overheavy, but now,, just completely overheavy"
thosefightsphysical sound torture. the sounds are killing me. im fairly sure theyre all in on it. _ star star star star
dometimes my mom will stray away from her friends and then speak to me like a police interrigator. like she knows everyrhinf snd is taunting me with thr knowledge.
but the DOG!
im supposed to call my girlfriend tonight but im nonverbal. i dont deserve love. texting hurts my habds and phone calls hurt my ears. i dont talk to her enough. im goingnto fail her. shes such a sweet and smart person. im going to fail her. im nit wirth her time
im missing out of something
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sugiblue · 1 year
kanice ng mga nangyari ngayong araw na 'to.
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ixhadbadxdays · 6 years
This isn't super exciting, just comparing the usual end credits music to the edits I made for the OverWeen videos, whether I use all four of them or not, for the three main characters I used for Overwatch videos; the Hammond picture is mostly a filler since I've only used that song once. The edit for Zig Zag will need to be turned up if you make it that far. For whatever reason, the edit killed the volume of it. The edit for Explorer is probably my favorite.
The song titles and artists are in the video along with links to their YouTube channels, or in the case of Clarx, the link to the video the song comes from.
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