#kanmon straits
mikawafudosan · 8 months
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trixiegalaxy · 1 month
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 763: The third year's start!!
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Pag 2
1: Ten seconds until the start
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Pag 3 /4
1: Let's run with everything we have!!
The last Inter High of the third year Sakamichi, start!!
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Pag 5
1: Yeah!!
2: Let's go!!
3: Let's pour our whole guts into it!!
4: Yes!!
5: Let's go!!
6: Teh!!
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Pag 6
1: The first day of the boy's Inter High competition in Fukuoka, starts now!!
It's here!!
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Pag 7
1: All the cyclists are beginning to run, with the big bridge connecting Kyushu and Honshu through the Kanmon Straits in the back!!
Waa, splendid!!
Do your best!!
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Pag 8
1: The entrance of Kyushu, here from Moji city in Kitakyushu, going south, they'll fight for three days
It's Sohoku!
2: Waaaaa
The wind is so strong!
The cyclists are so close!
So fast!
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Pag 9
1: Kumadai you can do it!
Their fight will unfold on the stage of Kyushu's nature!!
2: There are so many cyclists
Which team will win?
3: The one you need to pay attention to in the first place, is the one in the front with yellow jerseys
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Pag 10
1: Chiba's representative, the two times in a row champion, Sohoku
The third year they call “Mountain King” took the top goal two years in a row!!
Huh... then it's decided already!!
2: Another one is the one with the blue jersey, Kanagawa's Hakone Academy
They were the team that kept winning before, and they're so strong they say that in that team “everyone is an ace”
Huuh... that's amazing too
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Pag 11
1: Then there's Kyoto representative, with the purple jerseys, Kyoto Fushimi, who make the race unpredictable every time!!You can already feel their peculiar tenacity!!
They look scary
2: So those three!?
Well, yeah, but rumor has it that this year the mountain bike champion is participating, too
4: MTB!? The off-road one!?
That's right!!
5: And I guess the local Kyushu team won't keep quiet, and Hiroshima is strong too
There's a strong element of uncertainty in road racing
There are a lot of people, and the distance to cover and the time are long too
6: It's not the stronger one who always win
It's always been said that....
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Pag 12
1: Until the finish line is crossed and the race is over, you never know what can happen during a road race!!
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Pag 13
1: Hyoo... there's so many people, teh
2: They're all waving their hands, teh!!
Ahhh.... so many people, the scale is so different from the prefectural qualification, teh
3: What's wrong, newbie!! Hahaha
4: It started
5: Finally, the Inter High!!
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Pag 14
1: I'll show everyone here what I can do!! Take a look, newbie!!
2: This is the genius Kaburagi Issa's!! Super Special Strong-
3: Start Dash!!
Listen up, Rokudai
Yessir, teh
The red on the referee car means we can't surpass it
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Pag 15
1: As long as that racket-like thing is red, this is a parade run
2: Until it gets turned round and becomes green, the race is in a neutral situation
It means we have to run slowly and safely
3: There's no point in jumping ahead here
And if someone did that, he's just an idiot
Are you watching me, Aoyagi-san!! Haha
Teh... Aoyagi... san..
I'll surpass the care ahead of us!!
4: Once it becomes green, the speed will increase
Don't fall behind
5: Ye... yessir, teh!!
6: Hahaha I guess I left them behind of quite a lot
Waaa!? They're still right behind me!? Imaizumi-san, you're so fast!!
Choose a senpai to refer to
Ah.. huh... yessir, teh...
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Pag 16
3: We've pretty much passed the residential area, teh
The parade will go on for a few more kilometers
4: Once we get on a wider road and can confirm it's safe, then there's the real start
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Pag 17
1: My first Inter High....
What on earth is it... the Inter High....
2: Ahh... my heart is pounding, teh...
Yeah, enjoy the scenery and the heart pounding while you still can
3: Teh!?
4: Once the race starts you won't have time to look at the scenery or take a breath
6: You- you have enough time to take a breath
Ro- Rokudai-kun
Don't bully the first year, Hotshot
7: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 18
1: Only a little
3: Almost... none... the Inter High!!
I see... teh
Onoda-kun... you were even worst than Hotshot now..
The Inter H...igh sounds harsh
4: No, uhm
Uhm, it is
5: It's incredibly hard
It's so hard you could collapse
6: Your whole body falls apart and you can't even take a breath!!
Fall apart...!!
He's really putting the boot in...
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Pag 19
1: But we run with all our strength
2: with everyone supporting each other
3: If we connect
4: and we run until the end with all our might
7: When everything is over and we look back at it
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Pag 20
1: We'll feel like it a really irreplaceable time
2: That difficult moment
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Pag 21
1: When we were angry, frustrated, or when we smiled
We'll remember everything
2: Then, we'll think that we're happy we didn't give up
3: “Think”....
4: That's....
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Pag 22
1: That's the Inter High!!
3: If there are people who have “power” in their words
4: For me, it's this person
I've been thinking it since I've met him
5: Are you... in trouble?
Follow me
6: He usually seems unreliable when he talks, and there are times when he's awkward, but
… yes
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Pag 23
1: His words always strike my core!!
Yessir!! Teh!!
That's right, Onoda-kun
You're right, Onoda
You can bet on it..!!
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Pag 24
1: Thank you so much, teh
For bringing me, who didn't know anything, in such a brilliant and heart shaking world!!
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Pag 25
1: Huh!? Everyone else too!! You were listening!?
Ah... uhm.. I was talking to Rokudai-kun...
2: Hahaha, we heard
3: And thanks to it, I'm all fired up!!
Don't get fired up more than this or you'll turn into ashes quickly
4: I-I'll run with everything I have, teh!!
5: So that you can fulfill
6: your dearest wish you told us about when we were coming here on the ship!!
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Pag 26
1: “Dearest wish”
5: Yokosuka-Kokura ferry, off the coast of Kochi Prefecture
7: Well, the schedule after we arrive is roughly like this
Remember it yourself
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Pag 27
1: Now if you get too excited you'll only get tired, and now it's okay to relax
Get a good night's sleep today, when you wake up tomorrow we'll go ashore
2: Onoda, you want to say anything?
5: Let's... let's do our best
6: Yessir!!
7: Good night
Good night!!
8: Can I ask one last thing?
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Pag 28
1: Earlier, Naruko-san said that our objective for this Inter High is to get our “third consecutive victory”
To be on par with Hakogaku, who is the only team to ever win three times in a row in the history of the Inter High
4: I agree, I also think we have to do it
But I there's one thing I'm curious about, and I don't think it's been asked yet
5: Onoda-san, what's your objective this year?
What are you running in the Inter High for?
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japan-overload · 1 year
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Kanmon Straits seen from Kaikyo Yume Tower (Shimonoseki-shi,Yamaguchi,Japan) by Rudolf tan
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claarz000 · 9 months
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Back in Japan for summer to celebrate my birthday woot woot
Visited Shimonoseki for Karato Market to eat some fresh, yummy sushi. OMG there is so much variety and I want to try everything, but I know I can’t, so I had to go around the market twice before finally deciding what to get. Indecisive, overwhelmed little me. LOL.
The market is also famous for Fugu (puffer fish) so I got a fried fish sticks version of it, but honestly I couldn’t taste what makes it special.
After getting my sushi fill, I walked to Akama Jingu, a nice shinto shrine that sits on an elevated area, more like a hill I guess. So, from there, you see a view of the Kanmon Strait on one side, and the lushness of trees on the other side, providing a nice contrast to the red colored shrine.
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epicfireworks · 1 year
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jimpluff · 7 years
A giant unidentified creature emerges from the Kanmon Straits!
This is a promotional video by Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki to make the strait seem more interesting for visitors.
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hansjohnson · 5 years
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TOYOTA Classic_1
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te2ro-s-0319 · 4 years
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* #mekarishrine #seaside #bonescatter #mojiko #kanmon #strait #clouds #bridge #retro #japan (Mojiko Retro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDs0aqBJq5F/?igshid=1tfzflkgfjoli
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mikawafudosan · 2 years
Ships of Kanmon Strait というウェブページで関門海峡を通る貨物船等の船の写真と関門海峡の景色(工場、山、北九州、下関、夕日など)が見れるホームページです。Photos by Ship Freakazoid - It is a Marc Lowe Music Free Zone
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trixiegalaxy · 1 month
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ywpd-translations · 9 months
Ride 756: The third Inter High!!
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Pag 1
1: The Inter High starting line is impartial
2: Those aiming for victory
3: Those filled to the brim
4: Those who are scared
5: Everyone who put on their number bib
6: The line calls everyone to a new path
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Pag 2 / 3
1: No2, Onoda Sakamichi's last Inter High!!
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Pag 4
1: “Kyushu” was once divided into nine countries, and that's why it has that name*
(NdT.: The “kyuu” in Kyushu means nine)
(Currently is divided in seven prefectures: Fukuoka, Ooita, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima)
2: It has a lot of active volcanoes, and people coexist with the harshness of nature while enjoying hot springs, geothermy, and tourism
3: Trade with the continent has been active since ancient times
4: Formerly, the distribution of goods by ships, which was the mainstream
5: Passed through the Kanmon Straits, separating Honshu and Kyushu
6: And transported to Osaka, Edo, the Japanese cities by the sea, and every corner of the country
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Pag 5
1: Even today, the Kanmon Straits, which passes through Shimonoseki, and Kitakyushu City, and Moji, is the shortest route that connects the Inland Sea and the Sea of Japan, and is a key point for the shipping through sea
2: 1000 ships a day pass through the complex strait, which is 500m wide in its narrowest point
3: As for the land route
4: An highway crosses the Kanmon Strait with a huge bridge 1068m long
5: Ordinary national roads and railroads pass through specialized tunnels
6: As for bicycles and people... they use the “pedestrian bridge tunnel” at the bottom of the huge bridge
From Honshu to Kyushu, they can cross over the Kanmon Strait by walking
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Pag 6
4: Waaa
We're at the bottom of the sea here?
That's right
5: So above us is the sea?
And we can walk to Kyushu?
That's right, it's around 400m from here
6: There's even people with bikes
7: Look! There's a line!
It's the prefectural border
8: One, two-
9: Yes! I landed in Kyushu!
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Pag 7
1: The entrance to Kyushu is in the northernmost town, Moji, in the prefecture of Fukuoka, Kitakyushu City
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Pag 8
1: This is where this year's Inter High will start
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Pag 9
3: Where do I put this baggage?
Put it in the tent for now
Thank you, senpai
4: Look, The bikes are all lined up
So pretty
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Pag 10
1: I took a picture
So cool
2: Two portions of Mijiko curry, please
3: A pressure of 6.5?
Six, please
4: Do you have an allen key?
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Pag 11
1: Ohhhh
2: There's so many huge buses!!
3: Nara
4: That one is from Miyazaki
5: Na-Nagano!!
6: And there's so many people, too, teh....!!
7: Are they participants in the race!? All of them!?
You're kidding, they look so strong!!
8: The attendance!! Is on this scale!!
So this is....
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Pag 12
1: A national competition!!
2: Teh?
3: Ohh.... suddenly my knees started trembling, teh
Ho- how do I stop it, teh, Ki....
4: Kinaka-kun!!
6: Ki.....
7: “The competition is in Kyushu, so there's no way we can bring everyone along”
8: Kinaka.... kun
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Pag 13
1: I'm here!!
Ah, you're here....
2: I'll be a mechanical help for the next three days
And I was entrusted to be your lucky charm
De-he.... oho, ohoho, fuhoho!! What's that enigmatic way of laughing!!
3: Don't act like I didn't come!!
No... I just wanted to reaffirm again how grateful I am that you came, Kinaka-kun...
Ah!? That doesn't make any sense
4: It does!!
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Pag 14
1: Because I really am grateful to you, Kinaka-kun!!
3: And I think this jersey is for the both of us!!
5: Don't say you're grateful so directly
It's embarrassing!!
6: Let's go to the tent!!
7: It's your first Inter High but you're not all that nervous!!
That's somehow incredible
8: Yeah!!
After all
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Pag 15
1: We have the strongest senpai!!
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Pag 16
1: Ohhh
2: It's Sohoku!!
It's Sohoku, the two-times in a row champion!!
Sohoku is in Kyushu!!
3: What a terrific aura!
Onoda.... Naruko, Imaizumi!!
They look serious!!
Are they aiming for the championship again this year!?
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Pag 17
1: They're going to get their number bibs
They're heading straight for the reception!!
Yes, all the participants are lining up in a row there
2: Oi, you're interrupting....
3: Sorry-
5: -ku's...... bibs....
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Pag 18
1: ….. please
2: Is he..... nervous....!? The reigning champion, Sohoku!?
Did he have a nervous aura?
Maybe the two guys behind him.... were supporting him?
3: They were supporting him, but the jersey came off
5: They're going back to their tent....
So that's Sohoku... right
7: So-so- sorry, I got nervous!!
8: La-la-la-la-la
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Pag 19
1: I was thinking it's the last Inter High!!
3: For us
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Pag 20
4: Yeah
5: That's right
6: That's right, Onoda-kun
We're third years
7: It's our third and final
8: yearly grand stage
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Pag 21
1: Once this is over, we'll retire
This Inter High is our last race!!
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Pag 23
1: Honestly speaking, I my heart too was pounding when we were on the ship coming here
I was really nervous
2: Naruko-kun....
3: Naruko
4: But then I thought
When we were first years and ran in the Kanagawa competition..... maybe, at the starting point in Enoshima
5: The old man, Kinjou-san, and Makishima-san, too, were as nervous as we are now
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Pag 24
1: They must have been
3: But they didn't show it at all to us kouhai
4: Well, we can't afford to show it, either
5: That's why, Manager, we talked and decided to go back to our beginning!!
6: We chased and caught up with those people's back, but this time we're gonna surpass them!!
7: Huh
8: We're changing our numbers from last year!!
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Pag 25
1: The old man carried number 172, so I'll take number 2!!
Hotshot will take the number Kinjou-san wore, number 1!!
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Pag 26
3: And Onoda-kun....
7: The number Makishima-san carried
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Pag 27
1: I'll run wearing the number 3!!
#yowamushi pedal#yowamushi pedal translations#yowapeda#yowapeda manga#yowamushi pedal manga#yowamushi pedal spoilers#ride 756#what do you mean the ih is really starting#what do you mean this is the last IH and after this yowapeda is over#WHAT DO YOU MEAN NARUKO THAT AFTER THIS RACE YOURE GONNA RETIRE#yes i know its gonna take literal years before it ends BUT im just crying already#what a beautiful beautiful chapter!!#starting with a japanese geography lesson from watanabe-sensei#which is always interesting tbh yowapeda is a very educational manga#then there my babies my boys my children Roku-chan and Kinaka#i need to write more fics for them because- BECAUSE!! did you see theeeeem????#i really thought for a moment that kinaka wasnt there and i was about to start crying for real#but he's there of course he's there!! he could never leave rokudai alone that boy would panic too much#roku-chan's jersey is for the both of theeeem!! he really said that ;A;#and kinaka being all embarrassed asfdasgfd how are they so cute omg i love them#and then there's THE trio- my boys my babies who have grown up so much!!#Onoda who is a disaster as always whenever hes not riding a bike!! And naruko and imaizumi there being his knights!!#Not so good at their job sinc eonoda still falls and destroys everything and theyre left with only his jersey lmao#that was the funniest sequence of panels ever sagdhka#then end made me so emotionaaal ;A; theyre wearing their senpai's numbers ;A; they really are going to surpoass them this year#but also also hear me out#if theyre like the three senpai two years ago then roku has precisely the role onoda had#meaning HE is going to take the win#imma manifesting this#btw i really need to write fics this chap left me with the need to do it
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freifraufischer · 2 years
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Olly Hogben is the beloved mascot of the gymnastics fan community and he has gifted us with both poetic and punny introductions to events.  I figured I’d share some of my favorites.
“Mersin, Turkey.  The shores of the Mediterranean sea and the cradle of European civilization.  A place where history has been being written for thousands of years.  They say that the ancient Greeks created the sport we now call gymnastics.  Well the Greeks knew this part of the world very well.  So did the Romans, the Assyrians, the Hittites, the Persians and countless other travelers.  Too many civilizations to mention who have walked the streets where 21st century travelers now walk.  Or at least will walk again some day.  In short this place is full of memories.  In this place the walls echo with names from the past, names like Khorkina, Čáslavská, Comăneci, Ponor, Latynina, Tweddle and Amanar.  In this place you see, they tell stories that last.”  --2020 European Championships EF
“Dreams.  How nice to be reminded they still exist.  The European Artistic Gymnastics Championships takes place in Basel, Switzerland, a place of beautiful scenery, of forests, of mountains, of fairy tales.  Dreams and fairy tales after a year of nightmares how nice it is to be reminded that dreams do indeed exist.” --2021 European Championships AA
“Kitakyushu, for 200 years the gateway to Japan even when it remained closed to the world, when Japan was largely isolated from that which was outside.  From the 1600s to 1800s Kyushu Island was it’s exception.  When the capitol switched from Kyoto to Tokyo, Japan’s focus shifted and Kyushu was no longer the main point of entry.  But you know what?  Sometimes in great events in cities like Tokyo, in times when the world is isolated, the old provinces come into their own once again.  History throws up some parallels does it not?  Just two months on from the Olympic Games across the Kanmon Strait in Honshu it’s Kyushu Island that yet again is the gateway to Japan during a time of separation.”  --2021 World Championships AA
“The question is this... can anyone relegate Melnikova to melni-under or will the Russian hold onto her top spot from qualifying.  Will she even improve upon her performance, in short can Angelina be even cleaner.  Will Leanne Wong be on song or will Kayla diCello add another string to her bow by taking the title here in Japan.  That’s your top three but who might mount an attack from the chasing pack?  Another Russian perhaps?  Urazova more over?  But how about Martins?  A medal for Filipa would help fill up her trophy cabinet and don’t forget first reserve Bacskay slotting into the top group like jenga is Hungarian vault specialist Csenge.  Is she the missing piece of the puzzle that will send the favorite tumbling?  But never forget the second group who might make a run for the medals.  The best in the peloton is Xiaoyuan who leads the way.  Who will break free, Heduit or even Lee?  The Korean Yun-seo is joined by Bachynska who could make things nastier for the leaders if she’s in top form and you say D’Amato and I say World Championship bronze medalist Asia who completes your top twelve qualifiers.”  --2021 World Championships AA.
“The city of Munich in Bavaria is hosting the 2022 European Championships, a wonderful multi-sport competition with athletics, beach volleyball, canoe, sprint, cycling, rowing, sport climbing, table tennis, and triathlon all part of the program.  But let’s not forget where we are today, the Olympiahalle hosting artistic gymnastics and the European Championships of women’s competition.  Footsteps in corridors, faded, quiet, but living forever.  Now if buildings could talk this one would have a lot to say.  It would tell the tale of the great names of legends that echo off the walls with a crispness and the clarity of a thousand stuck landings: Munich 1972 the year gymnastics developed wings.  Welcome to the Olympiahalle a place where you can become immortal.”  --2022 European Gymnastics Championships TF.  
“The question is can anyone stop Italy from Roman free?  On Thursday they gave us all a geography lesson when we learned that Asia was at the center of Europe.  The Azzurri won gold in 2006, back then they were Ferrari powered but they have a new engine and it’s capable of magic or even Maggio.  They say European civilization was born on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, is gymnastics coming home?  But hang on a moment there are other teams offering a geography lesson of their own.  On Thursday Kinsella was stellar and she’ll tell you that no woman is an island even though Great Britain is.  [...] but in Birmingham Achampong could do no wrong and she’ll be hoping to help GB to the commonwealth of precious metals.  They may be tic toc stars but this could be their time.  And then there is France who looked Charpy-nough in qualification.  There is a freest of excitement about le Bleu.  Could Heduit take them into the top three.  But to understand geography you need to go back to your roots, start from home, Germany has never won a European Championship team medal but they have their Seitz set on gold and want the crowd to be singing Bui are the champions.  Will the Germans boss under the guidance of Voss.  Now that’s your top four after qualification but there are others.  In European geography the Belgians and the Dutch are used to lying low but keep an eye on their possible rise.  The Belgians are confident, they’re bold as brass or even Bassart.  Only the second time they’ve ever been in a European team final.  And what of the bronze medalists from Glasgow 2018?  But Kovacs and her team are Hungary for success.  And is it time for the Madrid and Barcelona based team to serve up a clasico?  Are they real contenders?  Those are your qualifying teams.  Let’s redraw the map of Europe.”  --2022 European Gymnastics Championships TF.    
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tsuri-chan · 3 years
Detective Conan DVD Box 12
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Included episodes:
Episode 286-308
Bonus material:
Episode guide
Favorite episode:
286-288: Shinichi Kudo’s New York Case
301-302: Parade of Malice and Saint
304: The Trembling Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages
305-306: The Unseen Suspect
Least favorite episode:
299-300: The Kanmon Strait of Friendship and Murderous Intent
10/10 plot relevant episodes
This might be the best volume by now. So many great cases and so much plot relevance. This is a volume, which is worth all the money. 
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crossoversinger · 5 years
Priest Seikyo
Japanese great Priest in Edo period, in Japan.
We'll perform Japanese Musical about the real story that Priest Seikyo saved many Boats.
 I introduce about great real story.
Preist Seikyo
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cantillat-moved · 4 years
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Saber!Emiya headcanons This is mostly based on my conversations with Gem (  @gemviribus​ ) about our UBW route, but I believe it is compatible with most ships and verses in this blog, except for Heaven’s Feel. 
After the Holy Grail War, Shirou started studying magecraft under Rin and went to London with her to study at the Clock Tower as her follower/assistant. This is a common practice among magi, yet at one point he was offered to fully enroll as a full-fledged magus. Shirou declined, leaving the Clock Tower after his apprenticeship under Tohsaka ran out. Shirou traveled the world, both honing his skills and saving lives. At some point he met someone special, and his travels became less frequent. Even with the relationship, it was hard for Emiya to turn his back on his mission and stop helping and saving people. However, there was this rude awakening when terrorists attacked a nuclear plant… The wanderer fought frantically, tearing down scores of dangerous individuals to reach to the reactor. He could feel Alaya calling out to him as staring the core about to enter a state of meltdown – Shirou did what he had to do, burning throughout his magic circuits and barely making out of that alive, saving everyone in the progress. It was when he realized: even if he saves everyone, what kind of person he would be if he left his significant other and their families grieving? In a world where people don’t have to cry anymore, what good it would be if his own family is suffering? He didn’t stop his travels immediately, but takes a long break to recover from this event, and starts focusing on tying any loose ends and making sure that the ones he helped along the way can carry out after him. Even if Emiya Shirou won’t pass down his magecraft, that would be his legacy – to spread the hope, to encourage more people doing the right thing for the right reasons and helping others.
Of course that being at home, Shirou would become a little restless. It is when he started experimenting with forging, almost like an extension of his magecraft and passion for tinkering. Turning the shed into a forge, he started studying how to be a blacksmith and craft weapons mostly as a hobby. His first experiments weren’t very good, it was frustrating to be able to perfectly envision and Project a sword but being unable to create it using regular materials, but he quickly started getting better and better, even experimenting using his magecraft to enhance the material before starting or to imbue special proprieties. Eventually, he started making top-notch Mystic Codes comparable to some of the most prestigious lineages still active, yet he wasn’t satisfied or thought they were really that good. That’s why it was surprising when a mysterious person contacted him on behalf of a client. Without a lot of information to go by and moved by curiosity, Shirou accepted a meeting with the said client – it turned out to be a representative of the Japanese Royal Family, more specifically from the Atsuta Shrine.
The Three Sacred Treasures are the Imperial Regalia of Japan and symbolizes their divine lineage coming from Amaterasu, via their ancestor Ninigi-no-Mikoto. They consists of the mirror Yata no Kagami, the jewel Yasakani no Magatama and the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi. This later actually being the center of some controversies – at the conclusion of the Genpei War, the then 6 year-old emperor and the Regalia were under the control of the Taira clan and were present when they were defeated by the rival Minamoto clan at the Battle of Dan-no-ura, that was fought on boats in the shallow Kanmon Straits. The grandmother of the child emperor threw herself, the boy, the sword and the jewel into the sea to avoid capture. The mirror was recovered and, according to legends, struck blind the Minamoto soldier that dared to gaze it. The jewel was recovered by divers later, but the sword is a mystery – it is unknown if it is a replica, was reforged or returned to land via supernatural forces. Moreover, it is said that a Shinto priest named Matsuoka was tasked to repair the wooden box that housed the sword. Upon his careful attempt, he accidentally revealed another box inside, except this one was made of stone. It was separated from the outside box with a thick layer of red clay – curiosity got the better of said priest and he pried open the inner stone box and found a hollowed log of a camphor tree, with its interior lined with gold and, encased inside it, the sword itself. The priest was caught and banished, and not long after his experience he became terminally ill. Since then, no-one laid the eyes on the sword except for the emperor himself.
Shirou’s mission, if he accepted it, would be to ascertain the authenticity of the sword at the temple, as events undisclosed to him took place. Knowing how much of an important task, Emiya asked for a few days to make his decision, and spent three days and nights meditating at the Ryudo Temple to make sure he had permission to examine the sacred sword – the sword said to be the one that the god Susanoo-no-Mikoto used to slay the serpent Yamata-no-Orochi. Without violating the seal, Shirou used his structure-analyzing techniques to check on the chest’s contents. What Emiya sensed or saw, he only disclosed with the agent that contacted him.
After that, Shirou’s sword forging techniques improved tenfold, creating swords close to reach the realm of the divine. Until one day, relatively effortlessly, one of his swords did. He used this sword only once, but it was enough for him to garner enough reputation to quality as a Heroic Spirit. Also, even in life his swords became famous Mystic Codes among magi and works of art among regular people. 
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