#kapano naga vang x reader
twizzyburger · 7 months
Kapano "Naga" Vang
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coming soon!
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beefstroganoff · 3 years
things you said when you kissed me good night
kapano “naga” vang x f!reader
a tiny ficlet about naga being soft even though i know that bitch crazy af lmao
warnings: brief mentions of sex
He loves you.
From his toes to the roots of his teeth, coming home to kiss you and feel your fingers trace over the features of his face, forever grateful that he’s made it this far to sleep with you in his arms every night. Naga knows that his work requires him to be out and about for various amounts of time, and yet, you’ve always welcomed him home with open arms. He wonders how you can love a man who does such horrific things when you can leave and have a life of your own that doesn’t include death and destruction. It makes him think that maybe you see something in him beyond his line of work that you love about him, something that made you stay with him for all these years.
Before you, permanence had no place in his life. He lived dangerously, always running from death and people who wanted to skin him alive and put an end to his schemes. He didn’t have a reason to settle down, it just wasn’t an option to him.
Then you happened. Crash landed into his world and took a detour he never intended to take. When he met you, he never expected to fall in love and yet, three years later, he waits for your arrival in bed, completely surrendering himself to the gold wedding bands that rests on both of your fingers. You saw right through him and into his soul. You were the first to see him as Kapano, not as the brutal warlord Naga. You understood him, far beyond than anyone else has ever managed to. He loves you into the layers of his skin, and he can’t quite scrub you out because you’ve become a part of him that keeps his life together.
He watches in awe as you sit in front of the vanity, finishing your nighttime routine he can barely make sense of, mesmerized with how beautiful you look under the dim light. You’re wearing that nightgown he likes so much, especially since he bought it for you on a trip to the city, a lacy emerald green that shows your curves in all the right places. 
Usually, the dress would have been on the floor by now, his face buried in between your legs drinking you in like a needy man in the middle of a hot summer’s day. Naga makes love to you like it’s his last day on Earth. The bruises on the inside of your thighs are evidence of that, a reminder of who owns your heart.
Tonight, he wants nothing more than to sleep with you in his arms. Cuddled up into each other’s embrace, knowing that you’re his, and that’s all you ever want to be.
“Hmm?” he hums, coming back to reality. His hands come to rest on your waist as you slide into bed, head laying on his bare chest. The sweat on your skin glistens in the light of the moon that illuminates the room enough for you two to see each other and the gold snake necklace you proudly wear.
“What are you thinking about?” you ask, fingers tracing over the lines of the tattoos that adorn his chest.
“You,” he says, and you smile. He never fails to make your heart fill with joy, and you love him for that. “How grateful I am to live this life with you.”
He smiles fondly at you, and you can only imagine just how much love this man has for you. Naga wishes he could spend more time with you, but of course, he doesn’t get to take breaks in his line of work, so he cherishes every moment he has with you. Big or small, they’re all important to him, and he keeps them in a special place in his heart with a promise to come back to you at the end of the day.
You lean in, peppering kisses along his collarbone, feeling his fingers run through your hair. It's peaceful. This life, albeit dangerous and unconventional—you wouldn’t trade it for the world. “I love you. I love the life we get to live every single day, even though it’s nothing I would have ever expected. I love you.”
“I’ll go anywhere you go,” he says. “I’ll give it all up and go with you.”
You look up at him, surprised that he would easily let go years of work and money just for you. Throughout your marriage, Kapano has never been anything other than sweet and loving, but you never expected his love for you to be this big. “Really? You would do that for me?”
“Yes,” he answers without hesitation. He’s not giving anything up. With you, he has everything he needs.
He found a home with you.
“Kapano…” you whisper, your tone uneven and ragged. He is so good to you. His kindness and goodness to you since day one… you would never forget how much he loves you so deeply.
“You have my heart. It’s all yours. Always.”
You kiss him gently, repeating the process to his cheeks before finally settling against his chest. He crushed you into him and wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to his beating heart. He kisses your forehead, letting his lips remain there for a second longer before his head rests against the pillows, savoring the feeling of another lucky night with you in his arms.
Naga falls asleep that night feeling grateful that you chose to love him and dedicate your heart to him entirely. 
He loves you.
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deaconusdelirium · 3 years
Would they ever hand you their jacket?
Fuck off, it’s cold here, and it’s raining non stop. To make it worse, I live in the forest, yay, jk. Really, it is cold, anyways, enjoy
Real talk? No, get your own, what makes you think he’ll give his jackets up? He couldn’t care less on your feelings, even more, if your cold or not. Should have brought a jacket.
However, if you manage to sneak into his heart. Take it, you want his ring finger too? Go ahead. He’ll give it to you. But he has to feel cold too just so he knows you actually are
(Inserts WildCats: Dangerous) somft boi. He will absolutely give you his jacket, there’s no need to tell him actually, if he feels a slight chill. He’s right by your side with his jacket already being wrapped around you. He can just takes Woods anyways, he has that much control over him
Umm, yeah I guess so. But it’s leather, and you know how leather jackets have that like, silky texture inside, and when you put it on its cold? Yeah, it’s like that, so yes, he’ll give it to you. But in the process, you’ll get colder to get warmer, he doesn’t do hugs when you have his jackets on though. Nope.
No. Get your own. You have money, you can talk, most importantly, you have the body language if you can’t. No matter how many times you ask, he’s not giving it up. That’s all that can be said.
It’s a hard question. It’s either a yes or no, but it’s almost always yes. If you’re both out on a mission, then no. If you both are just sitting around or hanging out with others, it’s most likely a yes but you have to go somewhere private where the others won’t look at his body. He feels exposed and it’s uncomfortable when others stare
Yes! And I say that with affirmation, he may be a bit shy about it at first. Since he always has either a jacket or long sleeve on, he’s never really exposed his whole arm, and when he does. My gosh, what a treat. And his jacket is the most comfortable thing in the world, he has no problem whatsoever when you want it. And it comes with hugs
Oh my, did you just ask for his jacket? He needs to hear you say it again, then he’ll smile and hand it out to you. And boy is it a sight, you bundled up in his puffy jacket. He’ll be a bit extra and put his cap on you. Then laugh it off, he doesn’t mind, and quite frankly, he’s thinking of getting you one that looks exactly like his.
Big strong man=big comfy jacket. He won’t exactly give it to you when you ask, but he will give you a sweater or one that he isn’t wearing. If you’re both alone, he’ll even give it to you. It makes his day when you go around with his jacket on, will probably tease you when the sleeves hang off your hands
To be honest, yes. Yes he will give you his jacket, you know the camouflaged one? Yeah, that one. Sometimes he’ll let you wear his suit jacket. It’s not rare, but not common, maybe when you both stay late at his office, and you forgot to bring a jacket, then he’ll let you wear it. And those arms are just… mmm 10 points for the tattoos
You’re his, and he’s yours. Your basically bonded together so he sees no point in asking for his jackets. Just take it. But if it’s in public, then maybe ask, he always brings an extra jacket, or he reminds you to get yours. If you forgot, then he’ll back you up with his other, or the one you left behind
Sweet baby, you may have it. He’s so lovestruck, he’ll do whatever you want him too. Even if you don’t ask for his jacket, he’ll still give it to you. It’s surprising at how affectionate he can be when you leave him be. He just feels the need to do so, it’s like an instinct.
Boring day means nothing to do. Have something on your mind or wanna make a little request, I’m open
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Been sad recently about life and online. Got any soft Naga or Stitch Prompts 👉👈💖
Aw, yeah I feel that 🥺 I hope things get better 💖💖
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I have some other requests for this type of thing, so tagging @awolfnamedluna and@sclvixtcxnnxcticn too
You never have to ask twice for some affection from Naga
He knows he can be a self absorbed asshole sometimes, so he never has a problem reminding you that you're the most important person in his life
Besides, cuddling up makes him feel good about himself on the low lol
Naga's a pretty small guy, so it can be hard to feel threatening when you're surrounded by hulking, +6ft Russians and Slavs
But cuddling with you makes it feel like you're the only ones in the world and he gets to keep you safe from all your troubles
It's a special kind tough and manly, to feel like the one's closest to you trust and maybe even rely on you
Thankfully, Naga's cuddles aren't excedingly warm, no thanks to the hot climate of his home, but they make up for it in other ways with a tight, reassuring grip
Honestly, Stitch isn't really big on physical affection
Even a kiss from him can be far between some days
But one things for certain: he would do anything to provide for your health, safety, and general well being
Stitch is extremely possessive and couldn't bear the idea of losing you, be it break up or death
Very much a "would burn down a city to keep you warm" type of guy
All this to say, he'd almost definitely relent to the concept of cuddling for a while if you happen to mention you're feeling chilly 😌
It's with a great sigh, and a frustrated "Fine" but he'll do it
And after he gets that first taste...
You won't have to try as hard from then on to get him to snuggle with you
It becomes one of his favorite activities at the end of a long day
You will never be cold again :)
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
Not So Rough Afterall - Naga X Reader
Naga always seems to have a stoic attitude. But, after the reader wiggles into his heart, will it change him?
TW: Strong language.
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Naga had never expected to fall in love with you, but he did. You wiggled a way into his heart with ease, and for some reason he could never process how he was so lucky to know you.
You joined up with him after an unexpected run in. He caught you one day sneaking around, stealing things off his base and this pissed him off.
You had nobody left in your life. They all had left you in the jungle so they didn't have to deal with you. They didn't care as much, so you survived off the land.
Until, the winter time. Now was the time you'd revert to stealing for survival, and staying hidden. That was until you were caught by the head honcho of the jungle and compound.
You remember how large the knife was he held. It make you start to shake really bad as you got integrated that day. But for some reason, Naga had shown you mercy.
According to his men, he showed nobody mercy.
You were currently hanging out in a tree branch, with a good book. The weather was perfect, and the fresh bananas from the clumps tasted extra delicious today.
After reading some more chapters, you heard a familiar whistle in the distance. You knew that whistle met that Naga was calling for you to see him.
You quickly closed the book, tucked it away, and took hold of a vine. You supported yourself as you took a leap and swung off the high tree with the vine.
You stuck a perfect landing, and walked calmly to where Naga had a meeting spot. You saw him, with his arms behind his back and looking directly at you. You walked closer and stopped just about 4 feet from him.
"Did you need me?" You asked.
Naga nodded, and then presented a piece of paper.
"This is what I need you to do today. Make sure to have it done by 5, we have customers coming in today and we dot need the place looking like a tornado went through it." He said, holding it out.
You reached out to grab it, but right before you could he let it go. You watched as it landed in a puddle of water from an air unit, and looked back at him with a "what the fuck face."
He stifled a laugh, turned on his heel and walked away. He really just did that, and walked away. You were really fed up to a point with him. You were really supportive, and did everything he asked just because you want to be nice.
You found yourself taking a liking to him, so you never tried to make him mad, or give any grief. But, he really seemed to not care about how anyone felt other than himself. And it pissed you off.
You stomped away, and went right back in tree. You didn't care if he choked at this point. You were just really irritated and over the way he constantly treated you and others at this point. You knew, you had to run away and you had full intentions.
You planned for hours. You sat in the same tree, and mapped out a route to escape, so you weren't going to be caught. You really didn't know how Naga was going to feel, so it was just best to avoid.
After you found the perfect way, you folded the map and slipped it into your pocket. You swung down off the vine again, and walked to your house with ease.
You got in, locked the door and grabbed a backpack. You packed anything that had value to you, and some essential items. You grabbed plenty of water and food.
You then stashed the bag somewhere hidden until sunset. The plan was, you were going to sneak out and 'borrow' one of the boats Naga requested be made for transportation, and sail to some city far away, and sink the fucker.
All was good until you heard an announcement over the PA system.
"Y/N to the yard." Was all the voice said.
You cursed it, and reluctantly went. You needed to avoid any kind of suspicion.
You arrvied, and saw Naga standing there, arms crossed and leg cocked. You could tell he wasn't very happy, and you quite frankly did not care.
You walked over to him with a stoic expression.
"Y/N, didn't I ask you to get this fucking place in order?" He practically spat.
"And didn't you fucking drop the paper into a puddle?" You retorted.
He huffed, and put a hand up to his head. He was getting pissed.
"Cut it out with the remarks. You won't talk to me like that, I've been nice enough to let you stay here so you wouldn't be alone." He remarked.
You could slowly feel your blood boil.
"And I hope you know I'm a human too. I appreciate you doing that but at this point, I'm over this." You said, tears quickly forming. His gaze narrowed.
"I've done everything every single day that you asked for, been nice, and I still can't ever get a friendly "hey how has your day been" or "hope you are well!" Do you have something against me? If so please tell me. I have no idea what I've done wrong." You pleaded.
Naga huffed, and dropped his gaze.
'Guess now or never' he thought to himself.
"Well yeah, I know I'm a dick but it's because....I like you. Not in a friend way, Y/N. I fucking like you as a potential partner and it makes me nervous, so I'm a dick about it." He admitted.
Suddenly, you felt like you were lost, but excited at the same time. You liked him for a long time, and now it all made since.
"Kapano......I like you too. I have ever since you took me in." You said.
He looked at you, and under his mask you saw a small smile.
He took off his glasses, and took a step towards you. He cupped your face in his big hands. Youe heart was beating so fast, you felt like it was going to jump from your chest.
Titanic style, he kissed you. It was in slow motion. And the rest of the world didn't even matter to you.
He pulled away, and held you close. You didn't let him go either.
"I'm sorry for the ways I acted. I'll protect you from now on, I swear." Was all he said, holding you closer.
Needless to say, you didn't run away. Instead, you started a business of your own and traded things you loved to make.
After a few years, you were both married, and had twins. A boy and girl, and Naga finally seemed to calm down.
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bellvirus · 3 years
The Beginning
note: so this is my first time making one of these so it may be bad so bear with me here
warning: hunting, dead bodies, betrayal
I was leading my team into the jungle, my arms and legs felt like they were dying from being in the heat and from all the running we did. I led my men as best as I could but we were hungry, tired, and parched, I wanted to just give up but I couldn't we were given orders to hunt down a man named Naga he had been on our list for months now, we were happy to go on our first mission until we got there a few minutes in we were overrun by reds, half of my men died well the rest of us ran. It had been 8 days in this place our food ran low it would last us 2 more days. "Y/N I hear footsteps everywhere," one of the soldiers said I turned to look at him and then I heard it but it was behind me "Y/N WATCH OUT" one more screamed bring his gun in front of him trying to shot before I was hit in the head than everything wants black, I woke up tied onto a chair it was too dark I could hardly see anything but the chair and the ropes that tied me down. I tried to get the ropes to come off my wrist shaking, pulling my hands back, and pushing up on the rope but nothing worked I had done this for what felt like hours until I heard a door open I looked up, and I saw a man he had all green on a green mask that had a kind of skull on it sunglasses you could tell he was around his 30's by the way, he stood there "good morning I see you slept well" he said before walking to me "but I didn't come here to be all sweet and kind to you I would never do that to anyone from the CIA you people have ruined my plans ruined my bosses plans and here you are IN MY JUNGLE " he almost yelled but grabbed me jaw I looked at him shocked the only reason I was in the CIA was because I was brain washed I never even wanted to be in the CIA, he moved closer to me his face was right next to my ear as I heard him whisper something in my ear "you won't be leaving my love you can always run but you can never hide Y/N" my eyes watched him back away from me I had realized I didn’t have my dog tag that wet fucking dog i gave him a look of hate but of fear to he looked at me and turned to the door but before walking out he told his guards "ພານາງໄປຫ້ອງ" he said in lao walking out of the room well two guards walked up to me and untied me and put there arms in between mine and pulled me to a room I saw my team laying there three of them were dead and there he was again the man who was just in the same room as me not even 3 minutes ago but this time I got to see his face more clear, he looked at me and I could tell he smiled as if I belonged to him "hello dear, I know it have been a long time since you really saw me let along since you betrayed us I wonder if I turned you in to stitch would he be happy to see you again or angry with you" he said happy but angry he walked over to me and grabbed my arm "but this is only the beginning".
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You pick the crew to write for, or maybe indulge in our greediness and write for both 🥴, but which members would try that “you’re safer without me” hero speech after something happens like in the Naga request you just posted? Thank you for that btw. ❤️
Aw, you're welcome! I'm glad you liked it! 🤗 Sorry, ik this was a but of a wait, but I did some summaries for the safehouse crew and the Perseus agents for you! Enjoy 💖
You're safer without me
Adler - He's the "if you love something, set it free" type, and if things started getting dangerous for you bc of his work, he would probably get discouraged and try to encourage you to leave him :(
Mason - Alex feels this way about himself in general. He feels he's too damaged from everything that's been done to him, and if things started getting serious between you two, he'd probably try and pull away so he doesn't hurt you
Park - As much as it would hurt her to leave you, it would kill her to see something happen to you because of her work ties.
Weaver - Weaver's a sensitive guy in general, so he absolutely would do this if he thought you were in danger bc of his work or maybe even his association as an ex Russian in the current cold war climate
Stitch - You might think that Stitch is too much of the selfish sort to try and do this, but I would counter argue that he's smart and experienced enough to know when it's time to try and let go. He's only one man after all, and he knows in truth... He can't possibly protect you from everything he has to run from.
Wraith - She's the same as Stitch, except with perhaps about half the sentiment. While she does care for you, she's hesitant to express it, and would likely come actor as quite cold if she tried to cut you off with this speech
I need to protect you
Hudson - He worries for you constantly, but he's either confident or arrogant enough to believe that if he works hard enough and does his job right, that you'll be fine. You don't see much of him and he gets burnt out a lot, but he tries to make the time you do have together worth while
Lazar - Lazar genuinely does not believe you are in any danger by being with him. His work is low key enough that he doesn't have any public enemies, nor does he tangle with any dangerous organizations, so he sees no need to upset you
Sims - Exact same as Lazar. Sure he has a more direct tie to Adler which could pose a threat, but that just means he keeps an eye out. It's not enough to make him think he'd have to cut you off though
Woods - Ironically, he's the same as Hudson. Woods believes that the very act of going to work and doing his job keeps you safe, and as long as he's doing what needs to be done, both on the field and protecting you and his home, there's nothing to worry about. Besides, he's basically a one man army, right?
Naga - Naga, with all his IMMENSE wealth, resources, influence, and connections doesn't even dream of something bad happening to you. The actual Laotian military could siege his turf, and he and his own forces have a decent chance of actually holding them off. This man probably has a couple intercontinental missels on his property just for fun. No one is taking you from him.
Perseus - Very much the same as Naga, except with thrice the manpower and resources. Perseus can make sure that no one who could pose a threat to you even knows you exist and you'd be able to live a comfortable life while doing so. He of course has a few living arrangements in his various underground bunkers and what not, but you needn't always be with him if you'd like to go to one of his nicer homes. Not even Adler, the enemy who knows him the best, knows about you.
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Not teeeechnically a “request”, but it’s a prompt I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so here we go. Just as @direwolfspostsrandomshit described, but the setting is your guy comes home to see you showing off the new outfit. Also, this includes Weaver and Naga as bonuses bc I love them 😌😌
You wouldn't know to look at him, especially behind those dark sunglasses, but his heart starts hammering immediately
"Uh, what's all this for?", He chuckles nervously
You tell him you were just trying it on, but you're not sure if you like it
"Why not? It looks stunning on you"
Oh really?
"Well you sure stunned me", he smiles and pulls you in by the waist
Adler kisses you and runs his hands up and down your bare skin
He loves how much there is to feel
With one more kiss, he slips the tip of his thumbs under the little hem of your shirt
"I uh, don't suppose you know how to take this off...?"
Maybe you can show him ;)
I'm sorry, but I KNOW y'all cannot look me in the eye and tell me that good old clean cut Hudson doesn't secretly have some SERIOUS kinks and fantasies
One of those kinks is definitely a huge thirst for curvy women lmao
You have him on his knees panting as it is, but to come home to you in that?
However, like Adler, Hudson is the master of the poker face
Too bad his blushing cheeks betray him
Now that is a rare sight indeed
You feel a bit more confident in your outfit, just by seeing how excited it's made Hudson
"Where'd you get that?", he tries to hide the blush by swiping at his face a little
You decide to have a little fun and saunter up to him, looking absolutely stunning
You tell him it's thrifted, but that's not of any importance right now
His skin feels hot to the touch as you cup his cheek and give him a kiss
At last he can't keep his hands to himself any longer, exploring every inch of exposed skin and gorgeous curves as he does so
You're going to be there for a while ;)
Ok, first off, Lazar knows you struggle with body image issues and he does his best to support you!
So to see you working it in a cute little number like that is 👀👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Besides, obviously he thinks your body is lovely!!
"Wow, you look amazing!"
You whip around, looking quite surprised to see him
Lazar continues on his way over, your outfit is even better from the front
You ask him if he really thinks so
You're more then nervous in this get up, but you've come to really trust his opinion and ego boosts
"Fuck yeah I do!", he picks you up easily and gives you a spin
He kisses your nose and then your lips before gently returning you to the ground
Lazar takes one look at you and your crop top and then one at his torso
"Say, you think they have any of those in my size?", the big guy laughs
You laugh too, but you're not entirely sure if he's joking
He's absolutely stunned!
Alex thinks you absolutely own in every outfit you wear, but he's never seen you in something so revealing before 👀
You ask him if he likes it, but all he can do is stumble over his words
He can't take his eyes off that cute crop top
You're starting to think maybe he doesn't like it, since he can't seem to find anything to say
But finally he manages to tell you it looks great on you
It's not much, but you're starting to pick up that he may be a little shy in your presence while wearing such a cute outfit
He smiles and walks up to you, "Um, it looks really great, actually heh"
His hand caresses your hip and and nuzzles your check
"Do you think you could wear it more often?"
You know what?
You just might :)
He fucking DIES
Seriously, like I headcannon that Naga love a thicc Queen™ soooo hard, like I think he'd short circuit lol
For the sake of some sort of civilized manners, he asks some throw away question like where you got the outfit or something as he walks right up to you
He pulls you in for an embrace to greet you while you moodily answer his question
He's not listening however
Instead, he runs his hand from your hip up to the curve of your bust
The silk of the fabric is cool against his fingers, and they shake a little in excitement
You don't even get to finish your sentence
With a scoff and a roll of the eye, you shoo his hand away and scold him, trying but failing to conceal your laughter
He begs and promises you whatever you want if you let him take you to the bedroom in that little get up
Tsk, naughty boy
His mouth falls open the second he sees you
He whistles and howls, making you jump a little when you turn around
"Damn baby, that looks amazing on you!"
You tell him thanks, but you're not a big fan of the low rise pants. They show off you tummy to much, you think
He makes a face like he's upset anyone could think that about you, even yourself
Sims brings you in for a hug and he kisses your forehead, arms gently locked around your waist
"Naw, you look gorgeous", he kisses you again, "in fact, come on, lets go show that little number off! Make some people jealous", he laughs
You're not sure, buuuuuut...
He seems so confident in you that you can almost feel confident in yourself
At last you agree and run off for your shoes
You definitely earn yourself a collection of admirers that night
Hoooooo boy
Weaver is about to combust
Unfortunately, Weaver is also Weaver so he doesn't know how to express it
He can't even speak he's so overwhelmed!!
You give him the usual hey, how was work stuff
He tries, but still no coherent words
Thankfully for him, this isn't a total disaster
You know him well enough by now to know he only gets like this when he's surprised
You gesture to your outfit and ask if he likes it
He nods fervently, unable to take his eyes off that little crop top
You roll your eyes and give a little laugh as you walk over to kiss him
"Thanks", you say
He feels inordinately warm under your touch
He gulps, hands a little shaky as he reaches up to touch your waist
"Y-yeah", is all he can manage
Just give him a minute :p
A very similar initial reaction to Sims tbh
"Oooo hooo... Fuck yeah! Where you going sexy?"
You blush and respond that you were actually about to go change out of this, you're just not sure it suits you
Woods has put up his coat by now, but he hasn't taken his eyes off of you once
"What? Why? You look amazing!"
He comes over and cops a little feel of your sequined booty
You jump and laugh a little, while he nuzzles your neck
You're still not 100% sold on it, but you tell him maybe it's alright just for the house...
"Heh, sounds good to me", he waggles his eyebrows at you
He'll encourage you to wear it out if you want to, but he's the jealous kind and he knows for sure you'll be drawing quite the fanclub in a stunning look like that
But it's alright, you can wear what you want where you want ofc
He knows how to fight :)
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hiya there ^^
can i req general soft soap x male reader hcs please? thank u!!
(also i fucking love ur writing)
AAAAA THANK YOU 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I always love to hear if people are enjoying my work!! And of course! My first male!reader :D
And don't worry, I've got Soap AND Naga here for you 👉🏻😎👉🏻 I've been meaning to find out why everyone loves soap so much, so thanks for the ask!!! I just hope I did him justice since this is my first time writing him lol
Anyway, enjoy !!! 💖💖
We all know that Soap is a badass out in the field, and even in private he doesn't quite turn the charm and the attitude off
He is very protective of you, even at home, and can be found checking up on you often
When you cuddle, he insists on always being the big spoon
It comes naturally to him as he likes to feel like he's always protecting you, especially when you're in a vulnerable state like sleep
This same motive carries over to when your out and about too!
He holds your hand everywhere you go and is a perfect gentleman, opening doors for you and offering his jacket if you're cold or it's raining
This goes hand in hand with the fact that Soap is never too tough to show you PDA, even in front of the others
In fact, the only person who gets to see him be vulnerable is you
When you first started going out, he was very nervous!
He's not the type of guy to live to impress others, but there's something about you that makes him want you like him...
Oh, and he loves how enchanted you are by his voice and his accent
He likes to tease you with it sometimes, like with a playful, low growl in your ear as he says your name
He'll only do this when he's close enough to feel you shiver however, but not to worry!
If he takes you by too much surprise, he'll make up for it by peppering you with kisses ❤️
Regardless of his S/O's gender, Naga would 1000% still give you gifts of jewelry
You don't have to wear them if you don't want to, but he's of the giving nature and hey, all these gems and metals are real expensive you know!!
Personally, I could see Naga being more into PDA with a male reader then female
It's not that he wouldn't like that with fem!reader, it's just that I feel like in his culture it would be just assumed that he and a fem!reader are together, so whatever right?
But with a male!reader....
He wants everyone to know he's with you and vice versa
Naga can be pretty possessive and a bit jelous, so if he sees anyone checking you out or giving you the eyes, we wouldn't hesitate to hold your hand or even just stop and kiss you
If you're the shy type, he likes to do that kind of stuff twice as much, just to see you get flustered
Or at least, that's what he'll tell you
The truth is that he wants you to know that he loves you, even if mlm relationships like yours and his aren't quite as normalized in his country
For sure he insists that you can stay home and be the house husband if you want lol
He makes far more then enough to sustain you two, so if you want to just kick it, that's cool!
But make no mistake, in the privacy of his home, Naga likes to be the spoiled, little spoon
Tbh I headcannon Naga to be quite slender, like more or less skin and bones oof, so if you have like any type of musculature, he loves it
It's hard being a warlord sometimes, so there's truly nothing he loves more then coming home to be wrapped up safe in his husband's arms
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Sarah!! Pls do a version of the neck/back rubs for some characters from Warsaw!! I’m on my period and I feel horrible but I love the way you wrote it for the CIA and it would be awesome if you could do it for the opposing pact ^
Oof, I feel you 😭😭 I am seriously like indisposed rn, like bye 💀 Thank you for this request!!! I'll do the Perseus operators plus the old man himself of course lol. Enjoy 💖💖
This is an issue pretty foreign to him tbh
Menstrual cycles wasn't really a topic of discussion growing up, despite however many sisters he may have had
He may not know much about what's going on and all that, but he knows enough to understand that you're in pain and discomfort
And that is something he can help with!
He could get you any drug you want tbh, but he supposes he can make you tea and bring you plain old ibuprofen if that's what you really want...
He's kind of afraid to touch you, for fear of making things worse, but he can offer a lower back rub if it'll help
At the end of the day, he just wants to help, so you have a rare opportunity where your wish is his command!
As long as you don't mind giving him some guidance x)
Oh yes, he's been around long enough and with plenty of lovers to know what to do
He has everything you need and could ever want available for your pleasure
This also includes himself of course!
He's got a nice set up of pillows and a headed blanket for you in bed
You don't have to do anything, just rest and try to relax
If you'd like, he's picked up some massage tricks over the years to help as well
He's got this one where he uses his thumb against your hip joints to ease the tension...
Just nice slow circles and the right amount of pressure to undo the knots from the muscle cramps
It's a God send
He's not extremely knowledgeable about such things, but he has the basics down at least
Stitch gets very protective of you when you're on your period since it leaves you a bit vulnerable
He wants to be on call for you himself, rather then let anyone else care for you
You can expect some snuggling and back rubs from him in addition to any medical cures for pain
He doesn't quite have all the fancy stuff that Perseus does, so he relies on his own body heat to try and help with your muscle tension
He's also pretty good with his thumbs however, so you'll be in for some true relief after he gets the hang of massaging you
Ugh, she knows exactly what you're going through
As the most able to relate, she has a unique touch with her approach to caring for you
She's very gentle with touch and very regimented with pain medicine
There are some days that you don't even deal with cramps thanks to her lol
She does all she can to keep you company and comfortable when you're really in bad shape
She'll even indulge in snacky foods with you if you're in a craving type mood
Don't tell anyone, but she does have a little stash of things like chocolate and ice cream hidden away at all times
She enjoys the occasional sugary snack after all, and she's more then happy to share in your time of need lol
Bonus: dad bod!Naga (feel free to skip, but I just wanted to 😌)
Basically the same as regular Naga, but!!!
He has particular advantages to help you out
He's got room enough now to be able to support you sitting on his lap, which allows for a particularly cozy cuddling session
All you have to do is face him and lay against him, and he'll do the rest
He's of the softer variety when it comes to dad bod types, so there's plenty of cushion to support you and your sore muscles
That, plus the right amount of pressure from laying against him and the naturally warmer state of his tummy, is almost better then those flimsy little heating pads or hit water bottles (suck it Perseus! 👉🏻😎👉🏻)
Besides, this puts you in the perfect position for him to rub your hips or lower back, whichever you'd like
And as an added bonus, you won't have to feel alone if you're craving some sugar
Not only does he for sure have some of whatever you might be wanting on hand, but he'll happily eat it up alongside you
If you ask him, his excuse is that it's for solidarity lol
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idk if it's been asked but Perseus operators with a chubby fem! s/o?
I have to cut the line real quick and FINALLY get to this one tbh, bc this topic gives me LIFE. We have not had this requested yet, so thank you for sending it in! I hope you enjoy ❤️
Bro, Naga is a FREAK thicc girls
You ever see those memes where it's like "don't be afraid to get on top, if he dies he dies"
He is a firm believer in that concept
Besides, he loves the way your thighs do that little squeeze against his ears
Women's weight is a pretty stigmatized thing where he's from, but when you're with him, he goes to no end to make sure no one bothers you
I mean, how else would he be able to show you off?
Naga loves to spoil his s/I regardless, but for you he buys you cute, flattering little outfits for the hot weather
Only things your actually like to wear though, of course!
Since he's a much older guy, Perseus isn't quite as freaky or hyper about it all as Naga is
Although, that's not to say he can't be spry when he wants to be yk 😏
He has more of a gentlemanly adoration approach
A brush of fingers against your hip in quiet passing here, hands planted softly on your waist during a kiss or a dance there
He's the type to compliment your figure and looks fairly often
Unfortunately, he doesn't get many chances to show you off considering he needs to keep a low profile
But does enjoy taking you out for little dates like coffee or dinner whenever he can to make it up to you
Stitch has always been more of a beefy guy himself, so he knows about how you might feel insecure sometimes
He has stretch marks from his muscles, but they make him feels just as insecure at times as any that you might have
That's one of the things he loves about being with you, you never make him feel like there's any pressure to be perfect looking
In the privacy of his home, he's rather clingy and will take any excuse to catch a nap with you
You both kind of have a thing for the others bodies lol
He likes to feel your thighs and hips, and you like to feel his arms and chest
Well... he likes it when you do that too tbh X)
Stitch is also very into snacking (gotta maintain the muscles after all) so there's no fear if grabbing a little extra something while you relax
If anything, he probably suggested it lmao
Honestly? She's be lying if she said she wasn't a fan of the contrast between you both
She's frigid and lithe, while you're sweet and curvy
It's one of those "opposites attract", she supposes
Anyway that's not to say she comments on it much, she just enjoys your company more then anything
Although, she does like to snuggle and sit close during down time
And she enjoys scaring people off considering most people assume you two aren't together
She's also very supportive and encouraging, as she's always there whenever you're feeling insecure about yourself or your looks
Although, it's hard to feel down on yourself when she's constantly coming on to you like she does lol
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Yo! I'm kindly asking for some Naga x reader content :') (Male reader is preferred but anything is fine 👉👈)
Bro, I'm always looking for an excuse to write Naga content 😭😭 thank you for this bread 🙏🏻
Do you mind if I do some comfort stuff, like maybe after a bad day kind of thing? I've been having a rough time tbh 😔😪 I'll still do x male reader, I just need something nice
If there's one thing he can't stand, it's to see you upset
Naga may act bratty at times, but deep down he's really a very caring man
His mind goes into overdrive, desperate to try and figure out what's wrong and what he can do to help you
He'll usually try and be direct and ask you what's going on, but if you're not in a mental state to talk yet, he'll quietly stay with you until you're ready
Usually he likes to snuggle up to your side, just so you can have some physical contact and a shoulder to cry on if you'd like
Naga will never pass down an opportunity to hold you, you if you move to cling onto him, he'll happily return the favor
When you're ready, he'll eagerly but patiently await your response
He's a surprisingly good listener, but emotional issues are tough for him to try and help someone through
It's easy if someone was being prejudiced against you when he wasn't around, he's made examples through force of people like that plenty of times already
But not ever issue has a physical solution
The best thing he knows to do is to provide physical contact
He'll hold you tight, kiss your jaw and cheek, and stroke your back
Naga has always had a preference for men, but such a relationship is harder to come by in his home country then some other places
He couldn't believe how fortunate he was to have met you, let alone have the privilege to be your boyfriend
Now that he's with you, there's not a single thing he wouldn't do to make you happy and keep you safe
Besides, he has enough influence that you can be open about your relationship together and me mostly trouble free
He never gave a fuck what other people thought, he has ways to deal with them, it was always just a matter of finding a partner to accept his love
Naga likes to tell you his dumb jokes to try and take your mind off things
He'll stay with you as long as you like with a plethora of blankets and pillows to help you get comfy
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How would the operators of your choosing react to their s/o getting their name tattooed on them?
Oh it's gang gang time 👀 I'll bring back the og crew of my faves for this one lol. Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy!
He's flattered, but he questions your decision making
That's not to say he's against tattoos!
Just that he's surprised at how confident you are in the relationship
Considering his relationship track record consists of a failed marriage, he's worried about letting you down too :(
If you guys were in a more official relationship, like engaged or maybe you've even tied the knot already, then he'd take it as a huge boost of confidence
Just as long as it's tasteful plz, lol
He thinks it's totally rad!
He's pretty confident in your relationship together, so he sees no issue
In fact, he might even be convinced to return the favor lol
Or if not, at the very least he'd want to get a cute little couples tattoo
But if you two can figure out a way to turn the name tattoos into couple tattoos, then even better!
I'm ngl, he's pretty possessive as it is
So he'd probably be quite pleased if you got his name tattooed on yourself lol
Especially if it's in a visible area
That way, everyone knows who you're with and to keep away from you
He has quite a few tattoos himself, but if the relationship is serious, he'd get a little tattoo of your name written in Lao script :)
He's pretty flustered to say the least 😳
I mean... He's never been in a serious relationship before, and you decide you want to do that?
He feels obligated to do something in return, as though you gave him a gift
He'd probably want to get your name done on him too, but...
He's pretty shy and needs some time in the relationship to see if things are as serious as he hopes
Plus, he's insecure with his body tbh and needs some time to think about where a good place to put the tattoo would be
Maybe you can help keep him from overthinking :)
Aw, geez you guys already know
Honestly, what makes you think you're the first one of the two of you to get the other's name tattooed on yourself 👀
He probably was out doing some irresponsible activities with Mason and already got your name tattooed
By the time he sobered up, he realized you may not feel that way or even really like the tattoo idea...
So imagine he's surprise when you reveal your tattoo to him!
He'd whip his shirt off fast af to show you his tattoo
Great minds think alike 😂
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can I request some naga with a spetznaz reader? she is highly skilled and has been with the spetznaz for atleast a decade. and maybe her squad had to team up with naga to take down some dangerous drug lord or something and they start to fall in love. note she always wears her balaclava when she's around other people she only tekens it off when she is alone with her men or just by herself. she also has a few scars
sorry if it's too specific!
Don't Go | Naga x Fem!Reader
Oooooo sheeeeeet 👀👀👀 I'm so here for Naga x badass lady content lmao. Also, not to worry!! I love yous guy's OCs, and if this is one such instance, I'm more then happy to write some content for them. In fact, I'd be quite honored :)
Anyway, sorry for the wait but this turned into a whole ass little fic, so here we go!!
The blistering Laotian sun beams overhead. Naga is taking shelter in the branches of a tall tree, sharpening a blade and surveying the land below.
His men and yours mill around, preparing for the fight coming up.
In return for his work for Perseus, Kapano has called in a favor... One of Perseus' operators and a small squad to help him and his men take down a rival who's been getting far too close for comfort to his territory. And well... He didn't get to be in this position by playing nice.
The two of you have been tracking his whereabouts for weeks now and, at long last, the time has come. Tonight's the night, and afterwards your partnership will be through.
One last shick of the blade and then... Silence.
He looks down into the clearing and picks you out from the crowd. An easy task, considering you're wearing one of the same few balaclavas you always wear.
And he does mean, always.
He's never seen your face, despite the few times he's given you the privilege of seeing his. Somehow, he's always thought that maybe, if he removes his mask or bandana, it'll encourage you to do the same, but... To no such avail.
It's strange, you know... He hasn't a clue what you look like, and yet he can't seem to get you out of his mind. He's wondered often, but all he knows for sure is that you have the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen...
The thought of parting ways with you after tonight upsets him, even though he knows it shouldn't. This is a business arrangement only. Nothing more.
And yet... He's never met a woman quite like you before.
He could get any woman he wants in all of Laos into his bed should he please, and yet the one who actually intrigues him, he has no chance with. And that's just the thing, isn't it? He doesn't want a woman in his bed, he wants one in his life damn it!
His lonely, stressful, life...
Prostitutes and dancers are plentiful and cheap to a man like him, but company such as that does nothing to interest him. He needs... A partner.
Someone who will stay through the tough and the crazy and the fighting and the schemes. Someone to be there through the hurt and the loss and the anger and the loneliness. Someone...
Like you.
During the day, he has visions of expanding his underground empire and sharing the wealth together. At night, he dreams of a quiet life with a woman who calls his name sweetly and kisses him softly. Yes, even a feral, conniving, wild man such as he dares to dream of a domestic life after this one to grow old and fat in, from time to time.
Kapano lays his head back and sighs deeply. Surely not. You are a tigress among women, certainly not the type to dote and be doted on by a small man with a big lifestyle and personality like him.
Do you ever think of such things? He wonders.
He watches you spar hand to hand with one of your men. You're giving every bit as good as you get, and in a few moves more he's confident you'll gain the upper hand.
A thud and a cheer finds him from down below. He cracks open his eyes to see, to no one's surprise, that you have won. With a small smile and an even tinnier sigh, he claps his hands politely and slowly fades into one of his day dreams.
Just according to plan, the raid goes off without a hitch. The rival has been sufficiently delt with, and Naga has found himself considerably richer in the process. You spend most of the night laughing and celebrating as the two of you, along with your crews, haul back the loot you've captured.
The two of you take rest amongst the sea of pillows and cushions that make up his living room furniture. For the third time since you've been here face to face with him, you wince and try to play it off.
"Is something wrong?", he asks at last.
"Tsk, it's nothing. Just a cut I think", you touch your covered cheek and sigh. The woolen fabric is irritating the injury you received from the fight. Just another scar for the count, you suppose...
"Sorry, I really must be going. I should clean this up...", You move to stand, only to fall back into the pile of cushions with a hiss. It would seem that knee on knee strike you received earlier as well is catching up with you.
Naga puts his hands out to steady you, "No no! It's alright... I um...", He spares a cautious glance to the hem of your balaclava. Should he... "Would you like me to clean it for you?"
You give him an appraising look. There's no one you trust in this world with your face, aside from a select few of your men. But... You must admit.
You've developed... Feelings, for the oh so vicious little warlord. Hm, vicious only on the outside, you muse. He has a tender heart underneath it all, and you consider yourself lucky to have been able to bear witness to it, just as you are now.
Slowly, carefully, you remove the mask. It's stuck to the dried blood from your wound but, with a bit of help, it's off soon enough.
You hold a hand to your injured cheek, hoping to stop up some of the fresh blood after the old stuff has been ripped away. Naga holds your mask, and he... Feels...
In awe.
You have all the beauty of a goddess, and he feels truly privileged to behold the sight of you.
"Something wrong?", You cock an eyebrow, suddenly second guessing your decision to reveal yourself.
"No, I just...", Gently, he reaches out a hand to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind your ear, "You're more beautiful then I ever could've imagined..."
His voice is quiet and distant, as though he's in a dream. As the moonlight dances through the room, he gazes at you in a state of absolute wonder until it almost makes you wish you could stay in this moment forever.
Suddenly, he shakes himself, snapping out of it. He shrinks away and breaks his eyes from looking at yours, "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that", he's quiet for a moment. You both are, as you reel from the sudden change. "I'll go get th-"
"Wait", your hand reaches out and tugs him back down. He stumbles a little and finds himself landing closer to you then he's ever been before.
The cool breath of your lips tickles the skin of his broad little nose, even as your breath seems to hitch in your throat. His deep, almond eyes lock onto your bright, shining irises, the only feature he's known you for, for all this time, before daring a glance at your parted lips.
The slightest of movements brings you closer to him, but he's been waiting for this moment far too long for gentleness.
He supports your head and shoulders before crashing his lips into yours. His lips are thick and soft, far more so then you would've expected of gang boss like himself. He suspends himself over top of you, his body only inches away as you fall back completely against the plush pillows.
You run a hand along his side as he works over your slips, rough, but slow. His body is lean and hard, but softer and pleasingly warm in certain places. He moans happily, like a dog receiving a particularly enjoyable scratching, as you gently caress his side and kiss him back.
When you're both ready, he gently breaks the kiss, only to plant one more to your forehead. He lingers there a moment, his voice the barest of whispers, "Please don't go tomorrow..." He sniffs, and if you didn't know better, you'd think he was about to cry.
He pulls back a little and shakes his head, "Or ever. I-I want you to stay...", He caresses your healthy cheek, and shyly makes eye contact with you before pressing a long, tender kiss to your lips. "I think... I think I love you"
Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, a wave of surprise over taking you. You had no idea he felt this way... Maybe you're not as crazy as you thought for all those times you've thought about him...
Honestly, you don't know if you're ready for something like this, but...
Is anyone?
You swallow your nerves, and find that a small smile breaks free as you let your anxieties go. "I think...", You cup his cheek and give a tiny kiss to the tip of his nose, "maybe I love you too"
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How would Stitch, Naga and Perseus act after having an argument with their s/o?
Gotcha right here 👌🏻
Oof, he is 100% the petty type
Even if he's wrong, he'll wait for you to come and apologize to him
... For about 30 minutes
Naga cracks very quickly after you two have an argument
Even if he was wrong, he'll come apologize to you in a storm of pitiful emotion
The truth is, he can't stand to be alone, and the thought of losing you terrifies nearly everyday, considering his line of work
If he were to be the one to drive you away...
It would kill him
He clings to you and kisses you, sometimes he even brings himself to tears while he tries to make up with you
It can be a little intense sometimes, but Naga is the type of man who cares very, very deeply under his prickly facade
All he wants is to make sure you know he loves you
Honestly? He's not really the type to do that "fighting" type of arguing with you
He never raises his voice, instead he simply counters your statements with his until you either reach some sort of agreement or you have to walk away
If that later happens, he's pretty quick to come and make up
He'll give you some time to cool down and fit him to collect his thoughts and rethink the situation a little bit, but it's important to him that you both are about to clear the air
He's definitely one to admit when he's wrong, but he'll hold fast when he knows he's right
He'll never rub that in your face though, he's just happy to out the whole thing behind you both
He's very prickly after you two have an argument
It's not that he's mad at you, just that he's a little two wound up
Luckily, he knows himself well enough to be able to excuse himself gracefully from the argument to go let off steam before he says or does something he knows he'll regret
It's best to just let him be during these times, and he'll come back to you when he's ready
Rarely does he ever want to finish whatever you two were debating over however
He'd much rather make up and forget it
You wouldn't think it, given his line of work and all, but he really does hate conflict
It's so much easier to just get in and get out with no interruptions and he feels the same way about his relationship with you
He'll do whatever he can to make things operate as smoothly as he can, and if that means throwing in the towel and letting you be right, most times he will
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Bro, imagine dating Naga and saying you're about to head into the city for the day or whatever and then he just hands you a stack of cash and tells you to have fun slskskkwakwk
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