hello can i have some unicorns :)
Oooh, of course you can! Let me quickly look up some of my favorite sources...
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Thomas de Cantimpré has no less than 3 unicorns covered! That's 3 times the amount of unicorns! From top to bottom, you have the monoceros, the Indian onager, and the unicorn itself.
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Albertus Magnus gives us this classic animal, looking somewhat heraldic.
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This unicorn from the Ortus Sanitatis, though, is rather contemplative looking. And seems rather goaty too.
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The rhinoceros (karkadan) from Middle Eastern manuscripts varies a lot, sometimes clearly a rhino and sometimes more fanciful. This version is from a copy of al-Qazwini.
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Jonston covers around 9 different unicorns, some of which are horny in more ways than one! (Trust me. Look them up, I've posted them before). These ones look like standard maned unicorns.
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Ambroise Paré had a lot to say about unicorns (and mummies, and the plague, and anything else vaguely related to public health). Here is the pirassoipi, a two-horned unicorn (a bicorn?) from Italy
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And you know what? I've been sticking to vintage illustrations but here's Rudolf Freund's spectacular historically-accurate unicorn!
Stay tuned for more unicorn imagery!
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ratsypatsy · 2 months
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Legends Of Equestria is keeping me busy, here's some silly art I did, cause Karkadanns design in this game is awesome, and since they're a type of unicorn too, then...
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lakeside-equids · 22 days
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Mizar, the Karkadann. Custom American quarter horse foal. SOLD
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charliescreatures · 2 years
Here’s the Karkadann, from Indian and Persian mythology! Said to roam grasslands and act in a similar manner to unicorns, this creature is believed to be based on the Indian Rhinoceros!
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mateuscosme · 1 year
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problemstarchild · 1 month
The pottery in the beginning <33333
kabru gladly wanting to tell stories to thistle to Understand him more
When laios basically tells kabru "not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined you"
Big BIG fan of the way kabru just drops trying to read laios for a second and he just Asks him outright how he feels
The feeelsss awwww the build up to this was insanely amazing ‼️‼️
One of my favorite Laiosms that I'm sooooo happy is pretty common in Labru fic is when Laios just says something utterly sincere and from the heart and like, somebody else would have thought really hard about how to word it in a way that delivers maximum impact, but he kind of just... says exactly what he thinks or how he's feeling? And how Kabru, who's always trying to run datasets to understand what Laios is thinking about, is just blindsided by it every single time.
One of my top Dungeon Meshi moments has to be this one.
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He just looooooves His People so so much, so unabashedly and honestly. He admires them, he loves lifting them up and acknowledging their strengths. (I wish they weren't all chewing at the same time here, because this is another of those times where I feel like Laios is intensely complimentary of his party and very grateful for them, and doesn't get to experience any sort of reciprocity. He's not expecting it, obviously, but I want to see him loved and appreciated...)
I feel like Kabru gets a lot of platitudes, and kind of has his whole life -- Milsiril certainly loves him, but she also definitely treated him like an idealized, babified version of himself. Kabru's party trust him and think he's extremely capable -- but even Kabru acknowledges, indirectly, that their faith in his skill is misplaced because he simply doesn't have the skill or experience to do the thing he set out to do.
I have a lot of fun with the Laios and Kabru dynamic because Kabru is so used to hearing and reflecting bullshit all of the time. He's very capable of wielding the truth as a weapon -- I love how he reshapes his backstory to make certain features more prominent depending on who he's talking to, for example -- but given his ties with the Shadow Governor and his very... espionage/assassination-type skillset, I love the idea of him just getting blindsided by Laios being genuine.
I think it's great when they are just upfront with each other. I had a moment like that in Ch.15 Karkadann, as well, though reversed...
“No, I…” Laios tilts his head a little, he looks like he’s really thinking. “You don’t always tell me when something is wrong, and I don’t always notice on my own. I thought maybe… they noticed something I didn’t? Or maybe you aren’t feeling well. I thought maybe if I asked you, you would tell me.”
Clear and intentional communication, my beloved...
Anyway SORRY for the babbling, thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed!
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aamaranthiine · 2 months
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this is something i have given a lot of thought over the last handful of weeks and have even sort of summarized to a few of my mutuals over on discord. ive decided to make an official headcanon post about this aspect of amalthea's character.
i know it is sometimes a kind of running joke that amalthea gets very offended when mistaken for a horse and on the surface, it is perceived as if an insult to her pride and vanity. but there is more to it than that.
unicorns, like so many other mythological creatures, are incredibly varied throughout world cultures. from the classic european style of a cloven hoofed, horse/goat like animal with a horn upon its head to the scaley, dragon-like kirin from japanese myth and even the monstrous karkadann from persia / india. there are more to tell but suffice to say, unicorns are a world wide phenomenon.
and while amalthea is perhaps modeled after the european myth, i firmly believe she is well aware of her distant cousins and kin. not only that, but how unicorns are both symbols of nobility and nature's ferocity. there is so much more to them than what is commonly accepted and known about unicorns today.
it is the simplification of unicorns, of their rich backgrounds and meanings, that is so offensive to amalthea. that she and her kin, who are not only beings of beauty, magic, femininity and newness but also that of chivalry, pride, and ferociousness; this all seems to have been slowly whittled away and forgotten. there is nothing inherently wrong with how the belief in unicorns has changed primarily into themes of innocence, girlhood and wonder but it is the weathering of all the other traits that bothers her.
and in that simplification, comes the change in perception of their beauty and uniqueness. this acceptance that unicorns are just horses with horns, sometimes with lion-like tails but not always, that stings amalthea's pride. this likening to some plain mortal beast, lacking the uniqueness of how unicorns were once perceived, troubles her deeply.
unicorns are alien and mythical, they are a piece of the unknown and the ethereal. amalthea does not want for she and her kin to be narrowed down to what is easiest for mortals to believe.
she hates it.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
I got obsessed with the rhino hybrids potential to the point I searched any mythical story . Well I found Karkadann from Indian and Persia and surprisingly Kamen Rider. Well I just want share it with you to make you laugh with this random fact 🤣🤣🤣
And uhh have you seen rhino penis anatomy especially the Sumatran one?
I have seen rhino anatomy in my research for this fic, yes...
I'm not exactly going to go with full realism on this one...
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myth-lord · 1 year
If I could create my own D&D Monster Manual
It would look something like this:
The names with the little dot before them are sub-species/variations of the name above, like Kenku, Nagpa, Tlacatecolo and Vrock are variants of the Aarakocra.
Air Elemental
Invisible Stalker
Animated Broom
Flying Sword
Guardian Portrait
Living Tome
Rug of Smothering
Craud (Sea Ankheg)
Blood Hawk
Assassin Vine
Choke Creeper
Astral Defiler
Astral Dreadnought
Astral Filcher (Temporal Filcher)
Astral Marauder
Astral Slayer
Astral Stalker
Axe Beak
Babau (Blood Demon)
Balor (Pit Demon)
Barbazu (Bearded Demon)
Id Fiend
Rock Reptile
Eye Tyrant
Gauth (Spectator)
Black Dragon (Deepwyrm)
Black Pudding
Void Ooze
White Pudding (Snowflake Ooze)
Blink Dog
Moon Dog
Yeth Hound
Blood Amniote (Bloodrot)
Bloodthorn (Vampire Rose)
Blue Dragon (Stormwyrm)
Bugbear (Boogeyman)
Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carrion Crawler
Rot Grubs
Cave Fisher
Clay Golem (Terra-Cotta)
Clockroach (Clockwork Horror)
Iron Cobra
Cloud Giant
Fog Giant
Storm Giant
Cloud Ray
Copper Dragon
Coral Golem
Cranium Rats
Crawling Claw
Soul Shaker
Crystal Dragon
Black Willow  
Darkling (Dark Creeper)
Deadly Dancer (Impaler)
Death Knight
Deva (Angel)
Angel of Decay (Rot Harbinger)
Erinyes (Fallen Deva)
Justicator (Order Deva)
Planetar (Battle Deva)
Solar (Light Deva)
Dire Angler
Light Devourer
Dire Ape
Dire Bat (Mobat)
Fire Bat (Inferno Bat)
Sinister (Shadow Bat)
Dire Bear (Cave Bear)
Dire Beaver (Afanc)
Dire Boar (Tusk Terror)
Dire Catfish (Namazu)
Dire Chameleon (Ambush Drake)
Dire Constrictor (Titanoboa)
Dire Crocodile (Deinosuchus)
Hatori (Sand Crocodile)
Dire Eel (Abaia)
Cave Moray
Dragon Eel
Lightning Eel
Dire Elephant (Mammoth)
Dire Elk (Megaloceros)
Dire Gar 
Dire Hippo (Behemoth)
Dire Lion
Sea Lion
Dire Otter (Dobhar-Chu)
Dire Pufferfish (Kalothagh)
Dire Ram 
Dire Rat
Dire Rhino (Karkadann)
Gulgar (Diamond Charger)
Dire Seahorse (Hippocampus)
Dire Shark (Megalodon)
Dire Skunk (Aniwye)
Dire Sloth (Megatherium)
Dire Tiger (Smilodon)
Dire Whale (Leviathan)
Dire Wolf (Worg)
Winter Wolf
Dire Wolverine (Gulon)
Displacer Beast
Dragon Turtle
Dwarf Ancestor
Earth Elemental
Galeb Duhr
Sandman (Sandling)
Tomb Mote (Necromental)
Eladrin (Spring Eladrin)
Autumn Eladrin (Bralani)
Summer Eladrin (Firre)
Winter Eladrin (Ghaele)
Evistro (Carnage Demon)
Feyr (Fihyr)
Firbolg (Wood Giant)
Fire Elemental
Belker (Smoke Elemental)
Magma Hurler (Magma Elemental)
Magmin (Lava Child)
Fire Giant
Flesh Golem
Rot Ripper
Eldritch Giant (Fomorian Noble)
Plague Spewer
Frost Giant
Kapoacinth (Reef Gargoyle)
Gas Spore
Gelatinous Cube
Devourer (Soul Eater)
Ghast (Witherstench)
Lacedon (Drowned)
Giant Anemone
Giant Ant
Abyss Ant
Giant Antlion
Giant Assassin Bug
Giant Beetle (Boring Beetle)
Bombardier Beetle (Fire Beetle)
Deathwatch Beetle (Slicer Beetle)
Siege Beetle (Rhinoceros Beetle)
Water Beetle
Giant Centipede
Giant Clam
Giant Crab
Carcass Crab (Cadaver Collector)
Kalka Kylla  (Giant Hermit)
Giant Dragonfly
Giant Eagle
Giant Firefly (Firefriend)
Giant Frog
Giant Jellyfish (Man-o-War)
Death Embrace
Giant Leech
Giant Mantis
Giant Moth
Tenebrous Worm
Giant Octopus
Darktentacles (Swamp Octopus)
Decapus (Tree Octopus)
Silt Horror (Sand Octopus)
Giant Owl
Noctral (Celestial Owl)
Giant Raven (Valravn)
Giant Salamander
Frost Salamander
Giant Scorpion
Giant Slug
Bone Whelk
Flail Snail
Metalmaster (Sword Slug)
Giant Spider
Bristle Spider
Darkweaver (Shadow Spider)
Phase Spider
Snow Spider
Tomb Spider
Giant Starfish
Giant Strider
Magma Strider
Giant Tick
Bloodsilk Tick
Soul Tick
Giant Toad
Fire Toad
Ice Toad
Giant Urchin
Land Urchin
Giant Wasp
Advespa (Hellwasp)
Spider Eater
Gibbering Mouther (Chaos Beast)
Skybleeder (Abyssal Mouther)
Gith (Githyanki)
Glabrezu (Deception Demon)
Flind (War Gnoll)
Marrash (Pestilence Gnoll)
Witherling (Famine Gnoll)
Gold Dragon
Gorgon (Khalkotauroi)
Gray Jester
Gray Ooze
Gray Render (Skindancer)
Green Dragon (Grovewyrm)
Green Slime
Arcane Ooze
Greenvise (Mantrap)
Annis Hag (Death Hag)
Bheur Hag (Frostwind Virago)
Green Hag (Bog Hag)
Night Hag (Nocnitsa)
Sea Hag
Hamatula (Barbed Demon)
Hell Hound
Death Dog
Hoard Scarab
Hook Horror
Intellect Devourer (Brain Mole)
Brain Collector (Neh-Thalggu)
Cerebrilith (Mindshredder)
Iron Golem
Adamantine Golem
Shield Guardian
Knucklehead Trout
Carcass Eater
Skull Lord
Lillend (Muse)
Luck Eater
Werefox (Foxwoman)
Mind Flayer
Elder Brain
Shocker Lizard
Skirr (Mummy Lord)
Dark Naga
Guardian Naga
Spirit Naga
Water Naga
Nightwalker (Death Giant)
Shardsoul Slayer
Dryad (Wood Nymph)
Lampad (Shadow Nymph)
Nereid (Aquatic Nymph)
Oread (Mountain Nymph)
Sylph (Sky Nymph)
Obliviax (Memory Moss)
Ochre Jelly
Oni (Ogre Magi)
Osyluth (Bone Demon)
Abyssal Maw
Pech (Deep Gnome)
Pixie (Sprite)
Allip (Doom Whisperer)
Caller in Darkness (Mindstorm)
Pseudo-Dragon (Orange Dragon)
Faerie Dragon (Purple Dragon)
Purple Worm
Masher (Blue Worm)
Ravid (Rage Drake)
Red Dragon (Hellwyrm)
Ruin Demon (Swarm Demon)
Rust Monster
Kuo-Toa (Skum)
Satyr (Faun)
Ankylosaurus (Macetail)
Brontosaurus (Mokele-Mbembe)
Ceratosaurus (Bonesnapper)
Deinonychus (Scytheclaw)
Dilophosaurus (Spitter)
Dimetrodon (Bloodseeker)
Mosasaurus (Gambo)
Plesiosaurus (Coast Stalker)
Pteranodon (Razorbeak)
Stegosaurus (Mbielu)
Stygimoloch (Charger)
Triceratops (Ngoubou)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Fang Titan)
Sea Serpent
Shadow Demon
Shadow Dragon
Shadow Mastiff
Shambling Mound
Tumbling Mound
Sibriex (Craft Demon)
Silver Dragon
Mercury Dragon
Crypt Thing
Giant Skeleton (Gashadokuro)
Skin Kite
Skiurid (Soul Nibbler)
Slithering Tracker
Spectre (Ghost)
Banshee (Wailing Ghost)
Sphinx (Gynosphinx)
Steel Predator
Stone Golem
Gelugon (Ice Demon)
Hundred-Handed One (Hecatoncheires)
Tlincalli (Scorpion-Man)
Saguaro Sentinel
Tri-Flower Frond
Rot Troll
Twig Blight
Umber Hulk
Ecalypse (Dusk Unicorn)
Vampiric Mist
Crimson Death
Violet Fungus
Phantom Fungus
Wastrilith (Styx Demon)
Water Elemental
Caller from the Deeps
Chraal (Ice Elemental)
Poison Weird (Poison Elemental)
Web Golem (Adherer)
White Dragon (Frostwyrm)
Winter Wight (Entombed)
Will o Wisp
Helmed Horror (Helmed Wraith)
Sword Wraith
Trap Haunt (Trap Wraith)
Wood Woad (Wood Wraith)
Abyssal Drake
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm)
Yellow Musk Creeper
Corpse Flower
Wendigo (Famine Spirit)
Zombie Clot
HUMANOID: Aarakocra / Kenku / Abeil / Bullywug / Cloud Giant / Storm Giant / Cyclops / Darkling / Drow / Duergar / Eladrin / Autumn Eladrin / Summer Eladrin / Winter Eladrin / Firbolg / Fire Giant / Frost Giant / Gith / Gnoll / Goblin / Hobgoblin / Hadozee / Lizardman / Kobold / Tortle / Werebear / Wereboar / Wererat / Wereshark / Werewolf / Ogre / Orc / Sahuagin / Tabaxi / Thri-Kreen / Yuan-Ti
ABERRATION: Aboleth / Astral Defiler / Astral Dreadnought / Astral Filcher / Astral Marauder / Astral Slayer / Astral Stalker / Banderhobb / Beholder / Eye Tyrant / Gauth / Mindwitness / Slaad / Carrion Crawler / Rot Grubs / Ulgurstasta / Choker / Skulk / Chuul / Uchuulon / Cloaker / Cranium Rats / Deadly Dancer / Deepspawn / Destrachan / Digester / Dharculus / Phane / Doppelganger / Derro / Feyr / Fomorian / Remorhaz / Froghemoth / Death Embrace / Puppeteer / Darktentacles / Decapus / Silt Horror / Darkweaver / Dustdigger / Gibbering Mouther / Argos / Boggle / Gray Render / Braxat / Grell / Grick / Intellect Devourer / Brain Collector / Kraken / Meenlock / Mind Flayer / Elder Brain / Ulitharid / Mohrg / Nothic / Shardsoul Slayer / Otyugh / Neothelid / Roper / Piercer / Kuo-Toa / Morkoth / Swordwing / Protean
UNDEAD: Tlacatecolo / Ragewind / Blood Amniote / Fog Giant / Crawling Claw / Soul Shaker / Black Willow / Death Knight / Dullahan / Angel of Decay / Sinister / Hullathoin / Fetch / Tomb Mote / Plague Spewer / Ghoul / Berbalang / Devourer / Ghast / Lacedon / Bone Whelk / Tomb Spider / Soul Tick / Witherling / Meazel / Carcass Eater / Lich / Demilich / Dracolich / Skull Lord / Mummy / Grisgol / Skirr / Nightwalker / Bodak / Splinterwaif / Poltergeist / Allip / Caller in Darkness / Shadow / Shadow Demon / Shadow Dragon / Shadow Mastiff / Tumbling Mound / Skeleton / Boneyard / Crypt Thing / Flameskull / Giant Skeleton / Skin Kite / Spectre / Banshee / Hangman / Rot Troll / Vampire / Nosferatu / Vampiric Mist / Crimson Death / Vargouille / Caller from the Deeps / Wight / Boneclaw / Winter Wight / Will o Wisp / Trilloch / Wraith / Helmed Horror / Sword Wraith / Trap Haunt / Wood Woad / Zombie / Atropal / Dustblight / Revenant / Zombie Clot
FEY: Almiraj / Behir / Blink Dog / Cooshee / Yeth Hound / Bugbear / Bagman / Grung / Carbuncle / Centaur / Corollax / Couatl / Osquip / Gulgar / Kirre / Winter Wolf / Displacer Beast / Eblis / Eldritch Giant / Blindheim / Gloomwing / Tenebrous Worm / Flail Snail / Aranea / Quanlos / Spriggan / Gray Jester / Gremlin / Annis Hag / Bheur Hag / Green Hag / Sea Hag / Harpy / Siren / Korred / Nightshade / Leprechaun / Clurichaun / Luck Eater / Werefox / Dark Naga / Nuckelavee / Nymph / Dryad / Lampad / Nereid / Oread / Sylph / Oni / Owlbear / Winterclaw / Pixie / Nixie / Quickling / Redcap / Satyr / Gambol / Troll / Scrag / Unicorn / Ecalypse / Zorbo
FIEND: Vrock / Mihstu / Achaierai / Babau / Balor / Barbazu / Hezrou / Catoblepas / Armanite / Chasme / Erinyes / Barlgura / Fire Bat / Fhorge / Rylkar / Maurezhi / Durzagon / Evistro / Immolith / Abyss Ant / Adaru / Dybbuk / Draudnu / Tlexolotl / Hellstinger / Bebilith / Voracia / Magma Strider / Advespa / Skybleeder / Glabrezu / Marrash / Barghest / Quarrak / Night Hag / Hamatula / Hell Hound / Canoloth / Death Dog / Howler / Imp / Mephit / Quasit / Cerebrilith / Kyton / Larva / Lemure / Rutterkin / Abishai / Jarilith / Goristro / Phycomid / Spirit Naga / Nightmare / Cauchemar / Yochlol / Tanarukk / Osyluth / Abyssal Maw / Fiendwurm / Ruin Demon / Skulvyn / Sibriex / Simpathetic / Skiurid / Solamith / Succubus / Incubus / Rakshasa / Gelugon / Hundred-Handed One / Twig Blight / Thorny / Wastrilith / Abyssal Drake / Wendigo / Marilith
ELEMENTAL: Air Elemental / Invisible Stalker / Earth Elemental / Crysmal / Galeb Duhr / Mud-Man / Sandman / Fire Elemental / Belker / Magma Hurler / Magmin / Jann / Dao / Djinn / Efreet / Marid / Pech / Salamander / Shardmind / Water Elemental / Chraal / Poison Weird / Xorn
OOZE: Black Pudding / Reekmurk / Void Ooze / White Pudding / Gelatinous Cube / Gray Ooze / Green Slime / Arcane Ooze / Corrupture / Mimic / Trapper / Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Ghaunadan
DRAGON: Basilisk / Id Fiend / Pyrolisk / Rock Reptile / Black Dragon / Blue Dragon / Copper Dragon / Crystal Dragon / Hatori / Dragon Turtle / Zaratan / Gold Dragon / Green Dragon / Hydra / Drakkoth / Pseudo-Dragon / Faerie Dragon / Ravid / Red Dragon / Sea Serpent / Silver Dragon / Mercury Dragon / White Dragon / Wyvern / Yellow Dragon / Yrthak
BEAST: Axe Beak / Boobrie / Cloud Ray / Dire Angler / Dire Ape / Dire Bat / Dire Bear / Dire Beaver / Dire Boar / Dire Catfish / Dire Chameleon / Dire Constrictor / Dire Crocodile / Dire Eel / Lightning Eel / Dire Elephant / Dire Elk / Dire Gar / Dire Hippo / Dire Lion / Dire Otter / Dire Pufferfish / Dire Ram / Dire Rat / Dire Rhino / Dire Seahorse / Dire Shark / Dire Skunk / Dire Sloth / Dire Tiger / Dire Whale / Dire Wolf / Dire Wolverine / Giant Anemone / Giant Ant / Giant Antlion / Giant Assassin Bug / Giant Beetle / Water Beetle / Giant Centipede / Megapede / Giant Clam /Giant Crab / Kalka Kylla / Giant Dragonfly / Giant Eagle / Giant Firefly / Giant Frog / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Leech / Giant Mantis / Giant Moth / Giant Octopus / Giant Owl / Giant Raven / Giant Salamander / Giant Scorpion / Giant Slug / Giant Spider / Bristle Spider / Snow Spider / Giant Starfish / Giant Strider / Giant Tick / Giant Toad / Giant Urchin / Land Urchin / Giant Wasp / Jaculi / Knucklehead Trout / Muckdweller / Quipper / Ankylosaurus / Brontosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Deinonychus / Dilophosaurus / Dimetrodon / Mosasaurus / Plesiosaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Stygimoloch / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus Rex
MONSTROSITY: Nagpa / Ahuizotl / Amphisbaena / Ankheg / Craud / Arrowhawk / Blood Hawk / Aurumvorax / Bulette / Cave Fisher / Avalancher / Chathrang / Chimera / Cockatrice / Light Devourer / Girallon / Boalisk / Cave Moray / Dragon Eel / Sea Lion / Disenchanter / Drider / Ettercap / Bombardier Beetle / Deathwatch Beetle / Siege Beetle / Carcass Crab / Steelwing / Roc / Thunderbird / Frost Salamander / Metalmaster / Phase Spider / Bloodsilk Tick / Fire Toad / Ice Toad / Spider Eater / Flind / Nilbog / Gremishka / Griffon / Hook Horror / Jackalwere / Krenshar / Lamia / Leucrotta / Pterrax / Troglodyte / Manticore / Minotaur / Shocker Lizard / Water Naga / Brohg / Ettin / Merrow / Tulgar / Peryton / Purple Worm / Masher / Rust Monster / Sphinx / Stirge / Su-Monster / Tarrasque / Tlincalli / Umber Hulk / Yeti / Abomination / Medusa
CONSTRUCT: Animated Broom / Carrionette / Flying Sword / Guardian Portrait / Living Tome / Rug of Smothering / Scarecrow / Azer / Bladeling / Clay Golem / Clockroach / Iron Cobra / Coral Golem / Dwarf Ancestor / Flesh Golem / Rot Ripper / Gargoyle / Kapoacinth / Margoyle / Scaladar / Gorgon / Hoard Scarab / Iron Golem / Adamantine Golem / Shield Guardian / Steel Predator / Stone Golem / Eidolon / Juggernaut / Web Golem
PLANT: Ascomoid / Assassin Vine / Choke Creeper / Bloodthorn / Orcwort / Quickwood / Gas Spore / Greenvise / Kelpie / Myconid / Obliviax / Shambling Mound / Tendriculos / Treant / Saguaro Sentinel / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Basidirond / Phantom Fungus / Yellow Musk Creeper / Corpse Flower
CELESTIAL: Moon Dog / Deva / Justicator / Planetar / Solar / Phoenix / Noctral / Hollyphant / Lillend / Guardian Naga / Pegasus / Lammasu / Empyrean / Kirin / Nyth
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queenofwolftria · 2 months
the hippofae (fairy horses) and hipposideros (bat horses) exist in Rearing Redwoods purely because they were in the Minecraft mo’ creatures mod. the nightmares and various undead variants were the only things I never added.
however, I do sometimes think about the nightmares and what they would look like if they were in RR. i didn’t add them because I disliked the fact that they were on fire all of the time, so they likely wouldn’t have that in my version. the replacement would be that they’d always be born with the fire element, like how hippocamps and kelpies are always born with the water element!
as for their appearance? there’s two directions they could go in. the first option would be a rhino-like and spikey equine, with some influence from the karkadann. the second option would be a more mammalian carnivore approach where they have sharp teeth and are quite fluffy.
these are both unfortunately quite similar to two unicorn types that already exist in RR! also, i wouldn’t want to add more equine variants. 12 I feel is a good number, and 13 feels like an odd number (no pun intended). it cannot be perfectly split into 2s and 3s like 12 can!
but that still doesn’t make the whole “what if” go away in my brain, so perhaps one day I will draw them.
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dorokora · 3 months
housamo has otter, crocodile and elephant transient.
turtle, gorilla(bigfoot doesn't count) and rhinoceros transient when?
For the Rhino, they could pick Karkadann
Gorilla might be tricky unless they use Sisimito or Ngi or something
There’s plenty of Turtles they could use, like Genbu, one of Vishnu’s avatars is a giant turtle called Kurma, and Mbeku is a trickster tortoise from African folktales.
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rexwrendraws · 1 year
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development for a character (the karkadann/the unicorn) from a project pitch i had to for class :]
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shreddedself · 7 months
Ctesias got his information while living in Persia. Unicorns ,or more likely, winged bulls, appear in reliefs at the ancient Persian capital of Persepolis in Iran.[8] Aristotle must be following Ctesias when he mentions two one-horned animals, the oryx (a kind of antelope) and the so-called "Indian ass" (ἰνδικὸς ὄνος).[9][10] Antigonus of Carystus also wrote about the one-horned "Indian ass".[11] Strabo says that in the Caucasus there were one-horned horses with stag-like heads.[12] Pliny the Elder mentions the oryx and an Indian ox (perhaps a greater one-horned rhinoceros) as one-horned beasts, as well as "a very fierce animal called the monoceros which has the head of the stag, the feet of the elephant, and the tail of the boar, while the rest of the body is like that of the horse; it makes a deep lowing noise, and has a single black horn, which projects from the middle of its forehead, two cubits [900 mm, 35 inches] in length."[13] In On the Nature of Animals (Περὶ Ζῴων Ἰδιότητος, De natura animalium), Aelian, quoting Ctesias, adds that India produces also a one-horned horse (iii. 41; iv. 52),[14][15] and says (xvi. 20)[16] that the monoceros (μονόκερως) was sometimes called cartazonos (καρτάζωνος), which may be a form of the Arabic karkadann, meaning 'rhinoceros'.
Cosmas Indicopleustes, a merchant of Alexandria who lived in the 6th century, made a voyage to India and subsequently wrote works on cosmography. He gives a description of a unicorn based on four brass figures in the palace of the King of Ethiopia. He states, from report, that "it is impossible to take this ferocious beast alive; and that all its strength lies in its horn. When it finds itself pursued and in danger of capture, it throws itself from a precipice, and turns so aptly in falling, that it receives all the shock upon the horn, and so escapes safe and sound"
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creoterative · 1 year
When I'm done with my exams this year, I swear I'll make an Esper for this badass Unicorn thingy from persian mythology. I read about it in a book about all kinds of unicorns when I was... eight, I think?
Karkadann was it, I hope I remember correctly.
Doesn't matter, but I wanna continue my Esper drawings, I only have three so far, and one posted here xD
That is poor, considering the fact that I have a list of ten mythological creatures/gods from all kinds of religions here and I completed... not even half of them.
Dammit, I need more time.
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zooophagous · 1 year
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Just wanted to say I’ve loved your work for a long time, bought the karkadann piece from you several years ago, it’s one of my prize possessions, and wanted to send you an update that it’s still well loved and displayed in place of pride mixed among my animal paintings and prints from work!!
I'm glad it went to a good home! I should draw more karkadaan one of these days
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aaimasqtch · 2 years
Ptitheros Worldbuilding - Species
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Lefika Basic Info
Lefika History
The Elleswacyan Era was a long period of history labeled as the time when the Cardinals were crafting, collaborating, and creating. Species, biomes, rivers, and ideas were constantly being given or withheld, destroyed or solidified, until the Cardinal of the region was satisfied with their work. The creatures of each Cardinal were no different, and the creatures who would be deemed with intelligence and culture were determined during this era, and each Cardinal had an ideal for what they desired their forever sapient kin to look and behave like.
Lessifleals were a large predator created by the East Cardinal, Meldr'uno, to be a form of population control and fear instigator for Meldr'uno's main kin: the eastern dragons. Lessifleals were nomadic, they preyed on karkadanns and other large animals, could handle the hot desert climate, were able to make small camps by using clay and sandstone to create simplistic pueblo buildings. Strangely, they were given almost the same intelligence level as dragons during the beginning of the E.W Era but were not given a language, had an extremely low population number, and were limited to where they could prosper (trapped to the desert for biological reasons).
Like the rest of the Cardinals, Meldr'uno began work on His main kingdom of power and culture during the middle of the E.W Era, and that city was named Tucruitora. At first, the kingdom was built to house his kin: the eastern dragons, or as his ancient followers were known as: the Ola'mels. Ola'mels were similar to the other dragons of the world, and despite Meldr'uno's firm grasp over their culture and ideals, they continued to drift further from what He desired from them, They became curious and mingled beyond the territories that were gifted to them, and eventually the East Cardinal realized it was no longer worth his time to try and wrangle these drifting creatures back into his static reign. He wanted a kin all under his word, none curious to learn about the dragons with wings to the west or the clever wyverns to the north, thus the Ola'mels became something unwanted, and so they were discarded and "set free". This was not a good form of freedom, for now the eastern dragons, once aided and protected by the East God Himself, were alone in the world with no means of holding onto their culture and magic. Thanks to the other Cardinals interfering with Meldr'uno's rage, the eastern dragons were able to keep their magic and sapience, but all else was left to them to protect, resulting in the Ola'mel culture slowly becoming more uncommon.
Meldr'uno was without kin now and needed something new to call his own and continue his culture and ideals. He wanted something that would obey all his rules, he wanted something as loyal as possible, and so he journeyed across his arid lands in search of what could replace his eastern dragons. Alas, no other dragons could be found in the dry climate, for they all existed in the humid jungle or the temperate forests of the North. The other Cardinals had created and claimed those lands that could support what had become of the created dragon species, so the East Cardinal needed something different, something completely new.
One of His wild predators caught his eye: the lessifleals.
The lessifleals were snatched up, removed from their place in the food chain, and modified to fit better as a governed and civilized creature. Lefikas were created. The Lefikas were given Tucruitora to call home. Meldr'uno handed over everything the eastern dragons once had to the new kin and they were given all means of intelligence and dexterity that they needed to be equally rivaled by the dragons and gryphons. The Lefikas thrived and evolved as a society under the watchful eyes of Meldr'uno, until one day the God decided that the Lefikas worshiping a God that looked like an eastern dragon was not a good choice. They should see themselves within the thing they worship and appreciate, they should view their God as different, a God that makes them view themselves as different and as the elite kin amongst Ptitheros. Worshiping a dragon would lead to the Lefikas always seeing other dragons as stronger and better than their fellow desert prowlers, and that would need to change.
With this change of plans from the East Cardinal Himself, the original oriental-dragon-resembling Architect created a new form. He became a lefiká bathed of pure white light, no features other than many pairs of beautiful wings and long ears stood against the bright silhouette. This being was the new eyes of Meldr'uno, it was called the Central Virtue, and it comprised all 10 Minor Virtues that made up the new Tucruit Affiliation. The Central Virtue has never been seen by the Cardinal's kin, but many old texts tell of stories where old priests and journeywomen met some of the singular pieces of the form.
Once the dragon-form of prospect was out of the picture and the East Cardinal had a new set of eyes to watch His kin with, the shift of radicalization between Ola'mels and Tucruit began. Tucruits began to see themselves as better, different, and overall stronger, just as intended. The Virtues, the East Cardinal, was greater than the rest according to Tucruit, and thus other species became inferior. Ola'mels became so distant from the new East Affiliation that they were separated into a secondary class of East Cardinal worship. Many of the eastern dragons from the beginning clung to their heritage and kept the old Affiliation alive, and still to this day do they strive to continue what was once the heart of the East's purpose, before their god left them to die.
After the initial rocky-start to the East's new plans, things went smoothly. History was quiet, no quarrels with species, affiliations, Cardinals, or cities. The development of kingdoms was closely watched by each respected Cardinal.
Eventually came the C.E Era, a period of Ptitheros history when the Cardinals were finally satisfied with what they had created and changed. The world was fresh and finished, all the creatures free to explore the world and mingle with things their overseers approved of. At the time, the strongest kingdom was Chaveri, a capital headed and watched by Edenlline: the North Cardinal. Meldr'uno did not like this.
He, the Central Virtue, instated more nationalist beliefs into His creatures, creating a prompted hatred towards Chaveri for being the most powerful since it was full of dragons and gryphons, thus the city should be inferior to Tucruitora and its surrounding territories.
Chaveri was already under stress, as tension between the dragons and gryphons had been stagnant but strong at the time. The East Cardinal convinced His lefikás that they needed to acquire land northward for expansion and food, and that with the fighting going on in Chaveri is was obvious that the North Cardinal wasn't doing a good job with her kin. She needed the enlightenment and culture of the East.
The Sand and Stone War ensued. Often called the Sunken War. Chaverians fought Tucruitorians, many creatures died within the city over the course of a few months, until Edenlline had enough of her kin dying to stupid hairless cats from farther south. She left her palace, Her most gifted aura casters in tow, and awaited Meldr'uno to show his face to her in slight of a proper battle over the Northern lands. The Central Virtue appeared, bright as ever, it was the first properly recorded event in history where the full Virtue form of the East Cardinal was seen. The two Cardinals battled, resulting in aura and magic releasing in heavy bursts that killed off creatures too close and wildlife around them. The world could not handle so much aura being pulled from its ground that it began to break. Crevasses and canyons cracked across Chaveri and nearby, pulling the city down with the ground that fell away. In response to not being able to kill Meldr'uno, Edenlline pulled what spare aura she had stored away in her soul chalices and used it to push the East Cardinal away from her protected lands. It worked, He was sent away in a bright pool of light and rocketed back to where He once came from; the deserts. Unfortunately, with the chalices no longer strong, other problems soon occurred.
Chaveri sank underground. It collapsed, fell from the golden landscape it once rested so prominently atop, and was lost to time over the course of a century or two.
The East Cardinal, unable to traverse the ruined lands of Chaveri, decides He did not want such unstable land anyway. He expands Tucruitora territory to the very north edge of the Endless Mesa and stops there.
Following the Sand and Stone War, all the other kingdoms are afraid of lefikás and if their home will be attacked next. This begins the stereotypical fear about lefikás and their classic war-causing greed and attitude.
Tucruitora flourished again as an almost only lefiká kingdom with a strong distaste for other species. Dragons and the lot remain viewed as weak and unworthy, hybrids especially are the scum of Ptitheros and are killed just as quickly as nightborns. (Nightborns were undesirable and thought of as cursed because the East Cardinal was also called God of the Rising Sun, meaning daylight was blessed and night was evil.)
The rest of the C.E Era remained the same, as in- stressful- but no outbreaks of issues occurred. The standard eye decals in Tucruit culture were introduced, the Hourglass was created to punish sinners and criminals properly without needing help from the lindosts, and Tucruit society advanced at the same pace as the other kingdoms. During the late C.E Era, Pab'Zuaan broke away from Sequ'Manko and the southern kingdom's alliance was quickly snatched up by Tucruitora, but the alliance was extremely weak at first due to the mixed coastline cities being very wary of the lefikás. Pharaoh Oullua, leader at the time, understood this and worked diligently to rekindle a form of trust between lefikás and the other intelligent creatures they shared Ptitheros with. It worked and the ally-ship grew.
The secluded and specist way of life for centuries was being challenged and the overall public thought the change was good, most lefikás were okay with other creatures, but some still believed they were so superior that something needed to be done about this change. The Radical Tucruits Group was born, a sub-group branch of Tucruit religion that took every tenet and word of the Virtues to the extreme. They saw all other Affiliations as so disgusting and unwanted that they had to prove the East was in charge. The RT began a strong rumored hatred towards Sequns, eventually infecting much of the general Tucruit masses that all of Cymer's kin were unacceptable and sadistic. (Quite strange wasn't it, since it was known through ancient records that Meldr'uno had always hated Cymer and has been enraged ever since his quest to kill him had accidentally taken out Swā instead.)
The C.A Era begins and Chaveri is completely gone, Wyndgale is on the rise, Nox is thriving, and the current Pharaoh, Nexetep, suggests an alliance with the kingdom of the Floating Isles. Alliance is formed very slowly and the RT infiltrate Nox without much notice to recruit rubasyns who share their same view of superiority. The pairing between the RT and the Lace-ups is tied. It was quite easy, as the Lace-ups were similar in how they functioned: a large group who deemed all else different as inferior and distasteful, and they especially wanted to displease the North Cardinal, knowing from ancient scripts that She and the West Cardinal were believed to be friends. Persuaded, a small but powerful illegal militia was started.
A short war known as the Sequn Genocide or The Raining Fire occurred and Tucruitora was blamed. Sequ'Manko's town of Sequendalar and part of its capital was decimated and its population diminished, Sequns were now seen as sadistic, for "wars did not happen without reason" according to the Central Virtue. Pab'Zuaan and Wyndgale took in refugees, whereas Sequns in Nox or Tucruitora were killed off. Lefikas were now viewed as the strongest species on Ptitheros, for they had wiped out the two largest dragon kingdoms and had a threatening alliance with the majority of Nox. Nexetep remained in power for another century and Tucruitora/its territories continued to thrive.
Closer to the Present
Nexetep's daughter, Messililean, takes over. During her reign she opened the trade market more, strengthened the bond between her kingdom and Pab'Zuaan, and did not solve the unapologetic attitude towards the Sequn people. However, she believes that all kinds of creatures should be allowed into Tucruitora, seeing it as the path of prosperity for her people and all across Ptitheros. To broaden the happiness of all, she enacts many new policies and removes those that stifle the distaste her kingdom receives. In time, her inclusive attitude persuaded the upcoming generation to be kind to those who are different, which eventually made Tucruitora safe for Sequns again- although they remain wary.
Hybrids were given rights to not be killed on sight like nightborns, but no rules against mistreating a hybrid were instituted at the time.
The residency and work of other species in Tucruitora becomes highly available and encouraged. Science and engineering are picked up more as occupations, along with mines and agricultural industries expanding to meet the demand of the population as it grows denser.
Recall the rupture of Edenlline's soul chalices? Something had occurred due to it and now Chaveri is overrun with the corpses of once-Chaverians. In the past, throughout the C.E Era, those creatures posed no threat besides to explorers traversing the Honeycomb forests, but now danger is on the rise. Cardinals are out of the picture now, protection is not given but won, and these zombie-like creatures are growing brave and creeping closer and closer. Many mini-wars have occurred between the creatures (called windiages) and northern Tucruitora now, and because of the issue becoming more common the militia of Tucruitora has been focused on it more. With the expansion necessary, other species were now allowed into the military, but male lefikás remained forbidden for a while.
Pharaoh Messililean eventually gave the same rights of other citizens to hybrids. Interspecies marriage/mates are now legally allowed in Tucruitora territories. Morshin is becoming more and more common.
She opens the great pyramids and runic architecture sites to the public, making Tucruitora's past more accessible to researchers and the common folk to study and appreciate. The oldest and most important locations are still inaccessible to all except approved archeologists. In very recent years, the very first survivor of the Hourglass punishment has been documented. This was a revelation because this is the first sinner who was not killed upon Virtue's wrath within the Hourglass.
Male lefikás can now register to become part of the military and have the difficult opportunity to become officers too.
And finally, in the past three years, a new northern town under Tucruitora rule is under construction to become a militia guarded base purely designed to watch and protect the territories from the monsters of Chaveri.
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