#karma took its sweet time
beybaldes · 7 months
open the blinds, let me see your face
Sejanus plinth x gn!reader
summary: befriending Sejanus plinth was a choice you made, falling in love with him wasn’t
warnings: one use of y/n, I make Arachne crane out to be a high school mean girl, little bit angsty but it’s most fluffy, miscommunication, overhearing something, Sejanus being a little self deprecating :(( protect my baby boy
an: thanks for all the love on my Sejanus fics so far!! Here’s another one <33 tag list ~ @celestialstar111 <33
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Sejanus Plinth sits two seats to the left of you on the curved bench in the classroom and he always has his head hung low like a wounded dog; hunched over and trying to protect itself, ready to bite if provoked enough.
There was a day last spring when Festus Creed was mid conversation with you as you entered the classroom, and moved to sit with you so he could carry on talking to you until the lesson began. You got to your usual seat and carried on, moving one seat over and letting Festus sit in your usual seat, but when you’d arrived for your learning the following day you didn’t move back, sitting in the seat one to the left of where you usually did. Though you can’t quite remember when the one seat gap between you and Sejanus became the inch that stopped your arms from pressing against each other, you can remember when other people started to take notice.
The first had been an all-too eager Arachne Crane, who’d tried to make some scene about it over lunch, to which she’d very promptly failed. Although she’d made it perfectly clear just how weird she thought it was. “Are you two… friends?” She’d leaned across the table asking you in a loud whisper, totally oblivious to how her blazer went straight into her food in some kind of instant Karma. Her gaze flickered to where Sejanus sat, at a table for two yet still by himself, head hung low. Arachne’s face scrunched in disgust. “He isn’t the kind of person you should befriend, y/n.”
In her mind, she was just looking out for you, but in yours she was being unnecessarily mean. “And whose friend should I be, Arachne? Yours?” Silence took over the table as you scoffed, a genuine look of hurt crossing Arachne’s face for a split second and then passing, and Festus reaching for your shoulder, patting it gently as if to say ‘you took it too far this time.’ To hell with all of them, if anyone had taken things too far it was Arachne when she felt the need to make fun of sweet Sejanus Plinth for no reason. You stood from the table, half eaten lunch in hand. “That’s what I thought.”
It isn’t difficult to see where you’re going, the whole table watching as you headed straight for the seat opposite Sejanus. Arachne gets more and more appalled with each step you take, refusing to believe that you’re willing to sit with Sejanus over her, yet, you seem to ask him something, and then pull out the seat with a softer smile then you’ve ever given her and get straight to talking to the brunette. She can’t believe her eyes.
“Is it okay if I sit here?” Sejanus looks up at you with wide eyes, his whole body stilling at the question. Of course it was okay, but why would you want to sit with him? At first he thinks it’s some kind of cruel joke with the way a table full of senior academy students are looking at him with Arachne at its head, but then he thinks about everything he knows about you - you’ve never been anything but kind to him, you sat next to each other in class and made pleasant enough small talk, and though he doesn’t think you’d remember, on his very first day of attending school in the capital you came and sat with him under the big oak tree in the yard, asked him what living in district 2 had been like and shared his sweets.
He quickly rules that your question is sincere and pulls his tray closer to his side of the table, nodding. “Please do.”
“Thank you.” The two of you last about 5 more seconds without either of you saying anything before you speak up. Even facing him, Sejanus keeps his head hung low. “You’re very kind, Sejanus.”
He likes the way you say his name, the way it seems to roll perfectly and fluidly off your tongue, like it was meant to be said by you. What’s worse is he knows he likes the way you say his name so much that he’s blushing, so, he ducks his head and try’s to bore holes in the table top. “I don’t know about that.”
Once more, Sejanus Plinth was hiding away from the world, or in this case you, and you were having non of it. Tapping his hand with yours, you waited until he looked up at you before you spokes. “Really? Because I know for a fact you’re the kindest person I’ve ever met.” If his face wasn’t already flushed the same red as his clothes, it would be now. “I mean, have you met half the people in this room? Kind isn’t exactly their forte.”
His smile widens so much he has dimples prominently on show that you’re not sure if you’ve ever seen before. Sejanus’s face was made for dimples and smiling, you’re sure of it. “Well, if you say so.”
From then on, not only do you sit directly next to each other in all your classes, you begin to each lunch together too, and eventually it escalates to Sejanus walking you home everyday after having lessons at the academy.
The first time he walks you home it’s pitch black out and the two of you have been sat in the academy’s library for hours upon hours studying for an exam. At the bottom of the steps you go to part ways, but Sejanus turns in the same direction as you and carry’s on walking. It’s takes three streets in the direction of your house for you to be brave enough to say anything about it.
“You do know you live in the opposite direction, right?” Sejanus’s gaze fell to the floor and he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Obviously he knew that, but he wasn’t able to outright admit he’d simply wanted to walk you home either - for some reason he could easily became a blushing, stuttering mess around you, and when you consistently looked at him like that, it didn’t make things any easier. “I know.” He didn’t know what else to say, but in an attempt to not blow his cover, he practically admitted it. “I just like talking to you, wasn’t ready to stop yet. I’d quite like to carry on walking this way, if you don’t mind.”
For the first time, it was you who became the blushing mess, looking anywhere but at Sejanus as you nodded, trying desperately to not let your hand brush against his. “Yeah, no, yeah. That’s- that’s more then okay. I don’t mind at all.”
When you finally reach your doorstep later that evening, you’ve brushed hands with Sejanus at least ten times and thought about just going for it and holding his hand twice. Three times if you count the fact you want to reach out and squeeze it as a thank you right now. “I like talking to you too, by the way. Like, a lot.”
“Oh, that’s good, that’s- yeah, wow, cool, cool.” Sejanus was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, hands still tucked stiffly into his pockets and still avoiding you gaze. If he’d look at you more, then maybe he’d see just how much were growing to like him, like really like him.
In a moment of bravery, you stood on the tips of your toes, pressing a fleeting kiss against his cheek then running up the steps to your front door. “Goodnight Sejanus, thank you.”
Sejanus stood frozen on your doorstep for a long moment, his shaking hand coming up to ghost over where your lips had just been pressed against his cheek, a dazed look in his eyes. Only hearing your door close behind you started him enough to get him moving again, and on his way home before he spent all night stood in a stupor on your doorstep.
The next morning, Sejanus felt as though he was as light as a feather walking through the academy, a skip in his step that had heads turning to look at him. Even Coriolanus had stopped him to ask what was going on, the brunette only able to respond with a bright smile and an airy promise that it was ‘nothing.’ He was sure this attitude would’ve continued all day - and perhaps even forever, getting renewed each time you pressed a kiss to his cheek again - if he hadn’t walked into the main hall to hear you and Arachne in the middle of a heated argument.
“You know it’s not like that, Arachne.”
“Well, If you’re not with him for his daddy’s money, I can’t see anything worth while. After all, he’s barely Capitol, district scum, so the only thing that would make sense is if-“ A wicked grin curled onto Arachne’s perfectly painted lips and it knocked you sick. She hasn’t even said the words yet and you knew she was about turn your world upside down, tell everyone what you’d been trying so hard to keep. “You love him.”
“No, no, that’s not-“ Your voice shook as you spoke and it was obvious to anyone that you were lying, well, anyone except Sejanus, who took your nervousness as embarrassment and felt his heart shatter. Of course it had been too good to be true. More fool him, he thought, for thinking one little kiss to his cheek meant anything.
But it wasn’t just one little kiss, it was so much more. It was thinking about holding his hand every time you were near him, it was getting two different things at lunch and having half and half each, it was knowing he’d always rather have a glass of apple juice, and that his Ma made the best baked goods in all of Panem. It was bumping your arm against his whenever one of your classmates said something stupid, it was him offering his blazer without you asking like he just knew how cold you were, it was curly hair that you wanted to run your fingers through and arms you wanted to step into and never move out of.
“You love him.” Arachne repeated, her words dripping with disgust the more she dwelled on them. Of course you would fall for the district boy, she’d only wished she’d been a better friend and stopped you before things got this far. “Poor thing, falling for a boy from the districts.”
“I’m not-“ Sejanus had heard enough, turning on his heel and heading out of the hall, not caring for the way the door slammed shut behind him. Turning to the noise, you noticed the flash of brown curls and Coriolanus stood by the closed door. “Sejanus…”
“Oh no, did I hurt lover boys feelings?”
The sound of your palm struck flat and fast against Arachne’s face resounded around the room, everyone staring at the scene in shocked silence. “Do you ever stop being a vindictive bitch? Or do you have nothing better to do?”
Pulling your bag further up your shoulder, you turned and ran for the door, wanting to catch up with Sejanus before he got too far. “Sejanus!” Dread filled your stomach as you realised it might be too late, Sejanus no where in sight. You started making a mental list of all the different places he could be heading for when the main doors closed with a hard thud. It had to be Sejanus. So, you were quick to follow, sprinting down to the opposite end of the corridor, and out into the pouring rain, not willing to lose him over something said by someone as cruel as Arachne Crane. “Sejanus, please, wait up!” Running down the marble steps without the care of slipping, you finally caught up to him, reaching out and grabbing onto his arm, causing him to still. “Let me explain, please.”
Sejanus turned to face you but kept his head hung low, something you hadn’t seen him do in months, and your heart clenched. Poor, sweet Sejanus Plinth curled into himself like a kicked dog, and it was your fault. “What is there to explain?” His words came out in a whisper, Sejanus trying his best to keep his calm as even if you were embarrassed by him, he’d never treat you wrong in anyway. Not even now. “You made it pretty clear how you feel about me.”
“Sejanus, please, Arachne was being cruel. You’re my best friend.” As you moved your grip down his arm to try and take his hand in yours, he pulled away from you, taking a step further back on the steps as well. “Sejanus please just let me explain, you have no idea-“
“You’re embarrassed of me.” He said firmly, as if it was the objective truth and you both just had to deal with that fact. He didn’t know how far from the truth it was. Sejanus’s hands curled into fists as he spoke and his voice trembled, like he was about to cry. “You’re embarrassed to be friends with the district scum who somehow made it to the Capitol, and you’ve spent the last few months becoming his friend because you pitied him, or to make fun of him, or something.” Sejanus was stumbling over his words as he got more and more upset, the rain against his face stopping you from figuring out if he was crying or not. “I get it, it’s fine, I just wish it hadn’t felt so real.”
Stepping closer to him before he could stop you, you cradled his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze and wiping away at the rain that coated his cheeks and matted his hair to his forehead. “It was real, it was so real, all of it, every single second. I promise Sejanus, I promise.” He was completely dazed by the feeling of your hands cupping his face and he only wished they’d been placed there in a different scenario. However you had taken his silence as disbelief in what you were saying, promoting you to continue, clutching his face tighter. “I’m not embarrassed of you, at all, ever. How could I be? God, I’d shout it from the rooftops just how much you mean to me if I didn’t know how much you’d hate everyone looking at you when I called your name.”
Sejanus was silent for a long moment, but leaned into the warmth of your touch, closing his eyes for a brief moment while he took in what you said. “You would?”
You tilted his head down so that his forehead pressed against yours in desperation. “I’d do anything for you, Sejanus, please.” His lips were centimetres from yours, so much so you could feel him breathe against them. It’d be so easy to kiss him right now. Instead, you slide your hands back around his head to cradle the back of his neck, pulling him into a hug. “Please… please believe me.”
Sejanus was hesitant, but wrapped his arms around you; one pressing into the small of your back and the other cupping the back of your neck. You’ve never been anything but kind to him, and he highly doubted that you’d decide to stop being now, so out of the blue. But as much as he wanted to move on from this, believe you and pretend nothing happened, Arachne’s words can’t stop echoing in his mind.
Daddy’s money, barely capital, district scum, you love him, you love him, you love him.
“Is it true?” He asked, grip on you tightening slightly incase it wasn’t and this was the last time he’d hug you. For all the months that Sejanus didn’t know if you returned his feelings or not, he lived in blissful ignorance, like you were so far out of his reach that the confession of his feelings was something he’d never have to worry about. But now that Arachne had brought it up, he needed to know for sure. As selfish as it was, he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle staying just your friend. “Do you really love me? Like, love me, love me?”
There was no point in trying to hide it now. You’d spent weeks trying to be brave enough to hold his hand, and last night in a daze you’d kissed him on the cheek, and even though you would’ve rather done it of your own accord, you were about to shy away from the opportunity to get it off your chest. “Yes.” You whispered, tucking your head deeper into the crook of his neck, muffling your words. If this was the last time you were going to be able to hold him, you wanted it to last. “And if you don’t want to be friends anymore then I’m okay with that. I’d rather lose you because I loved you too much then lose you because you think I didn’t love you at all.”
Sejanus stayed silent, processing and digesting each of your word’s individually. A small voice in his head was telling him that this was all a dream and he was going to be woken to reality any second, but the rain against his face and your hands at the nape of his neck told him otherwise. Pulling away from you enough to look at you, Sejanus made sure to meet and hold your gaze, cheeks flushing red at the idea alone of what he was about to say. “I love you.” Nose slotted against nose, the words were said against your lips, the breath he released after he made his admission fanning against your skin. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please do.” You answered, nodding your head slightly and leaning forward, meeting Sejanus in the middle in a gentle kiss. Though a little awkward and unsure, neither of you knowing where to put your hands or how to actually kiss, what you lacked in experience you made up for in enthusiasm, trying to drink up as much of each other as possible in one kiss. His lips against yours were firm, but still loving and gentle in a way unique to Sejanus, and he let you guide the two of you through it, kissing you harder when you pulled him closer and waiting for you to end the kiss.
Finally breaking away from each other, you could feel the rapid rise and fall of Sejanus’s chest against yours. The boy in front of you now was more like the Sejanus you knew so well, his head hanging low, and a hot flush coating his cheeks that he was trying to hide form the world, from you. However, his flustered facade didn’t last long, as you placed a hand against his jaw, titling his head up to look at you. “Can I kiss you again, Sej?”
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Vintage Taste
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!R
Warnings: Red Room Trauma.
Smut: Mommy (N) | Doll (R) | Drugging(CNC/Viagara) | Food Play 🍓| High-Tech Strap (R) | Breeding | Overstimulation (KO) | Praising |
Word Count: 5,048
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Natasha was a collector, a curator of the finest things the world had to offer. She obtained rare artifacts meant for museums, paintings made by the historical elites, and a very long list of other various means of artistic expression.
If she wanted it, it became hers, even if that meant breaking laws from time to time to secure it. Money is power, so she ruled.
One of the things she collected, what actually inspired her to start her life of curating, was a porcelain doll with the prettiest of features. It was given to her by her neighbor friend, Sara, as a way to say goodbye before she moved.
Natasha loved that doll more than life itself, which wasn't hard to believe with the life she'd been dealt. It broke her heart when she woke up in the army vehicle to find it was gone.
Dreykov grinned devilishly at the little girl, he held the delicate antique in his hands, she sobbed openly knowing of her cruel, twisted fate. Tears cascaded down pale cheeks as the man ripped the doll in two, tearing away her far off dream of a full life, taking away her will to fight for that dream; but it didn't die.
It was a long time before she obtained that freedom, and it's been an even longer time since she escaped to chase a new one.
A dream that lead her right to you.
She remembers the first time she walked down the streets of New York with Clint, he'd taken a strong liking to her. A paternalistic need to show her love, and to show her how life could be; the inspiration for his willingness to walk down the streets of a bustling Manhattan.
He was blabbering on about all he'd planned for the day, just to find he'd lost her attention to a little hole in the wall thrift shop. He had jogged back to her, ready to scold her for not stopping him, but he paused at her expression.
Natasha was transfixed on a doll, he'd seen her reflection surrounding it, slightly muffling its features, but he saw the redheads clearly. There was a spark of vulnerability in her eyes that he knew ran deep, it was the first time he'd ever seen her walls fall like this. It was sweet.
Clint shook his shoulders of his trepidation for the sake of the redhead. Superstition had him in a chokehold but he didn't have it in his heart to break hers so he bought the 'creepy' hunk of porcelain for her anyways. Then he silently vowed to take a bath in salt to placate karma.
Years later he told Nat about that feeling, and his noble act of bravery. She then watched in amusement as the Avenger jumped at the sight of five dolls clustered in a corner. Laughing in his face mockingly as she felt truly offended.
His words of misfortune proved untrue, only a year after she found that doll did she find you.
Her precious Y/N, you were the picture of perfection in her eyes that only sparkled for you. Your gorgeous features showed of an equally as tormented upbringing, but your heart radiated with a joy that was unfazed.
You kept your heart, and made her reminisce.
You were undeniably warm, she was shivering. So she gravitated to you without fear, her eyes hopeful, and you took her in without question.
Now Natasha sits in her reading cove, watching the rain pelt against the slanted windows of the roof. Nervously she tapped her short, red nails against the cracked spine of her favorite book as she anxiously awaited for you to return.
You'd only had to drop the kids off with Yelena, which she knows is a half hour trip with your fifteen minutes of silly gossiping at the door.
"Kate Bishop" this and "Natalia" that, she knew the drill, and she wholeheartedly adored it.
But it'd been over an hour now, and you weren't answering any of her texts or calls. Never did she let her defenses fall, retirement for her didn't come with the dream of peace. It came with risks, and to lose her edge over the enemies could be catastrophic for many.
Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, if not for the sudden, and adored sound of gravel crunching beneath tires she'd have called for backup.
"Where were you?" Natasha shrieked as she graciously made her way down the slippery cobblestone steps with an umbrella meant to shield you from the storm. You waited in the drivers seat, a knowing glint in your eyes as she reached for your hand to safely guide you out.
She'd always been so cautious with you, her fragile doll from the very first day you met.
Natasha was enamored by you, and you were just as curious about her. The attraction was instant, and the relationship moved fast.
You shook your head with a silly smile as you looked down to her bare feet, eyes curious as they moved up over her delectable, creamy thighs exposed to the world, and finally over the swell of her breasts to thin camisole straps.
Natasha smirked, then winked. "I'm Russian."
You cackled, head thrown back, the jolt was more than enough to make Natasha's hand move to your back to stabilize you. Effectively pulling you closer, lips hovering over yours as she whispered: "Where were you doll?"
You swallowed thickly, arms wrapping around her neck so you could kiss her swiftly. A failed means of distraction, her question only being hotly repeated into your mouth. You'd wanted to surprise her, but the chance was fading.
"I had to get Lena some groceries," you start, "She agreed to have the kids all week if I only got her enough food to satiate Milo's appetite."
"And her own I'm sure," Natasha teased.
You giggled, "Yeah, when I found fifteen boxes of mac and cheese on her list I realized that."
Natasha rolled her eyes but kept her smile fond. Her little sister was so childish it was adorable, but say that word to the blonde and suddenly it becomes an apparent falsehood.
"Then I had to get another epi-pen for the car for Eli as I gave the actual one to Yelena."
Natasha hummed, her agreement clear in your thoughtful decision. "You're so precious."
Your nosed scrunched and Natasha swooned. You'd always get even more adorable when she spoke so sweetly to you, cherishing you into a state of awkward appreciation. Love abounding in a way that almost felt suffocating, but you managed to settle into the warmth every time.
Her love was a safety net you hardly ever left.
Your lover saw the look in your eyes had hazed over some, she knew you had clear intentions for how tonight's going to go without your four year old son, and two year old daughter here.
"I also got us a few groceries as well," you say suddenly, popping the lust cloud swarming around your heads. Natasha nodded, and then wasted no time passing over the umbrella, and ushering you into the house, saying that she'd grab the groceries from the back seat for you.
You hesitated, but relented. She pecked your lips softly. "Hold onto the railing sweetheart."
"I will mommy," you appeased, purposeful in your chosen phrase as you ascended into the cottage. Lingerie you managed to hide burning the skin beneath your thick grey overcoat.
Natasha was hot on your heels, she tossed your bags of food onto the hardwood table without much consideration to if you'd gotten eggs. Her greedy hands pushed you into the marble counter, but before she could fully pounce your hands pressed to her chest. "You're dripping on my floors Natalia, take a shower, and relax."
You were playin dumb now, Natasha loved it, feigning shock at her movements as if you didn't egg her on with the use of your words.
Natasha acquiesced, leaving you to reheat the borscht you'd prepared the night before, knowing that it's best served reheated. Giving it ample time to steep in a fridge overnight.
While she took an expectantly fast shower you unloaded your groceries, and began to make a half dozen chocolate covered strawberries for a dessert, you then slipped them into the freezer.
You grabbed wine glasses, preparing your wife a glass of white, before topping off your own.
Then you pulled the bread from the oven, the outside was crunchy, and the rest soft. You plated two each on your finest China bowls, smeared them with butter, then lifted them moments later to layer the borscht beneath. 
Natasha made it down just in time to see your bare ass before you were taking your seat. She looked you over with disdain for your apron.
You looked her over with your breath caught in your throat. It appears you were no longer the only one teasing, she'd joined, and played well.
The redhead had settled on slipping into a grey, ribbed tank that fit tightly to her body. Her bulky muscles were flexed as she curved her arms beneath her breasts, shifting your attention to them without a stutter in gaze.
Natasha smirked as she took her seat across from you. "Dinner looks great doll, thank you for always taking such good care of me."
"Mhm." You smiled. "I love taking care of you."
Natasha dug into her food, dipping the bread into the stew, making sure to get some of the dolloped sour cream to ensure a well rounded bite. The redhead moaned genuinely as the flavors melded over her tongue harmoniously.
You chuckled, "Do you like it Natty?"
"It's amazing sweetheart, so, so delicious."
"Thank you mommy," you softly giggled, more to yourself as the redhead took a sip of wine.
It wasn't long before she yearned for you in a way that was undeniable. Yearning for you was a constant for her, but this time was different. Natasha could feel the thrum of her heart in her ears, she shook her head and cleared her throat as she felt the sensation trickling down. Landing in her cunt where she felt a pulse.
She eyed the wine in her hand suspiciously now, taking note of the granules you'd failed to dissolve. It was a purposeful choice she's sure.
Natasha saw you grinning over your own glass, you let the tainted beverage slosh against the sides, swirling the cup with confidence as you focused back in on your nearly empty bowl.
Natasha slurped her last bit down, a low groan following the lewd noise and you felt your body tense. The stimulant was working rapidly.
You collected the empty bowls, walking away with a tantalizing sway of your hips. Natasha adjusted her posture, legs manspreading as she focused on your every move. The hem of her boxers digging into her skin as her high tech strap began to harden, bulging the fabric out.
Natasha cursed the forced adrenaline running through her veins. She intended to take her time with you, but now she's not so sure she won't bend you over the counter right now.
You pulled something from the freezer, and returned with a bright smile as you plated the strawberries in front of her. They shined with the help of the condensation on the chocolate. Natasha smiled at the plate, it was sweet, and above all else appreciative—a silent thank you.
You rewarded her manners with a gasp, "Oh my Natty, I'm still wearing my apron..." She shook her head as you turned your back to her, she understood the request, but before untying it she made sure to lavish your backside with open mouth kisses and occasional love bites.
When you turned back around you looked momentarily dazed, then you were back to smiling with a glint of mischief as you lifted the apron over your head and finally let it fall.
Natasha's eyes widened as you became fully exposed to her. There were straps adorning your skin, but fortunately nothing inherently crucial was shielded from her wandering gaze.
In the sweetest way possible you'd dressed up for her. Bridging the line between heartfelt and downright depraved. With your breasts and glistening cunt free of imprisoning fabric she was ready to pounce. She originally thought being able to see your bare backside minus the thong was a real treat. This was her nirvana.
But then she stuttered as she appreciated the way black strand's holding the lingerie over your shoulders and backside change into red when she looks to your abdomen. The emblem of her retired superhero persona covers your skin, with white lace to replicate an intricate web interlaced between the hourglass lines.
Natasha beckoned you over with a slow curl of her finger, you breathed in deep before obliging her as you tried to come down after imagining her doing that inside you instead.
You straddled her lap, legs stretched to their limits as she didn't close hers even an inch. Natasha lifted a strawberry to your lips, you obediently parted them so she could push the strawberry passed them. Nat softly tutted when you naturally tried to bite into the delicacy, "Patience doll, let mommy soften it some..."
Natasha played with you, pushing it passed your lips, only to pull it out before you could manage to taste the chocolate that was melting. Fucking your mouth with a coated strawberry wasn't exactly on her sex bucket list, but when inspiration strikes, she's one to run with it.
"Take a bite baby," she finally whispered, and you bit into the strawberry, the desired crunch of the chocolate ruined by your warm lips, but you didn't mind much when the richness of the melted chocolate bloomed more noticeably.
Natasha used her thumb to catch the juice that ran down your chin, she slid the digit into her mouth with a content hum. Then she wanted more and reached out for you, hand behind your neck guiding you to lean your body into hers so she could capture your lips with hers.
Her tongue slowly slid over yours, hot and heavy breaths being exchanged as she sought to taste the dessert that laid upon your tongue. Natasha moaned as the sweet, tart flavors were able to mix so flawlessly with your own taste.
There was just always something so delicious about you, the redhead could spend hours alone just kissing you until you were out of it.
Normally she'd kiss you until your lips were swollen, and tears were flowing down your cheeks at the desperation you felt for more.
But this isn't one of those times since every single touch from you burned her, with that pleasurable ache residing in her lower belly only growing more prominent as she kissed you sloppily, she knew it was a wrap on taking it slow. It hurt, but she knew that her usual love for devouring your lips would have to be set aside, the kissing becoming shorter.
Especially when you caused Natasha to lose sight of the bigger picture, your pleasure. She groaned huskily into your mouth as your hips instinctually ground down into hers, smearing your wetness all over her cotton boxers.
The moment her strap hardened fully against her boxers you groaned, then began running your slit over it without wavering in the power of your thrusts. This idea that you'd turned her on so much that she already activated the nerve trackers in the strap to make it work made you particularly feral. The overwhelming smell of you as you smeared your arousal all over her boxers left her in the same desperate state.
"Slow down doll," she purred against your neck, her buff arms wrapped around you to keep you from still rutting into her aimlessly. "Mommy needs to eat you out sweetheart, it feels like I might die if I can't taste you soon."
Natasha didn't give you much time to respond, she simply lifted you up onto the dining room table and buried her face between your legs with a sigh of unbridled contentment. Taking what was hers, and holding no remorse. Not that she needed to with the way you were singing her praises. A cocky smirk raising her wetted cheeks as her tongue flicked over your clit and she heard as you forgot how to breathe.
"Fuck, mommy, I'm so close," you cried out as she swirled her tongue within your greatest depths. Natasha drove her tongue even deeper and your back arched off the table, your thighs trembled and you finally drenched her cheeks.
Natasha's eyes found yours within an instant, she slowly lifted her head to reveal an almost predatory smile, her lower face glistened under the soft yellow lights of your dining room, and you found yourself struck by her raw beauty.
No one could ever compare, not to you at least, she was a step above the rest in your eyes.
"What's on your mind doll?" Natasha was now hovering above you with a playful smirk, she could see you lost in something deeper than the haze, it nearly worried her until you smiled. It was goofy, and kind, a reminder of just why she loved you so deeply. "You're so beautiful."
Her heart burst with adoration, every day she found herself falling more in love with you, something she once thought to be impossible.
She never expected her life to be like this. From the mornings spent wrapped up in each other, the soft kisses you two would exchange just before the giggling commenced as the toddler’s came bounding into your bed for snuggles. To the nights like these, where your bare bodies entangled with one another’s more intimately. This life with you was like a dream come true.
Natasha leant down to kiss you, it was softer than the moment initially called for, but it was what you, her sweetest girl, truly deserved. “Thank you baby,” she whispered, smiling against your lips. “But I’m nowhere near as beautiful as the sounds you’re going to make.”
The glint in her eyes read of danger, her lips quirked up as realization washed over you just in time for her finger's to slip inside. "Fuck." Your fingers dug into the muscles around her shoulder blades as the pleasure overtook you, your head hitting the table as your back arched.
Natasha roughly nipped at the stretched skin of your throat as she steadily thrusted into your cunt, your slick was so abundant that it was pooling and leaving behind a polish for the table that was already being rubbed in by your backside that jiggled with every harsh thrust.
Once you came around her fingers with a throat scratching, incoherent scream Natasha pulled out of you against your bodies natural pull to keep her locked in place. You whined, but she pressed her lips to yours, and caught your moan as her strap easily slid inside you.
"I'm going to fuck you to sleep doll," Natasha spoke in a whisper, her teasing breath rushing over the heated skin of your neck enacting a scattering of goosebumps to rise on your body.
You felt impossibly warm, body buzzing with a need, the warmth only intensified as she licked from your throat to your earlobe, seductively whispering: "Then I'm going to continue to fuck you until you cum back to life."
To emphasize the truth in her words she rocked her hips back, then sharply thrusted back inside your dripping heat where she belonged. The anatomically ambiguous tip of her strap hit your cervix, inspiring a delicious mix of pain and pleasure to course throughout your body. You rewarded her with a moan.
Your continued flurry of sounds as she railed you were more symphonic than any of Beethoven's compositions. In moments like these, thick with infatuation and driven almost exclusively by lust, Natasha had found herself concocting devious plans. Like the one where she plans to one day open a museum for you.
One where the walls shook as your glorious sounds reverberated off of them, a continuous loop of your labored breath intermixed with whorish moans and squelching noises from her fucking your pussy so well it was singing.
There'd be photos scattered on the walls, in many forms such as: polaroids, like the one of you with your eyes crossed as she fucked her strap down your throat, or the ones of your tits. The visual possibilities would be endless.
There would also be film strips from sex tapes. They'd be raunchy stills, in sepia, scattered on a wall that surrounds a boxed off area with a single oak door meant for walking through.
Natasha would guide you in with a corrupted hand on your lower back. There'd be an old timey projector, and you'd watch with your mouth agape as videos you'd never seen before broadcast just how filthy you two can get.
Then she'd recreate those scenes with you as they played in real time, never letting your eyes stray away from the screen. Just so she could see your face when it turns into a livestream of the both of you. She imagined you'd clench around her fingers as you saw the screen, she can picture the look of surprise that would soon fade to embarrassment before bliss.
The idea arouses her to no end, especially because she knows you'd melt at the gesture. Natasha was nothing short of romantic, she made it her mission to never stop wooing you.
This would be a personal project of course, never opened to the public because Natasha doesn't much believe in the sharing is caring mantra. No, she believes instead that since she fought through thick and thin just to have you that you would be hers alone. It was only fair. You felt the same about her, whenever anyone ever came close to her in your younger years you'd send them home shitting themselves.
Possession in relationships could be rather daunting, most times it became overbearing. But with each other, it's a peaceful process, it's the only way the two of you know how to exist. More to the point, was that this was wanted.
Natasha stayed true to her promise, she always did. It was after you'd cum for her three times, with this brutal pace being set, and she'd had you teetering on another edge of unforgiving bliss that it began to become a reality.
Her first, and likely only orgasm was intense as she felt herself clench around her end. Sharp teeth sinking into the skin at the juncture of your neck and shoulder as it tore through her. Thus activating the finale you’d anticipated.
On your end you felt as the strap externally warmed, and twitched as if this was a real sequence. Then her warm, genuine semen filled the stretched space between the walls of your quivering cunt, in toe curling abundance, it even came sloshing out onto your thighs.
A silent scream echoed through the vibrations against her lips on your neck, no sound left you, but she knew. The way your body trembled beneath hers was fascinating, but it was when you completely slumped against the table that she felt her movements become feral.
“Fuck, I love it when you do this,” she grunted, her hips continued to fuck the strap into you, her arms holding up your limp legs, causing her to reach your furthest depths, and ensure her cum made it deep into your barren womb.
Natasha admired your raw beauty, your face calm, but occasionally twitching from pleasure. All too suddenly she added that extra bit of pressure to your neglected clit, and in seconds your upper body rose off the table with a shriek as you were overcome by pleasure, what’d put you to sleep had also been like an alarm clock.
“Mommy, please, no more,” you cried, as your hands tried to push her away, but it was never of any use when you did that. You knew what to say to make her stop, but you never did, because you both knew you loved this feeling.
All you ever did while weakly protesting her lust was create red lines on her chiseled biceps that she’d look to fondly the following morning as the hot water from your shared shower makes it sting. “It’s okay, let mommy make sure her seed is gonna stick doll, just a couple more seconds and then it’ll be over, I promise.”
A couple of seconds turned into a minute though, as she lazily kept up the rocking of her hips. The sloshing sound of your cunt slowly became drowned out by your whines from the overstimulation. Natasha knew you couldn’t handle another intense round, so she stilled, not wanting to work herself back up either.
The drugs had officially worn off, her urge to devour you was now back to her average, which was still high, but there’s always tomorrow. For now you needed rest. “See doll,” she purred, tongue tracing over the bruising mark she’d just left behind on your neck. “We’re all done.”
Natasha pulled out of you, slipping the plug she’d already had with her inside of you, her lips peppered your face with kisses as she too worked to calm you down. Natasha hated to see you in pain, but she wanted to ensure the third and final addition to her family took.
This was it, the last of her scientifically engineered seed, what gave her the chance at motherhood that was once torn from her, and she didn’t want to have to ask Tony, the smug man, or Bruce, the jealous ass to make more. Fortunately, with her super soldier serum in the mix the cum was potent, it’s never failed.
When you whined again, she shushed you, “It’ll be okay love, we just have to be secure.” You nodded tiredly, eyes fluttering open again as your body had regulated some. You smiled up at the redhead in a dopy, lovesick fashion. “You're always so good to me," you sighed dreamily as you met her lips for a perfect kiss.
Natasha smiled genuinely. "You're my most prized possession, you deserve cherishing."
"You're mine too," you sheepishly admitted, and the woman's eyes shone with tears that you quickly kissed as they slipped down her cheek. "My entire life is you and the kids."
At the mention of your kids, your unending love personified, Natasha grinned widely. Her hands caressed the skin of your stomach. "I hope it works." She kissed your tummy then she smiled up at you shyly. "For good luck."
"Yeah?" She shrugged then swiftly moved back up to kiss your lips with uncontainable passion. "Mhm." Her arms wrapped around your body, and she stood up with you with far too much ease. "Now let's go get you cleaned up love."
Her strength was truly mesmerizing, even after all this time with her you were still amazed that she could carry you. Especially when she still stayed so gentle after the rough sex. Natasha could break you with ease, fortunately, she never would. You were like a fragile doll, but you’re one that would never be made to break.
The redhead cleaned you both up as quickly as she could before slipping off to make a snack for the two of you to share. She settled on some carrots with ranch, and a PB & J to split, she even threw on a few chips for your happiness. After scarfing down the food, she made sure you had an entire bottle of water before she settled you onto the mattress with care.
Natasha laid behind you on her side, her arm wrapped around your waist protectively. She had you pulled into her, back pressed to her front without much space between your bodies. Every time, without fail, after a passionate night together you'd find yourself like this. The both of you cherished these sweet moments.
"I love you," Natasha whispered as she kissed your bare shoulder, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled over your bodies.
You momentarily turned to face her, kissing her lips tenderly. "I love you too Natty."
The redhead kept you there a moment longer, lips lingering over the marks already forming on your throat until she returned to your lips.
"Get some sleep doll," she softly commanded, then she retook her rightful place behind you.
The both of you were physically exhausted, but your minds were racing with the excitement of what just took place. Hope for life reignited in ways that left you restless and wide awake.
So you watched the rain run down the window, multiple lines in a race of sorts it seemed, you'd silently placed bets on the winner. "I think the one on the right is gonna win," you yawned, Natasha chuckled, "The what is gonna what?"
"It's too late," you yawned again, "I was wrong because they met in the middle and merged."
Natasha snorted, "Go to sleep now doll, you're clearly losing it." She pulled you in closer as you grumbled a hey in protest. Then you rolled over so you could lay with your face in her neck and place a few gentle kisses to her collarbone.
"Goodnight Natty." Natasha stayed up for another hour after you, simply relishing in the way your body felt so close to hers. How perfect you were under the soft casting from the moon, the subtle rise and fall of your chest a reminder that you're alive, and this love was indeed real.
Her tired eyes flitted around the room until she found the tattered doll she once adored. The one she repaired in secrecy, and that looked just like you, her wildest dream come true.
Reminiscent eyes fell back to you with ease. “Moya krasivaya kukla.” She’d smiled softly before pecking your parted lips. Your nose scrunched adorably, but fortunately you had remained fast asleep in her arms, the corner of her eyes crinkled in response. “I love you so.”
(My beautiful doll)
Natasha was once a collector, but it seemed that after she found you the thrill was gone. Expectedly so, there was no longer a need for it; she'd curated her standalone masterpiece.
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inyourgravehcs · 2 months
♡ Sweet dreams ♡
❥ TAGS: gn!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff. I'm a little late, but happy birtday, Xiao, my beloved.
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The clear sky, unencumbered by a single cloud, a blossoming tree spreading it’s wide branches in all directions, the gentle warmth of the sun's rays tickling his skin playfully. A beautiful scenery, previously unknown to Xiao. The blood stained soil, a devastated battlefield, chains of despair curling around his limbs and restraining them — this was what he was used to, not this gentle idyll.
But more important than anything else is the fact that you're here.
He always feared that if your image suddenly appeared in his dreams, he would plunge into the very depths of his ugly mind, disfigured by thousands of years of torment. That he would have to fight himself, protecting a fragile figure that had nothing to do with the vile spawn of the adeptus’ inner demons. What if he had failed to shelter you from this hidden danger? Was his title as your guard valid in that case? How weak would he be if he couldn't even keep you safe from his own subconscious? One thing he knew for sure: If that had happened, he could have been considered to have succumbed to darkness from that moment on.
But it didn't happen.
No, it’s exactly the opposite. With your appearance, it was as if you had healed the bleeding wounds of his mind, and with a gentle touch you had quelled the insatiable karma. With every step you took, flowers bloomed on the ground instead of the scars of the past, and the frozen earth came alive again, giving birth to something beautiful.
He no longer hears voices. He hears only the quiet rustling of the grass beneath your heels, coming closer with each step. It was truly astonishing, How the peaceful silence suddenly puts an end to the calm and gives rise to a newfound anxiety, the source of which is unknown. A new sound beats in Xiao's ears, different from anything he has heard before. Yaksha listens intently to the unknown with his eyes closed, trying to determine its direction - only to realize that it's his heart coming alive because of your growing proximity to him.
There you are, right here, less than a meter away from him. So many thoughts run through the Adeptus’ head at once, almost overwhelming in their intensity, but that ends when you reach out and gently take Xiao's face in your hands. So firmly, but at the same time so tenderly, that peace falls over your lover’s mind. His shallow breath falters from second to second, and he doesn't even notice himself snuggling into the oh so cherished by him palms, squinting his eyes contentedly. So warm and serene... When was the last time he felt like this in a dream? His love-stricken consciousness sighs for you so much that Yaksha can't realize tears coming to his eyes, threatening to roll down his cheeks in thin streams that will never end if so happens.
But that's why you're here. For him. The sight of your lover is pitiful, but also admirable — how strong does he have to be to hold back such untold amounts of pain and grief for centuries? Outlining the delicate skin of Xiao's cheek with a kind stroke, you admire his cathartic state that was yearning to come out for so many years. Your thumb reaches for the corner of your lover's eye as if of its own volition, picking up a heavy tear and brushing it away at the same moment.
He stares at you with a sudden realization, not taking his eyes off you for a moment. Golden irises glisten and shimmer, moistened by such a sudden but welcomed flood of tears. The glow of the wet glare of his eyes gives him a far more emotional appearance.
In that moment, it seemed as if your hearts united. That they beat as one - in unison.
Sighing lovingly, you press your lover's face against your chest, hugging the back of his head. At the same moment, Xiao's breath stops: like a frightened cat, with his eyes wide open, he presses himself against his beloved's heart, not daring to move a millimeter. At this moment, adeptus seems amusingly adorable because of the contrast with his already established image. But really? He was really nothing more than a lost soul, flitting from place to place, hoping to find his ultimate destination. A bewildered creature who had suffered much and put on a thick protective shell. You knew that — knew it better than anyone else, and you knew how to handle it.
A slight smile had been on your face all this time. That's how your lover really is, a lost little chick who's heart is so fragile. You could play an entire symphony on the strings of his soul, and he wouldn't even be able to resist you — but you won't. You're here to save and heal Xiao.
That's why you touch his hair, stroking it and playing with the short, curly strands. A gesture of comfort, full of genuine concern. He accepts it, and accepts it willingly; he clutches tightly to your chest and sighs with relief. The moment was impossibly tender in its sweetness - not even the most exquisite almond tofu could stand next to it. It seemed like it couldn't get any better, and trying to interrupt the perfect moment of union with each other would be a sin — but you had a talent for making everything better. Cautiously, you lifted his chin with your index finger, causing your eyes to meet again. Smiling casually, you lean closer and closer, shortening the distance between your faces…
“Xiao, what's next?! You've been beating around the bush for how long now, constantly stammering!”
...No. He couldn't just recount that moment of the dream to you like that.
“Don't look at me like that!” Xiao exclaimed with his eyes wide open, pressing his hands to his cheeks in an attempt to hide the acute embarrassment he felt. “It's... Personal.”
“How can it be more personal when we're already a couple?”
After taking a deep breath, you roll your eyes, sighing defiantly. No, he certainly looks really cute right now, but you need to know what was next!
“Hmm. Since you won't tell me about that part of the dream, why don't I reconstruct the course of events in reality and see how it ends?”
A sly smile lights up your face, while Xiao is at a loss for words and stammering incoherently, trying to squeeze out some sort of answer.
Of course, you couldn't waste any time at such a perfect moment. You'd shortened the distance between you two in just a few quick steps, and you were already holding Xiao’s face in your hands, recalling in your head his warm descriptions of his dream today. His anticipatory look of excitement couldn't help but awaken in you the very same tenderness he must have been looking for in you the most every time.
“So that's how you see me....”
The Yaksha's confused eyes softened, and his troubled breathing normalized. Swallowing tensely, he only nods eagerly a couple of times, forfeiting the need to be blunt and straightforward with his answer.
Closing your eyes, just as in his dream, you cradle his head against your chest — stroking, caressing the scalp and dark green hair. A perfectly reproduced moment that makes the hearts of both of you belt out an excited tune.
Not without its nuances, though, ‘cause the real you was far more multifaceted than your dream version.
“Xiao," you whispered his name playfully, "I'll be sure to recreate every moment like in your sweet dream... But I'll have to improvise on the part you were too shy to describe.”
♡ ── ✦ ──『♡』── ✦ ── ♡
Please note that english isn't my native language and can be awkward at times.
Please don't translate or repost my works without asking for my permission first!
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
#18 #18!!
Valentines pizza mixup with Steve! 🍕
Pizza Mixup
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Valentines Celebration Prompt
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, language, no use of y/n, lots of teasing, minor minor allusions to smut.
18. A sad valentines night spent home alone requires pizza but what happens when the delivery guy mixes up your order with the guy from upstairs?
word count: 1.6k
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Nonsense plays on the TV in front of you while you await your pizza. You had been starved, working a double shift and dealing with the constant candy heart bullshit had you in a bad mood, and gotten in the way of your lunch. The only thing you had to look forward to on this day was the perfect large pizza from the great place down the street. You couldn’t wait to eat it and watch mindless TV in your cotton pajama bottoms and black tank top. It was heaven on earth actually. The real American dream.
When the knock finally sounds at the door you’re lifting to your feet in an instant. The weight of yourself pushing down on your pink bunny slippers and lifting its ears. A gift from a friend that was supposed to be a joke but you were enamored with the silly slippers that perked up with every step you took. You’re already digging through your wallet for a twenty as you pop the door open and spot the young delivery boy holding your beloved pizza.
“That’ll be $16.75” he says, voice bored with probably one of the busiest delivery nights for him. You briefly wondered how many heart shape pizzas he’d already given out tonight.
“Keep the change” you tell him, trading the money for the box. The smell hits your nose in an instant and you can’t help the way your mouth waters as you shut the door and walk your prize possession to the kitchen counter.
Flipping the lid you’re prepared to find the perfect pizza with melty cheese and crisped pepperoni just to be met with an absolute terror. The sweetness of the pineapple hits your nose and you can’t help the scowl that crosses your face. Curse that delivery boy. If it was any other night you’d just suffer but tonight that would not do. You had been counting on that perfect pizza, anticipating it all day. Who the hell ordered a single hawaii pizza anyway?
“What a fucking joke?” you can’t help but laugh out at yourself and the irony of this situation. Maybe it was karma, punishment for cursing every cute couple you saw today. Slamming the box closed you spot the receipt taped to the top and to your surprise the delivery address is on floor above you. A sly grin crosses your face.
“Not today satan” you growl before starting towards your door with the pizza box propped in your arm. The ears on your bunny slippers frantically move up and down as you stomp to the elevator determined to get your pizza back. You find the apartment quickly, fist banging against the door as you realized your pizza could be just behind that door.
“I’m coming!” a voice calls out, muffled by the door but your arm doesn’t let up. Not even when the door is swinging open and revealing one of the most handsome men you have ever seen. What shocks you even more is how he looks you up and down, an amused look covering his face.
“Nice slippers” is the first thing he says, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.
“Thanks, I’m pretty sure you have my pizza” you say, head leaning forward to try and peak for it inside his apartment. His brows furrow as he looks at the pizza in your arms.
“I hate to be the one to tell you this but you’ve been holding it the whole time” he says and you roll your eyes quickly, pulling the box in front of you and opening it to show him.
“No it’s not, it’s yours. Who orders hawaiian pizza by the way?” you say, unable to hide the slight disgust in your voice.
“Oh shit, the delivery guy must’ve screwed it up. Come on in” he finally says, now moving out of the way. You cautiously step inside, taking in the apartment all together. It’s not that different from your own and you slowly follow him to the kitchen where you finally spot your pizza box on the counter.
“Made it just in time, I was about to dig in” the boy says and you discard his pizza on the counter beside it, rushing for your own and lifting the cover.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me” you mutter, eyes shutting and head falling with disappointment.
“Don’t tell me it’s still wrong” he says, curiously looking over your shoulder and you shake your head.
“No, it’s just in the shape of a heart” you pout and suddenly the boy beside you is laughing. You glare at him, leaning down to at least take in the scent of the pizza you had been waiting on all night.
“What? You didn’t order this to feed to your boyfriend tonight?” he asked once his laughter calmed and all you can do is sigh as you shut the pizza box.
“No I wanted a regular pizza because I’m a single girl who doesn’t give a shit that it’s Valentine’s Day” you tell him and his eyebrows raise lightly.
“Well it’s nice to meet you bunny slippers. I’m Steve, and I also don’t give a shit about Valentine’s Day” he says holding his hand out and you decide you can no longer take your annoyance out on this innocent, yet very cute man beside you.
“Nice to meet you Steve, I guess I better get going. Eat this thing till it no longer looks so cute” you say starting to slide the box of the counter but his hand quickly stops it from going any further.
“What do you say to eating it here? Since neither of us have anything better to do. Plus if we get to know each other better maybe we can start ordering one pizza for us both. Save the money” the snort that comes from your nose has him cracking a small smile even though your reaction is not one he expected.
“As long as it’s not Hawaiian I may be interested but I don’t know how much that says about me being cheap” you tell him and finally release the pizza box in defeat. After all this option was better than rotting alone on your couch watching Alf.
“I think I can deal” he says reaching into a cupboard and freeing two plates for you both. You waste no time in picking the two largest slices from the heart shaped pizza and setting them on your plate. Steve does the same, grinning at you while he does.
“You seem way too excited about this for a guy who clearly had plans to spend the evening alone” you tell him as he guides you to the couch. Steve laughs, freeing two Coke’s from the mini fridge in the living room. What a boy.
“I don’t think excited would be the right word, more like intrigued” he says now joining you on the couch. You don’t miss the way it dips from his weight and how naturally his leg crosses in front of him.
“Was this your plan all along, bribe the delivery boy to get the cute girl from downstairs into your apartment where you proceed to murder her?” and Steve can’t help but laugh from the wildness of your imagination. If he knew tonight was going to turn out like this he would’ve been a little more happy about the holiday.
“If only I was clever enough but I’m just an innocent boy who got delivered the wrong pizza tonight and is now lucky enough to share it with the cute girl from downstairs” and his words have you blushing in an instant. Pink shading from your neck all the way up to your ears and Steve can only grin as he takes a bite of his fruity pizza.
“Fine but if I suspect any foul play I’m out that door” you say with a pointed finger before finally taking that first bite of perfect pizza. Thankfully you had solved the mixup quickly and it was still warm. What surprises both you and Steve is the low moan that comes out from the flavor hitting your tastebuds.
“Maybe I really am interrupting something” Steve teases and you lightly smack his arm which makes him laugh.
“I just really love Ilio’s Pizza. Best pizza ever” you say before two more bites and Steve is grinning ear to ear as he watches you.
“Maybe you should try the Hawaiian” he suggests and the giggle that escapes your lips lifts to his ears. You’re surprised at how comfortable he has made you in just these few moments. Maybe it was how handsome he was, or the way his brown hair was swept perfectly over his head, or possibly the realization of just how lonely you were on a quiet and empty Valentines night.
“Maybe, but for now I can compromise and order half pepperoni, half hawaiian for our next one” Steve’s eyebrows raise at the sentence and you know immediately what he was thinking.
“So there will be a next one?” he curiously asks and as your eyes search his own you can’t help the soft smile that slides across your lips.
“If you find a way to call me cute again I can almost guarantee it” you tell him and he grins, hand reaching over to push some stray hair behind your ear.
“Only I could get lucky enough to have the cute downstairs neighbor come banging on my door for pizza, in a pair of pink bunny slippers” he says and this time you don’t hide the blush that crosses your cheeks.
“So, you free next weekend?”
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jellinuy · 7 months
*sends a peacock with my request to you*
Can I request Sukuna (of course), Gojo, and Nanami with a reader who just randomly bites out of love. Like nothing sexual, but just biting them as a show of love at random times! Just
c h o m p
Thank you! And of course, remember to take care of yourself and take your time!
𖦹 ˚ ✩ . ❝chomp !❞
★ synopsis. there's just something about him that looks so biteable……
★ includes. satoru gojo, nanami kento, ryoumen sukuna.
★ formatting. headcanons.
★ notes. established relationships, gn! reader, silliness. THIS ISN'T SMUT.
꒰— ๑ author’s note. *takes said peacock and names it vil schoenheit the 2nd and kisses it on the forehead* hey hi hello!! so happy to see u back in my inbox. ^_^ YOU REQUESTED NANAMI THIS TIME YIPPPIIIEEEE !!!!! ik you tell me to take it slow if i need to (and i appreciate you sm for that <3), but i always feel bad when i don't get these out to you in a timely manner :(( and i have terrible time management skills ok enjoy MWAH !!꒱
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“Remove your teeth from my cheek before I kill you, you rabid little brat. I have enough to deal with just putting up with your antics.”
He wants you so bad.
I promise he actually loves you. He just doesn’t know what he’s doing sometimes. And, to be fair, you’ve thrown him for a loop with this one.
One of Sukuna’s favorite ways to greet you is to pinch your cheek (he won’t pinch too hard — just until you start to complain), so consider this his karma.
He’s actually much more confused than he lets on.
Does his cheek look like a steamed dumpling to you? It’s not full of meat, you idiot.
When you explain that it was a show of love, he makes a face like you’ve just stepped in dog shit.
“Love is for idiots. Though I suppose that’s a satisfying explanation for you, isn’t it?”
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“Ow! Where’d that even come from!? Are you feral or something? Maybe I mistook my sweet, innocent, cute Y/N for a stray cat... Hmph.”
Like the big baby he is, Satoru’s eyes immediately well with tears, and he asks in a whimper why you’re “attacking him.”
Shut up, Gojo.
It’s obvious he’s just acting. You couldn’t hurt him if you tried!
He puts his Infinity up when he sees you go in for the chomp, then cackles when your face gets all squished against the invisible barrier.
“That’s what you get for trying to eat your boyfriend!!”
He can take a few nibbles to his cheek, but you'd better be ready to take some right back.
Satoru fights dirty, though, so expect them to be in random places, just to spook you.
The fat of your upper arm, your fingers, your cheek — he’s an unpredictable little bastard.
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“Give me your phone. I'm limiting your screen time. I don't know which video gave you this idea, but hand it over.”
Please, Y/N, just let him be.
There’s only so much poor Nanami can keep up with when it comes to you. He’s fallen victim to so many challenges and tricks, it’s not even funny.
I’m just kidding. He wouldn’t have committed to you if he didn’t know what he was bargaining for!!
When you bite into his cheek (which took you a lot of courage to do),he takes a moment to sigh, then gives you the meanest side eye you have ever seen.
“My love.”
“What was that.” It’s not even a question — its a hard statement.
You explain to him that it’s a show of your love! And… that you love him! And… that he shouldn’t be mad, because… because he loves you too! So he can’t get pissed, because the power of love is stronger than—
Another sigh cuts you off, and Nanami opens his hand to take your phone.
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spoiled-slutt · 9 months
Helo hello! Soso I have a request.. can I have a Ayano x fem chubby reader?? I think Ayano would kill literally anyone who makes fun of reader <3
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♡ Teddy Bear ♡
You are my teddy bear..
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Ayano Aishi × Shy!Chubby!Fem reader!!
Characters aged up to 18+ (Senior Year)
CW: Blood, Knife play, Sub & Dom, Killing (its Ayano Aishi 🙄), Sub Reader, Dom Ayano
I think Ayano would absolutely kill someone if they messed with you for your looks
She would figure out a way. After she got with you, she would make them like a suicide.
She loves you. Every single part of you is perfect to her
And if anyone tries to talk you down and tell you you're not?
Let's just say you won't be seeing that person anymore.
Ayano is BIG on PDA. She LOVES to show you off. Cause you make her actually feel something. She doesn't want to ever let go of you
When you're talking to somebody, she always comes up and holds your hand or holds your waste or just lays her arm around your neck
You're the person who made her feel normal! To make her feel feelings. She wants to show you off to the world
One time. A bully was messing with you. Drew all over your desk. Calling you names when you walked by. And Ayano could tell it was seriously bothering you. Since you always wanted to hang out in close places. So she was able to convince Info-Chan to give her the address of the bullies and lit their houses on fire. You felt bad, but she convinced you that karma was only coming after then after what they did to you
She definitely loves to lay on you. She hugs to so much. You're a Teddy Bear to her
Your nickname is Teddy Bear. She just thinks it fits you so much. You're sweet. Beautiful. Amazing. Caring.
Unlike her mother. After she killed all the rivals. You actually like her from the beginning. You liked how she was quiet and kept to herself. You sometimes caught her staring at you and you smiled
You were in Ayano's house since she called you over, begging for you to be by her side for the 10th time this week. But you don't mind and so dosent you mother (means your mother gets the house all to her herself. She is also happy you found someone). You were making lunch. Just a little something that didn't take long. And you knew Ayano would love it (she loves anything you cook). You felt someone hug you from behind. You jumped slightly and then realized it was Ayano. You smiled. She kissed your neck and face. "Yes, Love?" You said,"Smells yummy..." she said, looking at the food. "It's just a little something," you said as you took it off the stove. "You done,,,?" She asked. You nodded and felt her grab your arm. She dragged you to her room, throwing you on the bed. You had to have the most confused face, but you soon felt her crawl onto you, hugging you. You smiled softly. Her face in your chest and your arm around her. You saw your phone start to scroll on it as she cuddled onto you. You looked down at herm she had a smile plastered on her face. This is what she wanted. And she was so happy
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She definitely punishes you if you ever talk to someone to long or you wear something inappropriate
She loves to tease you. In public she sometimes would rub your thighs and squeeze on them
If you were feeling insecure she would put your mind at rest while giving you slowly sex
"Shhh.. it's ok, my dear.." Ayano said softly as she brought the knife to Your leg, slowly digging it into your plush skin. You squirm at the cold feeling at the knife. "What? Isn't this what you wanted..? You dress up so nice for your interview.. tsk. I know those men were looking at you, " She said as she dragged the knife closer to your neck. Your breathing was uneven as you felt the blade on your neck. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as she smiled at you. "I don't blame them, though.." she said as she brought her other hand to your inner thigh. She felt you move your hips closer to her hand. "Stop." You immediately stopped staying still as the blade she placed on your neck had more pressure. She kissed your forehead as she began to rub your clit through your clothes. You let out a quiet moan as she places the knife on your thigh. She went closer to your ear. Her breath was fanning over it as she whispered in your ear. "I'll make sure they know who you belong to.."
That was the night you had her name carved into your thigh. It's faint now but you can still see her name there
Ayano slowly thrusted her fingers and out of your soaking cunt "That's a good girl.." she praised you as you moaned out her name. "So pretty.." she whispered. She leaned forwards catching your swollen lips to connect to hers. You tasted intoxicating. So sweet. So delicious. She wanted to keep you under her forever. She pulled away while looking at you. She smiled. "You're a masterpiece, my dear.." she spoke. Tears screamed down your face, your hair messed up in a frezzy mess, your neck and body littered to the brim with marks, and your swollen clit that is making your legs shake. You looked stunning. She did this. She made you feel this good. And she wanted everybody to know.
She loved your body so much
It's an understament actually.
She loved your body so much
Your rolls. Your thighs. Your tits. Your plush face. You're like a masterpiece for her skinny body
She loves how your tits bounce as she forces you to ride her strap. She loves seeing the tears fall from your eyes. Them running down your round red face. Her holding on your thighs and hips helping her give you the best pleasure you've ever had. OMGGG
She loves her teddy bear<3
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kiddbegins · 9 months
Neighbors - Jay Halstead
Requested? Yes
Word count: 1,198
Warnings: nothing major, bug mention
A/n: Idk if you wanted them to get together in this but tada
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[Can I request an image with Jay Halstead in which the reader and Jay don't get along very well since the disagreement they had at the hospital when they met because of a patient. And one night the reader comes across a FLYING cockroach in her apartment and starts screaming and Jay helps her get rid of the insect. ]
You didn’t hate Jay Halstead. No, he was just the annoying guy from two doors down that frequently got on your nerves. First off, you met in the Med ED when one of his friends got brought in. That first interaction alone was horrible.
He tries to tell you (a doctor) how you should take care of his friend (a police officer) and you guessed it, Jay was also a police officer. No medical training whatsoever. But he one upped you, went over your head and got his brother to take over the case.
That was just the beginning of it all. Ever since then it’s like he was always there to push buttons. He never took his laundry upstairs in a normal time. You’d go down to put a load in and his clothes would be in the washer.
You of course didn’t dare move them instead leaving a note on his door telling him to ‘finish your fucking laundry’ which sure he listened to, placing the same note back on your door with a thud as he carried his now dry basket of clothes into his apartment.
Not only that but he always, always, managed to park just a little over the line in the parking lot which at the right time made parking nearly impossible. And since it was assigned parking it wasn’t like you could just move somewhere else. Though you did get your karma a couple times.
Parking as close to his driver side door as possible so he’d have to do gymnastics to get in the vehicle. Always earned you a sharp glare when you passed in the hallway.
He was as fed up with it as you were but that didn’t stop him from parking like an asshole. Like tonight. When he parked slightly crooked over the line and you just so happened to be pulling in behind him.
With a bite of your tongue you did what you always did, pulled up nice and snug to his truck and got out, shooting him an innocently sweet smile as you locked the doors and headed inside.
If looks could kill you’d be dead on the ground right now but that didn’t matter. All you wanted to do was get inside, take a shower and go to bed.
The elevator upstairs was taking forever and by the time it was coming to the ground floor Jay had made his way inside and next to you.
The silence was full of tension as the doors opened, a young couple walking out with their dog, breezing past. Jay shockingly let you inside first, following and stepping to the side with the buttons and signaling to be brought up.
“Was that necessary?” His voice cut the silence as he kept his gaze on the numbers changing above the door.
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the opposite corner, “Don’t park like a dick and that wouldn’t happen,” you replied with a shrug, watching as he shook his head just slightly. The door opened seconds later and the two of you split towards your apartments.
His was just down from yours and completely bare compared to the floor mat outside of yours. The rainbow ‘welcome!’ Sign had seen better days but you didn’t mind its wear and tear as you went inside, shedding the outdoor layers the were a necessity in the cold of Chicago.
Your next stop was the bedroom for clothes and then the bathroom to shower. Which you basked in, the warmth of the water holding you in longer than you wanted it to.
As it grew slightly later you moved to the kitchen, deciding to make something small for dinner before something buzzed by your ear.
Absentmindedly you swatted it away, continuing on with the food making before whatever it was, landed on your arm, pulling a loud scream from your mouth, brushing it off quickly and pulling back against the wall.
Your eyes followed it around the room, the door to your apartment flying open, “Are you okay?” Jay nearly tripped coming inside, his eyes zooming around the entrance to your apartment.
The bug landed on the counter, a whine leaving your mouth before you looked up at the man that usually you’d hate seeing but right now we’re so thankful for. Shakily you pointed at the counter, “There’s a bug.”
Part of you was embarrassed but the way his shoulders relaxed as he stepped further into the kitchen made you feel the slightest bit better. “Seriously? You screamed bloody murder over an insect?”
“First of all, it landed on my arm. Second of all, you’re the one that came barreling in over it.” You rolled your eyes, arms tightly wrapped around you. Bugs were the last thing you liked dealing with. You could do blood, pus, vomit. All the nasty doctor stuff.
But not bugs. “I thought you were hurt.” Jay sighed, looking around. “Where are your paper towels?” He asked, following the line of view where you pointed again.
With a sigh he ripped one off the roll, slowly going towards it. “Wait don’t kill it-“ Jay faced you.
“He’s just a bug, he doesn’t deserve to be killed just because I hate him and want him gone.” You slightly stepped forward, reaching into the cupboard above the sink, trying so hard not to disturb the winged insect.
Jay raised his eyebrows, “So the bugs a he now?” He teased, watching as you grabbed a glass and handed it to him.
“Shut up, just, get him so you, I, we, whatever can get him the hell out of here.” You spoke quickly, Jay raising his hands up in defense before placing the glass over the bug.
He turned to you once more, “Now what? You have paper just lying around?” His words were sarcastic but in actuality you did.
You brushed past him, grabbing a page from the magazine you had on your living room table, ripping it out and handing it to him. “That work?”
Jay nodded faintly, “Yeah..” He took it, successfully trapping the bug in the cup as he lifted it. “I’ll let him out the window,” The man offered, walking to the living room where you pulled a window and its screen open for him.
Once it was gone you took the cup from him, a light smile on your face, “Uh, thank you.” You muttered, walking away quickly to the kitchen to wash it out. Whether it touched it or not that glass was tainted.
“Yeah, no problem. Hey, next time try not to scream like you’re getting killed unless you’re actually getting killed.”
“Oh yeah I’ll do my best.” You rolled your eyes once more, glancing over at him. “No promises though. I hate bugs,” You added, flipping the cup over to let it dry.
Jay nodded faintly, “Well, you know where I am if you need an exterminator.” You shot him a look, “Or remover.” He tagged on before giving you a soft smile, “I’ll see ya.”
With that he left and you couldn’t help but look at the door when he was gone. Maybe he wasn’t that horrible of a guy.
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Wanna be on jays tag list? Join here.
Tags: @mrspeacem1nusone @everything-fandom
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notlelesposts · 1 year
yk how Yuri is the bringer of revenge and nanno is bringer of karma (good and bad), could you make an x reader that’s the bringer of flourishment and yuri and nanno fights for her attention, but reader actual likes them both
𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐄 — nanno + yuri
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genre: fluff ig?
cw: gn!reader , not proofread
notes: sorry if it took me long to make this and that this is short , i havent been on tumblr much
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yuri and nanno definitely werent two peas in a pod. they never got along, and both stood for completely different things.
on the other hand you? you were a different story. they both adored you. but, they were both aware that one another were basically in love with you.
in anyway they could, they would fight for you attention. whether it was by doing something sweet like giving you flowers or another gift, or if it was by doing something absolutely horrid to the point where you had to notice them. either way, one of them was always doing something to gain your attention and take the spotlight off the other one
when you treated both of them kindly, it frustrated them even more. it felt like you were playing with both their hearts, even if that wasnt your intentions.
they decided that maybe it was time to go confront you.
when you saw nanno and yuri both walking toward you, not even sparing the other a glance, you found it a bit weird. you still waved at both of them.
“choose!” yuri yelled at you. nanno immediately gave her a dirty look. you shook your head. “im sorry, what is happening? what am i supposed to be choosing.”
nanno spoke up. “we both like you. a lot. and were tired of the fact that we never stop fighting for your undivided attention, so we ask that you choose one of us. then we could know which one you like more and we could stop all this arguing.”
you stared at both of them for a second before breaking down in laughter. yuri looked at you confused while nanno still had her same nonchalant look that she always had.
“whats funny?” yuri asked.
you laughed a little more before trying to stop yourself so you could talk. “let me get this straight… you think i only like one of you?”
nanno and yuri nodded.
you began to laugh again before explaining. “sorry if i gave off the impression that i only was attracted to one of you, but its quite the opposite. i like both of you.”
yuri and nanno looked surprised for a second.
“you like… both of us? and you mean as more than friends, right?” nanno repeated your words, confused. you nodded. “yes. i like both of you as way more than friends.”
nanno and yuri both looked at eachother for a second before looking back at you, smiling.
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bluekittyworld · 3 months
There is Karma.
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Hello sweet people, this is my first time writing something, I hope you guys like it and all feedback will be appreciated.
Please don't post my work on other sites/platforms or copy it, or translate it, thank you.
Approx. 11,000 words in total and 5 chapters
Warnings: Lot's of angst, mention of suicide, smut, 18+
Main Masterlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Happy Ending
Sad Ending
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There is karma. It comes back, don’t use your heart in a bad way.
You were part of the popular girls at school, a rich spoiled brat as one may put it. Grade As and Bs were natural to you, you wondered sometimes if you had put in the effort, you could have scored better than all the nerds in your class, but who needed that, you were busy being the popular and pretty rich ‘it’ girl, belittling the quiet and less popular ones. There was one boy in particular, his name was Yunki or Yoonji, something like that. He wore thick framed glasses; his skin was ghostly pale, and he had contrasting pitch black hair in bowl cut. You found him an easy target as he never spoke back, no matter how many times you tripped him over, shoved him around, broke his ugly glasses, he never said anything back.
Why did you hate him so much? He didn’t care about anyone, and you hated it so much, why didn’t he try to fit in? He dressed so poorly, everyone just assumed that he was in this school on a scholarship, there was no way he could afford the fees by the way he dressed. On the other hand, you had to become mean to fit in, every day you woke up hours earlier to complete your work, prepare your hair and makeup, you had to stay relevant, have everyone’s attention, keep the ‘it girl’ title, life was so hard. So, every time you saw the careless Yoongi living his simple easy life, it boiled your blood and what ticked you off even more is that he never retaliated, come to think of it you had never heard his voice, was he mute?
This carried on for 5 years until the day of your graduation, just before graduation, you and your friends mocked this boy wearing his skinny ripped jeans, a t-shirt, and a plaid shirt. At the time your high-school boyfriend joined in too, you decided to give him a matching ripped shirt, pulling out your scissors you made a few cuts in his shirt and his bag, your friends laughed and recorded the scene. Your best friend took a few of his books, and teared them up, nobody noticed how Yoongi was having a panic attack and was on the verge of tears. Your boyfriend took the scissors and started cutting the poor boy’s hair, you did think it was pushing it too far, but nobody else seemed to care, why should you care right? Your boyfriend’s mates started kicking and punching Yoongi, he was now covered in blood and bruises, his eyes piecing into your soul, while he was being beaten up, his eyes were still fixated on you. You noticed this and felt a little bit of guilt, you pulled your boyfriend and asked to go to your favourite Korean BBQ. All your friends and his friends discarded Yoongi, leaving him in the middle of the school grounds, you didn’t even bother to look back if he was still breathing or not, nobody did.
On graduation day, Yoongi didn’t turn up, not like you really cared, you just wondered if he was okay, maybe you did go a little too far the other day. Also, it would have been a great opportunity to see his parents and assess his wealth today. Soon your friends and boyfriend came over to you, and that was the last time you thought of Yoongi.
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Years had passed since graduation. You were well set into your father’s business, ready to take senior management positions, being born into an affluent family had its perks, your whole life was served on a silver platter, not a single day of difficulty. Life was monotonic and predictable you began to feel a growing sense of emptiness. Despite the success you achieved in your career and social life, there was an underlying dissatisfaction, a void you couldn't fill. A friend of yours suggested maybe participating in charity events may give you a sense of fulfilment, so you decided to join the next available event.
At this event, everyone was put into groups of 4, and the tasks varied, you were in a team with two boys and another girl. The aim was to visit the elderly and help them out with their chores for today. The drive to the house was quite quick, you didn’t really get to talk to your teammates, the only thing you knew were their names, Sora, Yeonjun and Yoongi. Yoongi rang a bell, but you couldn’t really remember if you ever knew a person with that name, maybe it was just a name of one of the many people you see every day at work, you brushed it off. 
Upon arriving at the house, you saw it was occupied by an old lady, the roofing had some issues and the wallpaper had been peeling off in various places. Yoongi took lead of the team, he suggested “Yeonjun and I will take the duty of fixing the ceiling, while you girls can start by removing the wallpaper.”
His voice was like a gentle breeze on a calm summer day, carrying warmth and serenity, you hadn’t heard such a caring voice in a very long time, even your own mother didn’t sound so affectionate.
You just nodded, while Sora nudged you, maybe you were looking at Yoongi for too long, he was looking back at you with his piercing dark eyes.
“The wallpaper removing machine is in the back of the car, let’s go get it” Sora mentioned.
You nodded and followed her along. Removing the wallpaper wasn’t hard at all, you and Sora had bonded quite well, it was interesting to find out about her, you learnt she ran a café nearby and had a fiancé, her parents currently live in Japan, and she has a poodle dog named Bobbi. You loved this kind of interaction; it was like a breath of fresh air being away from your routine life and interacting with people who didn’t have money on their minds 24/7. You glanced over to Yoongi’s direction now and then… there was a certain attraction you developed towards him, but you turned away each time in disappointment, him and Yeonjun were really focused on getting the ceiling fixed and didn’t really have time for other things. You really wanted to talk to Yoongi more and find out about him, maybe you wouldn’t get another chance and that really bothered you.
You and Sora were done removing the wallpaper, and the ceiling was still being plastered. You suggested to Sora “We should paint this room before the old lady comes back, it shouldn’t take too long, what do you think?”
“Perfect” Sora chimed “Let’s go to the nearby DIY store and pick out a colour.”
Sora got up and walked over to Yeonjun, by the looks of it you assumed they knew each other well, maybe they volunteered together previously, she asked “Yeonjun, my dear cousin, can you drive us in your car to the DIY store?”
Oh, now it makes sense, they were cousins, you smiled at learning the fact, you somewhat wished you were close to your family members.
At the DIY store you and Sora decided on a dusty pink colour, it would contrast well with the plants the lady had in her house. Yeonjun waited in the car and you guys were soon back, he suggested to grab some food, and as if on cue your stomach rumbled.
“Yup, ____ is hungry, we should definitely get food” Sora giggled.
You just smiled in embarrassment. The three of you had decided to buy four portions of Jjajangmyeon, not forgetting Yoongi of course.
Meanwhile Yoongi had finished up the plastering, he looked at the clock, it was 3pm, the old lady did mention she would return at 6pm, there were 3 more hours to go, more than enough time for the plaster to dry and paint over. He smiled at the fact he was ahead of schedule and thought the lady will be so happy to see the finished results. Soon you, Sora and Yeonjun came back, you distributed the noodle bowls to each person.
“Thank you” Yoongi smiled, you swear he had winked too, you felt excited like a teenage girl. You blushed and proceeded to sit down to eat, it was a nice meal, mostly Yeonjun sharing his personal life and how he has crush on his neighbour.
Chapter 2
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marchsfreakshow · 10 months
Can I Sew Into Your Heart? {Dandy Mott x Reader}
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Requested by a wonderful @randodummy <3
You work closely with Dora at the Mott Mansion, and in the winter, Gloria has asked you to sew something for Dandy because of how sensitive he is to the cold.
No one's perspective
You were sat in the kitchen, distracted, and Dora was making dinner. She was your mentor and only friend in the Mott Mansion. The big and empty place had plenty of empty rooms so you slept in a different one every night. Gloria never seemed to mind and she was kind to you, even if she was a bit naïve to her son's own problems.
The only difference between you and Dora is that you mainly did the sweeping and cleaning now. Dora kept on the food and laundry. Equal chores for both of you kept you happy. Sometimes though, there was always a time when you felt bored and tired since you managed to keep the place so clean. So, you sewed. Sewing was your favourite thing to do, and it kept you busy before Gloria employed you. You sewed Gloria and Dora jackets, small hats and gloves. They were small, never a big project like jumpers or a winter coat.
Until, one cold day on a dark December, Gloria came into the room you were currently sleeping in as you were reading. "Y/N, I need you to do something."
"Sure Ms.Mott, what needs doing?"
"Sew Dandy a jumper. He's sensitive to the cold, and has been dealing with a sniffle." She smiled slightly at you, and you nodded to just go along with it, but inside you felt like this was going to take up too much of your time. Begrudgingly you got up once Gloria left, and opened one of the small boxes by your bedside. It held different types of wool, cotton, needles and threads.
Thankfully, however, Gloria bought you a brand-new sewing machine. You were never able to get one, being an orphan had its downsides. Many, downsides. They were never kind to you, but you were kind to those who offered you calm, sweet silence, instead of yells and shouts. Karma would hit those people soon, you always thought. Karma exists.
Despite your busy mind, remembering where you came from, you turned the machine on. You grabbed everything from the open box and got to work. Whizzes and brrrs filled the quiet room. The door couldn't stop the loud machine from making the mansion sound like it was a construction site. Although, everyone left you alone. Dandy was simply out, probably to try and talk to the freaks again. Gloria, most likely was watching television or reading. Then Dora, out of everything, was in the kitchen, washing vegetables and preparing dinner for the evening.
So, truly, you weren't disturbed in the slightest. To busy your mind even more than it was already, you hummed songs. In The Mood was the first one to come to mind. It was a fun song, and you danced with Dandy to it once. The man-child was being a brat again, and you took his hands, leading him to an empty room with a record player. "Y/N what is this? I don't care about what you're trying to do!" He asked grumpily, as always. You just smiled your sweet smile that made Dandy melt inside, (he'd never tell you that of course) and took his large hands towards the record player. Putting yours on top of his, you both placed In The Mood on the record player. He hid his smile, but Dandy knew you liked the song, so he let you lead the dance.
"Dandy darling, pleaseee come on join me!" You chuckled, dancing around awkwardly. A few seconds went past before Dandy took you in his arms and started to dance with you.
"You're a horrible dancer."
"you love me." A giggle escaped your lips as Dandy and you danced around the whole room, not missing any corner. "I love you." You whispered to Dandy. The song ended, and he dipped you down for half a second. He held your waist and gently placed a kiss on your lips. Once you returned back, a hand on his face.
"I love you too."
But the whirrs brought you back to reality. Already you were done with the sleeve, somehow it didn't look terrible despite being in a dazed state the whole time. It was a dark blue, mixed with some blacks and shades of grey.
Your own humming continued as you kept sewing and still, the machine was louder than ever. But soon enough, you heard the door slam shut. Dandy was home. He walked towards your door and opened it quickly, seeing you sew with the machine. "Turn that off!" He shouted, somehow louder than the sewing machine itself.
Quickly, you did so, and looked up to Dandy, confused. "Is it too loud Dandy?" He sniffles a bit. His nose was red, and he was shivering. "Oh dandy...my love you know to not go out in this weather." You shook your head, getting up and hugging Dandy close. He was freezing, and sneezing.
"I don't care. I wanted to see the twins."
"Dandy..." You just take his hand and up the stairs to his room. It was warm and it was best for the cold man. In both ways. "Come on, let's get you warmed up." Dandy just nodded, wiping his nose on some tissue. He was cute to you, even if he was a massive brat at times.
"I'll go and get you some soup okay? Tomato with some toast." Tired and cold, Dandy just nodded again and accepted it while you placed a blanket over his shoulders. He was clingy so it took you a while to just get to the kitchen. Dora smiled at you and held out a tea kettle.
"Are you taking a break Y/N? I've made some tea." Dora poured you a small cup anyway.
"Thank you, Dora. I was going to make some quick tomato soup with toast. Dandy is freezing, and a sniffling mess." You sighed but smiled. Dora was too kind to you sometimes. She opened up some cupboards and took out ingredients. Salt, pepper, tomatoes, red peppers, cream, etc. Everything was fresh since you and Dora went out a day ago to get groceries.
"You gonna be alright makin' it? I know he can be horrible and ungrateful at times."
"I'll be okay Dora, thank you though. I know how to put him in his place." You chuckled a bit and winked at Dora, who just rolled her eyes, smiling before walking off. Everyoneeee heard how you 'put Dandy in his place' and it was obvious to them he wasn't the one in charge.
You brought yourself out of your fantasy though, starting to quickly make up some soup for the sniffly man. After a few minutes, it was smelling nice, and it was warming you up, even though you weren't the one eating it. It only took a few minutes for the soup to be done, so you placed some in a bowl, put that on a tray along with some hot cocoa, and brought it up to Dandy who was still sniffling away and reading comics.
"Hey love, I made you the soup. Plus some cocoa." You smiled and it melted you inside as Dandy immediately grinned and sat up, placing the comic down next to him. "Tomato and red pepper."
You placed the tray on Dandy's lap, and he started eating immediately. But he dropped his spoon back in the bowl, cringing and placed a hand over his mouth. "Burnt my tongue."
"Well, it is hot, baby. C'mere, just leave it for a bit to cool down, then take small sips okay?" Running your fingers through Dandy's hair, you giggled slightly, and Dandy just looked annoyed before kissing your head as an affirmation of your words. The silence was long, occasionally broken by a kiss so Dandy felt better. Soon enough though, you took the spoon again and helped Dandy eat. The soup was finished in a matter of minutes along with the cocoa.
"..thank you Y/N." He said, shrinking back down into his duvet.
"You're always welcome my love. I'll be back soon okay? I'm still making something." You grinned and kissed Dandy's forehead. Picking up the tray and taking it downstairs, you immediately thought about how to continue making the jumper.
You had hoped Dandy would stay in bed and rest now he had eaten, but you could never be too sure. Sighing to yourself, you went back into the room and started to sew again, distracting yourself with songs in your head.
Time had passed more quickly than you thought and you had a look at the clock. "5?! Shit!" Then you looked down at the machine, an almost finished jumper in the machine. There were a few embodiments that needed to be added, so you made fast work of that. "Jesus Christ, I should have an alarm clock built in me or something." You got up and jogged into the kitchen, to find a little plate on the counter with a note.
' Y/N, you were so distracted with your work all day, I couldn't disturb you. So I made some extra for you, eat it whenever you can. - Dora.' You grinned and took the plate with some cutlery, and sat in the kitchen, wolfing it down as swiftly as you could. As soon as you finished, you washed everything up and put them away. You walked back out, seeming alone in the house. Shrugging to yourself, all you did was go back to your room and finish off the jumper.
It ended up being a navy colour, with hints of a lighter blue in it. It was so big, but you hoped Dandy would like it anyway. "Y/N?" Oh perfect. Dandy called out to you from upstairs, you ran up to him with the jumper in your hands. "What's that?" He asked through small sneezes and coughs.
"It's a jumper for you baby. You're so sick, and you need something to keep you warm." You sweetly cooed, holding it up. Excited, dandy took it in his hands and immediately put it on. "That looks great on you sweets." You clapped and grinned.
"I like the colour." He said, admiring it on his own body. Soon enough though, he picked you up and placed you next to him, cuddling you in close. "You're sleeping next to me tonight."
"I'd love that my darling." You answered, Dandy keeping you tight and close to his own body. "Are you still cold?"
"Mhm." He nodded.
"My sweet boy, I'll warm you right up." You just kept smiling at him, moving yourself to lie on top of Dandy. You also put the blanket over yourself, you kept Dandy and yourself warm. "I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you more."
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vxiphoid · 1 year
❨ summary ❩ genshin › second chance. (ft. cyno)
tags ✧ angst/comfort to fluff, modern au, crying, guilt, mentions of an argument, overthinking, a bit of a soft cyno, second chance trope, nb reader, happy ending dw!!
amanuensis’ message ⊹ KICKING, SCREAMING, CRYING, THIS WAS SO HARD TO WRITE. i was really thinking about this song actually. i listened to it over and over, it gave me second chance vibes and i have no idea why… i didn’t want it to be full angst though. im still a little rusty with my writing and just barely grasping the strings but i hope this is enjoyable😋
⌜ 1k ⌟
♫ karma - sarah kinsley
genshin masterlist
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ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀꜱᴛɪᴛɪᴏɴ ᴋᴇᴇᴘꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴ, ᴍʏ ɪɴᴛᴜɪᴛɪᴏɴ ꜱᴀʏꜱ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ.
— its been about three months since you and cyno’s departure. the argument was loud, reckless, and honestly? both of you got some hurtful words in. yet when he got a text from you, asking for a bit of his time to accompany you to the newly opening cafe for brunch, who is he to refuse? he owes you that much and so much more after what he’s put you through.
what could he say? what was even is there to say? the tension was so thick you could slice it with a butterknife, tension so thick he could drown in it if he really tried. his mind ran wild, he couldn’t concentrate on anything but you. you sat on the other side of the private booth, your knee pressing just barely against his under the table. yet you sat calm, composed, enjoying the slice of cake you ordered, none the wiser to the swirling emotions webbing themselves on the insides of his head. no words were exchanged for the eight minutes you’ve sat with him yet you couldn’t have looked more relaxed meanwhile cyno is on the edge of his seat.
you fork some of your cake, gathering a dollop of frosting on the sweetened sponge before pointing your fork at him. he wouldn’t blame you if it was accusatory. “weren’t you busy?” you asked, waving your utensil expectantly.
“free for you.” cyno eyed it, gingerly taking the portion into his mouth. it was perfect, the rich sweetness dripping down his tongue to taste it all the way down to the core of his stomach. something flavory, something you would choose. leaning over the table, you swipe frosting from the corner of his lip, licking your thumb clean afterwards. “can’t say the same for others.” he says matter of factly.
your eyes widened a fraction at his response yet relaxed as quick as it came. your palm held your cheek as you let out an approving hum, the smallest of smiles gracing your lips. “you always did know what to say.” you say softly, your gaze falling to his lips. his throat felt dry, like sandpaper was scraping across it.
he swallows hard, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. “i know you well.”
with that your eyes darted back to your dessert, leaving the poor man to breath correctly again. your actions spoke that you were fine, the silence however, was anything but. this was far too familiar territory for cyno and it made his skin crawl in discomfort. not that he could blame you, it was him that caused the parting. yet somehow, despite everything you still planned this, despite everything he said. you wanted to at least attempt to fix things, that gave him some dim flame of hope. he wanted to be the first to say something, to atone.
“i’m sorr—“
you meet eyes. your expression softening and he can see the hurt in your eyes but it quickly dissipates, replaced with an emotionless facade. “you start first.” you insist, taking another bite of cake.
“right.” he murmurs, clearing his throat before speaking again, his tone firm but not unkind. “i’m sorry. for everything i’ve said because you surely didn’t deserve any of it. i was angry after i came back to you, and still took it out on you by screaming at you when you were only trying to help me. i promise you, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
the words he said to you were a blur from months but they still haunt him. they must’ve been horrible because the expression that sunk your being had his body run cold, like an ice cube dropped into steaming hot coco. and as the ice cube chipped and shattered so did his heart. work kept pulling and pulling and pulling him away from you until the last fatal string had snapped. the realization and guilt didn’t set in until you slammed the door. cyno remembers waiting by the front door, silently begging you to walk back in. praying that you didn’t leave him for good. he remembers the pain that flashed across your face and how you didn’t return to him. even after weeks passed without seeing you, he remembers how it tore him apart. how it drove him insane, left him restless and unable to breathe. and most importantly, how it nearly ripped you in two—
“cy,” you place a reassuring hand over his that was absentmindedly clenching over the table, snapping out of his revere. “its okay.” you continue, brushing away the stray tears that were yet to spill over his cheeks. “i understand. i was angry and confused too, we both were. i understand.”
“but i’m sorry.” he mutters all too desperately, something that your heart wasn’t used to seeing. “i don’t think i’ll ever be able to forgive myself for what i did to you.”
you could feel the pull of your eyebrows as you inhaled shakily, tears threatening your very being. you wanted to be strong, hoping that meant no tears that could make cyno doubt your honesty, not that he would. you’ve both spent so much time building and nurturing this relationship for it to come crumbling down like this. but you also knew you were also the one responsible, you were also the one who pushed cyno away; you didn’t know what he was going through or why he lashed out at you. and it broke your heart knowing that he thought that you blamed him. that you hated him for feeling. you’ve spent so much time and you sure as hell weren’t going to let it wither like this.
you stood, rounding the table to settle down on his side of the booth. your eyes never left his as you take his hand and intertwined your fingers. “and that’s completely valid. but i forgive you, and i’ll be there to help you forgive yourself if that’s what you really want. no more hiding shit. promise.” you say softly, your voice wavering in the middle. your eyes are full of emotion yet there was no judgement, no anger, nothing negative. just the same person who loved him through and through. enough to make his vision blur from tears, enough to make his chest ache. the amount of love you have for him makes him choke, his throat constricting almost painfully.
you wipe the tears from his eyes with the pad of your thumb before wrapping your arms around him yet he still beats you with the tightness of his embrace. his tears soiled your shoulder but that was the least of your worries as you bury your face in his snowy hair. oh, who knew. the man who is known for his stern attitude and dangerous gaze, sobbing so heavily against you.
a watery smile wobbles its way onto your face, your hand caressing the back of his head. “sorrows, sorrows, prayers.” you mope dramatically earning a jab in the stomach from cyno.
“shut up.” he says weakly but in the corner of your eye showed you a softened grin.
the two of you stayed like that, unmoving; a comforting touch to soothe the turmoil that plagued the both of you. it took some time for your own tears to subside, but when you finally did you leaned your forehead against cyno’s and closed your eyes. it was silent between the two of you, save for the occasional sniffle here and there.
“can i ask you something?” you hum in response to his question, “if i were to make a joke right now, how would you react?”
a small chuckle left your lips, “i would leave.”
“how could you say that? :(”
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bunniekittiee · 8 months
time of dying - johnny slaughter x reader
I tried to keep Johnny in character as much as I could but I feel like he got a bit ooc.
Warning: loss of virginity, non-con, Stockholm syndrome kinda?, Johnny is a POS pt.3, finally gets his karma, but oh reader is just too sweet, angsty as hell, kinda of a good ending?
The Devil loved to corrupt God’s angels, it was a war between who could save those same angels from the fate of the Devil’s wrath. He loved the way her virgin blood trickled down her thighs and pooled at the bottom, staining his own thighs in the process. The blood smeared across their groins, connecting them to a much more deeper level than before. God should have never let his most beloved creations wander far, for the Devil was known to sink his jowls into their flesh and drink their essence.
“Ya’ didn’t tell me ya’ were a virgin.” he purred in her ear with his eyes glistening with lust and bliss.
She whimpered as her tears stained her rosy cheeks, and her eyes bore into the soulless creature that thrusted his hips into hers. It was hard to make out the rest of his features, almost as if the dark wanted to obscure any signs of humanity. He was a mere man. Yet it felt as if she was staring into the pits of Hell itself.
That familiar vile, humiliating feeling crept inside of her lower stomach and made its presence known immediately after he was finished. Her virgin blood and his semen mixed together, creating a toxic substance that stung her torn hymen. She ached in every crevice of her body. He consumed her entirely and she belonged to him now. There was no point of return, this was where she had to be.
The pain was all too familiar when he forcefully entered her. He had already broken her hymen, but her body repeated the phantom pain of its breakage. It was supposed to be for a special person one day, a man who loved her and cared for her. A man who gave her what she wanted as she did the same for him.
But oh, how unfair life is for the creator’s angels whom he placed upon his Earth. She had what was hers unrightfully stolen, no, desecrated. He ripped it from her grasp to take it for his own self-serving purposes. She could not retrieve it back as much as she wished she could. It was lost for all of time.
Chaining her extremities, he loved to torture his little angel. Despite violating every part of her, she still grasped onto some sort of innocence that drove him wild. Her doe eyes gazing into his sharp ones, silently pleading for mercy. He did not grant her this, but he had almost considered it a few times with the way she looked at him. It penetrated him with such intensity that he felt out of control. As much as he did not like that she had this effect on him, he was in wonderment how she could do that to him.
He enjoyed testing her when he could. To see if given any opportunity, would she run? Would she be so ignorant and attempt to leave this sanctuary? But each time he tested her, she did not make an effort to escape. In fact, she seemed to ignore his tests. As if the mere thoughts of escaping would result in a punishment from him.
Today was another day of work, but this time she accompanied him. He was busy doing repairs and wanted his angel close by. Sometimes he missed her presence, so he let her have a break from her prison. She seemed to have taken pleasure in spending time with him. At least she was coming around, that was a win in Johnny’s book.
“Give me the allen wrench.” he said while holding his hand out. She obliged, grabbing the correct tool. She learned over time which one was which, as well as previous knowledge from helping her own father with car repairs.
“Good girl.” he smirked as he took the tool from her. Blushing slightly, she glanced down at the dirt pathway underneath her shoes. Some days when he was “nice”, it made her forget all the horrific pain he inflicted on her. Maybe he could change, maybe this could be their normal. But she was reminded of how naive she was when he devoured her again. It was a cycle she could not break for the life of her.
“Flat head.” He intercepted her thoughts and caught her off guard for a moment, but she handed him another tool once again. “What’s on ya’ mind, sweet pea?”
“Nothing.” she replied as she dug her toe into the ground.
“Ya’ sure?” he asked as he took a small look at her. She nodded her head, and he resumed his work again. No sense in asking a thousand times if she did not feel like talking about it. But he was curious to know, he wanted to know what went on inside of that noggin of hers. What she thought about him. He wanted to crack her head open and examine her brain. The inner workings of her organ. But Johnny was no scientist, and he knew that once he got it open, there would be no way to close it.
Footsteps approached them. Looking up, Johnny sighed. “What is it, Sissy?”
Sissy smiled at the girl as she stood in front of the couple. “Cook called, said he’s got some meat that’s comin’ down over here. He said ta’ get ready.”
“Yeah!” Johnny exclaimed with a smirk. “Been wantin’ to kill lately, just haven’t been able to do it.”
“Well now ya’ can, get ready.” Sissy said as she walked back to the house.
She felt cold chills infiltrate her body. Something seemed… off. There was something that was bugging her about this hunt, and she had never felt this way before about one.
“Darlin’, ya’ really gonna’ annoy me if ya’ keep ignorin’ me.” Johnny stated as he grabbed her face between his scarred gloveless hand. “What’s goin’ on in that head of yours, hmm?”
Chewing on her lower lip, she sighed quietly. “Something seems weird. I don’t know, I don’t have a good feeling.”
He tilted his head at her. “Whatcha’ thinkin’?”
“I just feel like.. this next group is going to be bad. I don’t know why or how, but I just have a bad feeling about them.” she frowned.
Johnny nodded his head and gently grabbed her face. “Might just be paranoid darlin’. Nothin’ will happen, ya’ got that?” She looked at him with worried eyes, and he sighed. “Listen, ya’ have me here to protect ya’-”
“No Johnny,” she interrupted, catching the young man off guard. “It’s not me I’m worried about, it’s you.”
He scoffed. “I can handle myself darlin’. Besides, I’ve never had any slip ups, so don’t ya’ worry about it now. It ain’t a big deal.”
It was not enough to calm her nerves. Her anxiety ate away at her stomach, and she felt like this was a warning. Something bad was going to happen, she was very sure of it. But Johnny did not believe her. He was too cocky, too arrogant to believe that anything could happen to him. For all he could knew, he could not get hurt and he was practically untouchable. He didn’t need to take extra precautions, he was lethal as is.
To keep his angel safe from the prying eyes of mankind, he led her back to his shack at the Slaughter’s house. It was there that she was safest. He did not have to worry about her escaping or interacting with “guests”.
“Now just stay in here until I get back, alright?” he said as he stood in the doorway. “I’ll be back in one piece, I promise ya’.”
She nodded, frowning slightly as she did. She was still stressed. She had never had this feeling before when it was time for a hunt, so this was all brand new.
“When I make promises, I keep ‘em. Don’t worry now sunshine. Get some rest.” And he waved goodbye, slamming the door shut and locking it with his key.
There was not much to do when Johnny Slaughter was preparing and involved in a hunt. Sometimes he would be gone the whole night, sometimes he would be back rather quickly, it depended on a lot of factors. She hoped that it would be a quick hunt to prove her anxieties wrong, but it did not seem like one of those quick hunts. She just hoped for the best, that Johnny came back to her with very little wounds and a big, evil grin on his face. A happy yet murderous Johnny was much better than a pissed off, murderous Johnny.
The sun began to dip down into the horizon line, the light turning orange as it shone inside the wood board cracks of the shack. Johnny’s little angel began to drift off to sleep, laying on the dirty mattress with a blanket wrapped around her frame. She curled into a small ball and tried to fight her sleepiness off, but sleep seemed to have won the fight. She was never a good fighter of many things.
A reverberating howl echoed around her, waking her from her dreamless state. She shot up from her previous position, eyes wide and darting around the small shack. The sun had settled and the moon rose high above the Sawyers. With labored breathing, she risen from the mattress carefully to move towards the door. She knew it was locked, but it was best to check. Sometimes you never knew what fate would throw at you.
Jiggling the handle, she was surprised to see it popped open. Her blood ran cold, it meant that whoever awoke her from her slumber was the one who unlocked the shack. And no one else made an effort to lock it back up. There was a very heated debate inside of her head. Was it best to leave the shack? Was it best to find Johnny? What if she stayed put and put herself in more danger by almost being found? Was she better off laying in the bushes and dirt away from the bloodshed? So many questions, so many possibilities, so many pathways she could take, but she did not know which one to pick. She hadn’t have any decision left up to her for a very long time. Not since Johnny came into her life.
She pushed the door open quietly and peeked her head out to see if there was anyone nearby. It was very dark outside and she could barely make out the Slaughters’ trees and sheds. The only thing that gave light was the moon. Using this to the best of her abilities, she crept forward towards the edge of the forest. She was not sure if it was a good idea to find Johnny or any other family member in case they mistook her for a victim, and she did not exactly want to be slaughtered now. It was best to lie low and hope for the best.
Every sound unsettled her as she reached the forest brush. She swiveled her head around to make sure no one else saw her, but her paranoia was not eased. As she settled into the dirt, she saw Johnny racing across the yard chasing a victim. The girl cringed as she was reminded of her time with Johnny. How he chased her down, laughing and spitting insults at her. How he was going to slaughter her like a lamb. Yet here she was, still alive. Guess he never kept up his side.
She watched as Johnny laughed at the victim, a young woman, and remarked how she thought she escaped so easily. He threw himself onto her, glaring down with a sinister grin on his face as the hunting knife in his right hand settled into her intestines. The woman screamed, echoing back to Johnny’s angel in the bushes who covered her ears. She could hardly take her eyes off of them, it was a deplorable yet beautiful sight to see Johnny in his element. His biceps glistened with sweat and his slicked hair was a little messy from running. He stabbed into the woman’s body again while holding her by the throat. It felt forbidden to watch this unfold, like a horrible car accident, yet there was no way to take your eyes off of it. Johnny’s body was slathered in crimson from the woman who had gone limp. Lifeless.
The eyes of his angel watered but her sight did not waver as Johnny got to his feet and began to look around once more for another. She heard Bubba’s chainsaw from the house, but there were no shouts of pain. Must be trying to scare them out.
She remembered when Bubba tried this tactic on her before and indeed did it scare her. She practically peed herself when she heard the revving of the chainsaw a few feet away from her hiding spot. She hoped and prayed that he did not find her, and God must have answered her prayers because Bubba did not. Instead, Johnny found her. If that was any better. At least Bubba would have ended her suffering.
Her hair stood on end as another person came into her view. It was a man, not one she had seen before, sitting over the sight of the young woman and weeping. His panicked cries stabbed into her heart. She must have been his girlfriend. And now she was going to end up as a Slaughter meal. It was quite sad how everyone who crossed paths with the Slaughters lost their lives with the only exception of her. She wondered why too. There was never a straightforward answer to that question, but it guilted her.
Johnny made his rounds back as he spotted the man kneeling over the woman he murdered. He grinned, approaching him which his hunting knife ready to sink into the man’s body. But Johnny must have been blinded by his blood lust, the man turned around rather quickly and tackled Johnny’s legs, shoving the young man to the ground. It was a tussle between them. Johnny’s knife was thrown to the side when he fell down which meant all he had was his fists. His angel covered her mouth in fear, trying to quiet her whimpers as she watched the victim beat down Johnny. They were evenly matched. She heard their grunts from where she was laying at and her heart sank when she heard Johnny’s painful grunts. Her baby…
She knew she stood no chance against a man, and she also knew Johnny would tell her to stay out of it. It was between men, something she should keep her nose out of. But she could not sit and watch as Johnny got hurt. It hurt her to see this. But she continued to watch, until her heart plunged further.
“Leland! I got the gun!” said another woman as she sprinted towards the man beating Johnny into the ground.
“These fuckin’ freaks are done for.” he panted as he wrestled with Johnny more. The Slaughter boy was not going down so easily.
“I’d like to see ya’ try an’ use that, ya’ idiots!” Johnny said as he reached for his fallen knife and swung it at Leland. Blood trickled down his arm as Leland grabbed Johnny’s arm, trying to pry the knife out of his gloved hand. Johnny gritted his teeth as Leland elbowed him in the face, smearing more of his blood across his face as his nose trickled like a water spout. It was damned to hurt.
The woman fumbled with the shotgun. Almost as if she was possessed, Y/N rose from her spot. She sneakily maneuvered her way towards them as they were in their own worlds. They did not notice her, and neither did the woman when she attacked her. They both went down together, tussling like the boys were still in the middle of.
“What the fuck?” the girl stuttered out.
The gun had landed somewhere next to them, but it was only a matter of who could get there first. Y/N punched the other woman in the face while the other girl tugged at her hair. Sinking her teeth into the unknown woman’s arm, she let go of her hair for a second which gave her an opportunity to lunge for the gun. Grabbing it, she held out the end of the shotgun out far as she whipped her body around, ramming it into the woman’s face. There was a loud crunch that signified a broken nose and maybe even a few other bones as the girl fell to the ground. Out like a light.
Johnny was on top of Leland still attempting to put him down. But Johnny was overpowered, something that had never happened before in the years of Johnny’s hunting. Leland held his hunting knife, his own weapon, and drove it into Johnny’s gut. Johnny wheezed as Leland jammed it hard, jaw clenched and his eyes burning with anger.
“This is for Ana!” Leland screamed as he slid the knife back inside Johnny’s stomach again. Johnny tasted the iron in his mouth, trying to bite it back as he stared at Leland.
“This is for Connie!” Another one. Johnny felt his vision blacken more.
“Hey motherfucker,” Heaven’s angel answered his call. “Only I get to decide when he dies.”
The trigger was pulled and it was in a sudden second where brain matter scattered across the Sawyer’s yard. His head caved in, squirting blood feverously as his body stuttered to plop onto the ground. Ears ringing, Johnny glanced at his savior and let out a small breath.
“Sweet pea.” he groaned out as he slightly smiled. Blood pooled from his wounds. “Am I glad to see ya’.”
Quickly, she kneeled down next to him and gently took his head between her hands. “Oh Johnny!”
“I’ll be okay.” he said as he blinked slowly.
His hearing was dipping out as he could barely hear her call for his family. These victims really did some damage to him. Now, he was not so sure if he could make it or not.
“Johnny, Johnny stay with me.” His sweet angel tried to keep him busy. “Come on, it’ll be okay.”
He chuckled, wincing from his wounds. “Maybe so, huh?” Soft hazel eyes studied her face. “Ya’ are my favorite, ya’ know that?”
She smiled, tears forming along those pretty eyes he loved to look into. “I’m happy to hear that. It will be okay.” She took his hand into hers.
He smiled back. “I missed ya’.”
“I missed ya’ more.” She said as her tear drops rained upon his face. Shakily, his hand wiped at her tear-stained cheeks. She hunched over him and gently kissed him, tasting blood as she did so.
But just as fast as her life turned upside down, they were interrupted when the gun hooked around her neck. Being forced back, she choked as Julie laughed. “Sorry to interrupt your little reunion. This is for killing all of my damn friends. Now you’ll know how it is to lose someone you love.”
Johnny eyed her maliciously as he cursed his condition. “Don’t ya’ fuckin’ dare.”
“I’ll blow her brains out like she did Leland’s.” she replied, digging the gun more into the girl’s trachea. She gasped, her lungs squeezing as they searched for the air it could not reach.
But the pressure was suddenly taken off as blood coated her. The woman’s throat was slit hastily and Sissy threw her to the ground. “That ain’t happenin’.”
She looked at Johnny and her eyes widened. “Bubba! Johnny’s hurt real bad!”
All of the Sawyer family appeared as Bubba tossed his chainsaw to the side and moved towards Johnny. Johnny’s angel coughed as she rubbed her throat, looking at her captor as he paled more and more by the minutes passing. Bubba picked him up which caused Johnny to grunt in pain. His eyes were barely open.
Everything was quite hazy. Drayton cleared the table off completely as they settled Johnny onto it, getting to work straight away. The Slaughter boy slipped in and out of consciousness, hardly feeling the needles stab into his skin as Nubbins, Sissy, and Bubba stitched his cuts and gaping knife wounds closed. They worked diligently and quietly, only talking when asking for things such as more thread, washcloths, or alcohol to clean. Drayton, Chop Top, and Johnny’s lover gave them what they needed. His angel sniffled, watching as more blood seeped onto the table.
“H-he just won’t stop bleedin’!” Nubbins whined.
“Just keep applyin’ pressure and stitchin’.” Sissy replied. “We can’t let him…” she choked back on her words as she looked back down.
“Damn kids!” Drayton complained as he rubbed his temples. “I swear to God if anythin’ happens to that kid, I don’t even know what I’m goin’ to do.”
“L-lets just h-hope for the best.” Chop Top said while he handed Bubba more thread. “He’s a strong kid, b-built like an o-ox. I’m sure he w-will g-get through it.”
Y/N chewed on her lip. She hoped Johnny prevailed. She did when he hurt her, whether it was mutilating her, taking advantage of her, or even abusing her. She still stuck around despite the emotional trauma and abuse he caused her. Yet here he was, lying on the table as he slowly lost his life.
She wondered if it would have been different had she pulled the gun on Johnny. She could have escaped with those victims had she shot him. Shot him just like she did Leland. Right in the skull with his brain exposed for all of the angels above to witness. Yet, she did not. She turned the gun around on the innocent who were only fighting for their own lives.
Was she just as bad as the Sawyers? Murdering another to save someone who raped and inflicted pain whenever he felt like it. Did she even deserve a place in Heaven for all that she had committed tonight? She knew she did not. She was corrupted. No angels had a place in Heaven after they soaked the ground with an innocent’s blood.
As she pondered on her thoughts, the Sawyers completed their art. Johnny was a bloody, morbidly beautiful sight. His body barely moved as he breathed.
“Alright Bubba,” Sissy said quietly. “Go and take ’im to the spare bedroom.” She looked at Johnny’s lover. “Ya’ go with too. He’s goin’ to need company when he wakes up.”
She nodded, trailing behind Bubba as he carried her sweet captor up the creaky stairs and into the spare bedroom that rarely anyone touched. It was a bit dusty, but more comfortable than the shack she had been staying in. Bubba gently placed Johnny on the bed and motioned for you to come over to the bed. Plopping down softly, Bubba hugged her tightly. Almost to comfort her and himself. And she hugged him back. She felt all of the pain from tonight hit her all at once.
Bubba shuffled out of the room after their bonding experience, closing the door on the way out. She caught another glimpse of Johnny’s pallid skin. She wondered why she felt so strongly towards her captor. He killed many, including her own friends, yet here she was lying in bed with him while he made small noises of agony. Why did she feel so distressed about his current state? This was what he deserved for all of those women and men he butchered. There was no doubt about it. But she felt sympathy for her Devil.
“Ya’ like my true angel.” he mustered out as his eyes slightly opened. “Watchin’ me like an angel watches over people.”
A small, sad smile tugged at her lips as she held his scarred hand between her own. “Anything for you, Johnny.”
He smiled, a lighthearted yet weak smile. “I don’t know what I would do without my angel.”
Squeezing her hand, he fluttered his eyes shut again. Moments like these reeled her back into his grasp. She hated him, yet she could not help but love him. Love him despite all he had done to her. Love him despite robbing her of her innocence. He consumed it like ichor. She could not bring herself to kill him, it would only cause misery for her heart. She loved Johnny, whether it was out of fear or true love, she did not know, but it did not change the fact she loved the killer who inflicted torment on those who stumbled across the Sawyer’s home.
Johnny was the ‘sorry’ soul who received what he had coming to him. He slipped up, made a mistake, and it costed him a lot. The traumatic stab wounds to his gut left deep, pink silvery scars on his skin. It took months to heal, and sometimes he feels the pains of his victim stabbing into him. He was not paranoid of getting hurt again, but he knew if he made the same mistake again, it would cost him his life. His nose was bent at a slight awkward shape from the fist fight.
He realized something important, and although he hated to admit it, his little angel was right. She was right all along, somehow she knew. Maybe she was Johnny’s guardian angel sent from Heaven. Yet, he still infected her being with his repulsive sinful actions. Sinking his teeth into her flesh. Never letting go. He was thankful for his life being saved by her, but he did not want her to think she could leave him.
It was a sunny Texas day with a small gentle breeze that slowly lapped at her sundress as her and Johnny lingered over a quilt.
“I forgot to ask ya’ this.” Johnny said after a long while of silence. She hummed in response. “Where did ya’ learn how to use a gun?”
Her heart squeezed at the thought of those events that night. “My Daddy taught me how. Sometimes he took me hunting, or he would let me shoot some rounds at bottles. Just for practice.”
Johnny chuckled. “Never saw ya’ as a hunting kind of gal.”
She shrugged. “It’s never often that I really do it.”
Silence again. It was a comfortable silence that was cherished between the two of them. Johnny sighed quietly as he turned his head to look at the girl nestled between his arms. “Don’t know what I would do without ya’.”
“Probably would be lying in a grave somewhere.” she joked. Johnny giggled and pinched her. Her words were true, he did not want to admit that though.
“Like I said, yer’ my little angel.”
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canaidliafail · 1 year
stay grounded pt.5
[part 6]
streamer abby x streamer reader 🌿
so I wanted to write all of Abbys visit to “reader” in one episode but this one is already 5k words and its getting stupid long so..I split it in two parts 🥹
CW: alcohol,weed and sexual endeavours if you will. not proof read, will check later tonight for any mistakes
Minors get outta here
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“You’ll love it when I give it to you, leave you wanting more ,Is it everything and more than you were hoping for ?”
ever since Abby sent you a screenshot of her flight you were on edge. You promised to pick her up from the airport which just meant that you would be there to take her to the bus stop. She did of course tease you for your lack of driver's license and motivation to get it but she did appreciate the gesture nevertheless. However you were scared. You had a bad dating history, an even worse situationship one and you didn’t even want to get into all the people you had to reject during your trips or the other way around. point being, you found yourself ready to light a candle and apologize for all your sins so that karma wouldn't bite you in the ass. Abby, gave you no reason to have that fear. Sure you didn’t text as much as you thought you would but the times that you did she seemed excited and she would occasionally send you screenshots of places she would like to see or would ask for advice on what clothes to bring. Overall, she was nice and seemed to grow closer if her joking manner and her more sarcastic side coming to the light was anything to go by.
you thought of asking
“you smoke weed?” to be ready but decided against it. You always had it anyways and if she were up for a round you’d just roll one on the spot. Abby wasn’t your only issue. This semester at your university was a constant, painful reminder that you were about to graduate with the difficulty level of all the assignments and projects. Now, you were a great student in practice but a terrible one in attendance. It was hard balancing work, mental breakdowns and college.
On your third fitting on the model your college provided you were ready to tear the fabric to shreds and start going off on everyone. You could understand why designers had a reputation for having a nasty attitude but if said designers were having their models switched every week, thus needing different measurements everytime you wouldn’t blame them.
“For fucks sake Im working on a line 44, why cant they just stick to the same model”
“Well this isn’t our graduation project so they are more relaxed”
“well I'm not and they shouldn’t be either” you argued with one poor classmate who dared to calm you down, oblivious to your temper that was impossible to tame.
this was why you refused to have models. In any case, your daily disapproval of your school's teaching system was something that didn’t bother you to that big of an extent. You disliked the way you acted though. You were snarky, impatient and took offense easier than usual and you couldn’t exactly understand why,so one late evening after fighting with everyone that knows you and doesn’t , you sat down on your couch and tried to find which unhealed version of you was getting triggered and why. Half an hour later you gave up and went to make a toast. Your friend group had 5 solid people. June, your most faithful cheerleader to every stupid decision you ever took and the one who also helped you go through with it, Cassie, the most blunt one who brought you back to reality, Rick, She was too sweet and too in love with her slow burn romance of 3 years and last, Olga.
She rarely appeared due to studying in a different city but when you needed someone to figure you out, she was the only one who could get you out of your head.
Most people had a friend like that. Someone that you talked to the least, yet knew you the best and perhaps, had the most intimate and platonic bond to ever exist. So that night, was a cry for help and luckily, Olga was in town and on her way to your place. She came ready, with a bottle of vodka on one hand and a fresh bag of tobacco on the other.
“Im listening”
she said sitting with her legs crossed on the floor across from you. she was about to burn sage and make a tarot spread if need be
“Alright listen so nothing happened but, I'm scared. I feel…weird. See this is a person that I've admired for so long and it’s only hitting me now that I’m about to meet her and its…it's scary actually”
Olga sat through it all and listened to you ramble for hours and pace all over the living room until you exhausted yourself and finally sat back down on the floor and started rolling a cigarette. You were stressed and out of nowhere your eyes were burning and you were crying and Olga was silent through it all. She grabbed you a new rolling paper and passed it over since the previous one got crumpled from your tears.
It took you an hour to completely calm down and then, she finally began to talk
“Listen it’s understandable that you feel that way, She was after all someone you admired for a while and well, it's not like you don't fool around with others but she was always in your mind”
You nod feeling the weighty clawed hands of depression wrap around your throat threatening another crying session that you had to fight back
“And between us, the last time you took anyone seriously it didn't go so well”
“It really fucking didnt” you agreed and she nod. You finished rolling the blunt and took a few puffs
“Alright now that that’s out of the way let's talk reality. Abby will visit you in a week. She is almost in every one of your streams and sure she posts with other women which in my opinion are just her friends,but she also constantly mentions you in her own streams”
You tried to protest and counter argue every reasonable point she made but she sushed you right a way with a glare
“Which has to mean something. Now I know your favorite hobby is downgrading every positive trait you have but Ill have to stop you”
“I really want this to work”
“And it will. Just be yourself,relax and smoke another blunt if you have to but trust me. It will work. It has worked so far and well, what are the odds of that in the first place?”
You smiled. A small smile but enough to show her that her point was understood. You rested your back against the front of your couch and checked your phone. There was a message there from Abby and you let the warmth and excitement that you felt imprint in your mind as a way to soothe your nerves till her arrival.
“Just landed. Waiting for the luggage” you read the message over and over again and then looked up at the gate and saw the people walk out and look around for whoever was waiting for them. You tried to bite down the stupid grin on your face and tried your best to school your features in an unbothered-laid back expression to no avail. You were practically bouncing off the walls and scratching the curtains like a cat.
Abby was here,in your country,in your city a few walls apart. Literally.
You were ashamed to admit that you had practiced different ways to greet her and would constantly switch the position you sat in, not sure what energy you were trying to show. You were man spreading, and then you would cross your legs, and then you would stand up and lean against the bar tables from the cafeteria.
“Get it together” You whispered to yourself and just locked and unlocked your phone pretending to be busy.
One moment you were looking at an old video of you and June attempting a stunt and the other you were looking back up at the gate and the woman of your dreams was actually there. Walking and looking at her phone and then around until she spotted you.
She smiled, wide with teeth and wrinkles at the edge of her eyes and you waved her over. You half ran half walked over to her side and unexpectedly-for you- she hugged you.
She smelled like pine soap and there was a lingering scent of the outside cold on her jacket. You wrapped your arms around her and felt her weight, her muscles and tried to connect with the very real image that she was right in front of you. She was tall and broad, and fuck so damn gorgeous. You pulled away at the same time and you couldn’t hold back returning the equally big smile that she gave you as her eyes darted all over your frame and face
“Wow hi,this is-“
“Crazy right? Can’t believe I’m actually here”
“Yeah! So how was your flight?” This was comfortable. She was comforting and just,so much easier to talk to than you initially expected. Her voice was lower up close and she wasn’t someone who talked loudly. She was expressive and,and,and
So many things you couldn’t stop noticing and observing about her in pure admiration. You feared that seeing her up close would give you a change of heart and you were so off base because if it did one thing, it was to confirm that you absolutely had a crush on this woman. It was a 40 minute ride till your apartment with the bus and once you reached your destination she visibly seemed to rest her shoulders and lean against the wall taking off her boots and beanie. You hated how attractive she was while doing the most mundane things
“You got a nice place. Can’t believe I’m finally witnessing what's behind the cameras of Cottons studio”
“Hah! If I didn't know you any better I’d say you’re making fun of me”
“I’m absolutely not” she teased and you helped her with her luggage
“So,normally when I have a guest they sleep with me in my room but I didn't know what you were comfortable with so I prepared the couch for you to sleep in as well”
“Ah I don't mind. Thanks”
She said and you assumed she would take the couch but to your horror and relief she left her bags in your bedroom. Which meant you two would share the same bed for the two weeks of her stay.
“Ugh,cool so ok” you looked around nervous and then slammed your hands together in a hollow clap.
“Alright so, let me show you my place first” she walked close behind you as you showed her how everything worked which made it difficult to even walk properly.
I should have trained my walk or something.
You thought in misery as you stood in the corridor showing her your crafting room. She stepped in around you to look at the clothes on the mannequins. You could’ve sworn that there were stars in her eyes when she know the full knight armor that you proudly displayed.
“Fuck I saw this on twitter but Damn you outdid yourself. All these details and”
“Its rococo architecture”
“I noticed.You add details like that to every piece you make. Oh right you also made a white dress that I really wanted to see up close”
“Oh that!” You chirped excited and walked over to the wardrobe on the other side of the room to find the piece. It was from your first year and it was the first clean work you did. The sewing was straight and not a line out of place. You showed it to her and then sat on the thought. That was a fairly old post. How far did she…
“Yeah that one. Its even prettier up close. Sorry I don’t know much about fabrics and all that but from the little that I know this looks amazing”
You were fiddling with your fingers and let her admire all your pieces occasionally adding some commentary about the construction or the inspiration. She showed genuine interest in this and you didn't know how to deal with someone this nice.
“I could make you one if you want” She stared at you wide eyed with a grin and lowered brows “You’d do all of that” she said and placed a hand on the shoulder piece of the knight armor “For me?” You shrugged and walked out of the room to grab your measuring tape that was in the kitchen aisle for unknown reasons. You stopped in front of your workshop's entrance and tried to reach up and see how big the breastplate would be for starters.A soft chuckle escaped her and your eyes shot up to look at her.
“Yes? Abigail?”
She gave you a crooked smile and licked her teeth “You are really short” You would have choked on your spit if your throat wasn't so dry. Was this her way of hitting on you?
“I think your judgement isn’t trustworthy since you are just unreasonably tall. My measuring tape won’t fit the whole of you”
She reached up and rested her hands against the door frame and leaned a little closer to you. Close enough to spike up your heart rate to a dangerous pace.
“Is that not to your liking?”
And in this moment, You hated every girlish bone in your body for smacking her lightly in the sternum and laughing all the way through that embarrassing gesture.
“You are insufferable” she smiled and pushed herself away. That would sum up any notable moments in your first day with Abby. You did talk a bit and made a quick and general schedule of what you could do while she was here all the while she kept glancing around at your room and you decor while you rested on your couch
“You have a lot of stuff”
“Oh yeah empty spaces freak me out”
She nodded in contemplation
“I like it. My apartment has like, a lot less stuff”
You leaned on your arm and smiled,lazy and pleased with the atmosphere
“Why? Afraid Alice will make a mess?”
“No I know how to keep my pets well trained”
Your cheeks flushed and you reached on your coffee tables drawer to pull out your tobacco and roll a cigarette cause you were getting heated up out of nowhere and you were about to share a bed
“O-oh of course. Then…?”
“I don’t know, I just never bothered I guess? I have a lot of plants though. You’ll see, but yeah I just don't know what decor to go far”
Your mind paused mid sentence. -you will see-
Was that an invite ? You smiled and Lit your cigarette sitting back on the couch in awe of how well the first night went
That night. You simply did not sleep. Your plan seemed genius a few hours ago, but Abby was happily resting in your bed while you played Valhalla,the wrath of the Druids DLC for the second time fighting to stay awake.
Abby Anderson,was sleeping in your bed. You smiled every time you remembered that and then you were ready to cry thinking of the possibility that this would be just a friendship. You texted your friends that had been blowing up your group chat since yesterday.
She is sleeping in my bed right now
No, she is JUST sleeping. I’m up. In my living room playing valhalla
Couldn’t sleep like at all
june: why the fuck didnt you sleep in the same bed?!?!?! Out of all times NOW you remember to have shame ??
You tossed your phone on the couch and looked up at Abby in all her morning freshly woken up glory. You gasped quietly at the sight of her unbraided long hair. she wore gray sweatpants and a sleeveless top that showed off her biceps and the sunlight licked the curves of her arms in the most delightful way
“Good morning” you croaked and tried to clear your throat and repeated the greeting more smoothly. she chuckled and sat next to you on the couch
“did you sleep at all?” you shook your head and paused the game
“sorry it got so interesting and then next thing I know birds are chirping” she shook her head and looked at the screen which gave you an opening to look at her
“Then please continue. Need to know who Im competing against for your attention”
you grinned and shook your head trying to ignore her move cause it was too early to handle this version of Abby.
“No, it's fine. Wanna get coffee? my treat”
“sure” she said and you grabbed your phone going to an app and browsing through the open cafes
“you want something for breakfast?”
she leaned against you and peaked at your phone looking through the stores. Your breathing slowed and you felt the hair on your arms raise at the contact that her chin made with your shoulder. You stayed still scared that if you moved she would have pulled away
“I wouldn’t be against that. What do you usually have?”
“W-well. Im european so, a cigarette with coffee”
she looked at you in shock and then broke down in laughter pulling away and getting up with you unconsciously leaning over the spot where she was seconds ago missing her touch already.
“Yeah I’ve seen that meme going around. So it really is a thing” you smiled at her
“mmmm you know me so well”
“Well I hope I do” she teased and went to the bathroom to fix herself up leaving you breathless and a nervous wreck. Did you miss something ? Because it seemed like she was heavily flirting with you and you only now realized how bold she could actually be.
Rick: I Cant wait to meet herrrr <333333
June:I’m so happy you are having fun but if she doesn’t pass the vibe check I’m breaking her kneecaps
Relax! I promise she is really cool.
Olga: what time are we meeting up ?
11 at our usual spot. We will go in together
Abby was laying on your couch going through her phone waiting for you to tell her the plan for the night. She did touch on the fact that despite the influencer parties she was not familiar with the clubbing scene. Not like you seemed to be at least and while at first you insisted that you didn't have to go, she really insisted on doing otherwise. So now you were getting ready and once you were dressed you sat on your vanity and noticed from the mirror that she was watching you. You smiled
“Hey want me to do your makeup?”
She tensed and walked over to you and sat across your vanity on the bed,manspreading and leaning on her elbows which unconsciously made you squeeze your thighs shut and you could feel the tip of your ears burn.
“I’d like that. But ugh,nothing too heavy?”
She asked and you chuckled going back to putting on eyeshadow
“Don’t worry sunshine. Ill do you right”
“Ooooh will you?”
You felt the hair on your arms raise and you looked back at her who had a nasty smirk full of innuendos and you cocked a brow deciding to take on the challenge
“You have no idea”
And that was the first time you saw her get flustered in the most subtle of ways. Reaching around her neck to rub her nape and not looking at you the moment you saw a dust of pink on her nose and cheeks. This was your first little victory.
You were done with your makeup soon enough considering you had a standard go to makeup that you just knew complimented your features the best and then you turned around to start attending to her.
You grabbed a base, a mascara and your eyeliner pomade and stood up to tower over her while doing her makeup.
“Alright relax big girl, I’m not going to hurt you” you said teasingly when you saw how stressfully shut she had her eyes and she breathed out letting a laugh escape and releasing the tension
“Sorry. Not used to this happening”
“That makes me feel so fucking special” she chuckled and then tried to stop when she felt move on your hands starting to do their work.
“You have beautiful features, you know. Bet you’ve been on many MUAs eyes”
“Stop,you’re just flattering me now”
“Absolutely not. I hate doing peoples makeup and yet I wanna do yours”
You tried applying very little foundation, loving the map of constellations the freckles on her face formed and had a desire to accentuate them more by working around them.
Without realizing you moved closer to her standing between her spread thighs, your naked knee grazing her jeans. She carefully moved a hand behind it and gently held your leg which you tried not to think too much about. That was until you felt her thumb brush against the tender flesh of your skin. Slow and subtle and so careful, almost like a wolf trying to lure in a deer. You kept working with her face and when it came to doing her eyeliner you had to be steadier. So you moved closer, balancing your knee on the edge of the bed between her legs, her hand following the movement all the way through until her palm was now resting just a few inches below your ass given that now the only empty space was your thigh.
You were shaking
“Sorry Ill have to hold your face so that I don't mess up”
“Yeah go ahead”
She said a little more rattled than you expected her to sound and you held her cheek while drawing a thin,small brown line. You finished up with the mascara and had to resist testing your luck by suggesting lipstick.
“There. Done”
She opened her eyes and you stared at each other with your lips parted for a few minutes as the realization of your proximity hit. You pulled away first and motioned her over to your mirror which she had to heavily bend over to look at her reflection and she smiled
“Oh wow yeah, You are good. Never thought I’d see myself like that”
Your hands were shaking and you were starting to get anxious. Badly. Your mind wandered off to the fear that you just missed a very good opportunity and you seriously needed weed or a drink
“Alright we are ready to get going then”
Abby hit it off with your friends right away. Not that you ever had doubts but you could never be too sure. Rick, the sweetheart, was obviously just incredibly happy to see you with “the buff mommy of your dreams” as she whispered to you before you walked into the club which earned her a slap on the arm to hush her. The night was going well, save for the first hour of awkwardness before the shots started coming in and the good songs were being put on. You danced and when your favorite song came you and June grabbed each other by the arms and screamed the lyrics at the top of your lungs. You were so lost in the moment that you completely forgot how you looked and when you turned around to check on Abby there was nothing but awe in her face. No hint of disgust or discomfort or second hand embarrassment as you feared you would find. No, if anything she seemed to love whatever was unfolding before her eyes and she leaned back to sit on a stool and crossed her arms with a smirk looking smug. You walked over to her and too drunk to care propped your hands on her thigh and leaned in close to her ear
“Are you having fun?”
An arm reached out around you and rested on your lower back which gave you shivers. Your dress was backless and short which normally would make you feel cold but Abby's touch made it feel like it was hot summer night
“Oh yeah this is great. You are a good dancer”
You laughed drunk and high with music euphoria and held her arm you fingers pushing into the muscles in delight and tried to get her stand up
“Then dance with me”
Dragging her was pointless. Like a mountain Abby would not move and could not be swayed. But she did seem to enjoy your determined efforts to get her to do what you wanted so she indulged you while teasing your every move and reaching out to take a sip from her drink.
“You are so stubborn” You mumbled and she leaned in closer asking you to repeat the question the same moment that a girl bumped into you and in motion you fell on Abby. Gravity failed you both as her drink spilled all over your dress sparing her jeans and shirt which made you frown and groan in frustration.
The girl turned around to look at you in embarrassment and immediately held your hand
“I’m so sorry fuck let me help you clean up” she said frantic and your face softened immediately at her remorseful behavior. Your dress was most certainly ruined though. Abby stood up pushing her drink on the other side of the counter and held you by the waist glaring at the girl “Its fine we got this” She said, loud enough for the three of your to hear and moved you upstairs to the restroom.
“Alright now, paper towels” She said to herself and you leaned against the sink counter feeling your head buzz. The smell of chlorine made you dizzy and you had to kneel down and rest your head in the hollow of your crossed arms that were propped against your knees
“You good?” Abby asked and you looked up at her concerned expression
“Ah, I have such a good angle from here” Sober you weren't friends with drunk you. With every shot you took your filter evaporated and you were the type of drunk who got incredibly horny and flirty. The sight of the woman who was sculpted like a Greek statue accelerated those thoughts and those khaki pants sat so nicely and low on her crotch showing just a sliver of her black boxer briefs.
“Oh you are drunk as fuck” She said and kneeled before you holding your arms away from your chest to start cleaning the front of your dress.
“You leaned your head closer to her face and she looked you in the eyes with a playful scowl.
“Oh and you aren’t ?”
She shook her head with a smile and went back to wiping your top
“If I wasn’t I would not be able to do this with that much comfort” she admitted and you did only now notice that the area she was so carefully trying to clean was your chest. You smiled and held her hand to grab the tissue
“Let me do it myself then”
“Absolutely not”
“You fucking pervert”
“Oh you have no idea”
You both laughed and when you left the bathroom you were even closer than before. She still refused to dance much but with the help of your friends you did lift her spirits enough to at least not constantly be seated on a stool. That and she seemed incredibly intent on keeping hold of you one way or another putting quite a show when a more sensual song would play without ever getting too explicit. It drove you mad, this slow burn game of push and pull that lasted throughout the entire night and all the way home where you both crashed on the bed hardly in the mood to properly change or take off your makeup but you did have the decency to turn around when she changed and so did she. Not that it mattered since she decided to sleep in her sports bra and sweats and you wore an oversized t-shirt with your underwear only.In a way,there was a distant thought of you hoping that something more would have happened while at the same time you were incredibly satisfied with the turn of events
Abby’s POV
Her head was spinning and not from vodka. All night she was fighting the urge to make you dry hump her thigh or thrust her hips against your ass in the most vile and sexual way possible.Hell she was close to doing so after the fifth shot of Smirnoff. She groaned and turned around in the bed now face to face with your sleeping frame. She was close enough to feel the small puffs of air on her exposed sternum. She herself was slowly dozing off and was ready to fall asleep until she felt you move closer and bury your face in her chest and tossed your leg over her thigh,keeping the other one snuggly between your own. Her senses were clouded and her head was a mess and she saw you open your eyes that were glossy and in the same daze as she was. You didn't say a word and neither did she. She felt your fingers first, circling her waist and nudge at the waistband of her sports bra, feeling the skin and dipping your fingers beneath it just enough to feel some more. Your eyes fell on her lips and she took the initiative to kiss you. That was the intent. But the gesture was a lot softer, barely grazing the surface. She looked at your eyes trying to find any sense of discomfort but you whined at the loss of contact and she kissed you a second time with more fervor,nibbling on your lower lip and pressing her tongue against it. You opened your mouth with a moan and she took her chance to dive deeper and switch positions with her now on top of you and your hands deep in her scalp holding her hair in fists as you reciprocated the gesture silently begging for more.
She pushed a thigh between your legs and you met her movement by grinding your hips against her chasing some sort of release.
“Abby” you whispered her name like a prayer and she pulled away from your bruised lips a string of saliva still connecting you both with the taste of your cherry lipgloss on her tongue.That soft needy voice may have been the most divine sound that had ever graced her ears. She gave you another kiss on the cheek and then on your jaw and went all the way down to your collar bones. She decided to linger on your neck a bit more nibbling at the tender skin just above your pulse,careful not to leave any unwanted marks. You called for her again and she pulled away and held your face in her hands and gave you another kiss. There were so many things she wished she had the energy to do that night, but there was an impending headache numbing her skull and she could see you struggle to stay sober and awake. You were both drunk and in need of sleep.
You pulled her closer and she rested her head on your chest listening to your heartbeat. Her arms slipped beneath your waist holding you tightly against her front and then she finally fell asleep
here’s my ko-fi tip jar if you enjoy my work 🤍
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𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐌𝐞𝐧
↳ summary: you meet everyone. and they have the pleasure of meeting you
↳ of monsters & men fic masterlist: link
↳ of monsters and men playlist: link
↳ previous part! | next part!
You were beyond out of place right now.
Donning a flat expression, you sat in the far corner of a rickety plane, journal open and in your lap limply. Various paragraphs and doodles lined the pages; a few having been added since you boarded this death trap. So far no one had commented on it, so you were content to keep scribbling away.
Glancing up and over the cover of your book, you took a moment to properly evaluate the foul smelling plane and its inhabitants—some just as smelly as the aforementioned vehicle. You had been the last to arrive just a few hours ago, give or take. Naturally, everyone had already separated into their own friend groups or were just sitting on their own. Too immersed in themselves, they hadn't noticed you sit down on rock hard seat to embark on the plane ride with them.
Looking to your left, you observed a certain sleeping ginger from last season. Scott, if you remembered correctly. From the little you had watched of him last year, you were kind of glad he was asleep. He didn't look the kind to brush his teeth twice a day, and you're not sure you could handle a cloud of halitosis swimming your way.
With a snort, your lips curled into a slight smile as you remembered how he almost became shark food last time. It had been kind of funny, considering karma and all. In your opinion, anyone who was stupid enough to mess with a mutated shark got what they deserved.
The small noise from the back of your throat seemed to wake the beast, the red head giving a start as he began to shift in his seat.
You watched with a hooded gaze as his eyes snapped open, revealing a pair of beady eyes that looked well-rested. Instead of jumping at the sudden noise so close to his ear, Scott quickly turned his head to meet the gaze of you next to him.
He took a good second to observe you from head to toe—sweatpants and all. In the time it took for him to bring his line of sight back up to your own, he had already concluded that you weren't any threat to him and the million. You were wearing sandals for fucks sake. Not really as intimidating as Heather or Jo's outfits.
"Well hello there," Scott spoke in his nasally voice. "See something you like?" He said, referring to your staring. Your face scrunched up a significant amount at that but dropped after you considered your situation. Making one of the main antagonists from last season upset with you wasn't really the smartest move as the new kid. So with a considerable amount of forced politeness, you stuck your hand out for him to shake.
"Sure let's go with that country boy." You fought the urge to cringe at what he probably thought was a cunning smile before giving him your name.
"Scott." He offered while dropping your hand. "But I'm sure you already knew that."
"Yeah. I saw bits and pieces of season four. Good strategy by the way. Even if it was a bit scandalous, I have to congratulate you. Must have really put your last two brain cells into overdrive coming up with that."
The insult went right over Scott's head as he inwardly snickered at your choice of words. He didn't think anyone had ever called him scandalous before. A big jerk, evil, and smelly maybe, but never scandalous.
"Aw really?" He responded with a sickeningly sweet voice, batting his eyelashes. "Thanks."
You couldn't stop yourself from letting out a little noise of disgust at that. Once again, Scott missed your obvious disgruntled nature, already moving on to peak into your personal belongings.
"Whatcha writin' there?" He asked. Scott pointed at your lap when you sent him a curious look, eyeing the various bullet points you had made with ink. You were quick to slam your journal closed in his face, nearly taking his finger off in the process.
"None of your business hillbilly."
"Alright alright! Message received newbie." Scott smirked and put his hands up in the air defensively. But a bit of his mischievous nature still poked through. He wondered what was in there. Secrets? Blackmail? You might not pose a threat to him now, but neither had Cameron last season and that string bean had almost won.
"So—" He dragged out the 'o' like a small child, "—what brings you to this hell hole? The money? Fame?" He quizzed you, wanting to know a little bit about you.
"Er, none of those. Although the money would be nice." You answered slowly. "I'm mostly here to help with my resume. I'm trying to get into college for film and all, and I couldn't find any other shows that wanted me on it. Set work or otherwise. Some friends would be cool though. Not a lot back home when you spend all your time applying for jobs to put you on the map."
Scott had stopped listening at college. Mentally eye rolling, he tried not to scoff. School? Friends? Those were the last things on his mind right now. His brain only held room for two things. The million, and his mama's gruel. Oh, how he loved his mama's gruel.
Why the fuck would Chris choose to put someone new in this season? And a season full of former competitors nonetheless.
By the time Scott had turned back to face you, you had already written him off and were staring out the plane's window. Shrugging, he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes once more, content to get some more shut eye before the torture began.
A couple more minutes passed filled with chatter from other people on the plane. Insults were thrown, small talk made, and pleasantries exchanged. You paid no mind to it, watching the glittering sea below pass by in a blur.
All of a sudden, the plane came to a soft stop. Not as in, they had stopped flying. Now they were merely hovering. You looked around confused. No one else seemed to pay any mind to this. They were still all talking—or in some cases glaring at someone.
You took a moment to peer out the window once more, watching as a familiar island below swerved in and out of vision at a steady pace.
A loud noise diverted your attention from the window. A big, burly man had pried the rusty door to the pilot's cockpit open and stepped out. Chef looked around with a disgusted look on his face. You could almost hear his internal monologue, complaining about young people and how he should get a raise.
“—and here they are now! From Revenge of the Island, say hello to multiple Mike!” A familiar voice said enthusiastically. It was then that Chef stomped over to a boy with spiky hair. You admired him from afar, smart enough to appreciate when someone was attractive. But you waved away any further thought of that, seeing as the only person he had talked to the entire time was a nice looking redhead. Zoey and Mike, you remembered. The fan favorite couple from last season. Nice people. Both good looking.
“Uh, hey Chef! Let's talk about this!” The boy laughed nervously before being picked up. You proceeded to watch with wide eyes as he was kicked off the plane and plummeted to the ocean below.
Chef wasted no time ignoring the screams of the teenager he had just pushed out of a plane, already moving onto the next person with a considerable amount of force. The announcer from below, who you had now identified as the one and only Chris McLean, continued to call out names
“Mike’s friend pushover turned powerhouse, Zoey!” The mentioned girl jumped after Mike in a panic after he said that. After that, it was just you watching from a corner as Chef picked people off one by one depending on whose name Chris called next.
“Athletic non-supporter, Lightning!”
Splash! There went the cocky white-hared boy.
“Bubble Boy brainiac Cameron!”
You frowned a bit at that one. Cameron seemed nice. Well, nice enough to not be deemed a wuss for the rest of his conceivably short social life. Besides, it's not unlike Chris to—
Holy fucking shit what is that.
You looked over in shock to see a feral boy with a balding head and green tinted skin. He bared his teeth and panted, revealing sharp yellow teeth. The boy—is that even a boy?—noticed your stare and turned to face you. With a snarl and a lunge, your face was stopped from being clawed off as Chef snagged the back of his hoodie. The creature looked at you with a violent expression, one could even call it murderous, before squirming and yowling underneath Chef's grip.
“And feral freak show, Ezekiel!” Chris sounded off from below. Gasps could be heard as Chef dropped the mutated canadian from his hoodie. You leaned over the edge of the plane a bit to see a plunger come out of nowhere and grab onto him.
“Ha! Only joking! No way is that guy coming back again!” Chris laughed before having a robot shoot him off to god knows where. You weren't one to openly wish harm on others, but thank fuck that thing was gone.
“I feel like I'm forgetting something." Chris sang, his voice far away.
"Oh yeaah! That's right! All Stars, say hello to your new competitor, the movie enthusiast!” He said loudly, your full name following suit. You could practically feel the confusion coming off your future teammates/opponents in waves, already so excited to take the plunge and meet them. Note the sarcasm.
Holding out a hand to hault Chef—who had been sneaking up behind you—you shoved the journal that you had been clutching into his hands.
"Make sure that gets down safe and you won't have to toss me like a sack of potatoes. Deal?" You offered. It was a stretch, especially considering that Chef most likely enjoyed throwing people off high places.
But you were met with a shrug as he tucked the book under his arm.
"Sure kid. Just hurry up or Chris'll have my head. Or yours." With a little cackle, he walked off, leaving you staring at where he had just been.
Nice guy.
Again. Notice the sarcasm.
"Sign up for the show, they said. You'll have fun, they said."
Next thing you knew, you were falling through open air with a loud yell, holding your nose and preparing for the impact of salt water on skin.
A cold feeling seeped into your veins and straight to your bones as you plunged into the water. In no way, shape, or form were you an adrenaline junkie, but you did understand a little bit why people would do that.
As fish of all different shapes and sizes passed by, you almost failed to notice the squirming figure under you. Almost.
A sharp jab to your calf prompted your gaze to be pulled below, where you saw a struggling figure resting under you. With a start, you realized you must have landed on someone and drug them under. Acting quickly, you grabbed onto their arm and began to swim upwards, hoping that you hadn't done any serious damage. Upon breaking the surface, you immediately swam to shore, dragging them with you. They offered no complaints, and you began to wonder if they even were conscious.
You trudged onto shore and would have collapsed like everyone else if not for the person you had been carrying like luggage. Whirling around, it was revealed to be a coughing and gagging Mike that you had so ceremoniously drowned. You felt your neck heat up with embarrassment as he spit out more and more salt water. Oops.
"Uhm—" You began unsteadily, unsure of what to do now that he seemed to be fine. "—sorry about that dude. Didn't mean to wreck your day."
“It’s al—” Mike paused to hack his lungs out some more, “—right. I wouldn't have signed up for this show if I couldn't handle a little water, right?” He said smiling a little before spiraling into another mini cough attack at the end. His comment made you grin a bit, the most anyone had managed to get out of you so far.
"Yeah, that's fair." You punctuated the end of your sentence by holding your hand out for him to take, hauling him off the crunchy sand. For a moment, your eyes locked with his. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling a bit more, watching as Mike mirrored your expression shyly.
Yeah. You had been right earlier. He was a cute one.
The two of you might have just stayed there forever, staring at each other, if not for Chris’s regrettably loud voice.
“—but the winners get to sleep in an all new, eco-friendly McLean spa hotel complete with butler, hot tub, and 24-hour masseuse!” The host finished his introduction smugly. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at that, dropping Mike's hand and missing the way his smile dipped at that. But really, naming a building after yourself? Come on Chris. The other campers had instead cheered and jumped up and down, happy to have the chance to not sleep in a cruddy cabin, no matter how slim the chance.
“And in honor of your past performances, excluding our new addition—" You glared at Chris for singling you out, not appreciating all the new attention. “—this season's theme will be Heroes versus Villains!” Chris finished excitedly.
“Heather, Ducan, Lightning, Joe, Scott, and Gwen.” He started, using the robot to kick an already bewildered Gwen on the team. “You will now be known as the Villainous Vultures!”
“What?! Why am I on the villians team!” Gwen cried. You had to side with her there. Even if she did kiss Duncan, technically he wasn't Courtney's boyfriend at the time. And Courtney is a raging monster who used to be nice, so not much sympathy for her there. Emphasis on the used to be nice part.
“Because you stole my boyfriend and became the new Heather!” Courtney retorted with a look of rage on her face. Again, not your boyfriend at the time.
“What she said.” Chris cut your thoughts off, agreeing against the protesting Gwen. A bit more of an argument occurred before a happy Duncan said something to Gwen. Clearly he didn't get the reaction he wanted, instead ending up with Gwen slumping over and his own face contorting into a less positive one, leaving you to wonder what had been said.
“Mike, Zoe, Cameron, Sam, Courtney, Lindsay, and Sierra! You're now the Heroic Hamsters!” Chris shouted out, taking the attention off the villians and towards the others. "You too, new kid." He added on with a sadistic laugh.
“Hey, how come I'm on this team? You know literally nothing about me.” You said in a confused, but not necessarily disappointed tone.
“Look, in the five minutes I have known you, you've saved someone's life, apologized about it, and have had proper sense of hygiene! Which is more than I can say for some people.” Chris said, evil eyeing the vultures. Most of them just shrugged with smirks.
“Wait a minute!” Jo said, jumping in on the conversation. “They have eight people to our six! No fair!”
“Since when have you been about fair?” You mumbled sourly, earning a laugh from Mike. Who, at this point, had saddled up next to you. Tossing him an easy grin, you held your hand out for a first bump, Mike was quick to accept it with a gleeful smile.
“I needed the extra seat on the plane for that Ezekial prank,” Chris continued over you and Mike, shrugging. Jo just glared at him until he huffed a breath of defeat.
“Fine!" He said, dragging out the 'e' a generous amount. “You can have the robot,” Chris grumbled, pulling out a remote and pressing the only button on it. You took the moment to observe said robot. It was rusted and old looking. Very poorly designed with lots of scuffs surrounding its metal encasing. And the way it moved was strange. It was much smoother than a hunk of junk like that should be. You wondered where on god's green earth Chris had found it in the show to afford to revamp the robot.
“Thought your robot could talk man.” Scott piped up.
“Aw, the communication chip cracked when I was in the hosgow.” Chris said, waving it off with a smile that didn't seem entirely genuine.
“Was that english?” Lindsay whispered in a loud tone. You just looked at her and shrugged, as clueless as the blonde bimbo for once.
Everyone proceeded to watch as the robot scooted closer and closer to Heather, causing her to snap at the machine and call it a toaster. You just laughed at that.
“Ahem! Anyways," Chris cleared his throat forcefully, annoyed that the attention had been taken off him.
"This year's challenges are all nods to classics from the past. But with harsh new tricks to make this the hardest Total Drama Season, ever!!” He cackled. You stiffened significantly at his words. You had seen most of the previous seasons. If those were pale in comparison to this year, well let's just say you were having second thoughts about the college credit this would earn you.
“Your first challenge is this. Find the key to the spa hotel—"
Well that's not so bad.
“—and in an homage to Total Dramas' first ever challenge, cliff diving into water infested with ravenous sharks!”
You watched from across the beach as Scott visibly shuddered—normally his smug face replaced with one of mortal terror. Sure, the other campers were scared, but Scott was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Guess Fang left a lasting impression last year.
Chirs then launched into an explanation with a terrifying example playing on a tv of a suffering intern attempting to do the challenge. You got the gist of it. Dive off the cliff, get the key, don't get mauled, repeat until victory. And some weird touch about baby carriages?
“First team to unlock the spa door wins! And someone from team loser will be going home tonight. Meet me at the base of the cliff in 15 minutes, chop-chop!” The host said, clapping his hands before jumping into and driving off in a Jeep with one of his poor interns.
“Shouldn't we change into our swimsuits or something first!” A worried Mike yelled at his retreating back.
“Sorry! No time!” A far away Chris shouted, not sounding sorry at all.
You sighed. This was going to suck.
By the time everyone had made it to the beginning of the island's monstrous mountain, you were all sweaty and spent. Meanwhile, Chris didn't even look like he had broken a sweat. And where had he gotten that jetpack? More importantly, how in hell was he paying for all of this?
"Fuck you McLean." You gasped for air in between words, hands on your knees as you paused to catch your breath. Chris just chuckled, saying something about having to mute that on national television while you ignored him.
This place was already turning out to be a shit stain on the bed sheet of life, and you had only been here for less than an hour.
It wasn't all bad though. During the run, you had started to insert yourself more and more into the weird ecosystem that was this reality show. You had struck up a conversation with Cameron—Zoey and Mike not far behind. Your previous observations of them had been right. Cameron was scrawny, and definitely nerdy as hell—within the first minute of meeting you he had started to spew out the mathematical odds of you winning—but he was nice, if not a pushover. In fact, he was just as nice as Zoey and Mike, who quickly welcomed you into their little group. You accepted it thankfuly, albeit a little more cautiously than the standard person. At least Zoey seemed a bit less naive than last season. You weren't sure you'd be able to put up more than one weak willed team member for too long. Sorry, Cameron.
And Mike was—well, he was Mike. For someone that you had almost killed no less than five minutes ago, he seemed to find every little joke you made funny. If it were you that he had landed on back there, you would have popped up to the surface cursing him, his mother, and his mother's mother. But the longer you ran side by side with him across the longest fucking beach ever, the smaller that feeling got. What can I say? You've always had a soft spot for outcasts.
“Greetings All Stars!” Chris piped up over the noise of everyone's suffering with a cheery voice. “Here are the carriages!” With a wave of his arm, he gestured to two different colored baby carriages resting on either side of him.
Whilst Chris continued to terrorize the campers with instructions on how to play, you took in your surroundings. You felt as the salty sea breeze skimmed off your face, and listened to the crashing of the waves against the nearby shore. It was a peaceful alternative compared to listening in on Chris. Anything at this point was, though.
“—decide on your carriage drivers. Starting now!”
You broke out of your trance to see both teams scrambling for the position of carriage pushers. For some reason. Well, more like the villains were. Your team was instead politely offering the opportunity to one another.
“How about Mike?” You cut through all the talk with a monotone offer, just ready for someone to decide at this point. Mike's head whipped your way at your words, face contorting into one of pleasant surprise that you once again missed. Everyone else just stared at you expectantly.
“What? He’s smart and has got enough strength to push most anyone on our team. He should do fine.” You shrugged, arms crossed stubbornly in front of your chest. Zoey awwed at your comment happily, only stopping with a nervous giggle when you sent a warning glance her way.
Everyone seemed in favor of it as Mike made his way to grab the cart, only for Courtney to scoff loudly.
“Lindsay will do it!” She grumpily said, pushing the lovable, but dumb blonde into the yellow carriage. You groaned. As nice as Lindsay was, you were pretty sure she didn't know the difference from an apple and an orange. Might as well forfeit the challenge now.
“Alright. Everyone but Jo and Lindsay, up the cliff!”
Grumbling, you looked upwards at the steep cliff you now had to prepare yourself to climb. How fun.
The sun. You forgot how much you hated the stupid sun. How could one star a gazillion miles away manage to be so hot and yet so annoying? It was probably your fault you were this sweaty, seeing as you wore sweats to a place like this. But still. The sun sucked. It didn't help that certain teammates were being a real pain in the ass either.
"Hurry up!" Courtney snapped at you for the umpteenth time since everyone had begun their trek, her name making it pretty far up your People I Would Like To Punch list in the process.
"I told you. I don't run. Much less more than once a day." That was all you rewarded her griping with. The girl took to letting out a shrill yell of frustration and pointing a finger at you angrily. Clearly she wasn't happy about your attitude. Or lack of one, therefor.
"I hope you like being here! Because I can assure you, if you don't pick up the pace, you won't last much longer!"
You simply took to sticking your tongue out at her when she turned her back again, earning yourself a smooth high five from a passing Duncan.
"Is she always like this?"
"Hah! You have no idea buddy."
Staying true to your lackluster method, you ended up being the last one to reach the top of the cliff, ignoring a seething Courtney with gusto as Chris explained today's challenge for the third time. He really just needed to put a powerpoint together at this point. Keeps it short and to the point.
Walking over, you stopped at the crest of the hill to peer over it with Zoey. You were met with the sight of a grinning shark waving back at you, looking way too hungry for your liking.
"Fang, right?" You asked. Zoey nodded slowly, looking a little greener in the face than normal. Looking at her and then back down at the creature below, you placed a hand on her shoulder with a wince, not really used to comforting people as much as you should be.
"Er, it'll be okay Zoey. You're strong and fast. I think. You'll have no problem doing this challenge." A pause. "Probably."
"Wow." She looked at you blandly, attention no longer on the mutant shark as she cocked her head to the side. "Has anyone told you you're terrible at pep talks?"
"More than you'd believe."
That got a laugh out of her, curing the squirming in your gut that had come as a side effect with the little interaction. Anxiety is a bitch.
"See? Looking normal already." You severed the physical content with a clap to her back, hand retreating into the confines of your pants pocket.
"Better. It's better, already. Not normal." Zoey corrected you with a quirk of her lips, eyeing you with a smile as you pretended to know that.
“Ahem. If you two are done chatting, its challenge time." Chris's disgruntled expression suddenly appeared in front of you and Zoey—courtesy of his jetpack—sending a good amount of smoke directly into both of your eyes. Great. Now you were sweaty and blind.
"Places people!” The bane of your existence clapped, zooming back up into the air and away from you. "Its diving time!” He cackled at the last bit. You shot him a glare before turning to your team, ignoring whatever squabble was going on over on the villians side. You had a feeling you'd have to get used to that.
“One diver per team at a time. The next diver has to wait until their team's carriage returns.” Chris spoke, pulling out a blow horn.
“Ready, set—!” He didn't get to finish his sentence as he pulled the trigger, the fog horn letting out an unearthly sound as the campers covered their ears.
“Yeah! Lightning strikes!" You watched while the white haired boy, Lightning you remembered, took a running leap of the rocky edge. He was quite quick to dive off the cliff, Courtney following close behind screaming her lungs out. Everyone watched as both of them dove down to get a key. It didn't take long for bubbles to reach the surface, everyone eager to see who would come up with a key first.
The faint call of "sha-bingo!" gave you your answer.
Somehow, Lightning ended up in the lead, jumping in the baby carriage with a shiny key. Eventually, Courtney dragged herself out of the water, snapping at Lindsay to get a move on by the looks of it. It was no surprise to you when Courtneys pick for a driver instead responded by lamely looked around, showing no signs of moving anytime soon. You frowned. Lindsay might as well leave the island now, because there was no way they were going to win the challenge. Less shame in it for her overall.
Sierra jumped next, screaming in a cowboy like fashion on the way down. Not much to say on that beyond that the key was a dud.
"Alright. Let's do this." You stepped up as Sierra and Lindsay returned from the spa-hotel, somewhat eager to prove your usefulness as the newest cast member. A quick breath or two made its way out of your mouth as you bounced on the balls of your feet, hyping yourself up for the plunge to be. You flinched at the view of the drop below but squared your shoulders up anyways in preparation to jump. You were only stopped by a jubilant cheer from behind you.
"Yeah! You've got this!" Mike whooped, Cameron and Zoey backing him up with two pairs of thumbs up. A wiry smile crossed your face as you mock saluted them, already beginning to make your way down the cliff's edge. You were a split second too soon for your competitor, not seeing how Gwen tripped and went tumbling down alongside you.
Your three sort-of-friends—and everyone else—watched as you and Gwen splashed into the water, only to come up and immediately be confronted by sharks. You were in the unfortunate position of sitting wide eyed on Fang's head while Gwen floated in the middle of two more of the deadly sea creatures. Before anyone could sink their teeth into someone else, a rock flew out of nowhere and hit Fang in the nose. Both players looked up the lengthy cliff in surprise to see Mike and Zoey yielding rocks of all different sizes.
Sending a (very) thankful wave up in their direction, you wasted no time basking in the absence of the sharks to dive down in search of a key.
The footage shows you sitting on a filthy looking toilet, following your gaze as you try not to accidentally inhale a stray fly. It takes you a second to get used to the humidity of the outhouse, not liking the way your clothes begin to stick to your skin like glue. Really gross glue. You continue the look of disgust before remembering what you came in there for.
"That was nice of them to help. Zoey and Mike I mean. Day one and I've already found some likable people. I was expecting to come into this riding it all out on my own, but this is much better. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on some of my people skills after all. At least, that's what I'm told back home."
You toss an awkward look to the camera at that last part.
The ride to the hotel was bumpy and rough, only to be filled by the sounds of Lindsay's huffing and puffing.Feeling sorry for her, you did your best to send her an encouraging smile. That fell into a glower pretty quickly when her gag reflex kicked in at the sight of it. Alright, no smiling around her then. The fucker.
Sticking the key that you grabbed into the lock of the spa, you huffed in annoyance at its refusal to move. Damn.
“It's a no go! Back to the beach.” You huffed already racing to the cart. Lindsay just flopped on the ground, causing you to pause.
“Hey? Are you ok?”
She just groaned in response. Looking around momentarily, you decided to put matters into your own hands with a stick and sheer will, using it as a makeshift oar to row you back to the beach. Lindsay trudged on behind you, designer boots occasionally tripping her over a root or a rock. As you neared the sandy quarters, a very beat up Sam came into view. Suddenly, you were feeling very lucky that Mike and Zoey had such good aim.
“Jesus christ dude, what happened?” You questioned as you began to hop out of your ride. Sam muttered some gibberish about keys and sharks before collapsing in the carriage, taking up for your absence. As they disappeared farther and farther away into the forest, you looked up at the cliff to see a terrified Scott holding onto a rock for dear life, Lightning doing his best to pry him off of it. A few words were exchanged, but being at the bottom of the cliff, you couldn't really hear them. Well, Lightning at least. Scott's screams of protest probably were audible an island over.
You squinted as various pairs of arms and legs went flying in the air before the robot that had been standing nearby was pushed off the edge. So distracted by it bashing into rocks on the way down, you didn't even notice Zoey sprinting past you with a key and a determined expression on her face.
All that the campers could see from above the water's surface were a couple of solitary bubbles before a loud explosion rocked everyone to the bone. As scraps of metal flew out of the water, you saw a man's outline through it all. Was that- ?
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me."
Gasps from all around could be heard as a scruffy man emerged from the wreckage with an award winning smile. Alejandro flashed it at the surrounding crowd and camera as he landed on the beach, proceeding to snatch a key up out of thin air.
You squint at the camera, looking less than pleased while you lean your arms on the top of your legs.
"Yeah. We definitely lost this one."
“Welcome to our first ever elimination ceremony of the season! How do you like the new peanut gallery, huh?” The host of the show said.
It was nighttime on the island now. The moon was out, and so were the elimination marshmallows. Sitting on the lumpy excuse for a seat that Chris called this log, you struggled to balance swatting mosquitos and paying attention, really hoping that today had given your teammates enough of a reason not to vote you off.
"Thanks to me, now winners can watch their opponents give someone the boot before heading to the spa hotel for a deluxe dinner!” Chris said, dragging out the last part. Your stomach grumbled at the thought of food. It had been over twelve hours since you had eaten anything decent.
Staring at the flames to the campfire, you relived today. It seemed like forever ago when you had been sitting in the plane instead of meer hours. Night had fallen way too quickly for your liking, and you could only guess if Chef had gotten your journal back down safely with the rest of your stuff. Although, by the end of this ceremony it may not matter at all.
“Before we start, we need one winner to volunteer for a special reward!” Chris said with a smile.
Yeah right. Since when had there ever been a real bonafide reward in the history of this entire show.
“ Ha! Sha-Lightning!” The athletic junkie volunteered, swiftly jumping out of the peanut gallery and running over to Chris with an arrogant smile.
“Great! Your reward is spending the night in exile at Bony Island with all the hungry, wild, animals!!!”
Reward my ass.
“Aw! How is that a reward!” Lightning whined, voicing your thought for you.
“Because, there's a McLean invincibility statue hidden somewhere on Bony Island! Find it, and you're golden!”
“Now he tells us.” Scott said, clear annoyance in his words.
“This year!” Chris said, moving on and pretending to have not heard Scott. “You get to vote by placing an X on one of the eight by tens of the person you want to eliminate! Now—” He said in a more serious tone. “—get voting.”
You were the first to hop in the outhouse house. Inside were pictures of everyone. Shuffling through them, you glanced at all of the faces on your team. Lingering on one a little bit longer than the others.
Swiping a quick red X on the separate picture of Lindsay, you climbed out of the commode and took a seat at the campfire. Surprisingly, it only took about 5 minutes for everyone to get in and out, and for the votes to be counted. Finally, everyone was back on a log—tensions just as high as they had been before. The only humorous part of the night was when Lindsay got out from voting with an X on her face.
“Okay,” Said the raven haired host, now holding a plate of marshmallows in one of his hands “The following people are safe. Cameron, Sierra, Zoe, Mike, and Sam.” He paused to add your name as if an after thought, earning a nasty look from you.
When your marshmallow was finally thrown at you, you just opened your mouth, letting the soft food find its home in your stomach. An impressed look was shot your way from Zoe, to which you responded with a grin full of marshmallow.
“Lindsay! You're on the chopping block for your terrible driving skills. And Courtney, you're on the chopping block for making Lindsay drive.” Chris said, referring to the only two people left without a marshmallow.
It wasn't a surprise to anyone when Courtney was handed the last marshmallow, rounding out the ending of the first episode with a stink. Literally. The elimination process compared to last year was just downright cruel. It wasn't enough that the eliminated had to be flushed down it, but everyone else that watched had the pleasure of getting stuck in the splash zone.
You were really beginning to hate Chris.
With a grunt, you ruffled the little bit of your hair still drenched with toilet water out while sitting on the darkened steps to your cabin. Face contorted in disgust, you sniffed your clothes curiously, only to become a bit green in the face.
Groaning, you flopped backwards onto your back, running your hands down your face frustratedly.
True to his somewhat nonchalant word, Chef had gotten your prized novel back into your hands safely. It was sitting on your cruddy cabin bed when you walked into the room, proving to be one of the only good parts of your day. Besides not being voted out of course.
You had been quick to swipe your journal up, not wanting anyone to get ahold of it.
You frowned as you thought about it. Shit. This place was already messing with you. But could you really blame yourself with a super stalker teammate like Sierra on the prowl?
Grumbling half heartedly, you made your way over to the confession booth.
You didn't take long to start talking this time.
"Alright. Day one." You began tersely. "Almost died on a few occasions, and felt like killing someone else the rest of the time. But what can I expect from former convict Mr. McLean"
A pregnant pause filled the room as you considered your next words carefully.
"Fuck. I can already tell this is going to be interesting."
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xcyphoz0a · 21 days
Before you go
Gender neutral reader, angst TW/CW: mention of death, angst. angst. Character(s): Xiao Word count: 937 Proofread: N/A | He wishes that you didn’t leave. | A/N: woah it’s been a while since i wrote this guy + new layout
Until now, he’s always felt as if he wasn’t able to feel emotions–he did, yet it was never the full range that humans could.
Perhaps it was because he was an adeptus. Perhaps, it was because he’s always felt indebted.
Yet it changed when you had entered his cycle of life. You were different from him–more sociable, you showed your emotions with such clarity that he felt somewhat jealous.
Slowly, but surely, you taught him how to feel the things that he thought he could never. It was a slow process, but you were there, along the way, guiding his jaded feelings and hand, thawing the ice that covered his heart.
You taught him how to show his emotions, how to convey his feelings.
And the odd feeling that he felt around you occurred to him that it was affection, care–
That it was love.
He isn’t fond of love. But it didn’t feel uncomfortable either.
Yet he learned to tell you the emotions he felt, about you.
He wouldn’t have known that you’d feel the same. It was a surprise.
But when you took his gloved hands to your own, fingers intertwined, you smiled, and he thought he had seen the second sun be born.
It felt sweet, warm, fuzzy, like the warm sunlight at the start of spring–just right, not too cold, not too hot.
He wished for you to last forever.
He wished for the moment to last forever.
You were the source of his happiness in life, your smiles were the brief moments when he could be set free from all the screams of his karma that had burdened him.
To him, you were a breath of fresh air.
He knew that this could only last until he noticed how you became slightly more lethargic, tired, fatigued.
You only brushed it off as lack of sleep.
Yet you, yourself, knew it wasn’t. You felt the beats of your heart become more slower, the thumping becoming more audible each day as the sun and moon cycled through and through. The feeling of how your body shakes with each beat of your heart, its rhythm beating through your eardrums as you force out a shaky smile towards your lover who gazed at you with such worry and concern.
Soon, you’d become a regular at the pharmacy, you’d laugh out, watching the little bird hop onto your free hand as your lover stares at you with concern and confusion.
What do you mean? He’d say, the unusual tone of soft worry lacing his normally sharp voice.
You’d always shake your head, brushing it off as dark humour.
He’d never understand you, but he knew better than to tire you out more with topics you wanted to brush off.
But perhaps he should’ve asked you what you meant.
Your words became the truth in a short period of time.
When he’d normally stray from the city, he’d find himself carrying you, helping you up the steps towards the pharmacy as you’d weakly smile at the little lilac haired girl at the counter.
It was always the same; you’d greet Qiqi at the counter, and she’d bring Baizhu to you. He’d check on you, provide you medication, and you and your lover would leave.
But he couldn’t help but notice how the pills you’d be given started to increase and increase as the week would go by.
Sooner or later, you’d be unable to leave the pharmacy, where you were stationed inside–bedridden, where only visitors could come in. It felt difficult to open your eyes without strain, as if there were weights that pulled down on your eyelids, the weight increasing and increasing as nights pass. It was tiring to sit up at the bed, tiring to talk, eat, breathe.
Yet whenever he’d come by–which his visits seemed to become longer and longer as the days passed, you’d feel some energy come back, regaining a piece of your healthier self, smiling.
Qiqi would visit, sleepy eyes finding closure at your arms, as you and your lover watch with care.
You’d joke about your future children whenever she slept, as you laugh lightly with how your lover’s ears would become red like the carpets.
Yet you’d always tell him to never cry.
Well, you should cry, but not when I go. I want to see a smile before I leave, okay? You’d comment, and he would only nod.
Soon, you weren’t able to move.
You felt your life starting to dim, flickering on and off, fighting to live as it used up its fuel.
You knew you would be leaving soon.
He knew too.
Your breathing was shallow. It was light, quiet, smaller than a pin drop.
He could barely hear your heartbeat through your breathing.
Your hands became colder and stiffer, unable to hold his hand anymore.
You couldn’t speak. It was too much of a chore to speak.
Just the mere thin rope of living was the only job you could handle.
You waited until the flickering light of yourself would dim down, slowly but surely, as you try to pry your eyes open to see him one last time.
You saw him smile, still, the tears in his eyes were visible as ever.
Reaching out a shaky hand towards his face, you wipe Xiao’s tears before you lose yourself to the weight of death.
Your hand drops, as you muster a smile.
All Xiao was able to do was to watch.
And he wishes that he could’ve said something, rather than to watch you leave.
You don’t move, and all that was left was your smile.
Taglist: @chaoffee @aeon-yao
© 2022–2024 xcyphoz0a all rights reserved. Do not steal or copy any works made from this blog.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
To my Dear Yaksha, Alatus,
How are you? I see you've been very active lately, even as far out as joining people for dinner! I'm so proud of you! It's fine to go out with friends once in a while, Xiao.
About the stunt you pulled back at the Chasm.. I would've chastised you, but I cannot for the love me just get mad. Please, do not pull that stunt ever again, it would immensely break my heart.
You mention you'd like to dance, right? We should totally go to a festival together next time!
For now, take care of yourself, Xiao. I will see you soon.
(along with the letter fitted inside a pure white envelope was a small bow filled with separately wrapped marshmallows and a qingxin flower, tied together with a green string).
xiao heaved as he sweeped the hilichurl camp for the last time, finally allowing himself to dismiss his polearm. this one had been particularly tough, a samachurl had hidden itself behind some crates and kept healing enemies when he wasn’t looking. still, it was over now. irritating, yes, but impossible, no.
he turned, ready to vanish in a puff of smoke to wherever the next danger in liyue was, but a bright light from above caught his eye. xiao looked up, noticing the stars streaming across the sky for the first time.
notably, he sees the one seeming to come straight for him.
he frowns, well aware of how your regular stars work. but those crossed the sky, confined to the heavens, never… never coming to earth, never landing in his tentative palms, never sharing their heat through the fabric of his gloves.
xiao stares at the star in his hands, and watches it crumble. it’s expected, as anything pure would collapse under his karma, but what isn’t expected is what remains in its ruin.
a sheer pouch, filled with qingxin blossoms and some sort of soft candy, the green ribbon looking blue in the dark of twilight. next to it was a plain white envelope, his name written on it in a similar shade of green.
xiao blinked at his hands. a gift?
…or was it an order?
without another thought he pocketed the pouch and opened the envelope, pulling out a simple letter.
it wasn’t an order.
the closest thing to directions that you came was when you asked he didn’t put his life at risk as he did in the chasm, and that was hardly something he planned on doing again. the chasm… the chasm was an edge case, and one he wasn’t keen on repeating. he could feel your distress across worlds, and even if he didn’t value his own life, your happiness came above all else.
but for now, all you asked was that he took care of himself.
later that night, one of the opened sweets in hand, xiao looked up to the stars and wondered how far away ‘soon’ would be.
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