wisdomlibrarian · 4 months
Borrowing a book under: @karsite
removing evil isn’t the same as creating good. :3c
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❝Of course not. It's a naive thinking to think that removing evil will be creating good. One must do it if they wish for good to occur in the world.❞ There's a distant look within Alogaia's eyes. Out of thoughtfulness most likely. And as quickly as it came, it disappeared. She came back from reality, shifting her gaze onto the other.
❝It's why I strongly believe in kindness and spreading it. It'll create some good around here.❞
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bhaael · 5 months
❛ you okay? caught you staring off into space again. ❜
the fringes of your mind snap back, tunnel vision of red retreating into the back of your brain for now. but its always there, lurking & waiting for your control to slip just a little bit. you don't tell the others just how fragile your control is, they know the basics. but what they don't know is how you tie your wrists and ankles in your tent every night. since alfira ... well, you can't take any chances.
tired eyes raise from the fire to the wizard standing beside it & the fakest of smiles splits across porcelain cheeks. ❝ just contemplating sticking my head in the fire and burning the parasite from my brain. i've survived this far, so why not chance a fire facial. ❞
you shrug, stand and dust the dirt from your butt, almost skipping over to gale and taking his arm. ❝ what's on the menu tonight , chef gale of waterdeep? i can't cook but i'm really good at chopping and taste testing if you need extra hands. ❞ with his superior intelligence, you don't expect gale to fall for your ruse of 'everything is a-okay!' but you at least hope he drops it.
sentence starters / @karsite
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nimthirielrinon · 9 months
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So let’s talk about this moment. This is so intimate, not just because of the physical touch, but he’s sharing his biggest mistake and greatest regret with you in a way that words simply cannot. The narrator says “He is letting you in”, and he is. You are about to know what’s in his heart (metaphorically and magically) in a way no one else does, probably not even Tara.
And then there’s his face in this moment. He looks so sad, but not just sad. He is resigned to the fate he’s sure is coming: being cast off yet again. And yet, he lets you in. He chooses to be vulnerable because he believes you deserve to know. He could just leave in the night and go to the underdark like he’s planned for if he feels the orb coming close to exploding, yet he doesn’t.
Maybe, as much as he’s preparing himself for the worst, he’s known you long enough now that he has a sliver of hope, just enough to try, that you won’t abandon him like his goddess did. This scene is heart-wrenching.
EDIT TO ADD: added the bg3 spoilers tag, my apologies for forgetting to add it in the first place.
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alpacalamamama · 7 months
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‘Birth of The Weave Eater’
This is from my very self-indulgent AU where a fraction of Karsus’ will remains within the Netherese weave, and thus, within Gale.
(Alt version below)
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galedekarios · 8 months
if you are trying to whiteknight mystra, maybe, just maybe, don't blame the child she groomed or try to argue that grooming actually exists on a spectrum
or say that gale already had a bit of an ego before he was found by elminster and chosen by mystra, i just
like idk what to tell you, but... he was around eight years old when that happened...... that'd translate to second/third grade,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
and that might have to do something with the consequent actions he took over the years and growing up into an actual adult.............
just a thought..........................................................
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daily-sloop-john-b · 6 months
I know we all love to say "fuck mystra" this and/or Gale's Folly (subtitled: How Could You Be Such A Callous Idiot)—but really, Gale and Mystra are primarily REALLY BAD at communicating. The whole issue started when Mystra a) couldn't provide a satisfying answer to Gale's desire for more, b) Gale decided that instead of being vulnerable and working through it, he'd do a Secret Project(TM), c) Gale didn't bother telling Mystra what said project was, and/or she only vaguely warned him off it. And then Gale rolled a nat 1 on his arcana check, and then a second nat 1 for insight b/c the DM was attempting to take mercy on him and was staring at Gale and the book, worrying 4d6 under the table while not breaking eye contact and saying, very slowly, "...are you sure?"
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engagemythrusters · 11 days
sorry but for two hundred years nobody saw astarions back and realised it was infernal? or on any other of his six siblings?
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bitchesgate3 · 2 months
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What do you think she's going to do with it, Lae.
She's already the magical internet and was created from two original cosmic deities.
If she wanted to destroy the world, she could have done that way before getting the crown.
So - Nuclear Bomb Hot Potato. Who wants it?
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recitedemise · 8 months
It doesn't need to be said (I am preaching to the choir), but after seeing a very bad faith interpretation of Gale nearly half a year after release, I am going to say it again regardless!
Gale is a victim, not a perpetrator. In his relationship with Mystra, he was preyed on and hurt, not Mystra. Yes, Mystra told Gale not to seek out the missing part of Weave that is a part of her, but Gale had no idea it was Karsite in nature and was not aware he was looking for something that was actively corrupt and dangerous until Act 3. Mystra did not inform him right out the gate. Gale may have went to seek it out despite her disapproval and erred and doomed himself for it, but Gale was also aiming solely to apologize for...wanting to be her equal. And I am saying it one more time: it is NOT Gale's fault for wanting to be on the same footing with his lover. No one wants to feel like they're looking UP at their lover, beneath them and not worthy of them. Gale was groomed. Gale was preyed on and eyed by Mystra since he was a young boy. He was her pupil, she, his mentor, and later, he became her lover. Of course Gale wants to feel equal to her. Of course Gale wants to be more. How could he not want to be more, to live up to his goddess that gave him an OUNCE of her attention? Lord forbid.
Gale is not some manipulator. How the idea that he, a mere mortal, could manipulate Mystra, a goddess, is truly beyond me—a goddess who told him to literally die to earn her forgiveness. While he may have had a more haughty personality in EA and was originally supposed to have tried to usurp Mystra in CONCEPT, a lot and a considerable lot has changed upon release. Gale is remarkably human. He is remarkably honest. He is so bare, so forward, and is practically the FIRST person to reveal to you everything you need to know about him among the party if you prove yourself trustworthy, which, let's be real, is a low bar (you save a child and he's impressed. Like. Truly. The bar is THAT low). Gale is arrogant, sure, but is also remarkably modest with his desires and has befuddlingly low self confidence and self worth. He does not try to manipulate Mystra or the player into anything. He's a dying man who honestly just wants to be told he's worthy of everything as just Gale DEKARIOS, not just as Gale of Waterdeep. He's ambitious because he has lived his whole life with the impression he's only worth something if he makes himself out to be something. There is no manipulation here, just a deeply wanting man who looks at 'the world is better FOR you' like it's worth more than all the riches in the world.
Gale may have his hang ups because he is well and truly traumatized, but that's because he's absolutely the victim in his situation. I get it. He's older. He's a grown man and Mystra talked so 'calmly' and didn't physically hurt him (even though she did turn a blind eye when Gale, you know, was afflicted with and living with a bomb in his chest), but that doesn't make Mystra any less the perpetrator of his traumas.
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ciitrinitas · 9 months
anders is one of the few faves of mine where i think it is incredibly funny when people hate him. as far as da goes, my jimmies can be easily rustled by morrigan or sera bashing, but anders bashing? let me help you throw the tomatoes. love him dearly and deeply and he is poor meow meow-coded, but he is also very annoying and often unlikable. those are traits that i enjoy about him, but he's a very extreme, sometimes hypocritical person with Loud Opinions, and you can easily dislike him without disagreeing with him.
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warlordfelwinter · 1 year
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skfjdslf this is actually so funny like from mystra's point of view this guy who used to do anything for her suddenly learned self love and worth from an extremely eclectic band of weirdos, not least of all bhaal's little freak, and just fully ignored her request for him to kill himself so she's like 'fine whatever' and then turns her back for a second and feels those two little fuckers open the annals of karsus
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tomurakii · 1 year
Literally about to do the final fight and I still don't know how I want it to end. The game plan right now is to kill anyone who gets between Gale and the crown, but as for whether he keeps it or gives it to Mystra? I kinda hope there's an option to let him choose because I'm at a loss.
A more emo part of me is also kind of intrigued by the plotline of, if he still brings it up after the 'good ending' romance I've been doing, him self-sacrificing in the end. And my Tav, consumed by grief and the reigniting spark of revenge following her oathbreak, kills both orpheus and the emperor and takes the crown for herself. To fulfil the dream that was taken from him, you know? And to kill Mystra with her own hands, renewing her Oath. Because Gale made her okay with forgiving, but now he's gone.
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naggingatlas · 2 months
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alpacalamamama · 6 months
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I wanted to upload this drawing with some additional writing for✨ Lore ✨ reasons, like I did with my previous WE!Gale posts, but I haven’t been able to get the writing how I want. I’ve been wanting to post this Gale art for around a month, so I’m just gonna share the art now and then later add the writing once it’s done 🙂👍.
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simplaertes · 7 months
sorry. just now realizing the implications of gale being a god's CHOSEN during the SECOND SUNDERING??? these bitches were being kidnapped and killed for their power. gods were collecting the most powerful chosen they could. thultanthar and thay were literally hunting chosen. shar was desperately trying to oppose mystra at every turn and bring the shadow weave everywhere. chosen were straight up leading armies. what did this man get up to during that time he wasn't always in that tower GALE WHAT DID YOU DO DURING THE SECOND SUNDERING!! elmister was out here winning duels assuming you're 38 in bg3 you would've been in your thirties for most of the cataclysm gale tell me what you were doing
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poptartmochi · 7 months
once more i need to figure out the nature of agustín's magic ✨
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