#kashimashi girl meets girl
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"yet another "ooh who will they pick!" plot. she was fine having her gender changed by aliens but dating multiple women was too much for her to grasp apparently" - Anonymous
"they literally were in a polyamourous relationship before a dumb plot contrivance decided to force hazumu to choose only one of them! when all 3 were already on their way to a happy ending! they also both are great love interests! tomari has the childhood friend to lovers thing and yasuna is a classic lesbian who the only guy she had a crush on is actually a trans girl that then gets genderswapped! but no even wgen the relationship is yuri the love triangle needs to be split bc the plot demands it" - Anonymous
"It would resolve better the love triangle issue they had" - Anonymous
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roughentumble · 1 year
kashimashi dump in hopes of getting people to read it. please read kashimashi ~girl meets girl~
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keridraco · 3 months
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ladies-of-fiction · 4 months
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Tomari Kurusu
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antagonistchan · 1 year
you ever just randomly stumble upon a piece of trivia about something you haven't thought about in years and then just fall completely back in love with it
because that's happening to me right now
just learned that Kana Ueda voiced Hazumu Osaragi and now i'm just rediscovering my absolute adoration for Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
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potekosblog · 6 months
I have been reading Kashimashi girl meets girl and my god i have never seen such a throuple that ever throuple in a yuri manga in my life
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heyitschartic · 11 months
How the fuck have I never heard a single person talk about Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl before. How is there a gay love triangle anime about a trans woman that I have never heard a single person ever talk about
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a-thread-of-green · 6 months
You know, between Birdy the Mighty and Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, I'm starting to think that this whole transitioning thing would be a whole lot easier if I could somehow get an alien to crush me to death on accident.
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becausegoodbye · 9 months
the greatest ever fantasy for passive and diffident trans girls
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The greatest ever fantasy for passive and diffident trans girls is a 2006 anime called Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. This, astonishingly, is the plot:
Hazumu is a very gentle young boy who loves gardening and has a crush on his classmate, Yasuna. Then all of a sudden an alien spaceship crashes into him, completely obliterating his body. The aliens didn't intend to do this – the aliens are nice – so they set about reconstructing the poor human they just squished. They're able to restore Hazumu to perfect health, with just one small alteration: something about the process inadvertently changed Hazumu's sex, and she's now a girl. Head to toe, unmistakably, a girl.
This isn't a secret. The aliens announce to the world whole that they've done this, and request that everyone simply treat Hazumu as a girl now. The rest of the show is mainly about Hazumu adjusting to life as a girl, and indecisively navigating a lesbian love triangle between her crush Yasuna and her tomboyish friend Tomari. But truth be told: there's not actually a lot of 'adjusting' that needs to be done. Hazumu is so plainly happier as a girl. There's no bargaining, no despair, no "oh no, how could this happen to me??" Hazumu just instantly rolls with it. Some others have a little difficulty with the transition, but Hazumu literally never does. She just wants to learn all the girl stuff she didn't know about, spend time with her friends, and live her best life. Which she does.
At Hazumu's age, I had no conscious sense of my own transness. There were all sorts of little signs identifiable in retrospect, but if you'd asked me whether I'd like to have a spaceship crash into my and change my sex, I think I would have been like, "Uhh no thank you?" But I'll tell you this. If a spaceship had crashed into me and changed my sex, I would have really impressed people with how well I took it. The adults in my life would have been stunned at how bravely and cheerfully I dealt with such a shocking blow, how quickly I adjusted to the idea, how naturally I just got on with things. "What an impressively emotionally mature boy," they would have thought – "I mean girl."
This is a curious and funny depth at which transness can be buried: unable to articulate a desire to be the other sex, but being able to deal with suddenly becoming the other sex with remarkable equanimity. One of the things that feels special to me about Kashimashi: Girls Meets Girl as a trans narrative is that it feels pretty clear that if the spaceship crash had never happened, Hazumu just ... would have been a boy. A quiet, gentle, uncomplaining boy, whose relationships with girls were a bit different to others, but other than that: a boy. But as soon as external circumstances intervened and made the decision for her – it's a repeated emphasis that Hazumu is very indecisive – the clarity is instantaneous. Hazumu was always a trans girl; she just only realised it through the gift of a medical transition so instantaneous and perfect that the fantasy of it can make a heart gallop.
This is rare kind of trans story. There are lots of trans people who always knew on some level, but there are also a lot of us who didn’t. It can be overwhelming to think about the contingencies involved with the development of even the thought of transition: the hideous army of unchosen circumstances penning our thoughts in at rifle-point and dictating our social and material possibilities. Kashimashi gives us a trans protagonist who, left to her own devices, probably would have just stayed a boy. She wouldn’t have wanted to put anyone to any trouble. But the story asks: "What if a giant fucking spaceship crushed your body into atoms and accidentally medically transitioned you, huh? Would you accept being a girl then?"
Which, for some of us, is weirdly the right question.
The show actually has another trick up its sleeve, and it's a beautiful one. Yasuna, the crush, has always liked Hazumu back, but she's been dealing with a strange and difficult affliction that's made things hard for her. For some reason, she "can't see men". That is: she can see women and girls perfectly well, but when men enter her field of vision, they're just these scary grey blobs. She can register their presence, and sometimes identify them by voice, but she gets them confused all the time, and it's been a lot safer to just try to minimise her contact with boys and men. It makes the world very intimidating to navigate, and is the source of her shyness and reticence.
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Obviously, "men are basically just grey blobs to me" is not a totally uncommon lesbian experience. But in Yasuna's case it's literalised, and deeply confusing, and you really feel how isolating it would be to attempt to live with it. There is never any attempt to explain Yasuna's condition, even to a goofy anime "aliens did it" degree. It's simply the situation for Yasuna, and she's been dealing with it alone for a long time.
The story feels like it's set up to say: oh, Yasuna didn't used to be able to see Hazumu, but now Hazumu's a girl, so now she can! And they can have a little gay love story! Cute! But that's not what the story does. Instead, the story is emphatically clear on this point:
Yasuna could see Hazumu the entire time.
During a time when every single man and boy on earth appeared to Yasuna as a featureless grey blob, Hazumu was the only 'boy' who was actually alive to her, who had a face, who she could bear to be around. Whatever was responsible for Yasuna's 'condition', magic or illness or curse or contrivance: Hazumu was always exempt. During a time when everyone else saw Hazumu as a boy, Yasuna was the only one who actually saw her.
This is unbearably romantic, but also shockingly affirming. Hazumu was always a girl! There is no non-trans explanation for any of this! The show has no explicit consciousness of this: the word 'trans' is never used, and nobody ever speaks as though anyone's ever gone through anything like this before. The language used (at least in the translated subtitles I had access to) is just "used to be a boy" and "is a girl now". And yet the whole story is the most remarkable trans fantasy, conjuring the most deeply blessed form of transness imaginable. A transness where the whole world knows you used to be a boy, but accepts you wholly as a girl. A transness of instant perfect painless transition, which you didn't even need to choose, but can simply enjoy. A transness actualised by aliens and confirmed by magic.
It's really something.
Distasteful post-script:
Would it even be an anime if there wasn't an incredibly gross and off-putting running 'gag' that makes it impossible to recommend without shamefaced caveats? Kashimashi is no exception. After Hazumu's transition, her dad becomes creepily attracted to her, and around once every episode, there's a brief interlude – usually less than 30 seconds, and played entirely for laughs – where he attempts to molest her. He's constantly attempting to bathe with her, take revealing photographs of her, and touch her sexually. These attempts invariably conclude with Hazumu's mother catching him in the act, making a snarly face, and bonking him on the head. Then everyone acts like it didn't happen, and he does it again the next episode.
This is the fucking worst. Everyone hates it. It's an intensely upsetting smear on an otherwise beautiful show. In order to enjoy the things about Kashimashi that are genuinely rare and good, you kinda have to just decide to ignore the dad stuff, and I wouldn't quibble with anyone who thought it not a price worth paying. (I'd really love to go through and – similar to what I did with My Hero Academia – edit together a version that just simply got rid of all of the lecherous dad shit. It wouldn't be hard; you'd only be cutting 20-30 seconds from most episodes, and these moments are never referenced outside of that. Unfortunately, I'm pretty time-poor at the moment, so this'll have to be filed under "something I'd like to do when I have more time". Hopefully at some point I'll be able to. I'd love for more people to see this show, but I also really don't want to expose more people to the world's worst fucking running gag, so being able to give people files with that shit neatly snipped out would be a mercy.)
Look, Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl a silly anime in lots of ways. A lot of the episodes are kinda throwaway, the dad stuff is completely unforgivable, and I personally didn't love the ending (love triangles are annoying). But that core nugget of trans fantasy – what if aliens did it – is so resonant and joyous that I watched every episode enraptured. It's a cis cliche to call trans people "brave" without actually doing anything to make our lives easier, but the wonderful thing about Hazumu's story is that she didn't need to be brave. Honestly, she's kind of a scaredy-cat the whole series! And ruinously indecisive! Relatable queen!!! All of this, coupled with the after-the-fact clarity of her transition – delighting in being a girl only after being able to try it – makes her a trans protagonist I can see myself in to a pretty embarrassing degree.
Sometimes it takes a spaceship crashing into you, y'know?
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novankenn · 1 year
Altered Destiny
= Ten =
After finishing up in the washroom, and again being assisted by Pyrrha to walk back across the room, Jaune found herself seated upon her bed, her face a deep crimson in colour.
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: I... I... I can't!
Pyrrha: Jaune, it's okay. You don't need to be embarrassed.
Jaune: I... no... I...
Pyrrha: (Still in her night shirt, but holding a bra and panties set for Jaune to put on) You need to put on some underclothes Jaune.
Jaune: But... but... you'll be watching! I can't!
Pyrrha: Jaune I can turn my back, or you can change in the restroom if that is what is bothering you. That is what is upsetting you?
Jaune: It is, but...
Pyrrha: Jaune, we're partners, you can tell me anything.
Jaune: It's just... just...
Pyrrha set the set of undergarments beside Jaune and then took a seat on the bed next to her. Reaching over, Pyrrha gently laid a hand upon Jaune's clenched hands.
Pyrrha: I'm not here to judge, Jaune. I'm here to help. So if something is bothering you about this situation, you can tell me. So what's bothering you?
Jaune: It's just... if I put those on, it means this is all true, and I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready to not be a guy... anymore.
Pyrrha: I get it, but the reality is you are a girl. I don't understand how that happened, and I don't think I ever will, but Jaune you're a girl now.
Jaune: If... if... if I except that... it means...
Pyrrha: Jaune, what does wearing a bra and panties mean?
Jaune: That... I died... like Selune said.
Pyrrha: Selune? Whose Selune?
Jaune: It's... it's nothing. Can I change in the bathroom? I'm not ready for... you know.
Pyrrha just gave Jaune a warm smile as she stood and proceeded to assist her team leader, partner and friend back to the restroom. Pyrrha was in the middle of changing out of her night shirt when Jaune poked her head out through the door.
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: Um... ah... um... bra?
Pyrrha: Bra? I gave you one, or did I...
Jaune: No, no... you gave me one... it's just... um... how?
Pyrrha: How? Oh, right. You've never worn one before, so of course.
Jaune was a blushing mess when Pyrrha moved to the door and opened it up. Clutching the plain white bra to her chest, Jaune watched as Pyrrha took off her shirt and the unfastened her own bra.
Pyrrha: Now watch me. (Pyrrha notices Jaune avoiding looking at her) Jaune you won't know how if you don't watch me. It's okay.
Jaune was feeling so conflicted right now. Of course, she wanted to know how to properly put on a bra, seeing as she now needed one, but she couldn't let Pyrrha know that she was finding her extremely attractive... and was feeling more than a little pervy about getting a chance to see her naked breasts.
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: (Her face cherry-red) I... can't. I can't look. It's not right.
Pyrrha: Well, maybe if I talk you through it. Would that be better?
Jaune: Yes.
Pyrrha: Okay.
Team RWBY were at their usual table with Ren and Nora having breakfast. All about the natural noises that always filled the expansive room, but they ate in silence. RWBY could tell Nora was bothered by something, as she just played with her traditional plate of pancakes, instead of scarfing them down.
They were pretty sure they knew what it was. It had passed through the school rather quickly that Jaune had gone out alone and was seriously hurt. But that was all that was known. There had been no updates, but with Pyrrha missing, they knew it was serious.
Ruby: So, is Jaune okay? He's not seriously hurt, is he?
Nora: Jaune's... Jaune's not here anymore.
Ruby: What?
Yang: You mean he's been transferred to a hospital, right? Right?
Weiss froze, when she heard Nora's statement. It was no secret she almost completely despised Arc. She had little to nothing good to say in regard to him. But this... the way Nora spoke... sent a chill down her spine.
Ren: Nora... (Ren paused, trying to choose his words. He was unconvinced that the young woman they had been shown was Jaune.) No, is not the time.
Ruby: Is it true. It's not true! Jaune can't be gone!
Weiss: They... they would have announced it if he...
Blake stayed quiet, even though she wanted to say something, there was really nothing she could say. She had been in similar situations during her tenure with the White Fang. The sting of dealing with loss never truly went away.
Nora: Jaune is GONE! (sobbing) He's gone! (Sob) He's gone.
Ren: Nora... please...
Ruby: (Jumping to her feet and slapping her hands on the top of the table, tear shining in her eyes) It's NOT TRUE! Jaune can't be gone!
Yang: (Rising to pull her sister into a hug) It's okay, Rubes. It's okay.
Ruby: He can't... (starting to cry)
Yang: Let it out... just let it out.
Weiss: How's... How's Pyrrha taking this? She... she was close with him. Is she okay?
Ren: She's in the infirmary, with Jaune.
While a sense of loss and grief fell over RWBY thanks to Nora, Jaune was sitting on her bed. Her face, the brightest crimson a human could possibly turn. Pyrrha was looking at her with concern, but Jaune couldn't speak as to why she was the way she was.
Pyrrha's touch against her bare skin. The unintentional caress of Jaune's breast, while she showed the newly created young woman how to properly seat her bra cups. Jaune couldn't put it into words, what she was feeling or thinking.
Pyrrha: Jaune are you okay?
Jaune: I... yes... I... just... I... um...
Pyrrha: Jaune? (Notices Jaune's very red face, and realizes what she had just done, her own face becoming red) I'm SORRY!
Jaune: No, no, no... it's okay... it felt nice...(amazingly grows even redder) ah... um...
It was then a nurse walked into the room. She ended up being unable to suppress her giggle at the two blushing and stammering, obviously completely mortified young women. She shook her head as both hid their faces in their hands.
Nurse: (Clearing her throat) Ms Arc has several appointments at Vale General Hospital. So if you could finish getting dressed, I will take you to the bullhead pads.
Jaune: Take me... (notices the wheelchair)
Nurse: Before you say anything. This is standard procedure. You have not been released from our care.
Jaune: I... do I have to?
Nurse: I'm sorry. Doctor's orders. There are several specialists Dr House wishes for you to see.
Jaune: Can (Reaches out, takes hold of Pyrrha's hand.)
Nurse: (Smiling and trying to suppress a giggle) Yes, Ms Nikos can accompany you.
Jaune: (Turns her azure eyes to her partner) Pyr?
Pyrrha: (Closes her hand about Jaune's) I told you, Jaune... I'm not leaving your side until you ask me to.
Nurse: We have to get going, so if you would kindly finish getting dressed. I'll return in five minutes to take you to the pads. Okay?
The pair of young huntresses-in-training nodded in agreement.
{Table of Contents}
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u-friend-or-ufo · 2 months
Remembering that anime I used to watch when I was 12-15 about an ufo that crashed lands into a guy and in order to save his life, they changed him into a girl...
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kfluiddragon · 5 months
Can a weird phalus shaped alien space ship please kill me and reconstruct me as a girl please?
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pikachugirltits · 9 months
I gotta say..."character that gets magically gender bent only for it to crack their egg" is like... absolutely one of my favorite character concepts.
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ladies-of-fiction · 2 months
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Yasuna Kamiizumi
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historyhermann · 1 year
Yuri Is My Job! Spoiler-Filled Review
Yuri Is My Job!, also known as Schwestern in Liebe! or Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto Desu!, is a yuri comedic anime based on an ongoing manga by Miman. 12 volumes of the manga have been printed, 11 of which have been translated into English. Passione and Studio Lings produced this series. It is directed by Hijiri Sanpei. Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the…
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burnouts3s3 · 2 months
A scene from Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
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