#katie rewatches spn
farklelucas · 2 years
you know they make out adam to be so lucky. theyre like wow john cared about him. why did he care about him and not his other two sons. and like obviously the downside is adam didnt get to have a dad fulltime. and like. thats exactly it. thats WHY john "cared" for adam more than he ever did sam and dean - bc adam wasnt his problem. he was stuck with the other two; had to send them to school and make sure they were fed and clothed, and in return they did his dirty work. meanwhile, for adam, he got to do the "fun things." they went to a baseball game and drank beers and went on car rides, and in return, john didnt actually care about adam. he didnt care if he was in school or eating his greens or going to college. that was kates job; john dumped him back off on his doorstep and didnt care what happened after. as long as he got to have a good time and seem like father of the year, he didn't give a damn what happened to him after. whether his kids were soldiers or playthings, it was all about john. it was always about john.
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gr8k877 · 1 month
Edit: Someone pointed out that it wasn't the second time, maybe third or fourth. I think I was thinking of the second time they had an actual conversation, and he wasn't trying to shoot her.
Sam's second interaction ever with Rowena is both VERY witchy and VERY horny. This is made worse, not better, by the fact that she's a projection of his subconscious.
Such a fun dynamic.
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niadotcom · 5 months
oh there used to be this australian show on netflix called unlisted i remember fragments of it twas fine
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princessplaidheart · 9 months
Me, watching SPN season 3 with husband, enjoying:
Husband, also enjoying: I like Ruby. She's cool!
Me: ........oh????
Also me:
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(I wish I could have found the plain gif of this, but oh well.)
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reality-schmality · 2 months
Original Ruby, oh how I love you
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im rewatching spn bc i like to put it on while i do my homework. anyways, im on season 4, and gens acting is not good😭 i wouldnt say im biased bc i like a lot of actors and can say that their acting isnt the greatest at times. idek how she even got the part as ruby
There’s a whole Reddit thread for this actually. If you look at the comments you’ll see that there were rumors that she was cheaper than what Katie Cassidy was asking for her 2nd season. She also had a connection to director Phil Sgriccia as he he had worked on Wildfire and recommended her, apparently.
(If the link doesn’t work you can Google “genevieve padalecki Reddit” and actually a few threads pop up)
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 10x15 The Things They Carried
“It’s fkn wet” “You could remix that whole intro and could be drip drip drip, dunndudnd, and it’d be the whole dance music” “that dude could use some help with his skincare” “also maybe don’t kill people but” laughter
“Somebody was making soup” “how long is it between cases?” like a week
“Week on week off?” “awful lot of engine noise” “I feel like thats the kind of thing you mention first” “I mean, I would’ve done the same thing. Not with my finger, I guess. I’d take a slice. Fuck that” “have a slice” “oh hey” “don’t suppose you’d want to mention that earlier” “the microphone was clearly not on the camera. I expected the audio to shift with each pillar” “I wonder how many different impalas Cole has sat on before” “you’re just going to trust this asshole?” “idk if Cole cares” “oh yeah. Thirsty alright. That’s totally normal” “Yes, Katy, I agree.” “that’s a really encrypted picture. Sarcasm” “I wonder how they made the lasers look like that. Or is that how they look with smoke and night visions?” “go pro” “looked kinda animated I guess” “I wasn’t sure If Cole was going to be in-or-out until we saw him. Oh never mind” “this way he can go fuck off and get the guy first” “What kind of dicks make all that noise going down the street at night? Holy fuck” “Did they call each other or see each other in person? Why did I forget already?” “what the fuck??? OH MY GOD” “that’s horrific” “of course he is’ “that’s going to burn like a son of a bitch” “at least he went the flat way but still small man’ “for what its worth, it’s still only 24 volts” “that probably hurts pretty bad, but idk if it’s enough for the bug because before they were talking about some crazy voltage” “them worm shits are nightmare fuel. Shit” “alright what’s the weakness?” who’s going to clean up those flowers? “yeah that would fuck me up too. Fuck that shit’ “how are they making a steam sauna? Wouldn’t you want the greatest differential in humidity as possible?” “I just assume they have an abundance of salt everywhere” “I feel like Sam would have capped the water and said sorry, but Dean said fuck you I’m drinking water” “oh yeah he gets it now’ “music says its a bad idea” “she’s ok with the gun somehow?” “is this 1970s decor?” “answer your phone!” “shoot it shoot it. oh god” “that works too” “might want to uncock that hammer buddy” “where did the worm go? I didn’t see two of the worms die” “isn’t it kinda raining?” “How much hair spray does it take?” “is that supposed to be foreshadowing or something?”
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billiewena · 3 years
🎉 happy ruby day of stackednatural 🎉
(+ @emeraldcas‘s 1k celebration for day 2: “meaningful moments”)
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Katie Cassidy’s Ruby fit much better than Genevieve Padalecki’s Ruby. Don’t get me wrong, they both did a great job, but Katie’s Ruby had more bite to her. Like, she would stab you and then make you apologize for dulling her knife. Whereas Genevieve’s would say “Sorry about this” and then have someone else stab you.
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wheres-sam · 4 years
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I think I’m too young to get this joke
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samdyke · 4 years
oh hell yeah ruby time
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farklelucas · 2 years
ykw if youre anti sam winchester simply rewatch bad day at black rock. look at how pathetic he is. you cant hate a man that pathetic. hes just a lil guy.
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gr8k877 · 3 months
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And WHY is season 8 Sam so. Fucking. PRETTY!
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beercan1145 · 4 years
Ok so, I’m rewatching Merlin and this show is...IDEK. For context, I watched the show during its ORIGINAL RUN which ended when I was thirteen. I missed a LOT of messages. So seeing it eight years later is already a trip and seeing it RIGHT NOW? Like, it’s...I just. There’s SO much going on. The way magic is outlawed and those who practice it are members of an oppressed class that is hunted and killed for something they were born with and can’t change. I mean, it’s just rife with symbolism and allegory that would require an extensive semiotic analysis to unpack (maybe several) and I think I lack both the will and intellect. But also it’s weird because the members of the oppressed class are constantly villainized for fighting back, and by like the third season it feels ridiculous that Merlin keeps trying to stop everyone from killing the tyrannical ruler and I can’t help but wonder why, when it’s like: at this point, Arthur was ready to take the throne and every day that Uther sits on it is another day that magicians are in danger. I liked “The Sorcerer’s Shadow” where his complicity in the continued oppression of his people was explored because he was confronted by this magician who calls him out, but it doesn’t really go anywhere. And, sure they give him this emotional conflict like once every few episodes, but it just rings hollow at a certain point. Like, let Uther die. Yes, Arthur will be sad for a while but is avoiding that worth people’s LIVES?
Also can we talk about how in The Coming of Arthur Part 1, Arthur holds a sword up to a Druid boys throat unprovoked and refuses to let him go until he has the cup of life and no one says he went too far? Merlin should’ve called that out more. Even though he tried to tell Arthur to chill in the moment, he says nothing when Arthur won’t listen. And everyone is just still going on about how great of a man he is and how he’ll make a great king. I think the fuck not. Also Morgana was shown to really care about the plight of magicians early on, and have a strong sense of justice, but they didn’t really give her that nuanced of a portrayal by the end. (I feel like I would need another post to talk about how they skipped steps in her descent to villainy in terms of characterization) The FIRST thing she should have done when she became Queen at the end of season 3 was unban magic. Like imagine if they had actually allowed her to be good for Camelot in some ways, complicating the ideas of this power struggle instead of her representing doom and gloom and showing that a magician couldn’t handle sitting on the throne, because they’d be driven mad with power and the hopes for revenge and domination or whatever. But I guess that wouldn’t have necessarily been satisfying because Arthur/Uther would have probably vetoed the shit out of that once they were back in power, and the idea that she could be good for magic didn’t fit the narrative of the show, even though that didn’t make sense. WAIT, AS I’M TYPING THIS I’M EXPERIENCING AN EPIPHANY. They (inadvertently, im guessing, but who knows?) were sending the message that having a supposed “ally” of an oppressed class in power would be more advantageous than actually having a member of that group in power. Like why the fuck was it prophesied that fucking ARTHUR (I’ll take daddy’s blunt instrument for $400) would be better for magic than Uther’s other heir who actually HAD magic? The fuck, why can’t the minorities represent their own interests?
Which brings me to the point that Morgana’s demonization could also relate to her being a woman, another difference between her and Arthur. From what I remember we have never seen a queen in her own right ruling on the show... honestly I’m not even sure we’ve actually seen a queen by marriage. (I mean, I know we get there EVENTUALLY, with ONE character, but what the heck) When I think about it, powerful women are often demonized on the show, which I know men are also their “enemies” sometimes, but when so much of the main cast is made of powerful men, many of whom we’re supposed to root for, even in indirect ways when they’re shown to be wrong (like Uther, we’re supposed to hope Merlin can save him every time because that’s our hero’s goal at the time) it’s like... there’s an imbalance. Come to think of it, I can’t think of a female magician who wasn’t villified/killed on the show... It was unclear to me whether Freya had any magic or was just cursed, but even if she was an example, she got killed... by ARTHUR, SHIT, I forgot that he struck the mortal blow. And Merlin harbored no resentment over that (I’M GONNA HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER POST ABOUT THE SERVANTS’ LOYALTY AND HOW THEYRE SHOWN TO LOVE THEIR OPPRESSIVE RULERS) I have so much more to say but I don’t want this post to go on forever, so yeah that’s just some thoughts on Merlin (I’m on 3x13 as of this post)
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ladiekatie · 3 years
an angel of the lord really came down and told Dean Winchester that he was going to stop the apocalypse and he still doesn’t believe that he’s capable of it and wants to send sam in to kill lilith?  wow deany beany >.> 
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cockworkangels · 4 years
8x04 ’bitten’
I have mixed feelings about this episode. it’s better than the last one i guess? but like is spn unable to create non-homoerotic male friendships? like? although this just might be intentional on their part. lol the brokeback mountain reference.
it is fun though to see sam and dean from outside perspective. i always appreciate that.
oh okay sam and dean confused for a gay couple again. that hasn’t happened in a while.
okay that guy yelling ’i’m a golden god’ is funny. but this is getting boring quickly.
like it’s boring and then it has an engaging moment and then it’s boring again.
like the thing it actually does well is showing that none of the monsters want to be monsters and they didn’t choose this. they aren’t really bad people this just happened to them.
too bad that the let katie go but ultimately learn nothing from this. Again.
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