#katy x tulip
wildflowercryptid · 2 years
i already made a post sharing some of my ideas for paldean pokéship names, but i ended up coming up with more! so, here are some more names for the paldean ships i like / find interesting:
katy & tulip — SelfCareShipping
katy & saguaro — SecretSweetsShipping
eri & mela — EstrellaShipping
eri & nemona — BattleStarShipping
raifort & sada — PreservedPastShipping
jacq & turo — FutureTechShipping
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microwave-core · 1 year
Scarvio Headcanons
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Guess who’s back on her bullshit
It’s me :)
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Nemona, my favorite skrungly dumbass. Sweet thing is trying her best, unable to discern her romantic feelings from her platonic ones for so long. Listen, growing up she only had pokemon on the mind, and once she reached the top she really didn’t have any friends, so she’s still figuring things out. But enough about her being lost in her feelings, because I’ve talked about that enough.
Once she manages to spill her guts and get into an actual relationship, she’s completely lovesick, over the moon. Her entire worldview has changed for the better, as she somehow becomes even peppier than usual. The happiness beaming from her is as radiant as the sun. Her mood is impossible to bring down. She’s just so happy that you’ve given her a chance, that you feel the same way about her that she feels about you.
In general? She’s a mix of eager and nervous. Nemona only recently made real friends, so obviously she’s still learning the ins and outs and weird quirks of relationships, both for platonic and romantic ones. Don’t get me wrong, she’s absolutely ecstatic at the idea of having a girlfriend, and she absolutely loves you with her whole heart and soul, but this is still new, unexplored territory for her. Taking big steps in your relationship makes her heart pound, both from excitement and fear, but she fights against her nervousness with relative ease, viewing it as a mere challenge she must overcome to become the girlfriend of your dreams.
Speaking of friends, Nemona likes to go to them for advice, despite both of them being in the same relationship boat as her, to varying effect. Arven actually gives some pretty sound advice, but that’s mainly because said advice boils down to making and giving you food, and who doesn’t love free food? Penny, on the other hand, essentially just rehashed vagueling romantic things from her favorite manga and anime. Thankfully for you, Arven usually manages to shut her down before any ideas can be planted into Nemona’s head.
Her favorite kind of dates are the ones where you spend time in nature together. Whether you’re going on a picnic or camping or just plain ol’ adventuring, she’s gonna have a great time. Just know that she is going to try and battle every unique looking pokemon you come across. On the bright side, she’ll always give you first dibs when it comes to catching them. It might take a long while for her to catch anything, given her less than stellar throwing arm, but she’ll succeed eventually through raw, sheer determination. 
This mentality can be applied whenever you express interest in catching a pokemon. If you want something, Nemona will get it for you, no questions asked. If you are looking for something super rare? Nemona’s got it. You’re trying to get a shiny? She’s already on it. You want something insane like the rare three-segmented Dudunsparce and you want it to be shiny? Don’t worry, babe, she’s got this. She will disappear for weeks on end and reemerge with the spoils of war in hand.
Please let her geek out, if only for a little bit. Let her rant and rave about the insane battle she had with her rival a few days ago, or about the uber rare pokemon she found earlier in the week. On one hand, she just wants to talk about these things in general, but on the other hand she just wants to know that someone in her life is genuinely interested in what she has to say. It makes her heart flutter in a way that she’s never felt before. The second you give her that kind of attention, she knows that you are the one for her.
Anyways, I always love posts that are like “slander your favs for no reason” so Imma try to do that for each of these ladies, except it isn’t really gonna be slander but I’m gonna call it that anyways because I don’t know what else to call it. For Nemona, I’d say that she’d fall hook, line, and sinker for those old playground rumors, like Mew being under a truck by the S.S. Ann or the Jirachi rock bullshit. If you tell her that they aren’t real, that people just made them up to pull people’s legs, she would be completely crushed.
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Penny’s a weird one. Like, just in general, and we love her for that. She is the epitome of what facebook boomers think of the younger generation. She is terminally online and refuses to leave her room unless absolutely necessary. She has committed bank fraud. She is blue hair and pronouns. She is holy fucking bingle. 
Unlike Nemona, who is super eager about taking steps in your relationship, Penny is terrified of them. She’s never been this close to another person in her entire life, so obviously she’s hesitant. Not to say that she doesn’t like being close with you, she loves it and craves to be even closer, but she can’t help but feel a bit afraid of the unknown. That’s all to say, you are going to have to be the one to initiate those steps. Just be careful, even a kiss to the cheek is enough to make her brain do a full system-reboot.
But she wants to take those steps, and wants to show you that she cares about and loves you (although it takes a very long time for her to bust out the L-word). For starters, Penny will actually open up to you about all of her interests. She’s not ashamed of who she is, but she doesn’t tell most people about her interests due to being bullied for them in the past. On top of that, she’ll also introduce you to her Team Star buddies, and they definitely pull the overprotective card on you. Hell, she’d even hack the league again for you if you so much as asked (just don’t tell Clavell she said that).
She also takes your interests into consideration in order to recommend some of her favorite things in return-from manga, to video games, to music. And if you ever tell her about something that you really, really love, she will binge it ASAP. You could mention a game that takes at least a hundred hours to complete and she will somehow finish it within a matter of days, ready to talk about it as soon as the credits roll. She was bullied for the things she loves, so she knows how much it sucks having no one to talk to about them. Not that she’d ever say that out loud, though, because mushy feelings and words don’t come naturally to her.
Kind of an aside, but do you think something like pokemon showdown (online battles) would exist in the pokemon universe? I only mention this because I think Penny would be super into competitive memes. She would totally mention something like homophobic ferrothorn in casual conversation and expect you to understand what she’s talking about. 
Of course, how could I mention Penny in general headcanons without bringing up the theory that she’s Peony’s daughter? How could I pass up an opportunity to, once again, talk about supreme supportive embarrassing dad-of-the-year Peony who’s extremely supportive of his gay daughters? Giving Peonia this treatment wasn’t enough, I seek more carnage.
Now, Penny would definitely have it better than Peonia, considering she lives in a different region and all, but that doesn’t stop Peony. He sends her small gifts all the time, many of which are handmade. In particular, he loves to send little pride flag patches, which she often shares with her friends. He also tries to send her supportive messages to tell her that he loves and accepts all of her no matter what, but they’re always made in MS Paint with a mouse and he has to ask Peonia to help him save the image and send it to her, and it's always either far too small or far too big, nowhere in between.
Slander time, Penny would absolutely own a titty mouse pad of one of her favorite anime characters. She is incredibly embarrassed about owning it, and dreads the day someone finds it, but she still uses it, and goes to great lengths to hide the thing whenever anyone comes over.
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Katy is kinda hard for me to write for because it’s in an instance of oh I know someone with that name and it’s hard for me to think of her without thinking about that person with whom I am related to, but you didn’t ask about that.
This woman? She’s the sweetest thing to ever grace Paldea. This lady is so sickeningly sweet at all times, only wanting the best for those around her. She couldn’t even hurt a Cutiefly because she’s simply too kind. Make no mistake, she could absolutely clock the shit out of someone, but she simply chooses not to. Thankfully, she only believes in uplifting others.
Obviously, baking is her passion. She’s spent years perfecting her craft down to a science, enough to make complex techniques look simple. More than anything, she wants to share the joys of baking with you. It’s like giving you a piece of her to hold onto forever. Don’t be surprised if she ends up making you her go-to taste tester, always asking your opinion on whatever new concoction she’s whipped up. All she asks is that you’re honest, not wanting you to lie just to protect her feelings.
Speaking of her craft, she understands how difficult it can be to get into or master a craft or hobby, about how easy it is to put yourself down the second you make a mistake. She’s been there, she gets it, hence why she doesn’t hold back with her praise and criticism. She believes it’s important to acknowledge how much you’ve improved while also keeping in mind how you can strive to be better. 
Despite how sweet and kind she is, Katy does have a mischievous streak. Pulling light-hearted pranks is one of her favorite pastimes. It's small things like signing your email up to some random newsletter or asking “what’s that” while pointing over your shoulder, only to be met by one of her creepy-crawly or bear-shaped pokemon. You could argue that these things don’t really classify as pranks, but she loves doing them nonetheless. Even though they are completely harmless, she always has sweets to give the prankee after the fact, just in case her actions somehow came off poorly.
But let’s skip to the bottom line, you can’t date Katy if you hate bug pokemon. And it’s not because she won’t tolerate your opinion, no, it’s because her little-and big-bugs are around constantly. If your fear was bad enough, you’d likely end up having a heart attack just by being around her for an extended period of time. If you are afraid of them but are determined to be with her, then she’ll do everything in her power to help overcome your fears. Exposure therapy can work wonders if you’re willing to put the effort in, and she’ll reward you with her love and baked goods for being so brave, especially because you’d be doing it for her.
She’s one of the most uplifting, cheerful yet calm partners you could have. She’ll always be in your corner, helping you along the way of whatever journey you are on, but she won’t be overbearing. She’s a very passive person by nature and struggles with confrontation, but she has your back no matter what happens, prepared to catch you and help you back onto your feet whenever you may fall down.
Slander posting time, Katy really got into the “everything is cake” thing. Like, it kind of became a problem, to the point that she spent hours making a single realistic-looking pastry. Normally, she’s not too hard on herself when it comes to baking, as small mistakes are unavoidable and are nothing worth losing sleep over. That is, until she was working on a hyper-realistic Tarountula, where she acted like her life was on the line should a single one be made.
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Iono can be super energetic, upbeat, and slightly unhinged at times, and lowkey, chill, and… still kinda unhinged at others. She’s an online personality, so, of course, there’s a persona she has to put up, but with someone like you, she can be her regular self.
For starters, this girl is fuckin’ tired. Putting up her hyper-active streaming persona whenever she’s around others while also having to deal with internet weirdos wears her out. Of course, she’s grateful for her job and the opportunities that come along with it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not stressful at times. She can handle it, though, even if she does end up whining and borderline begging you to cuddle her when you get home at the end of the day, if only for a bit.
When it comes to your relationship, she desperately wants to show you off. You’re her darling, loving girlfriend, who is both incredibly hot and talented. It’s only natural that she would want to show off how great your relationship is. But, at the same time, she’s very secretive with it. For one, she knows how certain people can get when the people they follow get into relationships, and two, she wants to keep her personal life out of the public eye.
Her hair is a nightmare to care for. Not just because there’s a ton of it, but because she has to constantly make sure it’s dyed properly. Personally, I believe her hair is naturally pink, meaning every few weeks she has to get the turquoise parts touched up. Of course, that doesn’t even mention how long it takes to style. All she asks of you (a lie) is to brush her hair, careful to work out the tangles with delicate strokes. She’s always willing to return the favor, tending to your hair based on your instructions.
Whenever you go out, she has no choice but to put on a disguise. On a date, she doesn’t want to be noticed by the general public. Not only would it bring attention to you both, it would also force her to put up her streaming face, which would kinda destroy the purpose of you guys going out in the first place. What’s the point of spending quality time with each other, one-on-one, if she has to be fake to appease those around you?
On the actual dates, she’s super lowkey, even more than usual. It’s not often that she gets to be herself out in public, so she cherishes all the time dearly, even if she has to hide her face in doing so. You get to hold hands, go out to eat, and walk around the streets of Levincia while window shopping, chatting and laughing the whole time. She forgets how much she loves it, living a mundane life, even if just for a few hours. It makes her think about what life will be like in the future. She doesn’t want to live in the public eye, streaming forever, so these small moments are like a glimpse into the future for her.
But Iono can absolutely be a menace, as well, both on and off stream. Like, you could just be on your quiet little date in the city and she’ll randomly ask if you want to go harass Larry. She does it all the time for her streams because the people love him, but she also just does it for fun on her own time. Besides, who doesn’t want to end their date by badgering epic divorce man as he eats 50 rice balls in one sitting?
As for slander, well, there’s many things I could mention here, if I’m being honest, but let’s just stick with the simplest one. She’s done a youtuber apology before in response to some dumb controversy she got involved in, complete with the sigh at the beginning followed by “I never wanted to make this video” and all.
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Tulip’s elegant and a bit head strong, and is also incredibly charismatic and business savvy. Beauty is her forte, and she finds it in all things, regardless of what other people think, which she thinks is a mindset everyone could benefit from having.
She’s a bit more difficult than others, in a sense, mainly because of how busy her life is. Typically, she’s talking to business personnel about her next line of cosmetics, either in person or over the phone. As a result, making time for you can be difficult. Sometimes, the most you’ll see of her in a day is her, on the phone, whispering a quick “love you” and planting a kiss on the top of your head before turning her attention back to whoever’s on the other end of the line.
But every now and then, she’ll clear her entire schedule and spend the entire day with you, and she’s pampering to a fault. No matter what you end up doing all day, at some point she’ll sit you down and do your makeup and style your hair all pretty while chatting away. Her work is flawless, obviously, although it does take quite some time to finish. She’ll let you do hers in return, finding whatever choices you make to be beautiful. After all, you picked out the colors and styles specifically for her, so of course she’ll love it.
If you end up going out, she’d love to go to a nice restaurant. It’s a great way to show off how lovely you both look, dolled up, ready for a wild night on the town. Eventually, though, she'll get recognized, leading to you both being tailed by the paparazzi. She puts on her best smile, asking you to play along, but soon enough you’ll both bail. The night ends with you running through back alley streets, laughing and giggling with one another until you eventually find your way back home.
Quiet dates are what she prefers, though, as it’s nice to just relax and unwind with someone you love. She adores meditation and yoga, and would love to guide you through some sessions. She’s learned a lot from Dendra, after all, and needs to put that knowledge to good use. That being said, she’s a very flexible person, mainly because she’s been doing yoga for so long, so don’t feel bad if you have trouble keeping up with her.
While Tulip’s whole business is about cosmetics, she puts a ton of value on self-love. To her, makeup is purely an art form which uses the human body as its canvas. Every face, every body, has beauty to it. If you can’t realize how wonderful you are in your most natural state, then slathering makeup on, what you perceive to be, flaws won’t change your overall self-image. Makeup is a hobby, and it looks best when you use it to accentuate what beauty you already possess. It’s the reason she absolutely loathes self-deprecation. If she ever catches you saying something bad about yourself, whether it’s meant to be comedic or not, she’ll take your face in her hands, squishing your cheeks a bit, while stating otherwise. Like, if you said you weren’t really that pretty or attractive, she’ll go off on a rant about how beautiful you are, both in and out. If she thinks something seriously up with you, that something is really weighing on your mind, she’ll clear her schedule as soon as possible and spend hours spoiling you, making sure you know how much she truly loves you and you alone.
Tulip is also super into self-care. If she’s not posting about makeup or fashion, she’s promoting all kinds of things to her followers. She posts about her morning routine and makes instructional videos for yoga poses and stretches. Sometimes, she’ll drag you out of bed in the morning to join in on her regular routine, mainly her skin care routine as well as meditation. It’s important to take care of your mind and body, and she won’t let you forget that.
Let’s see, slander for Tulip. Normally, she’s a very calm and composed individual, but she’s not perfect. That is to say, there exists a video of her just completely blowing up at someone Christian Bale style. She prefers to ignore its existence.
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Rika’s honestly not my type, but I get the appeal, even if she does look like gijinka Perry the Platypus. She’s got that cool edge about her, even when she is wearing her grandma glasses.
She loves to flirt with you. The flustered expression she can force onto your face never fails to make her heart pound in her chest. The way your eyes widen, the way you try to hide your face from her, the way you stammer through your words… all moments she cherishes. She’s not above kabedoning (or whatever the word is) you just to see you squirm. She wants to steal your heart, and will go to any lengths she has to to make you hers.
That being said, I sincerely see Rika as a failwife. She may look sleek and suave on the surface, but behind closed doors? She’s a disaster. She lays in bed at night. tormented by your cute face, as she’s forced to overthink every little interaction she’s ever had with you. It’s like, she’ll think about some interaction you’ve had, thinking she completely embarrassed herself in front of you, that she completely screwed up her chances with you, when in reality you don’t even remember it. Not even the gentle embrace of Clodsire can save her.
Whenever she’s working as the league’s receptionist, she’s thinking about you. It’s not her fault that browsing through your social medias is far more interesting than forwarding emails. Of course, she makes sure to keep them in a separate tab to switch off of them second anyone walks into the room. Just because all of her co-workers, as well as her boss, know that she slacks off doesn’t mean they need to catch her in the act. Battling is a different story, though, as her focus has no room to wander off there.
She’s kinda like a second mom to Poppy. The tot’s far too young to work an actual job, obviously, but she spends a good deal of her day at the league in the off chance that a challenger comes by. Most of the time, she’s sat around, doodling her team and parents and co-workers with crayons on printer paper. Rika spends quite a bit of time watching over her, making sure she’s not getting into too much trouble while praising her artistic talents. Rika makes sure she gets lunch and always sets her down for her afternoon nap and brings her home at the end of the day and whatnot.
That’s all to say, Rika inadvertently built up an attachment to the kid. She never thought she would want to be a mom, and she isn’t even sure if she really wants children of her own, considering being a babysitter isn’t nearly the same thing as being an actual parent, but taking care of Poppy always gets her thinking. For now, at least, she’s content being an aunt. If she ever saw you caring for Poppy, her heart might just explode. You’d simply be too cute, and it would also make her realize that she might have a thing for milfs.
She has a secret love for shitty romcoms. Once you’ve been together for awhile, she’ll invite you over for the night and put one on under the guise that you can make fun of how stupid and predictable it will be, but if you pay attention to her while watching, you’ll notice that the enjoyment she’s getting out of it is far from ironic. No matter how much you may poke or prod or tease, she will never admit it. She just wants you to think she’s cool, is that so much to ask for?
As for her slander, she doesn’t really understand memes. Like, you know the joke about parents always pulling the same face when you show them a meme? That’s Rika, she makes that face almost every time you try to show her something funny. It’s not like she isn’t online, or anything, she just doesn’t understand them.
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Geeta, my favorite chairwoman with a voluminous shell of hair. No one knows how she cares for that behemoth, just like how no one knows how a good chunk of the wider pokemon community fail to understand her purpose in the games, but I digress.
As I believe I’ve said before, Geeta is a workaholic. Most of the time she’s tending to her league related duties, which results in little time spent together. When she eventually arrives home, tired but generally satisfied after a long day of work, she kisses you softly as a way to say “hello”, squeezing a bit of quality time in, before shutting herself away in her at-home office to continue working. Unfortunately, it falls to you to tear her away from her work when she’s clearly run herself ragged.
Thankfully, vacations happen pretty often, as she frequently travels to represent the Paldean league. It’s still work, but it gives her a great opportunity to spend time with you. Exploring new regions makes her feel like a kid, like she’s experiencing her journey across Paldea with her Glimmet in tow all over again. It reminds of her simpler days, causing a small, nostalgic smile to find its way onto her face. She encourages you to continue poking around on your own when she has to return to doing work.
Mentioned this in the past as well, but Geeta spoils you endlessly. Gift giving is one of her love languages. She can’t help but think of you when seeing adorable clothes and objects in shop windows and online stores, knowing the delightfully surprised expression you’d make when presented with the sudden gift, even though you should expect these things from her after being with each other for so long. It’s not like she’s struggling financially or anything, so why shouldn’t she?
Also, she loves spa dates. It lets her spend time with, spoil you, and relieve her incredible stress all at once. It’s the perfect date in her mind. Of course, she loves fancy dates, at high end restaurants and stuffy galas held by the league. She enjoys luxurious goods, the expensive, fine wine and food, and she also loves to see you dressed to the nines. But they don’t hold a flame to the love she has for relaxing with you at the end of a long day.
She’s very particular with her things. Like, everything within her office, both at the league and at home, is perfectly organized. The top of the expensive-looking wood is essentially pristine, all her fountain pens and other small knick knacks are kept in holders, and the drawers are full, although not overly so, of neatly filed papers organized alphabetically. She knows where everything is at all times, and can get irritated if someone moves them around. And yes, she has framed photos of you on her desk in both offices.
That being said, certain parts of her home, mostly closets, are messy and borderline overflowing. The closet that her clothes are in is neatly kept to prevent the finely pressed, sleeveless work shirts and blazers from getting wrinkled, but no other closet is safe. They are just full of random objects she doesn’t know what to do with. Normally, she prefers not to acknowledge their existence, simply smiling if you ever brought them up, but if you were to go through and organize them for her, she would marry you on the spot.
She just… she thinks about you a lot. Whenever there’s a slow moment in the day, she’s thinking of you. When she’s moving from point A to point B or transitioning between tasks, she’s thinking of you. When the work place spirals into hectic chaos, she’s thinking of you, because, Arceus help her, if she didn’t think of anything else, she would completely snap and maybe kill someone. Even when still hard at work, thinking about you and what you might be doing at work or home makes her feel at  ease, helping her grapple with her ever-mounting stress.
Geeta slander, okay. Do you know how Mark Zuckerberg owns, like, 30 pairs of the same shirt that, despite looking incredibly simple, are all uber expensive? That’s Geeta, except it’s for her blazers. She has several pairs of them to ensure she always has a clean, ironed one available, which at least makes sense since they have to be dry-cleaned and all, but goddamn she’s put down a small fortune on the things.
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Mela, as you would expect, is stubborn and hot-headed. Her reputation as a foul-mouthed delinquent sends most people packing, but if you manage to wiggle your way past her defenses, you’ll end up with an endlessly loyal friend (or girlfriend, in this case) who would move mountains for you.
This girl is incredibly possessive. If you ask her why, she’ll tell you that it’s to ensure that no one tried to mess with you, stopping others from making fun of or coming onto you before they even got the chance. Which is true and all, but she also just doesn’t like the idea of people getting too cozy with you. Simply put, she gets jealous easily. Not that she would ever admit it, as she’d sooner burn through every excuse under the sun before doing so.
She tends to come off rather, uh, strong, to say the least. No matter what she’s doing, she will look intimidating, even with her doofy walk. The day she asked you out, she marched up to you, face as menacing as ever, and just spouted out “go on a date with me!”, leaving no room for opposition (not that you would have said no, of course). It’s not her fault, really, she just has a bad case of resting bitch face. Speaking of your first date, it was kinda awkward, but in an endearing way. More likely than not, you didn’t really know who Mela was outside of her being a member of the team causing chaos for the school, as well as the fact that she was very, very intimidating. Naturally, you were pretty nervous during the date, afraid that saying the wrong thing would result in you being yelled at. Little did you know, Mela was also incredibly nervous, because you were just so pretty and kind and she really didn’t want to blow her chances with you.
Honestly, she doesn’t really have a ton of strong interests. There are things she likes to do, sure, but not enough to call them hobbies. And even then, a lot of them are activities that her friends really love, meaning she only bothers with them when hanging out. She likes these things enough, but most of her enjoyment comes from being with her friends and not the actual thing in question. Whatever you are passionate about, she’ll jump into. As long as you’re having fun, she’s happy.
It isn’t until after Team Star’s downfall that she begins to express her interest in art. She’s always liked drawing and painting and what not, but she never had the opportunity to get into it, mainly because her skills are rudimentary at best. Her only real experience with drawing in recent memory includes poorly doodling in the margins of spiral notebooks and worksheets, which prevented her skills from improving all that much. 
It takes her awhile to break out of her shell and show people her work, as she’s afraid that they would point and laugh at her. Even though she could easily rip someone a new one if they so much as looked at her funny, she’s still afraid of falling into the cycle of bullying she was subjected to before. But she pushes past that fear, knowing that feedback from those that care will only help her improve. She shares more art with you than anyone else, so please be gentle with her. She works so hard on each piece, and is desperate to eat your praise up.
She’s a cuddle bug, one hundred percent. Do not mention that fact, though, because doing so would cause her to explode. She is supposed to be rough and tough, the deep cutting wit of her team that can force even the most self-confident individuals to run away crying. If people knew that she was a little spoon, that she liked to be snuggled as close as possible against her girlfriend behind closed doors, her reputation would be tarnished forever. She doesn’t even want her friends to find out, because she knows they would hold it over her head and tease her forever. And by friends, I mean all of them except for Eri, who would try to stop the others from teasing, an effort that would fail miserably.
Regarding slander, I’d say that Mela owns a ton of those “how to draw anime” books. She was super into them when she was younger, resulting in a lot of embarrassing old drawings. She hates them, but looks back at them sometimes to see how far her artistic abilities have come.
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Eri, my beloved. She is peak gentle giant, strong and powerful and an absolute sweetheart by nature. She is your ride or die, willing to do anything she has to in order to keep you safe and happy.
This girl absolutely adores you. She gets drawn in by your natural strength and beauty, leading to her sheepishly introducing herself. Just like Mela, you’d find yourself intimidated by her presence at first, but when you actually get to know her you come to realize how sweet and kind she is. As soon as you’re friends, she would be willing to drop everything for you, and that sentiment only grows stronger when you get together. If you ever need anything, all you need do is ask, and she’ll take care of it, no questions asked.
I kinda implied it with the above, but Eri is actually kinda shy. She really doesn’t like being looked at, finding the stares of others to be intimidating. It was Atticus that came up with the idea of wearing a mask, which helped her feel way more comfortable being around others, despite it drawing in more attention. To be fair though, even if she didn’t wear it, people would still stare due to how tall and muscular she is. Over the years, she’s gotten better, more sociable, but talking to you early into your friendship as well as officially asking you out brought that side of her out again.
She’s a big ol’ teddy bear. She has the physique of a Greek god, and she uses all of those defined muscles to give the most mind-blowing hugs imaginable. With her arms around you, holding you closer than humanly possible, it’s impossible to feel cold or unsafe. She prefers to hold you closely, but has no issue with you sprawling out on top of her or trying to be the big spoon. She just wants to devolve into a tangle of limbs with you, regardless of what position you find yourselves in.
Of course, Eri is super into working out and staying fit. She lifts, she runs, she pumps iron, she does it all, and she loves it. Is she a gym rat? Not quite, but she’s been mistaken for one before. She wouldn’t ask you to join her outright, but she clearly wants you to join in. She’s a bit afraid to ask you directly in the fear that you’ll feel pressured to say yes. If you tag along, to her excitement, she will tone her regular routine down for your sake, not wanting you to feel too sore in the morning.
Also, she’s the type of person to wake up at the crack of dawn. She likes to start the morning off with a brisk jog. It’s her way of waking up instead of caffeine. You can’t stop her from untangling you from her arms upon waking up, no matter how much you may beg and plead for her to stay in bed with for just a little bit longer. She simply cannot be swayed.
She loves horror in concept, but absolutely hates it in practice. She can get pretty excited when sitting down to watch something like a horror movie, but as soon as anything scary happens, she’s out. Not literally, she will sit through the entire thing, but she has to grab a nearby pillow to hide behind when anything remotely scary happens to do so. If you are with her, she will cower behind  you instead, essentially setting you down on her lap  to more easily hide behind your shoulder..
Eri absolutely loves cute things. As evidenced by her princess-esque outfit and use of heal balls. That being said, Eri also thinks everything is cute. There’s the obvious, typical cute things she loves, like stuffed animals and frills and anything draped in pink or purple, but she also believes that her team of pokemon are cute, which, need I remind you, contains a beast that evolves by getting so furious that it fucking dies. Everything is cute in her world, and she will use everything in her power to keep that cuteness safe. The strong must protect the sweet and whatnot.
Slander? Well, I’d say that Eri accidentally breaks things regularly due to how strong she is, but everytime it happens she cries about it. She just feels so bad about it, even if everyone around her tells her that it’s fine because it was an accident.
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Miriam is such a mess, but she’s trying her best. She’s kinda like Rika, in the sense that she has a failwife-esque energy about her. She melts under your attention, but that doesn’t stop her from blabbing about you to anyone who will listen.
Poor Miriam is tired and disappointed with her place in life, and it shows sometimes. All she wanted to be was a teacher, but she got shafted into the position of school nurse. Given, it was more or less her fault, considering that she was the one that failed the test. Truth be told, she didn’t study as much as she probably should have for the exam, but that doesn’t dull the sting of failure. She puts on the face of a school nurse during work hours regardless of her dissatisfaction, although doing so can get a bit awkward when faced with the academy’s older students.
That being said, when she finds her spark and decides to attempt the test again, she’s all into studying. If you were to help her out during this time, bringing her food and tea and encouraging her to take breaks to clear her mind, it would be much appreciated. Sure, she always tells others to take care of themselves, but that doesn’t mean that she’s good at it herself. Plus, your encouragement helps her keep going when she wants to throw in the towel. When she eventually passes the test, she’s gonna take you out on the best damn date the world has ever seen as thanks.
Regardless of where she’s at in life, she will come home and collapse on the couch, waiting for you to join her so she can blab about her day. When she’s working as a nurse, she’s bored and dissatisfied, wishing for more out of her work day. When she’s studying to become a teacher, she’s tired and mentally done with things, knowing that she will eventually have to go back to studying till her brain is fried even though she just got home from work. Comfort her please, she’s desperate.
Let it be known that she can fall fast, and she can absolutely fall hard. It doesn’t take much for her to take interest in someone, for her to flirt with you on a casual basis, but when she begins to form a crush, it’s the end for her. She’s tripping over herself whenever you’re around, and blushing up a storm whenever you’re on her mind. Everyone around her knows she has a crush the instant it forms, you included. She can see that her feelings are obvious, so she makes no real attempt to hide them from you. However, she won’t act on them, because she wants you to make the first move.
Once you do start dating, she talks about you constantly. Should anything come up that reminds her of you, even if just by the slightest bit, she’ll bring it up. Some of her coworkers find it endearing, and others can’t stand it (cough Raifort cough). Not that she notices, though, because she’s too busy talking about you to take their reactions into consideration. She’s also the type of person to refer to you as her wife even when you’re just dating.
She’s another cheerleader, but is more out there than the likes of Katy. She doesn’t just want you to know that she’s supporting you, she wants everyone around to know she’s got your back, because have you seen her wife? She’s absolutely killing it, look at how cool she is. Miriam is just incredibly supportive and wants to repay you for all the support you’ve given her, ready to hype you up as much as possible at a moment's notice. Of course, she’ll also force you to sit back and take care of yourself if she thinks you're in desperate need of a break.
Slander? Well, when she’s drunk, she turns into a basic bitch. She’ll move until she’s sitting right next to you, almost tripping several times in the process, so she can lean in close. She’ll run her fingers up and down your arm, her touch incredibly clumsy and sluggish, saying things like “you are SO funny” while laughing and kicking her feet after you say literally anything.
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Dendra is also kind of a mess, but for a different reason. Because she’s a huge fitness nut and, essentially, a PE teacher, she often gets injured, making her more of a physical mess than a mental one.
She’s super energetic, always pumped up and ready for action. She could be coming back from a workout, exhausted as hell, but will instantly perk up and go in for round two if someone asked her to join them. It’s like she has an infinite fount of energy, because how else could she always be so active? She doesn’t sleep more than the average person or anything, neither does she bother with caffeine. 
Unlike Eri, I would absolutely call Dendra a gym rat. She’s all about the grind. Working out is her favorite hobby, her happy place. On top of that, she’s extremely welcoming to anyone trying to get into fitness, wanting to help them find what works best for them. Also unlike Eri, she’s much more open about wanting you to join her workout sessions, to the point that she’s willing to beg.
You can always tell when she’s gotten injured by the way she greets you after work. Normally, she’ll rush through your home to find wherever you are, nearly tackling you into a hug. It’s been a long day and she missed you. But when she’s been injured, she sheepishly walks through the door, careful to avoid walking into the room you are in fully to try and hide the bandages from your line of sight. 
In general, she’s just a really bad liar, and she lowers her head, like a child waiting to be scolded, when found out. She doesn’t like hiding things, especially from you, but she doesn’t want you to worry, either. Injury happens all the time in her line of work, making it something she’s grown accustomed to as well as expect. As such, she doesn’t want you worrying about each and every one of her scabs and bruises, even if she does like the way you dote on her.
She really likes to show her love for you. It’s not that she thinks you don’t know how much she cares for you, she just likes asserting it. Obviously, she does this through spending time with you, and being affectionate with you, and saying “I love you”, but she also likes to give you little gifts here and there. This obviously isn’t a problem, much less weird for a girlfriend to do. Rather, the issue is that food is included in that, and she’s an awful chef. She knows this, and tries to improve, but it’s still not great. Eat with caution.
Loves to talk about you to her friends. She doesn’t talk about you constantly, but it’s not uncommon for you to be brought up in conversation with the likes of Tulip and Miriam. Usually, it’s just in passing, but sometimes it’s about how she wants to do more for you, show her love in different ways. Tulip suggests getting dressed up and going out somewhere nice, but that isn’t really her style, and Miriam tries to help her improve her cooking skills, but the lessons never really go anywhere. Still, she values their support and advice, regardless of their effectiveness.
Like both of her friends, Dendra is big on taking care of yourself. It takes a lot of time and effort to keep your body happy and healthy, but it’s all worth it, because it will only result in you feeling better, and when you’re feeling better, it’s easier to uplift others. She greatly encourages you to start some kind of daily routine if you don’t already have one, and she will hold you to it.
In terms of slander, I’d say that she’s the type of person to easily forget dates. She’s got your birthday on lock, but that’s it. Expect her to show up to anniversaries and Valentines dates late with a bouquet of flowers she purchased on her way over.
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Raifort, last but not least, is cryptic. I wouldn’t call her gothic, but she really reminds me of that one post about a goth being like “my love I crochet an anatomically correct heart for you” and her girlfriend responding with “aw thanks do u wanna go to target with me?” and I will not elaborate.
She’s got this veil of mystery about her, but that’s not intentional. She isn’t trying to make herself seem mysterious and cool, she just doesn’t like it when  people are all up in her business. Yes, she’s looking for the Treasures of Ruin. Yes, she knows that they’re dangerous and could cause incredible amounts of chaos to fall upon the region at large. No, she won’t tell you why she wants them. If she wanted you to know, she would’ve told you already.
She will blab to you constantly about history and legendaries. When she’s not teaching or planning lessons, she’s reading up about these kinds of things, trying to absorb as much information as possible. According to her, most people aren’t cultured enough to understand the incredible importance and allure of historical records, meaning you are one of the few people who will seriously listen to her sudden info dumps.
Along with that, she furiously rants about how much she hates present day events being, well, present. For instance, she’ll complain about the understanding and utilization of the terastallization phenomenon because it happened in recent history. To her, the present just isn’t all that interesting, especially when compared to the vast richness of the past, making her lose interest in otherwise exciting events.
As much as I hate this word, she has a ton of unintentional rizz. If we’re being honest, your relationship only came to be because you decided she was the one for you after she talked about history for an hour straight in your general direction. She put in no effort into catching your attention, but she managed to do that anyways. She agrees to give dating a shot because you seemed to value the past, as evidenced by you listening to her spiel, and that’s reason enough for her to give you the time of day. 
She isn’t a morning person, not in the slightest, which is obviously a conflict of interest due her being a school teacher. Her job requires her to get up and be at work in the early morning hours, resulting in her needing a lot of caffeine in order to stay awake, much less function properly. Because she’s so tired, she puts little effort into getting ready, hence why her hair is always messily tied up. She does, however, use care when putting on her favorite accessories.
Honestly? She’s a lowkey boomer at times. The internet is a wonderful invention that allows people to quickly gather information they otherwise might not have access to, and she recognizes that, but that doesn’t make her like it. She complains about kids these days relying on it too much to write their papers rather than going to the library and reading books, and about how they are always on their phones during class. She’s not anti-technology or anything, but that won’t stop her from saying shit like “it’s cause you’re always on that damn phone” when someone around, teacher or student, faces a problem.
It’s for that reason that she doesn’t text or call you all that often. She’d much rather come talk to you in person than use her phone if possible. If she can’t find you, she’ll text to ask where you are or when you’ll be available instead of just texting you what she wants to say. Her excitement for historical developments simply cannot be conveyed through modern technology.
Okay, slander (even though the above could already be considered slander whoopsie). Despite her hatred for the modern time period, she’s secretly a collector of Rae Dunn pottery. You know, the type of shit that’s, like, a coffee cup that says the word “coffee” on it in the most basic font imaginable? She loves that shit so much, and has spent an unreasonable amount of money to achieve her collection. No, she doesn’t have a problem, stop trying to insulate otherwise.
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charcadett · 2 years
What are romantic and/or platonic hugs from gym leader and elite 4 like? Every one of them deserves hugs!
Ohhh okay, this one is like. Mega short. But it was fun to do! You’re sooo right they all are in desperate need of hugs.
Hugs From Elite Four And Gym Leaders
- Incredibly soft and warm. She’ll rock back and forth, humming contentedly while she hugs you. When she pulls back, the front of your shirt will be covered in flour. Katy giggles in response.
- Unfortunately, no matter how much effort Brassius puts into his hugs, they’re always awkward and bony. He’s more likely to wrap and arm around your shoulder and hold you against him rather than give you a hug.
- Picks you up and spins you. He smells very savory from all the food he cooks, so hugs from Kofu never fail to make you hungry. His hugs tend to be very tight as well. Firm and grounding.
- Another awkward hugger, though he’s on the softer side. If you’re not super close with him, he’ll pat you on the back a few times before pulling away. With his partner, it’d take the jaws of life to pry him off you. Sweats a lot.
- Her hugs are strong and firm, though she’s another side hugger. Ryme likes to squeeze you close to her and press a kiss to your temple.
- She likes to cup your face. It’s her favorite mode of affection. Even when she’s holding you close, her hand is gently caressing your cheek. Will sometimes lean down to give you a butterfly kiss. She thinks it’s cute.
- He doesn’t hug often, but when he does it’s warm and intimate. Grusha will press his forehead to yours and hold you for as long as possible.
- Isn’t particularly fond of hugs. The best you’ll get out of her is knocking your shoulder against hers as she gives you two strong thumps on your back.
- One of, if not the best hugger on this list. The easiest way to describe a hug from Hassel is comforting. He’s sturdy and will hold you as long as possible. Hassel also emits a lot of heat, so you’ll eventually have to let go or you’ll start sweating on him.
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just-mya-writing · 2 years
SV Gym Leaders Reacting To...
you saying you love them (gif form)
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tvitr · 1 year
A Little Treat
Part One
Words: 3,012
Pairings: Grusha/Katy
Synopsis: On the morning of her divorce, Katy finds herself daydreaming about her handsome colleague. On a spur of the moment, she invites him back to her place later that evening.
AO3 Version
That was that then.
It certainly had been nice whilst it lasted, Hell, had you asked her ten years ago how she thought this would pan out, she'd have said they'd be together forever. Till death do us part and all that.
But of course, nothing ever ran smoothly, and here she was now, three years after it all started going wrong.
She’d secured the day off from her gym work, Geeta had honestly been surprisingly understanding of the whole situation, but the bakery still needed to be tended to. Not that it bothered her much; baking always helped her relieve stress, it’s why she’d pursued it as a career after all, and usually she’d cherish a day where she wouldn’t be dragged to the gym every half hour...
Katy just wished today’s circumstances were... different.
Today was at least busy enough to semi-distract her. Honestly, it was busy to the point that she’d have taken time off from the gym regardless. They’d acquired a backlog of orders somehow (“somehow”, she tried to convince herself this wasn’t down to her absent mental state recently), and though it wasn't enough to affect their reputation, it was certainly enough to ensure she'd be cutting her breaks short.
She'd decided to man the tills today, just in case any of their customers today decided to get ratty over their order being delayed, or the service being slow. It was not her favourite job, honestly it was probably nobody's favourite job, but she'd rather take the heat for any shortcomings than make any of her employees handle it. After all, they were perfectly capable of manning the kitchen without her, and most of them were talented bakers in their own right anyway. She was merely the face of the business.
Katy was good at diffusing customer rage anyway, she didn't know how but they always seemed to calm down the moment she stepped onto the scene. Perhaps it was her minor celebrity status, she didn't know. But it was useful, at least.
Thankfully she hadn't had to exercise her special talent today. Despite their backlog and the ever-growing queue at the till, everyone she’d dealt with thus far had been perfectly civil. None of the staff had said anything for fear of jinxing the calm, but the relief in the air was tangible.
“Who’s next?”
To her surprise, a familiar face stepped forward. "Hi, I'm here to pick up-" His voice trailed off, something apparently interrupting his thoughts.
She smiled. "Good afternoon, Grusha."
She could almost see him reeling in his wayward thoughts. "Is it bad I completely forgot you worked here?"
"One of those days, huh?"
"Not even, took today off because I had some stuff to do and-" He ruffled his hair loose from its ponytail. “Guess it’s just been a long week. Lots to do, you know?”
“Yeah it’s been… it’s been long for me too.” She snapped herself back to reality before she got too lost. Despite being colleagues, Grusha was still a customer at the end of the day. She couldn't quite justify burdening him with her life issues. At least, not here anyway. “Anyhoo, your order’s under Ibáñez right?”
“Wouldn’t be under anything else.”
Perhaps it was down to him having been the first real celebrity she’d ever baked an order for, or perhaps it was just down to his uncommon name, but she’d always been able to remember every order she’d made under the name Ibáñez. She could still remember that first order, from his parents it seemed, to celebrate him being selected for the Paldean team for that year’s Winter Bellic Games. From then on, she’d apparently been his family’s go-to bakery, to the point she knew the names and birthdays of his parents and two siblings, his parent’s wedding anniversary, that his older brother was now pursuing an acting career in Galar, that his sister had recently graduated college…
It was a nice feeling, having a well-known regular, and it had certainly helped with publicity back in those early days of the business. Perhaps she should surprise him with a thank-you cake sometime. She’d baked enough orders for him now to know what he liked after all.
“So who’s this for?” She dropped the cake box onto the counter, readying the PIN machine. After all, it wasn't anybody's birthday soon, and his sister had picked up the anniversary cake last month-
“Oh, it’s just something for my old coach. It's his fifthtieth soon, thought I might surprise him."
“I see!” Come to think of it, he’d never ordered something for his coach before. Honestly she was surprised he’d remained in touch, though admittedly she’d never been the sporting type. Perhaps it was common to remain in touch after one's retirement, though something told her it was probably best not to pry. “Just tap your card there-”
As he rooted in his pockets for his card, Katy felt herself daydreaming again. It seemed odd to think about, but she'd never paid attention to how… fit Grusha was. She'd seen him out of his winter sports garb many a time at League meetings or nights out, and of course on any official League trips, but she'd never properly… studied his physique. He was beautifully built, with a broad, muscular chest that slimmed into a trim waist, and by God his arms were massive. And his face! Oh he had such a pretty face; big, long-lashed eyes, high cheekbones, and plush lips, gosh, what a wonderful little specimen of a man he was. Pretty and extremely fit, such a rare combination indeed!
What would it be like… to kiss those plush little lips? How would it feel if he held her tight with those big, powerful arms? What if they… what if they…
I can now.
I'm single.
The very thought sent a shiver through her. Her, and him! She knew women who'd kill to even be around him as much as she was, let alone able to spend a night with him-
… Did she really want to do that? He was younger than her after all, she didn't know by what margin, but would he be… up for it with an old divorcee like her? Should she risk him turning her down?
You won't know if you don't try.
That was true.
You deserve it.
That was also true. These past few years had been awfully hard for her after all.
Perhaps she was due… a little treat tonight?
"Your card machine's broke."
Katy jolted back to reality, shooing her daydream away (for time being). "Sorry it's been funny with me all day, uh-" Customer handling mode engaged. "Do you have cash?"
He looked around, raising his arm to point towards the nearby PokéCentre. "Not on me, no, but I saw a cash machine on my way-"
An idea suddenly hit her. "Oh, our till’s not working either, I know it's been an absolute nightmare all morning, are you free later by any chance?"
Grusha side-eyed the clerk next to her, apparently working the till with no problem. "I mean, I was going to hit the gym when I got back home, but after that-"
"Oh perfect, so you'll be free then?"
He shrugged. "I guess so?"
"Good, call back later. You know my address I’m sure." She sent him off with a playful wink.
What have I done.
Katy hadn't known what had come over her earlier, honestly. Inviting a colleague over! Thank goodness she hadn't said anything suggestive to him, she might’ve winked (oh God, did she really wink at him?), but she could at least hope he didn't see that.
Maybe he wouldn't even show up. Maybe he'd text her and say it's too much hassle and he'd just send her the money instead. She should've asked him to do that, really. In fact, she should probably just message him now, save him the trouble of coming all the way down to Cortondo just to hand over whatever he owed her. How much did he even owe her anyway? She hadn't taken note. It was too late to go find the receipt now.
Or maybe he would show up, and she could just take the money and send him home. It was an awful long way for him sure, but she was fairly certain he had a solo fliers licence, and she knew he had that Altaria, hopefully it wouldn't be too much bother for him, or hopefully he wouldn't even bother coming-
There was a buzz from the hallway.
Now or never.
She held her breath as she walked to the door. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was her neighbour, wanting to borrow some sugar. Maybe it was a delivery guy, knocking on the wrong door. Maybe it was the boy next door, asking if he could retrieve his football from her garden again. Maybe it was-
She opened the door.
Grusha stood on the porch, still sweating and flushed from his evening workout. Or maybe he'd just showered, she didn't know. Either way, his shirt clung to his frame, showing off his chiselled muscles, and his long hair was damp and held back in a messier than usual ponytail. A sports bag was slung over his shoulder.
"Came here straight after the gym. The human gym I mean, not the-" He took a deep breath and laughed breathlessly, hand running through his hair, tousling it further. "You know what I mean."
Katy didn't know how, but somehow he was even more attractive than he was earlier. It was probably the shirt, the way it hugged his frame, showing off his toned body underneath. Or maybe it was the fact he'd been working out, how he glistened with sweat in the evening sun. She wondered how he would smell right now, or even how his skin would taste, so warm and salty, like a summer's sea breeze-
She shooed her thoughts away, for now. "Do you want to come in for a bit? You're looking very flushed."
He seemed to think for a moment, before nodding. "Yeah, that would be… that would be nice."
He stepped in, dropping his bag by the door with a loud thud. Following the bag to the floor, her eyes passed over his lower half; his ass and thighs were currently shrouded by his shorts, but if his calves were anything to go by…
“Sorry, my shoulders are aching-” He flexed his glorious arms and back with a satisfying series of clicks before hoisting his bag up again.
Katy mentally shook herself to avoid staring for too long. Lord knew she'd die if he caught her ogling. “The kitchen’s just over there, make yourself at home.”
As she watched him enter the kitchen, and heard his bag thud down a second time, she took the time alone to gather her thoughts once again. Was she doing this or not? How did she even go about asking him? Should she test the water first? What if he was already taken? Goodness, she hadn't even thought of that-
"Katy? Where are you?"
"Just having an issue with the door, I'll be with you in a second." She slammed it a few times, fiddling with the lock and handle for extra effect.
“Need any help?”
“Nope, it’s fine.” With one last (hopefully convincing) slam, she hurried over to the threshold of the kitchen door where he'd disappeared to.
Here we go.
Katy took a deep breath, thankful that Grusha at least had his back to her right now. That at least gave her time to plan her next move. Perhaps she should’ve put something nicer on? Or even showered?
It doesn’t matter now, just go for it.
She sauntered into the kitchen. He didn't seem to notice it, instead rooting around in his pockets. "So how much do I owe you?"
"Oh, nothing actually." She tugged at the buttons on her dress, trying to loosen them to flaunt some cleavage before realising they were purely decorative. "Though you could say I could use a little…"
Goodness, what was the word?
"Fun, tonight." Yeah, that was it! Fun. A bit of fun. Just a bit of fun. A nice bit of-
“What?” To her mild horror, Grusha was staring at her with his mouth slightly agape and a look of abject confusion on his face. “Katy, what are you talking about…?”
Oh no.
“I mean you can…” Her nervous hands fumbled with her braid, trying to release it with no success. “Pay me in other ways, perhaps?”
The staring continued. "No offence, but have you been drinking? You're being… weird."
“Baby, I’m stone cold sober.” She tried to hoist her leg up onto the countertop, before realising that it was both far too high, and that her skirt couldn’t stretch enough for it.
It was safe to say Grusha was looking veritably dumbfounded by this point. "Listen, how about I just give you the money and leave, I promise I won't tell Geeta about this. Swear on my Cetoddle’s life."
"Don't you get it?” She marched over, trying to corner him in his chair before again realising her skirt wouldn’t allow the stretch. “I want to make love to you, I’ve been thinking about it all day, I don’t know how else to say it so I might as well just be upfront about, I… I…"
An aggressively awkward silence fell between them as the bemused stare off continued. No, no, no-
A loud sigh. “... Alright, where’s Iono?”
Katy blinked. “Wha-”
“She’s set you up to this, right? This is all part of a prank for her channel?”
“I don’t under-”
“Okay so…” He rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting out another, more annoyed, sigh. “This is a bit embarrassing, but one time when we were watching you battle and you said something like, ‘oh, let me knead you into submission’, and I said to myself ‘man I wish she’d knead me into submission’, and I thought I was being quiet but it turns out Iono heard me because of course she did, and ever since then she’s basically… blackmailed me by saying she’ll tell you I said that if I don’t give an interview on her channel.”
He took a deep breath, ruffling his hair till the tie keeping his ponytail in place was only clinging onto a few stray locks and static. “So where is she? She's gotta be hiding somewhere right? Ready to jump out and embarrass me, yeah?”
Katy stumbled back, hand behind her reaching for a countertop which never came. He thought this was a joke. He thought she was leading him on for a joke. She should probably play along, save her all that embarrassment, act like Iono was hiding in her pantry or something, after all if word of this got out, then her gym job and even her patisserie could be in jeopardy, and-
"Hey, you alri- Hey!” She heard him bound over, his hands coming to rest on her shoulders and holding her steady, those big eyes of his looking deep into her with an unusual amount of concern for his usually miserable face. "Man, are you okay? You've been acting real weird since I got here."
“Yeah, I-I’m fine.” The room felt like it was spinning, and she teetered even in his firm grip. “I’ve just…. I’m just…”
“Hey, easy, easy…” He guided her to the chair he’d been sitting on, kneeling down next to her and taking her hand. “Just breathe, okay? I don’t know what to do if you faint or something.”
"I'm not going to faint, I promise." She said that with a lot of confidence for someone who felt like she was leaning sideways. "It's just… I've really embarrassed myself here, haven’t I? Inviting you out here for no reason and giving you all that, and… and now you think it was all just a joke and I’m leading you on and-”
“Breathe, breathe...” A hand landed gently on her back, rubbing a circle in between her shoulders, whilst his other hand gave hers a reassuring squeeze. “Sorry, I don’t really know what else to say, just like… try to stay calm. I won’t tell anyone about this. I promise.”
"Okay." Something in his voice told her he was being sincere. That was one weight off her mind at least, and her breathing began to slow to a less erratic pace. "Okay."
"Good, good." With one last affectionate pat on her back, he stood up, hands diving into his pockets. "So uh… why did you invite me here anyway? Don’t say it was for the cake because I know your cash till was working earlier."
Katy dried her eyes “Guess I have to come clean then, eh?”
“Did you really invite me down here for… you know…” He pumped his hips jokingly, eyebrows bobbing. That got a weak laugh out of her at least.
A deep breath. Just admit it. "Yes. I did."
He paused. "Huh. Never knew you thought about me that way. I mean, I'm not offended or anything but still, it's surprising."
“It was… a spur of the moment thing." Goodness, what a situation this was. At least he wasn’t going to blab about this. “It’s been really, really rough for me recently what with the divorce and all, and I saw you earlier when you came by the bakery, and I thought I'd maybe treat myself to-"
She realised too late how that sounded. “Oh, goodness, I’m so sorry, you must think I’m such an old-”
“Pft, don't worry about it. I've heard worse. Trust me." He bit his lip, swaying on his heel. "So… you still down? It's okay if you're not, I can just go home."
Katy thought for a moment. "Are you?"
Grusha raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Weren’t you paying attention earlier?"
Oh no. "What... what do you mean?"
He leaned in close, lips barely gracing her ear. "I've fantasised about making out with you for a long time."
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copper-16 · 9 months
Majority of my works can be found on ao3 (which can be found here), but I’ll link a few of the big ones below along with anything posted on here!
No longer an active writer 🩵
AO3 Advice Can Be Found Here
Ingrid Engen/Mapi Leon
did she feel better than me?
You Didn’t Let Me Finish
Do You See Something I Can't
Success is Easy
Haunted By The Ghost Of You
How You Get The Girl
la princesa
How Do I Trust Again?
Ingrid Engen/Mapi Leon x daughter
I Wanna Thank You Baby, You Make It Feel Like Christmas
Why Would She Say That?
She Feels Safe With You
You Can Do This
We Can't Figure Out What It Means
She’s Perfect
I’m Sorry
The Beginning
Elena and Alexia Day!
Elena - The Later Years
First Meetings
Tulips and Two Embarrassing Mothers
Misa Rodriguez/Marta Cardona
You Can’t Talk No Sh*t Without Penalties
Lena Oberdorf/Jule Brand
Andrea Medina x Lola Gallardo (platonic)
I Try, I Try
Lia Wälti/Mariona Caldentey
I'm Scared I'll Always Be This Way, That People Will Not Want To Stay
Jana Fernandez/Jill Roord
Heaven Won’t Be The Same
Couples I will write for/have written for (placed in order of who I am most willing to write about, starting at the top):
Ingrid Engen🇳🇴/Mapi León🇪🇸- 26 works 
Jana Fernández 🇪🇸/Jill Roord🇳🇱 - 4 works 
Mariona Caldentey 🇪🇸/Lia Wälti🇨🇭- 3 works 
Caroline Graham Hansen🇳🇴/Marta Torrejón 🇪🇸 - 4 works 
Ona Batlle 🇪🇸/Aitana Bonmatí🇪🇸 - 1 work 
Ona Batlle🇪🇸/Lucy Bronze🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - 1 work 
Misa Rodríquez🇪🇸/Marta Cardona🇪🇸 - 1 work 
Lola Gallardo🇪🇸 & Andrea Medina 🇪🇸- 1 work 
Fran Kirby🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿/Maren Mjelde🇳🇴 - 4 works 
Ana Maria Crnogorčević🇨🇭/Lia Wälti🇨🇭 - 1 work
Leah Williamson🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿/Lia Wälti🇨🇭 - 1 work 
Sam Kerr🇦🇺/Kristie Mewis🇺🇸- 4 works 
Frida Maanum🇳🇴/Emma Lennartsson🇸🇪- 5 works 
Magdalena Erickson🇸🇪/Pernille Harder 🇩🇰- 2 works 
Jessie Fleming🇨🇦/Niamh Charles🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - 1 work 
Laura Wienroither🇦🇹/Stina Blackstenius🇸🇪 - 1 work 
Tobin Health🇺🇸/Christen Press🇺🇸 - 1 work
Patri Guijarro🇪🇸/Claudia Pina🇪🇸 - 1 work
Cata Coll🇪🇸/Claudia Pina🇪🇸 - 1 work
Lucy Bronze🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿/Keira Walsh🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - 5 works 
Ruesha Littlejohn🇮🇪/Katie McCabe🇮🇪 - 2 works 
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segasister · 10 months
Shipping Names for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
(In Progress, pulling from the Shipping Wiki and the Bulbagarden Forum)
DISCLAIMER: Will not be including ships between students and adults. I will also not be including Cross-Game Ships. That requires its own reblog post once this one is completed!
Player-Specific (w/ Main Characters):
Juliana x Florian: GreatestTreasureShipping
Juliana x Nemona: AcademyAceShipping
Florian x Nemona: ChampionRankShipping
Juliana x Florian x Nemona: CaboPocoShipping
Juliana x Arven: HerbaMysticaShipping
Florian x Arven: SandwichShipping
Juliana x Florian x Arven: PicnicShipping
Juliana x Penny: StarfallShipping
Florian x Penny: OperationShipping 
Juliana x Florian x Penny: CassiopeiaShipping
Juliana x Nemona x Arven x Penny: NaranjaShipping
Florian x Nemona x Arven x Penny: UvaShipping
Juliana x Florian x Nemona x Arven x Penny: AcademyShipping
Juliana x Kieran: DipplinShipping (Though ToxicChainShipping still has a place in my heart)
Florian x Kieran: CandyAppleShipping
Juliana x Florian x Kieran: TealMaskShipping
Juliana x Carmine: CrystalPoolShipping
Florian x Carmine: OgreMaskShipping
Juliana x Florian x Carmine: IndigoDiskShipping
Juliana x Florian x Kieran x Carmine: FieldTripShipping
Player-Specific (w/ Side Characters):
Juliana x Giacomo:
Florian x Giacomo:
Juliana x Mela: TarteTatinShipping
Florian x Mela: AppleCrumbleShipping
Juliana x Atticus:
Florian x Atticus:
Juliana x Ortega: 
Florian x Ortega: SpringSpriteShipping
Juliana x Eri:
Florian x Eri:
Juliana x Crispin:
Florian x Crispin:
Juliana x Amarys:
Crispin x Amarys:
Juliana x Lacey:
Florian x Lacey:
Juliana x Drayton:
Florian x Drayton: CafeteriaDateShipping
Other Ships between Main Characters:
Nemona x Arven x Penny: RivalsOfPaldeaShipping
Nemona x Arven: PaldeaShipping
Nemona x Penny: SuperStarShipping
Nemona x Kieran: BossBattleShipping
Nemona x Carmine: FruitfulBattleShipping
Arven x Penny:
Arven x Kieran: BlackCurrantShipping
Arven x Carmine:
Penny x Kieran:
Penny x Carmine: GirlBossShipping
Kieran x Carmine: (They’re siblings; what’s wrong with you? But the shipping wiki does include platonic/familial shipping, so…) KitakamiShipping
Other Ships with Main Characters + Others:
Nemona x Aliquis: AlguienadieShipping
Nemona x Mela: FruitfulHarvestShipping
Nemona x Amarys: StudentCouncilShipping
Nemona x Eri: BattleStarShipping
Arven x Giacomo: TimeMixShipping
Arven x Atticus: AperillaShipping
Penny x Giacomo: SeginStarShipping
Penny x Mela: SchedarStarShipping
Penny x Atticus: NaviStarShipping
Penny x Ortega: RuchbahStarShipping
Penny x Eri: CaphStarShipping
Kieran x Ortega: FairyAppleShipping
Kieran x Crispin: MutsuShipping
Kieran x Drayton: Ex-ChampionShipping
Carmine x Mela: FieryPassionShipping
Carmine x Amarys: FingerHeartShipping
Carmine x Drayton: DragroseilleShipping 
Other Ships with Students:
Giacomo x Mela x Atticus x Ortega x Eri: StarSquadShipping
Giacomo x Mela: DigitalFlareShipping
Giacomo x Atticus: EloquentRemixShipping
Giacomo x Ortega: RubatoShipping
Mela x Ortega: BeautifullyBrazenShipping
Mela x Eri: FightyFireShipping
Mela x Lacey: StarGemShipping
Atticus x Ortega: FairyPoisonShipping
Ortega x Eri: ElegantlyBrashShipping
Ortega x Crispin: ChefairyShipping
Ortega x Lacey: PinkLaceShipping
Eri x Carmen: FightSquadShipping
Crispin x Lacey: ChefsKissShipping
Crisprin x Drayton: SpicyToothpasteShipping
Amarys x Drayton: CosmoTerminalShipping
Lacey x Drayton: FairyuuShipping
Aliquis x Ohara: LuckyWindsShipping
Other Ships:
Professor Sada x Profesor Turo: LakehouseShipping
Professor AI Sada x Profesor AI Turo: ArtificialParadiseShipping
Professor Sada x Raifort: PreservedPastShipping
Professor Turo x Jacq: FutureFabricationShipping
Professor Sada x Professor Turo x Clavell: ZeroTrioShipping
Clavell x Juliana's/Florian's Mom: WelcomeCupShipping
Clavell x Cyrano: DirectorShipping
Katy x Iono: BakingStreamShipping
Katy x Larry: VanillaCupcakeShipping
Katy x Tulip: SelfCareShipping
Katy x Rika: BrownSugarShipping
Katy x Hassel: LevaduraShipping
Katy x Geeta: FlanDeMangoShipping
Katy x Saguaro: SecretSweetsShipping
Katy x Dendra: MadrileñaShipping
Brassius x Hassel: EtherealArtShipping
Brassius x Hassel x Larry: EyebagShipping
Iono x Larry: ShockingBusinessShipping
Iono x Grusha: SnowShockShipping
Iono x Rika: PowerLineShipping
Iono x Rika x Grusha: TundraStormShipping
Larry x Rika: BlueChiliShipping
Larry x Saguaro: PlainDoughnutShipping
Tulip x Dendra: WingChunShipping
Tulip x Dendra x Miriam: LavenderWivesShipping
Tulip x Geeta: BewitchedShipping
Grusha x Rika: PermaFrostShipping
Rika x Geeta: LaTierraShipping
Saguaro x Dendra: SaguadraShipping
Dendra x Miriam: HealthySandwichShipping
Raifort x Miriam: NurseHistoryShipping
129 notes · View notes
deltablitz · 1 year
↷ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - [Pokémon x Reader]
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↳ Before Requesting;
     Please note the following;
Please don’t request NSFW (smut, lemons, limes, etc.) of any kind, thank you.
 I write these in my free time, so I apologize for any sort of delay when releasing any content.
Please specify if you want an imagine / headcanons / one-shot (or more).
Don’t be afraid to mention another character / request for another character that’s not on the list. Keep in mind I only write for Pokémon people!
I mostly write for in-game characters, but feel free to request any characters from the anime!
I do not own Pokémon nor any of the characters by any means. All rights go towards Nintendo, Creatures, Game Freak & Satoshi Tajiri- as well as their amazing teams that brought us Pokémon!
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↳ Characters I Write For;
     KANTO; Gary, Blue, Red, Ash, Misty, Brock, James, Jessie, Lance, Erika, Koga, & Sabrina
    JOHTO; Silver, Falkner, Clair, & Will
     HOENN; Brendan, May, Roxanne, Brawly, Flannery, Winona, Wallace, Steven Stone & Wally
     SINNOH; Lucas, Dawn, Barry, Gardenia, Fantina, Volkner, Cynthia, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
     HISUI; Akari, Rei, Cyllene, Laventon, Kamado, Adaman, Arezu, Mai, Melli, Irida, Palina, Ingo, Volo & Cogita
     UNOVA; Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Cheren, Bianca, N, Hugh, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Elesa, Skyla, Drayden, Iris, Marlon, Grimsley, Alder, Ingo & Emmet
     KALOS; Calem, Serena, Alain, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Siebold, Malva, Diantha, Sycamore & Alexa
     ALOLA; Elio, Selene, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, Kukui, Burnet, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Olivia, Kahili, Guzma, Nanu & Lusamine
     GALAR; Victor, Gloria, Hop, Bede, Leon, Sonia, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Oleana, Marnie, Piers, Bea, Allister, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Peony, Klara & Avery
     PALDEA; Florian, Juliana, Nemona, Arven, Atticus, Brassius, Eri, Giacomo, Grusha, Iono, Jacq, Katy, Larry, Mela, Ortega, Penny, Sada, Turo, Ryme & Tulip
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↷ What I Write
     Forms Of Writing; Imagines, Textfic, Crack, One-Shots, Headcanons, & Songfics
     Relationships; Romantic ( s/o, crush, etc. ), Platonic ( friend, family member, rival, enemy, etc.)
     Genres / Types; Fluff, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rivalry, Character x Reader x Character, Jealousy, Isekai, Forbidden Love, Crossover, Darkfic, Alternate Universes, Unrequited Love, & Hurt/Comfort
          ↳Note; Other types of genre may be unlisted.
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↳ Work(s);
     KANTO; None Yet
     JOHTO; None Yet
     HOENN; None Yet
     SINNOH; None Yet
     HISUI; None Yet
     UNOVA; None Yet
     KALOS; None Yet
     ALOLA; None Yet
     GALAR; None Yet
     PALDEA; None Yet
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↷ ‘ ‘ Now get on out there, trainer! ’ ’
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tulipselfships · 6 months
TULIP'S OFFICIAL REQUEST QUE. (Will be updated with each new request)
Current requests: 21
- Fire Man x Reader (MMFC)
- Lammy X Katy Kat musk headcanons (N$FW) (Parappa)
- Instructor Mooshea X Autistic!Fem!Reader (Parappa)
- Fire Man x Femboy!Reader who is on their period (MMFC)
- Dee Jay X Reader (Street Fighter)
- Wave Man x Male!Reader pregnancy headcanons (MMFC)
- Transmale!Guru Ant X Fem!Reader
- Ma-San X Depressed!Autistic!Fem!Reader
- FC Fire Man x Pregnant!Male!Reader who was a part of Sgt. Night's forces
- Diana Cavendish, Toko Fukawa X Tutu Dancer!Reader
- Bully!FC Fire Man X Femboy!FC Wave Man school AU (N$FW)
- Pregnant!FC Cut Man x Reader
- Cyber Elf X, MMZ Zero X Reader who is afraid of them dying
- Chop Chop Master Onion X Fem!Insecure!Reader
- Kyoko Kirigiri, Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Mahiru Koizumi, Ibuki Mioda, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Kaede Akamatsu X Reader with comically over-the-top tragic childhood
-Pregnant!Metal Man x Male!Reader who is the God of weaponry and war
- General Potter X Autistic!Fem!reader with childish coping mechanisms
- Kaito Momota, Leon Kuwata, Kazuichi Soda X S/O who is popular in the music industry
- Alan Sylvastia, Shirou Ogami, Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda, Kokichi Ouma X reader who is like Girlfriend from FNF
- Professor Nelson X Photographer!Reader who has her pose for their pictures
- Transfem!Instructor Mooselini X Transfem!Reader
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cyanslushies · 5 months
Pokemon Ships ~☆
(and my unofficial shipnames)
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Pokemon Anime
▪︎ Ash x Goh ☆ Satogou ❤️🖤
▪︎ Goh x Horace ☆ Gorace 🩶💚
▪︎ Chloe x Dawn ☆ Dloe, Chawn 🩷💜
▪︎ Chloe x Sabrina ☆ Chlorina 🩷💓
▪︎ Sabrina x Lisia ☆ Sabrisia 🩷🩵
▪︎ Mallow x Lana ☆ Mallana 💚💙
▪︎ Kiawe x Sophecles ☆ Sophawe ❤️💛
▪︎ Misty x May ☆ Mistay, Maymist 🧡❤️
▪︎ Korrina x Bea ☆ Korribea 💛🧡
▪︎ Orla x Mollie ☆ Morla, Orllie 🧡🩷
▪︎ Dot x Liko ☆ Dotko 💜🩵
Pokemon Games
▪︎ Lillie x Elio ☆ Lillio 💛💙
▪︎ Lillie x Selene ☆ Lillene 💛💓
▪︎ Lillie x Hapu ☆ Hallie 💛💜
▪︎ Gloria x Marnie ☆ Marnia, Maria, Glornie 💚🖤
▪︎ Hop x Bede ☆ Hopede, Bedehop 💜🩷
▪︎ Klara x Klara t-shirt girl ☆ KlaraX2 💓💚
▪︎ Klara x Marnie ☆ Klarnie, Mara 💓🖤
▪︎ Milo x Piers ☆ Miers, Pilo 💚🤍
▪︎ Milo x Gordie ☆ Mordie 💚🩶
▪︎ Sonia x Nessa ☆ Sonessa 🧡💙
▪︎ Bea x Peonia ☆ Peobea, Beania 🧡🩷
▪︎ Leon x Raihan ☆ Leehan, RaiLeon 💜🧡
▪︎ Rose x Oleana ☆ Roseana 🖤❤️
▪︎ Kieran x Florian ☆ Kierian, Floran 💜💛
▪︎ Mela x Carmine ☆ Melamine, Carmela ❤️💙
▪︎ Arven x Giacomo ☆ Giarven 🩵🖤
▪︎ Ortega x Kieran ☆ Kiertega 🩷🖤
▪︎ Eri x Carmen ☆ Cari 🧡🤎
▪︎ Katy x Rika ☆ Rikaty, Karika 💚🤎
▪︎ Brassius x Hassel ☆ Hassius, Brassel 💚💛
▪︎ Jacq x Briar ☆ Jacriar 💜💛
▪︎ Dendra x Miriam x Tulip ☆ idk 🧡🩷💓
That's all for now I'll update if there's more 👍
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wuffy-chuffs · 2 years
Pokémon Scarlet Violet Headcanons
Nemona - autistic, limb difference (I hc her glove is a prosthetic arm)
Arven - autistic, PTSD
Penny - autistic, anxiety, depression, prosopagnosia
Giacomo - autistic
Mela - autistic
Atticus - autistic
Ortega - autistic
Eri - autistic, anxiety
Geeta - Marfan syndrome
Clavell - prosopagnosia
Katy - ADHD
Brassius - autistic
Kofu - autistic, ADHD
Larry - autistic, depression
Grusha - depression
Hassel - autistic
Jacq - autistic, ADHD
Saguaro - social anxiety
Dendra x Tulip
Dendra x Miriam
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet x Mixels AU
Essentially, this whole thing is basically Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but the humans were Mixels instead. This was a weird idea of mine, butI figured sharing it here would be at least fitting.
Florian/Juliana- Something related to M.C.?
Nemona- Infernite
Arven- Muncho
Penny- Electroid
Clavell- Klinker
Jacq- Electroid
Tyme- Cragster
Dendra- Infernite
Saguaro- Muncho
Salvatore- Flexer
Raifort- Nindja
Miriam- Medix
Katy- Flexer
Brassius- Spikel
Iono- Electroid
Kofu- Pyrrat
Larry- Newzer
Ryme- Glowkie
Tulip- Wiztastic
Grusha- Frosticon
Rika- Orbiton
Poppy- Spikel
Hassel- Nindja
Geeta- Cragster
Giacomo- Mixie
Mela- Infernite
Atticus- Glomp Corp
Ortega- Medival
Eri- Cragster
Professor Sada- Cragster
Professor Turo- Orbiton
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charcadett · 2 years
Hiiii! I love your work!! Here's my request, maybe it's a bit silly but I think this could be funny.
How would the Gym Leaders respond to their s/o being tipsy/drunk?
OOOOH this is very funny. Full disclosure, I don’t drink often. Like maybe three times a year. So this is based on my limited experience. Hope you enjoy!!
CW: Alcochol
Gym Leaders With Their Drunk S/O
She’s also rather tipsy herself as she hangs off your arm and giggles. It’s no fun drinking by yourself! The two of you stumble after each other, barely able to speak through mouthfuls of laughter, and the kisses she keeps pressing against your cheeks. Katy’s an affectionate drunk. She finds it romantic when you share a drink, two straws from the same glass. I hope you like fruity drinks, they’re her favorite.
He links his arm with you to keep your footsteps even. The last thing he wants is you tripping and falling on your face. Ushers you to bed, with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol, before making his way into the studio for the night. Secretly, he is quite pleased to have the opportunity to pull an all-nighter. As much as he feels warm when you worry him into a good nights sleep, he enjoys the inspiration he gets under the stars. What you don’t know won’t hurt you,
His tolerance is greater than most others, which you knew, but still insisted on trying to drink him under the table. Kofu gives you a pat on the back, pays your tab, and carries you home on his back with a booming laugh and a few teasing remarks. You wake the next morning to a pounding headache and a greasy breakfast. Kofu hasn’t slowed at all. No fair.
He sighs and acts like keeping an eye on you is some Atlas sized burden he has to bear. In reality, he can feel his ego growing each second you slur over a compliment or plop your head against his shoulder. Grusha takes you outside in the snow and snickers as you complain. Come on, the snow’s supposed to sober you up, y’know? Grusha will make fun of your drink of choice despite being incapable of taking a shot without gagging.
Another Gym Leader with an incredibly high tolerance. You’re giggling and red in the face while Tulip stares adoringly at you, absent-mindedly stirring her drink. You can tell when she’s tipsy. Tulip gets much more open with PDA. Cupping your face, she tells you how sweet you are as you melt. For some reason, you wake up in a blanket fort in the living room of Tulip’s apartment. The two of you crawl into the bathroom for some water and headache medication.
She takes this opportunity to push you on stage to do some karaoke. You get to see her on stage, now it’s her turn. Sing your heart out, babe, Ryme’ll be cheering for you louder than anyone else. On the way home, she carries you over the threshold with you in her arms, a huge grin plastered on her face. All her bravado dissipates when you drunkenly joke she’s practicing for your wedding. You’ve never seen her so flustered filling a glass up with water for you.
He keeps feeding you, so you haven’t managed to get past the “mildly buzzed” mark. Larry is significantly more intoxicated than you. His voice isn’t louder than a mumble, slurring something as he aims another spoonful of soup towards your mouth. Insisting it was lonely to drink by yourself, he bought a drink alongside you. Who knew he was such a lightweight?
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“I just wanna throw my phone away... Find out who is really there for me... You ripped me off -- your love was cheap -- Was always tearin' at the seams... I fell deep -- you let me drown -- But that was then, and this is now: Now look at me!”
~“Part of Me” by Katy Perry 
Learning how to banish a boggart had taken Carewyn a little bit of practice. She certainly had no problem with Charms overall, nor was she prone to shrink in the face of fear...but the true trick behind defeating a boggart was laughter, and Carewyn had always been a bit too overly serious for her own good, even as a child. A lot of it came back to how sensitive she was and therefore how much she didn’t want anyone else to be hurt (which, honestly, was the backbone of a lot of different types of humor, like slapstick or practical jokes). This didn’t mean Carewyn was devoid of humor, however -- a fact made evident when she took on her new cohort Tulip Karasu’s boggart in the Artifact Room. 
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Carewyn and Tulip had had a rather professional relationship at the start, but she’d been truly startled, seeing how pale Tulip’s face had gotten in the face of her boggart. It made her all the more convinced to make that boggart disappear as quickly as possible -- and she did so by quickly transforming the Merula boggart before their eyes, dressing her in one of Bill’s old crush Emily Tyler’s most obnoxious sweaters. 
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Tulip laughed really, really hard, and Carewyn felt herself smiling a bit too, seeing the color come back to her cheeks. 
Over the course of the day, however, Carewyn found herself wondering about Tulip’s boggart and what it had said. The red-haired Slytherin had always gotten the feeling that Merula and Tulip’s relationship had been rather transactional, since it was so focused on finding the Cursed Vaults -- heck, even Tulip had called Merula her “accomplice,” rather than her friend. And yet in the courtyard, after dueling Merula to get her key to Jacob’s locked room, Merula had reacted so hostilely to Tulip spending time with Carewyn...
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Although yes, Merula had reason to dislike anyone siding with her school rival over her, her words hadn’t been those of someone breaking off a business partnership, Carewyn thought to herself. They were the words of someone who’d felt betrayed. 
Don’t see how she could be, since she doesn’t know the first thing about friendship, Carewyn thought scathingly, as she recalled her insulting and putting down her new stooges Ismelda Murk and Barnaby Lee in the courtyard. 
Yet if Tulip’s boggart was Merula haunting her for her supposed “betrayal,” then Tulip had to feel remorse for what had happened between them. And if she felt remorse for what had happened...well, then perhaps Tulip was hurt far more than she’d let on.
And so Carewyn went to go find Tulip at dinner that night. The Ravenclaw prankster sat at the far end of the table with no one but her toad Dennis for company. 
“Hi, Tulip,” Carewyn greeted kindly.
Tulip looked up in surprise. Then she gave an offhand smile. 
“Hello, Carewyn Cromwell,” she said. 
An awkward silence fell between them. It felt as though both of them were waiting for the other to speak first, but no one was breaking the ice. 
Carewyn’s eyes fell down to the table between them uncomfortably. With a swallow, she then forced herself to look back up at Tulip, her eyes blazing with a bit more determination.
“...May I sit with you?”
Tulip blinked, but she recovered quickly. 
“Of course.”
Carewyn sat down. Keeping her eyes averted, she helped herself to some roast potatoes and beef, salting her serving before she began to eat. Silence once again fell between them -- a kind that stuck like gum to the corners of their ears. 
“So...what’s the plan?”
Carewyn looked up, startled. 
“I reckon you came over to plan out our next step,” Tulip said casually. “We should be more than able to handle the boggart in your brother’s room now, after what you did to the one in the Artifact Room...”
Carewyn didn’t answer. Tulip pressed on. 
“And once we do that, well...then I guess we can look through what your brother left behind -- see if there’s anything Merula and I missed. It is a bit of a mess, though, so we’ll probably have to factor in several days, to comb through it all...”
Tulip tilted her head to the side as she looked at Carewyn, searching her expression for approval. Carewyn, however, didn’t respond.
Tulip’s lips twitched with a frown, but she very quickly tried to obscure it.
“How does tomorrow sound?” she prompted. “We could always head over after Charms class.”
Finally Carewyn forced a smile and answered.
“...Sounds good.”
Tulip looked almost relieved by Carewyn’s answer. Her mouth spread into a fuller smile.
With the end of this conversation, silence fell between them again, as Carewyn helped herself to a dinner roll. 
“...Was there something else?”
Carewyn looked up. For the first time, Tulip looked a bit unsettled.
“Something else?” Carewyn repeated, confused.
“Something else you wanted,” said Tulip. “I mean, you did just leave your friends behind to come sit here.”
There was something oddly stiff in Tulip’s posture, almost expectant. It was as if she was bracing herself for what Carewyn would say next, as if...she was waiting to hear what favor the other girl wanted to ask of her.
Carewyn felt her heart crinkle up with pity. Her eyes flickered with a strange type of righteousness.
“I don’t want anything,” she said forcefully. 
She paused. Her eyes fell down to her plate as she put down her knife and fork.
“...I just...didn’t want you to be alone, after what happened with your boggart.”
Tulip gave a double blink. 
“I’m sure you’ll say it was no big deal, but...well, I don’t think it was,” said Carewyn. “I’d thought the reason you and Merula teamed up was just because you both wanted to find the Vaults...but after what that boggart said -- I think I was wrong, about that. I think there’s a lot of things I don’t know, and that I shouldn’t have just assumed...”
Carewyn tried to look Tulip in the eye, but her gaze just couldn’t seem to move any higher than her right shoulder. 
“I don’t know what happened between you and Merula,” she said very firmly, “and I don’t know how close you two were, before you fell out...but one thing I do know is that what your boggart said -- about how you’ll never have any friends? That’s the real lie. Your boggart is the liar for saying that -- not you.”
Tulip stared at Carewyn, stunned. She was struck dumb for a long moment -- then, finally, she looked away. 
“...How do you know that?” she asked lowly. 
There was no hint of a smile in her expression now -- only discomfort, trimmed with hints of gloominess. 
 A rush of empathy pulsing through her veins, Carewyn actually reached right across the table to take hold of Tulip’s hand. Tulip was so startled by the gesture that she looked up again. 
“Because I don’t think a disloyal person would fear hurting someone they called their friend,” Carewyn said through a fierce smile. 
She gave Tulip’s hand a supportive squeeze.
“I understand if you have trouble making other friends, or if you don’t want to make any more right away...but for what it’s worth...I’d say when you do find those new friends, they’ll be a lot better than the one you left behind. And I hope they don’t just come to talk to you when they want something.”
Tulip stared from Carewyn’s face to down to their joined hands and then back. Then her eyes fell back down to their hands and stayed there. 
“I suppose you want to know why,” she mumbled. “Why Merula’s my boggart -- what it means.”
Carewyn shook her head. “No.”
Tulip raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced.
“Sure, I was curious about it,” said Carewyn as she released Tulip’s hand at last, “but I meant what I said, Tulip -- I don’t want anything from you. Not even an explanation, if you don’t want to give me one. It’s really none of my business, anyway. And if it’s painful for you to talk about...then the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”
Carewyn forced herself to look Tulip right in the eye, wanting to make sure she knew she was sincere.
“I came over here because I was worried about you. We don’t have to talk about Merula, if you don’t want to -- we can always talk about something else. We can even not talk at all, if you want.”
Tulip regarded Carewyn with something like bewilderment.
“So...you really don’t want me to explain?” she asked uncertainly. “You’re really okay just...not knowing? Even if Merula could be right, and I could betray you too -- all because you don’t know this about me?”
Carewyn scoffed. “I doubt any of us will live to see the day that Merula Snyde is right about something.”
Her gaze and voice then softened. 
“...Tulip, we’ve all done things we’re not proud of. That’s part of what being a good person is -- learning from our mistakes and trying to be better. And well, your boggart already tells me that you regret losing Merula’s friendship. If that feeling is so strong that a boggart could pick up on it, then surely that means you want to try to make sure that doesn’t happen again, right?”
Carewyn smiled reassuringly.
“I have faith in you, Tulip. I’m sure you’ll be a great friend to whomever earns your friendship next.”
Tulip seemed oddly moved by Carewyn’s sentiment. Her shoulders had lost all of their stiffness, and her smile seemed softer and prettier than before. 
“...You’re so strange, Carewyn Cromwell.”
Carewyn raised her eyebrows. “How so?”
“Whenever we’ve been helping each other, it’s been about the Vaults, but right now...it’s weird. It’s like you don’t care about any of that right now...even though I know it does matter to you.”
Carewyn frowned. “One can care about their own goals and other people’s well-being at the same time.”
“Maybe...but you care even though we’re not even really friends,” Tulip pointed out. “Sure, I’ve helped you out and all -- but fussing over me will only take your time and focus away from the Vaults.”
“Well, this isn’t about me,” huffed Carewyn. “It’s about you.”
Tulip’s black eyes seemed to sparkle. For a split second Carewyn thought she might cry, but instead her lips slowly unfurled into a fuller, warmer smile than Carewyn had ever seen before. 
“...Thank you, Carewyn Cromwell,” she said. 
Tulip paused. Then, very hesitantly, she spoke again, more grimly this time. 
“...You said you don’t need to know, but...I want you to. That is...if you don’t mind listening.”
“Of course,” Carewyn said at once. 
Tulip gave a small weak smile. 
“...A lot of people don’t know this,” admitted the Ravenclaw, “but Merula was the first friend I made at school. We met on the train, and...well, I envied her. Her parents are in Azkaban, and even before then, they were never around, so she’s used to doing whatever she wants. But me...”
She cringed. 
“My parents both work for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,” she muttered sourly. “My whole life has been nothing but rules.”
Tulip brought her arms to rest on the table and leaned her chest on top of them.
“When I came to Hogwarts, I was finally free to rebel -- do what I want, for a change. Merula and I started in opposite places, but we ended up the same. We studied in class together, broke rules together...played tricks together. Then Merula became interested in the Cursed Vaults. She told me about them, and she recruited me to help her, right after you and she broke into that icy room. We decided that we’d find them first -- show the whole school just how powerful we could be...”
Tulip hung her head.
“...But then...the idea of the Cursed Vaults ran away with me. The thought of breaking those curses on my own -- of being the greatest rulebreaker, through being a Cursebreaker...it thrilled me. I wanted to find the Vaults myself, all by myself. I thought I could, if I just tried. Then maybe everyone would see me the way I wanted people to see me -- not like my parents, not just another anonymous Ravenclaw -- but as me, just me. So I hid the clues I found and used what I found behind Merula’s back. ...I wanted all the glory for myself...”
Regret pooled through each word. Carewyn reached out a hand to rest on Tulip’s arm again reassuringly -- the gesture made Tulip try and fail to give Carewyn a grateful smile without raising her head. 
“...When Merula found out, we had a big argument about it. It shattered our friendship. The Vaults had made our friendship stronger, but they also destroyed it. And in the end, neither of us could access Jacob Cromwell’s room anymore, without the other one’s help.”
“Since you locked it with a lock only both of you could open,” Carewyn surmised.
Tulip nodded. “It was Merula’s idea. I think she’d already started to suspect I was thinking of betraying her and wanted to make sure I couldn’t get too far ahead, when she wasn’t around. And well, after what happened between us...I just didn’t have the heart to go after the Cursed Vaults myself, after that. Really, it...wasn’t until the boggarts started showing up that I felt any desire to go after the Vaults again...”
Carewyn frowned in confusion. “But you said you wanted to find the next Cursed Vault because I broke into the first one last year.”
Tulip brought a hand up through her bottle-red hair and rubbed the back of her neck uncomfortably. 
“Yeah, well...you getting scolded so openly by Dumbledore was pretty cool,” she admitted with an awkward smile. “And the boggarts proved that there was another one, just waiting to be found. Then you and Bill Weasley came looking for me, and...I got excited about it! I liked the thought of going searching for another Vault with someone -- especially an infamous rulebreaker like you...”
Tulip then twisted her face into an over-the-top frown.
“...But then it turned out that you’re an absolute stick-in-the-mud who wouldn’t know a good prank if it bit her on the nose,” she sighed melodramatically. 
Carewyn cocked her eyebrows coolly as she crossed her arms. “Forgive me if I don’t think Nose-Biting Teacups are a great way to get a laugh out of someone.”
This dry humor, however, seemed to be enough to earn a laugh out of Tulip. The smile on her face then relaxed, fading slowly.
“Still...even if you’re way too serious for your own good...I have to admit, you’re a good person, Carewyn Cromwell.”
She forced her smile a bit, which made it look more detached again. 
“I’m sure you’ll make plenty of friends. You’d deserve it -- even if you can’t take a joke to save your life.”
Carewyn, however, didn’t smile back. 
“Deserve?” What have I done, to “deserve” a lot of people supporting me? I haven’t done anything that great. Even the Vault I only broke the curse on to try to find Jacob...I only ever did it for myself... 
Rather than verbalize this out loud, Carewyn shifted her focus back onto Tulip.
“I don’t need to be popular,” said the ginger-haired Slytherin lowly. “I just want friends who’ll stick by me as much as I plan to stick by them. I don’t care how many they might be.”
Carewyn eased her own arms down onto the table and leaned across them so as to get a little closer to Tulip.
“And for the record,” she said with a slightly cooler smile, “I plan to stick by you, Tulip Karasu.”
Tulip was completely thrown for a loop. Her eyes widened as she stared at Carewyn, dumbfounded. She examined Carewyn’s face critically for some trace of joke or hesitation -- upon finding none, Tulip slouched a bit in her seat. She looked down at her plate, thinking. Then, at long last, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and looked up, her lips spread in a faintly self-conscious, but very bright smile. 
“No joke?” she asked.
Carewyn smirked. “I don’t joke. I’m an absolute stick-in-the-mud, remember?”
Tulip laughed. It made Carewyn’s smirk soften to a more sincere smile, and Tulip likewise found her expression softening too.
“I’ll have to fix that, you know!” Tulip said mischievously. “No friend of mine is going to stay completely straightlaced and never have any real fun...especially when she’s breaking the rules left, right, and center!”
“There are ways to have fun that don’t involve breaking the rules,” Carewyn said reprovingly.
“There are also ways to make an omelette without breaking some eggs, but you won’t see me doing that,” Tulip shot back coolly. 
The bottle-red-haired Ravenclaw got up from her seat with a new gleam in her eye.
“Now then, new friend -- reckon everyone’ll be heading to Hogsmeade tomorrow. Want to stop on into Zonko’s and get more material for another Jumbo Dungbomb?”
“No,” said Carewyn. “But if you want to go to Zonko’s, then I’ll go with you. Then maybe we can go to Gladrags after -- it’s right next door.”
Tulip rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling as she and Carewyn left the Great Hall together, breaking apart at the door for their respective dormrooms.
Merula had never volunteered to do something with Tulip she was actively disinterested in. If she hadn’t wanted to do something, she would’ve left Tulip to do it on her own, and maybe even actively disdained Tulip’s desire to do it in the first place.
But not Carewyn Cromwell. However much she didn’t like Zonko’s or pranks, she put Tulip’s feelings first. She put spending quality time with Tulip first. 
It was new. New...but nice. 
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tvitr · 1 year
B, L, T and V :P
Cheers!! :D
B) A pairing I didn't consider but someone changed my mind.
Honestly? Grusha x Katy. I think I mentioned shitposting about it on my blog then went on to say "oh but she's married and not interested in him :]]]]" but literally a few days later I'd started writing this smutfic about them and it's. Going strong 🤣
Honorable mention to Grusha/Tulip tbh
L) Say something nice about a character I don't care about.
I want Rika to drag her 🐱 across my face like a snail.
Jk, but as a fellow tall, skinny, barely feminine, honestly-not-sure-if-I'm-cis-or-not-I-know-right woman who dresses like a gay man from the 80s, I appreciate the representation 🤣
T) A hard and fast headcanon I'll die defending.
(Unrolls list) Steven Stone is a colossal manwhore and gets ALL the dick he wants AND he's the most dominant toppest top to ever top I just didn't write about it in my Origin days because I was a weenie who didn't know how to sex.
Also Grusha be ripped and has huge arms, huge pecs, a 6-pack and his legs were carved by angels he's JACKED dammit and I won't settle for anything less.
V) Who do I relate to?
Hard one but I immediately thought "I've never related to a character quite as much as I related to Lin Beifong in that one scene in season one of Legend of Korra where she has to babysit Tenzin's kids and carries one of them at arm's length with a disgusted look on her face the whole time" like as a 17 year old dweeb who knew she didn't want kids it was SO validating to see an older female character who didn't have kids purely by apparent choice because kids are just gross and she didn't want any of that because I know I'm not the only girl who'd express a desire to not have kids and immediately be met with a chorus line of "oH yOuLL cHaNgE yOuR miNd :))" from every middle aged mum within a 10km radius
I got sidetracked
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complete-idiot-inc · 2 years
A list of Pokeparents
This is a list of the people I’ve chosen for my Pokeparents series of one-shots.
Edit: updated the roster, and fic can be found here
Drake - Drake attempts to get his Dragonite used to his son, and he succeeds wildly.
Diamondshipping - An average day in the life of Giovanni Ketchum, a husband, a father, and a mafia boss.
Koga - Ash & Janine train in their ninja skills, the problem is they use it to mess with their neighbors and their dad has to do something about it.
Valerie - ash and his mom are moving away from their home.
Morty - a young couple struggles to make some ends meet, luckily Agatha can be nice.
Silver (Anime) - Silver takes his son to the sevii islands for the first time, Montress says hi.
Archie - team Aqua + Ash and Delia go to the beach, and Ash learns why not to swim out too far.
Juan - Juan introduces his son to his protege, and the two aren't all that different.
Steven Stone - Ash’s surprise part 2: hand-cut from the mountains of Kalos Steven put the tiny gem into the white band.
Cynthia - Cyn picks Ash up from school and takes him home for a surprise. 
Sir Riley - Aura training becomes a battle between the Ketchums and the Tougans.
Fantina & Byron - The recently reconstituted Togan family has to deal with Byron’s smarmy brother.
Lenora - Ash brings his girlfriend home for dinner, and Lenora talks to her.
Ghetsis/N - N rescues his brother from their evil personification of a father and returns him home to Kanto.
Subway brothers + Drayden - Grandpa Drayden and his sons are tasked with watching Ash and Iris for the week, none are prepared for what’s in store.
Gentryshipping - Sycamore and Ash are invited to Diantha’s next movie premiere, chaos breaks through when Zygarde tries to invite ash on a crusade against team flare. 
Malva - running away from Lysandre and team flare with her son in her arms.
Wulfric - Wulfric takes his son camping at the pokemon village, and both find an unexpected surprise.
Kukui & Burnett -  Ash accidentally calls Burnet “Mom” in the middle of class, and neither hears the end of it. 
Skullshipping - Kukui has to talk to the parents of his new student from Ula’ula, he wasn't expecting one to be his old friend.
Nanu - “I leave for 5 minutes and already there’s a hole in the wall!”
Melony - Ash gets sick and refuses to accept the fact, then it's a good thing Melony is a great (s)mother. 
GardenoasisShipping - The Ketchum family has a Christmas (?) party, and things go south when Rose shows up.
Leon - a lesson on why impulsive adopting an orphan is not always a smart decision.
Tulip & Dendra - Dendra decides to give her class a demonstration of how moves can be used in more than just battles, featuring her wife and son. 
Larry & Katy- “take your kid to work” day doesn’t gel well when your son is rather high energy.
Miriam (& Iono) - my little bro battles me at my gym!? (not clickbait, gone wild!!)
Cyllene - Of the many things Cyllene expected to occur in Hisui, becoming a mother to a kid who fell from the sky was not one of those things. 
Lental & Pasio
Mirror & Bellis - the Pokémon world’s oddest couple and their even odder child.
Jessie & James - TRio finds an orphan, James takes him in, unknowingly creates a found family.
Big thanks to @alolanrain for Peony x Delia's ship name.
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