#kawaragi senju fluff
wellterr · 2 months
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hinasen? hinasen!
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My headcanons on …-
- learned English by reading books at the orphanage
- half his life he didn’t know his origins so even if he’s half Japanese and half Filipino he doesn’t know any single words of Tagalog
- got his earrings in a temple
- he doesn’t like slow people, he prefers when others are fast/quick to do what he orders
- this guy knows his worth so if you want something with/from him you’ll have to beg him or even kneel
- love language : ( giving ) always looking(staring) at you like he’s watching over you
- love language : ( receiving ) telling him what he wants to hear, acting soft and calm with him
- can act like a brat in public if he’s feeling bad/angry
- read people’s facial expressions/body movements so easily it’s like a second nature for him
- i feel like he is not interested nor ready for a romantic relationship
- sleeps for like 3-4 hours
- wears baggy pants/sweaters + heels + Vivienne Westwood jewelry
- hates being interrupted
- stares blankly at his fish tank
- he’s a picky eater
- finds tall girl more attractive (over 165cm/5’5~)
- was often told he was scary looking
- people in the streets would glare at him either because he has a tanned skin and/or because he has “feminine traits” (prominent lashes, perfectly structured face, pretty lips, etc…)
- I think he would not get along with:
-> Taiju Shiba (he finds him stupid for breaking families moral codes and hurting them, he envy him to have siblings and doesn’t like him because he doesn’t show his siblings the love a big brother should)
-> South Terano (thinks he’s just like Hanma that he only wants a little bit of friction and nothing else, he thinks people like this are stupid and boring to hell)
-> Hakkai Shiba (I don’t think he would “hate” him but more ignore him since he sees him as a liar or a scared person that hides behind others for protection)
I think he would get along/would enjoy their companies : (PLATONIC‼️)
-> Senju Kawaragi (he likes the way she’s dedicating all of her life training to be stronger than Mikey, it’s similar to his conviction) ✅
-> Yuzuha Shiba (Even though she’s younger of 3 years he thinks of her as a sister/motherly figure he had been wanting for so long, plus she’s respectful and admirable and she respects his opinion on how he sees life, etc) ✅
-> Seishu Inui (Finds it relaxing that he doesn’t speaks too much because he has grown to love silence, likes how they can talk about how they both loved Shinichiro without being blood related to him) ✅✅
@brunettebombshells-world ‘s work - do not claims as yours, do not repost on other platforms
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aleapple1216 · 2 years
"Who is the best singer?"
1) South
2) Senju
3) Mikey
1) Wakasa
2) Takemichi
3) Sanzu
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Awwwwwww please look at them ♡
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buccini555 · 1 year
𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒖 𝑲𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊
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♡... Headcanons of what it would be like to date Yuzuha Shiba and Senju Kawaragi
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♡ Both are affectionate and give you as much attention as they can, you are always together, so you usually have a lot of fun.
♡ They are super protective, especially Yuzuha, the two girls take care of you, making sure no one hurts you or anything.
♡ They aren't jealous and have great confidence in you, Yuzuha doesn't really like it when other people get close to you, but she keeps jealousy away from your relationship.
♡ Triple kisses, bites and marks on the neck, that's what they like the most, Senju always leaves you with marks with the excuse of "marking territory", while Yuzuha likes bites, with the same excuse as Senju, they like to mark you.
♡ You go shopping regularly, you both love shopping for clothes and choosing each other's clothes, and you both enjoy spending a lot of time in stores, food courts and arcades.
♡ Senju is the one who shows the most affection, Yuzuha tends to be a little more reserved, despite this, they both love you very much and are happy with your relationship.
♡ You wear matching clothes most of the time, plus necklaces and accessories.
♡ You three have the same little bunny keychain.
♡ They taught you how to fight and protect yourself, both are very strong, but they want to make sure you know how to take care of yourself.
♡ They love giving you cute nicknames, both are creative with nicknames. (Sweetheart, sweetie, honey, darling, bunny, doll, dollface, hottie...)
♡ You like watching movies and listening to music together, always eating sweets and snacks.
♡ Yuzuha and Senju always give you gifts, clothes, perfume, food or anything you ask for.
♡ They relate to each other, so they don't feel jealous of each other, they like to share you, at every possible moment.
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starkura · 2 months
familiar scent / not proofread
you sat criss-crossed in front of senju. she blowed dried your hair and brushed it through thoroughly. it seemed like senju was brushing your hair for hours. senju always liked playing with your hair, even though she never admitted it. “how long are you going to play with my hair?” you questioned. she stopped momentarily and tried to peek at your face. “what! no im not! im just- making sure it’s perfect.” she exclaimed. she pretended to fix your hair for what seemed like the 100th time. the aroma of your hair was familiar to senju. “did you use my shampoo and conditioner? it smells like it.” she asked. “oh, yeah i did. do you mind?” you say. senju wrapped her arms behind you. “no, not at all! why’d you use it though?” you let out a soft chuckle and placed your hands holding on top of senju’s arms. “it reminds me of you.” you smiled. “you should just tell me to buy more of my products so i don’t run out of them so fast.” she tells you. “how many times have you used it without me knowing?” she wondered. you smiled at her playfully. “don’t worry about it.” you chuckled.
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
Can I have “cafe love” with Senju. She always goes to the cafe and orders the same order. And reader memorized it. Then one day Senju ask reader on a “movie theatre date” and of course reader accepted it. They have a great time together with a lot of fluff and cliche movie date tropes like sharing popcorn and holding your partner when your scared of the scene. Finally a kiss and the end of the date. Does Senju have a motor bike? Thank you, I hope this isn’t too much trouble. Have a good day!
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— senju kawaragi [akashi] // cafe love // movie theater date
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☆ ˎˊ˗ hiii anon! thank you for requesting senju & i hope ur still around after i was gone for so long !! i made this hcs so that i could fit all ur ideas in, i hope u dont mind ! i hope everyone enjoys !! xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ fem!reader implied
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.2k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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❥ everytime you hear the revving of a motorbike getting closer while you’re working, you begin to type the same order into the register, waiting for the flash of white hair to walk into the store. 
❥ for the last few months, the cafe has gained a regular; a girl named senju, (or at least, that was the name she gave for her order every time). you hadn’t interacted with her a whole lot outside of taking her order, but you could tell from your interactions that she was a friendly and outgoing girl, (she was also extremely pretty, but that was another conversation for another day). 
❥ professionally speaking, you weren’t entirely sure if it was a good idea for you to try and be friendly with a customer, (much less even think about asking them out…) so you were happy with just admiring her from afar, waiting for her to come into the store every day. 
❥ apparently though, she wasn’t. 
❥ it was on a completely normal day when she randomly asked you out, which strayed from the script that the two of you usually had. you’d just stared at her for a second, shocked and unsure of what to do next, (she waited very patiently as you tried to logic your way into finding an answer). 
❥ eventually, you found words, accepting her offer. her face had immediately stretched into a gorgeous smile, reaching over the counter and grabbing a pen from the pocket of your apron. when she gestured for your hand, you’d been confused, but you were already too flustered to think anything of it. you gave her your hand and she gently grasped it, dragging the pen across your skin until the writing read her number and full name. 
❥ she walked out without ordering anything, waving to you through the window of the cafe and driving away, leaving you in quite the stupor. 
❥ after your shift you hesitantly texted her, unsure of what to say. your hesitance was immediately gone when she instantly replied back, using many emojis to express her happiness that you next back. 
(y/n): hello! it’s (y/n) from the cafe! :D senju akashi: OMG hi! (>▽<) i’ve been waiting for you to text!! <("0 ")> senju akashi: are you free tomorrow? let’s go see a movie! (#^.^#)
❥ the next day, (after you promptly tossed all of your clothes out of your closet looking for an outfit) you met senju outside the station next to the movie theater, feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing. you’d never imagined that the cute girl who always came in would ask you out, so you were hoping that you wouldn’t be letting her down…
❥ when she showed up, all you could do was stare at her and smile for a few moments; she looked absolutely beautiful. it seemed as if she had put on a light amount of makeup further enhancing her features, (seriously, was this real right now?! were you about to go on a date with this gorgeous girl!?). 
“wow! you look so beautiful!!”  “haha, thank you! you look so pretty too!” 
❥ senju hooked her arm through yours, immediately breaking the awkward contact barrier between the two of you as she began to walk in the direction of the theater, (you were thankful that she was so straightforward because you felt like an emotional mess at the moment). 
❥ when the two of you entered the theater, she flashed a black card when buying the tickets, which you tried your best not to gape at. nonetheless, she caught you and just giggled at you expression, poking your cheek and bringing you to the concession stand. 
“my brother gave me his credit card, so we can go crazy!!” 
❥ well. her brother must be very rich…
❥ arms full of popcorn, junk food and drinks, the two of you made your way to the theater the movie was playing in. any awkwardness or nervousness you might have felt about going out with senju had vanished, leaving you with the fluttery feeling in the pit of your stomach and the amount of fun you were having. 
❥ you hadn’t even been sure what movie the two of you were seeing, but you laughed a bit to yourself when you realized it was a horror movie; terribly cliche, but strangely, you didn’t mind as long as it was with senju. 
❥ with the popcorn bucket between the two of you, the movie began. the first half wasn’t really scary, so you and senju were just watching with a bit of boredom, making comments and joking to each other about strange moments. seeing her smiling in the darkness of the theater was making you feel some type of way; your heart was beating slightly faster the entire time, your giddiness evident from the smile that didn’t seem to leave your lips the entire time. 
❥ by the second half of the movie, the horror had progressed a bit more, leaving the two of you a bit more scared as the scenes continued, (you and senju swore to protect each other if someone came out from behind to murder everyone). 
❥ there was one particular scene that freaked the both of you out, making you both instinctively reach for each other, your hands clasping together and squeezing as you both stared at the screen in fright. when the scene was over, you and senju looked to each other, laughing a bit and continuing with watching the movie, (neither of you let go). 
❥ by the end of the movie, the two of you had moved a lot closer to each other, which you really hadn’t realized until the lights turned on in the theater. neither of you minded though :) 
“you’re not planning on taking the train home this late, right?”  “hm? oh, haha, i was…”  “let me take you home!” 
❥ you hadn’t expected that you would be riding home on a motorbike of all things today, though you suppose you should have considered the possibility since you were going on a date with senju, the girl who always rode her motorbike to the cafe. 
❥ you hadn’t ever ridden one, so you had to admit that you were a little bit nervous at first, but senju made you feel more comfortable, telling you to hold onto her as tightly as possible if it made you feel better, (it made you more flustered, but you were happy to be close to her). 
❥ you felt a bit sad when you noticed that you were almost home, holding onto senju a bit tighter, (you really didn’t want to say goodbye yet). when she arrived in front of your house, she killed the engine, giggling a bit when she realized you hadn’t let go of her yet. 
“i’ll text you right when i get home, and we can plan another date!”  “hm, okay…as long as you promise.” “i promise!!” 
❥ you finally let go of her, getting off of her motorbike. senju walked you to the entrance of your house, giving you a sweet smile as she held your hand. before you could give yourself too much time to think about it, you leaned forward pressing your lips against her cheek for a few moments. when you pulled away, there was a shocked expression on her face, her eyes wide as she looked at you. 
“next time…i’ll give you an actual kiss. get home safe! bye bye!” 
❥ you chuckled when you saw that she still had the same shocked look on her face, blindly nodding at your words. 
“bye bye…”
❥ you were really looking forward to the next date :)
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What I think it would be like dating tr boys and girls <3
𝑻𝒘/𝑪𝒘: 𝒄𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔, 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 𝑴𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒚, 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏, 𝑩𝒂𝒋𝒊, 𝑰𝒏𝒖𝒊, 𝒀𝒖𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂, 𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒖
𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒓 <𝟑
Manjiro “Mikey” Sano:
It’s giving you feel first but he fell harder troupe
He steals all your food when you’re not looking(you lightly smack and scold him) 
Late night rides with him <3
Oml then he’ll take you to the beach on a cloudless night and have deep conversations with you while holding you
Him slightly getting on your nerves at times, but you still looking at him with loving eyes 
Naps together in late afternoons 
Helping him with his homework when he even goes to school
Making him take breaks when the gang takes up too much of his time
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji: 
You asking him for hugs when you know he can’t refuse you of them
Him giving you a piggy back ride when you get tired
He would definitely do the thing where he sticks your hand in his pocket if you don’t have gloves on when it’s cold out
Him intimidatingly standing behind you when you’re out in public
Also one to give you night time rides 
Him making sure you’re taking care of yourself(he’ll carry around snacks and take you out since he’s use to it because of Mikey)
Let you play with his hair out of the braid
Taking his clothes then he finds them when he comes over to your house 
Keisuke Baji:
Staying up late helping him with homework 
Teasing him about his “nerdy” look at school
Reading to him with his head on your chest
Playful fights/wrestling 
Braiding his hair
Him bragging about how he did in a previous gang fight 
Bringing cats home from the streets and forcing him to let you adopt them when you’re older 
Rolling his clothes with those linen rollers because of all the cat hair since he works at the pet shop 
Seishu Inui:
Enjoying each other’s presence 
Just holding each other without words 
Seeing him crack a small smile when you say a stupid joke 
Visiting him at work during his lunch break and after his shift 
Soft kisses while half asleep with hushed whispers 
Calling him pretty, because he is <3
Him chasing you around with oil all over him after work in your small apartment 
The smell of men's cologne 
Yuzuha Shiba:
Quick pecks on the cheeks before the both of you head to work 
Staying up late with her while watching movies, bundled up with lots of blankets 
Her hand is soft when you hold it (she prolly moisturizes )
Seeing her face light up when you got her something after work like flowers or take out 
Rubbing her shoulders when she’s up late at night, working for the company or on collage work
Sarcastic remarks being shared, knowing that no one really means it
Slow mornings with her, hair everywhere and giggling 
Eating lunch together with Hakkai 
Senju Kawaragi:
Messy baking fights, flour and sugar getting everywhere 
Buying the other person an ice cream, because they dropped theirs on the ground 
Stargazing together talking about life
The color navy blue
Her pulling you into her gang coat when you’re freezing 
Kissing her with red lipstick and leaving marks(and vice versa) 
Cute couple tik toks
Her putting her head on your shoulder 
Tags:   @maehemthemisfit @sonder-paradise @96jnie @komiyaa @scaramouchenumber1fan @linn-a-a @wisteriaflowersss @ineriris @oddshroom
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fubukinorris · 1 year
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❧ "i'd love to see me from your point of view"
♢regular tags: fluff, established relationship, long distance relationship (shinichiro, akane), alcohol (ryusei), gn! reader, reader is nicknamed bituin (shinichiro), babe (ryusei, senju), and sunshine (chifuyu)
ft. chifuyu matsuno, ryusei sato, shinichiro sano, senju kawaragi, inui akane
a/n: this song made me cry. i really, really want someone loving me one day.. probably when i get over my fears and manage to love myself.
(It's like you got superpowers Turn my minutes into hours) -Shinichiro Sano
"And there was this announcement about the races..."
You met Shinichiro about a year ago. You found him dragging two motorcycle engines along the road and you felt inclined to help him. That help had the element of exchanging numbers, a few dates, and a weird confession that ended up with you and him in bed.
Nevertheless, even when Shinichiro had to go back to his homeland, he was always thinking about you. Sure, he had to work a few more hours at the bike shop to pay for international calls, but it was worth it every time.
"Oh! And I won a contest today! You won't believe how I did it!" Your excited voice makes Shinichiro chuckle. "Tell me all about it, bituin. I have time."
"You sure? Isn't it midnight there?" You ask him. "You should be sleeping, Shin. Don't tell me you're gonna stay up all night and work at the bike shop..."
"Well, my work involves the bike shop but I'm not going to stay up all night. Again." Shinichiro scratches the back of his neck as he said that, laughing a little. "Enough about me, bituin. Tell me about that contest."
"Ah, right! So my instructional materials..."
Shinichiro didn't mind that the late hours were fast approaching. He couldn't wait to see you again. After all, he'll be hearing your voice again in a few months. He needed to count his money for a flight to the Philippines.
(You know me better than I do Can't seem to keep nothing from you) -Sato Ryusei
Ryusei didn't mind if you drank a lot. Besides, you only drank whenever you had a problem. Which was... usually every at the end of the month.
It didn't help that it was finals month. You were already on your fourth glass of whiskey, but it was strange to Ryusei. He had been with you long enough to know that you were a loud type of drunk, yet here now, you were as quiet as a mouse.
Something was up.
"Babe." Ryusei lightly taps on your shoulder. "You've been quiet all night. Did something happen?"
You were still quiet, but you only nod. Ryusei didn't really need to ask, so he just holds his arms out. "Come on, I hate seeing you like this."
A sniffle was heard from you, and you wipe your eyes before you bury yourself into his arms. "What made you think something was wrong, Ryu?"
"You're an annoying baby when you're drunk, babe." Ryusei teases with a small chuckle. You look up at him, pouting. "Can't really hide anything from you can't I?" You ask before burying yourself back into your boyfriend's chest.
Ryusei gently strokes your hair. "Mhm. Nothing really, no."
(I'm getting used to receiving Still getting good at not leaving) -Kawaragi Senju
Senju always spoils you. A lot. Even a simple window-shopping date would end up with you carrying at least one bag of something that you liked.
Senju just... liked buying you stuff. You weren't financially struggling, just really, really silent with what you want and you always decline if anyone would offer you to buy something. Even when someone wanted to treat you for food, you would say no.
"Babe." Senju finally puts her hands on your shoulders. "You can't say no to this one."
"But, baby-" You try to start but your girlfriend shakes her head. "No. You can't decline this one. This is something you've been wanting try and eat for months!"
You had a perplexed look on your face. "Listen, baby. I really appreciate the things you do, but I don't deserve them." You hold her hands as you say that, looking down. "I really... really don't."
There was something laced in your tone of voice. Senju knew that tone all too well. She cups your face now, making you look at her. "Babe. You deserve everything. You... you really do." Senju smiles a little. "If anything, it's me who doesn't deserve you."
You widen your eyes at that, trying to stop the tears from falling. "Don't cry." Senju wipes your tears away with her thumbs. "Listen, you're valid and you deserve so much. Now come on, lets go and try that dessert you've been eyeing."
(You love my lips 'cause they say the Things we've always been afraid of) -Inui Akane
You and Akane met through a mutual friend. The friend hangouts would turn into friendly dates and those friendly dates would lead to romantic dates.
This was your first relationship with someone. And someone like Akane was... a one of a kind.
It was like the red strings of fate pulled you both together, and ever since then the both of you have been inseparable. All those pictures, dates, hugs, and kisses is what made your relationship with Akane much more meaningful.
"Look, it's snowing." Akane giggles when a snowflake lands on your nose. "I guess winter's coming early."
"Funny, winter reminded me of our first date." You say with a laugh. "I was... a nervous wreck, now that I remember it."
"Tell me about it. You spilled juice all over yourself." Akane had a teasing grin and you only blush at the memory. "I didn't spill! The cup just moved on its own!" You retaliate in defense, making Akane laugh. "Hey, Akane-chan! Stop laughing!"
Akane couldn't stop her fit of laughter and you cup her face with your mittens, making her stare at your red face. Akane's face mimicked yours, obviously surprised. "Uh--Wow, you're on a trip to memory lane, are you?"
You only smile. "Yeah... I remember cupping your face like this..."
"And I put my arms around your neck..." Akane does the action, now smiling.
You both stare at each other before closing the gap. The first kiss is always the most memorable, and while others say that finding that spark was impossible, you and Akane definitely kept the spark going.
(I wanna love me The way that you love me) -Matsuno Chifuyu
Chifuyu was always the aggressive golden retriever in the relationship, and even he seemed to notice too. He was clingy, affectionate, a gentleman; you name it.
But what really came down to it was how passionate he was. You didn't mind that he read shoujo manga. You were an avid reader yourself, and that meant the conversations would be way longer than anyone else that you knew.
"Sunshine!" It was the usual routine once more, with the blond hugging you from behind and you giggling at the affectionate action. It had been... what, only six months? Yeah, six months since the both of you started dating. "Hey, Fuyu." You lean up and kiss him on the cheek. "Ready to go?"
Chifuyu lets go of the hug, still smiling. "Why wouldn't I be ready for this? It's our six month anniversary!" He held your hand as the both of you walked in the crowded streets of Shinjuku. There was a Nana themed coffee shop and Chifuyu wanted to take you.
You were curious now, so you finally plucked up the courage. "Hey, Fuyu?"
"How come you're always happy around me?"
Chifuyu looked at you, stunned. "Why wouldn't I be happy around the love of my life?"
"Well..." You cleared your throat. "I dunno. I just have that nagging feeling."
Chifuyu had a blank expression on his face before leaning to kiss your nose. Your face turns bright red at the action, and the blond only smiles sweetly. "I love you too much. Seeing you everyday was a blessing already. And dating you? That was probably the best miracle I could ever ask."
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lazypotaters · 2 years
Devil Emma and Angel Senju are here!
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eggtartz · 2 years
I don't know if you read the last Chapter of TOKYO REVENGERS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But if you did then can I request where it's Hinas and Takemichi wedding day and where Chifuyu is just narrating what everyone has become and what they work and so can you do that but also Y/n is there? And what does Y/n work or do. And she also attends Takemichi and Hina's wedding?😭
My tears right now:
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a/n : i read the last chapter at like 4 in the morning, the way my tears couldn't stop-
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summary : future y/n 🫶🏻 (if you've read my previous writings, you can imagine this as her future as well or not. your choice <3)
- as chifuyu fumbled to takemichi and hina's wedding, he saw you were sitting at the table while talking to senju and sanzu
- the akashi siblings was doing poses once in while for their fans (because they're hot youtubers now)
- you would smile softly at them and saw chifuyu and tell him to rush over too
- you were a successful writer now, published a copy of books locally and internationally
- chifuyu noticed in your books, you mentioned about how lonely it must be to fight alone, so people must not bare that burden alone
- (he just thought that information minded him of someone but he could grasp who)
a/n : i wanna write y/n scenarios at the wedding s lot ngl but we'll see
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
hi! >u< hru? ♡ for the 1yr event, can i pls req senju akashi + prompt three (reader says it)? no pressure and take as long as u need. <3
Hi! I’m pretty good, hope it’s the same for you ♡ This is my first time writing for Senju so I hope I did an alright job and thank you for the reassurance! <3
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#3: “It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
Join Event ➺ Masterlist
It was one of those days where the past comes back to haunt Senju. All of these years she felt guilty that her bliss ignorance in her childhood caused Haruchiyo many pain. She woke up full of sweat from a nightmare of Sanzu blaming all his pain on her. She broke out in tears and reached for her phone to call you. 
It was 4AM when you got a call from someone, it’s a bit unusual to be receiving a phone call at this time but you checked the caller ID to see that it was Senju that was calling you. Seeing so, you quickly picked up the call and was greeted by her trying to speak through her cries. Alarmed, you quickly asked her, “What’s wrong Senju?” 
It took her a while to stop crying and she managed to sniffle out, “I’ve been having nightmares about Haru Nii. It hurts me so much when I remember what I did to him.” “It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.” “No you don’t get it Y/N, I’ll never heal from this.” “Senju, listen to me. This will keep haunting you unless you go and apologize to him. Please promise me that you’ll do that.” “But- I’m scared to face him. How can I even show my face to him?” 
“It’s not a matter of how, it’s a matter of doing what’s right.” She deeply sighed, “You’re right…but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m scared of going to see him.” “I can come along with you if that helps.” “You would do that for me?” She almost bursted out in tears again. “Of course, it’s time to put an end to these nightmares.” She sniffled some more, “Thank you Y/N” She says while finally being able to wipe away the tears on her face.
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nian-7 · 2 years
Heya! Can I have Senju (Tokyo Revengers) with a fem!reader and February 3rd?
hi! yes, i love senju sm, please enjoy!
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Late Night Walk
Senju Kawaragi x fem!reader
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The moonlight shone down onto the dark streets, the only other light that was really available was from the occasional open convenience store or the street lights and even then there wasn't many.
" (name)! Let's go into the next convenience store that's open! I'm getting hungry, " Senju looked over at you. " I feel like having something sweet right now... Hmmm.. " You watched the pink haired girl contemplate what cheap snack she wanted to have tonight.
" Yeah, there's probably one around the corner- We did pass one a while back so another one should be coming up! " You responded, watching her face light up again, taking your hand in hers and running around the corner with you trailing behind her. As you rounded the corner, the noticeable artificial light from the store shone onto the street. Senju's face was lit up both by the light and her happiness while you on the other hand were still trying to recover from the sudden exercise.
" Come on, (name)! "
It had been at least 20 minutes before you and Senju both left the store. She had a bit of a hard time picking out what she wanted and since you were paying she didn't want to have more than one sweet.
You watched as she opened the plastic package that held the item she had waited so long for.
" Mmmm! " She smiled. " It'sh sho good! " She swallowed it and gave you a hug. " You're seriously the best girlfriend ever! " She stated, " You want a bite? " She let you go and held it out to you. You smiled at her previous compliment before gently taking it from her hand and taking a bite out of it.
" It really is good! I might just steal it! " You laughed.
" Hey! It's mine, (name)! " She reached for it, succeeding in taking it back from you. " It's all mine! " You swear you could do this all night as you both walked back down the street once more back to your homes, the pale light lighting up both of your laughing faces.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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mochiswifey · 2 years
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lazysublimeengineer · 2 years
awake with your memory over me
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Summary: That's a real fucking legacy to leave.
Or Takemichi and Mikey saw each other again after several years after the war between the Kantou Manji Gang & the 2nd generation of Toman. No time leaping has happened. AU.
Characters: Manjiro "Mikey" Sano, Hanagaki "Takemitchy" Takemichi, Chifuyu Matsuno & Senju Kawaragi
(A/N: Dedicated to @tinachan. Thank you for the continuous supports to my works and here is your request. Hoping that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did when writing it. Also, for the other readers, please mind the tags and rating of the story. Explicit sexual content ahead so read at your own risk. This is an AU fic meaning to say that there’s no timeleaping involve here and Takemichi continued to stay in the Kantou Manji timeline. Additionally, Takemichi and Hina didn’t get back together ever since they broke up in the BD arc. This one shot was also inspired by the song, “Maroon” from the Midnights album of Taylor Swift. Lastly, I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this bittersweet yet memorable track).
When the morning came we
Were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf
Cause we lost track of time again
Laughing with my feet in your lap
Like you were my closest friend
How’d we end up on the floor anyway?
You say, “Your roommate’s cheap-ass screw-top rosé,” that’s how
I see you every day now
The bright rays of the sun came beaming at him when he got out of the juvenile prison.
He automatically raised his left arm on his face as if to shield himself from the scorching heat of the sun as his other hand carried the duffel bag tightly on his grasp.
An audible sigh left his lips as he put his arm away and watched the surroundings in front of him.
12 years had passed.
But it felt like an eternity to Manjiro Sano.
The cold, grey walls and the iron bars on his cell were his mere companions and witnesses to the misery and anguish that he felt and endured every day and night.
He shook his head faintly and drove away those thoughts before it could wander again to the familiar presence that always haunted his mind and made his heart screamed out for his touch and smiles.
Mikey should keep going now.
No one was waiting to pick him up anyway.
And I chose you
The one I was dancin’ with in New York
No shoes, looked up
At the sky and it was
The familiar chime of the bell made his head looked up.
“Stop skipping lunch partner.” Chifuyu’s familiar admonishing voice washed over him and a small smile tugged on his lips.
“Just a sec. I’m almost done with the inventory Chifuyu.” Takemichi replied with an apologetic look on his face which made Chifuyu sighed lightly.
“Is he not done yet?” Senju’s familiar voice droned out as she entered the shop with the bell chiming in once again on the front door.
“Well, see for yourself.” Chifuyu raised his arms in defeat as he sat in one of the available chairs inside.
“You should eat on time y’know? That’s what the doctor told you know when you’re signed out from the hospital.” Senju sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, I am going to eat my lunch on time. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be finish soon.” Takemichi tried to give her a reassuring smile.
Senju sent a silent look to Chifuyu’s direction to which the other held a defeated look on his face and shook his head faintly.
“Well, it better be partner. We don’t want to lose an available spot again on the diner because of the influx of the customers later.” Chifuyu drawled out to which a hummed of assent only left Takemichi’s lips as a response.
“We’ll be waiting for you outside Hanagaki.” Senju added and she motioned for Chifuyu to follow her outside to which they left Takemichi on his own again in the shop.
Takemichi should be used to it by now.
But for some unknown reason a certain mitigated feeling surrounded his chest as each day passed by.
He ignored the feeling and focused on what he was doing.
It’s useless to be dwelling on a wishful thinking anyway.
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed the wine onto me
And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was
The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones
The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon
His faint shadow was outlined on the ground as he stopped in front of his house.
Mikey stared at the wooden gate for a few seconds before he took out his keys and inserted it inside the keyhole and finally opened it.
His eyes wandered on the surroundings as his gaze swept up on the sight that greeted him.
Nothing much had changed except for the slight cobwebs that formed on the sides signaling that a cleanup should start soon to get rid of the dust and dirt that accumulated when no one was looking out for his abode while he was away in prison.
His gaze strayed on the other side of the place and landed on a familiar place of the house which brought a certain ache inside his heart.
A spot where Mikey, Emma, Draken and sometimes Takemichi used to hang out with after school or if there were no gang activities that they need to do for that day.
He swallowed the lump in his throat as the cheerful smiles, playful laughter and the ocean irises permeated his senses. His pace quickened, ignoring whatever noises or memories that had risen from the consciousness of his mind.
He needed to get his shit together.
And the only way to do so was to focus on getting back on track and drowned himself to whatever work that he needed to do to straighten out his life and reorient himself back to the society once again.
He blatantly ignored the way his heart was whispering to him to visit Takemichi.
Even though the pang inside his heart grew wider, he chose to ignore it for the next incoming weeks.
He didn’t need to bother the other’s life which was now peaceful and tranquil.
Not when he repeatedly hurt him previously and shattered his heart into tiny, little pieces.
Takemichi deserved better anyway.
When the silence came we
Were shaking blind and hazy
How the hell did we lose sight of us again?
Sobbin’ with your head in your hands
Ain’t that the way shit always ends?
You were standing hollow-eyed in the hallway
Carnations you had thought were roses, that’s us
I feel you no matter what, the rubies that I gave up
Mikey waved goodbye to the children who were now leaving his dojo.
Several weeks had now passed after he had opened the dojo of his late grandfather and continued running it under his hands.
He was slowly integrating back into the society and the daily routine of his life even though he experienced some difficulties at first as he previously became used to the daily lifestyle inside the prison wherein the guards or police officers where just calling or announcing their daily tasks and they had mindlessly followed it. Then he’d go to his scheduled checkups with his designated counsellor inside the cell.
But right now, this was his new life. His new freedom.
And he had to do things alone. Literally.
He had to stop himself from thinking about Emma or his late older brother to take care of the menial tasks around the house every day.
The cleaning, cooking and the household chores now fell solely on him.
There was a small part of him that was thankful for the change as it distracted his mind from wandering aimlessly to some of the memories that he chose not to dwell in.
Nevertheless, his heart was a traitorous part of himself.
It was stubborn. Determined. And sometimes a foolish organ.
Just like himself.
This should be one of those days where Mikey would treat this day as an ordinary, sunny day melting off from the vestiges of his calendar.
But it isn’t as soon as he decided to leave his house and headed inside the store to see those familiar royal blue eyes that continued to haunt him every day and night.
When I lost you
The one I was dancin’ with in New York
No shoes, looked up
At the sky and it was maroon
“Good afternoon welcome to—.” Takemichi stopped midway and his voice died down upon spotting the familiar face that he never thought would see again.
Those flaxen locks which were now shorter and dyed in jet black.
The once youthful face had now matured with a sharp angle of lines marring on his face that leant him a full-grown look of an adult that haunted him in those previous timelines.
And those eyes…
…those pair of midnight irises that continued to linger on his memories surreptitiously.
Of how he missed those piercing gaze on his frame like he was the only person that mattered to him the most.
Takemichi wanted to cry, yell, or even speak but he found his voice unable to come out as he could only stared mutely at the figure in front of him.
“Hello Takemitchy.”
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed the wine onto me
And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was
The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones
The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon
Takemichi balled his fists to his side as he remained rooted to the spot.
“What are you doing here?” He found himself asking and Takemichi wanted to slap himself for letting those words to slip out from his lips the first time he saw him again.
That’s not what he wanted to say nor ask.
But at the same the simple question was burning at the tip of his tongue.
He remembered the time when he was rushed into the hospital on the brink of his own death after that fateful night of being stabbed by Mikey under the illusion of his own dark impulses.
With Sanzu’s sword impaling him deeply, the only logical consequence for him was dying in that very moment.
Nevertheless, like some unknown joke or an opportunity provided to him by the universe again, he found himself waking up in a hospital bed and staring blearily at the ceiling.
It was all a blur to him but he could make out Chifuyu’s crying face beside him, the doctors and the nurses monitoring his vital signs and the rest of the Toman visiting him quite often since then.
Takemichi gave a wobbly smile that day and asked weakly where Mikey was to which all of them fell silent and some of them looked away from him.
It felt like a déjà vu to him back in the reception hall of Pah Chin’s wedding in the future.
He was expecting another lie again to protect his torn mentality and weary soul from all the bloodshed and misery he went through with them for saving Mikey.
Not until…
Chifuyu admitted that Mikey was arrested by the police and was put into the juvenile prison.
For 12 years.
The verdict was that he’s gonna stay there for 12 years.
Takemichi’s heart was torn to pieces a long time ago and he thought that nothing could ever probably break it.
But hearing those words from Chifuyu made it hard for him to breathe as if his own heart was splintering harshly everywhere.
However, it was unavoidable.
Seeing the crimes, he committed.
It was only a matter of time before he eventually ended up in the same fate as Kazutora.
After being confined in the hospital for quite some time and being discharged, the first thing he did was to visit Mikey in the prison.
But the other refused to meet him.
Not even getting a glimpse of him.
But it didn’t deter him at first. And he continued to visit him and failed to see him every time.
Until Chifuyu almost pleaded at him to stop doing it. His best friend was still worried about the rejection he experienced every time he went out of the visitor’s hall with a lukewarm smile on his face and serenely downcast eyes that almost made his best friend’s heart went out for him.
It was a wakeup call to him.
An event that he needed to realize that he needed to move on and pick up the pieces of his life together.
Without Mikey by his side.
At first it hurts. It hurts like fucking hell. But if it’s the price that he needed to pay for grappling and meddling with timelines just to save him, he’ll endure it. Even if he can feel his heart was being ripped out from his chest at every rejection he experienced every time he tried to visit him.
So, now when he was starting to finally move on from him…Mikey decided to waltz again back into his life like it was nothing.
Was a this a cruel joke from fate that he needed to experience and endure once again?
“I… I wanted to see you Takemitchy…” Mikey’s soft yet hesitant voice cut off his derailing thoughts and Takemichi couldn’t help but to laugh bitterly on it, his sight was getting blurry and eyes were stinging but he refused to let out his tears this time.
He cried so much for him already that it felt wrong to shed tears for him once again.
“That’s funny Mikey-kun because that��s not how you made me feel back then to those times where I visited you in prison.” Takemichi wanted to punch himself for letting the hurt bleed into his words where he wanted to mock him instead.
“Takemitchy…” Mikey started off in an uncharacteristic mellow voice that he couldn’t help but to glance up at him and tried not to catch his breath at the expression he was making. His eyes were serenely downcast and a sad smile was painted on his lips.
“It wasn’t my intention to make you feel that way… I thought that by pushing you away Takemitchy I’m doing you a favor and atoning for the sins that I’ve caused in every timeline which always ended up being terrible because of me. But I guess I didn’t learn any better huh? The things that I’ve been doing to make them right were making things worst… I’ve hurt you time and time again even if I didn’t mean to… But that’s no excuse Takemitchy for being a fucking terrible person to you…” His voice cracked at the end.
“And why are you here now?” Takemichi asked shakily.
“I’m here because I still love you… And I wanted to see you… That no matter how many times I can lie to myself that I should leave you be and this is for the best, my heart won’t shut up about you. I’m sorry for everything… I know it’s too late and this won’t amount to anything for the fucking misery that I’ve caused but I just want you to know I’m still in love with you and there can be nobody else that would make me feel the way you make me felt towards you. But… But… I’ll understand if you don’t want anything to do with me. You’re not obligated to—.”
Mikey stopped midsentence and his eyes widened for a fraction of second as Takemichi suddenly stormed into his spot and pounded his fists into his chest, his head dropping down on his left shoulder.
“Damn you to hell Mikey-kun…! How dare you come back and say that to me! Just as I was… As I was…. Slowly moving on from you then you came storming into my life again unexpectedly…!” A small sob tore out from Takemichi’s lips as tears finally came crashing down from his eyes like a waterfall, wetting the sleeve of Mikey’s shirt.
“T-takemitchy…” Mikey was taken aback but only for awhile before his eyes softened and one of his hands reached up to card through his locks gently.
“I’m still an idiot because… because… the feeling is mutual Mikey-kun. I can’t fall in love with somebody else if it’s not you. I’m a fucking moron but I… I… I wanna take a gamble again with you because I know that you’re worth it…” Takemichi whispered faintly, small hiccups slipping past his lips.
“Guess we’re both idiots then Takemitchy.” Mikey chuckled softly, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. “But I’m your idiot though. And you’re the one who can only hold my heart until the day I die.” He added before he gently pulled away and tilted Takemichi’s face to reveal that familiar crying face of his and those deep blue eyes that he can drown himself in.
His thumb reached out to gently caressed his cheek and wiped away the tears from his face before he slowly leaned down and remove any remaining gap between the two of them and captured his lips in a kiss that’s been waiting for them in a lifetime.
Awake with your memory over me
That’s a real fucking legacy that you see (It was maroon)
Awake with your memory over me
That's a real fucking legacy to leave
Upon feeling the other’s lips against his own, an electrifying sensation shot down through his veins making his body sizzled out in scintillating sensation.
He always just dreamed of it. Those sleepless nights wondering what it would feel like to be enveloped in his awaiting arms once again and to feel his warmth embrace engulfing him.
But now it was much better in reality.
Takemichi’s hands carded along his hair and massaged on his scalp as Mikey backed him against the wall, instinctively deepening their shared kiss when he sensed that the other reciprocated passionately on their tight embrace.
His tongue coaxed at the entrance of his mouth to let him in to which Takemichi gladly do so and opened his mouth wider to let the other’s tongue explored the interiors and sensitive seams of his own mouth. A moan slipped past him as he felt him licking through the roof of his mouth while the other’s hand gently caressed and kneaded on the side of his hips.
“M-Mikey-kun…” He mumbled hotly against his lips as his legs automatically wrapped themselves around his waist for leverage and support because of the overwhelming sensations bombarding throughout his body.
“Hm?” He mouthed distractedly as his tongue was busy exploring the deepest crevices of his mouth which elicited soft moans from the other and his hand was now inside his shirt and mapping the sensitive flesh of his torso which had the other shaking like a leaf against him.
Takemichi briefly pulled away to catch his breath and ended their kiss reluctantly. Nevertheless, Mikey didn’t waste his time and let his eager mouth travelled down on the pale column of his neck where he showered it with heated kisses and love bites.
“Ha… Mikey-kun… C-careful I’m s-sensitive there…” Takemichi moaned out as his hands were now on the lapels of his shirt and gripping it for support.
“I know… But you’re so cute like this Takemitchy… Can’t help myself…” Mikey breathed out as his tongue lapped at the sensitive skin, his hot breaths leaving a trail of fire as his mouth grew bolder and hungrier, going down below his chest where he mouthed the flesh even if is shirt was still on, his other hand gripping his sides tightly to secure his spot on the wall.
“W-would you wanna take this upstairs? Bedrooms on the left side… I d-don’t think it’s wise to be doing this if we’re going to caught by a c-customer…” Takemichi stuttered out in between his gasps and moans.
As much as Mikey wanted to tease him and watch him fall apart against the wall, he was too pent up and wanted to take the blond in his arms right there and then.
“Okay…” He murmured before he pulled away and scooped him up on his arms, not wasting his time as he made his way upstairs going to his bedroom.
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed the wine onto me
And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was maroon
The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones
The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon
Mikey didn’t waste his time as he proceeded to put Takemichi on the mattress with ease, throwing his shirt somewhere from the ground.
Takemichi watched in rapt attention, mesmerized with the way Mikey was moving, half of his mind was still in a daze and thinking that this must be a dream because he would never think that they would see each other like this.
And if it was a dream, it was one that he wished he would never wake up on.
As soon as Mikey discarded his shirt recklessly on the ground, his hands deftly moved to his pants where he unbuckled it. While Takemichi’s eyes feast on the lean, sculpted frame of the other. He wasn’t bulky or too muscly per se but it revealed on how toned his physique was. That despite being in juvenile prison, he was still involved in strenuous activities that maintained his shapely thighs and well-toned body.
As if by some force urging him to turn around, Mikey slowly faced Takemichi’s direction and found out the other was eyeing him with unabashed admiration and want, his ocean blue eyes turned a tad darker and was swimming in lust and need. A small smirk found its way towards Mikey’s lips as their eyes clashed. Indigo irises meeting his obsidian ones. A shiver ran up through Takemichi’s spine upon meeting his intense gaze. His sable orbs bored right through his soul as if Mikey was seeing through his innermost thoughts and he couldn’t hide anything from him.
“See something that you like?” He asked throatily.
Takemichi couldn’t stop the rosy hues coating his cheeks upon hearing his question and the way he caught him staring like some lovestruck fool.
“Stop being too cocky Mikey-kun…” He tried to warn him but it came out as a soft whine which made the other chuckle lowly.
“You’re still you Takemitchy. And that’s what I love about you.” Mikey murmured softly which made Takemichi’s heart somersault wildly inside his chest.
He could only stare at the other completely mesmerized as he descended and crawled slowly beside him on the bed after successfully discarding all his clothes.
Upon reaching his spot, Mikey stopped right on top of him. There was a soft yet inscrutable expression on his face as one of his hands had reached down to caress his cheek gently.
“S-shut up M-Mikey-kun… D-don’t ruin the moment by being cheesy…” Takemichi grumbled out in a stuttering voice but his cheeks were painted in crimson red but refused to let him know how his words melted his entire being right there and then.
A saucy grin made its way towards Mikey’s face before he leaned down on his face, stopping a few inches from him. “If you say so.” He whispered throatily before he captured his lips in a deep kiss and his hands started to take off his clothes one by one.
A light gasp escaped from Takemichi’s lips but he reciprocated his kiss, matching his passionate rhythm with his own. He couldn’t help but to whined and whimpered softly as he felt the other’s tongue brushing along the roof of his mouth, the ecstasy running through his veins.
Mikey continued in kissing him ferociously, taking advantage of the other’s whimpers and slipped his tongue inside the entrance of his mouth wherein he explored the crevices and sensitive nooks inside of it.
Takemichi trembled underneath him like a shaking leaf as Mikey’s hands caressed every part of his body in a way that left him breathless and wanting for more.
Upon reaching his plump buttocks, he gave it a soft squeeze before one of his fingers had started to breach in his warm entrance which made Takemichi moan against his mouth. His finger circled around his quivering walls expertly, trying to loosen him up when he inserted another finger and began scissoring him.
Takemichi jolted slightly when Mikey hit a certain spot that made him see stars right that instant. It made Mikey smirk.
“Found it…” He mumbled hotly against his lips.
Takemichi briefly pulled away with a drool and lecherous moans leaving from his lips as the onslaught of ecstasy bombarded his senses when Mikey continued hitting on his sweet spot.
“M-Mikey-kun…” He whined needily as he bucked his hips for more, wanting more friction against their bodies.
Mikey continued to abuse his sweet spot repeatedly resulting in the other being a complete drooling and moaning mess beneath him.
“What?” He breathed out as he licked his lips slowly.
“P-please… I-I w-want m-more…” He whimpered against him.
And how could Mikey refuse those bewitching ocean blue eyes and pleading yet sultry voice of his?
If it was another time, Mikey could’ve tease and edge him more but not today.
Not today.
When he wanted him. Desperately.
“If that’s what my Takemitchy wants… then I’ll simply grant it…” Mikey murmured as he slowly pulled out his fingers which resulted to the other whining because of the loss of contact.
But only for a moment as Mikey situated himself on top of him and pulled on his legs on his shoulders. He gave himself a few pumps before he plunged in and breached his sensitive walls with a one, swift thrust which made them both moaned out in ecstasy and in unison.
Takemichi stilled beneath him, the scalding sensation of his member penetrating his insides almost made him melt and split into half because of how thick and wide it was in girth which made him took a deep, shuddering breath as his body shivered from the impact.
On the other hand, Mikey paused beneath him and swallowed thickly. He tried to let Takemichi adjust to their current situation even though his body was screaming at him to take him recklessly and plowed him ferociously on the mattress.
“T-tell me when you get used to it Takemitchy…” He whispered breathlessly, gripping his sides tightly that he swore it would leave bruises tomorrow.
A few moments would pass before one of Takemichi’s hand had rose to cradle Mikey’s nape and brought him down to his face to brush his lips gently against his own.
“Don’t hold back for me Mikey… I want to feel every part of you… I want to feel what your body and heart sincerely wants with me…” He murmured softly against his lips.
And just like a thin thread snapping out of Mikey’s senses, the last vestiges of control slipping instantaneously from his entire being and washed him through the shores of lust and ecstasy.
“If that’s what you really want Takemitchy then I’ll gladly do so…” He mumbled back hotly on his lips and gave him a one, last deep kiss before he pulled away and thrust right back into his scorching heat with intense ferocity and lust that made Takemichi mewled like a helpless kitten beneath him.
“F-fuck…! F-feels good Mikey-kun…! Please don’t stop…!” He moaned out salaciously as Mikey’s thrusts grew faster and harder until he was pounding him relentlessly on the bed which creaked violently from their wild movements.
“Fuck you feel good around me Takemitchy! I missed this…! I missed the feeling of you tightening around me like you’re made for my cock alone!” Mikey groaned out as he held the other’s hips in a bruising grip, the feeling of the other’s walls holding his cock in a vice like grip made him lose his mind and catapulted into the sea of pleasure and need of the other.
“Ngh… God… Feels good… Why’re you so big…! Hit there harder…!” Tears of pleasure streamed down on Takemichi’s face when the other finally reached his sweet spot and abused it repeatedly which made his body went into an overdrive and he came too soon, the splashes of his cum painting their chests in white.
“You came unexpectedly without me Takemitchy? How naughty of you. Guess you’ll lend me a hand to make me come too, right?” A wicked smirk ghosted around Mikey’s lips as one of his fingers brushed along his chest and swiped on the cum towards his lips teasingly.
Takemichi’s eyes widened briefly at the action before a loud moan escaped from his sinful lips when Mikey flipped him over the mattress and his pace grew deeper and rougher, his cock hitting all the right places inside his body which was still sensitive from coming too soon. He continued to rail him mercilessly on the mattress, the blazing heat of their bodies and the cacophonies of their lecherous moans ringing out against the four walls of the room.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Mikey-kun if you keep going on at this rate I’ll come again!” Takemichi mewled out like a bitch in heat but he couldn’t even stop his body from reacting instinctively as his hips were grinding back harder against the other’s thrusts on his body.
“Can’t even fucking stop when you felt so good around me Takemitchy…!” Mikey growled out lowly. “Fuck! I love you! Gonna come soon!”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck! Please give it to me!” Takemichi whined out before a salacious moan slipped out from his lips as he felt Mikey convulsed on top of him and the hot, scalding sensation of his cum painting his walls in white and filled him up to his brim instantaneously.
A loud groan escaped from Mikey’s lips as he reached his peak and splashed his load into the other’s walls before his knees gave up and fell on top of him.
Their ragged breathing and loud heartbeats were the only sounds reverberating inside the room until he felt Takemichi’s hands carding through his locks which made him sigh out in contentment.
He was almost dozing off before he heard Takemichi’s soft voice in a faint whisper which made him smile and heart soared out in happiness and delight.
“I love you too, Mikey-kun.”
It was maroon
It was maroon
(A/N: My first one shot in this fandom for this year. Not my best but I tried. I’ll prolly work on my in-progress TR fics soon but the succeeding chapters will take time because I’ll be busy with work and career so hopefully you can wait patiently for that. Belated happy new year everyone. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you).
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢
✩°。⋆⸜ Dating your brother's best friend
✩°。⋆⸜ H e a d c a n o n s!
✩°。⋆⸜ 𝑭𝒕. Senju Kawaragi and Takemichi Hanagaki
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Takemichi always supported your relationship, he knew you liked Senju and would love for her to be part of the family, so he made sure to keep you close.
You guys go out together sometimes, having a lot of fun on walks, Takemichi doesn't mind being left out sometimes, anyway he's happy seeing you happy.
It didn't take Takemichi long to realize his love for Senju, he felt jealous at first because she was his best friend, but he soon liked the idea.
He's not a jealous brother, so he doesn't get in the way when you're together.
You guys get along well and have a great relationship, you ended up joining their friendship group as Senju's girlfriend.
You spend a lot of time at home together, so you're always seeing each other and hanging out.
Senju never cared about the fact that you were Takemichi's sister, she liked it when she went to visit him and ended up seeing you.
Takemichi is the biggest supporter of your relationship, as he knows that Senju will always take good care of you.
You guys enjoy your time together, sometimes Takemichi also takes Hina on your walks.
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loverofhinaandemma · 1 year
ʰᵉˡˡᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ!
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Welcome to my world of love! You may call me Mother, as I have no other name that comes to mind! My siblings all call me mother, as well as my few friends so why not just have it as my second name!
If you are to refer to me using pronouns, please use it/he--or they/them, either is fine!
I am 15-17! Just so you all know :)
(Main Account; @loverofgenya !!)
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The characters with more ✧ by them are the ones I prefer to write for! Well, more of an 'I like them more than the other characters' lolz
Takemichi Hanagaki ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano ✧
Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji ✧✧
Keisuke Baji ✧✧
Chifuyu Matsuno ✧✧✧✧
Takashi Mitsuya ✧✧✧
Hakkai Shiba ✧✧✧
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata ✧
Souta 'Angry' Kawata ✧✧
Kisaki Tetta
Shuji Hanma
Kazutora Hanemiya ✧✧✧
Taiju Shiba
Hajime Kokoni
Seishu Inui
Izana Kurokawa
Kakuchuo ✧✧
Rindo Haitani ✧
Ran Haitani ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Hajime Kokonoi ✧✧
Kawaragi Senju ✧✧✧
Akashi Takeomi
Keizo 'Benkei' Arashi
Wakasa 'Waka' Imaushi
South Terano
Kakuchou ✧✧
Ran Haitani ✧
Rindo Haitani ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano ✧✧✧
Haruchiyo Sanzu ✧✧
Kakuchou ✧✧
Ran Haitani ✧✧✧
Rindo Haitani ✧✧✧
Hajime Kokonoi ✧✧
Hinata Tachibana ✧✧✧✧✧
Naoto Tachibana
Emma Sano ✧✧✧✧✧
Shinichiro Sano ✧✧
Yuzuha Shiba ✧✧✧✧✧
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These are some of my rules! Please make sure you read them before requesting and follow them!
No MinorxAdult, No Nsfw for Naoto (The characters are iffy, but if nsfw is requested for the characters (NOT NAOTO!!) then they will be aged up!), No sexualizing Naoto and the younger characters (characters that arent aged up!) No noncon, nothing thats not consensual
I will do Platonic stuff, Romantic stuff, child reader, male reader, female reader, gn reader, demon reader, immortal reader, heartless reader, character-based reader etc. I love myself a villainous, no mercy or morals reader, as said before I will do Nsfw, but the characters are aged up (Nsfw is a iffy subject for this fandom for me!! However I will do it, just dont expect a lot of serious/detailed shit!), I will do gore, self h/rm, talks of r/pe but not doing it of course, suic/de, major character death, angst, fluff, etc.
When requesting certain cahracters (Ex. Mikey) please state wich 'au'/'ark'/'timeline' theyre from! You can request aus (Ex. flower shop, modern, highschool, office/buisness, etc.)
I will do Poly !(NO FAMILY CHARACTERS X READER THO! (ex. izana x mikey x reader, ran x rin x reader etc.) I just cant bring myself to do it sorry :/) Especially with the females cause yes 🥰 (Especially!! Emma x Hina x Reader <3)
I might add a few ocs here and there, so if you'd like to know about them just ask!
There's a lot I will do but if youre not sure then just ask!
Thats about it, I will add more if something comes up!
Enjoy my Lovelies <3
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