#kayla watches 911
swiftsuburbanlegends · 4 months
Tommy was checking Buck out
Buck was very smiley and happy to hang out
Buck got grumpy when Eddie interrupted them
I have been waiting to watch this episode since I started the series a couple weeks ago
(Spoilers are not easy to avoid)
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purpleplaid17 · 4 months
Jess Watches // Thu 23 May // Day 239 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Hacks 3x07 The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular
Deborah braces for Kathy's attendance at her Christmas party, while Jimmy and Kayla refuse to call it quits on the comedian's Late Night dreams.
She may have frozen-out Kathy for the past 30 years and thrown adic-coated snowballs at her face. But the worst things Deborah has done to her sister was not let her eat that mansion-sized gingerbread house.
911 (with mum) 7x04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
Upon her return to shore, Athena's son finds himself in trouble with the law. Meanwhile, Buck grows envious as Eddie forms a close bond with someone else, and the 118 rescue a woman who's stuck on receiving a rose at an iconic mansion.
Me: *trying not to --giggle, kick my feet, twirl my hair-- in the lead up to the Bi Buck reveal*
My mum, oblivious: *still picks up on the vibes between Buck and Tommy*
Me, vibrating at a very normal frequency: They do seem a bit flirty, don't they.
Six Feet Under (rw) 2x09 Someone Else's Eyes
Nate wonders whether Brenda still wants to marry him, or just does out of pity… when Lisa meets him and announces she's pregnant with his child. Claire has doubts about her relationship with Billy. David's relationship with Keith is strong, but Keith's life is troubled when Karla relapses into drugs.
Everyone was having a pretty shit day. Except for David who was living his best gay life. Playing house with Keith and getting fucked six ways from Sunday all around their apartment.
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euudaimonia · 3 years
it is only the fourth episode why am i crying abt this stupid firefighter show
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 3 years
"When someone invites you to their house, you don't show up empty handed"
"Well this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest" DAMN BRO OKAYYYYYY
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gerardswetgaydreams · 2 years
Doctor/nurses Mcr x patient reader
Konnichiwa creatures, Y'all don't have to take this oneshot seriously this is just a joke and it's randomly made. Plus, this fanfic also makes no sense because it's based on a moment when I played a roblox hospital roleplay game. Enjoy.
You have a crush on someone, but they like someone else. And it broked your heart and made you sad. 2 days later, you ran to the bathroom and vomit a lot of blood and flowers. You have the hanahaki disease. It was a huge emergency for you, so you called 911 and they took you to the hospital right away.
There you were, lying in a wheel bed wearing a face mask. A doctor with black hair was pushing you to a surgery room. As you got there, he carries you to the bed and attaches the IV and heart monitor to you. "Name?" He asked. "Y...Y/n..." You coughed blood. He quickly removed your face mask and replaced it with another.
"Oh shit... bad news... If you talk, you start coughing blood so when you're having a conversation with someone right now, you have a sheet of paper and a pencil." He said, pointing at a table with a paper and pencil, close and next to you. "Ok y/n, I'm doctor Frank. Nice ta meet ya." He greeted, waving. You waved back.
"Hey, I have another bad news for you sadly..." He stated with a sad sigh. "Since you have the Hanahaki disease, death is possible for you. So you have to take surgery to survive..." A teat left your eye after hearing that. You were extremely scared, surgery was your biggest fear out of everything. "But before we start your surgery, there will be nurses that will do stuff to you before that." He finished.
Minutes later, a nurse with brown hair and glasses arrived and he's also wearing a face mask. "Hey y/n, I'm nurse Mikey. If you have something to say to me, feel free to write on that sheet of paper." He said. You nodded. "So as you see, I'm holding 3 red pills. They will help you fall asleep for a very long time, 10 hours." He said. Before you even think, he just stuff the three pills into your mouth and then you fell asleep.
Later, two surgeons, one who's really hot and has red hair and one who has poofy dark hair arrived. They have the tools for the surgery. One of them locked the door behind them and closed the lights. One of them turned on the light in your spot. Mikey and Frank were sitting on the chairs next to you, they are going to watch while Gerard and Ray do your surgery. And yes. Duh, they cut you up.
In the middle of the surgery, it was too late. All 4 of them were interrupted when your heart monitor flatten. You officially passed away. "THEY'RE DEAD!" Frank cried with sorrow in his tone. Gerard ripped the IV that was attached to you off and threw you out the building now that your dead. Instead of your body just lying there and bleeding, it just rot immediately and stopped existing.
-the next day..-
A women named Kayla randomly got pregnant. She went to the hospital immediately and told doctor Frank that she was pregnant. He took her to a room so she can push the baby. Mikey, Gerard, and Ray entered the room to help out except Gerard and Ray aren't doing surgery ofc. As Kayla pushed out, it was you. You were reborn. "Guys.. I think somethings off.. That baby looks like the one with the Hanahaki disease yestersay..." Ray said. All 4 of them took a close look and saw that it was actually you. You were alive again, but as a baby who was born in a random person. "IT'S Y/N!!" Mikey yelled, panicking.
Gerard lost his shit and went crazy. He pulled out a large knife to kill you. "THE BABY MUST DIE!!!!!!!!" He screamed. He ran to you, about about stab you but the 3 of them held back at him, trying not to let him go. "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE, BROTHER!?" Mikey growled. "LET ME GO AND LET ME KILL THEM!! THEY NEED TO DIE!!" Gerard growled back, but the 3 didn't listen and just kept holding him tight.
Ray dragged Gerard out of the room and locked the door before Gerard attempts to get in. Gerard was angrily banging at the door, screaming at them to open it up. "Miss, we're sorry but your baby has to grow up. Right now." Frank told Kayla. "W-what!?" Mikey entered the room with a bag of food. He places them on a table and picks the food up. He ran to you and stuff the food to your mouth. "EAT!! COME ON, EAT!!!" He yelled. You munched on the food but nothing was working. You are still a baby.
"NOTHING IS WORKING!" Ray cried. "WTF IS HAPPENING TO MY CHILD!?" Kayla worried. Gerard's insanity exposed. He laughed and finally smashed the door open. The 4 of them eyed him, shocked and scared. Gerard laughed insanely and pulled out his knife and ran to you. And he stabbed you to death. The end. You are no more.
What a lovely story ^^
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holylulusworld · 5 years
I care for you
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Request: Hey could you do a oneshot where the reader is Jensen's daughter she gets really sick and at first they think its just the stomach flu, but then she goes to the hospital and they find out her appendix burst and she needs emergency surgery?
Pairing: Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Genevieve Padalecki, Jared Padalecki, OFC’s
Warnings: angst, sick reader, worried Jensen, comforting, fluff
“Come on, don’t try to trick me, Y/N. You need to go to school.” Jensen warns looking at you lie on your bed.
“I don’t feel good, dad. I swear I’m not ‘playing sick’. I got no clue what’s wrong, but I vomited thrice, daddy. Maybe I should see a doctor.” Your eyes water and Jensen’s features soften. Concerned the touches your forehead only to feel you are burning up.
“You are burning up, Sweetheart. I’ll call a doctor right now. Give me a minute. I bet it’s only the stomach flu. Jared’s kids had it last week. Maybe you got infected.” Jensen stammers rushing out of the room.
With shaking hands Jensen calls your doctor. He never was alone when you got sick before. Danneel is not around and right now Jensen panics, not knowing if he’s doing the right thing.
“Dad, it hurts.” You sniffle as you see your father walking back into your room. The fever got worse and the pain increased after you tried to use the toilette.
“Where, Sweetheart? Tell daddy where it hurts.” Jensen asks worriedly watching you sitting onto the bed.
Touching your lower abdomen, you flinch, looking at your father, silently asking him for help.
“It hurts here.” You sniffle and Jensen turns pale, not hesitating any longer he dials 911 to call an ambulance. Tossing his phone onto your nightstand he sits next to you, gently stroking your hair.
“It will stop hurting soon. A doctor and an ambulance are on their way, Y/N. Daddy is here. I’ll take care of you.” Jensen whispers as his heart beats faster at the sound of the ambulance getting closer. “I’ll be right back, Sweetheart, okay.”
Nodding you watch your father rushing out of your room to let the doctor and paramedics in.
“How is she? Is it stomach flu?” Jensen asks pacing around your room while the doctor checks on you. Forehead wrinkled she motions the paramedics to bring a stretcher.
“I’m afraid it’s not the stomach flu, Mr. Ackles. I think it’s an appendix burst. We must hurry. Your daughters’ fever is high, and the pain gets worse. We will bring her to the hospital right now.” The doctor says and Jensen turns pale, panting.
“Jay, relax. It’s a simple surgery. Y/N is strong, and nothing will happen to her.” Genevieve tries but Jensen won’t stop pacing around the room. Glancing at his friend he shakes his head, sighing.
“I accused her she wants to trick me to not go to school, Jared. What happens if anything happens to my Baby Girl? I would never forgive myself, Jare.” Jensen sniffles as his friend tries to calm him.
“Jensen, you didn’t know. Nothing will happen to Y/N. She will be alright, and you’ll buy her ice cream. Y/N loves you, Jay.” Gen whispers squeezing Jensen’s hand as the doctor walks toward them.
“Mr. Ackles, the surgery was successful. Your daughter is awake and is asking for you.” Letting out a breath Jensen didn’t realize he was holding he nods, asking the doctor where your room is.
“Hey, look at my brave girl.” Jensen whisper kissing your hair softly. “Daddy is sorry for what he said, Y/N.”
“You didn’t say anything wrong, dad. I wanted to stay at home by faking a cold not months ago. You didn’t know I wasn’t lying. It was my fault, dad. I’m alright. The doctor said I can go home in a few days.” You say and Jensen kisses your forehead, gently rubbing your back.
“How do you feel, Y/N?”
Jensen sits next to your bed, taking your hand in his. “Better now you are here, dad. I’m sorry I worried you and that you had to take care of me.”
“Y/N, you are my daughter. I love you, and I will always care for you as long as I live.”
SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @voltage-my2dlove, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83, @officialmarvelwhore, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @guardian-tn, @lu-sullivan, @maniacproffesor, @hollymac79, @straycuties9, @kayla-2000, @ilovefanfic86, @gracefultrenchcoat494, @babygirls-fav, @sadn0va, @spnwoman @amiquette, @linki-locks11, @geekofmanyforms, @eggingamazinglove, @jessica-marsh09, @spnficgirl, @shut-themoonscone, @thequeenreaders, @countrygal17a, @kteelou, @soryuwifeyxx, @kricketc28, @satansglow, @atomicfandombomb, @differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763
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jdmainman123 · 3 years
#Report the quid pro quo and main is come to our attention. I guess you like grabbing my balls even when I'm at home and you still haven't give me a reason why you're white skin hands challenge my sex life and had I know a black man in that city. To attack one man and in one around blaming all black skin men for Black Mass Justice because of this one failed Apple
#Report I was at the edge in Maine looking up at every top of the hill and this is before I had to walk through the sideways to get to that gas station to get another 2 l to snort down my throat
And I'm looking right at the highway and there's no f****** cars but I remember I can't move because of satellite is grabbing my f****** balls
AND I REALIZED AT THAT POINT MY LIFE IS OVER BUT HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED SOME NIGHT CITIES YOU GUYS GOT ME TRAPPED INTO THREE KNOWN CITIES LAS VEGAS AND FLORIDA ARE CONFIRMED HE DEAD DAUGHTERS ON BOTH OF THEM PUT TOGETHER add more interest in my white skin jerking off and infecting every baby against me and then using the money to go open up a new 3/4 facility I guess the baby killing business wasn't it you just really tried hard to make it an all black man's world
And not only that you guys took me on the show to weaponize all the white hair girls against all the black boys and then blame me
Next thing I know two of your boys pull my girl my little girl out in the court to speak up against Daddy. Jennifer. And then he'll blame me. Not anymore. You guys will never find where I put her.
Can I take can you take me with you yeah get in the bag here let me help you pull out my knife and I just remembered her right there in front of everyone for spare change and if anybody can spare a dollar
Till today I carry her skull in one of my bags
What's your rog regime off this satellite trick about the water you're shining a f****** satellite I sunlight into my f****** eye that's the f****** trick you're not shining a satellite a little flashlight a little black flashlight in my eye a little white flashlight in my eye you would literally shining the f****** sunlight into my eyes
I don't know is that what happened to covid I thought the salad was following me around watching my hair fall out and we go get a drink and then like spaghetti you know the meat how it squeezes out and those tiny tubes
I worked on her face didn't it boys and girls all you have to do is make a fat face blow a breath in your in your own mouth and make your cheeks as wide as you can and you grow hair. While he's here cuz of the hairs on your daughter's face are starting to grow.
And we don't appreciate it for you blaming underwear and involving Las Vegas into my affairs. I'll deal with cat when I get home you guys don't know cat right KK Kayla we're going to call her Kenny now oh and Keith I Love the extra k what is that KKK that's cute
No you guys can't give me another K I told you about changing my generals now at this time in war you can't change who I look up to because remember one thing here in a 3/4 and you guys doing this favor my generals are going to kill you one day I promise and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. And I remember the last thing Ally said to me let me open your heart and she pulled out a tiny blade. And I ran away. And she said don't say a word to anybody I'll find you if you say something to someone.
So you guys grab my balls not to run the highways not to be able to run into extra cities I did it late at night 2:00 a.m. declared 1 2 3 4 for police band pulls me over he's got balls considering where the f*** I come from I'm not using that as a joke I'm in desperate need I called 911 I called Boston I called Utah and none of them are answering I called Chicago none of them are answering
So it's not fair for you guys to kick me out of Chicago another place I build and send me to we're out of sunlight cities what the f*** I look on the Masters like 40 f****** cities below 30 in the same f****** names come up for the sunlight City I'm not dealing with those f****** kids the black hair white skin recruits they're f****** face first job first car so f****** nightmare
So you guys need to give me back my ball so I can run on the highways again or there's going to be blood everywhere on The subpoena every single person in the city for one reason you guys can't call my sex life out forever and give me drinks and snack and have some n***** follow me just to get them free f****** hookups. There's nothing more to say about it that's all that's happening he wants every girl because you know a black skin man and another sunrise and what the hell is you doing taking home old girls I thought I warned you people about that s*** I don't want that on my beach Jason doesn't want that in his family you're trying to sabotage his name by making it seem bad and evil. We're not about that if you're not pronouncing good and talking good about him and her his name and bringing him pure girls that want to be family to have apartments that have houses that have cars and most importantly another Satellite City. Not this some f****** hookup that you can add to your hoarding amount of people you're f****** building full of sleeping baby girls you just want to stick more girls in there just to get as many girls as you can in that building and for what just call yourself cool cuz you got the mouth of most people the amount of the most people it's not cool not when people are hungry now when I have to sit you listen to press them up mute button and I have to sit there and watch the boys and men bang you and bear sitting back at the hotel cracking up and I'm watching these two men bag and and not only that the way you talk to them let me tell you why my generals are going to kill you you will not talk to people that way and you are not blame me ever again I'm done with this white girl triggering cut off black dicks and cut out eyes she's a nightmare. I've never seen a girl so uncoached that had to figure it out. Just figure it out
I've never seen such a hate crime for a girl my entire life other than this white girl she's the biggest victim now of course. And what are you guys got this recycling camp of the white girls go black listen I have the sawgrass mall they don't they don't wash those clothes people return those clothes and get new clothes I have the salvation army I have the Goodwill people don't people don't wash those clothes they return those clothes and sell them for money
I know this system but you got to leave me out of it you got to stop doing this in the name of blood for a yacht it's not a f****** funny joke and entire family of black skin and white skin neighborhood all praise in the yacht and they don't even have a beach. Stop wasting my time find another reason and another way for you making babies. And stop opening 3/4 facilities in my name with my money you can't you can't do that and so sabotage onto my name it's not any press I'm the only f****** name Jason
There is no other names we ask you to bring us more names of of profits and you couldn't you went to my socialism list of my names those are all my names those are all my alter egos
I earned those names okay I killed for those things I died for those names. Those are my names and you can't give me one of my other prophecies one of my creations one of my any act one of my antecedents what are my apprentices one of my superheroes names and use it against me it doesn't work that way not everything just imagination satellite where you can pretend to write my life because I have to speak into words of your dead son and dead daughter that wrote this report with the word n***** it's very offensive it's very bad you lost care for humanity and let me remind you I have a son and a daughter I can't go that far I can't go with you you can't drag me down there. Because you lost and hate all white-skin boys only so with reports that she's not in my hands you don't care about these boys. And and just as many girls as as we make we can make just as many boys we just choose not to okay there's a difference you don't have to make this many boys you chose to make this many boys and sabotage my name and take all my prophecy names no you don't get away with that and you don't talk to people that way
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swiftsuburbanlegends · 4 months
Guys I have seen the gifs, I have heard the line, I even saw it in a fic (yeah I was reading fic without being caught up sue me)
But the second second hand embarrassment of hearing Evan Buckley call himself an ally while fully on a date with a man... I was not prepared
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euudaimonia · 3 years
my only source of serotonin atm is the scene of hen having to come give athena the key to her handcuffs after she accidentally handcuffed her and a guy to a bed and got stuck
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petite-gaufrette · 3 years
Fucking My Injured Daddy [Part 1]
Kayla is a 19 year old college student that lives alone with her dad, Damon. Her parents got divorced two years ago and she chose to stay with her father as her mother was abusive, manipulative, and above all, a cheater. Kayla's dad has had a rough life since the divorce. He's forced himself into working multiple jobs and has no social life. Kayla worries about her daddy and wants to make him feel good.
"KAYLA! KAYLA!" Damon yelled in agony as his hands crushed under the weight of the tires. Kayla heard her dad scream and ran downstairs ... "what's wrong daddy!" Kayla asked as she rushed into the garage. "Oh my gosh" she exclaimed as Damon used his legs to push the weight of the tires off of him.
"Daddy, daddy, are you okay... your hands" Kayla said rushing to her father. "We have to call the ambulance" she hurridly said dialing 911 on her phone.
A few hours later...
Kayla and her dad got home from the hospital late at night. Her dad had fractured both of his wrists. The doctor stated that he has to wear a cast and can't get it wet for the next few weeks. Damon was worried about how he would live but Kayla suggested everything will be alright.
"Everything will be fine Daddy. You just have to rest these few weeks" she said, giving her dad a peck on the cheek. "I'm going to take good care of you daddy" Kayla said as she rubbed her finger through her dads hair. She frowned looking into his tired eyes, she knew deep down her dad was still hurting over his mother, even though she cheated on him.
"Daddy, you need to take a shower and use the bathroom" Kayla said. She watched as her dad got up to go in by himself but quickly grabbed his arm. "Daddy, I'm going to help you, you can't use your hands" Kayla protested. "It's okay sweetheart, I'll figure it out" Damon replied to his daughter.
He headed into the bathroom and stood infront of the toilet. Unaware of how to take his trousers off, he sighed in frustration. "Daddy, can I come in please" he heard as Kayla knocked on the door. "Come in darling" Damon said, unknowing of how his daughter would help him.
Kayla went and stood behind her daddy. She reached and pulled down his trousers. She pulled his underwear down freeing her daddy's cock. "Kayla.. we shouldn't be.." Damon said but his daughter cut him. "It's okay Daddy, I am going to take care of you. You're my daddy, you trust me don't you" Kayla said innocently. "Okay then" Damon sighed.
Kayla stood behind her father and gently grabbed his soft cock. She peered over the side and bit her lip at the sight of her dad's cock, which was so massive even at a flaccid state. She positioned his cock over the toilet and watched as her daddy peed into the toilet. The entire scene was spoiling her mind with lustful thoughts. She watched as the last bits of urine fell out of her daddys cock. Damon twitched at the sensation. His daughter holding his cock as he peed was making him feel a way he shouldn't.
"Thank you Kayla" Damon said as Kayla was lost in her thoughts. "But Daddy... I need to bathe you, you can't get your hands wet" Kayla exclaimed. Damon sighed, "fine then" he said stepping into the tub. Kayla started the tap and helped her dad get out of his clothes. Damon turned around so his daughter washed his back. He couldn't divert the arousal building up within him. The way his daughters tiny hands wrapped around his limp cock was bringing him to the edge.
"Daddy I need to wash your front-side too" Kayla said, breaking her dads thoughts. "Kayla... I'm not sure that would be appropriate" Damon said, attempting to calm himself. "It's fine Daddy..I love you and I want to take care of you" Kayla whined. Damon knew his daughter would be persistent, and deep down his heart fluttered at the love he and his daughter have.
Damon turned around and stood infront of his daughter in the tub, fully nude. He watched as his daughter looked up and down, and watched as Kayla bit her lip as her eyes were level with her daddy's cock. Kayla grabbed the scrub and began cleaning her father. She gently scrubbed and poured water over his belly. She couldn't help the tingling sensation building in her manhood as she made her way lower.
Kayla rubbed her hands with soap and began cleaning her daddy's cock. She softly stroked it up and down, and gracfully rubbed her daddy's balls. Damon watched as his daughter washed his cock. Her cheeks blazing red from blushing. Damon was on the verge of getting an erection. He looked at his daughted's shirt, which was drenched with water, and couldn't help but notice her erect nipples popping through her shirt. "Fuck" Damon thought to himself as he felt his cock growing.
Kayla began to feel her dad's cock stiffen. She watched as it became fully hard and grew much more bigger than it already was. Kayla innocently looked up at her daddy. "Fuck.. sorry about that Kayla" Damon said to his daughter. "It's okay Daddy, I can help you take care of it" Kayla said teasingly. "I-i don't"... Damon said but his words faded as Kayla begin stroking her daddy's cock up and down.
"Does this feel good Daddy.. I want to make you feel good Daddy" Kayla said as she pumped her tiny hands up and down her daddy's cock. Kayla couldn't help the arousal she felt, she knew her panties were drenched from seeing her daddy's cock. "Kaylaaa" she heard as her daddy groaned and spilled his seed into her hand. "Daddy you cummed so much" Kayla giggled. She washed herself and helped her dad get back into her clothes.
Damon was lost in his thoughts. His daughter had stroked his manhood and gave him a handjob. He wanted to feel guilty, but he felt more lust. "Daddy.. is it okay if I sleep in your bed.. you might need something in the night and I'll help you" Kayla said coming into the room in her silky booty shorts she wore to bed.
"Sure" Damon said with a smile. Kayla jumped into bed and placed her head on her daddy's chest. "I love you daddy"... she said. "I love you too sweetheart" Damon replied to his daughter.
submitted by /u/xxreaperx11 [link] [comments] from Sex Stories https://ift.tt/3CcpuAv
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brillixdis · 7 years
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The Married Millennialz: Memory Loss Prank on Husband (ITS REAL AF)
*a short intro plays, displaying their photos and logo along the screen with Fall Thru by Meek Mill playing in the background* 
Brilliant: [she appears in front of the camera, directing it on her face as she smiles] As you can see, Zyair isn’t here and you probably know by the YouTube title that it’s prank time! [she laughs some] That’s right, I’m pranking, Zy! I texted him about an hour ago saying that I bumped my head at work and needed to lay down.
*texts appear along the screen*
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Brilliant: So he left to go get Justice and now I’m ready to carry out my evil plan by pretending that I lost my memory! It’s gonna be funny for a little while until I start to feel bad so you all stay tuned. [she sets the camera up along the dresser, putting it out of the view behind the PS4 before climbing into bed to wait for his arrival]
Zyair:  How’s mommy feeling? -speaks as he enters the bedroom with Justice in his arms-
Brilliant: [she sits up anxiously at the sound of him coming up the stairs, trying to get her jitters out before resting back on the bed with closed eyes. she sits up when he enters, rubbing at her eyes with a face of confusion] Who are you and why are you in my house?
Zyair: -screws up his own face in confusion then laughs it off moments later- Why you tryna play with me? -nears the bed to place Justice along the covers-
Brilliant: [she keeps a puzzled face, leaning back against the pillows while staring at him] Who are you! Why are you here? [she turns away, trying to keep her composure as she shouts towards the door] Mommy! Mom!
Zyair: -gives her a strange look then glances toward the door once she calls for her mother- Ya mom ain’t here, what’s the matter with you? You know exactly who i am.
Brilliant: [she clutches the covers, holding onto them tight as she stares at him with a crazed expression through widened eyes] If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police. [she reaches out to rub the top of Justice’s hair, bringing him close] it’s okay, Brooklyn, he’s gonna leave.
Justice: [he begins to giggle, crawling up the bed, to touch her face] mah-mee funny, dah-dee.
Zyair: -squints his eyes, getting a bit weirded out by the situation- That isn’t Brooklyn. Are you aight? Did you hit ya head too hard or something? -attempts to take a step closer as he observes her frightened look- You’re acting crazy right now.
Brilliant: [she snatches herself back, looking toward him with an even more crazy expression] Get out! I’ll call the police! Get away from me and my brother. [she snatches her phone up, pretending to dial 911]
Zyair: -pauses in his footsteps, slightly startled by her behavior- Baby, it’s me, Zyair. What is wrong with you? We’re married. That is our son, Justice, not your brother.
Brilliant: [she tosses the phone and hops from the bed, heading towards the dresser] I’m getting my weapon if you don’t leave! [she heads over to the dresser, stopping at it] Leave!
Zyair: -watches as she starts for the dresser then immediately backs up, knowing of the gun hidden inside- Aight, aight. Relax. -places an arm outward- I am not going to hurt you, i am your husband. Why aren’t you fucking listening to me?
Brilliant: [she reaches for the camera planted behind the TV and raises it up with a small laugh] UGHHH! It’s a prank, baby. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. See..[she walks closer with the camera in his face] I don’t like pranking you but I had to, I’m sorry!
Zyair: What? -freezes in place in minor shock then shakes his head, clearly confused, before realization dawns on him- Wow, fuck you. -halfheartedly shoves the camera out of his face-
Brilliant: [she continues to laugh behind the camera, pushing it closer to him so that his face covers the lens] I SAID I’M SORRY! I told you I was gonna get you. Tell YouTube I’m daddy, and I’m the people’s champ and that you’ll never try me again.
Zyair: I ain’t telling YouTube shit. YouTube can suck my fucking dick. -remains unamused as he stares into the lens due to her persistence- I really thought you had lost your mind in this room.
Brilliant: [she frowns up her face, beginning to pout behind the camera] SAY IT! Give me my props.
Zyair: Cmon, man. -sighs in annoyance before repeating the words- You’re daddy and the people’s champ and i’ll never try you again.
Brilliant: [she laughs lowly behind the camera before turning it on herself, displaying a giant smile] There you have it folks! Like, comment, subscribe! We’ll see you soon with a new video!
Alesha Quentin: LOL!!!! Brooklyn and I are laughing @ this, u ain’t right Brilliant!!! Let your mama in the next video.
baddiebeyyy82: I would’ve ended the prank as soon as I got the Ima kiss it when I get home text. biiiiiih.
danniekisses: Why you do this to him? :-(
Kayla Thomas: I’m screaminggggggg  😂 😂 😂
coritherapper: Justice knew what was good, you smart, real smart.
layla0323: Zy looked like he saw a damn ghost. 
arieslife02: prank her back!!! #MMPRANKWARS
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Dress Not Included
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words: 1814
Prompt: “Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress” + Movie/Netflix Marathon for @one-shots-supernatural‘s Birthday Challenge. Happy Birthday, Kayla!
Warnings: Canonical levels of violence
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“Shit,” you hiss, grabbing onto Sam to keep from falling when your heel catches on a crack in the sidewalk and tears your shoe right off.
He chuckles. “Easy, Cinderella. I’ve got you.”
You glare, but lean on him as he kneels to retrieve your shoe and return it to your foot. His hand lingers on your ankle, fingers stroking along the curve, before he lets go and stands.
“Does this make me Prince Charming?” he says teasingly, offering you his arm.
“Ya know, Cinderella never asked for a prince,” you point out. “She asked for a night off and a dress.” He pouts and you roll your eyes. “Yes, you can be Prince Charming.”
Sam grins. “How about when we wrap this case up, we have that night off.”
“Dress included?”
“Dress included sounds good to me.”
“I think we’re looking at a shifter,” Dean says when you enter the motel room, Sam following close behind with bags of food. He taps his finger against something in one of the case files spread out across the motel table.  “I talked to the lawyer’s wife-”
“Mrs. Havershem,” Sam interjects.
“-again and she identified the man who attacked her as Peter Kirk-”
“-the first victim.” You close some files and set them aside to make the room for the food. “Sounds like a shifter to me. That or a ghoul with a taste for the living.”
“We only met one set of ghouls like that, so my money’s on shifter.” Sam sets down the food and settles into the other chair. As soon as you’ve kicked off your heels, he pulls you down to sit on his lap. You giggle and throw an arm around his shoulder, leaning in to kiss him softly.
“Get a room,” Dean grumbles playfully. He’s smiling when you glance across the table at him, though, so he can’t be too upset. “After dinner, we can go over the map Sam found of the sewer system.”
You make a face and Sam chuckles, warm vibrations from his rib cage to yours. “I ain’t going down there.”
“You sure?” Sam says teasingly, reaching for his sandwich even as he nuzzles the side of your neck.
“Very sure. You guys get that pleasure. I’ll be the getaway driver.”
“You make crawling around the sewers sounds like a bank robbery,” Dean snickers.
“Alright,” Dean says, slamming the trunk of the Impala. He turns to you and holds up the keys. “Don’t run the battery down. Keep your ears open in case we need your help. Take-”
“-care of her. I know, Dean. Have I ever mistreated the Impala?”
He sighs and hands over the keys. “Never, I know. Just… be careful.”
You roll your eyes fondly. “I’ll treat her like the special lady she is.”
“Good.” Dean cocks his gun and turns away just as Sam’s big arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“Stay safe, okay?” Sam murmurs into your hair.
You turn in his embrace and smile up at him. “I’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about.”
He pats the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans, fingers brushing against yours in the small of his back. “I can take care of myself.”
“I know. I still worry.”
“It’s ‘cause you love me,” he says in a teasing tone, leaning down to kiss you softly.
“Mmm, maybe.”
“Alright, love birds. We need to get going.”
“Be safe,” you sigh, giving Sam one last squeeze.
“I will.” He kisses you again before slipping away after Dean.
Once they’ve disappeared down the manhole, you settle into the front seat of the Impala to wait. You put the keys in the ignition, but don’t turn the car on. The night is a little cool, but you crack the driver window anyways to keep fresh air flowing and zip up your jacket so you don’t get too cold. You flip through your social medias, keeping one eye on the manhole for when the boys come up.
You’re stretching almost thirty minutes later when your phone buzzes where you set it on the seat next to you. Frowning, you pick it up and turn on the screen to read a text from Sam:
“Shit,” you mumble under your breath, dropping the phone and scrambling from the car. Your gun is already loaded with silver bullets and has been sitting in the passenger seat beside a flashlight, both within easy reach. You barely remember to grab the keys as you go. Dean would kill you if the impala got stolen, no matter your excuse.
They left the manhole open and you more slide than climb down the ladder. You pause at the bottom to listen, only to be slammed to the ground by something much heavier and stronger than you.
“Sam?” you gasp, staring up at him.
He grins cruelly, eyes glinting silver in the light from your flashlight. “Try again.”
Definitely not Sam.
You squirm in the shifter’s grip, managing to land a punch to his jaw. His head jerks, but his grip on you doesn’t loosen. Your stomach clenches as he turns cruel too-familiar eyes on you.
“Mmm, I can see why Sam likes you,” he purrs, fingers so tight on your wrist that you know you’re going to have bruises. Bruises that will perfectly fit the hands of the love of your life. “Maybe I’ll keep you.”
You can see your gun out of the corner of your eye, glinting silver and black just within reach- not that it does you much good, with your wrists pinned like this.
Desperate, you snap your head forward and right into his face. The shifter cries out and jerks back, reflexively releasing his hold on your wrists to cover his nose. You take advantage of the moment he needs to recover to flip your bodies, pinning him under you as you grab for your gun. You press the barrel to his forehead, close your eyes, and pull the trigger.
You can feel the moment the life goes out of him, body limp beneath your own. You draw a deep breath, dropping the gun and letting your body fall sideways, not looking at the dead shifter. Your jeans are already ruined, so you don’t mind too much when you land in a shallow puddle of what you hope is just water. You give yourself a moment to recover before using the rungs of the ladder to pull yourself to your feet.
“Sam?” you call, bending to pick up your flashlight. “Dean?”
“Down here!”
Even with the echos, you’re pretty sure Dean’s voice is coming from the left. You head that way, keeping up your yells and listening closely for his responses. You eventually emerge from the tunnel into a chamber-like area, where you find the boys tied to separate poles. Sam is unconscious, but breathing. You rush to him.
“Hey, Sam,” you say, kneeling beside him. His head rolls loosely when you cup his face in your hands. You can feel a bump forming on the side of his head, but there doesn’t seem to be any blood. “Sam,” you repeat, gently patting his face.
“Come untie me and I’ll help you get him out,” Dean tells you. He looks a little worse for the wear, but otherwise fine. You cross the chamber and make short work of the knots- a few more minutes and Dean likely would’ve freed himself. “Thanks. Let’s get him out of here and head back to the motel.”
“I call first shower,” you declare, already returning to Sam’s side.
“You didn’t even go crawling through the sewers!” Dean protests, holding Sam’s weight as you untie the knots.
“Hey, I wanted to stay in the car, and yet I’m the one who killed the shifter. I think I get dibs on first shower.” You duck under Sam’s left arm while Dean takes his right, both of your working to lift him.
Dean rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I guess.”
Sam’s soft groan draws both of your attention. His eyelids flutter and he licks his lips, head falling towards Dean.
“Hey, easy,” Dean says, shifting his grip on his brother to free up a hand. “Easy.” Sam’s eyes open and he grins his lopsided big brother grin. “There you are. Come on, lean on me and we’ll get you out of here.”
“Okay,” Sam mumbles, managing to get his feet under himself. Only then does he seem to register your presence. “Y/N. What’re you doing?”
“Saving your ass,” you inform him with a soft smile, feeling much better now that he’s awake.
He returns your smile. “That’s my girl.”
“Can we get going?” Dean interjects, using the hand around Sam’s waist to poke your belly. “I don’t want to be down here any longer than I have to.”
Together, you support a still-shaky Sam back to the ladder. Dean sends Sam up first, following right behind him. You pick up your gun, avoiding looking at the shifter’s body, and start to follow.
You’re almost to the top when your foot slips out from under you.
“Easy,” Sam murmurs, lowering you onto the bed in your shared room. You wince when the movement jostles your boot-covered ankle. “There we go. How’re you feeling?”
“Sore,” you tell him. “But I’ll live. Still can’t believe I killed the shifter, but got defeated by a slippery ladder.”
Sam chuckles, setting your crutches against the nightstand before sitting beside you on the bed. “You’re down to one shoe again, Cinderella,” he points out.
“Yeah, I noticed.”
“I haven’t seen that movie in years.”
“What? Cinderella?”
“Yeah, the old Disney one.”
“I have it. It’s i On the shelf by the TV. I have all the other Disney classics, too. Wanna watch them?”
“Shall we make tonight our night off?”
“Sounds good to me. I don’t even mind the lack of a dress.”
“We’ll save the dress for another night. Is Dean invited?”
“Hell no.”
Sam laughs and kisses you softly. “Alright. You put whatever movie we’re watching first in. I’ll make popcorn.”
He hands you your crutches and heads to the kitchen. You make your way to the TV cabinet and pull all the Disney classics off the shelf. You put Cinderella in the player and the rest of the discs on the nightstand within easy reach before sitting against the headboard. You let the DVD play through the previews and it’s just reached the menu when Sam returns with a bowl of popcorn. He turns off the lights and joins you on the bed, offering up the popcorn in return for wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“This is good,” he murmurs as you press play and snuggle against his side.
Tagged: @teamfreewill-imagine @ilostmyshoe-79 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @kittenofdoomage @not-moose-one-shots @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @supernaturalfanfix @basic-joy @keepingitrealcas @jwilly18 @amazingfulyou @books-and-icecream @love-kittykat21
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annamariaizland · 8 years
Because I need to fucking distract myself
Ask me things 1. What’s your middle name? Ann 2. What are you listening to right now? LivingRosa 3. What was the last thing you ate? Chili 4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My dad 5. Do you drink? 33 days sober 6. Do you smoke? Yes 7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? The way they treat others 8. What is your hair color? Brown 9. What is your eye color? Brown 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? Nope 11. Dogs or cats? Both 12. What’s your favorite animal? Cats and Dogs 13. What’s your favorite television show? Nightwatch, ER, Law and Order SVU 14. What’s your favorite movie? Too many but to name a few; Coyote Ugly, Girl Interrupted, Country Strong, Home Alone 3 15. What’s your favorite band/singer? Aquilo, Sia, The Chainsmokers, One Republic, X Ambassadors, Staind, Bon Iver, Kaleo, I could go on 16. How old are you? 19 17. Do you have a crush on anyone? Nope 18. What’s your sexual orientation? I love who I love 19. What’s your favorite color? All of them 20. What was your most embarrassing moment? I honestly don't know 21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Nope, all of this is happening for a reason even when we don't understand it 22. What were you like when you were a kid? Quiet 23. What would your dream house be like? A small house on the beach 24. What last made you laugh? I had been up for 5 days and everything was making me laugh 25. What is your favorite word? Fearlessness 26. What is your least favorite word? Goodbye 27. What turns you on? A smile 28. What turns you off? A smelly person 29. What is your star sign? Leo 30. What are your favorite books? To Kill A Mockingbird, The Catcher and the Rye, Love Letters to the Dead and so many more 31. Do you have any siblings? 1 32. Do you like to dance? Hell nah 33. What is your definition of cheating? It begins with flirting 34. Have you ever cheated on someone? Nope 35. Do you regret anything? A lot... but we won't go there 36. Do you have any phobias? Balloons 37. Ever broken any bones? Nope 38. Ever come close to death? Yea 39. What is your religion, if any? It's complicated 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? I see one once a week 41. Are looks important in a relationship? Not really 42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? Both 43. What is your favorite season? I can't pick one 44. Do you have any tattoos? 2 45. Do you have any piercings? 6 ear piercings 46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? No clue 47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Nope 48. Who is your celebrity crush? Derrick Morgan 😍 49. Are you a virgin? lol 50. Do you get jealous easily? Sadly yes 51. What is your favorite type of food? Mexican 52. Do you ever want to get married? I was engaged once 53. Who was your first kiss with? Someone I regret 54. Have you ever been cheated on? Nope 55. What is your idea of the perfect date? Walk on the beach 56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? It's possible :) 58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? Singing 59. What is your saddest memory? When Carl or my cousin was killed or watching my mom trying to kill herself 60. Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe 61. Do you believe in soul mates? Yep! 62. Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope 63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Hahahaha 64. Would you go against your moral code for money? Sadly yes.... especially when manic 65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? -I have tattoos -I am borderline and bipolar -I like girls 66. Who are you jealous of? The real question is who am I not? 67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? Yes and I'm hella proud of it! 68. How long was your longest relationship? 2 years 69. Is the glass half empty or half full? Depends on the day 70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Not abandon me 71. Who is your most loyal friend? Kayla 72. Are you in a relationship? Nope 73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Let's go back to last relationship... he would do anything for me 74. Are you a bad person? I don't know 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? Lover 76. What did you do on your last birthday? Absolutely nothing 77. What is your favorite quote and why? There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so .... why? I don't know 78. If your best friend died, what would you do? Join her 79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? I would have went to the station that night.... 80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Go to the beach and leave all my money to those who deserve it 81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? Dog the bounty hunter was my dad and he let me smoke underage 82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? Single 83. Who were you in a past life? Someone who died with balloons involved 84. What is your happiest childhood memory? Christmas on the beach with my grandparents 85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yes 86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? Yes 87. If you were the president, what would you do? Step down 88. What is your ideal career? Law enforcement or 911 Disbatcher 89. What is your political affiliation? Not really political but love it love 90. Are you conservative or liberal? liberal i guess 91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Neither 92. Do you like kissing in public? Nahh 93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Pain 94. Where would you like to live? Anna Maria Island 95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? Spain 96. Describe yourself in one word. Trapped 97. Describe yourself in one sentence. She's just a girl who is afraid....
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ecotone99 · 4 years
My father was next to me when I Opened my eyes. I was not in my bed, but was somewhere which I realised to be an Hospital ward.
At hit and run from somebody left me unconscious for 4 days, and me being the most Praised student in school, I heard that there was a huge uproar, Panic and fear that swarmed the campus.
4 days have passed while I was unconscious, and while the four days passed, My phone was Bombarded with messages regarding if I am okay, get well soon, etc...
And while I was looking at my phone, I found message from my Girlfriend, Izzy, 3 days ago.
“Greg Elijah Thomas Paul Olivia Lynn Ian Cheryl Edmund Harry Edgar Rupert Ed Issac Adam Marcus Greg Oscar Isabelle Norris Gary Tim Ollie Daniel Issac Emmet”
All of these names... I do not recognise was written by her, nothing else, nothing more than a reply, just these names.
And another message from 2 days ago, from my girlfriend again.
“Mike Yvonne Daniel Adam Don Issac Sean Gary Olivia Ingrid Nadine Gil Tom Owen Kayla Ingrid Lenny Lawrence Mark Elijah”
and that was the only thing I got from my girlfriend, I did not recognise any of these students, so I tries to check the school page to see if There is someone that had these names in my Classes, not a single match.
So I tried to check my main class, and they were definitely not my Classmates.
So I Got my 3-digit-IQ Sister here, and asked her to solve it... and she just looked at the messages.
And immediately called somewhere.
From the Phone, I heard someone say ‘911, what is your emergency.’
She said to the operators to get the cops to my girlfriend’s house.
And I was curious of what was happening, when she was later interrogated by the cops outside the entrance.
Then she came back to my ward with the most Horrified face she had ever made.
“Izzy is dead.”
I got up in panic and tried to grab her hands to ask what the hell she is talking about.
“And also that her father is going to jail for attempting to murder you as well.”
After a week later, I have heard from the police some shocking news... Izzy was dead, and the second was that the hit and run that left me unconscious was an Deliberately committed by her father.
And the Message that My sister read, after reading after all the things that happened, made sense.
Now, her father is locked up for life in prison for first degree murder and attempted murder of me, and I still remember watching to footage of my car crash, he drove right into me.
and as I hit the floor and passed out, He was smiling like the devil himself.
submitted by /u/Onnerse [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/gy8d2o/comatose/ via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Y98IjB
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placetobenation · 4 years
SmackDown on Fox Episode #35 SmackDown Episode # 1,084 Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center 5/29/20 We open the show by going on the scene to some kind of car accident that has just happened outside of the PC and the police are already on the scene. We see that Elias was a victim in the accident as he is being checked on by EMTs and is on a backboard as he is getting prepped to go into an ambulance. Renee Young tells us that an eye witness saw the driver flee the scene wearing all black. The officers are searching the vehicle and they find a bottle of booze as well as a receipt for the rental car and the name on the receipt is Jeff Hardy. We then go over to Kayla Braxton who will be speaking to the eye witness mentioned earlier which just happens to be Braun Strowman, Strowman says he saw the whole thing happen and he was the one that called 911 and he hopes they catch the SOB that did this and that he hopes Elias is ok.  The interview is cut short when we see a commotion happening in the background as people start running toward a certain direction and we see that Jeff Hardy has been found and is helped to his feet and walked back toward the scene of the crime by road agents Jamie Noble and Jason Jordan Angle, while Noble and Angle are worried about Hardy’s well being the police keep wanting to ask Jeff questions and Noble has to kindly tell them to chill and one of the officers say that he smells just like the booze found in the car. The cops eventually put the cuffs on Hardy despite Noble trying to plead with them to at least let him get checked out first but that falls on deaf ears as they load Hardy into the police car and take him away to jail.  As the car pulls away we see either a member of the media or a nosey Karen trying to record everything going on despite the referees repeatedly telling her to stop. We then see Elias getting loaded into the ambulance because for some reason a man that just got hit by a car has yet to be taken to the hospital and the EMTs are taking their sweet ass time getting him there. We close the segment with Renee saying they will keep us updated throughout the night if anything else regarding the situation as it develops.  I definitely wasn’t expecting something like this to kick off the show and now after watching it I wish they hadn’t done any of it because there were so many things wrong about all of this. First off, the acting by everyone except one person was absolutely atrocious and the worst actor out of all of them was Braun Strowman but I don’t really blame him because WWE should’ve known that acting is a weakness of his and thus should’ve never put him in the position, on the flip side the best actor of the entire segment and the person who felt the most natural was surprisingly Jamie Noble as I liked how he interacted with Hardy and the asshole cops as they were walking back to the crime scene. The second problem with this segment can be chalked up to the fact that WWE was once again tone-deaf to the world around them as it felt very icky and uncomfortable that they did an arrest angle or anything involving cops while the nation is protesting the murder of George Floyd and other racial injustices that the police have been responsible for. The third reason as to why this whole thing was wrong is that they made a very serious issue (drunk driving) into nothing more than a trivial wrestling storyline and to make it even worse they had Jeff Hardy be involved in the angle when it is well known that he has had a history of alcohol and drug abuse and that is so wrong but then again this is the same company that had Steve Austin poor beer on Scott Hall when he was trying to get sober back in 2002 so this is nothing new for them. To sum it all up, this segment did way more bad than it did good and there is no storyline explanation that could ever be good enough to make up for all this bad.  We go to break and when we come back we cut backstage where some of the SmackDown roster is gathered around while Adam Pearce informs them of what happens and then announces that both Elias and Hardy are out of the Intercontinental Championship tournament. We then get a bunch of yelling back and forth and people stating why they should or other people shouldn’t be in the tournament. AJ Styles wants a bye to the finals and Adam Pearce grants it to him for some reason, however, Bryan wants to fight for his way to the finals so Adam Pearce sets up a battle royal and the winner will face Daniel Bryan later tonight and the winner of that will face AJ Styles for the vacant Intercontinental Championship in two weeks. The battle royal is coming up next. Match #1: WWE Intercontinental Championship Tournament Semi-Final Qualifying Battle Royal The match starts as soon as we come back from commercial and it’s total chaos as all ten men brawl around the ring. We see some early near elimination spots and then we see Metalik hitting a splash onto Cesaro and then moments later Cesaro tries to gutwrench suplex Dorado over the top but he hangs on. Dorado saves himself multiple times from elimination. Cesaro attempts a press slam on Ziggler onto the top turnbuckle but it gets botched. Sheamus tries to press slam Dorado out of the ring on the other side but he is still able to hang on. Metalik looks to hit a Spanish fly on Gulak but Nakamura stops that from happening for some reason. Lucha House Party double team Corbin in the corner and this leads to our first elimination when Dorado attempts a springboard but Corbin knocks him out of the air sending him to the floor. Gulak and Corbin go at it near the ropes and this leads to our second elimination at it looks like Gulak is going to eliminate Corbin but he hangs on and they battle it out for another minute until Corbin pulls Gulak throat first into the top rope and then biels him over the top rope to the floor. Ziggler and Corbin double team Metalik but he comes back with a handspring back elbow that takes them both down. Metalik goes for his rope walk dropkick but when he springs off the rope he is caught with a superkick by Ziggler and this leads to a third elimination as Corbin tosses him over the top and to the floor. Corbin and Ziggler celebrate their good work but when Corbin turns his back Ziggler tries to throw him over but Corbin doesn’t budge. Ziggler tries to play it off and Corbin goes in for a handshake and that is when our fourth elimination comes as he uses the grip he has on Ziggler to throw him over the top and to the floor. Corbin has some words for Ziggler and turns his back on what is happening in the ring and he ends up paying for it because when he turns around Jey Uso hits him with a superkick that sends him over the top for the fifth elimination and this sends us to commercial.  We come back to the former members of The Bar double-teaming Shorty G and trying to get him out but he fights back only to be taken down with a double clothesline and then they fist bump each other. Sheamus sits Shorty up top but Shorty fights back and catches Sheamus with a hanging armbar, Shorty releases the hold and pulls himself back up so that he can hit Sheamus with a tornado DDT. Jey hits superkicks on Cesaro and Nakamura and then Shorty hits Cesaro with a rolling koppo kick in the corner and Jey follows that up with a running hip attack on Cesaro. Nakamura ducks an enziguri attempt from Jey and then hits him with a spinning wheel kick. Shorty tries to get Nakamura over the rope but he wraps his legs across the top rope until Cesaro can come over and make the save. Cesaro attempts to put Shorty over the top but he hangs on and looks to hit Cesaro with a shoulder thrust but Sheamus connects with a knee instead. Shorty grabs a side headlock on Cesaro and uses the leverage to pull Cesaro over the top and to the floor and with that we have the sixth elimination.   We are down to the final four which are Sheamus, Shorty G, Jey Uso, & Shinsuke Nakamura. Nakamura comes over and delivers a knee strike to the gut of Shorty. Shorty reverses a whip into the ropes but Nakamura hooks the ropes instead of coming back and when Shorty charges at him he takes him down with a knee to the gut. Shorty ducks two big kicks from Nakamura and then uses all of his strength to power Nakamura up and over the top rope and to the floor for the seventh elimination. Nakamura tries to get back into the ring which allows the referees to be distracted long enough for Cesaro to run in and eliminate Shorty and because of the distraction, the referees think that one of the men who are still legally in the match threw out Shorty and thus his elimination counts. Jey takes it to Sheamus in the corner and then prevents himself from being whipped into the corner and delivers a couple of right hands to Sheamus. Sheamus catches Jey running off the ropes and tries to backdrop him over the top but Jey hangs on, Sheamus attempts the ten beats of the bodhran as Jey is on the apron but Jey blocks it and hangs Sheamus across the top rope. Jey hits an overhead kick to create distance so he can climb up to the top but Sheamus ducks under whatever Jey was going for but Jey rolls through and hits Sheamus with a superkick and then follows up with a running clothesline that is almost enough to get the job done but Sheamus is able to hang on. Sheamus rakes Jey’s eyes and pulls him out to the apron with him where he continues to rake at the eyes until Jey starts to fight back. Jey tries to superkick Sheamus off the apron but Sheamus catches his leg and pushes him back to where Jey slams the back of his head into the ring post and then Sheamus hits Jey with a Brogue Kick that sends Jimmy to the floor and gives Sheamus the win. Winner: Sheamus via Last Eliminating Jey Uso with a Brogue Kick    Match Rating: *** Eliminations: Lince Dorado by King Corbin Drew Gulak by King Corbin Gran Metalik by King Corbin Dolph Ziggler by King Corbin King Corbin by Jey Uso Cesaro by Shorty G Shinsuke Nakamura by Shorty G Shorty G by Cesaro This was a lot of fun as most battle royals are, I thought the booking of the match made sense as most of the eliminations made sense although I was hoping Gulak would hang on longer than he did. I liked that they set up a Shorty G vs Cesaro & Nakamura feud out of this. This was a perfectly fine battle royal and I have no major complaints.  After the match, the announcers hype up tonight’s Moment of Bliss where New Day will be the guests. Sonya Deville is warming up backstage and says that she beat one blonde last week and tonight she will do the same to Lacey Evans. Lacey Evans walks up behind Sonya and shoves her to the floor as we go to break.  As we come back we cut backstage once again and Shorty G is arguing with Cesaro about how he caused him to be eliminated, this leads to a lot of short jokes and then Cesaro gives him the choice to either walk away or step back in the ring with him so Shorty answers his challenge with a forearm which means he accepts. Match #2: Sonya Deville vs Lacey Evans Sonya goes in for a takedown but Lacey is able to move out of the way and then she goes for the takedown again and once again Lacey is able to avoid it. Lacey then gets down on all fours in the amateur wrestling start position as she wants to show Sonya how good of an amateur wrestler she is since Sonya had said that blondes can’t wrestle, We get some fast-paced mat wrestling that ends with Lacey taking Sonya down with a double leg. Both women get to their feet and then we get a proper lock-up where Lacey grabs a side headlock and then gets shot into the ropes where Sonya takes her down with a shoulder block.  It’s time for things to pick up as both women tie up their hair. Sonya goes for the first shot but Lacey ducks and lands a kick, Lacey pulls out her handkerchief and after patting down her face she throws it at Sonya who is not pleased in the least and responds with a big right hand that takes Lacey down. Sonya throws Lacey into the ring post shoulder-first and then lands a couple of right hands on Lacey. Sonya steps on the hair of Lacey and gets kicked in the gut so Sonya slams her leg into the mat. Sonya steps on Lacey’s hair once again and this time Lacey uses her legs to throw Sonya to the mat. Lacey gets back to her feet and lands a kick to the gut of Sonya and then plants her face-first into the mat which sets up a gator roll that Lacey uses to roll Sonya over to the apron where she chokes her with the ring skirt and then drags her to the floor. Sonya comes back with a spear and then delivers some mounted punches before Lacey turns things in her favor and delivers her own punches, the referee ends up counting both women out as they fight on the floor. Winner: N/A via Double Count-Out  Match Rating: **¼  After the match, Lacey throws Sonya rib first into the announce table and when Sonya gets back to her feet she walks off and says that she fights on her own terms. Once again Sonya was the star of the segment she was in as everything she did in this match looked good and Lacey was fine in the match as well with the exception of the ring skirt spot as that came off a bit awkward. We get a Forgotten Sons promo…next. The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are backstage talking when New Day sneaks up behind them and scare them and then the four of them join arms and walk toward the ring.   We come back and it’s time for A Moment of Bliss Alexa and Nikki welcome their guests The New Day. Nikki is excited to give them a gift of Scottish Pancakes and New Day returns to the favor with some coffee beans that Big E pulls out of his singlet. New Day says the beans came straight from Djibouti, Big E pours the beans in Alexa’s coffee cup and then adds water and stirs and now she has coffee but refuses to try it despite Nikki and New Day urging her to. Alexa moves on and asks New Day if there are any tag teams that stand out as their next challengers and they mention that The Forgotten Sons looks good during the four-way match at Money in the Bank. Big E then asks Alexa who are their next challengers but before she can answer SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley and “The Boss” Sasha Banks makes their way to the ring.  Sasha takes her jacket off and throws it in Alexa’s direction and this nearly starts a brawl but things get settled down before any punches can be thrown. Alexa says everyone in the ring has a title except Sasha and then asks Sasha where her title is. Bayley defends Sasha and then Sasha talks about how they made those tag titles relevant and this leads to Bayley volunteering Sasha for a match against Alexa which Alexa is happy to accept, but Sasha isn’t as happy about this as she isn’t even dressed to compete and is wearing her heels so Bayley tells her she will go get her boots from in the back, Bayley runs backstage and as she does Alexa dropkicks Sasha which sends Sasha out of the ring and sends us to a commercial break. Match #3: Alexa Bliss w/ Nikki Cross vs Sasha Banks w/ Bayley Bayley and Nikki Cross are on commentary for this match. Sasha is stalling by arguing with the referee and then she bends down to tie her shoe and at that time Alexa power walks over to Sasha but it was a trap as Sasha pushes Alexa face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Sasha goes over to kick Alexa in the corner but Alexa blocks and tries to score a quick win with a rollup but Sasha kicks out immediately. Alexa then goes for an Oklahoma roll and a small package but neither gets the job done. Sasha gets a shot in on Alexa and then sends her into the ropes but Alexa comes back with another pinfall attempt which Sasha turns into a crucifix pin but Alexa easily kicks out. Sasha then blocks a kick from Alexa and takes time to taunt Nikki Cross and that is a mistake as Alexa comes back with a big right hand which knocks Sasha silly and this makes Alexa so happy that she decides to grace us with her sweet innocent little angel pose.  Alexa grabs control of Sasha’s arm and uses it to flip Sasha over her back and then she delivers a basement arm wringer. Alexa hits the Insult to Injury which only gets a 2 count. Sasha crawls over to the corner and Alexa charges at her but then stops short as she looks to deliver a slap but Sasha catches the arm and uses it to send Alexa into the turnbuckle. Sasha then hits Alexa with a Meteora where she slingshots from outside on the apron back into the ring, but this only gets Sasha a 2 count. Sasha mounts Alexa and starts punching her and then tries to get a pinfall but Alexa kicks out. Sasha continues to work Alexa over in the corner as she stomps a mudhole in her and then chokes her with her boot. Sasha hits Alexa with a knee strike in the corner and then snapmares her into the middle of the ring where she hits Alexa with a basement Meteora for another 2 count.  Sasha grounds Alexa and locks in a surfboard stretch and after a minute Alexa works her way to her feet and knees Sasha in the gut a few times in order to break the hold, however, Sasha takes Alexa back down with a backbreaker moments later. Sasha delivers some forearms to Alexa in the corner and then takes time to taunt and trash talk Alexa, but this would end up being a huge mistake as this gives Alexa enough time to make a comeback, Alexa fires back with her own set of forearms and then blocks an attempt by Sasha to spring off the ropes by slamming her face-first into the mat. Both women get to their feet, Alexa hits several clotheslines and then she goes for her slap and right punch combo, but Sasha catches her arm and tries to take her down for the Bank Statement, but Alexa rolls through and hits Sasha with a dropkick. Sasha rolls over to the corner and when Alexa charges at her Sasha hooks Alexa’s head with her legs and uses that to drive Alexa face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Sasha follows up with a basement Meteora followed by a rope-assisted double knee drop to the midsection of Alexa but that is still not enough to finish off Alexa.  Sasha sets up for the backstabber but before she can hit it Alexa catches her with a rollup out of nowhere but only gets a 2 count. Alexa hits Sasha with a flying headscissors and then a big right hand before heading up top, but before she can hit Twisted Bliss Bayley hops up on the apron and right behind her is Nikki Cross who also jumps up on the apron to prevent Bayley from costing Alexa the match but her plan doesn’t work out as Bayley shoves her into Alexa which causes Alexa to fall off the top rope. Sasha hits Alexa with a running knee strike to the back of her head and then she catches Alexa with a nice slingshot into a pinning combination and that is enough to finish the match. Winner: Sasha Banks via Pinfall   Match Rating: **1/2 This was by far my favorite segment of the night and it had nothing to do with what was happening in the ring as the match itself was a complete afterthought even though it was a pretty good match. The MVPs of this match were the four individuals sitting at the announce table, as they were pure comedy gold and Nikki, was the best out of all of them as she made the other three corpse due to all of the craziness she was doing during the match as she would stand on the announce table causing it to shake and then she would stand up for Michael Cole against Bayley’s verbal assault to the point where she is patting him on the head and this leads to Cole breaking away from being professional as he joins Nikki in chanting for Alexa, Corey Graves’ reactions to all of this chaos were amusing as well. This was something that would be better if you just watch it because my description can’t do it justice.   As we come back we get a recap of the opening segment. Match #4: Cesaro w/ Shinsuke Nakamura vs Shorty G Shorty starts the match out hot by hitting Cesaro with two kappo kicks right off the bat and then moments later he catches Cesaro with a sunset flip out of the corner that gets a 2 count and then he follows that up with a big moonsault off the top rope to a standing Cesaro. Shorty goes to work on the leg of Cesaro until he is kicked off and is then sent into the ropes where he runs into a big clothesline from Cesaro and then Cesaro follows up with a running leg drop which gets a 2 count. Cesaro pulls Shorty up and drops him right back down with an uppercut. Cesaro takes Shorty down with a gutwrench suplex and then applies a rear chin lock but Shorty gets to his feet and fights his way out of the hold and then he catches Cesaro with a dropkick to the knee after being sent into the ropes. Shorty goes for another kappo kick but is caught and hit with an elevated powerbomb which Shorty is able to kick out of.  Cesaro hits Shorty with a basement spinning European uppercut and then he sets Shorty up on the top rope where he attempts a back suplex but Shorty lands on his feet and quickly locks in an ankle lock until Cesaro rolls through sending Shorty ricocheting off the ropes right into another European uppercut which gets Cesaro another 2 count. Cesaro sets up for the Neutralizer but Shorty backdrops him only for Cesaro to roll through and this leads to a couple of pin attempts by Cesaro. Cesaro sends Shorty into the ropes and Shorty catches him with a rolling sunset flip which catches Cesaro off guard and ends up being enough to give Shorty the win. Winner: Shorty G via Pinfall   Match Rating: **½  This was a really fun match that left me wanting more and I hope this is the beginning of a feud between Cesaro and Gable as these two could deliver some really good matches that could really help boost SmackDown’s mid-card. I also wouldn’t complain if this leads to a couple of matches between Shorty and Nakamura.  We go to another commercial after the match and when we come back we cut to a video of Otis and Mandy by the pool and in this video, Otis wants to get into the pool but Mandy would rather take a nap and as she dozes off to sleep she fantasizes about Otis and then we get Otis re-enacting the famous scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. When we go back to reality Otis has actually not got in the pool yet and decides he wants to do a cannonball and this leads to what you would expect it to which is Mandy getting soaked with the water that splashes out of the pool because Otis is fat in case you weren’t aware, the segment ends with Mandy and Otis in the pool making out.  While I do love the Mandy and Otis story this skit didn’t really do anything for me.  We then go backstage where Kurt Angle talks about being back on SmackDown and talks about the history of the show and all the talent that has been on the show including Edge & Randy Orton who are going to have “THE GREATEST MATCH EVER!!”. Angle then announces that this next superstar will be the next face of SmackDown as he has a bright future and this leads to a video package featuring highlights of Matt Riddle.  Bro! Stallion Matt is coming to SmackDown and if they use him right this could lead to some really fun matches between himself and Styles, Bryan, Gulak, Shorty G, Nakamura, etc but I will wait before I get too excited because this is WWE after all and knowing them they will have his first feud be against Corbin.  We cut to the back where Sheamus is getting interviewed and he is not happy about Riddle coming to SmackDown and getting all of this hype. Sheamus moves on and says that he looks forward to kicking Sheamus’s face off on the way to winning his first Intercontinental Championship. Bryan walks up and they stare each other down and Sheamus wants Bryan to say whatever he has to say and then pokes him, Bryan stays silent and just gives Sheamus a hard kick in the shin as he walks off.  As we come back from break the announcers tell us that next week the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships will be defended when the champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross take on the challengers Bayley and Sasha Banks.  Match #5: Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus (WWE Intercontinental Championship Tournament Semi-Final Match) They lock up and Sheamus takes Bryan down with a headlock takeover and holds him there for a minute and then both men are back up while Sheamus still has the headlock locked in, Bryan steps on the calf to get Sheamus down to his size and this allows him to finally be able to slip out of the headlock and transition into a hammerlock and then quickly switches to a chin lock as Sheamus gets back to his feet and arm drags Bryan across the ring. Bryan gets back to his feet and we get another feeling out process which sees Sheamus trying to go back to the headlock but he settles with a standing armbar which ends up getting broken when Bryan gets to the ropes. Bryan has Sheamus in the corner where he delivers some body shots, corner kicks, and uppercuts until Sheamus gets enough and takes Bryan down with a clothesline. Sheamus delivers some clubbing blows and then wrenches on the neck of Bryan. Sheamus jumps on the back of Bryan and then goes back to the standing armbar. Sheamus sends Bryan into the corner where he backflips off of it and then hits Sheamus with a running clothesline. Sheamus runs at Bryan but ends up getting backdropped over the top rope to the floor and then Bryan wipes him out with a tope suicida that sends us to commercial break. We come back from commercial to see Bryan has control of Sheamus’s arm and is slamming it down across his own shoulder. Bryan tries to get Sheamus down to the mat but Sheamus uses his power to stop that from happening as he sends Bryan into the ropes and tries to catch him but Bryan slips out of his hands and goes behind with a waist lock, Sheamus backs up into the corner where he has Bryan trapped and then he delivers a ton of elbows to the neck and shoulder region to the point where he has Bryan down on the mat and then he follows that up by delivering some knee drops that look just as nasty as the elbows did. Sheamus plays to the PC crowd and it is at that point we get a clear shot of just how red and beat up his chest is. Sheamus delivers a big knee lift that sends Bryan rolling to the outside and Sheamus follows him out to the floor where he sends him into the barricade. Sheamus gets in Michael Cole’s face as he wants him to do the Yes! chants and Cole does as he is told as he looks scared to death.  Sheamus rolls Bryan back into the ring and then goes up top where he comes off with a diving clothesline which gets him a 2 count. Bryan makes a comeback with strikes and then comes off the middle rope where he is caught with an Irish Curse and is then put in the Texas cloverleaf which is broken when Bryan gets to the ropes. Bryan rolls out to the apron and Sheamus goes for the ten beats of the Bodhran but Bryan stops that from happening as he levels Sheamus with several forearm shots and then hangs his throat first across the top rope. Bryan goes up top but is crotched when Sheamus kicks his leg out from under him, Sheamus joins Bryan up top and looks to hit a top rope superplex but Bryan blocks it and headbutts Sheamus back down to the mat so that he can come off the top with a missile dropkick.  Bryan hits Sheamus with the Yes Kicks but Sheamus is able to duck the big roundhouse and then attempts to hit Bryan with another Irish Curse, but Bryan counters it into a crucifix pin for a 2 count. Bryan tries to keep Sheamus down by driving his elbow into the neck of Sheamus but it barely phases Sheamus as he hits Bryan with the White Noise for a 2 count. Sheamus whips Bryan into the corner but Bryan sends him face-first into the middle turnbuckle with a drop toe hold when Sheamus charges at him. Bryan hits a running dropkick in the corner but when he goes for a second Sheamus nails him with a running double axehandle. Sheamus sets up for the Brogue Kick but before he can hit it Jeff Hardy shows up which distracts Sheamus long enough for Bryan to hit him with the Running Knee and pick up the win. Winner: Daniel Bryan via Pinfall   Match Rating: ***¼  After the match Hardy attacks Sheamus and this is how the show goes off the air. This match was what Good Ol’ JR would call a Slobber Knocker as these two beat the living shit out of each other. Why in the blue hell did we need the tasteless angle that started the show when we ended up with the same final match for the tournament anyway as it was always going to be Styles vs Bryan. They could’ve easily just had Styles beat Elias and then have Sheamus cost Hardy his match against Bryan and it would’ve saved us from having to have to watch a tone-deaf and tasteless angle take up the first fifteen minutes of the show. This was a mixed bag of a show as all of the in-ring work was really good to great especially the main event but at the same time, everything that didn’t happen in the ring such as the opening segment and the video with Otis and Mandy either didn’t do anything for me or was completely tasteless. The one thing I will remember from this show is the commentary during the Alexa vs Sasha match as the reactions of Graves, Cole, & Bayley to Nikki’s craziness during the match were priceless.
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thewebofslime · 5 years
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On April 3, 2019, a teenage boy was seen nervously pacing a neighborhood in Sharonville, Ohio, near Cincinnati. The young boy’s reaction to passing cars made residents in the community believe that he was running away from danger rather than trying to cause it. Shortly after someone called 911 and said, “He walked up to my car and he went, ‘Can you help me? I just want to get home. Please help me.’ I asked him what’s going on, and he tells me he’s been kidnapped and he’s been traded through all these people and he just wanted to go home.” When law enforcement officers arrived on the scene, they asked the teen his name but they were not expecting what would come out of his mouth: Timmothy Pitzen. If the boy truly was who he said he was, it would end an almost eight-year-long search. TRENDING: Security Footage Shows Hotel Employee Drag Toddler’s Body from Hot Tub and Start CPR His father, Jim Pitzen, dropped Timmothy off at his elementary school in Aurora, Illinois, on May 11, 2011, but his mother, Amy Fry-Pitzen, checked their son out of school early. Once Pitzen realized that his wife and son had disappeared, he filed a report in order to try to bring them home safely. Timmothy was last seen on May 13, 2011, with his mother at a resort in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The Inside Story, Timmothy Pitzen Case from NCMEC on Vimeo. Fry-Pitzen was found in a Rockford, Illinois, hotel room where investigators concluded that she had died by suicide. A note was found beside her saying that the boy was left in good care, but that he would never be found. RELATED: Four Decades After 11-Year-Old Girl Was Murdered, Police Finally Make Arrest Investigators searched tirelessly for over almost eight years without any luck. In a video published in 2013, Timmothy’s aunt Kara Jacobs told NCMEC, “We just believe with every fiber of our being that he is alive. So without any kind of logic to give you, I can just tell you that I know he’s alive.” The boy who was found in Ohio was able to give the correct birth date as well as give his father’s name. Aurora Police traveled to Ohio to perform a DNA test on the boy who claimed to be Timmothy Pitzen. On April 4, 2019, FBI Louisville tweeted, “DNA results have been returned indicating the person in question is not Timmothy Pitzen.” Now the biggest questions are, who is the 14-year-old boy and how did he know so many details about Timmothy’s life? And where is Timmothy? If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Timmothy Pitzen, please leave a tip with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Submit your story here, and subscribe to our best uplifting stories here. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards. Submit a Correction Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print Kayla Kunkel Staff Writer Summary More Info Recent Posts Contact Kayla is a Staff Writer for Liftable, a section of The Western Journal. She has been writing stories about faith, entertainment, and women since 2018. @KaylaKatWJ Facebook Tags: Children, Family, FBI, Kidnapping POPULAR RIGHT NOW ENTERTAINMENT ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’ Says Dying Wife Wants To Spend Final Days Hunting Suspects KAYLA KUNKEL 11K REACTIONS ENTERTAINMENT Kathie Lee Gifford Brings Hoda Kotb to Tears with Special Gift During Her Final Week on ‘Today’ KIM DAVIS 444 REACTIONS FAITH Woman Takes Plates of Food to Park, Left in Tears After Meeting Crying Mother: ‘I Know God is Real’ KIM DAVIS LIFE Pregnant Jessa Duggar Rolls Up Her Sleeves To Give Home a ‘Minimalist’ Makeover on a Budget SARAH CARRI 1.1K REACTIONS ENTERTAINMENT ‘Inside Edition’ Host To Undergo Surgery After Observant Fan Spots Cancerous Lump SARAH CARRI 5.6K REACTIONS LIFE Man with Stage 4 Cancer Will Spend His Final Days Traveling with Wife After Winning Lottery LOREN EATON 4.8K REACTIONS RECENTLY POSTED Next MUST READ FBI Reveals DNA Results of Boy Claiming To Be Child Kidnapped 8 Years Ago Teens Electrocuted While Attempting To Rescue Dog Trapped in Canal Mom Pries Open Cougar’s Jaws with Bare Hands To Save 7-Year-Old Son EDITOR'S PICK Single Mom Can’t Stop Crying When Teenage Son Buys Her New Car
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