#kazuha -implied-
lameow-l · 11 months
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here’s art bc i felt like i would physically explode if i didn’t draw so i asked google to give random characters to draw.. i ended up spending like 8 hours nonstop on them soo
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kazusys · 2 months
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kazuha’s insecure about the gap in his teeth. you reassure him. (based off of the glitch that made him have a… well, gap in his teeth.) ALSO based off of this little thing i wrote and a comment saying that this should be a fic. so, here ya go! :]
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“i’m thinking about possibly getting braces soon.” kazuha said out of the blue one day, catching you off guard at his sincerity.
“braces— wait, what?” you replied, turning your head to face him, his eyes not meeting yours as he simply stares off into the sky. “what would you need braces for?”
“to fix my teeth, as they’re meant to.” he states matter-of-factly.
“well, no kidding. but what could possibly need fixing?”
“is it not obvious?” he looks downward, parting his lips slightly before pointing to the gap between his two front teeth. “it makes me look like a kid.”
“a cute kid.” you murmur. “but why now? you’ve had it since… well, as far as i can remember!”
“actually, it’s been on my mind for awhile. but… if you think it’s cute…” he drawls off at the end, a small smile starting to form as he continues. “…i guess… i just want nice teeth like yours. a bit of an unnatural topic to talk about, but it’s true.”
you sigh. “trust me, you do not want braces. they hurt and restrict what you can eat— plus, it’s just a little gap. nothing like my teeth before.” as you reach over to ruffle his hair, you giggle. “are you insecure about it? is that what’s going on?”
he laughs lightly in return, mostly out of embarrassment. “you caught me,” he catches your other hand in his, holding it as he smiles, teeth and all in view. “but not so much anymore.”
and when you take the moment and kiss him on the lips and run your tongue over the gap in his teeth? he thinks that maybe braces aren’t a necessity for him and that he should just accept it as it is.
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moochalove · 11 months
Last Nights Mistakes and New Beginnings (Pt. 2)
(yandere!kazuha x pregnant!reader x scaramouche)
Another part finished!!! This kinda scratches my brain but i need more…. so expect a part 3….
i got into some darker themes and I intend to keep them around so please be warned.
word count: idk but it’s pretty long 🗣️
not proofread 😋
TW: panic attacks, yandere themes, implied noncon but nothing detailed
Rolling over to stretch you notice the sun seeping through your curtains. Ah, that’s right, he’s still here. Well you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to drop him off wherever he needed to be, then come back and sleep some more. With one last stretch you stumble out of bed, heading to the living room you notice Scara curled up with the blankets surrounding him. He even sleeps weirdly….. You stop and think for a moment, should you wake him up? Or should you just let him sleep longer…
“It’s not nice to stare, Y/n.”
Cutoff from your thoughts you take a few steps back, eyes settling back down onto his now awake figure. “S-sorry, I was just trying to figure out whether to wake you or not- I…” Rubbing his eyes he throws the blankets off of himself. “Yeah yeah, save it.”
And you thought you were cranky when woken up early, huh.
“I’ll give you some time to get ready.” Turning on your heel you walk back to your personal bathroom wanting to wash up quickly, “By the way, hope you slept well.” You weren’t sure why you were inclined to say that. Shrugging it off you leave him to gather his stuff. Scara, on the other hand was taken aback by the comment. Was he a flustered? Maybe. Surprised? Definitely. Was he gonna reciprocate the act somehow? Hell no, it’s not like he owes you anything! Nope, nothing at all! Huffing he folds up the blanket before placing it back in the basket.
While reaching down he notices a funny looking book, “How to prepare for motherhood!” Did your sister leave it here? He was curious to ask you more questions but it definitely wasn’t his place. Shrugging he ignores it and tosses the somewhat neatly folded blanket onto the book.
Coming out of the bathroom your face was freshly clean, teeth: brushed, hair: combed, contacts in if needed. You were dressed casually, but still wearing a baggy shirt so no one would notice your baby bump. Grabbing your keys you jangle them around before teasing, “let’s go drop the baby off~!” “Ugh, as if!” his face is slightly red and churned. He combs his hand through his hair- you are reminded of a certain someone by this singular action.
Staring at him your mind floods back positively bad feelings. The way he treated you oh so gently, like a porcelain doll that would crack under too much pressure. And the way he pleased you like a lover should. As if he’d been a starving man and you, his first meal- but it seems you were just a side dish- an appetizer before the real meal he could ravish any other day.
Scaramouche stared back at you a little distraught, “Oh my g- What is it now? You look like a deer in headlights.” He’s already poking your face and shaking you slightly.
Your mind is retelling you the events of that night at a pace you can’t even comprehend. The tight feeling in the head that hurts so much yet feels hollow and empty is telling you something’s wrong but you haven’t been caught up to speed yet-
“Hey, this isn’t funny! What’s wrong?” he sounds genuinely concerned.
Once your mind starts running at a pace you can’t imagine, it starts linking certain events of your life together like it’s some tragic movie. A horrible one at that.
Scara is shaking you now he’s practically begging you to snap out of it. Oh, how you would laugh at the way he’s begging, the way he’s actually concerned. You wouldn’t think someone like him had it in him.
By the time you regain consciousness you’re lying on the couch with an ice pack on your head with a straw attached to a bottle of water. Trying to move and get up at the sudden reminder that you were supposed to drop Scara off you shoot up only for your head to pound in return, “Ow… what the f-“ this action causes you to lay back down.
Scara is practically inches away from you, eyes wide with relief and a small smile plastered on his dumb looking face. “You’re awake! I was sooooo- um..” he quickly backs off with a sigh, “I was just getting tired of being here, was just about to call someone to come pick me up. But it seems sleeping beauty has finally woken up!”
“What the hell happened?” you reach to hold your head, slowly recounting the events that led up to a blank space in your mind. Your face scrunches up, realizing you had a panic attack in front of Scaramouche…. You contemplated on telling him the truth of making up some random bullshit. Both of you look like you’re about to say something, “So-“ “I’m-“, with a small chuckle of you both wait to see who will speak first.
“I just wanted to say that i’m.. I’m sorry for whatever that was earlier. I don’t know what came over me. Perhaps I didn’t get enough sleep.” Your words trail off and your ears start to feel a little warm. “It’s okay, Y/n, I-I was worried about you, you know?” Scaramouche trailed his last words, looking off at some painting you have hanging up on your wall, “Anyways… I’m not too sure what happened with you but it’s none of my business so don’t try n explain yourself because I really don’t care ,” you could only feel a little guilty and embarrassed but you nodded along, “Let’s go grab some dinner.” Huh? Why did he wanna get dinner? Perhaps he felt bad about what he said? Oh well, it’s free food! Surely you would need to replenish all your engere after this whole ordeal. Plus, you needed to stay healthy so the growing life within you can stay alive and healthy.
You’re hit with a sudden realization that you’re not wearing an oversized shirt or sweater of some sort. Had he removed it in attempt to see if there was something physically wrong? Like a wound of some sort? Okay- maybe if you get up slow enough he surely won’t notice? right? RIGHT? Just act natural- slow and steady does it! Or do you just look awkward slowly rising? Hit with a sudden way of embarrassment you shoot up before turning to run to your room to change, “O-oh no…. I forgot my phone… in my room… haha… i’ll be back….!” slamming the door behind you you’re sliding the oversized hoodie on and grabbing your phone then putting some casual slip-ons. When you walk out you notice the previous hoodie folded up to where you were laid.
“O-okay! let’s go!” He can tell you’re still frazzled just by the way you’re so inconsistent with your actions and moods. Maybe it was just “that time of the month” for you. Scara knows how scary women can become during that time. It’s best if he just ignores it and goes along like nothings wrong, lest you end up berating him like his sister did that one time.
The car ride was silent, only asking where he wanted to eat and some small talk.
When your food comes out, piping hot and steaming, you’re fighting the urge to cool it the best you can before shoving it in your mouth, very well knowing that choice would result in a burnt tongue, and the roof of your mouth scorched. Scaramouche on the other hand- he’s taking his time cutting the food up into nice bite-sized pieces, although you see he’s also fighting the urge to scarf down uncut meat that’s laid on his plate. You both hadn’t eaten all day after all so of course you’re making an excessive amount of noise with exaggerated huffs and puffs, blowing your food cold. The way you’re both chugging your drinks down. I’m sure you would both regret ordering the amount of drinks you did when the bill is shown.
Both of you stare at each other while the bill sits in the middle of the pile of plates that would soon be taken away.
“Well, I take this is your treat? Of course for making me stay longer than I wanted to-“ before he can finish you’re cutting him off with a overdramatic voice, “Oh thank you! I’m so relieved knowing that you are paying tonight!” He can only scoff, he’s using an unopened straw and pushing towards you. Your face churns as you can practically feel your hairs popping out but you still put on a cocky smile, “I’m sure you’re well aware of what you just did? Whoever comes in contact with the bill must pay-“ “IT WASNT DIRECT CONTACT!” With another overdramatized action you’re pulling out your wallet with a slight ‘sigh’. All the while Scara is watching joyfully.
On the way back to the car you get a phone call.
Maybe it was a work related issue? Not wanting to risk it being an important call you answered it.
What happened next you could’ve never anticipated would happen.
All you really remember was that the call consisted of Kazuha, who was clearly drunk, and busying himself with a woman as you could hear giggles, moans and whimpers coming from himself and the other participant. He claimed you left with Scaramouche and he was still with you. Claiming how he must’ve left with you, since he went missing after you both got kicked out, and how he never came back to their shared apartment. The way he kept reiterating that he “wasn’t upset, just disappointed” I mean, he wasn’t wrong- you did leave with him but it’s not like you guys did anything? It scared you a bit how controlling he was trying to be even though you weren’t even in a relationship with him. The last thing he said before he hung up was that he would be over soon and that he didn’t want to hear any excuses. It scared you even more how he kept his calm and collected demeanor up. If it weren’t for the context you’re sure you’d be excited to see him.
Scaramouche is already waiting in the car, growing impatient by the second. Once you sit down your mind starts to slowly pick up the pace. What do you do? He said he would be there soon? How soon? Was he just planning to talk it out? Was he worried about his friend? Should you be honest? What if- A hand placed on your shoulder snaps you from thoughts. “Knock it off. You’re doing that thing again.” Hah, it was obvious that you were freaking out. Taking a deep breath you start to explain the situation. By the time you get halfway through explaining Scara is urging you to drop him off at his house and for you to get home and lock up, or go to a friends house.
The car ride was… something to say the least…. Speeding when nobody was around then acting like normal law-abiding citizens the next second.
Tires screech loudly from when you slammed on the brakes. Scara practically went flying and hit the window. He’s unbuckling the once neglected seatbelt, before he you exchange numbers in case anything happens, like if he needs to contact the authorities if you can’t. Stumbling to the backyard to sneak in. You, on the other hand, you’re speeding back home on the back roads. You had planned on parking inside the garage and locking up. From what Scara had told you, every now and then Kazuha will get absolutely wasted and make the worst decisions possible.
Also mentioning that ever since his friend’s death he’s been a lot more controlling of certain people. Like apparently one time he was so invested in the woman he was practically bat-shit-crazy over her, tracking her every move, monitoring who she spoke with, what she wore, and even some of her actions. Once she had enough and wanted a break from him he let her go, surprisingly he let her go, but soon after she was allegedly admitted to a mental hospital. Surely these are just rumors, right? There’s no way that someone like sweet and caring Kazuha would actually be like this? Right?
Once you’re parked you’re heading inside and locking everything up. One thing you should’ve did was let a friend know of the situation but it totally slipped your mind.
You decide to wait it out in your room. Laying on your back and gently rubbing your stomach, “It’s okay. Mommy is gonna be okay. So please, don’t worry..” Your skin is stretching every day, it’s an uncomfortable process but a needed change. It’s not like anyone was gonna see your body again after this. Nope, the one time you drop the “strong independent young woman destined to be the next ceo act” you end up pregnant, and the father also happens to be a sleazy alcoholic who was also crazy.
You could feel the sorrow in your heart. Eventually, you would have to tell your child that he shouldn’t be the kind of man his father was. Well, that can be something you worry about in the far distant future, for now you just gotta keep him alive and well.
There’s a gentle knock at the door.
You just have to wait it out.
It turns louder, more impatient.
It’s now a loud pounding. You can hear your name being called gently despite the knock being the opposite.
It stopped. Maybe he’s finally regained his composure and is willing to give up. Huh? Is the door know rattling? Really? Is he really trying to do what you think he’s doing? Crap. You don’t have enough time to hide.
Once the door swings open you’re locking your bedroom door and reach for your phone. Hell. you need help. Oh god. He’s already at the door, rattling the door handle and banging on the door. You’ve barely opened the keypad. You’re frantically tapping the screen.
Once the call goes through you feel as if you’ve been saved! Surely they’ll come help!
A hand is placed over your mouth firmly, “Ah, i’m so sorry, it seems my girlfriend’s sister dialed this number! Yes. I assure you everything is alright! No, no need to send someone over. I understand, we’ll give her a thorough talking. Thank you.”
Once you hear the call end your blood runs cold. You want to scream and make a break for the door but you’re not sure if you can make it.
Kazuha lets out a huff before combing through his hair, “I wish you would just talk to me, Y/n. I wish you would just listen.” He tosses the phone off into some corner before he’s pushing you down on the mattress.
You try protesting to his attempts to undress you, yelling at him saying he’s drunk and that he’s being delusional. It seems to go through one ear out the other, he’s not listening. But his calm and lover-like demeanor is present all the while. He’s kissing you gently and whispering sweet nothings in your ear, he’s feeling up and down your body, squeezing whatever his hands can grab. You hate how he’s acting like he didn’t do anything wrong. You want to scream and disappear from the face of the earth, hoping to never see his face again.
Kissing your neck seems to draw you from your thoughts, “My sweet little princess, be honest with me. What did you do with him?” you gulp nervously (or is it from fear?) you reply, “After we got kicked out, I dropped him off at his moms place. I swear baby- we didn’t do anything. It’s not him I love, it’s you!” oh how you wished to rip your tongue out and scrub it clean. With a ‘tsk’ Kazuha is starting to fiddle with his pants, “I already told you to not make excuses. Please, sweetheart, just tell me what you did and i’ll forgive you.” Covering your face, hiding your eyes, threatening to spill unwanted tears you try refuting but he seems to stuck on the idea you “cheated” even though you did nothing wrong.
The rest of the night is another blurry one, but not from the alcohol, from unwanted memories. From that day on you tell yourself you’re gonna take a break from work and fly home to spend the rest of your pregnancy with your family. Sure it seemed irresponsible and you didn’t exactly have the funds for it but you’re sure once you tell your parents your situation they’ll understand and lend a helping hand.
Scaramouche on the other hand, he’s sitting in his younger self’s bedroom, everything is outdated to his likings now but some things remain to what he still enjoys. A cracked phone lays before him, wondering if he should call to see if you’re alright, perhaps the situation has changed? Biting the skin of his inner cheek he decided against it, ultimately deciding to call in a few days.
Fiddling with the cheap metal rings on his fingers his mind keeps wandering back to the idea of you. Had you really caught his interest? You? Of all people? Pfft, as if some lowly scum such as yourself could dare to invade his mind! Yet, here you are. The way you laugh, your smile, your everything. It truly captivated him.
He thinks back to how you both practically agreed to take care of your new baby, Meowmeow. Hopefully you would be able to feed her tonight. He needs to consult his mother about his new cat so he can get all the finical support he needs. Although he’s sure she’ll just flash him a dumb smile saying, “Oh, such a silly thing to want to invest in. Well, it’s not like you ask for much so i’ll be a good mom and help my son!” or at least something along those lines.
His mind also plagued him with not so happy thoughts, like the idea of you truly disliking him and pushing him away. Maybe revoking his rights to care for your stray animal and shutting him out forever. No use in worrying about it now, it’d be best to do something else for now. Even when his mind would slip in images of you here and there. Oh well, it’s not like he didn’t mind.
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n4tsum1-san · 6 months
if gaming and yun jin ever interact in-game, i hope this is the dynamic they have. anyway i made more memes
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(fun canon fact: yoimiya can't have milk or it'll make her stomach go "crackle kaboom")
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fairykazu · 9 months
20191009 i like her ft. kazuha ⊹ ࣪ ˖
cws: feminine terms are used but reader is referred as gn terms, highschool au, mutual pining, fluff, angst, parental issues, implied chiscara, mild profanity
it’s around eleven-something and lunch has started, you and kazuha were laying on a blanket near the rooftops of school. kazuha brought up when a fight broke out between childe and scaramouche, something about childe being too close to scaramouche’s personal space. the wind was blowing gently as you laughed, perching on one of your hands, “kazuha, they have to be into each other.”
kazuha noticed as you laughed, you shivered. he leaned a little closer, zipping you up, “you’re right, star.”
star was a nickname that kazuha gave to you in freshman year when you were rightfully upset about your mother telling that with your grades, you would never grow up to be successful as she is and only to become a random man’s housewife earning nothing other than chores that would pile up.
after the talk with your mother, you told her you’ll be studying at your friend’s house and she let out a sigh of relief, “thank god, you’re getting your shit together.”
you tried not to react to the words you have heard before squeezing your lips into a fine line, “good bye, mother.” leaving out of the door just before hearing your mother’s goodbyes, the weight of your anxiety pooling in your stomach never left but it gradually lightened, texted kazuha.
kazuha, omw !!
kazuha answers just as fast, huh?
wait is it because of “😡💀☹️”?
yes :’(
okay, ill see you there
what? you thought as you hesrd loud panting and footsteps coming your way. his silver hair sticking to his forehead, “oh! name, there you are. lets go to my house.” he was hunched over kind of like a pretzel, breaking in a sweat.
“kazuha???” you said, confused. your eyebrows knitted together.
walking towards to the porch where you sat, standing up straight. the silver haired boy was lending you a hand, “c’mere, you can tell me everything about your mom. as well as, it’s a friday, you can tell her you’ll sleep over too. i know she hates boys hanging with you but-” he lifted his hair. “with this i can pass off as a girl.”
you laughed, a bit of your anxiety disappearing. beunknownst to you, kazuha smiled a little, happy to see that he helped you to cheer up. you cant really disagree with him not when he’s looking at you with puppy eyes. really, the archons didnt disappoint with his features. “okay.” you replied, taking his hand.
“so, your mom said malicious words to you again?” kazuha said. the both of you sat in his living room, under the blanket and pillow fort he made. as the yellow blanket “ceiling” was falling, you sniffled, “yes..”
he grabbed your hands, looking directly into your eyes. “i love your family, name. but, she’s wrong. even though, you do struggle academically—”
“hey!” you interrupted, yanking his hands away from you. he apologizes instantly,
“im sorry but let me finish.”
you paused, moving your finger in a circle, signaling him to get to the point.
“thank you. you are much more than your grades, name. you’re like a star amongst the skies. every star is different, i just know you would excel at your dreams just as easy as this.” he snapped his fingers.
you started to chuckle a little as kazuha shot you a look saying that he could obviously snap his fingers and to stop laughing.
you covered your mouth.
well, he tried. he snapped again but only made a really sad and disappointing friction sound between his index and his thumb. similar to when you use a lighter but you have to ignite it five times before it works. he gets flustered, “you get what i mean right?”
you exhaled a laugh, your face was a little red from laughing and being flustered at once. “yeah, i do.”
flashback ended
you slapped his shoulder playfully, nearly erupting in giggles, “kazuha?”
“yeah?” he turned to look at you. huh? in this lighting, kazuha is kind of… no, you can’t have a crush on him again. it wouldnt end well and plus, he mentioned that he likes someone. actually, you overheard it when kazuha was talking to beidou and ningguang.
“kazuha, if you really like them, you would confess.” beidou? you think it was beidou’s voice, it was slightly more deep.
“no, i dont want to ruin our friendship. besides, i dont think they like me that way too. im content just being with them.” kazuha’s voice for sure. it was gentle and soft… usually. but his voice is filled to the brim with anxiety.
a more feminine voice replied, comforting kazuha. you assumed it was ningguang. “kaedehara, ive seen the way they look at you.”
“theyre probably looking at someone else.”
“ok, bro.”
“name?” kazuha called your name at least five times but yet you were staring off the distance. made him feel kind of self conscious. did they notice my hair is fading out? he tapped on your shoulder, “name??”
“oh sorry. do you think scaramouche and childe explored each other’s bodies?”
kazuha coughed loudly, his sunkissed face exploded in hues of reds, “what makes you say that?”
“its the way childe treats scaramouche like he’s worthy and how scaramouche looks at childe. like scaramouche’s eyes softens and everything.”
“really?” kazuha asked, subconsciously leaning closer to you.
you scrunched up your nose, “yeah?” noticing how close kazuha was and how soft his hair looks, how his eyes seems to glimmer in the afternoon sunlight and—
oh shit.
you pulled a little bit back, “doesn’t the weather seem nice today?”
weak excuse…
kazuha turned away from you, “youre right. usually it would be cloudy today.”
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kakushigo · 3 months
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I present: The veggieverse!
Inspired by talks of autocorrect by shadowfaerieammy on discord, in which Shinichi turned into Spinach.
And then I typoed Spinichi.
Then proceeded to spend the next three hours created the veggie verse.
In order
Kaitou Kale Nakamori Argula Hakuba Sorrel Hattori Hispi (bonus Heiji!) Toyama Komatsu Mouri Ramp Hattori Habanero Kudou Spinichi
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shikannoying · 1 year
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when your two dumbass housemates make no attempt to hide what they did last night.
they're so cute please help me
I spent a little extra time on this one and used some coloring techniques I hadn't done in a while, it felt nice
pleasing results if I say so myself... ^u^
anyway, have a great day fellow kazuhei lovers, please enjoy
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daystud · 18 days
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"we will meet again even if now we are separated" my ass he's not real anyways and i see him everyday everytime i log in ☠️
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
Behold, the sliding scale of the people Scara’s potential love interests in this AU
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Replaying the beginning of the Inazuma archon quest and actually what happens to people’s visions after they die? Not the “they fade out” part, I know that, but are there like, customs for disposing with dead people’s visions? Is that something they have to put into their will? Is there a market for masterless visions? We saw during the crux clash that there was a fair bit of interest in kazuha’s friend’s masterless vision, and I know the majority of teyvat’s population are not vision bearers, but, as we saw from the number of visions inlaid in the statue, there are enough of them to be significant, so statistically since vision bearers are not immortal there are probably enough dead vision holders to supply a fair amount of masterless visions. Therefore since masterless visions exist and people seem to have an interest in them there probably have to be some kind of rules about what happens to visions when the vision bearers die so as to prevent chaos and I’m sooo curious as to what those are like. I wonder if it differs by nation or if there’s a set of rules for everyone or if it’s up to individual choice…
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tklpilled · 7 months
aether harem mfs when i mention xiao (suddenly just because they're friendly doesn't mean they're romantic)
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andersdotters · 1 year
I was just talking to a friend about this yesterday, but it's crazy how Kazuha's story just would not have happened in Mondstadt. They would not have stood to the side of they heard a friend agreed to a duel to the death. They would not have honored the duel at all. They wouldn't have have fought back, not run away if the knights started stealing visions for Barbatos. And they never would have forgiven Barbatos for killing their friend. To a lot of them, such a story would be simply unthinkable.
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moochalove · 10 months
Last Nights Mistakes and New Beginnings (Pt. 3)
(yandere!kazuha x pregnant!reader x scaramouche)
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This one took me awhile to write bcs I was thinking about all the possibilities….. 🥹 I think i’m okay with how this one turned out… I promise the baby will become relevant 🗣️ (next part, trust)
word count: guys next part i’ll add a word count i promise…
not proofread 🫢 just pretend my mistakes aren’t present 😋
TW: Alcohol mention
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You try to get up out of bed but there’s a weight on you. Opening your eyes you’re met with the sight of Kazuha, he’s resting on you so peacefully. It totally contradicts his actions from before. He’s holding onto you as if you were about to disappear. Trying to recall why he was here causes your mind to feel numb but also ache.
Once you realize your position your heart starts beating faster and faster. Was he gonna keep you inside by force? Or was he gonna just get up and leave? That’s something he’s good at doing… But from what you know he probably won’t wanna let you go so soon… Should you kick and scream your way out? Hmm… It wouldn’t be too ideal to run out of your house buttass naked either… If you had to you would. Or… You could try and manipulate Kazuha into thinking you’re willing to accept him as he is and coax him into letting you outside even for a second before bolting to one of your acquainted neighbors' homes. Surely they’ll understand and let you in, that is if you can make it to them before he catches up with you. You know for a fact the door is unlocked since he’s been glued to you ever since he broke in.
Going through with this plan meant you would learn shame and humiliation but if it meant getting your freedom back and possibly this creep locked up, you knew you could do it. You had to.
Hands snake up into his cream-colored hair, gently massaging circles into his scalp. He returns the favor, arms with slight a bulk hug around your waist, his head lays on your chest, ���You’re up.” You want to push him away and curl up into a ball but you know in order for your plan to work you’ll need to be open with him. “I’m sorry about earlier, maybe I was overreacting… Will you forgive me?” eyebrows furrow with deceptive guilt as you pout ever so slightly. Pulling him into a hug you can feel him smile into your neck, “Let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.” If only you could truly be clean of his touch, at first you treasured it but now it’s something you want to run from. “I’ll go get the warm water started, wait here.” After placing a small kiss on your cheeks he leaves your room, leaving the door open so he can keep an eye on you.
You take this chance to grab your phone and message Scara since he’s the only one who understands the situation to some extent-
“He got me. send help.” Alongside the message you send your address, someone will surely come help this time.
You shove the phone into a pillowcase and leave it on the floor. Rushing to lay back down and act like nothing happened Kazuha walks back into the room before scooping you up with ease (no matter your size) and is carrying you to the bathroom.
Holding a clear glass of what looks to be water? He nudges it against your lips implying for you to open. Hesitantly parting your lips you slowly gulp down the liquids. Once it passes your throat you’re coughing it up, it was alcohol. Instinctively your face scrunches up and you fear the worst for your baby, you’d rather consume no alcohol during your time but unfortunately, you weren’t able to do so. Kazuha on the other hand is laughing at the way you choke and cough it up, he takes a swig of it before he kisses you, forcing more down your throat. “We drank that the night we met, don’t you remember? Actually, probably not. It’s pretty strong,”
Scaramouche had been napping lightly on his uncomfortable bed. He shoots up immediately when his phone goes off, blurry eyes scan through the short message, and he’s immediately calling the authorities. Much to his surprise, they called him to the station that wasn’t too far. They wanted to see the message to make sure it wasn’t some cruel joke. Running as fast as his legs would take him he finally arrived at the police station clutching his phone in hand. Quickly pulling up the message he shows them it, immediately they realize they got a call from the same number a while ago they decide it’s worth investigating.
Someone at the front desk tries to calm him down and assure him you’ll be okay but he’s more angry at himself. He should’ve just stayed with you, even if it meant Kazuha would be upset with him, not like it meant much to him anyway. After a few minutes of beating himself up an image of you flashes in his mind calming him down.
You can’t really remember much but all of a sudden you’re in a beautiful dress, your makeup is done slightly, and your hair is awfully soft from being brushed. Pacing around the living room you’re hiccuping every couple of minutes and your face feels hot. Every time you try to form a coherent thought it feels like it’s being melted away by something invisible. Suddenly your hand is clasped by a large one, it strokes your thumb and gives your own an affirming squeeze. He holds onto your shoulder and you both start to sway to the soft music in the background. Laying your head on his chest with a gentle smile you hold onto him dearly as his hand snakes around your waist as he spins you around before dipping in for a kiss. Upon release, you smile happily as giggles erupt from your chest. Everything feels so wrong but you can’t seem to distinguish the fact that it’s wrong.
There’s a loud bang on the door that causes you to hold your head. Something about it is familiar. He lays you on the couch and places a blanket over you to keep you warm from the cold outside air.
To his surprise it was two policemen, they tried poking their heads inside but were stopped by Kazuha shifting his body.
“Can I help you?” he asked so innocently. “We received a report of domestic violence and we just wanted to confirm everything was alright.”
“Is that so… Well, my niece did accidentally call the authorities. Although me and my girlfriend have been drinking, perhaps we were being too loud-“
“We would like to come in and inspect the house.” without warning they push him aside and immediately they are met with a wasted you.
“Kazu~ You didn’f tell me you w-hic were inviting people over!” Lazily throwing the blanket off of you and attempt to stand but immediately fall back onto the couch. “Mmm sorry, can’t seem to hic- stand..”
“How much have you been drinking?” one of the cops asked flatly. “Mmm not mmmuch- hic” your words slurred. “Would you happen to have your phone on you?” he seemed fed up with your drunken behavior. “I don’t… I don’t know where it’s a-at…” a sudden wave of sleepiness crashed over you, you stretched out your limbs before curling into the blanket. Once you sober up you’re going to regret your actions.
“Well, she’s out cold.” Kazuha rubbed the back of his neck before apologizing quietly to the officers. Before they left they wanted to inspect the house quickly, so he showed them around, in the bedrooms, bathrooms, backyard, and kitchen. They seemed impressed with how nice the house was and with Kazuha’s smooth talking they were out just as quick as they came in. Once again, he apologized for the inconvenience and wished them a good night.
Once the cops return they tell him the situation and he probably misunderstood it. Scara is a mess inside his head. Guess you really can’t rely on cops to do anything, huh. He needed to get to you and confirm you’re safe and sound if he didn’t want you around someone like Kazuha at first- he most definitely doesn’t want you around him now. It’s already late and if those cops were telling the truth, which he doesn’t see why they would lie, you’d probably be sleeping. (Hopefully not comfortably in Kazuha’s arms) Huffing out a sigh he walks back home. Even though you officially just met he’s fallen so hard for you, this wouldn’t be the first time.
You don’t remember since it was so long ago but you both used to be childhood friends. Both of your parents were always busy with work-related stuff and it was too easy to leave you both at a daycare. At first, you didn’t get along, both of you would argue about which color was better, which fruit, who had a better imaginary friend, and the list goes on... Over time you both learned to agree with one another and eventually, you started sharing things. The staff were always amazed at how you both went from disliking each other to practically being glued to each other. After some time your mother decided to quit her job so you wouldn’t feel alone so she pulled you out from daycare. This had Scaramouche confused and hurt. Did you dislike him? Had he done something wrong? Maybe he was being mean and didn’t notice. Ever since you left the staff noticed how he played by himself in the corner often with a scowl on his face. It felt like a part of him was missing.
Once again, both of you are now in middle school. Immediately he recognized you but held his tongue. Your seat was in front of his for art class but you never seemed to talk to anyone other than your friends. He wanted so bad to talk to you but could never build up the courage. Throughout the whole year you never once spoke to each other, he took it pretty hard… After all that time, you’re still upset with him.
The final time you see him is in high school, you’re both sophomores. You had dropped something in the hallway outside of your homeroom, a very fancy mechanical pen, to be exact. Scaramouche didn’t grow up poor but he wasn’t too fond of asking for specific things because he didn’t want his mom to think he was interested in it and end up buying him boxes of said things. It immediately caught his eye, he looked around before he went down to snatch it. His face went cold with fear when someone else’s hand bumped into his. Usually, he was careful with these things yet this time he would surely get caught. Immediately he played it off with an awkward laugh before pulling away, yet his heart skipped a beat when he was met with familiar e/c orbs staring back at him. It’s not awkward at all, staring into each other’s eyes it looks like you both long to say something but it’s immediately cut short when both of your friends approach from behind.
“Hey Y/n, what’s taking you so long- is this guy tryna steal from you- Don’t worry Y/n, I’ll make sure he never tries to steal from others again-!”Breaking the longing stares you turn around to call down your Oni friend Itto. “Woah woah- Calm down Itto- Nobody is trying to steal anything from anyone- Kokomi come get him, please.” She yanked him by the back of his jacket, trying to ease the situation by removing him.
“Oh yeah? Maybe you should pick on someone your own size, buddy.” Replied a certain ginger who looked like he was already throwing off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves.
“For goodness sake- we’re going to be late. Let’s go!” The tall blond lady replied in annoyance, she’s pinching the bridge of her nose.
Scaramouche awkwardly picks up the pencil before handing it back to you. After that, he just removes himself from the situation.
Childe is yanking Itto’s longer hair, in return Itto has his larger hand on Childe’s face, and both look ready to take a swing at each other. A small crowd has formed around them both. Signora simply grabs Childe by the scruff of his shirt before dragging him away. “You’re making a scene, ugh. All over one measly pen. Pathetic, both of you.” Signora’s scoldings were always hard and cold. “It doesn’t matter I already returned it-“ “Oh? Who knew you had a heart! I’m sure that girl is practically head over heels for you now.” She spat coldly as she navigated both of them through the crowd of people who gathered to watch the brawl, halfway through she dropped Childe, “Ow- thought I was getting a free ride to class, guess not.” “As if, I just got my nails done. Now on your feet.” Scaramouche laughed at their interactions, he knew some people might view them as cold and scary but to him they were his friends. “What are you laughing at, it’s creeping me out.” Signora feigned a disgusted voice but she was also smiling. “Oh, nothing. Let’s get to class, Teach is probably mad that we’re late.”
Meanwhile back at your group Kokomi is scolding Itto in a mean voice, the next second she’s apologizing to the teacher in a calm and collected voice. Itto doesn’t really care he’s more upset that someone tried stealing from his friend. He immediately stands straight when he hears Shinobu’s cold voiced ask what all the commotion was. He should probably run…
You, on the other hand, are fiddling with the pen. Have you met that person before? He looked like he knew you and wanted to say something.
Originally you wanted to thank him (even though he was trying to steal your expensive pen…) as an excuse to talk to him and get to know him but… he always seemed to be surrounded by his large group of friends. You knew they wouldn’t let you talk to him alone either... As much as it bothered you, you let bygones be bygones.
By the time he’s done thinking about he’s already home. So surely, getting some rest will make some of the stress go away, right?
When you open your eyes your head pounds and aches into your skull. What happened? Something about this feels familiar. You should feel sad and alone but the warmth behind you proves otherwise. Blinking a few times you try and figure out your best move. Should you just get up or should you try and coax him to get up with you? What did it matter? He’s holding you captive in your own home. The doors are probably locked anyways… Thoughts freeze in place when you feel warm kisses placed on the nape of your neck.
“Good morning, beautiful.” his voice is raspy, laced with sleepiness. If the circumstances were different you would probably be kissing him from how sexy he sounded. Luckily? Unfortunately? The circumstances are waaayyy different.
Curling up into a ball you let out small painful whimpers while holding onto your head. You always had the worst hangovers when you didn’t have something to worry or be sad about in the morning. Odd… This is something you should be worried about but… you can’t help but feel yourself play the part too well. Maybe it’s the numbing fear getting to your head, hmm…
Once again he’s bathing you and dressing you like his own personal doll. “Today, I was thinking we could go get you some new clothes. Your life will be changing from now on, so you’re gonna need a new, and cuter, wardrobe! No offense but I noticed you've gained some weight since we last spent the night together. Don't worry though, I think it's cute!” a smile crept up on his face as he brushed your hair before placing cute hairpins in it. Fighting the urge to tell him off how you didn’t want to wear whatever he had planned for you and that he should go find someone else, you hold your tongue back, painfully. Instead, you reply with a hum and nod. Your hand laid over your stomach, for the sake of your baby, you're going to get out of this situation no matter what.
Guiding you to his fancy and expensive car he, like the gentleman he is, opens the door for you and buckles you in. Immediately you notice the harsh perfume smell and spot fake eyelashes, sealed condoms, and a very certain tone of blue hair on the floor of the car. Just seeing the hair strand made you feel upset at Kazuha, surely Ayaka’s brother would beat the shit out of him if he knew he wasn’t loyal to his younger sister and that one day he may break her heart. You felt bad for all the girls he’s treated badly in his life, what brought him to the point where he felt the need to treat such amazing women so badly? Not dwelling on the thought too much because you’ll make yourself sad, you look forward at all the passing cars and people.
If only they knew you were being held captive. Not for long though, a certain Scaramouche is currently deciding his best move to get you away from Kazuha’s tight grasp.
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♡ taglist: @swivy123
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naiart-i · 2 years
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Stacking life keepsakes, memories of hundreds of Seelies accompany me through the wind, sunsets, rain and snow. The paths of wanderers transforms. Hearts aching for a companion 'til the leaves fall once more.
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fairykazu · 2 years
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accepting fate
SNOWFLAKE HERO: kamisato ayaka x fem! reader
masterlist | inazuma masterlist
she wasn’t supposed to feel this way to you.
out of all the people, it’s you she yearns for. but this isn’t good for her image. her image as a perfect girl her parents always wanted. her image as kamisato ayaka.
she is supposed to be a good girl. get good grades. go to college, find a boyfriend and get married. that was the plan. always has been the plan to be the perfect girl for her parents. she is not supposed to like you.
she blames you. as if you were made by the Devil himself. to drag her away to the depths of sinning. she prays to the Raiden Shogun to cleanse her of her sins. it was night, where the sun slept under a dark blanket.
she wept, putting her hands together as she bowed, “please, Raiden Shogun, please forgive me. i have fallen for the Devil’s deceit to whisk away from the plans i had for the future.” her tears stained her face as she looked up into the moon. she sniffled, “i don’t want something to stray me away from my future.”
but is it the future she wants? my future? she thought. is it really the future she wants? hell, the future she may all want is being with you. but of course, it wouldn’t work anyway because you two are from different worlds.
she is from a world where women are used for profit, for their own businesses’ personal gain. but you? you are from a world where you can do anything, be anything just for the fun of it. though, it’s likely she’s idealizing you. of course, you have flaws.
you said you hated the way your nose flares when you laugh. but she loves it. you are and will always be beautiful to her. you may well rival the moon.
you are clumsy. it’s odd how clumsy you are. somehow, she gets a chain of texts of how you fell down a flight of stairs. she chuckled as she texted you lists of concerns and how she can get you a place in the kamisato hospital if you are in serious danger. but you weren’t. weird how lucky you are.
she stood up, tears still flooding. she realized that you both are too different. and frankly, even if she did confess, it wouldn’t go the way she wouldve liked. since you already have your eyes on someone, and she has yet to meet the young man her parents had arranged for her.
oh how she envies the person you desire. the person who’s her childhood best friend. the person who has been there for the both of you. the person who might be yours.
kazuha kaehadera.
oh how she envies how he will see your smiles, experience your up and downs. how he will be referred as yours. it should be her.
but… that is not the fate the universe gave her. not what the Shogun has given her. not the future her parents want her to live in. but it is certainly the future she wants.
this is not a world where she has the choice.
she must accept fate and live her life as kamisato ayaka, soon to be married. not, kamisato ayaka, forever yours.
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icecoolcryodude · 1 year
humanistic value.
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hey slay queens, kings, and other royalties this is not my first fic ever but this is my first cross-posted ao3 fic! read it here<3
I couldn't help but explore the dynamics between my team (esp Shenhe and Ayato!) and mixing that with the trend on tiktok ab ur genshin team sleeping together so... why not!
also fair warning, I impluse wrote this at 11pm and tried to make it as pretty and poetic as possible so pls dont judge too hard LMFAOOOO p.s.: the implied isnt rlly like a... thing. can b romantic or platonic idc.
A moonlit night shines upon the inside of the teapot, a wanderer and the face of a clan already asleep; they've kept each other close, sharing their bodies' warmth. A hand brushes over the blonde wanderers face, brushing back the strands of hair that cover their dozy eyes. The blonde shifts ever so slightly, closer to the other as the hand retracts, almost frightened about what it had done.
A voice beconds from the doorway, the eyes of the commissioner locked onto the woman standing before the others as he continues forth. 
"...What are you doing?"
The hand of Shenhe clenches at their newly acquired "tee-shirt", her eyes stuck on the two slumbering bodies. "Merely observing." The words crumble from her lips, her muted words hitting the commissioner, Kamisato Ayato, easily. "I see." Is his only response. He soundlessly shuts the door, his eyes going from the two to Shenhe.
"Is there a particular reason for your observation?" Ayato asks, his eyes drawn to his sister, the face of his clan; and his friend, the wanderer. Shenhe shifts slightly, her hand shaky as they reach for the sheets. They tenderly pull it up over the other two, leaning in before they release the covering. "...I've never seen mortals sleep."
"Oh really?"
"...Yes. I… They look so... peaceful; maybe I should sleep on the floor…?"
Her words are poised like a factual question, but Ayato has seen this type of thing a thousand times. It wasn't fact, or logic, or anything of the sort. It was feeling. The blossom of expression that Ayato couldn't help but admire from this woman.
"No, don't." His words are effortless, but they pierce through Shenhe like her own polearm. They stand there silently, as if... nothing had been said at all. "...But my-" "Aren't you tired?" He'd soon find that her expression had intensified, her brows furrowed as she held the ropes around her wrists. She stayed silent, Ayato soon turning to tuck himself in before…
"I'm cursed, yet you don't care?"
Her words ring out to him, his eyes slowly dawning back to the taller woman as he comments, "No, should you?"
Her hands are trembling, the expression on her face unwavering as they stare down at their painted nails. They couldn't speak, they couldn't find the words to describe the emotions soaring through their head as Ayato slowly caressed her hand.
"You have nothing to fear, one night isn't going to hurt us."
Shenhe looks back to the commissioner, her mind surging with thoughts before muttering, "I warned you."
Their hand slips away from his, slowly lifting the abundant cotton covering and slipping under it next to the wanderer. Their back is turned to the hydro-vision man, staring at the other two as the wanderer sleepily brings Shenhe closer. Her hands feel frigid compared to the others, and they can't help but think about the calamity they'd bring to the others. That is until they feel the commissioners body press against their back, his arms wrapped around their waist as he rests his head on her shoulder.
"Isn't this a little close for your comfort, Ayato?"
The blue-haired man chuckles, smiling as he replies, "Maybe… but I don't mind." His breath tickles her neck, but they don't react at all. They try to just… relax. Almost as if meditating within the strange comfort of everyone's touch. But oddly enough… they feel the commissioners cheeks still pressed again their skin, grinning.
"...Why are you smiling?"
The smile falters, the exorcist can sense it. But now… his eyes link to her again. His lips only slightly parted before he whispers, "...This is nice. I'm happy I've gotten to experience this with you."
The exorcists hands now rest upon his arms, eyes slowly shutting as they finally whisper back,
"...Me too. Thank you."
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