taobotics · 5 months
KCF is a discriminative tracking method, which generally trains a target detector during the tracking process, uses the target detector to detect whether the predicted position of the next frame is the target, and then uses the new detection results to update the training set and then update the target detector. When training the target detector, the target region is generally selected as positive samples, and the surrounding region of the target is negative samples, of course, the closer the region of the target is the greater the likelihood of positive samples.
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voorhees1138 · 2 years
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#kfc🍗🍟 #kfcchicken #kfccanada #kcf #chickensofinstagram #chickenburger #chickendinner #chickenchicken #foodlovers #foodlovers #foodstarz #fastfood #burgersandfries #burgerporn #🍗🍟 (at KFC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CioMY07uUsg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sakrumverum · 1 year
Vom 27.-29. April sind wir in Berlin beim #Kongress Christlicher Führungskräfte (#KCF). Wie kann #Lebensschutz im #Berufsleben aussehen? Wir freuen uns auf viele spannende Gespräche! https://t.co/jC9mDgFV95
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hraeth-ethile · 1 year
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King's Cross Fellowship, or the K.C.F., is a Christian nonprofit organisation and religious movement with a long history of violent and extreme radicalism. Founded in 1830 by Father Eugene Abraham Smythe, the core belief structure of the King's Cross Fellowship holds that Jesus died in vain and that the roots of sapient evil is much more terrible than the Devil and far more powerful than even God. Equally, sapient good is far more benevolent and strong than God's and for more coveted by the Devil than God's own strength. Thus, mortal life is more than heaven or hell in all ways, and that it is the mortal's duty to destroy hell and kill God so that the distinction between mortal and immortal, good and evil, are erased and remade entirely.
Father Eugene used this to great effect. Giving his followers a belief in themselves that they had an unlocked power inside them that was ultimate and much greater than the universe itself, he was able to amass a dedicated and, eventually, enormous following that he was able to pit against the United States government. While he ultimately failed in all his endeavours, the idea of mortal life being the greater of all sums between heaven and hell remained deeply alluring to many. Although the number of converted K.C.F. remained very small after the destruction of its headquarters in Furnace, Massachusetts and the death of Father Eugene, the Fellowship remained steady in its commitment to exist and isolated itself in southwest New England.
In the 1980s, K.C.F.'s membership sharply rose. The Satanic Panic combined with a rejuvenated powerbase thanks to the efforts of Father Eugene's descendent Edna Smythe, and, in the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, the K.C.F. was reformed and reborn as more than just a small congregation of tight-knit Christian radicals but as a burgeoning religious organisation with the inner strength necessary to combat the Devil's influence on the youth of America.
Unlike the evangelist movements in Colorado and Georgia which saw a much greater rise in interest and membership, and for the same reasons, the K.C.F. believed it could do more than just hold meetings and youth sermons on live television. Boldened and zealous, Edna began to offer families in New England large cash stipends to send their children to the church to live for a week in exchange for 'spiritual training' that would protect them from the Devil and from immoral attractions. Many families agreed, some sending every teen or young child in them to stay at their Springfield compound. This began the first, and briefest, phase of Edna's plans as K.C.F.'s head minister.
Once there, the children were sworn to secrecy. Edna, a wildly successful former lawyer, used her experience and past successes to assemble nondisclosure agreements that had extreme financial consequences if they were ever broken. The children were informed of this and, fearing for the financial destruction and the ruin of the lives of their family, submitted themselves to the tests involved, which were believed to have been extremely emotionally punishing.
All of the children, when they were returned to their families, were found to be docile and obedient and far more spiritually involved than even their parents. They were also emotionally distant, and described as 'zombified' by some of the families. Despite this, all but one family said that this change in personality was beneficial.
Edna used this trial as the proof she needed to convince larger and more urban New English communities, like in Providence and in Württemberg, that the K.C.F. was the only thing standing between the destruction of American moralism and Christian life because, unlike the evangelist movements at the same time, the Fellowship was actually "doing something" about what was happening.
Edna, believing herself to be as intelligent and capable as Father Eugene, nonetheless had an internal struggle that Father Eugene did not. Pastor August Hart of the K.C.F., who was in the organisation's board, was beginning to see dangerous similarities between her and Father Eugene himself. When confronted on this, she did not deny the comparison, and stated that Father Eugene was something to aspire to be like. Pastor August, who had more financial stake in the organisation and more influence with the board, disagreed.
Edna was pushed out of the organisation by a vote, and Pastor August became the new head minister of the Fellowship in 1992. Edna took those most loyal to her and her aims with her to the old, original K.C.F. compound outside of the city of Springfield and let Pastor August keep what was inside the city. She founded Heaven's Wrath, which continues to become more violent and extreme every year, while the Fellowship has begun to push towards a similar style of public and community outreach as Southern Baptism albeit with its core beliefs still intact.
Despite the internal schism, the American public either did not seem to care or did not notice at all. When the results of what Edna had done with the trial children began to bear fruit, and K.C.F.'s membership continued to sharply rise for it, and changes were made to include more of Edna's extreme views as both a way to encourage more of Heaven's Wrath to return to the fold and to bring more families in who believed in the Fellowship's ability to act in God's name in real and physical ways.
The trend in the K.C.F.'s rapidly rising membership rates halted, however, when Heaven's Wrath members attacked a camping lodge in Woodford, Vermont, and killed nine college-aged visitors while visiting the area to relax during their Thanksgiving vacation. The public was unable to differentiate the two extremist groups. When the K.C.F. condemned the attack, the Fellowship was condemned in return.
In 2021, Mill University, which inhabits the former grounds of former Furnace, was visited by Pastor August and other members of the K.C.F. to hold a speech about the religious importance of the location. The college tentatively approved. Despite restrictions in-place, Pastor August publicly shamed and outed several students and their person lives. In an outrage, students stormed the stage and Pastor August had to be escorted out for his own safety by security guards provided by the school.
After a short investigation, the K.C.F. was banned from visiting campus grounds, and the families of two of the students sued the school, which had finally added a blemish to the school's long and illustrious history as being the university with the highest student approval rating in the world. The damage to the university's reputation was short-lived, however, when an addition was added to its museum in the way of a plaque that discussed religious trauma. A religious trauma support group, made up entirely of students, several of whom former members of the K.C.F., held an open conference on the steps of the university's enormous library building.
A feline freshman's speech, by Narcissa Childress, replaced the plaque at the exit of the university's museum on Furnace. The short speech, as televised on the local news and as etched on the plaque, stated:
"There is no difference between the King's Cross Fellowship and Heaven's Wrath, and I'm not sure I believe there's any difference at all between an angry God and the barrel of a rifle. When it's pointed at you, do you really care about their reason why? Or are you just going to be afraid to die?"
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v-thinks-on · 6 months
“Don’t stray from the path,” her mother said. “Don’t stay out past dark. Never go alone in an unfamiliar place. Always keep your distance. Be quiet, unassuming, safe. Look both ways when you cross the street.”
She doesn’t look both ways before hurrying across the street. It’s long past dark, though the full moon shines bright overhead. She’s in a strange neighborhood that’s seen better days, and there’s not another soul in sight. At least there’s no one around to see her bright red jacket that shines like a beacon in the darkness.
She hears the howl of the wolf an instant before she sees it. An ungainly creature, running with startling speed for something that can’t decide whether it has two legs or four, coming straight toward her.
(Read More on AO3)
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alolanrain · 8 months
Pokemon themed drinks:
Dr Peliper - Dr Pepper
Cor-soda - soda
Mountain Budew - Mountain Dew
McDonphan's - McDonald's
Kentucky Fried Combusken - KCF
Irn-Breloom - Irn-Bru
Bouffalant Wild Wings - Bouffalo Wild Wings
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dusterlover · 9 months
literally BAWLING my eyes out over the KCF ‘breakup’
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trevmex · 2 years
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Libby Horacek
What is the Kisekae Set System: It is a system to make digital dress up dolls!
Created in 1991 by MIO.H for use in a Japanese BBS. Pre-web!!! By separating the system from the assets of the dolls, you can make the systems much smaller
CEL image format. They have a transparent background and indexed colors like GIFs!
There is also the KCF Palette Format. Each GUF stores its own palette, with CELs there is a shared KCF palette file. Which is a file size cost savings. You do not have to repeat your color info per file.
Having your palette in another file makes palette swapping really easy! Just swap the KCF file!
CNF configuration files dictate layering, grouping, setting, and positions!
KiSS dolls have a lot of files, so they used LhA, the most popular compression format in Japan at the time.
In 1994, KLS (a user) created the KiSS General Specification
1995 FKiSS is born by Dov Sherman and Yav, which adds sounds, and animation!
FKiSS 2, 3, 4, two versions of FKiSS 5! So much innovation!
1995-2005 huge growth in KiSS! Increase of access, mainstreaming of anime, younger and more female audience.
2007-2012: KiSS declined due to it being much harder to make. All the old tutorials were written for older systems, English-speaking KiSS-making died out by 2010
The Sims, and other doll making was more accessible.
But, why KiSS? If I can make dolls in other places. They are great snapshots of the pre-internet world, and how play online evolved early on.
Lots of fun dolls were available, and it would be cool to save it.
Picrew is a modern thing people use to make dolls.
Tagi Academy is a tamagochi game within KiSS. Impressive!
KiSS has an open specification!!!! That is super cool! That means anyone can make your own viewer, as opposed to a closed system in The Sims.
So, why NOT make a KiSS interpreter?!!
Libby made Smooch, a KiSS renderer written in Haskell, which at the Recurse Center!
Smooch used a web framework called Fn (fnhaskell.com)
Had to make a CNF file parser using Parsec library that uses parsing combinators.
She created a data type that houses everything that can be in a CNF file, and parses it correctly in priority order.
Parsing is a great candidate for test-driven development. You can write a test with a bad CNF file, and then make sure your parser handles it.
The parser translates CNF lines into JSON. Uses the ASON library to translate into JSON.
First tried cel2pnm, coded with help from Mark Dominus at Recurse Center Made a C program that converted cels to portable bitmaps, which could be translated into PNGs.
Then JuicyPixels was created to translate palette files directly in Haskell
Now it is converted to JavaScript! No libraries, just JS!
Using PNGs in JS, thought, made it hard to click on parts of the clothing! Since it is squares.
So, you use ghost canvases! You use tow canvases, one on top of the other, to find the color of the pixel you clicked on, If you clicked on a scarf color, it will pick the scarf, and if you pick the sweater, you get the sweater!
Libby just added FKiSS 1 to Smooch! So we have animations now! The animations are basically event-based scripting the CEL files.
Smooch translates FKiSS to JSON, then the interpreter translates the JSON to JavaScript!
An action in FKiSS is translated into a function in JS. To do this you have to use bind in JS.
The events become CustomEvents in JS! So it looks like a regular event on the DOM.
What is the future of KiSS? Let's get more people making KiSS dolls!!! So why not make it easy to make dolls using PNGs.
How can we make people interested in building KiSS dolls and KiSS tooling.
Smooch need contributors!
Thank you, Libby, for the great talk!
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ikledi · 1 year
Um amor de verdade, era só o que quis um dia ter. Um amor daqueles que te faz sorrir com qualquer besteira. Daqueles que te tira o sono. Que te faz sentir especial, amada, mulher... Daqueles que faz de ti a primeira e, talvez, a única mulher no mundo. Sem exagero, na medida exata.
Eu troquei. Eu neguei. Eu fugi.
Hoje, recebo migalhas. Desconheço a pessoa que está aí meu lado. E não tenho coragem de mudar. Eu quero ir embora. Eu quero outro alguém que possa me amar, que posso me fazer sentir-se bem amada.
Hoje é só tristeza e solidão. Um amor de verdade, era só o que quis um dia ter na vida... Kcf
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This shit is crazy. I burnt 400 calories at paintball with friends, but we've gone to kcf and maccas for dinner and I'm standing outside smelling the food, starving cause I've only had 70 cals and nearly crying cause I want an ice cream but that and chips is too much for my daily maximum 😭😭😭 I can't wait to recover but I'm scared of the weight I fucking hate this I need to be underweight but I'm not and it's not happening fast enough I hate myself I hate myself
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twsted-idiot · 2 years
nom nom good food you tastes like kcf/j
Fr 😨😨??
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hraeth-ethile · 1 year
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Furnace, originally Furnace Mill, was a forested settlement at the base of Seven Mountain where parts of the town of modern Mayford are, and existed entirely where Mill University now is. It is known for its storied events, such as its cult worship, rapid growth and influence, immense wealth, political and religious gainplays, early anti-speciesism, and The Siege of Furnace. The siege, which remains the largest on American soil, ended with catastrophic loss of life and a short-lived federal ban on cult practices.
Once, it was a trade post called Cotuit where Massachusett peoples operated trade between themselves and colonial Americans. Cotuit blossomed as one of the few, and later only, free-cooperation settlement that was both owned and operated by native peoples. The local American populations, most notably that of burgeoning Mayford, Massachusetts, adopted a firm 'live and let live' policy that led to Cotuit becoming a large and extremely wealthy native town. Eventually, Cotuit built a town hall, and was renamed Cooperation. Natives peoples and Americans lived and traded in Cooperation for many years and, because of magistrate practices at the time, found loopholes to secure its safety from the increasingly hostile and anti-native United States government and any possible military eviction or intervention.
Cooperation, nonetheless, drew the ire from the local religious bodies, especially those travelling from Quincy, and eventually lobbied Boston for assistance in expelling the native population of Cooperation. They brought to light the loopholes in magistration policy, and quiet changes were made. A week later on 2 April 1827, after nearly 100 years of peaceful growth and trade, the United States Army arrived with a legal notice to remove its native populations out of 'a fear and concern for the safety of Christian women, their children and their families' and that a refusal to do so would be met with severe judicial punishment.
The town of Cooperation, Massachusetts agreed - though not in the way that the United States Army expected they would.
Much of the town's Americans took up and left with its native population. After only two days of preparation, which was all that the Army gave them, an exodus began, emptying 77% of Cooperation's residents out where, in the following days, they would scatter to the winds. The remaining population of Cooperation, in that time, began to move across the valley into Mayford. It would be two years until people began to return to it, most notably that of Edgar Felix Wyman, a hybridae (half-fox/half-brown bear) smelter and metalworker from New London, Connecticut. Edgar, seeking a heavily forested location with good trade routes, settled in former Cooperation and quickly became a new community leader where he, with the help of the few residents there were left to help, built a large furnace where the market had at one point been.
The furnace was a huge, shielded dome, with a dozen open port 'doors' to work with. Its unique appearance, and the quality of Edgar's goods, brought renewed trade and attention to the small forest village. Over next year, a mill was constructed to house his timber and metal supplies. He was elected the town's new mayor, and the town was renamed Furnace Mill. In the next ten years, a post office was constructed, the town hall was renovated, new markets were introduced, and trade once more flourished.
The population increased 800%, bringing in many different species. Instead of an exodus leading out of Furnace Mill, there was now an exodus that had come to it: 'slave' species, and the people seeking to help hide them. Edgar, who was isolated and dying of phthisis, was sympathetic to the plight of these people and, on the night of his death, requested that they be cared for. The weight of his influence compelled the community he built and cared for to honour his last wish.
And, so, one of the first anti-speciesism colonies was born.
As 'slave' species and other sympathetic people came to live there, a cult had snuck in with the refugees and those seeking a peaceful and wealthy life with them in prosperous Furnace Mill. Father Eugene Abraham Smythe and his entire cult, the Fellowship of the King's Cross, infiltrated the town with a specific goal in mind: to convert everyone there to the cult. This process started very slow and very small, with the cult's official timetable placing its initial efforts on the night of 17 February, 1850.
The plot to convert the town was called The Gloaming of Furnace Mill or just The Gloaming, where Father Eugene methodically singled out young men and young women, often young teenagers, from large families. He'd promise the young men sex, and the young women beautiful things, if they could bring in other teenagers to participate. A large cabin on the outskirts of town, purchased by Father Eugene with money obtained from the cult, was used as a place for these teenagers to have supervised orgies. Drugs and alcohol were also imbibed. Grateful and intoxicated, they swore to secrecy and were inducted into his cult. They were given an assured place of safety, and anything they could ask for they were given. Father Eugene spared no effort or expense in providing them their requests.
Over the next decade, as these teens became adults, Father Eugene asked them to raise their families into the cult. This included their small children, half of which were conceived during these cabin orgies, as well as any member of their families that they had confidence in convincing to meet and participate as they themselves had years earlier. With the money that Father Eugene had acquired using his cult's tithe system (30% of all profits from any and all sources) he was able to provide the requests of more members.
His slow, quiet, and meticulous word-of-mouth recruitment led to a fiercely loyal congregation over a generation. By 1860, entire families had become part of the cult. Father Eugene, believing that his cult was now strong enough to act, replaced the town's legislative body with cult members, who then helped to elect Father Eugene as mayor of Furnace Mill. Construction began on what would become the town's most important, most famous, and most controversial landmark: The Red Cathedral - a huge Gothic Revival cathedral with many flying buttresses and a very tall single tower. To make up for construction time, the cathedral would host very few rooms, and would have a much smaller nave than the exterior would express having. Statues began to be erected throughout the nearby forest, and inside the town, pulling in many visitors from all-throughout the area, which brought much more trade and financial interest, which led to more people working on the cathedral and assisting in cult endeavours.
This massive growth in the town's wealth and population culminated with a declaration made by Father Eugene after one of his re-elections:
"I have touched the waters of accouchement, of my Lord's Son's appetency. I have tasted of the wine of communion, and supped of His Flesh. Ague I have not, for I Am As He: Son of the King of Kings, and I know only the fragrancy of His Gardens. Assay Me not, the coven of the Italies, for the collogue of God is Mine to know. Witness Me now, for where I lay is the new Field of Heaven on Earth, its seeds all Mine to bear o'er land and sky. I am Father God and Christ together, dark are the weeping thoughts of Mine Own Coven, which asks I: O, Father-Mine New, let this by the Furnace of my hope, that I may walk as Thouest will walk on the day of dirges, when the ground is as stalks, and Thy wine be my drought."
The day after his mayoral declaration, on 5 April, 1870, Father Eugene announced himself to be the new living messiah, declared war on heaven, formed an armed militia using the town's original forge and mill, renamed the town to Furnace, and released new census information: 100% of every permanent citisen was an avowed member of his Fellowship of the King's Cross (King's Cross Fellowship/KCF).
This marked the end of The Gloaming of Furnace Mill. On 6 April, 1870, The Red Cathedral was finished, and the town's first open cult meeting began. To celebrate the meeting, Father Eugene asked the second child of every family in the town to execute the first child - as both a show of fealty, and to "christen the stone of the new Jerusalem" with the blood of the most faithful. There was initial panic in some families, who tried to escape the cathedral with their children, but were put to death by Father Eugene's most loyal cultists, and the high priestess of his order. Wielding a flaming sword, she struck down anyone who attempted to leave the cathedral, and let the dead lay where they fell.
At the altar, over many hours, the first child of each family was stabbed to death or beheaded by the second child. Hundreds of children, as young as three, and adults as young as nineteen, were killed before the dawn of the next day. This massacre was called The Night of Annulment, which Father Eugene described as the day his flock 'divorced' themselves from all other forms of Christianity and all other Christian organisations to become entirely devoted to his own doctrine. His high priestess, whose name remains a mystery, adopted the girls of each of these families and formed a new order of nunnery who she named the Order of the Deer, with each nun called a Deer. The youngest members of her order were called Deerlings.
These Deer and Deerlings became the elite enforcers to Father Eugene's vicious theocracy. They would ring a unique kind of wailing bell at night during their evening patrols through town, bells that were each specially forged and made for them. The clapper of the bells were crafted in such a way as to create a sound of cascading resonance, which some visiting traders later described as "haunting" and "spine-chilling", and could be heard for a mile in every direction in the dark evenings. The official purpose of the bell was to scare away the Devil, but many historians believe it to have been a form of intimidation and control.
The high priestess, at the head of many of these evening patrols, would always be seen wielding her flaming sword Esurience. How she was able to keep the sword aflame is unknown, but enough of the populace - especially her fellow Deer - believed it to be magic, and further added to the validity of the cult and Father Eugene's power over the world.
The United States government, having heard of rumours of child sacrifice and private armies south of Quincy, sent a spy to investigate. This spy would disappear out of contact, only to begin sending letters back to Boston that "all was well" and that "there were no such things happening in Furnace worthy of fear or warranted further investigation." This person, a ferret named Charles Daniels, converted to the KCF and returned to Boston as a counter-spy. He'd inform the cult of military and government movements, and if they were ever attempting anything against the cult.
During an exceptionally bright and warm summer in 1871, the spy was discovered and executed, and the United States Army sent a surprise detachment to Furnace. By then, Father Eugene's militia was swelling in number, were each armed with swords and muskets and grenades, and were all trained in their use and operation. The detachment, numbering twenty people, were all killed outright, their supplies all stolen.
Travellers witnessing this send word to Mayford, which sent a telegraph to Boston that Army soldiers were all killed at the entrance to Furnace.
Preparing for greater conflict, Father Eugene sent his army into Mayford to sack it for as much of its food, weapons, ammunition, and materials as possible. When the army retreated back into Furnace, defense construction began. A second telegraph was sent to Boston, informing the government that Mayford has fallen to a religious insurrection and declared independence from the Union. The Army sent a much larger force to take Furnace and to bolster Mayford's defence in case of another attempt to attack. The force, numbering 200, dwindled to only 58 in less than thirty minutes of fighting. Father Eugene's brutal and zealous militia, and the incredible speed at which defences were being built, caught the force completely unprepared.
A third telegraph was sent, explaining, now, that the force was decisively defeated and routed into Mayford, and that there were no enemy casualties.
The United States, baffled but incensed, sent a large military force from both Boston and nearby Rhode Island to take Furnace. This began the Siege of Furnace, pitting 10,000 cultists against 5,000 US soldiers - along with artillery and explosives. The defence of the town, along with informal troop tactics, caused rapid difficulties in the United States' ability to set up their assault.
After two weeks of constant fighting, and 1,071 US deaths, the siege broke through into Furnace proper, and troops took to fighting in the streets. While initial resistance proved to be overwhelming for US soldiers, claiming an additional 587 military lives in only forty minutes of open warfare, the high priestess was swiftly killed after she'd charged into rifle fire with her flaming sword. The morale of Father Eugene's army was badly shaken for her death, and the cult's defenders began to surrender en masse.
Father Eugene, seeing no way out, ordered the most faithful of his order, and all of the remaining Deer, to begin killing everyone who surrendered. At the same time, fires were purposefully started in as many places, inside as many homes, and within as many fields as possible until an enormous blaze trapped many inside the town of Furnace. The smoke, fumes, and the fire aided Father Eugene in his indiscriminate slaughter of both soldier and civilian alike.
By the time the fire was extinguished, half of the remaining US military forces had perished, along with every member of Father Eugene's cult including himself - save only for his own family, who abandoned him just before the siege had first begun.
One US soldier's testimony, the Fletcher Oral Report, as told by hare Robert Francis Fletcher, caused such shock and distress across Massachusetts that the Siege of Furnace was soon featured in newspapers as far and as foreign as Peking (modern Beijing) and in villages as small as Los Angeles.
"… it was like nothing you could imagine happening. At first we were fighting for our lives, dying by the hundreds, and in an instant, those same people killing us were laying down their arms. At first we thought it was a trick; we couldn't believe these people, more prepared and trained than we ever expected, were giving up that easily. Then we saw them being shot, and we couldn't understand why. The general [Martin Holt] screamed for a ceasefire, but these people kept being shot at. That's when we realised they were killing each other. We all stood in silent shock. I remember my best friend [Joseph Twilling] looking at me for an answer - to understand what was happening. We didn't know what to do. Sense left us.
The general appeared to be just as stunned. It took what felt like an age for him to give us our next order: save the very people we came here to fight. We failed miserably in that duty. So miserably did we fail."
The report continues, explaining that:
"… we witnessed hell open up. Fires everywhere, coming so fast and all-at-once that it felt like the end of the world. People were dying so fast that we couldn't even locate a source for the shots, and by the time we did, we were choking to death on smoke. We rushed forward, waiting for more direction from the general, when we all realised that he had burned to death in the sudden blaze. We were cut off from the rest of our forces outside of town, which was far less than I'd like to say, even now. We just did our best to fight, but it stopped being a war at that point. We were witnessing something else entirely. This man was eradicating every living thing, it didn't seem to matter what this was. I saw people's pets and livestock being stabbed with swords, children being chased with bayonets by their neighbours … I saw my fellow soldiers gasping for air or being thrown into fires by cultists who threw themselves into the fires with them. God as my witness, I hope such a sight as I saw is never visited unto this world again. This was evil the likes of which you would not even want to begin to imagine."
The report ends with Robert Fletcher explaining that he'd lost consciousness shortly after, waking up to total silence and scores of dead. The fire had moved onto the forests, with many from nearby Mayford attempting to extinguish the blaze. With the help of the remainder of the military force, and reinforcements coming from Rhode Island, the fires were put out, and a formal assessment on damage and casualty was conducted. Robert Francis Fletcher was one out of fourteen US soldiers who survived the blaze, which eventually came to the final death toll of the Siege of Furnace: 23,000 civilians & militants and 3,781 US soldiers.
Only the enormous cathedral survived the total destruction of the entire city. The cathedral now serves as the administrative centre of Mill University, with new rooms and halls being built within the former nave.
The few remaining artefacts of the town's history, from when it was a simple native trade post called Cotuit, to the Siege of Furnace itself, are hosted and displayed within a museum inside of one of the cathedral's transepts.
The King's Cross Fellowship, the cult responsible for all of the death, destruction, and illegal activities in the city's long history, remains to this day as a Christian nonprofit organisation. It has, many times since then, disavowed the actions of their founder Father Eugene. The King's Cross Fellowship does, however, continue to be a provocative reactionary sect of evangelical Christianity that is banned from practice or support in much of Europe.
The bodies of those who perished in the siege were interned in nearby Oldest Burial Ground. A memorial exists there that has on it the names of all the children whose families were forced or coerced into killing them during the Night of Annulment/Red Night. The mayor of Mayford, the mayor of Boston, and UNICEF representatives met at the Oldest Burial Ground memorial in 2010, and again in 2020, to discuss Red Night, the Siege of Furnace, and the ways that there are to protect children around the world from extremism.
Mill University, which takes up nearly every part of former Furnace, has become one of the most positively-reviewed universities in the world for student happiness. One notable alumna, Sharon Christa McAuliffe, who perished in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, has an aquatics and engineering facility named after her: The McAuliffe Engineering & Applied Science Centre.
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princess-josie-riki · 2 years
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South Park: Chains
Ghost!Cartman Eating KCF
In this pic, Eric Cartman as a ghost is eating KCF (Kentucky Fried Chicken) to celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival. FYI, the Ghost Festival is in certain East Asian Countries. Ironic, eh?
South Park (c) Trey Parker, Matt Stone, South Park Studios, MTV Entertainment Studios and Comedy Partners (Comedy Central)
Idea, concept and artwork (c) me
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postsofbabel · 18 days
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emunenen · 2 months
Video – Driver of KCF 839D fueled and recklessly drove off without paying
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writerben01 · 3 months
Anon hate, Part 2
This morning I woke up to a bad comment without substance. I obviously deleted it. It’s not useful to respond to anonymous comments and the writer of them will not even see the response. But the annoying thing about anon hate is that it does make me want to respond. So let me just respond to the parts that jumped out to me here, for catharsis and entertainment.
For context, this is about my guilty pleasure fanfic Konoha Celestial Forge (KCF), which is a writing challenge where the main character randomly gets additional powers after I’ve written an x amount of words.
    […] this fic would be much more interesting if it were a SI instead of an OC.
I’m flattered you think I’m so interesting.
But really, the hubris to come into the comment section and complain about the basic premise and genre of the story. Hey Stephen King, IT would have been so much more interesting if it was a comedy; you already have the clown and goofy characters.
A self-insert story is characterized by a meta view on the Naruto universe. It’s someone who knows about earth morality and sometimes Naruto canon, using both to fundamentally change the Naruto world. These stories can be fun, but they are not the story I wanted to tell.
I wanted an OC. I wanted someone who was born into Naruto, thinks the Naruto universe is mostly normal, slowly getting introduced to all the alien perspectives that the Celestial Forge powers bring with it. It’s been fun to discover spells and go ‘ah yes, a ninja technique that is slightly strange’. Runic enchantment: ‘Forbidden Seals’. Creating Imps from pure magic: ‘I must have signed a summoning contract’.
As always, if you think a more interesting story could be told by changing the premise, feel free to write it.
I’m always open to suggestions and creative ideas. But you need to start with a ‘yes and’ instead of a ‘no because’.
    Finally…Why is it that authors always have to cripple MCs? There is such a thing a being average. Rather than being the best in his ninja class or an academy dropout incapable of even using chakra, why can’t he just be an average student ?
Urgh, it’s so annoying that we have to follow Goku. Why can’t we watch an average person in Dragon Ball Z? Why do we have to concentrate so much on the Z-fighters?! Why must we follow Naruto, the weakest Academy student, become Hokage? Kiba is far more average. Why couldn’t the series have been about him?
Some people are average, you know?!
The main character of KCF is weak, because he was given a gift of unlimited potential. It’s more interesting (to me) to see the weakest person get stronger than it is to see an average person getting stronger. Writing is often about extremes. Don’t have a single misunderstanding that ruins a date, have a dozen of them. More isn’t always better, but drama does require that we lean into emotions and ideas.
Like, this take is idiotic and reveals a complete lack of media literacy. Are you a child? In that case I’m probably being too mean. But the recent Twitter discourse about Starship Troopers shows that adults are capable of incomprehension of the most basic aspects beyond the obvious.
We can have average people in stories, having average lives and doing average things. Sure. There are great stories that do this. But it’s a trope as old as time to have the stable boy become the hero. To have the peasant become prince. To have Cinderella become the queen. In a story about low to high, let’s start as low as possible.
    It becomes tiresome when so many fics make their MCs the worst ever.
Then avoid them.
Are you trapped somewhere being forced to read tiresome fanfics in the same vein as Mystery Science Theater 3000? Do you need help? Do we need to call the police for you?
    I mean, this MC was getting tired doing normal chores. He sounds like he has less physical capability than humans in our world much less humans in Naruto.
He is a twelve year old that is spending his days doing heavy physical labour. He is tired because he’s pushing his body to its limits without breaks, knowing that anything else will leave him broke and then dead. So yes, when he’s doing chores he is spending energy he doesn’t have.
Like, obviously.
How much clearer do I have to be that he is in a bad position? That this is a symptom of a broken society where there is no recourse for disinherited children but to sell themselves into minimum-wage servitude? That he is mostly treated like an adult even though he has the body of a 12 year old? When we meet his boss, we find out he’s a kind man that is using these jobs to keep kids from being in a worse position. That implies he wouldn’t mind if Ginyoku slowed down enough that his body could handle it. The boss is not the one forcing this on the main character, but the main character’s pride is making him feel like a failure because he isn’t as productive as any of the adults.
Have you met any 12 year olds in our universe working for 60 hours a week in construction? Because that’s the comparison you ought to make. Do you think they’re a bundle of energy when they get home?
Even if he’s unable to use chakra (like Lee), humans in that world are superhuman. They naturally recover and can do much more than baseline humans.
I consider myself an avid Naruto fan, but I have never seen this presented as fact. We see that ninja can survive things that others can’t, recover more quickly and are generally stronger than could normally be expected. But we never see normal civilians exhibit any of these traits. Lee can’t shape chakra, but he seems to harness the chakra anyway to become a great martial artist. That is part of why releasing the 8 gates (and the chakra that comes with it) make Lee stronger. And only that after someone shows him how to train like that.
My main character starts out much more like a civilian than a ninja like Lee. Not just incapable of shaping chakra, but also incapable of directing it to strengthen his punches or make his body more durable. I am comfortable with the interpretation of the Naruto universe that civilians aren’t any more sturdy than anyone else.
And if you’re not? Tough titties.
    It just felt like pointless nerfing to me. What’s next? He’s going to lose an arm and an eye? And forced to create bionic parts?
Gasp! Imagine a character in Naruto losing an eye.
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Imagine characters in Naruto losing their arms.
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This is the kind of moment where I wasn’t planning on making my main character lose a limb, but boy am I tempted now out of sheer spite.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the kind of story where a ninja called ‘Anon’ slices off his arm, after which we’ll spend a full arch trying to get revenge with many monologues about the evils of the Anon responsible for making the main character armless, until we finally find Anon kidnapped in a spaceship forced to read through horribly competent fiction that goes right over their head.
Kinda wish it was now, though. Maybe for an Omake.
This fanfic is based on Brockton’s Celestial Forge, which is a 2 million word slow-burn (still ongoing). I don’t know how far I’ll get in writing this. I have 85k words at the moment. But I do know that to keep this experience fun, and to achieve the maximum potential of a strengthening protagonist, we need to wallow in his current weakness.
There is a fight with a chuunin coming. The main character won’t stand a chance.
These scenes are needed, so that we can compare and contrast when later in the story he is making mince meat of jounin.
I feel like this makes a good story. And if you’re going to go into my comment section to lecture about what I should have done to make a good story, at the very least include some argumentation and proper analysis instead of just a rant about a current trend you don’t like. Maybe next time I won’t have to delete your comment and I can just respond to it in civil conversation.
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