#keep their heads ringin'
todayinhiphophistory · 3 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Dr. Dre released the single Keep Their Heads Ringin’ March 7, 1995
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tha-wrecka-stow · 4 months
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futureman · 2 months
his favorite girl, part iii
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: tensions rise as your second lesson continues, but joel still refuses to admit his feelings to you—or himself. you'd concede defeat if you really believed he didn't want you. or if his actions weren't constantly contradicting his words.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, no outbreak, guitar teacher au, age gap (30 years), slow-burn, sexual tension, finger kink, smut, angst, f!masturbation, mild exhibitionism, mentions of guilt & shame
word count: 3.4k
series masterlist | part i | part ii
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You have no idea how you're supposed to survive another afternoon with Joel, let alone an entire semester. He's basically Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, hiding under the visage of an unfairly sexy, middle-aged musician, but you never know which one you’re dealing with until he pushes you away or calls you his girl.
Today, he feels like a dangerous combination of both.
After your verbal agreement to keep things professional, yet again, he concedes and finally sits next to you on the couch. Guess that safe distance he was so desperate to maintain is null and void now that he’s made his feelings clear—sort of.
You assume his proximity is an olive branch, but it sure doesn't feel like one. Now, he's close enough to smell his cologne, an earthy, woodsy scent that's so Joel, it makes your head spin. It's also making this lesson infinitely harder to focus on.
You’d never even considered the possibility of him shutting you down this hard, but then again, a hot fling with an older guy wasn’t why you showed up on his doorstep in the first place. If he'd just admit he's interested, maybe things could be different, but he won’t, will he? So, what other option do you have?
You’re not going to throw yourself at him like some pathetic schoolgirl with a crush, even if that’s exactly what you are. You want him to want to touch you, to crave you the way you're sure he does, but right now he wants to teach you chords. Starting with C, apparently.
“We’re gonna try this chord again, alright? Same as last time, nice and slow,” he starts, reaching back to pull something out of his pocket. He presents you with a small, black piece of plastic that looks like a clamp, identical to the one on his guitar. "This here's called a capo. Go ahead and fit it right over the third fret—it’ll raise the key of the guitar. M’thinkin' that'll make things a little easier for ya."
You push your feelings to the side and accept it, following his lead and squeezing it into place before glancing up for his approval. He gives you an encouraging smile and nods, and your heart rate kicks up wildly in your chest.
God, why does his praise feel so good? And why does it feel like it’s been so long since anyone was this patient with you, or genuinely wanted to see you succeed? You realize you want him to keep looking at you like that, regardless of the nature of your relationship.
"S'perfect. Now, your fingers'll go here, here, and here," he arranges his fingers one by one on the three strings that make up the chord and strums. He lets it ring out for a moment, then looks up at you expectantly. "Any of this ringin' a bell from yesterday?"
Vaguely. Mainly, you're remembering how tempting his fingers looked while he was playing, but you'll have to do better than that today. Instead, you focus on mirroring what he showed you.
"Like this?" you ask hesitantly, pressing down on the strings and mimicking his motions. Tough nylon bites into your skin just as painfully as last time, but the sound you produce is pretty. Nothing like the muted, garbled mess from your previous attempt.
You meet his eyes, and they're filled with none of the surprise yours contain. He just looks pleased, like he had total confidence in you even if you didn't.
"Exactly like that. See? You're doin' better already. Must'a done your finger exercises last night like I told ya,” he says proudly, none the wiser.
If only he knew that’s exactly what you spent your night doing. Practically the entire night, if you’re being honest, and to no avail. It might’ve unintentionally improved your dexterity, but you're still stuck on everything that did or didn't happen yesterday. The only lasting result is how unexpectedly conflicted it made you feel. You nod, biting your lip to keep from grimacing.
“Sure did,” you play it off with a laugh. "I wanted to be as prepared as possible."
Prepared for something a little more physical than playing guitar, but that's a moot point now, isn't it?
You sound as fake as you feel, but luckily he’s so eager to continue the lesson, he doesn’t notice. Again, you follow his lead and try your best to ignore your disappointment and bury the residual hurt. You have a sneaking suspicion you're going to be doing a lot of that, but inexplicably, it's getting easier.
You're starting to realize it's not in spite of Joel. It's because of him. In a brief moment of self-indulgence, you let your gaze linger on his rosy cheeks and the newfound serenity in his eyes.
His enthusiasm is infectious, and his love for music radiates like a Texas heatwave, burning hotter with every chord he strums and string he picks. Even his posture is loosening, and the soft smile on his face seems like a permanent fixture.
It's that same warmth from earlier. That intimate connection you felt blooming in your chest from sharing in his joy. Cautiously, you allow yourself to hope, if not for you and Joel, then for your degree. For the goals you have yet to achieve that, regardless of the past 24 hours, still mean everything to you.
"So, what's next?" you ask eagerly.
His eyes light up, and you know you've asked the right question. He shifts across the strings to a new chord, his smile widening as you quickly move to match him.
"Next, we're learnin' F," he grins, nodding toward your finger placement. "Then, I figure we can run through some pickin' patterns if you're up for it.”
"I'm up for anything you are, teach," you reply earnestly, and the smile you give him feels genuine this time. You really do mean it in every sense. "But be gentle with me. It's been a while, if that wasn't obvious."
His smile falters, and something unreadable flashes in his eyes. After a moment, you realize what you said and how it must’ve sounded. You open your mouth to clarify, but before you get the chance, his expression clears. He chuckles, and it's a light, tinkling thing that fills your chest with a heady combination of relief and longing.
Of course, he’d take it in stride. You’re struck again by the resemblance to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, left wondering if you're still imagining things. The subtle twitch of his fingers must be a figment of your imagination, too, or at least that's what you tell yourself. It doesn't matter now, anyway.
"'Course, I will,” he drawls companionably, his words commanding your attention, compelling you to hang on to each one like a lifeline. “Like I said, we'll take it nice and slow. Ease you back into things until you're ready for somethin' harder.”
It takes everything you have not to choke on your spit. Ignore it. Ignore it. Focus on the lesson and how incredible it’s going to feel when you finally finish the song and pass your damn class.
But you can’t. He’s too close, and he smells so good. You’re only human.
"I think I'll surprise you," you retort cheekily. You’re so fucked. "Plus, I like it hard. Just need a little build-up to get me there."
His hand tenses in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it movement, and you can't help the overwhelming feeling of pride pooling in your belly. You've never backed down from a challenge and you're not about to start now. This one is apparently still ongoing.
"Well, all right, then," he says smoothly, and this time when you shiver, he looks pleased. "Let's hear ya strum it, and then we'll work through the rest. Think you can handle that?"
You straighten up, sitting confidently with your fingers poised over the frets, ready to play. As you shift in your seat, your thigh presses firmly into his and sends a rush of heat straight to the pit of your stomach. "Yeah, I can take it.”
He shakes his head with an amused, yet undoubtedly shy smile. You bite your lip coyly, nodding at the sheet music you've just noticed on the rug at his feet.
"Are there more chords in this bar or is it just picking until the next line?"
It's a toss-up whether or not he heard any of what you just asked if his rapt attention on your lips is any indication. You're still teasing your bottom lip with your teeth, and it's not until you laugh that he finally snaps out of it. He shakes his head a little harder as if to shoo away the distraction, before reaching down to inspect the piece of paper.
He concentrates a little too hard on the page, looking but not seeing, so you reach over and point at a confusing string of notes that connect and repeat with seemingly no rhyme or reason. His gaze shifts to your daintily extended index finger, and you're hit with an intense feeling of deja vu, except this time, your roles are reversed.
“Can you show me how that part goes? It looks like gibberish to me, to be totally honest,” you prod him, trying to reel him back in.
As if on autopilot, he quickly discards the sheet and shifts his hands into place, ready to teach like he wasn't just daydreaming about your fingers wrapped around his cock, covered in his release. And if he wasn't, then you sure were.
“Y-yeah, sure thing. That line's just the intro, but the flow is somethin' else. Probably one of my all-time favorites," he says, his endearing mask carefully slotted back into place.
But you're onto him now. Begrudgingly, he tears his eyes away from where you're matching him on your guitar, waiting patiently for his next instructions.
"It really ain't as bad as it looks," he continues. "The timing's purposely a little off, but it's adaptable. This one's real easy to add your own spin to if that's somethin' ya wanna try."
With all of the skill and grace of a practiced musician, he plucks through the line to give you a preview of what was previously only lines and circles on a page. The notes blend seamlessly, a mixture of picking and what you vaguely remember to be hammering, and it evokes something you never expected.
An unidentified emotion takes root and feels startlingly like yearning and hope, carried by the short melody. It's beautiful. He circles back to the beginning, hopping along the frets slowly just for you, and he's beautiful. You watch him, enamored by his fluidity and ease of motion.
For him, all of this is innate. His guitar is a natural extension of himself, something he was born to hold. You used to think you were born for it, too. The reminder is a painful one, but thankfully you're not left to dwell on it for long.
"So, how 'bout it? Ready to give it a try?" Joel's voice cuts through the fog, as honeyed and mellow as the music at his fingertips. You want to hear that voice call you beautiful again and feel him panting against the shell of your ear while he stretches you out around his thick fingers. God, you want.
Yet, your hands move of their own accord and fall into place—it's the C chord. Apparently, you really want that, too.
"Ready, teach," you nod, and you know you must look like a lovesick fool.
Right now, you really don't care because your gorgeous guitar teacher is beaming and excited, and beneath it all, there's still a tinge of something that makes you believe all of this is real. A lust for more simmering just below the surface.
"You have my full attention, promise."
The next hour is spent walking through various strumming and picking patterns, and acquainting yourself with the fluctuating tempo. It's tricky, but you're committed. Again and again, you repeat the same bars, following Joel's interjected advice and corrections, and your mistakes become less obvious until they're all but gone completely.
Rewarding doesn't even begin to cover how a successful run feels. Even the pain blooming beneath the reddening indents on your fingertips feels good. Calluses are beginning to roughen the soft skin, but you earned them.
They're yours and yours alone, proof that you worked your ass off and achieved something remarkable. The results speak for themselves, bouncing around the walls of Joel's living room and breathing new life into the space. Your contribution to his little corner of the world.
And Joel looks so damn proud. He stays patient through every flubbed hammer and too-hard pluck, grinning when you complete the section without his guidance. Your lesson's already gone on long past its scheduled time, but neither of you seems to notice. You likely wouldn't bother to mention it even if you did.
Time trickles by like the slow drip of molasses, thick with the sweetest tension, yet the longer you play, the more a familiar ache starts to creep in and make your progression a little more difficult.
Your hand is cramping, and it hurts. You pause mid-strum to shake it out and stretch your fingers, sighing at the brief respite.
"Hurtin' again, huh?"
You huff out a laugh, remembering the last time he asked you that question. The throbbing in your joints would more than welcome another massage from Joel, but you don't exactly trust yourself to come back from that. You have to stay focused until the next line of the song, at the very least.
"It's really not that bad. Guess all those finger exercises are paying off," you joke, but you don't expect him to catch the underlying punchline. "I kinda figured it wouldn't go away overnight, anyway."
You can tell he's thinking about it, too. He nods understandingly, tapping a restless, arrhythmic beat against his guitar.
"S'all part of bein' a guitar player, unfortunately," he agrees, his entire body tense like he’s resisting the urge to reach out and inspect the subtle changes to your delicate skin for himself.
Your mind starts to wander as his tapping changes to slow circles swirled into the wood grain. You can't help but wonder if your new calluses would feel good sliding up and down his cock, if he'd like the coarse hint of pain teasing the ridge or circling the tip. You wonder what his own would feel like pressing into your clit. The skin of his middle and ring fingertips is noticeably rougher than the rest and with a little pressure—fuck.
You're wet. That can't happen. You have to concentrate. But his movements are starting to speed up, and you can almost feel them sliding through your messy heat.
The intrusive thought is thankfully interrupted when he stops the lewd motion and continues his reassurances like it never happened. Why does he keep doing that? It seems so pointless to keep pretending you’re not on the same page, but you’re not about to call him out and scare him off again.
You tell yourself to focus on the pain. Focus on what he’s saying, not what he’s insinuating.
"Pain's a good thing. It means you're stickin' it out and makin' some real progress," he says fondly, and it's almost enough to reclaim your attention. "Says a lot about the kind of person you are, too, what you do with that pain and how you let it shape ya. You're a good one, I can tell. Committed, like I was."
It's so much sweeter than anything you'd expected him to say. It helps.
"Fair enough. Still kinda sucks though," you grumble, but the slight quirk of your lips betrays your tone.
"Yeah, yeah. What happened to likin' it hard?" he asks playfully, and you feel that telltale whoosh between your legs.
You shift uncomfortably, subtly trying to unstick your underwear from where it's cemented to your core, but the unexpected friction makes you flinch. He picks up on it immediately.
"Look, why don't we take a break? I'll grab us some drinks while you rest up, and we can dive back in whenever you're ready," he offers, his voice raspier than before.
"Yeah, that, um...that sounds good. I'm actually gonna run to the bathroom real quick if that's cool," you reply, trying not to sound as flustered as you feel.
It's hot as hell all of a sudden, even though the AC hasn't stopped kicking since you got here, and you have a feeling cold drinks won't be enough to cool you down. He hesitates before nodding, then points down the hall.
"'Course. S'the first door on your left," he says, brows furrowing in concern. You all but speed walk past him to your temporary haven.
Backing into the door the moment it closes behind you, you squeeze your legs together as tightly as you can, but it only makes it worse. The ache is almost unbearable, and you know for a fact that you'll waste the rest of the lesson if you try to go back out there like this.
The entire afternoon has been such a complicated back-and-forth of conflicting feelings and confusion, but you still have no idea what do to about it. You want him to fuck you, but you also want him to teach you. He wants to teach you, but he also wants you in ways he won't admit to you. Or himself.
Your head is cloudier than it's been all day, and your thoughts are a jumbled mess of desire and rationality, both fighting for dominance. So, now what?
There was only one way to clear the fog last night, but you really shouldn't. You're in his bathroom for christ's sake, and he can't be more than 15 feet away, pouring you a glass of lemonade in the kitchen.
You do it, anyway. With one hand shoved down your pants and the other slapped over your mouth, you decide your best course of action is to rub one out in Joel's bathroom to rid yourself of this distraction once and for all. And it feels good.
The moment your sore fingertips press into your clit, your hips buck into your touch and you lose yourself to the friction. You're even wetter than you realized, and your fingers keep slipping from where you need them most, so you change tactics, ramming two of them inside you instead.
So much for resting your hand. Your motions are frantic, bordering on desperate, and you can't bring yourself to stop now that you've started. Wet squelching mingles with your muffled moans and fills the room, noisier than you’ve been all day even after an afternoon of playing guitar.
But you're getting a little too loud. The door rattles on its hinges every time your palm slaps into your heat, and your hand isn't nearly enough to mask your increasing volume the closer you get. Maybe you'll get lucky and he won't hear a thing. Or maybe you'll get really lucky and he'll hear everything.
You're too far gone to care. Just a little more. You can feel yourself starting to squeeze your fingers, and you just need a little bit more—
Then, there's a knock at the door and Joel's voice tentatively filters through.
"Everythin' alright in there?" he asks kindly, but he sounds wrecked.
It's obvious he heard everything, and yet he's still trying to be polite, desperately clinging to his morals and good, Southern manners. Too bad that turns you on.
Not bothering to respond, you keep going, fixated on how vivid a picture your unstifled moans and reckless actions must be painting. You wouldn't be surprised if it's just your imagination again, but you swear you can hear labored breathing and a litany of muttered curses coming from the other side.
He knocks on the door again, harder this time, and you quickly realize that any patience Joel had left is gone. You've finally pushed him past his limit.
"M'givin' you sixty seconds to get back in that livin' room," he grits out roughly. "You're finishin' out here."
The door shakes as he pushes off of it and stomps away, leaving you in palpable silence.
thanks for reading & stay tuned for part iv!
divider by @saradika-graphics
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herboobsaregreat · 2 years
Ring, ding, dong Ring-a-ding-ding-ding-dong Keep their heads ringin'
Dr Dre
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fluloa · 1 year
songs that jake sully owns because he just DOES.
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thx for coming to my pep talk xxx
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slixie · 1 month
“A minorrrrrrrrrrr” keeps ringin in my head like church bell
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thatztyv · 10 months
Love You Slow
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Kᴏʀᴅᴇɪ Cᴏʀsᴏ
(core-dee-uh core-so)
I was finishing getting ready in front of the bathroom mirror. I was trying to zip up my dress.
I turned around to call Jack for some help. When I was half way calling him my eyes gazed upon him standing in the door frame with his arms crossed and his eyes looking me up and down.
"You in that dress is doing things to me”, he said under his breath.
"Zip my dress", I said and rolled my eyes.
He walked behind me and zipped my dress slowly while keeping eye contact with me in the mirror. He then hugged me from behind and whispered.
"You know what, I think we should stay home tonight.”
He smirked while unzipping my dress.
I reached behind me and grasped his wrist.
"Zip my dress back up Jackman. How you gone plan a party then not show up?"
"You're no fun", he said and stuck his tongue out at me.
He zipped my dress and shook his hand out my grasp, placing it on my waist and tucked his head in the crook of my neck.
First he started kissing my neck then he started teasingly biting. I closed my eyes and placed my hands on top of his.
"Jack", I groaned.
His phone started ringing, so he pulled back and answered it.
He rubbed my stomach and side as he talked.
"I'm sure she'll make it Bryson", he said, before slowly moving his hand up and grasping my left breast. "Mmhm."
We locked eyes in the mirror and I bit my lip. I pushed my butt back on him and he abruptly brought his hand to my throat.
"Don't sweat it.. You still got the other key right?... Ight, we should be there in a few."
He hung up and bent me over the sink, running his hand up and down my back. "You do things to me."
"Things like what? Make you horny?", I said and slightly twerked on him.
"Damn, you fine", he mumbled.
I stood up straight and faced him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "We should get going."
"Imma fuck you before the night over", he said before pulling me in for another kiss.
"You look good Druski", Jack said as he bit his lip, looking him up and down.
"Thanks? You good man?", Druski asked raising a brow at him.
"I'm great", he said with a smirk.
"Nigga you making me uncomfortable", he chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I just get so nervous around you", he said and rubbed his chest.
"KC get your man", Druski chuckled turning to me.
I held my hands up and laughed. "Aye I'm not in that."
"Shhh it's ok man", Jack said and tapped Druski's nose.
"Jack don't touch me bro", he laughed and swatted his hand away.
"Am I making you uncomfortable sweetie?"
"Yo where Bryson at?", Druski chuckled before he walked away. "He needa come get his weird ass friend."
"Y'all having fun tonight?", Jack said into the mic.
Everybody cheered.
"Good deal, good deal", he hummed. "Enjoy yallselves!"
The intro to I Got A Shot started playing and I immediately took the mic from Jack.
"I got a shot it's not a pistol. Number one spot I'm too official. Name ringin' bells like school dismissal. She think I'm cold, I seen her nipples", I rapped.
"Go KC! Go KC!", Druski said beside me, hyping me up.
"I got a shot, it's off the dribble. She brought a friend, I'm in the middle. This one right here ain't sentimental. But I know you remember, I know you remember."
"Cause now I'm somebody you used to know", Druski sung.
"Hang at the places I used to go", I sung.
"Drivin' G-Wagen with Louis V bags. Mm, you must be used to those."
"I got a shot, it's not a pistol. Number one spot, I'm too official. Name ringin' bells like school dismissal. But I know you remember, I know you remember."
... Then me and Druski proceeded to rap the entire song.
"You looking good over here", Jack said walking up to me. "You got a boyfriend?"
I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Yes and he doesn't take kindly to guy's flirting with me", I chuckled.
"What's his name?"
"Oh that's ironic my names Jackman, nice to meet you", he said grabbing my hand and kissing it.
"Jackman can you get me a drink?"
"Sure", he said still holding my hand and pulling me through the crowd.
He poured a cup of D'Ussé and handed it to me.
"Thank you", I said before drinking it.
Some of it dripped onto my chest as I drunk it.
"Are there paper towels here?", I asked as I set the cup down.
"Let me get it for you", he said and leaned down licking it off my chest.
I bit my lip as he started sucking on the top of my breast.
"I think you got it baby."
He raised his head up and the lust in his eyes was evident.
I pecked his lips before he grabbed my hand and started leading me upstairs.
"Where you taking me?", I asked as we walked down the hall.
"To the master bedroom", he said before opening the door.
"Mmm." I softly hummed, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips attached to my right nipple. He nibbled softly before sucking harshly.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. His hard dick now under my throbbing area.
"Fuck... you've been making me hard all night."
He squeezed my thighs.
He moved closer to my neck. Feeling his warm breath against me. "Thinking bout how good I look in you." He groaned against my ear. "I know you've felt the same too ma."
"Yes baby." I mumbled.
"Oh yeah, what was that?" He slowly caressed my hips, and every now and then lightly squeezing my ass.
"Just kiss me already." I begged.
"My pleasure baby." He smirked, quickly placing his lips on mine. My kiss was hungry and rough. I opened my mouth slightly, to let his tongue in. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth.
I reached to the hem of his shirt and quickly pulled it over his head.
I pulled back and moved to his neck, he softly panted, "Shit." as I sucked on his neck. He groaned and shifted his hips, causing me to bounce on him a little.
"Uhh fuck." He said under his breath.
My kisses trailed down his neck and closer to his collarbone.
He laid back on the bed and I ran my hands up and down his chest, slowly rolling my hips on him. His hands on my hips, helping guide my movements.
"Mmmhm", he hummed, his eyes rolling a lil bit.
"Just like that baby", he whispered. "Just like that."
"You gotta cum?.. You wanna cum on my dick babe?", he hummed sitting up on his elbows.
"Jack I gotta cum baby", I moaned as my mouth went agape.
"Cum on my dick KC let it go", he said and locked eyes with me.
My body tensed up as I came, my pussy convulsing on his dick while I realeased.
"Good girl", he muttered making chills go down my spine.
I continued riding as I came down from my high and it was only another minute after that he released inside me.
"KC baby.. oh fuck", he moaned as he squeezed his eyes shut.
I love listening to him moan when he cums.
We're both deeply invested in making each other feel good in bed, and it makes for some great sex.
Usually when we finished with me on top I roll off and snuggle up against him. But tonight was different.
After my orgasm subsided, we locked eyes - a deeply loving look, saying more to each other with our eyes than our words could allow.
I lifted up, but not off of him. I let my pussy hover over him, sliding them gently along the tip of his dick.
I reached down and spread myself, letting his cum run out and back over him.
I climbed off and slid down between his legs. I looked at him as I licked my lips before leaning down and taking his still-hard dick into my mouth.
He groaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back.
"Your cum tastes good mixed with my pussy, baby. I could lick it up all night."
"You on some real freaky shit tonight", he chuckled between a moan.
I continued licking and sucking his dick until I was satisfied with my cleanup job.
My legs were wrapped around Jack's waist as I dug my nails into his back as he gave me slow deep strokes.
"Fuuuck", I cried out.
He rolled his hips smoothly and I let out cries of pleasure.
I moved one of my hands to the back of his head and pulled his face closer to mine. I kissed him deeply.
I moaned into his mouth as he started to speed up his rolls.
I broke away from the kiss as he pushed himself deeper into me.
"Jack, Jack, Jack", I moaned out breathlessly.
He buried his head in the crook of my neck, sucking and kissing on my hot skin.
He moved his kisses up to my jaw and kissed all around it. Then he planted a quick peck on my lips.
He sat up and pulled me closer to him. Causing him to go further in me.
He grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. He pinned my hands above my head and hovered me again. He thrusted into me faster.
He brought his face closer to mine. Our noses rubbing against each other.
"Baby", I whined.
"You like that?", he said as his lips grazed lightly over mine.
We locked eyes and I bit my lip. I whined and threw my head back.
He stopped thrusting and leaned down. He kissed my bare throat then sucked on it.
I let out a moan. I was loving every second of this.
"Does that feel good.. Oh I bet it does." He said in the most hottest way possible. Cheeky bastard.
"Yes uhh...uhhh.. yesss." His words sent shivers through my entire body. I started to repeatedly moan out his name as my stomach began to curl up.
"Oh my fuck." I threw my head back on the pillow.
I pulled him close and connected my lips with his. He moaned my name into the kiss, as his hand wandered to rub my clit, making my back arch and legs shake.
Our moans grew louder with each thrust, my hips starting to buck up.
"Uhh Kordei."
"Jack." I moaned, eyes shut tight, body shaking as I released all over his dick.
"Uh huh." Jack hummed, feeling my warm cum cover him.
"Fuck... I'm close." He groaned as I started to match my hip movements with his to make him cum too.
He thrusted into me a few more times.
"SHIT, babe... uhh FUCK!!" He moaned desperately, as he released inside me. His thrusts coming to a stop as we both rode out our high's.
"Oh fuck Kordei." He groaned, as he watched his warm cum drip out of me as he slowly pulled out.
"I love you." He moaned while his head fell onto my shoulder, his breathing heavy.
"I love you too." I said with a smile, pulling him closer to me.
We cleaned ourselves up after laying there for a few minutes.
"You look too good", he hummed before peaking my lips. He grabbed ahold of my waist and pulled me in for a deeper kiss.
"Alright. We've been up here for long enough", I chuckled after I pulled back.
jackharlow and kc.vibing
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Liked by druski, drake and 1,024,584 others
jackharlow thats that shit I like 🩵
Veiw all 6,378 comments
📌 kc.vibing my man my man🤸🏾‍♀️🩵 ♡
brysontiller stream Luv Is Dro 🎧
|_ jackharlow certified classic 😮‍💨
_kendrabailey had so much fun tonight !
|_ kc.vibing me too sis 🤭
druski run this shit back! when the next party?
|_ jackharlow @brysontiller ??
|_ brysontiller after my tour fa sure
urbanwyatt wild night 😵‍💫 ♡
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anya-anya002 · 8 months
𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆 (ⅈ)
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PastTeacher! Alex Turner x PastStudent! Reader
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Summary: You decide to return to your high school, just to look around when you find a familiar friend…still there.
(So I basically got stuck mid story and feedback would be lovely 🧍🏿)
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The frigid air kept your cheeks tingly as you walked towards the familiar block. Your heart thumped loudly; you crossed the street you’ve traveled thousands of times before.. Who was still there? Did they even remember you? Were you even that memorable?
Suddenly, you stopped; the big brick building was only an alley away, thinking it all over. You just leaned against the wall of a café for a second. The air-nippy crab apples lay on the sidewalk rotten, half-eaten by insects as their trees stood bare. Windows of nearby houses now closed, no longer friendly to the cold air, and your heart still thumped. What would you do if all your teachers had quit? What would you do if he left? And that's what got you to keep walking.
Your boots clacking against the sidewalk replaced the maddening banging within you. Everything was just how you left it: the uneven pavement, the traffic cone that sat since freshman year still lay broken and scuffed, the reflective tape now gone.
'The Marligian High School for Integral Art,' such a pretentious name, you still cringed, realizing this was your school. You climbed up the stairs and, with a deep inhale, entered.
At the front desk sat the same security guard, except gray and wrinkled. While he drank his coffee idly, you approached.
"Uh, hi," you smiled awkwardly, mind zipped with all possibilities as you watched him look up at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N! Look at you!" he smiled.
The two of you conversed while discussing your reason for being there: just visiting some old teachers and getting a bit of a look at the place while you're here. The security guard smiled, writing out a visitor pass.
"You remember how you were always ringin' that doorbell?" he joked; your cheeks tingled again as you smiled brightly and giggled in embarrassment.
"Stop! Y'know traffic here's ass, and I took the bus with Fredickson, Doogan, and Harrison kids...being early was a mission," you quipped, your smile growing ever so vast, scratching the back of your neck. He chuckled and shook his head.
"You still talking to Sofie?"
"No sir,"
He nodded in response, handed the pass to you, and sent you on your way, at least without worrying about being late like you used to be. Yet, something from here still gnawed at you.
"Uh," you stopped, turning back to the security guard.
"Is Mr. Turner still here?" you asked, hope sprinkled throughout your words. You saw him think about it momentarily. Your cheeks hurt from trying not to smile so hard.
"He's teaching 4th block... The bell ends in like a couple of minutes," he said. Your smile dropped slightly.
"Well, I'll just hang with Mrs. Theroux-" you said, turning the corner, down the long hall towards the music rooms, pass in hand. Pass the walls lined with paintings, the artwork was drawn by students; this time, it was still lives of the city, and the kids today were damn good compared to your friends. You moved closer to even one of the paintings of the train line, and damn, the sunset looked so real. The shades of orange, blue, and purple were blended so well that another smile snuck onto your face. The more you stare at the painting, the more you remember your adolescence, the more you remember him.
Examine the art a bit more, the bell rang. The monotonous, robotic 'beeeep' of it gave you flashbacks of running through those same halls to get anywhere. You shuffled quickly back around to Mr. Turner's room, heart revving up once more.
Your relationship with Mr. Turner was...confusing. You'd heard of him before when you were a freshman; you assumed he was an "arts" teacher with a name like that, but alas, he was just an English teacher with a 'cool' accent.
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cirruger · 2 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Dr. Dre released the single Keep Their Heads Ringin’ March 7, 1995
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capypub · 1 year
Without Warning - Mafia!Joel Miller Scene 8
Mafia!Joel Miller x OFC
Rating: T (violence, blood, language, a sprinkle of angst)
MDNI. 18+ content.
Summary: Joel's girl get's taken...
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Another week passed, she was radio silent. Joel stood in the basement of his home, bloody knuckles repeatedly punching the face of another one of those idiots who had tried to steal from him. He felt the symptoms of withdrawal set in pretty early without her in his life, the longing and sadness shifting into headaches and constant aggravation. 
The man was pleading for his life through the gurgles of blood and cries of pain echoing in the dimly lit room. Tommy stood by the nearby table, his face unreadable as he watched his older brother “work.”
“Where’s it at?” Joel demanded, pausing his assault, shoving a map of the city in the man’s bloody, broken face.
He groaned, his head rolling forward, soft whimpers mixed with his labored breathing. 
Grabbing him by his hair, Joel yanked the man’s head back, snarling in his face as he forced the man to meet his eyes. 
“Point on this map where you fuckers took my shit,” he demanded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a switchblade. 
“I d-don’t know, man, ” he moaned, his voice slurred and muffled by his broken jaw. 
“You want to end up like your little friend, there?! Huh?!” Joel questioned, pointing to the side where another man currently hung by a chain attached to the ceiling, one end secured around his wrists, barely breathing, his body bruised and beaten as he swayed like a carcass in a meat locker. 
“P-please don’t, come on m-man, we didn’t…didn’t know it was your stuff,” the man tied to the chair begged, beginning to cry as he looked at the nearly-dead accomplice, trying desperately to pull at his restraints.
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Joel sneered, flicking the blade open and driving it right into the man’s thigh, “Fuckin’ tell me where you dropped it off or we’re going to keep this game goin’ for a long, long time, kid,” he growled, extracting the knife, hearing the man scream’s echoeing around him.
“Joel, enough,” Tommy tried to insist from his place near the table where Joel had laid out the contents of his toolbox, a special case for his most extreme methods of torture, compiled from his military training mixed with real-life experience. 
“Shut the fuck up!” he snapped over his shoulder before dragging the bloody end of his knife across the man’s throat, tracing his jugular, but not drawing blood…yet.
They went at this for another hour. Joel took his time with this one, avoiding major arteries and hitting major nerves, extracting the most pain.
“Joel,” Tommy said again, a little louder this time.
“What?” he snapped, turning around, his knife currently lodged in the man’s forearm as he turned to glare in annoyance at his brother.
“Your phone’s ringin’, I think you might wanna answer it,” he said, giving him a knowing look.
With an agitated huff, Joel gave his current victim one last look before walking over to the table, using a wet rag to wipe his bloody hands. Tommy held his phone out, still vibrating in his hand. Snatching it from the man, Joel looked at the screen, his expression falling as he read the name, the familiar picture stirring an ache in his chest. It was late, too late for her to still be awake, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to hear her voice. 
“Hey,” he said softly, immediately hearing her sniffling, “Everything okay, darlin’?” he asked gently, unsure of how to navigate talking to her after a week of no communication.
“J-Joel?” she asked, her breath sounding labored, her voice shaky and weak.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, alarms going off in his head at how she sounded.
“I…I don’t know where I am,” she said, her voice breaking into a sob.
“Baby, baby…hey! Talk to me, what’s goin’ on?” he asked desperately, completely ignoring the curious looks of the men around him, Tommy’s concern evident on his face as he listened to his brother’s desperate pleas. 
There was a shuffle over the line and then he heard her scream. The sharp sound like a bullet to the stomach as he listened to the faint whimper that followed.
“Got you a cute one, haven’t you, Miller?” a man’s voice muttered on the line, a sickening feeling sinking in Joel’s stomach as he recognized the tone, “Pretty when she cries, you know that?” the man continued to taunt him.
“You fuckin’ touch her, I’ll kill you,” Joel snarled, “Don’t fuck with me, David,” he added coldly. 
“It’s only fair, Joel,” David said, too calm on the line as Indi continued to whimper and cry in the background, “You’ve been fuckin’ with my business for far too long, ‘bout time I pay you back…”
“Fuckin’ with your business?” Joel snapped in disbelief, “You steal $1.3 million dollars worth of cocaine from me and have the balls to say I’m screwin’ with you?! I’ll kill you just for that!” he continued, slamming his fist against the nearby wall. 
“You threatening me, Joel? When I got your pretty little lady tied up all nicely in front of me?” he reminded him, a sickening satisfaction in his voice that made Joel’s blood run cold.
“You’re a dead man, David,” Joel warned.
“Yeah, yeah, Big, Bad Miller’s gonna come ‘round and lodge a bullet in my head, I’ve heard that crap already,” he chuckled darkly.
“You know the rumors are true and you still touch what’s mine? Must have a death wish,” he growled, listening hard for any sounds of Indi, but it seems David had left the room where she was being held. 
“Not like you made it hard, she was out in the open, sweet little thing was ready for the taking…” he said, “Tell you what, Joel, I’m feelin’ good today, I’ll give you your little fucktoy back, but I’m gonna need somethin’ in return.”
“You’re in no position to bargain with me, David, you’ve got more than a bullet waitin’ for you as soon as I find you,” he said, resisting the urge to squeeze the phone in his hand, potentially breaking it and severing the only connection he had to Indi at the moment. 
“You’re so full of shit, Joel,” David scoffed, “You want the bitch or not?” he asked.
The way he spoke about her had Joel seeing red. He didn’t care what David wanted or why he decided to take Indi, all he knew was that the man had insulted her enough to earn a very slow and extremely painful death. 
“Where is she?” he demanded, holding back his anger long enough to get the information he needed. 
“Safe…well, mostly safe, for now,” David taunted him with a chuckle, “Don’t know for how long though, my boys have been eyein’ her since she got here…you know how these kids get sometimes around a pretty girl, no self-control…” he chuckled darkly.
Joel was ready to tear his head off his body and smash it in with a bat, his teeth grinding as he listened to David’s words.
“How ‘bout this? I send you a location, you go there in let’s say…two hours and maybe your girl will be there?”
“I’ll skin you alive if you do anything to her,” Joel threatened. 
“Just remember how easy it was for me to snatch her up, I can easily get to her again…Two hours, Joel,” David said flatly before hanging up.
He released a feral growl, feeling the sides of his phone begin to crack and dent from how tightly he’d been holding it. Tommy approached him slowly, still with a bit of a limp but no crutches. 
“We’ll get ‘er back, Joel, don’t you worry,” he tried to soothe his brother. 
“I’m not worried,” Joel snarled, pushing past his brother, grabbing the gun on the table, “I’m fuckin’ pissed, Tommy.” 
With that, he stepped over to the man still bleeding and breathing harshly in the chair. He’d been silent the entire time, most likely passed out at some point. Without blinking, Joel cocked the gun and fired a single shot into the man’s skull, the force causing the chair to tip over, his body collapsing lifelessly on the ground in a puddle of blood, sweat, and piss. Approaching the other prisoner still hanging from the chains, Joel did the exact same thing, firing a single bullet into the man’s head, watching the blood trickle down his neck and body until he began to drip on the floor. 
“Get this trash out of here, drop it off in front of the closest MC where David’s boys hang out, let’em know what to expect when I find ‘em…” he growled darkly, going towards the stairs without a second glance, taking the stairs two at a time as he hurried up to his office, dialing Tess’s number.
He would deal with the guilt and shame simmering in his chest later, after he had Indi back. He blamed himself for her getting caught up in David’s stupid game, but he would burn the entire world down to make sure she was alive and safe. Nothing else mattered to him at this moment. Screw the drugs, screw the guns, screw his empire. He was going to get his girl back and make anyone who’d hurt her suffer fates worse than death…
“Tess, get everyone together at the Bison,” he said into the receiver when she picked up, “I mean everyone…it’s about time I nip this shit in the bud.” 
He didn’t even bother to explain further or hear her response, storming into his office and firing up his computer. For the next hour, he called in as many favors as he could, assessing his weapon supplies and organizing his plan. Tommy came in shortly after he got off the phone with one of his guys in San Antonio.
“Got a location, got our best tracker workin’ on it too,” he said, standing confidently on the other side of the desk.
“What tracker?” Joel asked with a scowl, they didn’t have trackers in the group.
The door opened again and a familiar mop of blonde hair strided in. The tension in Joel’s shoulders easing slightly at the familiar face. 
“Hey, old man, heard you were lookin’ for someone,” she said, coming into the office with her hands stuffed in the pockets of her jacket. 
“Ellie…what the hell are you doin’ here, kid?” 
She went around his desk to stand beside him, using her foot to push his office chair to the side. He was too caught off guard to try and argue with her, staring in bewilderment at the teenager who started messing with his computer. 
“Ellie’s been working on her hackin’ skills, did you know that?” Tommy explained with a shrug, “Kid’s good, could be a big help in findin’...” he hesitated on her name, seeing the fire in Joel’s eyes flicker at the mention. 
“Heard you got a girlfriend? When were you gonna tell me?” Ellie asked, her eyes never leaving the screen as she began to type erratically.
“Could ask you the same thing…” Joel muttered, watching the blush creep on her cheeks, the familiar scowl on her lips bringing him a small sense of comfort. 
They didn’t say much after that. Joel watched Ellie access street cameras and parking garage footage with ease, unable to keep up as she flicked from screen to screen, searching for something methodically. She made a satisfied noise, enlarging the video and turning the screen in his direction.
“That’s her, right?” she asked, pointing to a figure on the screen.
He recognized the scene, it was Indi’s favorite coffee shop. The timestamp read 9:38AM with today’s date. Seeing her again after so long caused that ache in his chest to emerge, the feeling sinking into his stomach as he longed for her. Even on the crappy, low-quality camera, she was stunning, an absolute dream. 
“Y-yeah, that’s her,” he murmured, a lump in his throat as he watched her. 
“She’s pretty,” Ellie commented, fast-forwarding the footage another hour, “Look, right there,” she exclaimed, pausing the video to show a man in dark clothes approaching Indi, trailing her from a few feet behind.
“See if you can get his face,” Joel insisted, leaning forward, squinting at the screen.
Ellie adjusted the video, inching forward a few seconds. “Is that…?”
“Yeah,” Joel growled, “that’s David…”
Scene 9
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hcneygemini · 1 month
𝖝. 𝖆. 𝖓. 𝖆. — lyrics sentence starters.
A collection of sentence starters from some singles released, minus anything featured in Tantrums ( the meme featuring those is here ). This meme also includes a song not by her, but which she is featured in. Do not add to or steal this meme. Feel free to change pronouns, edits phrasing, or generally slightly edit or combine lines as needed. Some lines have already been slightly rephrased for rp purposes. tw: cheating, toxic relationships, suggestive
i hold your mistakes high over your head, especially when they look like mine.
i'm not one to hand out forgiveness.
it pains me to admit you were right.
someday i will be someone you resent.
honey, the pleasure is all mine.
i heard you're calling me a traitor.
i owe you a good apology, i'll do it later.
i paint myself the good guy.
i heard you're calling me a monster.
after all the shit i pulled, you could do better.
i'll do what i want over what's right.
you gave me your all.
it was intimate.
i guess it ain't your fault that i can't commit.
i never listen.
i couldn't help but feel so indifferent.
all my failures are visceral.
i still taste blood from years ago.
you ain't good enough.
i can't even be honest with myself.
how could you believe i'd do that for someone else?
i don't want that life.
i'm kissing boys in the back of their cars.
it's half past 3.
you were fast asleep while i was on the phone with [ Jodie ].
will i ever know why i am like this?
i go for what i can't have, like i'm righteous.
i can't face the shame.
if you wanna place blame, just say my name.
i go home alone and i think it's strange.
i got what i want but it don't taste the same.
everyone who's ever loved me is the enemy.
i get high on all the jealousy.
you can't forgive the infidelity.
i don't wanna be someone who lives like that.
i was supposed to be a good friend, trusted.
i snuck around with the love of your life.
after all the shit i pulled, you should do better.
wrap your thighs around me.
i could keep all your secrets.
cross my heart and hope i mean it.
think of all the damage i could do.
say less.
push me on the counter.
call me princess.
wish i could say no, but it's hopeless.
i'm losing focus.
i wonder if [ she ] knows about those pictures on your phone.
you should feel guilty, but you don't.
i'm in my homewrecking era.
got things i wanna do to you.
i feel bad for a minute.
you make me feel so good.
i taste something bitter in my mouth.
i left my bralette on the ground.
i can't help myself.
nobody fucks like me.
i'm the [ girl ] of your dirty dreams
the silence is deafening.
do you miss me?
i think [ she ] can taste me.
i can give you what you want.
we called it love.
we might've fucked it up.
baby, just fuck me up.
i'm the flame that keeps you warm at night.
don't i bring out the green in her eyes?
you like how pretty [ she ] is when [ she ] cries.
[ she ] loves you so much, even the lies.
we're both the one, but never the only.
you get so lonely
crown me the villain and hero tonight.
fucking me brought you together so nice.
i got a taste for the drama.
i spilled your guts 'cause i wanted.
look at all this damage that i do.
i can see [ her ] in my dreams.
i see [ her ] in my bed.
[ she's ] the goddamn vision that ringin' in my head.
i'm waitin', patient.
we could be good together.
let me release the pressure.
i think i found my treasure.
[ she ] tastes like heaven and she knows it.
i'm eager.
i just wanna please you.
she's got me prayin'.
i could be a better kind of best friend.
i'm a fan.
i don't die for my [ women ] anymore.
i'll do anything to have you.
i swear to be true.
i don't die for my [ women ] anymore, i kill for them.
you don't need to ask, you got my permission.
lord knows we tried.
can't stay away from each other.
you know i'm a sucker.
watch as i swallow my pride.
i wanna make it intimate.
i've got my finger on the trigger.
they come and go.
YOU DON'T WANT ME LIKE THAT ( by Rachel Bochner )
if you hated me it'd be easier.
i know what's coming is really gonna hurt.
if i hated you, i would've never tried.
it's a habit you conditioned.
i wonder if you know you're bad.
i wanna tell you that i miss you.
you wouldn't say it back.
you don't want me like that.
you don't want a picture of me sitting on your nightstand.
you don't wanna touch me in the way we both know you can.
you just like the way i feel stuck in the palm of your hand.
where do you get off on it?
i do the extra credit but you're never satisfied.
i keep you center stage.
you keep me on the side.
i'm crossing all the lines.
you won't call it what it is.
you just call me when you're blue.
the fantasy is cute.
i would give you all i have.
i stay up waiting for you.
i can't keep waiting.
baby blue was always your color.
it's a little strange how we're seeing each other.
god, you look just as i remembered.
it's been a few years.
i've known you forever.
you packed your bags and moved to [ Boston. ]
you needed a place that you could get lost in.
time will tell.
you got my youth on your bedpost.
say it ain't so.
our picture's getting dusty.
you smell vanilla and don't think about me.
i hope it's alright, your life without me.
you ran to my house in the pouring rain.
i've cried every damn day since you left.
i don't mind if i never get over it.
i've been watching reruns.
i should call my little sister, i worry about her all the time.
you hold other hands.
i'm biting my tongue.
you're making new plans.
i'm coming undone.
i watch your old films.
looking at it now, i think i love you still.
i try to be cool.
if i never say a word, does it make it less true?
i feel the time go.
i fear the unknown.
it's getting so old.
all of my anxieties are filling up my diaries.
the water ran cold.
there's so much i don't know.
i think i gotta go.
you see green and don't think about me.
i've been lonely for awhile now.
i'm tired of this ghost town.
[ she ] looks pretty on [ her ] poster.
i'm thinking i could hold [ her ].
i want you on my body.
won't you face it?
you wanna make or break it.
you wanna feel me naked.
i'll show you how to take it.
count your blessings when the devil ain't got nowhere to go.
maybe i'm bratty.
i taught that [ man ] a lesson.
[ he ] was charming and i loved [ him ].
[ his ] urges were disgusting.
i bed [ him ] down to nothing.
that little [ lady ] wanted love.
it's such a damn shame.
you better run, babe.
[ she's ] taking aim.
[ she ] promised me [ her ] best.
i could see forever in [ her ] golden eyes.
my baby told me lies.
i swear i'm gonna die.
but i ain't the one biting the dust tonight.
i swear i'm gonna miss [ her ] for the rest of my days.
i still hear [ her ] voice.
maybe in another year you might be different.
i'd rather not admit how many years i've been insisting.
you showed me your true colors.
you used to be the prettiest thing i'd ever seen.
what you said to me last sunday was disgusting.
i don't need to look at you to know you feel nothing.
you feel nothing.
maybe you like it better when i'm cool.
i don't give a shit.
did you really have to be so cruel?
all i ever did was try to love you.
i don't know who you are.
i saw the façade slip, and it was alarming.
i'm left with confusion.
how did you not ever learn to be human?
what did i expect?
you never grew up.
you think you're so deep, but you're so out of touch.
[ Natalie ] was right when [ she ] said that you were heartless.
i don't ever want you to touch me again.
i really can't stand the way you talk about your [ girlfriend ].
bet it hurts to know i'm no longer your forever.
i won't hold my breath, but i hope you get better.
i don't wanna belittle my love.
all we ever did was try to love you.
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June 1986
Eddie Munson lived by the skin of his teeth, or rather the skin of whatever those demon bats didn’t chew like he was a discount steak at the worst grocery store in town. The healing process was exhausting, and humiliating. For his entire life he’s been able to be independent with just Wayne seeing his most vulnerable and carefully hidden parts of himself. The problem with fighting an evil wizard from hell isn’t the chronic pain and constant nightmares, but the ragtag stubborn family that follows after
While the Byers-Hopper family was in California packing to move back to Hawkins (why they would do that Eddie has no goddamn clue) Nancy, Robin, and Steve made Eddie’s and Max’s recovery their personal missions. Red he gets, she’s just a kid, a kid that’s been through this shit three times with them compared to Eddie’s measly one. Of course Eddie’s only Upside Down encounter would be the one that almost took him out. Even baby Wheeler hasn’t been this close to Death’s door. There was no reason for these former classmates to care this much. And yet they practically never left his side. He’d like to complain about it, but them helping out had taken a lot of the pressure off of Wayne’s shoulders, and that was the most important part of it for Eddie
If you told Eddie a year ago he’d be becoming close with King Steve himself he probably would’ve hissed at someone or just spoke some broken latin and let the general pop believe he was a demon. In hindsight that didn’t make it easier for Hawkins to believe he wasn’t a satanic serial killer. The point is he’s not supposed to be friends with people like Steve. Robin he gets, they make sense. His friendship with Nancy was surprising but after getting to know she was a complete and major dork, they clicked in a really cool way. But Steve? Steve was funny in a way that was different from anyone else Eddie knew. Steve cooked for him and his uncle during the toughest part of Eddie’s recovery, not well, but it was hot and filling. Steve held him as he cried from nightmares and when he was completely exhausted from his physical therapy appointments.
Eddie was in love with him and completely fucked.
The June heat was sweltering, Wayne was on a fishing trip, it was one of the first nights being left to his own devices since he could get around a lot better now. He was spending his solitude getting acquainted with his Darling, since his Sweetheart was destroyed and honestly now associated too much with death and near death experiences alike. The phone rings, Eddie grunts, stands and makes his way over to the phone, it takes him an embarrassing amount of time to get there with his aching knee, but he manages.
Before he could even get out a greeting the caller was already speaking, “Eddie hi! Hey Eddie, it’s me. Um me being Steve. Harrington. Shit you probably knew that–”
“Stevie, you have a shift with Robs today?” Eddie grabs a bit of hair to twist around his finger, lip bitten to hide his smile. No one’s home but him whose he trying to fool? Himself mostly. It’ll go away repeats in his head over and over waiting for Steve’s reply.
Steve chuckles into the line, Eddie’s heart is about to burst out of his chest Alien style. “Yeah we did have a shift together which I guess explains my totally out of character rambling. Don’t let that keep you from remembering what a cool and not dorky guy I am.”
“Hm sorry, but that’s not ringin’ any bells over here sweetheart, you sure we’re talking bout the same Steve? Steve Harrington? You know the major dork who babysits all these kinda freak kids who are definitely too old for babysitters?” Sweetheart? Sweetheart? Did he really just call his strictly platonic, straight friend sweetheart? It takes all of Eddie’s self control (which is admittedly extremely low already) not to brain himself with the heavy phone receiver.
Steve laughs a real genuine laugh at that. The rollercoaster of emotions Eddie is navigating through is enough to make his stomach hurt. “Apparently one in the same then.” He quiets after another small chuckle, and takes a deep breath, “Listen Eds I was wondering if you wanted to get out of the house for a bit? With me?“
"You know I actually am capable of taking care of myself for a few days even without a babysitter on standby? Just because Wayne’s not home doesn’t mean I’m about to croak in the night” Eddie huffed suddenly annoyed.
Steve lets out a tired sigh. Eddie’s gut twists in guilt at the sound. “Yeah I know that you drama queen, but um my parents are home actually. For once, and I. I just don’t want to be here tonight.” His voice goes even quieter, softer now, and filled with shyness, “I like spending time with you Eddie, even when I don’t have to make sure you aren’t dying in your sleep.”
“Give me twenty minutes to get ready.” Eddie goes for casual, he doesn’t think it works, given how fast the words leave his mouth.
If he didn’t die and come back a few months before today, he’d surely think he’s dead, or at least dreaming this moment, he’d sooner believe in a hell dimension… Damn he’s gotta get a new improbable scenario to describe the insane situation this moment absolutely is.
Okay so maybe it’s not as improbable as he’s making it out to be. Because obviously it is indeed happening.
Every summer Eddie always feels like a drowned rat, which is true today. His hair is frizzing everywhere, just sitting is causing him to sweat profusely. Steve however looks the best he’s ever looked, golden skin, perfect hair, his sun kissed face bringing out his freckles. He wants to reach out and touch, to stop himself he grabs his rubs at the twinge in his left knee. Steve clocks that action annoyingly quick. Maybe if he’s lucky Steve won’t call attention to it.
And because he’s a Munson the universe holds a giant middle finger to his prayers.“
How’s your knee today?” Steve asks him obviously trying to make it sound like a casual question, when they both know this is a long standing argument neither is backing down from.
Since he came home from the hospital Wayne and Steve have been conspiring to get him to use a cane. Which okay. Whatever. But at what point was using the cane just admitting defeat? He’s supposed to be getting better. Is getting better. Adding a cane to the mix was like adding a crutch (ironic but it emphasizes the point) he didn’t want or need. So sure, sometimes there will be days he can barely get out of bed to take a piss, but maybe if he kept at it, he’d be able to play, and jump around on stage like he’s always dreamed of.
“Fine, Steven,” Eddie bites out, because he’s nothing if not petulant.
Steve barks a laugh, Eddie’s heart drops into his ass, “Aw c’mon don’t Steven me, I just told you my parents are home.” He pouts but his eyes are shining so brightly with mirth.
Eddie scoffs and takes a piece of his hair to give his fingers something not stupid to do, like grabbing Steve’s lip and giving it a tug. “Yeah, I know, you good though? Or should I go grab Nancy for a little chat with good ol Rich Harrington?”
“Oh my god, you’re a menace. Did you know that?” Deflecting, Eddie notices.
“It’s been mentioned, alongside satanic cult leading murderer, but you know I get menace every now and then.
”Steve’s brows furrow, he looks at Eddie almost like he’s searching for something, he must’ve found it because he shakes his head and moves their conversation along, “Well I happen to know you’re innocent, and I also know your dinner order at Flo’s place. One grilled cheese with tomato, pickle on the side, curly fries, and mostly because I think you’re special, a strawberry and mint chocolate chip milkshake.” He holds the cup and wags it a little before putting it in what has become Eddie’s dedicated cup holder.
Eddie gasped, and his eyes started to take up most of his face, “No fucking way man, there’s no way you swung that. I’ve been begging Flo to do that for years! How the hell did you manage that?”
“Okay so I know this totally sounds like a cool line but I promise you it's the truth, but Eds, if I told you I’d have to kill you, then probably myself.” Eddie starts to laugh and Steve can only roll his eyes. “Flo is scary dude!”
“Says Hawkins residential monster hunter, huh a little waitress is scarier than a full grown Demogorgan?”
“No contest! I’d even take the junkyard ‘dogs’ a hundred times over before double crossing Florence Foster. And anyone who says otherwise has a death wish.” Steve starts pulling out his own dinner, his sun pink cheeks matching the setting sun. He must catch Eddie staring because he clears his throat and gestures for Eddie to fiddle with the radio.
It takes him a few minutes to settle on a station, but then he just ends up on his go to metal station. 102.9 The Metal Shop hosted by none other than the annoying Master Metal. Like seriously, he couldn’t come up with anything better? But it gets the job done. Plus it’s normie enough that Steve’s able to tolerate and even like some of it.
So they talk, and the night is warm but there’s a breeze now so they’re able to roll their windows down. Steve’s hair is lightly blowing around every few gusts. He looks so beautiful, and Eddie can feel his cheeks getting hot, he’s choosing to blame it on the heat. He’s also choosing to believe the swooping feeling in his gut every time Steve laughs is due to the greasy take out.
Before he can start believing in any other of his made up bullshit Master Metal cuts in declaring that for the next sixty minutes will be the dreaded Dedication Hour. He groans and goes to change it, but his wrist is now caught in Steve’s hand.
“What’s your problem? You love this station.” And Steve’s head is tilted in that way where he looks exactly like a dog in one of those shelter commercials.
Eddie is kind of baffled by this whole interaction, so he says exactly what his problem is, “Yeah of course I do, but it’s the Dedication Hour, they’re going to play the same bullshit non metal love songs, because people think they have a better chance to get their song on than all the other appropriate stations for their pedestrian tastes. No offense I'm sure that’s very much up your alley Romeo. You got a song on there for one of your many conquests eh Casanova?” Jesus Christ, even he knows he’s laying it on thick.
“First gross don’t call them conquests ,” He throws a fry at Eddie’s face, who in turn picks it up and dips it into his milkshake and laughs at the revolted face Steve makes. “Second, no I didn’t. That’s too romantic, maybe I would've for Nancy, but that wasn’t really her thing anyway.” His eyes stay on his hands, he takes a shaky breath, looks up at Eddie through his lashes. “Eds I’ve got a confession.”
All of the air gets punched right out of his lungs, he has to basically wheeze out an okay Stevie, eyes hopefully conveying to Steve to continue.
Steve sighs, tan hand scrubbing at his jaw, clearly nervous. He’s avoiding Eddie’s eyes, “My parents aren’t home Eddie.” He pauses, in that pause Eddie’s heart crumbles of course that’s what it is. So he’ll sweep up his heart to be put back together much later, and instead comfort his friend. Because at the end of the day, as much as he wants Steve, he’ll also take what he can get, so if Steve only ever offers friendship he will happily take it.
“Oh Stevie–”
“I just wanted to spend time with you Eddie, and I thought if I told you I needed a distraction from my shitty parents, it would’ve hid what I want to say, what I’ve wanted to say since fucking April.” He’s running a hand through his hair, completely flushed now. He’s never been more beautiful.
For the first time in his life Eddie doesn’t feel the need to run in order to avoid inevitlby fucking up what could be a good thing, a great thing. “Eddie Munson, I am so unbelievably infatuated with you, I want to kiss you so fucking badly baby, and and if I’m overstepping you’ve got to tell me Eddie because I’m two seconds away from just doing it even if you end up punching me.” His hand comes up, his thumb brushes away tears Eddie didn’t even know he was shedding.
“Steve Harrington, you are something special.” With a watery laugh Eddie’s hands are now cupping Steve’s face, his eyes are taking in every single detail, before he knows it they are both leaning in.
The kiss is soft, slow, and more tender than it has any right to be. They both took their time, afraid to break this delicate bubble they found themselves. This goes on for a few minutes longer until Steve, reluctantly, and annoyingly pulls away. Eddie huffs, and Steve has the nerve to fucking giggle.
Grabbing Eddie’s hand, he plays with the rings on his fingers, “I have one more thing to say.” He is quiet now, almost shy as if they weren’t just swapping spit two seconds ago. “Um so, this isn’t a casual thing for me Eddie. I like you in the way, where this has the potential for me to be forever, and I don’t want to lose you for being too much too fast, but this is something I can’t negotiate on. If we do this, it has to be the real thing. And if you don’t feel the same, we can forget this and pretend I didn’t ruin our friendship.
Eddie’s shocked that Steve could think he wouldn’t, couldn’t, feel the exact same way, if not more. “I don’t want to forget this Steve, this could be my forever too, I want it to be forever. I think we should do this, I’m all in big boy.”
They laugh, they kiss, and eventually Dedication Hour is over. Hand on his sore knee rubbing soothing circles that ease the pain a bit, Steve suggests going back to Eddie’s to have a real adult conversation about what they’re starting. To which Eddie agrees so long as after they’re done talking they can have an adult conversation with their bodies, and Steve pushes him back in his seat rolling his eyes before enthusiastically agreeing.
December 1986
It’s freezing out and yet Eddie couldn’t be warmer if he tried. There they sat in Eddie’s van, two pizza boxes between them, because according to Steve, Eddie’s preferred pizza toppings are abhorrent. Eddie has tried to argue but almost everyone he knows complains about his pineapple, peperoni, and mushroom pizza. A heavenly combination, especially when he compares it to Steve’s ham and extra olive monstrosity.
“You know babe, when I said we should grab dinner tonight, I was thinking something a little, I don’t know… balanced.” Steve sighed, while shoveling another bite in his mouth Eddie notices. Eyes squinting at his boyfriend’s hypocrisy.
Eddie opens his mouth to argue, “Steve, Stevie, Sweetheart. It’s Pizza Hut, it even has a salad bar.”
“Eds we got takeout.” Steve deadpans.
“Yeah but the salad is out in the open air getting its nutrients on the pizzas by osmosis.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“What, you don’t trust me?” Eddie asks, feigning shock. “Don’t forget I’ve taken biology three times.”
“Even if you were right, this definitely is not covered under biology.”
“Well what the hell do I know anyways? I had to take biology three times.”
“Oh my god.” Steve’s trying to sound annoyed but the fond smile on his face is betraying him.
Seeing that look on Steve’s face nearly melts Eddie. In the last six months of dating Eddie’s sap meter has gone way up, and like the sap he’s turned into (ignoring the fact Wayne keeps wrongly insisting Eddie has always been a sap) he can’t help but lean into it. Steve makes him want to be that guy, that boyfriend. Which is why Eddie set up this whole night.
Eddie spent his whole childhood being told by his sperm donor that the Munson Curse existed and that’s why their lives were so bad. Absolutely nothing to do with Al’s poor life choices, that long effected his son even after getting locked up. But nights like this, with the snow falling, with Steve’s pink cheeks, and warm laugh, it has to mean something. It has to be the universe’s way of apologizing for all the bad shit. His mom dying, his ‘dad’ being a piece of shit, his near interdimensional death, having to now use a cane to get around, and not to mention all of the horrible stuff Steve’s been through, maybe it all wasn’t in vain.
So maybe the universe wasn’t so bad. It’s not great, every day is still a fucking struggle to get through. But the man next to him, made the hurt a little more dull.
The low radio pulls Eddie back to the present. Master Metal in the middle of announcing the dedication hour, when in the corner of his eye he sees Steve hands reach to change the station. Without thinking Eddie grabs Steve’s hands and entwines their fingers.
Steve turns toward Eddie, brows lifting with a questioning tilt. “I think I’ll survive one night of cheesy love songs sweetheart.”
“Uh huh, who are you and what did you do with my boyfriend?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, “I contain multitudes.”
“Since when?”
“April.” Which silences Steve who is very much biting his lip to avoid smiling.
In the brief silence that follows their conversation Master Metal is speaking again, “And now for the first dedication. For Big Boy,” Steve’s eyes shoot to Eddie, he goes to speak but Eddie just squeezes his hand, and whatever Steve was about to say dies on his tongue. “The last six months have been the best of my life. The fact that I’m even still alive is all because of you with the help of the family we’ve been able to build together. I love you, with every fiber in my being. I used to be so scared of loving anyone, running at the first sign of a good thing, but you are the best thing, the only thing. And I’m done running, so I’ll love you as long as you’ll let me, even while trekking back into Mordor. Love forever and always Joan Jett. Now here’s Journey’s 1982 hit Open Arms. ”
Steve is crying, big, fat tears, looking at Eddie almost in disbelief. He takes a grounding breath before frantically throwing the pizza boxes in the back. With the boxes out of the way Eddie finds himself with a lap full of Steve, which he’d never complain about.
With a hand gently stroking Eddie’s hair, and the other hand cupping his jaw, Steve leans in and gives Eddie’s forehead a kiss. Then both his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, finally his lips. Steve basically breathes his next words, “I love you too, so fucking much.” A pause, then a smirk flashes across his face, “Joan.”
Eddie’s eyes are now misty, but that doesn’t stop him from groaning at Steve’s response. “I confess my love for you and you tease me for my alias. For shame Steven for shame.”
“You’re right I’m sorry, this is genuinely the most romantic thing anyone has done for me you know.”
“I know it baby, but you Steve Harrington, you deserve all the big gestures. And I’ll spend the rest of our lives proving to you just how easy you are to love.”
Steve doesn’t even say anything to that, just lets his body do the talking, he’s attempting to pour in every last bit of his love for Eddie into the kiss, while not so subtly tugging his boyfriend into the back of the van.
Eddie’s laughing again, “No way gorgeous, I’m taking you home so I can show you just how much I love you. We are not going to defile the van after confessing our love to one another.”
“When did you become sensible?”
“I’ve been keeping company with some good influences.”
“I love you, Eddie Munson.”
“I love you, Steve Harrington.”
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cannibalcaprine · 4 months
Cornfield: Part 1
We call 'em Crows.
Don't even think they know it, now that you've got me thinkin'.
Taller n' the folk we get from the north, bigger'n my goddamn house even, what with the big shaggy hoods and all that. Hafta crane m'head all the way up just't talk to 'em.
Don't ask me why now, none of us know, and ain't nobody keen on askin'. 'Specially not after what we seen what they did to those... things, with the wings.
All that red... S' a reason most folk here ain't so keen on our meat.
Pa Mike says it looked like 'nough to drown in. Can't say I disagree, after seein' it myself once.
... Y'have to understand, we ain't know nothin' bout 'em. They just showed up one day, Gramma Mella says, darker'n sin, carryin' those odd spear-guns a'theirs, chains rattlin' round their hips, and said they was lookin' fer angels.
My Gramma, back then, still takin' care of me, bein' rougher'n sand with grit to match and starin' at the ends of her rope after the war went'n turned over on us n' killed me ma' n' pa', laughed, and pointed all the way up.
She said they just nodded, real quiet like, and shuffled back out into the wheat. I remember her shakin' her head and cursin' underneath her breath for the rest of the day where she thought I couldn't hear.
Things were quiet for a season'r two after that, and the border went all cold for a while.
Then one of those goddamn things flew over the roof.
I remember, screamin', cryin', tryin' to claw my eyes out through all the blood, when it started singin'. It was... Too goddamn loud. Made the windows rattle. Eyes, fuckin' everywhere, too many fer sense, and then there-
It was a gun, in the end, that killed the thing.
One of the Crows came 'round the corner, reelin' the thing end at the end of a long chain, rattlin' up the barrel of their rifle as the thing shrieked on the ground, writhin' bout like a shot snake, then I watched 'em take the sharp prong on the end and put it through where it hurt the most to look at.
It got real quiet after that.
I remember walkin' outside, still holdin' my ears, and watching as they stood, still silent as a grave on a cold night, and blew the smoke off the gun.
Few more came around the corner then, leapin' out like frogs aflame, scarin' the wits outta me, before they stuck it too n' started draggin' it off.
I remember runnin' after em', 'cause I couldn't hear my Nanna hollerin' over the ringin', and huggin' the one all the way in the back.
It just stood there, kinda awkward, shuffled a lil' bit, and gently put me down. I remember tellin' 'em thank you, still couldn't hear myself' speakin', and they nodded, all solemn and graceful, fore they turned and started off behind the rest too.
Didn't even notice they'd all stopped n' stared.
Don't remember much of what came 'fter that whole mess, on account a' the doc takin' me aside and my Nan chewin' nails for a while before I went down fer the longest sleep I'd ever had, but that's 'bout when we started callin' it the Day of The Crow, after watchin' em pull the carcass away like that.
We weren't callin' em crows themselves though, not yet.
That, that came later.
But fer now, stranger, it's late, the stars're shinin', and if you'd excuse me, I think s' about time you went n' got settled in now.
Take care, stranger, and keep your gun handy.
Welp, all done with that. This is Bis, otherwise known a Bucket, signin' off the first part of Cornfield. Felt like dropping this on you, what with all the cannibal talk and whatnot. Had me in a western mood :D
Wrote this to the song Sleeping on the Blacktop by Colter Wall. Hit that spot juuuuust right. Lemme know what you think, feed back n' all that. Might be more after this, who knows.
anon this is WAY too good to just drop in my inbox, how the fuck?? sweet lord of hell this is SO GOOD!! AAGH
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quirkle2 · 1 month
sCREAMING ZOMBIE MOBU OMFG I ADORE HIM SM a very very eepy zombie :c
okay but how does ritsu or tome make him go to sleep though (i hope it doesn't involve knocking the lights out of him /j)
- 🪻
very good question i think there's no like guaranteed way to get him to conk out it's a lot of trial and error and most of the time they simply fail. having spent the majority of the night trying to get mob to fall asleep, they trudge through the next day on like 2 hours of snooze time and simply pray tonight they'll have better luck
the best method they've found is to get him somewhere quiet and peaceful, lie him down or get him to rest against something, and simply sit there quietly. he gets distracted easily by noise, so getting somewhere quiet is a must. somewhere dark is preferred too. they can't always get him to lie down since he's stubborn and Immovable so they settle for getting him to sit against something he can slouch on and getting him as comfy as possible
if they talk too much or start bickering mob will likely latch onto their convo since it's the only thing around to listen to, and then he won't fall asleep cuz he's too enthralled by their voices, so they have to just sit there. tome once tried to pretend to fall asleep to give him the idea "hey maybe i should do that too" and ritsu was desperate enough to copy her.it didn't work. if it weren't for the fact that they're Worried about how negatively all this lack of sleep has to be impacting his health, they'd find this whole scenario funny
it's def not fullproof, but if they're quiet for long enough and mob's body is Tired enough, he'll eventually drift off like ,,70% of the time. sometimes mob gets too stubborn and will keep moving around and shoving the blankets off of him, sometimes the space they're in just isn't quiet enough and he can hear little animals in the leaves around him. and sometimes everything goes perfectly and yet he's still awake and staring at either of them, seemingly confused on this lack of movement since they always seem to be movin somewhere, but ultimately content to just sit here
ritsu has a little mental map of how much sleep mob gets and it's lookin dismal. every time mob goes more than like 3 days without sleeping he starts gettin real stressed. it def doesn't help that after a while mob will start acting like he's seeing shit that isn't there, or hearing things that they don't
and alsoYEESSS YES that Is when ritsu fainted<33 poor mob has alarm bells ringin in his head but no idea how to respond to them past the brain fog
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wholelottawidows · 1 year
natasha's music taste <3
guys this is just my opinion so please don't attack me or leave negative comments 😭
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always saying that reputation is her favorite album but it's actually lover she just doesn't want to admit it, she says it's too romantic for her (reputation comes at close second)
i feel like she would give everything a listen except for country 💀
that's a line she's won't cross
sometimes when she doesn't know what to listen to she will turn on the radio and listen to the trending songs they are playing
for example cheap thrills by sia
yk which scene i'm talking about ;)
let's face it who doesn't
knows every song lyric by heartbeat
for some odd reason i think she would really like the song babydoll by ari abdul
her favorite album is definitely born to die
everytime she listens to diet mountain dew she knows every single lyric and screams it on the top of her lungs
i think she would really love the doors, pink floyd, led zeppelin, metallica, fleetwood mac, guns n' roses, the cranberries and other old rock bands
but the doors are her favorite :>
really really loves nirvana
probably had a huge crush on kurt cobain when she was a kid 🤭
girl didn't know if she wanted to be her or be with her frr
her whole room was filled with her posters
ode to my family on repeat 24/7
actually really likes rap music
she's isn't really into trap but the 90s & the early 2000s stuff is pure perfection for her
dr dre, mobb deep, 2pac, nas, 50 cent, ice cube, the wu-tang clan, mf doom, coolio, snoop dogg, outkast, jay z & eminem
she especially loves the song keep their heads ringin' by dre dre because it was one of yelena's favorite songs growing up <3
from the newer stuff definitely loves kendrick lamar, tyler the creator, denzel curry, little simz but joey bada$$ definitely holds such a big place in her heart 🫶
sza has been in her rotation lately because of her new album but ctrl will always be her favorite one
she was acting like a child on christmas morning when rihanna finally preformed again at super bowl
definitely listens to lady gaga everyday
recently got into slipknot & tv girl
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