#kei and maiko
sleepyzukka · 3 months
omg more atla textposts?? after all this time?? crazy.
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bring-mai-flowers · 7 months
I love Dante Basco so much but that man is Maiko nation Public Enemy #1 fr
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king-bumis-armpit · 4 months
Hey! If you are still looking for maiko prompts.
You could write a sour zuko finding out that Mai and kei lo broke up. I like imagining ways for him to find out and what his reaction would be.
And I’m always a fan of stories where Mai runs away when zuko is banished, or try to smuggle herself into his ship.
Anyway, have fun!
Put a Ring on It
Part 2 is out now: read it here.
Summary: Kei Lo buys an engagement ring. Zuko freaks out. 
“I’m thinking something gold and traditional.” Good, Zuko thought bitterly. At least Mai will hate it. He had well and truly lost her. He had lost her to another man.
Author’s Note: This idea was given to me by a lovely anon! If you have any Maiko fic ideas that you want me to write, send them my way! And thank you, if you already have <3
Gene Luen Yang wants me to believe it took Mai and Zuko 3 years to get back together. Ha! I spit in your face, good sir. This fic will do it in one! (I’m kidding, I’m kidding… mostly. I hate the comics but I’m sure Gene’s a decent fellow.)
This fic takes place 8 months after the events of Smoke and Shadow, vol 3. It’s canon compliant up to that point, and canon compliant with Korra, but I know nothing about the comics that chronologically happen in between so it might contradict those. For the purpose of this fanfiction, marriage proposals in the Fire Nation are the same as modern proposals with an engagement ring. 
Also! Happy (late) Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! You’re the best!!
Zuko made his way quickly through the rain, hood pulled tight over his head. He was out with only a few plainclothes guards today, hoping to maintain some anonymity. It was only a week until the Feast of the Mother of Faces, and Zuko had yet to find a suitable gift for his own mom. He wanted to get her something especially nice since they had been apart for so many years. He was pretty sure his last gift to her was a macaroni necklace, and figured he had to at least up his game from that.
His uncle had given him some recommendations of places to shop, and the first of which was a small but well-known jewelry store in the Caldera. As he slipped inside, he noted that the place was nearly empty except for the store clerk. His guards would be watching the door from a tavern across the street, and were instructed not to check in unless he spent over an hour in the building.
The spectacled shopkeeper looked up at his arrival, “Can I help you find anything, sir?”
“I don’t think so?” Zuko replied. “I’m just browsing for a Feast of the Mother gift.”
“Ah,” the man nodded in understanding. He gestured to the wall to Zuko’s right. “We have a lovely selection of necklaces and pendants that might be suitable. Prices are listed on the tags. Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like me to remove any items from the case.”
Zuko smiled and gave the man a slight bow. This was shaping up to be easier than he expected. He looked through the glass at the different options. He noticed some that were similar to pieces he recognized from his childhood. There was one in particular, a gaudy and ruby-encrusted flame, the size of his fist, that reminded him of something his father would buy. Best to stay away from those. There were some cloth chokers, similar to one that Katara occasionally wore when she was in the fire nation. He wasn’t quite sure they would be his mother’s style, but perhaps he should send a memo to Aang. (For a monk, who swore off material things, that kid sure bought a lot of gifts for his girlfriend. The thought made Zuko smile.) 
Then, he caught sight of a delicate silver chain. Most women in the Fire Nation preferred gold, but Zuko knew one woman who hadn’t. 
— —
“Silver matches my knives, Zuko. The aesthetic of it all is very important to me.”
Zuko snorted. They had decided to explore the numerous palace basements, and had come across one of the many treasuries, nearly all of it gold. Mai had immediately protested the lack of her favorite metal.
“Well gold is the emblematic color of our nation, so most of the royal jewelry is gold. You’re going to have to get used to it eventually.” Zuko blushed when he realized the implication of his words.
“Oh? Why is that?” Mai asked, fixing him with a satisfied smirk. 
His cheeks were burning, but he decided to play it cool. “I plan to put a golden crown on your head one day… if that’s alright with you.”
Mai kissed his cheek, and then his nose, and then his lips. “I think that’ll be alright. One day. But I really would prefer silver.” 
He cupped her cheek with his palm and guided her in for another kiss. That was the last room they managed to explore that day.
— — 
And even though they were no longer together, Zuko thought about her more than he cared to admit. He leaned in to examine the silver chain. It carried a small charm, about the size of his thumbnail. The charm itself was also silver, fashioned into the shape of a plum blossom. A wine colored garnet– again, a favorite of Mai’s–  was nestled in the center of the flower. Zuko felt his heart seize. It was perfect, but not for the person he was supposed to be shopping for. 
He contemplated buying it anyway. Maybe he could stop by Mura’s after this and place an order for a bouquet. Surely his mom would want flowers. And if Mai was there, he could give her the necklace. What’s a gift between friends? 
The sound of the door opening broke his reverie. The rain had gotten heavier since he entered the shop, and the new customer had practically flung himself into the building, allowing the door to slam behind him. 
The shopkeeper seemed slightly irritated by this noisy appearance, but nonetheless asked him the question he had asked Zuko. “Can I help you find anything, sir?”
The man removed his hood, and Zuko felt his muscles turn to ice. It was Kei Lo.
“Oh yes please!” He gave a good natured smile, all cheerfulness and boyish charm as he swaggered up to the counter. The universe was taunting Zuko. Of course he couldn’t buy a ridiculously expensive present for Mai. She had a boyfriend. She had made that quite clear when he last saw her eight months ago.
“What are you looking for?” the man asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Zuko noticed how Kei Lo shuffled, seeming nervous. “I– I’m here to buy an engagement ring.”
Zuko was going to be sick. He was going to throw up. Right on the floor. Right in front of the store clerk. And right in front of Mai’s soon-to-be-fiance.
“Congratulations!” The storekeeper seemed to have fully gotten over irritation and beamed from ear to ear.
“Thanks!” Kei Lo said sheepishly. “I haven’t asked her yet, but we’ve talked about it before so I’m confident she’ll say yes.”
Zuko took several deep breaths and forced himself to quietly turn and face the display case once again. Kei Lo obviously hadn’t noticed him yet, and he knew that any interaction between them would be a disaster.
“Have you discussed ring preferences?” the older man asked.
“No, but I’m thinking something gold and traditional.” Good, Zuko thought bitterly. At least Mai will hate it. 
As the two walked over to the ring cases and discussed the pieces, Zuko’s thoughts began to spiral. How had this happened? He had well and truly lost her. Mai, his soulmate, his best friend, his plum blossom. He had lost her to another man. Except…
Except he hadn’t yet! Kei Lo hadn’t asked her yet. He could buy his own engagement ring from a different shop and ask her right now! Or he could run there and ask her without one. 
“Prince Zuko!” He heard his Uncle’s voice in his head, echoing the wisdom of the past. “You never think these things through! You had no plan! You could have died!” Then he said something about ice and chasing the avatar. The exact words were hazy, but the sentiment was clear. He was too impulsive. 
He needed to wait and collect more information. Then he could form a plan and– and then what? If Mai wanted to marry Kei Lo, then he knew he had to support her. He wanted her to be happy more than he wanted his own happiness. But when he spoke to her in the Dragonbone Catacombs she herself admitted that she didn’t like Kei Lo as much as she had liked him. He cursed himself. He had driven her away and broken her heart twice! Now she was scared to trust him. But if he could just convince her to give him one more chance, he could fix it. He had learned how painful it was to live without her, and he would not repeat his mistakes.
His heart ached to imagine Mai in a wedding dress at someone else’s side. Even as a kid, when he pictured his wedding, he pictured Mai as the bride.
— — 
“Mom! Mom! Mom!” Little Azula tugged at their mother’s sleeve. “My friend Mai is here and we want to play a game with Zuko! Please! Ty Lee is sick, so we need another person.” Zuko rolled his eyes. He considered Mai to be a shared friend since they all used to play together at Ember Island, but lately Azula had been calling her “my friend Mai.” It made him angry and he didn’t know why.
Ursa patted her daughter’s head. “I think that’s a great idea. What do you think, Zuko?”
He crossed his arms. He remembered what happened last week with the apple. But if Ty Lee was sick then Mai was alone with Azula. What if his sister was teasing her? Or telling her lies about him? He needed to intervene. “Sure. I would love to play with you Azula.” His tone of voice did not match his words, but his sister didn’t care.
“Good!” Azula grabbed his hand and marched him into the fountain garden. Zuko knew that this couldn’t possibly end well.
Mai was sitting under a tree, twirling a knife. She looked up at their approach and raised an eyebrow, “I thought you went to get mochi.”
Azula shrugged. “I changed my mind. I want to play a game.”
Mai looked at Zuko with great trepidation. He couldn’t blame her. Last time Azula said those words, he had tackled her.
“No firebending this time, Azula,” he ordered.
“Of course not,” Azula agreed. “We’re going to play wedding. I’ll be the officiant and you two will be the couple.”
It took all of Zuko’s discipline to not stare at Mai and search her face for a reaction. He heard her sigh, and he felt his stomach drop.
“Well,” Azula prompted. “Come here.” She made Mai and Zuko stand facing each other while she launched into a monologue about the rich culture of the Fire Nation. She went on for a while and Zuko was so bored that he almost forgot to be embarrassed. When Azula wasn’t looking, he noticed Mai yawning. He bit his lip to keep from laughing. “And naturally,” Azula carried on. “Fire bending comes from the breath. In order to symbolize the joining of flames, the couple will now share a breath and share a kiss.” She looked at them expectantly.
“Azula, I don’t think we should do this,” Zuko protested.
His sister smirked. “Why not? You don’t want to kiss Mai? She’s not pretty enough for you?”
Zuko saw red. “Mai is really pretty! You take that back right now!”
“If she’s so pretty, then kiss her!”
Mai cleared her throat. Pink dusted her cheeks, but aside from that her expression remained neutral, “Can’t we just pretend?”
“What do you mean?” Azula asked. 
Mai shrugged. “Like this.” She leaned slightly closer to Zuko and kissed the air. 
“That looks ridiculous,” Azula said.
“That’s weird. I thought you said you were better than Ty Lee at everything.” Mai’s words made no sense to Zuko, and apparently they made no sense to Azula either.
“Well yes, but I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
Mai smirked, “I bet Ty Lee would be able to pretend. She’s more creative and she has a better imagination.”
Azula was irate. Zuko knew first hand that people were not allowed to be better than her at anything. “I have an idea,” she replied. Zuko shuddered, that was Azula’s scary voice. “Next time, Ty Lee can be the bride. I bet Zuko would kiss her.”
For once, Mai’s facade cracked. Her face scrunched up and Zuko was afraid she was going to cry. “No!” Zuko cut in. “I don’t want to play this game with Ty Lee.” Azula huffed, but Mai looked up at him hopefully. He took her hands and kissed the air like she had. “I now pronounce us husband and wife.”
“Hey!” Azula pinched his shoulder. “That’s my line.”
Thankfully he was spared a confrontation by the arrival of his mother. “Zuko! Azula! It’s time for dinner.” She caught sight of Zuko and Mai’s clasped hands and smiled. “You’re welcome to stay too, Mai. I can send a servant to your mother to let her know.”
Mai politely declined, and Zuko was sad to see her go. That night, he thought for the first time about what his wedding might be like. He imagined hands entwined with own, slightly colder than his. They were soft except for the side of her index finger and thumb where she gripped her knives.
— —
Zuko caught himself staring at his own hands, and tried to shake off the memory. Since that day, he couldn’t help but picture Mai as his bride. It was almost involuntary. But if she had truly grown to love Kei Lo, then he would have to get over it. His mouth tasted like ash.
Zuko pulled his hood down, to the point where it hung in his face obnoxiously, and he walked over to a display case of bracelets that was closer to the rings. He tried to appear nonchalant as he looked over the merchandise, but he listened to the other two men intently.
Kei Lo was in the middle of speaking. “I walked into her shop one day on a whim. She was so beautiful. I asked her out on the spot and the rest is history.”
The older man smiled. “How lovely! I met my husband at work as well. He came in to buy a gift for his grandmother and he kept coming back. Eventually, I asked him out because I was worried he would bankrupt himself spending so much money here.”
Kei Lo laughed. “Wait, he bought something every time he came in?”
“Yes,” the shopkeeper shook his head. “I think he felt guilty for wasting my time. But we’ve been together for thirty years at this point and I don’t consider any of them wasted.”
“Wow! My girl and I have only been together for seven months.” Kei Lo replied. Zuko huffed. That was wrong. He and Mai had been dating for nine months at least according to what he learned from Ty Lee. Kei Lo really should know that.
“What’s her name?” the shopkeeper asked. Zuko shuffled close still, pretending to admire the bracelets in the sale section. Unlike the others that were behind glass, these hung from artful stands. He allowed his fingers to graze a band of beaded obsidian.
“Her name is Machi,” Kei Lo answered.
Zuko spun around, but his sleeve had caught on the stand and the entire thing toppled over, making a terrible noise and scattering bracelets across the floor.
“I– I– I’m so sorry,” Zuko’s face burned hotter than the sun. 
Kei Lo looked at him stunned. “Zuko?”
The shopkeeper’s eyes went wide. With the scar and the name, he put it together. “Fire Lord!” He bowed at the waist, and– for a moment– Zuko was worried the man would lose his glasses. “My deepest apologies. Had I known it was you I would have helped you pick something out for your venerable mother–”
“It’s okay! It’s okay!” Zuko reassured him and the older man rose from his bow. “I’m sorry. I knocked over your display stand and the bracelets–” Zuko righted the stand and began to gather the fallen items, but the shopkeeper would not have it.
“Oh no!” He rushed over to help. “You do not need to clean my shop, Lord Zuko. Thanks to you, my husband and I were finally married under the law.” 
Zuko smiled, “I’m glad. But still, let me help you. It was my fault after all.”
Kei Lo clapped a hand on the shopkeeper’s back. “I’ll help too.” 
The three of them quickly subdued the mess. The shopkeeper noticed a few damaged pieces which he took to his back room for repairs. Zuko made a note to send the man compensation. 
While the store owner was removing and cataloging the damaged pieces, Zuko and Kei Lo were left alone. Kei Lo broke the silence. “So… How’s Mai?”
“I don’t know,” Zuko answered honestly, and the awkward silence descended once more.
Zuko felt relief course through his body. After making a fool out of himself, he could finally take it in. Mai and Kei Lo had broken up. Kei Lo was engaged to someone else. Kei Lo thought that Zuko and Mai were talking.
The first part was wonderful news. Zuko felt it was safe to assume that Mai had dumped Kei Lo. When he released Kei Lo from the prison, the man had made it abundantly clear that he was with Mai to stay. Besides, the thought of Mai sending him on his way made Zuko very, very happy. The only potential concern was that the breakup had happened a long time ago, at least seven months. And, in all that time, Mai had made no effort to see him. For all he knew, she could be with someone else too.
“Umm…” Zuko did not know a subtle way to ask what he wanted to know. “Have you heard if Mai is with anyone right now?”
Kei Lo shook his head. “To be honest, I’m surprised she’s not back with you. She was normally so… neutral, I guess. You know how she is. But when she talked about you, a light would enter her eyes. She would go on and on…”
Zuko felt a spark in his chest. “Really?” He could hear the pathetic hope in his own voice. “She seemed so hesitant to trust me again. I thought she hated my guts.”
“No,” Kei Lo smiled wistfully. “I take it you don’t know how we broke up.”
“To be honest, I thought you were proposing to her.”
Kei Lo let out a raucous laugh. “HA! Agni, that’s why you bumped into the bracelet stand. Were you spying on us?”
Zuko laughed along sheepishly. “Kind of. I really did come here to get something for my mom, but when I heard your request… Part of me wanted to run to Mai right then and make a grand declaration.”
“I would have paid to see that. Front page news: The Fire Lord’s Shocking Proposal.”
“Yeah,” Zuko rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s a good thing I didn’t.”
“Well, I was going to say that after all the stuff with the Safe Nation Society, Mai and I had a talk. I told her that if we were going to keep dating, I needed to know that she was over you. She has this one portrait of the two of you, and she keeps it in her dresser. I told her to get rid of it or I was gone. She made her choice.”
Zuko remembered that painting. He had one very similar to it in his own room that he kept on his desk. His was in ink and hers was in color. 
And then he remembered that he should probably express some sympathy for Kei Lo. “It seems like it all worked out for you in the end though. I wish you and Machi the best.”
Kei Lo nodded. “Thank you. I’m so glad I found her. I was really upset when Mai and I broke up, but it all seems so trivial now. For what it’s worth, I think you should reach out to Mai. See if she still has that painting.”
“I think you’re right.” The two men shook hands. If Zuko had learned anything from this experience, it was that he didn’t want to wait anymore and risk Mai moving on completely. He needed to find her and apologize and beg for her to come back. 
When the store owner returned, Zuko purchased the plum blossom necklace.
Endnotes: I’m open to writing a part two where Zuko gives Mai the necklace if people would be interested. (I mean, I might anyway even if you all aren’t, lol.) But I wanted to get this out close to Mother’s Day since I made up the Fire Nation version of Mother’s Day for this fic. And, a big HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the moms!!!
Also, I couldn’t get into it in the story, but Kei Lo is that guy who falls for his barista, right? He went on like one date with Mai and then decided she was his reason for living. So I thought it would be hilarious if that’s how he met his next girlfriend! And then he could ambiguously say that he met her at the shop where she works which is also how he met Mai. Anyway, it was a funny head canon that made me laugh.
Thank you again to the anon who suggested this! I hope I didn’t make it too silly. I love putting our dramatic boy in ridiculous situations. Also, I plan on writing your other idea as well at some point, but this one demanded to be written immediately <3
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ppdaily · 8 months
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Psycho-Pass Post Card
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lydiahosek · 5 months
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[Image ID: A traditional pencil drawing of Zuko, Mai, and Kei Lo from Avatar: The Last Airbender. They walk through a dark tunnel, with Zuko providing fire as a light source. The fire is drawn in orange pen - it is the only part of the drawing in color. Kei Lo and Mai walk in front and Zuko follows, but Mai looks back over her shoulder. She and Zuko look at each other uncertainly. /.End ID]
Maiko Week Day 3: Jealousy
Mai is with Kei Lo, but Zuko still carries a torch for her.
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white-queen-lacus · 1 year
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😍😍 First official on screen kiss on PP! 😍💖💖💖 And Kei and Maiko are sooooo graceful!!!! 😍💖💖💖💖
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mochidoodle · 2 years
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finally sharing my contribution for the Psycho-Pass 10th Anniversary zine! I had the lovely job of illustrating the season 3 cast ✨
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thena0315 · 1 year
Kei Lo acting all high and mighty that he got the girl.....
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.......only to realize that he really doesn't stand a chance against Zuko
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pan-gya · 1 year
Hi! Do you think Kogami have feelings for Akane?
That is a very vague question lol. Yes he has feelings for her, he has feelings for everyone.
But I'm gonna assume you mean does he have romantic feelings for Akane, to which I can only respond: probably? At least, that's how it seems to me. Though I think his feelings of attraction towards her only started developing after the events of the first movie and closer to Providence. It's clear in season 1 that he sees her as a kid (which is fair, she's newly 20), and it's when they reunite in the first movie that it seems like he starts seeing her as a grown person.
Now, do I think Kougami realizes he has (probably) romantic feelings for Akane? Absolutely not, that man is stupid as fuck when it comes to himself. And do I think he is aware that Akane probably has romantic feelings towards him? Definitely not. Saiga even tells him in Providence to stop playing around with Akane's feelings to which Kougami responds with a surprised pikachu face ("I didn't think I was"). And then there's the burger incident at the end of First Inspector lol.
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yeonban · 13 days
I'm thinking about psypass Tobias rn and how his financial situation would be in this verse bc... in the majority of his verses, 99% of his money comes from his criminal work which he started at 16 when he left Wammy's accommodations (he had no money for his entire life prior to that; outside of whatever fleeting budgets Wammy's allocated him for specific missions), but in psypass he'd need to be in Japan by ~17 to have enough time to learn everything needed to become an inspector at 18. Since his situation is also different from Mika's who became an inspector at 18 (<-she lived under Sibyl her whole life so she knew the ins & outs of how general life is under there, plus she didn't have to worry about how immigration would play a role in how she'd be perceived/what opportunities she'd receive), he'd also need to figure everything else of this sort before starting work at the mwpsb.
Which means he'd really have very little time to focus fully on his criminal network and thus, on gaining money. He'd either have to go all out during that 1 gap year and source as much money as he can during that timeframe which he'd then take to Japan with him; have to rely on Wammy's House to hand him enough money upfront for this assignment out of L's funds (which likely wouldn't happen, he'd probably only receive enough to last him the first year before he starts work as an inspector); or have to live mainly on his paycheck as an inspector which. we don't know exactly how much it pays but as a job meant only for the top-ranking elites of society we can assume it's a good sum, especially when you consider how unlike most people working in the field he wouldn't need to use any of it on hue meds as a criminally asymptomatic man.
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likeadragonfruit · 2 years
Ship Stats for Mai (Updated)
During October, I took a survey of Mai ship stats and promised I would do an update in the new year.  And after weeks of delays work, it’s finally happening. The finalized 2022 ship stats for Mai.
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On January 1, 2023, I took a survey of 24 Mai ships from 01/01/2013 to 12/31/2022: the same 21 ships surveyed previously as well as two ships previously overlooked and one new ship posted after the previous survey.
This chart is for the totals of the sample surveyed. And the other is a table of the chart’s raw numbers.
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This is the chart of the total Mai ship fics broken down by year. It included the top 10 ships (Maiko, MaiLee, Maizula, Maitara, MaiAang, Maikka, Maiyue, Maiki, Jet/Mai and Mai/Kei Lo), the same as in October.
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And here’s the table for the both the 10 ships in the chart, as well as one showing all 24 ships in the sample
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Then there’s this chart that shows the year to year output of works rather than the total. It features the same 10 ships as the previous chart.
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And then the raw data tables for this chart
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And finally the annual output by partner gender
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Total sample of works by year
Before 2020, the growth of the sample never exceeded 150 works
2020 was the year where the most Mai ship works were added
As previously predicted, 2022 became the third most productive year, behind 2020 and 2021
Compared to October, over 100 Mai ship works were added. 
2022 saw the addition of two new Mai ships to AO3: Hakoda/Mai and Lu Ten/Mai
Cumulative count by year
in terms of total fic count, maiko has consistently remained the Mai ship with the most works.
MaiLee has been in second place for every year except 2016. That year, Maizula held second place.
In 2013 and 2014, Maitara held third place. In 2015, Maizula took third and in 2016 MaiLee took third place when Maizula was in second place that year. Since 2017, Maizula has held third place.
Annual output by year
Maiko has consistently not only held first place, but each year the majority of Mai ship works were Maiko.
Starting in 2020, Maiko’s majority dipped to 61%, and below 60% since then.
Maiko’s output by percentage for 2022 is the lowest it’s ever been (54%)
MaiLee’s highest output year was 2020, at 32%. This has slightly declined to 27%, but is far and above pre-2020 performance.
The Mai ships who currently have the second and third highest output of works for 2022 are MaiLee and Maizula
Despite appearances based on percentages, MaiAang and Maitara’s 2022 output are behind their 2021 output.
The Mai ships that outperformed their 2021 numbers in 2022 are: Maizula, Jet/Mai, Jin/Mai, Kei Lo/Mai, Mai/Piandao, Maikka and Mai/Toph
Other observations 
Every year, the annual output of M/F Mai works is greater than the output of  to F/F Mai works
Before 2020, the M/F Mai works to F/F Mai works output was usually 80% M/F to 20% F/F
Since 2020, the M/F Mai works to F/F Mai works ratio has hovered between 65% M/F to 35% F/F and 60% M/F to 40% F/F
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
I guess we're still doing this...😆
Ozai and Ukano have for years had an unofficial agreement to marry Zuko and Mai in order to combine fortunes (or land, or whatever). Both children grew up knowing about this, but as it wasn't ever a formal agreement, neither of them talked about it as a certainty. Zuko in particular chose to think of it as more of a strong desire of their parents than an actual inevitability.
As they grow older, Mai begins to think that maybe marrying Zuko might not be so bad. They date for a while in high school, then they break up so they can focus on college and experiencing life. They meet up a few times in the interim, and Mai is finding the idea of marrying him more and more appealing. Finally, Zuko comes home for his 25th birthday, and his mother insists on throwing a surprise party for him. Only, the biggest surprise of the night is Zuko's guest. His new wife, Katara
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klm-zoflorr · 2 years
In this next installment of The-Fire-Nation-Is-In-Debt, Firelord Zuko seeks the help of an old friend!
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Quality dialogue
First - Next
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ppdaily · 1 year
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Psycho-Pass Providence
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saiko-shippai · 1 year
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I swear if Arata was the one who interrupts their wedding just to confess his feelings for Maiko in some dumb Twilight matter
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