#keith and adam bonding
voltron-ideas · 2 years
Familial Adam&Keith primarily. Also background familial Shiro&Keith and established Adam/Shiro. Adjacent to the story but non canonical.
The bond between Adam and Keith was always bound to be different, after all Shiro was much more the excessively overprotective older sibling type. His relationship with Keith was a lot calmer meaning that sometimes he was the better choice for Keith to go when he needed advice.
They both knew this was the case after the time Keith came out to them both and whilst Adam spoke about how proud he was of him feeling comfortable enough to tell them, Shiro got all teary eyed and spoke about throwing a party.
Down the line this did lead to it becoming somewhat of a joke whenever Keith didn't want to tell Shiro something. Keith's first ever date night meant Adam had to calm down an anxious Shiro and keep him grounded until Keith returned in one piece. So it quickly became a running joke of "Don't tell Shiro."
He wasn't quite sure what had sparked them betting but now in their long running list of things we don't tell Shiro was Keith talking to Shiro about The Birds and The Bees. Them both betting on how poorly Shiro would handle that conversation or whether he'd just give up entirely. Keith adding to the bet that he'd just play dumb.
The day came around and Keith had asked Shiro what his teacher had meant when they brought up "some birds and bees having a talk or something?"
As Shiro realised what that meant he sat there a bit stunned at first wondering if this was his job or if he could just get Adam to have this talk instead. But Keith had came to him so clearly that meant something.
Getting through what everything meant was painful with Shiro trying to figure out if birds were male or female and what it meant for bees who used to be birds or birds who don't feel like they're either or- It was a long spiral before Shiro decided to just scrap using the analogy all together. By the time they did finish the talk Keith wasn't sure who came out of that talk more emotionally drained.
Safe to say the new rule was to not make bets based on their Don't Tell Shiro list ever again.
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corruptedplaylist · 10 months
ch 9 update!
hello!!! ch 9 has been posted early 🥳 highlights include: adam & lance bonding, klance bonding (domesticity!!!!), cameo from matt holt, pidge being pidge <333333
*update where did the link go goddammit ok
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uniquecellest · 9 months
Okay but imagine:
Adam lives through the Galra invasion. Team Voltron is on Earth reuniting with their loved ones. Shiro obviously nervous about seeing Adam again. So is Keith (bc he views Adam like a dad/brother). When the three reunite Adam only pays attention to Keith, completely ignoring Shiro and Shiro just follows Adam around hoping to get acknowledged in some way, even if it's in a "I moved on, but it is good to know you're alive" kind of way. Keith notices this and just laughs and doesn't explain anything to Shiro (lowkey Keith is also mad Shiro left for kerberos and left him and Adam) but knows his dads/brothers have to go at their own pace.
One night when Shiro thinks that everything is fruitless that perhaps Adam forgot about him Adam acknowledges him for the first time.
Krolia and Adam bonding which worries Keith and Shiro and not in a "oh shit they're going to kill each other" way but in a "they're going to be troublemakers together and thank God they did not meet when they were younger but - DID THEY JUST BLOW SOMETHING UP" kinda way
Krolia also loves the petty silent treatment bc she once had to do something similar with Keith's dad.
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starsandhaloss · 1 year
Adam doesn't know how to bond with Keith, but he really wants too.
I mean this is his fiancé's kid? Brother? Either way he's family to Takashi which means he's family to Adam.
Takashi likes to read and he'd hope he could get Keith into reading too, said something about it being good to expand his vocabulary and knowledge. Adam and Takashi thought Keith would love the space books since he wanted to be a pilot but he just wasn't interested.
Until one day Adam was reading a romance book and couldn't help but notice Keith trying to inconspicuously read over his shoulder.
Turns out Keith loves romance books. Just like Adam.
Takashi cried when he got home and saw the two curled up together on the couch.
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starshineswirl · 11 days
More Adashi raising Keith Headcanons yay!! :D
They adopted Keith when he was 11 so in that like preteen angry shit phase
Keith’s first show of affection with Shiro was when he held his hand at the crowded zoo
The first show of affection with Adam was a few weeks later when he fell asleep when they were watching a movie and he cuddled Adam in his sleep
But he’ll deny both to his last breath
Keith loves cuddling
Like this needs to be emphasized — this boy will cuddle with either of them any time they initiate it
It took him a long time to initiate cuddling but once he did he’d try and find any excuse to try and cuddle with one of them
In an effort to stop Keith from getting into fights, Shiro promised to ride hover bikes with him every Friday afternoon if he goes the week without fighting 
Keith doesn’t really take it seriously until he goes about a month without riding the bikes 
Then he starts to actually try 
He secretly gets upset when Shiro is too busy grading papers to take him on their rides :(( 
Even when he pretends like it’s no big deal
Adam hates riding the hover bikes and hates when Shiro rides them and hates even more when Keith rides them
But he puts up with it because he knows it’s the time Shiro and Keith get to bond
While Adam and Keith bond over cooking and watching Star Trek
Cause Shiro is team Star Wars and Adam is team Star Trek
And Adam managed to indoctrinate Keith to his side before Shiro could 
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bluegirl-14 · 17 days
Listen, I don't care how long ago the final season of Voltron was aired, I don't care if anyone is still in the Voltron fandom. I will ALWAYS be pressed over how they did these characters SO dirty.
First off, the final episode of the series was such a damn copout. Ending the series with Allura dying to 'save the multiverse' and having the paladins forgive Honerva? After everything she had done in the 8 seasons leading up to this? After she tore apart the same multiverse she destroyed because the one timeline she found where Lotor knew she was a fucking liar? Make it make so much sense Dreamworks.
And then the 10 years later shit. Shiro had a wedding. Okay, yeah, he got out of the Garrison and settled down. He should, after all he had been through. I bet dying and being stuck in Black for months would lead to some introspective work. But killing Adam so there was no gay relationships, and then to pair him with a character who had like, what? Two lines in the full series, and we saw Shiro interact with once, as a Captain and crew setting? No build up, no hints during the full season?
Don't get me wrong. If the writers wanted to give Shiro the chance to shed everything from his past life, then by all means, they had the right to. But the way they did it was not only poorly written, but it also left those who had been hoping to FINALY see Shiro interact with his partner, that had been teased at outside of the show.
Hunk is another one I had a big problem with. As a plus size person, who felt like she was just that 'fat best friend' during the airing of the final season, I related to Hunk. I loved how he was more than the foodie. He's an engineer, he's smart. He matches Pidge in intellect. He's kind, he's brave despite his anxiety. He had nausea a lot. He's fleshed out, he's more than fat and food jokes.
And they took that all away, to make him Gordan Ramsey of space. They took 8 seasons of character arcs to make him that. A fucking fat person likes food joke. Once again, I wouldn't have had a problem if that wouldn't have been it. Make it a soup kitchen for those displaced during the Empires rule. Make him donate food to needy planets. Hell, have him travel with Keith, giving food to the planets they go to for help. Just, something that acknowledges Hunks generous nature, his kindness. Not Food Wars.
Speaking of Keith, I found that while I expected his ending to be similar to what it was, I didn't have any real emotion about it. He was a displaced child, who was, from what we can assume about what little we really know about his childhood, outside of him meeting Shiro and how his parents met. He always felt like he didn't belong, with the Paladins, and struggled being leader because he didn't feel like he lived up to Shiro's expectation or his legacy after he died.
So Keith teaming up with Lotor's generals to basically continue what Voltron did makes sense, I guess. But, I would have loved to see something else. If anyone deserves to settle down, aside from Shiro, I think it would be Keith. I can see him as the type of person to give a child, either adopted or biological, the childhood he wished he had.
Pidge's end is as to be expected. She's working with her parents and her brother, working for the Garrison. Out of all the characters, I honestly think Pidge had the least amount of true character arks. She had the moment in season 1 or 2 when she wanted to ditch Voltron to find her brother, and Keith called her out. And when she bonded with Green in season one on Olkyn. But once she found Matt and Sam, Pidge had stayed consistent in her behavior and beliefs till the end of the show. She, like Hunk, was a stereotype. She was the nerdy, smart friend, the guy in the chair.
I would have loved to see her do something with botany, like her mother. Something that ties her back to Green. Because even though the Lion is gone, the bond and the respect she gained would have still been there. So for her to just immediately go back to that tech guy was a disservice.
Lance's and Lotor's endings are by far the ones I hated the most. With Lance, there was NO reason that Lance had to become a fucking farmer. After everything that happened to him during the season, for him to immediately quit was ill planned and just a bad move. If they wanted to write Allura out at the end of the series, then sure. Lance steps back to grieve, starts replanting the flowers on New Altea in honor of her.
But Lance has so much more potential than. Make him a pilot, make him a teacher. Hell, pull a Keith and have him volunteer around the planets. Anything that would show off his pride in himself, and to she Allura that he would live his life for her, because she died saving it. Yeah, he can keep a cabin close or in the field, so he always has a memory of her, but he needs something else.
The final season with Lotor was just dumb. The writing had set him up as this exiled prince, who never wanted to be like his father, who watched him blow up a planet that Lotor had spent YEARS on, because his son pissed him off. Lotor killed his father, was conspiring against Haggar, wanted to study Altean alchemy with Allura. He was finally going to learn about his mother's people from those who actually knew her.
And then they make him just like Zarkon.
I. Hate. That they made that planet of Alteans, and Lotor was harvesting them for quintessence. I get they were setting it up for Haggar to use them as pilot in the final season. But there were SO many other ways to do that with a similar affect.
Especially considering the fact that those people had been in hiding since Altea exploded, and Lotor was a fucking baby then. Like...have Haggar keep them hidden instead? It would have made more fucking sense. She still felt a sliver of a connection, despite not knowing why because she lost her memory.
Lotor grew up wishing he could know more about his other side, and having no one to ask about it, because no information remained after the race died. So to satisfy his curiosity, he started studying other cultures, other planets so he could compare. Maybe he'll find something similar to Altea, and can guess from that.
And then, wow, there are Alteans left. And they have Voltron, isn't that so great? But wait, my father want's the Black Lion, and his witch is acting shady. That's odd, I wonder what that's about?
Holy crap, she's been hiding more Alteans for the past 10,000 years, and they have no idea what's been happening outside of their planet. And even more holy crap, she's been harvesting them so they don't get to powerful, and so she can sap up their power for herself. Why didn't anyone know about this?
Then continue on, with Lotor eventually teaming up with the Alteans and liberating them, but obviously they don't all go, because they don't trust him (Galra, duh.) And the ship that is carrying them all is attacked, and the ship explodes, or something. The Alteans get angry and Haggar, now starting to remember and realizes who she is, uses this to her advantage, and now boom, we have the pilots in season 8.
And this way, if you want to keep Keith and Krolia finding the Alteans, you have it. If you want Romelle, you have it. If you want more Alteans living with the Paladins, or at least have Allura and Coran meet them, you have. And of course, Lotor doesn't die. And for his ending, have him and Keith work together. Have him travel the stars, studying the different planets. Have him become a scholar, a archivist, a librarying. Anything! The possibilities are endless.
Now, on to Allura. To be completely honest, and you can burn me for this, I never really loved Allura. It wasn't really anything specific I didn't like, I just didn't grow any strong attachments to her as a character. I felt bad for her, sure. But nothing much outside of that.
But I do believe that she deserved a better ending. Even if she does still die in the end, she shouldn't have had to bounce from guy to guy to hide grief, because that shit was still there. She should have been allowed to continue her relationship with Lotor, because that was cute damn it.
It wasn't fair for her to have been in a relationship for what, a month before she died? It sure as shit wasn't fair to Lance, who had spent the whole series chasing after her, to get her, and see her die directly after. Not cool.
And if the whole reason they did it was to stop Klance, or what the fuck ever people believe they did it, pull a Curtis, give Keith someone else. He meets someone after Allura dies, he settles down, or continues with his red cross in space shtick. Or have him stay single, because some people just don't want a relationship. It doesn't matter because people would have written them together in fanfic anyway.
And last, but certainly not least, Coran.
Coran, the gorgeous man, was done so dirty, it's not even funny. To start from the top, he was the only main cast who didn't get to say goodbye to Allura at the end, and is the sole Altean left who remembers Altea. What the fuck.
Even if they are making New Altea, it's not the same. He lost his child, the only other person who understood the grief of loosing a whole PLANET. Family, friends, homes, graves, photos, memories. Gone. History destroyed, never to truly be brought back. Anything that Coran forgets is gone. Well and truly gone, because the Castleship would have possibly had records still, but that was destroyed when Lotor died.
He doesn't have her crown anymore, because the crystal is in Shiro's prosthetic, he doesn't have the ship, he doesn't have the Lions. All he has are the Paladins, and the mice. And a handful of Alteans who never were on Altea, and probably don't know all the customs he does, because of the 10,000 years difference. That's a pretty shitty ending.
So, long story long, my ending.
Adam doesn't die. He is in the piolet accident, but survives by a miracle. He's in the med bay for the entirety of the final two season, and wakes up during the final stretch of season 8. The whole time, before they leave for space, Shiro has flashbacks to times spent with Adam, and we see Shiro have regrets for going into space. He talks to Keith about retiring after everything is over.
Either Lotor and Allura, or they end things in space and Lance and Allura go on their date (I personally would rute for Lotor and Allura, the are so cute) and get their heartfelt scene, foreshadowing the end of the series.
Hunk reunites with his family, and he watches the people of the camps struggle to get back on their feet, and Hunk help them out however he can. We get a scene of him watching a local soup kitchen that had been swamped with people, and Hunk rolls up his sleeves, make a remark bout cooking with less/weirder items, and knock the people in the soup kitchen off their feet with is food. A shot of him watching everyone eat, and Hunk feels pride, in watching the affects of his food. It's different than feeding his friends, and even different than the parades and the dinners planets through Voltron.
Pidge, who is still grounded for sneaking off to space, spends time in the greenhouse with her mom, watching her work. It reminds her of Reiner, and makes her miss Okyry. She mentions Green and nature to her mom, and her mom jokes back about her finally starting to get into nature. They bond over plants, and Pidge grows a little bit fonder to grass and dirt.
Them space time, series progresses, OMG Haggar is sending mechas after us, and Alteans are the piolets. OMG x2, the piolets are dying , what is happening. Allura, what are you doing with that symbiot, that literally just killed that piolet?
Then, the end.
The multiverse is falling apart, Haggar is going to destroy everything. What do we do?
Lotor, in a desperate final act, confronts Haggar as his mother, finally acknowledging that yes, the woman who he had despised his whole life is he mother. He finally speaks to her as his mother... and denounces her.
Honerva is heartbroken. She curses him, swears that if he will not be her son, then there will be no world period. In retaliation, just like he had his father, Lotor lunges forward, and kills Honerva. As she dies, he cradles her in his arms, and listens as she mumbles about her beautiful son, before finally passing on.
But the events do not end there, because time and space is unraveling apart. They can't fix it, only Allura has an idea, and she's crying. She tells them, and despite everyone's protests, they know what must be done. She says her goodbyes, parting with a kiss to Lotor/Lance, strong hugs to the other Paladins and then...
She turns to Coran, who despite his quietness, has been sobbing the whole time. He pulls her into a hug, face pressed into her curly white hair, breathing in the flower she adored so much, and says their finally goodbyes.
The universe is saved, and everyone grieves a tragic loss. They start traveling back to earth, the Paladins and Coran and Lotor keeping to themselves for the most part, Lance/Lotor barely making it from their room most days, when they come across an alert. A planet that had not been in the charted maps they had, and certainly not in the area they had traveled mear days ago.
Upon closer looking, it looks almost exactly like...Altea.
With the last of her quintessence, Allura had somehow made a new Altea for Coran and the other Alteans to live. Coran breaks down upon seeing a field of flowers that smell like his princess, and imminently starts planning for a tribute for her, right on the top of the hill facing out towards the flowers.
Time skip follows, and Adam waeks up, Shiro asleep at his bedside. Adam, with such slow, shaky movements, wakes up Shiro, and the two finally meet again after years of being apart. Shiro imminently proposes on the spot, not baring to loose the man he loves again.
Keith starts traveling the plants, heling out where he can. The remaining Marmora's help him, tending to villages or injured people, when Hunk asks if he can come too. He wants to help, and he's smart, and strong. And Keith mentions that the best thing these people need is a warm meal, and there's no one who knows that better tank Hunk. So they travel, heling the planets, meeting more people, bonding (Because yeah! Hunk and Keith are the best!)
Pidge is on Altea, helping Lance and Coran with setting up the Alteans. Her electronic skills are unmatched, and she takes this time to pick a couple samples for her mom. Lance catches her, and offers to take her around the fields, and they do. It's peaceful, the sun setting and breeze. The best sunset she'd seen since before Voltron, in her opinion.
Lotor slowly opens back up to the others, grief pushing him away from everyone. Coran is the first he goes to, asking the older man about Allura, and Altea, anything to keep is mind off his loss. Coran indulges him, going on about the old Castel (which still blows up some how, just cant think of it now) and Lotor listens like his life depends on it. After everything is set up on new Altea, Coran askes him to become and advisor, which Lotor accepts.
Then we go to the final scene, which is a couple years in the future. Lance is teaching fighter piolet classes at the Garrison, Shiro is happily married, Keith and Hunk are still red crossing it up in space, Pidge is a Botanists and Cyber Scientist (or whatever the hell she is) and freelances across the universe, and Coran and Lotor are co-advisors for new Altea with Romelle as one in training, which Lotor writing a full, in depth history of the Galran war and Altean history. Nothing will be lost again.
They are at dinner, under Allura's statue, it's growing dark. They finish, they have drinks, and go to bed. Lance wakes up first, in a symbolism for the first episode, him finding his lion first. The others follow, and soon, they are under Allura's statue once again. The lions are all active, which they haven't been since they saved the multiverse. The group watches the Lions stand, and roar, before a shimmering blue figure fades into existence. Allura. She doesn't see them, because she's only there for the Lions, or so the others think. As the Lions start flying into the sky, she turns around, waiving slowly to the Paladins and others, a smile on her face, before fading.
A camera shot of the group on the ground, like the series, zooming out as they all watch the Lions leave, for the final time feeling the connection of Voltron, before the Lions fly through the galaxy, into a new one, in the shape of a woman curled into a ball.
End of series.
Okay, its 6:30 now, I'm going to bed
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discordiansamba · 9 months
Krolia: As you know, the Galra take adoptive familial bonds very seriously.
Shiro: I have heard this, yes.
Krolia: Now, it would not matter as much if you were not also Galra now. However, since you are, and since you have claimed Keith as your brother, that now makes me your mother.
Shiro: ...I am still wrapping my head around that idea, but I guess that tracks with everything I've learned?
Krolia: Excellent. Which is why you are also grounded Shiro.
(Adam is trying very hard not to laugh in the background. Keith is not even trying to hide it, even though he is also extremely grounded.)
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 10 months
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Queer Books November 2023
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ The Pirate and the Porcelain Girl by Emily Riesbeck 🧡 Heading North by Holly M. Wendt 💛 The Wisdom of Bug by Alyson Root 💚 Trick Shot by Kayla Grosse 💙 A Holly Jolly Christmas by Emily Wright 💜 Outdrawn by Deanna Grey ❤️ Yours Celestially by Al Hess 🧡 The Christmas Memory by Barbara Winkes 💛 Violet Moon by Mel E. Lemon 💙 The Santa Pageant by Lillian Barry 💜 Only for the Holidays by Shannon O’Connor 🌈 Homestead for the Holidays by Wren Taylor
❤️ You Can Count on Me by Fae Quin 🧡 No One Left But You by Tash McAdam 💛 The Worst Thing of All is the Light by José Luis Serrano, Lawrence Schimel 💚 Today Tonight Forever by Madeline Kay Sneed 💙 Wren Martin Ruins It All by Amanda DeWitt 💜 Emmett by L. C. Rosen ❤️ Finding My Elf by David Valdes 🧡 Tonight, I Burn by Katharine J. Adams 💛 Gorgeous Gruesome Faces by Linda Cheng 💙 Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree 💜 A Power Unbound by Freya Marske 🌈 We Are the Crisis by Cadwell Turnbull
❤️ The Manor House Governess by C.A. Castle 🧡 You Owe Me One, Universe by Chad Lucas 💛 Last Night at the Hollywood Canteen by Sarah James 💚 Skip!: A Graphic Novel by Rebecca Burgess 💙 Something About Her by Clementine Taylor 💜 Touching the Art by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore ❤️ A Nearby Country Called Love by Salar Abdoh 🧡 Normporn: Queer Viewers and the TV That Soothes Us by Karen Tongson 💛 Sir Callie and the Dragon’s Roost by Esme Symes-Smith 💙 The Order of the Banshee by Robyn Singer 💜 Once Upon My Dads’ Divorce by Seamus Kirst, Noémie Gionet Landry 🌈 Forsooth by Jimmy Matejek-Morris
❤️ A Common Bond by T.M. Kuta 🧡 Risk the Fall by Riley Hart 💛 Just a Little Snack by Yah-Yah Scholfield 💚 Home for the Holidays by Erin Zak 💙 NeurodiVeRse by MJ James 💜 Dark Heir (Dark Rise #2) by C.S. Pacat ❤️ sub/Dom by Rab Green 🧡 Bitten by the Bond by Elaine White 💛 Heir to Frost and Storm by Ben Alderson 💙 The Sea of Stars by Gwenhyver 💜 Bad Beat by L.M. Bennett 🌈 Idol Moves by K.T. Salvo
❤️ Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa 🧡 In the Pines by Mariah Stillbrook 💛 The Crimson Fortress (The Ivory Key #2) by Akshaya Raman 💚 Only She Came Back by Margot Harrison 💙 Megumi & Tsugumi, Vol. 4 by Mitsuru Si 💜 Pritty by Keith F. Miller Jr. ❤️ Just Lizzie by Karen Wilfrid 🧡 An Atlas to Forever by Krystina Rivers 💛 Come Find Me in the Midnight Sun by Bailey Bridgewater 💙 Bait and Witch by Clifford Mae Henderson 💜 Shadow Baron by Davinia Evans 🌈 Day by Michael Cunningham
❤️ Livingston Girls by Briana Morgan 🧡 Delay of the Game by Ari Baran 💛 The Nanny with the Nice List by K. Sterling 💚 A Talent Ignited by Suzanne Lenoir 💙 A Kiss of the Siren’s Song by E.A.M. Trofimenkoff 💜 Rivals for Love by Ali Vali ❤️ Whiskey & Wine by Kelly Fireside, Tana Fireside 🧡 Buried Secrets by Sheri Lewis Wohl 💛 Ride with Me by Jenna Jarvis 💙 Living for You by Jenny Frame 💜 Death on the Water by CJ Birch 🌈 Merciless Waters by Rae Knowles
❤️ Vicarious by Chloe Spencer 🧡 Sapling’s Depths by Spencer Rose 💛 That French Summer by Sienna Waters 💚 System Overload by Saxon James 💙 King of Death by Lily Mayne 💜 Warts and All by Ashley Bennett ❤️ Principle Decisions by Thea Belmont 🧡 The Best Mistake by Emily O’Beirne 💛 Sugar and Ice by Eule Grey 💙 Until The Blood Runs Dry by MC Johnson 💜 Splinter : A Diverse Sleepy Hollow Retelling by Jasper Hyde 🌈 The Mischievous Letters of the Marquise de Q by Felicia Davin
❤️ The Queer Girl is Going to be Okay by Dale Walls 🧡 Til Death Do Us Bard by Rose Black 💛 Leverage by E.J. Noyes 💚 Alice Sadie Celine by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright 💙 Godly Heathens by H.E. Edgmon 💜 Gwen & Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher ❤️ To Kill a Shadow by Katherine Quinn 🧡 Warrior of the Wind by Suyi Davies Okungbowa 💛 For Never & Always by Helena Greer 💙 A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sally Hawley 💜 Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu Vol. 8 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù 🌈 A Carol for Karol by Ann Roberts
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ashippingpotato · 6 months
I just had I think, I know very rare disaster, for I Klance and Adashi hc
So Lance and Adam are brothers by blood and then Shiro and Keith are step brothers /So Adam and Shiro start dating and when a holiday comes up (Aka Christmas) Adam invites Shiro and Keith over sense they don’t have any family to see/visit
But at this point Keith and Lance already hate each other and don’t know there brothers are dating and you can tell they don’t like each other as soon as Shiro and Keith get into the driveway
So instead of giving Keith the extra bedroom the act like it has a leak or something and Keith and Lance have to share a room
And then they bond get crushes and start dating
LA END!!!!!!
Anyways sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and have a amazing rest of your day :)<3
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adashulaz · 5 months
Keith was always considered a mama's boy. He didn't understand why. While Keith does wish for his mom to have pure happiness in her life, he doesn't feel as if he has any bond with her. After all he only met her after he grew up, after Shiro and Adam already raised him.
Yet people thought and assumed that Keith and Krolia had a strong bond simply because they both lost Keith's father. However Keith disagreed because they didn't lose him together. They didn't go through it together so they couldn't even bond over that. So Keith just considered himself as a brother's boy, if that was even a real thing. He had the strongest bond with Shiro so it would make sense.
Yet that didn't fit right with him. He didn't feel as though he would do anything for Shiro like a mama's boy would do for their mom. Yes, Keith will be willing to do anything for Shiro but it was simply because they're brothers. They didn't have a bond like a mama's boy and their mom. It was just a simple brotherly bond. So why did Keith feel as though he did have a bond like that? He didn't. He wasn't close to that many people besides his mother, Shiro, and the Paladins. He wasn't close to anyone else. Keith was sure of that.
Well there was Adam but Keith blew up on him when Adam refused to listen to what Keith was saying about the Kerberos mission. So Keith doubts Adam would want anything to do with him. Therefore Keith only counted very few people on his list of close friends and family. He wanted to count Adam but it doesn't think it would be accurate, they haven't spoken for years. So why did it hurt when he didn't count Adam as part of that list? Even when they did talk, it was brief and it was mainly because of Shiro.
Keith spent a while thinking about it. Who did he have a close bond to that would cause people to call him a mama's boy? It wasn't Krolia or Shiro, so who? Would it be his dad? Keith doubts it since his dad has been dead since he was seven. Maybe it was Adam but Keith doubted that even more. The two were never close. Yeah, they did cuddle a lot but that was only because Keith wanted to show Shiro that he trusted Adam to an extent. Nothing less and nothing more.
So it couldn't possibly be Adam. If you asked Keith, Adam was Shiro's finance. That's all Keith knows him as, that's how he learned about Adam as well. So why would it be Adam? Was it because they both had to deal with the "loss" of Shiro or because of something different? So Keith got to thinking. What would make his bond with Adam so much more different?
Keith kept coming up blank when it came to that. He simply had no bond with Adam. No matter how painful it seemed to be. That part however, created a new question. Why did he even want a bond with Adam? Adam never tried to help him like Shiro would. Adam never did anything for him like Shiro would. If anything, Adam just did the cooking and helped clean like him and Shiro. To Keith, that meant nothing but Adam just trying to keep him and Shiro fed.
Mainly because Shiro had a hard time with cooking so if Keith wanted a nice meal then he had to go to Adam. Which wasn't all that bad, Adam was nice and didn't try to pry into Keith's life. Adam would simply ask what Keith wanted to eat and then he would make it. Keith didn't think that would build a strong enough bond so he painfully crossed Adam off his list of suspects.
Keith spent the rest of the trip to Earth thinking about it. He crossed Adam, Shiro, and Krolia off of his list but ended up adding Adam back to his list. He didn't get why, he just did. So when they got on Earth, Keith made it his mission to see Adam again. Shiro would also be with him but Keith decided that it wasn't all that important. He needed to get to the bottom of his issue and Adam would be able to help.
Keith and Shiro were brought to a hospital-like room after they asked where Adam was. Keith felt a sense of dread build up inside him. What if Adam lost his memories? What if Adam was going to die soon? Thoughts like those were the only thing going through Keith's mind so he had Shiro step into the room first.
Once Shiro was out of sight, Keith felt tears swell up in his eyes. Thoughts of the worst things that could ever happen to Adam were starting to pop back into place. The thoughts were like the plague, spreading quickly. Thankfully, Shiro came back into view and gestured for Keith to come into the room so he did. Keith didn't know how he felt about it though because there Adam was.
Adam was sitting in the hospital bed. His hair was longer and had burn scars all over him, his left arm was replaced by a robotic one while his right hand was replaced by a robotic one. The worst part was the pure confusion written all over Adam's face and the look of heartbreak on Shiros. That was the moment Keith felt his heart drop. Adam didn't remember them. Adam didn't remember him.
"Who is this?" Adam's voice was raspy, it sounded as if he hadn't spoken in a while. Keith felt like crying. Adam didn't remember him and it hurt. He didn't understand why, he and Adam didn't have a bond. "It's Keith, remember? You helped me raise him." Shiro sounded sad, no he sounded miserable.
Adam just looked at Keith, Keith wanted him to remember him. Adam just shook his head. "That's not Keith, he's too old. Stop lying." He did remember him but he doesn't recognize him. Keith thought that was worse. "But I am Keith." He needed Adam to believe him but instead Adam just shook his head. "No, this is Keith." That's when Adam simply pulled out a photo of the three of them and pointed at the youngest one in the photo.
Keith felt like he was going to break down in tears so he left. He probably shouldn't have but he didn't want to cry in front of Adam. Now he can't ask Adam for advice.
Keith wasn't sure how long it's been since they landed on Earth. All he knew was the fact that he and Shiro were spending time with Adam. They were trying to get him to recognize them. Yet it wasn't going anywhere so they settled for trying to build a relationship with Adam but there are moments where it seems Adam does recognize who they are.
However that doesn't matter at the moment because he was spending time with Adam while Shiro was in a meeting. They were cooking together. It was something they used to do before the Kerberos mission, before everything went wrong.
But now that Keith was thinking, maybe he and Adam did have a bond. They did cook together quite a bit. Yet it didn't matter anymore because his issue is the least of his worries. Right now, his focus was on making sure he was cutting the peppers right while Adam was doing whatever he needed to do.
Once they were done, they sat at the small table in the kitchen. However, instead of sitting across from each other, they sat right next to each other. It was peaceful, it reminded Keith of before the Kerberos mission. A time where everyone was happy. However as he was about to pick up his ustensile, Adam grabbed it and picked up some pieces of food with it. He then brought it to Keith's mouth. Keith just stared at him confused.
"You need to eat. You're still too thin to be fighting the way you do." Adam pushed the food against Keith's mouth before Keith opened it. That made Adam smile. Yet Keith felt like crying as Adam fed him. It wasn't out of sadness but joy. Was Adam finally remembering them? Was Adam finally remembering him?
Keith felt as if he knows the answer now. He just didn't realize it until now. Keith and Adam did have a bond, they always had one. Just like how Keith was always Adam's little boy.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 8 months
Okay do you agree with me that we were severely deprived of Ezor, Zethrid, Axca, and Veronica content? Because they would be the ultimate lesbian squad like
Do not even. Get. Me. Started.
Too late.
(warning: this is a loooooong post.)
My poor girls, they were so perfect! And don't forget Narti (blind lizard gal) because as much as I think Lotor's whole villain arc thingy was dumb, I will NEVER forgive him for killing her. Never ever ever.
I do refer to them as Lotor and the Lesbians in my head, so I think it's pretty clear what I think about them. (Small note: If they were a band that would be their name.)
And Veronica! She was so cool! You know she steals all the girls her brothers bring home. Like, 'Oh you met someone cool at work? I'm just gonna take her off your hands...' Let's be real, if Veronica was not a fictional character, she would be a notorious lady charmer.
And COME ON. Ezor and Zethrid were LITERALLY DATING. I will take NO ARGUEMENTS. Do we not remember that whole episode where Zethrid went berserk on the paladins cuz she thought Ezor was dead?? And how they looked lovingly into each other's eyes? They had an END SCENE together! Well, it wasn't about them, it was that thing about Keith taking over command of the blade but WHAT-EVER. They were 2 feet away from each other because they were inseparable and in. love.
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look at them.
Wait I can do better:
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I'm gonna scream.
And, yeah, they were technically canon but this doesn't count. If Shiro and the dude he married (..Curtis?) get a canon kiss then so do Ezor and Zethrid.
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Before I start my little spiel and Veronica and Acxa, I'm just gonna leave a picture of Narti here for those of you who don't remember her.
She was the one without eyes who could see through the eyes of her cat (honestly so real in a fictional way, love that for her).
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Ringing any bells? Yeah, I cried when she died. (I made a rhyme!)
Veronica and Acxa. They would have been SO CUTE together. And even if they didn't get together, at the very least they should have been best friends. Like the kind of best friends where Acxa is adopted into the McClain family to the point at which she can always be found there just chilling in their house like she owns the place. The kind of best friends that finish each other's sentences and know EVERYTHING about each other. GUYS. This was the VISION.
And you know what? I gonna put a picture of them here in just a sec, but you ALL know what I'm talking about when I say that they had a klance-style bonding moment.
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Do not even try to tell me that they did not have potential. They're making awkward love eyes at each other.
(Also, the limited fanart that exists of them is SO. CUTE.)
Honestly, if the show really wanted to show representation that bad, then why couldn't these ships be real? Adam is great and all that, but if we're going to introduce a queer relationship in the name of representation, then maybe don't kill him off for the sake of drama after only about 5 minutes total screentime.
In fact, Shiro's whole thing was messed up. Yes, I get that he's a queer icon, but why are these things being forced on him? Instead of putting him with another character that also only got 5 minutes of screentime, maybe his end scene could be something like, 'Shiro went and finally got the therapy he deserved' or 'Shiro and Keith spent quality time together now that they were no longer separated' or even, 'Shiro retired from military business and built a comfortable life for himself as a coffee shop owner.'
He. Does. Not. Need. No. Man.
Based on the fact that he still has that Garrison-issued arm, he is still in relations with them in some way. And maybe he quit and just got to keep the arm, but that needed to be specified. Are we forgetting his previous trauma? His periodic flashbacks? The fact that his body was taken over by alien life and used to INJURE HIS YOUNGER BROTHER? The very same brother that he was a role model to?
And maybe we could have kicked Lance's scene out and instead shown him with his family? That would have been a great place to insert Veronica and show them actually bonding like family. Did anyone else find it weird that we got basically no scenes of them interacting in space? With their personalities, they should have been gossiping and having spa days left and right, but there was nothing of the sort.
Wait, I'm sorry, I got off topic.
Where was I? Oh yeah.
The most talked about example of queerbaiting is always Klance because as main characters, they're in the spotlight, but these closeted lesbians do in fact exist.
Why did we get Allurance but not Ezor and Zethrid? They were SO CLEARLY compatible and they weren't toxic to each other like Allura and Lance. My main argument against that ship is because of Klance, it's because Allura had just lost someone important and rebounded to Lance, and Lance constantly tried to be the rock for her that she wasn't ready to lean on. He finally had what he wanted from day 1, and realized that if he really wanted it to continue, he would have to change in ways he wasn't ready for.
If that kind of relationship gets a kiss, then Ezor and Zethrid should get one too. They spent their whole time on the show supporting and relying on each other.
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greenflamedwriter · 5 months
Fixing Voltron- Main Plots
Edit: I'll probs keep adding more later -_-
Lance deals with Allura's death BUT learning the secrets of Oriande, wakes up back in time and is able to fix everything with time travel.
He does this by driving Voltron into the rift- it opens up again and the black lion communicates with Lance thats it's VOLTRON that needs to enter the rift to destroy it given that the arrival of Voltron was what ripped a hole through space in the first place. After piloting Black and in turn the other lions alone Lance is the only one to push Voltron into the rift [it closed before since Allura's life force was tied to the lions so it bought them time] Given that all the paladins moved on with the Atlas Voltron wasn't needed anymore. The Paladins don't find out until its too late and hear Lance's screams through the headset before the rift is closed for good [Pidge confirms as energy has been fluctuating for years but they never gifured out WHAt until now] all are heartbroken that Lance has died, Pidge falls into Hunks arms and the two crumble to the floor, Keith falls to his knees screaming that it was supposed to be over Lance can't just be gone, and Shiro is staring frozen thinking of all the ways they could've solved this why did Lance go alone? Something touches his hand and he flinches to see Adam holding his hand tightly, silent. Adam didn't know Lance that well and Shiro eyes burned, resting his head at the crook of Adams shoulder as he heaved. It was supposed to be over.
-The Druids were Alteans, and converted Quintescence into a more potent stronger version that they called 'Crux' -Lotor's alteans that he ended up saving, adopting and leading...ended up dying. Most of them who were more sensitive to cosmic energy which is what made Alteans terrific alchemists to begin with, were sensitive- with the rift open it was like radiation the alteans struck first died first BUT it would soon affect the whole universe if not closed.
Lotor needed Allura to cure them [even more if the alteans that were sick were the ones who shapeshifted and overtaxed themselves] a pure, untainted Altean body could be used to create a cure to save his people. He was going to take Allura by force after gaining her trust then fell in love and decided to work with Allura he saw a better future because of her.
Romelle an Altean Druid working for Hagger is sent in once Hagger spies through Kurons eyes of how Allura is sad by the death of her people. Hagger knows Allura will be emotionally compromised so sends a Romelle who acts like a prisoner/damsel in distress and is then 'saved' by Voltron.
-Lance [for once] not only doesn't flirt with Romelle, he doesn't trust her and [after being the teams punching bag] just keeps and eye on Romelle and keeps his mouth shut. When Kuron backs her up it's easy. Now the ship has TWO imposters.
-Lance finds Romelle and Allura with the mind melds but located to another room [like kalterneckers room OR Alfors room before it was destroyed] thus both Lance and Romelle see Altean culture for the first time.
-Cue, Altean technology, culture, cuisine, polticis, sports games ANYTHING, heck give us an Allura/Alfor bonding of them making a hover skooter or something like treasure planet and have Allura zoom through altea ANYTHING!
-Romelle accuses Lotor of using Alteans as human batteries that he enslaved her people and killed her brother. Lotor fleed unable to defend himself after it was exposed that he was going to use Allura for malicious intent.
-And so Lance uses his meld, and Romelle is curious. She and Lance use the room and he tells her it's good for people with ptsd to talk about their problems or visualise what their fighting for.
-Romelle was made to believe what she was doing was for the GOOD of the Empire that they were...helping other planets to connect and make them stronger and pursue science. She was wrong.
-So she shows Lance her memories. EVERYTHING. Including the Kuron project she was working on, "You and I both know that is NOT Shiro."
-Both take down Shiro, after he corners them and saw through the door and it's a typical SHINING moment "Hereee's SHIRO!"
-Romelle kinda panics that Hagger may have saw that. And she admits she lied about Lotor who- after running away WITH the comet is running into Haggers hands.
-Also- Lotor when he comes back says that Hagger admitted the deats on what she and Zarkon was doing. That they were trying to make their own Anti-Voltron but a singular Lion that Zarkon can use indepednetly without relying on others he was going to use the Black Lion as a base then keep it as a trophy after. And they were going to call it;
White Lion.
Allura is pissed coz the white lion symbolisings justice for all free people and worthy pursuit of science. But Zarkon using that to enslave others and destroy planets with their technology was a mockery of it.
-But wait theres more! Voltron needs someone to watch their back AND an upgrade. Once Keith comes back, he's gained a new Member.
Lotor is going to be on the back of Voltron, giving that they always have to duck and dodge so many it'd made sense since Voltron faces forward SO the white lion will be the wings of Voltron, as well as taking charge and can even make Voltron rotate - [kinda like his ship in season 3 episode that could go forward or back that would be his skill set] and his bayard could make Voltron fly and warp somewhere faster.
-Alluras blue lion shoul open wormholes. Or her bayard should do it- just saying the blue Lion TOOK the team to arus episode one with a wormhole and Allura opens wormholes
[But that was a fail safe so the lion would-] then why didn't the other lions like Yellow/green open a wormhole?
But Allura had to hold it open for them. It'd be cool of Voltron could warp- snap from one place to another during battle. [I hate that Voltron abilties was just, laser, sword shield it sucks]
-The garrison is working for the Galra. And tried to take Voltron and make THEIR MFE pilots fly Voltron instead only for the Lions particle barriers to come down.
-Bayards...so much potential. A gun that sends an energy blast, Hunk can use a batterram to shock the earth making all the galra fall from the shock wave while the paladins use their jetpacks to avoid the shock-wave? A sonic pulse, a grenade launcher, like- so many weapons [like think Spider-man, anti-gravity? like COME ON!]
-There's going to be some changes as well as nerfs to some characters- for one; Pidge installing the green lion to cloak - lets retcon that. Instead have it where it was an ability the lions already had but Pidge with her hacking cheated and unlocked it faster than the others.
Instead since Voltron was an unknown Comet that was sentient and happened to be the most advanced strongest weapon ever instead should have been used as a blueprint to advance ALTEAN technology. Instead the alteans sutdied Voltron, and were able to progress their society by a thousand years.
Now the comet landed in Zarkons home and he gladly gave the comet to Alfor who speicilises in alchemy the two became friends because of a politcal marriage- Zarkon married Honerva Alfors sister [yep, we're making Lotor and Allura cousins and Allura will get with Matt instead :p] But alfor got the better end of the deal his people were thriving and they ended up expanding, meanwhile Zarkons people were plauged by a rift that was only getting bigger, and more dangerous- kinda like how scientists were working with radiation but had no idea of the effects it would have until years later?
So with their child in danger and Honervas obsession with studying the rift they were able to finally crack it and began to harvest pure quintescence and then began creating technology that was only second to Alteans. Worse- some Alteans thought that Alfor was holding them back from the pursuit of science [they were testing from alteans and themselves and Alfor forbade it] so they went to Honerva and created the druids since they saw Honerva and Zarkon started calling her Haggar coz she looked haggared. It was a cute nickname that ended up erasing their history when both started losing sight of what their end goal was.
With in-fighting as well as fighting his sister and one he called brother- Alfor had no choice but to hide the lions, especially since Zarkon was acting strange and when they were unable to form Voltron was when Alfor realised how lost his friend had become.
-First thing Lance does when going back after the first time the defeated Sendeks airship, he asks Coran if there was anyway for the people on the ship to request Alfor to help them esp since they couldn't understand altean and Coran nodded that Alfor can traverse the ship AND help them. Since ALlura and Coran are fixing the ship they won't have time to give the new Paladins the tour/explain stuff etc. So Lance requests for Alfor and then asks what his lion can do, he plans to study and see how far Voltron can go he lied to Alfor with a "Zarkons been around for a long time he knows what the lions can do, meanwhile what we have is shield, sword and laser is that it for earths greatest weapon?"
Alfor nodded, "No there is more even the Paladins of old never unlocked but here is all the data for what the Blue lion can do, and what it can do with a bayard and what else it can do connected with Voltron." Alfor was giving him a considering look, but Lance was too focused on reading and studying. Whenever you are given a new craft you're supposed to read the schematics first. Lance had an entire night of studying...
missing the fact that he was reading the logs in altean and Alfor watching looking amused. Even for a pile of data it figured that the blue Paladin was intersting.
"Oh and Al?" Lance asked glancing up, "Given the advancment of Galra technology- is there anyway to back you up where no technology can touch you and infect you with a virus?"
Any other time he would be wary, but Alfor knew exactly what the Blue Paladin was hinting at. "There is," he showed a map to a lower storage area that had class crystals and Lance stared.
"It's like power rangers Alpha and Supermans dad all over again-" Alfor ignored it. and directed Lance on creating a 'copy' of him.
And when Alfor data flickered on the bridge and both Coran and Allura looked close to tears he realised what had happened esp when Lance laughed, "Huh who knew exploring and finding a ton of junk would be this helpful."
"Yes very lucky."
When Alfor had time, he'd like to question this time travelling Altean he wanted to know everything.
-Also in Season one when Pidge found the Spores leading to Olkari- just what was the point in that? [And that is when i realised that Voltron had a writing problem since day one-] Since Hunk was the engineer and was supposed to fix the problems with the Ship wouldn't it make sense for Hunk and Coran to be fixing the ship outside, while Allura made sure it was correct from the inside? Why make Paladins who knew NOTHING about Altean craft FIX a ship while the ones who KNEW how to fix it who inside not handling it? Hunk should've learned how the castle works instead of being the cave who retrived the weblum crystals/scoualtrie like WHY was all the workload piled onto Pidge? She did extraction, hacking, viruses, navigation, as well as helping with the castle repairs and learned Altean? Like she even helped Coran with the Teleduv that should've been HUNKS job. As the Engineer!
...God just throw Voltron in the trash and start over oh my god.
In this version since Lance is time travelling is pretty much fine with letting things play out and will be THERE for Keith this time- Except that doesn't go to plan.
Lance becomes the Black paladin. He's just as shocked as everyone else AND stressed out because now things will go VERY differently with him as the black Paladin. So now he tries to find the Clone Shiro base and speedrun bringing Shiro back BEFORE the clone ends up coming to the team and messing stuff up. When the team find the base and see all those chickens [shiros] they are now more wary. Allura and Lance find a clone that hasn't been processed yet [as in, installed with camera lenses/virus protecals to make him a sleeping agent other than the galra arm] so they take that Shiro put him in a pod because Lance tells the team Shiro is trapped spirtually in the Black Lion because his body was destroyed.
-bullies Kolivan to bring Kroila to team voltron or so help him he will hunt her down and they will be one member short of a blade.
-keith gets pissed when he finds out Lance knows about the future and that Shiro would die, "And you said NOTHING." And Lance recalls how Shiro said he was dying on earth and if it wasn't for the Galra and the clone he would've died out in space, only Coran knew that Shiro didn't have long after being in the cryopod and his body was shutting down. The galra wanted perfect soldiers and they did that with Shiro's body.
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voltronfan6 · 1 year
You know I'm still in denial about the ending of Voltron Allura should have lived, Lotor should have been a good guy, Lance and Keith should have ended up together.
Like come on Allura should have had the chance to be queen and rule New Altea she should have have the chance to enjoy the universe that she helped save.
Lotor should have been a good guy. Like he should have been the embodiment of what the Galra were before their Emperor and empress where corrupted. And having him and Allura be friends or even romantic partners would have been a symbol of unity to the rest of the universe. Like he defeated his father and took over the empire and together with the last of the Alteans he was righting the wrongs done by his father.
And come on Keith and Lance had the classic rivals to friends trope it wouldn't have been difficult to and one more step and make it rivals to friends to lovers. They dropped the ball with this one. I read somewhere that the show gave us a gay character but they made the wrong character gay, meaning that a lot of people would have been ok with Shiro being straight (and with Allura) and Keith being gay (with BI Lance).
And what the hell did they do to Lance!?!? Like someone who was so full of life and passion was just a shell of a person by the end of it? No way I absolutely hate what they did to him. He loved space, loved to explore and yea he missed his home and family but to make him be basically grounded and rarely leave the planet after everything he did to save the universe was just wrong.
I like that Shiro was gay it was different but did they have to make him lose Adam before he got a chance to see him again? Like that's fucked up. The writers kept using Shiro as a punching bag in this series. Also side note I would have been ok with Shiro and Allura getting together like they had the whole parental vibe to them and Shiro being the black lion and Allura bonding with the white lion it made sense that they would have been a good pair. But also I kinda liked the Shiro and Matt Holt ship. Like the fact that Shiro did everything he could to keep Matt safe was so sweet I wouldn't have minded if the ended up together.
Idk that's just my rant I watched the show in March of 2020 so I was not a part of the fandom while the show was on air so I wasn't around for the craziness of the shipping. I heard it was bad that a lot of fans left the fandom because of how toxic it was.
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shadesofnavy · 7 months
So how close exactly was Cherry to Keith before his death in the animatronic au? Is she still close to him in his current form even now? Was Cherry close to anybody else during her childhood before his death? Also was there any other youngin Keith shared a special bond with before his death? /gen
Close enough that she would call him Uncle Keith and talk about how cool he was with his Funkstaraunt at school with her friends. He was her idol, her inspiration, her best friend. Even after he died, she felt a closeness to the mascot ever since he first interacted with her that fateful birthday of hers. She feels the same closeness towards Boyfriend Animatronic as she did with Uncle Keith. Growing up after his death, a lot of people--her family and friends included--believed she was projecting onto the animatronic thinking he really is Keith (despite it being so) due to the pain of having lost him, and Cherry is aware of that, she always has been, and she understands. But she truly does feel something towards him. She can't explain it, but she's not the only one who feels this way.
Keith shared many connections towards regular customers at the Boyfriend's Funkstaraunt during his time, and employees too (as I've said before). Some of these people included were a ten years old Pico, Adams and Darnell. The latter often came over on the weekends whenever his mother was free from work, and he made a lot of friends at the place, some who were Pico and Cherry.
The former was often at the restaurant because Adams worked as the security guard and brought Pico along with him due to his anxiety of being left home alone. The little boy spent some time with Keith and other employees, and he'd grow somewhat of a bond with the singer, thinking of him as a secondary father figure and ultimately captivating Keith's heart when he overheard the little pup once refer to him as a "second papa."
There's more to it, but this is getting long enough for now : )
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ima-ghost-art · 2 years
I’ve just realised no one on here realises how badly I am Voltron trash!
(even when the fandoms been dead for ages now!!)
It was my first fandom for little ol baby me back in 2016, who hadn’t yet realised that they were about to collect the
 “pretty boy/ goofball comic relief character thats always there for the others, who the creators kinda just beat up for jokes even tho they almost definitely are severely traumatized and also probably Neurodivergent/ dyslexic/ bisexual (that ends up in almost definitely loveless/non-compatible relationships bc no gay??) but no one in the show acknowledges it” 
the very moment my eyes were set upon Lance!
i also survived the shipping war by hc Keith as ace (lances 2nd platonic soulmate after hunk, bc bonding moment) and lance dating matt bc latte has my heart bc goofy meme bisexual bfs who decided to get married so lance is legally pidges brother????
honestly matt/lance or matt&lance has taken over my Voltron brain like their ship name is so cute as well!?!? i love latte!!
alsooooo matt should have become the blue paladin and lance should have become the black paladin and if i ever get a chance at working on a Voltron reboot, you bet this last bit will be fucking cannon!!!
(Allura can be the red paladin after getting some actually GOOD character development and growing to realise she doesn’t need romance to be happy after like some really random love square involving her lotor, lance, and matt! also, lotor redemption where he wasn’t actually killing altaens  and it was hagger or something)
idky im posting this i just needed to get the voltron brain rot to disapper for a bit so i can actually get to finishing my stranger things fics!!
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fic fragments masterlist
small pieces of fics without names or updates, that are not parts of longer works, just tiny little pieces of mini stories. all of these are on ao3.
older, iffy stuff, read at your own risk of cringe:
lance is not an idiot
keith & shiro after lance comes out
lance has bad taste
clown the macho men
meeting the stepmom
lance knows a dumbass decision when he sees one
fic of a fic
lance & adam’s bonding moment
lance reads jane austen
lance had an iffy childhood
lance stands up for himself
still old but less cringe:
catwoman lance
the melon incident
hockey player lance au
the taylor
pretty boy
walter mcclain
season 06 fix-it
keith is cool and grizzled
no one is surface level
no face, no case
lance is muggable
commander keith
space weed
lance is hot shit
finally out of cringe territory (kinda):
hunk (stressed) and lance (stress inducing)
middle school cringe
lance is a handful
only bad bitches have adhd
sugar daddy
mama mcclain
lance has worst taste 
eagle eyes
beauty queen
i have run out of quirky subtitles (but things only get better from here):
the plan
pirate lance
pining lance
down bad klance
lance sneaks a pet
wlw/mlm solidarity
dorky flirty klance 
post game show episode 
lance is smart
impulse control
the jennifer’s body incident
hunk the hunk
jack of all trades, master of none (but better than a master of one)
klance as percabeth
annoying klance pt 1
annoying klance pt 2
hunk is the light in the dark
colds and kisses
it’s a twin thing
medic lance
every type of nut...
fifty shades of blue
i have two arms it’s fine 
no hands hold tighter than the hands of the people who dragged you from misery
somehow we can’t get close enough
cute, isn’t he?
pranking the gullible
adhd poster boy
little sisters
missing him
big sister i’m just like you
i came to help (let me help)
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