#keith is here too
ikarakie · 4 months
if a character means enough to me i will truly never stop thinking about them. i just retire them into a little back room in my brain and periodically bring them out to stare at them under a little light
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heynhay · 11 months
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hit me with your killshot, baby
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callmelyc · 10 months
The crayon paladins
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vita-divata · 1 year
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Make-up experiments
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chiropteracupola · 1 month
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He’s red and he’s white and he’s green and he’s grey / My bonny young dragon, come hither away...
Keith Windham and Nuntius, out of Luzula's stunning Flight of the Heron/Temeraire crossover fic 'The Flight of Dragons.'
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funeralroast · 3 months
maybe one of the dumbest things i've made and i know it could be better but ANYWAY it was fun. song is "once in awhile" by rosegarden funeral party
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leenfiend · 11 months
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life altering first kiss probably
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Sampai's prompt for beach Klance - but colored!
I can imagine Hunk asking Keith if he wants a big tail too, and Keith, after seeing Lance fuss about how many details his fins should have would just snicker "Nah, I don't compensate".
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keithsandwich · 5 months
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14 hours and going.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Imagine how mad Keith would be if he had a crush on Eddie and in comes Steve swooping up another babe.
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discordiansamba · 3 months
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the Kogane homestead, before and after
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heynhay · 11 months
perchance, klance as a crimefighting cowboy-esque gunslinging duo?
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well since you asked so nicely
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callmelyc · 5 months
Lances ex was terrible
He was the kind of ex that was really full of themselves, cruel, didn't like Lance spending too much time with anyone else (not that his ex girlfriends were any better).
So when they finally broke up everyone rejoiced. The demon had been slain!
Until...he came to get his shit out of Lances apartment because not only did he take his shitty wardrobe he also stole Lances precious baby blue!
His beautiful baby, his sweet meow meow, his darling princess.
But because Lance had no proof the asshat got off scott-free!
He'd cried for hours not knowing what to do and his stupid ex blocked him so Lance couldn't even attempt to beg for his cat daughter back. So he did what anyone would do, he complained online.
The comments flooded with people trying to come up with ideas until one stood out. Some guy with a photo of a motorcycle asking what this ex looks like.
Lance sniffled sending pictures in the replies and waited. He wasn't sure why anyone would want a picture but maybe the guy wanted it so he could keep an eye out? The reply didn't take long at all and it only baffled Lance further.
The guy, Keith K, responded in seconds "dw I can handle this."
Before Lance could even question anything Keiths status had switched to offline leaving Lance to read through other comments as possible solutions.
At 1am Lances phone lights up with a call. Now, normally Lance would ignore these, who responds to random calls especially at 1am?
But he looks down and it's the same name of the guy from earlier, Keith K. Lance will admit first a foremost he doesn't always think things through and come on now, he was curious to know how this guy got his number at all.
So lance picks up, groggy with sleep "hello??"
"I got ur cat back, do you wanna meet up for her or would you like to wait until later?"
That got lances attention. Now more awake he scrambles to get dressed "are you sure? Like ur sure it's my cat?"
"your name and number are on the collar"
"Where do you wanna meet?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I am the stranger."
"Yeah but ur a stranger that apparently saved my darling daughter!?"
Lance hears a small laugh on the other side of the line "I'll shoot you my location?"
"Sounds good to me."
The second the call ends Lance receives directions to a place 15min out and a picture of blue safe in a cat carrier. He's more than relieved to both see her and have proof this wasn't a dream, though he is still weary.
He shoots off a text to Hunk and Pidge with his location/tracking on in case something went wrong and Lance rushes out the door to go meet this stranger. They'll likely wonder what he's up to at this hour, maybe even spam call him in worry. However, Lance doesn't have the patience right now now when his baby is in some randos hands.
Pulling up to the 24hr McDonald's he doesn't even care that he's meeting a stranger anymore the second he sees his baby blue through the window. Lance rushes inside and the second she spots him she paws at the carrier door with a sweet little meow. He's cooing over her and letting her out to make sure she's safe when he finally looks up to see her knight in shining armor.
And wow....this guy is hot.
Dark hair, deep eyes, leather jacket and gloves.
Dude looks straight out of a Harley magazine despite the beat up pick-up in the parking lot Lance is positive belongs to him.
As blue snuggles into Lances hold he looks at Keith with the first genuine smile he's had in days "thank you, I-I don't even know what to say? I can't thank you enough how on earth did you manage this?"
Keith just gestures for lance to sit down across from him, so he does, and smiles "I have my ways."
Oh? Well Lance has to know now "go on share the deets. I can offer you whatever you want off the menu as payment."
The other man snorts "it's fine I'll share without pay...This time."
"Oh? How generous of you."
Keith leans forward on the table "your ex was already on dating apps. I pretended I'd take him on a good date and went home with him. The second he left to get pretty for me I took the cat and ran, he's a douche."
That...what not at all what Lance expected to hear. His jaw was on the floor. He laughed in surprised awe "you...you got my cat back by luring him into false security??"
Keith's brow lifts "what like it's hard? He's the one that fell for it and got uno reverse robbed. I don't know what you saw in him."
That only gets lance to laugh harder "yeah, I don't either."
They spend the rest of the early morning chatting and eventually exchanging phone numbers.
On the way out Keith stops him though "actually, I changed my mind I do want payment."
"Oh yeah? Like what"
He smiles "how about a date?"
Lance is left breathless in the light of the rising sun "you won't be robbing me now, will you?"
"and if I say I am?"
"what do you aim to steal from me mr.criminal?"
Keith leans in just slightly "your heart? If things go well."
Lance gives him a quick peck on the cheek "yeah, yeah I can do that."
No one believes Lance when he says he got a new boyfriend because the guy stole his cat back from his ex.
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kyoobie · 10 months
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Let me just release some art for a fic I’m writing that hasn’t been released yet and ensue mass confusion
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b-h-art · 11 months
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Say you'll remember me, Standing in a nice dress ,Staring at the sunset,babe
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lizzarts · 1 year
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Justice Day memories!
Ran out of time and energy to do photos of everyone, sorry origami rock and the newbies 😔
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