#keith matic
khalaris · 1 year
🎶✨when you get this, you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to and publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
not going to find videos this time but hey, 5 more songs!
Ayreon - The Sixth Extinction (I always love it when an album tells a story and this song is the perfect climax to 01011001)
Beyond-o-matic - Wish (don't know why I like this but I do. it's very weird)
Edge of Haze - Birth (just a really good song)
Floor Jansen - Fire (it's Floor... what else can I say :D)
Keith Jarrett - Köln Concert Part I (one of the few pieces of music that have moved me to tears)
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theultimatefan · 7 months
Strat-O-Matic Opening Day At Glen Head, N.Y. Headquarters A Big Hit For Fans
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They began lining up at 2 a.m. At least that’s the reported time that the first guest appeared at Strat-O-Matic Headquarters on Railroad Avenue, in the shadow of the Glen Head Long Island Rail Road stop. The first of what grew to more than 200 hearty souls braved near-freezing temperatures Friday in order to be among those to get ahold of the new baseball season cards fresh out of the warehouse.
In what has become an annual tradition, gamers from across the country – and sometimes other parts of the world – gather outside the blue-gray offices, not only to pick up the new season game and other items, but to meet friends old and new who share a love for the game that has been such an important part of their lives.
By all accounts, Bret Sypniewski traveled the farthest, getting into his customized white cargo van and traversing the country all the way from Las Vegas, where he took orders of his own for upwards of 30 games from friends and competitors at the various tournaments that he’s participated in regularly since retirement.
“It took me about 10 days, I took the scenic route,” said the affable Sypniewski, who has played the game for more than 35 years, a time frame that seemed to match many of the Opening Day participants. “I enjoy the tournaments, playing face to face, getting to interact with people while we play.”
Sypniewski made the Strat-O-Matic visit the fulcrum of a trip that included stops in Lubbock, Texas, for some hiking and a Texas Tech Red Raiders basketball game, another in Lexington, Kentucky, for a UK game and various other activities. His diverse interests match the variety of Strat-O-Matic baseball seasons that he enjoys playing.
“I enjoy playing the 1911-1930 teams, but I’m picking up the new season and 1984,” he added. “I like the old time stuff, I learn a lot about the players.”
Another highlight for Opening Day attendees is meeting the Strat-O-Matic founder and creator, Hal Richman, who enjoys hearing fans talk about the decades of enjoyment that the game has brought them.
Strat-O-Matic Chief Content Officer John Garcia presided over the Opening Day ceremonies, which included the induction of three members into the Strat-O-Matic Hall of Fame, including former major leaguer and noted SOM enthusiast Keith Hernandez, longtime game tester Larry Foster and Strat-O-Matic Forum editor Dan Patterson.
Garcia and CEO Adam Richman also raffled off some unique items, including test cards from last year’s 1933-1983 All-Star baseball set, a game autographed by Hal Richman, a subscription to the pending release of Baseball Max, currently in beta, and more.
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reasontowhine · 5 years
The John and John Show One John Only 2/10/2020
Keith (Lair) Matic - I Really Want To Stay (Lost In Rome)
Persian Rugs - St. Peter’s Infirmary
The Reactions - Happy
The Replacements - Can’t Hardly Wait (The Tim Version)
New Salem Witch Hunters - Goodbye/It’s Time/To Die
The Records - Starry Eyes
Quazi Modo - Feel
Richard Hell and the Voidoids - Time
~Metrosquad - Tellin’ Lies~
Mirrors - She Smiled Wild
GG King - Another Dimension
Piccadilly Circus - Till I Get To The Top
MC5 - Looking At You
Great Plains - Hamburger Boy
Wreckless Eric - Reconnez Cherie
The Pictorian Skiffuls - In A While
V-3 - Bristol Girl
The Missed - I Wanna Know
Lucky Pierre - Automatic
~Gem - Blow Daddy-O~
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scottishwildcatwill · 4 years
Gay or Just a Gaulra???
Allura: There! Right There! Look at that tan, that tinted skin. Look at the killer shape he's in. Look at that slightly stubly chin. Oh Please he's gay, totally gay
Hunk: I'm not about to celebrate. Every trait could indicate the totally straight expotriate. This guy's not gay, I say not gay
Pidge: That is the elephant in the room. Well, is it relevant to assume that a man who wears perfume is automatically matically fay?
Shiro: But look at his coiffed and crispy locks
Coran: Look at his silk translucent socks
Shiro: There's the eternal paradox. Look what we're seeing
Hunk: What are we seeing?
Pidge: Is he gay?
Allura: Of course he's gay
Hunk: Or just a Gaulra?
All: ohhhhhh. Gay or just a Gaulra? It's hard to guarantee. Is he gay or just a Gaulra?
Mice: (Well, hey don't look at me)
Shiro: You see they bring their boys up different in those charming foreign ports. They play peculiar sports
All: In shiny shirts and tiny shorts. Gay or purple fella? The answer could take weeks They will say things like "ciao bella" while they kiss you on both cheeks
Hunk: Oh please
All: Gay or just a Gaulra? So many shades of gray
Coran: Depending on the time of day The black lion goes either way
All: Is he gay or just a Gaulra? or-
Hunk: There! Right There! Look at that condescending smirk Seen it on every guy at work That is a metro-hetro jerk That guy's not gay, I say no way
All: That is the elephant in the room Well is it relevant to presume that a hottie in that costume
Allura: Is automatically, radically
Shiro: Ironically, cronically
Allura: Scurtinly, curtainly
Coran: Genetically, netically
All: Gay! Officially Gay! Officially Gay, Gay, Gay, Gay! Quiznak. Gay or just a Gaulra?
Allura: So stylish and relaxed
All: Is he gay or just a Gaulra?
Coran: I think his chest is waxed
Pidge: But they bring their boys up different there It's culturally diverse It's not a fashion curse
All: If he wears a kilt or bears a purse Gay or just exotic? I still can't crack the code
Shiro: Yet his accent is hypnotic but his shoes are pointy toed
All: Huh Gay or just a Gaulra? So many shades of gray
Allura: But if he turns out straight I'm free at 8 on saturday
All: Is he gay or just a Gaulra? Gay or just a Gaulra? Gay or just a-
Pidge: Wait a minute! Give me a chance to crack this guy I have an idea I'd like to try
Coran: The floor is yours
Pidge: So Keith... This alleged affair with Acxa has been going on for...?
Keith: 2 years
Pidge: And your first name again is...?
Keith: Keith
Pidge: And your boyfriend's name is...?
Keith: Lance
Keith: ...
Keith: I'm sorry! I misunderstood You said boyfriend but I thought you said best friend Lance is my best friend
Lance: You bastard! You lying bastard! That's it I won’t cover for you, not anymore! Team I have a big announcement This man is gay and a Gaulra! you've got to stop being a completely closet case No matter what he says I swear he never ever ever swing the other way You are so gay You big parfait! You flaming boy in cabaret
Keith: I'm straight!
Lance: You were not yesterday So if I may, I'm proud to say He's gay!
All: And a Gaulra!
Lance: He's gay!
All: And European!
Lance: He's gay!
All: And European and Gay!
Keith: Fine okay I'm gay!
All: Hooray!
Keith and Lance: Fine. Okay. We're gay!
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thecomicsnexus · 6 years
The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special
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The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special #1. December, 1991. By Alan Grant, Keith Giffen, Simon Bisley and Lovern Kindzierski.
Aurifice and Ferryt Thung, unable to provide a material Christmas, are dreading facing the wrath of their ten kids in the morning. A knock at the door reveals a mysterious book on the doorstep called, The Lobo Xmas Sanction, detailing a story that would adequately scare any demanding children straight during the Christmas season. Hoping it is the answer to their fears, the anxious parents begin reading, "Once upon a time. There was this really cool dude."
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Lobo and Dawg arrive at a drinking establishment to meet with a client. The client turns out to be a highly inebriated Easter Bunny who wants to put a contract hit out on Santa Claus for his perpetual upstaging of lesser holiday icons. Lobo joyously agrees to take the job and departs for the North Pole. He bursts into Santa's workshop guns blazing and begins massacring the elves. Some of the elves attempt to fight back against "the naughtiest one", but they are only armed with pop-guns. After turning the workshop into a bloody tableau, Lobo makes his way to the throne room of Kris "Crusher" Kringle. Santa is not the jolly, smiling old man personified in the traditions however. He is actually a merciless taskmaster armed with razor-sharp shivs and accompanied by a gorilla companion named Kong.
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Before Lobo executes Santa where he sits, he is coaxed into a fair fight by the bearded bastich. Kringle chooses the weapons and leads 'Bo into the Elf-o-matic Cloning Unit, claiming there is more room to maneuver. The two brawl fiercely, and the fight is as messy as it is brutal. Ultimately, Lobo wins by decapitating Kringle with one of his own shivs. Exploring afterwards, Lobo finds Santa's naughty/nice data-bank and views the resource as an invaluable tool being squandered. He perceives the "nice" as weak, "Victims in the makin'!" Whereas the "naughty" he sees as potential competition. Manufacturing his own presents, he fills up Santa's sleigh with H-bombs and flies across the world, raining them down upon sleeping towns and villages.
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Thrilled by such a horrifying tale, the Thung's no longer fear being torn apart in the morning but their own irascible offspring, but upon reading the last page - "This book is only good for one read. Gotcha, sucker!" - Ferryt solemnly heads upstairs with his shotgun and murders his sleeping children.
From DC Wikia
I am still unsure of how much of this I can post on tumblr, but suffice to say, the special (as any Lobo comic) is pretty gory.
But it is a fun read. Especially if you are not really moved by Christmas. If you question how canon this story is... well... it is canon for a specific set of comic-books, but I would say it is not for the DCU.
Simon Bisley is a legend, and an inspiration for several other artists. His style fits Lobo very well and it is hard to read a Lobo comic book with a different style and still consider it the same character.
And what was the deal with Kong?
I give the issue a score of 7.
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vldfanenesp · 6 years
Reseña Temporada 7
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Vamos a empezar mi ciclo de blogs con una reseña general de toda la temporada siete, antes de comenzar a marcar algunos temas en específico. Pero primero, quisiera agradecerles a aquellos que me dieron sugerencias para reseñar. Lo he tomado en cuanta.
Advertencia, esto contiene spoilers menores. Y ahora, retomamos.
Analizando diferentes aspectos de la temporada, comenzaré con la animación; ya que creo que todos aquellos que están inconformes con la temporada, pueden concordar conmigo que la animación fue sorprendente. Sinceramente me encantaron los matices de colores, los diferentes puntos de vista y cámara, y por supuesto los efectos, como los fondos. Realmente se nota que el éxito que tiene Voltron, para que DreamWorks dejara ir un mayor presupuesto para ésta temporada.
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Los movimientos, las batallas cuerpo a cuerpo y las espaciales, son estupendas en el aspecto visual, perfectamente coordinadas y nada repetitivas. Excelente.
Con la música pasa los mismos que con la animación. Creo que nunca había mencionado en alguna de estas reseñas sobre la banda sonora, pero sinceramente ésta vez me fascinó y quede impresionada con ella. Esta perfectamente planeada para ser parte de cada movimiento e imagen.
En cuanto a la trama en general….a comparación de temporadas pasadas, ésta tiene una curiosa estructura. La temporada parece estar dividida en dos partes, la primera divertida y de entretenimiento, y la segunda de drama y acción. Con ello me queda claro porque tuvieron que lanzar los trece capítulos completos a diferencia de la anteriores de seis a siete capítulos; si nos hubieran entregado tan solo los primeros seis episodios, nos hubieran decepcionado y no habría parecido una temporada de simple relleno. Mientras que la segunda, habría sido más estresante con la falta de comedía y los dos primeros capítulos dedicados a personajes secundarios. En realidad era necesario que ambas fueran juntas.
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En cuanto la historia, es escasa los primeros seis capítulos y los siguientes siete son de recapitulación y batalla; así que se podría decir que no hubo realmente mucha historia. Pero era de esperarse cuando en ésta temporada no se tenía un enemigo principal.
No se equivoquen, no quiero decir que Sendak no les diera batalla; pero siempre fue y siempre será un villano de relleno. No es como Zarkon que con él venía toda la trama de la serie o Lotor que era un enigma con cada una de sus acciones.
Así que, al ser una temporada dedicada o enfocada principalmente a llenar los cabos y dar una poderosa batalla final (la cual ya había predicho contra Sendak), cumple con lo que promete.
Ya sé, hay muchos disgustados con supuestas “promesas” para ésta temporada, y ya he hablado de ellos en otro post. Así que no será algo que retomaré para éste.
Continuando, vamos con los personajes. Vimos muchos cambios y evoluciones en los personajes principales, tanto como Hunk y Keith, lo cual me pareció hermoso y la interacción entre los dos bastante natural. Hay ciertos puntos que deseos hablar de cada uno de los personajes, pero eso lo tengo destinado para un post particular más adelante.
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En cuanto los personajes secundarios, sé que hay opiniones cruzados. Para algunos fueron un estorbo a la trama o al brillo de los paladines, mientras para otros son sus nuevos amores. Desde mi punto de vista, creo que sería sumamente aburrido si la serie se enfocara solamente en los paladines (“cof” así como el romance “cof”), por lo que la presentación de nuevos y antiguos personajes lo hace vital. Además que la mayoría de ellos tienen relación importante con los personajes principales, así como James y Verónica), por lo que nos presenta un giro interesante.
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Aunque conociendo éste tipo de presentación en otras series, creo que era también una prueba para ver si un spinoff sobre estos personajes sería bien recibida por el fandom. ¡Hey! todo es posible.
Pero no todos los personajes fueron bien presentados. Hay situaciones y comportamientos de algunos personajes principales como secundarios que me dejaron con más dudas que respuestas. Y no de aquellas por un secreto por revelar, sino porque la idea no es bien presentada. Hablare más a fondo en otro blog a futuro.
Pero igualmente, hay situaciones sacadas de la maga y con incoherencias, que hace que se pierda el flujo de los capítulos y trama. Aunado a la forma que está dividida y la carencia de historia general, hace que se éstos errores y otros destaquen aún más.
Así que en mi humilde opinión, como una temporada enfocada a la guerra es muy buena, pero tampoco aporta más. Otro detalle que tal vez que lo hace palidecer, es que la temporada anterior fue tan buena y te deja al borde del asiento, que había muchas esperanzas para ésta. Y siendo sinceros, no cumple con esas expectativas.
Sé que mucha gente tuvo muchas esperanzas y por eso están desanimados, pero realmente es una muy buena temporada que cumple con su objetivo de presentarnos una emotiva y poderosa batalla. Y ningún queerbait opaca eso.
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haivanhuynh · 6 years
pl. rando opening sept.
Untitled #8 (Popplagið) 11:45 Sigur Rós ( ) Alternative Post Rock 1 2002 9/2/2018 2:05 PM Blows II 4:25 Alexandra Grimal Owls Talk Jazz 1 2010 9/2/2018 1:53 PM City 6:27 Jah Wobble Bedroom Album Unknown 1 1983 9/2/2018 1:48 PM 疾走はらぺこ 1:34 梶浦由記 エレメンタルジェレイド 同契(リアクト) Re-No:1 SOUND-SIDE OST 2 2005 9/2/2018 1:42 PM Bent Violins (Collage Two) 9:57 Roger Eno Getting Warmer Dream 2 2001 9/2/2018 1:40 PM Meta-Matic 2:30 Praxis Metatron Avantgarde 1 1994 9/2/2018 1:30 PM 08 Track 8 2 4:19 Nujabes Good Music Cuisine Ristorante Mix Tape Misc 5 9/2/2018 1:28 PM Commissioning A Symphony In C 2:59 Cake Comfort Eagle Indie Rock 1 2001 9/2/2018 1:24 PM Entering The Now 4:20 David Darling / Eve Kodiak The Return Of Desire - Improvisations Instrumental 2 2008 9/2/2018 1:21 PM Papillon 3:26 Secret Garden Songs From A Secret Garden (Mercury 528 230-2) New Age, Neoclassical 1 1995 80 9/2/2018 1:16 PM Chaconne 3:28 Secret Garden Songs From A Secret Garden (Mercury 528 230-2) New Age, Neoclassical 1 1995 9/2/2018 1:13 PM Renouncement 4:05 Micheal Hoppe The Unforgetting Heart New Age 1 1998 9/2/2018 1:09 PM Battle Frontier 6:04 Yoko Kanno Macross Frontier O.S.T. 2 Nyan Tora Soundtrack, anime 1 2008 9/2/2018 1:05 PM Moment’s Notice 9:56 Steve Roach & Robert Logan Second Nature Ethnoambient 4 2016 9/2/2018 12:59 PM The Deep (Extended LP Version) 4:29 Humanoid The Deep Acid House/House 2 1989 9/2/2018 12:49 PM 'Why Does Someone Have to Die?' 3:57 Philip Glass The Hours Classical 2 2002 9/2/2018 12:45 PM Lane 2:58 Max Richter The Last Days On Mars (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Soundtrack 2 2013 9/2/2018 12:41 PM Black (Live At Kaufman Astoria Studios - MTV Unplugged - New York, NY 3/16/1992) 5:40 Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Twenty (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) rock, grunge, alt 1 2011 9/2/2018 12:38 PM Helix 3:44 Steve Roach Spiral Meditations Ethnoambient 3 2013 80 9/2/2018 12:32 PM Elgar / Enigma Variations - Finale (EDU) (1926) 4:42 Elgar 4 The Elgar Edition: The Complete Electrical Recordings of Sir Edward Elgar Classical 1 1926 9/2/2018 12:29 PM 終極 2:40 KOEI Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI Soundtrack, game 1 2006 9/2/2018 12:24 PM Dreaming the World 3:38 R. Carlos Nakai & William Eaton & Will Clipman Feather, Stone & Light New Age, Native American 2 1995 9/2/2018 12:21 PM Funky Town 5:03 Paul Horn Brazilian Images Jazz 1 1991 9/2/2018 12:18 PM Night Crossing 5:47 Al Gromer Khan & Kai Taschner Black Marble & Sweet Fire New Age 1 1996 9/2/2018 12:13 PM All Through the Night 10:48 Dean Evenson & D'Rachael Joy to the World New Age 3 1994 9/2/2018 12:07 PM Gently My Love 6:23 Paul Avgerinos Law of Attraction New Age 1 2010 9/2/2018 10:39 AM Last Steam Engine Train 3:06 Leo Kottke The Best Of Leo Kottke folk, acoustic 1 1987 9/2/2018 10:33 AM Seven Magnificat Antiphons (for choir) - Part 5 1:54 Arvo Part The Best Of Arvo Part Neo-Classical 1 2004 9/2/2018 10:30 AM Movement III 'The Blue Deer' 12:55 Philip Glass Symphony No.7 - Toltec Classical 3 2009 9/2/2018 10:28 AM In un'altra vita 6:54 Ludovico Einaudi La Scala: Concert Neo-Classical 1 2003 9/1/2018 8:38 PM TITLE BACK (MAP) 0:07 Capcom Makaimura Ongakutaizen Ghosts 'n Goblins Soundtrack, game 1 2005 9/1/2018 8:31 PM The Dream 4:30 Secret Garden Winter Poem New Age, Neoclassical 1 2011 9/1/2018 8:31 PM Amber Light 3:43 Mike Oldfield The Millennium Bell New Age 2 1999 9/1/2018 8:27 PM 12 Variations on Handels =See the Conqu'ring Hero comes=,WoO 45-Variation 1 0:42 Beethoven Complete Piano Works for Cello and Piano CD2 Classical 1 1998 9/1/2018 8:23 PM 20. Sustained by Hate 2:38 Masashi Hamauzu FINAL FANTASY XIII Original Soundtrack Disc 2 Soundtrack, game 1 2010 9/1/2018 8:22 PM Wide Waters Flow 6:08 Daniel Kobialka Oh What a Beautiful Morning New Age 1 1991 9/1/2018 8:20 PM 雨に濡れた慕情 3:41 ちあきなおみ Women's Water 水の女 OST Soundtrack 1 2002 80 9/1/2018 8:14 PM John Adams / John's Book of Alleged Dances - Alligator Escalator 3:55 Kronos Quartet 25 Years (Disc 1) (John Adams, Arvo Pärt) Classical 2 1998 9/1/2018 8:10 PM Worldwide Roaming 7:29 Pete Namlook & Karl Berger Polytime Electronic 1 1998 80 9/1/2018 8:06 PM House Of The Waters 4:48 Tuu All Our Ancestors Ambient 7 1995 100 9/1/2018 7:59 PM Interlude -Shakuhachi- 1:08 Kiyoshi Yoshida Asian Drums II New Age 1 2001 9/1/2018 7:54 PM The Treason Of Isengard 4:01 Howard Shore The Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring Soundtrack, score 2 2001 80 9/1/2018 7:53 PM Adrift in Tangier 3:42 Ottmar Liebert The Hours between Night + Day Flamenco 1 1993 9/1/2018 7:49 PM Earthloop 3:46 Gas Gas 0095 Electronic 1 1995 9/1/2018 7:45 PM Closer Than Love 5:44 Richard Burmer Bhakti Point New Age 3 1992 9/1/2018 7:41 PM I Wish I Knew 4:39 Bill Evans Explorations Jazz 2 2010 9/1/2018 7:35 PM Starbright 5:06 Keith Jarrett Facing You Jazz 2 1972 9/1/2018 7:31 PM Artificial Seaside 16:30 Second Nature Second Nature electronic, ambient, chill out, experimental 3 1996 9/1/2018 7:26 PM the function inside the form 8:23 Steve Roach Skeleton Keys Atmospheric, Ambient, Berlin-School, Experimental 7 2015 9/1/2018 7:09 PM she was here, alone 2:17 梶浦由記 僕だけがいない街 オリジナル・サウンドトラック1 OST 2 2016 9/1/2018 7:01 PM The Stones Of Southcroft 4:29 Ayman Moon Shines Last New Age 5 1992 80 9/1/2018 6:59 PM Data Screen 0:58 Hitoshi Sakimoto “FINAL FANTASY TACTICS” Original Soundtrack Disc 1 Soundtrack, game 4 1997 100 9/1/2018 6:54 PM Time for Time 3:33 Steve Roach Now ~ Traveler Traditional Electronic 6 1983 9/1/2018 6:53 PM A Beginning In Light 8:33 Ian Boddy & Markus Reuter Distant Rituals Electronic 1 1999 9/1/2018 6:50 PM Greenstreet 6:16 John Abercrombie Quartet 39 Steps Jazz 1 2013 9/1/2018 6:41 PM Fine Time 4:43 New Order Technique (Collector's Edition) CD1 Electronic, Rock, Synthpop 1 2008 9/1/2018 6:35 PM Blue Horses 4:19 Philip Aaberg Out of the Frame Jazz 4 1988 9/1/2018 6:30 PM maytown 4:27 David Hudson Yigi Yigi: Solo Didgeridoo other 1 1997 9/1/2018 6:26 PM Transcendent One Theme 1:12 Mark Morgan Planescape: Torment Soundtrack, game 1 1999 9/1/2018 6:21 PM Messages 7:40 Vangelis Voices Electronic, Sympho Prog Art Rock 1 1995 9/1/2018 6:20 PM Better Man (Guitar and Organ Only) 3:55 Pearl Jam Vs. & Vitalogy (Deluxe Edition) [Remastered] rock, grunge, alt 1 2011 9/1/2018 6:12 PM The Kiss 3:57 Philip Glass The Hours Classical 2 2002 9/1/2018 6:08 PM Darkness moon 1:40 梶浦由記 TBSア���メーション「Pandora Hearts」オリジナルサウンドトラック1 OST 1 2009 9/1/2018 6:05 PM String Quartet No. 2 (Company) . III 1:32 Philip Glass & Kronos Quartet Kronos Quartet Performs Philip Glass Classical 6 1995 9/1/2018 6:03 PM Cactus Jack (Galbadian Anthem) 1:30 Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy VIII: Original Soundtrack (disc 2) Soundtrack, game 2 1999 9/1/2018 6:01 PM Scramble [Live] 2:22 California Guitar Trio Rocks The West Acoustic 1 2000 9/1/2018 6:00 PM Starflight 1 3:01 Kevin Braheny Galaxies Ambient 3 1988 9/1/2018 5:57 PM K Dub 10 2:39 Jah Wobble & The Nippon Dub Esemble Japanese Dub Dub 1 2010 9/1/2018 5:54 PM Hajimari - Sozo 9:53 Kitaro Daylight, Moonlight - Live in Yakushiji CD1 New Age 3 2002 9/1/2018 5:52 PM Kammer 6:53 Wolfgang Voigt Freiland Klavierkultur Electronic 1 2010 9/1/2018 5:42 PM Transformati 1:06 Biosphere L'Incoronazione Di Poppea Modern Classical/Ambient 1 2012 9/1/2018 5:35 PM Kintamani 5:20 Jon Mark Asia Journey New Age 1 1996 9/1/2018 5:34 PM Behind Green Eyes 5:06 Shadowfax Folklsongs For A Nuclear Village (LP) New Age 1 1988 9/1/2018 5:29 PM One Fine Day 2:45 The Offspring Conspiracy Of One Punk Rock 1 2000 9/1/2018 5:23 PM Dreams Of Surf 2:40 Vangelis Reprise 1990-1999 Electronic, Sympho Prog Art Rock 2 1999 9/1/2018 5:21 PM A Premonition 0:51 Yoko Shimomura FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack Disc 2 Soundtrack, game 2 2016 9/1/2018 5:18 PM Vie De Reve - Le Miroir Brise 5:16 Klaus Schulze La Vie Electronique 05 Electronic, Berlin 1 2010 9/1/2018 5:17 PM Suite No 3 in C - 2. Allemande 3:45 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 3 1997 9/1/2018 5:12 PM Garden Of The Heart 5:10 Erik Berglund Elysium Abode Of The Angels New Age 2 1994 9/1/2018 5:08 PM crouka (feat. egil olsen) 3:54 Yoko Kanno petal dance Original Piano Score Soundtrack 1 2013 9/1/2018 4:23 PM Elysium Basin 4:32 Tangerine Dream Mars Mission Counter Eletronic, Berlin 3 2007 9/1/2018 4:15 PM Mauritius 4:36 Sam Cardon Earth Cinema Soundtrack 1 2000 9/1/2018 4:11 PM 聖乙女の祈り 3:40 梶浦由記 FictionJunction 2008-2010 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE OST 1 2010 9/1/2018 4:06 PM Air 'You' Coda 14:39 VA Replugged Electronic 1 1994 9/1/2018 4:01 PM Washed Up On A Beach Of Infants 2:39 Chromatics Chrome Rats Vs. Basement Ruts New Wave 3 2003 9/1/2018 3:47 PM Triad- St. Patrick, Cu Chulainn, Oisin 4:25 ENYA Enya , The Celts New Age 2 1992 9/1/2018 3:44 PM 氷雨月のスケッチ 4:30 Akiko Yano さとがえるコンサート J-Pop 1 2015 9/1/2018 3:40 PM 想い、それは少女の煌き 3:39 梶浦由記 TVアニメ『舞-HiME』オリジナルサウンドトラック Vol.2 舞 OST 1 2005 9/1/2018 3:35 PM Big Chocobo! 0:29 Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy III: Original Sound Version Soundtrack, game 4 1990 9/1/2018 3:31 PM Straight Street 6:19 John Coltrane The Prestige Recordings 6 Jazz 1 1991 9/1/2018 3:31 PM City Of Joy 4:04 Yulara Livin' In Peace New Age 1 2003 9/1/2018 3:25 PM The Embrace 5:40 David Lanz Heartsounds New Age 1 1983 9/1/2018 3:21 PM Fantasy of Tsugaru - Hour of The Sea 幻想·東日流 海の刻 4:18 Himekami 姫神 Tsugaru 東日流 New Age 3 1994 80 9/1/2018 3:15 PM What's New 3:48 John Coltrane Ballads Jazz 1 1962 9/1/2018 3:11 PM
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suzanneshannon · 4 years
The Gang Goes on JS Danger
The JS Party podcast sometimes hosts game shows. One of them is Jeopardy-esque, called JS Danger, and some of us here from CSS-Tricks got to be the guests this past week! The YouTube video of it kicks off at about 5:56.
While I’m at it…
Here’s some more videos I’ve enjoyed recently.
Past episodes of JS Danger are of course just as fun to watch!
Kevin Powell takes on a classic CSS confusion… what’s the difference between width: auto; and width: 100%;?
More like automatically distribute the space amiright?
Jeremy Keith on Design Principles For The Web:
John Allsopp with A History of the Web in 100 Pages. The intro video is three pages, and not embeddable presumably because the context of the blog post is important… this is just a prototype to hopefully complete the whole project!
And then recently while listening to A History of the World in 100 objects, it occurred to me that that model might well work for telling the story of the Web–A History of the Web told through 100 Pages. By telling the story of 100 influential pages in the Web’s history (out of the now half a trillion pages archived by the wayback machine), might we tell a meaningful history of the Web?
The post The Gang Goes on JS Danger appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
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The Gang Goes on JS Danger published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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alaaalaaal · 4 years
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Sept. 7, 2020 // Monday
Test drive ulit! Pero bago ang lahat, errands muna. Pay converge (stress ako, walang SOA tapos di pa din ako nakaka tanggap ng confirmation text sa kanila na noted na yung payment ko), pay Sun bill ni mama, padala yung remote kay ate Rose sa LBC, daan shakey’s imus para kunin yung 125 kay maam Sharlotte(?) or whatevah haha.
Muntik pang di matuloy to kasi dapat yung car nila Jeh ang gagamitin kasi yun yung manual. Eh biglang nag chat kanina na baka next week na lang daw kasi masakit daw lalamunan ng ate niya (na sa ospital nag w-work) kaya ayun. Pagkabasa ko nun tapos na ako maligo eh. So medyo disappointed ako na di matutuloy kasi bihis na ako haha. So niyaya ko si Cha na car na lang nila, kaso matic transimission yun so mas mahal bayad ko sa gas hahahah. Sinundo pa niya si Pabs at Keith sa mismong mga hauz nila kskskksks. Si Keith di dapat sasama eh, eh naka pasok kami sa subdivision nila lol, sama siya ih.
Sa may orchard uli kami. Reverse parking pinractice ko ngayon, hirap pag yung mga kasama mo marunong mag drive tapos sabay sabay silang magsalita lahat hahahhaa. Ang bopolz ko nanaman sa left and right ha. Medyo nagets ko naman na nung patapos na kami. Takot ko lang ay baka di nanaman ako marunong mag manual neto next week if ever yung kila Jeh na ang gagamitin heheheh.
Nag pares muna kami bago umuwi :---)
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theultimatefan · 4 years
Los Angeles Tops Houston In World Series As Strat-O-Matic Simulates Remainder Of 2020 Season
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(photo credit: Keith Allison)
With baseball set to begin the 2020 season on fields across the U.S. this week, Strat-O-Matic (www.strat-o-matic.com) today completed the remainder of its simulation of the original league schedule, through the playoffs. The Los Angeles Dodgers, who finished the regular season with a league-best 112-50 mark, made it stand up in the postseason, winning the World Series, four game to one, over Houston, which posted a 109-53 mark during the year. 
Individual awards were selected as follows:
AL MVP: Alex Bregman, Houston
NL MVP: Trevor Story, Colorado
AL Cy Young: Justin Verlander, Houston
NL Cy Young: Clayton Kershaw, Los Angeles
AL Rookie of the Year: Luis Robert, Chicago
NL Rookie of the Year: Shogo Akiyama, Cincinnati
Strat-O-Matic will now simulate the amended 60-game schedule and playoffs for each team, with results to be announced later this week. Fans can access the full 2020 season standings, statistics and game results at https://www.strat-o-matic.com/2020-season-simulation/.
“We had such great feedback and interaction with veteran Strat-O-Matic players, new fans and media in simulating the full 2020 season,” said Hal Richman, Strat-O-Matic founder. “It’s interesting that in a season where anything can happen, the two teams with the best records met in the World Series and the best team, did, indeed, win.”
Some other statistics and items of note from the season:
Luis Arreaz of Minnesota (.356) and Nolan Arenado of Colorado (.338) won the league batting titles, respectively
Jorge Soler of Kansas City and Story both hit 51 home runs to lead their respective leagues. Soler knocked in 130 runs to lead the A.L., and Arenado had 127 RBI to pace the N.L.
Eduardo Rodriguez won an A.L.-high 19 games for Boston, while Kershaw’s 21 wins and 2.16 ERA led the N.L.
Other division winners were Tampa Bay (102-60), Minnesota (91-71), defending champion Washington (91-71) and Chicago (N.L.) (91-71). Wild cards were New York (95-67) and Oakland (90-72) in the A.L. and Philadelphia (90-72) and Atlanta (89-73) in the N.L.
Higher seeds won every playoff round, including the Wild Card Games. The only series decided by a final game was the Washington-Chicago Division Series, a 3-2 Nationals win.
In the World Series, Justin Turner hit .500 for the Dodgers, but Cody Bellinger was named MVP after hitting .381 with 4 HR and 7 RBI in the five games. Four Astros hit over .400 in the Series in a losing cause.
Strat-O-Matic has experienced unprecedented growth over the past quarter, registering sharp increases in sales, traffic and social numbers. Board and Windows games, digital platform Strat-O-Matic Baseball 365, Website traffic, new users and social media have all seen significant boosts over comparable time periods as fans continue to satiate their thirst for baseball, Strat-O-Matic style, connecting with the game and each other across all of these areas.
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elmartillosinmetre · 4 years
“Lo más complejo ha sido reflejar en el piano el dolor de toda una vida”
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[El pianista Eduardo Fernández (Madrid, 1981). La foto es de Luis Gaspar]
El pianista madrileño Eduardo Fernández debuta en el sello sueco Bis con una integral de la música para piano del compositor alemán Bernd Alois Zimmermann en el cincuenta aniversario de su suicidio
Eduardo Fernández (Madrid, 1981) no es pianista que se arredre con facilidad. Grabó la Iberia de Albéniz a una edad muy temprana. Luego, aún muy joven, se metió con las otoñales piezas de Brahms y después se volcó en los Preludios de Scriabin. Proyectos todos ellos de altísimas exigencias. Para no perder la costumbre, su último registro, que oficialmente se publica el próximo 5 de junio (hay plataformas que ofrecen avances ya), lo lleva a la música de Bernd Alois Zimmermann, un creador "poco explorado. Nadie con quien hablé conocía ni una de sus obras para piano, ni siquiera los pianistas". Y es que Zimmermann es conocido hoy casi exclusivamente por Die Soldaten, una de las grandes creaciones operísticas de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en la que empezó a trabajar en 1957 y estrenó en Colonia en 1965.
–Uno se acerca a este disco esperando algo parecido a esa exacerbación del expresionismo que supone Die Soldaten, ese mundo oscuro y profundamente torturado, y se encuentra otra cosa radicalmente diferente. –Die Soldaten es la culminación de todo un laboratorio de experimentos, una evolución que en el caso de la música para piano abarca sólo cinco colecciones de obras muy breves, salvo el Capriccio, que son algo más de 10 minutos. Es similar al laboratorio que tenía Scriabin con sus Preludios, que utiliza para ir creciendo, evolucionando. Ese laboratorio pianístico Zimmermann lo cierra justo cuando empieza a trabajar en Die Soldaten, porque descubre que puede abarcar un mundo ya superior al piano, la orquesta y la misma ópera. En esa concepción esférica del tiempo le caben el collage, las acciones simultáneas… Trata de integrar todas las artes en una. Y eso dentro del piano resulta inviable. Es una vida paralela a la de Scriabin, quien cuando concibe su Mysterium usa el piano como laboratorio. Pues el Mysterium de Scriabin es como el Die Soldaten de Zimmermann. Todo esto son percepciones muy personales, por supuesto. No digo que Zimmermann lo viera así ni mucho menos.
–¿Eso explica que deje de escribir para piano en 1956? –Pienso que sí. Desde entonces escribe obras monstruosamente grandes, Die Soldaten, el Requiem para un joven poeta, una obra que exige centenares de personas en escena. Es como un dar la vuelta al sentido de su música. Porque en el piano se dirige hacia lo más pequeño. De unas obras casi románticas pasa al Enchiridion, una colección de piezas breves que viene a ser como un manual, que a veces es eclesiástico y a veces, no. Zimmermann dice que es manual sobre todas las formas de expresión y ataque. Son quince piezas en las que mezcla la danza, el misticismo, la liturgia.
–Zimmermann era católico. Muchas de sus obras están firmadas con la divisa de la Compañía de Jesús OAMDG (Omnia Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam; Todo a la mayor gloria de Dios). ¿Se refiere a eso cuando habla de misticismo y liturgia? –Claro. El último cuaderno de Enchiridion son los Exerzitien, que pueden verse como ejercicios  espirituales… Él juega también con la ambigüedad de las palabras. En realidad ese segundo cuaderno lo que contiene son ejercicios de serialismo, en torno a una misma serie y con diversas formas de ataque. Y ya no volverá a escribir para piano sin usar esa serie, porque en las ocho piezas de Konfigurationen utiliza exactamente la misma serie. Estaba experimentando con una única serie, pero dirigiéndose a lo infinitamente pequeño. De hecho, el título de esta última colección hace referencia a la configuración química de los átomos de una molécula, intentando imitar en los sonidos del piano la constitución molecular a través de fórmulas estructurales que tuviesen en cuenta la posición exacta de los átomos en el espacio tridimensional. Es curioso que en el piano buscara eso, llegar a la esencia, al extracto mínimo, a intentar reproducir una molécula y de ahí pasara a hacer todas esas obras gigantescas. Es como si hubiera encontrado la molécula exacta para construir este tipo de obras.
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–El Capriccio es una obra muy original, una pieza construida sobre el principio de las variaciones a partir de siete canciones infantiles. –Sí, y sobre todo es interesante el momento en el que lo escribe. Recién terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando en apariencia todo tendría que ser muy pesimista y desgarrador, justamente como serán sus últimas obras. Pero es como si su cuerpo no hubiera asimilado aún lo sucedido en la guerra. El Capriccio se conforma como una mezcla extraña de humor, terror y locura. Es muy llamativo. Después de conocer Die Soldaten no te esperas que esa obra naciera en la más inmediata posguerra.
–En ese mismo sentido, resulta chocante que sus dos primeras colecciones pianísticas sean obras casi neoclásicas escritas en medio del clima de la guerra. –De hecho, Extemporale la escribe durante la guerra. Algunas de las piezas son anteriores a su propia experiencia en el frente y otras posteriores. Pero la barbarie ya la ha vivido en primera persona. A partir de ahí su vida es devastadora. Es como si para él la guerra hubiera continuado. Dura toda su vida, hasta su suicidio a los 52 años. Sin embargo, en el momento en que pasa la guerra no parece que a su música le afecte. Le afectará con el tiempo.
–Además de la de Scriabin, ¿qué otras influencias encuentra en esta música? –Bach está muy presente, hay referencias claras. Las dos primeras piezas de Extemporale son un preludio y una invención. Y luego la misma Die Soldaten está estructurada como si fuera una suite. Es curioso porque a la hora de estructurar la obra en movimientos resulta muy apolíneo, pero su concepción de la música es profundamente dionisíaca. En las obras de su primera época hay también mucho de Ravel, con una alusión directa al Bolero en la misma Extemporale. En las variaciones de Capriccio hay desde Ravel hasta Bartók, que también se ve en diferentes movimientos de Enchiridion. Su evolución se parece a la de Stravinski, en cuanto va del neoclasicismo a lo serial. Entra en contacto con Darmstadt, pero sin tener nunca un modelo a seguir, sin una corriente concreta. Él acuña su propio sello.
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[Bernd Alois Zimmermann (1918-1970)]
–El jazz es también referencia habitual al hablar de la música de Zimmermann. ¿Dónde está el jazz en su música para piano? –El primer movimiento de Extemporale me recuerda a las armonías disonantes que va buscando Keith Jarrett. esas armonías del Köln Concert. Y me pasa lo mismo con ciertos movimientos lentos, como con el Intermezzo de las primeras piezas, que nace de una curiosa mezcla de raíz raveliana, entre lo impresionista y lo modal jazzístico. Lo que ocurre es que en el piano todo es más sutil. Cuando en alguna de sus grandes obras finales utiliza una jazz band es mucho más evidente, claro.
–¿De dónde le llegó la chispa para meterse en este mundo? –En 2018 el Teatro Real estrenó Die Soldaten, y me pidieron presentar la ópera con alguna música que tuviera que ver con ella. Y para mí que tuviera que ver tenía que ser algo del mismo compositor. Si no, no sabía qué tocar. Pero no conocía su música para piano. Me puse a explorar y encontré maravillas. Me apasionó. En la presentación toqué algunas de estas piezas. Luego asistí al estreno de Die Soldaten. Yo había visto la ópera en vídeo, pero no había experimentado el horror así, en directo. Al salir, entendí que ese era el punto final de todo lo que había estado viendo en sus piezas para piano. Vi clarísimo ese punto final y sin embargo no encontraba grabaciones, me fue difícil llegar hasta las partituras. Por qué este camino no está más recorrido, si es apasionante, me decía. Así que sentí la necesidad de compartir lo que estaba descubriendo aunque me llevara mucho trabajo. Igual es por deformación propia, pero en mi vida he estado rodeado de tantos compositores a los que de un modo o de otro conocía, hasta encontrarme cómodo con ellos, que me sentí desbordado al toparme con una  figura tan impactante.
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[Eduardo Fernández durante la grabación del CD. La foto es de Fernando Briones]
–¿Cuáles fueron los principales problemas que encontró al trabajar esta música? –Hay problemas técnicos, evidentemente. Hay música muy compleja. En las primeras obras, además Zimmermann apenas añade matices. Y conforme avanzamos, los detalles se van haciendo muy específicos. Se trata de un tipo de virtuosismo que va en aumento, desde lo romántico hasta lo específico de ataques con una precisión quirúrgica en los efectos y el tipo de sonido que tiene que resultar de todo ello. Pero lo más complejo ha sido asimilar ese dolor de toda una vida y poderlo reflejar en el piano en tan solo una hora. Es un proceso de introspección realmente complicado, duro de soportar. Es un viaje hacia la depresión, en el que a veces he sentido ese dolor. Es algo que no me había pasado con ningún otro compositor.
–¿Cómo llegó a un sello como Bis? –Tenía ya conversaciones avanzadas con ellos para un primer disco, pero no teníamos un programa. De repente se me cruzó este proyecto, lo comenté y estuvieron encantados. Yo estoy también contentísimo. Antes de que se publique este, ya sé que el siguiente disco será con los Estudios de Scriabin. Me da mucha alegría trabajar con este sello.
–¿Y las Sonatas de Scriabin para cuándo quedan? –Las Sonatas las iba a grabar hace cuatro años, antes de los Preludios. Pero me surgió luego un proyecto con la Fundación Juan March con esos Preludios, y cambié el proyecto de grabación sobre la marcha. Me salió luego lo de Zimmermann. Las Sonatas eran un proyecto demasiado grande para entrar en el sello. Y ahora me han pedido tocar los Estudios. Cuando me preguntaron sobre la música que tendría entre manos para la segunda grabación, les comenté lo que tenía y prefirieron los Estudios.
–¿Cómo está afectando la pandemia a su actividad como concertista? –Me ha pillado justo cuando tenía todo el pico de conciertos entre marzo y julio, con conciertos con orquesta que no se sabe que va a pasar con ellos. Tenía conciertos en la Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenca, en Santander, el Festival de Úbeda, Fundación Juan March, un Emperador con la ORCAM y Víctor Pablo Pérez en Madrid y un montón de cosas para el año que viene. El panorama es incierto, pero lo llevo de forma bastante optimista, porque hay gente que lo está pasando muy mal. Estamos teniendo buena respuesta de los principales gestores musicales del país, no tanto del gobierno. Pero eso, en cuestiones culturales, ha ocurrido siempre en España. Sin embargo, me consta que los principales gestores están esforzándose por reprogramar todo lo que se ha caído de forma que pueda hacerse el año que viene o cuando se pueda. Lo más cercano es el Festival de Granada, que ha confirmado ya su programa. Mi concierto estaba planteado el día 10 de julio. Así que puede ser que ofrezca el primer recital de piano de la rentrée nacional.
–Los conciertos con orquesta serán un problema, pero como solistas los pianistas tienen ventaja, ¿no? –Lo de las orquestas es un problema grande. De repente tenía cosas muy interesantes y ahora no sé ni siquiera si se van a poder presentar, por lo que no puedo ni hablar de ellas. En cuanto a los conciertos como solistas cierto que no tenemos que soplar ni cantar y que estamos solos en escena. Pero nos sentamos delante de un instrumento que habrá que desinfectar, y no sé muy bien cómo irá eso de desinfectar un gran cola equis veces al día.
[Diario de Sevilla. 1-06-2020]
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tupaisdigitalrd · 5 years
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Cuáles son los beneficios de la lectura. -Desde la aparición de los jeroglíficos y los alfabetos, pasando por los pergaminos y libros, hasta la llegada de soportes electrónicos, la lectura se consolidó como acompañante en la rutina de las personas. Además de nutrir el saber de los lectores o trasportarlos a lugares fantásticos, los especialistas aseguran que podría ofrecer muchas bondades saludables. Aquí repasamos que dice la ciencia: Según una encuesta de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales ( BLS), en 2017 los estadounidenses mayores de 15 años pasaron en promedio casi 17 minutos al día leyendo (sin incluir material para el trabajo, escuela o universidad). Este número sería inferior a los casi 23 minutos diarios que se registraron en 2005. Las mujeres tienen un mayor porcentaje por día, alrededor de 20 minutos, en comparación a los 13 que alcanzan los hombres. Entre los principales responsables de esta reducción se encuentra la falta de interés, de tiempo, o de dinero. Sin embargo, los especialistas advierten que esto no debería naturalizarse, ya que, la lectura cotidiana ofrecería múltiples bondades saludables. Por ejemplo, al estar en constante contacto con nuevas y variadas dosis de información, se estimula al cerebro para que mejore su capacidad de procesamiento y reflexión. Además, cuanto más leemos, más conocemos, por lo que, inevitablemente se amplía el vocabulario. Esto resultaría útil para aprender nuevos idiomas o mejorar la fluidez al hablar. Esta idea puede verse reflejada en un trabajo publicado en Science, donde se encontró que las personas que leían regularmente, específicamente ficción, eran más propensas a entender creencias, deseos, y pensamientos diferentes a los suyos. Keith Oatley, líder del trabajo, explicó que, si bien los seres humanos nos destacamos por realizar intercambios sociales, esta interacción no está preprograma por instinto. Por ello, la lectura puede ser una buena forma de estimular nuestra creatividad y mejorar la experiencia social. Otro beneficio puede verse en las mejoras cognitivas y la prevención de ciertas enfermedades. Esto se debería a que recordar variedad de personajes, antecedentes, historias, matices. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7E9J2vlkOR/?igshid=rl3blrg6dfer
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
A Secret for Two
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s7XSbM
by Klance-o-matic (Ironictears)
When Lance finally get tired of the abuse that he suffers from at the paws of Hunk's Black Russian Terrier Keith, he attempts to form a truce with the aggressive dog. What he wasn't expecting was for him to reply. Or mock him in the process.
Words: 855, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: this gets weird, Keith is a black russian terrier, It wasn't meant to be like this, It just happened, Please don't be mad, Keith is a shifter, He a pupper and a human, He protec but he also attac, klance, Fluff, shallura - Freeform, Shunk, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Sorry Not Sorry, read it and weep, cuban boy, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), What none of asked for but we all needed
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s7XSbM
10 notes · View notes
A Secret for Two
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s7XSbM
by Klance-o-matic (Ironictears)
When Lance finally get tired of the abuse that he suffers from at the paws of Hunk's Black Russian Terrier Keith, he attempts to form a truce with the aggressive dog. What he wasn't expecting was for him to reply. Or mock him in the process.
Words: 855, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron)
Additional Tags: this gets weird, Keith is a black russian terrier, It wasn't meant to be like this, It just happened, Please don't be mad, Keith is a shifter, He a pupper and a human, He protec but he also attac, klance, Fluff, shallura - Freeform, Shunk, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Sorry Not Sorry, read it and weep, cuban boy, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), What none of asked for but we all needed
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2s7XSbM
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cryptowavesxyz · 5 years
Crypto Carnage, Fears of $1,000 BTC, MakerDAO Crisis: Hodler’s Digest, Mar. 9–15
Coming every Sunday, Hodler’s Digest will help you track every single important news story that happened this week. The best (and worst) quotes, adoption and regulation highlights, leading coins, predictions and much more — a week on Cointelegraph in one link.
Top Stories This Week
Bitcoin price drops to $3,637, rebounds above $5,200 within minutes
Whenever there’s a big crash on the stock market, traders on Wall Street are often pictured with their heads in their hands — surrounded by a sea of screens with red numbers. This week, it was crypto’s turn. Bitcoin prices had been relatively stable in the high $7,000s at the start of the week… then Thursday happened. BTC dramatically fell by 17% in the space of an hour — taking it below $6,000 for the first time since May 2019. Hours later, BTC was under $5,000. But the sell-offs were far from over. Later that evening, BTC slumped to $3,637 only to rebound above $5,200 within minutes. The meltdown means that, at the time of writing, Bitcoin is down 33% compared to where it was last Sunday. Analysis from Keith Wareing suggests there are reasons to be optimistic: True hodlers are unfazed, newcomers can enter the market at lower prices, and catastrophic sell-offs are now much less likely. The carnage also means the number of people owning 1 BTC has hit a new record. More than $50 billion has been wiped off Bitcoin’s market cap over the past seven days. Uncertainty surrounding the ever-worsening coronavirus pandemic means we could end up waiting a while for a bounceback.
MakerDAO community to vote on upgrades, conduct debt auction
Of course, Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency that’s been having a bad week. Thursday also saw ETH prices take a beating — and this was especially problematic for the decentralized finance community. MakerDAO briefly explored the prospect of an emergency shutdown after the crash left millions of dollars in debt under-collateralized. Voting is now underway to determine how the lending protocol should tackle this crisis. Despite the “perfect storm,” many executives in the DeFi community remain confident in the ecosystem. Some believe that harsh lessons will be learned as a result of the crash, with InstaDApp CEO Sowmay Jain saying: “Such painful times remind us that we are extremely early in the space, and there’s still lots of room for improvement.”
Some Indian banks are still “arbitrarily” refusing to process crypto transactions
Earlier in March, a controversial ban that stopped banks from offering services to crypto-related firms was overturned by India’s Supreme Court. If you thought this would be the end of it, you were badly mistaken. This week, lawyers claimed that certain financial institutions are still arbitrarily denying to process crypto-related transactions. It seems these domestic banks are waiting for further confirmation from the Reserve Bank of India — which instigated the ban in the first place and is planning to appeal the ruling. It’s also possible that the country’s parliament will revisit a proposed law that would see anyone caught dealing in cryptocurrencies will face up to 10 years in prison. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like there is going to be a happy ending for India’s crypto community anytime soon.
Exclusive: A major French bank is blocking customers from using Coinbase
BNP Paribas is apparently blocking customers from sending funds to Coinbase, a major crypto exchange. The French banking giant’s restrictions seem to have come into force over the past week — and transfers to other crypto trading platforms appear to be taking place as usual. A source told Cointelegraph that Coinbase is considered an “illegal operation,” and the restrictions look like they were imposed with very little notice. Fraud, malware, scams and the anonymous coin Monero were among the factors that led to the decision.
Bitcoin miner stumbles upon $8 million stash from 2010, sells before crash
In a week of doom and gloom, it’s worth ending our news roundup on a high note. A former Bitcoin miner has stumbled upon an old wallet that contained 1,000 Bitcoins, which also included myriad forks. It’s believed that the BTC was mined a long time ago, and the wallet.dat file was recently found on a USB stick. The lucky miner, identified on Reddit as “whoamisoon,” had turned to Reddit on Tuesday for advice on how the coins could be moved onto an exchange — and later that day, 1,000 BTC appeared to be making their way to Coinbase. A post on Thursday suggested that whoamisoon managed to liquidate everything before prices crashed. Whoamisoon wrote: “Thank you all for all the suggestions. It was overall a great return and the best welcome one can get!”
Winners and Losers
At the end of the week, Bitcoin is at $5,342.51, Ether at $125.01 and XRP at $0.15. The total market cap is at $153,190,529,804.
Among the biggest 100 cryptocurrencies, the top three altcoin gainers of the week are Multi-collateral DAI, USD Coin and Paxos Standard. The top three altcoin losers of the week are Matic Network, Maker and Algorand.
For more info on crypto prices, make sure to read Cointelegraph’s market analysis.
Most Memorable Quotations
“The MakerDAO had a +$500K surplus before the price drop and now has a -$4M surplus that needs to be filled.”
“We are in the middle of a revolution in payments. Banknotes — the bank’s most accessible form of money — are being used less frequently to make payments.”
Bank of England
“If I interpret the chart without bias, I would say sub $1,000.”
Peter Brandt, veteran trader
“Insane theory of the day: There was no BitMEX hardware issue.”
Sam Bankman-Fried, Alameda CEO
“Banks’ refusal to provide services for the sale/purchase of crypto assets is absolutely illegal, unjust and arbitrary in the eyes of the law and the same amounts to wilful disobedience to the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.”
Mohammed Danish, fintech lawyer
“This is the first time in a while I’ve felt like buying bitcoin. That drop was too much panic and too little reason.”
Edward Snowden
Prediction of the Week
Bitcoin under $1,000 is possible, warns veteran trader Peter Brandt
In the aftermath of Bitcoin crashing below $4,000, one experienced market analyst had an alarming prediction that the worst may be yet to come. Peter Brandt — who is famous for correctly predicting the market crash from the all-time high — said the new bottom is potentially “sub-$1,000” if he interprets BTC charts without bias. That would be a fall of more than 80% from their current level. Brandt is no crypto skeptic, and he often makes predictions that are more bullish than bearish. In the past, he’s suggested that parabolic increases in BTC charts could see it hit $140,000. His latest analysis will be something that many in the crypto world don’t want to hear.
FUD of the Week
Judge slams Craig Wright for forged documents and perjured testimony
A judge has attacked Craig Wright for producing forged documents and giving a perjured testimony. The self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto has been fighting a ruling that is forcing him to hand over more than 500,000 BTC to the family of Dave Kleiman, his late business partner. Judge Bruce Reinhart has questioned Wright’s credibility and said during a hearing: “I give no weight to sworn statements of Dr. Wright that advance his interests but that have not been challenged by cross-examination and for which I cannot make a credibility determination. I have previously found that Dr. Wright gave perjured testimony in my presence.” Wright is under pressure to provide documentation detailing how many Bitcoins are held by the so-called “Tulip Trust.”
BitMEX denies it made Bitcoin price drop to $3,700 after going offline
The crypto crash was bad news for BitMEX. During frenzied trading activity as prices fell off a cliff, the exchange faced unexpected downtime. This sparked rumors of foul play, with BitMEX officials rejecting the allegations as a “conspiracy theory.” The outage meant the company’s services suffered disruption between 2:16 a.m. and 2:40 a.m. UTC on Friday — minutes after BTC prices had suddenly tanked below $4,000. BitMEX says a “hardware issue with our cloud service provider” was the reason requests were delayed.
Revealed: How North Korea laundered $100 million of stolen crypto
A blockchain forensics firm has published a detailed analysis of how two Chinese nationals linked to North Korea laundered stolen cryptocurrency worth tens of millions of dollars. According to CipherTrace’s findings, the pair are believed to be associated with the Lazarus Group — cybercriminals who were responsible for 2014’s Sony breach and 2017’s WannaCry ransomware epidemic. The United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has added Tian Yinyin and Li Jiadong to its list of sanctioned individuals. It is believed “peel chains” were used to obfuscate the size of funds being deposited to any given wallet.
Best Cointelegraph Features
Zooko’s Triangle: The human-readable paradox at the heart of crypto adoption
Memorable, decentralized, secure: Can you really only pick two? Maya Middlemiss looks at the trilemma facing crypto advocates as blockchain domain names become more common.
Fintech in the United Kingdom after Brexit
Because of the coronavirus, many have lost sight of major issues such as Brexit. Thankfully, Sarah Hall hasn’t. Here’s her look at how the financial technology sector may change after the U.K.’s transition period ends on Dec. 31.
French court moves the BTC chess piece — how will regulators respond?
A court in France has ruled that Bitcoin is a fungible, intangible asset — sending ripples through the crypto community. Is this an important milestone for further development in the crypto market? Andrew Singer finds out.
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The post Crypto Carnage, Fears of $1,000 BTC, MakerDAO Crisis: Hodler’s Digest, Mar. 9–15 appeared first on Crypto Waves.
from Crypto Waves https://ift.tt/3aU9GEY
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noisyunknownturtle · 5 years
Crypto Carnage, Fears of $1,000 BTC, MakerDAO Crisis: Hodler’s Digest, Mar. 9–15
Coming every Sunday, Hodler’s Digest will help you track every single important news story that happened this week. The best (and worst) quotes, adoption and regulation highlights, leading coins, predictions and much more — a week on Cointelegraph in one link.
Top Stories This Week
Bitcoin price drops to $3,637, rebounds above $5,200 within minutes
Whenever there’s a big crash on the stock market, traders on Wall Street are often pictured with their heads in their hands — surrounded by a sea of screens with red numbers. This week, it was crypto’s turn. Bitcoin prices had been relatively stable in the high $7,000s at the start of the week… then Thursday happened. BTC dramatically fell by 17% in the space of an hour — taking it below $6,000 for the first time since May 2019. Hours later, BTC was under $5,000. But the sell-offs were far from over. Later that evening, BTC slumped to $3,637 only to rebound above $5,200 within minutes. The meltdown means that, at the time of writing, Bitcoin is down 33% compared to where it was last Sunday. Analysis from Keith Wareing suggests there are reasons to be optimistic: True hodlers are unfazed, newcomers can enter the market at lower prices, and catastrophic sell-offs are now much less likely. The carnage also means the number of people owning 1 BTC has hit a new record. More than $50 billion has been wiped off Bitcoin’s market cap over the past seven days. Uncertainty surrounding the ever-worsening coronavirus pandemic means we could end up waiting a while for a bounceback.
MakerDAO community to vote on upgrades, conduct debt auction
Of course, Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency that’s been having a bad week. Thursday also saw ETH prices take a beating — and this was especially problematic for the decentralized finance community. MakerDAO briefly explored the prospect of an emergency shutdown after the crash left millions of dollars in debt under-collateralized. Voting is now underway to determine how the lending protocol should tackle this crisis. Despite the “perfect storm,” many executives in the DeFi community remain confident in the ecosystem. Some believe that harsh lessons will be learned as a result of the crash, with InstaDApp CEO Sowmay Jain saying: “Such painful times remind us that we are extremely early in the space, and there’s still lots of room for improvement.”
Some Indian banks are still “arbitrarily” refusing to process crypto transactions
Earlier in March, a controversial ban that stopped banks from offering services to crypto-related firms was overturned by India’s Supreme Court. If you thought this would be the end of it, you were badly mistaken. This week, lawyers claimed that certain financial institutions are still arbitrarily denying to process crypto-related transactions. It seems these domestic banks are waiting for further confirmation from the Reserve Bank of India — which instigated the ban in the first place and is planning to appeal the ruling. It’s also possible that the country’s parliament will revisit a proposed law that would see anyone caught dealing in cryptocurrencies will face up to 10 years in prison. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like there is going to be a happy ending for India’s crypto community anytime soon.
Exclusive: A major French bank is blocking customers from using Coinbase
BNP Paribas is apparently blocking customers from sending funds to Coinbase, a major crypto exchange. The French banking giant’s restrictions seem to have come into force over the past week — and transfers to other crypto trading platforms appear to be taking place as usual. A source told Cointelegraph that Coinbase is considered an “illegal operation,” and the restrictions look like they were imposed with very little notice. Fraud, malware, scams and the anonymous coin Monero were among the factors that led to the decision.
Bitcoin miner stumbles upon $8 million stash from 2010, sells before crash
In a week of doom and gloom, it’s worth ending our news roundup on a high note. A former Bitcoin miner has stumbled upon an old wallet that contained 1,000 Bitcoins, which also included myriad forks. It’s believed that the BTC was mined a long time ago, and the wallet.dat file was recently found on a USB stick. The lucky miner, identified on Reddit as “whoamisoon,” had turned to Reddit on Tuesday for advice on how the coins could be moved onto an exchange — and later that day, 1,000 BTC appeared to be making their way to Coinbase. A post on Thursday suggested that whoamisoon managed to liquidate everything before prices crashed. Whoamisoon wrote: “Thank you all for all the suggestions. It was overall a great return and the best welcome one can get!”
Winners and Losers
At the end of the week, Bitcoin is at $5,342.51, Ether at $125.01 and XRP at $0.15. The total market cap is at $153,190,529,804.
Among the biggest 100 cryptocurrencies, the top three altcoin gainers of the week are Multi-collateral DAI, USD Coin and Paxos Standard. The top three altcoin losers of the week are Matic Network, Maker and Algorand.
For more info on crypto prices, make sure to read Cointelegraph’s market analysis.
Most Memorable Quotations
“The MakerDAO had a +$500K surplus before the price drop and now has a -$4M surplus that needs to be filled.”
“We are in the middle of a revolution in payments. Banknotes — the bank’s most accessible form of money — are being used less frequently to make payments.”
Bank of England
“If I interpret the chart without bias, I would say sub $1,000.”
Peter Brandt, veteran trader
“Insane theory of the day: There was no BitMEX hardware issue.”
Sam Bankman-Fried, Alameda CEO
“Banks’ refusal to provide services for the sale/purchase of crypto assets is absolutely illegal, unjust and arbitrary in the eyes of the law and the same amounts to wilful disobedience to the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.”
Mohammed Danish, fintech lawyer
“This is the first time in a while I’ve felt like buying bitcoin. That drop was too much panic and too little reason.”
Edward Snowden
Prediction of the Week
Bitcoin under $1,000 is possible, warns veteran trader Peter Brandt
In the aftermath of Bitcoin crashing below $4,000, one experienced market analyst had an alarming prediction that the worst may be yet to come. Peter Brandt — who is famous for correctly predicting the market crash from the all-time high — said the new bottom is potentially “sub-$1,000” if he interprets BTC charts without bias. That would be a fall of more than 80% from their current level. Brandt is no crypto skeptic, and he often makes predictions that are more bullish than bearish. In the past, he’s suggested that parabolic increases in BTC charts could see it hit $140,000. His latest analysis will be something that many in the crypto world don’t want to hear.
FUD of the Week
Judge slams Craig Wright for forged documents and perjured testimony
A judge has attacked Craig Wright for producing forged documents and giving a perjured testimony. The self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto has been fighting a ruling that is forcing him to hand over more than 500,000 BTC to the family of Dave Kleiman, his late business partner. Judge Bruce Reinhart has questioned Wright’s credibility and said during a hearing: “I give no weight to sworn statements of Dr. Wright that advance his interests but that have not been challenged by cross-examination and for which I cannot make a credibility determination. I have previously found that Dr. Wright gave perjured testimony in my presence.” Wright is under pressure to provide documentation detailing how many Bitcoins are held by the so-called “Tulip Trust.”
BitMEX denies it made Bitcoin price drop to $3,700 after going offline
The crypto crash was bad news for BitMEX. During frenzied trading activity as prices fell off a cliff, the exchange faced unexpected downtime. This sparked rumors of foul play, with BitMEX officials rejecting the allegations as a “conspiracy theory.” The outage meant the company’s services suffered disruption between 2:16 a.m. and 2:40 a.m. UTC on Friday — minutes after BTC prices had suddenly tanked below $4,000. BitMEX says a “hardware issue with our cloud service provider” was the reason requests were delayed.
Revealed: How North Korea laundered $100 million of stolen crypto
A blockchain forensics firm has published a detailed analysis of how two Chinese nationals linked to North Korea laundered stolen cryptocurrency worth tens of millions of dollars. According to CipherTrace’s findings, the pair are believed to be associated with the Lazarus Group — cybercriminals who were responsible for 2014’s Sony breach and 2017’s WannaCry ransomware epidemic. The United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has added Tian Yinyin and Li Jiadong to its list of sanctioned individuals. It is believed “peel chains” were used to obfuscate the size of funds being deposited to any given wallet.
Best Cointelegraph Features
Zooko’s Triangle: The human-readable paradox at the heart of crypto adoption
Memorable, decentralized, secure: Can you really only pick two? Maya Middlemiss looks at the trilemma facing crypto advocates as blockchain domain names become more common.
Fintech in the United Kingdom after Brexit
Because of the coronavirus, many have lost sight of major issues such as Brexit. Thankfully, Sarah Hall hasn’t. Here’s her look at how the financial technology sector may change after the U.K.’s transition period ends on Dec. 31.
French court moves the BTC chess piece — how will regulators respond?
A court in France has ruled that Bitcoin is a fungible, intangible asset — sending ripples through the crypto community. Is this an important milestone for further development in the crypto market? Andrew Singer finds out.
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The post Crypto Carnage, Fears of $1,000 BTC, MakerDAO Crisis: Hodler’s Digest, Mar. 9–15 appeared first on For Crypto.
from For Crypto https://ift.tt/3d1akma
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