#kelly severide x sylvie brett
twistnet · 2 years
how they kiss [ chicago fire ]
CHARACTERS INCLUDE ─ matt casey, kelly severide, leslie shay, sylvie brett, stella kidd, brian zvonecek, joe cruz, christopher herrmann + peter mills
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matt casey can be sloppy but only because he’s always ready to show you just how much he loves you -- though, most of his kisses are done through gentle pecks, there is the occasion you get him eager enough for a full-blown office makeout, then he’s sloppy and gives you a little taste of what you’re missing
kelly severide is super cocky about giving you kisses but absolutely loves the feeling of his lips against yours and takes very chance he can to get a taste. always has to leave you wanting more and takes pride in the fact that you come looking for him. he’ll never admit it, but getting tease you as you softly ask from more kisses it the literal highlight of his day
leslie shay dives in head first without little regard of what’s going on in that moment. she is a complete whirlwind of teeth and tongue when she wants to be, and loves pulling back to see your puffed and swollen lips after a few rounds of kissing
sylvie brett gets all doe-eyed when you kiss her oh so softly. nothing is more rewarding than kissing her and watching as she practically melts in your arms or how her lips split into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. she has no problem kissing you in the same way, as it’s always a treat to see the love and admiration shine in your eyes as she pulls away
stella kidd likes to tease before swooping in to show you some love. she’ll kiss you anywhere but on your lips, chuckling softly as you try to chase after her lips before she rolls her eyes in play and finally lets you catch her lips
brian zvonecek is a major softie, and is also hesitant, especially if it’s his first time kissing you. cups your cheeks gently in his hands, and gazes softly into your eyes before he’s lips press against yours. he’ll pull back from you with a light blush creeping to his cheeks
joe cruz kisses you like his life depends on it -- and will always ask for more. it takes everything in him not to kiss you passionately every time you’re in the same room as him as he knows you both of reputations to upkeep. but, nothing stops him from pouring his emotions and love into each kiss, even if it’s a quick kiss or one you have time for
christopher herrmann is traditional, in the sense that he is very much a gentleman when it comes to kissing you. it’s always soft and innocent, keeping things well mannered when out in public or around kids. other times, he gives kisses that are long and drawn out, more so he can pour all his love into the kiss as he cups your cheeks
peter mills is gentle, and is 100% the type of guy to give you a kiss whenever you walk by. sure, it’s very respectful if you are surrounded by friends // family or at work, but he always takes a moment to do so -- his little way of telling you he loves you
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taliaaurora · 2 years
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Day 06 of me sharing my shop 🥺
Chicago Fire - Sticker Edition
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Damn these roads
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Damn these roads. 
Idea: Chicago fire where the reader just trips (like I did) in the parking lot and walks into station 51 with blood running down her knee and they patch her up at the ambulance, maybe suggest to take her to med but she’s definitely off shift because she can’t walk now (can be a firefighter or paramedic).  She could be walking from the parking lot, trips, and then walks up to the station where Kelly and Casey are smoking outside and just see the blood or they can see her fall and get a bit worried when she doesn’t jump back up. 
Requested: Nope
Author’s Note: I decided to not make this a character x reader because I just felt like it should more be a Chicago fire family fic.  I also haven’t finished the first season of Chicago Fire, but I think this is ok.  Also, I included the picture of my actual knee after I fell, which is what this story is based on, so if you’re squeamish then warning.  I could not find the best of gifs for this fic.
Warning: Blood and injury descriptions, a hurt fic, swearing
Coming in for a shift was never easy, especially when your shift did not line up exactly with the other people at the house.  This meant that you had to catch up with the gossip that happened earlier in the day.  
As you pulled up to your beloved Station 51, you could see Kelly and Casey on their deck chairs smoking outside.  You didn’t mind that this was how they figured out how to talk about their feelings to each other, you just wished it did not involve destroying their lungs.  Also, what a giant oxymoron they gave you of firefighters smoking.  
You pulled your car up to the parking lot then grabbed your duffel bag and started to make your way toward the boys.  It all happened so fast that you weren't sure what happened.  One moment you were walking toward some of your favorite people, the next you were on your hands and knees staring at the asphalt.    
**Kelly POV**
I had just finished telling Casey about a minor argument that Stella and I had when I saw Y/n walk up to the station.  She was the baby of the firehouse to everyone, mainly because she was the youngest, the newest parametric, and shorter than most of us.  I couldn’t see exactly what happened, but now Y/n was on her knees right outside the firehouse driveway.  
“You okay Y/n?” I gave a brief look at Casey and he had his eyes on Y/n too.  She nodded at both of us but didn’t jump back up.  She stayed on her knees on the ground for a solid 10 seconds.  She then twisted herself so she was sitting on her butt with her knees facing up.  I dropped my cigar and ran to her as soon as I saw the brief glimpse of red with Casey hot on my heels.  
**Reader POV**
Ow fuck that hurt.  I’m just glad I caught myself and didn’t break my teeth. I don’t know what happened, but I know my knees don’t have it in them to jump up right now.  I rolled myself over so I could see the damage when both boys were at my side, as they always were. 
(*If you want to see the picture of my knee, I put it under the cut on the bottom, it was taken after I cleaned up the blood)
“That’s a lot of blood.”
“Yeah, no shit Casey. Can you both help me up?” 
Both boys got me up, each with one of my arms over their muscular shoulders, and tried to help me walk into the station even with blood gushing down my leg.  I’m assuming they didn’t want me to have the embarrassment of being carried in bridal style.  Sylvie sat in the ambulance filling out a clipboard when we approached her.  
“Sylvie!” She turned as soon as she heard Casey call her name and rushed down to us. They all lifted me into the back of the ambulance.  
“Damn, you sure did a number on yourself.” 
“No shit Sylvie.” 
She cleaned up the blood, put some abd pads on, and wrapped my whole knee in an elastic bandage and tape.  
“It should heal up well, but you’ll probably be out of action for a week at least.  You want to go to the Med?”
“No, but I should go tell Chief that I’ll be out for a bit.” 
“We’ll help you down to his office considering you won’t be walking straight,” Casey said.  I scootched my butt out of the ambulance and locked both of my arms around the boys as I limped down to Chief Boden’s office.  
—---------Chief’s office—------------------
I heard Chief say come in after I knocked on his office door.  I turned the knob and hobbled in barely putting pressure on my left leg.  I only stopped walking once I grabbed the chair in front of his desk.  
“What happened to you miss sunshine? I thought you just got on shift?”
“I was coming in chief, tripped on a pothole, and jammed both of my knees into the edge of it. Scrapped them up pretty badly.” 
“Sylvie patched her up.  It was like a whole spoonful was taken out of her knee.” Kelly added as if my limping into his office needed any further explanation in detail.  
“You have any idea how long you’ll be out of action?  I don’t want to miss my best parametric.” That statement made me smile.  
“I still have to get it checked out at Med at some point, but I can’t put any weight on it nor bend it for the time being.” I somberly said.  I hated giving Chief bad news.  
“Very well then.  Do you want me to tell everyone or do you want to?” 
This was something I hadn’t thought about.  Of course, we all get injured on the job at some point.  But now you had to embarrassingly say that you would be out of action because your clumsy ass couldn’t walk through the parking lot.  
“I’ll do it.  They’ll either know now or be asking later.” 
“Let’s go then.  They should be all getting ready to eat.” Kelly said.  
They helped me hobble down the hall to the kitchen.  It wasn’t a graceful entrance and caught a lot of eyes.  Standing in front with everyone looking at you, you might as well get it over with.  Don’t be afraid to say anything.  That’s what you’re late girl Leslie taught you.  
“So, as you can obviously tell.  I tripped coming in, my knee is busted, and I will be off of ambo and out of action for the foreseeable future.  I don’t think forever, but until I can walk straight again.”  
There was only a moment of silence before Herman spoke up.
“Ahh, that’s a bummer Y/n.  Hey, if you need anything you let Cindy or I know okay?” 
“Will do.”  He gave me one of those proud dad hugs that he was so good at.  One by one the other fireman came up to me reassuring me that if I ever need anything from them, to just ask.  I of course got a big group hug from my fire girls Sylvie, Gabby, and Stella.  Always thankful that I have their love. I gave one more hug to my boys behind me who helped carry me in.  Station 51 was really like a family.  Through thick and thin, in sickness and in health.  
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Severide: why are you on the floor?
Casey: I'm depressed.
Severide: oh.
Casey: also, I was stabbed. Can you call Sylvie please?
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dilfguzzler · 2 years
welcome to the dark side my friends
whats the craic welcome to @arctichotch‘s nsfw blog. nsfw means that minors need to stay at least 2ft away from me at all times thanks (fr back off)
send asks for hcs/prompts/preferences or just general thoughts you have (non-nsfw thoughts should go to @arctichotch) here is a prompt list if you need some ideas
mostly interested in doing x reader but that may be changed depending if i like the pairing suggested ig
characters i write for under the cut <3 thanks best friends
also just a general FYI, i’m a whore for poly!bau x reader so please please hmu
criminal minds
poly!bau (inc. reader)
aaron HOTchner
spencer reid
derek morgan
elle greenaway
jj jareau
emily prentiss
penelope garcia
miss ma’am alex blake
tara lewis
mr. luke alvez
breeding kink extraordinaire matt simmons
chicago pd
adam ruzek
kim burgess
hailey upton (aka prettiest person on the planet)
jay halstead
my boy mouse <3 (greg gerwitz)
hank voight (please.. hold the judgement)
chicago fire
my sweet baby otis (brian zvonecek)
joe cruz
sylvie brett
kelly severide
law and order: svu
rafael barba
olivia benson
sonny carisi
ziva david
american horror story
the evans (kit walker, james patrick march (my love), kai anderson (if gross why pretty?)) tbc
the sarah’s (cordelia goode, wilhemina venable)
ill continue to add if anyone else comes to mind
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matt-casey · 3 years
Severide: Why are Casey and Brett sitting with their backs to each other?
Kidd: They had a fight.
Severide: Then why are they holding hands?
Kidd: They get sad when they fight.
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fromasgardandback · 3 years
Stella Kidd, Gabby Dawson, Sylvie Brett x Reader
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masterlist | oneshots
a/n: mixed the timeline up, not consistent with the current
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Sisters. Sisters will be there for each other. Sisters will answer your call at four in the morning. Sisters will help you through a break-up. Sisters will spend the night, drinking margaritas, eating pizza, watching romantic-comedys and gossiping about what’s new in their life. Sisters will always be there. Thats why you are grateful and blessed to have Stella, Gabby, and Sylvie.
You practically slammed your body onto the bed in the bunker room, “I am in desperate need of a girls night. I don’t care when. Just some time soon.”
“You okay there, Y/L/N?” Stella sat down next to you.
“Yeah, just overwhelmed and stressed. Being the only girl on Squad is kind of daunting and you know I love Kelly, but sometimes, I feel like he’s harder on me because of my gender.” You sat up, “Not in a sexist way, but in a protective, “show them what you’re capable of” way. Which is really sweet and kind, but man is it kicking my ass.” 
She patted your thigh and smiles sympathetically. “He does care. And we do in fact need a girls night. Once Brett and Dawson get back from their call, we’ll talk the details.”
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Girls night was in full swing. As promised, there was pizza, the best in the city; margaritas and beer; romantic-comedy's and chocolate to throw at the television when a sappy and too happy scene comes on; and plenty of drama and gossip to dish about Firehouse 51. 
“Casey is driving me crazy. The other day, he told me that he needs to change his ‘diet’ which means I need to change the ‘dinner menu’. He printed out and handed the recipes to me.” Gabby sighed sipping her drink.
“Please tell me you shoved them up his ass?” You gaped. 
“I place the folder on a skillet and place it on his desk with a sticky note. ‘Have fun cooking’ with a smiley face.” You all laughed.
“Well, Kelly’s been amazing. He’s loving, and attentive, and he cares. I mean he actually cares. I know we had a rocky start in the beginning, but he’s changed and oh,” Stella put a hand over her heart, “the sex.” 
“Ew ew ew. Nope, that’s my boss. I love Stellaride, but I cannot hear the sex talk when I respond to his command every day. He’s gonna ask me to get Cruz’s Slamigan and all I’m gonna think is about you two doing it.” You cringed. 
“Alright, well then what’s your relationship gossip?” Sylvie nudged.
It took a minute for you to gather yourself in finally telling them, “Uhm,” You cleared your throat, “Peter broke up with me…”
Stella, Gabby, and Sylvie sat around you, hugging and holding your hands. 
Their comments of “Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” And, “I had no idea.” Followed by, “He doesn’t deserve you, Y/N.” It helped, but didn’t make it completely better. 
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You’re not going to lie. Peter breaking up with you did hurt. It was like your entire happiness, faith in love, and ability to let yourself break down the walls was for nothing. Those walls built back up higher. Your happiness got dimmed. Your faith in love lessened. Your ability to let others in decreased. But if you didn’t have your sisters, you wouldn’t be able to get through it. This time together, with your sisters, is exactly what you needed. Sisters, will always be there.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Whose Dog Tags? - Sylvie Brett x Reader - One Chicago - Chicago Fire & Med
Request: Can I maybe get a sylvie brett x reader where the ready is in the military and is dating sylvie but had been deployed for the last year. Then one day at the firehouse stella notices that sylvie is wearing a pair of dog tags around her neck. Stella then goes to everyone one else at the the firehouse to see if they know who's dog tags they are. Then after no one knew, she finally just asks sylvie who's they are and sylvie gets really flustered while answering the question. Then later in the same day the reader comes home and surprises sylvie at the firehouse and everyone is happy at how cute the two are acting.
A/n: tweaked. In the case of the dog tags, they can't be given to someone else if the owner is on active duty or something, so I'm thinking reader was a doctor in the military or something but was discharged and now works at med, Brett has their tags though and nobody knows about the relationship until reader visits the firehouse after their shift at med
You'd known Sylvie Brett since the two of you were back in Indiana, however, it was only when you were training to become a doctor that things changed. You ended up doing a rotation as a doctor in the military, and on your return when you were discharged, Sylvie was the only one there to meet you at the airport, because she was your partner.
Sylvie was the only one there for you as you adjusted to being back at home, leaving you to give her your dog tags as you began your residency at Chicago Med, working alongside Connor Rhodes in Trauma Surgery as he did both Trauma Surgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery.
"So, Doctor S/n, I heard you were a Trauma Surgeon overseas?" Connor enquired on your first day, leaving you to crinkle your nose up at the question.
"Something like that, yes."
You weren't aware if Brett wore your tags or just kept them somewhere safe in her apartment.
The firehouse weren't aware that Brett was even in a relationship, let alone wore her significant other's dog tags. That was until Stella spotted her fiddling with them when lost in thought.
"Are those dog tags? Why are you wearing dog tags? Whose dog tags are you wearing?" Stella enquired, frowning as Brett immediately hid the tags back under her clothing as Ambulance 61 was called out to a person down from unknown causes.
"Hey, did you know Brett wears someone's dog tags?" Stella enquired, turning to Cruz and Severide as they frowned.
"Brett? I didn't even think she was seeing anyone, maybe the dog tags are a family thing?" Cruz asked, leaving Severide to frown.
"Or a lovers thing, for all we know, she's been in a relationship this whole time and nobody knew." Severide replied, folding his arms as Stella raised an eyebrow at his response.
"I'm going to ask around, somebody's gotta have an idea whose dog tags Brett is wearing." Stella declared, leaving Cruz to frown as Severide just let out a breath.
"I'm telling you, Brett's got some secret relationship!"
"Even if she does, which she might not, someone around here must have more of an idea of whose dog tags those are!" Stella asserted, leaving the two Squad members to shrug as Stella hurried off into the firehouse.
"So, you asked the whole Firehouse, minus Brett and Dawson?" Severide realised as Stella plopped down next to him at the squad table.
"Yep. Nobody had a clue about Brett even wearing somebody's dog tags, let alone any secret relationships or family in the military?" Stella exclaimed, waving her hands around before Ambulance 61 pulled up.
"Brett, Dawson, I need to ask you something!" Stella exclaimed, running over to Ambulance 61 whilst Severide chuckled in amusement.
"What's up? What's with that face?" Gabby asked as Stella arrived, grabbing both her and Brett.
"Do you know whose dog tags Brett wears? Because apparently, nobody in the firehouse does!" Stella exclaimed, leaving Gabby to frown.
"You wear dog tags?" Gabby mouthed to Brett as the blonde's cheeks flushed red.
"The dog tags are... my partner's. They were a doctor in the military before being discharged. They are now working as a Trauma Surgeon at Chicago Med... speak of the devil and they shall appear." Brett realised, grinning as she looked behind Stella.
"What?" Stella murmured before Brett ran past her, hurrying over to someone who was obscured by Brett hugging them.
"Uh, guys, this is my partner, Y/n S/n. The dog tags I wear, were theirs." Brett explained, wrapping an arm around you as Gabby, Stella and Kelly walked over.
"Wow, how long have you two-" Gabby asked, gesturing between you and Brett.
"Since Fowlerton..." Brett replied, chewing her lip as she felt you entwine your hand in hers.
"You work at Chicago Med in Trauma?" Kelly asked, folding his arms as he tried to recall seeing you at Med.
"Yeah, with Doctor Rhodes. I've also worked with Doctor Choi and Doctor Reese on occasion. Do you want to get a milkshake after shift?" You asked, looking at Brett as she grinned, kissing your nose.
"I'd love to!"
"Oh my gosh, they're adorable!" Stella not so subtly whispered to Gabby as the two grinned, leaving Kelly to roll his eyes but smile at you and Brett.
"They make a happy couple." He replied, gesturing for Stella and Gabby to follow him into the firehouse to leave the two of you alone in the hanger.
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brettseyparallels · 2 years
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“Sylvie’s been the only one on my mind”/“All I care about is Stella”
Just two men who only have the women they love and care about on their minds 24/7!
Matt Casey talking about Sylvie Brett(Chicago Fire 9x03)/Kelly Severide talking about Stella Kidd(Chicago Fire 7x02)
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thishaileyupton · 3 years
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fighterkimburgess · 2 years
This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen Chapter 21 - Us
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Summary: Sylvie and Kelly find out more about their second child, and what family means becomes clear to everyone. Series Masterlist Here
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: doctors appointments
Wanna join my taglist?
If there was one thing that her first few weeks taught Sylvie, it was that she wasn’t set up for desk work. She could do the job, but she lived for hearing about the calls from everyone. As nice as it was to leave at five every day, she missed her uncomfortable bunk.
Kelly hovered around her multiple times, checking if she needed anything and bringing her plates of lunch. She tried waving it away - most of the clerical staff didn’t eat with the firefighters and paramedics - but he insisted she ate. It was a weird mixture of being with the folks who went on calls, but she was out of the loop on a lot of things. Plus, she met the folks from the other shifts so she got to learn a little more from them.
Her cast was off and she was doing physical therapy to regain the strength in it. Her ribs were healed, and the day she was able to lift Andy up and cuddle him made her so much happier than she thought she would have been. He grasped onto her and held on, his head in her shoulder as they both enjoyed it. She caught sight of Kelly watching them, tears in his eyes as he took the portrait in front of him in.
Her belly kept getting bigger, the pregnancy that she’d been roughly able to hide now impossible to. It was uncomfortable at the best of times, the weight in front of her different to anything else she’d ever had. Kelly had started helping her rub moisturiser in, giving her a massage. He was there and present for everything they had to do, and she couldn’t be more grateful.
But it was time for their anatomy scan, to fully meet their baby and get to grips with really becoming parents. They’d spent the week before explaining the idea of a baby to Andy. He didn’t really understand it fully, but he’d started running up to Sylvie when she was sitting down and yelling “BABY” to her.
Walking into Med she felt safe, no visible injuries anymore and nothing that would mean she had to stay behind. Everything was going well, flutters in her stomach making it so obvious to her that yes, this baby was growing. Kelly couldn’t feel them yet, but she thought he’d feel it soon. They came into the scan room, Sylvie sitting up on the bed in the middle of the room as Kelly sat beside her.
“Are you scared?” He asked, his voice a bare whisper.
“Terrified. I keep remembering when Gabby was at this stage. But I’m not her, and this pregnancy isn’t the one that ended up with Andy. I’ve never seen someone have an easy pregnancy. We’ll see how it goes from here. But we’re together, right?”
“Even without the baby I’d still be here. You’re not getting away that easily, Brett.”
The technician arrived in, smiling at Sylvie and Kelly as she set up the machine.
“This is your first pregnancy I saw on your chart. Are you excited to be parents?” She asked, Sylvie nodding.
“We’ve got a seventeen month old, but yeah, we are. I’m excited to make sure this little one is safe and healthy.”
“And so I can win the bet with everyone,” Kelly interjected, an eyebrow raise in response. “We work together, our coworkers are convinced she’s having a girl because every child born to our friends has been a boy so far. Purely because of that I think it’s a boy.”
“You just don’t want to have to deal with being the only girl dad. You’re better with Andy!” It was the strange look from the technician that made her continue, addressing her instead. “We adopted our godson after his parents died in a car crash. So first pregnancy, second child.”
“Aww, I love that. This will be cold, but lets see this baby.”
The scan took a lot longer than any of the others, the technician taking measurements and watching how the baby was growing. Sylvie stared at their child on the screen, Kelly gripping her hand in both of his. Every few moments he’d press a kiss to her fingers, squeezing lightly as he stared. She’d have sworn that there was tears in his eyes as he watched the screen, a hand waving and Sylvie shivering at it.
“Can you feel it?”
“Yeah. You’ll feel it soon too.”
“And lets hear that heartbeat. Do you want to know the sex?”
“Yes.” They answered simultaneously as they listened to the pitter patter of the heartbeat, the rapid thumps that told them their child was right there and would be ok.
“Let’s see if if this child is shy. Oh, nope, he’s not.”
“It’s Kelly Severide’s child, of course he’s not…he?” Sylvie trailed off and stared at the smiling technician.
“You’re having a perfectly healthy baby boy. Andy will have a little brother.”
They got the photos printed and stared at them as they waited to go into the doctor, looking carefully at their son. 
“I know we’ll probably argue about a middle name, but he’s Matthew, isn’t he?” Sylvie asked, watching Kelly force himself to hold his emotions together.
“Yeah. Fuck. I always thought if I ever had a kid I’d have Matt and Andy here with me. They’d tell me I was doing the wrong thing, stop me from killing my kid. But they’re gone.”
“We’ll keep them alive for the boys. They’ll learn all about their dad’s friends, about the men we named them after. So Andy can know about his dad, and our Matt can know about the two of them. Our boys aren’t going to grow up not knowing about them.”
“It’s weird, y’know? Andy’s ours, but he’s yours. I don’t have anything legal for him.”
“We’ll fix that. Before Matt arrives.” 
“The name suits him.” Kelly rested his hand on her bump, and they sat with their joint grief in the waiting room, the pain hitting them again. This time instead of dealing with it alone they held onto each other, encouraging the other to know that there was someone there.
When they came back into the office their hands stayed linked, even when the doctor came in. Sylvie refused to let go of the comfort that Kelly gave her.
“I can confirm everything looks normal here, folks. Baby Brett is growing well, and you’re dating at twenty two weeks. Does that sound about right?” She asked, Sylvie nodding.
“Yeah, it’s right. Kind of hard to believe at this point that I’m more than halfway there.”
“It’s just going to go faster. Have you got anything set up yet?” Kelly nodded at the question.
“We’ve got all the furniture from our oldest, so that’s easier. Plus a lot of his clothes I think.”
“I thought this was…” She trailed off, flicking through Sylvie’s file.
“My first pregnancy. We adopted our eldest last year.” Her words left no space to argue with her, a nod from the doctor.
“Ah, understood. Thanks.”
The rest of the appointment went more smoothly, and they slipped into Kelly’s car. His hand barely left hers apart from when she got into the car, and even when he got into his side he took it again.
“I meant what I said, you know.” Kelly turned his head as they were at a stop light. “I’m getting in touch with the court, we don’t even need a lawyer. You’re Andy’s dad, you’re adopting him. As long as you want to.”
“Yeah…yeah I do. I didn’t think you wanted me to do it.”
“There’s nobody else I’d rather do it. I mean it.”
They were quiet on the rest of the drive, both caught in their own thoughts. It was so much to deal with, Sylvie’s mind spinning. They’d started running as soon as the relationship had started, and part of that scared her. But as she thought about it it was completely right. They’d had so many false starts, and was it really them if they didn’t rush through the traditional relationship stuff?
“Where are we going?” Sylvie asked as they passed the turn they should have taken instead heading towards Wicker Park.
“Molly’s. Herrmann asked me to stop by, is that ok?”
She pulled out her phone and started going through the list of things she’d need that she’d written. Most of it she already had from Andy so she could delete a lot of it, especially the clothes. They had enough anyway. A little part of her was disappointed that she wouldn’t get to do the usual pregnancy things, but it was how things happened. She’d still rope Kelly into coming shopping with her for a new stroller that could fit the two boys in it. But they had to get a toddler bed for Andy, turning what had been Kelly’s room into the new nursery for Matt. They could see how things went as time continued.
When they pulled up to Molly’s the lights were off, Sylvie staring at the bar.
“Are you sure he’s here?”
“He’s doing inventory. Coming in? And are we gonna tell him the sex?” Kelly smiled that crooked smile, and she felt her heart beat a little faster.
“He won’t give up if we don’t tell him, so yeah. Let’s do it.” 
Kelly walked into the bar first, holding the door open as Sylvie came through it. But inside were all their friends and coworkers, balloons and smiles on faces as they yelled surprise at her.
“What…what is this?” She asked, staring at them all.
“Your baby shower. It’s your first pregnancy, you’re getting spoilt.” Donna Boden was the first to greet her, arms wrapping around Sylvie with a smile on her face. Andy ran straight to her and Sylvie lifted him up, balancing him around her bump while she still could.
There was a pile of gifts for her, most of them things that were actually for Sylvie, rather than for the baby. There were pampering sets and boxes of chocolates, along with three really large boxes of diapers. They were from premie to a few months old, Sylvie smiling at them.
“This is from everyone at 51. If it doesn’t work we’ll get you the store credit and you can pick what you want, but they said it’d be ideal for you.” Boden pushed a huge box into the middle of the room, Sylvie staring at it. Kelly looked just as surprised to see it, but everyone was waiting for them to open it.
“Did we miss everything? We got stuck in traffic!” Sylvie turned to see her mom and dad rushing into the bar, slightly red faced and worried. But she grinned, both of them hugging her as tightly as they could.
“Gamma! Hi Gamma!” Andy said, insisting on getting into his grandmother’s arms. Monica just took him, revelling in the hug from her grandson.
“Mom, Dad, this is Kelly.”
“Mr and Mrs Brett.” He held out his hand, John taking it and shaking once before pulling Kelly in for a hug. Monica did the same with her free arm, kissing his cheek and making the younger man flush.
“You’re just in time, Mr and Mrs Brett. Do you want to sit?” Violet brought them around so Kelly and Sylvie could open the present, ripping the large sheets of wrapping paper from around it.
It was a multi child stroller, like one of the ones Sylvie had really wanted but thought they couldn’t justify. There was space for two children in it, and a standing board so if Andy wanted to stand as she pushed they could. The smile couldn’t leave her face as she looked at it.
“Thank you. All of you.” She couldn’t quite believe it, Kelly pressing a kiss to her temple as he smiled. He gave her a look and she nodded quickly, letting him give this news to their friends, their family.
“We found out today that we’re having a boy. We’re gonna name him Matthew.” The room burst into applause, tears in the eyes of the people who’d been close to Matt and Gabby. The rest of the afternoon was filled with hugs, people filing out until Kelly, Sylvie, her parents, and Andy were some of the last there.
“I’ll use the minivan to get the box to your place, don’t worry. Go spend time with your parents,” Herrmann told her, giving her a final hug. “We’re all happy for you. You know that, right?”
“I know. Thank you.”
They walked outside, Andy holding Kelly’s hand and grinning as he did.
“Do you want to get dinner? There’s a great diner a couple of blocks away, we stop in for milkshakes every so often.” There was an awkwardness between Kelly and her parents, but Sylvie was proud of him for making the effort with them.
“That’d be nice. It’s later than we thought, we should get on the road.”
“Stay with us.” Sylvie gawked at Kelly when he finished speaking. “Andy hasn’t seen you in a couple of months, we’ve a spare bedroom. If there isn’t anything you specifically can’t do here, stay with us.”
Monica and John mulled it over for a moment but nodded, looking at the little family. “Thank you, that’d be wonderful.”
They sat at a booth, Andy on the edge in a high chair. He kept grasping at everyone’s food, not content to eat his own toddler sized grilled cheese. But the mood was high among the four adults, things easing between them all. Even that evening once Andy was in bed they sat on the couch and watched a movie. Sylvie felt weird being held by Kelly with her parents in the room but she pushed that weirdness away, taking his hand and putting it on her belly when she could feel Matt’s kicks. He couldn’t feel them yet, but he smiled every time she did it.
The next morning Kelly had shift, Sylvie going into work with him. Cindy still took Andy for the full twenty four hours so they could keep him in a routine, and he wasn’t happy saying goodbye to his grandparents. But he got into the car with Kelly, Sylvie hugging them goodbye.
“Thanks for being here,” she murmured to her mom, a tight squeeze in response.
“It’s not every day our eldest has her baby shower. We’re so proud of you. And Kelly’s a good man. I know there’s been issues but I think you’re both happy now.”
“We are. I’m lucky.”
“Good. I’ll tell you when we get home.”
“Love you, Mom.” She pulled her mom in for another squeeze before doing the same to her dad.
“We love you too. Don’t be late.”
It was a quick drive, dropping Andy off and heading to 51. Before they got out of the car Sylvie pulled Kelly across to her, giving him a kiss. They tended to stop any PDA before they reached the firehouse, neither particularly comfortable with it in work. He looked at her confusedly before they got out of the car.
“My mom said you’re a good man.” His face brightened, the two holding hands as they got inside.
Her shift passed quickly, a wave to her friends and a squeeze of Kelly’s hand before she left. It was her normal night alone when Kelly was on shift, curling up on the couch with popcorn and House Hunters. Every few minutes the bowl on her belly would shake slightly as Matt nudged her. It was barely noticeable, but she knew she had to tell Kelly as soon as she could. He’d want to try feel the movements.
The next morning she got in early, Squad just returning from a call. When Kelly saw her he pulled her into a cuddle, holding her tightly against his chest.
“Bad call?”
“The worst. I just need to know you’re here.”
She held onto him, giving him the comfort and support he needed even in the middle of the app floor. He needed her and if she could give it to him then she would.
“I love you,” Sylvie whispered as he finally let go, her hand cupping his sooty cheek.
“I love you too. So much.” She got on tiptoes to kiss him, the bump almost but not quite getting in the way of what she wanted to do.
All too soon it was time for her to start work, a final goodbye to Kelly and checking in on everyone else who’d been at the fire. It was a gas leak in a home that had exploded, a family gone in a matter of seconds. She hugged and cared for everyone the same, making sure they knew she was there for them, But she had to sit and work, staring at her computer when she wanted to be there with her boyfriend and son, making sure Kelly was ok.
That night when she got home from work she wasn’t sure what was going on. The living area of the condo was quiet, nobody around.
“Kelly? Andy?  Where are you?”
“Mama! Bed Mama!” She followed Andy’s voice to her bedroom, stopping still at the doorway. Andy was in a mini suit, a grin on his face. Kelly was in a matching one, a yellow tie around his neck as he held Andy and smiled at Sylvie staring at them. The room was lit by electric candles, the soft light making it glow.
“I’m not dressed for anything fancy.” The words slipped out of Sylvie’s mouth as she watched them, Kelly smiling wider.
“You always look fancy. But this is you and me, and our boys. Because I want to remind you that we love you. There’s a dress and shoes on the bed, we’ve got dinner reservations.”
He left her to get dressed, Sylvie slipping on the full skirted outfit and doing a twirl. Kelly hadn’t left her much time but she did the most basic makeup before stepping out into the living room. Her boys were there waiting for her, a toothy grin on Andy’s face seeing her.
“You look beautiful.” Kelly kissed her gently, and Matt moved in her belly. She took her boyfriend’s hand and pushed it against where their second child had kicked, waiting for Matt to do it again. He did, Kelly brightening even more.
“That’s our boy?”
“That’s him. Let’s go to these reservations.”
As she walked out of the condo carrying Andy, Kelly close behind her, there was nothing else Sylvie Brett could have wished for in that moment. Despite the trials and struggles she had her boys and she couldn’t wait for their family to grow and be permanent.
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chicagolove1718 · 3 years
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New 10x03 photos + the BTS shots from https://www.instagram.com/boneslullo/ 😍 Now I noticed that we will get Casey, Stella and Severide in their uniforms in the morning (first shot) looking somewhere (at Brett or Griffin?). This could be the morning before the dinner with Griffin or the morning after? From the dinner I can see Stella and Severide with Griffin at the back, which are the shots from the BTS images.
Then we have the shot of Casey and Griffin.
Oh I’m very curious about the order of these shots, what update will Griffin tell about his mother and brother and how he gets to know about his father’s death. I love it when they bring stories from the past and how the ‘new’ persons (Brett & Stella) will learn about their partner’s past. I also would like to see how Stella and Severide got to know about Brettsey and I love seeing these 4 together.
Also, since Severide and Casey sort of never agreed about Darden’s death, will this bring some trouble in their friendship? 
I am sure that the description of episode 4: “Casey takes a trip out of town” is about the Darden’s. Hopefully, the fact that Derek said that Brett & Casey will face some difficulties won’t be referring about this, or if it will, there would not be too much useless drama. And since Casey is in a relationship, hopefully the writers didn’t even think about trying to mess things up because of Heather Darden and the fact that she was interested in him for a while.
Anyway, I cannot wait for this storyline and also the changes of the 200th episode (10x5). Will they focus on two firehouses and change the way the show was structured? If Stella moves into another firehouse and the new chief of the Paramedics discovers or does not like the fact that Brett is in a relationship with the Captain, can he change her house? 🤔
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jenscommentary · 3 years
I love this video! You can tell they are all so proud of the work they've done these past 10 years and are so happy to celebrate 200 episodes! 🥺
P.S. And there's a bit with Jesse for those who need more reassurance. 😜
🎥: E! Online
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Chicago Fire Characters During Halloween - Group Costume Headcanons (PART 1)
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Sylvie and Matt go as Brad and Janet
Because DUH, they’re the sweetest of the group and fit the roles perfectly
Sylvie wanted to do a couple’s costume anyway so she’s totally down for it (she leaves her hair down and curls it which she doesn’t get to do all that often either)
Matt has never seen Rocky Horror before so Sylvie shows it to him to prepare for the costume
He does not understand the movie at all and finds it really weird
But his costume is tame so he doesn’t mind (he thinks he has to dress up in just his underwear though and nearly has a heart attack but Sylvie tells him he can wear Brad’s original outfit from the beginning thankfully)
Sylvie sings Dammit Janet nonstop!!
Not only that, but she’s actually a great singer so when she does sing Janet’s parts everyone’s jaws drop to the floor
She also finds the idea of Matt with thick-framed glasses EXTREMELY hot (she says he looks like Clark Kent and it’s a total turn-on)
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Severide goes as Eddie
Normally, he’s not much for dressing up but he LOVES Eddie’s leather jacket and so he agrees to it
And a rock n roll, bad boy saxophonist who crashes his motorcycle through a WALL?? Yeah, that’s right up Kelly Severide’s lane
He even does the Hot Patootie dance from the musical (before it goes totally haywire and Eddie dies) with Stella
Severide is weirdly good at it! It’s the ONLY time people ever see him dance but him and Stella make it look so easy, the other people at Molly’s stare at them enviously because they’re just couple goals
Kelly buys an actual saxophone to really commit to the costume (which Stella badgers him for because he really didn’t need to spend that much money for a costume prop)
Capp steals his saxophone halfway through the night and starts trying to play it, making the most godawful squeaking noises
Severide rips it out of his hands and declares that Halloween is cancelled, but Stella keeps him from killing Capp
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Boden very very VERY begrudgingly agrees to go as the Criminologist
It’s not a super flashy costume which is the only reason he agrees to it
In fact, some people question whether he’s actually dressed up at first because it looks like he’s just in a really old fashioned suit
He starts looking into a fake camera when someone annoys him just like the Criminologist does when narrating (which Gallo calls “Jim-ing the camera” like Jim Halpert from The Office)
He ends up doing it constantly because everyone gets super drunk at the party at Molly’s and he’s the only one even remotely sober there
Does not under ANY circumstances participate in the dance for Time Warp (but has the time of his life watching from the sidelines as his coworkers dance like fools)
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Gallo is the young, bisexual (in my head) himbo stud of the firehouse so OF COURSE he’s going as Rocky
He wears those gold board shorts like an absolute champ and even though it’s probably the skimpiest costume of the group, he doesn’t mind at all (minus the blonde wig, which he doesn’t wear)
In fact, he tries to flex his muscles in his costume the whole night (Violet rolls his eyes at this of course and frankly, so does Ritter)
By the time it’s Halloween in Chicago though, it’s way too cold to be wearing nothing but gold board shorts outside so he covers up with a jacket
Gallo and Ritter both get bored though so they wrap Gallo in toilet paper to make him look like Rocky in his full body cast when he’s first “born”
Ritter is doing a group costume with Eric but he and Gallo go to the Rocky Horror picture show every single year so Ritter’s still super excited about Gallo’s costume (even if he does tease Gallo relentlessly about it)
It’s their thing, their tradition: they find a theatre where they’re showing it and a night of throwing toast and screaming excitedly ensues
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Herrmann and Mouch wager a bet to see who has to go as Dr. Frank N Furter. Herrmann loses. He demands a rematch and loses again, worse than last time.
He goes in Frank N Furter’s scrubs/doctor outfit though, because it’s still a work party and there’s no chance in hell he’s letting his coworkers see him in a corset and fishnet stockings, it’s just too risqué for him
But then he gets to the party and REALLY gets into it!!
I mean seriously, he dances around with the wig and the pearls and the makeup and everything while singing Sweet Transvestite without a care in the world
Ritter reminds him that the term is offensive but Herrmann doesn’t know why because he thought it meant someone who’s a vampire
He even brings a fake pick axe and pretends to kill Severide/Eddie with it
Herrmann gets TONS of looks from customers though— most of which, surprisingly enough, are from people who love his costume
He gets tons of compliments about it the whole night and it totally boosts his ego until at the end he doesn’t want to have to take everything off
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matt-casey · 3 years
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We gather today at The Firefighter’s Church. As one of only a handful of structures that withstood the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, it was a shelter for survivors, and a light of joy in the midst of tragedy. I pray that your marriage grows to be like this church.
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slytherbun · 3 years
chicago fire
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↬ kelly severide
↬ matthew casey
↬ leslie shay
↬ sylvie brett
↬ christopher herrmann
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