albinoratman2200 · 2 months
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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                     Did the Exodus really happen?
Archeological researchers find no evidence that the biblical Exodus as recounted in the Passover story happened, but rather the Egyptians ruled Israel during that period and that it was they who eventually left, though gradually.
Contrary to the biblical story that recounts the tale of the people of Israel leaving Egypt, the common view among mainstream archaeologists is precisely the opposite: the ancient Egyptians were the ones who ruled the land of Canaan, and they are the ones who left the Land of Israel to return to Egypt.
Prof. Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University, an internationally renowned expert in biblical archaeology, explained the historical background of the biblical Exodus story as revealed from archaeological excavations: "In the Late Bronze Age, from the 15th century to the 12th century BCE, Egypt dominated the Land of Israel. Of course, after 350 or 400 years of Egyptian rule in Israel, influences of Egyptian culture entered the Land of Israel in various areas of everyday life. Then two things happened that are related to that same issue: there was a complete collapse of urban centers and of kingdoms and empires in the ancient Middle East, and Egypt withdrew from Israel!"
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Based on the archaeological finds, the biblical Exodus story's the time period, it was actually the Egyptians who ruled the Land of Israel. There is much material evidence scattered across the country. A prominent example of the Egyptian regime in Israel is the large Ramses fortress, the remains of which are hidden beneath the hilltop of Old Jaffa.
Dr. Yitzhak Paz, a senior archaeologist with the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), said, "Three thousand five hundred years ago, there was an important fortress here as part of Egyptian rule in Israel. The concrete restoration of Egyptian fortress's gate is based on the discovery of some of the ruins of the monumental original gate. The gate had an inscription from which one can learn that it was constructed during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II."
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Archaeologist Diego Barkan of the IAA surprised many in Israeli archeology when he found an ancient Egyptian brewery in the middle of Tel Aviv during an excavation. "Right here 5,500 years ago was an Egyptian brewery in central Tel Aviv, between Hamasger Street and Yitzhak Sadeh Street. We found the remains of dozens of clay jars in which ancient Egyptians produced beer.
"Egyptians did not drink beer as we drink it today; it was part of the basic food and nutrition, even for children. It was very surprising to find in the middle of Tel Aviv an Egyptian brewery of such an ancient time, some two thousand years before the Exodus. This local tradition of modern Tel Aviv partiers imbibing beers on Allenby Street is a very ancient tradition – a 5,500 year-old tradition."
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According to the researchers' physical findings, the Egyptians ruled the Land of Israel, and the children of Israel did not leave Egypt, so the question remains: How was the Jewish people formed?
Finkelstein explained the hypothesis prevalent in the university research mainstream: "'Ancient Israel' sprouted around the time close to the end of the Egyptian rule of Israel. There is a very ancient Egyptian inscription, outside the Biblical text, which mentions 'Israel,' and it dates from the late 13th century BCE.
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According to the researchers' physical findings, the Egyptians ruled the Land of Israel, and the children of Israel did not leave Egypt, so the question remains: How was the Jewish people formed?
Finkelstein explained the hypothesis prevalent in the university research mainstream:"'Ancient Israel' sprouted around the time close to the end of the Egyptian rule of Israel. There is a very ancient Egyptian inscription, outside the Biblical text, which mentions 'Israel,' and it dates from the late 13th century BCE.
"At that time, there was a very strong settlement process in the central mountains of the Land of Israel. Hundreds of farming villages were founded, and this is the population that several centuries later created the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, so you can call them 'ancient Israel.' But it was generated primarily from the local population of the original Canaanite Land of Israel.
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The Egyptian hieroglyphics that are proudly displayed in the middle of Old Jaffa expose a small part of the story of the Egyptian occupation of the Land of Israel during the same approximate period as the biblical story of the Exodus.
Dr. Paz deciphered the ancient hieroglypics: "Down there we see the name of the pharaoh, the king of ancient Egypt: Ramses. We see the symbol of the deity Ra with the sun on his head. we see the symbol that represents MS that looks like the Hebrew letter shin but upside down, and below there are lines that represent the S sound. ".
Dr. Paz added, "There is no archaeological evidence of the Exodus event, in which 600,000 men were supposed to have participated, which means two million people including families, for the simple reason that of all the surveys conducted in Egypt, not one has revealed any activity in this period. The event of the Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible is probably an event that never took place.
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"As an archaeologist and scientist, I can judge only according to findings, and the findings do not support the myth of the Exodus. The fact is that no Egyptian document has yet been found that describes an historic event of an exodus out of Egypt of such proportions. People left, people went back, people fled, but on a very small scale and not on the scale as described in the Bible."
Professor Finkelstein highlighted the problematic nature of comparing the biblical text to scientific research of the same period: "It is absolutely clear that the author of the biblical text that describes the Exodus story does not recognize the reality of Israel during the Late Bronze Age, because he does not describe the Egyptian reign over the Land of Israel! It's therefore clear that it's a text that has multiple layers that were not necessarily written in the same period.
"The latest archaeological evidence shows that the collapse of the Canaanite kingdoms in Israel was long, at least 100 years; that is, it wasn't a military campaign of one group with one general, who led them for a campaign of conquests, leading to the destruction of all the Canaanite cities of the Late Bronze Age. But this does not mean that one should reject outright the history of the biblical story. Archeology can't answer if person X or Moses or Jacob are historical figures if there are no inscriptions from that time; archeology can't give an answer to such a question."
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bgpportfolio · 3 years
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Sneak peek of the development process for my fantasy language of Kemeti. All sorts of neat functions in this excel document, including word generators working off of consonant clusters and syllables. Maybe if I ever finish creating the document, I’ll make a template out of it and sell it to interested worldbuilders
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Inno a Bast, Signora dell’Unguentario
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"Profumo che danza,  unguento della gioia,  respiro della Vita! tu che nel profumo nutri,  tu che nel profumo desti l'anima,  tu che nel profumo fai cantare la mia lingua nelle armonie delle splendenti stelle!  E nelle poesie degli imperituri, li altissimi nei loro capelli intessuti d'argento vivo, lapis e turchese, tu desti vivo il divino! Cantate stelle il profumo di Bast!  Tu profumo della vita e dei suoi colori! Tu profumo della deità! tu Bast!  Bast della dolce essenza, adornata da tutte le bellezze, madre dell'unguentario, signora delle cure, i tuoi passi profumano poiché tu sei la bellezza che fa nascere gioia!  I fiori tutti e le erbe si intingono del tuo unguento! Danzano in tutte le tue divine sfumature, poiché tu sei l'armonia che unisce e che fa unire! Ecco Bast nel verde papiro!  Ecco Bast nei fiori del sacro Nilo!  Ecco Bast la madre profumo! Profumo che danza,  unguento della gioia,  respiro della Vita!  Danza con me Madre profumo!  Guida i miei passi signora della gioia al ritmo delle tue essenze, rendi puro il mio cuore con il tuo incenso segreto, limpido come le tue acque fiorite, splendente come la gioia del tuo sorriso che tutto cambia, che tutto salva!  Danzano le stelle imperiture Bast! Il tuo profumo vibra e salva! Danzano le tue sacerdotesse Bast! Il tuo profumo circonda il tuo tempio Bast! Danzano i tuoi figli Bast! Liberi in te i loro cuori profumano! Affinché siano pieni di Maat, nel tuo desiderio, nel tuo mistero sacro, nella tua Vita che crea vita, nel tuo eterno profumo Bast!!"
Inno del profeta di Bast-Sactury of Bast
Immagine del Vaso cosmetico del tesoro di Tutankamon 
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thorraborinn · 2 years
1/3 Egyptian Religion vs Norse religionSo… modern racist Germanic Polytheists say that non-Germanics should not participate in this religion, based on their foolish and arrogant and hurtful racial ideals, whereas the nice Germanic Polytheists say that this religion is open to all. Specifically, they say that Germanic Religion is dead and gone, so it’s no longer a practice. Modern people of Germanic Culural Regions have no ownership over Germanic religion, because it’s not their culture.
2/3 I have noticed that Ancient Egyptian culture, or Kemetic culture, is also dead and gone. Modern Egyptians live in a very different culture from them, and, in my opinion, it is a good comparison to Germanic Culture. Specifically, in that modern Germanic descendants are Christian or Atheist, while modern Egyptians are Muslims or atheists, and nobody “owns” Ancient Kemeti culture anymore. Ancient Kemeti culture is portrayed as bad in Islam. Polytheism (shirk) is the worst possible sin. 3/3 Just as modern Germanics have no ownership over their ancestors religion, moder Masri have no ownership over Kemetic religion. Is that a good analogy? If bad, pleas explain to me why. Given all that we’ve said, how are we to see cultural appropriation of Ancient Kemeti and Germanic cultures? If a person with no connection to Egypt decides to incorporate Kemeti religion into their life, is that appropriation? What if it is aesthetics instead of religion, is that still bad?
Why are you asking me and not a Kemetic?
That sounds like I'm attempting a gotcha/accusation but I don't mean it as one, and I think that based on the way cultural appropriation is usually talked about it makes sense, but I don't agree with most discourse about cultural appropriation.
The way people on Tumblr talk about it, whether you ask me, a Kemetic, an atheist, or someone else we should all be able to derive the correct answer from a consistent, universal, secular set of understandings about culture and cultural property -- which is not just wrong, but a naturalization of the methods that nation states use to manage and neutralize Indigenous identities within their borders infecting the way we think about culture and identity altogether.
The reason heathenry is "open" is not that everyone who could object is dead. Common sense intervenes before we get to this point, but it would imply that the same people who commit a genocide could adapt and identify with the culture they wiped out. It would also make the entire heathen project self-nullifying. Heathens don't believe the dead are gone or that they don't have an influence or a say in things, even when we disagree with them. I don't believe that the decayed corpse of a dead culture is terra nullius, I believe it's where you bring offerings and make kin with the dead. Importantly, that relationship does not have to be one of mutual identification. My heathenry isn't the same as that of the dead heathens I exist in relation with (and certainly not of the dead Christians I exist in relation with, and I do exist in relation with them). But there are ways for people who aren't heathen to become heathen, which has nothing to do with their genetic ancestry, because that's just what heathenry is like, not because all the would-be gatekeepers are dead.
Most heathens are grave-robbing tourists. I don't think you've followed me for very long so you probably don't know that I have said so many times. If someone is guilty of appropriation of an oppressed culture and then they do all of the same things that they were doing before, but now with Scandinavian culture, the collateral damage of their selfishness is mitigated, but they're still just as selfish. I have an intense ever-present hatred for the way that heathenry has been commodified just as badly as if it were a corporate owned media property, and how most of it is just about making public declarations of how heathen one is by displaying shit they bought and/or publicly consume, as if trying to convince themselves that they are heathen at all.
We have to stop treating cultures as a resource that exists independently of the people of make it up, whose relationship to that culture is that of part-owners who have the right to extract commodities for symbolic capital and identity tokens. I respect the strategic use of this framework by Indigenous nations who interface with the state in order to retain as much sovereignty as they can, but it's only because of settler colonialism and capitalism that they're put in that position to begin with.
I don't know anything about Kemetism. I don't know anything about the internal dynamics of its people's identities. If I were interested in it, the idea of actually identifying with it myself wouldn't even occur to me until long after I did know those things. I think asking my Kemetic friends -- which I don't have, but obviously would have made long ago in this scenario -- would be helpful. I also don't know anything about modern Egyptians' relationship with Kemetism but I do know enough Muslims that I would not be surprised if it's a bit more nuanced than you think, and undoubtedly varies. I'm fortunate enough to have the benefit of a Muslim friend who's interested in esoteric subjects and pre-Islamic culture -- she's not Egyptian but she would certainly have more insight than I would.
The question isn't "what am I allowed to do with [culture]?" it's "what kind of relationship with [culture] is available to me on their terms?"
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sharriplaza · 2 years
Kemetic Wisdom: The Kylbalion chap 2 #Kylbalion #kemeticwisdom #Kemeti...
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advanceda2zsolution · 4 years
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Ajira Rasifala | 21 July 2020 | Today Odia Horoscope Prediction | Advanced A2Z Solution Pvt. Ltd. ଆସନ୍ତୁ ଜାଣିବା ଆଜି ଦିନଟି କିପରି କଟିବ | ରାଶି ମାନଙ୍କର ଚଳନ କିପରି ରହୁଛି ? ଯଦି  ଆପଣଙ୍କର  Astrology Related  ତଥା ଵାସ୍ତୁ ବିଚାର କୁଣ୍ଡଳୀ ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ ଜାତକ ବିଚାର ଇତ୍ୟାଦିକୁ ନେଇ କ୍ୟୋଣସି ପ୍ରକାର ସମସ୍ୟା ଥାଏ ତେବେ ଆମେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ ସହଯୋଗ କରିବୁ | ଏ ସବୁ ଜାଣିବା ପାଇଁ ନିଶ୍ଚୟ  ଏହି ଭିଡିଓ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ । Asantu Janiba Aji Dinati Kipari Katiba Today odia horoscope prediction ajira rasifala 21 July odia astrology odia rashifala Odisha rasifala prediction Daily horoscope 21 July 2020 Best astrology in odisha Today Horoscope odia astrology Today asteroid news Kundali expert janma kundali odia bhagyaphala odia video aji dinati kemeti katiba Aries Subscribe Our Channel For More Videos - http://www.youtube.com/c/AdvancedA2ZS... My Official website- https://www.advanceda2z.com/ Motivate  Video Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Astrolgy Video Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Advanced A2Z Awareness Program Playlist -  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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madamlaydebug · 7 years
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Good character yields good reputation. For those of us who study Kemety traditions, we see this in the /Tsw ny mdwt nfrt/ "Precepts of Splendid Discourse" aka the Wisdom literature of Amenemope, Ptah Hotep, Kagemni, etc. We are reminded of: /dAr ib.k/ "to temper your heart (not be driven by the animal within)" /m aA ib.k/ "not to be arrogant (great of heart/big chested)" Some just don't know what that is due to the cultural conditioning we face today, but in many African traditions, good character is a main focus of rites/initiation/educational systems. Even on the streets it is said, "its not what you do, its how you do what you do, and how you look doing what you're doing." A quick way of self control when critiquing or questioning anyone especially an elder is to image them being one of your parents. Parents are not above questioning or being wrong etc. but provided that we have good relationships with our parents, I doubt that anyone would question or critique with a lack of maturity, respect, and tact. We must learn how to relate to one another. An environment has been created that is fertile ground for disrespect, lack of discipline, immaturity, incompetence, etc. in our social communities. In some cases, this is encouraged to the youth under the guise of "youthful energy, fire." Ask yourself, what type of people are we building?
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atefurian · 7 years
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#Tas khas #ujungkulon ini disebut kemeti oleh masyarakat sekitar. Dibuat dari tumbuhan #gebang (corypha utan lam) dengan menganyam daun dan batangnya sebagai Tali. Hanya tinggal beberapa orang saja yang bisa membuat anyaman tas kemeti ini. #backtothenature #gogreen #indonesia #tnuk #beautifulindonesia #wonderfullindonesia #exploreoindonesia (at TNUK (Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon))
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kemetic-dreams · 3 years
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Ancient Egyptians were described as a colony of Ethiopians, Melanchroes (dark brown skin) and Melamopodes (dark brown feet). Lets start with Hesoid in 850-800 B.C.E.
" To the lands of the messagetae and of the proud half dog men, of the underground folk and of the feeble pygmies; and to the tribes of boundless black-skins and the Libyans" -Hesoid,Catalouges of Women(850-800-B.C.E.) 
Boundless Dark skins referring to (Egyptians-Ethiopians) Its clear that Hesoid distinguished the Libyans from boundless skin tribes and it is also evident that he was referring to the Egyptians and Ethiopians as boundless dark brown skin tribes of Africa. But, Hesoid also says the Libyans were Dark skin and NOT like White Europeans. "From Cronos sprang the Dark Libyans and the high souled Ethiopians" -Hesoid,Catalouges(850-800B.C.E.)
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bgpportfolio · 3 years
Been working on some major updates to my fantasy language, Kemeti. Made a whole excel sheet with word generators and everything~
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Inno di rinascita a Bast per il felino defunto
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“Luce della Vita, Armonia del cosmo, Madre del cielo.
Luce, Armonia, Madre Bast, accogli nel tuo seno di Vita, accogli nel tuo abbraccio di fuoco, accogli nelle tue mani di respiro questo tuo figlio/a felino/a, a te Madre dei gatti mi affido, accogli in Vita.
Accogli con amore e Vita Bast, tu che con magia e amore fai nascere ad oriente la Vita, tu che fai respirare i cuori nel tuo suono, tu Bast felina Madre, accogli nella tua rinascita tuo/a figlio/a gatto/a! 
Rinasca nel tuo seno di Vita, nel tuo dominio di Luce! Con amore e Vita, a te Bast lo/la affido nella tua Luce infinita!”
Inno di rinascita per il felino defunto a Bast,
del profeta di Bast -Sactuary of Bast
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azvolrien · 4 years
The Island of Stars - Chapter Two
In which we are properly introduced to the island of Starwatch.
           The cliffs above the harbour and the beach were sheer and forbidding; the high black crags loomed a thousand feet above, streaked and speckled with white where seabirds had nested or snow had gathered, while ancient volcanic columns made strange flowing shapes in the stone. Strix climbed onto Rionnag’s back and led the Stormhaven group along a winding road up out of the harbour to the foot of the cliff, where twin sets of gigantic vertical rails had been fixed to the stone.
           “Most of the island is uninhabited,” said Strix once everyone had caught up. “There are a few livestock farms in the southern hills and a couple of seasonal fishing villages at the far coast, but there aren’t any real permanent settlements other than the harbour and the Noctorium. More than half of the Order’s budget is devoted solely to shipping in our food supplies – and a good slice of the rest goes towards maintaining this.” He pointed above his head. A huge metal cage was descending towards them, fixed to one set of the rails by enormous wheels and suspended from impossibly long cables. It reached the bottom with a clank, the cables ringing strangely under tension, and Strix rode over to open its gate. “I hope none of you are afraid of heights!”
           They boarded one by one. The platform was spacious enough that they were not packed in like sardines and the bars came well above head height, but it was still open to the air on three sides and, when Strix rang a bell and the cage began to rise, more than one apprentice cautiously sat down on the floor.
           “There is a road up to the Noctorium,” said Strix, raising his voice to be heard above the wind and the cries of the birds, “but it takes hours – the porters will take your luggage that way and it’ll be waiting for you by nightfall. The lift is much quicker.”
           “My tad told me about something like this he saw when he was travelling,” said Una, pressing her face against the bars to try and look down at the harbour falling away beneath them. “On the Long Cliff above the Gorsfen.”
           “Ours is taller,” said Strix with a grin. Halfway up, a second cage descended past them on the other rails. “But it was designed by the same engineer. The Order was years paying off the commission.”
           After about ten minutes, the cage reached the top, where a pair of big constructs resembling hornless karkadann stood harnessed to the huge winch and a chest-high fence kept people safely away from the cliff edge. Ahead of them, a wide path paved with flagstones and cleared of snow led across a windswept plain to an extraordinary settlement divided across two mountain peaks. On the lower, rounder summit, the buildings huddled against the ground, close to the road that spiralled up around the peak to a dome at the summit, and clearly constructed to withstand the full blast of the wind. On the higher, sharper peak, a second domed building sat right at the top. A slender cable ran between the two domes, and as they watched a cage like the lift slowly travelled along it up to the high peak. Even from that distance they could see it rocking in the wind.
           “The Order of Night does have chapters elsewhere,” said Strix as he led everyone along the path. “Djeret, Pontevena, the Imperial City – but the Noctorium is our spiritual heart. There are more Acolytes based here than anywhere else, and everyone in the Order will at least have spent some time here training or researching.”
           “When does the Order expect the planets to align?” asked Master Gwyn.
           “Four days’ time,” said Strix. “That is, not tonight, tomorrow night, or the one after that, but the one after that.”
           For all its isolation, the Noctorium was surprisingly busy. The spiralling main street around the lower peak bustled with people going about their day. Like Strix, each of them wore a long, hooded black habit with a small lantern at their waist. Also like Strix, some of them wore a single white sash across one shoulder; some instead wore one as a belt, and the occasional person wore two crossed over their chest, but most dressed all in black. They were also all clearly familiar with Strix: most of them gave him an acknowledging nod as he rode past, while a couple waved friendlier greetings.
           Most of the buildings had only a single storey, and none more than two except for the dome at the top. The slate roofs were curved, shaped a little like upturned boats, and the walls were all built from solid black stone.
           Strix kept up a running commentary as he rode.
           “Now, the oldest parts of the Noctorium were actually built during the Raiding Period, roughly a thousand years ago and before the Sea Lochs were annexed into the Empire, but the hills were enough of a defence; none of the raiding parties ever bothered to climb all the way up here, so the complex was never fortified. The walls are strong, yes, but it’s to defend against the weather.
           “Now, most of the buildings here in the lower ward are accommodation. Those over there are the Acolytes’ dormitories, and despite how that sounds most of us have private rooms or share with just one or two others. Here on the right are the guest quarters – that’s where you’ll be sleeping, and where the porters will leave your luggage. Those chimneys are from our kitchens, and they’re attached to the Refectory. Everyone – guests and Acolytes alike – eats there, unless they’re busy with something further up the hill. On the other side of the road is our infirmary. The Noctorium is generally a very safe place, but, well – accidents happen.”
           He continued in this vein the rest of the way up the hill, pointing out storerooms, workshops, the laundry and the temple until finally they reached the building at the summit.
It was the biggest structure on the hill, both in height and in footprint; up close it was obvious that the dome they had seen from a distance was only one small part of it, perched on a squat tower at the other end of the two-storey building from where the cables up to the higher peak emerged.
           Strix climbed down from the saddle. “Now, this is the real heart of the Order,” he said as he led them up to a wide bronze-plated door flanked by columns and etched with a star map. Rionnag yawned massively and curled up against the wall for a nap. “Up in the dome is one of our two big telescopes – the other one being up there on the mountain – while the rest of the building is given over to other research. Later I’ll show you around our library and the Great Orrery, but what I think you’ll find especially interesting is just through here.”
           They all filed through the door and down a corridor to the right, following Strix past decorative sculptures and paintings representing the night sky and all manner of nocturnal life, until he opened a second star-map door and let them into a large room with a glass roof. It stood two storeys high, with a wide flight of stairs at the far end leading up to a gallery, and both the walls and the floor were packed with artefacts. Scrolls and books lined the shelves along the walls, while out in the middle of the room glass cases protected carved stelae and engraved tablets.
           “Welcome,” said Strix in a dramatic voice, “to the Hall of Prophecy!”
           “And you had better have the sardines I asked for from Duncraig!” said a new voice from above them. Everyone wheeled around and looked up to see another man in a black Acolyte’s habit leaning over the gallery’s railing. He was another elf and of a similar height, build and age to Strix, but his skin was a deep brown and his black hair was tied into many long, thin braids and bound into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.
           Strix sighed and took a small jar from his pocket, holding it up for the newcomer to see. “Yes, I have your sardines. Honoured guests, this is Acolyte Tyto, the keeper of the Hall of Prophecy and someone much better placed to explain it than me. Also,” he said, watching Tyto walk along the gallery and down the stairs, “he really likes sardines.”
           “You say that as if it’s something I should be ashamed of,” said Tyto, taking the jar from his colleague and putting it in his own pocket. “Is this the Stormhaven group?”
           “That’s us, yes,” said Master Gwyn.
           “Well, welcome to the Noctorium. And while Strix and his wolf were off gallivanting to the mainland, I was hard at work here in the Hall. You see,” said Tyto, folding his arms and tucking his hands into his sleeves, “while the Order concerns itself with many different studies of the night – sleeping patterns, nocturnal life, bioluminescence – our primary focus is in the very name of this island. Starwatch. We spend these long winter nights charting and observing the stars, the planets, and all manner of other celestial phenomena.”
           “And we go through a lot of coffee,” said Strix.
           “That is also true,” Tyto allowed. “Of course, we have to keep in communication with the southern chapters – half of the night sky isn’t even visible from this far north. But, of course, we aren’t the first people to have looked at the stars. I expect people have gazed at the heavens since we first became people – and throughout history and before it, people have attempted to read the future in the stars.”
           Master Jones snorted and rolled his eyes.
           Tyto grinned. “So, here in the Hall of Prophecy, we collect those predictions made through the stars. For example!” He waved them over to a rectangular stone pillar, taller than he was and covered in tiny, intricate symbols. “This is the Taremu Stele; it was excavated in the desert ruins of that name. Translated from the Ancient Kemeti into modern Imperial, it records a prophecy relating to a solar eclipse. I’m sure you know the sort of thing – sun turning black, great misfortune throughout the land, famine, plague, and so on and so forth. Yes, you with your hand up?”
           “Did it come true?” asked Una.
           “Nope!” said Tyto cheerfully. “There was a solar eclipse in 1137 BE, and totality would have been visible from Taremu – we think the Stele only predates it by a couple of years – but there’s no record of any famine, plague or unrest following it and the city thrived for another five centuries before it was finally swallowed by the desert. Much the same goes for this tablet from pre-imperial Lagara, which refers to the approach of what we now call Rived’s Comet as a sign of impending doom. Again, there’s no evidence to suggest that any doom actually happened.” He gestured around the room, taking in all of the many exhibits and documents. “Doom is a very common theme among the sky-prophecies we’ve collected. Comets, eclipses, movements of the planets. And out of all of them, not a single one has been conclusively proven true.” He smiled. “Make of that what you will.”
           “And therein lies the lesson,” Master Gwyn said to the students. “The sight of things to come, however limited, exists only in the seer; there is no future written in the stars.”
           “There are a couple of seers living here,” added Strix, “but all they can do is predict the weather for the next couple of days.”
           “Which reminds me,” said Tyto. “Strix – they say there’s going to be quite the storm later today. Make sure Rionnag’s safely indoors for it.”
           They spent the next hour or so in the Hall of Prophecy, wandering around studying the various carvings and writings. Strix busied himself going through a collection of scrolls from the gallery, while Tyto was content to sit at his desk in the corner and answer whatever questions he was asked.
           Una went over to talk to him. “Tyto?”
           “Do any of the prophecies in here talk about this alignment?”
           “Interesting question,” he said, getting up from the desk and waving for her to follow him up the stairs. “The short answer is that we’re not completely sure.” He took a wooden scroll case wrapped in seal skin from one cubbyhole and prised the lid off. The scroll inside was made of some kind of soft leather rather than paper or parchment, and it unrolled without flaking when he laid it on a lectern. “The slightly longer answer relates to this document. It was discovered in the tunnels of Drekaheim, up north in Myrkfjord. We believe the city was once an Eyrie Culture settlement, abandoned after the extinction of the dragons and then claimed by the people of the coasts, but even so the modern population only ever settled in outbuildings and the sub-surface corridors; the deep tunnels are still largely unexplored, but the occasional intriguing artefact does turn up.
           “Bringing us neatly back to this scroll. This drawing at the top would seem to represent the upcoming alignment; the landscape beneath is recognisable as the mouth of Myrkfjord, near the town of Valsnes, while the planets and constellations are in the correct positions in the sky above. So it does look like someone predicted it, whether a seer or through astronomical calculation. It’s been theorised that they thought it related to the loss of the dragons, due to this other sketch showing a dragon falling from the sky, though if that’s the case they got their timing a bit off – whatever happened to the dragons, it happened five hundred years ago. The problem,” said Tyto, rubbing his close-trimmed beard, “is that the actual text has yet to be deciphered. It looks somewhat like the runic script of the northern Sea Lochs, but when one of my predecessors tried translating it on that basis, he ended up with complete nonsense.”
           “Maybe it’s Eyrie Culture writing,” suggested Una.
           “Perhaps. It doesn’t look like it, but it could be a form of regional dialect. The Eyrie Culture once ruled the entirety of the Dragon’s Teeth, after all – there must have been variations in their language, written or spoken.”
           On the other side of the gallery, Strix put his scrolls away and loudly clapped his hands. “You can come back here later if you want to read more,” he said, leaning over the railing. “But we should really finish the rest of the tour before you can wander!”
           Over the next couple of hours, Strix showed them around the rest of the building, including the library and the Great Orrery – a clockwork model of the solar system big enough to fill a room – until he finally finished the tour in the telescope dome. The huge telescope hung still and silent on its mechanism in the centre of the room, ready to swing around towards whatever corner of the sky needed studying.
           “The whole dome can open up and turn around,” Strix explained, perching on a wooden chair attached to the framework. “These cranks here control the whole thing. This one opens the dome, while these others control the directions of the hatch and the telescope. Most of the Order here aren’t mages, so it’s fully mechanical, no magic required. The one up on the mountain is much the same. The whole reason for having the Noctorium out on this island is so we can view the sky without interference from the city lights on the mainland; you might have spotted that there aren’t any streetlights on the road, so if you find yourselves out after dark be sure to carry a lantern or conjure a witchlight. On clear winter nights, the view of the sky from here is second to none.” He sighed and hopped down from the chair. “This isn’t going to be a clear night, though, so both domes will be sealed before the storm hits. The porters should have arrived with your luggage by now, so I’ll show you to where you’ll be sleeping. Then I’ll need to get Rionnag into his kennel for the night…”
           The porters had indeed made their way up the long, winding road from the harbour and the suitcases were waiting in a heap inside the guest quarters’ entrance hall. Everyone collected their own and carried them off to the rooms and dormitories they had been assigned. By some twist Una had a tiny berth to herself on one corner of the building, with a small window looking out over the sea to the north.
           The storm hit in the early afternoon. The cable car up to the high telescope was locked in its station, and protective shutters were closed over all the windows as the wind rose to a gale and fat drops of rain and hail fell like sling stones. Nobody even dared to venture across the street to the refectory; instead the Stormhaveners made do with a picnic dinner of whatever snacks they had in their luggage and turned in for the night.
           Luckily, when the storm rose it was to a clear sky and a light breeze. The shutters opened and the cable car started running again, and after a hearty breakfast in the refectory one of the journeymen took all the apprentices down to the beach by the harbour to stretch their legs after the storm.
           Una had just picked up a particularly interesting length of twisted driftwood, with a mind to taking it back as a gift for Wygar, when something let out a strange, deep roar from further down the beach.
           Everyone straightened up at once like a colony of startled meerkats.
           “What was that?” said the journeyman, frowning towards a distant lump on the sand.
           “There’s… I think it’s some kind of animal on the beach down there,” said one of the apprentices. “What is that, a seal?”
           “There’s more than one of them,” said Una, whose eyes were keener. “The big one’s not a seal, it’s a… I don’t know what it is. It looks sort of like an afanc, but sort of chunkier, and – oh, gods, that’s a person it’s got!” She broke into a sprint, waving her arms and yelling at the top of her voice, the others following behind. Once the creature was in range she threw one arm out ahead of her; a shimmering forcebolt tore through the air to strike the creature’s muzzle, too weak to do more than sting but certainly enough to make it back away, baring its predator’s teeth and flattening its pointed ears against the back of its long, oddly horse-like skull. Una yelled again and sharpened her own teeth into fangs as she dropped to her knees on the coarse black sand beside the person. The rest of the wizards caught up, raising their arms to conjure shields and concussive waves against the creature, and it fled into the sea in an ungainly lumber.
           Everyone gathered around the stranger. She was soaked through; fresh blood streaked her fair skin, and even unconscious she shivered in the cold. One foot lay twisted at a horrible angle.
           The journeyman pointed to one of the apprentices. “Run back to the harbour and get help – a healer, a stretcher, something! We’ll stay here with her.” The boy nodded and sprinted back up the beach. The journeyman laid his hand on Una’s shoulder. “Good eye, Una – let’s hope the infirmary up at Starwatch can help her.”
           Una nodded, pulling off her own coat to lay it over the stranger. She was a tall, strongly-built woman about the same age as Una’s parents, with long red hair tied back in a single braid. Tattoos of strange symbols drawn in fine blue ink covered her face and arms, and she wore a cloak made from the skull and pelt of a seal.
Guess who?
The cliffs at the harbour draw on two different inspirations. The columnar basalt (and the black sand on the beach) is inspired by the cliffs at Reynisfjara in Iceland, while the size of them is based more on the high sea-cliffs on St Kilda.
Strix and Tyto aren’t their original names, as you might expect; Acolytes take new names on joining the order, usually something relating to the night in some way. I don’t usually have specific people in mind to ‘play’ my characters, but I kind of picture Tyto as Chiwetel Ejiofor.
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tattoon4life · 7 years
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Now this is what you call being #humble or showing #humility to another human no matter the #race #skin #color #religion #language #culture. Etc..... the only difference is the DNA and the genetics... you have the #original man and woman or #wombman then you have those that are how some people say or even the #ancients said once before that they are a #created #white #man or #race the #egyptains or #kemeties or #Africans or #moors #asians #blackamoors call them the. #Caucasian or #European the #Tamahu which means #created white man or it's even written a different way..... They don't want you studying #Africa and especially #egypt or South Africa or west and east Africa because it's so much #knowledge and #history and #facts that will show you how #sick and #twisted they where and still are at trying to #hide the #Blackman and #blackwombmans #legacy on this #planet......... our story is still standing.... where's your #proof of your culture that you created without the help of the #Blackman and #BlackWoman.... I'll wait ........ #smib /G\
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sobekmose-blog · 8 years
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sobek done in ms paint
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advanceda2zsolution · 4 years
Ajira Rasifala | 31 July 2020 | Today Odia Horoscope Prediction | Advanced A2Z Solution Pvt. Ltd. ଆସନ୍ତୁ ଜାଣିବା ଆଜି ଦିନଟି କିପରି କଟିବ | ରାଶି ମାନଙ୍କର ଚଳନ କିପରି ରହୁଛି ? ଯଦି  ଆପଣଙ୍କର  Astrology Related  ତଥା ଵାସ୍ତୁ ବିଚାର କୁଣ୍ଡଳୀ ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ ଜାତକ ବିଚାର ଇତ୍ୟାଦିକୁ ନେଇ କ୍ୟୋଣସି ପ୍ରକାର ସମସ୍ୟା ଥାଏ ତେବେ ଆମେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ ସହଯୋଗ କରିବୁ | ଏ ସବୁ ଜାଣିବା ପାଇଁ ନିଶ୍ଚୟ  ଏହି ଭିଡିଓ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ । Asantu Janiba Aji Dinati Kipari Katiba
ଆଜି ହେଉଛି ୨୦୨୦ ମସିହା, ଜୁଲାଇ ମାସ, ୩୧ ତାରିଖ । କର୍କଟ ୧୬ ଦିନ । ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଶ୍ରାବଣ ମାସ ଶୁକ୍ଳପକ୍ଷ ୯ ଦିନ । ଆଜିର ପଞ୍ଚାଙ୍ଗ-ଶୁକ୍ର ବାର , ଦ୍ଵାଦଶୀ ତିଥି, ଜ୍ୟେଷ୍ଠା ନକ୍ଷତ୍ର, ଇନ୍ଦ୍ର ଯୋଗ ଓ  ବଵ କରଣ । ଆଜିର ସୁର୍ଯୋଦୟ ସମୟ ସକାଳ ୫:୨୬ ମିନିଟ ରେ ଏବଂ ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟାସ୍ତ ସମୟ ସନ୍ଧ୍ୟା ୬:୨୧ ମିନିଟ ରେ । ଆଜି   ରାଶିର ଘାତବାର ଏବଂ ଘାତଚନ୍ଦ୍ର ନାହିଁ । ଆଜି ଦିନରେ ସ୍ତ୍ରୀ ତୈଳ ବର୍ଜନ ସହିତ ଆମିଷ ଭକ୍ଷଣ ନିଷେଧ । ଏବେ ଆସନ୍ତୁ ଜାଣିବା ଆମର ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ୧୨ଟି ରାଶି ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ପ୍ରଥମ ରାଶି, ମେଷ ରାଶି ର ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି ଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଆଜିର ଦିନଟି କିପରି ରହୁଛି ।
Mesha Rashi: ଯଦି ସମ୍ଭବ, ସରକାରୀ ବିରୋଧୀ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରୁ ଦୂରରେ ରୁହନ୍ତୁ  | Brusha Rashi : :ଆଜି   ଭ୍ରମଣକାରୀ ବନ୍ଧୁ ଏବଂ ସମ୍ପର୍କୀୟମାନଙ୍କ ସହିତ ଭ୍ରମଣରୁ ଆପଣ ଆନନ୍ଦ ପାଇବେ |   Mithuna Rashi : ଆପଣ ଶାରୀରିକ ଆନନ୍ଦ ଏବଂ ମାନସିକ ସୁଖ ଅନୁଭବ କରିବେ | Karkata Rashi : ଏକାଗ୍ରତା ସହିତ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରି ଆପଣ ନିଶ୍ଚିତ ଭାବରେ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରେ ସଫଳତା ପାଇବେ | Singha Rashi : ଆଜି ଆପଣ ଶାରୀରିକ ଏବଂ ମାନସିକ ସ୍ତରରେ ଅସୁସ୍ଥ ରହିବେ | Kanya Rashi : ଆପଣ ଆର୍ଥିକ ଦୃଷ୍ଟିରୁ ଉପକୃତ ହେବାର ସମ୍ଭାବନା ଅଛି | Tula Rashi : ଧାର୍ମିକ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରେ ଖର୍ଚ୍ଚ କରିବାର ସମ୍ଭାବନା ଅଛି | Bichha Rashi : କ୍ରୋଧର ପରିମାଣ ବଢ଼ିଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ କ୍ରୋଧିତ ହୁଅନ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ | Dhanu Rashi :ପରିବାର ସଦସ୍ୟଙ୍କ ସହ ସମ୍ପର୍କରେ କିଛି ତିକ୍ତତା ସୃଷ୍ଟି ହୋଇପାରେ | Makara Rashi :ମଧ୍ୟାହ୍ନ ଭୋଜନ ପରେ ସତର୍କ ରହିବାକୁ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କରନ୍ତୁ | Kumbha Rashi:କାର୍ଯ୍ୟାଳୟର ଉପର ଅ��ିକାରୀ ଆପଣଙ୍କ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟରେ ସନ୍ତୁଷ୍ଟ ହେବେ ଏବଂ ପଦୋନ୍ନତି ହେବାର ସମ୍ଭାବନା ଅଛି | Mina Rashi : ଅ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ସମାପ୍ତ ହେବ | ବାଣିଜ୍ୟ ସଂପର୍କରେ ବହୁତ ଦୂରକୁ ଯିବାର ସମ୍ଭାବନା ଅଛି | Today odia horoscope prediction ajira rasifala 31 July odia astrology odia rashifala Odisha rasifala prediction Daily horoscope 31 July 2020 Best astrology in odisha Today Horoscope odia astrology Today asteroid news Kundali expert janma kundali odia bhagyaphala odia video aji dinati kemeti katiba Aries
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