#kept in mind that mari was born in late spring :)
blxestar · 1 year
Starter for @rathalascendant’s Wave! (Verse Two- Warrior/Deputy. ThunderClan!Wave!AU.)
“Wavekit, dear, it’s time to wake up,” Bluefur whispered to her only kitten, carefully licking the fuzzy she-kit between the ears.
It was late Newleaf- Spring, in human terms- and the trees were budding as new prey filled the forest.
But prey wasn’t the only new thing in the territories.
Bluefur’s precious daughter Wavekit was ThunderClan’s newest arrival. Thrushpelt was going to make a good father.
The only problem, though she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, was that Bluefur didn’t truly love him like a mate would. She only loved him as a friend.
But, nevertheless, she had accepted his proposal out of convenience, and out of fear of hurting him.
As unhappy as she knew she was as his mate, knowing she couldn’t be with Crookedjaw… it was alright, she told herself. She had her daughter now, and she would keep Bluefur satisfied.
The blue-gray queen stood up slowly, brushing her tail tip over her kit’s forehead. “Shall we go visit your father in the warriors’ den?”
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aviandtheseals · 11 months
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1367
Content warning death mention per usual :(
In the year 1367 different members of the family became more independent.
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Now that Finnian was 14, he could start becoming a full-time farmer like other peasant men in the village. Since Finnian didn't have any older male relatives, Gilbert took his late wife's brother under his wing. The Hedgecock and Rowntree families stayed close even after Sarah's death because there wasn't anyone else in the village for them to rely on. Finnian enjoyed being outside, but caring for crops felt repetitive and he was bored easily.
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However, he did enjoy learning to hunt with Gilbert. He loved the high-stakes feeling of tracking animals, and always practiced shooting arrows in his limited free time.
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Even though Finnian was easily frustrated with farming, Gilbert wasn't worried. He assumed Finnian would grow out of his childish impatience, and he was glad to mentor a young man. Gilbert knew how important Sarah's family was to her, and he wanted to help them as much as possible.
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Mentoring Finnian in farming also helped Gilbert keep his mind off the troubles of his own family. In the winter of 1367 GIlbert "Gil" Jr. became ill and died. So soon after the death of his wife and baby daughter, this death depressed Gilbert.
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Gilbert also worried about his one surviving daughter Sabina, who aged up to a toddler. Sabina and her twin Marie were born small and weak, and Sabina was expected to die soon after her sister. Although Sabina surprisingly survived the first few years of her life, she was still sickly. Gilbert couldn't bear the thought of his only surviving family member besides his sister dying.
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Meanwhile, Jacquette still missed her dead sister Ursula and kept getting up at night to talk to her ghost. During the day Jacquette was a quiet kid who was usually alone while Finnian and Kymmie were working.
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She still talked to her family but was becoming more isolated. Her main conversation partners were the chickens. Kymmie and Finnian were too busy with their own lives and work to worry about what little Jacquette was up to.
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Finnian became busier in the spring of 1367 when he helped Gilbert deliver goods to the nobles' castle. Finnian spotted a beautiful flower on the castle's grounds and even though he knew it was not allowed, he sneaked to go pick it for Jacquette and Kymmie.
Unfortunately, Finnian wasn't alone. He was caught by a girl about his age dressed in expensive clothing. Finnian assumed she was one of the nobles, but he'd never seen her before. Regardless, he was terrified of getting in trouble and tried to make up some excuse. The girl was unbothered. She introduced herself as Regina Keating, a cousin of the local nobles, and she thought it would be cool to get up to some flower-stealing mischief.
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Finnian and Regina quickly got to talking. She was permanently living with her cousins, turns out, because her father and brothers went to fight in the war. At first Finnian was weirded out by her joking and mischievous nature, but he quickly fell for her charm and humor.
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One thing led to another and soon Finnian was making up excuses to go and visit Regina. Finnian liked talking to her. She was witty and knowledgeable, telling him tales of wars and heroes and far-away seas. He also enjoyed the thrill of stolen moments alone, the excitement of this wealthy girl being all his.
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Finnian also started sneaking out at night to talk to her. They were both young and imaginative and passionate. When they were together, time stopped. They were in their own joyful bubble. Finnian and Regina were very aware of the class differences between them and that they could never get married. They started talking about running away together. They knew in the back of their minds that wasn't possible, but it was still nice to imagine.
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These nightly adventures made Finnian happy, but they also weighed heavy on his heart. Maybe it was silly, but Finnian really wanted to find true love. He was torn between his dreams of a fairytale love story and the very real society that would never let him marry Regina. How long could he keep living like this?
Sorry this post was somewhat late, I'm taking an online class so I will probably start posting less frequently, but I do have some cool storylines brewing up that I'm super excited for!
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tortoisesshells · 3 years
for I scorn to do any one a mischief, when it is not to my advantage (~1100 words, POTC, AU of the AU set in AWE, pre- Nellie/Norrington, rated T for language and Nellie’s generally bleak attitude towards death)
the one where Nellie lost her entire family to the fever, went a little mad, became a pirate, realized she’s a rubbish captain but a decent administrator, and still ends up having to deal with James Norrington,
How in hellfire had it all come to this? – Nellie Treat, alias Captain Dyer, was thinking. It was so late it was nearly morning, not that a single sliver of sunlight could be seen in the gloomy depths of Shipwreck Cove’s magazine; she was in her stockings, counting barrels as though she could make more gunpowder appear by force of will alone. It had never seemed a wholly adequate amount, but the advent of war made all her scrounging and stockpiling seem entirely worthless.
There were other worries too, though those were slightly less pressing: if war was coming, and it surely was – it would come to the Cove as a siege, unless their opponents were singularly stupid. Alas, Lord Beckett and the Governors of the EIC were cruel men, but capable. A siege – a blockade – meant long weeks, if not months, without resupply; there was no space in Shipwreck Cove to grow its own crops, and to be sufficient to its own needs. The spring was all well and good (the old, weathered part of her that had once had a husband and children who delighted in word-play laughed, but a short, painful one – a laugh like one from a consumptive wretch), but it could not keep them from starving – and worse, after some time without any fresh rations, living on ship’s biscuit and salt junk and dried peas, and perhaps some fresh fish when they were lucky – that was when illness would set in. And there would be nowhere for any of them to go.
Save Hell.
Nellie began to count again, and kept counting until she heard the tell-tale clatter if footfalls above her head, and an unfamiliar – well, barely familiar – voice calling to her from the world above:
“Captain Dyer! I require a word!”
And when the King of the Brethren Court demanded something, it behooved Nellie to give it. She clambered up the ladder and emerged blearily into the dim pre-dawn light, to find Elizabeth Swann and –
“What the fuck is he doing here?”
“The same as the rest of us, I expect,” countered the Pirate King, pushing – actually pushing – the man she had been walking with forward. “I believe you two have already met, so there’s social niceties done with. Admiral Norrington has volunteered for our campaign, Captain Dyer; I believe you can find a good use for him.”
Like cannon fodder? Nellie thought, but did not say, electing to remain silent while sizing up the Scourge of Piracy himself. He didn’t seem quite as tall as she remembered – though the last time she had seen him, she had been chained up like a dog in a Fort Charles cell, only a few hours from the hangman’s noose. Those years ago, he’d looked as though he’d been hewn straight out of Braintree granite, cold and very nearly cruel – though, she corrected herself begrudgingly, still carefully watching the officer as though he were a street cur who might bite her, Norrington had not been truly cruel, just hard. The hardest case Nellie had ever seen – though Hendricks, after he’d affected a swashbuckling rescue and let her lick the worst of her wounds, had laughed gently, and asked –
An even harder case than you? –
Norrington didn’t look so impervious now. Proud, yes, but … dented. Haunted, even.
So selling the world to Lord Fucking Beckett for the cost of some gold braid on a coat hadn’t been everything he dreamed of?
But Captain Swann was staring at her expectantly, and Nellie hadn’t survived so long as she had in a cruel world  by turning up her nose at any advantages with presented themselves to here, even if this particular one made her think of Greeks bearing gifts far more than any other thing. Fine. She’d be damned before she let her home go without doing everything in her power to save it.
“I’ll be much obliged to you, Norrington, if you can provide me with accurate numbers regarding the strength of the Bombay Marine fleet – and any other information that might make this reek less of Thermopylae.”
The King wrinkled her nose at that – a gesture that made her seem terribly, terribly young – no one had ever told Nellie how young, but Elizabeth Swann seemed younger than Mary had been when Nellie –
“You may leave him with me,” Nellie said, in a nearly conciliatory tone, “I’ll mind he doesn’t cause any trouble around the Cove. Thank you, Captain Swann.”
(Ought she to be calling Swann ‘majesty’? Nellie didn’t much want to, and not only because King Swann was seeing fit to leave her practically locked in the armory with the man who’d come the closest, in her short and brutal career, to killing her.)
King Swann excused herself with all the pomp of the office, as though she’d been born to it – she might well have been, considering how close her father was to George himself – and leaving Nellie still coolly surveying the man who had been the Scourge of Piracy.
Her neck itched.
“You’re Captain Dyer,” he said, evenly.
“As you see.”
“I remember you.”
“It was a fairly spectacular escape,” Nellie replied, with something that might have been preening, from a less grim woman.
“I still have no idea how you did that.”
“And I’m afraid you’ll have to continue to live in disappointment.”
“I don’t expect I shall ever return to Fort Charles as its master, so your caution, while admirable, is misplaced.” He had a curdled smile on, palpably bitter. “It’s far more likely that someday I shall have to do as you have done.”
But perhaps he realized that Captain Dyer was no more likely to tell him her secret to save his life than she was to satisfy a point of curiosity, and so he left it – and – fine. She would be practical about this. Norrington had very nearly sent her to her Maker, and her shoulder had never been the same since that disastrous confrontation that had led to her capture. But if Norrington was here, and could give her the slightest thing which would help her perform her task and save her home from destruction – well. She could be civil. She would.
“If you are serious, then we shouldn’t waste any more time,” she said, letting herself drop into an old chair that was likely more teredo-worm than teak, “I don’t expect I shall survive this newest adventure, but I am going to try. Sit. Tell me everything you know. I can tell when a man’s lying, mind, so save us both the time and trouble.”
Norrington, looking at her warily, did as she said. “Where would you like me to begin?”
“The beginning and end of the whole affair,” she shot back, “How many ships?”
It was a bleak conversation, indeed.
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deeisace · 3 years
@calamitys-child​ I have several records for a Sophie Devereux!
Or Sophia, or Sophy, y’know - no Deverauxs, or Devereauxs, tho, I don’t think?
This is possibly (definitely) far more detailed than you were expecting, but like. This is. Yeah.
So. We have 
1 - Sophy Maria Devereux, a bricklayer’s wife from Burton Latimer. She was born Sophy Maria Westley in 1863, she was a machinist as a teenager, and then married an Amos Charles Devereux, in 1879 - though she said she was 18 when she was 16, probably so her parents didn’t have to sign off for it, and she was possibly already pregnant with her first child, Arthur. 
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[ID: part of a 1911 census, which lists Amos Charles Devereux as head of the house. He is a 54 year old bricklayer. His wife is Sophy Maria Deveraux, 47. They have been married for 30 years. She is recorded as having had 14 children, though only 3 of them are still living. Then is their daughter Hannah Elizabeth Devereux, a 25 year old glover. /End ID.]
Sophy’s surviving children were Arthur, possibly her firstborn, Annie, and Hannah (as above). Arthur served in the RASC during the war (he had grey eyes. brown hair, and a fresh complexion, and went to France) and became a cutlery grinder. Annie and Hannah were both at one stage shoemakers.
This Sophy died in Kettering in 1921.
2 - Sophia Devereax, a file cutter’s wife in Sheffield. She was born in 1828 in Loxley - I don’t know under what name, as I can’t find a marriage record, but I do know her husband (common-law or otherwise) was called Thomas Devereax, and he was from Wolverhampton. His first wife (Hannah Wynn from Birmingham) died in 1867, and Sophia is with him on the 1871 census. They don’t appear to have had any children together, unsurprisingly, but Thomas had five children from his previous marriage (Joseph, Alfred, Kate, Samuel and Mary). After Sophia died (sometime during the 1870s, as in 1881, Thomas is a widower), Thomas became a licensed victualler, and ran the Spring Wood Inn on Freedom Street in Sheffield, with his daughter Kate as barmaid.
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[ID: part of a 1871 census, which lists Thomas Devereax as head of the household. He is 45 years old. His wife Sophia is 43, and follow his children - Joseph, 18, Alfred, 16, Kate, 12, Samuel, 10, and Mary, 7. /End ID]
That one’s a bit of a mystery, and I spent too long looking up the name of the pub (thank you pubwiki, and who knew that was a thing)
3 - Sophie P Devereux, a jeweller’s clerk in King’s Norton. I know even less about this one than the others, as she wasn’t married or
oh hohoho wait
Sophia Petrie Devereux, born 1854 in Bodenham, Hereford to Henry George Devereux and Sophia Petrie. Henry was lately a farmer of 160 acres, having lost his farm sometime in the 50s I believe, tho on his death in 1879 he was listed as a yeoman, which as I (cityfolk I am) understand it is basically a farmer, idk.
 Sophia Petrie herself (she ought to have her own listing, whoops) was a farmer’s daughter, tho she was from Snettisham in Norfolk, her father had 200 acres there and both her parents (Archibald and Jessie Petrie) were from Scotland. Archie and Jessie had ten children on their two censuses (1841 and 1851) and were both born in the 1790s. Their children (Sophia Petrie’s siblings and Sophia Devereux’s aunts and uncles) were, in order as I have them - Eliza, Susannah, Archibald, Charles, Jessie, Sophia, Euphemia, Agnes, John and Walter - tho Eliza was 22 in 1841 and it’s very possible there’s older ones than her.
Anyway, Sophie P D. I have for her four English censuses - three of which she lived with her parents in Aston, and the last she was a boarder with the Hackwood family in King’s Norton. Then I have 10 electoral rolls listings for her, dating 1919 to 1942 - for a place called Caulfield, Victoria in Australia! Which is cool! A jetsetting Sophie! I mean, I don’t know when she left for Australia, but they definitely didn’t have jets. 
Here she is on the 1919 electoral roll -
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[ID: an electoral roll listing that reads - Devereux, Sophia Petrie, 33 Wanda rd., Caulfield, clerk, F. /End ID]
Ooh, Wanda Road is now some lovely little two-storey houses with little gardens - tho they’re definitely not original to Sophia’s time. Well, the wooden bungalow-y sort of ones further down might be, idk, but there’s a lot of new brick there. Also a lot of trees!
4 - Last but not least, and possibly my favourite if only because of her husband’s name - Sophia Devereux, born in Arsley Bedfordshire, married to one Offspring Devereux. No that is not a typo, that is his actual name.
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[ID: part of a 1851 census, which shows Offspring Devereux, a 23 year old agricultural labourer, and his wife Sophia, age 21. They are listed as son and daughter in law of the head of the household, John Green, indicating that either Offspring or Sophia is the child of his wife Ann. /End ID]
I’ve done a bit of a search and I think that Sophia’s maiden name is Crouch, and she might be Ann’s daughter from a previous-previous marriage. Or she’s been adopted and kept her surname. All a bit convoluted.
Ah, yep - Sophy, as she was on her marriage and her baptism records - her parents were Edward and Ann Crouch. She was born in 1829, in Arlesey, it is now.
In later censuses, Sophia is a straw plaiter - that is, plaiting up straw strands to make into hats and things - because agricultural labour, then as now, doesn’t pay very well, and Sophia and Offspring (also a shepherd at times) had an eventual six children to feed.
Sophia died in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire (which is such an incredibly English-sounding place name) in 1890, age 60.
Offspring is not a common name, unsurprisingly, but there have been at least 7 Offsprings born in Bedfordshire - our one was born in the mid-1820s, but there was an Offspring Webb born around 1810, again in Arlsey - he doesn’t appear to have given any of his sons his own name, but one of his daughters is called Fanny - oh, no, wait, his youngest child is called Offspring, never mind
Did they run out of names?? This is so much worse than my uncle Redvers. Like, why?? Also, surely their wives didn’t call them ‘Offspring’, surely not
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verifiedaccount · 4 years
More movies (and a tv series) on youtube to keep you busy
List 1 / List 2
Here’s a third update of movies that you can watch in full on youtube since you’re stuck inside
Documentaries about movies:
Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography (1992): Featuring interviews with more than two dozen major cinematographers and a ton of clips, this is a useful and enjoyable primer for anyone interested in learning what a DoP does
Vittorio Storaro: Writing With Light (1992): This is a shorter (40 minute) television doc focusing on one specific cinematographer, Vittorio Storaro, famed for his collaborations with Bertolucci and for shooting Hollywood movies like Apocalypse Now and Reds
The Epic That Never Was (1965): In 1937, Josef Von Sternberg started shooting an adaptation of I, Claudius starring Charles Laughton as Claudius. Dirk Boagarde hosts this lively documentary examining why the film was never completed, featuring the surviving footage from the 1937 shoot. 
Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film (1980): Kevin Brownlow and David Gill’s 13-episode miniseries about the silent film era is considered the gold standard for documentaries about film history, but the impossibility of negotiating the rights to all the clips used at a reasonable price has kept it off of dvd or blu-ray. Luckily, that didn’t stop someone from putting it on youtube, although episode 12 has in fact been blocked due to a copyright claim.
Buster Keaton: A Hard Act To Follow (1987) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3: Another Kevin Brownlow and David Gill miniseries, this one, as you’ve probably guessed, covers the life and films of Buster Keaton over three episodes.
More movies:
Powell/Pressburger: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, aka the Archers, were one of the greatest writer/director teams in film history (and a favorite of Scorsese, who seemingly made it his life’s mission to ensure that their films were restored and available), and three of their incredibly charming, magical movies are on youtube. Of the available ones, I Know Where I’m Going! is probably the best to start with.
I Know Where I’m Going! (1945): Dave Kehr on the film:  “Michael Powell's 1945 film resists easy classification: it opens as a screwball comedy, grows into a mystical, Flaherty-like study of man against the elements, and concludes as a warm romance. Wendy Hiller, in one of the best roles the movies gave her, is a toughened, materialistic young woman on her way to meet her millionaire fiance in the Hebrides; Roger Livesey is the young man she meets when a storm blows up and prevents her crossing to the islands. Funny and stirring, in quite unpredictable ways, with the usual Powellian flair for drawing the universal out of the screamingly eccentric.”
A Canterbury Tale (1944):  The Criterion jacket copy: “Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s beloved classic A Canterbury Tale is a profoundly personal journey to Powell’s bucolic birthplace of Kent, England. Set amid the tumult of the Second World War, yet with a rhythm as delicate as a lullaby, the film follows three modern-day incarnations of Chaucer’s pilgrims—a melancholy “landgirl,” a plainspoken American GI, and a resourceful British sergeant—who are waylaid in the English countryside en route to the mythical town and forced to solve a bizarre village crime. Building to a majestic climax that ranks as one of the filmmaking duo’s finest achievements, the dazzling A Canterbury Tale has acquired a following of devotees passionate enough to qualify as pilgrims themselves.”
Gone To Earth (1950): Made under unhappy circumstances (David O. Selznick producing), this is a gorgeous technicolor romance starring Jennifer Jones as a nature loving young woman forced into a choice between two “civilized” men, with tragic results.
Straub/Huillet: If you’re looking for something easy and relaxing to watch during the quarantine, I’d recommend literally anything else other than the films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet. J. Hoberman on the couple: “Straub-Huillet, as they preferred to be called, are cinema’s conscience — an antidote to all the junk movies you’ve ever seen. Drawing on Kafka, Cézanne, Brecht, Schoenberg and Malraux, to name only some of their best-known sources, Straub-Huillet films are meant to raise ethical questions on subjects as varied as proper camera placement and the appropriate political approach to the subject.“We make our films so that audiences can walk out of them,” Mr. Straub once said, perhaps not altogether in jest.” Of the available ones, Class Relations, their adaptation of Kafka’s unfinished novel Amerika, seems to be agreed upon as the easiest place to start as it’s the closest to a straightforward narrative, although History Lessons has also been recommended as a relatively easy starting place by some people. Not Reconciled, which compresses an epic Heinrich Boll novel following three generations throughout multiple timelines into 52-minutes, is not recommended to start with. MUBI did a retrospective of their works and had essays commissioned for each one to help viewers out so I’ll link those with each film. Hit Closed Captions for subtitles.
Not Reconciled (1965): Here’s a 10-minute video essay by critic Richard Brody that will help you have a slightly easier time with Not Reconciled if you decide to give it a try. Here’s the MUBI essay
Othon (1970): In the 17th century Pierre Corneille wrote Othon, set in ancient Rome. Straub-Huillet’s adaptation is shot in the actual ruins of Roman palaces with modern buildings and cars visible in the background. The MUBI essay
History Lessons (1972): An adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s The Business Affairs of Julius Caesar. From the MUBI essay: “In the film, an unnamed young man tours Rome and conducts interviews with toga-clad members of ancient Roman society on the subject of “C,” meaning of course Julius Caesar. It plays like Citizen Kane shorn of any of the flashbacks that bulk out that film: here, it is all exposition, reminisces, impressions. Interspersed through these sedentary discussions are a series of randomly protracted car rides through the city, all recorded in unbroken takes from the backseat of the young man’s Fiat 500.From this brief description alone, I’m sure you can see why structuralist-minded academics in the seventies had a field day.“
Fortini/Canti (1976): From the MUBI essay: “In Fortini/Canti, the Italian Communist writer Franco Fortini reads aloud from his Dogs of the Sinai (only recently translated into English for the first time), a memoir of his life as an Italian Jew and an extended reflection on the aftermath of the Third Arab–Israeli War of 1967 and its representation in the Italian media and by the political class. [...]  Like all of Straub-Huillet’s movies, this astonishingly combative film follows an internal rhythm born out of the particulars of landscape, of speech, and of the physiognomies of its actors. It begins with an extended recording of a television newscast about Israel/Palestine (thus distancing the audience from the warped words and images on screen), a quotation from Fortini that connects like a punch in the jaw (“People don’t like having to change their minds. When they have to, they do so in secret. The certainty of having been tricked turns into cynicism. Gain for the cause of conservatism”), and then alternates between short jabs like these and more sustained verbal and visual attacks.”  
Too Early/Too Late (1982): Serge Daney on the film: “No actors, not even characters. If there is an actor in TOO EARLY, TOO LATE, it’s the landscape. This actor has a text to recite: History, of which it is the living witness. The actor performs with a certain amount of talent: the cloud that passes, a breaking loose of birds, a break in the clouds; this is what the landscape’s performance consists of. This kind of performing is meteorological. One hasn’t seen anything like it for quite some time. Since the silent period, to be precise.” The MUBI essay
Class Relations (1984): The aforementioned adaptation of Kafka’s Amerika, often recommended as a place to start with Straub/Huillet. The MUBI essay
Hitchcock: Back to fun stuff, three Hitchcock classics.
The 39 Steps (1935): Dave Kehr: “As an artist, Alfred Hitchcock surpassed this early achievement many times in his career, but for sheer entertainment value it still stands in the forefront of his work.“
Shadow of a Doubt (1943): Kehr again: “Alfred Hitchcock’s first indisputable masterpiece. . . . Hitchcock’s discovery of darkness within the heart of small-town America remains one of his most harrowing films, a peek behind the facade of security that reveals loneliness, despair, and death. Thornton Wilder collaborated on the script; it’s Our Town turned inside out.“
Spellbound (1945): No one would argue it’s Hitchcock’s best and the psychoanalysis is very dated but with Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, and Dali-designed dream sequences there’s still enjoyment to be had.
Ozu: One of Japan’s most beloved and revered filmmakers, he’s primarily known for his post-WWII family dramas, but his career stretched back to the silent era (although most of his silent films are lost). I Was Born But... is a good place to start but it’s not representative of the style he’s known for. Late Spring is where his later style fully emerges, and it’s a good place to start, so you might want to go in chronological order with these (Tokyo Story, widely considered one of the greatest films of all time, is also not a bad place to start).
I Was Born But... (1932): Jonathan Rosenbaum on the film: “One of Yasujiro Ozu's most sublime films, this late Japanese silent describes the tragicomic disillusionment of two middle-class boys who see their father demean himself by groveling in front of his employer; it starts off as a hilarious comedy and gradually becomes darker. Ozu's understanding of his characters and their social milieu is so profound and his visual style—which was much less austere and more obviously expressive during his silent period—so compelling that the film carries one along more dynamically than many of the director's sound classics. Though regarded in Japan mainly as a conservative director, Ozu was a trenchant social critic throughout his career, and the devastating understanding of social context that he shows here is full of radical implications.“
The Only Son (1936): Criterion’s jacket copy:  “Yasujiro Ozu’s first talkie, the uncommonly poignant The Only Son is among the Japanese director’s greatest works. In its simple story about a good-natured mother who gives up everything to ensure her son’s education and future, Ozu touches on universal themes of sacrifice, family, love, and disappointment. Spanning many years, The Only Son is a family portrait in miniature, shot and edited with its maker’s customary exquisite control.”
Late Spring (1949): Ignatiy Vishnevetsky: “Each shot in Late Spring is striking on its own; the mature Ozu belongs to that rare category of filmmakers whose work can be recognized from a single frame. But together—with all their abrupt shifts in visual perspective and time—they become a mosaic, deeply poignant and ultimately mysterious in the way it envisions a relationship between two people trapped by how much they care for one another. There are domestic dramas, and then there’s this.“
Tokyo Story (1953): Dave Kehr: “The film that introduced Yasujiro Ozu, one of Japan's greatest filmmakers, to American audiences (1953). The camera remains stationary throughout this delicate study of conflicting generations in a modern Japanese family, save for one heartbreaking moment when Ozu tracks around a corner to discover the grandparents, alone and forgotten. A masterpiece, minimalist cinema at its finest and most complex.“
Early Spring (1956): Ozu on the film: “I wanted to portray the life of a white-collar man — his happiness over graduating and becoming a member of society. His hopes for the future when he got his job have gradually dissolved and he realizes that, even though he has worked for years, he has accomplished nothing worth talking about. By delineating his life over a period of time, I wanted to portray what you might call the pathos of the white-collar life...I tried to avoid anything that would be dramatic and to accumulate only casual scenes of everyday life in hopes that the audience would feel the sadness of that kind of life” 
Equinox Flower (1958): Vincent Canby: “One of Ozu's least dark comedies, which is not to say that it's carefree, but, rather, that it's gentle and amused in the way that it acknowledges time's passage, the changing of values and the adjustments that must be made between generations.“
Late Autumn (1960): Peter Bradshaw: “Another gem from the Ozu canon, a masterpiece of tendernesss and serio-comic charm, as tonally ambiguous and morally complex as anything he ever made.“
And the tv series:
The Armando Iannucci Shows: You may know Armando Iannucci from his films, In The Loop and The Death of Stalin, or from some of his other television shows like The Thick of It or Veep, or from his involvement in all the Alan Partridge series with Steve Coogan. You probably missed The Armando Iannucci shows, his stream of consciousness sketch comedy that ran for one season back in 2001 (it didn’t help that it debuted in September of 2001), but it’s probably the most purely funny thing he’s ever done. 
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alxefevre · 3 years
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[ SAVANNAH SMITH, SHE/HER/HERS, (CIS) FEMALE]  —  [ ALPHONSINE LEFERVE ]  is a child of  [ HEPHAESTUS ]  with the power of  [ METAL MANIPULATION & TECHOKINESIS ] .  they were born in  [ 2000 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2017 ] .  with the change, they  [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ TECHNOLOGY  ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ SLEEPING OR WORKING ON A NEW CREATION ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the  [ MOON ]  building
tasks && connections page && about && pinterest
name: alphonsine leferve
age: 21
pronouns: she/her/hers
birthday: august 9th
track/job: technology && tinker
sexuality: bisexual
The daughter of Hephaestus and the beautiful Ann Marie Leferve, she was a child who shouldn’t have been here. Her mother was someone who wanted nothing more than to live her best life, doing whatever she wanted, having fun, being young. And she was young when she had her daughter, just barely twenty, and the idea of having a child sounded amazing. Thoughts of life when the child was older, about six or so, and how the two would dress up or go on trips together. There was never a single thought about actually raising a child, just the fun stuff that she would do with said child.
And when her child, a little girl, was born, Ann Marie finally realized the true struggles of raising a baby. Hephaestus wasn’t at her side, of course, because it was merely a one night stand. There was no love and she was fine with it but boy, was it hard being a single parent! Oh, well, at least she had her own father at her side, Gabriel Leferve. He raised Ann Marie on his own since he had her when he was a teen himself. A never ending cycle he realized, they both did in that very moment. And they prayed to God that the cycle would never reach this newborn child.
She was given the name Alphonsine Leferve, a perfect name for a perfect child. Alphosine, while beautiful, was a lot of work. She kept Ann Marie up at late hours, cried a lot, and constantly pulled on her mother’s hair! It was downright frustrating and humiliating! But even so... the sound of her daughters laughter that made her heart flutter and smile. Ann Marie could do this!
A true struggle at first before she got the hang of it. When Alphonsine turned five, that was when Ann Marie went to college for a degree in business while Gabriel took over watching his grandchild. He owned a tinker shop in Paris, small and cute but still fairly popular especially with the rise of people needing more help with their own electronic. He was a man who’s fingers just knew how things worked, easily able to fix whatever was given to him. Alphonsine used to watch him work and fell in love with all of it, urging her grandfather to teach her as well.
To the surprise of everyone in the household, Alphonsine was a pro at work. Fixing was no brainer for her and creating, something that she comes to love at the age of nine, was easy as breathing. Gabriel was impressed and Ann Marie found it adorable. Her little tinker fairy, the young woman called her daughter that for years upon years. To them, it was to be expected of her grandfather’s line of work when in reality it had to do with her birth father.
She was ten when her powers made an appearance. Accidentally controlling the shaping of metal and being able to control machines, it was sudden and felt unreal. Was it just a dream or perhaps her mind playing tricks on her? She wasn’t sure until she tested it out for a second, third, and fourth time. Then she realized how real this was. It was a secret that she kept from Ann Marie and Gabriel, not wanting to spring this up on the duo. But her secret was only kept hidden for a few years before it was destroyed.
A monster attack when she was on a trip to Italy with her family. It came out of nowhere as the trio wanted nothing more than to have fun. Gabriel got hurt protecting the two, his leg wounded in battle. Only the help of heroes from nemean lion were able to stop the monsters. ‘ you’re a demigod , ‘ they said. ‘ that’s why that monster attacked you. ‘ A cruel joke, how she wanted to laugh at it so terribly, but nothing left her lips. How terrible, how true, why her of all people?
They offered to take her away, to place that was safe and hidden but she refused. Still in denial, she refused to leave with them, wanting to stay with her family. It was a long argument of whether she would go with them or not before the heroes gave up, giving her their contact information. ‘ for when you’re ready. ‘ As if she’ll ever be.
Only they were right, Alphonsine showed up to nemean lion the summer of 2017, with a suitcase and two bags filled to the brim with her own tools and inventions. She never said what changed her mind and if you asked, the girl would use one of her inventions on you. She’s here now and that’s the only thing that matters.
At NL, she’s usually cooped up inside her own apartment fixing and building stuff there. She has services up to create personal weapons for anyone who wants one. Weapons are fit to work with the person’s ability and act as another mean to make things easier for an individual ( very much like seven deadly sins type of things with their weapons that the king gave them individually ).
wanted connections : :
stuff with her siblings! - she’s a brat and is def that annoying sister with anger problems. so if H-Dawg’s child, hmu
friends - she can be,,,,, friendly when she wants to be but i have no idea yet with her. maybe they like her all the time or perhaps they can only tolerate her in small dosages
people she has problems with - either because of something she said or even because of an issue they had with alphonsine trying to repair or make something for them
customers - anyone who she has either repaired stuff for or has created weapons for OR shes currently in the middle of making them something
im literally open for everything
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sardonicnihilism · 3 years
A Biography of the Woman Who Never Was
Part 5 The Older Woman
Chapter 5
The rest of 2018 and 2019 passed in fairly unremarkable fashion. The kids kept seeing the counselor, Jerry's behavior and grades improved until he was one of his grades top students. Tabatha, likewise, did extremely well academically. Jerry joined the school soccer team and took up violin, and Tabatha took up piano, guitar, and drums. While life continued with its normal ups and downs, it really did seem like the worst was behind them.
Even when 2020 hit like a meteor, it still didn't affect Shannon and her family that much. Both Sam and Shannon were deemed essential workers, and therefore kept their jobs. The schools shut down, but Shannon did home lessons over the summer and the kids did remote learning in the fall. Jerry struggled, having a hard time staying focused, but Tabatha did exceptionally well.
It was November when things started to go to Hell for them personally. Shannon started noticing a pain in her right chest and shoulder. It would constantly ache, and if she moved too fast, bolts of sharp, white hot pain would shoot through her body. At first she thought it was just muscle strain from lifting too much (she had gotten back into weight training to lose weight), but when she had taken a week off and there was no improvement, she knew she had to see a doctor.
Here appointment was in December, the week after Christmas. The doctor checked her out and then chewed her out. She was 47 years old and had never had a mammogram. Shannon reluctantly agreed to have one and her doctor made the appointment.
Shannon got her mammogram the second week of January at 8:50 AM. By 3:30 PM, she had three messages saying she should contact them immediately. Shannon had breast cancer. More than that, it had already spread to other parts of her body. After a consultation with the entire family, they decided on an aggressive treatment plan. Unfortunately, it was too late.
Shannon's health declined rapidly. Most of her hair fell out and she shrank from 252 pounds to 110. She was week and tired all the time. She mostly laid in bed, only getting up to use the bathroom; usually to vomit. It was decided that she would enter the hospital for her final days.
Sam would visit everyday. At first he brought the kids with him every time, then every other day, and then they would only come once a week on Sundays. By the end of April, it was clear it was only a matter of days.
Sam's last visit was on a Sunday. It was a perfect spring day. It was so warm and sunny that it made Sam angry. It seemed like a cosmic insult to everything he and Shannon were going through. However, he had managed to purge himself of his bitterness by the time he had gotten to Shannon's room.
She was staring out the window, a contemplative smile gracing her gaunt face. Her hands were folded in her lap and she looked almost transcendent.
"How's the most beautiful woman in the world doing today?" he asked with forced happiness as he entered her room.
Shannon turned to him and smiled as happy a smile as she could. "I don't know. I haven't seen her today," she joked back in her weak, hoarse voice.
Sam grabbed a chair and sat beside her. "How're you sweetie?" he asked with a hushed sadness.
"I'm ok. Best as possible I suppose. I was just thinking I beat mom by a month. She passed in April, I made it all the way to May. Of course she beats me on years though." Shannon's sense of gallows humor was not only still there, but had become stronger than ever.
"I tried to get the kids to come out, but they just couldn't," Sam said apologetically.
Shannon just waved her hand. "It's ok, my family never did do death well."
She turned back to the window and started talking as much to herself as to Sam. "I was going to ask you to make a recording of me saying my farewells to the kids, but then I thought if I really wanted this to be the last and forever image of me; a sad, shriveled up husk of a human being - an image of sadness and loss? That just seems too cruel. I'd rather be forgotten if that is the case."
"You'll never be forgotten," Sam tried to reassure her.
She turned back to him, smiling even more. "We're all forgotten eventually darling." She then reached out and took his hand. "It's been a life, hasn't it?"
"It sure has," he said, trying to smile, but tears were already starting to run down his cheek. "And I thank you for being the love of mine."
"As you are with mine," she said in a peaceful voice.
"No, you don't have to say that. You don't have to pretend." He shook his head as he spoke. He didn't want their potentially last moments to be filled with lies.
"Who's pretending?" Shannon said, sounding almost happy, like he had just told her a joke. "What? You think because I'm not romantically or sexualy attracted to you, that means you're not the love of my life? People put so much emphasis on romantic love. Darling, you were far more than a lover. Being a lover is easy. You were a friend." She then brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it.
Sam was now weeping heavily. "The first time I met you in the library, I knew I loved you," he choked out.
"When I was a little girl, I asked my grandfather why he kept the dogs outside. He said because animals don't belong in the house. That night, my biological mother, left me in her car while she went into the bar. I was alone, freezing. I wondered if maybe I was an animal and that's why I was being left alone.
"My entire life I felt alone, unloved, unlovable. I was angry and bitter and I hurt anyone or thing I could so they would feel what I felt. I caused so much pain.
"Then I met Jen and I thought I found love. I loved her and I thought she loved me, but she only loved what she thought I was. When I turned out not to be that, she turned her back on me and I went off the deep end.
"And then there was you. You made me laugh. I could talk to you about anything. I felt safe around you; not physically, but emotionally. I became a better person because of you.
"Even when I came out to you, you didn't turn me away, throw me out, which I would have understood if you did. You never stopped being my rock, my shoulder to cry on, the clown to make me laugh when I was crying. You never stopped being my friend."
"And I never will," Sam barely choked out.
"And that is why you're the love of my life."
Sam got up and they embraced. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she gave him one the cheek. They spent the next five hours just reminiscening and joking.
"I better get going, I suppose," Sam said reluctantly. "I can't leave the kids alone all day, but I don't want to leave you alone either. Not to die at least."
"We all die alone honey, even if we're surrounded by people," she said with a smile. "Go. You're a father and your kids need you. I'm already dead. The only thing the dead need is rest. Just, just tell the kids I love them."
"Always," he said tearfully.
A couple hours after he left, she began to feel really tired, her fingers and toes started going numb. She knew the time had come.
She started thinking about tombstones. A name, a dash, and another date. Everything she was, everything she had been, reduced to a small line, carved in a stone that would survive long after she had been forgotten. It seemed unfair, cruel even.
She then thought about something else, something she had learned back in college. She thought about quantum entanglement, how two atoms can become entangled, linked forever across time and space, eternal mirrors to each other.
Her mind then darted to the concept of the multiverse. How there might be infinite universes out, each with their own version of her. What if two versions could be linked somehow? Entangled? What if her mirror was out there? Could she reach her? Could her mind link across dimensions to one of her other selves to share her story?
*Please, please, if can hear me, please tell my story. Please don't let me be forgotten!*, she thought over and over to herself, trying to reach out to anyone who might hear until her brain ceased to function and she passed away.
Shannon Brown was born on November 22, 1975 to a single, alcoholic mother. He was taken in by his grandparents and his aunt Mary who raised him as her own. It is Mary who he considers to be his real mother. His biological mother, Kathy, would have two other children, a girl named Tracy (1977) and Paul Jr. (1979).
By about 4 or 5, Shannon knew that he wasn't a he, but a she, but having no language to express this, she kept this to herself. Shannon grew up alone, morbidly obese for most of her life, she never really had any friends and was constantly bullied and picked on. This made her angry and she would often act out in horrible and usually, self destructive ways.
She did manage to lose weight and was thin from 19 to 24. It was at this time she met her future wife, Samantha Hopwood online. Samantha, an Australian citizen, eventually moved to the United States and they got married in 2001. In 2009, their first child, Joshua was born.
It was after that, Shannon came out to Samantha as transgender. It caused a lot of pain and anger in their marriage, but they were able to work through some of it so that they had their second child, Tara, in 2011. In 2020, after years of being partially closeted, Shannon came out to everyone on Facebook (much to the horror of her wife).
It was about this time that Shannon discovered an app called FaceApp. It could change your photo to look like a child, old person, even the opposite physical gender. Shannon took a picture of herself, femininized it, and then took that new picture and reaged it from a little girl to an old woman. As Shannon stared at the pictures, she couldn't help but marvel over how real they looked! These looked like real pictures of an actual person.
"Who are you?" she said to herself. "Who are you, what is your story?" The more she stared at the pictures, the more she could almost hear this stranger call out, "Please, please, tell my story." It was then Shannon knew what she had to do. She opened her Tumblr app, hit the write symbol, and began-
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A Biography of the Woman Who Never Was
Part 1: The Girl
Chapter 1
*This story is dedicated to the memory of H.P. Lovecraft; a horrible man, but great world builder. This wouldn't exist without him.*
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wxrgirl · 3 years
Forged in Flames, Forged in Darknes: Gabriel Corday // NPC Bio.
tw: Death, Suicide, Body Horror, War, Blood, Violence, Gabriel Corday is his own trigger warning at this point tbh.
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It began with Gabriel Corday, born August 5th 1791 in Saint-Saturnin-des-Ligneries, Écorches, Normandy, France. A young soldier that fought for Napoleon in Waterloo (18th June, 1815) after he spend several years in the Kingdom of Westphalia. 
Coming from a minor aristocratic family not much was known about his parents. It was his aunt Charlotte that made the Corday name immortal when she assassinated Jacobine leader Jean-Paul Marat and died on the guillotine. Gabriel was only two years old when the Revolution ate its children and he has not many memories of his family. He grew up without any roots, being tossed between friends of his grandfather. No one understood why but his grandfather Jaques made sure that Gabriel was raised on the ideals of equality and brotherhood, dreaming of freedom and power for the people, without ever meeting his cousins or any other member of his family. He knew only that his mother Eloise-Marie de Corday handed on her dark hair color onto him and then died shortly after he was born through tragic circumstances. Of his father he knew nothing.
It was in 1809, when Gabriel was eighteen years of age and ready to join the efforts of Napoleon in bringing their French ideals to all of Europe. He was about to join the army when a stranger approached him, a friend of his mother. He told Gabriel to run from the fight and rather go to the Kingdom of Westphalia, were Napoleon's brother was truly changing the world and progressively working on the future. This stranger, a brown haired woman that appeared to be not more than ten years older than he was, also spoke of his mother. She told him, if he wanted to find the truth he needed to look for Isla Le Maingre rather than Eloise-Marie de Corday. 
And so Gabriel left his grandfather and all these well-kept secrets behind to find the truth on the other side of the Rhine. 
In Westphalia he had no trouble mixing with the local aristocrats, ignoring the poverty that swept through the streets outside their grand halls like a ghost whispering of Russian soil and endless winter. There was no sign of the woman that had pointed him in this direction and whenever he spoke of Isla Le Maingre he was met with a wall of silence until he met Savannah during a ball one night. She sensed some spark of ancient magic within his soul and suddenly Gabriel was thrown into the arms of the Nocta and while the Children of Pandora showed him a world he had only dreamed of before, filled with liberal rights and a new-found equality it seemed as if the boundaries of reality became more fleeting with every passing day. 
Marian crossed his path and changed his life forever. They fell in love, helplessly, completely. A love that was greater than the both of them, greater than their mortal lives for it had been foreseen in ancient times. At least that was what they believed. The world could not bring them apart, the war and Napoleon's defeat in Russia could not darken their mood, not even the Kingdom of Westphalia crumbling into dust only six years after it was founded seemed to be worth their attention. It was them against everyone else. 
But Marian was destined to die, a sacrifice for the gods, death giving way to life. It was too late to save her, everyone was sure of it. But in all his life Gabriel had learned about progressive rights, about magic and fate, he had learned about the gods and even came close to finding out the truth about his mother - how one gave up had never been part of his lessons. He finally joined the war, fighting for Napoleon and against the Nocta that refused to help him in his quest against the gods. He and Savannah gathered knowledge, gathered power, their alliances ever shifting and in the end not even Marian understood what was happening. 
She loved Gabriel still, she trusted him. And she allowed Savannah to perform magic on her, to stop the sacrifice from happening. Napoelon was defeated at Waterloo and thousands found their end in blood and mud. But the true tragedy struck a year later. For 1816 was the year without summer, when temperatures dropped and then refused to rise. Spring never came and in the end thousands more died of hunger because crops could not grow and flowers never blossomed. Marian knew it had been Savannah's spell, it had been their love that caused all this. And she wanted to rectify that mistake. But Gabriel was not finished yet and he finally declared war against the gods, an army of ghosts at his heel. 
Now the thing is, gods are not gods for nothing. And if you spend aeons fighting titans and the things that live between the stars one mortal, may his love be ever so strong, is no adversary for you. He dreamed of revolution but it was rebellion he caused, a speck of dust that is nothing in the eye of the mighty. 
So it ended with Gabriel Corday, died December 21st 1816, Verdun, France, aged 25. 
The gods are not known for their kindness, especially not those that were forced into the annals of history and almost forgotten. So death was not enough of a punishment and instead they cast him down into the deepest and darkest pit they could find, the shadows of Tartarus. For a hundred years he was locked up in darkness, with nothing but pain and his own regrets for company. Slowly but surely his mind succumbed to that darkness and then, when he had almost lost all sense of himself, a whisper made it through the haze in his skull. Kronos, the god of time, the titan that had been imprisoned aeons ago spoke to the mortal of vengeance, of rising against the gods once more. If Gabriel was to be freed, if he was to return for the titans and break their chains they would make him one of them when they marched against Mount Olympus. 
Gabriel agreed and when Kronos reached for him to seal their deal with blood the boy used all his rage, all his madness, that ancient spark of fire that his once distant father had given him and forced his own heart to burst. He devoured the shadow of Kronos, he devoured what was left of the mighty titan after aeons of darkness. And he became a titan himself. 
It began again, with Gabriel Corday, clawing his way out of tartarus and onto the blood soaked remains of Verdun, on March 15, 1916. 
Gabriel stumbled into a world of violence and war, he became a soldier once more, spending the better half of a century dying and returning, a Wiedergänger in the trenches of two world wars, wondering what had caused humanity to reach a point of greater madness than he had achieved in the deepest depths of hell. He knew who to blame, the gods that had abandoned all of them, turned their backs on their own creations. He knew which magic he needed to use, he felt it burning through his veins now that he had stolen it from Kronos. And most of all he knew who should fight beside him in the second and final rebellion against the gods. Arise dear Spring, he thought when the battles of mortals had finally ended and we walked away from the fields of slaughter to find her. His love, his heart, his Marian. 
mortal, timeless, nurture, no affiliation but himself, Wiedergänger
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lovedsammy · 4 years
if your world falls apart; commission for @awesomesusiebstuff
This was a commission request from @awesomesusiebstuff, who requested some Sam and trauma + Jack and Sam’s feelings on Jack developing from the Devil’s son, to someone similar to himself, to finally his own person that Sam cares for and views as a son. :)
Sam doesn’t quite know what to make of it. 
He’d been expecting -- they’d all been expecting -- a newborn baby. Instead, he’s staring at a naked almost fully-grown young man huddled in the corner of the nursery. The boy’s - Jack’s - eyes are alight in a golden hue, alerting Sam to the depth of his power. And the scope of it reminds him of just whose offspring he is. This was Lucifer’s son. Sam’s mouth goes dry with fear. A part of him almost wishes he were in Dean’s place instead outside, huddled in the dirt seated beside the form of their fallen friend. But he’d come in first, he’d taken it upon himself to find the child, and he couldn’t back out now. Not when was face to face with him. He forces himself to remember that this is also Kelly Kline’s son, and that she died believing that he would be good, that he’d be more human than angel. And Cas…. Cas had just died sharing that same belief. He owed it to Cas, and to Kelly, to give Jack a chance. He owed it to the universe. 
And most importantly, he owed it to the kid. 
Sam knew full well what it was like to be told that your destiny had already been decided for you, that you were born to be evil. Just because Lucifer and Jack shared the same genetics - or as close to genetics as angels could possibly have - didn’t mean that Jack was going to go dark. If Cas and Kelly had taken that leap of faith, then Sam would, too. But telling himself that and feeling it were two different things. Right now, the echoes of Lucifer were all over this room, even when Sam realistically knows that he’s trapped with Mary on the other side. 
When the boy speaks again, it takes Sam a moment to register that Jack is asking him if he’s his father, not just asking for him. 
“N-No, I’m not your father, Jack,” Sam says slowly, placatingly, as if speaking to a wild animal. He doesn’t really know how to approach him, doesn’t know how Jack will react to hearing that. “It is Jack, right?”
Jack just stares at him, either because he’s not pleased with Sam’s answer or because he’s confused by it. Sam isn’t sure. “Father,” The boy repeats. It’s not a question anymore, but a declarative statement. 
It hits Sam then that this boy, while being physically grown to adulthood, was mentally and emotionally a child in every single way. For whatever reason, Jack had just associated Sam with the status of being his father, had basically imprinted on him. Or at least, that was what Sam was understanding. Before he can even try and really process or attempt to explain the situation, Sam hears Dean calling out for him. 
“In here,” He returns. His brother was good with kids, better than he was; maybe Dean could help Jack out. 
Instead, when Dean comes into the room and stands at Sam’s side, he looks upon the Nephilim boy for the first time, and immediately fires a shot at him.
Sam reacts a second too late, lifting his arm uselessly to try and stop Dean The bullet barely misses the kid, and Jack unleashes a harsh yell in the form of a terrified tantrum. 
Sam catches Dean’s eye as they’re both suspended into the air. He’d tried so hard to be careful with Jack, and now thanks to Dean, they had only succeeded in pissing him off.
The force of Jack’s power slams them backwards, and Sam hits the wall with a hard thud. The last thing he sees before he slips into blackness is Jack’s golden eyes, and how as his vision fades, they become an eerie ruby red.   
The cell door closes with a bang and Sam jumps. 
Here he was, imprisoned once more with a celestial being. Even if this time had been slightly by his own choice. The sheriff had decided to lock him in here after he’d tasered Jack, but between himself and Dean, Sam was probably the better of the two of them to be alone with the kid right now. He genuinely wanted to try and reach through to him again, to explain, to try and help him if possible. Jack had seemed a bit out of his head, erratic when they’d found him. The exploding lights and pained reaction from the boy made it clear that he was spiraling, and fast. He had already attacked the sheriff. But Sam didn’t think it was done with malice or bad intention. Right now, sitting here looking at him, Sam sees an unstable being that doesn’t know who to trust, or how to navigate this new world he was just born into.
Sam is still cautious, though, and admittedly unnerved. Being near the kid was hard. The fact that he was the Devil’s son kept running through his head, constantly at the front of his mind. It didn’t even matter that Dean was in the next room over. Sam felt worlds away from him. He presses a little on the scar on his palm, just to try and ease the dissociation. It’d become a lot easier lately, to distinguish what was real and what wasn’t. He hadn’t even had to do this in a long while. 
But sometimes, he just needed to be sure. 
He misses it when Jack begins to stir. Automatically, the boy rolls over and springs backward on all fours, turning his golden eyes distrustingly towards him. Sam’s heart almost leaps into his throat. He lifts his hands up in surrender.
 “Whoa, whoa, easy, easy. It’s okay, you’re okay,” Sam says breathlessly. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
The boy is shaking.
“You already hurt me,” He growls, reminding Sam of a wounded animal. The kid felt threatened, hence his current stance. Jack was only trying to protect himself. 
Sam knows he only has one chance left to convince Jack that he means him no harm, that he’s on his side.  
“Yes, I did,” Sam amends. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to slow you down. You were, you were, um….” He trails off. How did you explain to a newborn Nephilim that he was losing control, losing his mind? Reminding people -- namely Sam -- of his lunatic Devil father? “Are you… are you all right?” He asks instead. 
“I don’t…. I was scared,” Jack explains slowly. “And when I get scared, things happen. I can’t stop them.” 
Sam’s brows crease. “Why were you scared?” 
“Because of the voices. They were so loud, so angry…” Jack is still shuddering, his entire body vibrating. The lights in the hall begin to flicker distantly. Sam looks back to Jack. 
“Do you hear them right now?” Sam needs to get the kid to let go of the fear, to calm down before something else happens. 
Jack focuses intently. “No,” He realizes, and some of the tension leaves his body. At last, he stops trembling, and straightens up. Unlike his father, Jack’s posture is unsure and wary.
“Good,” Sam assures him, offering a tight smile, a weak laugh. “That’s good.” A sharp relieved exhale escapes his lips and he takes a second to gather himself. As nerve wracking as this entire situation was, maybe there was a chance of reaching through to Jack after all. Sam starts a little when Jack moves closer, but the boy only goes to sit down, folding his legs cross-legged and appraising the hunter with child-like eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” He states. 
It takes Sam aback. “What?” 
“Will you tell them that I’m sorry?” Jack requests.
Sam sits there in stunned silence for a long moment before he can get his lips to move. “Y-yeah. Sure. Of course.” 
In the two minutes he’d spent with the kid, Sam was already beginning to think that Cas and Kelly got it right. There was no possible way that this boy was born evil. And when Jack talks about his mother with a fond smile, the reassurance is there. It makes Sam’s heart clench, especially when he announces that he considers Cas his father. It’s only that much harder when Sam has to give the news to him, that Castiel was dead.
The tearful eyes and sorrowful features reach something inside of Sam, making him want to offer the kid comfort. Here was this new being born into the world and already having lost everything. Jack needed guidance and help, not judgment or isolation. 
Sam makes the decision then that no matter what Dean says, he wants to try and help him. 
Because Jack wasn’t evil. 
After Dean agrees to take Jack home with them, the overall apprehension of being near the kid lessens. At some point, he stops associating Jack with being Lucifer’s son, and more as Kelly’s, and more of Cas’s. And in some weird way, kind of his, too. More and more, Jack was reminding Sam somewhat of himself. 
He hadn’t missed the similarities: both born to be evil, dead mothers, an unexplained power that seemed impossible to get a handle on. Sam had decided that day in the jail cell that he was going to protect Jack, to help him, to be for him what no one had for him.
Dean didn’t understand. He still saw Jack as evil, incapable of goodness or the possibility of being saved.
The first time Dean voices this is directly to Jack’s face, and it causes Jack to inadvertently use his powers, redirecting the kid outside. Sam comes to find him curled up in a cold alley, sniffling and blotchy-faced.
It hurts Sam that Jack feels so lost, so abandoned and unwanted. 
“Maybe I’m not worth all of this,” The kid says. 
Sam looks at him, nodding, because he understands. How many times had he had that same mentality? That Dean would be better off without him, had his brother just followed Dad’s orders and shot Sam dead like he was supposed to? Sam hadn’t thought he was worth anyone’s efforts, either. But Dean, Cas, his Mom, Bobby -- none of them had given up on him. 
“Your mom thought you were,” Sam tells him. “So did Cas.” Saying the angel’s name was still hard, still painful. After a beat he adds, “So do I.” And he means it. 
Jack lowers his eyes, still a bit disbelieving, but obviously touched. 
“Come on.” Sam says, extending his hand out to the boy. “Let’s go back in. Don’t let Dean get to you, okay? He’ll come around. He did for me.” 
The kid gives him an inquisitive look. “What do you mean?” 
Sam sighs, shaking his head. “I can’t yet. Not tonight. But some other time, okay?” One day he was going to tell Jack everything. 
Jack nods, and doesn’t press it. 
Hearing from Jack that Dean told the kid he wanted to kill him…. Sam’s seeing red. He tries to play it cool when his brother comes in, but once Dean mentions Jack and how messed up he is, it only infuriates Sam more. 
“No, Dean, he’s messed up because of you.” 
To his credit, Dean doesn’t look the least bit guilty about it. Sam tries to ignore the hurt that makes him feel. 
“Dean… you said you’d kill him.”
“It wasn’t exactly like that,” Dean says. 
“Then how exactly was it?”  
“I told him the truth,” Dean retorts. “See, you think you can use this freak. But I know how this ends. And it ends bad.” 
Sam can hardly believe what he’s hearing. He hadn’t heard the word ‘freak’ in years, and despite himself, it’s making him feel some type of way. “I didn’t,” He says harshly. 
“I didn’t end bad,” Sam reiterates. “When I was the ‘freak.’ When I was drinking demon blood.” 
Dean shakes his head. “Come on, man, that’s totally different.” 
Sam raises his brows. “Was it? Because you could’ve put a bullet in me. Dad told you to put a bullet in me, but you didn’t! You saved me! So help me save him!” 
Dean glares at him. “You deserved to be saved. He doesn’t!” 
“Yes, he does, Dean. Of course he does!” 
“I know you think you can use him as some sort of interdimensional can opener, and that’s fine, but don’t act like you care about him! You only care about what he can do for you!” Dean shouts, and Sam reels back from the force of it.  
Of course he cared about Jack. Jack was his own person, not a reflection of himself. And Jack sure as hell wasn’t just some tool that they could use and then throw away when he was no longer useful. That wasn’t Sam. It was true that he needed Jack’s help, that he was hopeful to utilize some of Jack’s power to find Mary. 
But that didn’t mean that he didn’t care about him. 
So when he comes to find Jack later, he apologizes. First for not telling him the whole truth, that they needed help finding Mary. But most of all, he apologizes for Dean’s behavior, and for what Jack had overheard.
“You want to save her,” Jack realizes. 
Sam nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. But if this doesn’t work, if that can’t happen ... that's okay. Because I do care about you.” He tells the boy earnestly, and he can feel the truth of it, the weight of it, in his heart. He cared about Jack more than he liked to admit. 
He wouldn’t let anything happen to Jack. Not because of Dean, or Lucifer, or anyone else. Sam was going to protect this kid - his kid - with everything he had. 
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betweensceneswriter · 5 years
The Madame, Part 6: La Rousse (The Redhead)
Previously:  Part 5: The Smugglers
The channel crossing to France brings nausea and memories…
The Madame: Table of Contents
Book 2 of Second Wife.  Jamie has left Laoghaire to find work in Edinburgh with Fergus.  Multi-viewpoint.  Lots of Claire memories.
Book 1–Second Wife
Mme Jeanne,
   Bonjour from your homeland.  We return a fortnight hence, bringing many lovely Guests with us.  We hope you will have Quarters for our Visitors, about thirty in all--five of Whom are to stay with you permanently, and the others to find Homes of their own.  We expect to reach your Establishment on the evening of the sixth and after a long Journey the Ladies will be weary.  We are hoping that you can have several discreet Gentlemen meet us to help us Escort them to their lodgings quickly.
    Now that you are prepared for those Guests, I beg that you may Prepare a room in the Garret for an additional Member of our party.  Elle n'a que onze ans--she is but eleven years of age, and is not to join your Jeune fille.  I simply need lodgings for her for the one Night, and then I intend to Travel on to the North to reunite her with her Family.  
Mr. Malcolm
He shouldn't have gone there. La Hopital de Angles’ brought up too many painful memories.
But it was right next to the chapel and the little graveyard where Faith was buried, and Jamie wanted to visit her… for Claire’s sake, certainly, but also for his own heart.
He was alone, as he had left Lesley, Hayes, and Fergus at Cousin Jared’s home.  
Jared was in his mid-seventies now--gray-haired and shrunken--and still a shrewd businessman. Despite Jamie’s letter requesting a kind bargain, it had taken quite some haggling to bring Jared down to a price at which they might actually turn a profit. Having finally agreed, though, now he only needed to secure the ship for their return voyage. The men had asked for the afternoon off, and he had consented, knowing he had solo plans of his own.
As he entered the cemetery, he took a deep breath.  
He felt guilty in Paris. Before Claire, guilt wasn't an emotion he much bothered himself with.  Growing up, he had always gone to confession with a spring in his step and a half-smile on his face.  On long travels as young men he and Ian had often amused themselves by debating which of the sins was most severe --which would keep them out of God’s favor or make the Blessed Virgin turn her back on them. 
Impure thoughts and self abuse were only venial sins--they would weaken the soul, but not kill the grace within.  Fornication, however, was a mortal sin--and that had been enough to keep Jamie from visiting the brothels like the other mercenaries did when they were fighting in France. 
Depending on the circumstances, killing another man could be a mortal sin.  But killing was a necessary evil at times in order for a man to protect his family.
A man might feel defending his honor was worth that necessary evil, Jamie thought with a shudder, but he must count the cost before allowing his pride to determine his actions. 
It was precisely that consideration that brought him such guilt in Paris. He had not counted the cost all those years ago when he had challenged Jack Randall to a duel even over Claire’s desperate objections.   To protect his own honor he had broken his wife’s heart--in essence murdering his first born--and then kept himself locked away while a bereft Claire had needed him after Faith was delivered stillborn.  
Jamie looked around the graveyard. Why had he come here? He could never recite enough Our Fathers and Hail Marys to assuage himself of this guilt. Nevertheless, he had come.
With one more sigh, Jamie stepped through the gate and walked toward his own broken heart.
Some of the grave markers were grand sarcophagi, white marble carved into the form of bowing angels, the Virgin Mother, or a patron Saint.  However, the grave marker he sought was humble, flat to the earth, hidden toward the rear near a copse of trees.
Jamie sat down when he reached Faith's gravestone.  He traced the name with his finger.
“Wee Faith,” he murmured aloud. ”I have thought about ye much since yer ma and I left France…”
He took a deep breath, gazing across the grassy expanse as if he could see through time.  “She said your hair… was a red halo... about your wee face.” With a hiccup of a laugh, Jamie shook his head sorrowfully, a smile playing about his lips. “For that I'm sorry,” he said seriously, patting the marble reassuringly, “No wee lassie should be saddled with orange hair.” He sighed, looking down at the stone, again running a finger gently over the carved letters. “I wish you had had dark curly hair, like your ma.  She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.” He furrowed his forehead. “Dinna fash yerself, though. My step daughter Joanie has red hair, and she is precious to me despite it.”
He shook his head.  He wasn't doing this very well.
“I came here, Faith,” he finally choked out, “to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my stubbornness, for my pride. I have done my penance, truly I have.  For I sent your ma and wee baby brother away through the stones to keep them safe.  It broke my heart, but I did it. I learned my lesson too late to spare you, but I spared them the pain of the years after the Rising.  I even kept myself hidden away at Lallybroch to keep the rest of my family safe. For seven years, mind. Seven years alone. Seven years to be sorry for it all.”
Jamie closed his eyes, for a moment feeling the devastating desolation of those years—all the years he spent in silence—so much time to rehearse in his mind what he would have done differently had he been able to do it all again. 
“Since you, wee lassie, I have not spared myself at the expense of another.  I turned myself in and went to Ardsmuir to keep yer Auntie Jenny and Uncle Ian and their wee bairnies safe. And I stayed at Helwater as long as I could to watch over... your brother Willie.”
Jamie cleared his throat, taking a ragged breath.
“Will you forgive me, lass, for not protecting you? I didna put you and… Claire… above myself, and that was a terrible mistake.”
As if in answer to his question, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearest tree, making them dance in a way that drew Jamie's eyes upward.
It was at that exact moment that Jamie saw the flash of red.
He shook his head and looked down, certain the tears in his eyes were playing tricks on him.
But when he looked up again, the red hair was still there.
A small girl, thin as a wraith, was picking her way through the graveyard.  She was dressed in ragged gray clothing which made the nosegay in her hand and her fiery hair stand out even more vividly.
She did not see him. He wondered for a moment if she was a spirit.  He believed in the afterlife, and Claire had appeared to him often enough.  But he had never seen…
“Faith…” He breathed in a whisper.
But then he noticed that her eyes were focused on a plot of freshly turned earth some yards to the north of him. He could almost see her tremble--from cold or sorrow, he didn't know.
“Maman,” the child whispered, falling to her knees, laying the bouquet gently down.  
Her red curls spilled over her shoulders, obscuring her face.  She wasn't the correct age, but he had to know.  He stood slowly, so as not to frighten her.
“Petite fille,” he said quietly, “comment tu t'appelles?”  She looked up at him, her eyes swimming.
“What did ye say?” she asked. Her accent was Scots.
“What is your name, child?” He asked again.
She spoke so quietly that he couldn't hear her well.
“Martha?” He asked.
“No,” she said, clearer now.  “Maitha.”
He reached a hand toward her, and she shrunk back as if afraid.
“Keep yer hands from me,” she said firmly. “I amna starving.  I am no’ for sale.” Her voice quavered despite the brave jut of her chin.
“Your parents called you Maitha?” he asked again.  “Aye,” she agreed.  “I dinna ken who my da is. But my Gran--she's from Aberfeldy.  And she wrote and told me ma to name me Maitheanas.” She lifted her chin proudly. “And when I'm old enough and have enough money I shall travel to be wi’ my family in Scotland.”
“Maitheanas?” Jamie repeated.  He felt a tremble deep in his gut at the word. “Do ye ken, child, what maitheanas means in the Gàidhlig?” 
“Of course,” the little lass said, a hint of pride lifting her chin. “Me mam loved to tell that story.  For it meant a lot to her, coming from me Gran after she had run away from home wi’ me da.”  
She was leaving now, confidently tossing the information over her shoulder.  “Of course I ken what me own name means. Maitheanas means... forgiven.” 
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onedayiwillflyfree · 5 years
When the Sun Begins to Fall Chapter Five: Dear Gilbert
Read the full story here:
Chapter 5: Dear Gilbert
May 12th, 1901
Dear Gilbert,
The Notre Dame is quite possibly more ravishing than even I could have ever imagined and I am ever so thankful that you decided to share it with me.
Your letters have been most wonderful but I do find myself envious of your and Winifred’s time in the city of love, finding myself longing for an adventure all my own. Perhaps someday, I too will be able to journey to Paris. But I find that to be unlikely.
Have you seen Diana since your arrival? She sent post that she was going to attempt to make her way to see you at her earliest convenience. She exclaimed she would love to take the two of you about the city with your final stop being the Louvre. If you decide to go, you simply must share your experience with me in your next letter. It is said to hold some of the most romantical pieces of art in all the world. 
I certainly hope you are sleeping and eating properly, Gil. You have created quite the most horrible habit of over burdening yourself. Make sure you are taking time to take care of yourself but also taking moments to enjoy the beauty that is surrounding you throughout the streets of Paris.
As for the going ons in our neck of the world, there is sadly very little for me to report. The orchards have begun to sprout lovely blooms as they do every late spring. Bash has done a brilliant job of replanting Mary’s garden fully, filling it with bright flowers and delicious vegetables. Dellie has become a master mud pie maker (they definitely look better than they taste). OH! She has also begun to create the most marvelous flower crowns, I even wore one to class the other morning and received the most cordial compliments. She is truly a kindred spirit, Gil. Hopefully you will be home before the blooms fade so she can make one for you.
Oh Gil, I find myself missing your company horribly. No one can make conversation as lovely as you. No one challenges me or allows me to share my ideas freely. It’s been ever so lonely. I wish you would return home… I wish you weren’t marrying someone else and that instead, you could love me. But perhaps the biggest wish I  have is that I could provide you with all of the happiness that Winifred brings you because Gilbert Blythe, I am most thoroughly in love with you. There. I said it. I, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, am in love with you. I have been for as long as I can remember. Not a day goes by that I regret not telling you to stay. Not a day goes by that I wish I would have taken your face in my hands and...
Anne stopped writing as tears flooded the paper. “Oh Gil…” she whispered, longing for the man she knew she  could never have. Why couldn’t she have been born into a family of rich businessman, into a family with connections and renown. Then, perhaps, she wouldn’t have had to leave him when he told her he wanted to stay. 
Wiping her nose, she pulled out a new piece of paper and started the letter over, word for word, carefully trying to avoid soaking the page once more. Once she arrived to the final paragraph, she stopped, tears welling once more. She couldn’t say those words to him. Never. She had made her choice. 
A knock came at the door. “Anne? Are you ready to go?” Roy’s sultry voice called through the closed door. Anne quickly wiped her eyes and nose once more. 
“Almost,” she choked out, scolding herself for potentially letting on that she was an emotional wreck. She cleared her throat and adjusted how she was sitting in hopes to raise her confidence. “You go on ahead, I will join you all shortly.” 
Roy shifted uncomfortably outside the door. “Are you sure? I don’t mind waiting.”
“I’ll only be a few more moments, I am finishing a letter to....” Her voice caught as a tear fell down her cheek once more.  Anne silently prayed he wouldn’t hear it her voice shaking and ask her what was wrong. She wasn’t sure she could bear to answer him.
After a moment, Roy shifted once again, this time preparing to step away to give his fiancée the space she seemed to desire. “Well, don’t take too long, we have a boat to catch if we want to make it to Cole’s exhibit on time.” Anne heard retreating footsteps echo throughout Aunt Josephine’s mansion. 
She sighed as she turned back to the letter, unsure of how to end it without making an utter fool of herself. Suddenly, a devilish thought came to her. The pen began floating across the page, words flowing from her that she never expected to write.
Oh, Gil, also I have some exciting news of my own. I was going to wait to inform you of this when you returned home but I simply cannot contain my excitement. I have met someone! His name is Royal Gardner (isn’t his name most devine). He is everything I had ever imagined my destiny to be. Tall, dark, handsome, incredibly smart, and the most marvelous of dancers. When we first laid eyes on each other, it was just as the novels had described: love at first sight. I am thrilled for the two of you to meet, I am sure you will get along swimmingly. 
Take care of yourself Gil, and give Winnie my best.
Your Kindred Spirit,
“Breathe in,” Anne obliged, breathing deeply as Doctor Charles Ward pressed his stethoscope firmly against her under clothes. Marilla stood perched in the far corner, eyes searching for any indication of how her girl was feeling. Gilbert, however, found himself feeling incredibly uncomfortable. 
A gentle burn crept upon his cheeks as he stared at Anne’s flushed face, his eyes fighting to glance down to her bare skin. Winifred, you are engaged to Winifred. Anne is just your patient and your friend. He had repeated the mantra to himself at least thirty times. Alas, the words did not appear to be sinking in. Because every time she would suck in a deep breathe, his eyes would stray to a particular freckle that lay just below her collar bone. Had that freckle always been there? 
Just as his straying eyes were about to search her for more unique markings, Anne focused her sight on him. He met her deep blue orbs, taking notice of how weary they were. Despite saying she had a full night of rest, the black under her eyes gave her away.
“Mr. Blythe,” Doctor Ward motioned for his assistant to join him. “Come here for a moment.” Gilbert felt his breathing catch.
“Uh sir, I, uh, had a listen to her, uh, lungs yesterday…” The words came sputtering out before he could stop them. The doctor glared up at Gilbert, which sent a chill slide down his spine. He may look like a man who had little to fear in this world, but the man who he had been apprenticing under for over four years had a way to wilt his soul. Mustering confidence, he regained his composure and pulled his stethoscope from around his neck.  “Yes sir.”
Gilbert felt Marilla’s eyes bare into him with each step he took towards Anne, as if she could sense the conflict within his mind. Anne smiled gingerly as he took one final step to her side. Doctor Ward beckoned Gilbert’s ear and whispered, “Yesterday, you said that only her left lung was rattling, correct?” He nodded in response. Doctor Ward’s face contorted, his eyebrows scrunching together as he turned back towards Anne.
“Now Miss Shirley, I am going to have Gilbert listen to your lungs now. I need you to take a large breath and let it out over the course of ten seconds, do you believe you can do that?” Anne nodded, eyes slowly closing as if she were dozing off. “Good, now Gilbert, place your stethoscope here.” Before Gilbert could stop him, Doctor Ward grabbed the diaphragm of his stethoscope and placing it against Anne’s right lung.
As Anne was breathing in, annoyance crept into Gilbert’s soul. How could he be using Anne as a teaching moment. It felt wrong. Just as he was about to pull away, he heard the sound that had made him so fearful the previous day. Only this time, it was in both of her lungs. He didn’t want to continue to listen, for he shuddered at the thought of what the sounds meant.
Suddenly, Anne sprung into another round of wheezing coughs as she clenched her chest. “Anne, I need you to remain calm,” Doctor Ward helped her remain upright as Gilbert stood motionless, continuing  to listen in horror. Soon Anne began to panic, fighting to catch her breath. “Gilbert, tell her to remain calm, she had to try and stabilize the cough.” But he couldn’t form words, all his thoughts focused on what he was listening to. Anne’s lungs were rattling like one of Dellie’s old baby rattles. Marilla sprang from the corner, closing the gap between her and the bed with a sprint.
“What’s wrong?” Marilla grabbed Anne’s free hand. Anne’s eyes desperately searched for Gilberts, desiring comfort and safety. When she finally found them, he could only see one thing: fear.
Gilbert ripped the listening device from his ears, throwing it on the floor as he tried to think of what to do. He kept his eyes locked with Anne as tears began rolling down her cheeks. In all the time the pair had known one another, he had only ever seen her afraid once, and at that time he had been able to save her. This time, fear was beginning to consume him as well. Through the fear, however, an idea came to him.
“Move,” he demanded, shoving his mentor to the side. Anne’s hand flew from her chest, frantically reaching for Gilbert as he positioned himself behind her, balling his hand into a fist. He brought his fist to the center of her back with one forcefully whack. 
A ball of pus flew forward, narrowly missing the doctor before landing on the floor. Instantly, Gilbert heard Anne breathe deeply, pulling as much air into her lungs that she could manage. 
“Thank...you…” she whispered through heavy panting, reaching for his hand. Gilbert took her hand within his own, trying to not shy away at the burning of her skin.
“Not a problem Anne-girl,” he responded, giving her hand a brief squeeze. He began to  move from behind her when she tugged his hand, almost begging him to stay.
“Gil,” Anne whispered, throat sore from the fit she just had. “Am I going to die?”
Marilla frightened eyes shot to Gilbert as he looked between hers and Doctor Wards anxious ones. Words caught in his throat, realizing that he wasn’t sure how to answer his friend. Could he tell her that he wasn’t sure? Would that bring her any comfort or would it just instill more fear than she was already feeling? 
He desperately wished that Doctor Ward would respond to her, give her all the answers she desired, but Anne had addressed him. She wanted the answer from the man she trusted perhaps more than anyone in this world. Because, despite how scared he was, she was petrified. And he knew that he would do whatever it took to protect her. 
Sliding from behind her, hands remaining clasped with one another, he took a seat facing her on her bed. “You’re going to be just fine…”
“Mr. Blythe,” Doctor Ward’s voice was harsh, frustration leaking through. 
Gilbert glared over his shoulder, demanding the man to silence himself, before turning back to his dearest friend sitting before him. “You’re going to be just fine, Anne.” Calm washed over him as the corner of her lips raised ever so slightly, her eyes drooping. He placed a hand behind her, guiding her into the pillows Marilla arranged ever so carefully behind her. “I promise.” He whispered as he pulled the covers over her shivering body. 
“Gilbert.” Doctor ward scolded as Gilbert’s eyes shot to his. Coldly, his voice just above a whisper. “Hallway. Now.”
Without waiting for a response, he stormed out the door. Marilla and Gilbert exchanged glances. “Well, this should be fun,” he mumbled, giving a sarcastic eye roll for good measure. 
Marilla, who was attempting to remain stern but worry was consuming her, threw her head back towards the door. “You get out there,” she muttered as she sat on Anne’s bed, not releasing her hand for a single moment, eyes not leaving the resting woman before them. He hesitated, not wanting to leave the room, but he knew that as usual, Marilla was correct. 
“I’ll only be a moment,” he muttered before making his way into the hall, ready to receive his scolding.
“What was that?” Charles Ward bellowed as Gilbert gently shut the door behind him. He held a hand out, signalling for his mentor to lower his voice. He passed him, leading him past Matthew’s former bedroom, stopping at the top of the steps.
“What was what?” Gilbert asked, playing dumb.
“You know bloody well what,” The Doctor hissed, trying to keep his voice low. “You cannot promise a patient…”
“She’s my friend,” Gilbert shouted abruptly, fingers beginning to tingle as they did every time he felt frustration boiling within. He balled them, trying to focus his anger anywhere besides his voice. After a deep breath, he leveled his voice as he continued.  “I simply had the desire to reassure her that everything was going to be alright.”
“Reassure her?” His mentor let out a dry chuckle. “I have always admired your ability to care for your patients but I fear your judgement is being clouded by this woman.”
Gilbert clenched his jaw, fighting the scream he felt forming in his throat. “My judgement is perfectly fine.”
“Really now,” Charles crossed his arms, speaking to Gilbert as if he were scolding a young boy rather than a man. “ What was her blood pressure last night?” Gilbert looked down, realizing he didn’t know the answer. “What about her pulse? Respirations? Temperature?”
“It was late, she was exhausted…” he mumbled. 
“Exactly my point, you are treating this girl as your friend. You”re allowing your personal relationship with this woman to prevent you from seeing what is truly happening!”
Gilbert turned to face Anne’s door once more. “Anne is going to be fine.”
“Gilbert, you cannot be that blind.” Charles response was frigid. “You are not the same boy who asked for my help so many years ago.”  Gilbert opened his mouth to interrupt but Charles cut him off, wagging his finger in front of his apprentices face. 
“Now you listen to me, son, and you listen good. I have been doing this for a long time. I delivered your father, for Lord's sake.” At the mention of his father, Gilbert’s anger began to simmer once more, readying itself to overflow. “And I am telling you, I have never heard someone’s lungs as horrible as hers.” He threw his thumb in the direction of Anne’s door. “And by you sugar coating her diagnosis, you have done her a great disservice by not preparing her for what’s to come.”
Shock overtook rage and Gilbert found himself unclenching his jaw, trying to process what he had just been told. “Wait, wait, wait,” he sputtered, shaking his head. “Doc, you’re sounding like you’re prepping her death certificate.” He fought to meet his mentors eyes, looking for any indication that he wasn’t being serious, that Gilbert was right in thinking this was just a slight case of pneumonia. But Doctors Ward’s refusal to directly meet his gaze caused his stomach to plummet into the floor. “No.” He felt his knees slack, the room began to spin around him. Frantically, he reached for the nearest wall, feeling the need to stabilize himself before he fell down the stairs.
Charles reached out, grasping Gilbert’s arms tightly in his hands, pulled him away from the edge of the stairs. “Gilbert, breathe. Breathe.” Doctor Ward began breathing in through his nose deeply, urging Gilbert to mimic him. He was unsure of when he had begun to hyperventilate but he forced his breathing to slow, matching his breathing to the man he had just been quarreling with. “Good. Good job.”
He straightened, vision ever so slightly blurred, his knees still shaking but he felt better than he had just moments before. Doctor Wards hand remained on his arm, shooting glances of remorse to his young apprentice. “I am terribly sorry son.”
“For what?” Gilbert questioned, genuine confusion filling his voice. Charles mouth sat agape, wondering if the young man before him had truly become delirious or was simply in shock.
“For the girl, of course.” He spoke each word slowly, articulating each word as if Gilbert was dim. 
Gilbert clenched his jaw. “Anne. Her name is Anne. And she is going to be fine.” He yanked his shoulder from the Doctors hand, anger was beginning to find its way back into his soul. 
Doctor Ward held up his hands defensively, once again speaking slowly. “Gilbert, son…”
“Stop calling me son.” His voice boomed, Doctor Ward stepping back when his eyes peered down to Gilbert’s slowly forming fists. Gilbert had no idea where this anger was coming from, normally he was able to work through his emotions without it affecting anyone. And he had never minded Doctor Ward calling him son, the man has given him incredible opportunities and taught him many valuable lessons over the years. However, at the moment, it was insulting. He was treating Gilbert as if he didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. As if he didn’t just hear that Doctor Ward, the man who was supposed to try and save people, was signing Anne’s death certificate as she lay in the next room. This anger was different, this was pure, uncontrollable rage. “You are writing her off after seeing her for all of five minutes. I have known her for six years! So do not speak to me as if I am allowing my judgment to be clouded when you are signing a death warrant without even trying to save her!”
“Gentlemen!” A voice shrieked from the top of the steps. Both mens eyes shot to Winifred, both unaware of how long she had been observing them. She glided towards them, carrying an air of elegance but also an aura that would strike fear into the burliest brutes. “Now, gentlemen, I hate to interrupt this *discussion but,” she slid her hand down Gilbert's arm, wrapping his fist in her hands. “I do believe that if you so chose to continue, you should do it elsewhere.” Gently, she glanced over her shoulder, pulling Gilbert’s attention towards Anne’s door once more, only this time, he found it open. And within that opening stood a mortified Marilla, who looked as if she could faint at any moment. 
Rage melted away as remorse quickly took its place. He tenderly stepped towards Marilla, letting his hand slip from Winnie’s. “Marilla, I…”
“She...she’s asking for you,” Marilla managed to whisper as a tiny sob escaped her lips. Winnie pushed past Gilbert and took the older woman in her arms. Tears soaked her sleeves as she began to lead Marilla towards the steps.
Winnie peered over to Gilbert remorsefully. “I’ll make some tea, give you two some time.” Without another glance, she guided the sobbing woman down the stairs, leaving Gilbert alone with his mentor once more.
Charles rested a timid hand on Gilbert’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “Would you like me to go with you?” Gilbert’s eyes remained focused on the door at the end of the hall as a series of coughs began sounding off. Despite the fight the pair had just had, he wished that Charles could come in with him, remembering that years ago, he left him to deliver the news to Mary that she was in fact dying and how difficult it had been. Gilbert had been furious with him for quite some time after that, so far as questioning his career choices, when it was Anne who reminded him why he wanted to become a doctor in the first place. It was Anne who reminded him that caring too much was always was the right thing to do. He owed this to her, to do anything in his power to help her fight this disease. 
“No, thank you sir. I will be okay.” He glanced over his shoulder, meeting Doctor Wards eyes. Slowly, he stepped down the hallway, stopping a few steps away from Anne’s door before turning back to see Charles still staring at him. “And sir, I apologize for my outburst.”
“It’s quite alright Gilbert, the news can be hard to handle.” Doctor Ward smiled softly. He had attempted the smile for comfort, but Gilbert felt the rage trying to make a reappearance. “I’ll explain to Miss Cuthbert, start having her make necessary arrangements for Anne.” Gilbert nodded, turning around before he would start shouting again. Instead, he escaped into his thoughts.
*You’re wrong this time Doc. She’s going to be just fine. You have never seen a more powerful force than Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.
“Knock knock,” he exclaimed audibly as he slid through the open door. Anne was still propped up against the stack of pillows, her eyes still fighting to remain open. Gilbert made his way over to the bed, sitting in the chair beside her bed. He had a feeling he would be sitting there quite often over the next couple of days. “Hey Carrots.” Anne’s eyes widened quickly, suddenly alert.
“Honestly Gil, do you think now is the best time for that?” Her voice was hoarse but he could hear the laughter that so often came when he used her despised nickname.
Gilbert leaned forward, leaning against her bed. “Well, I don’t see any slates around, so I suppose this is as good a time as any.” Through her exhaustion, Anne fought off a smile but it was to no avail. Her ocean eyes sparkled with glee as a small chuckle escaped her lips before it was joined by a chesty cough. He leaned forward, ready to sit her up if necessary.
She gave out two more coughs before she spoke. “You know, every time I cough, I can feel that crackling you mentioned.” She rubbed the side of her ribs, as if she could massage away the internal pain. His throat constricted and his cheeks began to burn. Anne turned to him, smiling weakly as she inched her fingers towards his, stopping just close enough their fingertips were touching. “Oh Gil, I’m alright. Calm yourself.”
He knew he wouldn’t calm down, not until she was out of this room. Not until he saw her walking through the forest, greeting each tree good morning and building crowns from the most beautiful blooms. Not until she was teaching young minds that the world is indeed larger than this small minded town they had been raised in. He wouldn’t be calm until he saw Anne, his dearest friend, be her remarkable self once again.
Gilbert’s eyes wandered to their fingertips, wickedly wishing he could take her hand within his own and hold it for the rest of his days. He longed to feel the comforting warmth of her skin against his own, the feeling only she had ever provided. 
But then his mind drifted to just below them, thinking of his fiance pouring tea for the distraught Marilla Cuthbert, doing her best to care for people she hardly knew. His thoughts proceeded to drift to Royal Gardner, the man who held Anne’s heart and hand, and would for the rest of their days. Anne and him, they were nothing more than childhood friends who had followed different paths. As much as it pained him, he knew that allowing himself to crave her touch was disgraceful.
Anne’s mind must have been processing similar thoughts simultaneously, because the same instant Gilbert went to sit back, she pulled her hand away and rested it against her chest. Her eyes, however, didn’t leave his as tears began to pool on her lower lids. “Sorry, I just..” she whispered. “I’m so terribly frightened Gil.”
Gilbert felt his own eyes moisten, wishing he knew how to comfort her properly. He would give anything to be the one in her place, fighting as his lungs were slowly filling with pus and fluid. A single tear escaped her lid, leaving a stained trail as it slid down her cheek. To hell with proper. His hand shot towards her, pulling it from her chest and intertwined it with his own.
Electricity shot down his spine, but he fought the feeling. His friend was afraid and he planned to do everything in his power to comfort her and help her heal. No matter what it took. Anne took her free hand, reaching up to his face and wiping a stray tear he hadn’t realized was falling. “Gil,” she whispered, her voice catching. “Be frank with me.” He swallowed, squeezing her hand lightly, already knowing the question she was going to ask. “Am I…”
“Get back here!” A voice screamed from just below Anne’s bedroom window. The pair exchanged glances, unsure of what demon had just been unleashed within the gates of Green Gables. “You’re destroying your dress! This is not how a lady behaves!” Instantly, their faces shifted into amused smiles, all anxieties and woes melting away. The screaming voice could only belong to one woman: Eliza Barry. 
The kitchen door slammed below them, soon being followed by the sound of someone sprinting up the stairs. “What on earth..” Gilbert overheard Marilla cry from below as the door slammed for a second time. “Eliza?”
“Oh Marilla, my deepest apologies, I informed her about…”
The conversation was interrupted by heavy foot falls running down the hallway. Gilbert and Anne pulled their hands apart, him bringing it instinctively up to his curls. He peered at Anne from the corner of his eye to find her beaming when the door slammed open.
Gilbert was unsure he had ever seen Diana Barry look so frazzled in all his life. Her bun had loosened, allowing strands of hair to fall wildly around her face, an assortment of leaves and twigs sticking out every which way. And her dress, which he was sure cost more than what he made in a year, was now covered in brown sludge and had begun to fray at the bottom. He tried his best to stifle a laugh as she breathed heavily, eyes searching for Anne. For the first time since his arrival, Anne grinned ear to ear, appearing as if the presence of her bosom friend had cured her of all ails.
“My dearest Diana,” Anne called from the bed, trying her best to hold in a cough.
“Oh Anne,” Diana’s eyes filled with tears, a smile dancing on her lips. “My mother just informed me that you had taken ill and wouldn’t be able to make it today. I simply knew I had to come see you…” Diana began to step closer to Anne, when Gilbert stood blocking her from stepping any closer. “Gilbert Blythe, what is the meaning of this?”
“Well hello to you too, Diana,” he smiled, clearly bemused as his old friend tried to dance around him. “Diana, stop. Anne is very sick, highly contagious. You need to keep your distance.”
“Oh, so only you can be near her?” She asked clearly annoyed, Gilbert felt a blush creeping on his cheeks. “Now, Doctor Blythe,  I have been half way around the world for the last two and a half years and if you do not move out of my way this instant, I will be forced to push past you, which would be most rude of me.”
Gilbert weighed his options. If he wanted to follow procedure, he would have Diana remain a safe distance away. It was his job to ensure the safety of those around him and not to spread disease. However, he had determined when he entered medical school that he would always put his patients' needs first. Which, at the moment, meant allowing his patients dearest friend through to hug her. 
With mock frustration, Gilbert stepped aside, allowing Diana to pass. Within a second, Diana threw herself across Anne’s lap, wrapping her arms tight around Anne’s torso. Tears began to stain Anne’s nightgown, Diana’s euphoric sobbing muffled within the cloth.
“I have sorely missed you, my dearest bosom friend,” Anne whispered, weakly pulling her arms around Diana as tight as she could. Gilbert watched the pair, unable to fight the smile he had been trying to suppress.
When the girls finally separated, Diana grabbed hold of her friends face, her smile falling instantly. She lifted the back of her hand to Anne’s forehead, recoiling at the heat emitting from her friends skin. “My Lord, Anne, you are burning up!” Her focus shifted to Gilbert, hundreds of questions swimming through her mind.
“I am so happy you are here Di,” Anne coughed into the crook of her arm. “I don’t know if I could bear the thought of not seeing you again…” Before she could finish, she coughed twice more, each one sounding worse than the other. Her lungs were forcing fluid up again. 
Her panicked eyes found Gilberts, who in turn ran towards her bed, helping her sit up fully to hopefully prevent her from choking once more. Anne’s breath started to catch once again. Her panic setting in as she latched onto his arm, digging her nails into his skin. 
“What’s happening,” Diana panicked, too terrified to move. Gilbert positioned his fist in the center of Anne’s back, fighting the pain he was feeling in his forearm from her nails. 
“Alright Anne, I need you to try and cough on the count of three. Just as we did before, remember?” Anne wheezed, nodding in understanding.
“Gilbert, what is happening?!” Diana shrieked. 
He ignored her, trying to maintain his calm as best he could. “Alright, one, two…” he lifted his fist high in the air as Diana’s face became void of color. “Three!” As his fist made contact with Anne’s back, she managed a weak cough, causing a thick ball of green mucus laced with streaks of red to fly from her mouth. The ball projected onto Diana’s skirt, trying to absorb into the fabric. Anne gasped, loosening her grip on Gilbert’s arm as she inhaled panicked breathes. “You did it, Anne-girl, you got it.” She leaned into him, exhaustion overtaking manners. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Diana asked, tears streaming from the corner of her eyes. Gilbert felt Anne’s breathing began to stabilize, slowing ever so slightly as she drifted off to wherever her dreams were taking her this time.
“Pneumonia.” Much to his dismay, he moved from behind her, leaning her back into her pillows once more. He adjusted them so she was sitting up a bit higher, pulling her blankets up to her chest. “Her lungs are essentially filling with fluid, so sometimes, when her lungs are trying to constrict and can’t,” He turned his attention towards Diana, looking down at the stain forming on her skirt. “Mucus forces it way out.”
Diana’s eyes joined his, though she didn’t seem to show much concern for the skirt. “Gilbert…is she…”
“No.” he replied curtly. Diana glared at Gilbert as he cleared his throat. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “But no, Diana, she is not going to die. I’m going to ensure it.”
Diana considered his response and found it satisfactory, knowing if anyone could save their Anne, it would be Gilbert Blythe.
She turned back towards Anne, clasping her hand within her own. “May I sit with her for awhile?” 
Gilbert hesitated, knowing if Diana was there, he would be expected to leave the room and he found himself petrified of what would happen it hr wasn’t around. “I don’t know Di..”
“Only for a little while.” Her eyes pleaded with him as he bit his lip, tempted to refuse her request. Diana glared at him, growing frustrated with his hesitation. “Besides, your fiancé is downstairs. I’m sure she would love for you to join her for at least one cup of tea.” The words were cold, she knew how to hit just the right chord to make him leave. Gilbert bit his lip once more, looking down at the sleeping fire queen before him and then over to the door.
“Alright, but I will be right downstairs if you need me.” When he was met with silence, he turned to make his departure, glancing back only for a moment to see Diana’s gaze had softened as she began humming Anne’s favorite hymn.
Special thanks to: @royalcordelia and @rootedbutfl0wing you are both gems <3
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queenofangrymoths · 4 years
Book Log of 2019
I kept a record of how many books I read in 2019. I liked most of them so I would recommend you give any of them or read.
So on with the list! If it has an X next to it then it means I didn’t finish reading it. 
#1: Warcross by Marie Lu.
#2: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.
#3: Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix by Julie C. Dao.
#4: Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova.
#5: A Thousand Beginnings and Endings by Roshani Chokshi, Alyssa Wong, Lori M. Lee, Sona Charaipotra, Aliette De Bodard, E. C. Myres, Aisha Saeed, Preeti Chhibber, Renée Ahdieh, Rahul Kanakia, Melissa De La Cruz, Elsie Chapman, Shveta Thakrar, Cindy Pon, and Julie Kagawa.
#6: The 57 Bus by Daska Slater
#7: The Dark Descent Of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kristen White.
#8: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
9#: Broken Things by Lauren Oliver.
10# The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
11# A Study In Charlotte by Arthur Doyle
12# Simon Vs The Homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
13# The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
14# Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
15# The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
16# Carry On by Rainbow Rowel
17# Teen Trailblazers, 30 fearless girls who changed the world before they were 20 by Jennifer Calvert
18# Evermore by Sara Holland
19# The White Stag by Kara Barbieri
20# One Dark Throne by Kendra’s Blake
21# Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
22# A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney
23# King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo X
24# Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
25# The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
26# Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
27# Mythology by Edith Hamilton
28# Percy Jackson Greek Gods by Rick Riordan 
29# Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen M McManus
30# The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
31# Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
32# Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt De La Peña
33# The Phantom of The Opera by Gaston Leroux
34# Roseblood by A.G Howard X
35# Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Maas
36# Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
37# Velvet Undercover by Teri Brown
38# Through The Woods by Emily Caroll
39# The Wicked Deep by Shes Ernshaw
40# Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
41# Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
42# Where She Fell by Kaitlin Ward
43# Modern Herstory: Stories Of Women and non binary people rewriting history by Blair Imani
44# White Rabbits by Caleb Roehrig
45# To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Adapted by Fred Fordham
46# Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
47# Ever The Hunted by Erin Summeril
48# Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte
49# Lost Souls, Be At Peace by Maggie Thrash
50# Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
51# The Giver by Lois Lowry adapted by P.Craig Russell
52# My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand. Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
53# What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera X
54# An Assassin’s Guide to Love & Treason by Virginia Boecker
55# The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas adapted by Nokman Poon and Crystal S. Chan
56# The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R Tolkien
57# What is someone I know is gay? By Eric Marcus X
58# Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig
59# The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien
60# The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien X
61# The Return of The King by J.R.R Tolkien
62# Lafayette by Nathan Hale
63# Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
64# We should all be feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
65# The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson
66# Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
67# Norton Volume Of English Literature
68# Beowulf by Unknown
69# The General Prologue by Chaucer
70# 20/20 by Linda Brewer
71# Always in Spanish by Agosim
72# The First Day by Edward P. Jones
73# Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff
74# Writing Fiction by Burroway
75# Murderers by Leonard Michaels
76# Greatness Strikes Where It Pleases by Lars Gustaffson
77# Cathedral by Raymond Carver
78# A Conversation with My Father by Grace Paley
79# Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov
80# The Lives of the Dead by Tim O’Brien
81# Head, Heart by Lydia Davis
82# Richard Cody by Edwin Arlington Robinson
83# “Out- Out-“ by Robert Frost
84# The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy
85# I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth
86# Poem by Frank O’Hara
87# On being brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley
88# On her loving two equally by Aphra Behn
89# Because you asked about the line between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemerov
90# Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish
91# Ars Poetica? By Czeslaw Milosz
92# Ars Poetica #100: I believe by Elizabeth Alexander
93# Poetry by Marianne Moode
94# “Poetry makes nothing happen”? By Julia Alvarez
95# Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins
96# In Memory Of W.B. Yates by W. H. Auden
97# The kind of man I am at the DMV by Stacey Waite
98# The Changeling by Judith Oritez Carer
99# Going to war by Richard Lovelace
100# To the Ladies by Mary, Lady Chudleigh
101# Exchanging Hats by Elizabeth Bishop
102# History Of Ireland Volume 1 by Lecky X
103# A Modern History of Ireland by E. Norman X
104# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
105# Gender by Lisa Wade & Myra Marx Ferree
106# Trifles by Susan Glaspell
107# The Shroud by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
108# King of the Bingo Game by Ralph Ellison
109# Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin
110# Fences by August Wilson
111# Where are you going, where have you been? By Joyce Carol Oates
112# Daddy by Sylvia Plath
113# What is our life? By Walter Raleigh
114# May I compare thee to a midsummer day? By William Shakespeare
115# The love song of J. Alfred Prufruock by T. S. Eliot
116# À unr passante by Charles Baudelaire
117# In a station of the metro by Ezra Pound
118# The Fog by Carl Sandburg
119# The Yellow Fog by T.S. Eliot
120# On first looking into Chapman’s Homer by John Keats
121# the Road Not Taken by Robert Frisr
122# Paradise Lost  Book 1 & 10 by John Milton X
123# The Victory Lap by George Saunders
124# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
125# The Vanity Of Human Wishes by Samuel Johnson
126# Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
127# When to Her Lute Corinna Sings by Thomas Campion
128# Sir Patrick Spens by Anonymous
129# Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall
130# A Prayer, Living and Dying by Augustus Montague Toplady
131# Homage to the Empress of the Blues by Robert Hayden
132# The Times They Are A-Changin’ *
133# Listening to Bob Dylan, 2005!by Linda Pastan
134# Hip Hop by Mos Deff
135# Elvis in the Inner City by Jose B. Gonzalez
136# Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost*
137# Terza Roma by Richard Wilbur
138# Stanza from The Eve of St. Agnes by John Keats
139# Stanza from His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
140# Stanza from Sound and Sense by Alexander’s Pope
141# Stanza from The Word Plum by Helen Chasin
142# Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
143# Myth by Natasha Trethewey
144# Sestina by Elizabeth Bishop
145# Sestina: Like by A.E. Stallings
146# l)a by E.E Cummings
147# Buffalo Bill by E.E Cummings
148# Easter Wings by George Herbert
149# Women by May Swenson
150# Upon the breeze she spread her golden hair by Franceso Petrarch
151# My lady’s presence makes the roses red by Henry Constance
152# My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun by William Shakespeare
153# Not marble, nor the gilded monuments by William Shakespeare
154# Let me no to the marriage of true minds by William Shakespeare
155# When I consider how my light is spent by John Milton
156# Nuns Fret Not by William Wordsworth
157# The world is too much with us by William Wordsworth
158# Do I love thee? By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
159# In an Artist’s Studio by Christina Rossetti
160# What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why by Edna St. Vincent Millay
161# Women have loved before as I love now by Edna St. Vincent Millay
162# I, being born a woman and distressed by Edna St. Vincent Millay
163# I will put Chaos in fourteen lines by Edna St. Vincent Millay
164# First Fight. Then Fiddle by Gwendolyn Brooks
165# In the Park by Gwen Harwood
166# Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley by June Jordan
167# Sonnet by Billy Collins
168# Dim Lights by Harryette Mullen
169# Redefininy Realmess by Janet Mock
170# Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood
171# The House Of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges
172# Death Fuge by Michael Hamburger
173# Clifford’s Place by Jamel Bickerly
174# We are seven by William Wordsworth
175# Lines written in early spring by William Wordsworth
176# Expostulation and Reply by William Wordsworth
177# The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth
178# Lines by William Wordsworth
179# Recitatif by Toni Morrison
180# Volar by Judith Ortiz Cofer
181# The Management Of Grief by Bharati Mukherjee
182# Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
183# Jesus Saves by David Sedaris
184# Disabled by Wilfred Owen
185# My Father’s Garden by David Wagoner
186# Practicing by Marie Howe
187# O my pa-pa by Bob Hicok
189# Mr. T- by Terrance Hayes
190# Late Aubade by James Richardson
191# Carp Poem by Terrance Hayes
192# Pilgrimage by Natasha Trethewey
193# Tu Do Street by Yuaef Lomunyakaa
194# Diving into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich
195# Elena by Pat Mora
196# Gentle Communion by Pat Mora
197# Mothers & Daughters by Pat Mora
198# La Migra by Pat Mora
199# Ode to Adobe by Pat Mora
200# Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy
201# The Silken Tent by Robert Frost
202# Metaphors by Sylvia Plath
203# The Vine by James Thomsen
204# Questions by May Swenson
205# A Just Man by Attila József
206# the norton anthology of world literature
207# Pan’s Labyrinth by Gullernio de Toro and Cornelia Funke Xw
208# The prince and the dressmaker by Jen Wang
209# Rejected Princesses: Tales of History's Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics by Jason Porath
210# The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
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easnuppa · 5 years
The outlawˋs way
Chapter 7, this is the last chapter of this story, i have started on a part two for it, but at the moment alittle busy working on another story, so can not promise when part two comes out. Hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as the others.
Pat had left the ranch early the next morning, the guys where already waiting on him by the rental stable when he rode into town, eager to go back.
Harley and Dan were the two he trusted most out of his brothers’ gang, they had showed Pat their loyalty to him more than once. They both looked up at him, Pat just shook his head.
"Time to head back guys, he passed four days ago."
They both lowered their heads to show Pat their respect before they mounted their horses. After riding in silence for about an hour Dan broke the silence.
"Did ya find the money?"
Pat saw from the side of his eye that Harley was sending Dan a scowl and Pat sighed, he didn’t want the guys to go at each other’s throats right now.
"There were no signs of the saddle bags, he must have dropped them along the way. We will go back when the snow melts and search for it."
The guy seemed relieved with this answer, knowing Will would ride their asses if they didn’t return with at least some notion of where his money had gone. Then Pat suddenly pulled hard on his horse’s reins, making the horse come to an abrupt stop, he turned in the saddle and faced the two men.
"Daryl managed to get hitched to a rancher’s daughter, who now runs the ranch by herself."
Both of the guys whistled and grinned widely.
"Damn Daryl, the boy moves fast workin’ on his own," Dan snickered.
Pat remembering the concern he has had for Daryls little lady, she had been acting strange that morning before he left, he had caught her at the back of the house throwing up, she had brushed him off sayin it was just part of her grieving proses, but Pat knew enough to think there was more to it, he looked at Harley.
"I have a suspicion that Daryl left some belongings back with his grieving widow, from what I read in one of the newspapers in town, I saw she was hiring ranch hands.... I want ya to go back there and tell ˋer yer looking for a job, don’t tell ˋer yer riding with the Dixon gang, and keep yer eyes on ˋer for me. She’s a Dixon so yer gonna protect ˋer with yer life."
Harley didn’t question, he just nodded and turned his horse around and pushed his heels into the horse’s flanks and took off in the opposite direction. Dan on the other hand had a curious nature.
"What kinda belongings did he leave?" Pat stared at him, his blue eyes growing cold.
"A kid, but ya keep yer trap shut to Will about it, the kid is better off with his mama after he’s born, than to run with us, think we owe Daryl that, ya saw how Will treated Daryl when he was a kid," Dan nodded.
"Yeah, me and Harley wanted to step up a bunch of times, but we knew we would be shot for even tryin’."
Pat nodded, knowing Wills sadistic nature all too well. They continued back over the mountain in silence.
Will studied the man sitting across him, the dark-haired man they had met right outside Golden creek met his stare without flinching.
"And what makes you think that my own brother would cross me?".
The man who called himself Negan.
"Well his own flesh and blood took off with the money and we have not seen or heard from him since the town burned to the ground, and your brother seemed very eager to cross the mountain to look for him," Negan paused and let the words sink in a little before he continued.
"To me it seems like they planned it out and it wouldn’t surprise me if Pat comes back empty handed."
Will could feel the blood in his veins start to boil, he was tempted to wipe that smug smile off of the man’s face with one of his bullets, no one questioned his blood. His trail of thoughts was interrupted when Len came stomping into the parlour.
"They’re back," he announced and both Will and Negan stared at the door expecting four men to walk in.
But only two followed Len. Will looked his baby brother over as he stepped in and took a seat at his table, his brother looked like he had been to hell and back, Will pursed his lips and cocked his brow.
"Did ya find him?" He asked, and he could clearly see how his brother slumped further in to the chair, Pat finally met his blue stare.
"The rumours were true, but we were too late," Will squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered from Pat to Dan who looked just as worn and spent, before he directed his eyes back at his baby brother.
"What? They hang him?" Pat shook his head slightly.
"He was kept as prisoner in a small town called Blackstone, but the boy died from some kind of infection in the lungs on New Year’s Eve, we had just gotten there when we heard they had buried him."
Will saw the small grin playing around Negan’s mouth from the crock of his eye. Will leaned towards his brother.
"Did ya see his body?” Pat shook his head.
"He was already in the ground when I got to where they buried him."
Will scratched his stubby chin.
"What about my money?" Will continue to study his brother, the man looked heartbroken, but his stare was sturdy, and his eyes didn’t flicker when he met his darker shade of blue orbs, this pleased Will.
"I looked through Daryls belongings, but I couldn’t find the money, he must have either hid it or dropped it over the mountain pass, Harley stayed behind to keep an eye on things, I’m gonna go back and search the mountain as soon the snow melts, it’s too thick now to find anythin."
Will leaned back and nodded, he waved his glass in the air and one of the whores filled his glass.
"Go get some rest baby brother, ya ugly mug is scarin’ the fine woman."
Pat didn’t answer just got up and walked out of the parlour with Dan following suit. Will turned back to the man sitting across for him, he cocked a brow, silently challenged the man to speak. The man sighed.
"Just remember what I said," Negan said before he too left the room and Will was left alone with his thoughts.
The boy he had raised as his own, his brother’s son was dead. His blood started boiling again, the folks of that god damn town had killed him. He was gonna get his revenge, no one stole from a Dixon!
Lissy walked out on the porch, it was mid-June and the sun was already high up in the sky. She moved over to a more shaded area, she sat heavily down into a rocking chair.
In only six months they had come so far into expanding the ranch. A worker barracks had been built, Mary Agnes and Jacks house was nearly done. Her father’s dream was finally in reach, she was so excited, this was the day they were gonna lead the cattle out and over the hills to a more grassy area for the summer, she let her grey orbs glide over her ranch, the workers were busy preparing everything, she sighed and thought back on the last six months, the first worker had arrived only a day after they had buried Daryl, and it didn’t take long before more came seeking work, they had seen the adds that Jack had put out, now they had around twenty workers on the farm.
They had not planned on taking in so many, but Lissy had told Jack about the money Daryl had left her, and they had spent it wisely, Jack had a good head for business and the ranch was now thriving, Jack had advised her to not only breed horses but to invest in cattle, they had also bought chickens and pigs, they needed to feed the workers somehow.
Mary Agnes and Lissy had been working the garden since early spring, now they had herb beds, a field with potatoes and carrots. It was hard work, but Lissy didn’t mind, it kept her to busy not to destroy herself with grief.
Every night she almost fell asleep during supper and she was grateful, the nights were the worst, the darkens and the silence in the house brought back all the memories.
Lissy rubbed her hand over her now protruding belly, Daryl had left her the greatest gift, soon she would be holding his son or daughter in her arms, that thought helped her cope better than anything.
"Excuse me miss?" She had been lost in her own head and had not noticed the man stepping up on the porch.
She looked up at the bear of a man who was standing in front of her clutching his Stetson in his large hands, he had a worried expression on his face, something that had started to be a routine, Harleys worries grew with her belly.
Harley was the first worker they had hired. When he first arrived at the ranch, she had thought he was a little rough around the edges, very guarded and suspicious in a way. But when it was clear as day that she was pregnant, he had softened up and started fussing around her, always concerned about her, helping her with all heavy lifting and always wondering if she was alright.
She had also caught him scowling and growling to the other workers if they had given her looks. He had become her own private guard dog. At first, she found it a bit weird, but Mary Agnes had convinced her that the man probably had a pregnant wife back in the day, and that the bear of a man was just a huge softy.
"Are ya alright miss?" She sighed and gave him a tired but wide smile, as she pushed herself up from the rocking chair, Harley was right by her side helping her up.
"Everything is fine Harley, I’m just a little tired, this little guy," she rubbed her belly lovingly, "kept me up most of the night".
The rough worker looked at her belly with a huge grin, it almost looked like the man wanted to touch it.
"Gonna be a strong boy, that one. I can feel it in my bones. Ya just wait and see, before ya know it he will be taming those wild stallions just like his pa did".
Lissy’s eyes snapped up at the big man.
"How do you know his or her daddy was a horse man?"
Harley blushed and shuffled his feet.
"I’m sorry miss, I just assumed yer husband had a good hand with horses, seeing how well cared for the horses were when I started working at yer ranch."
Lissy’s eyes softened and she smiled, this pregnancy made her stir crazy, that was the only explanation, it had almost sounded like Harley knew Daryl.
"You are right, he had a special and rare talent with horses."
They both looked over to the field surrounding the ranch, where the horses were scattered freely.
"What did you need Harley? I know you didn’t come over here just to ask if I was alright."
Harley kicked at the dirt a little.
"No miss, Jack wanted me to tell you that everythin’ is ready and we will be movin out soon."
Lissy smiled and patted the man’s arm.
"Thank you, Harley, you all be careful out there and come back in one piece, you hear!"
Harley nodded.
"Don’t ya worry miss, well take good care of yer cattle." She smiled up at him.
"I know you will."
Lissy let Harley help her down the few steps onto the ground and she walked over to the herb beds, she spotted some weeds, she slowly got down on her knees and started to pull the weed up.
She turned her head when she heard Jack shout out orders to move out and whistles broke the silence, soon all you could see was the dust being pushed up by the eager cattle running out of the gate. Lissy waved the men off, her gaze followed them until she spotted a lone rider up on the hill staring down at the ranch, she pulled her hand over her eyes to shield her eyes from the harsh sun and to get a better look, it was something so familiar with the man’s posture up on the horse, it almost reminded her of him.
"Daryl," she whispered and scrambled to her feet, she lifted her gaze to the hill, but the man was gone, she scanned frantically the hills surrounding her ranch, but there was no trace of any rider, all she could see was green grass and blue sky, a lone tear slipped down her cheek, she turned and leaned against the fence, the silence was buzzing in her ears, and she felt lightheaded, she held her right hand protectively around her belly.
Suddenly she was embraced into a comforting hug, she leaned heavily into Mary Agnes who was now stroking her hair.
"Shhh, it’s alright, you will get through this, I’m here to help you, don’t you worry Lissy. You’re not alone."
Lissy pulled back and sniffled before she wiped her wet cheeks.
"I know, it’s just I miss him so, I swear, this pregnancy is really doing something with my head."
Mary Agnes continued to stroke her back.
"I know Lissy, its only three months left now, things will be better when you can hold your baby in your arms," Lissy nodded.
Only three months left, she could do this. She was strong, she was not gonna let some crazy visions push her over the edge, she owed it to her family, to Daryl to keep on going.
She looked up at the carved sign over the ranch’s gates. Two huge letters, DD, it made her smile, a mild breeze brought with it a scent of wild flowers, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply and felt the promise of prosperity in the air. Life was unpredictable and full of surprises, you never knew what was coming next, and she felt ready for it all.
@of-storms-and-sadness @twdeadfanfic
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Claudia Hale || Teen Wolf OC
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Name: Claudia Marie Hale
Alias: N/A
Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca
Age: 23
Species: Werewolf
Special Abilities/Powers: Pain transference, memory transference, enhanced senses, speed and healing. Claudia can shift into a mottled black and red wolf. 
History: Although she was unaware of this fact until well after the fire that burned her family, Claudia was born a member of the Hale family. A few hours after she was born, she was somehow mixed up with a stillborn that would have gone to an adoption agency. Claudia was left in the service until she was about nine months old, at which time she was adopted by Kate Argent. It was this adoption that Claudia Jane (having been given the last name of the infant she had been confused with) became Claudia Argent. Growing up, she was allowed a lot of quiet time, which gave her a love of books and drawing. She was five years old when she finally met her uncle Chris and her baby cousin, Allison. She was ecstatic, having never known she had family because Kate had kept it quiet that Claudia was adopted. Despite the age difference, Claudia helped take care of Allison and eventually became a good friend. When the girls showed an interest in archery, they began learning and practicing. Claudia was about 10, and in a different competition ladder than her cousin, but the girls loved it. Not long after their first contest, Claudia discovered she could move things with her mind. It wasn't anything big, but small things, like a pencil or small book. When her mother found out about this, Kate began telling Claudia to use the ability in her archery. Although Claudia did train and practice her power, she refused to use it with her archery. The older she got, the stranger living with Kate became, but the young girl managed.For a few years, life stayed in a relatively similar routine. The single mom moved Claudia around a bit, but when Claudia was thirteen, the two had a stay for a year. Claudia actually made a friend, a girl named Agnes, and befriended the other teen's family. The girls were best friends, who shared everything. The spring break after Claudia's fourteenth birthday, Agnes' dad planned a vacation to a shopping spree to Vegas to see the Cirque de Soleil show, and each of his two daughters were allowed to bring one friend. Agnes chose to invite Claudia, and after days of begging and pleading, Claudia got Kate to agree. With fervor, the best friends made sure they had cameras, clothes, bags, and matching jackets. The Friday before spring break, Claudia was dropped off at her house long enough to grab her bags and then the five people were off, unaware of the fateful twist that awaited them all. The trip to Nevada went with no trouble, and the group of teenagers had a wonderful time. Between the shows, the shopping, the food and the amazing view from the hotel, Claudia forgot about the ability to move things. By the end of the week, the girls were sad to see the end of their fun. The tourists got in the car and headed back to Washington. About halfway home, the car took a pit stop for drinks and restroom breaks. Of all the people in the car, Claudia was the only one to put her seatbelt back on because they were behind schedule. A wreck ahead of them caused the group to take a detour into an area that had recently been iced over. At one point, Agnes' father hit a patch of black ice and lost control, rolling twice. Claudia was the only one left in the car by the time it stopped. The only survivor, although barely. She was placed on a stretcher and was then in an ambulance to the hospital while body bags were being delivered for the remaining four. While in route to the hospital, the ambulance was hit by....something. The driver and two of the three attending EMS staff were killed by a monstrous form. Claudia was dragged out and tossed aside, a huge bite in her side as she rolled down an embankment. As she fell into darkness, she was sure she was going to die.At least until she woke up the next day with no signs of any trauma.Scared, confused, caked in blood, Claudia panicked. Her mom would kill her. Kate hated when Claudia was late for anything, but this? As she struggled for an answer, she got an idea. Her uncle Chris. Perhaps he could warm Kate up to being sympathetic because of the accident? Surely it was worth a try. And so the young Argent began a trip back to her uncle's house. It took a few days, and a few concerned people who stopped her, the first of which being a married couple who offered her fresh clothes when she told them she'd gotten lost while hunting with her mom. With clean and new clothes, she continued on until almost a week later, she arrived in the town her uncle was staying in with her cousin and aunt. Sneaking around to the backyard, she waited until Chris came out to check the barbecue she could smell. When he realized she was there, the shock on his face was heartbreaking, although it was nothing compared to the fear and worry on his face when she explained about the monster that attacked her and the bite that was gone along with all the other injuries she had felt. When she told him she didn't understand what was wrong, Chris explained that nothing was wrong per se. That she had been bitten by a rogue alpha werewolf, she was now one herself and that she had to get to safety. When a confused Claudia asked why she couldn't stay with her mom, Chris told her the truth of the family. Why it was so important they had permits for firearms and all sorts of weapons; they were werewolf hunters. And while Chris followed the code, which he recited to her in perfect French, he was concerned her mother did not. In a last minute decision, or strategy, Chris gave her a bag with money, some food and drinks, a card with a California address and a promise that the family she would find would grant her protection, safety and a family. But she had only two days to get there. As he placed his leather jacket over her shoulders, Claudia asked why the short time frame. Chris merely smiled sadly and explained that the full moon was in three nights, counting the one they were in. Something seemed to understand in Claudia, and she nodded, granting her uncle one last hug before she was gone, heading as quickly as she could towards Beacon Hills and the family that would protect her, entirely unaware that fate was sending her back to her blood family.She was happy when she found herself in the edge of town and figured she could walk through the preserve, that even though she had arrived on the night of a full moon she would be okay. Sadly, she was wrong. The moon reached its peak before she found the house, and she lost control. Violent and unhinged by the beast, she hunted, and found a homeless orphan who had taken refuge in the woods, killing him viciously. Catching the scent of another wolf, the girl attacked, only to be severed back to humanity by the sound of snapping bone. With her senses back to normal because of the pain, she came face to face with Peter. At first, she was startled, but she couldn't bring herself to move. After a moment, the man asked her why she smelled like an Argent. She was confused at first, but realized somehow her uncle must have known the family. She explained what had happened, that her jacket was actually her uncle's and that he had sent her to find the Hale family. Peter took her the the Hale home, where he set her up in the basement and chained her down in case she lost control again. Once the night was over, Claudia felt normal again, but she knew that wasn't the case. For a few days, she was escorted by either Peter, his brother-in-law Jeremy, Peter's sister Talia, or the oldest Hale son Derek. The four taught her control, and once she had it, Peter and Jeremy trained her. She learned fast, and discovered the bite that had turned her also amplified her telekinesis. She felt free, and at home, finding herself calling Talia and Jeremy her parents, their children her siblings and Peter her uncle. It was a nice setting, one Claudia had imagined families to have. Right after she she turned fifteen, she asked Talia if her last name could be changed to Hale, which they did legally and Claudia Marie Argent became, as her birthright intended, Claudia Marie Hale. Claudia was glad to have a family, even if only "adopted", and she was prepared to do anything for her pack. What no one was prepared for was Kate Argent. Claudia began hiding when she realized the huntress was in town, warning Talia and when the plea fell on deaf ears, she fell to Peter, who was by far the confidant she talked to most. She didn't trust her mother, not after what her uncle had explained to her, and so tried to avoid her. And yet, just days before the fire, she happened upon the Argent. The two had a bitter argument before Claudia ran off, eyes the sapphire blue as she fought for control. When the woman vanished, Claudia found herself relieved. Even though she was sixteen, Claudia knew she shouldn't rejoice. Her mom wasn't someone to take lightly. And that was proven the day of the fire.Claudia had decided to wander the preserve, taking her sketchbook and some small snacks and water with her for her little adventure. Finding her favorite place in the woods, she settled in and began drawing. Getting lost in the art and quiet nature, she was brought out of it by a stabbing ache in her body. Gasping, she struggled to stand. Something was wrong, but not with her. Eyes flaring the blue of her wolf, she rushed, leaving her things behind to get home, to check on her family. What she found when she finally got there was smoke, and the sickening smell of burned flesh. When Derek and Laura arrived, she found her way to them, only to find Peter had escaped, but barely managed to stay alive. The three did go to the hospital and while Claudia and Derek stayed close to their uncle, Laura eventually made the decision to leave. As the oldest Hale was now alpha, and Derek and Claudia were only betas, they couldn't argue much. They found themselves in New York, where Claudia began courses for medical degrees while her siblings worked. Laura's free time went into finding the one responsible for the fire. Claudia wasn't sure, but a part of her wondered if her sister suspected Kate. She would never get the chance to ask, since once Laura got close, the alpha went missing. After a week, Derek went looking for Laura and it was a few days before Claudia got a call that it was time to go home. Laura had been killed in Beacon Hills, and they were going to find the alpha responsible.They hadn't expected the alpha to be their uncle. When everything hit the fan and Peter was killed, Derek took the role of alpha. Claudia began scouting for potential betas, people who could benefit from the bite. She had a brief relationship with one of the betas, Erica, but when the other female went missing, Claudia fell into a depression and almost killed herself with wolf's bane tea. She was kept under protection by her family. When a rogue alpha began threatening Beacon Hills, Claudia was threatened and Derek put out a death order on the woman for trying to kill his family. With the rogue missing, things have calmed a little and Claudia has since discovered that genetically, she is a Hale.
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tamtam-go92 · 5 years
Pleasantview with a Twist Recap Spring 1
So, yeah I actually only played one season of Pleasantview with a Twist but it might be one of my favorite saves ever (Go download it here, if you don't have it already)! Read the recap under the cut (probably huge).
Goth Family Part 1:
Bella (Romance/grilled Cheese – Become Media Magnate; bisexual +Logical, Creative -Fatness; OTH Tinkering; Cancer (7/3/5/3/7) – Hopeless Romantic, Perfectionist, Neurotic, Disciplined, Good) returned to her family
Cassandra (Family/Popularity – Own 3 first-class Businesses; straight +Swimwear, Jewelry -red Hair; OTH Tinkering; Virgo (7/2/5/7/4) – Cat Person, Nurturing, Techie, Neurotic, Neat) and Don (Romance – Marry off 3 kids; straight +gray Hair, Charismatic -custom Hair; OTH Fitness; Leo (1/7/8/5/4) – Romantic, Loves to Swim, Slob, Adventurous, Self Assured) got married and moved to Don's Condo.
Mortimer (Knowledge/Fortune – Become Captain Hero; straight +Hats, Creative -Perfume; OTH Nature; Cancer (4/6/4/7/4) – Mooch, Genius, Green Thumb, Easily Impressed, Outgoing) and Bella decided to renew their vows now that she was back.
They hired a butler.
Mortimer joined the Garden Club
Dina (Fortune/Romance – 3 Pets reach Top of Career; straight +red Hair, Charismatic -Great Cook; OTH Nature; Sagittarius (2/8/1/8/6) – Born Salesperson, Flirty, Eco Friendly, Couch Potato, Slob) didn't take it so well that her old nemesis Bella has returned.
She kept coming over to kick the bin but the butler always greeted her so Mortimer had the chance to apologize to her and they are on okay terms again.
Caliente Family Part 1:
Dina and Nina (Romance – Graduate 2 Kids from College; bisexual +Stink, Good at Cleaning -black Hair; OTH Sports; Great Kisser, Vehicle Enthusiast, Adventurous, Loner, Disciplined) headed out to Downtown with some townies.
Nina met Daniel Pleasant (Romance/Fortune – Have 10 simultaneous Lovers; straight +Workaholic, Good Mechanic -Great Cook; OTH Tinkering; Virgo (6/3/6/4/6) – Snob, Non Committal, Black Thumb, Never Nude, Active) there and they got along pretty well. But Mary-Sue (Fortune/Family – Become Sports Expert; straight +custom Hair, Charismatic -Stink; OTH Music; Gemini (5/8/6/3/3) – Workaholic, Jealous, Virtuoso, Good Sense of Humor, Evil) was also around so they had to be careful.
Nina got a job as dancer and was fired the first day due to a bad chance card.
Dina tried to befriend a wolf.
The twins went Downtown again with Brandi Broke (Family/Romance – Become Captain Hero; straight +Jewelry, Charismatic -unemployed; OTH Arts; Aries (3/6/4/6/6) – Commitment Issues; Family Oriented, Artistic, Slob, Cheerful) and Nina met Daniel again, but jet again Mary-Sue was also around (I'm pretty sure she's controlling him).
Burb Family Part 1:
The Burbs moved back to Pleasantview and got a nice house.
John (Family – Have 10 Dream Dates; straight +Fatness, Swimwear -black Hair; OTH Nature; Aries (4/4/4/7/6) -  Family Oriented, Sailor, Inabrobriate, Cheerful, Unlucky) and Lucy (Grow up, OTH Movies; Cancer (6/4/3/7/5) – Bookworm, True Slacker, Proper) wanted a dog so Jen (Fortune – Have 10 first Dates; straight +formal Wear, Full-face Make up -unemployed; OTH Music; Gemini (4/7/6/3/5) -  Materialistic, Dance Machine, No Sense of Humor, Outgoing, Adventurous) took her daughter Downtown to buy one. They brought little mixed breed Amigo.
Lucy also met Justin Kim (Grow up; OTH Fitness; Aries (4/7/6/4/4) – Dog Person, Good Sense of Humor, Mean) and befriended him almost immediately.
John and Jennifer are desperately trying for a second kid.
Lucy is quite lazy with her homework and doesn't do so well at school.
Lothario Family Part 1:
Don finds out that he's pregnant. He's not sure why, but he has an idea...
He still tells Cassy he was abducted by aliens and Cassy is super excited to finally see alien hybrids herself.
Cassy is a Cat Person so when she's at work Don drives downtown to get her a cat. He buys the fluffy kitty Belinda.
Cassy finds herself pregnant too and it's a real struggle to keep two pregnant Sims alive.
They hire a maid to keep the house okay and it's Remington.
Don gave birth to twin girls, Annabeth (Loves to Swim (Don), Night Owl (Kaylynn) and Bianca (Adventurous (Don), Brooding (Kaylynn)). Cassy is a bit disappointed that they don't have alien skin, but at least they got alien eyes.
Broke Family Part 1:
Dustin (Fortune/Family – Have 10 best Friends; straight +Glasses, gray Hair -formal Wear; OTH Nature; Aries (3/6/4/6/6) – Ambitious, Angler, Slob, Self Assured) is struggling with his aspiration but it gets better when he had his first kiss with Angela (Popularity/Family – Have 10 first Dates; bisexual +Stink, red Hair -Hats; OTH Nature; Aquarius (4/3/9/7/5) – Dog Person, Family Oriented, Loves Outdoors, Shy) .
He taught Beau (Grow up; Gemini (6/7/4/3/5) – Star Quality, Social Butterfly) how to talk.
Brandi finds herself pregnant by her late husband.
She tries to maintain a friendship with the Caliente twins.
Beau grew up into a child (OTH Music; new trait: Mature) .
Brandi started painting, to get another small income.
Oldie Family Part 1:
Herb (Romance/Pleasure – Raise 10 Puppies or Kitten; straight +Make up, Athletic -red Hair; OTH Nature; Libra (2/8/1/8/6) – Commitment Issues, Party Animal, Technophobe, Coward, Slob) and Coral (Family/Fortune – Become a Rock Goddess; straight +Charismatic, Artistic -Athletic; OTH Movies; Virgo (6/3/6/4/6) – Ambitious, Nurturing, Dramatic, Socially Awkward, Mature) live in a nice small apartment with charming neighbors like Mr. Big, the Diva and the (female) date-able slob.
Coral invited the family of her daughter and tried to get through to Lilith (Popularity/Family – Reach Golden Anniversary; bisexual +Full-face Make up, black Hair -Hats; OTH Sports; Aquarius (2/3/8/5/3) – Equestrian, Match Enthusiast, Slob, Athletic). Herb was more successful.
Coral got a part-time job in a record store.
Mr. Big and the Diva became a thing.
Herb has a small thing going on with the date-able slob.
Pleasant Family Part 1:
Daniel tried his best to restore the relationship with Mary-Sue.
It didn't help that he was nauseous all the time.
Mary-Sue went bowling with her parents and Daniel found out he was pregnant.
He talked to Kaylynn (Family/Knowledge – Become Minister of Education; straight +Glasses, Jewelry -Good at Cleaning; OTH Tinkering; Aquarius (6/1/7/4/7) – Genius, Nurturing, Perfectionist, Brooding, Night Owl) when his wife was at work and she told him, that she didn't know she was a Pollinator until Don Lothario turned out pregnant too and she got herself tested. Daniel had no idea how to explain things to Mary-Sue.
She didn't believe him being abducted, they don't own a telescope so they argued the rest of the round.
The twins were around too, Angela loves taking care of the garden and Lil' started smoking...
Dreamer Family Part 1:
Darren (Knowledge/Family – Become Criminal Mastermind; straight +black Hair, custom Hair -Hats; OTH Nature; Aries (4/4/4/7/6) – Computer Whiz, Family Oriented, Gatherer, Clumsy, Friendly) was invited Downtown by Mortimer Goth. He agreed to go, I the hope Cassandra would be there too, but she wasn't
He started a fire and painted.
Dirk (Fortune – Become Captain Hero; straight +brown Hair, custom Hair -Hats; OTH Tinkering; Virgo (6/3/6/4/6) – Frugal, Handy, No Sense of Humor, Good) actually has a career centered LTW so he got a part-time job and will go to College soon. His grades sadly dropped since he never had time to do his homework.
Darren still mourns Darleen and accepted that Cassandra choose an other man.
Frat Household Part 1:
Joshua Ruben (Fortune/Romance – Woohoo 10 Sims; straight +Fitness, Full-face Make up -brown Hair; OTH Sports; Leo (1/8/6/5/3) – Frugal, Flirty, Soccer Player, Slob, Daredevil) started dating Tiffany Sampson (Knowledge/Pleasure – Become Space Pirate; straight +Swimwear, brown Hair -custom Hair; OTH Nature; Aries (4/5/4/6/6) – Perceptive, Party Animal, Angler, Erratic, Cheerful).
Ashley (Romance/Family – Become Criminal Mastermind; straight +Hats, brown Hair -Logical; OTH Sports; Leo (2/9/7/6/1) – Dislikes Children, Family Oriented, Footballer, Can't stand Art, Charismatic) made a bet that he would get Allegra Gorey (Knowledge – Become the Law; straight +Fatness, blonde Hair -Glasses; OTH Fitness; Pisces (5/2/9/2/7) – Computer Whiz, Healthy Lifestyle, Brave, Shy, No Sense of Humor) into bed before he graduated and instantly went out on his mission.
Castor Nova (Knowledge/grilled Cheese – Become Mayor; straight +Fatness, Fitness -Underwear; OTH Arts; Virgo (4/4/6/5/6) – Genius, Photographer's Eye, Unlucky, Athletic, Good) made out with Heather Huffington (Romance/Knowledge – Become Hall of Famer; straight + Glasses, blonde Hair -Jewelry; OTH Nature; Sagittarius (1/7/2/9/6) – Supernatural Fan, Great Kisser, Eco Friendly, Slob, Absent Minded) on a toga party and made every other girl on the campus hate him.
He also had his first woohoo with Heather on a party.
The boys lives revolve around dating, studying and parties really. Oh, and Pizza.
Sorority Household Part 1:
The girls reconciled after they were mad at Heather for getting Castor.
Heather and Tiffany are outdoor girls, so the got a small garden extension.
They also threw some parties.
Brittany Upsnott (Popularity/Fortune – Have 10 best Friends; straight +custom Hair, Logical -Glasses; OTH Sports; Capricorn (7/7/8/2/1) – Dog Lover, Mooch, Basketball Player, Diva, Mature) got a basketball court.
As with the Frat Boys, their lives are all around dating, studying, parties and Pizza.
Bright Household Part 1:
Turned out that Martin Ruben (Knowledge/Pleasure – Become the Law; straight +Fitness, Workaholic -blonde Hair; OTH Cuisine; Capricorn (8/3/2/5/7) – Supernatural Fan, Unstable, Natural Cook, Hydrophobic, Proper) was the mom of the group.
The all went downtown with Allegra and Ashley and all of his friends.
After some drinks Jane (Family/Fortune – Become City Planner; straight +Fitness, Workaholic -Swimwear; OTH Tinkering; Cancer (72/7/3/6) – Born Salesperson, Jealous, Technology Lover, Never Nude, Mature) and Martin kissed (without my doing!).
Jane was insecure about the kiss and the next day she asks Martin if he was serious about this or if it was just out of a mood. But it seems, that Martin really likes Jane.
They all are real nerds and spent most time reading, or in front of their PC. But Allegra and Martin also have to work out quite a bit.
Martin and Jane finally fell in love before their exams for the second semester.
Jane wanted an orchard tree, but Martin is the one to take car of it.
Kim Family Part 1:
Cynthia (Popularity/Family – Have 10 dream dates; straight +Fitness, formal Wear -Stink; OTH Music; Aries (4/7/6/4/4) – Cat Person, Jealous, Colorblind, Charismatic, Supernatural Skeptic) got a job in Politics and Robert (Fortune/Knowledge – Become Hall of Famer; straight +formal Wear, black Hair -Stink; OTH Sports; Gemini (4/7/7/3/4) – Snob, Computer Whiz, Boxer, Disciplined, Self Absorbed) as an athlete.
Cynthia and Bella Goth befriend over the welcome wagon.
She's also really popular with her colleagues and tried to help her son with his school work.
Goth Family Part 2:
Bella helped Alexander (Grow up; OTH Nature; Cancer (4/6/4/7/4) – Animal Lover, Loves the Heat, Excitable) with his homework and started a fire.
The next day her and Mortimer celebrate their second wedding and she congratulates her daughter on her pregnancy (in fact she's absolutely horrified at the thought of being a grandmother).
Only seconds after their wedding Alexander grows into a Romance teen (Romance/Popularity – Have 10 Dream Dates, straight +Stink, Great Cook -Workaholic; new trait: Irresistible).
Mortimer and Bella go on a second honey moon to Takemizu Valley. Mortimer wanted to go there since forever.
They experienced a lot there but it almost always ended with them being chased by bees.
Back home Alexander's room got a little big boy makeover and he got the computer he wanted for his birthday.
He breaks the computer on the very first day and Bella almost dies trying to fix it herself.
Alexander is surprisingly popular with one of the exchange students and he experienced his first kiss.
Only thinking about this made him struggle with school.
Caliente Family Part 2:
Dina invited Brandi over and the twins were excited to become godmothers.
They also invited Goopy in, but none of them was really turned on by him.
There was a bad storm that ended with a burning palm tree and Goopy being stuck by lightning in the hot tub.
Nina invited Don over to woohoo.
Dina got a job as an architect.
Nina cut her hair short.
Dina really wanted a Dog and so the girls went to buy a proud rottweiler called Chino. And Nina ran into Daniel Pleasant again.
Nina got a Job as an Adventurer.
Nina invited Daniel downtown to go clubbing. The were only dancing, started to slow-dance, when they were captured by Mary-Sue. I'm telling you, she's spying on him! That was the dagger hit for their marriage.
Nina and Daniel still had a pleasant date and plan to see each other again.
Burb Family Part 2:
Jennifer is pregnant!
She uses her new free time to help Lucy with her school work, but that pregnancy is really draining her so they don't get far.
John loves his wife even more now that she's carrying their second child.
Jennifer invites the family over for Lucy's birthday. She has no idea, that her brother is pregnant too, and he's hiding it well (He's wearing an outfit without preg-morph).
Lucy grew into a knowledge teen (Knowledge – Become a General; straight +Hats, red Hair -blonde Hair; new trait: Perceptive).
She is finally able to catch up on her homework with her mother's help.
Lothario Family Part 2:
Living with twins and a pregnant wife drives Don crazy!
At night during a thunder storm their son, Christian Goth-Lothario is born (Self Assured (Don), Neurotic (Cassandra))!
The next day Cassy invites her family to meet the new family members.
Once the guests are gone, they head to practice for the next nooboo. Well Don enjoys the practicing, and Cassandra enjoys the thought of an other baby.
They have to move houses before the next round starts.
Broke Family Part 2:
Brandi gave birth to a third boy, David Broke (Commitment Issues (Brandi), Nurturing (Skip)).
Dustin is really good at school and brought an A+ home!
He is also really popular with all the young guys in his criminal field, his best friend is Loren Teens.
Brandi invites her friends to visit Club Dante were Dina meets Malcolm Landgaab.
Oldie Family Part 2:
Coral could talk Herb into adopting three siblings that lost their parents in a car crash. The children will arrive one after an other since the oldest is still hospitalized.
They make use of the elixir of life to be there for their new children long enough.
The next day they welcome the first of the three kids at their home: Baby Elizabeth (Nurturing (Coral), Coward (Herb).
When Coral is at work, Herb tries his best being a good new Dad to Liz, but he still maintains his affair with the date-able slob.
The next morning they welcome the second sibling, toddler Katja (Grow up; Mature, Slob). Her crazy real parents even died her hair blue!
Pleasant Family Part 2:
Once Mary-Sue is home from work she finds that Lilith invited her boyfriend Dirk and his father Darren over. Darren is a really handsome man to her...
She has enough of Daniel and his cheating. She senses that something is odd with his alien pregnancy and the twins of Cassandra's husband Don. They probably got involved with the same person and Mary-Sue really doesn't want to be in the center of this.
Angela is devastated about the divorce of her parents, so Mary-Sue buys her a small schnauzer called Dana.
Angela brings the same exchange student home, that Alexander Goth shared his first kiss with and she has to admit, that she's really cute...
The Burbs and the Dreamers are over and Mary-Sue and Darren REALLY get along well!
Dreamer Family Part 2:
Darren invited Mary-Sue over and well, things went well between them.
Dirk didn't take it that good and went outside to cry at his mother's grave.
Finally Mary-Sue and Darren fall in love and they have their first woohoo together.
Langerak Family:
Now that Mary-Sue kicked him out, Daniel is forced to move in with Kaylynn. She has a nice apartment with all her colleagues living in the same building.
Kaylynn is thrilled to be a real family. Daniel not so much. He always rolled wants about Nina Caliente.
He gave birth to twin boys, Fritz (Genius (Kaylynn), Active (Daniel) and Gunnar Langerak (Snob (Daniel), Perfectionist (Kaylynn).
Kay wants to be a teacher but yet she's stuck with her underpaid maid job.
Frat Household Part 2:
Joshua invited Tiff for a romantic home date and they experienced their very first woohoo.
There was more partying and woohooing.
After another wonderful date Josh proposed to Tiff.
Kevin (Family/Popularity) – Become Game Developer; straight +Fitness, Good at Cleaning,  -Logical; OTH Arts; Leo (3/5/6/5/6) – Cat Lover, Nurturing, Avant Garde, Slob, Friendly) feels extremely left out with all his brothers dating steadily.
Ash can convince Allegra to kiss at a party and later invited her for their first real date. He starts to take their relationship serious and almost forgot the bet he did with his brothers.
Al and Ash have their very first woohoo, too.
They all are doing well at school.
Sorority Household Part 2:
Heather's and Tiffany's parties are always a blast.
Brittany wanted to throw a party too, but that one was a total disaster so she went into aspiration failure.
I brought them a bubble blower to raise her aspiration and now all the girls always do is blow bubbles, even Tiff.
Bright Household Part 2:
Heather came to visit her friend Martin and Allegra and her got into a fight.
Jane is really focused on her studies as she's graduating soon.
Shortly before her last exams Martin asked her to marry him once he's older and she agrees!
They go on their first real date and while I initially wanted them to wait until after their wedding, they did it in a changing booth...
Jane graduated with honors and threw a great graduation party.
Life goes on for Martin and Allegra as always, studying and taking care of the house. They hope to move in a third roommate soon though.
Kim Family Part 2:
Cynthia climbs the career ladder at an amazing speed.
Robert is about to get Justin into private school and after getting the house ready on his day off, they invite the headmaster over.
Cynthia makes Comfort Soup and Justin is accepted into private school!
Stacks Family:
Jane moved Downtown and rented a small very green house. Her neighbors are Brandi LeTourneu, Goopy GilsCarbo and  Arcadia Bradshaw.
On her first night as an adult she went out with Castor Nova and some of his friends.
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alxefevre · 3 years
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[ SAVANNAH SMITH, SHE/HER/HERS, (CIS) FEMALE]  —  [ ALPHONSINE LEFERVE ]  is a child of  [ HEPHAESTUS ]  with the power of  [ METAL MANIPULATION & TECHOKINESIS ] .  they were born in  [ 2000 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2017 ] .  with the change, they  [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ TECHNOLOGY  ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ SLEEPING OR WORKING ON A NEW CREATION ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the  [ MOON ]  building .  —  kashia/ she/her / est / 18+ / none
my third and LAST!!!! I MEAN IT!!!! child bc i simply adore and love china 
The daughter of Hephaestus and the beautiful Ann Marie Leferve, she was a child who shouldn’t have been here. Her mother was someone who wanted nothing more than to live her best life, doing whatever she wanted, having fun, being young. And she was young when she had her daughter, just barely twenty, and the idea of having a child sounded amazing. Thoughts of life when the child was older, about six or so, and how the two would dress up or go on trips together. There was never a single thought about actually raising a child, just the fun stuff that she would do with said child. 
And when her child, a little girl, was born, Ann Marie finally realized the true struggles of raising a baby. Hephaestus wasn’t at her side, of course, because it was merely a one night stand. There was no love and she was fine with it but boy, was it hard being a single parent! Oh, well, at least she had her own father at her side, Gabriel Leferve. He raised Ann Marie on his own since he had her when he was a teen himself. A never ending cycle he realized, they both did in that very moment. And they prayed to God that the cycle would never reach this newborn child. 
She was given the name Alphonsine Leferve, a perfect name for a perfect child. Alphosine, while beautiful, was a lot of work. She kept Ann Marie up at late hours, cried a lot, and constantly pulled on her mother’s hair! It was downright frustrating and humiliating! But even so... the sound of her daughters laughter that made her heart flutter and smile. Ann Marie could do this! 
A true struggle at first before she got the hang of it. When Alphonsine turned five, that was when Ann Marie went to college for a degree in business while Gabriel took over watching his grandchild. He owned a tinker shop in Paris, small and cute but still fairly popular especially with the rise of people needing more help with their own electronic. He was a man who’s fingers just knew how things worked, easily able to fix whatever was given to him. Alphonsine used to watch him work and fell in love with all of it, urging her grandfather to teach her as well. 
To the surprise of everyone in the household, Alphonsine was a pro at work. Fixing was no brainer for her and creating, something that she comes to love at the age of nine, was easy as breathing. Gabriel was impressed and Ann Marie found it adorable. Her little tinker fairy, the young woman called her daughter that for years upon years. To them, it was to be expected of her grandfather’s line of work when in reality it had to do with her birth father. 
She was ten when her powers made an appearance. Accidentally controlling the shaping of metal and being able to control machines, it was sudden and felt unreal. Was it just a dream or perhaps her mind playing tricks on her? She wasn’t sure until she tested it out for a second, third, and fourth time. Then she realized how real this was. It was a secret that she kept from Ann Marie and Gabriel, not wanting to spring this up on the duo. But her secret was only kept hidden for a few years before it was destroyed. 
A monster attack when she was on a trip to Italy with her family. It came out of nowhere as the trio wanted nothing more than to have fun. Gabriel got hurt protecting the two, his leg wounded in battle. Only the help of heroes from nemean lion were able to stop the monsters. ‘ you’re a demigod , ‘ they said. ‘ that’s why that monster attacked you. ‘ A cruel joke, how she wanted to laugh at it so terribly, but nothing left her lips. How terrible, how true, why her of all people? 
They offered to take her away, to place that was safe and hidden but she refused. Still in denial, she refused to leave with them, wanting to stay with her family. It was a long argument of whether she would go with them or not before the heroes gave up, giving her their contact information. ‘ for when you’re ready. ‘ As if she’ll ever be. 
Only they were right, Alphonsine showed up to nemean lion the summer of 2017, with a suitcase and two bags filled to the brim with her own tools and inventions. She never said what changed her mind and if you asked, the girl would use one of her inventions on you. She’s here now and that’s the only thing that matters. 
At NL, she’s usually cooped up inside her own apartment fixing and building stuff there. She has services up to create personal weapons for anyone who wants one. Weapons are fit to work with the person’s ability and act as another mean to make things easier for an individual ( very much like seven deadly sins type of things with their weapons that the king gave them individually ). 
wanted connections : : 
stuff with her siblings! - she’s a brat and is def that annoying sister with anger problems. so if H-Dawg’s child, hmu 
friends - she can be,,,,, friendly when she wants to be but i have no idea yet with her. maybe they like her all the time or perhaps they can only tolerate her in small dosages 
people she has problems with - either because of something she said or even because of an issue they had with alphonsine trying to repair or make something for them
customers - anyone who she has either repaired stuff for or has created weapons for OR shes currently in the middle of making them something 
im literally open for everything
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