#or mid… whatever ya wanna call it lol
dollivication · 2 months
and and and camboy!dante… camboy!dante..
both trish n lady r kinda fawking tired of getting the services cut off on the shop so they get on business. finding dante a side gig. and what could possibly be better than the demonic equivalent to only fans!! they know him well enought to be sure that his ass isnt going to say no (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
at first hes kinda confused like.. is he supposed to.. js stroke his shit on camara..? but he quickly gets the hang on it and let me tell you.. he LAUVS IT:3
hes rlly slutty w it too.. hes always trying different things to please his audience.. role plays, striptease, whatever— u ask and he delivers!! his eyes go ♡-♡ when he sees the donations mid stream..
his highest prized tier is prob fucking w him lol and its called smth like SPEND A NIGHT W DANTE!! THE BEST MONSTER COCK YOU’LL EVER TAKE HERE IN THE WHOLE UNDERWORLD!! (∩˃o˂∩)♡ ofc hes going to record it and post it on his acc!! he shows proof of his high quality product!! hes nawt an scammer!!
every1 wanna buy that tier but the prize is js crazy insane lsfkskdj
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camboy… ccamboy dsante… dante cmaboy… I NEED HIM SO BADLY ITS NOT EVEN A JOKE NO MO
this is like. his most favorite thing in the whole world now. fighting demons comes second atp bc he doesn’t get as much pay as when he’s flaunting his dick to the whole world LMFAO.. he is a GREEDY slut, always overpricing his shit BUUUUT can u rlly be mad when he does post proof.. everywan eats that shit up there are very few complaints LMAOAO
he won’t even be ashamed if ppl recognize him from his streams like uh ok whore..LOL he’ll just be like “oh ya dats me! wanna take a pic? my autograph? for 100 bucks or more and i’ll fu—“ all while doing his little :3 face LIKE GET OUUUUT BENWKSKDD
he’d be the best camboy bc he’s so shameless… bonus points if he gets attached to a viewer i think that’d be so interesting… BUT IDK;;; WHAT DO U THINK??
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tickleslaver · 19 days
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HEY, HOW YOU DOING? I forgot to turn caps off for that but I'm not fixing it. This is a quick and easy overview of what this blog is, so buckle up motherfuckers.
This is a tickle torture blog. I'm an English major with a tickle kink, so I, of course, write my own tickle stories. Because I love to write, have others read my writing, and tickle torture, I will be posting them here, asking for feedback, posting drafts, and all things related to that. Feel free to ask any and all questions about this!
I am in my early-mid 20's and am currently enrolled in a school somewhere in the United States. I am a dude in every sense of the word but if you wanna call me them/they I don't mind so don't DM me about wanting to tickle my pu$$y or something okay thanks. You may call me, Jack! All you need to know about me IRL.
I love talking to people and new friends so feel free to message me at any time! It can be about tickles, my writing, or whatever you want! Just don't start by trying to RP or whatever, just don't.
Don't mind RP, requests, or anything else, but give me time and know that, unless you're paying me or a good friend, I don't owe you anything.
I am a total ler through and through, but miiiiiiiight lee for the right girl/guy ;)
This blog will be NSFW. If you're under 18, please go do something that isn't being active on this blog. MDNI.
Finally, my blog/my writing will be about tickle torture. If you like soft, light fluffy tickles, I might write some of that and be happy to do it if it gets a request or commission or something. But for the most part, I'll be writing extreme, hardcore, no safe word, no mercy tickling that is not for the faint of heart. You have been warned, abandon all hope ye who enter here...
(Also didn't mean to make the favorite tickle spots part look like serial killer writing but I did it in markup and it fits with the creepy, cruel style of tickling I'm into so I like it lol)
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
heylo!! i saw your wbw post and i’m interested in the technology aspect of your world 👀 as well as the magic aspect!! feel free to ramble about it :D [@fiercely-raging-writer]
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask! <3
So before I get too far, I'mma quick define some shit. Since ASTHC is, in part, a portal fantasy, as well as a sci-fi adventure, there's a couple places I'm gonna give placeholder titles. So!
Place where Jazz, Jason, and Alex are from: Base Universe (or World)
Universe where they get dumped by portal: Adventure Universe
Planet where Jazz ends up: P1
Planet where Alex ends up: P2
Planet where Jason ends up: P3
Now onto the actual question :)
Technology in Base Universe is essentially whatever it was circa mid-2010s. That's the boring part of this answer lol
Now, for the Adventure Universe, here's what I have so far:
Spaceships and interplanetary travel/faster-than-light travel. How that looks is probably gonna depend by planet tbh. P2: super "outdated" (inefficient and such) bc they don't go anywhere. P1: Clunky but effective. P3: Essentially engineered to where they can use their powers as part of the propulsion system.
Holograms, especially tactile ones. I def have a vibe I wanna achieve with this lol
There's one city that I wanna make look like that bright shiny futuristic aesthetic, so hover vehicles, robots, the whole shebang
(Jason: *drooling over all the tech* Jazz, grabbing him by the collar: Keep walking ya nerd)
I think that's all the kids will interact with, but who knows, more stuff might pop up as I dive deeper into this project lol.
As for magic..... time for a read-more lol
In the Base Universe, magic is this sort of "in the shadows" type deal. It's pretty hereditary, but also pretty random. Jazz and Alex come from a family with a long history of magic, but it just completely skipped over their grandfather. Meanwhile Jason's family on his mom's side has 0 magic other than his mom and her brother. People with magic tend to have 1-3 distinct powers, and I'll list those out in a bit.
Also, because you're enabling me to ramble, I'mma mention something that's uh, not a thing that was created crucially for ASTHC, but is a thing in my own character lore and therefore does make an appearance in ASTHC.
So there's some people with magic that are (tentatively) called star-touched, and the difference between them and say, Jazz or Jason, is that their magic is dormant until awakened. Once awakened, they get 1 power, period. This type of power is way less random than typical powers and very consistently hereditary, leading to the star-touched being kinda a lil bit culty. This gets to be somewhat relevant because Alex's mom was star-touched who said "fuck your lowkey culty shit" and married his dad (not star-touched, but has powers), which therefore makes Alex a unique lil bean lol.
(I really like this bit of lore. And just the entire complicated Lunacen-Evenstar family drama lol)
Anyhoot, enough about Base Universe, that's just to set up Jazz, Jason, and Alex, let's get onto the Adventure Universe!
Functionally, it's mostly similar to how powers work in the Base Universe, with the same set of powers existing in each universe. The key differences are:
In Base, powers are random and are not necessarily related to what parents and/or family members have. In Adventure, kids always have the same powers as their parents.
1 power per person all the time.
Due to The War, all of the different powers have been split up and are now living on separate planets
Due to being allowed more openness/freedom about using/learning how to control powers, they are a lot stronger and better controlled in the Adventure Universe.
There are, as far as anybody knows, there are no people who don't have any powers anymore.
Now, I did promise a list of wtf types of powers people have, so *blows dust off the old Word doc* here's the incomplete list I have so far (incomplete bc I do want to add more I'm just... stuck on what else to add lol) (and, for funsies, I'm also including which of my OG characters has said powers so. That's who all the names are lol)
Shapeshifters: Can shift into 1 or 2 animal forms. (Melody (wolf and phoenix), Finn (wolf), Celia (dragon), Jason (fox), Alex (dragon))
Time control: As basic as it sounds lmao. Stop, slow down, or speed up time. (Was Jared's, may be his once again)
Elemental: Control over water, fire, air, and earth (yes, just like ATLA lol). (Melody, Jared, Jason)
Werewolf: .... Yeah lol. 1 key difference from typical werewolves though, it is the one power that is absolutely hereditary. Also there's typically only 1 per generation. (Will Hayden, Jazz, Will Daniel)
Telepathy: Another of those (hopefully) self-explanatory ones lol. (Will Hayden, James)
Telekinesis: Able to move stuff with just a thought. (Sasi, Hayden)
Seer: Able to see the future, often in dreams. (Jared, Alex)
Illusions: Able to create illusions. Stability of the illusion depends mostly on strength of the creator, but none are able to hold up to physical touch. (Jake, Hayden)
Storm Twisters: Able to control storms and electricity/lightning. May or may not have lore in Base Universe that Storm Twisters are always twins. (James, Will Daniel).
So, as a fun bit of knowledge about Adventure Universe: P1 is the planet where the werewolves live, P2 is the seers, and P3 is elementals.
So yeah! I believe I've rambled on enough about all this lol. Thanks again for the ask!!
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silversimp · 2 years
Welcome to my blog (I have no idea what I'm doing)
I'm Silver I write and I draw and mostly I'm socially inept so please be patient with me lol
If ya wanna get to know me keep reading <3
I'm mostly active on ao3 (instead of sleeping most nights I am writing) plenty of fics to be found here
Gender is confusing so let's just not worry about that, but for simplicities sake, I usually write female readers, but I can and will write for gender-neutral and male readers as well.
I would love to make some friends and talk to people on here (minors pls dni) but I have no idea how to be social even via the internet which is super helpful.
I have somehow been using Tumblr since I was in high school and still have no idea how to use this damn website so that's cool
Anywho, here are some rapid-fire facts about yours truly:
I'm 26
I'm an Aries (what that means I don't really know)
My main media consumption is anime
My favorite/first anime is Death Note (I am a Mello simp)
My favorite color is silver which is also what I would prefer to be called
Right now I'm balls deep in spideypool and kind of taking a lil break from anime
My favorite animal is the walrus they are so darn cute omg
btw have yall watched odd taxi because I watched that for cute walrus comedy anime because I didn't read anything about it and watched it solely based on cute it looked and holy cow that was a great anime people should talk about it more
I live in America
I love drawing but it brings me nothing but pain
I genuinely am just a huge simp who loves anime characters and I have no one in my life who shares these interests and having a place online to feel comfortable in would be nice, but I've always been too socially anxious to attempt to do anything social online so now I'm in my mid-twenties and have no idea what I'm doing.
I honestly have no idea what I'm doing (just in general) but please feel free to dm me or jump in my asks or whatever lol I'm just kind of vibing doing some writing and some drawing
so yeah hey :)
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0tivez · 2 years
im a sucker for dad!everyone and I have no idea why
okay so tokyo revengers spoilers below
when akkun jumped off the roof in like episode 4?? (I found a way to not say the word LMFAO) the sound the put when he makes contact with the ground is the sound a box filled with books makes when thrown off a window and it reminded me of the bread video bc its such a dry sound why would they do that
Literally just for the hot guys someone send help-
I wanna say thats kinda a meet cute and lowkey adorable that he mentioned meeting up but 'remind me and we'll arrange it' sounds like a business transaction im so sorry ✋ if you feel comfortable sharing the long story im all ears!! I love long stories 👀 feel free to go off topic more often I well I always do that anyway 😭
OKAY oh boy, where do I start. Its literally so simple to explain but im dramatic as fuck so let me indulge myself ANYWAY so basically we were talking through chat, we spent almost everyday talking and it was sweet and funny and stuff, ya know?? or maybe I was convincing myself he was lol so it was just a normal day after school and we were talking and I think at some point he got boring of just texting so he said "give me a sec im gonna go play with a flamethrower" mid convo and I think something inside of me died. kinda glad he gave me the ick tho, I don't think I liked him that much :/
much hatred for the "I watch real shows lol" >:( specially bc all of the people saying that watched dragon ball or pokemon 😭 when I was younger I usually responded like "haha yeah...ig :,)" but now im ready to smack a bitch; you know what they say, violence isn't the question its the answer 😌
You're gonna make me have a soft spot for eremika TT it sounds very bittersweet when you explain it, but it does make sense why romance wasn't a main plot (I dunno if this is the correct way to say it). AND JEAN! he grew on me so yes, he definitely deserves to be first choice>>>
I think im gonna watch the anime after it finished airing or something. I always say im gonna do so many things but then I get distracted by fanfics lol watch me scream
Aki and Megumi found family trope??? 👀 this is making me think of hurt/comfort followed by pure angst, hurt/no-comfort huh :)
KANEKI??? HE VOICES KANEKI???? I loved watching Tokyo ghoul (I watched two seasons!) :( I had the softest spot for Kaneki but I refused to accept it bc I was scared were gonna make fun of me LMFAO I did have a massive crush on Hide tho, and was very vocal about that lol
I remember watching a gif set of baby tanjiro and my heart melted; same thing with Yuuji I think
Hollywood only thinks of making money over hiring good vas and like random celebrities voicing characters isn't bad ig?? like quality wise, the movie is watchable and entertaining, but still I'd like to see vas recognised for their talent a lot more.
Chris pratt *massive sigh* I heard the only reason why he was taking so many va gigs was bc he didn't get the vaccine so he couldn't go to work or smth; I could be wrong tho.
wait, which dub were you talking about?? the jjk dub??
NOT GOJOGUMI OR WHATEVER IS CALLED 😭 why?? why with the kids?? 😭
ive seen monstrosities on ao3, I could name them but huh...
Gege I a sadist and I refuse to think to think otherwise LMFAO I little part of me thinks that he might see himself in gojo a bit too much and thats why he doesn't like him lmfao
I think my brain blocked the opinion bc I cant remember?? I think they talked about how the hidden inventory arc made no sense bc apparently gojo is constantly jumping dimensions or something?? and like fair ig bc I know shit about this series but?? I was so confused, I think it just short circuited. Its that a take on his character?? I think I worded it wrong now that I think about it, I love her so much she's the best of the best but I felt attacked, and thats on me 😔 she also hasn't read the manga so we're Ig in even common ground lol
YOU WILL GET IN!!! It sounds so fun :D im sending you as much positive vibes as I can <3 disabilities law sounds interesting! do you have any idea what you'd like to specialise in the future??
I'll be on the lookout for the honorary dilf 😌
right?? wtf 😭 ive only seen college aus in which the pairing is like teacher/student with nanami and like I don't mind but I want my student/student college aus LET ME INDULGE 😤 thanks for hyping me up :,) its gonna be more fluffy+suggestive id say?? def not angst bc I cant write angst for nanami; Shibuya already did that for me lmfao
tho if im honest, I think im stuck bc I keep comparing every sentence to the gojo fic I uploaded lmfao
<making you blush3
sending wet slurpy kisses right back 😌💕
I hope you have a good week! and sorry for the late reply, I was stuck using Tumblr mobile for a while 😅
OH AND IM WATCHING THE JJK MOVIE ON THURSDAY 🥳 think Im gonna put mascara solely on my lower lashes just bc 🤷‍♀️ I hope the song at the end doesn't hurt me too much tho lmfao it will
-🥳 anon
ps: I probably should've put this at the beginning but I feel like this wasn't the best response?? like I feel like the energy in my ask is a little down, and I think it might've been a bit venty as well?? I don't now if you can feel it TT I felt a bit like a poser after I finished writing this and I'm sorry if anything I wrote came off wrong :,)
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anyways lol there is a long ass story about a guy i liked in hs under the cut 👀 it's really long tina i'm so sorry 😭
LMAOO YEAH that's what i thought too 😭 my friends got the ick when he said that
okay so!!
i met this dude in 10th grade and he was a senior (12th grade here). we had this jukebox kinda thing in the backyard of our school and we got the keys for it that year, which meant that we could play songs for everyone to hear during lunch breaks. so, that week, i went to watch bohemian rhapsody and OBVIOUSLY had queen brainrot and i was OBSESSED with killer queen. my phone had died so i had left it in my classroom. my friends weren't very fun, they all were doing their homeworks etc etc and i was just sooo bored. anyways, at the last 10 minutes or something, there were only like 4 of us left. my friends were begging to go upstairs and we almost did lol this group of older students came, which meant that they would annoy us and beg us to let them play something shitty (not in genre, they would purposefully open popular shitty songs- it's hard to explain lol it's kind of a turkish thing) so we were like okay :/
i was talking to my friend, this dude started playing killer queen LMAOO i looked at him and smiled, i was like "i love this song!" idk man i used to be so shy but something in my brain flipped off wlsakmdasmwed he looked straight into my eyes and was like "you know queen?" i said "yeah! i love them! i've been dying to play this song but my phone is dead" and he just looked at my eyes like 🧿👄🧿 his eyes were really pretty 😭 i went back to talking with my friends anyways the class was about to start, so we got up and packed. i was soooo nervous lmaoo i didn't even look at him LKMWALKDSMASWED IT GETS WORSE LATER HOLD ON he called behind me and asked which class i was in, NOT MY NAME anyways i told him and waved. my friend was teaaasinggggg me but i shook it off
i started gathering info about the dude. i found his class and stuff, nothing more. idk who sent follow request on instagram first, it was probably me lmaoo but turns out, he's pretty popular! everyone knows him too. i would sometimes share songs on my story and he would always respond. he asked me if i liked david bowie and i said never really listened to him so he shared his bowie playlist! anyways this went on. i would see him in the school garden lol i wouldn't say hi, because we never really met you know? this is a huge problem of mine lkwmsads people think i hate them or something to this day, i'm just too shy what if they don't recognize me NAYWAYS
i thought about the pros and cons. turns out, this dude was living in the dorms (our high school was the best in our city so people from other towns would live in dorms) which meant that he wasn't even from my city? he was also a senior so he probably wouldn't like to be involved with those kind of stuff so i didn't really bother. it was fun tho! so, the day before his uni entrance exam was our last day of school, so the teachers arranged this party stuff with cakes and shit (also! i found out that he was a pretty successful student and would score high on his tests klmsewdlmef this is kinda important cause i like academically successful people 😭my sapiosexuality only works that way) i built up the courage to go wish him well on his test. i could never get him alone, and since my friends didn't know we used to talk occasionally, i left. i waited to make eye contact with him, but i guess it was his time to avoid me. so, i sent my wishes that night, thinking he wouldn't respond. he did, like 2 minutes after i sent the message. he said "we never really got time to get to know each other" GOD I REMEMBER THIS NOW EKSAMDCDLSW i don't remember what i said, i remember i felt kinda embarrassed cause it felt too, out there obvious. it hit me then, that i would never see him again. NOT. we'll get to that >:) i felt sad, i liked having a lil crush. that lil heart skip. i'm not really sure if it WAS a crush, but it definitely was something. oh, he also added me to his close friends like the moment we started following each other and i did the same. WAIT FUCK kKLMWSADLKASEWF HE LOVED DONNIE DARKO??? WHICH IS MY FAVORITE FILM??? I HAVE AN ORIGINAL POSTER IN MY ROOM???????? WHAT THE FUCK???? anwyays i watched pulp fiction for him 😌 it was a win win. oh right, i was sad so i chugged down a whole beer, which was a lot for 16 year old me who went out with her parents lmaooo i was like "pour another one, we're drinking tonight" and they only let me drink 1 💀
what's crazy is
i used to be a scout right? we went to this camp. i got bored, and decided to check if he had a facebook 💀 he didn't, so i was like damn.
2 DAYS LATER HE POSTS A NEW FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ON HIS IG STORIES???? WHAT THE FUCK??? i ran laps i screamed i cried anyways i went to send him a friend request, he already sent me one. cool! i was 14 on my profile picture 💀 thankfully i had deleted everything ages ago
all summer, nothing. NO! results come in, HE'S 1ST IN OUR SCHOOL?? LIKE HE SCORED AN UNGODLY SCORE?? i was like holy shit he went to one of the best, if not the best, uni in our country
so, fast forward 11 grade, first day of school. we were talking in our class (our classes got mixed that year) dude walks in to greet our teacher with his friend and starts talking about the exam and shit. no eye contact? alright whatever lol. 2 or so months later, we go on a trip to visit the unis in that city and his uni is a famous student attraction. he has close friends from his dorm too, so he jumps in on our bus. it was raining so much so we had to stay inside the bus. anyways, we go down, no eye contact still. klsmwadslakwme whatever i say it really is time to stop thinking about him. he vanished off the surface of earth not too long after too lmaoo anyways he probably had a girlfriend back then. so, early pandemic, he deleted his twitter and stopped posting on ig and i hadn't even thought about him at all
he posted a pic on his story... uh,,, october this year? idk at least i knew he was still alive 💀
we went to ikea with my friends one day and got in the wrong bus, ended up in the most ridiculous place so i posted a selfie of us and added it in my close friends (mind that i post from new years to new years) and he responded! he said "you're in this city and didn't invite me?" and i jokingly responded with something. this was late at night, i didn't see him respond and went to bed. i woke up at 9 am and saw that he said "oh btw congrats on your uni! turns out we are really close (our unis are super super close), so we can sit down sometime if you'd like to" and i thought i should respond when im fully awake and went back to sleep. i woke up at 12 pm with my brain mushy and responded with some cringy fucking joke and just liked the message he talked about sitting down. he liked my respond. we were gonna go to a concert that night. i started getting ready, didn't think much of the message. as i was plucking my eyebrows, it occured to me, how DUMB i was. how much of an IDIOT i was. i texted my friends "i did something horrible". i got ready and hopped on the bus, thought about it the whole ride. i got out, met with my friends and told them, HOPING they would at least support me a lil. the first thing they say? "zee, you're such a fucking idiot" i was like "I KNOW" anyways it went on a little more. i said "if i drink enough tonight, i will text him"
2 beers in, mid concert, i sent him a message. "you know, i double tapped it or smth like that but i would really love to meet" sent it, pushed my phone in my pocket. 5 minutes in, i see a notification saying "we only talked on ig" CHILLS MAN I THOUGHT HOLY SHIT THIS DUDE IS SAYING wtf we only talked here KMDSLWKMSDWLKFR FUCKING IPHONE i opened it and he said "same! we only talked on here right? never met face to face" "yeah, guess it was meant to be in this city" "haha yeah. remind me of it and we'll plan something" "sure :)"
this was it omg this shit is so long for no reason, sorry for this lmaooo he's really pretty too lkwsmdaxlsamdwecf i can't i will probably never remind him lol
oh shit wait
my hs friend who goes to the same uni as me, when i told her about my past with the dude, she said she hated the guy bc he ghosted one of her friends. like, he wouldn't wave at her, respond to her texts and stuff. he didn't do any of that with me, so i'm wondering if he liked how i wouldn't really acknowledge him irl lol
yeah that was it lol
flamethrower?? yeah bestie you dodged a bullet there
that dude was also a huge naruto fan. like, he would sometimes wear that bandana and i was like "hmmm okay" i became a weeb literally one year after that 😭 karma is a bitch, death note is bitchier
kaneki was HOT. i liked it when he got violent >:) i could never warm up to tokyo ghoul and keep forgetting that i watched it lol. kaneki was hot tho. i want to read the manga so much, sui ishida is a legend
dubs in general i guess? jjk dub is pretty meh imo. i liked the part where yuji calls nobara a bitch tho
i don't like the so clearly american accent in anime dubs, you know? the way they overdramatise the voices gives me the icks. thats why i loved the death note dub! it was so on point, no unnecessary dramatic moments, following the steps of the original vas. also light's monologue was sick, l's voice was sicker
wait, how does your friend find it bad if they haven't read the manga yet?
aah i didn't get in lol i didn't really expect to be picked anyways so it's cool. thanks for the vibes tho <3
i haven't picked anything yet, i still have very little law knowledge. i've always wanted to be a criminal lawyer (like higuruma hehe) but it looks like i would be more successful (money wise) in private law branches. i also don't know if i want to be connected to the government in any way. fuck the government. i probably wouldn't be picked too lol i'm super marginal for their conservative views. i would LOVE to be a da or prosecutor in usa, like new york lol i watched too much law and order. but yeah, for now, i'm focusing on exploring and seeking out anything involving foreign countries. i would love to study abroad for a master's degree too
ooh hell yeah! go for it!
i was writing the vibrator fic with nanami and realized how LITTLE fics with nanami eating reader out exists lmaoo sorry for the sudden nsfw topic but it was so weird! i don't think i've read it outside of fics specifically for eating out???
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macklives · 5 years
hey so this is gonna be a long-ish one. ive decided its been far too long since i did a session, and we did so many i can often forget what happened. i started in july and im pretty sure its been more than half a year now since this whole blog happened. and in that time, we’ve gone through 88 sessions and i want to know if i remember the relevant plot points and what we got up to in the last few sessions. a refresh/reminder if you would.
so i hereby commence my own little recap of act 5 because yeah no, its too much to do a recap of everything and i have andrew for that after every few acts. but i wanna refresh my mind on act 5 for now. so here we go.
1. alternia.. fucked up place. but its a place the trolls live on so what are we gonna do about it? overthrow the government? seems about right, lets do that with the next troll that gets introduced and if its not kanaya idk what andrew is doing by not having introduced the best troll yet. why the long wait? it was the second introduced? i honestly expected it to go in order when i first read act 5, because first we had karkat talk to jade which was the first new piece dialogue in the comic besides the main kids, but then we had kanaya with rose, which was followed by tavros, then terezi (iirc). so id assume we were following that order but nope karkat got fully introduced, then this random fucking juggalo called gamzee made its way into the comic. imagine my surprise.
2. theres been terminology throughout act 5, that i do not fucking know and will not remember and probably never will. like tf is a perigee again? i made a doc somewhere ill probably find it.
3. karkat’s introduction... short but very sweet. and by sweet i mean we got to know the depths of the angry edge lord. and by depths i mean karkat got angry at gamzee for typing in a way that he didnt like so he yapped like a chihuahua. nah, but seriously, i do like karkat tho, hes growing on me but only bc hes a bitch baby and his whole personality makes me want to mock him so thats the reason im not that annoyed and think hes funny, and the most harmless troll. even more so than tavros. and thats saying something. 7.5/10 bc im generous.
4. then gamzee... the high juggalo troll who has the worst typing quirk imo, i cannot for the life of me read it. but hes chill, i actually really like gamzee. hes funny and the least problematic as of right now. 8.5/10.
5. terezi’s introduction next i think. she likes playing as a lawyer with her stuffed dragons, ie by roleplay, shes blind, can see through licking, and she likes eating chalk, maybe its even nutritious. shes good. 9/10. 
6. uhh in the process of these intros, there are teams being made? karkat joins gamzee and terezi in, i THINK, the red team?? bc terezi likes red?? could be wrong, i dont remember the teams except that its red/blue to represent sollux’s duality in those colors. terezi then tries recruiting AC but AC is like lol sorry i have to ask this friend of mine who has authority over me for some goddamn reason and terezi goes yuck tf i hate that guy................... yeah thats all we have on the teams. pretty sure sollux had smth to do with karkat about the making of the leaders, and they did the “i hate me” and the “no i hate me more than u hate u” or whatever the fuck that was. they got embarrassed afterwards and deleted their messages. im pretty sure they have no messages because everything ends up being mutually deleted so their logs are actually empty. ngl, kinda enjoyed their convos, made me appreciate their characters. i hope we get more because its good content. i also dont know what order this whole thing is in, who contacted who first? couldnt tell you. ill remember later on. and since im basing this off from memory alone, gotta deal with what i remember. uhhhh so yeah. we havent met all characters yet so the teams have not been officially decided but we got the bases, which is that.
7. god i found it, and the only thing im looking at right now is the terminology list i made and what the fuck?? what the fuck?? you miss a few weeks and suddenly the word nubslurping comes up and you forget what the fuck youre reading.
8. im PRETTY SURE aradia is seen after that whole team fiasco?? or its sollux... maybe. wait. its sollux, right. i just knew someone gets introduced mid way through is all. actually, someone gets introduced after every 20 pages. i have no idea. but ik aradia and sollux go hand in hand.
9. oh shit. OH SHIT! RIGHT! I REMEMBER! so this occurs in the latest session i did, and not the beginning of act 5, but AG and aradia team up, right?? and sollux fucking gets manipulated by them and ??? idk??? they make him find the game, reprogram it and then make him believe its going to end the world (which in hindsight is true, but anyways) so he refuses to play it which was AG’s plan all along so she steps up and becomes leader in his place. but aradia says sollux will still play the game no matter what, but she never went through with the plan for AG but it was apart of a prophecy? that sollux wouldnt be the leader at all? that he’d still play? but it had to go according to plan so it could succeed??? we just dont know why yet. anyways, point being, she still cares for sollux since she did it for him rather than for AG. and thats what i recall. god tf i forgot about that whole drama until writing down “sollux and aradia go hand in hand” which gave me violent flashbacks to the memory.
10. oh and id give aradia 9/10 and sollux 7/10. i do like sollux but if i put him higher than karkat, id get crucified. so im keeping them around the same.
11. man i really like sollux and aradia tho, i may have put him at 7, but i really like their dynamic and i really hope they make up and aradia explains herself about AG. because from one side it looks shitty. and while sollux is rude and never makes up his mind, he apologized to aradia after going off, and that was the only time ive seen him be sincere, so im pretty sure he cares for her to some extent. and i think its somewhat mutual? considering the whole “did it for him” thing. man, i see potential because i actually like both their characters. theyre well written. may not have the best personalities, but i appreciate well written characters and homestuck has the best ones ive seen in a while.
12. oh shit, hell yeah, the more i write, the more im connecting the dots and remembering. however, the more i write, the more i want to just make an analogy post but thats not for now. jesus christ its not all about analogies, mack, this is a recap. but.. how does andrew do it? to not go off track??? hard. telling ya.
13. anyways, didnt we break the fourth wall at some point and have the demon gods or whatever the fuck speak to us in third person for the first time in the comic, after having only gone into second person narrative, right after we were introduced to sollux and his “virus”? the uh, the phrase “the demon was already here” was said, or something along those lines. first line in homestuck to give me the creeps ngl and i appreciate it bc it gives me motivation to know what the fuck its about. its cool bc you have no idea where its going and it sure doesnt have anything to do with the current plot, since the trolls’ session/game doesnt have fucking demons so im curious as to what the fuck that was about. and if i really have to make a theory, i feel it has something to do with aradia’s voices in her head which also connect to the gods rose heard when she started disregarding rules and told dave to look at derse without listening to music bc it was as if he was purposely blocking away their calls. like holy shit, that gave me the shivers. while i do want to know more about wtf happens after act 4, trolls are taking priority right now. just like we did with the intermission. no discussing the kids unless necessary. treat this as its own separate comic. and THEN we can connect.
14. ANYWAYS, tavros’ intro???? that comes afterwards?? with the fiduspawn that made me gag a little on the inside? yep. remember that. fuck that lol. -1/10 but tavros himself is MAYBE a 6/10? i wish we explored his character more in his intro bc right now he just looks like a character made only to be a victim rather than have any depth and i feel thats robbing someone of their full potential. give me more personality andrew, rather than a quivering boy who falls prey to bitches. im expecting more throughout the comic honestly and i hope he gets growth so hes not looked as a “victim” but rather his own character. he is still sweet, and i like him because i want to protect him, but id rather have more info, you know what i mean?
15. oh hell. kanaya had a chainsaw at some point. that made me happy. and didnt she cut off tavros’ legs?? and he got robot ones? and some creepy dude was looking and we called him saggy tits bc hes sagittarius? right? neat. that did happen. pretty sure saggy tits is ACs friend that tells her what to do. the more u know. OH and they all have colored blood similar to their text colors lol. that i remember... so tavros has brown, terezi has blueish green, um. karkat has grey the loser. and apparently it forms a rainbow which is nice. rainbow is good.
16. i dont remember anything else actually
17. wait no i do. AG appeared. shes a petty bully. idk what to say about her. we didnt get that much, except that she hates tavros but is okay with aradia. she also looks like a bottle opener. actually, i think she teamed with aradia to gain leadership rather than to “be friends”. and while that is similar to how karkat did it, meaning the gain, the motivation and how they earned it is entirely different. kinda seeing a trend tho. the leaders of the red/blue teams are both characters who wanted the role, but never had it to begin with. only to win their way into the position. but rather than ask non-stop like karkat did, AG manipulated others so she could be successful. not too sure if she also used aradia for that, or is actually motivated to become friends since they were “past enemies” and she needed a rebound. pretty sure its somewhat both. while AG did mostly use aradia to speak with sollux, what she doesnt know is that aradia is a bad bitch who never even thought about AG and only followed through with the plan bc she had a plan of her own. i guess we’ll look into that later. i lowkey want to know their history.
18. OH AC!!! she appeared for a second as well. love her. shes amazing. 9.5/10. and you may ask yourself, why am i saying “i love this character” but none of them are 10/10?? weellllll its because, and i cant stress this enough, 10/10 belongs to kanaya, i dont make the rules. im waiting for her introduction, shes my favorite and its obvious. sorry.
19. oh huh seems i forgot about the term “lusus”. which.. is.. their parents but not really, its these fucking weird ass creatures that the trolls fought in a cave or something as a child. i dont fucking know. terezi hatched hers and it died? gamzee’s also died but his goat sea dad was never really there to begin with so while it is sad, its more sad that gamzee never saw him? um.. karkat killed his own by exploding his computer bc sollux said dont run the virus and karkat said u cant tell me what to do and did it anyways. so thats on him. but apparently theyre supposed to die, to become prototyped during the game, right? yeah. i remember now.
20. thats.. about it? idk anything else, nothing is coming back to me apart from the shit above. huh.... im surprised how quickly things do come back to you the moment you rant about the plot tho.... handy trick.
cool. neat. fun. this took me too long. but im glad i remember a little bit.
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Maybe prompt number 25 it sounds very sincere to the heart
Rated M b/c of cussing, and mentions of sexual activity.
Prompt 25- “Do you realize how much I love you?”
Modern Sonamy oneshot. This is for you, Anon! Whomever you may be~
Amy was walking home after a long day (of getting kidnapped) and started breaking down. After a few minutes of sobbing, she heard an innocent voice call out to her.
   “Ms. Amy? Why are you crying?” Amy looked up to see ten year old Cream, with her chao, Cheese. She changed her outfit to something a little more conservative. She wore an orange sweater dress in the winter, along with black leggings like Amy did. Amy had a similar sweater dress, except it was a turtle-neck, and it was a little tighter around the waist. Amy wiped away her tears and smiled.
 “I’m fine, Cream.” Her voice cracked. Now Cream definitely knew something was wrong. Amy’s sweet, melodious never cracked.
    “Stop lying, Ms. Amy. I’m going to call Ms. Rouge, Ms. Blaze, and Ms. Lyra. They’ll know what happened.” She called the following girls on her phone. She had it in case of emergencies. Clearly this is one.
     “Hi, Cream. What do you mean? WHAT?! I’m on my way, Rouge is with me, I’ll get Blaze. Just get her home.”
     “Hi Ms. Lyra. Amy’s crying for some reason. I don’t know, she just dropped on the floor and started crying. Okay, see you later.” Cream ended the call, and helped Amy up, while giving her a hug.
   “It’s about Sonic, isn’t it. That no good, cowardly, piece of-” Rouge’s mouth was covered by Blaze because of Cream’s presence.
   “Cow pie. A stinking poop is what he is!” Cream exclaimed in anger. The girls all agreed at Cream’s comment. Amy sniffled.
   “W-why?! Why c-can’t he l-love m...me?! Is it the way I look?! I can change! I-I’d even dye my hair!” The girls all looked to each other. They all shook their heads.
    “Amy...I-We, don’t think Sonic’s worth it. He keeps breaking your heart, no matter how much you do for him. He’s not even considerate. You deserve so much more better than that.” Blaze told Amy, as she cried in Blaze’s arms.
   “B-but, no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to fall for anyone else! And Sonic wouldn’t allow me to date other people.” Rouge looked puzzled. Lyra asked the question that Rouge was thinking.
   “What do you mean, Sonic won’t let you date other people?” Lyra brought her chair closer. She was sitting in the corner, writing about at least fifty different ways she could kill Sonic for breaking Amy’s heart.
    “Well, I can’t really explain it. Rouge, you know how you set me up on a blind date? Well, I was sitting with him, and suddenly Sonic came out of nowhere, and pulled me out of the cafe. He told me to stay away from other guys. Of course I was upset, so I told him to stop acting all overprotective, I can do whatever the hell I want, and he doesn’t listen, he just drops me off back here, and basically patrolled my house for the next few hours while I cried myself to sleep.” Amy said, her tears not scared of falling out.
    “That little shit!” Rouge yelled. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
     “Oh! It must be my mom.” Cream ran to the door, and there stood her mother. She said ‘bye’ to everyone and left.
      “Okay, since I couldn’t say this in front of Cream, but, wanna go to the bar? It could get your mind of things!” Rouge literally started begging.
       “Fine. I guess that would help. Let’s go.” Amy was about to get up, but Rouge stopped her.
        “You’re not going anywhere in that. I brought some outfits, and we’re gonna wear them.” And with that, Rouge took out four skimpy outfits. Lyra had a poker face.
       “Ain’t no way in hell am I wearing that shit.” Rouge rolled her eyes. She took out a denim jacket, and handed it to her. They all put on their outfits in Amy’s room.
Amy was wearing a red silk strapless dress that hugged at her waist, she wore some bright red lipstick, but used a napkin to bring down the tone.
Blaze was wearing a purple spaghetti strapped deep sweetheart cut at her chest, and was wearing some lipgloss to make her lips sparkle.
Rouge was wearing a black strapless dress which ended about mid-thigh. The dress clenched at her waist. She wore deep red lipstick, and didn’t bother with the tone.
Lyra wore a white circle skirt dress, the skirt ending to her knees. She had a denim jacket on. She put on some lip balm, not really bothering putting on make-up. She sneaked her headphones and laptop, knowing that she’d need it later. The girls all took their purses and left in Rouge’s car.
- At The Bar
There was hip-hop music playing, lots of people everywhere, strangers getting all over each other, and some private booths for...you know...
   “Here we are~! Let’s go get something to drink!” Rouge drags the girls to the bar counter. She orders four cocktails (lol I’m too immature to drink and go to clubs) for the girls and they sit down in a couch that surrounds a circle table. After a while, Rouge sees a familiar red figure at the entrance. She stands up and waves, making the other three girls with her confused.
  “Rouge! What’re you doing here, babe?” Knuckles asked the bat as he, and his three friends, one being a specific hedgehog. Lyra signaled Rouge to huddle up as a group.
   “He’s here. With them.” Blaze said, her eyes wide open, gesturing to Amy and wanting her to be happy.
   “I want her to be happy and forget all about that asshole. The only way to do that is to keep him away from her! She’s suffering through heartbreak.” Lyra bluntly stated. The boys, being the idiots they are, decided to try and eavesdrop on their conversation. They heard something about her heartbreak. Everyone looked at Shadow, seeing he was the womanizer.
   “I haven’t been playing with any girls, honest.” Shadow said emotionlessly. The boys turned to Sonic. He looked confused.
   “What did I do?” Was all he asked. Knuckles face-palmed, Silver was making an ‘Are you fucking kidding me?!’ look, and Shadow just rolled his eyes, looking like he doesn’t give a fuck, but cares for his self-proclaimed little sister’s wellbeing. “No, seriously, I don’t understand, what did I do?” He dared to ask.
  “You’re off breaking hearts, like normal.” Silver muttered. Sonic got even more puzzled. Silver sighed. “You hurt little Amy’s heart, Sonic. The little cinnamon roll doesn’t deserve this. We all know you like her, you ain’t fooling anyone.” Silver was right, but Sonic’s ego didn’t want to admit that.
  “He’s right, Sonic. Ya’ know, she’s been having suicidal thoughts lately.” Lyra lied. Lyra was right tho-WAIT, WHAT WAS SHE DOING IN THIS CONVERSATION?!
 “Pegs, this is a boy conversation, stay out of it.” Shadow told Lyra. She muttered some profanities at him, and he only smirked.
 “PEGS? What the hell are you doing to my sister?! Why the hell have you given her a name that doesn’t even suit her and doesn’t even relate to her?!”
  “Relax, Faker. Let your sister date whoever she wants. She won’t let me flirt with her. Focus on your own girl.”
 “Why don’t we hook you up with someone, hmm? I hear Shadow’s fre-”
 “Fuck no.” Lyra and Amy said simultaneously.
 “No offense, Rouge, but I don’t think I’m interested in dating or having a fling with anyone. My heart’s stuck with someone who could possibly be attracted to boys-” Amy’s comment was interrupted by a loud snort by Lyra.
 “What do you mean, could possibly be attracted to boys? I hope you’re not mistaking Silver as Sonic.” As Rouge said that, Blaze scowled at her friend. Rouge thought for a moment, not acknowledging the fact that Blaze was burning imaginary holes through her head. Rouge gasped and ran over to Knuckles and whispered something into his ear. He did a small nod to his girlfriend.
 “Oh, Shadow! Silver! There’s this new spirytus bottle that I’ve been dying to try out.” And with that, he dragged Shadow and Silver out of the scene.
 “Oh, I think we should do the same! Right Lyra, and Blaze? Amy, you stay here, I know you get a little tipsy you get after a strong drink. You even flirt with boys when you’re in that state.” That one comment made Sonic snap his head towards Amy. Amy mentally facepalmed. Sonic’s not happy. AT. ALL. Rouge dragged the two away from the oblivious hedgehogs.
  “So...you’re sixteen, and you’re drinking. And it’s obviously not your first time. Am I right.” Amy stayed silent. She just wanted to melt into the ground, not wanting to listen to the useless shit that the guy who ruined her life was spitting out.
  “Why do you always try to find other guys?” This really made Amy snap. She stood up, giving Sonic a chance to scan her figure very quickly without her realizing. No wonder he’s called the fastest thing alive, am I right? Amy gave herself a few minutes to regain her posture because she was a bit drunk.
 “Now listen here, y-you ass-napkin! I hate being treated like I’m not allowed to date other people, when I am. So, stop it. You have no right to tell me what I can or cannot do. Just don’t talk to me Sonic the Hedgehog. Stay away from me, and don’t talk to me.” She straightened out her posture, and before walking away, she said something that made Sonic truly feel like an ass-napkin. “Do you realize how much I love you?” A hand grabbed Amy’s waist, and pulled her to their chest. She tried squirming out, but the person wouldn’t budge. She took in the scent of the person, and stopped. It was Sonic.
He leaned down, and captured her lips in his own, even though she wasn’t kissing back. He kissed harder, and Amy had no choice but to give in. She decided to take advantage of the moment, and to take as much as she possibly could. In the background, Lyra and Rouge were fangirling, Blaze was recording a video, and the boys were silently cheering Sonic on.
    “The reason I keep you away from dating other boys is because I want to. Seeing you with other boys internally hurts me, that’s why I’m so protective of you. But, I’m too shy to confess my feelings to you. I just want to keep you safe.” Amy smirked.
   “You’re not shy, Mr. the Hedgehog. You’re just afraid it’ll cause a huge damage to that oversized ego of yours. Go choke on a peanut or something.” Lyra yelled “HEY!” at Amy because that was usually her line. “But, I no matter what I do, I just can’t get my mind off you. Frick that rhymes.” Amy looks over to the fourth wall, where the author is sitting. (”Sorry for that unintentional rhyme, I don’t want to change it.”)
    “Sorry Ames. I just love you too much to let you go. I want you to be mine, but...I just want to run, too.” Sonic put his head down. Amy rolled her eyes.
    “Enough with the cheesiness, Sonic. It’s soooo not you. First of all, it wasn’t so hard to confess, was it? Second of all, I won’t tie you down. All I want is for you to be happy, and I know that running makes you happy. So whenever you’re with me, and you feel like running, don’t hold it in. Just go.” Amy said calmly. Sonic grew excited and kissed her again. His confident signature smirk was back, and he looked down at his new girlfriend.
     “So, there’s no way I’m letting you get away with wearing that outfit, missy.” Sonic said smugly. He picked Amy up bridal style and ran to her house.
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proherostories · 5 years
Internship Break
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Author’s note: LOL semi-nsfw? don’t know her
Pairing: Kirishima x OC || Age: They’re 18! Third years <3
WC -  3881 || AO3
Warnings - overstimulation, multiple orgasms, mention of somnophilia, semi-clothed sex
Extra - Koi means love in Japanese. I didn’t use it but subsequently, Koibito means ‘sweetheart’ as well. I tend to use the two as a pair for couples, but for some reason, it didn’t flow the way I wanted this time.
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Ugh, everything hurt. 
Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, considering he still had the energy to work with. He was definitely sore, though. 
Kirishima grunted as he leaned and contorted his upper body backward, groaning as several places in his back popped. Bouncing forward he rolled his shoulders and crossed one arm over, hooked his other over it and stretched it before doing it to the other side. He’d finally gotten to his room in the third-year dorm and after changing out of his hero costume, he really wanted to relax his muscles in the showers. Thank god for weekends and being able to finally relax after patrolling the streets.
Shower caddy in hand, it was fun looking back on how it felt like yesterday when he’d stormed these halls to hunt down Tamaki Amajiki and beg him to help get him interning at the Fatgum Agency. Now Suneater had been a full-fledged Pro Hero for at least two years now, and Kirishima was still interning there because he loved the work and fully intended on joining permanently after he graduated. He had never really expected to be someone who liked the night shift, but it was like, as soon as the sun went down he had a rush of energy. 
Today was one of those days that he was still rip-roarin’ ready to go, so there was a skip in his step as he neared the showers. Since it was still early morning, a lot of his classmates were groggy and waking up so it was going to be quiet and wonderful- “Whoa yikes!” he yipped, twisting on the ball of his foot to spin out of the way of someone coming down the hall. Hell ya, Bakugo would’ve even been impressed by those reflexes! “Hey hey, sorry ‘bout-babe!” his casual apologetic smile morphed into a full-blown grin.
“Kiri!” Nagisa perked up excitedly, her beautiful orchid purple eyes making Kirishima’s heart squeeze. Wow, he missed her. “It’s been ages since we saw each other outside of class!”
Kirishima groaned with his head thrown back a bit, but then he rubbed his neck sheepishly, “Yeah, I know. I’m so, so sorry, I know texting isn’t enough sometimes and-” his shoulders stiffened and his eyes widened when he felt her soft, dainty finger on his lips. All of a sudden it was very difficult to ignore the urge to pop the digit in his mouth.
“Now don’t you start,” she told him firmly, a slight scowl on her pretty face. “You don’t need to go spiraling down a rabbit hole there’s no business taking a trip into. I get it, I’ve been busy at my internship too.”
All at once Kirishima’s breath wooshed out of his lungs. Somehow he found himself smitten all over again. Of course, she knew he'd start tumbling with insecurities. Her personality always did it for him, but...had he really not been paying enough attention to his girlfriend that he forgot how gorgeous she looked close up? No...it couldn’t be. He was pretty sure the round baby-face had slimmed down some since the last time he had really looked at her. “Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled breathlessly. “I was about to take a shower, but I’m still pretty awake. You wanna hang at all? Catch up?”
The way she lit up made Kirishima feel like floating. He loved her smile, but he loved it even more when it was directed at him, “That sounds wonderful, Kirishima! I just finished with my own shower and was going to grab breakfast. Would you like me to grab you something? I’m sure after we chill you’re going to pass out. I don’t want you to not eat!” she put her hands on her hips with a pointed look.
Laughing, her fierce expression causing him to give her a cheeky smirk and he nodded to her, “Sure thing, koi,” he realized now that yeah, her usually pastel-purple hair was quite a few shades darker and more flat in comparison to how voluminous it tended to be. It contrasted against her alabaster skin, making her appear even paler. “My room, eta fifteen? I wanted to let the water relax my muscles a bit, so I’m going to chill in there a bit longer than normal.”
“Good for you, doin’ some self-care!” Nagisa beamed at him, “Awesome, it’s a deal.”
Watching her go he couldn’t help the sly lilt to his lips as he watched her hair, mid-length down her back, sway with each step she took. The bounce in her step made him happy, and there was a fire licking underneath his skin now. It really had been too long…
He might’ve wanted to stay in there longer, but after crossing his girlfriend Kirishima became way too antsy to relax. So a fifteen-minute shower turned into ten, but he used that extra time to get back to his dorm room and throw on some sweatpants. A slow devious smirk crossed his face, but he threw on some casual rock music and took a glance at his homework to do that weekend. He could knock out what was easiest first, then with the harder stuff he could ask Bakugo for help, or Midoriya depending on the subject. 
A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts and he called over his shoulder, “It’s unlocked!” before setting his notebooks on his table. When he turned around he had his usual wide grin on his face, “Hey, babe! Man, whatever that is, it smells great!”
“I could hear your music from the hall you know,” Nagisa drawled, closing the door behind her and then paused, her gaze zeroing in on the fact his sweats hung low on his hips and there was seemingly nothing else he was wearing. All of a sudden her face burned.
“Good. Maybe that was the point,” Kirishima’s toothy grin morphed into something sly, and he went to sit on his bed, patting it for her to come join him, “I am starving, you were right. Let’s eat?” he hummed.
Swallowing thickly, Nagisa nodded and had the presence of mind to lock Kirishima’s door first, then walked over to him. Handing him his plate, she sat beside him and...her heart squeezed. In spite of it being extremely clear to her, her boyfriend was being coy, they had a nice, relaxing breakfast together. Well, breakfast for her and dinner for him. As they talked, taking their time eating and not rushing to get to whatever it was Kirishima had intended, it was like they hadn’t been separated at all by work and school life. Conversation came easily, she laughed and smiled at his antics and his own booming laughs warmed her own soul. 
They missed each other, dearly, and were both soaking up this time they managed to snag for themselves. By the time they were done eating, Kirishima put the plates on his nightstand to take back to the kitchen later. 
He spread his arms wide and his smile this time was nothing but genuinely sweet, “C’mere, Nagi,” he coaxed, “I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw ya.” 
Nagisa threw her arms around him without further ado, causing him to laugh quietly and let them fall back onto the bed as if the petite 5ft 2 woman really had managed to knock this 6ft mountain of a man over. Feeling him chuckle and the way it rumbled in his chest made her blush and nuzzle into his neck, squeaking in surprise when she felt him hook his leg over her thigh and essentially trap her in his koala embrace. Snorting in amusement, she rolled her eyes while she smiled into his collar bone, “You’re a dork.”
“You love this dork.” Kirishima immediately quipped, kissing the top of her head and his fingers found their way into her hair. Peering down over her, since the size difference made it pretty easy, he brought his arm up and let the strands fall in ribbons back down onto his bed. The way the morning light through his window caught them made her hair look prismatic. He loved it and missed it. Missed her. After spending a minute or two doing that repeated action, he started feeling himself drift, but he didn’t want to. “I love you, you know.”
“I love you, too, Eiji,” Nagisa murmured, kissing his chest over his heart. Even wrapped up like this against his hard body he was still surprisingly comfortable, and his body heat was making her sleepy when she really should be going about her day. “Even when you’re being a dork, you’re right.”
Snickering, he pulled back enough so he could see her face, taking his hand from her hair to stroke along her cheek. They were both quiet for a long moment before he released her body and scooted down, only to surge forward and capture her lips with his. There was a soft ‘mmph’ sound between them both and Kirishima pulled her tight to his body in a different way. One large hand pressed at the small of her back and the one on her cheek moved into her hair and cupped her head. A soft groan was pulled from his throat, “Nagisa…” 
The whisper of his breath on her face and the way he said her name had her shivering against him and a quiet whimper answered his groan, “Eijiro...Please…”
“Please what, baby?” he cooed with a chuckle, “If I don’t know what you want, I can’t give it to you,” he kissed her nose playfully, making her scrunch her face and with a snicker, he caught her in another heated kiss. 
Nagi gasped a little when his pointed teeth caught her bottom lip, giving it a gentle tug and bite. Always careful, and plenty of practice to know what was too much pressure. “I know this...is what you were planning, you big pervert…” she called him out finally, but it didn’t stop her from arching her back into his roaming hand and pressing her chest into his, “You could start by evening the score. I seem to be quite overdressed in comparison to you.”
Kirishima laughed and nodded, rolling both of them over so he was on top, “I always love how sassy you can be.” He smirked down at her as his fingers skimmed under her shirt.
God, every time they did this, Nagi felt like his hands were trailing fire along her skin. Her breath was coming out in hot pants and she whined as he skimmed his thumbs under her breasts before popped her bra above them...and leaving them that way. Blinking, she brought her head forward and stared at him in confusion.
His smirk was all the answer she needed, “You gotta get back to whatever you gotta do today soon, right? Fewer clothes to put on if you don’t take them off to begin with,” he winked and started dragging her skirt and undershorts down.
“Let me guess, you’re going to just push my panties to the side, too?” Nagisa arched a dusty purple brow at him but lifted her hips so it would be easier. He was leaving her socks on, too. “I didn’t know you had a clothed-sex kink, Eijiro. Want me to just wear my uniform jacket next time?”
He shrugged innocently, though he did have a pink blush that appeared on his cheeks and nose, “I’ve thought about just tugging your tits out of your uniform shirt before, yeah…” he admitted with a mumble, finally tossing the bottoms off the side of his bed.
Nagi was entertained that he was embarrassed enough that even his ears were going red. Giggling, she brought her feet up and shoved his sweatpants down in one motion, “Doesn’t bother me.” She assured him, eyes darkening as she saw his cock bounce up instead of being constrained by the fabric. “And you thought you were being sly, not wearing anything underneath.”
He shrugged, still blushing, “What can I say? I like being a tease.” 
Rolling her eyes a bit, Nagi grinned and sat up enough to grab Kirishima right around his cock, “Shut up, you big dork, and c’mere,” she giggled and let herself fall back onto his bed. By reflex, he had to follow and his hands planted against the bed which bounced with his weight. If he was blushing before his face went red now. His hair even fell forward enough to tickle her face, but all she could do was stare up into wide and dark ruby eyes. Even his mouth was slightly open, his breathing shallow. “You going to stare at me all day, Red Riot?” she cooed, giving his wonderful girth and nice length a couple of long strokes.
At that his eyes rolled back and his dark lashes fluttered across his cheeks as he groaned and throbbed in her grip, hips jerking a bit, “Fuck, babe, can’t a guy admire his lovely girlfriend?” he asked, voice shaky and strained, but he couldn’t deny that she turned him on like no other.
“Well, you did point out that I have things to do, so why don’t you get to it?” Nagi sassed, letting him go and situating herself better on the bed, her legs planted farther apart and she smirked as her fingers trailed down her bare abdomen to her panties, pushing them to the side for him to view her glistening folds, “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
He’d pulled back to shove off his sweatpants the rest of the way when she did that and he had a full-body shudder, “Hell ya, just like that baby,” he purred, and part of him wanted to dip down to taste her since it had been a while, but he also wanted to be buried deep inside. So he settled for gathering some spit onto his tongue and slathering two of his meaty fingers, leaning forward as he reached for his nightstand and her center at the same time. Her gasp as he hit the bullseye made him swallow thick as he yanked the drawer open and as his other hand snatched out a condom he dipped the tips of both digits into her. “Goddamn, koi, so tight for me…” what did he expect, after being apart for so long? At least this proved, if nothing else, that she’d been perfectly faithful to him, too. He worried about that sometimes, when he got so busy he was barely able to say hi to her in class. 
Nagisa whined and arched her hips down onto his fingers, rocking and breathing harshly as she watched him rip the foil with ease, making grabby hands he chuckled and gave her the condom with a fond look. Since his hands were busy, she made full use of hers as he got within her reach. “Just, uh...go easy on me?” she asked softly, whimpering as he curled and stretched his fingers a few times.
“Of course,” Kirishima soothed, rubbing her knee and then stroking her inner thigh, “Spread ‘em wide for me, baby...yeah, just like that,” he smirked a bit and tugged his fingers out, popping them in his mouth and he let out a really long moan around them as her flavor filled his senses, “Mmph...god, y’know I can leave my door unlocked for ya and I wouldn’t mind being woken up with ya on top of me,” he winked at her.
It was so lewd how he did that, and Nagi chewed on her lip, “I’ll think about it…” she told him on a heavy breath, “I’ll add somnophilia to the list.”
He rolled his eyes, positioning his cock at her center and rubbing up and down her folds, catching across her clit and he enjoyed her keening when he did. “Ready for me?”
“Please,” Nagi heaved, her legs quivering and eyes half-lidded, “Don’t leave me hanging…”
“Never,” he promised, slipping just the head in and he had to stop anyway because if she was tight around his fingers, she was practically a vice around his dick. Hearing her whimper through his swimming brain, he soothed her by rubbing his hands up and down her torso, grasping at her breasts and distracting her as he gave small rolls of his hips. A little bit at a time. He wasn’t just...huge as a person. He was also girthy, had decent length, and he didn’t give her nearly enough prep. “I love you, you’re doing so good for me...yeah, just like that, a little at a time...relax yourself, baby, you can do it…” 
It took a minute, but Nagisa nodded and gasped as he pressed even further. A deep groan left both of them at the same time, causing her to be really grateful for his music in the background. It covered their noises and she didn't feel like she had to hold herself back as much. So when he finally bottomed out she whimpered and bucked her hips, squeezing around him as her body throbbed. This caused his breath to get caught in his throat and he gripped her hips a bit harder than he meant to. She didn't mind, it only added to the heat, the need. "Eiji, please...please move…" the coil in her abdomen was already feeling tight and the smallest movement of his hips had her keening.
"Fuck...fuck, anything for you, I just don't want...to be a two-pump chump. You're so tight, babe, and it wouldn't...it wouldn't be very manly, not at all…" he could already feel the sweat on his neck and how his muscles shook with the effort to hold back. Still, when he felt like he wasn't going to explode he pulled back a little bit and pushed back inside. That sweet sweet friction was going to end him but he wasn't about to leave his lady unsatisfied, no sirree. 
Each push and pull of his hips had her gasping and whining in her throat, and for a few minutes, they simply fed off of each other. Nothing but harsh panting and the sound of skin hitting skin mixed with his music, getting drowned out in the best way. She didn't know if it was on purpose, not like it mattered, but it also felt like his thrusts were in time to the songs seemingly flashing by. "Oh god, Eijiro! Just keep...doing that, yes! Oh…" he'd shifted just right and somehow went deeper than before, the curve of his dick rubbing something intense and she shouted, arms going back to grasp at his pillow.
"Yeah?" Kirishima felt like his shower was pointless by now but Nagisa was so worth it. He locked himself in place so he could continue to drive her insane, also hooking an arm around her back to help lock her in place so she wouldn't squirm in pleasure and shift away from the blinding heat. "I got ya, baby...ya close for me?" As amazing as she felt, he knew he could at least push her over the peek twice, "You were...so responsive when...we started…"
His panting words on ragged breath made Nagisa clamp down reflexively. His voice always got to her and she cried out, "Close...close, so close...Eijiro!"
"Yes, yes...please cum, baby…" he gasped with her, "Let me feel you cum around me, yeah...just like...that's it, Nagi…" he watched her body arch up and he surged down, capturing her scream of release in a searing kiss. His music covered a lot, but it wouldn't hide that. It was all well and good, however, since he also had a full-body shudder as her orgasm washed over his length, making her walls clamp down. Yet he had a ways to go before he followed suit. That was part of the fun in his opinion. Getting her to have another right before or during his own. "I'm...not gunna...hold back now…" his voice strained.
Nagisa nodded numbly and was pliable in his arms as he rearranged her to his liking. What she wasn't expecting was the surge of renewed pleasure spike through her body as soon as he reared back. He dragged along her insides and because of her fresh juices, it was so easy to ram it back with no resistance. “Oh god...ah!” then he did it again, rougher this time, slamming so hard she felt it hit her cervix. 
Picking up the pace without further ado, if Kirishima wasn’t growling before he was now. His hands had hooked under her knees and he was pressing her down, pistoning as fast as his body would allow. The muscles of his thighs were burning, any attempts of being ‘relaxed’ was thrown out the window, but oh god was it worth it. 
Seeing him gnash his teeth, Nagisa whined had to give up on gripping the sheets with how he was starting to push her up the bed towards the wall. Instead, she reached up and gripped at his back to the best of her ability, her cries lewd and desperate. “I...can’t...Eiji, please…” even the way the sound of their lovemaking as skin slapping against skin filled the room made the coil wind tight again.
“Yes you can,” he hissed, feral with the tightening of his abdomen, the buildup and burn under his skin driving him wild. Grunting, he shuddered as her fingers dug into some sensitive spots, making him throb and gasp, “C’mon, Nagi, I’m so close...fall with me, baby…” he was getting lightheaded and he leaned further down, changing his angle which made her eyes go wide and he wasn’t able to catch her scream this time. Too enamored by how beautiful she looked in the throes of passion, he was slammed with his orgasm as if he had been hit by a ton of bricks and he roared his own release, entire body seizing up and his Quirk activating by accident around his hands, cutting and digging into her thighs.
The pain didn’t even register, and she didn’t mind. Smiling weakly, she used her hands around his back to coax him to fall onto his side when his Quirk let up around his body. His huffing and puffing made her giggle, a bit delirious, and she kissed his nose, “My big bad wolf needs to rest now. Don’t worry, I’ll stay until you fall asleep.”
“Maybe I should be that for Halloween or somethin’,” Kirishima mumbled tiredly, but smiled with the barest hint of a shy blush. Grunting as he removed the condom, he heaved himself over her so he could toss it in his bin by his bed, then let himself fall back onto his bed. He could’ve been silly and thumped on her, but he was dead weight by this point and that’d be rude. “Thank you, baby...for staying a little longer,” he cooed as he tossed at least one arm around her torso and nuzzled into her hair. A comfort, but easy enough for her to wiggle free from. “We can...hang out more later...yeah?” he asked sleepily, already drifting.
“Of course, Eiji. Anything for you.”
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cnc-hoebayb · 6 years
Started when we were younger, swear to god that i loved her..
Cute Chris valentine feels :,)
*please listen to Beautiful by Bazzi okayyy~ especially towards the end it’ll all make better sense if ur listening lol ❤️
“Hola amooorr...” a high pitched whisper wakes you from your sleep, instantly spreading a smile across your lips. Your eyes remain closed, yet you can see the expression on his face that you knew too well. He giggles at your cute little morning face, eyes flickering open and adjusting to the sun shooting in the room.
“Feliz dia de san Valentín,” his palm caresses your cheek and he gives a small kiss to the tip of your nose. “levántate, bebecita,” he says and begins to roll out of bed with almost too much energy already. “Tenemos mucho para hacer hoy.” A spark fires in your heart and mind as you wonder what plans he has made for the day, knowing that he was always one for elaborate stuff. You squirm at the thought and he catches the glint in your eyes, pouncing directly onto the bed.
“Come onnnn,” his hands attack you with tickles, jabbing at the sensitive skin on your sides and underneath your neck. You scream in laughter and his own cackling above you grows louder. He hops off of you suddenly and points a finger as he starts walking out the room. “Ok, en serio, get ready. We leave in an hour.”
After a late breakfast and a speedy makeup routine, you’re ready for whatever grand event Chris has laid out for the day. You step out into the living room where he sits on his phone and he grins affectionately. “You’re dressed perfectly,” he gets up and plants a beso on your cheek and holds your hand. “Vamos, ya no puedo esperar.”
Without any thing else in hand, he pulls you out the door and to the car. “Chris hold up,” you giggle as he runs, almost shoving you in the car like a piece of luggage, “No time.” He zooms to the drivers seat and slides on his yellow lensed sunglasses. “We don’t need to bring anything??” You question and he’s already dropping the top of the car, letting the sun and crisp air hit your skin.
“Just us, baby. No necesitamos nada mas.” He winks and grips the wheel like a professional driver, shifting the gear quickly before darting out of the driveway.
The drive was long and familiar, a route that felt nostalgic as you passed tall trees through winding roads. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly where it would lead, though. You couldn’t remember for the life of you.
Chris reaches over and grabs his phone in your lap, unlocking it to the playlist you had lined up for the trip. “Oye, eyes on the road.” You try to steal the phone back as he scrolls through the endless list of music. He ignores you and brings the phone closer to his eyes, swerving the car slightly and with a “lol oops sorry” nervous chuckle after. “Ooh!” He exclaims and clicks a new song before tossing the phone back over to you.
You wanna call him out for being a dangerous driver, but your attitude changes as the song starts with a quick sound like the beginning of an old movie.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel...”
You smile and Chris immediately begins to sing along, left hand taking the wheel, and the other sliding over to your hand.
“The way that Gucci look on you amazin,”
He uses his hand in yours to make gestures and point as he sang. He was never the one to keep his hands still during a good song. The sound of his voice starts to drown out the other voices in the car singing, and he squeezes your hand as he hits a slight high note..
“Sayin you the one for me i need to faace it,”
You wanna “woo” out loud to cheer him on, but the pink flush of your cheeks is probably enough to show him what you mean.
The song finishes out and he points over to the horizon as you guys come down a hill in the road. You see the blue glint in the distance and the memories all rush back in. You gasp out loud and it feels like tears might pour through. “Chris,” you say shakily and look up at him, his humble look already basking in glory. “You remembered..”
I mean, it was never hard for him to remember important things to you. Truth is that he never stopped thinking about this place. It was years ago when the tours were small and quick, and traveling by bus meant stopping to stay in random areas along the way. You had the chance to be there with them as part of hair and makeup crew. And after an endless amount of flirting and getting to know each other, it had become the perfect timing for your guys’ fresh and sudden relationship.
There was a time late in the summer when the bus had stopped for the night by a small public beach off the coast of Oregon. You fell in love immediately. It was the scenery, the people, the atmosphere, and that beach- that beach just made you feel different. You walked the entire length of the chilly border once by yourself, and the second time that night with Chris. It was the first time you guys ever had a deep connection and conversations so early on in dating. It was like a barrier had dropped between you two in an instant and all the love came crashing through like the waves beyond the ocean line.
You always remembered that night, but never the place. So once Chris had finally found the perfect timing to bring you back, and found out the drive wouldn’t be too exhausting from your house on the west coast, he almost couldn’t wait until this day.
He cruises in to the small town, few locals walking up and down the boardwalk, and the sound of the tide coming in filling your ears. He parks in a little lot off the side of the beach where you guys had stopped the tour bus years ago. The car is barely off before you’re already jumping out the door, not saying a word, just wanting to jump straight into that freezing cold water.
“Amor, espérate,” Chris stumbles out of his own door to catch up, but you’re way too ahead of him. The brisk wind hits your cheeks as you run towards the ocean. Your jacket blows open even more with your speed, and you let it slide off with ease, leaving it in a red pile behind you. The air tickles your bare shoulders and you feel more alive than ever.
Wet sand splashes up onto your ankles and you stop to remove your shoes, leaving them and your socks just a little distance from where your jacket lays. The grittiness slides between your toes and it’s like heaven when the first touch of water reaches your skin. You stop almost instantly and close your eyes, holding on to the moment, wanting to capture every thing your senses were picking up.
You step further into the sea, not even stopping when the bottom of your black tights begin to soak up the water. The fresh air streams into your lungs and a hand touches your shoulder. “Te gusta??” You nod with a big smile, because not even words could describe how much you loved this. You just rested your head on his shoulder, his arm around your waist to hold you in, and both admiring the view in front.
The sun set slow, reflecting momentarily over the water in way that felt magical. You and Chris sat farther back from the tide, not able to avoid the wet sand and cold at this point, either way you didn’t mind.
The song from earlier in the car played over in your thoughts.
“Tomorrow comes and goes before you know,
So i just had to let you know..”
You lay back in the sand and look up at the clear sky, bright stars actually visible to the eye. Chris joins you, shoulder to shoulder and you notice his glance is pointed at you. You wonder if he’s thinking of the same song too.
“Beautiful, beautiful night right now,
Beautiful, beautiful by my side right now...”
Your head turns to look at him looking at you. “En que estás pensando?” He brings his hand to stroke your cheek, gliding it down over your bottom lip before placing a kiss over the spot. “Just of a song,” your eyes stay closed even after the kiss, and by the airy way he chuckles, he knows exactly.
He hums the chorus quietly, wrapping his arms around you, sand shifting underneath your bodies. There’s sand in his hair and yours, and you’re pretty sure it’s made it’s way in to your pants, but that’s not important. You play with his fingers in between and trace the odd bend of his thumb beneath a thick gold ring.
“Love your imperfections every angle,”
His heart beat is rapid as you lay your head over his chest. “I could fall asleep here, probably,” you joke and he rubs your back soothingly and with a yawn, “A mi también.”
It’s silent for a moment as you take in the scenery once more for the millionth time that night. You note the smell of his shirt mixed with the salty air, the sound of waves tumbling in the back, the sand between your toes and his hand on your waist. How when you look at the glasses on his nose, the moon reflects back onto the lenses. His glossy teeth as they nibble at his lip when he talks to you. How cute his accent sounds when his tongue hits the right spot right behind his teeth.
“Chris, te amo” You interrupt him mid sentence as he’s going on about how he’s always wanted to write some profound poetic song about the moon and ocean- it reminds him of you.
“I just had to let you know..”
He stops abruptly, and even though you’d already exchanged your shares of “i love you”’s hundreds of times before, this one was different. Maybe it was the day, or the moment, or even the beach, but it felt so right. His slight dimples pull upwards and he goes right in without reply, kissing you desperately and passionately.
He made you feel like you were as free as you could be. And you truly were. With him to explore the world with, and to take spontaneous adventures. To even be in his presence was enough of an experience to hold you over for the rest of your life. Because life wasn’t even remotely imaginable without him by your side.
You told him this through your tongue. Letting it glide across his while his fingertips rotate in circles on the soft spot behind your ear. With soft moans vibrating against him that feed into his cocky, yet so sweet character. He tells you his side, too.
It’s in the way he doesn’t hold back his thoughts. Allowing your lips to part only for seconds to confess small praises. How he loves you so much it almost hurts. That when you kiss him like this his world feels complete. He’s whipped by you to no end, and he could care less. He wouldn’t want it any other way. You’re it for him.
“Swear to god you’re beautiful....”
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Dealing with Depression
International lifelines: http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html 
Resources in he US and things I’ve used:
Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/ 
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/ 
Wysa (also an app): https://www.wysa.io/ 
7cupsoftea (also now an app): https://www.7cups.com/ 
Stop, breathe, and think: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.stopbreathethink.app or https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stop-breathe-think/id778848692?mt=8 
BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/ 
No one is probably going to see this lol, but just in case someone does, I’ll put this out there. I am by no means an expert or completely better, and what has worked for me so far may not work for you, but hopefully the few things I have to say is still helpful.
So, last year was by far the hardest to get through. From about Late April to probably mid-September I was at my lowest, often dealing with suicidal thoughts and ideations. I would also like to point out a few informational things: Am I clinically diagnosed with depression? No. Am I depressed? Yes, and I might also have social anxiety. Do I take medication? Yes. Do I have a psychiatrist? Yes. Do I go to therapy? Yes. Am I judgmental about anyone with mental illness? Absolutely not.
First and foremost, I encourage you to seek help and reach out. I know it is NOT AT ALL EASY, and it hurts that I say those stereotypical words because I know it’s easier said than done. But I care, so I encourage you to reach out in any means whether it be to a trusted human, doggo or pupper, teddy bear (I mean...your teddy will listen, not judge you, and give you hugs), crisis center, or hotline. If I’m being quite honest, it took me more than a year to reach out because I realized I was not okay. But the first and most important person I told, is one of the main reasons why I am still here. I could be all dramatic and be like “she saved my life” and that would not be a lie, but what’s more true is that she has provided me with a safe space emotionally and physically, support, encouragement, and resources. I’m sure it also helped that she works in the mental health field but hey, I am extremely lucky to have her in my life either way.
On some of the hardest most overwhelming days, her and her husband were kind enough to let me stay overnight with them. They also just let me hang out and watch Netflix when I really need to get away. I’ve never really had such a close deep friendship with anyone before them, but let me tell you, it feels good to be loved and cared for. They are like my new and improved family (I mean, they are a lot older than me too). I’ve known what it’s like to feel desperately alone and like no one cares, but there ARE people out there who do. I would say you should go out there and find them but ummm, it almost feels like those friends came to me hahaha. I guess “finding” in this context moreso means that if they aren’t a part of your present, they WILL be a part of your future.
Those also aren’t the only friends I’ve told. I happen to have a few friends irl and online *wow, I have friends?* and it took all the guts in my compromised digestive system to tell them. Just having people around me who know, won’t judge, and are there feels like an extra cushion. I can’t have only one other person carry my burdens, the load becomes lighter with more people. And obviously we’re not gonna have an infinite amount of people we trust enough to reveal such a seemingly dark part of our life with, but if you have more than one person, reach out. Take it one step at a time and you will eventually get there.
Even after telling the first person about my struggles, it took months to get further help. Eventually I reached out to the University’s Counseling Center—yes, I know I am lucky to have had all these resources available to me...for the low low cost of my tuition and fees. Ok but seriously though I really am lucky—and I met with a counselor for some amount of weeks who was not a good fit for me, and transitioned to group therapy. I can go more into detail some other time, but it has been helpful to have people I am accountable to and connect with.
This past September I was able to start antidepressants thanks to my friend who literally called in for me to make sure it would actually happen. Even still, I just started noticing that I’ve been improving and it’s taken me from August until now to feel marginally functional. Now that I say that I could slip back tomorrow but you know, that’s how it goes. Healing is NOT a linear positive function. And who is to say I won’t struggle with this for the rest of my life? It may be depressing (oh what a terrible pun) but that’s depression for ya. Some other things I started doing to help include occasional social media detoxes, writing letters, journals, or probably-extremely-bad poems, following and reading blogs from AFSP and TWLOHA, prioritizing sleep, trying to not stay in my room all day, being patient with myself, writing a list of things to live for, and practicing gratitude. The first few are pretty self-explanatory, but I found prioritizing sleep a good start to self-care. I might prioritize it a little too much sometimes lol but I need more sleep than the average person. If you’re depressed, then you probably do too. And on top of that, going outside and seeing the sun or clouds or whatever your most common weather is, is important. It forces me to try not to isolate myself and stay in my black hole of a room all day. Even on days where I don’t want to get out of bed, I somehow do because I’m apparently a pretty high-functioning person and/or my stomach makes me sometimes. That might not be the case for you but that’s okay because sometimes you just need to be patient with yourself. There are some days where leaving your bed is an accomplishment. And believe me when I say it IS an accomplishment. No one said staying alive is easy. Somehow my body maintains homeostasis minus serotonin and probably other hormones, but if you’re heart is beating, you’re alive. It might hurt to be aware of that fact, but I hope you can take it as a sign. A sign that there are things at work you can’t control, and these things are trying to tell you to stay alive. You are more than your thoughts, and your reality is more than the lies in your head. And I guess this kind of leads into reasons to be alive and gratitude. It probably sounds dumb in theory, but making a list of all the reasons to stay alive has reminded me of all the things I am so grateful to have. Personally, this list mostly involves people in my life...but hey these people are the best humans I know. Some of them have depression too and that doesn’t make them any less great. In fact, their stories give me hope which is incredibly important. Let me say that louder for the people in the back, HOPE IS IMPORTANT. Hopelessness feeds depression, and while sometimes you might be able to stumble upon something that gives you temporary hope, the real hope that sends out a life ring when you need it most has to be created. In other words you need to put in the effort to find a light that won’t fade away. But spoiler alert, that’s not easy either and I can’t tell you how or where to find that. For me, what helps is gratitude. It helps me be present in the moment, observe my surroundings, and notice that I have many things to be thankful for. Sometimes it’s the sun on a cold day, sometimes the calm snow at night, yummy food in my dorm, or small moments of seeing someone being kind to someone else. When you are grateful the small things, they really start to matter. It’s like saving pennies, it adds up. For me, seeing the seasons change can be quite beautiful, so I should stay alive to see my own seasons change too. The weather might not always be desirable, but if you look in the right direction, you might see a rainbow—or even a double rainbow all the way across the sky. So I hope you decide to stay, to live another day, and find something worth living for. For my last thought which is kind of unrelated but I still wanna put it here...You might not be like me and like simplicity and silence, but sometimes I get the most fulfilling feelings when no one is around, it’s quiet, and I just listen ;) .
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#24: Season 3, Episode 10 - “Hutch Boy”
School bully Lloyd Offler targets Louis as his next victim. Meanwhile, Ren’s hair is accidentally dyed blonde!
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First off, I just want to say that I'm dedicating this review to Brad Bufanda, the actor who played Lloyd. It was brought to my attention on Instagram that he just recently passed away on November 1st. He was 34. Very strange timing because this episode was next on my list already and I was working on the review as I found out. My heart kinda sank. I feel really weird segueing into my regular, light-hearted style now after the fact -- but I figure it's actually better to keep things light during darker times. So yeah. Let's do this!
This one opens with one of the most incredible things ever: a flying squirrel. Not an actual flying squirrel of course, but a mechanical one that Louis and Twitty rigged to scare Tom -- who happens to have an extremely specific and strange fear of flying squirrels. I wonder what instilled that fear? lol. How many squirrels have you seen flyin' around out there? 
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This bit used to have me in stitches. Tom’s terrified scream is something you have to hear for yourself. 
Just then, some guy named Lloyd Offler approaches them and starts yelling at Louis for giving him "hard looks." Like, excuse me? I'll never understand how bullies pick their victims. Louis is the best, leave him alone. I know that Louis, Tawny, and Tom are supposed to be outcasts of sorts (leaving out Twitty because we’ve seen that he’s actually pretty popular)... But still. Louis is cool imo. Lloyd walks away, but not before letting Louis know that he’s on his radar now. Great. 
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Cut to the subplot. Ren volunteers her hair to the “Future Beauticians” Club, and let me tell you... I had such an ah-ha moment when I was re-watching this episode. For whatever reason, I always thought the club was called the Future PETITIONS club. Ruby says the name so fast it’s hard to understand. I was always so confused, like... What the heck is that? What petitions? And what do they have to do with dyeing hair? And then it hit me. I kid you not, it was like the skies opened up! "Beauticians” obviously makes so much more sense, lol. 
To Ren’s horror, her hair turns out platinum blonde. Ruby has a flashback to the moment it all went wrong. We see that mid-gossip, she was distracted and poured soda into the dye mixture instead of whatever else she was supposed to use. I always felt personally responsible for this accident because she starts off the gossip with "So, I'm talkin' to Brittany..." Don't drag me into this, Ruby. 
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At least it was “natural” soda. 
Ren is furious at first but soon notices that her hair is garnering attention. So she starts strutting down the hall to a "Walking on Sunshine" rip off. 
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This is another situation like the "Staying Alive" rip off in Stevens Genes. From memory, I would've bet money that the actual "Walking on Sunshine" was used here!! But nope. I'm still fascinated by how the brain can be tricked like that. Girls are staring at Ren with jealousy now and guys are checking her out... including Louis -- who doesn’t recognize her at first. It’s highly disturbing. 
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“hey, blondie... how u doin?” - Louis stop. Ignoring the fact that it’s Ren, it’s so weird to see Louis attempt to hit on someone. *shivers with disgust* I take back what I said about him being cool. 
At lunch, the gang is laughing about how Lloyd’s name is spelled with two L’s. “Maybe he pronounces it La-Loyd?” Tawny jokes. Louis dies of laughter and says “...And my name’s La-Louis” so sarcastically. IT GETS ME EVERY TIME. Shia is so full of joy here and the whole scene has such an organic feel to it. You get the sense that these are real friends at school having a laugh. It’s contagious and warms my heart. 
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So pure.
Suddenly.......... this iMovie “suspense” sound effect plays twice as Lloyd appears hovering behind Louis asking “You having a good time, La-Louis?” Why are these double L jokes so funny to me?! Oh my god. Lloyd picks up Louis’ sandwich, licks it dramatically, and puts it back on his tray. Nice guy! Louis tries to reason with him, but Lloyd refuses and says “See you in shop class” ominously.
During shop class Louis is so afraid of what Lloyd might do, he’s quite literally shaking like a leaf. Twitty tries to reassure him by saying the teacher is nearby and won’t let anything happen to him. But then the teacher is all “I’m gonna step out of the room for a minute and I will take my time.” This is so good. Now that they’re alone, Lloyd snatches away Louis' “shelf” project and puts it in the hutch he's constructing. This is a great bit though because Louis decides to face Lloyd then and apologize (even though he did nothing wrong.) It’s really nice. Louis is so sincere and mature here. Lloyd seemingly accepts the apology... but then stuffs Louis into the hutch as well. (see cover photo)
Tom politely confronts Lloyd insisting he let Louis out of the hutch, before he says “I’m sorry it’s come to this...” and randomly goes completely black belt on Lloyd to everyone's shock. Then again, was it to everyone’s shock? Because their classmates emerged from their workstations, conveniently holding up wood for Tom to break lol. I love how the teacher walks back in while Tom is kickin’ around like he’s Jackie Chan, and has one of those “f this, I’m out” moments: 
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This show’s humor was way ahead of its time. 
Louis is beyond shocked and it always cracks me up when Tom calmly helps Louis out of the hutch and whispers “Come on, buddy.” I don’t know what it is... but it’s just so freaking funny. There’s this hilarious ~zen~ music playing as well which is the icing on the cake. There’s a great line later that day when Louis starts evaluating the situation: “If Tom was the biggest wimp at school, and he saved MY butt? That means I’M THE BIGGEST WIMP AT SCHOOL.” ....true tho. Twitty mentions our good ol’ buddy Pete who everyone apparently prays to on this show when he says “Who would’ve known he was an honest to Pete, second degree black belt?!” lol. 
To wrap up Ren’s plot, because not too much else happens: She basically becomes an overtly stereotypical blonde overnight. Constantly saying “oh muh gosh!,” reading fashion magazines during class, and blowing off her commitments to roller skate in the house instead. 
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Okay, is she curling her hair now? or did they honestly think we wouldn’t notice that Ren’s hair magically became curly after it was dyed blonde. Who picked this wig? 
She also went out and got a whole new wardrobe to go with her hair or something?! Because these clothes she’s wearing do not seem like stuff she already had in her closet. Ruby rounds up a bunch of blondes from LJH and holds a mini intervention for Ren -- telling her that she’s giving blondes a bad name. And that’s pretty much it! Ruby dyes her hair back to normal.
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I love how Ruby left her “a little souvenir” of blonde! I’ve been dyeing one small section of my hair blonde for years now, so this always makes me happy lol. Look at how much body Ren’s “hair” has when she’s blonde and how flat it is when she’s back to normal lol.... seems legit. I also definitely owned that yellow and blue striped top that girl on the left is wearing.
Back to Louis’ drama. Tom is outside casually practicing his martial arts when Louis approaches him with some hot chocolate from Doris. Tom’s so ~in the zone~ that he almost roundhouse kicks Louis in the face. I needed to gif it:
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Louis tells Tom that he wants to be just like him, he wants to learn how to fight. Tom agrees to teach Louis ~his ways~ and I swear this is one of my favorite bits EVERRRRRRR. There’s no way I’m typing all of this out. You have to feast your eyes on the greatness yourself:
“Louis... did I mention it takes 9 years to learn my ways?” - This show is absolute GOLD, I do not care what anyone says. 
Who knew Fred Meyers could actually do all of that, though?! So yeah, after telling Lloyd he’d fight him, even though he can’t fight -- Tom tells Louis his only option is to “find his inner strength and harness it.” And Louis, being the actual genius he is, takes that advice quite literally. I also love how Louis just says “meet me in the alley at 7″ .......which alley, bro? Ya also gotta love that “The Rock” reference. (”If you smell what Louis is cookin’!”) This show really did pick the BEST things to reference when it came to pop culture. It feels like Dwayne Johnson is everywhere these days!
The last big scene of the episode is the alley sequence, and I love it so much. Louis has Beans and Twitty secretly help him work a harness he rigged to fly around like some crazy martial arts master just to freak Lloyd out and avoid fighting altogether. It starts off pretty hilarious (Louis literally does the macarena as a “kung fu” move) but then it gets serious for a minute and it’s perfect. Of course, it all goes down in flames and Lloyd sees the wire. It feels so satisfying to reach the heart of a bully. It's great when you start to see Lloyd feel bad about how he’s treated Louis and I freaking love how Louis gives in, but at the same time -- stands up for himself. He tells Lloyd to beat him up, almost pressuring him to do so -- which obviously makes Lloyd NOT want to beat him up. It's great. 
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“I’ve come to the realization that if I’m gonna get hit, I’m gonna get hit. You know what you’re gonna wanna do? Get some towels. ‘Cause I’m a bleeder.” - Yesss, Louis. 
This leads to one of my favorite little exchanges in the series. Lloyd immediately becomes a huge softie and wants to know how Louis pulled off the harness trick and they quickly start bonding over engineering. Lloyd is all "I didn't know you were into mechanical stuff!" And Louis says "Yeah, dude. I am. But you were too busy putting me in your hutch." - I'm sooo glad they actually had Louis say that engineering is something he's into! Because otherwise, his inventions come across as nothing but wacky things that only exist to support the gags he pulls with no further explanation. Idk. It's such a short moment, but it makes me so happy every time!!! Louis even gives Lloyd a quick rundown of the materials he used to rig the harness and idk man, it just makes me smile. I LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH. (I also just noticed that the flying squirrel gag was solid foreshadowing for this harness rig.)
I always get a little sad that Lloyd didn't become a bit of a recurring character for the rest of the season or something. This final scene between them has a ~beginning of a beautiful friendship~ sort of vibe. Lloyd invites Louis to check out his home workshop and ugh it’s so nice. We hardly ever see Louis with any friends outside of his core group, let alone someone else who shares his love of engineering, so maybe that’s why this scene always hits me.  
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I really like this episode for some reason. Always have. Like, A LOT. I think it’s because of the big showdown in shop class. And Louis wanting to learn martial arts from Tom. And the flying squirrel. And Louis and Lloyd in the alley. It's all amazing. And Ren’s plot is pretty fun, too. This is just an awesome episode all around. 
Rest in Peace, Brad Bufanda. 
Thanks for reading! And please contribute to the conversation below if ya like. 
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iamknicole · 7 years
Don't Touch My Ass
Something from a convo @lavitabella87 & I had. Lol. More Ro fluff cause we all need it! 😄 Enjoy!
As I descended the steps that led to Roman’s home gym I could hear and his cousin laughing loudly as well as the sounds emanating from the ping ping ball bouncing between them. Usually, I would leave them be only coming down to bring them anything I thought they may need. Today is different. After the whole step stool situation yesterday, I decided to annoy him as much as he annoys me.
“What’s up lil bit?” Jimmy asked hugging me briefly. I simply shrugged going to stand on the side of the table so I could see the game. “Don’t stop on my watch,” I insisted offering them a smile, “ I just came to watch.”
Jimmy snickered tossing the small ball up in his hand. “You came to see ya man get this work?”
“Something like that, I guess.”
Roman’s infamous duck lips made an appearance followed by him vehemently disagreeing. He playfully ordered Jimmy to serve. Slowly, I stepped close to Roman while they were focused on their game. I honestly didn’t care about their game, revenge wad my only thought.
Just as Roman flicked his wrist to swat the ball with the paddle my hand came down hard on his ass. The hit sounded off like a pop rock. Funny enough, he was able to hit the ball back before calling time and turning to glare at me.
“What are you doin’, doll?”
Feigning innocence as he did just twenty four hours ago, I shrugged wordlessly at him. From the corner of my eye I could see Jimmy laughing and shaking his head. He was used to me being weird with Roman after being exposed to us after the past six years.
“Don’t do it again.”
I knew that tone. It was his dad voice but I don’t know who he was talking to. We don’t have any children and we’re not naked so I’m not listening.
They started their game back up talking shit as the game went on. Roman had won the first, Jimmy had begun to dominate the second. Roman’s gonna hate to lose to his cousin which would be an added bonus for me.
Again I waited until he spiked the ball to touch his ass. Instead of a slap, I helped myself to a handful. His love of free balling had come to bite him in the ass. No pun intended.
“That’s game, Uce! When I win the next game you done,” Jimmy boasted holding his arms up. “Thanks for the assist, lil bit.”
“Bullshit! She’s cheatin’!”
I gasped bringing my hand to my chest to clutch my imaginary pearls. “How dare you say such a thing? I was simply showing my appreciation, Roman!”
“Appreciation my ass, doll.” He shot back still glaring at Jimmy and I. “If you make me lose this next game, I’m gonna sit you on top of the fridge and hide ya step stool.”
“So,” I sung out smiling. “What’re you sayin’?”
“Stop touchin’ my ass.” He ordered followed by him sucking his teeth.
“C'mon and take this ‘L’ so I can get home, Uce. I wanna celebrate my win.”
I loved how I didn’t have to plan anything with Jimmy. He played right along with whatever I did just to annoy Roman.
Needless to say, I didn’t listen to Ro. This time though I held off until they were tied at 4-4 before I struck again. The ball was coming towards him, just before he attempted to hit it I gave him a good ole slap grab. My actions made him miss the ball which many he loss the game and series to his cousin.
“Aaah! You got beat in ya own house! On ya own table!”
Roman didn’t bother to respond, he was too busy sulking about his loss and glaring at us. The smile I had on my face was pure and real. The look on his face let me know that I had successfully annoyed him, I wasn’t going to stop there though.
Foolishly, Roman allowed me to walk behind him up the steps as he walked Jimmy to the front door. The whole walk up the stairs I grabbed and pinched his ass despite him stopping to seat my hands away and glare at me.
“Dammit, doll!” Roman yelled after slamming the door behind Jimmy.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
“Don’t give that innocent shit,” He complained walking around me to the living room.
“You’re mad about losing, huh? It’s okay, you’ll get Jimmy next time.”
A low growl escaped his lips sending a chill through me. Oh, he was big mad. Mission accomplished.
“I told you how I feel about you touchin’ my ass. I also told you not to do it.”
I shrugged at him, “It’s not my fault. You’re advertising it, I’m just being a good consumer.” As I cracked a small smile, Roman couldn’t help but smile too. He was still annoyed, he just couldn’t resist smiling and laughing along with me.
“Annoying midget,” He mumbled turning away from me. I stared at his back until I made up my mind to go after him. Just as he passed the threshold to the kitchen I grabbed his ass with both hands. “That’s it!”
Turning on my heels, I tried to run away from him but he caught me mid stride. My feet were lifted off then ground, my body thrown over his shoulder and varied to the kitchen.
“No, no! Put me down, Roman!” I demanded through my giggles.
Roman stayed true to his word and put me on top of the fridge. He grabbed my stool preparing to leave.
“Get me down, Ro! I’m sorry!”
“Are you gonna do it again?” He asked with his brow raised.
“No, not unless you ask me, babe.”
Seemingly satisfied, he helped me down and wrapped me on a quick hug.
“Love you, doll.”
“Love you, too, Ro.”
I stepped away from the embrace and he went to the fridge. Oh what the hell … one time for the road. I slapped his ass as he bent to look into the fridge and took off running towards our steps. When I got to the top of the stairs, he was coming out of the kitchen.
“Don’t touch my ass!” He yelled as he charged up the staircase for me.
@lavitabella87 @x-fivefoot @roman-reigns-princess @thiickreigns & whomever else this finds!
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lovelydeceitff · 7 years
Chapter 1:
**disclaimer: the majority of this story will be from Shay’s POV (It’s my first story idk if I can handle so many POVs lol). Eventually, when needed, I may add POVs from other characters… okay bye, happy reading (;
I’m gonna say the right thing at the right time at the right place.. and you won’t know what to do..
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Being at school 2 weeks early is the worst thing ever when your friends are not there yet. I have a love - hate relationship with being a LEAP counselor. LEAP is a program that my university puts on for students to build skills that will make them successful throughout their college career. I’m here early to train on how to be effective. Think of it as being an RA (resident assistant). Yep. I have to deal with immature freshmen on the regular. I’m just there as a mentor primarily, but me being me I’m gonna end up a good friend of theirs too. That’s fine with me though long as they aren’t too childish. I’m entering my junior year and I definitely don’t want to be annoyed by childish people.
It wouldn’t be too bad if I didn’t have to be here on my birthday. ITS SATURDAY, MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND and here I am with my one friend, Raven, on campus trying to figure out a move. My actual birthday is on Thursday so I’m celebrating this weekend and next. I’m turning 20. My second decade on earth. I need to be lit. Okay I’m over exaggerating, I have a few friends here but they live off campus. I don’t; I stay in the dorms so I’m lonely if not with Raven. She’s also here early due to being a leap counselor.
I opened up my Twitter and my DMs was first to pop up on my screen for whatever weird reason and my friend Chris’s name was there from old messages of ours. I then remembered that we were supposed to link up when I got back in town. I know he would have something to do so I decided to text him.
See, Chris is one of the coolest guys at my school. A lot of people know him and a lot of people love him. He has a great personality and people usually flock to him. Surprisingly, he’s really to himself. I mean he has a lot of friends. Like actual friends. He parties a lot. But he’s a typical guy - lays low when needed. He also sells weed so, that alone makes him known. He isn’t in a fraternity, nor any other organizations. He built his name based off his personality alone.
7:48pm Shay: CHRIIISSS! What’s up? I’m out here. Let’s hang.
I continued to scroll through Twitter, just to see if anybody posted anything that I could attend. I went back to Chris and I’s DMs because I know they’d make me laugh. He is a flirt and our DMs show that. He slowed down with the flirting after I reminded him that I had a boyfriend. Now he just asks how my relationship is going or just checks up on me if we haven’t talked in a while. If you asked anybody else, Chris likes me. But if you ask me, he doesn’t. Chris and I had a short lived past. When I first got to college, I met him. We started talking up until I got serious with Keith, my boyfriend. We were in a party, I was super drunk and I told him we couldn’t talk on that level anymore. It was so Funny because my drunk self told him it saddened me to leave him alone. It all worked out in the end. We remained friends. Distant friends actually. 8:12pm Chris: What! Shay’s back? Bet. I’m supposed to chill with some friends in a few. I’ll text you the address soon.
Soon to Chris could mean hours… or never.
8:13pm Shai: Okay. Please don’t forget.
8:15pm Chris: I won’t.
“Rae, we got a move! Chris said he’s gonna text me the address of a kickback in a minute.” I yelled out to raven as she sits in my bathroom fixing her hair.
“So, should we get like dressed dressed orrrr?” She asked me.
“Honestly, I have no clue. I think I’m gonna get slightly cute. I think shorts and a nice top or jeans would be cool” I told her.
I went to my closet and attempted to find something to wear. Of course I struggled. It literally took my an hour just to find something I liked. I decided on ripped jeans and a white body suit.
I knew it. Chris never texted me the address, if I wasn’t so desperate to turn up I’d just chill in my room with Raven. Ya know, play monopoly or some shit. But nah. I can’t not turn up so I’m gonna call Chris because I’m just about fed up. I hate waiting. Chris is literally the worst texter in texting history.
“Chris wtf, you forgot about me huh?” I said as he answered. “Shay….. chill. I just got here. I didn’t forget. I told you we were gonna hang so we are. I’m about to text you the address, you can come right now.” He replied.
“Alright. Is it far from campus? And I’m with Raven” I said to Chris as my other line started to ring. It was Deja, my other friend who lives off campus. “Hey, hold on REALLY Quick Chris! Hello, Deja?”
“What’s up girl? What you got planned tonight?”
“Chris is about to send me an address now to a kickback. He’s actually on my other line right now” I said to her.
“Okay. I wanna go. I’m with Marvin tho” she said back to me. I immediately rolled my eyes. Marvin is her annoying ass boyfriend. We’re not even gonna get into him right now though.
“Alright bet, I’ll text you the address once I get it. Gotta go Deja, see you in a few.” I clicked over to the other line “hello? My bad. Deja wants to know if her and Marvin can come out”
“That’s fine, just let them know it’s not a party. I know y'all like to juke and shit” he laughed.
“Whatever. I haven’t juked in forever. Text me the address bye” I hung up as I laughed. He’s so annoying.
I texted Deja the address and luckily she lived by the house so I didn’t have to get her. It’s now close to 10:30 so I texted Keith goodnight. I haven’t really talked to him today. Or lately at all. We’ve been very dry in our conversation. I made sure to send a sweet text just so he can sleep with a smile on his face. I love him.
As I arrived to the house, Chris and his friends were sitting on the porch. I approached him and he greeted me with a long, long, tight hug. It was a great hug actually. I haven’t seen him in forever so I guess it was a hug for lost time. He then hugged Raven and Deja and dapped up Marvin. Their greeting wasn’t nearly as long as mine. He hasn’t seen either of them in a while also. He told us we could go in the house, but we’d probably be leaving soon to go somewhere else. As we went inside Deja looked at me and laughed. I asked her what was so funny.
“I seen that Shay.” She said to me. I asked what she’s talking about. “Shay, that hug. Chris likes you girl. I don’t know why you can’t tell. I didn’t even tell you he asked about you a few weeks ago”
“Why’d he ask about me? What’d he say?”
“He just asked about you girl, relax. You need to be careful hanging with him forreal. Chris is gonna get you in trouble” she said referring to my relationship.
I laughed, “no he isn’t, I’m the only person who could get me in trouble. He knows I have a boyfriend. Chris and I are just friends.” She didn’t care what I was saying. Deja is always right and she knows it. She’s like a psychic, not kidding. This girl is never wrong. But in this case, she is. And she’s gonna see that tonight.
In the house, we were clearly bored. There was like 6 people outside, 4 inside not including the people I came with, and other people who were leaving. Chris came in and spoke with us because we’re sort of his guest. We tried to play water pong, but the people before us lost the damn ball. So we’re just sitting here looking silly. Raven is next to me on her phone. Deja and Marvin are being caked. Chris is in a chair near me talking with these guys. He’s dressed in all black today. I can’t lie the color has me a little weak. He looks good af today. I mean really good. I caught myself staring a few times. To my surprise he didn’t even notice. After about 20 minutes of being at the kickback. We left and followed Chris and his guys to another kickback. This kickback actually looks like it has potential. These two whirs girls threw it. You can tell it was on a whim. When we got there they were pulling out the water pong table and a guy with bottles came in.
My type of party. If there’s no alcohol, how am I gonna loosen up?
I asked Chris if we were able to drink those bottles. He went to the kitchen and brought out both a bottle of Apple New Amsterdam and some other stuff I didn’t care for. I chose the New Am. Chris was delighted. He said it’s his favorite drink. We immediately took a shot. All of us. Raven, Chris, and I basically had that bottle to ourselves because Marvin already had his own liquor. A disgusting four loko.
After a while, I started feeling my liquor. Not too much. I wasn’t even tipsy. I just was feeling it. I needed to be around more people I knew. So after consulting with my right hand man, Raven, I decided to invite our old pal Vee. Surprisingly she was with my boyfriends best friend so that was even better. They ended up coming out and that made me feel so much more comfortable. I can be shy sometimes.
At one point in the KB (kickback), Chris came to sit next to me and we talked. At this point it was obvious he was giving me extra attention. I still thought nothing of it because Chris is social in general and come on… I’m his guest. Mid-conversation, all I remember is me stopping what I was saying and telling him he didn’t want to hear me talk this much.
That statement came from Keith and I’s issues. I talk A LOT. As I grew up, I learned to control it. I actually do pretty well. I know when I’m talking too much now, ya know rambling about nothing. But, no matter what I would say Keith would stop me in the middle of my sentence and say something along the lines of “OKAY Shay.” When he didn’t want to hear me talk anymore. It messed with me every time because I would barely be saying much. We’d be holding a conversation and he’d stop me from talking. Yet, I would have just listened to him say everything he wanted to say. I would feel shut out. So to change that, I reduced the the things I had to say to a minimum or I wouldn’t talk much at all. After telling Chris that what I was saying was a waste of his time, he said something that made me realize how unhappy I was in my relationship.
"No no.. I want To hear what you have to say. I enjoy hearing you talk Shay. Finish...
I haven’t been told that before so it caught me off guard. To be honest, I wanted to cry. Sounds weird to want to cry from that but it was something I’ve been wanting to hear from Keith. I love to talk. To hold conversations. I hate feeling like I can’t. So for Chris to want to listen really shocked me. It was foreign to me.
We continued to talk until we decided to play water pong. It was his idea, we partnered up and played against Deja and Marvin. We made a good team lol he was really good and I wasn’t bad myself. We strategized as if we were gonna win a trophy in the end. Chris showed me so much attention during the game which confused me completely. He touched my lower back. Softly touched my arms. At one point I was against the wall with his arms and hands touching the walls behind me while he was in front of me. We were close. Just talking about the game, it was completely innocent. But I felt it. It was there, something strange. I couldn’t understand. He was flirting with me. I couldn’t stop him either. If I did I’d end up making it obvious to Keith’s best friend who was sitting on the couch not paying us any mind.
After the game I tried my best to avoid close contact with Chris. I went as far as sitting with Deja Raven and Vee to try to make it seem like us girls just wanted to talk alone. He came by me again though. But attention wasn’t solely on me this time which was cool. I almost ended up in the bathroom with him alone. I was about to pee, but he asked if he could rinse his finger because he cut it. At one point we were both in the bathroom taking care of his bleeding pointing finger. I started to feel nervous so I got out of there once I could. I didn’t understand this feeling that was coming over me or where it was coming from. Chris doesn’t make me nervous. Yea, he’s flirting with me. Big deal. I get flirted with a lot. It doesn’t phase me but for some reason it made me feel a type of way this time. 
 The night started to come to an end. Everything started to die down. I realized I needed to leave when Chris friend came and sat next to me and my friends and asked what we were about to do. He asked me, “Aren’t you going home with Chris?” I quickly said no. He was drunk. I assumed he seen us flirting and just thought that’s what I’d be doing. I’m sure that’s what normally happened after parties. Chris brings home a girl. Not this girl though. 
After my friends left, Raven and I prepared ourselves to go. Chris walked us to our car which was across the street. I said something about the gym and he felt the need to begin complimenting me.
 “Why do you need to go to the gym? You look fine… I mean you look really fine Shay” I then begin to explain to him that you don’t have to feel fat to want to practice a healthy lifestyle.
 “I’m just saying you look good how you are. You’re already small. You had guys asking me if you were single in there. You’re beautiful. You don’t need a gym.” He continued ranting. 
He was drunk. I was getting annoyed. I hate when people tell me I shouldn’t go work out. I did gain weight, but I’m not fat. I know I look fine but damn a girl can want some abs right? 
 After we wrapped up our convo. He hugged Raven and I goodbye and told me to text him when I got in. I did exactly what he said and let him know I had a great time and thanks for inviting me. 
I laid in my bed and began to recap the night. See, Keith doesn’t like to go out. Like at all. He’s not a people person and parties aren’t his thing. I’m the total opposite. I’m super outgoing and if there’s s party you can bet I’m there. I don’t mind Keith not being like me, it’s never phased me. I would love to party with the love of my life sometimes though. That could be why I was so nervous to be around Chris. Yes, cause he was flirting and I felt something. But also because I don’t have too much experience partying with someone that interested in me. I normally push people away and continue partying with my girls when I’m out. I have a boyfriend, there’s no need for any guy to get too close to me. I guess I allowed Chris because he was drunk and he’s my friend. I didn’t want to embarrass him. He’d never act that way if he was sober. Chris is really the most respectful guy I know when it comes to my relationship. This was the only time he stepped out of bounds. I didn’t think about it too much longer. Sober Chris will apologize later. 
2:26am Chris: I’m glad you had a good time. We’ll hang again no worries. Goodnight Shay 😌
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‼️Attention existing and future clients, please read‼️ • • From now until mid January, online booking will be disabled. This time of year many of you are interested in my services and I’m honored to service you🙌🏽 Unfortunately due to how crazy the holidays can get people can be a tad flaky🤷🏽‍♀️ but I understand 👌🏽 I have a family myself and time just moves too fast 😩I totally get it💯.... Please hit the request button for whatever service you need or have questions on. It should take you directly to my cell or email. As of right now through the New Year I am VERY busy on custom orders and I’m also a beauty blogger working on campaigns with brands for the upcoming year yayyyy🤗💕💕 So please be very clear when requesting a appt. If you decide to call pleaseeeeee leave a VM if I don’t answer right away! When you text please let me know who you are, what service your looking to book and time as well. That helps me so much because it gets straight to the point👏🏽 No bluff, no fluff😉 If your looking to book a appt within the next few weeks please explain that. Also☝🏽 if there is a service your requesting your not sure on please schedule a IN PERSON consultation with me. I absolutely LOVEEEEEE consults! I love talking face to face, breaking down every question you have and I just wanna get to know you boo💁🏽‍♀️💯😎My consults are 45-60 mins, way longer than the average consult, that’s because I am all about the details! I answer every single question you have so bring your notebook 📓 if you have too lol. If I haven’t gotten back to your email or text yet give me a little time, I promise I’m on it🙏🏽And I’ll be posting more soon, ya girl is out here making sure my girls don’t look jacked for the holidays #yafeelmeh 💯💯. Merry Christmas and happy Holidays my beautiful clients and lovely supporters! You all keep me going and I appreciate all the love💪🏽💪🏽 #glamstylistxoxo #merrychristmas #happyholidays
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carriestreep · 7 years
✨ 92 Statements ✨
I was tagged by @salt-throne luv ya sis
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: mate tea my main hoe
2. Phone call: my boyfriend called me and my battery ended when i was going to pick up lol
3. Text message: “mano do céu” i dont know how to translate this hahahaha brazilian part of tumblr pls show up (it’s an expression we use when we’re dumbfounded i guess)
4. Song you listened to: "Can’t Back Down - Camp Rock 2″ do not even judge me bitch
5. Time you cried: yesterday at the therapist
6. Dated someone twice: lol yas (4 times actually and still together)
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: GOD YES
8. Been cheated on: yup
9. Lost someone special: kinda yes because someone who was special to me lost its value (thankfully tho)
10. Been depressed: *welcome to my life by simple plan plays in the background*
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never got drunk actually
12.-14. blue, green, purple (all shades of these colors)
15. Made new friends: uh idk maybe yes
16. Fallen out of love: uh maybe yes but i didnt know exactly what love was so i guess no
17. Laughed until you cried: honestly dont remember (disappointed but not surprised)
18. Found out someone was talking about you: people talk about people all the time even if they dont mean it so i dont know about every single human who have talked about me
19. Met someone who changed you: well everyone has an impact on things and people so yes everyone i’ve ever met has changed me, some for the good and some for the bad, and all of those changes are who i am
20. Found out who your friends are: oh god yes, thanks to high school ending
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i dont think so
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: lol i have no idea, i’m too ashamed of unfriending people
24. Do you want to change your name: i wanted to, when i was little, but not anymore
25. What did you do for your last birthday: uh i dont remember (i have a horrible memory)
26. What time did you wake up: today? i woke up at 7am and got out of bed at noon
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping bc i was feeling bad and decided to call it a night
28. Name something you can’t wait for: emotional and financial stability
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s sleeping on the couch in front of me
31. What are you listening to right now: "All We Do - Oh Wonder” i’m addicted to this band rn (where’s 30?)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: does thomas fit?
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: lololololololol
34. Most visited website: i’m actually a bit away from the internet in general tbh
35.-37. “Lost Questions??? (I’m just talking this over exactly as I found it, I also noticed some numbers missing, for example number 30, but idk man lol)” a fitting direct quote from Lara (i have no idea what is happening anymore it’s already 1am here)
38. Hair colour: uh my aunt always said i’m “grey-blonde” but for me it’s more like grimy blonde
39. Long or short hair: my hair is currently mid-shoulder but i wanna cut it all off like this
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes
41. What do you like about yourself: i find it hard to like something about me right now but i used to like my smile and my nose
42. Piercings: nope
43. Blood type: A+
44. Nickname: Dani, little lion
45. Relationship status: dating
46. Zodiac: sun sign: sagittarius / moon sign: cancer
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: grey’s anatomy (SADLY)
49. Tattoos: none, sadly (yet)
50. Right or left handed: right
51. Surgery: none
52. Piercing: bruh why are you repeating yourself?
53. Sport: lol
55. Vacation: last vacation was to Minas Gerais (a state in Brazil) (where’s 54?)
57. Eating: whatever that doesnt have a dead animal on it (where’s 56????)
58. Drinking: i love wine (sweet ones) and vodka and mate tea and passion fruit juice and probably any fruit but guava and peach
59. I’m about to: go to sleep i guess or watch footloose, dont know yet
61. Waiting for: will to live (lol sad but true) (where’s 60 wtf is this)
62. Want: a job
63. Get married: being married to me is a feeling; signing my name in a paper next to someone i love doesnt make me married, and i’m not religious so yeah i still dont feel married but i hope one day i do
64. Career: neuroscience bitchhhhhhhh
65. Hugs or kisses: oh god both
66. Lips or eyes: both
67. Shorter or taller: I don’t have a preference
68. Older or younger: do you mean mentally or chronologically? i guess older for both anyway
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i dont feel attracted to any but i love the way my boyfriend hugs me so i guess arms (where’s 69 dude)
72. Hook up or relationship: relationships (71???????/ honestly)
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: oooooh i used to be a troublemaker but now i’m like whatever
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yas bitch
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: once i thought i had lost it but i found it looking in the mirror (i was wearing it)
77. Turned someone down: i guess
78. Sex on the first date: nope
79. Broken someone’s heart: sadly yes
80. Had your heart broken: sadly yes
81. Been arrested: lol do you really think i have energy to do something worth of going to jail? i barely have breakfast dude
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: i thought so at the time but thankfully no
84. Yourself: deep inside yes
85. Miracles: i dont know, not sure
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: i dont think i ever truly believed in it
88. Kiss on the first date: i believe you do whatever you fucking want
89. Angels: [see 85]
90. Current best friend’s name: Josipa (@salt-throne​ luv u sis), Giulia and Giulia (yes they have the same name, yes it’s very confusing, yes my family mix them up all the time)
91. Eye colour: light brown, sometimes a bit green depending of the light
92. Favourite movie: oh god please dont ask me that (footloose; grease; anything meryl streep is on; anything carrie fisher is on; ferris bueller’s day off; dirty dancing; mary poppins; the king and i; doctor zivago; singing in the rain; back to the future; under the tuscan sun; star wars; angus, thongs and perfect snogging; indiana jones; donnie darko; Die Welle; bridget jones; camp rock, high school musical; i’m gonna stop bc i’ll probably forget a lot of movies and i’ll feel bad for forgetting them so yeah dont ask me which is my fav movie thanks kid)
we all know that it wasn’t exactly 92 questions but yeah thanks
Tagging: i never follow the rules of tagging lol so whoever wants to do this, go for it
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