#kerm personal
yourbuddykermit · 3 months
irl is one inncident away from blackmailing me and outting my south park blog to the world
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skylarkspinner · 2 months
fiber art adventures in egypt
I recently got back from a trip to Egypt & finally got around to organizing some pictures to share. One of the things I was most excited about was seeing what I could find on fiber arts and textiles.
Dropping everything under a read more, 'cause this will be a long post haha
first visit: the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC)
At the time of visiting, they had a special textiles exhibit. It covered Pharonic Egypt all the way up to modern times, although I only had time to check out the dynastic & a bit of the Coptic portion of the exhibit (which was what I was really hoping to see anyways)
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Was super excited to see this diorama in person. I knew about it but had never seen good pictures of it. From the little I've seen of ancient Egyptian spinning, spinning with two spindles seems to be the norm rather than a master technique? It also shows up in tomb art, which the exhibit also shared:
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They also used a different fiber preparation (splicing to create a rove of fiber, no traditional drafting to my understanding) so that probably made a difference? Regardless I really want to see if I can replicate the technique, especially because their spindles look so similar to modern spindles??
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I took so many pictures of spindles, guys, and I fully intend to either have a few replicas made or to learn to make some myself. Also, although they were unlabeled... I'm pretty sure those are beaters for weaving? That was a bit of a trend with this trip, so much stuff was unlabeled :( I would've killed to at least get some date estimates for some of the stuff they had on display. I was nerding out in here though, and my family took a few pictures of how excited I was getting. A bit embarrassing, but eh haha
The exhibit also had a section on natural dyes used with a fun visual;
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There was several diagrams specifically describing each dye source, but in the interest of not overloading on pictures I'll just list them out. For blues; woad, Yellows; turmeric, safflower, saffron, or yellow ochre; reds; madder, henna, pomegranate, and kermes. I originally thought kermes was another way to say cochineal, but it only seems to be distantly related.
next visit: Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center
A small art center dedicated to hand-weaving wool and cotton tapestries. All of their work was museum quality & awe inspiring!!
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Was even invited to their back rooms to watch a few of their weavers working; no I don't have room to put a room-sized loom anywhere but heck do I want one now
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Our guide that took us through talked a bit about the natural dyes they use (all of their dyes are dyed in house with what they grow in their dye garden!!!) and got excited to hear I was also interested in natural dyes! He seemed a bit disappointed I'd never worked with indigo and. while indigo scares me, I'll take it as a sign that maybe I should try some time this year haha.
final visit; the Egyptian Museum
we really had to rush through this one which was a huge shame because it's packed full of artifacts. Also, the lighting in there is atrocious, so apologies for the not great pictures ahead.
They had a fascinating display of textile tools, more than what the NMEC had;
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(Hand for size reference) I want all of these spindles! So badly! But a few of them look so much like a few of the spindles I own already?? A few of them had a spiraling notch, that's so cool? But also, what's going on with the one with two whorls? I have no idea. I'm fascinated.
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Look at these whorls!! Although again, I'm a bit confused; the lack of labeling strikes again. Unsure why some of these "whorls" have two holes, or what the metal object with the wooden handle is. The display implies sewing needles, and some of them do look like it, but others.... really don't look like sewing needles. I'm absolutely enchanted by this little whorl though. I think it has birds on it?
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More objects that I'm baffled by- the signage doesn't really indicate what some of this stuff is, if it's even known. Also confused by the object wrapped in white string in the right pic; it looks like a distaff but to the best of my knowledge the (ancient at least) Egyptians didn't use distaffs. It probably popped up in later times and was put in this display since it was still relevant, but I'm still not sure.
I have so many more pictures & thoughts but I'll save those for more specific future projects. I've been doing research outside this trip on ancient Egyptian spinning techniques and desperately want to go deeper into that, this trip just solidified how excited it makes me. If you made it all the way through this, many thanks for reading!
Bonus; look at this ancient linen 🥺
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megafaunatic · 5 months
9 questions for ?? people
tagged by @microcomets and @englishsub !!! :kerm:
last song: last recorded song listened to is crows by the mountain goats which is the first song on the devil in the shortwave EP which slays absolute penis. last song listened to irl was a muslim community leader (not sure if he was an imam ??) at a protest tonight who had a crazy beautiful voice and led us in song (<- easily induced to tears by crowds singing)
currently watching: we JUST put on north by northwest (1959)
three ships: LULIN... WENZHOU... and just for kicks ill say yunxu [zzs/ljx] since ive been spending a lot of time thinking about them recently. mt asked a while ago if i had to write a yunxu fic what would i write and i immediately made myself crazy with my answer. maybe once i finish my next lulin fic (see below) ill write that one
favorite color: oh u know all the old reliables.. red... grey... blue... black... im wearing a lot of brown and cream rn...
currently consuming: cranberry blood orange JUICE!!! JUICE!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!
first ship: the first ship i remember reading fic for on purpose was zutara. i read a zutara fic where he fingered her in a hot tub and was immediately so embarrassed that i stopped reading fic for another like 3 years (i was probably 12) the first ship i went crazy about was um. sigh. well it was johnlock. we all had to start somewhere
relationship status: IN LOVE WITH MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIENGD !!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!! zoë... cute... zoë... HANDSOME...
last movie: does the hbomber plagiarism video count... if not i think the last movie i watched to catch a thief (1955) we are having a hitchcock moment
currently working on: UMMM POSTCANON LULIN FIC where lin jingheng has a bunch of weird son-in-law conversations with monoeyed hawk. thats oll ill say :3c
umm i tag umm @houtaroo @fruitdaze @uhuraisgay @whatisthiswitchcraft and ummm... anyone else who wants to... you can say i tagged u personally
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lichenaday · 2 years
Maybe not quite your purview, but do you have any thoughts on lichen-based dyes like orchil? I got into the rabbithole when I was a wee textile hobbyist, but I was wondering if it’s a topic getting focus in more biology-focused circles
Ooo yes! An interesting topic! I am new to the lichen textile world, but I have OPINIONS. Most of which I got from reading Lichen Dyes: The New Source Book by Karen Diadick Casselman, which I highly recommend to anyone interested in lichen textile dyes.
tl;dr: I support salvage harvesting, where only lichens that are detached from the substrate, and/or are likely to be damaged/destroyed by human activity are collected and used for dying. This is difficult with the scarcity/longevity of lichens used for orchil and other purple dyes. But if you can find it, I think using them to dye textiles it is a great way to spread awareness of lichens and how incredible they are!
For those who don't know, orchil is one of many names for a purple dye derived from ammonia prepared lichens--mainly Roccella in the Mediterranean. Other purple producing lichens mainly used in northern Europe include Ochrolechia (aka cudbear, kork, or korkje) and Lasallia/Umbilicaria (aka orsallia). Purple dye itself dates back to neolithic times, and can also be made using the crushed bodies of marine gastropods (murex), and the crushed shells of arthropods (kermes). Purple dying likely originated in eastern or central Asia, and spread to Europe following the crusades. People have been using orchil for a long time, with the oldest recorded recipe for lichen-derived purple dye found on the Papyrus Graecus Holmiensis dating to the 3rd century AD Egypt. The recipe is written in Greek, which already speaks to it’s widespread use across cultures. And if you know anything about history, you might know that people went nuts for purple. Absolutely loved those purple textiles. They were used to signify wealth, rank, and royalty, since that purple color could only come from laborious and painstaking processes of collecting, grinding, and ammonia fixing of tiny mollusks, bugs, or lichens. Lichens were the least difficult of these organisms to collect, since they, you know, hold still, and don’t stink as bad as shellfish and bugs, so the use of lichens for purple dying really took off across Europe. 
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Roccella gracilis on wool yarn that has been dyed with orchil made from Lasallia pustulata. Image credit: Isabella Whitworth
As natural history often goes, lichens were largely over exploited for their use in purple dyes over the centuries (cough cough, industrial revolution I am looking at you). It doesn’t help that lichens (particularly the ones used to make purple) are extremely slow growing, impossible to cultivate on any sort of scale, and very sensitive to environmental change. We have records of huge populations of lichen completely obliterated by the large scale dying operations of 18th century, and this likely occurred long before that in other regions that we have a less robust history of. Due to habitat loss and continued human exploitation, Roccella lichens are imperiled in much of their costal habitat. So I don't personally think someone can ethically collect lichens for commercial dying.
But, I am a big fan of salvage lichen collection and dying! That's what I am working on currently, and have a large collection of lichens collected from trails, sidewalks, gutters, woodpiles, and public parks. I am very careful to only collect lichens I can ID as common and can actually use. This way my salvaging has little impact on the environment. IF you happen to live in an area where you can ethically salvage the right lichens for orchil, do it! It's a fun project, and it's a great way to introduce people to some lichens they may otherwise overlook. For example, when I was at Mont-Saint-Michel, they were cleaning the roccella lichens off the walls of the structure and they were piled up EVERYWHERE, and were destined for the bin. I was only able to collect a little, but if someone went into that situation prepared . . . I'd be purple with envy. These situations are few and far between for the purple-making lichens, but I have to believe they are out there.
Anyway, I have plans to share more of the info I have on lichen dyeing in the future. Keep an eye out! And happy crafting.
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anissapierce · 1 year
Kerm!t love is such a bonkers name for a person like im sure kermit was a regular name b4 the frog but bc of the frog the name of the puppet maker is now retroactively even cooler
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Chapter 25: Stranger
Here we are. This is the first chapter with more than 4 panels and it uses that prestige amazingly. Admittedly, it is only 5 panels and we still aren't fully out of the 4-panel era, but we're close.
For the first time since chapter 1 I'm gonna go panel by panel for this. Warning: text wall incoming.
The first panel is nothing special, Scoob had turned away from Shag at the end of last panel, so now he's turning back.
Second panel shows that both Shag and the whole door are just gone. I'll be talking about this more in several later chapters, but let's quickly touch on the holo chamber. So this place is holograms, but when we the holo chamber is later shown as this pretty square room, so all the hallways and doors, can you just walk through them? Are they the halls of the ship and the holo chamber can just affect the whole ship? But we also see Shag later throw a rock made by the holo chamber, so can it make solid stuff? That's OP. I think I'll save composing my full crackpot theory for a later chapter, but for now know it makes absolutely no sense.
The next panel is a little overshadowed by the last of this chapter, but is still really good. We see this new character, creeping in the shadows, but he's not just some amorphous silhouette. He is a character that even at this difference stands out. One doesn't have to squint to see he resembles Mickey Mouse, but he's not quite right. His limbs are far too long. On top of that even his text bubbles are different. The letters are all over the place elevation wise and there's even a word scrunched up on the side. This all makes it look very scribbly while still remaining legible. All of this builds this character to exceptionally eerie. If this chapter was just 4 panels and we just didn't get the 5th one, this panel alone would have made this chapter stand out as something unseen of by this same. (Also this is the panel where I got my mail blog pfp)
Panel 4 is just a reaction panel of Kerm and Scoob witnessing this newcomer.
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This panel very well might be one of the most iconic of the whole comic, and for good reason. It's important to remember what the artstyle was like at this point. Lines were loose and sometimes wouldn't connect fully, and none of them have had harsh blacks.
And then we get this. He isn't a scribble, he's solid. He's shaded! He contrasts so so much with every single panel up to this point. And he has those full on dark blacks that make him look so much harsher, as well as making him blend in with the shadow.
And that's not even mentioning his design. The characters so far have been pretty standard caricatures of cartoon characters, but this... isn't Mickey Mouse. Like said earlier, his arms and legs are way to long, and he's covered in rips, he even has some sort of damage on his head. His eyes though are the most obvious evidence. He isn't Mickey, this is a moment in a suit. This raises questions like "who is this person" and "why the hell are they in a mickey mouse suit" I even saw people in the comments speculating that the person skinned Mickey and are wearing his skin. We know that isn't what's happening, but this is such a mysterious panel that it gets people wondering stuff like that.
On a separate note, I am not someone who reads this in all the characters voices in my head (with one exception) and I wonder what voice people who do give this guy, who for now I will call Pseudo-Mick to avoid spoilers. Which BTW, if you are for some reason reading this and HAVEN'T read Scoob and Shag at least to the end of the first arc, do that. Don't read any more posts from this blog until you do that.
Conclusion: If you read this series blind this is the chapter that makes you realize that this is more than just some goofy nonsense comic with cartoon characters. While we are not quite yet in the part of Scoob and Shag I would call "great" this is the first great chapter.
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ml-typhonverse · 2 years
Plans for Character Growth
So we have our three main characters. The question is, how do I want them to grow from here. I have a few ideas about where these three start and where I want them to end. The story just needs to get them there naturally, hopefully through the course of around a year or so.
Let’s start with Andromeda/Trisca. At the beginning of the story, she’s not in a great place. She’s been mentally beaten down by Kinsley/Typhon, she has no support system, barely any self-esteem. The big changes for her are not only becoming Trisca, but also interacting with people as Andromeda, or Andie.
I see her as shy, submissive, practically unable to stand up for herself. She has morals, thanks to the original Andromeda, but Andie has had to shove them aside in favor of her own survival. Fair, but also another thing for her to be guilty over. She’s honest, but partially because she feels she has to as otherwise Kinsley will kill her. Andie’s self esteem is also tied in to her identity as a sentimonster, feeling that she’s stolen what should have been the original Andromeda’s.
As Trisca, she’ll likely try to avoid acting like she does normally. Partially to keep Typhon from recognizing her, partially because being submissive and shy during a fight could end up with her getting badly hurt, if not killed. She’s also so busy playing peacekeeper between Sabotage and Kermes that her own needs and wants might get buried, and then there’s the guilt about not being able to tell them all she knows about Typhon.
In Andie’s case, I’m leaning towards a full transformation. Trisca is her chance to be brave, bold, kind, and clever. She gets to learn to work with people who will listen to her and act on her suggestions, gets to protect people and be praised for her actions. While Trisca remains a mask in some ways, Andie will likely try to get herself to act like Trisca normally as well. Learning to stand up for herself, to say no to things.
Trixx would be a great help just as support in Kinsley’s house, but also other ways. Trixx would help to keep her going in the moral direction even when faced with fear. He’d teach her how to safely lie to Typhon without really lying, and how to see things from other perspectives. He’d play small pranks around the house, just to show that Kinsley isn’t as invulnerable as he appears to be.
So by the time the story ends, Andie will hopefully have bloomed. She’ll have learned she’s worthy of having friends, of having a life even though she’s a sentimonster. She’ll learn she can be brave and strong, that she’s willing to fight and willing to sacrifice if it means stopping Typhon and bringing Kinsley to justice. She’ll be a hero and a friend and a person. Which is all she’s ever wanted.
Will’s big issues to me are his loner tendencies and his inability to trust in the future. He’s not in as bad a place as Andie at the start, having had some stability in the form of his uncle and Plagg, but he’s still pretty much alone. Becoming Sabotage forces him to work with other people, and also rely on them.
I imagine that Sabotage is the best fighter at first of the trio. He’s naturally adaptive, he has the most fighting experience, and he’s known Plagg the longest. His issues would mainly be throwing himself into a fight when it’s pointless, not attempting to stay back to allow the other two to come up with a plan, and the natural danger of Cataclysm. I could definitely see a chapter where Cataclysm hits a sentimonster and makes it go beserk, and then Sabotage dealing with the fallout.
As Will, his issues are severe in more subtle ways. High school is around the age when people are starting to plan for their lives outside of their parents or guardians, and Will doesn’t plan that far ahead. He still has issues with his mom, and Leon maybe doesn’t push as far as he should when trying to connect with his nephew. So, potentially through Andie, Will will have to start making some real friends.
Plagg will probably be helpful, though not as much as he could be. He’s not exactly prone to putting pressure on his wielders, though he would stand up if it’s something he truly believes in. I can definitely see him trying to get Will to ease up at times, and Will would be more likely to listen to him since they’ve known each other so long.
At the end, I want Will to have embraced teamwork and the people in his life. I want him to deal with his feelings about his mom, and realize it was pretty messed up long before she left him forever. I want him to have plans for the future, whether that leads to college or trade school, or something else entirely. Will’s been trapped in a shelter of his own making for a long time now. Maybe Sabotage’s cataclysm will be able to get him out.
Daniel needs to start relaxing before he dies of a heart attack before age 20. He puts too much pressure on himself and has issues when things don’t go perfectly. If Will needs to look to the future, Daniel needs to start focusing on the present.
Learning to use the Lucky Charm would probably be a big help. Instead of coming up with a plan and getting the thing to make it work, Lucky Charm would force Kermes to come up with something quickly under a time limit. It would also lead to him trusting his teammates, especially when the Lucky Charm plan leads to a better outcome than his original plan would have.
Dealing with Sabotage alone will also force him to confront his instinctive urge to lead and his natural resistance to being told he’s wrong. Trisca would probably help as a mediator to find a compromise, but Sabotage would provide more natural friction, which would make a better wake-up call.
Tikki...probably won’t be the best help. She’s very duty bound, but the good thing is that Ladybugs and Black Cats are supposed to work together. So she’d naturally push Kermes to work with Sabotage and Trisca instead of trying things on his own. I can definitely see this pair as having the most friction between them though, for a number of reasons.
Hopefully, by the end of this, Daniel learns to ease up some. Kermes will learn that he can rely on his teammates, and that he doesn’t have to have the perfect plan for things to work out. And both of them could do with a spa day and a nap, they work too hard.
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mujerrdblog · 2 years
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@bellagrenabyeloisa te invita a @impulsabazar Es una cita! El domingo 18 de septiembre en el Club Amistad, en Monte Adentro de Licey Tendremos a la venta cosmética natural para tu cabello como gotero anticaida y crecimiento que nutre tu cuero cabelludo para que puedas lucir un pelo largo y saludable 👇Comenta aquí con quién irás Además podrás encontrar plantas suculentas, joyería, productos de limpieza y cuidado personal, cosmeticos cómo cuidado de la piel y maquillaje, jabones artesanales. #ropausada #bazar #feria #artesanales #diafamiliar #monteadentro #licey #liceyanos #liceyalmedio #licey arriba #emprende #ropanueva #kermes #santiagodeloscaballeros #cabello #shampoo (en Monte Adentro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiSArAgOZIE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gesefcedu · 2 years
La experiencia del Taller I de inmersividad
“Generar un espacio de experimentación sobre formas de comunicación basadas en un alto nivel de participación activa del espectador con vistas a la Instalación Oscura Kermes Oscura. Promover una acción de laboratorio de las distintas propuestas de la Instalación OKO en relación a dichos procesos de comunicación. Que cada alumno experimente procesos de producción de piezas audiovisuales con objetivos de comunicación inmersivos y no tradicionales. Producir una serie de piezas audiovisuales basadas en el concepto de inmersividad y sobre temáticas asociadas a la instalación OKO.”
El Taller I con vistas a OKO, realizado en el Área de Producción Audiovisual de la Fcedu y que convocó a alumnos del Taller de Imagen II de la carrera de Comunicación (alumnos de entre 20 y 25 años), dejó una variada serie de reflexiones y producciones. Las imágenes que preceden este post, pertenecen a tres trabajos finales realizados en los cuatro encuentros que duró el Taller.
Algunas reflexiones: surge una potencia formidable (y misteriosa) cuando se propone realizar una pieza audiovisual ausente de toda narrativa y estructura clásicas; aparece también y de manera muy evidente, una nueva relación con el espectador: una relación marcada por el trabajo interpretativo de éste, por el esfuerzo en articular signos sin el apoyo de la narrativa clásica; en esa articulación aparece la propia subjetividad del espectador, su interpretación deriva en una construcción personal (o sale directamente de la relación); aparece también lo estético con un énfasis notable, a favor de la neutralización de su carácter funcional a lo narrativo en la propuesta clásica: el recurso estético se transforma en un signo con autonomía y entidad propia.
Por otra parte, y ya en un plano pedagógico, cuando el objetivo no es relatar una historia aparece el artista, el individuo singular y único que hay detrás de aquél alumno fuertemente estandarizado por la academia.
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yourbuddykermit · 10 months
happy guinea pig sunday
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kerm-the-fro · 4 years
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hello akudama drive community
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thegeminisage · 3 years
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dailymichaelmell · 5 years
reminder that ive started a new ask blog! its for heathers, and its basically a good au! me and my friend are working together on it, and itll basically be a story/event based remaking of the musical, where the askers stem the story! it hasnt begun yet, but if you guys are interested, heres the blog!
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chzdavmpr · 2 years
So something I wanna talk about is the big pink space person that gave Dee a power boost
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This thing ^
In particular there is a detail I noticed in one panel that could be a hint to quite a few things.
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In this panel where they are loading Dee up with *magenta* you will obviously notice the slider, since that's the main thing that's being interacted with. But I want to bring attention to the bar at the top of the display.
On the far left there is plain white, and the fifth square is *magenta*. So this seems to be some sort of selector for ballyhoo types, but there. Are also 6 whole locked options.
This seems like a pretty clear indication that the characters with different colored ballyhoo are the agents of the pink creatures siblings, but this raises quite a few questions.
The first is simply who out of the character's we've seen are these "agents?" The only person we know is 100% one of them is Mick. We see the red entity briefly in a chapter. The main other candidate is Scoob, since he has a cyan balyhoo. We haven't seen the one who gave him one, but it's all but confirmed. It's also pretty likely that he got the power right before powering us shag, since his ballyhoo is white beforehand.
The only other character that could be an agent is Bugs. His dead air is static colored, which while I would love to see a giant static person, I don't think he's an agent. He has the same problem as Scoob in that the eye glow is white, but also the static seems to be more because of the properties of how dead air works than anything else.
But even if we assume that even bugs is an agent, that still leaves 3 other colors we haven't seen yet. There could already be some people we haven't met yet that are chosen, or there can be more like Dee or Scoob who are chose in the story.
Other questions that we'll just have to see if they ever are answered; like can you slide up the normal white ballyhoo? Is there any differences to the colors other than where they come from? Can these entities have access to more than one color? Can one person be powered by more than one color? Is Kerm gonna get **GREEN** POWER? We'll just have to wait and see.
Wow. I just wrote that many paragraphs about a comic where Scooby Doo vomits mayonnaise.
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Chapter 19: Creepy
So last chapter Kerm said they were looking for a highway, so finding this "house" was unintentional, but they still just- walk in? Are they trying to find someone to give directions? They just walked in unannounced I doubt that even if this was was a normal house the person living there would help after that.
On another note, this chapter I feel is when the 4 panel maximum starts to impact the pace, since you know, there's a pace now. Nothing really happens this chapter other than a shadowy figure showing up who is just gone next chapter. There's not even really that much of a joke to be found.
Conclusion: a nothing burger of a chapter, and unfortunately it's gonna stay like this for a bit.
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wyrddogs · 2 years
Kerm is almost two so I scheduled his OFA screening! Doing his patellas and hips, and I asked for them to x-ray his back as well. (The last one isn’t for OFA, just my personal knowledge.)
Now I need to Embark him to get his PRA results. It shows IVDD too but the information is meaningless, since it isn’t actually predictive. I’m waffling over whether to do the UC Davis IVDD test, since it’s also basically meaningless, but I think I’m going to go for it anyway.
And I need to figure out how to find a CERF exam at a dog show.
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