#kestrel writes fic
agh help me I've fallen into the rabbithole of coming up with translations for a language i made up
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chiropteracupola · 7 months
ladyhawke (foth or sharpe)??? 👀👀👀
EXCITING DOUBLE BIRD EVENT! and here we get the fun time of describing the Difference between the sharpe and foth ladyhawke stories, and also why the sharpe one has been so much easier to write.
so the film Ladyhawke, in which both these stories are based, is about a curse placed on a pair of semi-star-crossed lovers, involving day-night animal transformations that don't overlap with the other half of the duo. but a lot of Ladyhawke's humor and charm proves to come from the fact that it's told from an outside perspective — a silly fellow with a penchant for theft, prison breaks, and general mischief. and thus, it's a much smoother journey to allow the Chosen Men to scamper about low-fantasy vaguely-medievalpunk au-Spain...
“We ain’t deserters,” said Cooper, offended, and set his jaw. “We was on a mission.” “It wasn’t really a mission, you know that perfectly well,” interrupted Harris, shoving his way forward. “But it was important we found the Major! …more important than that fool’s job we were s’posed to be working on, anyway,” admitted Cooper, refusing to show any fault on his part. Sharpe stared at him in mixed confusion and dismay, and Harris determined that he’d speak his piece more fully this time. “Well, you see, it was that you up and vanished, and so we figured that we ought to go and find you.” “And it’d be helpful, wouldn’t it, if we did!” put in Perkins. “We didn’t mean to be gone long,” said Hagman, the only one out of the four of them to display even a smidgen of guilt. “And we wouldn’t have been, if he hadn’t—“ “—if you hadn’t broken into the—“ “—well, you’re the one who—“ “—you and your damned rum—“ “…and that’s how we went and got ourselves arrested,” finished Harris, as if Sharpe had been able to determine the slightest through-line of truth in the cacophony of conflicting stories. “But we got out again, as you see.” The four Chosen Men, the last remnants of Richard Sharpe’s final command, looked at their officer proudly, quite as if they expected to be congratulated for their unexcused jaunt off from the army and their trip in through one side of a prison and out the other.
...than to take that whole journey through the soggy and sorrowful perspectives of Keith 'frequently is a cat against his will' Windham and Ewen 'really would not like to be an eagle anymore' Cameron...
The next day dawns misty and damp, a clinging curtain of fog folding itself around the two travelers. The sick, dizzy feeling that comes with transformation takes far longer to leave than is typical, and so he remains prone beneath the overhang of rock as his cramped muscles slowly ease. He had cared little for where he fell as the morning’s shift took him off his feet, sprawling to lie on his side with one hand fallen in the now-cold ashes of the previous night’s fire. Despite the scrap of shelter provided by the outcropping of stone, the thick wetness of the air has already seeped into Keith’s hair and clothes, and as a tendril of wind brushes across his back, he finds himself shivering enough to set his already-strained body to aching. “If this is summer, Ardroy…” he mutters, knowing that his words will be neither finished nor heard. The mere suggestion he has put forth inspires a wholly new fear in him — where shall each of them be come winter, and will the curse still bind them together when the seasons have made their turn? Keith laughs cheerlessly, stretches out a hand to feel the rain against his palm. Damn this country, damn this war, damn whatever fate had been cruel-handed enough to serve him so poorly…. Catching his words close again, he stops himself before he can finish. One thing at least, he cannot curse, and that is Ewen Cameron.
...so yeah! you see the tonal shift between these two.
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cosmickestrels · 2 years
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*throws this here* a vanlock fic excerpts be upon ye (also yes some of these have sholmes/van zieks and some herlock/barok, no this is not a mistake, this will make sense i promise) (also its mostly unedited so i might shuffle some words around in final version)
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snowdice · 1 year
LK! Virgil's "training" for Patton and Logan be like
So, so very true anon. So true.
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
so if anyone is mayhaps interested in OC turtles and Big Mama 👀
"That's your mom's hotel?" Kestrel signs.
"Yeah!" Jewel grins. "It's pretty, huh?"
Kestrel nods.
Jewel starts across the street, and Kestrel tries to catch the back of her shell to make her wait for the light, but barely misses. A car barely misses her too, but she doesn't seem to notice, too busy pointing at a man walking a dog across the street and asking Kestrel what breed it is.
It has no idea, and it's still a little peeved at her for just running out into the street like that, so it shrugs. She shrugs back, and once it joins her across the street, takes its hand to lead him into the hotel.
Things are busy inside, and its fingers tighten around hers for a moment as it slows, every instinct telling it to run. Jewel stops with it, waiting for it to decide if it wants to stay or not, but the hotel's not dangerous like it thought at first glance.
None of them are human. It can't name all the surfacer species it sees represented. An owl for sure, and a fox, and what it thinks might be an octopus, but many of them look like nothing it's ever seen before. But if none of them are human... then it and Jewel don't have to worry about hiding.
Even though the activity is almost overwhelming, it trusts Jewel. It nods to her, to let her know it's okay even though it's still a little nervous, and follows her weaving path through the lobby until she gasps in delight and lets go of its hand.
Kestrel distinctly remembers Big Mama being described as a huge and terrifying spider by Mikey, but right now she looks human.
She also looks happy to see Jewel. The two of them hug, and then Jewel starts talking a mile a minute, as always, about how Donnie took her to the aquarium last weekend and she got to pet the stingrays in a touch pool. Big Mama listens to every word.
Kestrel stays where its sister left him, trying not to hover since there's no threats and it doesn't want to interrupt her conversation. At least until Jewel leads Big Mama over, arm in arm with her. It tries for a smile, hoping it doesn't look too awkward.
"Ooh! Another turtly-boo," Big Mama says, clasping her hands under her chin. "And not one of those meddlesome Hamatos, I hope?"
Now it definitely looks awkward.
"This is my other sibling, Kestrel," Jewel introduces it. "I've told you about it, Mama, a bunch of times."
"Indeed you have."
Big Mama peers at it over her glasses, and for a second, Kestrel gets the distinct feeling that it's being eyed up by a hunter. Then she smiles and holds her hand out for him to shake.
"Jewel's told me all about you," she says, not seeming to mind that its handshake is also awkward. "You're a simply scrumulent brother, she says, so I suppose I'll have to be polite, as long as you don't behave like those other four."
Kestrel glances at Jewel, wondering what 'scrumulent' is supposed to mean, and she grins at it.
"She likes you! I know it's hard to tell with the way she talks, but it's not hard to figure out when you know her. And Kestrel's smart, Mama, so it'll understand."
"Now, turtle-darlings, you must stay for a snacky-doo," Big Mama insists. "But oh, how rude of me! I haven't asked properly." She turns to Kestrel, smiles at it, and signs, "Welcome, Kestrel. Tea?"
It grins, and replies, "Yes, please."
Big Mama loops one arm with Jewel's, and one with Kestrel's, and chatters on about recent hotel renovations as she leads them to the elevator.
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goldenheart-supremacy · 9 months
Nimona AU - How to train your Dragon
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@kestrel-wylde I kinda went nuts here...
During a dragon raid, the chief of Berk, Valerin's husband died.
They were both alternating battling dragons and helping their people.
When Valerin found her dead husband's body, she saw that he'd been burned badly.
Then she found that the reason his arms were tucked into himself was because he had been doing his best to protect a small bundle in his arms.
It was a baby. Since his parents seemed to have died in the raid as well, Valerin had decided to take the child under her care and adopted him since she and her husband haven't the chance to conceive yet.
Time skip to the future.
Ballister was an only child to his biological parents but if he ever did have siblings, he would've been considered the 'runt of the litter', as he didn't seem as well built for a Viking child his age.
At least, compared to the other Viking children his age.
Maybe Valerin and Ballister has a better relationship than Stoick and Hiccup did in the start of this AU story.
The conflict for Ballister is getting the village to accept his as the chiefess's scion and future chief.
Maybe when Ballister finds out and starts training Nimona, his reason for wanting to keep the secret is as to not make his reputation worse. [I don't know yet how he ends up injuring her like Hiccup did Toothless in the movie]
I just added my OCs for more character dynamics, like the original team had in the movie but feel free to use them or not or make your own OPs for the AU hahaha 😆
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Some dialogue ideas...
Ballister, voiceover as a narrator: [Tomorrow, when training begins, I'm going to prove myself and show that I can stand at par with the others. Aerin Shieldstone, Connor Silverlock, Todd Sureblade, Abigail Swiftfeet, Atticus Valorarm and...]
Ambrosius was running away from some dragons, and he jumped over some barrels as a Zippleback launched a fireball at him.
Ballister, in a dreamily way: [... Ambrosius...]
Avoiding the impact of the blast, Ambrosius used the remaining leverage from jumping over the barrels to backflip away and ended up landing unto Ballister's arms...
Ambrosius, grinning: Good looking out, Bal.
Ambrosius pinches Ballister's cheek affectionately before leaping out of his arms, grabbing his axe and a bucket to see if there's anywhere else he needs to be...
Ambrosius: Look alive, Bal! Let's get rid of these beasts! Ballister, grabbing a sword: Right behind you, Ambs!
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Trainer: Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight! The Deadly Nadder! Atticus, mumbling: Speed: eight; Armor: sixteen. Trainer: The Hideous Zippleback! Atticus: Plus eleven stealth times two. Trainer: ...The Monstrous Nightmare! Atticus: Firepower: fifteen. Trainer: The Terrible Terror! Atticus: Attack: eight; Venom: twelve! Trainer: CAN YOU STOP THAT?! Trainer, sighing: And the Gronkle. Atticus, more quietly: Jaw strength: eight. Connor, smirking: Someone's done some advanced reading... Ambrosius, chuckling: Only about a lot, too Atticus, smiling sheepishly: I read the book seven times. Ambrosius and Connor: Wow.
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During training with the Gronkle to avoid getting hit...
Aerin, keeping his eyes on the Gronkle's location: Todd, keeping his eyes on Aerin: So, I moved to my parent's basement. Todd: Got some weights in there, you should come over some time to work out. Aerin, barrel rolls away: Todd, calling out to him: You look like you work out!
Then, the Gronkle hits a shot on the spot Todd was standing at...
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Aerin and Connor - my OCs, besties Atticus and Abigail - OCs I remembered reading from your fic 'Love At First Fight', I just gave Atticus a temporary last name. Unless, you know, @kestrel-wylde wants to make it final haha I didn't write Abigal yet since I don't know much how to write the character. Atticus is based off the otter knight from the movie, so I kinda headcanon him as someone nerdy with animal facts, so I made him like Fishlegs here.
Edit: Please check out Kestrel's Httyd Nimona AU art!
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eirianerisdar · 3 months
hi! i'm really loving icarus, you're a wonderful writer! but i just had a quick question. i love the flock graphics, and they're super helpful! would it be possible for you to maybe list the species of birds for the main 'characters' of the story as well? you don't have to post example photos or anything crazy, but i think just a list like that would be helpful too. sometimes i forget who has what kind of wings, and i think having a list so i can google image the bird would be great.
if that's not something you want to do or don't have time to do or something, no worries!! i really appreciate you taking the time to write icarus in the first place <3
Oof I might as well do a general guide! I never thought a maxiel wingfic would spawn so many specific wing allocations but here's the general list:
Paddock wings in Icarus:
Current grid:
Daniel Ricciardo - Scarlet Macaw (colourful, nimble flyers)
Max Verstappen - Peregrine Falcon (raw speed, inherited from his mother)
Sergio Perez -Crested Caracara (a type of mexican bird of prey)
Lewis Hamilton - Greater Bird of Paradise (beautiful wing plumes, lovely singer)
George Russell - Blue swallow (beautiful metallic-blue feathers, scream like madmen when they fly)
Carlos Sainz - Spanish Imperial Eagle (white epaulets, very regal)
Charles Leclerc - White Dove (need I say more? Perfect white wings, exploited because they're pretty but so intelligent in pathfinding)
Lando Norris - Lucifer Hummingbird (Small, colourful, likes to hover in place)
Oscar Piastri - Little Lorikeet (One of the smaller types of Australian parrot. Very cute)
Yuki Tsunoda - Japanese Long-tailed tit (Photos should be self explanatory. They fly like ballistic missiles)
Alexander Albon - Crested Fireback (National bird of Thailand. Beautiful dark blue and fiery plumage)
Logan - Blue Jay (Commonly found in Florida. Blue, like Logan's current posting, and his eyes)
Pierre Gasly - Osprey (A bird of prey often found near coasts along the European shoreline, and Pierre is from Normandy)
Esteban Ocon - Black Stork (Tall, gangly, also migrates through France)
Fernando Alonso - Kestrel (a type of small bird of prey, hunts by biding their time and waiting then divebombing)
Lance Stroll - Snowy Owl (Lance is cuddly ok and I didn't want to make him a Canadian goose because that's his dad)
Valtteri Bottas - Bullfinch (Look it up. The picture is self-explanatory. The manliest of men)
Zhou Guanyu - Chinese Red-Crowned Crane (A crowned crane for the champion of the universe, as translates his name)
Kevin Magnussen - Raven (Viking. quoth the raven.)
Nico Hulkenberg - Crow (he keeps coming back. As wily as many of their bird counterparts but has a bad rep for being a bad omen)
Retired drivers or drivers not currently on the grid:
Sebastian Vettel - Swiftlet (Extremely good fliers, reaching up to 160km/h and pulls insane G-forces)
Mick Schumacher - European robin (Very cute. Universally liked. Same wings as his father)
Nico Rosberg - Eurasian Sparrowhawk (a bird of prey that hunts by ambushing before a high-speed, agile chase)
Jenson Button - Northern Harrier (hunts in a high-speed flight close to the ground, exceptionally good listeners)
Mark Webber - Cassowary (look up a photo. Just look at it.)
Kimi Raikkonen - Giant Albatross (King of gives no shits, flies very long distances without a care)
David Coulthard - Bush-Stone Curlew (White trousers!)
Romain Grosjean - Red-tailed Hawk (I chose the bird of prey that could best mesh with the phoenix metaphor)
Antonio Giovannazi - White-spotted Starling (Very pretty plumage)
Daniil Kyvat - Great Bustard (I honestly don't remember why. Distributes in Russia)
Nyck De Vries - Common European Sparrow (Small. Commonly found. Unfortunately often hunted)
Nikita Mazepin - Flamingo (Need I say more)
Sir Jackie Stewart - (Clipped) Merlin Wings (Extremely fast Scottish bird of prey. In-fic, Jackie was one of the generation of drivers that clipped their wings, permanently robbing them of flight)
Team Principals and people in the paddock:
Toto Wolff - Black Swan (self-explanatory)
Christian Horner - Golden Eagle (A bit pompous. Matches his hair)
James Vowles - Magpie (Utterly clever, not from any particular prestige)
Fred Vasseur - Partridge (Affable. Cuddly.)
Guenther Steiner - Shoebill (self-explanatory, look up a photo)
Cyril Abiteboul - Eagle Owl (something about his face is very Eagle Owl)
Micheal Italiano - Kookaburra (laughs when they shouldn't)
Zak Brown - Chicken (self-explanatory. Literally and metaphorically)
Andreas (mclaren) - Common Quail (short lifespan)
Mattia Binotto - Pigeon (wants to be as pretty and loved as Charles. Is a public nuisance instead)
Otmar sznafnauer - Peacock (Struts around, can't really fly)
Resident Bastard:
Jos Verstappen - Cuckoo (Cuckoos are brood parasites, and lay their eggs in nests of birds of other species'. The cuckoo parent therefore does nothing while other birds raise their young)
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frozenjokes · 9 months
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Day 3
I stayed inside trying to figure these things out all day yesterday, to no avail. If I could just control them, I could force them under my clothes and out of sight. No need to ask questions. But then Sausage started to get on my back, telling me I had to ‘go outside’ at some point. He asked to come in. It wasn’t really a question. I pulled a blanket over my back before he opened the door, but go figure, the wings phased through that too. It’s safe to say all the Kestrels know now.
Sausage felt bad, which I didn’t expect. He said he never would have suggested I go with Cleo if he knew the ghosts on that island would try and hurt me. Don’t like that.
At least I haven’t see any of my ghosts around. Mumbo must not have told anyone.
Day 4
I moved them. I think. It was just for a second, where I felt them really be part of me; just like an arm or leg. But it was more than the wings.. there was something else too, something… deeper? Bigger?
I looked in the mirror. For changes. I didn’t see anything.
I’m definitely dying.
Day 6
Mumbo went and told them. I was surprised to see Pearl and Grian after a week of silence, but after Mumbo came running after them looking quite panicked, it was obvious why they were here. I had been practicing, trying to exert any amount of control over the wings, but I hadn’t had much luck, and I certainly wasn’t lucky while Grian and Pearl chased me around my own room. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I’m sure it was some mix of giggling and taunting. Well, it didn’t last.
Something changed when Pearl touched me. When she pulled. I mean, these flimsy things were attached by stitches, it should have been pulled right out. (Why hadn’t I tried before?) I don’t remember everything. I remember pain like hellfire radiating through my back. I heard.. something? It didn’t sound like my voice, but it certainly came from my mouth. I remember lunging forward toward Pearl and eating shit on the floor, obviously, she’s a ghost. But I was sure I could touch her then. Claw her? I don’t have claws.
Either way, when I regained enough sense to sit up, all three of them were staring at me. Pretty shaken up honestly, which felt pretty good. Serves you right! But they weren’t just staring at me. It was pointed. I think.. they were staring at my eyes.
I didn’t think to look at a mirror until later. Everything was normal. They were probably just.. surprised I guess. I mean, it’s not too often the pirate you’re haunting turns around with complete confidence and tries to attack you like some sort of animal.
Well, that’s what they get for trying to touch my wings.
just a little thing for my boatem ghosts au :)
uh, quick rundown if you’re confused, pirate scar super murders the entire crew of the flying jellie (boatem) and they come back to haunt his ass. after multiple incidents the kestrels tell him he needs to stop being a dick to his ghosts. ghost vacation leads to. some complications.
I’ve been really sick these past couple of days and haven’t been able to draw or write hardly at all, so I’m happy to just whip up something small that. Honestly I don’t know if that last interaction will work out to be canon with the fic just because of timing issues but I’m going to try to make it work because I like it!
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zyrafowe-sny · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Game
I am not seeing a new one this week, so I'm copying the rules from kedreeva. :)
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
I'll reblog with my stuff shortly.
Tagging some writers off the top of my head (by no means comprehensive!): @branmuffins22 @abstract-moth @gakriele-lvs-blog @bright-thorn @sir-ballister-boldheart @kestrel-wylde @madlad06 @candyskiez @violet-prism-creatively @watery-melon-baller
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Update: Due to Tumblr's decision to partner with MidJourney, I'll be moving to Cohost.
Music: https://cohost.org/downtempo-kestrel?page=0
Art: https://cohost.org/sibi-barknd?page=0
Writing: https://cohost.org/windblownsand?page=0
Everything else: https://cohost.org/van-goghs-smoking-skull?page=0
(My works/posts will be deleted from here as I move them over as separate posts on Cohost)
(Oooo, bonus, I can switch individuals posts on Cohost to 18+ without sending my entire blog to the void - no need to have an entirely different account for one whole fic.)
(If we were mutuals and I stopped following you, you didn't do anything wrong - it's part of the process of migrating. If you have a Cohost account, just DM me what it is and I'll follow you there, instead.)
(5/13/24, the export begins. It'll take quite a while, but once I have the full download - so I can sort things out offline - I'll only be around here for DMs. I'll be available otherwise on my Cohost blogs and I'll still be on Discord, so if you want faster responses, look for me there)
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andithiel · 3 months
First 10 Lines/ First lines meme/ Writing patterns
Thank you so much for the tag @nv-md (post can be found here), I always get stupidly giddy whenever someone thinks of me with these kinds of things 🥰💖 Apparently I did this almost exactly two years ago (but it was 20 😱) and luckily I’ve posted 13 works (on ao3) since then, so I had 10 new to share. All of them are Drarry this time.
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Harry Potter and the Quest for the Faulty Vibrator 9k | rated E (locked to registered users) Whatever anyone thought about the auror training rooms, it was nothing compared to the dull, grimy and frankly depressing rooms they had for duelling practice.
When it's exactly twelve o'clock that night 6,5k | rated T The weather outside is frightful, a classic London winter with greyish brown sludge trying to pose as snow, but inside the Ministry of Magic, all the windows are showing bright white landscapes and twinkling stars.
The Potter Malfoy bathroom war of 2007 8,6k | rated E (locked to registered users) It never fails to astound Draco how many stairs there are to his flat.
Thunderstruck 8,6k | rated E (locked to registered users) It’s the one hundred and fiftieth minute of the match between Appleby Arrows and Kenmare Kestrels and the score is still 30-20 to the Arrows.
Hold back the tide 2k | rated T At first glance, the 8th year common room would seem rather calm and quiet.
Take that ride 1,6k | rated T The soft hum of their friends milling about in the hall is abruptly disturbed by Ron pounding on the bathroom door, shouting at Dean and Seamus to quit snogging and hurry the fuck up.
The secret language of flowers 2,4k | rated T “Draco, dear, stop fidgeting.”
How deep is our love? 762 words | rated T It’s nine o’clock when Harry saunters into the kitchen, his horrible Gryffindor lion slippers firmly on his feet and his dressing gown open to reveal his red flannel pyjamas.
Second date 1,3k | rated T When Draco wakes up, he’s in an unfamiliar bed.
Fading in love 5k | rated E (locked to registered users) When Harry enters the Eighth Year common room, it’s unusually buzzing, in the quietly intense kind of way, where people are talking in hushed voices, huddled together.
Wow, this was very telling what kind of style I have, I don’t think I’ve seen this plainly before that I like to start with some sort of way to set the scene. Either it means I’ve found my thing, or that I’m stuck 😂
Tagging @dragonbornphoenix @uncannycerulean @crazybutgood @phdmama @goblinmatriarch @ladderofyears @sleepstxtic @mono-chromia
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
I know it says one line, but you answered with a little passage for my ask so I'll give you a passage in return. Here's the opening of the next Taking Flight chapter for you:
Kestrel shifted in the bed, tucking the sheets closer around himself. The sun was already up, gold light casting through the windows and warming his skin. So much sunlight… he should’ve been up hours ago. What time was it? For that matter, what day was it? He’d been sleeping in the forest for over a year now, unable to risk being spotted by Dale or the others. The closest he had to a bed was a hammock the hamadryads sometimes lent him, on the days where they felt particularly empathetic- or pitied him a bit too much, he figured. He’d be the first to admit he was a bit of a basket case. The others around Fablehaven never knew quite what to make of him. And yet here he was in a bed. A real bed. His bed.
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cosmickestrels · 2 years
Being sick sucks but being sick with a pokemon game sucks a little bit less
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sometimesanalice · 4 months
Hello, Alexa!☺️
How are you?
A bit of a random Q, but! I remember you saying that the first fanfic you wrote
was ‘Oh Christmas Tree' and I was just wondering if there was any other fandoms
you ever thought about writing for? Even if you don’t want to publish them! :) An even more general question, what other fandoms would you say you're into?
I know it's a little random, but I just love hearing about other people's interests/loves! 🥰
(I’m sorry if you’ve answered these in some way before)
Have a lovely weekend!
Hi Bo!! 🌟 I'm so good! I'm having the best afternoon with some coffee and a treat from Trader Joe's and working on a fluffy oneshot! I hope you're doing well! I love seeing you pop in my inbox!
The call of Bradley with a pine tree allergy and getting his best girl a fluffy pink one was too strong for me to resist! It was such a new thing for me that I wrote the whole thing on the notes app on my phone, it didn't even cross my mind to open a word doc for it, lol.
It's such a funny thing that for the years and years that I've jotted down ideas and dialogue that I never once thought of actually sitting down and trying my hand at writing fanfic until last year!
More for you under the cut!
My first foray into fandom and fanfic was when I was a nugget out there wilding on fanfic.net and shipping Clark/Lana from Smallville and Padme/Anakin from Star Wars. (back when I didn't even know what shipping meant, lol)
In college, I didn't have much time to read books because of all the school work, so I turned to fanfic again and got really into The Hunger Games. Dandelion Peeta had my heart, and all the modern AUs really softened the dystopian angst. That fandom had so many truly terrific writers, ones that I still follow even today.
Which is how I ended up becoming a big The 100 girlie. Some of my favorite THG authors started posting and writing for a couple of the main characters on that show and I was hooked. (it's been a lot of fun to learn that some of my fav TGM babes were also the 100 babes, so we've trauma bonded over it, haha)
And let me tell you, I need to be financially COMPENSATED by the CW for the chokehold this man had on me for like 5 years. (the hair! the gravely voice! the chin dimple! the biceps! the grumpy king with a heart of gold!)
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If I was going to write for another fandom, it would be that one. Bellarke (bellamy blake and clarke griffin) still has my heart. At the height of it, I was spending hours every day reading fic for them. The chemistry between them was bananas and every week I was waiting on baited breath for any little interaction between them. It's funny now because the actors are actually married now, haha! The show gave us crumbs and went out with such a tragic whimper, but the fandom and the incredible talent there is probably why I was so invested and still read fics about them on AO3.
When I reread my favorite series The Winners Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski I fall DEEP into an Arin/Kestrel spiral. It's such an underrated YA series that I'm pretty sure I've read every piece of fanfiction that's out there (which isn't nearly enough) at least 5 times.
There was a brief Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen GOT era, but it was short lived.
I also like the Darkling/Alina dynamic from Shadow and Bone. I read the series when the books first came out before the show, and wasn't particularly enamored with them as a couple. But then they had to go and cast the pretty bearded attention whore that is Ben Barnes and I had simply no choice but to ship, lol.
I always joke and say that I don't pick the hyperfixations, that they choose me. But it's really true. The 100 ended in 2020 and I didn't have anything really capture my attention in the same way until TGM. This is the first fandom that I've really participated in, like getting to know other people and creating content! And it's been so wonderful!
Oof! Well, this got out of control quickly, lol. This was such a fun ask to get! I haven't been asked before, so I really went off the deep end here giving you my full life fandom history, haha!
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purpleturtle9000 · 9 months
hey so presumably at some point my brain's gonna stop being a dumpster fire so whenever that occurs and i'm back to writing, i'll be working on everything but i can only do so much at one time
fic descriptions under the cut
something broke in me and i wanted to go home
Bayverse, Donnie POV, second movie AU. To defeat Krang, Leo gets sacrificed to Krang's dimension (yes I am ripping off Rise lmao). The remaining turtles stop at nothing to bring him back, but can't rescue their brother without Krang along for the ride.
i know exactly what i want and it's this life that we've created
ROTTMNT, future Leo POV, post-movie. wify sequel. In which our peepaw has several mental breakdowns, inflicts truly incredible violence on Jr's kidnappers, and finally realises his family loves him unconditionally along the way!
ROTTMNT, OC POV. Two years after being rescued from an evil laboratory and adopted into the turtle family, teenage mutant winter soldier Kestrel finds a lost and lonely yellow robot. He has to help Bee get home to the other Autobots - but really doesn't want his best friend to go.
dare to look him right in the eyes
ROTTMNT, multi POV, post-movie. Raph still has the Krang eye from when he was infected, causing no small amount of stress among the rest of his family. Drama and angst follow as their family breaks apart, and may or may not ever come back together.
is it still you or is it me?
ROTTMNT, Leo and Donnie POV, post-movie. Leo comes back from the prison dimension with a Krang brainworm trying to corrupt him from the inside out. Leo tries to handle it himself until it's too late and Donnie has to race against time to try to save him.
i wish i had more memories with you
Bayverse/ROTTMNT, Bay!Donnie POV, sequel to this family can bear any weather. By the time Nic's fixed the capacitor and can revisit his little brothers from an alternate universe, they're not so little any more. Shenanigans ensue, with a little bit of trauma and a whole lot of love.
reality check
ROTTMNT, future Leo POV, wify-verse. The Joneses go on a two-week-long road trip. Suddenly bereft of Child, Leonardo decides to hop across the multiverse adopting every teen Leo he can find. Tello would like him to put them all back and they are done asking politely (they adopt three).
i've slipped through the cracks between worlds
ROTTMNT, Casey Jr POV, post-s2 pre-movie. Through misuse of mystic powers and timeline shenanigans, Casey Jr ends up the caretaker of the baby versions of the four turtles. And also in the past. Better find the teen turtles before they end the world again... and so they can help babysit.
we were born to be together, torn apart, torn apart
ROTTMNT, multi POV pre-movie. The turtles find out that there were two other turtles created with them, thought lost to the fire in Draxum's lab. Big Mama's daughter is none too happy to have these idiots bothering her, but the other needs a rescue more than anything. Even if he tries to kill them on sight.
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codenamehazard · 6 months
.:Feast by the Fire:.
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Chapter 23: Feast by the Fire
Hey guys!
Some cozy feels just in time for the holiday season! This one of the scenes I've been wanting to do ever since No Man's Land started to evolve from a silly little one shot to what it is today. I have to thank @rogueshadeaux for putting up with my ramblings as well as giving me the push to actually write the whole fic in general! Without further delay, let's jump in!
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Crimson light bathes the land as the sun begins to set, I start to make my rounds around the HEMTT. I had volunteered to take the first watch while the others set up camp, mainly to be alone with my thoughts and boy howdy do I have a lot to think about.
I look around at where we had stopped, some sort of abandoned ranch or farm. A place where we could scavenge for scrap should we need to, quiet enough to set up shop for the night. I can see signs that people before us have thought the same, remnants of human activity littered the area in the form of burnt firewood, disrupted stones and used cans. I take one of the metal tins and toss it up in the air before shooting it with a mild bolt and walking on.
As I milled about, I started to think back about the “Night Warped” the Misfits mentioned before we had set off for Tri-Point. Bigger, nastier monsters that could only be out at night due to the UV from the sun frying them. I have asked for clarification before, but couldn’t get a straight answer from them as, apparently, there were just so many different types that somebody could run into if they wandered off into the night.
I think back to the monsters I had dealt with in the past. The Swamp Creatures and the Icemen that terrorized New Marias, the giant cockroach that Bertrand turned into, the metal monstrosities that the Dust Men created… Then there was that four armed freak, David Warner.
Now there were the recent additions to the rogues gallery of things I had to deal with, the literal zombies that were trying to turn Droptown into an all-you-can-eat Conduit buffet… And the less said about the Summoner, the better. I shudder at the still fresh memory of that ugly fuck, another thing to haunt my nightmares.
I remember the fight with that tumor-turned-skinned gorilla thing, how tough it was and how it healed when I used my Beast abilities. How the only thing that stopped it was the Amp shoved in its back and 100 million volts of fuck you channeled right into the spinal cord.
How much worse can these things get??
The smell of fire catches my attention before I could get too deep down that rabbit hole of potential nightmare fuel. I turn my head to see Kestrel and Dove setting up a fire and Pangolin bringing over a big-ass witch’s cauldron looking pot. A voice draws my eyes as I see Mako with a checklist and her calling out to the other three. Something about checking stashes. As the three head back to their trailers, I head over to Mako to ask what all the shouting’s about.
As I head over, I watch the Shark pull out various ingredients from a communal food storage. Hm, must be getting ready for dinner. My stomach growls at the thought. Damn, forgot to eat lunch earlier today.
“Whatcha got going on here?” I ask as I look over the ingredients, looks like some beef, potatoes and some veg, looking promising so far. Mako grins and puts her clipboard down.
“You remember the stew I brought over for lunch back in Droptown?” She asks in kind. Of course I remember, it was amazing! Especially after spending so long eating mainly shitty protein bars and whatever else I can get my hands on. I smile and nod as the memory of the first taste of actual, proper food flits through my head. Mako’s smile widens as I reminisce. “That’s what's on the menu for tonight, it’s called Hodge-Podge stew.”
“Hodge-Podge stew?” I repeat, raising an eyebrow. She nods in confirmation.
“Yeah, it’s pretty much a staple for us and any other nomadic Wildlander. Simple, easy to make, filling, hearty, everything you’d need in a meal.” I feel excitement well up inside as I continue to remember that thermos lunch. If it was that good as leftovers, having it hot from the pot would be even better.
“Just… Don’t expect it to taste the same as the leftovers.” Mako points out as she starts prepping the veg. “It’s never the same way twice.” I chuckle and smile.
“Don’t need it to taste the same way, just needs to be good.” I state before stretching. I give a wave before leaving her to do her prep work after saying a quick good-bye. My stomach growls again as I start to smell the ingredients. I hope there'll be enough for seconds.
I watch as the Misfits go through their trailers to find their personal stashes and bring them up to a card table where the ingredients were laid out. Mainly some spices like garlic and cilantro and other things. Now I see where the Hodge-Podge comes from, everyone contributes something to the meal. Part of me wished that I had thought of something like that for when I led way back when, but then I remember how much of a pain in the ass Kuo would have been about it and how it wouldn’t have worked with the amount of people under my leadership.
The thoughts of the comradery makes me frown a bit, not because I had something against it or I disapproved of it, but because I really didn’t have anything to contribute myself. Food-wise anyways.
I think to myself, despite the spats I’ve had with Kes and Pangolin, these guys have been decent hosts. Never asked any favors of me despite knowing I’m the Beast, hell, the Beast topic doesn’t really get brought up at all outside of said spats. Maybe every now and again in a joking way, but never seriously. They treated me like I’m just another person, no different than them, for better and worse.
I know they wouldn’t expect me to do anything, as I am their guest, but the thought just didn’t sit right. I look over and see everyone falling into their roles and an idea pops in my head. While I can’t contribute with food, maybe I can contribute by lending a hand? I see Pangolin lugging logs out from a storage compartment before pulling out a clipboard and looking over it. I’m guessing I’m gonna have to play nice for a little bit and talk to him about if there’s anything that needs to be done.
I stretch before walking over to the Brick Spartan, Mako turns her head to watch, wondering what I am planning.
“Hey Pangolin!” I call out as I walk over to him, I see him stiffen a bit, but once he sees the neutral expression on my face, he relaxes some. Seems like my little chat with him made an impact. Good. “Is there anything that needs done?” I can see Mako’s eyes widen in surprise out of the corner of my eye, but I focus on the shit brickhouse as he looks over a list and at what’s around.
“I’ve pulled out some logs for the fire.” He starts as he gestures over to the neatly stacked pile of wood. I look over at it and hum. “If you’re looking for something to do while dinner’s cooking, I’ll give you an axe and you can get to chopping.” I smile and nod, I can feel a certain itch making itself known at the thought of starting fires, but when I look over to the cooking fire, I see that Kes had it handled. Oh well, prepping the fuel will sate the itch for the time being. I hold my hand out and Pangolin gives me a chopping axe. “What, not gonna give me the monster you have?” I joke a little, he and I may not be on the best of footing at the moment, especially with how he treated the Gunsmith, but right now is a peace time, no point in stirring up shit when it’s not needed. Besides, me and Zeke still had our fair share of laughs even when things were shaky and I wasn’t ready to forgive. Pangolin chuckled nervously before rubbing the back of his head.
“Sorry Cole, just as the Amp is your baby, Rifter is mine.” I give a chuckle and a grin, but I can feel a bite of anger in my chest. If you already had a weapon you loved dear then what in the name of God was with your behavior towards Kes, Pangolin?? I note it as something to question him about later, but for now I take the axe and I head over to the wood pile to get started.
Putting my backpack to the side for the time being, I unhook the straps of my vest and use them to tie the vest back to open it more before taking the bandana from around my neck and tying it on my forehead. Do I look like some hick? Maybe, but I don’t care. I need more airflow to keep me from overheating and the bandana will keep the sweat from getting into my eyes.
I give the axe a good feel and a couple of practice swings. They take good care of their gear, I have to admit, the blade actually gave me a slight nick on my finger when I felt it. Grabbing a log, I stand it up before centering and taking a swing. Chopping the hunk of wood in half and then into quarters before I pile them up nearby, ready to be used to feed the hungry fire. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mako walking over with an amused smile.
“I have to ask, who are you and what have you done with Cole?” She questions with a grin. I chuckle and roll my eyes.
“He didn’t go anywhere, Mako. I’m still me.” I hum between the swings. Even though the tool is light compared to the Amp and the movements are familiar, my muscles still give a slight satisfying burn from the repetition. In a way, I’ve missed this.
“I don’t believe you.” She teases as she puts her hands on her hips. “The Cole MacGrath I know wanted nothing to do with any of this. Any time the word “chore” is brought up, he’d walk away, put up a fight or would have complained the entire time!” I can’t help but to chuckle, it is true that I did throw up a stink whenever chores and labor were involved, but granted, I had a reason.
“That’s because “the Cole MacGrath” you knew was either “volentold” to help, pestered until he said “yes” or was outright demanded to help, even when he was in the middle of something else... Like trying to keep a bunch of mad-dogs from tearing each-other to shreds.” I point out, still keeping the playful tone. “Back in the Conduit Army, I really wasn’t given any choice in the matter. Here? I chose to help out. Nobody asked me to help, it wasn’t expected or demanded of me, I got to make the call of my own free will.” Mako nods in understanding.
“Besides, the pyro-itch was getting to me and I figured this would hold me over.” I can hear Mako snicker at my comment before I see a mischievous grin split across her face, oh god, not again. “Penny for your thoughts, Mako?”
“You’re just wanting to spend more time with the resident hothead, aren’t you?” Fucking called it. I roll my eyes before looking at her.
“And what, pray-tell, gave you that idea?” I scoff as I cross my arms.
“Hmmm… Let’s see. You’re working on a task that is connected to fire-tending, which is Kes’ responsibility… You’ve opened up your vest more so that the goods are on display… You’re standing in a spot where she can see you easily and watch you show off how strong you are…” My god, if I could roll my eyes any harder, they would have fallen out of my head. She’s losing her mind over this!
“Mako, how many of those sappy, fluffy, cutesy-wootsy romance animes have you watched since you’ve been on your own? Because the’ve rotted your brain, you’re looking for something that isn’t there!” I guffaw loudly, looking at her like she’s nuts as she just grinning away like the cat that ate the canary.
“Uh huh…. Suuuuuuure.” She hums while still grinning that shark-tooth smirk. “Don’t think I didn’t catch those wandering eyes.”
“What the hell is that supposed t-” Mako runs off giggling like a gremlin before I can even finish my sentence. What has gotten into her?! I let out an irritated sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose before going back to chopping wood.
Time seemed to fly as I got lost in the rhythm of my task. It’s only when I hear Pangolin bellow out to everyone that dinner’s ready and it’s time to eat. I stop what I was doing and use my bandana to wipe the sweat off of my brow and hands before wringing it out. As I walk over, I watch how everyone falls into place like a well oiled machine. Pangolin handing out the bowls and silverware that looked like they were fashioned from scrap and rebar, Mako at the giant iron pot, ladle in hand.
The two remaining Misfits line up and I take a cue from them and line up behind them. Moving with them and doing as they do. Taking the bowl given, heading to the pot so Mako can fill the vessel with the delicious smelling stew and then sitting down around the fire to relax and tuck in.
As Pangolin and Mako get their portion, I take a deep breath of the steam coming from the food and a big smile grows across my face as I take in the scents of the meal. Mmmmm…. Savory, meaty, hearty… Maybe spicy? Who cares, it smells tasty and I want to eat.
I take the rebar made spoon and get some of the broth from the bowl and blow on it before taking a sip. My eyes widen as I feel the tell-tale immediate burn of peppers and spice. The capsaicin stringing my tongue and throat and flooding my nerves with a sweetly tortuous heat that added thrill to the hearty and meaty flavors. Reminding me of some of my favorite dishes from New Marias. The more it burns, the bigger my smile grows before feasting, eating the meal like a man starved.
As I chow down, I started to notice a cacophony of pained gasps and pants. I look up and see the two brothers with red faces and angry tongues. Dove’s damn-near squawking while fanning his tongue with his hands and Pangolin was trying to keep a straight face, but the reddening of his cheeks and the tears pricking the corner of her eyes gave him away. I look over and see Kestrel happily eating while the corner of her lips twitch in struggle and Mako was trying not to laugh at the two dying brothers.
“What’s up with them?” I ask as I point over at the two while looking at Mako and Kestrel. Dove snaps his head to look at me in shock, staring at me like I’ve grown three heads.
“HOW IN THE NAME OF GOD IS YOUR TONGUE NOT ON FIRE, MACGRATH?!?” The pigeon squawks out and I have to cover my mouth to keep myself from spitting my stew in laughter.
“Quit your belly-aching, Dove!” I hear Kes snark out, her lips still fighting not to smirk. “It’s not even that hot! Barely a nose-runner!”
“Easy for you to say!” Dove croaks before glugging down a canteen of water. “You’re probably the one who spiked the stew again with your homemade god-damn hot hot-sauce!!” I struggle not to laugh as Kes puts on an overdramatic show of looking hurt and offended.
“Oh Dove, your cruel cruel words wound my heart!” The birdie teases in a faux hurt voice while doing the dramatic wrist to forehead arm and hand to heart thing. “Accusing me of such a thing! I would never ever eeeeeeeeeever do that!” I snort and sputter, trying not to absolutely lose it as Dove has a conniption.
“This is like, what, the fourth time this month you pulled this shit with the hot sauce, Morrison!” Dove yelps out as he continues to try to cool his tongue in vain. I can’t help myself anymore and burst out laughing. Holy hell, she has done this multiple times and they practically let her get away with it?!
“Well whose fault is that?” I chime in between laughs. “You’re the ones leaving her with the stock-pot unsupervised, so y’all got no-one to blame but yourselves for that.”
“How are you not dying from this?!” I hear Pangolin bellow out as he stares at me in disbelief. I laugh more as I try not to choke on soup. Kes looks at the brothers with a smug grin on her face.
“He likes it, three to two, you guys are outnumbered!” Kes points out with her spoon before taking another bite. It isn’t long before Dove and Kes get into a bit of a heated debate about hot-sauce tampering and if it’s sabotage so she and Mako could have the whole pot or not. I continue to laugh at the bickering birds as Pangolin continues to stare at me like I’m some sort of anomaly and Mako falls into a gigglefit.
In my fit, I thought I could hear the sound of scraping stone. I stop to look around, but saw nothing of note. I shrug and go back to watching the squabble. Probably just needing some rest.
After all, since when can a boulder move?
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