#key says to harumi
fandomzwriterk · 3 months
Hey, hello! Can I ask a question about mk? How do the characters treat an extremely lazy reader? Like, extremely lazy, and indifferent to everything in the world?
From the characters, can I have Bi Han, Smoke, and Raiden?
A/n: ohhhh I’m glad you asked
-> might be the worst out of the three of them
-> actively tries to get you up every day and not (according to him) “sit on your ass everyday while everyone else works hard”
-> might actually try and set up “traps” around base so you’re always on your toes
-> will forcefully pull you out of bed and throw you outside, even if you’re half dressed
-> according to him, every person needs to be ready for an “attack”
-> in this case, you were definitely not ready
-> Will absolutely NOT join you in any “activities” that would be within the realm of “lazy” like laying in bed all day, sharing snacks, or just staying inside all day
-> will get SUPER mad if anyone but him manages to get you outside for the day
-> has beat the shit out of Kuai for it too
-> he secretly would join you any day you decided to not go out, but pressure of being Grandmaster keeps him from doing so
-> will eventually ask you why you don’t want to join him in the Lin Kuei
-> eventually understands it not up to him, but he wants you to be safe
-> as a “joke” he sends initiates to “attack” you to mess with you
-> yes, he’s always watching but never lets himself meddle in whatever you decide to do
-> yes, he will also use you as a “punching bag” even though he swears to “go easy”
-> after he betrays his brothers, he forcefully takes you with him
-> practically keeps you hostage at that point but you don’t mind, it’s not like you’re in the mood to leave him anyways
-> very understanding of it and your choices
-> will join you every once in awhile to do whatever you want
-> he never says anything to hurt your feelings even though he thinks you should join him on training
-> often sends Kuai or Harumi to check on you when he’s away
-> low-key wants to teach you his tricks anyways, mostly how to disappear and reappear
-> likes cuddling on a couch or bed or hell anywhere comfortable as long as it’s with you
-> sometimes you two watch a show or movie together
-> he will fall asleep on you or vice versa
-> either way, he doesn’t mind
-> literally sleeps like a cat when he’s around you and when he’s comfortable
-> in many cases, he falls asleep within five feet of you, even when you get up and walk around
-> will not hesitate to beat anyone who’s mean to you though
-> supportive through anything
-> often says “fuck it” to things to spend time with you
-> yes, he even says assassins need breaks
-> when you wake up, he’s definitely passed out with you in his arms much like a cat sleeps on your chest
-> idk why im comparing him to a cat but this is literally a perfect description of how my bf is
-> is the one pulling you around with him everywhere you go even if you don’t want to
-> even though you might be lazy, he practices extra hard just to flex to the other men when you’re around
-> like Tomas, he indulges in whatever guilty pleasures you might have
-> much like Bi-Han though, he often pulls “pranks” on you with Kung Lao
-> secretly steals some of your things like snacks when you’re not looking, just because he is too proud to cave into eating them when you’re around
-> much like Tomas, he sends Kung Lao or Liu Kang to check on you when he’s fighting in tournaments
-> knows you won’t come to a lot of them so he often snags anything you have (ex a brooch/medallion/ring) to have it on him when he fights
-> whenever Kung Lao runs his mouth about you, he won’t hesitate to put him in his place
-> very peaceful and loves seeing you fall asleep anywhere so he can place his coat or top on you like a blanket
-> even if you’re not there, he thinks of you and wants to win even more when he does
-> HAS beat the shit outta Johnny for saying you’re lazy and boring
-> his guilty pleasure? Skipping “class” to join you on whatever you want to do
-> has been caught once or twice
A/N: I hope this was good I just went with what seemed in character for each guy… or maybe I’m just super impartial to Smoke cause he’s my fave and he acts so much like my bf (my bf is the oldest of 6)🤣🤣🤣
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
I was wondering if you could write about Smoke and the reader have already been married and they have kids of their own (2 or 3) and Kuai Liang and Harumi decided to give them a break by watching the kids while Tomas and the reader go on a date night and when they come back they see Kaui Liang and Harumi look exhausted and lost while the kids are being rambunctious? Lol
Never Again, Not Even for Cake
Prior notes: I’ve babysat my niece once. I ended up telling my fiancé my baby fever was gone. Still looking for it. (I’ll get to the other requests soon)
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: A child (no)
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Ah yes, life’s pleasures. Fall in love, get married, have yourself a little family, the good stuff. Ah but hey, did anyone tell you have difficult kids could be?
Well, Tomas was a child once, but that doesn’t help. You did come from a large family, that helps. It was like living with bunnies. Even if you were the youngest there was always a cousin, niece, or nephew to help with. So you got the hang of this.
The first were a pair of twins, god help you. Two rambunctious boys who went behind their father’s back and learned smoke magic themselves. They aren’t skilled but they like to use it for pranks. And when they turned five, what do you think happened? That’s right! You fell pregnant again! This time with a baby girl.
So now you and Tomas have a family with a pair of six year old twins and a one year old baby girl. Take a guess, when was the last time you ever caught a break? Long time ago. That’s why Kuai Liang and Harumi stepped up and decided to babysit. That’s what good godparents do. You were a little skeptical since you never really knew how good they were with kids. But they constantly said it won’t be bad, you two need a break, you guys haven’t had a date in a while, etcétera etcétera. You caved, now the lovely couple stands in your home, ready to babysit.
“Are you sure you two can do this? You do realize the twins are sneaky? The little one found out she can grab things now.” You kept blabbering and Tomas had to reassure you.
“My love, I’m sure they will be fine. Kuai Liang helped raise me so I’m sure he can deal with the boys.”
“We know the milk is in the fridge we just need to warm it up. She is teething so there are frozen teething toys in the freezer. The boys will eat anything and they like to sit down to watch Power Rangers.” Harumi quickly shut you down by going over some of the key points you told them.
“I still don’t think your use of the television is a great idea when calming the boys down.” Kuai Liang critiqued as if he has any say.
“It’s just a tv, Kuai Liang. Other parents do worse you have no idea.” You snapped back.
“Okay, love, I think we should get going. They look like they can handle themselves. Goodbye! Thank you again!” Tomas thanked his brother and sister in law before dragging you out of the house.
Finally a moment of freedom.
A simple dinner alone was already a treat itself. Not having to force the twins to sit down, stop fighting, and just eat their food was a relief. Or your baby crying in the middle of the meal and having to listen for a good minute to figure out what she wants. The worst is when she’s just crying for no reason and you can’t do anything but let it pass.
There was none of that. Just you and Tomas having a yummy meal. It took you back to the time when you two were just dating. You could never really sit down since Tomas seemed paranoid he would be caught sneaking out of practice. He’d always scare you by popping out of no where from a puff of smoke. It wasn’t ever a big deal and he’d take your hand to go get some food. You commonly would steal from his plate whenever you could but you would give something back in return. A trade. He was happy to see that you still do that even when you guys are now married. You haven’t changed a bit and he was happy with that. Not even becoming a mother could suppress your personality.
You still look as gorgeous as the day he met you and he still looks so handsome. You never doubted your relationship with him. Never doubted marrying him or having kids with him. This date shows that there is a still a strong spark between you.
Not even when the dinner was done did the date truly end. You guys walked, talked, and laughed together. Never even a mention of the kids. Oh that’s right, the kids.
“It’s getting pretty late. You think we should start heading back? We did tell that that we would be out for three hours.” You suggested.
Tomas took a moment to think about it. Yes, it was getting pretty late. Late enough that the kids might need to be put down for bed soon. But…
“Nope, I think they will be okay with us being out for another hour. It’s not like the kids have anywhere important to be tomorrow so they can stay up late.” Eh, good enough, may the date go on!
You and Tomas felt more rejuvenated. All smiles and laughter. You even felt good enough to get Kuai Liang and Harumi a whole cheesecake as another thanks for babysitting. You of course had to get the twins their own slice or else they won’t even shut up.
What you didn’t expect is to walk into was pure chaos. Your motherly instincts kicked in the moment you heard the baby crying. A cry of pain, probably the teething. Ah but Harumi looks like she’s in more pain. The baby had a tight grip on her long hair. That’s what you forgot to tell her. The baby yanks so she should put her hair up. Well at least Kuai Liang was safe from that.
…never mind the boys got him. He looked like a shell of his former self. His bun was so close to unraveling. At least nothing was on fire so that means they didn’t trick him into using his powers.
You placed the desserts on the kitchen table before running to Harumi. You forced your baby girl to open her hands and let go of Harumi’s beautiful black hair. It looked all messy now when it’s usually all smoothed down. You opened the freezer door and popped in the first frozen teething toy you could see. Immediately the crying stopped and she was satisfied once more.
Poor Kuai Liang, the twins are yanking at him and asking him to do more tricks. What is it with boys and arson? Tomas came over quickly to yank them off him, holding them by the back of their shirts. Looking around you could see the living room was in shambles.
“What in the world happened here?!” You yelled out.
“Why didn’t you say anything about them using smoke magic?” Kuai Liang asked in a tired voice.
“We told you they were sneaky.” You said.
“That’s not-!” He stopped himself from screaming at you.
Tomas placed both boys down on the ground again before scolding them into apologizing and cleaning the living room up.
“I mean look, you lived. You still have head on your hair,” You pointed at Harumi, “And you still have your sanity in tact.” Referring to Kuai Liang.
That was a lie they look utterly exhausted. Traumatized even. You’ve never seen these two that disheveled before. Hell, not even you looked this way after giving birth to the twins. Though their looks didn’t stop Tomas from asking for something else.
“Thank you so much for taking care of the kids, Kuai Liang,” he pulled his brother in closely to whisper something, “Could you come back next week? I want to take her out again.”
Kuai Liang damn near looked like he would kill his brother. He didn’t say anything. He just took Harumi’s hand and went out the door. They didn’t even take the cheesecake. Oh well! More for the family!
After notes: I’m sorry if this seems disfuncional. I ended up crying during my speech today so I feel off. I’ll be done with this semester soon. Only three weeks to go. Adiós!
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artyfartyperson · 3 months
ALSO!!!! finished Prime Empire!!!!! Uh basic opinions: Art direction was great, the music direction was great except for when the music track wouldn’t finish at the end of the episode but would fade out halfway through the song. Writing was ASS i cant believe they labelled this a Jay season, we had absolutely no focus on him at all in fact I feel like we had way more focus on Lloyd and then Jay like kind of ate up the last one. I would’ve liked if they had some sort of snotty communication with Unagami/Pixal and Zane or received snippets from rumours and Jay could sort out his feelings about his own past as well as Unagami’s. Unagami being the game itself held no weight whatsoever, neither did Kai nor Cole nor Lloyd nor Nyas death. I was more upset with Scott’s death than everyone else’s !!!
Deadass I feel like Skybound picks up the slack where Prime Empire falls short. It gives enough narrative to know what’s going on outside of Jays POV, but overall the plot follows him. It’s his season. If I was never told Jay was the poster child for Prime Empire I would’ve fully expected Lloyd to be the last to go. The deaths were deadass HEAVY because it left Jay more alone than ever. The odds were slowly stacking against him and he had to lock in to have a chance at winning. In Prime Empire it was literally like oh whatever….
Following up on that I miss the old formula they had when the villains would literally WIN for a hot minute, and the ninja REALLY had to lock in to beat their asses. Unagami really just felt like an every Tuesday villain by the end of it. Maybe it’s the general tone of the writing that changed but who am I to say… Jay did not seem to struggle in the slightest, and I genuinely think thats where the life system falls short. I would’ve MUCH preferred if it was a life AND hp system instead of “oh I got hit by a helmet bye guys catch you later” It would’ve added so much more stakes to the fight. The one hit only system just ensures the reader that no, they won’t get hit, sure how else are they going to win? It became so predictable once Nya, Lloyd and Jay had only one life left. Of course they won’t get hit, yeah sure everyone but Jay got cubed, but at THIS rate in the story you know for a fact Jay HAS to progress the story because the way they’ve written themselves into a worldbuilding corner ensures that the plot will go nowhere if he dies, so naturally he can’t.
Scenes in the season also held no weight whatsoever. Again, bringing up the deaths, and I’m also gonna bring in Lloyd and Harumi’s fight because even though she wasn’t real we still got to see him unpack some sort of emotions. It was also so…. glossed over though….. idk F in the chat ig.
Anyways I had my fun with this season!!! It’s definitely down there with Season 11 and 7 in terms of writing but it’s better than the two in terms of boredom. It was a fun watch but it’s definitely one of those seasons where you have to shut your brain off and accept that this season is just a big nothing sandwich.
Overall I think they hit some interesting key points, but fell short in the execution. Definitely a lack of focus as well I’ve noticed that a lot recently with the newer episodes.
Anyways I know I am like 4 years late but leave me be……….
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oracleofdiscord · 5 months
just realized i've never shared my Garmadon Lives AU idea with you guys
it's something i came up with while watching season 5 with @destinysbounty
you know how in season 5, sensei garmadon is trapped in the cursed realm by unbreakable chains? it got me thinking - what if there was a way to break those chains, but it was just beyond what an individual (like lloyd) could do and instead needed to be more of an act of fate?
basically the premise for this au is that morro isnt content with just possessing lloyd, but instead finds a way to actually steal his powers/destiny, becoming the green ninja
but a version of the green ninja who's never actually...fought the Ultimate Battle from the prophecy. and garmadon was kind of a key part of that battle
so destiny itself causes the chains to break in an attempt to set the Ultimate Battle back up for morro to fight, which means that lloyd is able to successfully rescue his father when he goes to the cursed realm
so sensei garmadon comes back! i was picturing him coming back fully because he physically went to the cursed realm, body and all, but i could also seem him coming back as a ghost although in that case i'd need to rename the au
so lloyd and sensei garmadon go to confront morro together (basically the chase-through-the-realms fight from the end of the season), and the fight being 2-against-1 helps balance out the fact that now morro has the green ninja's power
they're able to take lloyd's power back during that fight, and the rest of the season pretty much plays out the same as the original
now, i haven't really decided how this changes season 6 (probably not much) and season 7, but i have absolutely thought about how season 8 exists in this universe.
the sons of garmadon still exist, and harumi is still their leader. but rather than wanting to bring garmadon back from the dead, she wants to bring garmadon back to his old evil self
basically, she thinks this version of garmadon is weak (pretty sure that actually is something said in Garmadon Rulez!) and wants him to go back to what she sees as his stronger self
she still ends up hearing a voice from the mask, but rather than lord garmadon's voice, it's more a general personification of the evil magic in the mask. it promises that it can help her restore the version of garmadon that defeated the devourer
rather than a resurrection spell, harumi gets her hands on a spell that can essentially re-awaken the darkness in an oni's heart
(the reason i say specifically an oni's heart is that i'm picturing the spells being from the same source, and it's all oni-related magic. and also for another reason we'll get to later.)
although having garmadon around and actively trying to stop her once the truth is revealed does make things more difficult, she succeeds in the end, turning sensei garmadon back into lord garmadon
(i'm picturing that playing out in the same order as the resurrection - it's assumed she failed, she gets taken to prison, but then the spell does in fact start working)
from there, everything plays out pretty much the same as in the actual show, with one exception:
surprise! this is also a Mystake Lives AU now!
basically, instead of getting killed when she gets caught by emperor garmadon, she gets the same spell used on her, turning her evil
however, after the oni trilogy, she basically does the same thing as garmadon of going off on her own adventures and vanishing, rather than enacting any grand evil plans
so in season 11, during that part in the ice chapter when sensei wu and p.i.x.a.l. are trying to reach the ninja but don't have enough traveler's tea, they decide to try and track down mystake to see if they can convince her to help
this turns into a little adventure of its own. they do eventually find her, but are unsuccessful in convincing her to help them
however, there are some hints that they might be starting to get through to her and the evilness induced by the spell isn't neccessarily permanent, foreshadowing garmadon's arc during crystalized
and also leaving mystake as a possible future character because it's what she deserves
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cittycatplay · 9 months
Look what have you caused @violetthunderstorm /lh
Ninjago AU : green crystal
Ok so this is like "dead" Lloyd AU after crystallized
So Garmadon faked his death and Lloyd turn into his oni form happens BUT it's when the Ninja released the elemental dragon, this is important to the story.
Lloyd was about to blast the overlord into oblivion but then the elemental dragon came Uniting their powers with Lloyd's oni power and that caused an explosion and everything went white to all the people that were there.
When the flash was gone Lloyd was also gone, along with the rest of some of the overlord's body, he has returned to his slumber like always.
Garmadon and Harumi tell that there was a blast and Lloyd is was gone (they don't say Lloyd's oni form tho)
Now Lloyd is presumed dead, remember that presumed is the key word.
They all grieve in different ways
Kai: he grabs all pictures of Lloyd and keeps them,both to keep em safe and for nostalgia.
Nya : she goes close to his element like plants, life ecc.
Cole: he keeps close everything that Lloyd has given him
Jay: he keeps safe everything that Lloyd had that hadn't been taken by the others safe
Zane: turned off his emotions
Harumi (yes even her) : she is more quiet
Garmadon: blames himself, because he started to care for his son and was the one who triggered his oni form.
Soo if you want to hear more of this AU just ask
It now has a fic on AO3!
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Some Zombie Au incorrect quotes because why not:
Bi-Han: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies
Kuai Liang post cured: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Sektor: Are you really planning to shoot the demon? Bi-Han: Don't worry, it's a holy gun. Sektor: How so? Bi-Han: It makes holes.
Bi-Han: We can't lose. Because we have this. *points to his chest* Demon!Kuai Liang: Heart? Bi-Han: Heart? No, me. I'm pointing at myself. I'm going to win this for us.
Harumi: Where are my fucking keys? Hanzo : Harumi, Kuai Liang is around, can you say it a little nicer? Harumi: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Demon!Kuai Liang after warming up to Hanzo and Harumi, he gives them nickname as he cant really rember actually names much:
Demon!Kuai Liang, holding up a flower: It you, petal
Harumi: Awww
Kuai Liang, holding up a live scorpion to Hanzo: Its you, Bug
I love all of these with my whole being
Hanzo: No you cannot bite him
Demon Kuai Liang: *Puppy dog eyes*
Hanzo, about to cave: stay strong, stay strong, do not give in-
Shirai Ryu Warrior: Whatcha got there?
Hanzo and Harumi, sneaking Demon Kuai Liang into the compound:.....a smoothie
Bi-Han: Where's my brother?
Grandmaster Oniro: We sent him to nunya
Bi-Han: What?
Grandmaster Oniro: Nunya business
Bi-Han: Bitch, I will end you
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 8 months
Who can keep a secret well? Who can break under pressure and spill?
Kai: Will act very aloof about it, but will keep a secret like an oath (unless it's a secret that's actively hurting the other person, and only then can be persuaded to talk). That being said, if it's not a life-or-death secret, it might slip out when his guard is down, so just be mindful of what you tell him.
Jay: Probably not the first person you should go to. He spills like a cup of water during an earthquake. (He appreciates being trusted with secrets, but the pressure of keeping it gets him worked up and then he can't stop thinking about it and then it slips out in any normal conversation without thinking—)
Cole: Less aloof than Kai about being trusted with a secret, but he ain't no snitch either—regardless of whatever it is, it's not his place to go around telling others, as that's how he feels about his own secrets. It would take a truth tea (or some other strong temptation) to shake any answers out of him.
Zane: Can keep a secret, so long as it doesn't also require him to directly lie to people. Otherwise the only way to get a secret out of him is to hack into him (or threaten those he cares about)
Nya: The best person to go to with a secret; is fully committed to playing dumb when someone tries to pry anything out of her, and can probably turn the tables and wrench a secret out of you instead. Don't try her, man.
Lloyd: Kinda hates secrets given how many are kept from him, but as for him being told them:
"…can you keep a secret?" Nya asks, biting her lip. Lloyd leans against the table, raising an eyebrow. "If I were trusted enough to keep one, yes."
...and when pressured to tell, he's either lying through his teeth, got a backup plan already in the works to make you regret it, or you've threatened him with something he absolutely can't counter (and is sacred shitless of the results)
Jesse: Can and will keep a secret unless he's caught or busted, and then will crack like an egg. Unlike Jay, it's not the pressure that gets to him; it's the constant lying, and the catharsis of telling the truth just gets to be a little too tempting sometimes.
Antonia: Can technically be trusted with a secret, but gets so caught up in trying to scrounge up every detail afterwards that she gets lax on her guard and may or may not wind up saying more than she should.
Harumi: Will keep a secret so long as it has no effect on her; but if there's something she can get out of telling, then you might wanna watch out.
Olivia: Will also keep a secret so long as it suits her, but just the same, she's not exactly the type of person you wanna let slip too many deep dark stories about yourself to. Can easily flip the script of you don't watch your steps.
Miranda: Despite her enthusiasm about being trusted, she keeps her secrets under tight lock and key (especially when it comes to juggling all the ones her brother has, so she's...gotten a lot of practice learning what to say and when). The only time she'll tell is if it's in everyone's best interest.
Pixal: Honestly, probably doesn't give two thoughts about whatever secrets you have, and no real desire to go spreading it around to begin with, so you're probably safe telling her. ...especially because she probably knew before you even did.
Skylor: Tries not to keep too many secrets given her...history...but if you tell her in confidence she will take that to heart (and will probably die before sharing anything without permission)
Sunni: Will eagerly encourage you to tell her your secrets, and while she might let a thing or two slip to Samantha if it's something big, she is otherwise very supportive and committed to keeping your trust.
Harleigh: ...don't tell her anything. One second you're whispering something into her ear, and the next thing you know half the world knows. How'd you think going to her was a good idea?! (Inversely, the only way for her to keep a secret is to, like, blackmail her back. But you wouldn't stoop that low, right...?)
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laismoura-art · 1 year
Update: only 2 chapters till I'm finished with the story mode!
Meanwhile I saw Tomas and Kuai's endings and...
They are low-key cute! Tomas specially.
HOWEVER I can't shake the thought that they could've done the EXACT SAME THING but having Hanzo being the childhood friend and Frost being their apprentice (or Takeda perhaps)!
It would bring more familiarity with previous canon having Hanzo and Kuai being friends and Frost as Kuai's apprentice.
But of course they didn't go for it, let's have Kuai and Harumi falling in love while her previous husband becomes a teenager instead🤡
But on the other hand...
Harumi looking badass, having an active role and being Grandmaster??
As creator and promoter of the Scorpion!Harumi AU, I APPROVE!
And hot take here but...
I mean, he was so freaking cute! And look how happy he made Kuai and Tomas!
I'm not saying I'm not heartbroken for SubScorp, but I can have them in other universe (Such as the SubScorp heaven, The MK Legends)
As for this one, as long as Kid Hanzo is respectful, honoured and loyal like the Hanzo we all know and love. I can accept him. I can even grow to love him!
One last note cause my SubScorp ass can't help itself:
I started to write this fic that is basically Tomas ending, but Hanzo is 18 (you know, legally an adult).
His ending is quite interesting and has potential, the only thing that throws us all off I believe is Teen Hanzo.
So... what if I made this tiny little change?👀
Would you guys be down for this reading?
It will be SubScorp only, just to be clear. Harumi and Kuai will remain just friends.
Plus, I don't know Kuai's canon age, but here he will be 27 (if you're wondering about the age gap)
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destinysbounty · 2 years
I think one of the things that made the original series so compelling is how interwoven everything was. Sure, it wasnt always perfect, but each season brought to the table some new connections to the lore, some character growth, some advancements in continuity. Even if a character or subplot only lasted one season, you could still feel their influence on the story several seasons later.
Chen is my favorite example of this. He may have just been the villain of season 4, but his schemes introduced a lot of information about elemental powers, his defeat initiated season 5, and his impact can still be felt as late as season 7 (foreshadowing about Ray and Maya, elemental alliance stuff, etc.) In Way of the Departed theres even suggestions that Chen had Clouse use dark magic to corrupt the Time Twins, leading to their villainy and causing not just the plot of season 7, but also Kai and Nya's whole backstory. Clouse, having returned as a ghost thanks to season 5, is responsible for conjuring Nadakhan and starting season 6.
And on the note of season 5! That season introduced us to the Sixteen Realms and the Realm Crystal, which become important aspects of season 6, and Yang's temple, which became important in DotD and season 7. It also formally introduced Ronin and turned Cole into a ghost, which are *also* major plot details going forward. AND it planted the seeds for Wu's eventual character arc in seasons 7-9. This season's impact expands past itself.
A lot of times, not all the time but often enough, whenever lore gets introduced at some point in the og series, it gets utilized much later on. Captain Soto, formerly a one-off villain from season 2, becomes plot-important in season 6. The Golden Weapon is shot into space in season 2, melted into Golden Armor in season 3, then melted down back into the weapons to defeat the Oni in season 10. The Great Devourer causes Harumi's tragic backstory. Mystake, who started out as a background gag character, became a key participant not just in the show but the worldbuilding and lore. The love triangle and subsequent rift between Jay and Nya doesnt get fully resolved until season 6. The ninja return to the burnt-down monastery in season 6, DotD, and season 7, and eventually rebuild it in season 10.
See what i mean? Everything somehow ties back to itself. Its far from perfect, but there is a solid sense of continuity that connects everything in increasingly complex ways.
I think thats a big part of what makes Wildbrain feel so different. Dont get me wrong, i love Wildbrain and i enjoy a lot of it, but it definitely lacks the cohesion that had seemingly defined Masters of Spinjitzu. A lot of their Wildbrain adventures feel less like installments in a greater narrative, and more like a series of loosely connected sidequests. Exciting sidequests that are usually really fun to watch, certainly, but sidequests all the same.
With the exception of Seabound and Crystalized, you could probably watch Wildbrain out of order and not much would change. If Prime Empire or the Island happened before SotFS, none of those seasons would face any impact from that. They are largely episodic and detached from each other in ways the og series never was. But if you tried to shuffle up the season order in Masters of Spinjitzu, youd have to rewrite a lot of stuff to make it work.
I almost wanna say thats part of why Seabound and Crystalized feel like such a return to form, and why MotM is so well-beloved. MotM introduced us to Lilly, fleshed out Cole's backstory, gave Wu a lil character arc that built on what came before it (Wu feeling useless bc the past few adventures were done without him), and finally gave some kind of resolution to Lloyd's Harumi-related trust issues (not just referencing her, but actually giving him a character arc about it). Seabound introduced us to more lore about the world's history and the backstory of the FSM, gave Nya one of the most compelling character arcs in the whole show that builds on and satisfies her past arcs, even gave her name a backstory that ties into the lore, featured relevant cameos from prior seasons (Vania, Maya, the Keepers), and provided an ending that would have lasting repercussions on seasons to come. And Crystalized...well, i wont spoil anything, but you get where im going with this.
Now, obviously this isnt the only deciding factor of whether or not a season is good. Seasons 6 and 7 are a mixed bag in terms of quality, yet have very integrated lore and character arcs. But seasons 11, and 12, which many people dislike, are also the ones that most noticeably feel like theyre happening in a vacuum. Any effect they have on later seasons, or any effect prior seasons have on them, is not as significant or immediate as in other seasons.
With the original series, there was a sort of cause and effect, almost. Rebooted caused ToE, which caused Possession, which caused Skybound, and so on. Theres a clear and specific chain of causality, and the sequence of events has a large impact on the events themselves. The same cannot be said of Wildbrain.
Again, i do enjoy Wildbrain, and there are a lot of things i even think it did better than the og. But i definitely feel like it wouldnt be half as contentious among fans if it had the same cause-and-effect plot structure as the og. Like, something in ns11 being the inciting incident for season 12, and something in season 12 causing season 13...you get the idea.
Anyway brb i gotta go rewrite Wildbrain
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mondothebombo · 10 months
fic ask game! (ignore how late i am)
for wytyaa… 19!
and for any wip of your choosing… 11!
key!!! no problem i love talking about my fics!!!
19. Is there any scene that you feel is really planned out/going to be really planned out? (wytyaa)
oh boy is there!! i have a very detailed plan for everyone eventually getting a one-on-one to talk with jay, and i’m especially excited abt my plan for lloyd and jay’s interactions. (i’ll say it’s harumi related >:))
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why? (au w/o a name)
ok so idk if i’ll ever finish this one? i’ve only outlined the story and haven’t written much and i don’t have a name for it, but i’ll share it anyway. but it’s basically an AU where the ninja were kidnapped as kids by this sort of “institution” or smthg, and this institution has a vendetta for elemental masters, they see them as a disease, so their goal is to take elementals while they’re still kids to try and keep them from becoming powerful and “taking over.” so the kids grow up in this prison like place and brainwashed and tortured to forget their past lives and to believe that their powers are a curse. and i plan on including the other EMs too like karlof, turner, etc.
i do have one scene written out where jay and cole meet and i’m actually very proud of it! but sadly idk if it will ever see the light of day. i’m not sure if this has been done before? but the concept literally came to me in a dream asdfghjkl
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*deep sigh*
Okay, I'm ready.
What order to watch Lego Ninjago media in?
Khm.. Sorry, the little gremlin living inside my head and eating up my brain said that...
I will give you my toughts and to summarise them:
Imo this is totally up to what you enjoy and have the patience to endure. I watched from start to finish - almost, i will get to that - and just finished Dragon's Rising. But you don't have to do that of course. I will describe each "etap" of seasons, so you can choose and decide what is best for your viewing experience.
The older seasons AKA pre-movie:
This is from S1 to S7, before they got rebooted. These seasons lay down the basics, in lore and about the characters. You get info on elemental powers, FSM, the multive- i mean the different verses. They vary in quality, but i can say my fav ninjago episodes and seasons come from this era. But if you dont want to look at the crusty ass animation and just wanna get to the later seasons (for some reason, idk i can't look into your head), then watch:
S1 - Rise of the Snakes
S2 - Legacy of the Green Ninja
S3 - Rebooted
S5 - Possession
BONUS : S6 - Skybound
Although a lot of people shit on Hands of Time, personally i love it, but the story got cut in half and basicly never gets reference, you can cut that from the watchlist. (also guys. lets be real, the Chen season is way too overrated and was not half as good as yall make it out to be)
Or just watch a lore video and skip the juicy stuff
Post-movie , visual reboot, Lloyd begins puberty and finally gets a haircut:
From S8 to S13. Okay . the post-movie has a lot of misses. The simplified a lot of the characters, changed up stuff, overall very eh meh. I recomment you watch
S8 - Sons of Garmadon
S9 - Hunted
S11 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu (the first part is eh but it has some fun lore stuff later)
S12 - Prime Empire
S13 - Master of the Mountain
I will warn you that this is where they did the "10 minute episodes" for a while, and that wasn't a very nice viewing experience. Also the Oni season could have been really good, they just had some writing issues, so imo its overall skippable.
The "miniseries" or "why do you keep abandoning your cool storylines":
so we got to The Island and Skybound, the are interconnected and really good seasons, Nya focused and have cool sets and figures. Go watch them.
Then theres ...ugh...Crystalized.. the one season i half watched-half skipped. Why must they drag my girl Harumi's corpse up from the grave and cut in half a nicely written thing that could have given us a possible Morro comeback? Doc, why. so, Imo its skippable and doesent really get brought up later either. It does some fun stuff with Lloyd, but the way they took his dad's characterisation is icky. To me.
NEW GEN! Dragons, references, and being confusing about key lore again:
I am of course yapping about Dragon's Rising. We have two seasons so far, and the writng, the cast and the designs are peak. I would recommend watching it fully, very enjoyable.
If you are picky about your content and want to limit what you wathc, the abobe is my recommendation. But really, you only get the good thing if you watch it from start to finish. (but really, just skip Crystalised-)
If you do wanna eat it whole, you should watch the first two seasons to get lore and characters down, then watch the movie - that actually has little to do with the plot, but it will only such you in further. Also a lot of people write early seasons ninjago with the movie crossovers. Then watch the rest of the seasons, and then the movie again, pre-S8. Then finish the og series and watch the movie again.
Oh yeah, there's shorts! I recommend that you either watch them as they follow the series, or do a recap of them every few seasons, OR! watch them after you finish the main series to get recapped on old stuff, then plunge into Dragon's Rising.
DR could be enjoyed without previous ninjago knowledge, bit in my opinion , its best consumed with prior and intimate knowledge of the characters!
To close this unstoppable wordshitting ive been up to: Ninjago has lots and lots of content and if you get bored watching something, feel free to skip the hell away. I know the fandom loves deep lore theories, but even we dont understand half the shit we yap about.
Remember, the first rule of Fight Club Ninjago is #1 - Have fun and be yourself :)
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dyouevendraw · 7 months
About me
So, I thought I’d probably be best to just make a pinned post with some info so I’m not just a void who throws art a a wall. (I’m probably gonna edit as things change) But here we go:
My tiktok is dyoueven
My instagram is dyouevendraw
My name is D, sometimes people still call me Fay, I don’t mind that either
I’m 22 years old
I use they/them pronouns, I’m fine with he/him too. I’d call myself nonbinary or even agender, leaning towards the masc side. It’s a struggle
Additionally to that, I am ace and my romantic attraction is 🤷🏼. I like androgyny and femininity if that says anything lmao
I have a hypermobilty condition, thus, my physical health is very inconsistent. Sometimes I feel fine for weeks, sometimes I can barely move my arms. Luckily, I don’t dislocate easily, I mostly get joint pain, pinched nerves, random bruises and badly healing wounds. Additionally, I seem to have a mild variant of long covid, which is making my lungs weak, so sometimes physical activities winds me badly even though it’s not hard work.
I am autistic and only found out around 2 years ago, thus, school burned me out! I was bullied by my teachers and they ignored all the signs of a struggling student, so I developed bad social anxiety (added by other events with former friends and general genetics probably). I took a year off of art to focus on getting a better mindset, and I guess I’ve been back since this year.
I am a clumsy and unlucky person, that’s why I say I am like Xie Lian a lot (send me a Hua Cheng)
I like k-pop. Currently, I like BTS, TXT, SKZ, LE SSERAFIM, New Jeans, Red Velvet and SHINee.
Other artists I like are: Tatsuya Kitani, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, Vaundy, King Gnu, Queen Bee and MCR (what a mix)
Fandoms I’m in include(I’m sure I’ll add more danmei when I’m done reading them):
TGCF (I have beef with it but I’m deeply in love)
SVSSS (still reading, on volume 2)
Sometimes I like Marvel. I only care about Spider-Man and Loki
(Always open to suggestions for more things, especially when they’re queer🤠👍🏻)
I write my own stories and am working on an AU that includes many fantastical being, though I am not entirely sure if that’s ever gonna see the light of day bc I don’t see anyone caring about my writing lol (it already has 137.000 words I’m not even joking it’s not funny, why am I writing this)
I’m sure I’ll post more of my OC’s when I find the time. My favorite is Harumi, he’s the main character in the fantastic beings AU, as a werewolf
I am so sorry my humor is super trauma based, bare with me it’s okay to laugh at my pain, it’s how I process, I swear
My favorite food is anything indian (especially aloo mutter, I bathe in that), pizza (only the one I make), and (red) thai curry.
That’s the only thing that sets me apart from Xie Lian, I eventually did learn how to cook and apparently people like my food!! (I add cinnamon and chili to everything, maybe that’s the key?)
I love building lego and organizing things by category (why I didn’t get diagnosed with asd is beyond me, I’ve always been like that)
I mostly draw on an Ipad with procreate, but I wanna get into watercolor and copics too, I just feel like I’m wasting the suff when things don’t turn out how I wanted them to be
I am horrible at texting and get anxious over it
I had another account here I was running for years, but I was in a pretty icky fandom and didn’t want to associate with the reputation that came with it, thus, I left. I am not the stupid, hurt and depressed teenager I was anymore, and that’s great!
I am german, though, I speak English so much I might as well be a native speaker
That’s it for now, you can always feel free to ask my questions, my (anonymous) asks, submissions and reblogs are always open, I just won’t answer if you’re rude🤠✌🏻
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150 cases in 3 years. That's how many Harumi did before she came to the school. Kyoko Kirigiri is going to be the Ultimate Detective, and she's been doing it since she was a little girl. And I don't think she's solved that many cases over the course of her much longer career. So what exactly made her unworthy of being a "symbol of hope"? Because she was poorer? Because she had two X chromosomes? Please explain yourself
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Or maybe it was because her mother snubbed some of your buddies in the Ministry of Education? Maybe that's it?
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I've been here for over 70 years, Kizakura-san. I can assure you it had nothing to do with such a thing.
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As for Nanami Harumi, it was simply a matter of the times. The 1980's were a period of intense competition, so we felt that perhaps it was best that we encourage that sort of thing.
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Ah, so Social Darwinism?
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Of course not. Healthy competition is the key to growth, is it not? How can you expect to improve yourself if you're not constantly challenged?
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But...we didn't expect Nanami-san or the police department to suffer as much as it has. We were caught up in the mindset of the times just as much as anyone.
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...Crazy thing is, I actually believe that.
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And that's why I think it's a great idea for Nanami Harumi to lead the mass investigation of this place.
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We haven't agreed to such a thing, nor will we allow any sort of trespassing on-
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I told you, that ship's sailed. This is happening with or without your say.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
the anon who asked about your odd ships. now I wanna know EVERY take you mentioned but in case that gets very long / you don't want to talk about everything, I'm most curious about the canon ship you can't stand, that notp, and that poly ship. Though if you have the time I'd rather know all the takes 🤣
ask and you shall ✨receive✨~
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dropping a cut here for length~~ because m a n did just those three questions get long sorry~~~~
the canon ship i can’t stand:
aside from the obvious (akechi x his m*t* s**t*), i don’t like the harucouple. i find their story pretty bland tbh, and i just find miou plain unlikeable.
questionable 10cm anime aside (‘cuz seriously, what was up with miou in that anime? she found out that chiaki died [from unrelated causes] after he saved her from drowning, and then proceeded to blame herself for his death??? even though akechi was like “ay girl his death ain’t your fault, so chill ok?” she just went ahead and made chiaki’s death all about herself, distanced herself from haruki with no explanation, then slapped him when he got all depressed and had an existential crisis that came about because she ignored him? like whaaaaat) the fact that miou is just too dang passive is pretty annoying. m
like, what’s up with that “zutto matteru yo, haruki-kun” nonsense? why is she expecting haruki to be the only one to put in effort to see her? take some initiative, girlllllllllllllll close that 10cm yourself dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s going to study abroad in the us of a, he has no time to hop on a plane to zip back just to see you. if you have the time to find him (like during your summer vacation), and if the opportunity presents itself (like, if your friends happen to get tickets for a trip to the ‘states and are gracious enough to give one of said tickets to you), go to see him yourself, dammit!!!!!!
and! the fact that they just picked up right where they left off 7 years later is pretty dumb. people change over time, you know? the person you thought you liked in high school may have very well grown up to become an adult that you barely recognise, much less still have feelings for. so the fact that they just??? got right together after those 7 years with absolutely minimal contact??? is just????? what???????????
so yeah. that canon ship i can’t stand is harumiou. stock shoujo romance ships confuse me h e l p
aside from that, yuko x her french husband ig, bc she needs therapy, not a man. prioritise your kids, yuko, not yourself. you’re a parent, so act like one, dammit!!!!
that notp:
every single aizo ship aside from lxl, daizo (as a crackship), and aiyui (read: ft4 yui, for the crack potential only), bc i really can’t see him with any girl (or any other guy for the matter, really). aiyuu forever, y’know—
also, hiyomona bc episode 6 of the [redacted] anime still makes my skin crawl. why would you ship mona with someone who says “you’re so cute, no wonder why the guy tried to assault you” h e lp. i used to think that hiyomona was kinda cute, but now it just. gives me the heebies sorryyyyyyyyyyy
that poly ship:
keikarenariken!!!!! the fast food quartet is just so cute together y’know~~~~? kei and ken even bounce off each other really nicely (cries in heart no chikai novel i totally didn’t forget about), and arikaren are just plain cute!!!!! ken and karen have nice interactions with each other, in a sense… soooo… they’re all just so precious and cute and i think they should all hold hands and feed each other extra salty french fries
and for another poly ship, kotahinakoyuryou! yukki deserves to have 3 gardening-loving lovers y o u g e t m e ? flower shop ot4, anyone? i just think the four of them should be girlfriends (yes, even kotaro) and weave each other flower crowns~~~~~~
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sasorikigai · 2 years
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The Hearts of Rising Contradictions; Hanzo & Scorpion
He loves and never really says goodbye; for their tangible and warm hands still linger, here but not quite without their purpose this time. Closure has always been a wicked and wretched trick his mind would play, and he could never force this blackest ink out of his calloused hands. Perhaps only Shirai Ryu can - seeing that they are permanently and perpetually attached as heartstring, hanging out of Hanzo’s spine of longing - sew back his seams and hide his grotesque nature again. He continues to welcome his clan, tying himself to them, lest they leave him as frayed and broken at the seams as the promise he would never leave in his life, and furthermore, never keep; closing this book, erase every name he’d ever known from every nook and lock of his subconscious. 
Hanzo Hasashi is the locksmith and Scorpion will take away his keys, as the fits of sadness and despair continue to hinder his human aspect of craving desire and more than written novels of love. 
The Sun’s mellifluous touch reflects sparkles on Hanzo Hasashi’s adorned katana as flames of floodlight burn spectacularly in the gray light of the dusk. Until the flames rot and dissipate into nothingness, Shirai Ryu Grandmaster will live with the burden of love. The concept so beautiful; freeing him at times, often times diffusing the ticking time clock in his head as he lives with the dire consequence emanated from such power. Perhaps derivative from the corruption of Netherrealm still clinging onto him with such vehement tenebrosity; black soot and dust blacker than the blackest of black, confining the immense depths of Hanzo Hasashi’s humanity. 
For my blood is the blood we share, and Harumi and Satoshi are the stars that shine and shine. For darkness heals, as light scintillates on deathly shores of once jagged-terrain heart and soul of mine. Maybe I had fallen into the sea of life, never forgetting that love is a longer voyage than life itself. 
No longer, such love and grief make him blind, as the fallen leaves full of light accentuate the everburning embers of his being as they descend. Even Scorpion’s wretched soul will subtract the weight of death and decay, and soften his stubborn heart and heighten his dark-bright eyes and enchanted intensity. How he wishes to solidify himself as a place of immense assurance, safety like that of the earthly scents of home, as his protection and power become a place of security, a wealth of warmth that will declare steady peace amidst Earthrealm. 
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Let’s see how it goes.
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*walks over to where Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya and Tenmei are sitting* Excuse me, Makoto? Would it be okay if we talk with you for a moment.
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Hm? Oh Poppy, Tomohiko, Takuma, Fusako and Mayu - did you all want to talk about something?
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Well we just wanna talk with ya about the briefcases or well what me, Tomohiko and Fusako left...
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Oh right, well sorry but we need to work on the documents so can you wait a moment.
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Indeed, sorry but we do need to prepare you all.
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We know but we are thinking that maybe on the 30th, we can get the key cards from those places, they are in Japan.
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They are...?
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Indeed, as say - we do want to talk with you 3 if that's okay? we can go grab them, so do you mind?
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Hm, I see... very well, let's go to another table and discuss this while we eat.
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*gets up* Apologies Mr. Nanami, will be sitting somewhere else, do you mind?
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Indeed, we do need to discuss a bit so do you mind?
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Oh don't worry, besides I was going to eat with my wife and Nagi anyway so you guys can go talk.
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Thank you, anyway let's go guys...
*the 8 of them went to another table while Nagi, Harumi and Mikan walk out of line with trays of food*
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I-I can't believe your grandmother was such a well known nurse, I bet she must of been a wonderful women, huh?
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Yeah she really was, especially as being one of the first women to be recongize by Hope's Peak; it is quite impressive that she even got her own hospital named after her due to being a nurse during the Japanese invasion of Korea, it's even how she met grandpa.
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But her views of Koreans is a bit iffy at times, but mom did say that it was just a time period so I can't exactly fault her too much...
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Yeah, true and besides from what grandma say, she seem like a nice person.
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Anyway enough of that, why don't we sit with dad and do some catching up.
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Oh yes, right let's go do that! Hey dear, we just got finish with our food.
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Oh hey Nagi and Haru, over here!
*As Harumi sits down suddenly...*
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Th-Thank you very much for the seat... *Mikan sits down in Nagi's seat*
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Huh, the hell? Uh, Mikan... what are you doing?
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We-Well, I wanted to sit here; I mean your parents are re-really nice so I want to sit here...
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Um... Koyuki? Uh, that isn't your...
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Huh? Is something wrong...?
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Well um, you see... that isn't your seat; your suppose to be sitting over with the others and we want to sit with Nagi, so can you move...?
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Hu-Huh? But why, I-I want to sit here...!
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Well sorry but that's my seat and those are my parents, so sit with the others, Koyuki. (Great she's getting attached...)
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