#kh neptune
the-au-collector · 5 months
So I just watched the new Missing Link cutscenes (here's the video I watched if anyone wants to see them too) and I am having Thoughts so let's dump them here shall we?
Player is just... confused. They just seem so confused in every scene they're in and I love it
I really want to talk about the Baroque Society. It seems like Square is going for a sort of "underdogs" vibe for them. They're small, they're tight-knit (?), they're clearly looked down upon by the higher ups (those scientists did not seem happy that they needed to be called to action).
I'm having mixed feelings about Neptune (also I'm assuming Nept is short for Neptune). On one hand, I love him so much. On the other hand, he seems just a little shady. What are his motives? I'm reluctant to believe any higher ups in this world have good intentions. Idk, I'm keeping an eye on him for now. That said, I love every scene he's in he's probably my favorite so far.
Freya's Japanese voice is kind of annoying to me, but otherwise she seems fine. She's the one giving all the information, but I do like the billboard she's by. I know Nomura said she's not related to Ephemer (which I still think she is), but I could (also) see her being related to the other silver-haired characters we know, like Riku or Hermod and Baldr maybe?
"You took in another one, didn't you?" Freya said that in the scene where Player joins the Baroque Society. "Another one?" Did Neptune pick up Brain too? Honestly I think it would be a complete mind fuck for Brain if Neptune did because now we have 5 kids running their own show, probably about to cause some big chaos...
On first watch it seems like these Societies act like guilds rather than unions, but when rewatching the scenes I realize the scientists say "the founters' societies" so maybe they're more like Unions than I initially thought. Also interesting they said founders, not founder. Regardless, this begs the question of why the Baroque Society is so small and shabby?
I'm loving the theory that Lea is descended from Remus but I'm really worried about why Remus didn't reappear. We can't get tragic siblings this soon can we?
Society Legal Investigations Committee... wonder what that is
Player is so confused but so happy to be part of the Baroque Society
I don't really have much to say about the scientists themselves, but the fact that we keep cutting to them makes me believe they're going to be very important.
The silver haired strangers... Ephemer's descendants perhaps? I'm guessing since they're very shady that they planted the dark thing Nept got from the guards into the Guards' minds... yeah we're going to have some interesting things going on in this game.
That's all I can think of for now but the gears in my brain are turning so hard, and I have some theories, especially about Remus. I'll spare you the theorizing until I get my thoughts in order though
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ok4ru · 5 months
I like this Neptune guy
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lollimoth · 5 months
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snoozaga · 1 year
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They made a Scarecrow in his image 😭
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sir-adamus · 5 months
alright so another beta of KH Missing Link has happened so there's new info and characters, including a new guy named Nept who is 100% related to Aqua in some way (water themed name, blue hair)
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there's even a shot of him framed near identically to one of Aqua
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and this is a cross fandom thing that is purely coincidence but very funny to me, but we have a guy clearly named after Neptune (god of the seas), with blue hair, wearing red - in the webseries RWBY, there is a character named Neptune, who has blue hair and wears red
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what makes this whole thing funny to me is Neptune is from the city of Argus in this series. another character notably from this city is one of the main characters, Pyrrha, who in Japanese is primarily voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi
who also voices Aqua in Kingdom Hearts
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kadextra · 5 months
liveblogged some of my reactions to the new khml cutscenes, spoiler warning!
all the stuff we’ve already seen a few months back! remus my son it’s nice to see you again 👍
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why do you hurt me so soon in this heartbreaking way??? oh my god </3 ephemer my bestfriend I miss you
don’t think I don’t notice those scientist people monitoring the distortions are wearing the outfit of radiant garden scientists like apprentice xehanort…. 👁️
I guess people don’t like the baroque society? OH CITY GUARDS ARE HERE. ummm an assault with a rusted keyblade did player beat someone up… and remus why are you sus did you do something? why do we keep mentioning that smudge on your clothes
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what in the world he just hit the guards’ necks and they forgot what they were doing o_o he pulled out some darkness feathers which were mind controlling them, that’s crazy. a new danger concept in my kingdom hearts
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and just like that we’re a member of the baroque society 🎉🎉🎉 I love all my newly acquired family members nept can be our father
warp worlds sound cool :0 the astral plane connects existence and non-existence heh we know exactly what that means :)
new outfit!!! and a communicator!! IT LOOKS AWESOME I want it in real life, idk if it has a proper name but I’m going to call it a gearpiece. and wow the distorting effect in the astral dimension is really cool
ah that’s all..?😔 NOOOOOOOOOOO
PLS I NEED MORE CONTENT I NEED THIS GAME IN MY HANDS RIGHT NOW ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I gotta say, this did really help the long drought we’ve been going through. I’m happy 🥹 and the kh hyperfixation is taking over, it can’t be stopped, I am being submerged like the dive to heart. time to think about this all day and for the next week
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howlingday · 2 years
Neptune: This car has been stopped on the road for a while, so I'm going to investigate. (Walks up to the car, Knocks on the window)
Mercury: (Rolls down window, Smoke rises)
Neptune: Excuse me, but you've been stopped for fifteen minutes. Would you mind telling me why that is?
Emerald: We're waiting for the stop sign to turn green.
Neptune: ...How high are you?
Mercury: Hi, how are you?
Neptune: No. How? High? Are? You?
Emerald: These Vale cops are so nice, asking us how we are, and greeting us.
Neptune: I'm going to have to ask you two to take a sobriety test.
Mercury: Aw, man! I'm way too high for that!
Neptune: I need you to blow into this.
Emerald: Is it a breathalizer?
Neptune: No, it is not.
Mercury: (Blows, Silly noise plays)
Emerald: Huh huh huh huh huh huh!
Mercury: Kh kh kh kh kh kh kh!
Neptune: Okay. I'm going to ask you a few questions. (Shines light on them) Why is a pizza box a square, when the pizza is a circle, and all the little slices are triangles?
Mercury: Whoa...
Emerald: (Looks to the distance, Ponders)
Neptune: One final question. (Holds up food) Potato chips, or cookie dough?
Mercury: Uh... (Reaches for cookie dough)
Neptune: (Steps away) Step out of the car, please.
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dielitttt · 2 years
Having 11h neptune and its downsides
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Firstly, People around me were very drug influenced or labeled as weird, the drug influenced people in my life were mostly my parents, friends etc. Having this placement can make your friends or the people around you very influential in life. I’ve seen a lot of people with this placement have friends that would be bad influences, fake, or posibily have friends who would create illusions in their head or lie to you. They can get deceived from the people around them easily. The idea of boundaries are very clouded. Even though that happens to them, they can still see through peoples intentions most of the time.
Dreams I would have would always be about the people around me or my friends, they were very odd, but somehow they were true. (TW: mention of sh, blood, and suicide ) For example I had a dream of one of my friends self harming with blood on a tub and the day after that they had came to me telling me that they were gonna khs on that day and that they have self harmed. Another one is when I had a dream of my friend being in love with me and stuff, the day after they told me they loved me. I could name various examples but the first one was kinda dark srry.
Peer pressure can sometimes be prominent with this placement as well . I’ve seen people I’m close to deal with addiction or start one a lot of times. They have friends that come and go, or maybe come back at some point out of the blue.
I’ve felt strong presence for places that I didn’t even know about or been to ever, I get dizzy, tired, nauseous from those things sometimes.
Like when I’m somehwre that has tragic past history I could really feel it. Once I went to this school (that had a lot of bad history and shit like that) for a ceremony and I was on stage and nearly fainted and felt really dizzy. I felt the energy very strongly.
Neptune reveals the hidden things very early or the complete opposite sometimes, you never know. I forgot to add that these people can be trusted easily, maybe people come to them for hidden things that others don’t know abt? 😭
These are just personal experiences I’ve had with this placement (doesn’t mean this can happen to u)
(Creds to @venusplutolover for some of these ideas in this post randomly )
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marcirose · 4 years
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devoidaffectu · 3 years
Earnest Spirit 🧡
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ok4ru · 5 months
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lollimoth · 5 months
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
Neptune's design is based on the Soviet Kh-35 anti-ship missile, with substantially improved range and electronics.[1] The system is designed to defeat surface warships and transport vessels with a displacement of up to 12,490 tons, either in convoys or moving individually.
Hmm lets see what the displacement of that Moskva cruiser is...
Displacement:  12,490 tons
Just enough according to wikipedia
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megamikethomson · 4 years
Antminer S19 Pro
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Let’s make quick overview of btc mining hardware and it’s usability.
When Bitcoin started in 2009, only one option for mining was possible:CPUs.
At difficulty 1, which lasted almost whole year 2009 you could have mined about 500 BTC/day with hash power of 1 Mh/sec which would give about 350 thousands BTCs/year. Their dollar value would be zero tough as there was no market to trade them until half of 2010.
In middle of 2010 first GPU miners appeared, despite Bitcoin’s founder Satoshi request not to use GPU for mining. This caused the difficulty grow 10fold within few days. With opening first exchanges like Mtgox, the mining fever could begin. Still in late 2010 you could mine with 1 Radeon GPU card and difficulty at appr.5000 about 1000 bitcoins per month, which would bring $300 in your pocket.
Then one year later FPGAs appeared, which didn’t bring hashing revolution, but power efficiency. However they started to become obsolete within few months when first ASIC miners appeared on the scene in early 2012 produced by Avalon    Use Antminer S19 Pro for mining
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The mining fewer and huge demand after ASIC miners resulting in pre-order mania generated heaps of fake websites pretending to produce ASIC miners and then stealing money from desperate customers. It is much easier those few which really delivered and those are:
Kncminer – Sweden based company with their miners Jupiter and Neptune Hashfast – San Francisco based with their product Baby Jet and Sierra Butterflylabs – Company with long track of late deliveries and missed deadlines but existing miners Jalapeno and Single SC
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Asic miners are the latest evolution step in bitcoin mining hardware and are currently most effective hardware solution. With network hashrate growing from gigahashes to petahashes per second just within 3 years, the previous bitcoin mining hardware options, like cpu, gpu and fpga miners become obsolete because of low hashing speed and high power consumption.
The situation in asic miners area and bitcoin mining area at all recollects rush for gold era. With media discovery of bitcoin and his recent exchange rate risen to USD 1000, thousands of miners rush in bitcoin fever to buy mining equipment, most of the time still non-existent (using preorders)
On this page I will try to keep up to date list of curent asic miners manufacturers and their products.  The best sic miner hardware is Antminer S19 Pro
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Despite the fact that scrypt asic miner is much harder to build because of memory requirements rising popularity of scrypt based alternative cryptocurrencies like ltc – litecoin, dogecoin and many others caused boom of producers promising scrypt miner. Currently – at the beginning of 2014 – the only company who was able to start mass production is Gridseed. Their products based on their own GC3355 chip will be remembered as those which caused the GPU mining became obsolete. The reason is not overwhelming hash speed but much lower power consumption. Single GC3355 chip hashes at about 65-70 kH/s and consumes about 1.5W power. This chip is used in variety products, as single chip USB miner, 5 chip Gridseed miner, or recently released 80chip Blade. I will analyze these products on separate page.
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All other companies like kncminer, alpha-t still keep on making huge promises for 100MHs+ miners and taking preorders, however real products are yet to be seen.   Antminer S19 Pro
It seems that new wave of miners based on A2 Innosilicon chip is being started distributed via a handful of resellers. These new beauties which are offering 15-90 MH/s capacity are probably causing pre-order based companies like alpha-t.net, fibonacci.io, zeus and even kncminer being pretty nervous
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antibioware · 5 years
jesus i Just remembered that one kh dragon age au me and Neptune created time ago. we were truly geniuses
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flightfoot · 6 years
1, 2, 41, 51
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?: Digimon. I stumbled onto Fanfiction.net when I was around twelve (no idea how I did that, I normally didn’t stray from the sites that my mom had found for me to play around on) and immediately found the digimon part of the site. I’ve been into fanfiction ever since. That being said, I’ve only ever really read and reviewed Digimon fics: I never actually produced content for a fandom until Trials of Apollo.
2.  What is your latest fandom?: Trials of Apollo. It’s the third series in the Greco-Roman section of the Riordanverse, for any of my followers who don’t know (though I don’t know how that would be possible at this point, my blog is mostly a ToA blog now). I actually started reading/listening to the books on tape for PJO since I was around 11 or 12, back around the time that Sea of Monsters came out. Or maybe Titan’s Curse. I definitely was into it no later than Titan’s Curse, since I actually attended a book signing for it. It was really cool, Rick let all us kids walk up and ask him a single question. I asked him what happened to Uranus after he was cut up, because I thought that might have something to do with the plot in the future. I think he just gave me some generic answer about what happened in Greek Mythology, though.
That being said, while I liked it and read the books, I was never part of the fandom for it. I never looked up fanfics for it or read theories on it. I liked the series a lot, but I wasn’t obsessed with it. I followed it up through Mark of Athena. After that, with the long gap in-between books, I fell off the series for a solid 8 years, until I started reading @unknownunseenunheard‘s excellent From the Heart KH X PJO crossover fic. I kinda knew the HOO characters from when I read it before, but I didn’t remember them all that well, plus I found it kinda weird how much emphasis Apollo was getting. Finally I decided to give another crack at the series, so I reread The Lost Hero and Mark Of Athena (I actually skipped Son of Neptune on the reread) and read House of Hades, Blood of Olympus, The Hidden Oracle, The Dark Prophecy, and The Burning Maze all in one go summer of last year. I found the description of The Hidden Oracle to be interesting right from the get-go, and due to how easy it was to get my hands on it, I actually started reading it before I’d fully finished Blood of Olympus! 
I. GOT. HOOKED. I’ve liked PLENTY of series, but I hadn’t had something click for me in that way since Kingdom Hearts. I haven’t had this level obsession with anything besides Digimon and Kingdom Hearts. With how long it’d been since I’d had an obsession like that, I was kinda afraid that I’d never be able to get into something to the same extent ever again! I mean, I got into Digimon when I was 11 and KH when I was 13 (though I didn’t get to play any KH game until 358/2 Days released when I was 14. I got into it through the manga initially). I thought that maybe that was it, I was only able to get into those things so much because of the age I was when I was introduced to them. And then Trials of Apollo happened and showed that I still had it, that I could still have this new thing (or kinda old thing, since I’d read PJO before) become an obsession for me, with a story and characters that I’ll carry with me forever. It was actually really important for me, to know that I hadn’t lost the ability to connect with a series that deeply. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve liked a lot of other series quite a bit, but they never became part of my soul the way these three series have, even if I thought they were technically better. Like how I think that Avatar: the Last Airbender is the best cartoon I’ve ever seen, but Digimon Adventure 02 is still my favorite. 
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Bookmark, sequel to Book Cult. It’s a Reading the Books fic covering HoO instead of the more typical PJO, with Leo being sent back to read with the demigods and the gods directly after the end of The Last Olympian. I literally make high-pitched squealing noises whenever I see an update!
From the Heart II, Sequel to From the Heart I. The PJO X KH fic I was referring to.
Ashes of the Past, though I still need to catch up on the latest update. Basically Ash gets sent back in time to stop the end of the world, with the ability to restore the memories of certain pokemon and people of his timeline. Surprisingly, it’s not angsty and Ash actually behaves like himself.
Another Brother, which recently started updating again. Basically Zuko somehow ends up nearly dying and losing his memory when he’s about ten years old, and is taken in by Chief Hakoda, who raises him alongside Katara and Sokka. It appears to be a For Want of A Nail fic, and I have some guesses on the exact nail. If you want to know my guess, hit me up, but beware: I might refer to spoilers for the fic in my explanation.
Class 78th Watches the Future is a “watching the video game” type fic for Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. If you can’t guess, I like that genre. Pre-Tragedy Class 78 watches the video game unfold and react.
Of course, there are other fics I’m currently following, but those are five big ones that tend to make me excited whenever I see an update for them, ESPECIALLY Bookmark. Like I said, I make squealing noises whenever I see an update for it.
51.  Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!: Honestly I don’t have that much left in me after typing all that but I do want to say this: I love how fanfiction can shape a person’s appreciation for the plot or characters in a work. I didn’t think much of Daisuke Motomiya from Digimon Adventure 02 until I saw how he was written in dozens of different fanfics and gained a new appreciate for him, for instance. Fanfics can be a way to really make a character shine, in a way that they weren’t able to in their original material, even if implications for their potential was there.
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