#kid gorgeous at radio city
o-kye · 3 months
"In college, about to go down on some rocking twink and I'd be like, wait a second, what would Leonard Bernstein do?"
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ciitedexcerpt · 8 months
God can't hear you.
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social-mockingbird · 2 years
Chaotic academia: editing a paper while listening to John Mulaney. 
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hardestmartyr · 2 years
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cluelessbisexual27 · 2 years
Dear IRS,
Please deduct from my federal income tax one XXL Billabong T-shirt from youth. It was too big. My mom said it could be a sleep shirt. Please deduct this from my 2017 income.
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hellwurld · 2 years
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do any of us really know our fathers? my dad's tape, daisy brown / kid gorgeous at radio city, john mulaney / @/hossana.i, tiktok / page 949, homestuck / euphoria, 2.07 / spencer dub's comment on 'teaching jake about the camcorder, jan '97', brian david gilbert
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Omega Radio for June 18, 2016; #113.
Cadet Kelly “Throttle You”
Leather Towel “Progress”
Frankie Teardrop “Not A Love Song”
Deep Throats “Good, Bad, Plenty”
Reatards, The “You Ain’t No Fun No Mo’”
Proto Idiot “Be My Baby”
Future Biff “Built To Last”
Hot Freaks “Boo”
A Giant Dog “Hitchhike Love”
Coachwhips “You Gonna’ Get It”
Heavy Hearts “Bliss”
Pink Mexico “Buzz Kill”
Duchess Says “Subtraction Of Obedience”
Dogheart “Drag”
Thermals, The “My Heart Went Cold”
Gorgeous Bully “Just Like Before”
Pheromoans, The “I’m A You-Know-What”
Fake Palms “Fever Dreams”
Dune Rats “Bullshit”
No Joy “A Thorn In Garland’s Side”
Alpine Decline “Pre-Columbian Artifact”
Cheena “Car”
Your Loss “Midlife Crisis Tropical Vacation”
Numerators, The “Hi, I’m Kirk. Fuck You.”
Fidlar “Sabotage”
Mercury Girls “All That Heaven Allows”
Birth (Defects) “Hanshin”
Ben Seratan “Cottonwood Tree”
Dream Wife “Kids”
Hollow Tapes “Broken Car Radio”
Honey “White City”
Bichkraft “Neatriver Chain”
Thee Oh Sees “Plastic Plant”
Hussy, The “You Know”
Deluxe garage, noise rock, and lo-fi.
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supersabbatical2024 · 5 months
4/15/24: Take OFF
We had a sabbatical with our kids 10 years ago, but we always new we might be heading off on our own on the next sabbatical. Here we are, flying duo, and feeling incredibly grateful to be meeting up with Mari a couple times during this multi phased trip, and also knowing our son is holding down the fort, caring for our special loved ones, including our dear Normie, and yes, Oreo, who seriously injured his back 48 hours before we left.
Was really intense heading off, away from Normie, not to mention our ailing dog, and the idea that anything can happen at any time. Life is funny that way, so you really have to remember to live and find joy. —-Quote from a not particularly famous daughter, mother, wife, dog mom, and home health aide, Sara Goetz
Claude upgraded us to Polaris on Untied to Nice, and that is fully half the fun of a trip — faucet OPEN. We each had our little pod, we had wine with dinner and ice cream sundaes for dessert, with hot fudge AND caramel —now THAT is living. And then Claude slept. I used the restroom, pulled out my drawing stuff and a magazine and my headphones and struggled with the tray table, used the bathroom, tried to read my magazine, watched 4 four episodes of the Frasier reboot show (and used restroom), tried to read my magazine, watched a movie, messed around with the lie-flat seat controls (…could it be that not flat was more comfortable than flat flat? Let me try that again…); had to pee again and then got myself situated again, tried to read my magazine, used the bathroom again; messed around with the remote control, located Relaxation DeepSleep mode, tested out the various video options combined with various audio options, but “mediation” music was kind of scary sounding, nature music was repetitive, classical (never truly calming for me, I think it dates back to when my dad would lug his 2 foot tall stereo speakers right up to the kitchen doorway and blow us all away with the classical radio station); ambient music was oddly bouncy and upbeat; switched to cities video, and “chill beats” which were not that chill, and the cities on the screen were too bright for sleeping, and my headphones were too bulky to lie on my side for sleeping, so I switched to Mari’s old airpods (which only have sound when twisted into a very specific position in your ear); then tried to get comfortable again, went to pee again, and then moved the seat up and down and determined that slightly less than full flat was truly the most comfortable; and then I got hot and changed out of my jeans right there under the blanket and THEN, I slept for a couple hours before we landed. And you know what Claude was doing the whOLE time…?
We rented our car and Claude drove us the 1.5 hrs to Aix to find the dump of a place that Claude picked out this time…all terraces and private gardens and beautiful arty decor, a pool complete with lion’s head fountain, chaise lounges, and a glorious minstrel breeze in the morning (Claude tells me it’s actually called a “Mistral” wind, which makes way more sense). If ya like that sort of thing. Seriously, though, it was just GORGeous!
We took naps and then dragged a ourselves out to dinner armed with a few suggestions from our lovely host Carole, and a will to meander. We ended up at Fauborg 46 (F’bg), where I had a fine Daurade and Claude had a steak. I had a Chardonnay, and actually said to the waiter, “un vin blanc, si vous plait” (just like Saski taught me before I left). French wine—Dee Lish OUS. Very hard to concentrate as we sat on the couch back at our place. I tried to read a kid’s book, T’Quipo about a not human but not quite bear with a red circle for a nose. Claude perused the tour guide for what to do tomorrow. He was looking for something slightly more specific than our general goal to eat as many croissants as possible in the next few weeks. I love staring at my husband sleeping, and I love when he wakes up, and I feel really really lucky to be on this trip, and this whole life’s journey, together with him.
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westofessos · 1 year
For the amount that I talk about wrestling on here I don’t think I’ve ever actually said how I got so obsessed with it in the first place. So here’s that story:
So, it’s mid to late spring. For the first time in years, my dad has been watching wrestling. He quit watching WWE years ago, and never really liked that as much as he liked WCW before it went out of business anyway. He was sad about it, though, because he’s loved wrestling since he was a kid, and now there was no alternative. But now, in 2023, he was watching AEW, a company I had never heard of. And he was loving it.
At the same time, I was rewatching (and finishing for the first time) a show I started watching while it was coming out, but quit when it got a little too ridiculous for me: Once Upon A Time. But I was determined to finish it this time, because no matter how absolutely bonkers and ridiculous it was, I loved it. Still do.
So, there we both were, spending the spring and summer watching stuff nobody else would watch. And we had no one to talk about it with.
The first time we brought up each watching the other’s thing, we both thought it was a joke. I never in a million years thought he would watch OUAT, and he never thought I would watch wrestling. I had watched it with him when I was a kid, and played some of the wrestling games on the Wii, and watched the various Scooby-Doo crossovers, and listened to him talk about it for years, but he never thought it would happen. Both of us, however, were completely serious.
Cut to 55 days ago (yes, it has only been 55 days. It honestly feels like a lifetime though, because when I get truly obsessed with something, I go all in, learning everything about it and watching everything about it I can get my hands on, so it feels like I’ve been watching for years), I sit down with my dad to watch my first AEW show. It was a Collision. I know this because the first face I saw was Juice Robinson, cutting one of his pre-show promos, and that isn’t something you forget. I also watched a Dynamite that day, and my dad watched the pilot of OUAT.
In those first episodes, I saw some familiar faces, and heard about some other ones being there. I liked not starting from scratch. I knew who some of them were! I knew Chris Jericho (my dad’s all-time favourite wrestler), I knew Sting, I knew Dustin Rhodes (though only as Goldust), I knew Saraya (though only as Paige), etc. (there are many more but those are just off the top of my head).On that first episode of Collision (I don’t remember the exact moment or reason why), I saw another wrestler I knew, but one I never quite got acquainted with when I was a kid. I saw CM Punk for the first time.
And something in my brain in that moment just went ‘yep. Him. That’s the one. That’s your guy. If you’re going to have a guy, it’s going to be him.’ Yes, it was partially because I saw him and was extremely attracted to him. He’s a gorgeous man, what can I say? But then I heard him on the mic, and watched him in the ring, and I was hooked.
(Side tangent: this was on a Friday. The next day, Saturday, Collision was in my city and my mom had won four tickets on the radio [nothing ever comes to my city so this was exciting for everyone]. My dad was going with my brother because at this point, I didn’t care. I had plans on Saturday night. The same plans I have every single Saturday night, and very well could have skipped one time. But I didn’t, because even though at this point, after only one Collision and one Dynamite, I was on the verge of being hooked, I didn’t want to let my dad know it. I never would’ve heard the end of it [my parents are real dicks whenever I get emotionally attached to anything, and since they’ve found out about the wrestling obsession it’s been no different, as I knew it would be]. Well, that Saturday, in my city, CM Punk wrestled Samoa Joe for the third time and won. I will never, ever, forgive myself for missing it. Especially after I learned about their history.)
So I had a favourite. I loved (and still love) CM Punk. And after I learned of his support for the LGBTQ+ community and abortion rights, his love for comic books, and other stuff, I only loved him more (whether or not he’s a dick behind the scenes remains to be seen. From the stories I’ve heard, I’m inclined to say no, but who knows. We don’t know these people. He very well might be). But, it was only when the MJF/Adam Cole storyline kicked off that I truly got emotionally invested in the whole thing. Now, I have a whole list of favourite wrestlers and storylines, and very hard opinions on things. And, I’ve gone back to the beginning of AEW in 2019 and am watching every episode up until the one I started on (I just hit 2022 tonight!). Plus, I just watched my first PPV on Sunday, where I got to see both my favourite wrestler and the two that got me emotionally invested in wrestling (my 2nd and 5th favourite wrestlers, respectively) wrestle in front of over 80,000 people and make history.
And, no, my dad does not like OUAT. In fact, I think he kind of hates it. But we are having a good time watching it. And, when we finished season 1, he went back to my mom and the first thing he said was “magic’s back!!”, which is pretty fun (though I do kind of resent the fact that while I now have a new lifelong obsession, he just has a show he kind of hates to watch and then forget about).
But honestly, I don’t care. It brought me here, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I’m so glad I found wrestling, and AEW specifically. It may have only been 55 days, but it already means so much to me.
Also, thank you to all of the people that have followed me because of this! I’ve never gained so many mutuals than when I started talking about wrestling. I appreciate all of you, and I’ve loved talking about wrestling with you, and I look forward to having further deep discussions and complete meltdowns every week.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 7 months
The Avengers: Part Three
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You and Steve take this party back to his apartment that's in Brooklyn, where he's from. His place is close to the city so he can get a train there, but he doesn't like going out. He tries to stay in as much as he possibly can these days.
"Sorry, I don't have a lot of things with me. Fury helped me out with this."
His place looks like someone else lives here. Steve had a certain way he liked his apartment back then, and this isn't it. He's usually very neat but Fury made this place seem like someone eccentric lives here.
"No, it's fine. Don't worry, you'll make this place your own in no time."
It's as if seventy years haven't passed by because when you talk with Steve, it's like you're back in 1940. Steve has a spare bedroom with a perfectly good bed that you can use, but you find yourself in his bed. He is one of your best friends, so nothing will happen between you two.
"So, you've been in the ice for seventy years?" you ask.
"I guess so. I woke up when they... thawed me out. I woke up in a room they made to look like back then. They had fake walls of what the city used to look like, and someone came in wearing the typical 40s nurse uniform. At first, I thought it was real until I heard over the radio about a ball game I attended in 1941. I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around this."
"Yeah, I can imagine it must have been confusing for you."
"Yeah. Everyone I knew died... or so I thought."
"Yeah, there were times I wish I died. Things might have been easier if I did."
"What happened?"
"After we crashed into the ice, I felt lost. I didn't have you, Bucky died, and I felt alone. I left Earth and ended up a prisoner on a ship by a race called the Kree. I was there for twenty years before I was saved by my cellmate where I joined a group of thieves for another twenty-four years. I got recaptured by the Kree where I met my ex-girlfriend, and I stayed with her for another five years until we had to break up because she was too good for this Earth. I met Tony Stark and for the next twenty years, I was here on Earth."
"Wow, sounds eventful."
"Yeah, that's one way to put it."
You look into his eyes that sparkle from the moonlight seeping in between the curtains. The past and the present blend together until you're stuck with what you knew before.
"I think you'd like Xenia. I'd take you if I could."
You're lying next to Loki on the bed in his room. The sun is just starting to rise but he's drawn the curtains almost closed. Sunlight peeks through the crack and onto his face, making his blue eyes sparkle even more. He doesn't seem to mind the sunlight in his eyes because all he's focused on is yours.
"Tell me what it's like. Tell me about your life there."
"Xenia is absolutely gorgeous. My favorite part is the ocean. They're always calm, and I often find myself walking along the shore just to hear the water wash up onto the sand. I was a quiet kid. I never really was one for being in crowds. The library became my best friend. I guess that all changed when I met Markus."
"He won't ever hurt you again," Loki promises.
In this moment, you believe him. You roll closer to him and he pulls you in by your waist. This is how you two lay until your responsibilities call for you.
A couple of days pass with you and Steve living together, learning how to be around each other again, and enjoying each other's company. Steve is trying to learn everything he can about the world from the time he went under to the time he woke up. He's still new to the internet so he found an old shop that sells old newspapers. It's not going to cover everything but it's a start.
You're both sitting on the couch snuggled up next to each other. He has his arm around you while you're leaning into his side. He is reading a newspaper while you have a fiction book in your hands. Since there is so much history between you and Steve, it's comfortable to be sitting like this and not have it mean anything. To Steve, he likes that sense of comfort that he can't get anywhere else. You're the only person he knows from that time, so he's clinging to that comfort in any way he can get.
Steve's touch is very different from Loki's but your mind still reverts back to a time you thought was lost. The words on the page blend together as your past collides with the present.
The library is normally pretty empty because Loki is the only one who goes in there, but he's made you a permanent resident. He likes to escape here just to get away from his overbearing family or Princely duties. Since coming to Asgard, you've been glued to his side so if he's in the library, so are you.
He loves to read poetry books while you're more of a fiction girl. There is a spot in the library that Loki likes to sit in because it faces the city down below. The sun doesn't set or rise in the direction of the window, but it does give off enough light so Loki can sit there and read for all hours of the day.
You're both sitting on the bench snuggled up next to each other. He has his arm around you while you're sitting in between his legs and leaning against his body. If Loki wanted to, he could read your book but allows that to be for your eyes only. His arms feel so good around you that you could probably stay here forever. It should scare you how quickly you fell for him but it doesn't. He is passion, dangerous, and it consumes you, everything you didn't think you'd want or need.
"Loki?" He only gives a slight 'hmm' to let you know he's listening. "Do you trust me?"
He sets down his book so you look up at him to see what he's thinking. This is a touchy subject for Loki but it's only the two of you in here. He feels different when he's with you like he can tell you exactly how he's feeling without judgement.
"Do you trust me?"
"I do," you say without hesitation.
"Even with your life?"
"Yes. Do you feel the same?"
"Darling, I could give you my whole heart and know you'd take care of it."
"Do I have your heart?"
"Yes," he whispers.
He leans down and kisses you passionately, your book long forgotten.
Steve's apartment has a pool in the community that you often use. After living with him for a couple of weeks, you two have created a good dynamic. The pool isn't supposed to be used after ten p.m. but you often sneak in there to have some peace and quiet. You think the rule is put in place for the kids that live in the building. They don't want rowdy children when people are trying to sleep.
Steve is doing laps while you lie flat on your back on the surface of the water. There aren't many stars on display since there are clouds in the sky covering them. You blow softly and let your air powers move the clouds for you, allowing you to see more stars than before. Some of them are hidden behind the light pollution the city brings, but you'll take what you can get.
"What are you thinking?" Steve asks when he takes a break from swimming.
"How different Asgardian skies are from Earth."
All these memories you're having of Loki are overwhelming you. The love you had for him comes rushing back stronger than ever. The man you know is still in there. Is he able to be saved? Are you the only one who can bring that side of him out? Despite only being with him for a year, you fell for him hard. His love is passionate while your love with Bucky is intimate.
Two men. Different sides of the same coin. Two men you have loved deeply. How can you ever choose between them?
"Loki is Asgardian, right?"
You stop floating and allow your body to sink into the water so that only your head is above the surface.
"What happened between you two?"
"I think he stole my memories."
"I don't know," you sigh and turn away from him.
Talking about Loki is a painful subject because your love for him was so raw. To see him now breaks your heart because you know the man he truly is.
It takes another week before you hear something from Fury about what he plans on doing to regain control of the Tesseract again. You and Steve are in the kitchen making breakfast together when you get a call on your phone from Phil.
"Is it safe to assume you're calling about work?" you answer.
"We're bringing you two in for a briefing. First, we need you to talk to the big guy."
"Phil, I don't think Tony will listen to me. Not after everything that happened."
"No, I've got Stark. You get the big guy."
You curse in your native tongue as you hang up the phone. Phil sends you an address to go to halfway around the world. The Big Guy must be residing in Pakistan with an address like that. Pakistan is a little over seven thousand miles away from New York, and a commercial plane would take sixteen hours to travel something like that. You can do it in an hour, and that's only if you're traveling at Mach 10.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I have been summoned. I have to go to Pakistan to meet a friend. I'll be back in time for dinner."
"You say that like you're going around the corner. You do know where Pakistan is, right?"
"You do know I can fly ten times faster than ten times the speed of sound, right?"
"Right," Steve chuckles. "You can fly."
"I'll be back."
"Do you need me to come?"
"No, I have to do this one alone."
You're proud of yourself because you made it in fifty minutes instead of an hour. You haven't seen Bruce in five years so you hope he remembers you. You know the Big Guy will. You made more of an impression on him than you ever did on Bruce even though you two are still friendly.
"You gotta help me. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here," Bruce begs.
"If you were able to find me and know I'd be a person of interest for your... big problem, then you know I'm no scientist."
"No, but there has to be something you can do. You were there in the 1940s when Steve was given the serum. You know how it works."
"I wasn't on the 'inventing' committee for that one."
"Please, Y/N. All I'm asking is for you to try," Bruce begs.
"Fine," you sigh.
You couldn't help him counteract the effects of the serum he created but you could help him deal with the mess he got himself into. If you had known he was going to go all Hulk on you, then you'd have steered clear of him. You can't be too mad at him since underneath all that green is a man who just wanted to impress the woman he loved. News reports of Steve's heroics made all the papers, and Bruce got jealous when the woman he loved crushed over him.
"Bruce, you can't hide from her forever," you chuckle and lean against the wall.
Bruce looks around the corner at the woman he loves who is walking down the sidewalk with her friend. She tips her head back and laughs at something her friend said, and Bruce becomes sad he's not with her right now.
"How can I ever face her knowing what I am? I just get so angry at everything and I'll only end up hurting her. How can I ever ensure her safety when he can pop out at any time?"
You push off the wall and approach your friend delicately.
"Listen to me. You can't spend your entire life in fear. That's no way to live. Think of it this way. If she doesn't know and you keep it from her, are you putting her in more danger than if she knows? At least she'll be better prepared on how to handle him, and you two can come up with a game plan for when he does. Don't let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game."
"That's corny as hell," he chuckles.
"It works, though, right?"
It took a lot of convincing on his part to pursue the woman he loves. Whether or not he's still with her is unknown to you but at least you know he went for it with her. The biggest thing he was scared of was turning back into himself after turning into the Hulk. Managing his anger is doable albeit hard, but calming down after raging out is even harder. 
It took a lot on your part to figure out a way to bring him back once he crossed that line.
It didn't take you long to find Bruce once he ran out on you. All you had to look for was where the rumbling and smashing was coming from. Luckily Hulk knew not to smash near where people could get hurt, so he went to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. He's smashing some metal landings when you arrive.
"Bruce!" He doesn't respond to you. "Hulk!" Hulk stops and turns to you with an angry face but it softens a bit when he sees it's you. "You need to stop this right now. I'm not messing around."
He growls and crushes a broken-down forklift with his big fist.
"Sun's getting real low."
You walk closer to him and hold out your hand flat so that your palm faces the ceiling. Hulk looks at it and grunts stubbornly. You don't back down from him and keep your hand out until he does what he's supposed to do. You've only done this routine once so you hope he's willing to do it again.
Hulk gives in and lays the back of his extremely large hand on top of your palm. You move your hand from his and touch his palm as delicately as you can. You slide your hand to his wrist and slide your fingers down the vein to his palm. He stumbles back as he struggles between his human form and his current form. Bruce fights to be in control until he is, and you walk over to his naked form. You toss the pair of pants you stole from Tony's closet.
"Thanks," he whispers.
"Glad to have you back," you smile. "You're getting better at that."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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tackyink · 8 months
I had to be around 9, at most 10, when a friend came home to show me something cool, and he installed a GB emulator on my PC and gave me a copy of the Pokémon Red USA rom. I could barely understand a word, but I played up to Seafoam Islands before I got tired because my computer was so old the emulator ran at like, 40% speed. I got a GB and a Spanish version of the game much later.
I was 11 when I read an ad on a kid's magazine for an imports shop in our city that sold USA copies of Pokémon Gold and Silver. Like, the bastards specified in the ad that they had those two Pokémon games. They knew their audience. I got my hands on Gold and struggled my way through all the English to complete it and I also had to be the one to tell my friends with pirated copies with garbage text that you needed to wake up the Snorlax with the radio because their Lavender radio tower sign was unreadable. I understood more things now. I played in bed with a pocket dictionary on the nightstand, and later on my desk, because we moved to a smaller place and I didn't have a nightstand anymore.
I was 13 when I came across a Japanese rom of Sapphire and played a little bit just to see the beginning, but I didn't want to spoil the surprise, so I waited for translations. I was so excited. And I seem to recall that someone had attempted to translate a few simple things into German? I remember being able to read the sign outside my character's house because it was similar to English, and my reading skills were getting better.
At 18, I played a USA Diamond rom on release and got Pearl when the games came out here. It had taken 8 or 9 years, but I didn't need the dictionary anymore.
When Black and White released, I was 21 and played for a few minutes a Japanese rom of White, thought it looked gorgeous, and realized that I had lost a good chunk of my tolerance to playing games I couldn't read. It was a long wait for the European versions, but very much worth it.
From Gen 6 on, Pokémon releases were global, so I had no reason to sail the seven seas anymore in search of Pokémon, and it would have been way too inconvenient starting with the 3DS anyway.
All this to say that a few months ago I got second-hand, dirt-cheap Japanese copies of White and White 2 (I got the Black versions back in the day) and I'm making my way through the first game with Jisho.org open and a notebook and a pen to write down the kanji I can't read with hopes that it won't take until I'm 43 to get some semblance of reading fluency in this language.
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Big Star – Ardmore Music Hall – Ardmore, PA – December 6, 2022
Perhaps you’ve heard the legend. An unknown rock band puts out a debut album on an imprint on of a record label more well-known for rhythm-based artists. The album gets good critical buzz, but only sells a handful of copies. The group releases a follow-up, which also barely makes a ripple. Members of the band split off, and the third release turns out to be essentially a solo album by the original lead singer.
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The albums start showing up in record store cutout bins. They still don’t do all that well, but it seems that just about everyone who buys their records ends up starting their own band. And years after the band had broken up, they became a cult favorite band, beloved by a passionate base.
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No, we’re not telling the story of the Velvet Underground. Well, okay it is the VU’s story, but it is also the tale of Big Star. The Memphis foursome, made up of former Box Tops lead singer Alex Chilton, guitarist Chris Bell, bassist Andy Hummel and drummer Jody Stephens, put together a sweet and spicy sound, mixing rock and swooning ballads and becoming one of the first power pop bands.
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It has now been 50 years since the release of the debut album #1 Record, which has become considered a bit of a lesser-known classic, as did the second album Radio City. Guitarist Bell left the band to go solo after the release of Radio City, although his solo album I Am the Cosmos was not released until after his 1978 death in a car crash. Hummel also left the band after Radio City to finish college, eventually working for Lockheed Martin for decades before his death of cancer in 2010.
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Chilton and Stephens reunited in 1993 and toured on and off for many years until Chilton had a fatal heart attack, also in 2010. Stephens returned to his day job – running Ardent Records, the formerly Stax-distributed label that Big Star had recorded for all those years earlier. It seemed like Stephens would never play the music again, until he announced this limited 50th anniversary tour celebrating the band.
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However, this isn’t just the case of a classic band touring with one surviving member and a bunch of kids young enough the be the sons (or grandsons) of the original artists. For the Big Star 50 tour, members of some of the most respected alt-rock bands of the 90s – and all Big Star fans – came together to make up the rest of the band. These included Mike Mills (of REM), Pat Sansone (of Wilco), Chris Stamey (of the dBs) and Jon Auer (of the Posies).
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In fact, Auer (and his former Posies cohort Ken Stringfellow) had toured with Chilton and Stevens in the revamped Big Star on and off from 1993 to 2010, when Chilton died. They even did a 2005 album together called In Space. (Stringfellow is no longer involved with Auer or Big Star due to fall out from a series of 2021 sexual abuse allegations.) Therefore, Auer has been playing this music well longer than half of the original Big Star members ever did.
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And the other new “band” members here obviously had the chops and the love for the music to make this show rock. There was also a guest appearance for this show on two songs by Adam Weiner, lead singer of the band Low Cut Connie.
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The concert was split into two acts. First, they played the entirety of the #1 Record album – in order. Then after a brief intermission they came back and played a bunch of fan favorites – a great deal of which came from Radio City, but they also did some cool unexpected rarities – including a simply gorgeous version of Bell’s solo single “I Am the Cosmos.”
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All five musicians (six if you count special guest Weiner, who played on two songs and sang one) traded off on lead vocals and instruments. Band favorites like “Don’t Lie to Me,” “Ballad of El Goodo” and “Jesus Christ” sounded fantastic, peaking with a stellar version of “September Gurls” featuring Mills on vocals.
Still, to this day, it’s a complete mystery that this band never became huge. At least we got the opportunity to bask in their stellar songbook for one more night.
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: December 10, 2022.
Photos by Jay S. Jacobs © 2022. All rights reserved.
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lynsburner · 1 year
“you know the distance never made a difference to me” THE FIRST THING I THOUGHT OF WAS YOUR FIC 😭 this song is sooooo andy/lovely core im obsessed!! i can’t wait for it to come out, A) bc it sounds amazing already, and B) bc im so excited to hear your thoughts on it!!!
Oh... bestie... you might not like my answer for this one because I am absolutely begging him to put this one bACK IN THE VAULT (or whatever it is. Sorry I have too much Taylor on my mind after going to the eras tour twice now. And for the last time, I swear.)
Is it a bad song? Absolutely fucking not. It's gorgeous. But it hits a little too close to home for me.
So... I am about to tell a silly story. Picture this. It is late September. I am SEATED to see Carly Rae Jepsen at Radio City. I check twitter (yes I am on the hoz side of twitter. Not under this name, though lol). People are freaking out about a tik tok he made. I had only seen a small clip posted of him jamming on a guitar so I think nothing of it.
The curtain goes up. Carly comes on. I am having the most fun two hours of my life because how can't you when you get to hear the best opening number for an album ever made, sax and all? She ends with Cut to the Feeling, one of the most joyous songs ever made! I am on a happiness high! Nothing can ruin my night!
And then I am sitting at the bus stop and I check tik tok and realize it was a full song! A full song about a long-distance relationship! And I start SOBBING!!!! Because guess what? That song is SAD!
So I go from absolutely forgetting every bad thing that had ever happened to me to full-on crying about a failed relationship I was still not over!!! In the middle of 5th Avenue, no less!!!!
Idk if you've heard the full thing, but it is DEPRESSING! It's basically the opposite of Francesca (or the "I'd do it all over again" motif) ! He literally sings "And there are some people, love, who are better unknown" like??? Imagine thinking you're better off never someone than knowing them at all! (which, I know is my interpretation, and I can very much be wrong but that's what it's giving to me!) I can imagine! I was still in that mindset! Especially since this one was about a long-distance relationship! It hit me too fucking hard!!! I have literally ignored every live performance I've come across of it on social media since because it makes me absolutely sob!!! I wish I was joking!
Anyway, a hilarious bookend to this: the day he announced in that Instagram Q&A the date Unknown was officially being released? Guess who I was seeing in concert that night? That's right! Carly Rae FUCKING Jepsen!!!!! *Insert the "If I had a nickel" meme here*
But yeah, he got the real long-distance thing down to a fucking t, especially with the second verse, "Funny how true colors shine in darkness and in secrecy. If there were scarlet flags, they washed out in thе mind of me" because yeah, you can forgive a lot of shit when the person isn't physically in front of you! Also, "Where a blinding light shonе on you every night Either side of my sleep" to me is just a fancy little way of saying face time/late night calls lol. (Again, I could be wrong, but still!)
But (I am sorry for repeating "But"... BUT!) he also confirmed it's from circle 9, which is treachery! Which... well I am not defining a successful relationship as treachery, I'm sorry! Judas is in that circle! And I did too many years in Catholic school to know what that guy fucking did!
Anyway, unlike me and my ex (and whoever the fuck Hoz is singing about, may they have their peace and never have to hear this one randomly in a store or some shit), Andrew and Lovely are definitely on better terms in my mind and are absolutely thriving <3 As I said before, love those crazy kids! They're in their own universe probably looking at rings as we speak! Or face-timing since he's out on the road! Good for them!
This is also not an insult to long-distance relationships in general. I loved that shit. It was wonderful! The guy, though? He sucks! And I am still doing some reflecting on that (which I am sure will continue once I force myself to listen to Unknown in a non tik tok way!)
Lovely Anon, I know this is not the answer you expected, but hopefully, it makes you chuckle! Or at least gets you to listen to the greatest album ever made: Emotion, by Carly Rae Jepsen!
PS: thank you for that other ask because I have been putting "no plan" back into my rotation of songs and oh boy I forgot how fucking good it was!!!!!
PPS: I hope this didn't come off as too, "Uhm, actually!" because that was not my intent! The opening, out of context, is absolutely Lovely and Andrew coded! But the rest? Oh, she has words for him!!!!!
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At last, for your bread and circus pleasure, here is our complete list of on-screen recommendations made between 1979-2021.
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American Movies made after 1979 that I found worth a second view:
Wise Blood (1979)
Being There (1979)
The Warriors (1979)
10 (1979)
The Shining (1980)
Somewhere in Time (1980)
Caddyshack (1980)
Scanners (1981)
Blade Runner (1982)
The Dark Crystal (1982)
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
Michael Jackson: Thriller (1983)
National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983)
Ghostbusters (1984)
Blood Simple (1984)
1984 (1984)
The NeverEnding Story (1984)
Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (1985)
Commando (1985)
Brazil (1985)
Summer Rental (1985)
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985)
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986)
Short Circuit (1986)
Crocodile Dundee (1986)
Flight of the Navigator (1986)
9½ Weeks (1986)
Children of a Lesser God (1986)
Labyrinth (1986)
Lucas (1986)
The Fly (1986)
Harry and the Hendersons (1987)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
The Princess Bride (1987)
Batteries Not Included (1987)
RoboCop (1987)
Near Dark (1987)
They Live (1988)
Dead Ringers (1988)
Bird (1988)
Willow (1988)
Bright Lights, Big City (1988)
Radio Bikini (1988)
Short Circuit 2 (1988)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Heathers (1989)
Christmas Vacation (1989)
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)
Dreams (1990)
Prancer (1989)
Harlem Nights (1989)
Dead Poet’s Society (1989)
Parenthood (1989)
Who’s Harry Crumb (1989)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Dreams (1990)
Home Alone (1990)
Young Guns ll (1990)
Quick Change (1990)
The Witches (1990)
Goodfellas (1990)
Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990)
Naked Lunch (1991)
Regarding Henry (1991)
The Last Boy Scout (1991)
The Fisher King (1991)
What About Bob (1991)
Doc Hollywood (1991)
Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead (1991)
Bugsy (1991)
Nothing but Trouble (1991)
Switch (1991)
Ricochet (1991)
Flirting (1991)
People Under the Stairs (1991)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Baraka (1992)
Deep Cover (1992)
The Player (1992)
Juice (1992)
Boomerang (1992)
A League of Their Own (1992)
Hero (1992)
True Romance (1993)
Groundhog Day (1993)
Judgement Night (1993)
Untamed Heart (1993)
A Perfect World (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Kalifornia (1993)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
PCU (1994)
Natural Born Killers (1994)
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
Silent Fall (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
Wolf (1994)
The Crow (1994)
Nobody’s Fool (1994)
Casino (1995)
Dead Man (1995)
To Die For (1995)
Kids (1995)
Seven (1995)
Matilda (1996)
Sleepers (1996)
Kingpin (1996)
Fargo (1996)
Blood and Wine (1996)
Flirting with Disaster (1996)
The Ice Storm (1997)
Lost Highway (1997)
The House of Yes (1997)
Lolita (1997)
Boogie Nights (1997)
Booty Call (1997)
The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)
Gang Related (1997)
Gummo (1997)
Jackie Brown (1997)
The Devil’s Advocate (1997)
Breakdown (1997)
Enemy of the State (1998)
Wild Things (1998)
Batman (1989)
Psycho (1998)
Fallen (1998)
Sliding Doors (1998)
Patch Adams (1998)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
All the Little Animals (1998)
The Truman Show (1998)
Meet Joe Black (1998)
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
The Matrix (1999)
The Ninth Gate (1999)
Magnolia (1999)
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999)
Eye of the Beholder (1999)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Instinct (1999)
Ravenous (1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Best in Show (2000)
American Psycho (2000)
Cast Away (2000)
Best in Show (2000)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Josie and the Pussycats (2001)
Monster’s Ball (2001)
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Frailty (2001)
The Man from Elysian Fields (2001)
Hannibal (2001)
Storytelling (2001)
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
Josie and the Pussycats (2001)
The Hours (2002)
Secretary (2002)
Beat the Devil (2002)
The Sweetest Thing (2002)
Lost in Translation (2003)
The Big Lebowski (2003)
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)
Spun (2003)
Monster (2003)
The Human Stain (2003)
Man on Fire (2004)
Closer (2004)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
No Country for Old Men (2005)
A History of Violence (2005)
Fierce People (2005)
Broken Flowers (2005)
The New World (2005)
V for Vendetta (2005)
Tideland (2005)
Factotum (2005)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
The Proposition (2005)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
The Fall (2006)
Idiocracy (2006)
Zodiac (2007)
There Will Be Blood  (2007)
Michael Clayton (2007)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007)
The Girl Next Door (2007)
Fracture (2007)
An American Crime (2007)
Into the Wild (2007)
Death Proof (2007)
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Appaloosa (2008)
Doubt (2008)
Burn After Reading (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
Gran Torino (2008)
The Wrestler (2008)
City of Ember (2008)
The Ramen Girl (2008)
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009)
Crossing Over (2009)
Antichrist (2009)
Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Black Swan (2010)
Melancholia (2011)
J. Edgar (2011)
Killer Elite (2011)
The Mechanic (2011)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Drive (2011)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
Water for Elephants (2011)
Chained (2012)
Cloud Atlas (2012)
The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)
The Master (2012)
The Iceman (2012)
Life of Pi (2012)
Her (2013)
Blue Jasmine (2013)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Snowpiercer (2014)
Phil Spector (2013)
The Giver (2014)
Big Eyes (2014)
Kill the Messenger (2014)
Winter’s Tale (2014)
Foxcatcher (2014)
Ex Machina (2014)
Sea of Trees (2015)
The Hateful Eight (2015)
Experimenter (2015)
Sicario (2015)
Mascots (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
Rebel in the Rye (2017)
The Wizard of Lies (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Wonder Wheel (2017)
Phantom Thread (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
Lucky (2017)
The House that Jack Built (2018)
Under the Silver Lake (2018)
Mandy (2018)
The Devil We Know (2018)
Dark Waters (2019)
City of Lies (2019)
The Irishman (2019)
Elsewhere (2019)
The Beach Bum (2019)
Richard Jewell (2019)
Capone (2020)
Pig (2021)
Old (2021)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
Binge-worthy Shows of Recent Years:
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
The Good Wife
Person of Interest
Animal Kingdom
Mind Hunter
Six Feet Under
Tales from the Crypt
The Righteous Gemstones
The X-Files
Honorable Mentions:
Game of Thrones
True Detective 
Black Mirror
American Horror Story
Dope Sick
The Old Man
Patrick Melrose
Boardwalk Empire
The Handmaid's Tale
Bonus 80’s Faves:
Night Court
Twilight Zone
The Muppets
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Things We’ve Yelled About This Episode #3.1
The Inimitable Jeeves, P. G. Wodehouse
The great vowel shift (wiki)
“ “Bertie, we were at school together.”
“It wasn’t my fault.”
“We’ve been pals for fifteen years.”
“I know. It’s going to take me the rest of my life to live it down.” “- The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 17: Bingo and the Little Woman; P.G. Wodehouse
This post
“ “Jeeves,” I said, “those spats.”
“Yes, sir?”
“You really dislike them?”
“Intensely, sir.”
“You don’t think time might induce you to change your view?”
“No, sir.”
“All right, then. Very well. Say no more. You may burn them.”
“Thank you very much, sir. I have already done so. Before breakfast this morning. A quiet grey is far more suitable, sir. Thank you, sir.” “ - The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 16: The Delayed Exit of Claude and Eustace; P. G. Wodehouse
Downton Abbey (2010-2015)
Jane Austen
The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, The Untamed (2019) 
Jeeves and Wooster (1990-1993)
Stephen Fry (imdb)
Hugh Laurie (imdb)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984-1985)
Jeremy Brett (imdb)
Fairies Aren’t Gentlemen, amarguerite (ao3)
K. J. Charles
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke
The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald
“ “You will find Mr Wooster,” he was saying to the new chappie, “an exceedingly pleasant and amiable young gentleman, but not intelligent. By no means intelligent. Mentally he is negligible - quite negligible.” - The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 5: The Pride of the Woosters is Wounded; PG. Wodehouse
“Just what occurred then I couldn’t exactly say, but the next few minutes were a bit exciting. I take it that Cyril must have made a dive for the infant. Anyway, the air seemed pretty well congested with arms and legs and things. Something bumped into the Wooster waistcoat just around the third button, and I collapsed on to the settee and rather lost interest in things for the moment. When I had unscrambled myself…” The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 10: Startling Dressiness of a Lift Attendant; P.G. Wodehouse
Lord Peter Wimsey, Bunter; characters from the Lord Peter Wimsey mystery series, Dorothy L. Sayers
As My Wimsey Takes Me (podcast)
Dublin Murder Squad series, Tana French
The Once and Future King, T. H. White
The Sword in the Stone, T. H. White
Spats (wiki)
The trial of Oscar Wilde (wiki)
Street smarts! From John Mulaney’s Kid Gorgeous at Radio City (2018)
Leverage (2008-2012)
The meat pumpkin (article)
Coco Chanel (wiki) and her collaboration with the Nazis (wiki)
“Take one accessory off” - fashion advice attributed to Coco Chanel (quote)
Temeraire series, Naomi Novik
A Wook:
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A Goth:
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The Cat Rating
What Else Are We Reading
Discworld, Terry Pratchett
Nigel Planer (imdb)
Nigel Planer Discworld audiobooks (audible)
Dublin Murder Squad, Tana French
In the Woods, Tana French
Britain After Rome, Robin Fleming
The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien
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Next Time On Teaching My Cat To Read
Howl’s Moving Castle, Diana Wynne Jones
The audiobook
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
be god or quit it!
by fridgeza (boffy)
Dream Entertainment @dreamEntertainment We at Dream Entertainment would like to apologize for the abrubt cutting of the recent broadcast of Party People with Tommy Innes. We pride ourselves on safe, friendly content for viewers everywhere, and while Tommy Innes is a highly valued member of our staff, his comments were inflammatory and defaming and we made the tough decision to cut his show short from the air. We took the measures we needed to resolve the conflict, and are working hard to restore things back to a healthy balance. Thank you for your patience.
(dream entertainment and it's most famous child star, tommy innes, feature in a how-to guide on killing your darlings)
Words: 6017, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Series: Part 50 of gho's mcyt fics
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Idols, Alternate Universe - Celebrity, Social Media, Screenplay/Script Format, Talk Shows, Twitter, E-mail, Phone Calls & Telephones, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Famous TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream and TommyInnit are Siblings (Video Blogging RPF), <- allegedly, Morally Ambiguous Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Morally Ambiguous GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), its complicated, SMPEarth References (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe - Future, Holography, Technology
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