#killian: *can't go up stairs*
creepypasta-meh-dudes · 6 months
Killmaker fanfic: I love you, Julius Doherty
TW: peeled off faces and bad punctuation
It's finally done and probably the longest fanfic I've ever written! I really hope that y'all enjoy it, and if you have any critiques of tips for my work, please let me know!!!!!
Julius looked at himself in the mirror, his last victim had put up a fight. A tough fight....a fight that ended with Julius winning, but not without his own scissors being used to cut up the majority of the skin on his face. His PERFECT face.....and Killian was due to be home in less than 3 hours.
Julius ran back down to his workshop and found a discarded head, cut off the face and grabbed some pins and rushed back upstairs into the bathroom of his and Killian's shared bedroom.
About an hour later, Julius had peeled off the rest of his own face off and pinned the new face on. Great! Now it was just to play the waiting game! So he did!......but there was a problem.
Julius: "what on earth?"
The new face refused to fuse to his own. It SHOULD HAVE fused to his own! but it didn't.....and Killian was due to be home in- Julius checked the time- IN 2 HOURS!
Julius began to panic, he couldn't let his dear Killian see him like this! His face was a mess! and he was covered in his victims entrails! He smelled terrible and looked even worse! Julius held his hands to his face, trying to force the skin to stick....but it wouldn't.
"No no no no no NO!!"
Julius races to the living room and grabs his phone, dialing a number, Devlin's number. Thankfully, Devlin answered only 2 rings later.
"What do you want, Julius? I'm busy and I-, Julius?" Devlin could hear the panicked breathing on the other side of the call. "Julius, breathe, and tell me what's wrong."
"The face, it isn't fusing!" Julius screams into the phone. Devlin raises a brow, "What do you mean? don't you just hold it up to your face and it does its thing?" Devlin asks.
Julius groans, "Well that's the problem! it's not doing it's thing!"
"So what do you want me to do-"
45 minutes later, Devlin is knocking on the door of Julius's bathroom. "Julius, let me in. I have the face,". Julius yanks Devlin into the bathroom and shuts the door.
"Is Cian here as well?" Julius asks frantically. "Yes, he is. Why?" Devlin raises a brow. Julius starts to grab some pins for the new face. "I need him to stay downstairs in case Killian gets here,".
"Why would he need to do that?" Devlin asks. "I can't let Killian see me like THIS!" Julius snaps back. Devlin sighs, he knew Julius was vain as a peacock, and cared a little too much about what others thought of him.....especially Killian. Devlin nods "very well,". Devlin gets out his phone and texts Cian what he needed to do and then got to helping Julius with the face.
Devlin and Julius did everything they could to get the face on. Pinning the face to Julius's, holding it up, and even tried gluing it at some point......but nothing would work! And to make matters worse, Killian had arrived home and was getting impatient.
Downstairs with Cian and Killian
Cian nervously bounces his leg as he tries to stall Killian, "S-so, dad-er- boss, h-how was your day?". Cian stumbles over his words, he always got so nervous talking to Killian, and he could tell that Killian was losing patience.
Killian sighs, "Just fine, Cian. Now, where is Julius and why are you stalling?". Cian lets out a 'Pffffft' sound and chuckles nervously. "Julius is busy, a-and I am NOT stalling! I just-"
Killian groans and shoves Cian out of the way and stomps up the stairs. "If you're not going to tell me where he is, then I'LL go find him myself!"
Killian mumbles to himself, "pathetic little idiot....can't even tell me where my damn husband is in MY OWN HOME!"
In the bathroom with Devlin and Julius
Julius could hear Killian making his way up the stairs and down the hall to their bedroom. Julius began to freak out....of all times for this to happen! why now?!
Devlin and Julius frantically tried to get the face on but it was no use. And Julius could hear Killian's heavy breathing behind the door.
Killian knocks on the door of the bathroom. "Julius, you better have a DAMN GOOD reason as to why you had that sad excuse for a man keeping me from coming up here or I promise you tonight will NOT go in your favor!"
Devlin cleared his throat and spoke "Killian, it's Devlin, Julius and I are just-"
Devlin sighs in defeat and looks at Julius, Julius just shakes his head and unlocks the door, letting Devlin out and Killian in.
Killian enters the bathroom with a huff and crosses his arms, "What on earth is all of this about? and why on earth do you have your back turned to me?!"
Killian grabs Julius's shoulder and is about to force him to turn around when he feels Julius's body shake gently.
Killian takes a breath and softens his tone, "Jules, what's going on?"
Julius turns to face Killian, and Killian sees the problem. Julius's new face is hanging on by just a couple sewing needles and muscle, and the area around the face looks red and itchy.
"Oh Jules.....why didn't you just-"
"Because I didn't want you to see all of THIS!" Julius motions to his entire face. "YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SEE THIS PART! ONLY THE END PRODUCT!" Julius lets out an angry groan and crosses his arms.
Killian raises a brow, Julius didn't want him to see the mess he was? That just didn't make any sense! Killian loved Julius more than ANYTHING in the world! and he certainly wasn't going to leave him over a failed attempt at putting on a face!
Killan places his hands gently on Julius's neck and strokes the skin with his thumbs. "Julius, We've been married for over 50 years, and I've been with you for almost our entire lives! How could you possibly think that i'd be bothered with something as tiny as this? " Killian chuckles.
Julius holds Killian's wrists tightly, "my entire face is falling off! it's been like this ALL day and I've been trying to fix it!"
Killian holds the face to Julius's and holds it there for a while. "What are you doing?" Julius asks, confused. "Devlin and I already tried that! it's not going to-"
Slowly but surely, the face fuses Julius's own and turns into his signature porcelain doll like face.
"There we go, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Killian raises a brow and gives him a charming smile.
Julius looks at him in surprise, "H-How did you get it to work?"
"You just needed to be more patient, if you don't rush it, it'll work better," Killian says as he kisses Julius's cheek. Julius's pale cheeks turn to a rosy shade and he looks away. "I knew that! I just- hmph."
Killian chuckles and holds Julius's hand in his own, "You're perfection, Jules, you know that?"
Julius squeezes Killian's hand and hugs him, "I know,"
Killian lets out a small, but genuine laugh, looks down into Julius's beautiful eyes, and gives him a soft, loving kiss.
"I love you, Julius Doherty,"
Devlin Doherty: @scarfaxia
Julius the Dressmaker, Killian Lynch, Cian Lynch: @sanityshorror
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madamecerberusfanfics · 3 months
Can You Love Yet
Ch. 4 Getting Started
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Tom Riddle x Reader/OC
summery: Trying to find a cure for the effects caused to those conceived from a love potion, to help her mother finally feel love for her family. A boy caches her eye & believes he could be of great use to her research. He how ever wants nothing to do with her until he hears the rumors about her & her family believing she could help with his goal. Agreeing to help one another out for their own personal gain they did not realize just how this partnership was going to play out.
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As Tom stood staring out the window of his new room, thoughts & questions filling his mind. Was Rowan right, was he incapable of love, now that he thinks of it has he ever felt love towards anything.
The sound of knocking interrupted his thoughts, the voice of Holly coming from the other side of the door. "Dinner will be done shortly & Rowan's father is here ready to meet you when ever your ready dear." Her voice just as solemn as before. "I'll be right out" Tom replied as he looked around the room for a mirror to fix himself, he noticed there was non in the room, not thinking much of it he left. Seeing Holly a few feet away he spoke "Miss Holly do you have a moment" with that charming smirk on his face. Stopping & turning around for Tom, giving him an obviously empty smile, both pretending putting up a front. "Is there something you need dear"
"Yes, in fact. I've noticed that Rowan is good when it comes to reading people" before he could even finish a light airy laugh excepted from Holly. "Oh yes, she always has been, you know as babies we're pretty good at reading the emotions of those around us but as we grow the need for that lessens & so if it fades... however with my children it has seemed to last," Now looking at him with a knowing look, leaning closer to him. "I wonder why"
Before he had time to respond they had made it to the stairs with Rowan & a man at the bottom. The man was thin & short with white hair, once slicked back now a mess , beaming at them with such happiness it had surprised Tom. The contrast of Rowans parents were drastic, one melancholic & calm while the other seemed to be filled with happiness & excitement.
"This is the new friend Rowan told us about, Tom Riddle" Holly gestured towards him as they made their way down the stairs. "Oh what a pleasure to meet you young man, I can't tell you how happy I am to see that Row made a friend & so quickly to, nice to meet you, please call me Killian." Taking Tom's hand & shacking it even before his feet had left the stairs. This is not how Tom was expecting someone who sees death everywhere to act. "Its a pleasure to meet you to sir & thank you for allowing me to stay."
"Well I couldn't say no after Rowan informed us of your situation, I just hope that you'll come to find this place as a suitable enough home when your not at Hogwarts." With that he turned towards the dinning room ruffling Rowans hair in the process. " Come on now wouldn't want the food to get cold now"
Sitting down at a small table with just enough chairs for all of them, with a lovely but small variety of food covering the table, it almost reminded Tom of how the feast at Hogwarts were setup just on a smaller scale. They all talked mainly asking about how their first year was, all the laughter & smiles never stopped even Holly looked to be genuinely enjoying herself. Is this what its like to to have a family, is this what Tom was missing out on. The thought came back to his mind, could he love, what does love even look or feel like, would he ever know if it slapped him in the face.
As Tom finished the last bite of his food he excused himself from the table in order to wash up a bit & to fix up his appearance. He made it to the powder room, opening the door he was met with a small room, an ornate sink one side & a matching toilet on the other. Oddly enough right above the sink where you would expect a mirror to be a painting was is its place. It was of a forest littered with little hidden details, animals & plants of all kinds. Realizing that he has not come across a single mirror in this house, not in the hallways, nor the room & not even in the bathroom. Thinking about it as he cleaned himself up at the sink,  finally coming to the conclusion that finding out someone's death by looking at their face also applies to their own face as well.
Stepping out of the bathroom Tom was met by Rowan. "Took you long enough" saying playfully as a smile crossed her lips, "come follow me so we can discuss our arrangement." As they started to walk together Tom speaks before Rowan could. "I've noticed that lack of mirrors, I assume that has to do with the trait your family possess" both set of eyes keep forward as she lead him to a set of big doors not to far. "You've assumed correctly, being able to know someone's death is not just restricted to others but ourselves as well as our family to" opening the doors & stepping in to what appears to be a library/potion room. "But that's not what we're here for now"
It was large room with a ceiling so high up that there was a second level that you needed stairs to get to, walls filled top to bottom with books. A large fireplace surrounded by couches, chairs & side tables, the rest of the room was littered haphazardly with the same furniture with some tables here & there. At the other side was a large window reaching top to bottom of the room. A large table meant for brewing sat in front of it a long side dozens of plant meant for the same.
"Our first step is research & information gathering, mainly on love potions & any other potion or ingredients relating." Rowan explained as she walked further in the room. Walking in & examining the room Tom wondered if this was worth it, having someone be in control of him, telling him what to do, merlin how he hated it. Soon enough he realized that being in the that orphanage, surrounded by those who looked down on him while knowing now that he was better then them, that was even worst.
As they made it to the potion table, it was littered with books & note books a like. "This is all the information I managed to gather, mainly on potion brewing its self, herbology, & a few other things." Looking over the pile taking note of some of the books, Tom understood the first goal in this endeavor.
"We are making a potion that has never been made before best we understand what we're dealing with." His voice was empty, his dark eyes moved from the pile of books to Rowan's, his face void of any emotion.
"Come now this pile wont research its self." 
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wtf-is-this · 1 year
Disclaimer; first post but I kinda liked this thingy I wrote sooooo here ya go
Ps it's not finished and I kinda doubt anyone's gonna read it but if ya like it lmk and feel free to give me constructive criticism (I definitely need it)
950 words
He walked through the empty room, exuding power. I could feel the ropes straining against my wrists. I held my chin up, determined not to show weakness. He began to speak but I wasn't listening, my eyes were trained on the bulge that stuck out of the waist of his pants. A gun, I had been in this situation before but he never had a gun. He raised his hand in front of my face and snapped, I looked up. His deep, dark brown eyes claimed my attention.
"You might wanna be listening." His voice was low and steady.
"Make me," I said, barely above a whisper.
He dropped his hand to his waist and grabbed his gun. The cool surface of the gun met my smooth cheek. He pistol-whipped me. He fucking pistol-whipped me. It wasn't like in the movies, I didn't feel badass. I stared into his cold eyes, they sent a shiver down my spine.
"Pay attention." He warned. I kept my eyes on his, I wouldn't look away first. I couldn't, I needed some sort of control, power. Someone walked into the room, I didn't look to see, my eyes were glued to his.
"Sorry, boss. Didn't mean to interrupt you and the princess." His southern accent was prominent and he sounded nervous. The boss waved his hand, dismissing the interruption.
"Boss?" I laughed, "You've finally amounted to something."
"No," He corrected me, "I've always held power, you're just finally seeing it."
"Come on, Killian," I eyed him as he turned, "you're still the weak boy you were."
He laughed, "I wasn't the one who fell on their ass every time we spared, Lydia."
"Why am I here, Killian?" I asked as I untied my hands.
"I can't have that fiancé of yours on the throne."
"So you kidnap me?"
"He'll come looking for you and I'll kill him then." He turned back to me, "You're just a pawn in this play."
"I'm never a pawn."
"Oh right, Queen Lydia Marks."
"I'm not taking his last name." I stood, "I'm only marrying him to expand the trade across the country."
"Marks is an idiot," he looked back out the window, "Even his father is trying to get rid of him."
The same boy from earlier opened the door, "Sorry sir, but the royal guard is here." The boy was lanky and had shaggy red hair.
"Sooner than I expected." I walk to the door, then look back at Killian, "Do I have to kill him myself, or are you coming?"
"Lydia sit your ass down, it'll be my head if you get injured." Kilian grabbed my forearm and re-directed me to my previous seat. "Wilson, keep the princess out of trouble."
The redhead nodded and walked closer to my chair. Killian gave me a warning glare and left.
"Wilson, right?" The boy nodded, “How old are you?"
"17, miss."
"You're young," I walked behind him, "Sorry." I kicked his knee and ran out the door.
The hall was dark with several doors on either side. I sprinted to the farthest one on the left, shutting the door as heavy footfalls passed. I surveyed the room, the wall opposite me was glass. Killian looked up at me from the gardens, obviously irritated. I moved back to the door, giving the now-empty garden a final look as I left. The hall was empty, I crept towards the right, where I knew the stairs to be.
When I reached the stairs I was greeted by Killian, looking grumpy as ever.
“Calm your tits, I’m not doing anything dangerous or stupid,” I said, anticipating the scolding from the frowning man.
“You need to stay in the room,” He pinched his temples between his thumb and forefinger, “What did you do to Wilson?”
“I am sorry about that, I hope I didn’t harm the boy.”
He groaned as he gripped my arm, I didn’t protest as he led me to the room I was first in.
“You know that I won’t stay in this room, I will just leave right after you.” Snark dripped from my words.
“Obviously, they don’t teach you manners at finishing school,” He scoffed, letting go of my arm. “You are a guest in my home, you should respect my rules.”
“Oh, Killian,” My eyes stared intently at his, “When have you ever known me to follow rules? Besides, I’m not your guest.”
“I don’t have time for this, if you are seen with me, out of chains then your alliance with Abrialna will end, meaning no new trade.” His dark eyes met mine, “That can’t be jeopardized.”
“You underestimate me.”
“You’ve always been a loose cannon,” He began walking to the door, “Make yourself useful and tend to Wilson.”
I scoffed, cracked my knuckles, then knelt by the red-haired boy. The gunfire had gotten louder now. Wilson had sat up, pushing away from me slightly.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” I held my hand out, “I am sorry for, well, you know.”
The boy fluffed his hair, “Ma’am that was rude.” His laugh was cut off by shouting in the halls.
I raised a finger to my lips, scanning the door. I quickly moved to the side of the door, and Wilson followed.
Two people rammed into the door, pushing it open. Wilson pushed them together as I ran through the door, and the redhead hurried after me. We ran down the stairs, towards the doors. Killian stood at the foot of the stairs, gun pointed to the left of my head.
“Don’t shoot,” I commanded as I walked toward him, taking the gun in my hand. Killian turned, and lead us through the door.
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hugmetightlyx · 3 years
pairing: Killian Jones x Fem!OC (or reader you could just read this with your own name)
posted on March 8th, 2022 (happy international woman day!!!)
note from xe: I haven't watched ouat since 2017, I was going through some heavy shit so I really can't remember shit from that time being. I haven't started rewatching the show yet but I do plan on shifting there once I do! this is pretty much just based on my core memories from that! that's all lol <3
Summary: honestly, I don't know how to summarize this
word count: 2.4k
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Pirates coming to the brothel wasn’t a rare thing,
In a pirate’s mind, there’s just about nothing better than treasure, rum, and girls.
So naturally, the five women who lived there were used to the men coming in and out all of the time.
Merely a few weeks after Briar’s 19th birthday, this night was the same as most. Pirates singing loudly, a few different women who just needed a place to work for the night making their way up the stairs with a few different men, Lorelei pouring drinks at the bar with a slightly annoyed look on her face because Nadine still wouldn’t let her do the job that brothels are known for, The three women that took Lorelei and Briar in nowhere to be seen, but the two girls knew where they had been.
Briar had been sweeping the floor a little farther from the rowdy pirates.
The two girls would exchange looks often, almost as a way of silently telling each other they were okay or just to make sure no one was being creepy.
The first three years Lorelei and Briar had worked there Nadine would make the two girls hide in their room upstairs whenever the men in the small place they called home got too rowdy or when it would get too crowded. Whenever Nadine couldn’t protect them from the pirates that passed through.
That was until Briar picked up a sword.
It wasn’t her first time and it certainly wasn’t her last but given her past, she had only been trained to use a sword for a short amount of time, so going off of the basics she knew, she began to train herself to show Nadine that she could take on the role of protecting Lorelei and herself as well as the other girls.
After some convincing Nadine let the girls begin working around the brothel but not working for the brothel.
Picking the broom off of the floor Briar began walking towards the bar to put it away when one of the many pirates thought it’d be a good idea to reach over and grab her waist, causing the girl to drop the broom as he tugged her into his side.
In one swift movement, the sword was removed from the scabbard attached to the man’s hip and in Briar’s hand.
Within seconds the girl had the sword to his throat causing the man to remove his hand from the girl’s body.
Lorelei watched the scene unfold, silently preparing herself if she needed to interfere.
Almost every pirate in the place stood up, some holding onto their sword while others pulled theirs out, showing the few girls downstairs that the crowd consisted of a crew.
“If you want a girl, ask,” Briar's words came out in a calm tone as she glared at the pirate.
The sight of a taller pirate, not wearing a hat, appeared behind the man with a sword to his throat.
“Excuse me, love, you mind taking that sword off my crew member’s neck?”
Briar looked at the taller man, giving him a look that could kill.
“Maybe, if he says please,” Briar responded, earning a few scoffs and a few laughs from the others in the brothel.
Lorelei hid her laugh behind her hand.
“Jack, You heard the lady,” The man from behind spoke.
“Will you please remove the sword from my neck, madame?” The pirate’s voice was shaky, earning a smile from the girl as she slowly put down the sword, not bothering to hand it back.
Lorelei clapped in excitement, smiling proudly at her best friend before she began serving again.
With a quick shove the taller man pushed the Pirate she had now assumed was named Jack out of the way as he stepped a little closer to the girl.
“What’s your name, Love?” the small smirk on the man’s face was almost welcoming, it would’ve been if he hadn’t been a pirate that is.
“Briar,” with a quick observation of the man, she couldn’t help but notice the hook in the place of a hand.
“Hook?” The girl looked back up at the man, now making direct eye contact, an attempt to show him that he didn’t scare her.
The captain cocked his head back a little, the smile on his face growing in amusement before he held his hand out to the girl, who put her hand in his, allowing him to bring it to his lips placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.
That was how the two met, a meeting that ended shortly after it began as they both went back to their own things but the more and more the captain and his crew came by as the months passed, the more and more the two began to get to know each other.
Every visit had weeks wedged between them but the crew always came back.
Some of the crew would take advantage of the visits, taking girls in and out of different rooms, while the Captian merely sat with a few of his crew and drank rum.
And once he noticed Briar had begun waiting around or talking to some of the girls he knew she had done all the work she needed too and he used that time to his advantage.
During those times he would ask the girl if she would join him outside and she always did. Usually after getting a certain look from the girl he had learned was named Lorelei.
The talks mainly consisted of what the man had been up to while he sailed the seas until he eventually grew tired of talking about himself and he decided to ask about her.
Her responses were short usually, the most she talked was about her friends, her family at the brothel.
Killian had learned that the brothel was owned by Nadine, the pretty older woman who would stand by the stairs observing everyone in the room. Briar and three other young women lived there, all taken in by the woman.
While many other women he had seen were passing through, needed some extra money for the night.
He had also learned about how Briar had essentially trained herself, she wouldn’t tell him who had begun training her and so Killian decided to drop that subject for now.
And after trying his best to get more information from the girl he eventually just said,
“I don’t think you trust me, love,” The smirk sitting on his lips showed Briar there was no malice behind his words.
“I don’t think you trust me, captain,” She replied, earning a chuckle in response.
“You haven’t told me much about you, I tell you stories all the time,” Killian stated, leaning back against the wall as he took a swing of his rum.
“You tell me stories about your little adventures on the jolly roger, nothing personal, and besides, you’re a pirate, a girl knows better than to trust one of you” Her explanation was said in a calm tone, smiling at Killian.
He smiled back, he always did.
Killian dropped the subject after that, deciding to focus on the way her eyes focused on the stars above the two as they spent the rest of that night in silence.
The visit after that one had been a month and a half later, and Killian couldn’t help but notice the excited expression on Briar’s face once he set foot inside the brothel.
He had watched as the girl said something to one of the girls in a pretty pink dress, Killian had known her name was Anatasia, “the one with the beautiful curls” as Briar had once described to him.
The color of the dress wouldn’t have been so noticeable if it had been something that the girls usually wore but it wasn’t.
Killian couldn’t help but notice the difference in Lorelei’s dress either, it was a deep red that he hadn’t seen before, and then finally he set eyes on Briar, who was wearing a creme colored dress along with a red corset that matched the color of Lorelei’s dress almost perfectly.
So that night when he asked Briar to go sit with him outside he asked about it.
“I made them! I make a lot of the clothes we wear, but recently Nadine took me and Lorelei to town with her and I got these beautiful new fabrics,” Briar’s eyes lit up as she talked about how she made the new dresses just recently.
Killian had never heard the girl ramble this much and he couldn’t help the smile on his face as he listened to every word she said.
“I’m sorry, I’m rambling, I’m not supposed to do that anymore,” Briar said, laughing quietly as she looked at her lap, avoiding Killian’s gaze.
“That’s alright, love, I don't mind it,” Again, Killian couldn’t help but notice the smile that showed up on Briar’s face from his response.
That night they had kissed for the first time.
While saying goodbye Killian had mentioned how he’ll miss hearing the girl ramble while he was away and when she had asked him what she could do to make him feel better as a joke, he told her “a goodbye kiss wouldn’t hurt,” and so she gave him one.
First on his cheek and then after looking at him in the eyes, they both leaned in, placing his hand on her cheek once their lips finally touched.
The kiss was gentle and sweet.
The next visit was two weeks later, this time Briar came to Killian. He hadn’t noticed her come up as he was in a conversation with a few others at the table when he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard Briar whisper in his ear.
“Come with me,” she stood up straight after he turned his head to look at the girl, waiting impatiently for the man to stand up and when he did she dropped her hand from his shoulder and took his hand before leading him upstairs.
Nadine hadn’t been standing by the stairs like she usually was and Killian noticed how the girl observed their surroundings carefully before walking up the stairs and leading Killian into a room all the way at the end of the hall.
When she unlocked the door and walked inside Killian could tell this room had been the one that she and Lorelei have shared since they were both barely 15 years old. The light green faded floral wallpaper, the probably homemade pink curtains along with the two separated sides of the room.
Lorelai’s side was covered with little dainty things, a few of which Killian had seen in her hair before, a paper crown hanging on her bed frame, and a few little rings scattered around on her desk.
Briar’s side had a few stacks of books at the end of her bed, using them as a makeshift desk for the few pieces of fabric that she had. Three more books were placed carefully underneath her bed, writing supplies covering her actual desk. And a few drawers that Killian assumed were full of more things that helped her make the clothes she does, along with a sword leaned against the desk.
There had been more to look at but Killian didn’t get the chance to see before Briar pulled him into a more eager and heated kiss than the first one they had shared.
Not that Killian was complaining.
That night Briar had found out just how much she loved being in Killian’s arms as they laid in her bed, a peaceful silence taking over the room with nothing but the sound of rain coming from outside and the sound of their steady breaths.
Killian adored the way Briar’s fingers danced around his chest, making little shapes with her nails before finally playing with the necklace around Killian’s neck.
The soft smile that played on Briar’s lips when Killian ran his fingers through her hair made his heart speed up a little but he ignored it.
Not long after that, there was a soft knock on the door causing Briar to sit up and let Killian know that that meant Nadine was wondering where she was.
Once the two got dressed, Briar had opened the window in the room.
“Hope you don’t mind climbing trees,” Briar said before she stepped onto the big branch, Killian watched as she slowly and easily climbed down before he followed her steps in a much less graceful manner, earning a laugh from Briar once he finally stumbled onto the grass.
“The things I do for you,” Killian huffed, another laugh falling from Briar’s lips before she took his hand and led him back into the brothel, getting Nadine’s attention immediately, the small smile and breath of relief coming from the woman as she nodded at the two before focusing on something else.
After this, the visits consisted of a lot more than just talking, but when it did contain lots of talking, they both began slowly opening up to each other.
A lot of things were still off-limits but they had time.
Killian actually began to love the way the girl would get so lost in a story, rambling for a while before getting back to the point of the story, always getting a laugh from Killian while she figured out where she had left off.
Briar loved hearing Killian talk about the sea. His love for it was evident whenever he’d tell a story or whenever he’d take Briar to the small river not too far from the brothel and he would complain about how it doesn’t compare to swimming in the sea.
This visit was different though,
Killian had noticed the way Briar avoided his gaze and how little she had talked once they stood outside.
“Love, look at me,” Killian used his hook to hold up Briar’s chin, causing her to finally make eye contact with the pirate.
“What’s wrong?” The tears in Briar’s eyes weren’t hard to see.
“I don’t know if this is a good idea anymore,” Briar said, turning her head to look at the trees surrounding them.
This time Killian placed his hand on her cheek, guiding her gaze back to him.
“Why’s that, love?”
“Every time you get on that ship, I don’t know if you’ll come back, I’ve been abandoned enough in my lifetime,” Her confession was quiet, a few tears escaping her eyes as she spoke with a shaky tone.
Killian sighed, softly wiping away the fallen tears before pressing a kiss on her forehead.
“I promise you, love, I’ll always come back to you,”
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herbgerblin · 2 years
For fic prompt: #27 Magnulia!! <3
“Can I stay here tonight.”
Anonymous asked: Magnulia + 49. "Stay."
Gonna go two birds with one stone with this one lads!
Julia: you guys live twenty miles away! and he got here in like! 10 minutes!
Killian: Yah he booked it out the door the second you called him
Carey: I'm surprised he didn't just run the entire way
Julia could feel a warmth bloom in her chest at the thought, so she stopped texting and shoved her phone into her pocket. She paused at the stairs that led down to her basement, and adjusted the towels and clothes that were stacked in her arms. Then she peeked in and scanned the room.
From her vantage point, she could barely make out Magnus's figure in the far corner, opposite the stairs. Or half of him at least. The other half was crouched behind a washing machine.
A washing machine that had, not two minutes prior, blasted him with a surge of water stronger than a fire hydrant.
Fortunately, the water was no longer gushing as it had been. But now the floor was completely soaked, and most of the electronics were disconnected, for fear of an electrical shock. A flashlight angled from the top of a bookshelf illuminated the young man, as he leaned back to pull out a curious piece of plastic from the back of the machine.
Julia chided herself, internally She liked Magnus, and from Killian and Carey's message, she felt pretty certain that Magnus liked her too. They weren't dating, but they weren't not dating. They hadn't put words to the thing they were yet. They had been spending a lot of time with each other for the past month. Julia was starting to feel like words desperately needed to be had.
"Knock knock," Julia said, knocking on the door frame with her free hand. "I grabbed some towels and the biggest clothes I could find." She descended the stairs, stopping at the very last one. "You'll have to come over here, since I'm wearing socks and don't want to get into—"
She gestured at the large puddle currently soaking the carpet.
Magnus, almost too quickly, stood up at the sound of her voice. His movements sent flecks of water flying in all directions. In his mouth was another small flashlight, which was a little blinding to look at head-on. His tall, broad frame cut a dark silhouette in the otherwise empty room. To anyone else, he'd look like a phantom.
To Julia, he was no scarier than a firefly.
He took the flashlight out of his mouth and marched over to her. His sopping boots made a terrible suction noise with every step. The basement air felt cool in the nighttime, and Julia worried that all the water made it much colder. She held out a towel the moment he came within reach.
"That's fair," Magnus replied, taking the towel graciously. "I'm already soaked to the bone. Can't get wetter than this." He plopped it on his head to dry his hair. Julia shuffled in place just a bit.
"The clothes are mostly pajamas," she said. "I'm afraid you'll have to make do with my old volleyball t-shirt. Sorry for not turning off the water before you got here."
"Oh, that's okay!" Magnus said, cheerily. He kept the first towel around his neck and grabbed another one to wipe his arms. "I did get here kind of fast."
An understatement, Julia thought. "Got any clue what's wrong?"
"I think the drain box in your washing machine got backed up. That would explain the--" Magnus gestured at the giant puddle on the floor. Julia nodded. He continued, "Best case scenario, you need a new washing machine. Worst case scenario, you may need to call a contractor for a better look at your water pressure."
“Shit, my budget is kind of tight at the moment," Julia said, biting her lip. Her father was across the country for a tradeshow that week, so she couldn't call him up to lend a hand. "Guess it's trips to the laundromat for a bit."
“I know a couple of warehouses that you could shop around from," Magnus said. "As far as plumbing is concerned, I can’t do the switch myself, but I could go to the hardware store and find the right parts. That might save you some money.”
Julia felt that familiar warmth bloom in her chest once again. She wanted to refuse the kind offer since he'd already gone out of his way here and now. But something told her not to. Instead, she asked, “And how would I pay you back for this?"
“Well…” Magnus mulled it over for a second. “A healthy helping of the Waxmen family quiche would cover a solid portion.”
Julia gave a teasing tilt of her head. “Would a glass of sweet tea and a slice of the Waxmen family apple pie sweeten the deal?”
“Most assuredly," Magnus said, smiling right back. And then he sneezed.
Julia remembered that they were standing in a drafty, dark, and wet basement. She backed up a couple steps and exclaimed, "Oh gods, Magnus. Come on upstairs! You're still soaked!"
"Oh. Yeah, I am," Magnus said, looking down at himself like he'd also completely forgotten. He shook off a few more drips of water and followed her with slow, creaking steps out of the basement. "I found the valve for the washer and turned it off, so you should be able to use water in the rest of the house."
"You're a godsend, you know that?" Julia asked, looking back. She meant it casually, as one does. But the smile on Magnus' face was so lovely, that it made her turn back around and hasten her steps. She had it bad. Bad bad.
They emerged into the hallway, into the warmth and light of the rest of the house. Julia deposited her bundle of clothes in Magnus' hands, then dipped into the kitchen to test the water in the sink. Magnus stayed behind to remove his soaking boots and socks, depositing them politely by the doorway.
“You should take a shower while you're here," Julia called to the hallway. "It's pretty late for cooking, but I'll definitely have a quiche ready tomorrow. You want some hot chocolate?"
"I'd love some," Magnus called back.
Julia whirled around the kitchen, grabbing mugs and cocoa powder and other things. She felt like if she stood still, she would burst like a firework. She wasn't ready to dwell on why she felt that way. So this minor task was a good distraction.
She nearly leaped out of her skin when she caught sight of Magnus in the doorway, still holding the clothes. Still somewhat soaked. He stared at her like he was taking a test he hadn't studied for.
“Um, it’s pretty late right now," he said, sounding much quieter than before.
"It's pretty late right now," Julia repeated. She glanced at the time on her oven. It was late. And he was still at her house.
Magnus cleared his throat. “I wouldn't...I'd hate to impose...usually I...can I stay here tonight? I mean--I can drive back, it would be uh...or, I can always hop over to Merle's, it's not much farther from here, and I'd--"
"Stay," Julia said. Magnus stopped talking.
Julia took a step towards him. She wanted to wrap her arms around those burly shoulders, soaking wet after trying to fix an unruly washing machine, that he had dropped everything to come and assist her with, in the middle of the night. For now, she reached up and gently swiped his messy hair from his eyes. At her touch and her words, Magnus' terrified, uncertain stare melted into delightful admiration.
"My home is your home," Julia said, and meant every word.
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liltaz-asatreat · 3 years
Day 4 of @taznovembercelebration : Alien, wild
On this early Sunday morning, Carey Fangbattle finds herself walking through the streets of a young town that's still being torn down and rebuilt up on top of stoney columns by the mountain side. It's been slow and hard work, but it's worth it to see how beautiful the craftsmanship shows how much the town is loved and how eager the people are to come back to live here. Spearheading the project of rebuilding Raven's Roost, of course, is her best friend, one Magnus Burnsides, and she's been invited to hang with him while he's taking a break because he wants to show her something. "It's something really exciting, and I think you're going to love it!" He had said over his Stone of Farspeach when he called her last night. He refused to give her any more details, but she was already hooked. Is it going to be a new part of the city? Is it a toolkit to make more of her own smoke bombs? Is he planning some sort of heist?
Carey is practically vibrating with excitement when she walks up the steps to Magnus' house, and when she knocks on the door, she hears a dog bark and a collar jingle as he comes scratching at the door.
"Johann, I need you to get back, buddy. Hold on."
Johann whines a little further away from the door, and the door opens, revealing Magnus, whose face lights up like a kid's on Candlenights, and Johann, who is straining against his collar that Magnus is holding back and barking and wagging his tail happily. "Carey! I'm so glad you could make it! Come on in!" He holds the door open as Carey steps through.
"Hey, Magnus!" Carey says with a wide smile. Then she bends down and rubs her hands through Johann's fur. "And how are you, Johann? Are you being a good boy?"
Johann barks, and Magnus releases his collar, letting him jump at Carey who laughs as he licks her face. "Okay, okay, I love you too!"
When she extracts herself from him with Magnus' help, she hugs Magnus who hugs her tightly and twirls her around before putting her back on the ground. "You can come into the living room and have a seat! I need to get the thing I want to show you from upstairs."
Carey laughs. "Okay, I can't wait to see it! You have me on pins and needles."
Magnus bounces up and down excitedly. "I'll be right back!" Then he bounds up the stairs, not unlike Johann would do.
Carey walks to the living room and sits down on the couch. It's a pretty spacious space with another couch and a few arm chairs around the room, definitely meant for a small house party or just as a gathering place for all of his friends and family. There's a small bookshelf against the wall with only a few books in it. The rest of the space is filled with small wooden carvings like ducks and other animals. There's a couple of free standing shelves fixed into the walls too. Most of them are filled with dog treats and toys and other knickknacks, but the most eye catching feature of the room is all of the pictures he has hung up all over the walls.
Most of them are pictures of Magnus' family in different worlds. There's one with him standing next to the largest bear she has ever seen, and another one where him and a much younger looking Director... or... Lucretia, are standing against the railing of a ship with their back to a forest full of metallic looking trees, their arms across each other's shoulders, and another with all of his family except him are doing different poses on a beach and laughing. There's many more of those, but there's also a few from his time at the Bureau of Balance, back when it was called that. There's a picture of him and Avi hanging out by the launch pad, and another of him, Carey, and Killian posing with their weapons. Then up on another wall, right over a shelf with another bunch of picture frames on it, is a large picture of a woman Carey has never met before.
The woman is big and strong and would have intimidated even her if it weren't for the kind, gentle smile she has gracing her face. Her eyes are soft and warm, and she gives off the aura of happiness and home.
This must be Julia.
Carey stands up and walks over to the shelf to look at the pictures. There's a couple of Julia and a strong man, Steven, in a workshop setting and another few of Magnus and Julia out in what must have been popular spots to hang out in Old Raven's Roost. They look so happy together, and her heart aches for Magnus. She wishes there was something she could do to bring them back for him too, but...
"Okay, I'm ba-" Magnus stops in the middle of the stairs, and his smile turns a little more sad when he sees what Carey is looking at. He clears his throat. "Yeah, that's... that's Julia."
Carey hesitates, not really knowing what to say. "She was beautiful."
"Yeah," Magnus says wistfully.
There's another moment of silence before Carey clears her throat. "So you found what you wanted to show me?" She says as she walks to the bottom of the stairs.
Magnus' eyes light up again. "Yeah! Check this out!"
He tosses her something before walking the rest of the way down the stairs, and Carey snatches it out of the air. She turns it over in her hands and looks at it quizzically. "Oh. It's a... it's a belt!" She says, trying not to sound disappointed.
"It's not just any belt!" Magnus says enthusiastically. "I lifted these off of Lup yesterday. See this device attached to the middle of it?"
"Yeah?" Carey says.
"That device will take us to another dimension for as long as it's charged, so about 80 minutes."
Carey looks up at him, eyes wide. "Wait, what?"
Magnus smiles even wider. "It'll take us to another world in another dimension! Are you ready to go visit an alien world with me?"
Carey gasps. "Hell yes I am!"
"Great! I know just the place too!" Magnus clips his belt around his waist and gestures for Carey to do the same. "Okay, now I've already programmed them to take us where we're going, so just twist that dial, and here we go!"
They both twist their dials, and Carey feels lightheaded for just a second as she flashes away from Magnus' living room and then onto a busy street. She looks around and claps her hands together, smiling wide as she takes everything in. The sky is an unnatural purple, and there are two suns overhead that are really close to each other. She seems to be standing in the middle of a town square with tall buildings and many stands selling food, pottery, jewelry, art, and there are decorations of the suns everywhere including yellow, orange, and red streamers. She can hear loud music coming from somewhere close by and people cheering and laughing. It's so vibrant and full of life here. She turns to Magnus excitedly who is also looking around with wonder and a little bit of wistfulness.
Magnus looks back at her with a wide smile. "Welcome to my home planet! It looks like we made it just in time for the Double Solar Eclipse Festival. I forgot what it was like to participate in this."
"This. Looks. Awesome!" Carey says emphatically. "Killian is going to be so jealous!"
Magnus laughs. "I'll take her some time too, especially if I can get another one of these past Lup and Barry. Come on! Since the festival is happening, they'll probably have performers down Main Street, and you won't want to miss them!"
Magnus takes Carey's hand and starts running down the street, and she laughs as she struggles to follow. They pass booths with games and prizes and more art and food vendors as they weave their way around the densely populated streets. Magnus stops every few minutes to look around with confusion before picking another direction to go in. Carey has a feeling they're just getting more and more lost, but she doesn't mind too terribly. There is so much to see, hear, and smell. The air is warm and a little sticky, but it's alien and different and new. She's getting to see her best friend's world for the first time ever, and she is loving it.
"Oh, there it is!"
Magnus leads her to the right at an intersection, and she gasps. A large stage has been placed in the middle of the street, and a large crowd is gathered in front of it. On stage and to the sides are musicians playing lively music with a strong drum line, and in the middle of the stage are dancers who are dancing with red and golden ribbons and literal fire. Magnus and Carey move closer and push through the crowd a little bit to get a better view.
There are four dancers on stage. Two of them are a bit further apart and doing tricks with fire magic, and directly behind each of them are the other two dancers, moving in sync with their partners but waving their ribbons like streamers behind and around them as they move across the stage.
Magnus leans down to whisper in Carey's ear. "They're telling a folk tale about our suns, and right now they're in the beginning of it. The magic users are the two suns, and the suns are siblings. They chase each other across the sky in a never ending game of what's basically tag, and the ribbon dancers are the suns' bonds with each other as they move and play."
The magic user to the right starts slowing their dance and produces smaller and smaller flames, and the ribbon dancer behind them moves in front, dancing toward the other ribbon dancer to the left. The magic user on the left turns to look at the one on the right, and the ribbon dancers start to circle each other, dancing with a little more fervor.
"The sun on the left is getting tired and strained, and they need the other sun's help to recharge. They're sending their bonds like a message, and the other sun is responding with their own bonds." Magnus explains.
The magic user on the left dances toward the magic user on the right, and the two magic users start slowly dancing around each other as the ribbon dancers dance in a wider circle around them. Sparks fly, flames leap into the air, and ribbons float around all of them as the two magic users dance in step, slowly at first but getting faster with each passing measure of music.
"The suns are together now and sharing energy. They don't burn as bright yet, but the one sun is passing on energy to the other one to keep sustaining it."
The dancers start moving further and further apart in opposite directions. The dancers from the left are moving to the right, and the dancers on the right are moving to the left. The magic users are both dancing with a great passion now with bigger and brighter flames than before, and the ribbon dancers dance around them and between them with each other and then back.
"The right sun now has a lot of energy and can lead the way while the left sun rests a little as a follower, and they're bonds become stronger," Magnus says as the music finishes, and the dancers take a bow.
The crowd goes wild, and Carey claps and cheers along with them. It was one of the most beautiful performances she has ever seen.
Magnus looks at her with a smile and tears in his eyes. "What do you think?"
"It was awesome," Carey says honestly. "That story is really beautiful and the dancers and musicians are amazing at what they do. Hey, are you okay, Mags?"
Magnus wipes the tears from his eyes. "Yeah. It's been over a century since I've been to this festival and seen this story. I didn't realize how much I missed it."
Carey gives him a big hug. "Thank you for showing me this. It's really great to see your traditions, and I bet you needed this too."
Magnus laughs and buries his face into Carey's shoulder. "Yeah, I really did."
They stay like that for a few minutes before Magnus pulls away. "Oh! I need to show you one of my favorite parts of the festival! It should be somewhere over here. Follow me!"
They both weave their way through the crowd holding hands, so they won't get separated. They turn down one street, then another, and as they pass through another intersection, Magnus points to a stand with yellow flowers on it. "Over there! You're going to love this."
They walk over to the stand, and the elf behind the stand gives them a big smile. "Hello! Are you here to try some of these Solar Buds?"
"Yes!" Magnus says. "How much are they? It's been a while since I've been to a festival here."
"It's one gold piece for three of them," the elf says.
"We'll take six!"
Magnus hands over the gold pieces, and the elf prunes the small flower heads from their stems and hands them to him in a little bag. "Enjoy your flowers, and happy Solar Day!"
"Happy Solar Day to you too!" Magnus says cheerily.
"What are we supposed to do with flower heads in a bag?" Carey asks in confusion.
"We eat them!" Magnus says excitedly. "Solar Flowers are a wild flower that only blooms during the week of a double solar eclipse, and they're really good and spicy and... well... I'll let the last thing about them be a surprise."
Carey laughs. "Okay. Why is it called a double solar eclipse by the way?"
Magnus shrugs. "Well, it couldn't be called just a solar eclipse because what happens when one of the suns eclipses the moon? They're both solar eclipses, so we had to call one lunar-solar and the other one... well... solar-solar was a bit redundant."
Carey nods. "That makes sense. Can you hand me a flower?"
"Yeah, here you go!"
Carey takes it and inspects it carefully. It's a small flower head with golden red petals and orange streaked veins. She can't tell of it's pollen or magic or a natural part of the petals, but it also seems to glitter in the sunlight. She shrugs and pops the whole thing in her mouth and regrets it almost instantly. It's one of the spiciest things she's ever eaten. Her whole mouth feels like it's on fire, and not in the innate dragonborn way.
She doubles over, wretching, as Magnus laughs his head off. "You weren't- You're not supposed to eat the whole thing at once!"
Carey flips him the bird, and she coughs one more time. This time though, she burps out red and orange flames which startles her so much she falls backward. "What- I didn't- that's not even what my fire looks like."
Magnus doubles over, wheezing, and it takes him a minute to catch his breath. "Yeah, if you eat a Solar Bud, you'll be able to breathe fire for a second. But it also works if you just eat a small portion at a time."
Carey laughs. "But I already breathe fire. What's the point of burning the shit out of my mouth for that?"
"Yeah, but can't you only do that once per day or something?" Magnus says. "And I didn't tell you to put the whole thing in your mouth."
"You also didn't tell me not to," Carey points out.
"You got me there," Magnus says.
They both laugh, and Magnus helps her up. They spend the rest of the forty minutes that they have left eating flowers, breathing fire, and participating in the rest of the festival. All in all, it is one of the best days Carey has ever had in her entire life.
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walviemort · 4 years
hidden blessing (2/?)
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Summary: Killian thought the only thing he was left with after Milah’s death was a broken heart and a thirst for vengeance. It’s not until he gets to Storybrooke, after so many years spent in stasis, that he discovers something else: he’s carrying her child. How does this new, tiny blessing change his path? (Canon-divergent from 2x12.)
rated T | part 1 | AO3 | 2.2k
A/N: hey! It’s another update! looks like this might be an every-couple-weeks thing, as I find time to work on it. like the first chapter, this is dedicated to @sherlockianwhovian​ for being awesome. hope everyone is staying safe!
A few days later, Killian had been released from the hospital and was finally enjoying a much-needed uninterrupted nap—or so he thought. When he’d first arrived back at the docks, the prince and princess were also there, attempting to interrogate him about Cora’s whereabouts; why this town was convinced he was her babysitter was unknown to him, so he’d had to disavow them of that notion. (It had also become blatantly obvious where Emma had inherited both her violent streak and her impatience; even if the man hadn’t raised her, she was definitely his daughter—and he vowed then and there that such a fate would not befall his child).
He was already tucking himself into bed on his ship when he heard the commotion above deck that told him the so-called heroes had unlocked the cage containing the giant; the sounds of struggle (and what was hopefully the prince being punched) along with ensuing footfalls running off the ship were the last things he heard before sleep blissfully claimed him.
He was dreaming of what his quarters might look like with a crib next to his bed, toys strewn across the floor, when he was rudely awakened—again. What an inhospitable town.
“Hook?” a feminine voice called out from the deck. “I know you’re here.”
“Bloody hell,” he cursed to himself, throwing back the covers and rising as quickly as he could with his still-sore ribs. Getting his pants back on took more effort than he’d like, but that was all he bothered with.
Barefooted and bare chested, he climbed the stairs to see Regina waiting impatiently. “Yes, your highness?” he asked, not bothering to hide either the tiredness in his voice or his annoyance.
“There you are. My mother sent me. You know, the one you were supposed to kill?”
“Oh, that. Well, I didn't want to deprive you of a happy reunion.” His grin was fake and she knew it.
“Well, it's your lucky day. She and I have made amends.”
“And you're here to thank me? How sweet.”
Regina’s responding smile was equally fake. “Not quite. She wants to know if they've found the ship.”
If he’d had his hook, it would have been on her neck for interrupting his nap for what amounted to little more than a business conversation; she just wanted to know what was going on with the giant.
“Is that all?” he asked when he’d given her the update. “Because if so, I’ve really got some things to attend to here.”
“Yes, that’s all,” she said, but tilted her head in curiosity. “I figured you’d be a lot more ready to get your revenge. You’re typically chomping at the bit for some murder.”
“If I could get some bloody sleep, I’d be more ready for that,” he snapped back. 
She narrowed her gaze on him and looked him up and down. He wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but her eyes stopped at his midsection for a brief moment and widened. Instinctively, he moved his arm in front of him, but that might have been a fatal move. 
Her eyes found his again with an uncomfortably knowing smirk on her lips. “I’ll leave you to your rest, then. See you around, Hook.” And with a wave of her hand, she poofed away.
If she knew, he would deal with that later. First things first: back to sleep. (And maybe some food.)
After a week of rest, he found his bones were doing much better, though the nausea he’d been dealing with had evolved into full-blown sickness. The pamphlets told him that was normal but it was exceedingly obnoxious. At least his food stores on board were fairly bland.
“I can’t believe you actually enjoy hard tack,” he said to the babe; a different pamphlet told him the baby couldn’t hear him yet, but it was comforting to talk to them—or at least complain.
Much like he’d noticed in the hospital, it was almost whiplash-inducing how quickly he’d rearranged everything in his life to put the child first. But he also knew that, had his life followed a remotely normal trajectory, he and Milah would have done the same. Where he once thought revenge was the only way to honor her, he now knew that protecting and raising this child would be better.
“But, oh love, I wish you were here,” he whispered to the night sky, hoping that wherever she was, she’d hear him.
He read over the pamphlets Doc had given him many times over, until they began to look ragged and he worried they might not make it through the duration of his pregnancy. One listed several books that could be referenced, but given his history with the town librarian—and he being the reason for her current leave of absence—he’d have to make do without them. 
Briefly, he considered seeking out Emma’s help; but based on their last encounter, he doubted she’d give it. Still, though—she was the only one around that had been through all this that he might be able to talk to. Maybe at some point. But not in the immediate future.
One fact remained, though: no child of Killian’s—and especially Milah’s—was safe while the Dark One still roamed free. So once he felt closer to being on the mend, he dug some ginger drops out of storage to hopefully aid the nausea and sought out his would-be allies.
Cora and Regina were deep in discussion when he arrived at the queen’s mansion, but he caught a few key phrases and didn’t care about interrupting. “Where's Rumplestiltskin gone?”
They both jumped at his voice, but were too poised to let it throw them off. “I don't know,” Regina answered tearfully.
A glimmer of hope he hadn’t felt since before the dark curse started to glow again. “Well, if he's left town, then he's powerless. He can be killed.” The ladies went on some diatribe about how they’d lose their magic if they crossed the town line, but he didn’t care. “Well, I don't need magic. I'll go after him alone.”
Regina stood and gave him a look he didn’t like—one that said she knew too much. For a moment, he feared she might out his secret, but thankfully she didn’t. She still lectured, though, “Even if you could find him, do you really think you could just walk to him and stab him in the heart with your sword?”
“Well, I'd prefer my hook, but I can't seem to find that now.”
“You're not going anywhere,” Cora scolded.
“I deserve my vengeance!” he bit out angrily. And, moreso, the security in knowing that his child would grow up safe. The pitying look Regina was giving him told him she at least understood.
Cora didn’t notice, thankfully. “You're right. You do, and with the Dark One gone, we can search for the one magical item that could actually kill him here—his dagger.”
Somewhat ironically, they ended up at the library, searching for...something. Part of him desperately wanted to leave them to their quest and find the recommended books, but much too quickly, Regina discovered the map.
It was easy enough to decipher. But he really should have seen Cora’s betrayal—and subsequent magical assault—coming. 
(At least Regina seemed vaguely apologetic before he was rendered unconscious.)
Whatever. He was more than capable of doing things on his own.
But first—he found those books; hopefully, no one would mind if he hadn’t formally checked them out. (The atlases...well, hopefully no one needed those references anytime soon.)
It took some more surreptitious spying to figure out where the Dark One had gone, and he took more than a bit of pleasure in knocking out the prince to retrieve his hook from storage in the constable’s offices. 
And then he was on his way to whatever this New York City was. He started reading a book called What to Expect When You’re Expecting on the trip there—then locked everything related to childbearing in his private safe on the ship before leaving it. He was confident no one would discover it, but one could never be too careful.
Finding the Dark One was surprisingly easy. 
Stabbing him was thrilling; everything he’d ever dreamed of.
But his fatal flaw was not factoring Emma Swan into the equation, nor the heavy metal canister she threw at his head.
Still, though: he’d stabbed a magicless Dark One with the worst poison known to man; another thing that had been stored in his safe. The last thing Killian saw before slipping into oblivion—again—was his mortal enemy’s prone form, knowing that there was no cure for the venom making its way to his heart.
I’ve done it, love, he thought. He’s done. We can move on. Which “love” that was, he didn’t have time to consider. All he knew was that finally, he could rest, and await whatever came next.
He’d been in worse brigs than the one he subsequently found himself in. Having his left arm awkwardly chained to a bed frame wasn’t ideal but the Tamara lass fed him, let him use the lavatory as needed (which he was finding he needed to do with more regularity), even allowed him to bathe every few days. (Out of necessity, she’d also provided him with a bucket for dealing with his bouts of sickness; he wrote it off as withdrawal, and she didn’t question it. Not the first time a reputation as a boozy pirate worked in his favor.)
He was far from a willing prisoner, but she’d hidden his hook and always had her gun at the ready, so there were no smart ways for him to try to stage an escape. Besides, Baelfire—because he was the person Emma and the Crocodile had been searching for—had apparently absconded with his ship back to Storybrooke. (Which brought up all other sorts of memories and thoughts.)
“Don’t worry; I’ll take you back to it,” she promised him. If it weren’t for the fact she was constantly peppering him with questions about Storybrooke, he wouldn’t have believed that it was her destination, too. He was careful to not give much away, though; he doubted her goals were worthy. 
“Just when are you planning this trip? You’ve been saying that for two weeks now,” he had to ask her; he was finally starting to get a bit of cabin fever, and was eager to get back to his ship and chart out a future for him and his babe. 
“When I get the sign. Should only be a couple more days.”
He rolled his eyes and went back to his reading; he was nothing if not a patient man. As long as they left before the child arrived, he supposed it’d be alright. He’d have preferred the books he had on the ship but thankfully, only he had the key to where those were locked away. But reading Tamara’s collection of novels was a good way of learning about this realm. Despite not having actual magic, its advanced technology seemed to make up for it. 
Like the shower. Bloody hell, what a marvel! Tamara had to give him a lesson his first time using it, but what a luxury! (And to think it was a standard amenity here...incredible.) Letting the hot water run over him, cleanse his skin and soothe his aches, was the main thing that made this farcical imprisonment bearable. 
That, and it was in there he noticed the first visible sign of his child. Obviously, he’d been watching his midsection with a keen eye, but any changes seemed to be a long time coming. 
But then, at around 14 weeks, he first saw it: his navel was sticking out ever so slightly. Were it not for his minimal diet, he could have attributed it to normal weight fluctuations; but based on the increasing visibility of his ribs, he knew he was probably losing a bit of weight instead of the opposite. 
Still, his point of view of his stomach from inside the shower wasn’t the most reliable, he knew. But when he stepped out and stood in profile in the looking glass, it confirmed it: his child was starting to make his or her presence known. It still only looked like he’d eaten a rather large meal, but considering he hadn’t...bloody hell. Were it not for his prison guard rapping on the other side of the door for him to hurry up, he could have spent hours there staring at it.
It wasn’t long after that he started feeling the first twitches of movement within, as well. Nothing strong enough to be felt from the outside, of course—he thought it might be gas at first—but once he realized what was going on, it was all he could do to hide the tears of joy from his captor.
But he also found himself periodically plagued with guilt, especially with the revelation of Bae’s presence in this realm. Even so long after, he was still haunted by what he’d done to the boy. It was strange to think, but had things gone differently, they might have had the chance to actually be a family—the lad would have been an excellent big brother. 
That chance was probably long gone now, but it only furthered Killian’s resolve to be there for this one—to not do what either his or Bae’s father had done.
“That won’t happen to you, my love,” he murmured late at night, hand over the tiny bump and the tiny babe, gently fluttering within. “Gods above couldn’t keep me from you.”
thanks for reading!! tagging some friends (and let me know if you want a tag!) @cocohook38​ @wyntereyez​ @jennjenn615​ @superadam54​ @ashley-knightingale​ @justsomewhump​
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wyntereyez · 4 years
Squid Pro Quo part thirty-nine
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Banner by @hollyethecurious
This begin chapter six, which will either be called the predictable "Finding Nemo", or "(Don't) Free Willy." I still have no title for chapter five.
Killian collapsed against the Jolly's wheel, clutching his chest. The others reacted quickly: August and Pinocchio ran to his side, while Liam, who had been standing at the bow to look out for debris and survivors, hobbled over as fast as his injured leg allowed to take the wheel and guide the ship around a fast-approaching capsized boat.
"What happened?" August asked, attempting to pry Killian's hand away for a look.
Killian squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated, seeking that fragile connection between himself and Jones.
It took a moment to find because it was so weak, but it was there, pulsing faintly like a struggling heart, but he could already feel the connection strengthening. Killian sent a tendril of emotion down the bond, a mixture of worry and inquiry, but there was no response. Unconscious, then.
"I'm all right, Mate," Killian said, batting August's hand away. He fished around for his phone, which unsurprisingly had no signal. He sent off a text to Emma, to let her know there was something wrong with Jones, then another to Regina, since he'd been heading her way. Then he put up his phone and stood up shakily. There wasn't much else he could do for Jones, but he'd pay close attention to their bond.
"You're certain you're all right?" Pinocchio asked warily, as Killian swayed unsteadily and caught himself on one of the wheel's knobs.
"Nothing to concern yourselves over. We need to worry about Geppetto. We have no way of capturing and containing a whale, unfortunately, not without magic. But he can't move beyond the town barrier, so he's somewhat contained. Right now, we have two goals: Find Nemo before he can hurt your father, and get everyone on the water to safety, thus minimizing the damage he can cause. Someone with magic can come by later and drive your father to shore before he becomes human again." I hope, he didn't add.
Killian considered his ragtag crew for a moment, thinking. "Liam, I need you to return to your post." Liam nodded and limped off. "August, I have a radio in my cabin. I need you to monitor it; contact any ship you can reach and apprise them of the situation, and alert me of any sightings." August vanished down the hatch.
He had Pinocchio assemble equipment for potential rescues. They worked quietly, aware of the urgency of the situation, only Liam's warnings of debris breaking the silence.
They hadn't encountered any survivors so far. Killian hoped that just meant there hadn't been any crewed ships in the whale's path.
Killian took a moment to probe at his pack bond. Still no response, but it was stronger than before.
Footsteps pounded up the stairs, and Pinocchio looked up from the coils of rope he was laying out.
"We've got a mayday," August said. "Prince Eric's ship is under attack."
Killian knew approximately where Eric fished, and changed his heading. They weren't too far off course; the Jolly Roger would catch up quickly.
"Prepare yourselves," Killian said. "This is going to take all of our -"
"Is he all right?" Pinocchio interrupted, pointing.
"Who -" Killian began, then turned just in time to see Liam convulse and fall to the deck. "Take the wheel," he commanded, then sprinted towards his fallen brother.
Liam's eyes had rolled back in his head, and his limbs were flailing wildly. Killian ducked to avoid one swinging arm, then caught the other - and froze.
The makeshift bandage around Liam's arm had slipped, revealing a chunk of flesh missing from his arm.
A bite mark.
Tagging @cocohook38 @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @killian-whump
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everything-person · 5 years
Finding Emma
It started as a failed attempt of Netflix and Chill.
“You wanna see what's on Netflix?” Emma purred into Killians ear one night when Henry was with Regina.
Killian made himself comfortable on the couch as Emma set up the TV. She finally landed on Sherlock Holmes turning it on before curling up next to her boyfriend. After about ten minutes her hands started to roam across his firm chest and strong shoulders. She started a trail of kisses from his neck to his jaw. She continued the trail to his ear and started to nibble on his lobe. 
Killian groaned, “Love, I thought we were watching a film.”
Emma released his ear whispering, “What's the matter Captain? Can’t multitask?”
“I can assure you I quite capable of accomplishing more than my fair share of tasks at once. But you deserve my full attention.”
“Then pay attention to me now and we can watch the movie after.” Emma finishing her suggestion by licking the shell of his ear.
A shiver ran through Killians body before he replied, “We already started the film be a shame not to finish till the end.”
Emma stopped her advances and sat back. Killian was completely focused on the scene of Sherlock giving his observation of Watson's fiancee. She let out a exasperated sigh. “Okay,” settling back down to her original position muttering under her breath “I knew I should've picked Charlie's Angels.”
Then as a way to get Killian caught up with all of Henry's favorite movies.
“Okay we have to start with Star Wars. There are six movies and you have to watch them 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3.” Henry explained as he started setting up the movies.
“Why wouldn’t we start with one?” Killian furrowed his eyebrows at his stepson.
“Because though that’s the chronological way it's not the right way. 4 was made first, and was suppose to be the only movie, so you have to show it the respect it deserves by watching it first. Plus the avoidance of spoilers.”
“Alright,” Killian accepted not sure he completely understood what his stepson justy said.
“We’ll watch 4, 5, and 6 tonight,” Henry said coming to sit on the couch next to his stepfather, “We’ll watch the rest another night.”
Killian relaxed back into the couch, trying to preparing himself, as the opening credits began to role.
Then it became a Disney vs Enchanted Forest 
“David I think that would be a good look for you. You should try it.” Killian nudged his friend and father in law playfully.
David smirked, “Keep laughing buddy. Wait till we get to your movie.”
“That's not for a while if we are going in order,” Henry interjected.
“We can skip all the music ones and the ones with people we don't know,” Emma suggested.
“No. We can't skip Dumbo. I love that movie.” Snow adjusted Neil in her lap.
“You would,” Regina snarked.
Now it was just a regular Sunday thing at the Swan-Jones House. They would have family dinner after they would watch a movie that they chose last week. Sometimes it was just Emma and Killian and other times it was the whole family. Tonight they were joined by Snow, David, Neil, and Henry. And Hope if the infant was able to stay awake.
“What are we watchin’?” Neil asked with his mouth half full of food.
“Neil don’t talk with food in your mouth,” Snow reprimanded him. 
“We are watching Finding Dory. It just came on Netflix,” Emma answered her little brother.
“Shouldn’t we watch Finding Nemo first?”
“Everyone's already seen is and besides I doubt the little guys will even stay awake to see the end.”
“I’m not gonna fall asweep,” Neil exclaimed.
Everyone smiled at his determination as they finished their meal. Everyone made their way to the living room while Emma got the prepared snacks. Snow and David took up the couch while Neil and Henry camped out on the floor. Killian planted himself on the loveseat with his daughter in his lap. Emma came in placing a bowl of popcorn and pretzels on the coffee table then going to sit next to her husband. Henry grabbed the remote and played the movie. 
“My family! I have to find my family!”
“Please. All I know is that I miss them. I really really miss them. Do you know what that feels like?”
Fifteen minutes in Emma silently got up, stepped over her son and little brother, made her way to the couch. When she was close enough David opened his arms to her, for the first time Emma curled up into her father's lap and just let him hold her. Once she was settled she put her attention back on the movie. 
Killian passed a worried and slightly confused glance at his wife. David caught his eye and they had a silent conversation. Killian still worried, but satisfied that David had her, turned back to the cartoon fish. 
Emma felt slightly ridiculous. She was a grown woman that has come to terms with what happened in her life. She knew why her parents had to give her up and she was fine with it. But this silly blue fish that spoke whale brought her back to her days in the system. So right now she wasn’t a grown understanding woman, she was a lost little girl that just wanted to be held.
The movie continued. Neil at one point crawled onto the couch next to Snow falling asleep with his head on the arm and his feet curled underneath him. Hope was passed out on Killians chest. Emma's too was growing a little sleepy, her head resting on Davids shoulder, her eyelids growing heavier as she tried to finish the movie.
“Mommy. Don’t cry Mommy. Don’t cry.”
“Do you think she can make it on her own Charlie?”
“It’ll be okay.”
“Mommy loves purple shells.”
Davids grip tightened on his daughter. Emma responded by nuzzling further into his warmth. 
Once the movie was over Henry turned off the tv and wished everyone a goodnight before heading up to his room. Killian also headed upstairs to put Hope down leaving the Charmings in the living room. 
“Im going to do the dishes. Are you okay with these two?” Snow looked between her husband and two sleeping children.
“Yeah i got them. I’ll go put her to bed in a minute.” David nodded to their daughter.
“Okay.” Snow leaned over to carefully kiss her husband before standing. After a little stretching she went to the kitchen and got started on the dishes they left behind in favor of the movie.
David sat there for a moment. Savoring this quiet moment with no magic, no curses, and no villains. Where he wasn't a prince or a shepherd and Emma wasn't the sheriff or a savior. He was just a dad sitting on the couch watching his two children sleep peacefully. They were here, they were safe and most importantly they were with him. After he burned the image into his memory he adjusted his arms so his hold on emma was more secure and he stood from the couch. as he made his way around the couch Killian was coming down the stairs.
Killian approached his father in law with his arms reaching out, “I got her mate.”
David turned slightly to evade his son in law, “No its alright. I’m fine.”
“You sure?” 
“I’m sure.” David moved around Killian and made his way up the stairs. Killian made his way to the kitchen.
“You don't have to do that Snow.” Killian said.
“No it's fine you guys cooked. It's only fair I help clean. You can dry and put away.” Snow handed him a plate. Which he took and picked up the nearby rag.
“Thank you for letting him put Emma to bed. That was the first time he was able to hold her like that since he put her in the wardrobe” Snow said casually. “No matter how much we rationalize it we can never quite get over it.”
“Its understandable milady. If I had to give up Hope I don’t know I would have the strength to go on.”
Upstairs David just got Emma underneath the blankets making sure she was fully tucked in. He turned to leave when Emma spoke, “Dad?”
David turned back to the half awake Emma, kneeling next to the bed. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry i had to go away.”
David raised his hand to brush some hair out of her face, “No princess. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I sent you away.” His voice cracked trying to hold back all the emotions coming forward.
“I wish we had more time.” Emma in her tired and emotional state confessed.
“Me too. But now we have all the time in all the realms. No more missing out.”
“I love you Dad.”
David rose up and placed a gentle kiss on his daughter's forehead. “I love you too princess.”
With Emma finally asleep David went downstairs to see Killian and Snow had finished the dishes. Snow gathering up hers and Neils coats and shoes. David put on his coat and shoes. Wishing everyone a good night Killian closed the door behind them locking it. Turning off the lights Killian headed upstairs and joined his wife in bed. As he curled himself around her he wondered what the next movie night would bring.
Author Note
So Hi its been a while. but um hopefully this is the start on me writing again. I hope you enjoyed this little tid bit. Please feel free to leave comments questions and concerns or feel free to message me about how awful it is. But uh yeah.
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Season 6B:
Killian: *angst*
Emma, who is usually angsting, or definitely too scared to take big steps in her relationship: oh
Emma: let me go canoeing
Emma: omfg I love my kid
Emma: dumb kid forgot the life jackets
Emma: who needs lifejackets?
Emma: if Killian finds out we had Poptarts AND didn't wear life jackets he'd kill us omg
Emma: Better go home to get the life jackets
Killian: *is angsting*
Emma: wait, what are you hiding? Did you buy a puppy? Cause I've been thinking, a puppy would maybe be something I-
Emma: wait
Emma: don't be sad, I love you and we're alive and there is no angst in our lives bae
Killian: *gallons of angst*
Emma: see you later, alligator!
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