#kinda nifty
lucienchol · 1 year
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This was only suppose to be a quick black and white sketch oop,,
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jfullstop · 7 months
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Has anyone else talked about the background shot of the hotel crew while Charlie is talking to her dad?
Pentcious looks so sad in this shot kinda like he feels bad for her.
Angel and Husk look very uncomfortable
And nifty is well… being nifty.
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stormikitty · 5 months
Vaggie's Past
I've seen tons of fics and tumblr posts with 2 different ideas about Vaggie's past. 1 being that she had a human life before she became an exorcist angel, and the other being that she grew up in heaven and was raised by Adam and Lute and the other exorcists. Idk which 1 I like better, but I have headcanons for both. And I've sort of imagined conversations for how the other characters would find out?
1:Vaggie had a human life:
Charlie: Hey Vaggie? Are you heavenborn, or a human soul?
Vaggie: it's complicated? When a human soul becomes an exorcist, the first part of their training involves magic induced amnesia. They're forced to forget everything about their lives including their own name, and they're given a new 1. I know I was a human at some point, but I don't remember anything. Some things stick, like languages, and some strong feelings about certain things even if there's a lack of context for it, but I don't remember who I was or any of the people I might've known. Every earthborn exorcist has maybe 1 vivid memory from their life, but it never actually tells them anything about who they used to be or who they know. I think that's to make it easier to erase any individuality more quickly and make us forget if any of our morals didn't originally align with what exorcists do. Turns us into perfect soldiers quicker. If I remembered my real name, I probably wouldn't be going by the 1 that Adam gave me. He literally named me after a vagina.
Chalie: *hugging Vaggie*
Anyone else who heard this: ...
2: Heavenborn Vaggie:
Vaggie: I was never a child.
Angel Dust: What did you just come into existence fully grown or something?
Vaggie: No, I still had to grow and develop like anyone else would.
Husk: Then you were a child.
Vaggie: I was raised to be the perfect soldier since the moment I was born. A soldier isn't allowed to be a child.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Charlie: Why didn't your parents protect your from that?
Vaggie: A lot of exorcist angels are born from flowers instead of other angels. I was 1 of them. I was raised by exorcists and grew up with exorcists.
Alastor or Angel Dust: You were born from a flower? Like Thumbilina?
Husk: They took away your childhood?!
Vaggie: Yeah. I had to be a grow up almost as soon as I could start walking and talking.
Nifty: What was it like being raised by exorcists? Other than the fact that you weren't allowed to be a kid?
Vaggie: I was surrounded by high standards and expectations I had to meet and not allowed to have much if any individuality. Exorcists aren't even given names until after their 1st extermination. They have numbers until then. Also, you know how exorcists have those black stipes on their wings? Those don't appear until their 1st extermination either. Also I was taught to value loyalty and strength more than anything else. Loyalty goes above strength, but not by much. And the second I showed even the slightest hesitation to follow an order, I was cast out of heaven in probably 1 of the most brutal and painful ways possible by 1 of the people I trusted the most. So there's that.
Everyone: *ready to throw hands with some exorcists again*
Charlie: *crying*
Nifty: ... Wanna build a pillow fort and watch cartoons?
Edit: I reread the post and realized it said "gown up" instead of "grow up", so I fixed it. I would appreciate if people pointed things like this out to me in the future.
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bitchslapblastoids · 2 months
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thecouchshifter · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel NSFT HCs
He’s a service top and probably the biggest on checking boundaries and aftercare, like more than Charlie and Vaggie. His biggest priority is making sure whoever he’s with has a good and safe time. He’s got experience and he knows how to make anyone feel good. Also whenever someone calls him a manlet he will remind them that height doesn’t matter when you’ve got them on their knees anyway.
Charlie and Vaggie
Put them as a duo because who else are they boning? As a general note, they’re both switches and Charlie is the more experienced one of the two, though mostly with men. They’re generally pretty vanilla but have some light kinks and sometimes do some roleplay.
Vaggie loves a good strap, pulling Charlie’s hair, and biting when topping/domming and has a fucking insane praise kink when bottoming/subbing. Also likes the fact Charlie is taller than her in both (shadow of the colossus type shit or being absolutely towered over). Uses princess or doll to refer to Charlie while domming and generally uses ma’am or my queen while subbing.
Charlie is super soft and romantic when topping/domming and absolutely has to touch and kiss everywhere. When subbing/bottoming, she likes some soft under the bed restraints, maybe a blindfold every once in a while, and has a bit of a mommy kink. Either way she likes setting the scene with some candles and flower petals because she’s extra like that. Has a big praise kink too that goes both ways. Uses sweetheart and more recently little angel when domming to refer to Vaggie and when subbing pretty much exclusively uses mommy. Has one very pretty old school lingerie set that she will whip out when she really wants to impress Vaggie.
There’s no polite way to say it, she’s a fucking freak. Doesn’t matter how you do it she’s gonna do some crazy shit to you or ask you to do some crazy shit to her. Crazy on masochism and sadism in particular. 90% of the bad boys she plays with get scared after the first time and she quickly loses interest after that. Such is the way of Nifty.
Sir Pentious
He prefers romance to sex but if it helps him bond with a partner he’ll do it. Sadly, nobody has actually stayed with him past the first date before. He’s a hopeless romantic but hopes one day he’ll find someone who loves him for him. If he did bone, he’d be really awkward about it and not really know what he was doing but inconceivably keep falling upward and in the end do a really good job. After the fact he’d need a solid 20 minutes to recover while just laying there in shock before thanking his partner profusely.
Cherri Bomb
She has fucked a lot of ways and is generally open to trying anything. Has a few utterly bizarre kinks and fetishes. Not even particularly disturbing just very oddly specific. Like fleshlight between the legs while a replica dildo of her partner’s dick fucks her and their real dick fucks the fleshlight type strange.
Angel Dust
I mean sure he’s down for pretty much anything but slow, romantic, vanilla sex is his fucking kryptonite. He doesn’t get it in the studio or god forbid with Val, so when he does he’s surprised for a minute before he gets completely lost in his partner’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong he loves kinky shit, especially bondage, but getting back to basics is such a treat for him. Very into body worship for a similar reason. Boy just wants to feel loved. Has a set of lingerie for every occasion
“Ha! No.”
Vox likes to think of him as a massive sub tho.
He’s a switch that will absolutely commit to the bit if he’s doing any kind of roleplay or D/S stuff. This man is a grade A actor to the point where Lilith was worried on several occasions as to if he was possessed. He has had millennia to perfect his technique and you will find no soul in hell bar maybe Asmodeus who knows how to use all the tools at his disposal better than him. Has a bit of a ringmaster/circus fantasy and has referred to Lilith as his little acrobat multiple times. Lilith also gets a bit worried when Lucifer is horny because it usually means he hasn’t taken his depression meds. Calls Lilith goddess a lot too.
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mgc02 · 2 months
Okay so Niffty didn't know who the Vees were and she just met Valentino
So that means she's never met Vox... I imagine it will go like this
Vox: well, well, well if it isn't the stupid ass deer prick himself
Alastor: Oh, I should've known you were here, Vox. I thought I smelled the scent of insecurity and desperation
Vox: Ha! You're just envious that I have the most influence in hell
Alastor: Oh please of course you do. Because you hypnotize your viewers. You know, my audience listens by choice
Vox: why... you old as shit, tacky, annoying voice motherf#cker!
Alastor: I don't have an annoying voice. People love my voice! You, however, use flashy distractions so people don't notice yours!
Angry faces inches apart*
Niffty: you two should kiss
Alastor: Niffty because I love you I will allow you to live this time but never say that again
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owlxle · 6 months
The Infernal Therapist
Or: The Hazbin Hotel finally gets a fucking therapist on staff
This is something of a chapter zero for a series I'm hoping to write surrounding a Hazbin oc and their misadventures.
Words: 1,384
Warnings: None
It was a normal day in Hell. As normal as could be expected, that is.
There's a soft knock at the door, almost as if the demon behind it doesn't want to be heard.
Unfortunately for the poor sinner, one of the hotel staff opens the door and stares at them.
At least it's someone they're on good terms with.
"Ah. Husker, hello."
The drunkard's eyes widen in recognition. "Oh. It's you..."
"Unfortunately, yes, it's me."
Standing on the doorstep is a humanoid demon in a white lab coat and black turtleneck, his skin is tinged purple and his eyes are a much deeper shade of the same color. The demon's black hair frames their face and a pair of half-rim glasses sit on their nose.
"What'd'ya want, Doc?" Husk sighs.
"Is our... mutual friend around?"
The bartender sighs and opens the door a bit more, revealing an imposing, familiar figure staring directly into their soul with his constant large grin.
The newcomer tenses immediately.
"Doctor Haze! How good to see you again, my friend!"
The two demons stare at each other as Husk slinks off, Alastor almost daring Haze to make a move.
"Al? Is there someone at the- oh! Hello!" The overexcited princess of Hell steps in front of Alastor to shake Haze's hand enthusiastically.
"Oh- Greetings, your highness."
"Just call me Charlie!" She insists, dragging the sinner into the hotel and to the lobby.
Haze looks around, trying to get a read on his surroundings.
Husk has returned to the bar where a tall, furry, white demon is flirting with him relentlessly.
A demon with grey skin, long, white hair, a missing eye, and an angelic spear(???) glares daggers at the doctor.
A snake-like demon appears to be hiding behind a couch, watching cautiously.
A small red blur Haze recognizes as Niffty darts around, barely sparing the newcomer a glance aside from a quick once-over to confirm that he is not, in fact, a "bad boy".
Without turning around, Haze knows The Radio Demon's current location.
Directly behind him.
Alastor's ambient static slowly intensifies, putting an uneasy feeling in the air.
Something that the princess- Charlie doesn't seem to notice as she nudges the doctor into the middle of the room.
"Okay, everyone! We have a visitor!" Charlie announces, waving everyone closer. "This is-!" She pauses. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name, mister...?"
Alastor cuts in before Haze has a chance to speak for himself.
"This, my dear, is Haze! An old friend of mine!"
"Mister Haze!"
The doctor shoots Alastor a glare, to which the Radio Demon responds with a knowing smile.
Charlie looks over at Haze, following his glare to the recipient. "Is something wrong?"
Alastor's grin grows slightly, daring Haze to correct the princess.
Watching this interaction, the spear-wielding demon speaks, her largely monotone voice harboring a touch of affection for Charlie. "Hon, maybe we should let him speak for himself."
"Oh! Sorry! I just got to excited and Alastor told us your name and-"
"Don't worry about it, your high-" He clears his throat. "Charlie."
"I'm Doctor Haze, but please, just call me Haze." He gives an awkward half-bow. "At your service."
"So the new guy has a title, huh? I've always liked guys with a bit more... experience~" The tall, furry demon says, his tone apparently meant to be seductive.
"...No thank you."
"Aw, come on, Doc! You look like the last time you got some was before they invented the fun stuff!"
"No thank you." Haze asserts, a bit more sternly.
"Your loss~!"
Now that he's moved closer, Haze can better make out this demon's features, wracking his brain for a name to put to the familiar face.
"Haze, this is Angel Dust, one of our residents." Charlie explains, smiling. "And over there", she gestures to the snake hiding behind the couch "is Sir Pentious! Our other resident!"
Pentious's hood flares, revealing four more eyes in addition to the two visible on his face and the third on his hat (which, by the way, appears to be alive).
"Hello, Doctor." Pentious says, politely as he slithers toward Haze. "I wassss just... doing reconnaissance! Yes!"
Haze nods, shaking the snake demon's outstretched hand hesitantly. "I can appreciate a strategic mind. It's a pleasure to meet you- all of you." He announces, expertly containing his true level of enthusiasm.
"We're not done yet!" Charlie says in a sing-song tone as she drags the poor sinner around the lobby.
"This is my girlfriend, Vaggie! She runs the hotel with me!"
Haze has a million questions about the grey-skinned demon. There's something so... wrong about her, like she doesn't belong in this setting. And that spear! He supposes its possible that Vaggie scavenged the weapon after an extermination, that would be the most logical answer, but Haze has always had a mind that runs rampant without his input.
Vaggie gives Haze a curt nod. "Hi." Ah, an individual of few words! Battle-hardened, maybe? He concludes that Vaggie was likely some kind of warrior on earth, maybe an older civilization? That would explain the confidence she exudes holding that spear... that would mean she's been down here quite a while, of course. She could even be older than Zestial!
...Back to the proverbial drawing board, then.
Charlie waves a hand in front of Haze's face, shaking him from his (admittedly long-winded) thoughts. "Haze? Are you alright??"
"Oh! Erm. Yes, sorry, I let myself get distracted for a bit too long." He laughs, hovering his hand over the back of his head in a stereotypical show of embarrassment. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vaggie." Haze offers a handshake but the demon just... stares. Glares, even.
"She takes a bit to warm up to new people, don't worry." Charlie explains, dragging Haze to yet another introduction. He hopes it's the final one.
"Hey again, doc~"
Angel Dust. How many arms does this demon have? Four seems excessive, but if he's a spider, he should have eight limbs total, leaving a pair unaccounted for! Why he's expecting any of this to make sense, he's not sure, but he'd certainly appreciate it if it did.
There's a familiarity about the spider's name... Angel Dust. One of his patients may have mentioned it...?
"Oh, I know that look." Angel smirks. "You know me from my work!"
"Gay pornos." Husk adds, from behind the bar.
Yes, it was definitely one of his patients that brought him up. Probably Travis. Seems up his alley.
"Oh, of course." Haze nods.
"You watch my stuff?"
That is a fair conclusion to come to, quite honestly. "Oh- um. Not me, one of my patients mentioned you a few times."
"So the title ain't just for showing off? You've got patients? What kinda doctor are you, anyway?" Angel seems genuinely curious. Haze can appreciate that.
"He's the lobotomy kind!" Alastor announces, making his presence known again after his ambient static faded into the background.
"That's barbaric, Alastor." Haze mutters.
"Oh, I'm just kidding! Haze here is the kind of doctor that talks at you!"
"That's a gross oversimplification..."
"I know!" Alastor's grin seems to grow wider for a moment. "You're hilarious when you're offended!"
"Great. Thanks. Appreciate it." The doctor says under his breath, trying to ignore the Radio Demon.
"He ain't wrong, though. That's what you do." Husk asserts before taking a long drink from his nondescript bottle of alcohol.
"I'm a psychologist. I have a small clinic in Pentagram City where I provide therapy for sinners. I've found that it's often beneficial for the damned to show vulnerability."
Charlie's eyes light up and Haze can practically hear her enthusiasm. Internally, the demonic doctor grins, externally, he smirks.
"That's why I'm here. I want to offer my assistance in the betterment of sinners."
"Really?" Charlie asks, bouncing in place.
Alastor's eye twitches, a subtle sign that he is... irritated, to say the least.
He's hilarious when he's offended.
"I don't know if I believe in this concept of 'redemption' you've been peddling, but in the end, we have the same goal. We both strive improve the lives of sinners." Haze extends a hand to Charlie, in a way reminiscent of Alastor, albeit with none of the danger in the air. "What do you say?"
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Nene & Baxter Ship Dynamic Quote
Nene:Answer the damn question!
Baxter:I’m watching the waves
Nene:I’m inlove with you Baxter.
Baxter:*Gets slap by Nene* AHHHHHHH! You slapped me…?YOU SLAPPED YOU COCKROACH!
Nene:Marry me.*holds a wedding ring*
Nene:Your the most repulsive person I have ever met.
Baxter:I my used car battery into the ocean!
*Nene marry Baxter with wedding music Nene wears a wedding dress so is Baxter*
Baxter:Where the fuck am I?
*Baxter woken up sweating and sigh in relief*
Baxter:AHHHHHHHHHHH!Oh it’s just a dream…
Nene/Nifty:*lying on bed in smexy pose with a 50s white nightgown* You ready for more big boy?
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vancruejovi · 2 months
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Okay I know I’ve been posting about him a lot recently but he’s my jellybean and I love him, so just bear with me for the moment 😭. I made a crochet Cody Rhodes!! I’ve never really made full on humans before but I got inspired by my moots crochet dolls ( @metalmusicwhore, yours are so cute!!) so I wanted to be brave lol. He’s still very wonky for my first try but I think he’s really cute and I had a lot of fun making him (plus look at his lil flap for his jacket 💕)
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Ok, spoilers for episode 5 but something I liked, especially after all that happened in 4, was the scene with Husk confronting Alastor about Mimzy.
I will admit that, after ep. 4, I was having a hard time seeing Husk's situation with the same gravity as Angel's.
Of course, it sucks to be under the thumb of someone much more powerful than you and be at their beck and call, but I didn't see how Alastor treated Husk being nearly as bad as how Valintino was treating Angel. Their relationship wasn't healthy but it didn't seem as bad.
But that scene? That changed it.
Husk's situation with Alastor is just as toxic and abusive, just like Angel and Valentino, albeit in a different way.
Both Alastor and Valentino see their respective victims as objects, something they own and can profit from. Angel and Husk are tools to them, not people or lovers or friends.
Because of that, Husk nor Angel can call out negative behavior of their abusers without dire consequences.
When Husk criticized Alastor and made a dig in retaliation to being belittled, Alastor responded threateningly as a reminder to his "pet" that he has the power to put Husk down if he wanted to.
It really cemented to me that Alastor doesn't view Husk as anymore than an attack dog cat on a choke chain.
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vellichorom · 1 year
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just want you guys to know that they’re clownifying the sexypedia articles for april fools & this is honestly a look;
happy april fools!
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evilkitten3 · 11 months
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this image lives in my mind rent free. there's so much here and i really wish the manga had gotten deeper into these two's deeply fucked up relationship bc it's fascinating.
according to wikipedia, yin (the black bit) represents the female/passive/negative principle in nature, while yang (the white part) represents the male/active/positive principle in nature. yin is covert, of the netherworld, the north side of a hill, the south bank of a river, the moon. yang is overt, belonging to this world, the south side of a hill, the north bank of a river, the sun. some other stuff too
the name hyuuga is written with the characters for "sun" and "approach", but the second character can also mean "defy". hinata's first name is just a different reading of the kanji of their surname (which is hilarious but that's not the point), but as a noun "hinata" means "sunny place" or "in the sun". i believe it's also been used to mean "the direction the sun is shining". with the reading "hyuuga", though, the same kanji is also an archaic noun meaning "facing (opposite) the sun". so hinata, the all-but-disowned heiress of the clan, is "a sunny place facing the sun" - both an undeniable part of her family, yet ostracized for her weakness.
neji's name means "screw", or it can refer to a key or a spring in like a watch or a clock or something. there's a few kanji it could be written in, but only one of them caught my eye - 螺旋 is a rarer way of writing "ねじ" (usually just written in hiragana afaik, tho neji the character's name is written in katakana) but the more common reading of 螺旋 is ら(螺)·せん - rasen. if you haven't already caught it, the kanji for rasengan is 螺旋丸­. that's not super relevant, just interesting. anyway, neji who "defies" the main family is one who "faces (opposes) the sun". but at the same time he's its strongest member (or. the one with the most potential. probably most of the jounin hyuuga were stronger than genin neji). so he's "a screw in the sun" - a fundamental piece of the machinery that it may not be able to function without, even if it can't be seen from the outside, like the inner workings of a clock.
idk where i'm going with this i just think these two are fascinating and i would've liked to seen more of them concerning one another
#naruto#naruto shippuden#hyuuga clan#hyuuga family bs#hyuuga neji#hyuuga hinata#people try really hard to give naruto a sun-moon dynamic with someone but like. that's silly#the narutoverse HAS sun-moon symbolism. just with hinata and neji#naruto has his full moon-crescent moon thing with sasuke tho which is also pretty nifty#also i freaking adore how they're positioned there#neji looks down on hinata. hinata looks up to neji#the moon resents the sun for shining but can't has no light without it. the sun doesn't need the moon but gives it light anyway#there was so much that could have been done with this#what they're meant to be vs what they are vs who they choose to become#the POTENTIAL#just realized i'm only ever interested in neji when hinata is also involved. and hinata is much more interesting to me when neji is there#i don't care about neji at all outside of that and i'm not too interested in canon!hinata outside of that either#it's kinda ironic bc when i first got into naruto i couldn't stand neji bc of how he treated hinata#ofc NOW i'm older and understand a bit more of what he was going through but it's still hard for me to like him most of the time#except when it concerns hinata. who is the main reason i didn't like him in the first place#go figure? i guess?#they are sososososososo fucked up and i love it#unrelated note: maybe the reason i can't really get behind naru/hina is bc all the interesting potential i can see just kinda went untouche#naruto au where hinata and neji spend the two year timeskip plotting a revolt and they kill hiashi while he's fighting hizashi#then while the war is going on they're running around in the background freeing every hyuuga they can find#naruto wins the war and turns around to see hinata completely restructuring the clan and takes inspiration for the village#he works with sasuke and sakura and the others to try and fix All That Shit#THAT'S a naru/hina i could get behind#also. when they kill hiashi i don't imagine it being like a ''mwahaha vengeance'' thing it'd be more like a tragedy#there'd be a flashback of how close hizashi and hiashi were as children and how growing up the way they did messed them up
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miqojak · 1 year
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Each card in Astrologian's divining deck, except for Lord and Lady, represent the six constellations of the planet's night sky. The symbols of The Twelve can be seen on the cards as well as the Divination ability introduced in Shadowbringers. When Astrologian was released, the night sky was simultaneously updated to clearly display the constellations. Astrologian was originally planned to be Chemist. Due to balancing problems with the Mix command and the desire to implement an all-new weapon type, the idea was scrapped. Mixing items turned into drawing cards. The Stormblood expansion built upon this with the ability to turn standard buff cards into attack or heal cards, further echoing the use of Mix commands from other titles.
I've decided to get some shots in the glams I actually use, instead of the fancy stuff that's just for taking pictures! This is... one of at least three AST glams that I have ?(there's one just for SGE too)Jak brings a very different vibe to the party as AST than most others...
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 2 months
new episode was good. i liked that deb was there. very classic night vale stuff
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catgirlweed · 7 months
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first draft for some incredibly heinoustuck inspired hazbin hotel redesigns
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
Hear me out but villains / protagonist swap au . Where . Adam and Charlie get swapped .
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