#kinda sucks a little bit (it's still a 7/10 tho at least)
infinitelilith · 5 months
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Dude don't say that like it's a good line (this guy works for Square)
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ilaiyayaya · 9 months
Ngl I Just Wanted To Complain About Arthur That's All This Is Really About
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest Chapter 10 is like, so bad but also like so good but also like I fucking hate it but also like it's so good but also like. There is not a single map in the entire Fire Emblem series that I think about nearly as much as Chapter 10 of Conquest, I cannot think of any other map that lives rent free in my head like this piece of shit. I'm not even replaying Fates right now, just sometimes Conquest Chapter 10 just pops up in my brain and I spend 3 hours thinking about it.
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When I play Fire Emblem my playstyle is generally super defensive, I like playing on the highest difficulty most of the time and I REFUSE to ever let any units die so like, why would I ever want my defenseless healer or my shitty low as fuck accuracy axe-user to be anywhere near danger, and this map is like the perfect counter to that type of playstyle. It's a super well-designed map, like it's really good, but I hate it so much, it's super early in the game, in Fates the first 5 chapters are a prologue shared between all 3 version, so it's effectively only the 5th chapter of Conquest, and so you don't have a lot of units to choose from, and those units are still pretty weak. I think by Chapter 10 of Conquest you can have 10 units I believe? you get 3 more a few turns in, and those new units are really good and make the rest of the map a lot less stressful, but it's still pretty bad even with those. The whole point of the stage is defending a 4 tile wide gate, but while you would probably assume this means it would be good to play defensively, absolutely not, enemies come in large waves from all sides and if you don't play extremely aggressively you will get overwhelmed within 1 turn. This is really hard to do on this particular map at this point in the game because of the available units, 1 of them is a healer that cannot attack (Elise), 1 is a dancer that technically can attack but does so little damage that she's only really useful for finishing off enemies with like 1 or 2 hp (Azura), and 1 is an optional trainee unit that is probably still too weak to do any more damage than Azura (Mozu). So basically you have 7 actual damage-dealing units to fend off large waves of enemies coming from 3 directions. The worst part is that of these 7 remaining unit, half of them were not at all made to be defensive, 1 is an archer that can take 1 or 2 hits (Niles), but obviously since they're an archer they can't counter attacks from one space away, 1 is a mage that will die in 1 hit (Odin), and 1 is a maid that really is meant more for healing than damage (Felicia), but she can at least do some debuffing and a bit of damage, still dies in like 2 hits tho. That leaves 4 units at the start of the battle that can actually reliably be put in the center of combat without instantly dying AND EVEN THOSE 4 KINDA SUCK AT THEIR JOB, the only truly outstanding unit is Effie who is a fantastic armor knight, whichever spot you place her at she can pretty much solo if you've leveled her even a little bit since her introductory chapter. The other 3 are Corrin (the protagonist) who isn't necessarily bad, and the exp they get from constantly being attacked is really good since they're a required unit for the entire game, but if you haven't levelled them enough by this point they can get overwhelmed pretty easily, another is Silas, who is potentially as good as Effie, but I personally rarely plan to use him long-term, so I usually don't level him a ton before this chapter so he's really weak for me, that's entirely my fault, but like, that valuable exp, I gotta give it to my other more useful units I can't just waste it on someone I'll drop later. The last of the available units at the start of the chapter is Arthur, Arthur is possibly my least favorite character in the entire series, I hate his character, I hate him in gameplay, I don't like his design, there is nothing about Arthur that I like, but you need to use him in this chapter AND HE'S FUCKING USELESS, he is the prime example of axe-users never being able to hit anything, even if you level him a decent amount, he isn't very defensive so he dies pretty quickly, he doesn't do much damage, and it wouldn't even matter if he did do decent damage because his accuracy is laughably poor, I have literally had attempts of this map where I have had him miss every single attack within the first 5 full turns, which is more than enough to kill a run and pretty much require a reset, he is useless, I hate him, I'm not talking about him anymore, fuck Arthur, hate that guy.
The first 3 turns are by far the hardest part of the map, dealing with the first few smaller waves of enemies and setting up your initial walls before reinforcements get to you is strangely enough a lot harder to deal with than the much larger waves of enemies that arrive in later turns, mostly because after turn 3 you get 3 more units and they are all very good. At turn 3, you get 3 extra units, Camilla, Beruka, and Selena, without these 3 this map would be a fucking nightmare (even more than it already is), Camilla alone is extremely strong and can solo most enemy units as long as they're not bow-users, and the other 2 help a lot in picking off every enemy that isn't already being walled off by Camilla or Effie. As the map goes on each new wave of enemies gets bigger and bigger, so it definitely does maintain it's difficulty throughout the entire stage, but once you've gotten a decent foothold after the first few turns, the rest becomes way more manageable. It's still hard, very hard in the 2nd half of the stage, 100% still nightmarishly difficult, and extremely frustrating if you do fuck up and now have to redo nearly an hour's worth of progress, however, whenever I play chapter 10, like 90% of my resets happen within the first 3 turns, those first few turns are brutally difficult, and if you don't simultaneously push the enemy back far enough, and create a good enough wall in the beginning, you will not make it very far once enemy waves start getting bigger in the 4th turn and beyond. It's such an interestingly, and also somewhat frustratingly designed stage, like in most Fire Emblem stages, once I get into a difficult situation I go "hrmm how do I get out of this situation hrmmrmrmrmr" and then I figure it out and I go "yipee!" but in chapter 10, if you make a mistake, and you realize you've made that mistake, it's probably already too late and it's just going to snowball into a much bigger problem within a few turns. I love resetting on turn 9 because a pegasus knight slipped by and killed Elise oopsies.
The way I've been talking about this makes it sounds like the most frustrating, least fun thing you could possibly ever experience in anything ever, and like, yea it kinda is, but it's also weirdly like, really fun??? Like, I feel like there aren't a ton of maps in any FE game that feels quite like Conquest Chapter 10, there are plenty of maps where you have to defend a point, but I don't think there's any others where you have to defend a point, while not playing defensively at all, because if you just sit there and let the enemies come to you, at least one is going to slip by. Like I said at the start of this, I play super defensively in Fire Emblem, I like to minimize risk of any units dying as much as possible, but the best way to minimize risk in this map, is to do the exact opposite as in most maps and just throw all of your strongest units directly into hordes and hope they don't die. Yea it's annoying, yea it's really fucking hard, yea it's really frustrating to reset like 30 times before getting past the 3rd turn even once, but like, it's fun frustrating, it's refreshing, I like it, but I also fucking hate it, fuck this map it's too well designed.
I had like, a lot more things I was gonna say about this map, but like, I forgor a lot of my points l had to go to work mid-writing this and so all thoughts evaporated from my brain and were replaced with PSO2 thinking gif and Soleil brainrot.
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It's so sad that Chapter 10 happens too early to get Soleil, really it's probably the biggest actual objective issue with the map, unfortunately an issue shared between many early Conquest maps, if only the devs had the foresight to make Soleil available in Chapter 1, truly a major blunder. God why did they fucking write Soleil so poorly like fuck, her supports are impressively bad, like even for Fates she's written poorly. Soleil truly is the Conquest Chapter 10 of Fire Emblem characters, see I didn't just start talking about Soleil for no reason, there was a reason, it's called circular narrative, yea, yea that's what it is, I'm so good at this writing thing frfr.
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sharpiepaws · 1 year
art questions
this was supposed to be like oooooh send in a number and i'll answer it but i don't feel like waiting i wanted to answer these all NOW whether you want answers or NOT 1. Art programs you have but don’t use i've installed firealpaca, medibang, drawpile, i think i have a crack of paint tool sai still, know i have a crack of csp lying around. truth be told the last time i used a digital art program that wasn't gimp was 2 years ago where i drew like 3 things in drawpile. 2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even) full front and 3/4 either direction are equally easy. it's profiles that are difficult. 3. What ideas come from when you were little a lot of my ocs come from when i was 13-ish. from when i was a little kid tho not much carries over except a theme of things being genetically engineered in some way. 4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw folliage/nature. i need to take a lot of references to make plants and foresty sorta landscapes look passable. 5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself i think i post nearly everything that's complete, and i complete nearly everything. anything that isn't posted is part of a larger whole and eventually will get posted. so probably like over 95% of what i do is posted online. 6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn’t supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it) 60s anime and akira toriyama's earlier work (dr slump/dragon ball). idk. smthn about the eyes. 7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate vector artwork. tried it when i was 14 and hated it. just doesn't mesh well i'm a bitmap boy. 8. What’s an old project idea that you’ve lost interest in esther's redemption angel story. it's not really interesting to me and the afterlife "oh i'm a good angel and i help demons!" just feels really played out? i blame vivzie. 9. What are your file name conventions 001 002 003, a combination of keywords, or ajhgkjahkj 10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw puffy sweaters. any winter clothes really. 11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what yea i listen to pretty much anything. i kinda just pick an album or a dj set at random. i mostly listen to electronic music or alt rock. 12. Easiest part of body to draw arms. legs are a close second. 13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn’t your thing ... i don't think i have something like that if i don't like their work i don't really get interested in them lol. idk hidetaka miyazaki? for being a huge out masochist in interviews? that shit's funny. only played dark souls 1 tho. 14. Any favorite motifs characters grappling with their own mortality in some way shape or form 15. *Where* do you draw (don’t drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth) in my room. at my desk. 16. Something you are good at but don’t really have fun doing scriptthttt writttingg.g.. i forgot how much you have to Write to create Thing they can't just be nebulous ideas or cool scenes one after the other. 17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what i dink my oiter. and sometime my monsert if i want to feel like shit and have a really fast heart rate for a really long time. 18. An estimate of how much art supplies you’ve broken my collection of dried up poscas and copics and highlighters and literally any other marker is huge i'm sure. also i have popped the nib off of prismacolor's 005 fineliner at least twice. (prisma fineliners suck get staedtler or faber-castell instead) 19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.) plants no contest. rooms are also really cool. 20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy hands. i've always liked them. 21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways i dig baroque era paintings quite a bit. 22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any none i rawdog that sketchbook 23. Do you use different layer modes the closest thing i have to layers is my lightbox. 24. Do your references include stock images yes of course absolutely 25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by BEASTARS. i guess because furry? lol 26. What’s a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended i haven't finished any of my Works yet so i don't have an answer for this yet but i have a sneaking suspicion that one of them will be wildly misinterpreted but we shall see 27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with no not really. i didn't even realize warming up was a concept until like, this year or smthn 28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines) i did work for CUTE CERVID on their first comp. other than that no i am too reclusive and hate interacting with the Art Community at large to participate in most zines. 29. Media you love, but doesn’t inspire you artistically jet set radio funnily enough. the game literally about art hahahah i don't think i've ever drawn jet set radio fanart and i've been into that game for like 4 years now 30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
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this one. it's literally one of the best things i've ever drawn and everytime i post it it gets like 5 like/fav/engagements MAX
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bitchiha · 4 years
Kakashi and/or Yamato NSFW headcannons? I high key love ur blog btw 🥺✨❤
A/N: UHM YES LETS DOOOO THIS I LOVE YOU BTW AND THANK YOU!! <3 Yamato and Kakashi are like.. my favs. So thank you. I wrote for both of them!
Another side note: I decided to post some requests b4 my angsts bc Im almost done them and I can't neglect them anymore. I am the worlds biggest procrastinator, but I am trying my best.
✎ NSFW (Yamato, Kakashi)
I mentioned this before but both him and Yamato are touch starved. The only difference is that Kakashi needs it more. Like Yamato can control himself a little bit at least, but not Kakashi. Like if he’s gone on a mission longer than 3 days Kakashi is losing his mind.
Best horny Kakashi is horny Kakashi after reading his nasty books. Hands down. Man, it just gets him so worked up because he’s not imagining the characters in the books. Noooo. He’s imagining you and him.
Once when he was reading Icha Icha in bed he was reading a particularly nasty chapter I hope you know where this is going... Once the chapter was done he put the book down and looked over at you like all sly and shit. All the sudden he’s like “come sit on my face.” And the way he says it is so like.. idk how to describe it, but it’s like sly and cocky and curious all at once.
First time you ever sat on his face and it was the closest thing that you’ve ever gotten to heaven girl. Like you were seeing stars.
He’s into anything and everything tbh. Wants to try everything he reads in Icha Icha for himself. Which is amazing bc there’s always something new he wants to try. Everytime.
Loves pet names. Definitely calls you a whole dictionary full of them and they vary depending on what you two are doing exactly.
He likes giving oral a lot tbh. Like a lot a lot. It’s probably bc he knows he’s so damn good at it lmfoaoaoao. He’s read this stuff a hundred times over in his books, so he knows how his tongue should be moving and all that good stuff. Wants you to sit on his face all the time bc he likes how good it makes you feel. Also, likes when you are vocal.
Likes lingerie but he will have it off you in 0.5 seconds so he can drill your shit tbh. You’d have to swat his hands away from trying to peel them off, but you can’t keep them away for more than 5 minutes.
Such a tease. He won’t admit it, but he actually likes making you cry when you're getting it on lol. Just a little. It makes him feel like he’s living out a scene in one of his books and it makes him so much hornier. Like he’s probably denied you 10 times now and so you’re just a mess and he gets so carried away. But when he finally gives in it’s the best dick ever. Bye lol.
Will want to do sooo much nasty things in public. He’d actually be good at hiding what the two of you are doing though, for the most part. I don’t think he’d do anything super crazy though. Mostly things that work you up to get prepared for when you two go home.
Has definitely done it with you in a public washroom. Clamped his hand on your mouth so you wouldn’t get caught and girl he rocked your shit good.
Kakashi is both an ass and tits guy, but you know what he likes better? Thighs. Loves having them wrapped around him, straddling him, lol likes his face being between them and anywhere he can grip them tbh. Like even in public he’ll have a hand somehow on your thigh 24/7. Doesn’t matter if their chubby, small, whatever. He. loves. them. Also loves hips.
Doesn’t mind if you ever wanna take the lead. Go down on him after he comes back from a mission. Shower w him, take a bath with him, literally just do it. But take care of him good. He will repay you later.
I don’t think he’s loud. Probably likes giving you validation a lot, but you’ll only get some noises out of him. That doesn’t mean he isn’t enjoying himself bc he is, my goooosh he is.
However, after missions he’s just too tired to stop himself and he will get a lottt more vocal. Plus it’s his tired voice so it’s 10x more attractive. Lots of Groans.
So like I said, he may not be loud but look at his face. You can tell he’s enjoying himself by his facial expression. Like if his eyes are squeezed shut and his mouth is open slightly you are making him see stars. Or if he’s really focused and intent, that’s when he is doing something he just read about in one of his books and boy is he enjoying it. Orrr if hes got a cocky smirk that’s when you know he’s gonna tease the life out of you.
Has dealt with Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Sasukes attitude problems all day. So if you wanna try and give him some at home he will lack the patience. Will be so rough and you’ll like it, but it will hurt to sit down for a few days.
Has 0 self control if you wear skirts or dresses. Like he just wants to put his hands under it. You look so pretty in them too and he can’t stop staring. Has definitely left your skirt / dress on when he’s fucking you at least once.
CEO of making you blush. Gets you flustered all the time. He literally can never get enough of you. Sometimes you’ll just catch him giving you that stare. Or just like checking you out and you’re like: Kakashi we are in the middle of the village control yourself.
You really can’t get him to be jealous. You’ve tried everything and anything but he never gets riled up. He can make you jealous, but he doesn’t do it a lot. I think the only time you can really get him worked up like that is if you unintentionally make him jealous. If he knows you’re trying to, he won’t let it work. But if you don’t know it makes him so flustered. Like if you tell him you’re going on a 4 day mission with Yamato. He’ll be pissed lol. Why the fuck didn’t Lady Tsunade tell you two to go together?? Why you and tree boy?
Then all the sudden he’s making out with you in the middle of your kitchen. Muttering under his breath about how unfair that is. Like this man is gonna have to sit here for 4 days by himself while you’re out on a mission with Yamato?? Frustrated sex lol. Also will definitely leave hickeys. Have fun covering them up on your stupid 4 day mission with yAmATo. <3
Another thing; you’ve done it on every surface possible in your apartment. The kitchen table, the bathroom counter, the shower, every gosh darn wall. Probably even on a chair at your dinner table... What can I say. HES WHORE KNEE
You will definitely be eachother’s first times. If you’re with him you’re with him for the long run. He isn’t gonna give himself to anyone like that. Nope, you’ll know you’re stuck with him once he starts to get intimate.
That being said, I don’t know why but I don’t think he’d be very self conscious about himself tbh. Like he’s touch starved as fuck already and so inexperienced so like.. now that he’s experiencing physical contact like he’s never had before my guy is short circuiting. Any touch from you feels wayyy to good for him and he could care a less about anything else when he gets going.
Also, he’s kinda loud - like not the type to scream lol but I mean like .. if you’re making him feel good (literally anything you do makes him feel good tbh), then you will know. Looots of groaning and grunts. Omggg and if he needs to keep really quiet he will probably muffle his moans by burying his face in your neck or tits lol.
I don’t think he’s the type to dirty talk too much or degrade at all. The only time he will really get into dirty talk, being rough and maybe some degrading is if you make him jealous. It only works if you use Kakashi for it and my god you’re asking for trouble if you do
Say something like “wow Kakashi you’re really strong,” or laugh at all his jokes and Yamato will seethe quietly. You’ve got to keep that up for a while to get him super worked up and when you do.. HE WILL DEFINITELY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT.
When you get home he drilllls your ass girl. Like you’re all teary eyed because he’s been denying your orgasms and now he’s drilling you into the mattress oml. You’re like begging him and sobbing and he’s so fucking mad lol like he doesn’t care
“Stop crying. You thought everything Kakashi said was just so funny tonight, so go ahead and laugh, laugh like how you were laughing with him. Not so funny now is it?” “Think he can make you feel like this? Didn’t think so.”
Will feel so bad in the morning. Like he’ll actually feel so bad. Will make up for it in any way you ask him too. You liked it though and you riled him up on purpose, you won’t tell him though. You 1000/10 do it again. Kisses you all over to make up for it.
Everytime you do, you can’t look Kakashi in the eye for a good week bc you’ll only think of Yamato drilling your ass.
Praise kink 10/10. He will probably be so depressed and will lowkey cry if you degrade him. What he likes is praise. Fucking fuel that mans ego and be a vocal for him too ;) he likes knowing that he’s rocking your shit good.
CALL HIM CAPTAIN like he’s not really into being called sir or daddy or anything like that but my lord.. if you call him Captain.. ugh. It gets him everytime. Also darling too.
Uhm he realllyyy likes when you take care of him after missions. Especially if it’s a long mission or one with Team 7 because that shit stresses him the fuck out. He’ll have so much frustration he’ll need to get out by the time he comes home.
Perch your ass on the couch and wait for him. Bonus if you cooked him food first. Or if you wanna run a shower for him while he eats. He will insist you join him.
Also... He’s not slick at all when he introduces ideas like that, he probably says it bluntly like.. “y/n.. I really want to take a shower with you right now.” and his face would get all red too lol
But after some missions he’s just way too tired to fuck your ass up. This is usually like after most of his missions with Team 7. He will still somehow manage to be horny tho. Like he’s been gone for days and had to deal with moody teenagers the whole time and he would really love if you just sucked his dick rn. That always reallyyy gets him going. Probably will cum fast bc of how good it feels to him tho, but there’s a lot of it y’know. He’d also be loud too. Like too lazy to try and keep it down loud. Lots of groaning.
Like I said, he’s horny as fuck. Literally being around you just turns him on sometimes. Even at home. Like If you wear a tank top with no bra when you’re lounging around, he’s already horny. Short shorts? Hor-fucking-ny!! Sometimes he’ll get embarrassed and hide it from you, but let’s be real you feel the same way about him so it’s fine
Titty guy 100%. I’m sorry but like if you have big tits don’t expect him not to bury his face in them. Always gives them extra attention. Likes when your riding him and their bouncing. Wear Lacey bras, he loves them so much and he will keep them on the whole time so he can just admire it on you.
He doesn’t like the idea of doing anything in sexual in public. He has a reputation to uphold and he is not about to throw it out the window like that no matter how much he wants too. Its frustrating sometimes bc like you could be walking around the village together and he gets a good glimpse of your ass and now he’s thinking some nasty things. Then he’s got a really uncomfortable hard on to hide till you get home.
He gives you splinters by accident sometimes. Like idk how. Especially if youre sucking him off. His hands are gripping your shoulders and you feel a prick on your collarbone and you yelp. He’ll apologize profusely, but he can’t control it when he feels like this so it happens sometimes. You get used to it though. Won’t admit it but he doesnt even try to control it if his dicks down your throat bc.. when you yelp it feels reallyyy good.
I’ve always had a thing for Yamato.. so I kinda went off on this LOOL <3
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nightshadedawn · 4 years
Persona 5 Royal Playthrough pt3
I ended up going through two Palaces before I could update y’all. Oh well.
...Yeah, no, quit calling me Miss Special Snowflake's boyfriend. It's not happening.
Ryuji, Morgana, and Yusuke having a conversation in the laundromat: "It's like he's our mom," says Ryuji... the mom friend.
Every time Morgana is like "I have to turn into a human so no one else can have Lady Ann!" then expects no one else to hear him makes me laugh. Like, bitch, no.
I have the restaurant in my Thieves Den 'cause I like it. Yusuke, Ryuji, and Morgana are there. They're so precious.
I got a three in a row Tycoon on cutthroat!!!
Ryuji and Ann just keep going "Shoulda figured" and other versions of the statement every time I win.
Ann just rejected Morgana's feelings HARD. I am happy.
Ryuji is too good, honestly. Why would anyone not like him? He's... He's always trying to build the team up, make them proud of themselves and what they've done. I will admit that he has his moments of being not a great human, but they're teenagers who were given absurd powers, so honestly, can you blame them?
I didn't know darts was an actual minigame! There's so many minigames. I'm so happy.
I don't like Akechi. I don't know why some people do. Like, his death scene was a bit... too late for a redemption for me, right after he tried to kill Joker, several times. His pain is understandable, but still... I can't.
Their "two sides of the same coin" also doesn't seem particularly fair. It's totally uneven in everything but color schemes.
Guys, GUYS, please, PLEASE decide whether you're going to react to my teasing or not.
"We don't have to deal with them directly," Ryuji says joyfully about the mafia. Oh you sweet, sweet, innocent child, if only you knew what I do.
I literally can't play this game around anyone else because I tend to yell "BABY!" to Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke and "BITCH" or "FUCKER" to... a rather long list of villains in this game... and Makoto.
I can literally feel Yusuke's anxiety about his painting when you take him to Leblanc to see Sayuri.
How can you say Yusuke isn't gay when he says everything I do is beautiful?
I love Ryuji's 9th social link. It's LITERALLY written like a confession scene. This also means I kinda hate it because... I can't date him.
I actually kinda thought that the new scene for Ryuji being a crossdresser is kinda funny??? Is this bad??? I wanna see him in a dress, tho. I gotta agree, he'd be a natural. Not the like, painfully obviously not taking it seriously from the dancing game, though.
Though I do think it's valid that he freaks out when two strange adults come up to him and try to take him somewhere, especially in a place known for being shady, and at night.
...When Ryuji complains about it, I do feel bad about ditching him. Then again, I blame the cat.
Ryuji may be my ideal type on paper, but I'm also highly attracted to Yusuke and this is so totally unfair.
*softly chanting* butlers butlers butlers butlers
Don't mind me just... *makes meticulous plot to avoid having Makoto join the team that i may or may not write a fanfic about*
Makoto is one dumbass bitch. Like, honestly, there's nothing she does that's in any way remotely smart.
...I thought I'd just skip Makoto's scenes until she became relevant, but here I am, still skipping her scenes. Does that mean she’s still irreleveant?
"Witch" I suggest, and Makoto complains! "Would you prefer "Bitch"? I can use that too.
I put Yusuke on the team in the middle of the palace through settings, replacing Morgana, who had been standing right behind me. Which made Yusuke stand right behind me. It looked like he was holding onto my waist and standing uncomfortably close. Bro, babe, I love you, but not in front of my boyfriend and girlfriend!
Just accept the compliment, guys, I'm not going to compliment Queen.
...Opening chests with Ann or Ryuji is just so sweet because they're so affectionate and touchy feely. Especially Ryuji.
Math. Fucking. Sucks. I should not have to use math in a game. I hate this. Obviously it's the Palace Makoto comes in that this happened.
Well, I finished the Palace in a day. I love the feeling. But it was getting close there. Joker and Yusuke were down to no spells...
...Yoshizawa hasn't showed up yet. When is she getting shoehorned in?
My very first playthrough I didn't execute a single execution except for the first one we have to do. It  really screwed me over my second playthrough...
...I broke the electric chair. That's certainly something that happened.
147 games of Tycoon later and I've only been a beggar 31 times in total, versus the pure thirty wins in just Cutthroat.
They're in their summer uniforms and it makes make miss warmer weather already. It's fucking snowing outside. Grrrr.
Beat Kaneshiro! ...Wasn't a fan of his new boss battle. I'm even playing on safe mode! But whatever.
Makoto is a DISASTER at Tycoon. She exclusively got beggar all three times I played with her!
Ann, sweeties, baby, you're doing so well.
She confessed to me, then in the call afterwards it was basically insinuated I proposed... WHICH IS LIKE FUCK YEAH 'CAUSE SHE ACCEPTED IT.
It makes me think of the future conversation where they're talking about marriage.
Anyway, if you haven't noticed, l love Ann.
My next playthrough I'm not gong to date her, though. I'm a completionist and I want ALL of the possible awards. But... I refuse to cheat on Ann. So I'll date everyone else then just hang with Ryuji... despite how cringy some of the date things are.
...If Akechi wasn't, you know EVIL and tried to KILL ME, SEVERAL TIMES, I might, MIGHT, like him. But in truth, I think that's really just the Persona 5: Revival talking. We get... into some stuff during that.
I know that either Atlus or the translators know EXACTLY what goes on in the Persona fandom because otherwise "He's too pretty to be wrong" would not be an option when talking to the newspaper girl about Akechi. I have to agree with her that his looks aren't really, you know, awesome enough for that.
Also, I read it as "He's too petty to be wrong" at first and I think that's an accurate sum of his character.
...fucker fucking giving me shit about my fake glasses...
If you COULD date the boy out of mod, Akechi would definitely be the one they were pushing you to date. Like Makoto. Or Yoshizawa.
But hey, at least I get to not be nice to him.
I remember seeing this picture where Ann, Ryuji, and Joker kept going to the movies together and seeing 3D movies, and Joker couldn't wear the 3D glasses properly because of his own. I keep imagining that picture during this event with Caroline and Justine.
You know what? Some people call Joker a loli lover because of them, but nope! He's just adopted two more siblings. That is my stance on it.
I get very pissed about this, and it's worse with Hades.
7/4 is the day I am screaming at, if you were wondering.
My dad asked me if the other students think Joker's stupid because every time I answer a question right they get all surprised.
I don't really like Makoto, as I'm sure you've noticed, but she was super nice about Ryuji's special move idea. And that put her ahead of Akechi in my book.
Yusuke and Ryuji are good boys, the best boys. And they're so awesome about their special move.
AND RYUJI OFFERED MONEY FOR YUSUKE'S FOOD. And implied that he did it before???? Ryuji, you best boy.
This boys' outing DOES make me happy, though. Like, insanely happy. Dunno why.
Maybe because Joker gets to be so flipping cheesy.
...fuck you, Yoshizawa.
HONESTLY WHAT THE EVER LOVING--- Grr. Too many choices while with her. Too many. OOC Joker when with her. 0/10.
And you know, it's really hard to choose between Lala-chan and Ann, but... GONNA TAKE ANN ON A DATE
Got her some flowers. Lets see if we can give them to her this time!
"Such a good FRIEND." Babe, we're DATING. For like, TWO WEEKS NOW.
Ann called Yusuke a pretty boy, but then she's missing out on the REAL pretty boy, Pretty Boy Ryuji.
Ryuji, why're you so worried about other girls when you've got ME?
"I like the shade." "What are you, moss!?" Oh, admit it, Ryuji, I'm growing on you.
Cargona. Snrk. Gods, I love you, Ryuji.
Dome town with Ryuji! "Isn't it all couples?" That's the point!
Sadly, I bought those for Ann. Ryuji, you get the noodles.
"It feels like I really captured Ryuji's heart!" FUCK YEAH I DID
Gonna give Yusuke the bracelet when I get the chance.
Why is everyone color coded in the chat room? Kawakami, Akechi, Mishima, and the reporter are all ORANGE. What's the point? Well, Akechi's more of a golden orange, but close enough.
While Mishima is not my first choice for a date, he's definitely not my last.
...But the boy really needs some fucking sleep. He's not drawn with the bags under his eyes, but I can see them!
It's not fair that they give Akechi a kicked puppy sprite. I'm... goddamnit, they're trying to make me not hate him.
When Makoto doesn't know something, I'm brought great joy.
First day in Futaba's Palace! I've gotta say, this is my second favorite palace. Kamoshida, Futaba, Madarame, Sae, Okumura, Shido, Kaneshiro, Holy Grail. In that order. I HATE Kaneshiro's place and dealing with the Holy Grail. But whatevs, man. I love this game. (Vanilla, at least, this one is still on the fence)
I found out a cool little thing. On the uphill sand slopes in the town (don't know about anywhere else) if you're running and turn back quickly, Joker will do a little animation to steady himself. It was cool and made it seem, I dunno, more human? Anyway, while I was admiring this, Ryuji and Yusuke just stood at the top of the slope and Ann followed me while I was running. Best girlfriend ever.
Kin-Ki is looking pretty kin-ky if you know what I'm sayin'
Please don't murder me because I do terrible puns.
*we fall through the trap door* *Ryuji starts screaming* Same, baby, same.
...Makoto is seriously annoying. Like, she's got no business acting as familiar with Futaba's situation. The one who WOULD be the most familiar is Yusuke, and I'm glad he recognizes that. It's not the exact same, none of their stories are after all, but I feel like those two get each other better than even Ryuji and Joker understand each other.
Yusuke and Ryuji's special attack is THE BEST
Ryuji and Joker getting up close and personal in the shadows. All those fanfics coming true, man.
I thought Futaba was sloth, not wrath? Why are her Will Seeds called Wrath?
Beat it in one day! It's so satisfying to watch all those achievements when I leave the palace.
You know, I'm thinking of wearing the Christmas outfits for the final battle. Just to be kinda funny.
Spending a relaxing day with Yusuke after going through Futaba's Palace... kinda want to take him to the bathhouse to check out that new scene, but I also REALLY wanna feed the boy... gonna feed the boy.
Apparently I can only make 'decent curry.' Which is fine. Because "I" can't make curry at all. Joker, you've done much better than I.
...Broooooo, the way you talk about your manga is how I talk right before I start shipping.
Took him to the bathhouse, 'cause I don't gotta worry about Mama Sakamoto feeding him.
...Can I take Ann to the bathhouse?
Asked Ryuji to move in. He was all up for the idea until he remembered that I live in an attic.
I'm Charismatic now!
...I was all hoping Ann would stop by but then Akechi asked me out. Laaaaaaaame.
Ryuji's smile is so fucking cute.
...I say we just be honest, and everyone's so fucking stupid about it until Makoto explains it. This pisses me off. They're not that dumb... At least, they weren't until Makoto showed up.
Futaba's hiding in the closet. ...I've spent too many weeks making jokes about closets to not have a joke about it.
Really, Yusuke? You see those books and think she can't understand?
...Wait, that sassy tone of voice... You were TRYING to pull a reaction of her. I knew I shipped those two for a reason. OTP and BroTP. Doesn't matter, they're both awesome.
I love you Ann, but I don't think your situations were the same at all. It's not like both are valid and bad, but... different.
Joker is SO fast compared to the others, especially when he's speeding.
What the...
Holy fuck...
Damn, Joker has my heart too.
I kinda wish we could see Futaba's costumes in her Persona. That would be pretty neat.
The moment right before Wakaba appears is so aesthetically pleasing.
...Futaba being happy is almost enough for me to accept Maruki's offer, and I haven't gotten there yet.
Ryuji and Ann keep smacking each other out of their ailments. Like, you guys just love each other so much! It's awesome.
Joker has lackluster responses to Wakaba... I'm hoping that isn't one of those "Answer these wrong and you break her!" things... Not that I think I was, but still.
I liked Futaba's new animation for when she defied her mother.
I wish the anime looked more the cutscenes. I'm trying to rewatch the anime so I can pinpoint specific moments for future editing purposes, but it's kinda painful.
1- This is the SECOND TIME you've landed on Yusuke while running from trouble.
No Makoto, I don't want to go see Futaba with you! I can go see her myself.
So, I like Takemi's new voice with her lines during this scene.
Sure, she collapses every so often and sleeps for a while. Stays like that for a few days. Sorry that I put her into a coma for a month, Boss...
Guys, we have a month. Stop worrying.
Damn, Joker's dying to the amusement of two little girls.
I'm kinda disappointed I didn't get results for all that training. But I liked the scene.
Yusuke just casually be lugging bigass paintings around.
Taking the girls to the church may have been one of the funnier moments. These cement them as Joker's little sisters. With Futaba. Damn, Joker, you got no brothers.
Yusuke promises to come by every day and we can tell him to take his clothes off. ATLUS, you have some EXPLAINING to DO.
..And Yusuke took it and ran with it. My sweet summer child, I don't think I could handle you in as little as possible on the day to day.
"The heat induced delirium made me think outside the box." Same.
Guts takes sooooooooooooo long to level up.
"Punish me more" he says, as if Takemi won't do it.
"Good god. Well, none of my medicine can cure THAT." AT LEAST WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE
Awe, he had fun. :)
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zmediaoutlet · 3 years
my year of fic (2020)
I had a lapse in doing this, because the end of 2019 was just---a haze---but I thought it might be fun to try again on this, my first day off of 2021. Ignoring for a moment the armed sedition and the pandemic and the general feeling like the world’s about to spin upside down, I think it might be a good day. Let me try to feel some joy in writing, so that I might do some more writing this weekend. There’s a chance!
Per the AO3 stats tracker:
Total words written in 2020: 278,664 (Compared to 2019: 201,375 -- definite improvement!) That brings the overall AO3 published total to: 1,160,723. Jesus. I need another hobby, haha.
I’ll try to collect a year masterlist below, but let’s see what happened with stats first.
fic with most hits, which is not the same thing as best: no disguising truths i’ve sold -- y’all are fiends for the dadsex, just admit it. It always gives me a giggle how many hits these ones have with so few people actually interacting. :)
fic with most kudos, which I guess means people admitted they liked it: there will be better days -- which I guess isn’t a surprise, written when it was, but it’s still super gratifying to see that people enjoyed it. This one takes top spot for most of the other categories, too, so I’m going to go for the 2nd-placers on the next few...
fic with (2nd-)most comment threads, which I guess means people wanted to chat about it: In a Cursed Hour, which is a pleasant surprise! This is the very long gen (with sneaky pining!Dean), the first part of which was technically finished this year. I hope I come back to it at some point, because the story is... great, haha. Just super hard to write. Gratifying that people wanted to talk about it!
fic with (2nd-)most bookmarks, which I guess means people want to read it again: see things so much clearer -- aw, now that’s a nice surprise! This kinda felt like channeling old-school weecest, in some ways, so it’s cool that people seem to have enjoyed it.
fic with (2nd)-most subscriptions, which I guess means people are hoping for more: welcome to capitalism -- another nice surprise! I almost forgot about this one: a little ruthless, a little kind. Logical choices in a world that sucks, kind of my favorite genre, haha.
longest fic: what comes after certainty -- ow, ow. This is a---strange one---started in 2019 before the haze, published finally in a bit of ignominy, still not read by the recipient I’m pretty sure because it’s fucking depressing, haha. But I’m kinda proud of it, or at least proud of myself for finishing it, so I guess it’s good that I spent this many words on it.
least popular fic, if we’re going by kudos: transference -- lol, that makes sense -- Umbrella Academy momcest? That said tho, it’s kinda fun and you should read it. Diego’s just the biggest mommy’s boy. Ahem.
The best thing writing-wise about this year was stretching into stuff I wouldn’t normally write, thanks to the charity drives. Maybe I’ll try to do that again this year; I’m sure something horrific will happen that will need some monetary support.
In the meantime, here are all of the fics I wrote this year, in order that they were written. Probably Sam/Dean unless otherwise specified. Imagine retrospective montage music:
none. no surprise here.
the hollow summer - E. Boy King Sam, AU.
‘he has a kiss stuck in his mouth’ - M. Pining!Dean, Stanford era.
no disguising truths i’ve sold - E. John/Deanna, pre-series.
“I almost died” - T. Jared/Jensen, firefighter!Jared fluff.
‘sam waking dean up with his mouth’ - E, somnophilia, married!sex.
relay - E, D/s play.
extreme pollen warning - E, sex pollen, established relationship.
whatever we were before - E, Dragon Age AU, mage!Sam/warrior!Dean.
‘cokehead!Alex’ - T. Alex/JDM; part one.
pragmatics - E. Established wincest, past Dean/others. Prostitution.
teamwork (makes the dream work) - Alex/Jared/Jensen. cokehead!verse pt 2.
to dream of the next - E. First time, pining!Sam.
In a Cursed Hour: Protesting Fate Supreme - T. Men of Letters AU, ch.6.
FFFB 1 - M. Gabriel/Rowena, meeting through the years.
FFFB 2 - E. A/B/O, first time.
FFFB 3 - E. Jensen/Jeff, voyeur!Jared, Non-AU.
FFFB 4 - M. Cloud/Sephiroth, mindfuck.
FFFB 5 - M. Amos/Alex, pantykink.
FFFB 6 - E. Dubcon shading to noncon, pining!Dean.
FFFB 7 - M. Hannibal/Will, first kiss.
FFFB 8 - E. Post-Michael possession, piercings, body mods.
FFFB 9 - M. Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, AU.
FFFB 10 - M. Dean/Bobby, Stanford era.
FFFB 11 - E. Mommy!kink, bunker era.
FFFB 12 - M. Gen, Sam’s wall, mild self-harm.
FFFB 13 - M. Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes, racial discussion.
FFFB 14 - M. s2, Sam’s cast.
FFFB 15 - E. Jared/Jensen, established relationship, CBT.
FFFB 16 - E. weecest, first time.
FFFB 17 - M. Sam/Dean/Jack.
FFFB 18 - M. Amnesia.
FFFB 19 - E. BDSM, sub!Dean, dildos.
FFFB 20 - E. A/B/O, demon!Dean, noncon.
FFFB 21 - T. Established relationship, Stanford discussion.
FFFB 22 - E. Dubcon, time travel, soulless!Sam/young!Dean, prostitution.
FFFB 23 - M. Implied Dean/John, jealous!Sam.
FFFB 24 - E. ‘The End’!verse, Lucifer!Sam/Dean, noncon.
FFFB 25 - E. Tentacles, body horror, oviposition.
FFFB 26 - E. Belly bulge!kink.
none. apparently I needed a break.
have a cigar - E. Sam’s powers, slight D/s.
welcome to capitalism - E. Jared/Jensen, prostitution.
the wealth gap - E. ‘capitalism’ pt 2; Jared/Jensen, prostitution.
what comes after certainty - M. Mutual pining, amnesia.
reunion theory - E. Cloud/Sephiroth, Cloud/Hojo. Body horror, torture, mpreg. Fic for fire relief 1.
the honeytrap - E. Jared/Jensen, mob!AU. FFFR 2.
scotch courage - M. Sam/Kevin, hair play. FFFR 3.
he will tear your city down - E. Damen/Laurent, slight D/s. FFFR 4.
cyrano - E. Jensen/Antony Starr, established J2. D/s, consensual infidelity. FFFR 5.
two runners on base - E. Dean/Deacon, established relationship, BDSM, DP. FFFR 6.
what’s to stop me, pretty baby - E. Noncon, MoC!Dean. FFFR 7.
the need to choose - E. A/B/O, pregnant!Dean. FFFR 8.
transference - E. Diego Hargreeves/Grace, mommy kink. FFFR 9.
vertex - E. John/Dean, Stanford era, pining!Dean. FFFR 10.
faith without works is dead - M. Sam’s powers, violence, dubcon. FFFR 11.
be subject to each other - E. Photography, facial. FFFR 12.
you know i’m gonna be like him - M. Past Dean/John, child abuse. FFFR 13.
unbalance - E. A/B/O, Jared/Jensen, prostitute!Jared. FFFR 14.
buccaneer - E. Crowley/Deanna, demon!Dean, always-a-girl!Dean. FFFR 15.
make much of time - E. Sam/Dean/Jack, virginity kink. FFFR 16.
see things so much clearer - E. Pre-series, first time, diaries. FFFR 17.
won’t let you let me down so easily - E. Sam/Brady, Sam/others, Stanford era, mind control, gangbang, noncon. FFFR 18.
the beams of our house are cedar - E. Bunker era, panties, feminization. FFFR 19.
negotiation tactics - E. Homelander/Soldier Boy, D/s, superpower sex.
finale coda - M. Heaven.
15.19 coda - T. Jack as god.
there will be better days - E. Heaven, first time.
a leaden anchor - E. Post-Playthings.
That’s it. I haven’t had a single writing thought in my head since that last one. Here’s hoping it comes back in 2021!
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
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✎desc; how I would rate haikyuu character's drawing.
✎team[s]; fukurodani, inarizaki
✎genre; crack
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; okay, first off, I'm not a professional drawer but I can still rate drawings. This idea just came to me like a minute ago and I had to do it now, so enjoy :)
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Aight, I see that we started off greatly.
In all honesty, he have no idea how to draw,
And of course his drawing would look,,,, quite terrible i'm so sorry bokuto lovers
He's that kid in art class where's when the teacher already told them what to draw,
Bokuto sat there on his chair, staring at the canvas
Like, what is he suppose to do? Draw?
Well, yeah technically but what???
I can totally see him frustratingly erase the sketch if it can be called as a sketch
And then proceed to try to copy other people's work
Keyword; try
It's bad but at least he had an effort to finish it
4/10, there I said it
His drawings are not that professional but it's pretty
Have you ever seen a drawing that you wanted to stare at it for hours until you're satisfied?
That what's his drawing are like
Not typically an art kid so he's fine when student's from his art class asked him to draw for them
And is feeling pretty neutral with his talent (he actually won't call it a talent but more like a hobby or sum)
And just say 'thanks' if peoples compliments his drawing
Let say his drawing is, a good 8/10
A decent drawer in conclusion :)
Not a bad drawer but he rather keep it basic
Konoha's prolly too lazy to draw something over the top so he's just gonna draw flower or something ksndnzkj
Sometimes sleep during art class and had to ask what they had to draw
Proceeds to decently draws a scenery
He's totally not the creative kid so whenever the teach tell them to draw something, he'll always go with basket of fruits, like,
Man, I appreciated the drawing but at least put some effort on thinking what to draw
The art teacher also kept telling him that he have raw talent and should enhance the skill more,
But that never happened, no
"Sorry ma'am, I'll just stick to volleyball, thank you,"
One part of the art room has a section of konoha's basket of fruits drawings but in different mediums
Rating is 7/10
IS actually an art kid and you cannot convince me otherwise
Has a small sketchbook with him and he'll always doodle when he's bored or in a middle of a lecture (while taking notes of course)
His main skill in drawing tho is painting
The colors blends in so well with one another and he's good at picking color palettes
Also, he doesn't really get that annoyed if some kids from his class ask him to teach them how to draw
Or even look through his sketchbook
He'll just nod and hand it to them without a second thought
Ajsjdhsijsi Washio get so blushy when someone compliments his drawing,,,,
I’ll give a 10/10 :), congrats
The best that he can do is doodles of owls and other shits but other than that, he cannot do
But the doodles are kinda cute doe ngl
He’ll have his moment where he’s in class and have no idea what to do, and just doodles a bunch of stuff
Once he draw his whole teammate including his coach and himself, he thought to himself,
“Huh, this looks good,”
And then take a picture of it for memories (cause he might throw the book he’s doodling in away)
Speaking of that, he doesn’t have an official book for drawing and just draws in his english or math’s textbook or sum
His juniors eyes are blessed when they got his textbook
Sarukui just vibes in during art class, draws and that’s pretty much it
The drawings,,,,,eh,,,, not that good, he only specialize in doodling as I said
so in conclusion,
drawing? 2/10
doodling? I’ll give a solid 5/10, good job
I’m gonna say this and I’m prolly gonna say it again
He hates art class
Like, even with him trying his best to draw, it’ll always gonna look strange than what he planned
mf cannot draw a straight line in art class
This dood can draw a nice straight line in any other class whether it’s for a graph or others,
And then proceed to shakily draw a straight line during art session
Totally not an art kid and will never be one
His drawings,,,,
I’m so sorry but it looks so bad
It’ll prolly look a lot better if he put more effort, but it’ll still look bad no matter what
Komi hates art class and can’t draw even a decent doodle so unfortunately, I’ll have to rate it 0/10, sorry :(
His drawings are eh
It’s not good but also not bad?
Sometimes you’ll just stare at his drawing for a good minute and be like, what did he just draw just now?
What I’m saying is that his drawing’s are unexplainable
Maybe if you stare at it a little bit longer then it’ll make sense and you can see the beauty in it
But honestly I can’t really see anything, not in a bad way, but like, literally nothing
You’ll be staring at his canvas as the mario kart rainbow road music started playing inside your head
But Anahori is always proud of his drawings no manner what
So, I’ll rate confusion/10
Just like Komi, he sorta hates art class too
But lemme tell ya, his sketches are GODLY, like, have you seen those pinterest hand sketches?
That’s what his sketch would look like
It’s so yummy to look at what
But he sucks at lineart so JAHGSDSHD
Onaga cannot properly hold the black pen and do the lineart, it’ll always turn wonky and he had to throw it away
Like, if he spend even hours tryna outline it all, and then erase it
It’ll look so trash
And he’ll just stare at it for a couple of minutes before crumpling the paper
He’ll also suck at coloring
Mans cannot understand how the color blend in together
And I think I’ll rate,,,,,6/10 just cause he suck at coloring and lineart lmao don’t worry i suck at coloring too
Another decent drawer and her drawings are almost the same as Akaashi’s
But instead of it looking pretty, it looks cute
I have a headcanon that Kaori have a journal and does journaling so that’s prolly the reason why her drawings are cute af
But honestly, her drawings sometimes depends on her mood,
If she’s mad or frustrated, her drawing would look kinda rough and not that cute anymore
If she’s feeling happy tho, It’ll look so nice and cuddly does that even make any sense
Isn’t necessarily an art kid but would love to try be one
And she totally have drawing sessions with Washio aaaaaa,
Just imagine both of them sketching in the same sketchbook while talking about the volleyball club or anything else
She’s getting an 9/10 just cause her sketchs looks clean <33
She doesn’t draw at all
Like, you’ll never see her drawing at any kind of time so you have no idea what it looks like
Yukie would still attend art class,
But never draws
She said that she’s pretty lazy to draw it and said to draw it at her home later
But no one even saw that drawing after that
Yukie doesn’t show her drawings nor EVEN draw for once
So I technically can’t rate :/
The only reason why I started with Gin is because he have some amazing drawing skills
He admit that he’s not an art kid but draws godly as if he had been thought since he was a kid,
Well, actually yes
I think Ginjima actually wanted to be a drawer when he was still a little kid way before he started his 3rd year of middle school
So he practiced a few and became a nice drawer since then,
But he kinda quit being a drawer and decided to go with volleyball
And guess what?
His drawing talent is still there
He totally specialize in pencil drawing cause that’s the first thing he started learning
The lines are smooth and the shading are so yummy what is wrong with me
The Miya twins and Suna are so sh00ked when he saw his drawing during art class
ngl he’s pretty smug about it too but doesn’t brag about it
I’ll give this boy 12/10, mwuaah
I hate this man for this sole reason
Suna is too LAZY to draw so he doesn’t give any effort in his drawing
I can guarantee myself that I’ll get an eye strain when I saw his drawing
*wipes away tears*
He draws too many dick
Don’t come for my head Suna lovers
He’ll prolly think his drawing would look good but no, it’s not
No matter on what perspective you look his drawings at, It’ll still look bad
Osamu laughs a lot at his drawing and they started fighting for that only reason smh
Atsumu, I appreciate your effort so SO much,
But please, just stick to volleyball
I put a plus there because of his effort and because of pity
He draws in ms paint, with a mouse
But he can draw some foods tho
But all of it looks wonky af
A pretty decent drawer
Akagi always draw happy and cute drawings so you’ll also get happy when you saw his drawings
Puts on a big smile when people compliments his drawing and shyly scratches the back of his neck
“Nah, this just look normal!”
But he draws oddly thick lines sometimes
Sometimes it looks good in some drawing
And sometimes it looks, bizzare in others...
But I think his drawing would look nice <3
Overall, I’ll give a,,, 7.5/10, keep up the good work
He’s from class 7 AND I really think that he’ll be good at drawing
Well, he can draw a few things but he struggles drawing other things he never accustomed to
Oomimi is that kid who’s good at drawing scenery
He knows basic color palettes and which is cold and hot colors
So the scenery drawing would always look good
He get a lot of compliments for the drawing (50% of it from Akagi)
I think he doesn’t have that many time to relax and draw freely but when he does have it, it’ll just be small and simple doodles
um, let’s go with 8/10 <3
I truly believe that Aran can draw peoples face but in a pretty decent amount
He’s also good with anatomy teach me your ways king
But as much as he’s good at that, he kinda sucks at drawing any kind of background drawings
Mans can’t draw a scenery I’m telling you
As if the background doesn’t even exist in his mind lolol I’m sorry Aran lovers, I didn’t mean that in a bad way
Mainly uses copic markers to color and color pencils to shade
The first time he use the copic marker, he got really frustrated that the marker stain the other pages lmao
And he never uses digital drawing applications or softwares
Aran just doesn’t
I think I’ll rate him, 8.5/10
Okay, I know that Kita’s a top student and never fails in anything
But he’s not typically a good drawer that much
His drawing still got good marks but when you look at it, it just looks normal
I just know that the Kita lovers gonna get me after this
It’s not that bad and not that good, just a nice balance in between
I personally think Kita’s not that godly in drawing but rather a neutral drawer
He draw what he can and does shading and coloring when it’s needed
The colors are all basic colors, no pastel, no neon
And the shadings are pretty basic
Just a normal drawer here
Ya’ll gonna fight me for this but I’ll give Kita’s point,
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 7X4 Defending Your Life
I'm making an exception today, because I've figured out QUITE a bit about my own stress response
oh right the monster Dean killed
also to recap: my period has every sign of starting(including cramps) but nothing, I've been horribly nauseous all day, I feel a hunger response when I'm DEFINITELY not hungry(stress eating and it's the only thing that makes the nausea subside) and headache(altho that could be the lack of sleep). Also emotions all over the place(Crying, happy, very on the hat etc)
ooo chase scene
ooo good segway into intro
that cut coping mechanism does NOT seem like it's healthy
the visuals are cool
"license to kill"
no come on sam that was a good one.
"dead and sober, dead and crappy" no Dean, please, you need to figure that out
ah yes tortured soul
that was suspicious
it's just because she's dead and dead at 10
the CAr
"makes you wonder if the guy who was drunk ran her over" *drinks beer*
at least I know they're nerds, whoever wrote this
is it manifesting their guilty conscience
aw but the dog is so fluffy
*lies down, bounces back up again* lmaooo
Dean is Tired
didn't they DEAL With a ghost car?
it's people that kept going?
that took me as second
"If I ate apples" DEAN
also they're really doing license plate shots above how Cool the Impala is shots now, lil thing
"you won't even believe me" ahaha
we kind of specialize in crazy ahaaha
"except that's complete crap"
"everyone judges all day long"
He just..takes punishment?
ahahah N O P E GREY AREA
no this is way more watchable
*whispers* "stay put"
he DOES look good though
ok fine just gonna tune out the flirting
they ARE both pretty
is it that guy
the creepy guy in the shadows
how much is in scotch I have no idea
ah the red, what people were clawing
THAT'S NOT HOW OSIRIS WORKS but fine ok let's go
ok fine
"it hones in on people who feel guilty, N OW WHO DOES THAT SOUND LIKE TO YOU" oh boy literally both of them got it that was hilarious
this does seem like he's talking himself into a role
the salt...might not work for osiris
shit she really is pretty
AH RED SAND ok ok yeah I see it ok
a h egyptian shit
He's cool though, I like the pagan shit
"Sam, you're not a lawyer" "yes I was pre law" "pre"
"good one" "I saw that on the good wife"
oh no
the mining itself sucks but this concept is good
took his breathing away?
It reads a bit as excusing them for everything
She backs them up at least?
I miss her
see here's the thing, it kinda reads like they're out of ideas, but like...it's a good concept
ah so the stuff at the beginning was them showing their guilt
I like how he just says "them's the breaks"
yeah like Dean is ever gonna believe he's innocent
"dog food" oh they so desperately wanna say dog shit
"they want to be judged" echoes Dean
"that it just...blows"
no one, including Dean, ever questions it, so the grief stews
he does actually have some way with words
Dean please tell the truth
mate I get the impulse but still
ahaha Temporary but Long Temporary
"make sure it's a sharp piece" lmaoo
man I miss Jo
ah here we go
sam: u h
"you deserve better" on both ends
Dean Eldest Daughter Syndrome
"hunters are never kids, I never was"
he does Internalize things
that's why we kin
90% crap
"i get rid of that what then" "you really wanna die not knowing" HOLY SHIT
ah the gas stove
"he's making me do this" oH NO
"just kind of faded...maybe a little bit happier"
hell was Sam's slate? huh
"I kind of feel good, Dean" I am glad he's happy, I don't know if I agree with the message
1. SAMMM. Dean was acting off the shits, so he had to step up and exasperatedly handle everything, and piece stuff together. Like mans is actually quite smart and quite resourceful when he has to be, and it's nice seeing that. It's also fun FINALLY seeing him lighthearted again, even if I don't like how.
2. Dean's guilt complex. Man internalizes a lot of things, and while they BARELY make sense(thin veneer, easily cracked) he hides it enough so that no one asks(and he represses so he certainly doesn't), and he can continue feeling guilty. Now here's the thing. He feels guilty, Sam doesn't, the middle ground is where they should be(taking responsibility) and they like...never do it.
3. monster of the week. No but having monsters switch to grey instead of black and white, and having Dean comment on it is SO good, because he's like...that Masculine Parody/Ideal depending on who's writing him, and like he was written to be the hero. any gray was always overridden by that. But with kripke gone, they start actually doing grey, and there's nothing simple anymore. Like I like with how off the shits it got, they still kept the theme of "it's more grey now" but like kinda for real(where Dean and Osiris said the same thing). ALSO, I think it would be useful as a scale back. I know they'll not do it because EVEN BIGGER DBZ LAZER is fun, but I think having more monsters of the week by choice and not "oh god we have runtime" would be really good, because that's where this storyline SHINES! it's got a lot of characters, a lot of lore, and a lot of issues to pick through, a monster of the week is WAY more effective than a longer story, and would help the scaling back issue.
4. pontificating about the season/why it's easier to watch. Like is this season as good/vibey? probably not really, but honestly I can actually stand watching it. Like it's very cringe in places but also, it doesn't hurt me or make me feel uncomfortable as kripke stuff does. It matches the vibe of "after work/school show" perfectly for what it is.
5. the vibes/Osiris. I like the idea of osiris and going to the bars, and the courtroom and the RED! SAND!! I got that one. But I'd also like to say that Dean saying the SAME thing that osiris said was like...he's not villainized, but I think they're trying to make him slowly grow as a character. It's like sympathy/he sucks kinda/we like him for him a sa character and I think that was really neat.
also barkeep lady pretty holy hell
6. it felt a little bit like excusing tho. Like if Sam is the good one, then it felt like excusing them of the harm they cause people. I want them to change their behavior! not beat themselves up over it or think it's fine cuz he went to hell because of it!
I'm so glad Sam is happy again but N O
7. J O. the "no autonomy, he's making me do this," the being able to see through things(and no longer hungering for something that she doesn't really know) (like...she wants SOMETHING, has it crawling under her skin but doesn't know what, and that's gone when she's dead) and that whole thing where she asked Dean if he wanted to die as a persona. Oh my god.
8. Dean persona. Yeah the whole thing where he had to convince himself to be a womanizer, the "I"m 90% crap line" OH MY GODD THAT HIT. That man is also a persona. maybe a commentary on american masculinity in general, maybe not. Also, eldest daughter syndrome, he internalizes everything and everything is his responsibility("I didn't get a childhood")
I feel like you can also make an argument how trauma makes you the extreme of something(uncaring for smol sam, internalizing for Eldest Dean), and it breaks your ability to do what you need to(empathetically do your fucking job and not be pieces of shit).
I see why this show was so popular amongst mentally ill people(myself included) holy christ
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kyoshisupremacy · 4 years
misogynistic for the first season
kinda annoying
never listens
stupid fuck
best earthbender at age 12
"she could scalp mfs bro"
funny blind jokes
can see w/ toes
good firebender
like the only person w/ lips
literally crazy tho
ugly fuck at first
bald for like 1 1/2 seasons
ba sing se middle part
good character development
yummy fire
"it's kinda funny how he sucks at everything"
not bald
nice hair
eventual good waterbending
can bloodbend
katara > aang
can fight
pulls off makeup
beat up misogynist sokka
yummy short hair
big fluff
can fly
carries the gaang on his back (literally)
kinda gross bc he slobbers a lot
"i would carry him in my backpack but with airholes because i do not support animal cruelty"
big eyed
a man
nice old man
loves tea
"no one ever listens to him n that's why they fuck everything up"
she increased the rating to 9.5 after i told her she'd get slandered for not giving him a 10
all he does is sit in his palace and boss ppl around
does not deserve any rights
should have fucking died
doesn't need bending to kick ass
big titties
bimbo a little bit
"she could chi block tf out of me"
beautiful sleek black hair
kinda don't like the bangs tho they're too straight
"she could slice me into cake and i'd let her"
only downside: dating zuko
ugly triangle sideburns
cannot pull off man bun
tried to kill zuko but couldn't even do it himself
lost to 16 year old AND a 12 year old
terrible person
tried to slaughter the moon
right idea but wrong bitch (idk wtf she means by this)
beat up old man
"always chewing on a fucking grass blade like the unhygienic bitch he is"
basically lost to zuko, a bender, in a swordfight but he is literally supposed to be good at utilizing his weapon
"at least he's okay looking"
7 ft. tall
hot woman
i am gay
best avatar
lived for 230 years
could beat u n ur moms ass
"all problems would be gone if she was still the avatar"
vv pretty
lowkey led sokka on
turned into the moon
was engaged to a moron
kinda had a wack hairstyle
big buff
good bender
kinda weird
"rly ugly but at least he's fun"
kinda ugly
comedic relief
can't ever protect his fucking cabbages
"imagine the amount of money he has wasted"
"actually give him an 8 because i can't let him be lower than zuko"
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Popular!Luz AU concept post
This au concept is something me, @crispyclown , and @molotov-does-stuff worked out together on @pastatiger ‘s TOH discord.
The basic concept is “what if Luz never did become friends with Willow and actually did become popular” based on an offhanded comment from boscha in ‘Understanding Willow’ that went to the effect of “that human could have been popular if she wasn’t hanging out with Willow”.
Here’s all the headcanons we’ve all put together:
1) 'teenage abomination' never happens. Luz just has a boring day and becomes vaguely aware of Hexside.
2) during ’Covention’, Amity and Luz meet for the first time. They don’t hit it off but they don’t not hit it off either. After the Lilith speech, Amity still steps on King’s cupcake, but it’s completely by accident. Amity tries to ‘keep up appearances as a Blight’ and ends up accidentally insulting Luz and King while attempting to apologize. Luz ultimately still has the “Bog of Immediate Regret” line, but Amity doesn’t really care one way or the other, so she nearly says ‘you read Azura too?!’ Before instead accepting. Amity and Luz’s bet is pretty low stakes — Amity apologizes to king if she loses, Luz apologizes to Amity if she loses, maybe? But Eda and Lillith get waaaay into the bet and both sides cheat as canon. Amity still breaks down when the construction glyph is revealed, but Luz formally concedes anyways (with low stakes she doesn’t have any serious need to win, and she still would rather be this girl’s friend than her enemy), citing their own relative skill levels, before going and talking to Amity. Amity is still DISTRAUGHT about the whole ordeal, but she and Luz have a much more in-depth heart-to-heart, where Luz explains what she did, tells Amity how cool Luz thinks she is, and manages to tell her the “I’m not a witch, but… I’m training to be one“ line. Amity leaves Luz with the line, ‘they say humans can't learn any magic. But... I don't think that's going to stop you.' And… they’re, maybe friends? Unclear friends? Probably just acquaintances but the point is its nonnegative relationship development.
3) ‘Hooty's Moving Hassle' is removed.
4) in ‘Lost in Language’, Luz is still a little over-friendly with Amity (Amity respects her for serious but also She Has A Reputation, Luz) when they meet in the library. Luz still gets sucked in to the twins’ chaotic energy, and Luz still thinks hanging out with them will somehow translate to brownie points with Amity. When Amity walks in on them in the secret room, she’s much more visibly and viscerally betrayed by (what she thinks) Luz did. However after saving themselves from evil Otabin, Luz does convince her the twins tricked her, they book trade as canon, Amity actually clearly thinks of Luz as a friend at the end of it all.
5) the moonlight conjuration incident happens after the library incident. Amity spins a BS story about Luz being a skilled witch to her parents and invites her to the conjuring. While initially their conjuring goes as canon (ie nowhere), Luz turns it to a regular party with Boscha, Skara, Amity, and herself. (and Cat, i think? Whoever their canon fourth was, she’s still here.) Eventually they try again, and since (in this au) the conjuring's power == your conjuring group's friendship's strength, and everyone here is at least somewhat friends with luz now, they do manage to animate a few things.
6) at some point here, Luz, Boscha, and Skara team up for a pickup game of grudgeby, and Luz learns the fireball glyph.
7) During ‘Once Upon a Swap', both Skara and Boscha notice how out of character King!Luz is acting. They can admit King!Luz is being cool, if a lil dorky, but they have an out-of-character moment where Boscha tries to ask 'Luz' if she's okay. King doesn't get it, but the others walk in on it so Boscha resumes acting like a challenged alpha bitch. (Luz eventually explains to Skara what was goin on that day. Luz ‘conveniently’ never got the chance to clue Boscha in.)
8) at some point around here, Luz manages to get Eda to enroll her in Hexside.
9) 'adventures in the elements' is changed bc Luz does know two glyphs. However, She and Amity want to hang out some more and Amity thought Luz's fire glyph could help her learn the fireball spell, so they still go to the knee together (with Eda, Emira, and Edric as terrible excuses for chaperones.) Luz learns the ice spell under Eda’s somewhat hands-off tutelage, possibly after accidentally angering the Slitherbeast as in canon.
10) In ‘First Day', Boscha is looking forward to finally getting a read on this girl who wormed her way straight into Amity's heart. (she's not jealous. nuhuh. not even a little. YOU’RE jealous!) Luz still immediately gets Detention'd, tho, but this time Amity and Boscha show up to bust her out unprompted, leading to a VERY awkward moment where Viney (and Jerbo and Barcus) refuse to trust Luz on the basis that Boscha and Amity are her friends, and both of them are notorious jerks who would ABSOLUTELY bully the DT kids. Amity has to duck out for her performance tho. the episode concludes as canon.
11) we get an extended time where we see how Luz easily makes friends with almost everyone at Hexside. She's friend-shaped and she gets a HUGE popularity boost for being honest friends with Skara and Amity. (she gets rancid vibes from Boscha when they’re at school together, but she can't put her finger on *why*. and besides, Boscha calls Luz her friend too, so that probably counts.) during this time Luz meets Gus, who is one of E&E's classmates. Gus can have an episode, as a treat.
12) Luz finally meets Willow, and gets slapped in the face HARD with confirmation that Amity and Boscha are kind of massive assholes. Luz tries to befriend Willow, but Willow refuses to trust her due to how often Boscha, Amity, and the rest of the popular girls who make up most of Luz’s closer friend group have bullied her.
13) Luz tries to get Boscha to take it down a notch. Boscha takes it up a notch. Luz tries to get Amity to help, Amity asks why it matters — it’s just ‘half a witch willow’, no one cares. Luz realizes, awkwardly (and probably with the assistance of Jerbo and/or Barcus), that while she currently has a lot a friends and is popular, if she defends Willow from Boscha’s bullying she’ll lose a lot of her popularity. Luz kind of has a small breakdown over this, because she doesn’t want to risk friends here when in the human world she has so few, but at the same time, she has Principles! She can’t just ignore this! As one of her schemes to help Willow without going against Boscha directly, Luz manages to get Willow transferred out of Abominations, although Willow is kinda annoyed by this since even though she’s in plant track she feels a stranger. (This alienation eventually goes away, but not before…)

14) Luz snaps and punches Boscha in the face one day for bullying Willow once too many times. Boscha gets PISSED and Luz is NOT BACKING DOWN, even though she’s scared. Boscha basically exiles Luz from the friend group, which has the added effect of making almost all of Luz’s friends stop talking to her, most painfully Skara and Amity. Willow starts to tolerate her, but only barely. (Gus is still Luz’s friend tho. In fact, Gus, the DT kids, and E&E Are the only Hexside students at this point who’ll be caught dead with Luz.)

15) ‘Understanding Willow’ Is changed; Luz catches Amity burning up Willow’s memories. However, since Amity, Luz, and Willow are distinctly *not* talking to each other, the quest to save Willow’s mind is *much* more tense. Luz keeps taking potshots at Amity for abandoning the both of them, Inner Willow hates both of them, and Amity is trying desperately not to have fun with people who hate her and also trying desperately to defend her actions. Amity still reveals the same secret of the day she stopped being Willow’s friend; Luz, meanwhile, reveals some bad memories of her own human school that make it very obvious how much the chance to be popular meant to her and how she genuinely empathizes with Willow’s whole situation. Ultimately ends with a bit of a tense moment between the three where they admit they’re not friends yet… but at the very least they’re all willing to be friends, now.
16) We get some time watching Luz slowly re-making her friends throughout the school, as people decide they really do like Willow and Luz as people and they’re kinda tired of Boscha been an alpha bitch. Maybe spliced with Willow & Luz & Amity hangin out, being friendly, or with Boscha been salty and Skara et al. being here by obligation even though they *clearly* wanna hang out with Luz some more.
17) ‘Wing It Like Witches’ happens largely beat for beat here. Boscha attempts to re-assert social dominance, Luz invokes the sacred rites of a game of grubby with a bet, Luz tries to get Willow and Gus in for it but Gus can’t and Willow won’t; Amity talks Willow into forming a 3 person team with her. Extra angst from the fact that Boscha and Luz did actually have some bonding over being on the same team on an earlier grubby game.
18) Grom happens now, largely as canon. When preparing Luz for the main fight, Amity theorizes (incorrectly) that Luz’s greatest fear is losing her friends on the boiling isles; Luz goes along with it, because ‘I already faced that fear once this year, it’ll be a cinch’. Grom tries it but it doesn’t work, but then from turns into her mom. (We see Amity nearly cry from Grom turning into her, but realizes what’s going on, and then has a massive blush from being called ‘her’ Amity. Skara rolls her eyes, bc she’s been clued in. Boscha is deliberately not caring.)
20) Boscha eventually gets to the point where she decides to apologize to Willow. She starts with a BS ‘lol sry’ approach, ends with a record-scratch-sudden rant where Boscha really does break it — and herself — down in honest apology. Some of the bad attempts are played for comedy, this one played completely straight.
Miscellanious other elements:
Unrequited Boschamity / exes Boschamity, boscha has cool banter with her friends (mildly platonic boschluz banter, snarky boschamity banter, member boschkara banter, etc), Boscha being really jealous of Luz, Everyone — EVERYONE — pines at Skara, Luz also pines at willow eventually, BOSCHA ACTUALLY GETS A REDEMPTION ARC AND ITS WELL WRITTEN AND NO ITS NOT IN SERVICE OF A SHIP, Boscha::Azula Amity::Zuko wrt redemption arcs, Boscha joins the inevitable rebellion as one of those ‘everyone in public thinks I’m an enemy of the rebellion so I can help them out real nice in the DL’ people, and yes we ARE overthrowing the government at some point in this au just not right now, right now we’re having ANGST and LUMITY, boscha is actually very nice to her friends when she wants to be she just usually doesn’t feel like she Should Be Vulnerable, any episode that’s just ‘Luz With Willow And/or Gus doing Hijinks’ (ex ‘Really Small Problems’, ‘Something Ventured, Someone Framed’) that hasn’t already been mapped to an event in this timeline is skipped completely, yes that means Mathholomule successfully becomes president of the human club, none of this aus cast is actually friends with him tho don’t worry, Edric has been quietly dating Jerbo for a while now but his sisters don’t know, Emira is a disaster lesbian for Viney and the teasing is relentless, Emira is a terminal prankster with a maladapted sense of boundaries as a result of her parents, this is a point of contention for her courtship of Viney who can and will go OFF on her for crossing the line and not feeling guilty, Edric is very aware of boundaries but he also finds looking to her for direction gets him in trouble the least at home so he just feels terrible afterwards and tries to get Emira to tone it down and/or apologize, basically the library incident was her idea in this au and he went along with it because of blight child optics stuff, Luz’s memory may out Luz to Willow and Amity, Willow and Amity absolutely say ‘gay rights’, in fact the entire isle says ‘gay rights’, this au tricks you into thinking ‘oh easy lumity’ but then Willow comes in like a wrecking ball, during that murky period when Luz’s friends all hate her bc she punched boscha all the people still willing to talk to her get friendly REAL fast, yes that includes willow and amity once they all stop hating each other, nobody lets Amity live down “Oh, wow,,, sports” except Luz who didn’t get it, Everyone has a song assigned to them at the sleepover, Luz’s is Bad Reputation, Skara’s is Caramelldansen, Boscha’s is Money Machine, Amity’s is Eminence Front because I say so
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lildoodlecat · 3 years
Alright buckle the fuck up bc I've just had a morning
So I live about a half hour drive from my college campus, and a couple of my classes this semester require me to buy some art kits from a very specific store that is, obviously, only on campus
Got up at 7, ready to head out for when the store opened at 7:30, and set off in my pajamas with my kiribaku ita bag and ready to make the drive
Google maps oh so handily said hey, did you know there's a highway that'll actually get you there faster than the freeway? So I was like hell yeah I love not driving on the freeway let's fucking go
I head out, drive the freeway for a bit until I hit the exit for the highway, and cruise on down a highway with a lot of construction, but it's been that way for years so whatever
The construction, surprisingly, caused no issue. I made it past and noticed hm, there sure do seem to be a lot of cars piled up ahead
And oh boy. There were. The whole highway backed up who knows how far, on a Tuesday morning.
And I'm thinking, well I don't wanna sit through that. I'm pretty sure there's a side road I can take instead?? So I switch into the exit lane and that's backed up a bit too but not much. I get off, I drive over and pull into a convenience store lot to check my map.
There is no other road.
There is no other fucking road and all that's here are residential neighborhoods and the goddamn maverick I'm parked in front of
So, shit, wrong decision there buddy but it's alright i guess I could just take the entrance ramp and get back on. But I really, really don't fucking want to try and merge onto a highway that's at a long, backed up standstill
I checked the traffic report just in case bc if there's an accident that didn't happen too recently it might clear up if I wait a bit. Yeah no it just happened and hey, that explains all the police that drove by earlier
Anyway I'm a pussy and decided to backtrack (and took a wrong turn and got lost in that residential neighborhood for a bit, during which I pulled over to check my map again and complain to some group chats abt my predicament)
So I changed my destination to the freeway and made it there with only one wrong turn
But the trouble doesn't end there because college campuses are confusing as hell
I got close to the building the store was in but couldn't quite see it as I kept going in circles and the navigator was like take the next left :D into what was, very obviously, a lawn and not a road
I also almost clipped a line of parked cars and gave myself a heart attack when I had to jerk the wheel because I was being a dumbass and trying to look at the map while I was driving slow
So I made it to a parking lot behind the building, and remembered hm, I got a couple emails about parking passes (which I didn't buy since I didn't think I'd need one). Do I need one to park in this lot??? Never figured out if I did but I parked in a corner and got out anyway
It is now 8:45am. Jesus christ, I just wanted to get my shit and go home
I wasn't sure where the hell the tiny hole in the wall store would be in the massive building, but apparently I had some good luck because I found it almost as soon as I walked in
For some reason it doubled as a coffee place?? Which sucks for me bc the smell of coffee makes me nauseous but whatever. I got one of my kits, paid, walked out,
wait a minute don't I need another hold the fuck on
Had to go back and awkwardly be like yeah me again, need another $200 kit mhm okay alrighty
But oh lucky me neither of these heavy fucks had handles so I'm awkwardly carrying both of them and a bigass roll of paper all the way to my car. At which point I just kinda dropped them in the grass to be able to use my keys and toss them in the back seat.
I got most of the way home fine, didn't see a stop sign until I was on top of it tho and had to slam my breaks (which threw my bag into a flip off the passenger seat and I heard something fall in the back but was like whatever it's fine I'm almost home
A little further and a cop pulls in behind me which immediately sent me into a bit of a panic because haha, cops are fucking scary
It was fine, obviously, bc I was going the speed limit and they weren't behind me long before I had to take a right and they kept going straight
The last bump in this hhhHHHARGHARAAAAA morning was a garbage truck that had stopped and was taking up the entire lane so I had to go around into the oncoming lane but it's not like that road is ever busy so it was fine
Made it home at 10:20am, dumped my shit in my room, and promptly collapsed on the couch because holy fuck, my heart hasn't calmed down and I'm still shaking (partially because I haven't eaten since last night but mostly nerves)
I'm good now but uGH I hated that so much
Also I think a part of one of the kits had to be changed so I might have to go back for it later and if that doesn't go at least semi-smoothly I'm gonna find a nice patch of dirt to decompose in
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
President Snow and President Coin
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Where to start.... with these two evil ones I was raised on if you have nothing nice to say don’t say nothing at all... but when it comes to these two oh boy....  lord have mercy and forgive me for this one but damn. what the actual f*** was  that. 
Okay really this war is Coin pissed at Snow and Snow like no one put’s Snow in the corner. and so They use two teenagers who are in love but not seprated by one saved by the capitol  one captured.  
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 If I were Katniss and Peeta in that moment I’d be like oh I see how this is going we are being used. Well this is between you two and me and Peeta had nothing to do with this besides being your personal pawns so we are gonna go now.. and run the hell outta there... 
One thing I admire about Snow is he did as well as Katniss promise not to lie to each other ( tho he totally was like Oh I don’t want to kill you let’s be friends if not that allies) and the whole ( I don’t beileve your in love with that boy bs)...  oh you must be enjoying the company of this other boy that I just threatened to kill. bla bla bla bla ( the mumbling). 
another thing I’d amire about him mainly because I just laugh. He’s like meh to the swearing at him tears the love poems like nothing knew.... Katniss comes in a freaking Mockingjay and is like Oh my god how the f*** dare you. ( I thought I left that bullshit years ago now you made it a freakin symbol)  and the baby bomb oh my god I’d pay big money to see snows face because I am sure  he would of been like oh my god why me.
admire part 3. Of Snow.... He knows damn good and well that Killing Katniss would set off a chain reaction and Killing Peeta isn’t any better after them breaking out of the arena.
admire 4. of Snow okay he doesn’t deny he killed people he came out flat like it was nothing but still he didn’t even bother to hide the fact that yeah the games killed thousands of children. ( but heres the thing) he might be like yeah I killed so and so but doesn’t admit how. For the most part. but heres a thing for seneca crane like everyone knew about that one.  and he streight up tells Katniss well blames her for it which I am like eye roll. And is like because of you he’s dead and your alive... Isn’t he just a joy.
admire 5. We know hes the bad guy okay he doesn’t even try to deny it.... 
Here is a list a list of things Snow did that pissed me off. 
1. Allowing the Games to go on for so long 
2. Lord knows what he does to his drinks  and roses  and poison. and Snakes blood.... 
3. When he shook his head no he’s not convinced. I wanted to scream...  I am like the nerve of him I swear... 
4. The  Audacity to think Katniss is playing Peeta and enjoying the company of another guy. Just because you fu**** in those woods doesn’t  mean Katniss would do the same plus you knew shes been going into the woods for years. And know nothing freaking happened.. besides hunting and talking about how much  your little system sucks. Here’s the best part if Katniss refused to see Peeta Naked  in the damn Games what makes you think she is fu***** around. Plus Katniss made it clear she  went into the games single af came out with a man she care about clearly or one of them would be dead. 
5. Thinking its okay for freaking 12 year olds to play the games.... Thank god Katniss made a point to be listen this aint okay and this  girl wont stand by it. You go glen coco 
6. We all know  this but it pisses me off... Sending the victors back to the games...  just  because your like well you have a little fued with one of them. 
7. I will never forgive Snow for what he did to Peeta. 
8. The fact he killed Finnick. Nope 
9. When he banned all symbols of the Mockingjay. Like he’s literally scared of a 17 year old. Just saying you kinda asked for it. 
10. Using Peeta as his personal pawn.... to use against the girl he is so in love with and finally she is in love with him and what happens you turn him into something to make him forget hes in love with her. 
I have so much more but that would be the longest post ever... 
Coin she honestly scares me deeply okay. 
My favourite thing is Katniss is like I’ll play your little game but I don’t trust you.  and When Katniss shot her just saying Like she knew her life would be hell with Coin alive no better with Snow dead. So she really shocked us all killing coin and snows exicution  and oh thank god ( okay I am not one to be like people should die but for this fandom thank god it happened that way)
Things that Coin did that Pisses me off. 
1. The okay when the Victors are saved if you step outta line sweetheart  they will have to pay for it too.  I screamed. Like WHAT!!!  at least Katniss knew this time she was being played with or I would of been like umm no I would of pulled an Elle woods move and be like that’s not what we agreed to last night in comand. but she is one sneaky person ...
2. She’s shady af....   
3. This is District 13 in general that fact that they basically sat back and watched the other Districts for years without a we are still alive 
4. The fact that Gale is like her minon. I love how Katniss calls him out on that... because she knows damn well Peeta would never. because they been threw that shit show before and are like oh my god they  are alike snow and coin. 
5. The fact she doesn’t admit her wrong doing... 
6. That she is after Katniss and has no freaking reason too. Okay Snows at least makes a bit of sense but her... This bitch is suppose to be on the same freaking side, and just because Katniss wouldn’t vote for you . You want her dead 
7. Her bullshit Speech over Katniss’s death... the fact she actually teared up I am like oh my god  she literally sent Peeta there to kill you Boggs told you That she is planning to kill you after this war is over. Thank god Katniss didn’t fall for it.  even  Plutarch was like looking at her like you don’t even like her what is this about. Even snow was like Honey I know damn well what your doing...  * the I had no idea I meant so much to her has sarcasm all over it. 
8. She is the reason Prim is dead. and you make it seem like it was Snows idea...
9. The fact she is pretty much using Katniss  against who she loves ( like  she knew that) Katniss figured out how the capitol is using Peeta and still wanted her to preform thank god Katniss has some good people on her side that convinced Coin not to go ahead. 
10. The fact she wants to keep Katniss locked up and as Haymitch says that my firends is how a revoultion dies....
I have so much more but I’ll leave it at that let yall fill in the blanks.. 
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satanfemme · 3 years
Val and 2, Vinyl and 7 OR 30 if seven is spoilers for clay pigeons, Volume and 14, Vaya and 21, Vamos and 4, the Girl and 5/6
2. Who do they look to for guidance? (Val)
I mean in a hero sense, party poison ofc, even if he can’t admit it. he wants to be the better party poison, so what better way to do that then look at how poison did things and “improve” those methods from that starting point as guidance.
in a more personal sense he looks to, tbh, all of the other ultra v’s. he’s not great at asking for guidance but he’ll still look to them for it in his own way. for example when he’s unsure about something he checks to see how they’re handling things, and they’re handling things better than him (and they always are) he secretly uses that as a comfort and/or a jumping off point for his own decisions.
7. Any family scandals? Does your character know about them? (Vinyl)
hmm ok I think there’s a little bit that’s still a spoiler so 🤫 but for the most part all his family scandals have already been revealed in my fics. the main ones are that his father was an exterminator and his sister was a scarecrow training to be an exterminator, which when ur a killjoy in one of the desert’s most well known crews it’s kinda a big deal. but none of the other ultra v’s really knew about this during the comics (he probably told val after the comics and, well, vaya and vamos r gonna hear at least part of it soon enough)
vinyl actually knew about both of those things the whole time though, he’d pieced things together wrt his father while he was still a kid, and altho before my fic post-comics he could only guess what happened to his sister, he knew her well enough that “escaped to scarecrow academy” was one of his top guesses. (tho secretly he always hoped she’d come to her senses and become a killjoy too at some point)
these def weighed on him like a lot in his early killjoy days. by the time the comics happened he was all but over it, but for the first few years it was very hard for him to kill any bl/i agents. it was over time that he became desensitized to it and in turn became pretty desensitized to killing in general, a la Target Practice™ for example. once he internalized “I might accidentally kill my father or my sister any time I kill someone wearing a mask, but that’s ok” it became pretty hard to get upset by any murder
30. What is their ideal sleeping situation? (Vinyl)
gonna answer this one too cause it’s easy. the ideal is always sleeping with all the other ultra v’s dog-piled on top of him (bonus: good pressure stim) OR sleeping on top of all the other ultra v’s (bonus: good pressure stim for everyone else)
14. What is something that never fails to make them excited? (Volume)
I feel like infodumping about music is an obvious but easy answer. so I’ll also say: rain. volume’s biggest problem is he gets so bored and depressed of the killjoy lifestyle so anything to break up his routine is a good thing, and rain is like perfect for that. it’s usually a surprise, it cools everything off, it’s pretty, it smells good and makes mud everywhere, it sounds good on windows, it usually means less dracs and scarecrows are out that day, what’s not to love?? 
21. Do they prefer giving or receiving gifts? (Vaya)
honestly?? receiving. they’re not selfish they just like getting stuff!! they especially like it when someone gives them something they can wear or at least something pretty they can put on display and show off. 
they also love getting new video games but those are very rare in the desert. I think the nest got a new game once or twice during their time there. both times the game was “gifted” to vaya and vamos (since they’re both the Gamers™ of the nest) and vaya LOVED it. what they weren’t told however was the “gift” was given to them under the (correct) assumption that they’d share the game with the rest of the nest. it was really a community owned game for all the killjoys to have. everyone gifting it to the twins specifically was all for show, just as an easy way to make their days hdfgf
4. Who is someone they’ve hurt? (Vamos)
oh they’re SUCH a people pleaser I don’t think there’s any cases of them genuinely hurting someone like that in my canon. sometimes they can hurt people out of their carelessness or their inability to read tone, but they’re always quickly forgiven, either because it was just a mistake (it was!) or because no one likes to see them upset (their anxiety spirals Very easily)
ofc that being said, val velocity, local asshole, doesn’t really forgive them for these things so easily. so it’s never really over anything serious but sometimes vamos will do something kinda dumb like twist an ankle doing parkour. then val gets upset that they’re not gonna be able to run for a few weeks and that’s gonna put everyone in danger. so val yells at vamos then vamos does their puppy dog eyes back, which val doesn’t accept, and the both of them get incredibly frustrated by this very quickly. the next thing you know they’re Both in a bad mood snapping at each other until someone else (usually vaya) can be like “both of you hug and make up right now or witch so help me”
5. What is a secret that they have? (The Girl)
she always kinda figured there was something up with the cat. she didn’t know it was a straight up camera, but she knew it’d likely “escaped” the city, and seemed harder to kill or injure than a normal cat, and was still just as young and perfectly healthy as she found it even after being with her for 10 or 11 years. 
but it never seemed to cause any trouble for her, and she loved it, so she kept it. and it wasn’t like a huge Secret secret before the comics, when she largely lived alone, cause who would she even be hiding this from anyway. but during the comics when val keeps talking about there being a spy and the trouble starting when she showed up?? uh oh ❤️ she kept a Very close eye on the cat then to make sure it was safe. 
then, when dr d was killed for supposedly being the spy, that kinda, uh, sucked. like she was hiding this probably-some-sort-of-wiretap-or-something-idk from everyone else just cause it was her one (1) friend for the past 12 years, and now one of her last surviving family member was dead in its place. F
6. Would they trust anyone with their secret? (The Girl)
nope! even after the comics it didn’t feel productive to tell anyone. as far as anyone else knew she found out the cat was a spy only Right Before they went into the city so no one blamed her for that, and with better living gone the cat no longer posed any threat and was just a cool pet cat so, like, what’s the problem. nothing to see here just a girl and her suspicious cat vibing
send me characters and numbers!
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hyunnie-bunches · 5 years
Bloodsuckers I
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Genre: Supernatural AU, angst?
Pairing: Vampire!Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 2404
A/N: This gets kinda graphic with the descriptions of violence so proceed with caution.
It’s 7 PM. The sun set 15 minutes ago and the sky is still full of dim blue light. It’s my fourth round around the area. I’m getting impatient but I try my best to keep my features trained to innocence. It is just as I’m turning a corner to start my fifth round that I sense the first movement behind me. The excitement almost makes me falter, but I maintain my pace. I head in the direction of my rental place.
I don’t hear another sound, not even the soft footfalls for a solid 10 minutes. Had I imagined the sound before? Had this stupid circling made me crack so now I was making things up? What could I do though? If I circled back around and he was following me, he would get suspicious. Even if someone was following me, there was no guarantee it was him. I had tried my best to be alluring yet subtle. Little cuts over my legs and upper arms - just enough to get the scent of blood out in the air, but not make it too obvious.
If my research had been right, he would wait until I’m home to attack. He liked to leave his victims’ dead bodies in their own homes. I quicken my pace a little bit. It was out of excitement for hopefully it would read as nerves at being out late.
I reach the door and pretend to fumble around for my keys in my bag. I feel his presence behind me a second before he reaches to grab me. I duck instantly. Not expecting me to be prepared, he falters for a moment in surprise. One moment is all I need. I twist around and kick at his legs, making him fall right against the main door. He screams a little at the unexpected contact. The steel plate I had placed there before leaving had done its job. I smile internally as I reach for the blade I had attached at my thigh. I am up and my hand his gripping the back of neck before he has even moved away from the door.
“Wai-“ he starts, but I am faster than him. I have stabbed him through the heart before he completes his sentence. He falls to the floor. The blade wasn’t steel so eventually, he would heal but it would still take a while. I pull another blade, this one steel, and stab his leg, deep, to make sure he won’t be going anywhere for a while. Then, I head inside.
I have the set up ready already. I grab the steel chain and wrap it around his neck, dragging him inside. I lift him to the chair and continue to wrap the chain around his body. It’s only after I am done that I look up at his face. For a second, I am taken aback. Half his face is an angry red color from where it hit the steel, but he is beautiful. I shake my head to clear it. This was some evolution thing. He was beautiful so he could attract victims. He was no more than a predator.
But tonight, he would be my prey. He is breathing hard. He looks to be in actual pain. Good, I think, pulling out the steel blade from where I had stuck it in his thigh. I had other blades of course, but I’ve learned there’s something about seeing their own blood covering a weapon that gets people talking a lot faster.
I take a step back and lean against the counter facing him.
“Byun Baekhyun.” I say, a smile playing at my lips. “The elusive vampire they call the Ghost.” I stop playing with the knife and raise a brow. In a flash, the blade is flying out of my hands and embedding into the wood above his shoulder. A drop of blood rolls down his shoulder from where the knife has grazed his grazed lightly. “You seem pretty corporeal to me.” He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t look at me. He doesn’t even fight his bonds.
“Oh, come on now, don’t be like that. Aren’t you curious why you’re here? In this…predicament?” He keeps his mouth shut. I get off the counter and start walking around him.
“See, Baekhyun, I need you.” I pull the blade out from the chair. “Well, I need a vampire, but once I got to know about you. Ooooo” I run my blade against his jaw, leaving a red line in its wake. “I just couldn’t resist the challenge. Though I have to admit, catching you was a lot easier than expected. But breaking you? Hmm. That might yet provide some fun.”
I complete my circle around him and face him once again. “So what do you say Baekhyun? Are we doing this the easy way? Or the fun way?”
“What do you want?” He grits out.
“So he does talk.” I pause again. “I want to be a vampire,” I say. I expect to laugh, to realize that he holds the cards here and just deny me outright, or quickly agree to do what I want so we can both get out of here quickly. But his reaction is so surprising I actually break character for a second. His eyes go wide and he shakes his head furiously, I can see the chain around his neck rubbing his burnt skin open at the action but he doesn’t stop. “No, you can’t.” He looks almost scared.
I pull myself out of the shock at his reaction and get back into character. “Oh, I’m sorry, baby. But you aren’t calling the shots here.” I grab his hair and pull his head back, my other hand placing the blade at the exposed area of his throat. “So, tell me, how does it work?” I had researched this too of course. I knew it had something to do with his bite. Most probably something in his saliva. But there was a lot of theories about the actual process, and I had no idea which to trust.
“You don’t understand.” He hisses at me, his eyes are full of fire. “You don’t want to end up like this. It’s not worth it.”
What the hell was wrong with him? Was seriously warning me against the being a vampire?
“You don’t know my life. Maybe it is worth it for me.” Something flashes in his eyes, but it is gone before I can process it and he says after a careful pause. “Whatever it is, I promise you, it’s not worth it.”
“Just tell me how,” I say, digging the blade deeper in his skin. He flinches from the pain but doesn’t speak. “HOW?” I ask again, but it seems like he’s gone back to his strategy of muteness.
I get off him and head to a side table where some of the more interesting weapons lay. Tonight was gonna be a long night, I think, before picking up a saw and turning back around.
I’ve been going at him for nearly two hours, and am considering taking a break and letting him stew in his wounds for a while when he speaks, “It takes days of pain, okay?” His voice is gruff from what I can only assume is holding back his screams of pain. “Endless, unfathomable pain. And the survival rate is minuscule. Everything needs to be perfect for it to work. And even if you survive, you end up like this. Pathetic, half-dead, and other. It’s not worth it, no matter what you think.”
“None of that is what I asked. I want to know how to do it. The rest is my problem, not yours.” But he doesn’t respond again. I sign internally. How the fuck had I found the most uncooperative vampire on this fucking planet?
It takes about an hour more before he starts talking again. I am breaking his fourth finger, having already wrecked the first three beyond repair. Or at least, beyond repair for the time being. He would heal soon enough. “You have to kill yourself!” I pause my action, the tiny hammer raised high.
“What?” I ask. I’m a little concerned I’ve literally imagined him speaking.
“To complete the process. That’s why it's so hard! After- after I bite you, my saliva-or whatever is in it that makes the process possible- it needs to spread throughout your body. And then you kill yourself. If you kill yourself too early, or too late, after your system has already started processing it out, that’s it. You just stay dead. You have to find the exact perfect time in order to turn.” He says it all through gritted teeth like he doesn’t want to tell me any of this.
I stare at him blankly. He is drenched in sweat, his hair is sticking to his forehead. His shirt and pants are in tatters from where I’ve cut him over and over again. He is breathing hard and his eyes almost look like he is pleading with me. But I’ve hit the gold mine. So that’s how it worked.
“Bite me,” I say. It comes out in a soft whisper, the threatening act forgotten at the prospect of finally getting what I want. His eyes go wide. It seems like he’d only given up that information to finally convince me to give up. “No-” “Bite me,” I say, more firm this time. I had injected enough people with enough shit to know how fast things spread in the body. Considering the consistency of his saliva, I could make a rough guess at when to kill myself so it worked. Of course, it could all go wrong and I could just simply end up dead. But I was willing to take that risk.
He sets his jaw. “No.” He says. I was getting irritated now. I was so close, so close. But this stupid vampire would rather get tortured than just bite me and make this easier on both of us. I am much more vicious and a lot less calculated with my strikes now. “For. Fuck’s. Sake. Just. BITE. ME.” I say, slashing at his chest with each strike. But he doesn’t budge so easily.
After 20 mins, I bring out the electrocution equipment. I’ve been going for so long that I’m actually exhausted. But each time he passes me a nugget of information, I get more invested and the thought of giving up evaporates from my mind.
It takes two shocks before he starts screaming. Three more until his fangs pop out. I don’t even think he has control over them anymore. I am too fast for him to retract them tho. I slash my wrist and shove it in his mouth. He is depleted. He’s been losing blood for hours. He can help but suck. One bite is all I need. Almost as soon as his fang sink into my flesh, I rip my arm out of his mouth. It tears my skin but I don’t care. I wasn’t going to lose any more blood than necessary.
I walk away from him to look for some piece of cloth to wrap around my wrist. Now it was only a matter of time. I am trying to do some quick math in my head to figure out when to end my life when I hear his pleas.
“Stop, Y/N, please stop.” He sounds broken, destroyed. But that is not what makes me freeze.
“How do you know my name?” I say in a low voice. This was not part of the plan. If he knew my name, he probably knew I was coming for him beforehand. For all I know, a whole squadron of vampires is about to come and once they saw what I had done to Baekhyun….Panic starts to flare in my chest and I try desperately to calm it down. I grab the steel blade from the floor where I had dropped it and press it right over his heart. If I pushed in, that was it. He would be dead and I would be fresh out of options for being turned. But I would have to do it if I was at risk here. “I asked you how you know my name?” I bite out.
“I-I’ve known about for a while.” I dig my blade in deeper and a fresh drop of blood sprouts out of his chest. “How?“
“Did you really think someone with your skills will not stick out on the streets of this tiny ass town?” My eyes narrow at him, and he continues, “When you moved here, and started stirring up trouble poking your head in places it didn’t belong, I had to look into you.” He averts his eyes. “I know about your parents. Your brother. The whole cover up.”
I grind my teeth, and move back from him. My mind was reeling. He knew too much. “Did you know I’d be coming?”
“Of course not.” He spits out. “Do I look like an idiot? Why would I follow you if I knew you were you?” His voice grows softer again. “I’m serious. Don’t turn. There are other ways to get what you want. Don’t condemn yourself to this life. You’ll regret it. I promise you, you will.”
“What do you care?!” I snarl at him. Vaguely, I realize time is passing. If he stalls me for long enough, I’m going to miss my window of opportunity. I quickly glance at the clock. I had about a minute more. Or at least I hoped I did.
His voice is hard when he replies. “Don’t you understand, you fool. I am a vampire. I know what the cost is.”
I narrow my eyes at him. It sounded plausible but I didn’t buy it. Anyway, I was out of time for chit chat. I go to grab the blade again.
“Wait! Wait!” Baekhyun sounds urgent now. “Before you do this, you should know- the sire bond between a new vampire and a sire, it’s intense. It will mess with your head. It will-“ But I am not listening anymore. If he was doing this to stall me, he would fail.
I take the blade and stab it straight through my heart. Baekhyun’s shocked scream is the last thing I hear before I fall. And then there is only pain.
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theshinsun · 4 years
4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 39, 40, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60 [Which do you prefer between Knb and Haikyuu?] for the ask you recently reblogged please?
4. what are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to school starting again, even if it's just a weird hybrid of online/flipped classes, I miss my teachers and like, being productive. also if I'm in class I can't be worked borderline inhumane hours right…. right??
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
yeah, my roommate. she always either knows how to cheer me up, or blunders around trying to find the right method to the point that it's funny and I end up smiling anyway. she's really awesome like that.
7. what was your life like last year?
it had a lot of ups and downs. I had a great job, but the people I worked with eventually made it toxic and awful. I was doing really well in school, but stressed all the time, had an awesome relationship but kind of ruined it w my anxiety, and had serious roommate issues that made me afraid to leave my bedroom or even come home, sometimes. I remember a lot of very high highs and very low lows especially in the fall/winter of that year.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
well, yes and no… I don't tend to show a lot of emotion to begin with, but what I do show, I'm basically incapable of hiding, and apparently I'm a terrible liar bc my face gives me away.
13. how do you feel right now?
I'm pretty alright… kind of anxious, kind of tired, but that's just been the status quo lately tbh. 
15. personality description
already answered, so I suppose I'll elaborate. I'm simultaneously like, the most confident and the most self-doubting person I know... like there are certain things I'm super certain of and times when I feel no shame, and there are others where I'll just shrivel into a ball of anxiety and mortification and never come out. in the same vein, I'm simultaneously very trusting and open and very wary and cautious with people… it really depends on the situation and the person I think, I'm a very "you get out what you put in" person.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
yeah, I’m still holding onto things I’ve wanted to tell certain people tbh… I used to be a lot more forthcoming and not worry about the consequences of what I had to say, but now that I’ve seen what power words have to ruin relationships and impact people I tend to hold back quite a bit. 
17. opinion on insecurities
I have… many, but I understand that I shouldn't and am working on the ones I do have. I think feeling insecure can lead to some of the most ugly, toxic emotions and responses in certain people, so I'm trying to be conscientious of that.
23. fear(s)
um let’s see… jump scares, the dark (sometimes), corners I can’t see around, drowning/suffocating, pain, failure, losing control...
27. things I hate
wet socks, sunburn, acne, willful ignorance, bigotry, excessively negative people… uh… idk hate's a strong word that's all I've got
28. I'll love you if…
if you are genuinely, authentically yourself. if you’re the kind of person I can feel comfortable and at ease with. if you show me patience and compassion and make an effort to know me and let me know you… then yeah you’re never getting rid of me. 
29. favorite film(s)
The Road to El Dorado, Into the Spider-verse, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirit, Life of Pi, The Truman Show, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
30. favorite tv show(s)
Haikyuu!!, Kuroko no Basuke, Avatar, Bojack Horseman, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Beastars, Dragonball Z
31. 3 random facts
already answered so here's three more
1. lately I've been carrying a fanny pack with the trans flag (there's an unfortunate but very tempting pun in there) and it's still got the security tag bc they forgot to take it off in the store so now every time I walk through the doorway to like, a drug store, I set off the alarm. I would get it taken off but it was sent to me from Chicago lol.
2. I've got a lot of outdoorsy skills bc of my gym class in high school, like rock climbing, kayaking, building fire, etc. I'm not super adventurous in my daily life but while I was in that class, I did all kinds of things.
3. for awhile I worked at a cat cafe, and helped take care of the 12-15 rescue cats we'd have there at any given time. I stand by that it was the best job I've ever had, but the people I worked with, not so much. 
33. something you want to learn
I really want to learn to skateboard or surf. it's been a dream for a long time and I have (suspiciously acquired) both, but my balance is shit and I have no patience for new skills lately, so...
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
already answered so here's three more
1. someday I want to have a pickup truck, I've been looking at, like, bright orange Tacomas and stuff, but of course I'd need a license to be able to drive one
2. I'd like to have a garden again, or maybe have a plot in a community garden. I've been growing nasturtiums and things on my balcony while in school but it's not quite the same
3. still waiting on the day I can get top surgery tbh. I just… want to be able to be shirtless at the beach and wear tank tops with nothing underneath, okay?
39. favorite sport(s)
ahahahaha… favorite sport you say. to play or to watch? 'cause I generally don't like to do either, tho I do like watching the folks who play volleyball on the beach. and considering one of my favorite shows is about volleyball and it was the sport I sucked at the least in school, maybe we’ll go with volleyball? but in general I’m not a sports person. 
40. favorite memory
I have a vague memory… of helping my mom in the garden of my old house when I was a little kid, mostly just digging in the dirt in the spring and being outside with my family… it's not very clear or specific but I think those days were some of the happiest of my life.
52. something I'm talented at
I'm good at learning the lyrics to songs, I've got over 1000 downloaded in my spotify library and I'm pretty sure I know the words to at least most of them. in a similar vein I'm good at learning the scripts to movies, and just… memorizing things in general especially audio.
53. 5 things that make me happy
already answered so here's some more!
1. songs with a light, strummy acoustic feel and creative lyrics… I've got a whole playlist for that vibe there's just something about songs like that that make me really calm
2. I really like being hugged or cuddled by my friends, just being in close proximity and hanging all over each other, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside tbh
3. I love driving with the windows down (I can't drive so I mean riding passenger lol), especially in the canyon by my house, through the forest and by the beach.
54. something that's worrying me at the moment
I’m so afraid things won’t go back to the way they were. ...that applies to multiple aspects of my life, not just with this pandemic but school, work, friends, relationships… it seems like I’m always chasing the past and dreading the future, so much that I can’t ever be satisfied in the present moment, and that’s something that’s been on my mind a lot. 
55. tumblr friends
@hadenxcharm, @spaztictwitch, @kurokonobaka, @taigainside, @hybristophilica and you could be too! all you gotta do is message me tbh I'm easy
56. favorite food(s)
strawberry cheesecake, fried shrimp, key lime pie, tuna steak
59. why I joined tumblr
I joined in 2012 bc my friends told me to, had a brief recession where I didn't use it at all, and a pretty lengthy sidetrack through the RP community, and then I came back bc of the friends I'd made here, and the unique-ness of the platform that I kinda can't find anywhere else. I'm stuck here just like the rest of y'all. 
60. ask me anything you want (which do you prefer between KNB and Haikyuu?)
now this is a tough one… bc I really love them both a lot, and tbh in terms of quality of writing, art/animation, thematic music, character development and general story, I think Haikyuu!! has KNB beat, buuuuuut…. in spite of its flaws, I have such a soft spot for KNB and I keep coming back to it over and over again even as it falls into relative obscurity. It's the only thing I write for anymore and I'm still, somehow, utterly obsessed with the characters I first fell in love with over five years ago. KNB has problems, for sure, but the things it gets right (like setting a mood, strong emotional beats and character relationships) it knocks out of the park. I don't know if I could ever choose one over the other in terms of like, "you can only read/watch one of these and have to give up the other forever", but in terms of which has had the biggest impact, and still hits me the hardest, I'd probably have to go with KNB… but it's not by any means an easy choice.     
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neo-nymph · 5 years
NCT NSFW A-Z: Taeyong
A/N: SOOOO many people were waiting for this lmao. Hope you guys enjoy im high-key worried this won’t satisfy ahahahahahah :]
Also while writing this I've rediscovered my love for Paramore. I forgot how much I love their shit it’s so good 10/10 would recommend.
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A – Aftercare
S O F T I E. Acts like you’re the most valuable person in the world after. Touches his forehead to yours with his eyes closed basing in the afterglow, and opens them to gaze over you and immerse silently in his love for you. He touches you with gentle hands as if he were handling a piece of glass because he doesn’t want to irritate any part of your body that he already angered.
Keeps some bottles of water and some light snacks in the bedside table so he doesn’t have to leave you to get anything afterward. If you’re not too tired he’ll start a bath for the two of you; doesn’t give himself a second thought and spend 90% of the bath cleaning you up. Makes sure to moisturize your skin and dress you in some light clothes, probably one of his shirts and some soft panties.
B – Body part
Not so innocently obsessed with the feeling of your hands. He likes how soft and gentle they feel when you stroke the pads of your fingers along his skin or the tiny indents he can feel along his jaw when you grab his face during a kiss. Likes to hold at least one when you fuck, just to keep a little bit of the innocence and pure love he feels for you present no matter how dark or freaky things may get.
C – Cum
Doesn’t mess or play with it too much; a result of the clean freak within him. 9/10 he pushes himself as deep as he can within you when he cums because that’s where you feel the tightest and the warmest. Doesn’t care too much for cream pies or watching his cum fall out afterward, but does slightly enjoy the occasional dribble of his seed from the corner of your mouth when you suck him off.  
D – Dirty Secret
Gets off at the idea of watching you fuck one of the other members. Don’t ask me to explain why but the thought of seeing you get pounded speechless by Jaehyun or reduced to tears by Yuta’s tongue or giving Mark the suck of his life has had him palming off in the bathroom more than just a few times. Don’t be surprised when he asks if you’ve ever thought about a threesome.
E – Experience  
He’s been around. However, I don’t think his experience comes from being with a lot of partners, but more so being with one partner multiple times and perfecting the things which work best with those people. It’s given him room to improve multiple skills and learn new things/experiment and make his own tricks.
His confidence also helps as it makes all his actions, even the odd or accidental, seem like he’s done them on purpose and tricks his partner into thinking he knows more than they do. Overall, Tae knows wtf he doing and your gonna feel every bit of his knowledge round by round.  
F – Favorite Position
Missionary. You both get access to everything and it’s very kink friendly. There’s room and ease for teasing on the clit, sucking on nipples, scratching his back, wrapping his hand around your throat, and it gives room to make use of ropes and ties, vibrators, plugs, etc.
Honorable mentions is 69. He gets turned on when he’s eating you out, so having you down there to get him off while he enjoys his meal is like heaven. Bonus is being able to reach down for control and ease to fuck your throat.
G – Goofy
Very rarely. Maybe at the very beginning when things are still light and innocent, but as soon as things escalate to heated making out, all jokes and giggles are out the door. Taeyong tends to develop a very strong and intimidating persona when things get heated, so I wouldn’t expect anything less.
H – Hair
Doesn’t shave often but he will if you want him too. Doesn’t mind hair on you AT ALL. Finds it a bit sexy, whether it’s just a bit or it’s grown a while, he finds the natural aspect to be more tantalizing than one would expect.  
I – Intimacy
To me, Taeyong comes off as a VERY affectionate person. I don’t think he’d go overboard with PDA, preferring to save all his affections for his S/O for when the two of you are alone, but I also don’t believe he spares all of his affection and intimacy to be shown purely through sexual acts.
His intimacy is very soft. Gentle kisses on your temple when he wakes up in the morning, even if you’re still asleep. Tracing his fingers lightly across the expanse of whatever exposed skin of yours his fingers can reach. Lots of staring at you with soft, half-closed heart eyes when you’re sleeping or gazing off in the opposite direction, and tons of cuddle sessions with his head resting upon your chest or stomach while his hands are wrapped around your waist; he likes having you close and maintaining some sort of contact with you whenever he can.
J – Jack-Off
Not too often, mostly cause he has you and he’ll take whatever you’re willing to give him, but also because his drive isn’t super high that he felt the need to relieve his urges that often.
Most definitely has a folder filled to the brim of scandalous photos of you, whether you just looked especially good in an outfit, you’re teasing him in his clothing or some lingerie, or exposing yourself to him. Don’t think he doesn’t have videos of you fucking; there’s at least 10 and they’re all at LEAST one minute long. Probably found some way to save your voice memos in there too.
Freaky/nonconventional porn is his favorite. This can range from basic powerplay dynamics like daddy kink or petplay, to gangbangs, to heavy bdsm with tons of restraints and a crying sub with cum dripping off of their face. I’d mention some other things I can see him getting off to but I’ll abstain for the sake of some people’s sanity =].
K – Kink
Definitely power play. I know other people get caught in a debate about if Tae is a dom or sub but I don’t think he’s either or. I can honestly see him being just as turned on and getting off as the dominant OR submissive in a sexual situation. I see him as a full dom but not a full sub, as in he doesn’t follow your commands or cave into your words but rather enjoys being tortured by your actions and struggling against you. That also leads to my theory that he has a teasing kink.
Yes, he loves yanking you around by your hair when your hands are clasped together from use and the sight of looking down at your glossy eyes staring back at him as you struggle to breathe with his hand grasping your throat. But he also loves fighting against you when you bind his wrists to a chair and tease him to the point that he feels like he’s about to explode. The ghost of your lips over his skin, the tingle of the tips of your nails dragging over his chest just enough for him to feel, your slick heat gliding slow over the length of his cock drives his rage through the roof but he loves it none-the-less. You best believe you’re getting it afterwards tho, so don’t push your luck too far.
I can honestly see him being into a variety of things, like pet-play, voyeurism, pain(light), humiliation/degradation(light), breath play(light), etc.
L – Limits
Nothing with high risk or physical damage (like knife play or electricity); not one for pain other than your nails down his back or aching in his cock from edging, so you can rule out clamps from his ends. If you want something along those lines he’ll try, but I think he’d be too worried about the possibility of hurting you would turn into too much for him to handle.
M – Motivation (Turn-On)
This might seem obvious but hear me out. Skin exposure/public teasing; Say you’re sitting on the couch across the room from him in a large t-shirt going down to your knees. Some of the members are lounging around, watching t.v., talking, etc. He looks at you and watches as you slowly open your crossed legs to show him your uncovered and glistening pussy while you stare at him with an innocent gleam in your eye. Or maybe you’re walking around trying to find something one of the dreamies lost and your shirt accidentally lifts too high when you bend over to check beneath the couch. This type of stuff drives him crazy and kicks his self-control to the curb, so don’t be surprised when he comes behind you to grab a handful of your ass and question innocently if you wanted to search the bedroom with him.
Sometimes it requires no effort at all. You could be sitting silently by the window of the hotel you’re in for the night, in shorts and a satin tank top, and the glow from the sunset against the soft, exposed skin of your thighs is all it takes to wind him up.
I see this happening pretty often, and 7/10 it’s in this latter instance, coming from a romantic place. Just a little bit of some exposed skin is all it takes for him to get caught up in the memory of your soft touches and lingering kisses and how much love he has for you and BAM he’s ready for some romantic boning.
N – NO (Turn-Off)
I truly cannot think of that many super standout things. First (and I know how basic/kinda odd this is but) a mess. He can’t get it on with you in a messy place or with a messy person (hair is messy clothes are dirty that typa stuff).
Also the idea of hurting you. He can get down with some freaky stuff (cuffs, leashes, ties, whatever) but the idea of causing you some sort of ACTUAL PAIN would turn him off immediately.  
O – Oral
Giving: Taeyong loves eating pussy you can’t change my mind. Makes good use of his lips; i.e. a very generous of kissing and sucking, almost like he’s making out with you. It’s easy to tell considering how much he uses them when he talks and raps lol. Eating you out turns him on, especially when you pull really hard on his hair (que that slight pain kink). Plays with himself while he eats; if he’s lying on his stomach then he’ll grind himself against the bed. In any other position, like if you’re sitting on his face or he’s on his knees, he’ll jerk himself off with one hand and hold you in place with the other. Not much use of his fingers as this is usually a form of foreplay for him so he isn’t aiming for you to cum, just to warm you up.
Receiving: Quite vocal. “Ahh, yeah..” “Just like that baby” Sits back and watches you work with a nasty smirk. Likes the dragging feeling of the edges of your nails along his shaft and pinching subtly at his balls.  L O V E S eye contact (cause of the way your cheeks gets pink under his stare). Likes it most when he’s fucking your mouth or forcing his cock down your throat so he can see your eyes get watery and red.  
P – Place
V E R Y fond of shower sex; you’ve always looked so pretty with wet hair, but he likes the look of his fist tugging on the wet strands even better. He likes to watch the water droplets shake and fall off your ass when he’s fucking you, and how much louder the smacking of your skin is when it echoes against the closed-in vicinity.
The kitchen is fun as well. Doesn’t care if you want it from behind with one leg held up on the island, or if you want to sit on the countertop and make-out while he goes wild in your pussy. Sometimes he’ll randomly come up behind you while you’re doing dishes and yank your shorts & panties down and just raw dog you.
Q – Quickie
Like Jaehyun, they aren’t his favorite just because he likes to take his time, but if you’re bratty enough or he’s too riled up to think straight, he’ll make time and find a place for it to happen no matter where you are(office, restaurant, concert, movies). As a result, he’s focused on getting his fill and becomes quite messy and ignorant to the idea of being caught.  
R – Risk
He down for some risky business every now and then. Won’t let the risk escalate too high if he’s thinking with his head instead of his dick. As previously mentioned, if his horniness clouds his judgment he doesn’t care what the location is; he’ll take you in the seats at the back of a movie theater if he has too. If he’s thinking logically, however, his risk level is more controlled, like the restrooms at the office or a noisy and crowded restaurant where no one will notice you’re overlapping and extensive absence.  
S – Stamina
Knows how to pace himself; 3-4 rounds max.
T – Toys  
Has a collection; enough to fill two or three average sized shoe boxes under the bed. Common things like a few different colored ropes, a couple handcuffs, some vibrators (Hitachi's and pills [google it]), dildos, hand full of butt plugs. Every now and then he might buy something a little more extra (like a spreader bar or restraint set) but they end up being rarely used or set off for special occasions.
U – Unfair [Teasing/Being teased]
I explained the bulk of this in the risk section, so I’ll just re-state the obvious that since he loves to be teased, he’s gonna tease the hell out of you as revenge. Teasing from his end is dominantly pushing you closer to the edge of bliss inches at a time with movements just quick enough to provide some sort of gratification, either with his fingers on your clit of his cock moving against that spot inside you, but halting his movements moments before you explode. I don’t see him teasing very often, however. He saves it for slow times when neither of you is in a rush to get off, or when you’re being a brat.
V – Volume
Members are gonna hear him through the walls but you don’t have to worry about any complaint or concern calls from the neighbors.
What comes out of his mouth is A LOT of moaning. They’re long and drawn out from the base of his throat, making up 70% of the noise filling the room (He doesn’t even attempt to keep at a controlled volume). The other 30% is dirty talk but he keeps that nice and low, gently throwing the words past his lips and right into your ear just for you to hear them.
W – Wild Card [Author’s Choice]
Low-key has a thing for people watching. He often records your escapades (always the risky ones) for future lonely nights and has become very prideful in bragging and showing the videos to the other members. Somewhat ties into/slightly satisfies his fantasies of you getting on with another member. One night or another he might accidentally leave the door cracked enough for someone passing by to get a glimpse and pretend he doesn’t see them stop in the hallway.
X – X-Ray [Dick Size]
A little over average length (like 6 ½) but not much girth. Not skinny to the point of dissatisfaction, just not much stretch.
Y – Yearning [Sex Drive]
Average, both when home and on tour. Despite the speculation of others, or what you may have perceived from reading this, I don’t see TY as a super sexual person (in the sense that it’s a major facet of his being or has a big role in his life). While I do think things can get pretty freaky with him when the time is right, I believe for the most part he just a big softie who craves affection.
Z – Zzz [After Sex]
Takes about 30 minutes to fall asleep after getting both of you cleaned and settled.  
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