eccentricallygothic · 2 months
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sjsmith56 · 5 months
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The Fae Elements, Part 6 - Of Love and Loss
Summary: While still in mourning Buck and Sage get married, then undertake the Solstice ritual to install her fae powers. Just before the final part of the ritual, disaster strikes.
Length: 8.2 K
Characters: Buck, Sage, Hope, Thor, Sam, Steve, Maria.
Warnings: Grief, guilt, mild sexual content, violence causing extreme injury, violence causing death.
Author notes: AI images were created by the author using Microsoft Copilot app in Designer mode. This is a long one, but it covers a lot of territory. I hope you liked this version of a fae world that co-exists alongside the modern one. Bucky with wings is 🔥. The pagan wedding vows have been taken from the website my wedding vows.com. They were slightly amended to use the term Creator instead of God, since pagans didn't worship one god.
<<Part 5
🌳 ⛰️ 🌊 🌕
Buck left the bed during the night, awakening me as he pulled himself out of my arms. I held onto his hand for several long moments, while he hesitated at the side of the bed.
"Don't go," I whispered. "Let me help you."
"I won't be long," he answered. "There's something I must do, and I can't rest anymore until I do it."
He left out of a door that seemed to lead to a terrace. By the time I got to the window he disappeared. I wanted to tell someone then I heard Hope's voice in my mind.
"It's alright, my brothers are with him," she said. "They go to comfort Richard's family. Meet me in the library if you don't want to be alone. The way will be shown to you."
I was still dressed from the previous night, but the clothes felt rumpled and uncomfortable, so I changed into a robe-like dress, then combed my hair and left the room. The way to the library was lit with a blue glow and I opened the door to where Hope sat in front of the fireplace. She smiled at me as I approached, reaching over and squeezing my hand as I sat next to her.
"I'm glad you were with him," she said kindly. "Mortals who write about the fae world think we don't care about our children like they do, but we feel just as deeply for them, worrying about their welfare, and hope we're raising them to be strong individuals, whether fae or mortal. Richard was a wonderful man, married with four children and eight grandchildren, one of them pregnant with his first great grandchild. He was a teacher, but in his retirement, he volunteered for a home building charity, sharing his love of carpentry that my father shared with him. His death will impact many people."
"I'm sorry. It seems like you all loved him very much."
I felt a wetness on my cheek and wiped it away.
"It's not your fault," said Hope. "You're not to blame for his death. They would have found a way no matter what. That they chose Richard was meant to weaken my father. He's been a strong king who has been incorruptible though they have tried." She smiled sadly at me. "The battle between the light and dark is elemental in itself. The universe was cloaked in darkness until the light exploded into existence billions of years ago. It is an eternal struggle to maintain the balance."
It didn't make me feel any less guilty for being enough of a distraction that Buck's attention was diverted away from his mortal son. Hope talked with me for some time, until I must have fallen asleep in the library, for I found myself waking up in the bed again, with Buck spooned behind me. The curtains were drawn so that we were in darkness, but it was obvious by the sunlight bleeding through the cracks in the curtains that it was the middle of the day. Carefully, I turned so that I faced him. His face looked so peaceful in the dimness of the room, but a small crease was still evident between his eyebrows, proof of the burden he carried, even in his sleep. A sudden urge to kiss that crease in the hopes of smoothing it away overcame me and I pressed my lips onto it. When I pulled away a smile was on his lips.
"A valiant attempt," he murmured. "Daere tried many times to remove that in the same manner. She called it my worry mark."
"I'm sorry I woke you. I feel so helpless. Thought a kiss would help."
"It does, more than you know." His eyes opened, tired but still bright, searching my face for a moment. "It doesn't seem fair that our marriage will be preceded by the murder of my son, but the Dark Overlord planned it that way. He uses terror and grief as a weapon, not realizing that for some people it is a crucible that makes them stronger."
"His family?"
"Will be taken care of," said Buck. "They will want for nothing, except the presence of their husband, father and grandfather." He stroked my hair. "I felt him die, while you were gathering food. Then you called for help, and I knew they had done it to gain access to the sanctuary. Even for a dark fae, it was a heinous act, for mortal family members are supposed to be safe from harm, by an agreement made in the days of the first fae king. The Dark Overlord has made it clear he has no regard for any of the laws that govern our kind. It means war between us. Only my remaining sons and I will attend Richard's funeral in two days time, as Hope has committed to staying for your protection. Many light fae are being recalled here to protect you."
"I'm not worth it," I answered, not feeling like I was compared to those he had sworn to protect when he became fae king.
"Of course, you are. You are a part of the sacred tree. Fae from other domains, the cold places, the ocean, the mountains, even from the hot lands, are sending help, for you are a descendant of the oldest fae family, the one that civilized us and made us more than tiny beings of mischief."
He kissed me then and we laid in the dark for a little longer until several thoughts were sent to us, to get up and face the day. After showering together, we dressed and made our way to the dining area, where the big table had been replaced by several small tables, as the big one could only ever seat 13 guests, no less and no more. Buck's other sons, Arthur and John, were there. Almost perfect duplicates of their father, they were both kind to me and I sensed no blame for the death of their younger brother.
The time until the funeral passed quickly, with Buck kissing me goodbye in the morning, promising to return by nightfall. My day was spent learning more of the wedding ceremony and Solstice rituals, as well as committing my vows to memory. There were some sacred words to be said for the "vows" but apparently Buck had asked they be spoken in English for my sake, and the sacred tree had given its blessing. When he returned, I was already in bed, but he slipped under the covers with me, nuzzling into my neck then weeping into my shoulder once more as he mourned his son's death.
The following night I was relocated to another room, where I was treated to a beauty regimen that was definitely magic. After it was done, my hair was shiny, my skin dewy, and there were no signs of any pimples or other blemishes of any kind. My gown, designed to match Bucky's suit was white with gold trim, and fit perfectly, as I tried it on one last time. We were kept apart that night since we had to leave very early from our eastern time zone on the morning of the solstice. We had to be at the sacred tree, which apparently was somewhere in Ireland, four hours ahead in their time zone. It was where the first fae king was crowned, and we had to be there before sunrise, 4:56 am, local time. It was going to literally be a long day for us, on the longest day of the year. At least we would take a portal there, with Loki, Hope, and Sam accompanying me. Steve, Thor and Buck left before us. The rest of the council were already there.
When we arrived at the grove where the sacred tree was located, I was amazed to see all sorts of flowers growing everywhere. Foxglove, daisies, cosmos, and primroses were just a few that I recognized. Their scent was everywhere, but not so much that it felt overwhelming. There was a misty quality to the place, as if a fog wasn't quite dissipated completely. Everything seemed so tranquil and beautiful. A single path led to the altar from where I waited, out of sight. I would walk it alone, just as Buck would wait alone for me, with Thor, as the oldest fae there, acting as the officiant. Our music was the natural sounds of the forest, the birds, the breeze, and the rustle of leaves. My bouquet was made of wildflowers. With a kind smile my three travelling companions left me to take their place. Then a voice in my head, Thor's voice, told me to begin to approach the altar. As I came around the corner from where I had been hidden, I almost gasped at the scene.
The sacred tree, large, gnarled and ancient, with pink tinged flowers appearing on the branches, dominated the space. In front of it, a carved altar made of wood displayed images of both real and mythical creatures of the forest, including one called The Green Man, apparently a masculine symbol of the forest. Buck waited in front of the altar, wearing an incredible suit that was mostly ivory white. Embroidered with an intricate pattern of gold thread it was styled similar to a fine suit from the 1700s. He wore a collarless white shirt underneath that seemed to be made of silk, which made sense as it was a natural fibre. Its sleeves poked out from the cuffs of the suit. On his head, Buck wore a crown of holly, apparently for its relationship to eternity, and the change of the seasons. When I reached where Buck stood, he offered me his hand and helped me up the single step to stand in front of Thor.
"Greetings, friends," he stated. "We are here to witness the sacred joining of our fae king, Buck, born James Barnes, to the mortal woman, Sage, born Sage Hawthorne. Before the vows are stated are there any objections to the union of these two individuals?"
There was no objection and Thor instructed Buck to state the vows. He did so without hesitation. Then it was my turn.
"I, Sage, in the name of the spirit of the Creator that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart, take thee, James, to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one. To desire thee and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself."
Thor asked for the rings, raising his hands to the sky. When he lowered them, the rings were there, both of them plain bands made of silver. He offered the smaller one to Buck, who placed it on my ring finger. Then he offered the larger one to me, to place on my husband's ring finger. Clasping our hands together he spoke in a language I had never heard before. He looked calmly at both of us before speaking.
"May the canopy of the forest shelter you; may you be protected by the hawthorn, the oak and the ash tree, and their shade grant you peace. Your bloodlines are now joined, now and forever. Even if you choose to part there will always be a bond between you, until you find each other again at the end of time. You may seal your bond with a kiss."
Just as Buck's lips touched mine a strong beam of the sun lit us up, making the gold thread in our clothes gleam. I felt a warmth fill me from all around, which apparently was the first moment of transformation as the sacred tree of my ancestor transferred some of its fae power into me. After receiving the well wishes of those who attended we were transported to another site, the base of a mountain. At the top of it was where the first consummation of our marriage would take place, with Buck flying both of us up there. Just before we took off a host of flower petals drifted down upon us, landing in our hair. With a smile I was lifted into Buck's arms, and we flew to where a small group of tall trees at the top of the mountain became visible. Built into the rock face beneath them was a wooden structure, open to the elements, containing a large bed. We landed on a terrace in front of the bed. The sun, although high, wasn't at its highest yet. I stood looking out over the great vista below us.
"This is incredible," I said. "Why aren't we on the tallest mountains?"
"It's not necessary," he replied. "It just has to be open to the sky when the sun is at its highest. We are somewhere in the Balkans by the look of things, and we have time to eat and drink. If you wish."
My ears had been warm since the sun first touched us in Ireland and I ran my fingertips over them. A pointed shape surprised me, making Buck smile.
"Your ears have changed. I must say, they suit you."
Inside the covered part of the structure was a small mirror and I took a look, seeing the change for myself. Accepting a glass of wine from Buck, we toasted our marriage then started to kiss, letting the inevitable joining of our bodies progress from there. By the time the sun was high overhead we were well into the first requirement of the Solstice ritual. It was freeing to make love out in the open like that, with only the sky and the sun as our witness. I felt a lightness in my body, as if I could do almost anything. There was some opportunity after our several couplings to relax as we touched and caressed, then I heard an apologetic voice in my head interrupting us that it was time to go. Obviously, Buck had heard the same voice since he rose from the covers and offered me his hand. Reluctantly, we dressed. While I was putting my dress on Buck alerted me to the presence of small butterfly type wings protruding from my back.
"These will be your true wings although they haven't finished forming yet," stated Buck, gently touching them with his fingertips. "You'll soon learn how to transform them into bird wings strong enough to lift yourself."
Covering me with his own great wings, he held me close as he formed a portal around us. We appeared on a beach, where the air was warm and humid, surrounded by palm trees. Greeted by the council, with cheek kisses and hugs, they seemed pleased at the physical changes to my body, proof of the ritual working. Then Buck offered me his hand and we walked along a wooden dock to where a boat waited. Steve and Sam were at the controls, both of them looking relaxed in the golden light of the sun which was now low in the sky.
"We'll get you within a comfortable flying distance, then return to the beach," said Steve. "At sunrise, we will be waiting for you at the rendezvous point on the boat."
We ate and drank on the ride until they slowed then stopped. We departed from them as Buck took me in his arms for a flight over the ocean. The moon was just peaking over the horizon, providing just enough light to illuminate the calm waters below us. It seemed that Buck knew exactly where to go as a small rocky island became visible in the distance. On it was a platform, with steps leading up to it from the water. A bed and several lit candle lanterns were the only furnishings there.
"You just happen to have this tiny island in the middle of the ocean waiting for us," I commented, a little sarcastically. Buck just grinned.
"The rocky part is real, the last remaining part of a long dead volcano that rose from the ocean in the South Pacific. The bed and lighting are magical. It was part of Steve's job to find this spot, using his contacts with the merpeople to locate it. It had to be isolated, as we draw magic from the ocean with the consummation. A spell will protect us in case a storm comes but as you can see it is a very calm and clear night. The merpeople will patrol below the surface and advise the council if there are any potential intruders. It's important that we're not interrupted." He looked at me with obvious desire. "For more than one reason."
Gracefully, he landed and released me from his arms. I almost wanted to laugh at how otherworldly and weird it all seemed. This tiny island in the middle of the ocean was set up just for us to have sex. As I looked out over the waters, I could hear mournful sounds coming from it. Buck came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as he rested his chin on mine.
"Is that whale song?" I asked.
"Uh huh." He listened for a moment. "They're giving us their blessing. Come to bed, my beloved."
In the light of the lanterns that were near the bed, he undid the fastenings of my dress, kissing my neck and shoulders as it fell from my body and draped itself over a chair that appeared, my magic asserting itself, according to Buck. His own individual pieces of clothing seemed to unfasten themselves, although I helped remove them. Like my dress they moved of their own accord, finding a place to be. The lights of the lanterns slowly grew dim so that our bodies were lit only by the full moon, low on the horizon, with just a sliver of sky separating it from that viewpoint. Whether it was an optical illusion or was just my imagination, it seemed to be the largest I had ever seen the moon appear. Despite being in the middle of the ocean I felt as warmed by the moon's glow as I ever did by the sun's rays. As we kissed it felt like something extraordinary surrounded us.
"It's beginning," said Buck, stepping back a little as he held my hands.
There was a silvery glow to my skin that seemed to flow from the reflection of the moon in the ocean straight towards me, enveloping me in something enchanted. All of my senses seemed to come alive as we explored each other's bodies like it was the very first time. Every kiss to my skin sent tendrils of pleasure radiating from the contact point. Every caress of my breasts increased my need for Buck to join with me in any way possible. Every roll of his hips as he thrust into me sent me into such a state of joy that I wanted to cry out to the heavens. I imagined this must be like the best psychedelic trip of all time, except I was fully in charge of my faculties, fully aware of where I was and who I was with. Our minds and bodies were joined in such a way that I realized this was the love I had longed for my whole life. This fae man, entwined with me, was my life, as I was his; our connection was physical, emotional, and spiritual all at the same time. After the attainment of our shared climax we laid in each other's arms, spent but not exhausted.
"Is this how it feels to be connected to life?" I asked, as I became aware of all the sea life around us, even the sea anemones and corals that clung to life on the sides of the rocky promontory that extended down to the bottom of the ocean where we were. I could hear and understand the song of the whales that were bolstered by the calls of the merpeople under the gentle swells. "Do you hear and feel this all of the time?"
"Yes," he replied. "It was overwhelming at first but when Daere chose to undergo the process it was so much better to share it with my mate. Just as it's better with you, Sage. You were always meant for this; to be at my side, to be part of the life of this earth."
Gently, Buck wiped tears from my cheek, as I wept with awareness of all that was good and all that threatened the natural world. It was such a responsibility that he had been solely burdened with since Daere died. How he managed to function without a mate to share this commitment with for so long was beyond my comprehension. All I knew for certain was that I was part of it now, freely choosing to do this with my king, my mate, and my love.
Slowly, the moon began its journey back below the horizon, and we were left in darkness until a glow appeared on the surface of the ocean. All sorts of blue, green and white lights appeared at the top of the waters then slowly drifted back down to where they originated. I sat on the bed, entranced by the spectacle, having never seen anything like it before.
"Bioluminescent creatures," said Buck. "They live deep where there is no light but create their own. They come to pay their respects." He stroked my back; his warmth feeling so good on my skin. "We can catch some sleep now until just before sunrise."
His suggestion for sleep was a good one as we had been going for over 24 hours, in several different time zones. Within moments I was gone, calmed into sleep by what I realized was a lullaby being sung by the merpeople. Its haunting beauty was both hypnotic and soothing, sending me into a wonderful dream filled with light and love.
"Sage." The voice was barely audible, like the gentle buzz of a bee in the garden. It was a voice I knew but I strained to hear it. "Sage, listen. There is a way that you can save him. If you give it all up and give him up for how ever long it takes for him to heal, he can live. My beautiful girl. I miss you so much."
I opened my eyes, turning to look at Buck in the pre-dawn light, his eyes closed and his face at peace after all the turmoil of the past few days. That vision I had of him, pale while the light of life left his eyes, was there again at the edge of my consciousness but so were the words that woke me. What did it all mean?
It didn't take long to find the boat waiting for us after we lifted off from the island. Sam and Steve were on it again and offered us food and drink to restore our energies after the long day and night we experienced. It seemed like simple fare, cheeses, fruit, honey and bread but it tasted wonderful, almost as if I could sense all the love and care that went into its preparation. Soon, the boat was pulling up to the dock and we were greeted with warm words and wishes. We had one more stop to make, a return to the sacred tree in Ireland to present ourselves as bonded mates. That encircling of the globe would complete the ritual. As the rest of the council activated their own portals to return there, Sam and Steve secured the boat as Thor waited. Then we returned to Ireland together, landing in a beam of lightning.
It was strange. Although the council had left before us, they were nowhere to be seen in the glade where the sacred tree was. The three fae princes produced their swords as did Buck. Being new to all of this, I wasn't sure what to do but they placed themselves around me and we began to advance towards the tree. We found Hope first, as Buck cried out and kneeled beside her, sprawled amongst some tall sunflowers, although no injury was visually evident.
"She's alive," he said, laying his hands on his daughter. "Hope, wake up."
A moan answered him and then her eyes fluttered open. "Trap," she whispered, then she lapsed back into unconsciousness.
"You should go," said Thor. "There is a feeling of darkness here." He seemed to be searching for his brother telepathically but there was no answer. "Buck, take your bride."
"No, we must finish the ritual to complete the process," he insisted. "She won't be safe otherwise."
Taking my hand in his free hand we approached the sacred tree. With Thor, Steve and Sam covering our backs we kneeled in front of it and Buck recited something in what I assumed was Latin. Just before he finished it, a shadow in the shape of a man materialized out of the air, thrusting a black sword into Buck's chest. It happened so fast that he had no chance to react, other than to push me back, away from danger. The shadow man lifted him up overhead, still impaled on the sword and threw him away from the tree. Instinctively, I thought of my hands as weapons, generating a blue energy from them that caught the shadow man in the chest. He began to thrash, then the shadows fell away to reveal the lawyer of HYDRA Mining, Alexander Pierce.
His face was locked in a grimace as he reached for me, but I sent another pulse towards him, then found my efforts supported as Thor raised his hammer then struck Pierce in the head, separating it from his neck. A cloud of dark energy erupted from the headless body then twisted painfully as my pulse of blue, and Thor's lightning burned through it, until it was gone. I was suddenly exhausted then remembered Buck and scrambled to where he was. Sam and Steve were trying to stem his blood loss but as I hovered over him, I realized this was my vision that had been prickling at the edge of my consciousness. His skin was already pale and the blue light in his eyes was fading. I placed my hands on his cheeks and for a moment they pulsed blue then faded as I had used all of my power destroying Pierce.
"No," I cried. "Don't die. Don't leave me."
"Beloved," gasped Buck. "Amica mea. It's okay. If he's dead, then you are safe. My beloved Sage."
My tears fell on his face as I begged him to stay with me. I looked at the others who stood around, helpless in their grief. Then I remembered the words that were whispered to me.
"I don't want this power, not if I don't have you. Take it, take it all." I raised my eyes to the sky. "Please, save him. I'll give him up, give up all of my magic if you just let him live."
"Sage, if you do this, he can no longer be king." Thor was kneeling beside me. "He can only live as a mortal now as all of his own magic will be needed to heal his wound. Even then there is no guarantee as he was pierced with a dark fae blade."
"I don't care," I cried. "Please, don't let him die. Don't let all that he was be lost."
"No, beloved." Buck's voice was barely a whisper. "Don't do this. You were meant to be queen."
"Not without you." I was certain of this. "Please."
My tears were unstoppable as I laid my head on his shoulder. I could hear the voices of the others then everything went black. When my eyes opened, I was in a dark room. Sitting up, I saw that it was the same room I first stayed in when Buck brought me to the stronghold. It was dark and the almost full moon shone through the window, although it was low in the sky. Before I could leave, someone knocked on the door, then entered and stepped into the moonlight.
"Hope," I said. "Your father ...."
"He will live," she answered. She sat on the edge of the bed. "Your magic is depleted and can never be restored. Neither will you ever have a child with magic."
"I want to see him."
"It's not possible," she answered. "The sacred tree used both your magic and his to treat the injury but there was a price to be paid. He is mortal now, and he has lost his memory. I had enough time to give him something to ground him when he wakes up, but he won't remember who he is or what he was. He is out of our hands now. The sacred tree instructed that he be taken to a mortal place and left there to begin his new life. I don't know where he is. He is unseen to me."
"But what about us?" I asked.
"You offered to give him up and the sacred tree is fae. Your offer was accepted as a fair trade for saving him. If your love is true, you may find each other again, but there are no guarantees. I'm sorry."
Her words hit me like a wave of ice water. He would live but he was lost to me, possibly forever. As I began to cry, Hope held me, stroking my hair and back, then sat with me for the rest of the night as we talked of many things. When the first signs of dawn became visible, she left me to get dressed then escorted me to a terrace where the council waited. All of them who had gone to the sacred tree ahead of us looked ill, as if they were recovering from a terrible illness. Pierce had apparently poisoned them as they appeared there, wanting to isolate Buck and me to attack us without warning. No one suspected that he was the Dark Overlord, since his camouflage as a mortal lawyer had been so successfully portrayed. He apparently didn't believe my strength would be of consequence in standing up to his, expecting to overwhelm me completely and take my powers for his. My counterattack weakened him enough for Thor to slay him. At least his influence would be gone, until the next dark fae became powerful enough to become the Dark Overlord.
After saying goodbye to the council, Steve offered to return me to my apartment, encircling me with his wings and activating a portal. We appeared on the street in front of my building, just before the dawn and he looked around to make sure our arrival wasn't witnessed.
"Will I see you back in the courtroom?" I asked.
"No, Sam and I will be leaving Washington and returning to the stronghold," he replied, kindly. "The sacred tree is set to choose the next candidates for fae ruler and it's always a possibility we may be chosen. Gaia Life will still exist, but I suspect it will return to a grassroots level, educating people to respect the environment. We are recommending that we undertake a greater effort to find and support the descendants of Lilith and the Hawthorn, encouraging them to accept and develop their powers. Your powers were truly what made the difference in defeating the Dark Overlord." Suddenly, he brushed a tear away from my cheek. "He loved you very much. Believe that it will bring you back together, someday."
With a grim smile, I nodded, then stepped back and watched as his wings extended and he lifted up into the air, watching him until I couldn't see him anymore. On the elevator up to my floor, I thought of all that happened to me over the last few months. My whole life had been uprooted, starting with the death of my father, and ending with the loss of my husband. As I checked my work emails, I realized I had changed too much to return to that job. I didn't know what I was going to do but it wasn't going to be in the cynical atmosphere of the nation's capital.
One Year Later
The sunburnt face and grizzled chin of the farmer I was representing in front of the county board, seemed satisfied when the board agreed that the fracking company, which had set up next to the property line of his farm, had damaged the aquifer enough to affect the quality of his well water. They were ordered to cease and desist all operations, to pay him damages for what they had done, and to pay for the installation of a water tank, as well as the supply of fresh water until such time as his well recovered, based on an independent assessment. It was as good a victory as any I had achieved when I was a high paid lawyer in Washington. For this representation, the best I could expect to be paid was about $5000 but I was also given a permanent invitation to dinner with the farmer and his family, plus a side of beef whenever I needed it. As he, his wife, and kids thanked me while I placed my files in my briefcase I happened to look up and see a familiar face. The woman who wore it sat in one of the stacking chairs that were available for the public to witness the proceedings.
Maria smiled at me as I approached. "I wasn't expecting to see you, not here out in the country."
"Officially, I'm not here," she said. "Is there somewhere we can talk?"
I nodded, then we headed out of the county building to where my truck was, and I deposited my case in the front seat. There was a coffee shop across the way, and we walked across the quiet small-town street, waiting on a truck to pass in front of us before completing the journey. A wave to the waitress from me brought two cups and a pot of coffee.
"Lunch?" asked the waitress, Norma.
I looked at Maria and she shook her head. "No, not today, thanks."
"Should you even be here?" I asked. "I mean, Gaia Life pulled out of Washington pretty quickly, after ...." I left the final part unsaid as it was still painful for me.
"Officially, no, but Hope asked me to come," she replied, then she took a brochure out of her purse. It was for a county-run campground in the next state over, extolling the virtues of a pristine environment, without electricity, wifi, or any of the interruptions of modern society. "She thinks it might be a good idea for you to go camping next weekend. A reservation has already been made and paid for."
I looked at Maria with surprise, but she didn't enlighten me, taking that moment to sip her coffee. So, I asked.
"Just go," she said. "Our new rulers want you to be happy and feel that you may find the visit memorable."
"Rulers? A king and a queen?"
She shrugged, making me understand that I wasn't really permitted to know anymore. Then she smiled kindly again.
"We have looked out for you, you know. You seem happier here than you were in Washington."
"It's quieter and the work is the same, but the rewards are more obvious and satisfying, I guess. I'm still considering my options. How is everyone?"
"Still adjusting but we're alright." She looked at my neck and my left hand. "You still wear them."
"I'm still his wife and I still feel him. I'll never forget him."
"I'm glad." She looked at her watch. "Well, my ride should be here soon. It was good to see you, Sage. Thank you for the coffee."
"You're welcome," I said, internally wondering about the real purpose for the brief visit.
We walked out to the street and a vehicle pulled up in front, with a bald, dark-skinned man driving. He nodded at me, then Maria hugged me, and got inside, receiving a kiss from the man. With a wave, they were gone, as they turned the first corner. With the brochure in my hand, I got in my truck and headed home to the small house I lived in on the edge of town. Opening my laptop, I looked at the website for the campground, seeing only pictures of a small lake, with rustic campsites. Inside the brochure was a folded piece of paper with my reservation and the date, the next full moon. Since I was usually alone anyways, it seemed a good idea.
That weekend I loaded up my pride and joy, a small camper vehicle, big enough for two, or in this case me and my girlfriend's dog, Arlo, who I often brought along to keep me company when I went camping. We headed out in the rain, just after breakfast for the 6-hour drive to the campground. When I did arrive there, the rain was gone, the sun was out and the small campground, with no services, was empty. I found the one reserved for me, that looked out over the small lake but still had the shelter of the trees for shade. It was perfect. After setting up the portable solar panels for power I set up my small picnic table with a camp stove and pulled out my chair, a book, and began to enjoy the solitude, while Arlo rested in the sun before moving to the shade of the camper. The scent of the trees hung heavy in the air, lulling both me and Arlo to sleep. When we awoke the sun was low and I brought out the lantern. Open campfires were prohibited so the light of the lantern would have to suffice. As I came out of the van I saw a figure, standing with his back to me, a short distance away, looking out over the small lake.
He seemed familiar to me, in his heavy flannel shirt, jeans, and hiking boots. When he turned his head to the side, my heart jumped, for his profile was just as beautiful as I remembered. At that moment he became aware I was watching and turned around to face me. Arlo looked at him with ears perked up but didn't seem alarmed at the sudden presence of the man.
"You picked a nice spot," he said. "You respect the space, by keeping your vehicle on the gravel and not starting a campfire. Others who have had this spot to themselves have often ignored the no open campfire sign."
"It is fire season," I replied, keeping my voice steady, as it was obvious he didn't recognize me. "I don't need it. Once the moon comes up and reflects off the water it will be so beautiful and peaceful out here. It's what I wanted more than anything."
He nodded then approached where I sat. He kneeled down and gestured to Arlo, who approached him readily, wagging his tail. Scratching Arlo behind the ears, then his neck made the dog fall onto his side offering his belly. The man chuckled.
"How long have you had him?" he asked.
"He belongs to a friend," I answered. "He's my camping buddy. Living in town can be stressful for a dog so this is his vacation time as well."
Nodding his head sympathetically he looked up at me. "I'm James," he said.
"Sage," I replied. "Are you a camper here?"
"No, I live nearby but I check up on the place for the county and remind people not to have open campfires." He smiled at Arlo, who was pawing him for more belly rubs. "Have we ever met?"
"I was thinking the same thing," I answered. "Except I've never been here before."
"Maybe it's from before I was injured. I almost died and lost most of my memories. Sometimes, I get a flash of them, but it doesn't last." He stood up. "I should get going."
I didn't want him to go. "James, would you like to join me for some hot chocolate? I have another chair in the camper. I wouldn't mind the company."
His smile was soft, as he looked out over the water for a moment then back at me. "I wouldn't mind that at all."
I brought the chair out for him then filled the kettle with water and set it on the burner inside the camper, opening a couple of packets of hot chocolate into a couple of mugs. Inside my camper I also had a bag of mini marshmallows, and I brought them, along with some cookies, placing them on the small picnic table. Before the water boiled, I shut the stove down and poured some water in the mugs, stirring the powder to remove the lumps. Then I poured the rest of the water in, stirring to mix it together smoothly. James watched me as I stepped out of the camper, then took the mug from my hand.
"Thank you," he said, then sipped it and sat back in the chair. He leaned towards the table and took some mini marshmallows, adding them to his drink. "That's better."
He took a couple of cookies and dunked one in the hot chocolate. Quietly, we sipped our drink, watching as the full moon came up over the water. It looked exactly like it did the night of the Solstice ritual on the tiny island in the middle of the ocean. I suddenly sobbed and he looked at me, concerned.
"Are you alright?"
"Just remembering my wedding night," I replied, quickly wiping the tears from my cheeks. "It was on a full moon like this. I lost my husband the next morning. He was murdered in front of me."
"I'm sorry. That must have been devastating." He looked over at the moon. "It seems familiar to me as well but it's a memory that just ...."
He shook his head, frustrated.
"I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again." My voice was a whisper.
"What did you say?" he asked, putting the mug down. I repeated it. "I know those words. What was your husband's name?"
"Buck was what everyone called him, but he was born James Barnes," I said, looking directly at him.
"Sage ... is your last name Hawthorne?"
"It was, but I kept my husband's name. It's me, Buck. Don't you remember me?"
"How was your husband killed?"
"A sword through the heart. He actually survived, but he lost all of his memories of me, and I wasn't permitted to stay with him, because he didn't know me, at all."
"Was your wedding night on an island in the ocean?" I nodded. He touched his chest and pulled up his shirt, showing a great scar in the middle of his chest. "They said I was impaled by a weapon, that I almost bled out and I was lucky to survive. It wasn't luck, was it?"
"No, it was magic, but it came at a cost. You lost all of your magic and I gave up all of mine to save you, plus I had to leave you. They said if our love was true, we would find each other again. Now, here you are, in front of me. Have you found me, Buck? Please say you've found me again."
"Amica mea," he murmured, then he looked at me again, his eyes dark, as his memories returned. "Beloved?"
The tears were streaming down my face, and I wanted to go to him, but my feet wouldn't move. He stood up and came to me, turning me so that my face was fully lit by the lantern. Gently, he touched my cheek with the back of his fingers.
"You cried over me," he said. "Hot tears were falling onto my cheeks, as I called you my beloved, over and over again. You said you would give it all up to save me, that you never wanted it, not if I wasn't with you. There were others there, but I couldn't hear them. I only remember your face and your pendant, then it went black. When I woke up, I was in a hospital. The police said I was found in a park with a stabbing chest wound that just missed my heart by a fraction of an inch. They never found who did it or who phoned for an ambulance. I only knew my name because of my identification. It said I lived near here, alone, running my own furniture making business. I knew how to make the furniture, but I didn't remember actually doing it. Who was I?"
I smiled. "You were special, and I will tell you everything but right now I just want to do one thing, if you'll let me."
He smiled back then he placed one hand in my hair and one around my waist. Gently, he kissed me, and I felt the familiar feeling of all of his kisses. Our kiss deepened and he pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me. I could detect a touch of his scent, the rich scent of the forest after a rainfall. Another scent, that of cut wood was more prominent, probably from the work he did making furniture. It was the feel of his arms around me that confirmed I had him back. Suddenly, I was aware of the sound of wings lifting a body into flight, not just one set but several and I looked around to see them, the fae, who had found my love and brought us back together again, but they were already gone.
Then I saw it on his ring finger, the silver wedding band. He noticed where I was looking and took my left hand in his, rubbing my wedding band with his thumb.
"I didn't know if I was married or widowed, but I kept it on, hoping it would help me remember," he said. Then he gazed at me again. "How did you find me?"
"The fae elements," I replied. "Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and the fifth one, Love. I think they looked for you and made it possible for us to find each other again."
"My beloved Sage. It's coming back to me. You really did give it all up for me?"
I nodded. "We're both mortals now, joined until we move on to the next life."
"Then I'm happy," he said. "You're all that I want."
We kissed again, in the light of the full moon that covered the water of that small lake in its reflected glow. Then we made love in the small bed of the camper, wrapping our arms and legs around each other as we rekindled the passion of our earlier life. Finally, we slept in each other's arms, while Arlo curled up on the floor. It was quiet and intimate, and over too soon until I moved in with Buck, at the cabin he lived in outside a small town in rural Pennsylvania. That weekend set the stage for years to come as we took our increasingly growing family camping in larger vehicles but always beside a remote lake during the full moon to experience its magic. Occasionally, we received visits from certain individuals who never aged but always seemed happy for us and gleefully played with our children and grandchildren. They grew up believing in the magic of mythical creatures and sacred places and knowing of the necessity for love and friendship in a world that always seemed at odds.
As for us, personally ... as we grew older, seeming to race towards the inevitable end of our time together, we knew it had all been worth it. Buck found peace and contentment with me, his last mate, and I found happiness with the love of my life. When our time came, we faced it together, and jumped into the unknown, secure in our belief that our love would always bind us together, forever. Although it was thought by the fae council that I represented the element of truth, Buck and I believed that I was also love, truly the most intangible element, as it kept the bond between us alive while we were apart.
Part 7>>
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imnothulk · 3 months
God this is going to take long. Okay so
@theironcan @moongirlwidow @pietros-wife @unclaimed-kid @agent-maria-hill @anthonyedwardstark1970 @blackwidow-nat-official2 @buckybarnesoffical @bisexualswordlady @clintbarton-thearrowguy @capt-carter-mostly-official @capn-america @deadpool-wade-wilson @daredevil-isnt-catholic-or-blind @definitelynot-peterp4rker @fenrir-lokison @friday-the-ai @goddess-ofdeath-old @harleykeener69 @hawkeye-jr @i-am-not-a-toaster @iyla-difransisco @king-ofwakanda @kamala-msmarvel-khan @loki-laufeychild @littlemsbumblebee @midtown-news-official @mysister-isstillaposer @midtown-braincell-holder @natasha-rogersbarnes @nothawkeyeofficial @okoye-general-official @official-buckybarnes @official-pietro-maximoff @officialscottlang @reallyreallyspiderman @stephenstrange-md-phd @starlordofficial @spidey-official @that-punk-from-brooklyn @therealbuckybarnes @unofficial-non-poser @vpotts-official @virginia-pepper-potts01 @wandabug @whatarethooseshuri @white-wolf-actually
That is actually so many people. (If I have missed any of the people you wish to invite please tag them @thir-0dinson )
Me and my wonderful husband-to-be have decided to move up the wedding and get married tomorrow, you are all invited.
Also yes you can all bring plus ones
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fox-barnes · 2 months
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@official-alpinebarnes @the-loss-of-my-life @official-buckybarnes @natt-romanoff-official @moon-barnes @multifandomer537
@theironcan @tony-starkinator @friday-the-ai @imnothulk @clintbarton-thearrowguy @laura-barton-shield @thir-0dinson @samwilson-official @peterparker-official @definitelynot-peterp4rker @midtown-braincell-holder @capt-carter-mostly-official @that-punk-from-brooklyn @spidey-official @officialscottlang @loki-laufeychild @stephenstrange-md-phd @i-am-not-a-toaster @official-wandamaximoff @wandabug @official-pietro-maximoff @pietros-wife @fully-official-carol-danvers @therealnickfury @vpotts-official @agent-maria-hill @bisexualswordlady @kamala-msmarvel-khan @captain-monika-rambeau @king-ofwakanda @whatarethooseshuri @queen-ramonda-official @okoye-general-official @trading-cards-owner @deadpool-wade-wilson @i-am-groot-groot-am-i @rocketnotraccoon @therealbuckybarnes @white-wolf-actually @jade-maximoff @your-darling-gaze @you-know-me-no-you-dont @jollyoldjellie @gooseygoodboy
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whatarethooseshuri · 2 months
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Quick reminder that the thing I use doesn’t let me give they them pronouns😔 otherwise I would have them as they them for those of you who prefer that
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chrisevansdaughter · 1 year
I would love prompts
“have you been crying?” “no.” “please don’t lie to me, i care about you.”
“i feel so stupid.” “don’t ever feel stupid for having a normal reaction to a situation that you couldn’t control.”
with Chris and Luna! Would be amazing thanks love 🤍
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It’s him and his girl against the world.
Your favourite dynamic duo is back, I hope you guys enjoy 🫶🏻
Warnings: just Luna being sad anxious, and overthinking her exam results and softy! Dad Chris is back 🥹 we love him, semi destructive behaviour *just an outburst that Chris has to deep pressure hug Luna to help her calm*
It doesn't take him too long to figure out what's wrong with Luna, even if she's shut herself down.
He comes up to her door, listening for any signs of crying or distress, "Luns, Bubba can I come in" he asks as he knocks on the door.
"Mhmhm sure Dad let me just put this away" her voice cracked as she tried not to give away anything to her dad because he didn't need to know.
Little did she know he hurt that little crack loud and clear, it hurt him that she was hurting, he opened the door it creaked as it opened bringing more of Luna's room into view, he made a mental note to oil the hinges later. "Hey love.. he asked inquisitively pausing when he saw her puffy red face "Have you been crying?" He asked.
"No!" she snaps out of frustration not releasing what she did until she snapped at him
Chris was taken aback by the way she reacted but he knew it wasn't on purpose. He padded over to her bed, her face covered in blankets. Hugging her lightly, taking a deep breath, taking a moment to calm down he looked at Luna with all the love in his and said "Don't lie to me, I care about you".
That just breaks the floodgates down, tears running rapidly down her face clouding her vision, the outline of her dad, and the blurry outline of a certain ginger and white patchy dog. She feels stupid, so stupid it's not even a reason to be this worked up over it, it's just classic Luna.
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It was just a simple exam, just a simple f**king exam and she couldn't even wait for the result.
Turns out when she thought the next thing, she was thinking out loud, *I feel so stupid." She stuttered at the end, and then she thought *Nope I didn't just say that out loud stupid*. Her heart sank at the look on her dad's face. Here comes the spiel of boosting her confidence, it always works though.
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"Luna, why would you say that, hmm?" He looked at her in disbelief.
It was getting destructive she was eating herself from the inside out with the thought she needed, out of her head.
"Because I am stupid! It's a stupid test result and I can't seem to not just do it normally, I have to pull a
'Classic Luna' she says mockingly, and overthink everything single. The thing I do!" She shouts, at what or who she didn't know.
He grabs her gently as she has her outburst into the general world, once again the gates break and the tears stream rapidly again.
"Shhh, hey hey... It's okay. It's okay sunshine. He whispers into her ear trying not to move her from where she's nestled in his neck. "It's okay, Luna you should never feel stupid for a situation that is out of your control, love you regardless of the result Bubba. Regardless of anything you are still my best girl, you are the best daughter. The smartest and most confident person in the world, and I know Scott would say you the best goddam niece ever too." He laughed as he tickled her lightly to get a smile out of her.
All in all, she's the smartest and sweetest girl he'll ever have the privilege of being a parent to, and that's all that matters to him.
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It’s him and his girl against the world.
Hey there loves, I’m glad to be back posting proper content again kinda, i just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for all of the support and love as always, I hope you enjoy 💕
@f0rehead-0f-security @mcuamerica @positivelyholland @angelbaby-fics @angelbabydoll28 @ace-of-gay @bubblessunshinehoney @velvetcloxds @reginaphalange2403 @buckybarnesandmarvel @writersblog20 @youre-amazing-say-it @dumb-fawkin-bitch @imyourbratzdoll @anotherfuckingmarvelfanaccount @stuckysgirl27 @nana1000night @marvelstarker-mha98 @f10werfae @full-timephoebefanatic @hulkstacos @jessybarnes @bergarasunsolved @haleyhunwritess @haleybr @yelenasdiary @babyhatesreality @lu-morningstar @lyrarodriguez z @remuslupinsdaughter @mxssingmemories @astrorogers
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middleearthpixie · 4 months
Brilliant Disguise ~ Chapter Twenty-Seven
Summary: Speech therapist Josephine Asharm has been brought into Erebor to work with Bifur, but trying to find her place among people who eye her suspiciously would be difficult enough under normal circumstances, but when Sophie finds herself caught between the king, his most trusted lieutenant, and the dwarf she’s there to help? She’s certain no good can come of it. Being of Man, not only does she stand out in the dwarf kingdom, she’s not entirely certain she’s actually welcome there at all. 
Thorin only agreed to allow Sophie to live amongst them out of a sense of duty to Bifur, who is recovering from an odd head injury (is there any other way to describe having an axe blade lodged in one’s head, only to have it later dislodged during the Battle of the Five Armies?) Before the battle, he spoke only khuzdul. But since it? He’s regained the ability to speak Westron—if only he could but remember any of it. As for Thorin? He’s trying his damndest to ignore the speech therapist, not to mention his own growing feelings for her, even as he is also recovering from his near fatal wounding in the same battle. 
Both Sophie and Thorin are haunted by their pasts and are uncertain of their futures, but sometimes, chances must be taken…  
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x OFC Josephine (Sophie) Asharm 
Warnings: None 
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.7k
Tag List:  @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea  @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell
@jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321
@dianakc @msjava1972 @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits
@heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms 
@sazzlep @night-ace
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Thorin straightened up and stepped away from the table. “Do you think she will like this?”
Heather looked up at him with solemn blue eyes and nodded. “I think so, Mister Thorin.”
“Good.” He smiled as he bent to scoop Heather into his arms. “Now, do you remember what you’re supposed to do, mimûna?”
She nodded. “I do.”
Heather had been an asset as she’d helped him set up the dining area in his flat, transforming it from a somewhat cold, cheerless alcove into a warm and welcoming space. He’d smuggled in china and crystal from the butler’s pantry, along with fine silver and gold candlesticks and pure white table linens that were only used for the most elegant of occasions (such as any royal wedding that might appear on the horizon) and now, soft golden light from the flickering white candles warmed the entire room. 
“Should I go fetch Mama?”
He nodded. “Don’t tell her why, but don’t let her worry, either.”
“I won’t.”
“I know you won’t.” He pressed a kiss into her temple. “And don’t tell anyone else you might see on the way, either.”
She bobbed her head as he set her down. “I won’t. I promise.”
She slipped around the door and he tried to ignore the flutter of a thousand butterflies in his belly. Tried, but failed. It was foolish to be so nervous. He knew she would say yes when he formally asked for her hand. After all, she’d already said yes. 
And yet, he was every bit as nervous as he’d been in the moments leading up to their first kiss, as he’d been in the moments when he’d teetered on the precipice of making love to her for the first time.
But at the same time, he wasn't nervous. He’d never felt for anyone, not even Elmaya, what he felt for Sophie. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, nothing he wouldn’t give her, and he wanted to be the ’adad to Heather that she deserved, to give both of his girls the lives they deserved. 
Still, his belly danced with fluttering wings, which made sitting still impossible. So, he paced. Back. Forth. Around the table. Into the great room. Back into the dining area. And by the time the door opened, he almost leapt from his own skin.
“Mister Thorin?” Heather held her mother’s hand and smiled. “And I didn't tell anyone.”
All at once, his stomach calmed, his need to pace faded, and when he turned to see Sophie in the doorway, her eyes wide and already shimmering, he smiled. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d gotten lost.”
“I’ve come to know Erebor almost as well as you and my daughter know it,” Sophie replied with a smile. 
“Come in, then, and have some wine.”
Sophie eased her hand from Heather’s to tousle her daughter’s hair. “Did you know about this?”
Heather looked up at her mother with solemn, wide eyes. “I did. But I promised I wouldn’t tell you. Are you mad?”
“No, love. I’m not mad at all.”
Thorin reached for one of the crystal goblets, offering up a silent ask that his hand wouldn’t tremble and spill claret all across the snowy white table linen. Mahal listened and granted his wish, and he took a sip of wine to steady his nerves once more. 
Then, he smiled. “Miss Heather, I have something very important I wish to ask you,” he told her, setting the goblet down to hold out that hand. 
He nodded. “Yes, you.”
She stared at his outstretched hand, and then met his gaze. “What is it?”
He crouched to meet her eyes and caught her hand in his. “You know how important you and your mother have become to me, I hope.” He waited for her to nod and when she did, he went on, “and I know how important you are to your ’amad, so I feel it only fitting I ask you first.”
“Ask me what, Mister Thorin?”
“I wanted to ask you—to get your blessing, mimûna—if you would allow me to ask your mother to marry me.”
Heather pressed her lips together, her eyes shimmering as she looked up at her mother and then back at him. Her expression was far more serious than he’d ever seen, and his heart melted as she whispered, “Do you promise to note ever make her cry?”
“I give you my word, Miss Heather. I will never make her cry.”
“And you promise to make her laugh and bring her flowers and tell her stories about Princess Heather and the dragon with the beautiful scales?”
He nodded. “I promise to do all of those things.”
She blinked, then looked up at Sophie again. “Mama, would this make you happy?”
Sophie’s eyes shone as well as she nodded. “I would make me terrifically happy, Heather.”
“Then I think it would be all right,” Heather said, turning back to Thorin. “But only if I can call you ’adad.”
“I would be honored for you to do that, Miss Heather.” He reached out to brush the tip of her nose with his forefinger, then said, “Can I ask you to do one last thing for me?”
“There is a box over on that table in the corner by your ’amad. Would you fetch it for me?”
Her dark curls bounced as she bobbed her head and practically skipped to the table in question, where she brought back the small teak box. She set it in his hand and stepped back as he straightened up.
“I’ve heard tell in your world that a man proposes marriage by offering his intended a ring, to let those around her know she is spoken for.”
With that, he lifted the box’s lid. Inside, on a bed of moss green velvet, was one of the most beautiful pieces Balin had ever crafted. The ring itself was mithril, and set into the mithril, ringed by diamonds so pure and white, they were nearly colorless, was an oval-shaped sapphire of the deepest blue he could find. 
“Oh, my…” Sophie whispered, a hand coming to her lips. “Thorin, that is… that is beautiful…”
“Balin does fine work,” he said, “so, let’s see if it fits, shall we?”
Her hand trembled as he slipped the ring onto her fourth finger. It fit as if made for her. As he slid it into place, he said, “Will you marry me, Josephine Asharm?”
She nodded, whispering, “Yes.”
He leaned in to brush her lips with his, both of them laughing when Heather grumbled, “Ew. Squishy sounds.”
“Oh, forgive me, Miss Heather,” he replied with a grin as he pulled back. “And you know, I almost forgot, but I have something for you, as well, mimûna.” 
“You do?”
He nodded. “I do, indeed. I know Lady Dís explained to you the importance of dwarves’ hair and the braids we wear, didn't she?”
“She did. And she wove this into my hair.” Heather cradled the braid Dís had woven into her hair so many weeks ago, the braid Sophie smoothed and fixed on a regular basis.
“I was wondering if you would allow me to do the same?”
She stared up at him and slowly nodded. “I’d like that, Mister Thorin.”
“Good. So would I.” He crouched, reaching into the box once more to pull out the small square of moss green velvet, where, beneath it, lay a small silver cube. He plucked it from the box carefully, and held it out. “Does this meet with your approval, Miss Heather?”
She squinted as she studied the cube. “What does it say?”
“Uzbadnâtha. Do you remember what that means?”
She nodded slowly. “Princess.”
“And when your mother and I marry,” he told her softly, “you will become Princess Heather.”
“I will?” Wonder wove through her words and her eyes went perfectly round. “I’ll be a real princess?”
“I am the king, mimûna,” he reminded her with a soft chuckle. “And the daughters of kings are princesses. So, you shall be Princess Heather. If you wish to be, that is.”
“I like how it sounds.” She looked up at him, her eyes wide and shimmering once more, then pointed to the rune. “Can you put it near Lady Dís’ braid?”
“Of course I can.” He set to work, taking great care not to tug her hair to hard as he carefully wove the rune into the plait, and when he finished, she threw her arms about his neck and squeezed him so tight, he thought he might actually pass out from lack of air.
Later that night, after supper was finished and everything cleared away, Sophie smiled as she came into the sitting area and found Heather sound asleep on the sofa. Usually, when she was anywhere other than her own room and she fell asleep, Heather would curl into a ball, would make herself as small as possible. 
But not this time. This time, she lay stretched out, peaceful in her dreaming and seeing it almost brought more tears to Sophie’s eyes.
She didn't jump when Thorin’s arm eased about her waist. Apparently Heather wasn't the only one who felt safe there.
“I should get her home,” she whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder. 
“Let her sleep, mesmel. I have a second bedchamber that she can have all to herself, just as she does in your flat. It’s plain now, but she can decorate however she wishes.”
She smiled up at him. “Are you certain about that?”
“About her decorating or staying?”
“Decorating. She is only four, remember.”
“I know. But she is a wise four who has seen far more of the world than she should have. Now, she gets to be a child and if that means decorating her room in colorful dragons and princesses, I’m fine with it.”
“You’re taking on a ready made family, you know.”
He turned to her, easing his free arm about her waist. “I know.”
“One you were not expecting to take on.”
“I know.”
“And she can be a handful.”
“I know.” His eyes sparkled like the sapphire on her finger. “And I look forward to the coming days, and with any luck, we will add to this family. Heather should not be an only child if we can possibly help it.”
She smiled as she wound her arms about his neck, threading her fingers through his thick hair. “I wholeheartedly agree, Your Majesty.”
“Somehow,” he murmured, his lips just brushing hers, “I thought you would, mesmel.”
The End
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laufeykid-loki · 28 days
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FC: Loki Laufeyson/Tom Hiddleston
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"I was burdened with glorious purpose."
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FULL NAME: Loki Laufeyson
AGE: 1070 years old
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Pronouns: He/Him
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
ETHNICITY: Frost Giant
DATE OF BIRTH: December 17, 965 A.D
ABILITIES: Astral projection, shape-shifting, hypnosis, molecular rearrangement, energy blasts, levitating, conjuration, cryokinesis, telekinesis and teleportation.
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PARENT: Laufey
Pets: @jimmy-the-fox
PARTNER: @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes @fox-barnes
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King/Club Owner/Fox's full time striper
PERSONALITY: Charming, unpredictable, spontaneous, cunning, gifted, sarcastic, mischievous and extremely intelligent
HOBBIES: Culinary arts, gardening, charting the stars, reading, doing magic.
LIKES: Winning, power, ruling, chaos, getting attention, talking, doing and getting what he wants (all formerly), to be right, Frigga, Thor, magic tricks, bets, playing pranks, tricking others, being respected and praised, dancing, singing, drinking, parties, being accepted by his family, FOX
DISLIKES: Loss, weakness, not getting his way, his adoptive father (formerly), his true origins being hidden from him, having to hurt people, playing "get help", being mocked and underestimated, Thanos, not having free will, watching his parents and himself die, not being able to return to his timeline, being alone.
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FEARS: Being alone
//credit to @sister-lucifer for the dividers
// @moon-barnes for the format
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
My love, his duty // Chapter 12
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Chapter summary: It was all too good to be true and while you hold your newborn baby in your arms, your enemies are gathering against you. 
Pairing: King!Bucky Barnes x Queen!Reader (very ambiguously described)
Chapter Warnings: cursing, mediaeval customs, Religious persons mentioned, a baptism, a cute little baby, use of opioids for medical purposes, 
There is many time lapses in this chapter, it´s like a collection of small one shots 
(I should say there is always a cardenal, bishop or other religious person running around, it's just how it works in this times I guess)
+18 please. Minors be warned 
Word Count (Chapter): 4k
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Time seemed to stop, everything around him lost all of its importance, the worlds could burn around him, and he couldn’t care less. Bucky held his son in his arms for the very first time. The baby is trying to focus his new eyes on his. Bucky leaned in until he pressed his lips against his forehead. And chuckling when Henry sneezed and frowned his little face, clearly tickled by his father’s beard
“My son,” he whispered, cradling him in his arms. He looked in your direction and he found you sleeping, poor thing, you were so tired, even though it had been an uneventful birth, and Bruce explained you didn’t rip, whatever that meant, that you were not injured, and the Prince was delivered into this world without a hitch
His attention went back to his small little face. He was so small, so innocent. And what amazed him the most was that it was all you. You made him, he could hand to you the throne right now. 
He walked with his son in his arms out of the room and into his privy council’s meeting, where he found Steve, waiting for him, he impatiently walked towards his friend
“Look at him” he demanded, without stop smiling, “Look at your Prince” he was so excited he couldn't hide it any longer
“He is perfect, your Majesty” admired Steve, looking at the baby, who was sleeping soundly, “Is the Queen well?” 
“Yes, she is sleeping, otherwise she wouldn’t have let me take the Prince out of her sight”
“Her mother instincts are kicking in” he said with a shy smile
“They indeed are” admired Bucky
“The court is dying to meet the Prince” Steve said gently, looking at the reactions from the King, and James smiled widely
“I want all of them to see him,” he said, as if he were a kid after Christmas morning, not being able to wait to show all of his toys. “Gather them, I must show them his Prince” Steve smiled widely and ran off the office
Bucky walked towards the throne room where he knew his court was waiting, his eyes never left his son, who had his eyes open lazyly. He knew newborns usually slept for most of the day, but he seemed to recognize he was in an unknown environment and on the move, even though he was in his father’s embrace. He draw soft noises his little mouth moved like searching for something, he guessed he was in need of his mother’s breast.But introducing him to the court was more important, but he needed to do it quickly before his son started crying
He watched at his guards looking at him, and even though it was their job to introduce his arrival, they both looked at him wide eyed when they noticed he was carrying the Prince
They both bowed to him 
“With all the respect Your Majesty, congratulations” said the first, trying to take a peek at the baby. He only smiled proudly. 
“Thank you” he said, leaning in so they could see him, and once they did and drew smiles. They bowed again and announced to the court the entrance
“His majesty the King, and His royal highness, Prince Henry” they said vigorously. And opened wide both doors
He saw the faces of his friends first, Anthony, Sam, and Steve, and they all bowed to him and to his son
“Meet the Prince” he shouted, and he knew all the court who had gathered there wanted to see the newborn 
He never felt so proud, he bever felt so happy. His legacy was secured
After the big introduction, when his son woke up and started to get fuzzy, he returned to her chambers. Bucky entered the room slowly, but he saw you were awake he smiled apologetically at you, holding your son in his arms
“Where were you?” you asked, not being able to hide your indignity. He walked towards you until he reached the bed, gesturing to give your son back
“I’m sorry love” you eagerly took your son in your arms again, cuddling him against your chest, “I wanted to show the court their new Prince” you looked at him angrily
“I was scared, you took him without asking me” you pointed out, “I woke up and he…”
“Honey, remember that he is a Prince” he said carefully, but strongly, “He belongs to the crown”
“I know” you grunted, “I just got scared” you whispered, watching him close his big eyes with a yawn, and in a second he was sleeping cuddling against your breast 
“They all loved him” he said gently, sitting by your side, looking at his son, “he is indeed, perfect”
“He is just a baby” you reminded him gently, “I’m really hoping you know he is not perfect, not he is going to be” he looked at you puzzled, “I know he already has a lot on his shoulders for being a Prince, but I really don’t think that kind of pressure is going to be good for him” he then smiled gently
“With you as his mother I have no doubt he will be the best King this kingdom has ever has” he said gently, “I’ll remember your words my sweet Queen, we will raise him good, without the pressure of the crown” you smiled thankfully
“I love you” you whispered
“I love you too” You were interrupted by a woman dressed in a perfect black dress with a white apron. In her head there was a white cloth, fixing her auburn hair in a perfect manner. She was of age, older than you, with a kind smile and dark eyes
“Your majesties” she greeted bowing profoundly. James smiled at her as he knew who she was
“He is the Prince, Henry” he introduced, and you looked at both of them without knowing what to do
“And you are?” you asked
“I’m Lady May, your majesty” she said, again bowing
“She is Henry’s nanny, my love,” he said gently. James took your son from your arms and under your surprised gaze, he handed to her
“But…” you protested, as you watched the wretched woman take your baby from the room, “He is mine James” you protested, rage made your body hot. He only kissed your forehead as a consolation, not caring about your anger towards the royal-stealer woman 
“I know honey, but let them do their work, ok? Their nannies are here to help you and take care of him” you growled, under the surprised watch of your husband, “You need to regain your strength” he reminded you
“I’m fine” you protested, “I want my son with me” you protested
“You just gave birth” he fighted, “You need your rest let the nannies help you”
“I don’t need help, I need my son in my arms” he reached for a cup from your night stand and handed it to you. 
“Milk of the poppy to help you sleep my love”
“But my king” you cried, but when you saw his face, those eyes filled with determination, “When I wake again will they return him to me?” you relented
“Of course my love, as you wish” he whispered, so you took the drink. And the sharp pain in your lower region began to relent, but as your felt better, you also felt more tired
“Goodnight my Queen” Bucky layed on the bed beside you, cradling you against his body and kissing your temple. And you lost consciousness 
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As soon as you regained your strength, the pain was no more and you could stand, the King organised a grand christening for his son, his heir and Prince of this Kingdom 
It was hosted in the cathedral, and Steve was appointed as his godfather, and held your naked and squalling child in his arms when the bishop had poured holy water over his dark haired head, as he chanted “I baptise thy, In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen” 
“He already has the strength of a Prince” said your King with proudness filling his voice, as the entire cathedral could hear his screams and cries 
“I'm scared he´ll drop him” you whispered only for his ears, and in the corner of your eye you saw him smiling and containing his laugh
“Nobody is dropping our child, and if he does I´ll have his head” he whispered back. You entangled your arm with his and he drew you near him, “How are you feeling?” 
“Better each day, still hurts a little bit” he kissed your temple without taking his eyes off the ceremony, specially his son
“I’m glad you are recuperating” he said softly, “As soon as this is over you are going back to bed” 
“Yes your majesty” you mumbled with a snarky point to your frase 
“God of infinite goodness, send prosperous life and long to his high and mighty, Prince of Brook, Henry” chanted the bishop. Your son had stopped crying, and he cooed happily as he was being held and cradled by Steve´s strong arms and soft velvet clothing
As they started to walk away from you, into the great hallway, you paced impatiently
“They can't hold him naked like that” you whispered to your husband, “He is going to get sick” James chuckled as he put his lips to your temple to soothe your worries
“Don't worry my love” he muttered against your skin, as Steve was given a white cloth in which he covered the baby, “There you go” 
Steve showed the Prince to everyone in the Cathedral, as Bucky parted from your side leaving you standing in the middle of the altar alone
Steve turned towards you, and he made a great ceremonial gesture, when handed you your baby, you received him carefully, cuddling him to your chest 
When he was placed comfortably in your arms, everyone bowed to you both, as you kissed his little forehead as he cooed happily, undoubtedly recognizing you. He looked so much like his father it made your chest fill with warmth, but he had all your colouring 
“God bless the Pince” the archbishop chanted, and all the cathedral followed
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Bucky woke up in the middle of the night and you weren't there beside him. Scared, he took foot and walked towards your chambers, but you weren't there either. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the nursery, and there you were, it shook him to find you nursing your child from your own breast, but also, it made him increase his desires for you
The night nurses of the prince looked at him with apologetic looks, noded and left you both
“Sweetheart” he murmured. You raise your eyes to look at him, and you almost feel embarrassed, “You shouldn't…”
“Why can't I feed my own child from my own breast?” you asked, still holding the baby, his tiny lips suckling into your nipple, Bucky didn't know why, but it made his manhood throb, “I'm his mother”
“Queens don't do that” you look down at your son, suckling, and making those tiny noises that warmed your heart and you loved so, so much
“I'm sorry” you separated him from you softly, he grunted, but fell asleep instantly in your arms. Bucky was there to receive him, to let you arrange your nightgown 
Bucky admired his son, and his milk-drunk little face, remnants of your milk still on his lips, and he purred happily in his father's arms, sleeping profoundly 
“I just love those sounds he makes” you said, reaching on your feet the two loves of your life. Bucky sororounded you with his arm and draw to to him, kissing the top of your head while he cuddled his son with his other arm
“Can we take him with us?” you asked, batting your eyelashes to him, he only smiled
“Only for tonight” you extended your arms to receive your baby, but he shook his head, “Mine” he grunted playfully, you just giggled and let yourself be gently pushed by him to his chambers. 
You cuddled in bed, the prince sleeping in his father’s chest and you cuddled on his side, admiring Bucky and Henry. James had his arms wrapped protectively around you, and the other caressing his son’s back
He, again, never felt so happy
The morning was chaotic when the nurses came for the little guy, and you almost threw punches at them, but you relented when James gave you a warning look. Fearing the war that was brewing between you and his son’s nurses
They might have won the morning battle, but then at noon when he was getting hungry and emerged from his privy council’s chambers. He frowned when he saw the group of nurses and wet nurses walking hastily through the corridors, like looking for something, or someone
“Excuse me!” he called, all the ladies stopped and bowed to him 
“Your majesty” they murmured at the same time
“Where's the prince?” he asked, one of them, the oldest, gave a step forwards him and bowed
“I´m sorry your majesty, but her majesty the Queen took the Prince, and we cannot find her”
“Oh really?” he asked, incredulous. She nodded nervously. “She is not in her chambers, not in the gardens, or your chambers…”
“Ok” he sighed loudly, having a faint idea of where you might be. 
He finds you in the furthest and tallest of the towers of the castle, a single room filled with sunlight, carpets and big pillows layed on the floor for the comfort of those who may use this place to read or to find comfort in peace. He found you there, sitting amongst big cushions, playing with your son, he could almost hear his giggles, although he was too young yet
“(Y/N)” he called, you look at him as like you just have been caught doing something wrong, “Imagine my surprise when I see a flock of nurses and ladies in waiting looking for my missing son, claiming he was taken by his mother” you pouted but then you returned your attention to your son
“They spend too much time with him, they barely let me hold him” you whined, eyes filled with unshed tears of longing, and the constant feeling that you were doing something wrong when it came to your own baby, the one thing in which you couldn't misstep  
“They are here to help you” he seated on the floor right next to you
“But he is mine” you said, “My baby, I barely spend time with him”
“You are a Queen, who is busy with matters of state” he murmured, his face lined up with yours to watch your son, resting in your thighs, at the sight of his father he smiled widely, looking at him with joy in his face 
“I feel like I do everything wrong when it comes to him” you cried, finally shedding some tears, “I want to learn how to take care of him, not let other people do it…”
“I know my love, but the Kingdom needs you”
“My son needs me most” you pouted, he cleaned your tear stained cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you softly. 
“Let the nannies do their job” he whispered against your lips, and his tone did not allowed contradictions
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Bucky practised alongside Steve and Sam in the hunting field, bow and arrow in hand, practising their shots as the new hunting season was coming close, and since you were no longer pregnant, your appetite for boar had return stronger than ever
Vision ran towards the trio, heavy breaths and a scare look on his face, so scared that made the three friends stop everything they were doing to look at the Second in command
“Lord Zemo is back” said Vision, right to the point.
“How? Why?” 
“He had gathered an army with his sympathisers, and it’s taking the fields” 
“Shit!” Bucky cursed
“This a clear declaration of war” saif Steve, “we need to gather our banners and take the field as well”
“I agree” sentenced Buky, “Call everyone in, and call Lord Fury” the four of them started walking back towards the palace
“He is the one who received the information”
“Does he know where they are gathering?” he asked Bucky 
“He believed they are gathering in the Baron’s domain, near the border with her majesty's Kingdom”
“Do you think they are in on it?” asked Bucky then, “Do you think her father would support them?”
“Absolutely no” muttered Vision, “They have enough problemas of their own”
“We have to take measures, their intentions are clear and like I said, bring everyone in, call in Tony and tell him he and his Duchess and her new daughter all can come here, I will not have our court out there in the open” he said firmly, he knew of all the Baron’s tactics and their father’s before him, and he knew how close the court where, and right now they were sitting ducks in their castles far from the capital.
“Good, I will bring everyone in” said Vision and changed ways to run towards the aviary, to end the ravens
“So, we are going to war?” asked Steve, a worried look on his face
“I’m afraid so” muttered Bucky, “it’s been long overdue, but I’m afraid of what this would do to the people, Sam” he called and his friend nodded, “I want you to run and go towards all the towns from here to the Baron’s, I want everyone to show surrender, I will not, under any circumstances have any of my people suffer because of this, tell them I will not hold anything against them if they chose to surrender under the Baron, but also gather every fighting men you can”
“Wise choice, I will” he crossed his arm across his chest and nodded strongly, and ran off towards the stables
“And I need you by my side” he said to Steve, “to be the general””
“Great, I will be here” he said firmly, “Are you going to tell her?”
“I can't hide something like this from her” he muttered, both men entered the castle and walked through the large corridors, “But at the same time I want to protect her”
“She can protect herself, I think” muttered Steve
“I know” he said, “But she is so occupied with our son that I don’t want to disturb her” 
“You need to secure your son you know the Baron has friends everywhere, and the entire court is here” 
“What are you saying?”
“You need to send your son south” Steve said with a serious look on is face, “Your father murdered their family, don’t doubt for a second that the birth of the Prince isn’t what triggered the Baron to gather his banners again” Bucky cursed under his breath because Steve was again, correct
“Can you set it up? Nobody can Know where the prince is going except for us” he whispered
“I will send my and your best men on the job, and he will be going to my territories in the South”
“Good, yes” 
You stormed the hallways looking for the King, seeing red so intensely you actually thought of grabbing your sword and threatening him with it, you found him surrounded by his men, on the table a big map of the entire Kingdom but you didn’t care about that, as soon as he saw your face he cleared the room
“Why would you send him away?” you asked, tears threatening to fall from your eyes “You do not love him?”
“Of course I do!” he said, almost offended, “I love him with all my heart!”
“Then why?” he saw the tears in your eyes and he softened his gaze upon you
“My darling, it is costum for the princes and princesses of the throne to have their own houses, and a crew of persons to take care of them” he explained to you but it did not matter, watching your baby part from you had broken your heart. You whined, in pain, feeling actual pain in your chest
“But he is just a baby,” you contradicted “how is it going to be good for him to be apart from me, his mother and you, his father?” He looked at you as if he would look at something cute, and you hated him for it, so you growled and gave your back to him. Only to heard him chuckle
“Are you upset with me, my love?” he asked, amused
“Yes!” you shouted, he placed his hand on your shoulder and made you turn softly, you were pouting and he had a grand smile on his face. He cradled your face with his big hands, and he leaned in to kiss you, “He is mine!” you said, rejecting the kiss and growling, a fierceness growing inside of you, heating every part of your insides
“My Love, I´m afraid to tell you that the prince is property of the state” he said softly, his brow furrowed, his eyes big and worried. And based on the face you were putting up, he feared that you would bite his head off, “But the good news is what we are the state” he continued
“Are you implying that your council had something to do with this?”
“No, my love, I´m just adjusting to the traditions” he said softly
“But if he is to succeed you one day wouldn´t it be good for him to stay by your side?” you asked hopefully. He pouted briefly before he leaned in and kissed your forehead, silently saying he wouldn't back down, “He is going to forget me” you said when he gently parted from you
“He won't, we´ll visit him weekly, he will never forget you” he assured you, “And they can bring him to you whenever you want” 
“Very well” you said, not very much convinced, but you earned another kiss from him
“I like you like this, this lioness defending her cub” he purred, and you couldn't help but smile shyly, “We shall make another one, so you´ll be comforted again”
“Another one?”
“And another one after that” you giggled as he kissed you again, “And I want a little girl, to take her looks after her mother”
“Then you shall have a daughter” you muttered
“Are you ready?” he asked, and you nodded, as you had your monthly bleeding last week, indicating you were ready to bear another child, and you felt as strong as ever, even ready for the battlefield. He smiled widely, “Then I shall visit your chambers tonight” you smiled and nodded again, as he kissed you 
“I thought there as only one chamber now: ours” you muttered, he smiled widely
“I thought It was special to conceive our children in a particular bed”
“The we should go to Madripoor” you said jokingly, “there is probably where we made Henry”
“Even though I’d like to think I got it right the first time I had you…” you both chuckled at the same time, “you are right my sweet queen”  he purred against your lips, “I think is time we go to our special place” when he hugged you, he look over your shoulder at the table, and all the planning he was doing for the upcoming war, and suddenly it hit him, you were not going to be able to go back to Madripoor and he definitely could not get another baby in your belly, at least not right away
He has hid information before and you almost left him because of it, he could not do it again, but how was he going to tell you about the civil war that was looming over your peaceful Kingdom? He needed you right by his side, he needed your help but also he knew that if he told you, there was no way he was going to be able to shake you away
He was going to tell you, but first he needed to make sure you’ll stay here, safe, away from the danger.
But how? 
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Notes: Don’t hate Bucky please hahaha, I take inspiration from the series “The Tudors” and after also research, I found out that the prince, and princesses were sent away by their parents to their own houses, and even though is very sad, I did want to make this history-accurate, we will see the Prince shortly! I promise. AND DO NOT GIVE OPIOIDS TO WOMEN WHO JUST HAD GIVEN BIRTH! Ajjajajaja 
Taglist! <3 @ boofy1998 , @ scxrletrecsmarvel @ itsthemaree @connie326 @enchantedbarnes @scxrletrecsmarvel @itsthemaree @broco8 @babyjay9898-blog @luckyladycreator2 @capmanranger @gloryekaterina @the-lady-vanora @j2brosforlife-spn @rancidgracey @httyd-marauders @stumbleonmywords @buckys-milk @undecidedsworld @chwlogy @queensgirl718 @calwitch @thefridgeismybestie @lokisimps4dayz @dontbescaredtosingalong @hesitate9 @pineprincess @ashenc-blog @matchat3a @adoringsebstan
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sebastianstansqueen · 2 years
A Beautiful, Terrible Thing Epilogue
A/N: The end of this series that took more than half a year for me to finish wow! My next story is going to be a Pretty Woman Au so look out for that! As always Feedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.
Wordcount: 1,262
Warnings: Fluff! Smut, and thats it nothing else really just a happy ending.
Masterlist //  Taglist open // Series Masterlist
Tags:@cherryblossomskye - @babylooneytoonz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond - @leyannrae - @avengerlex - @pineprincess - @nik2writes - @dorothea-hwldr - @rosie-posie08 - @scxrletrecsmarvel -@ginger-swag-rapunzel - @brownlee-22 - @vicmc624 - @austynparksandpizza - @calwitch - @dontbescaredtosingalong -
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Seven Years Later
Y/n currently chased a young girl through the halls of the castle. “Come on Lilly, let’s just get you in your dress, and then get this dinner over with.” The Queen sighed in slight ehxsation. 
“No!” The child yelled then continued running, but was soon picked up and stopped, Y/n looked up at who picked up her second youngest child. 
“Thank god’s Sam.” She smiled at the now twentie-year-old, who Bucky and she decided to take in the young boy, mainly because Bucky couldn’t say no to her when she explained what had happened, the fact that Y/n became very paternal over him in a short time. 
He smiled back at The Queen, he still called her Y/n, not ever feeling quite comfortable with calling her mom or mother, he turned to the young girl fighting in his arms. “Lilly, be good for your mother.” He told her. 
“I don’t wanna!” She whined. 
He arched a brow. “You don’t want to go to dinner?” She simply shook her head. “Your uncle will be there along with your cousin, and other kids your age, you’ll have fun. It's not as bad as you think, you should go with your mom and get ready, besides I think it’s important that a princess such as yourself is there.”
“You go then.” She pouted. He shook his head. “I will if you do.” 
She turned to look at her mother and huffed, and was put back on the ground as the little girl marched away towards her room. “Thank you.” Y/n said.
“You're welcome, she’d go to that dinner if she knew I was gonna be there.” He said cockily, then his cocky facad melted and he looked like he was about to blush. “Is Rebecca going to be at the dinner?” 
Y/n smiled knowing he had a crush on your sister inlaw since he was young. “Yeah she is, and she’s going to be moving back here she is going to be the new advisor.” 
Sam looked at her with furrowed brows. “What’s going to happen to Phastos?” 
“Phastos wanted to spend more time with his husband and son.” Y/n told him. “You need to go get ready and I have to get myself and Lilly ready.” 
He ran away with excitement, Y/n just laughed softly before heading to the five-year-old's room, Y/n walked in to find the room in complete disarray with dresses everywhere. “What are you doing?” Y/n asked the stuped looking child. 
“I don’t wanna wear a dress mama.” She huffed. 
Y/n picked her up. “What else are you going to wear?” Y/n asked. 
“Clothes like Sam’s or papa’s.” She scrunched up her nose.
Y/n looked at her. “Lilly we can’t have new clothes made last minute, wear a dress for tonight then we can have those made for you.” 
She huffed. “Okay.”  
“Thank you, find which one you wanna wear.” Y/n told her, once the girl finally found something she liked Y/n got her ready.
Y/n went back to her chambers when she found Bucky. “Lilly is going to be the death of me.” Y/n told him. 
“What’s going on?” The King asked.
“She doesn't want to wear dresses anymore, which is fine, but I don’t wanna waste money that we should help the people with.” She sighed, she had been getting undressed as she spoke.
She turned to look at her husband who looked at her with a hungry lust, Bucky pulled her to him, he kissed her neck. “Bucky we can't have dinner.” 
“Your brother can wait.” He huffed. 
Bucky pulled her with him to the bed, he pulled his clothes off. “God’s your fucking gorguse.” Bucky’s hands softly caressed her body,  the metal hand softly caressed her breast, the cold metal making her niples erect under the cool touch, then he slowly slid into her, he rocked in and out of her. “Fuck Y/n you feel so good.”
Y/n rocked against his pelvis slowly. “Oh god’s Bucky.” She moaned. 
Bucky combed his hand through her hair and pulled on it gently on, he moved up to kiss her lips which started to swell. Her breasts pushed against his chest, he flipped her over so that he was no top of her now, he worked mules and moans though her lips, and she did the same with him. She always managed to work his orgasmim out of him first. He slowly did the same with her slowly rubbing at the bud of nerves between her legs. 
“You're going to make wanting to go to that dinner even harder now.” She sighed, after hitting her high. 
She sulked getting  out of the bed, Bucky followed suit with her, Y/n got dressed in a blue short sleeve dress, The King and Queen made their way to the dining room. “It’s about time.” Tony scoffed jokingly when seeing his sister. 
“Good to see you too Tony.” She hugged her brother. 
It was pleasant to see everyone come together again seven years after the battle, now being called the war won in a day. The celebration lasted most of the night, but Y/n left earlier than most of the people, she led the children back to there room’s, she put her youngest Rose who’s two, to bed first, she was relatively easy to get to sleep, then Lilly, who also refused to want to lay down claiming she wasn't sleepy, but once in pajamas and in bed fell asleep, and then her only son Bastian he was six, and he didn’t complain as much as his younger sibling, but he really wanted to stay up and be with the adults, but Y/n claimed to him that he would one day be able to. And then her eldest another daughter, Yelena, she was seven and she didn’t want help being tucked in, but she did request one thing from her mother. “Tell me the story, mama, I promise I’ll stay awake for it this time.” She begged as she did every night. 
Y/n nodded, though knowing she would, she started. “Sir Rhodey stood in the castle shooting range, my younger brother, Aron, the youngest prince of the Stark family, the young boy was holding the arrow and bow, I smirked when he missed the target, Rhodey sent a glare at me. “It’s alright young Prince Aron, you just need more training, don’t listen to your sisters snickering.” Rhodey’ hand was on Aron’s shoulder. The dark curls of my brother shook as he nodded. “Yes, Sir Rhodey.” Then he turned and stuck his tongue out at me.” The young girl giggled at  her mothers words. “I stood with a look of determination on my face, I marched towards my brother, and took the bow, and an arrow out of his quiver, the cool air of the ocean cut through my hair as I pulled back the arrow on the string. “Princess.” Rhodey Said close to my ear as a hushed warning knowing if any one saw me do what I was thinking about doing I would be in a load ton of trouble. I released the arrow anyway and it hit the center spot on the target. My lip twitched and pulled into a smirk.”
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anotherweirdgirl · 3 years
What do you mean my mental stability can't depend on a 40 years old man( and all his characters) that doesn't know I exist????
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sjsmith56 · 5 months
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The Fae Elements, Part 4 - Hidden
Summary: Hidden together by magic in a forest sanctuary, Buck reveals more of Sage’s powers and his long-held interest in her. He also tells her more of his own past.
Length: 7.1 K
Characters: Buck, Sage, Dark Overlord (briefly)
Warnings: Some frank talk of sexuality and a brief moment of consensual sex (not descriptive except in a poetic sense?), feelings of shame from Buck at his own struggles.
Author notes: The images of fae Bucky above were created by the author using Microsoft Copilot app, in Designer mode. I wish there was a way to tell the app to build upon a specific image but it kept bringing up different variations so that’s been written into the story.
<<Part 3
🌳 🪓 🏡
My first thought when I entered the cottage was that it was bigger on the inside. My second thought was why was there only one bed? An enigmatic smile appeared on Buck’s face as those thoughts entered my mind.
“Can you read my mind?” I asked, unsure whether I should be angry and more guarded with myself.
He shrugged. “I try not to, but sometimes your thoughts are very transparent and insert themselves into mine. It’s bigger on the inside because of magic. The outside, because it was built by my hands, never changes. There's only one bed now because it is a sanctuary for one, me.  Hope originally lived with me until her 18th year then chose to live in the stronghold. When my children have been here since, they have used their own magic to construct their own structure. I can make one for you, if you wish, but it would be a basic hut as I’m at the limit of my own magic with everything here and some things outside. You’re my guest so you get the bed. The sofa isn’t that comfortable, but I meant what I said about respecting you.” My next thought must have been transparent because he grinned. “I have four children. Hope is the second youngest. She’s 335 years old. My youngest, a half-fae, Richard, is 78. He is the result of a night where my loneliness and the loneliness of a kind mortal woman coincided. He chose to live in the mortal world, and I respect his decision. I have two more sons, twins Arthur and John, who are 357 years old. Twins are a rarity in the fae world. They were the first children Daere and I had.”
“You had no others with your other wives?”
“No, Daere was mortal, like you,” he said, looking me in the eye. “She chose to undergo the ritual when we married and became more fertile than the others.” He grimaced a little, I guess he didn’t want to reveal that, then gestured with his hand. “Come, I’ll show you the bedroom.”
He led me up a set of stairs that was more of a ladder into the attic of the cottage. A window at each end provided light from the outside but as soon as we stepped into the space a host of candles lit up, showing a rustic bedroom with a large bed in front of one of the windows. There was living greenery hanging from the rafters and corners, giving the space a feeling of being in a greenhouse sanctuary. A doorway set in one side of the sloped roof led to a large dormer with a stunning bathroom containing a tub and separate shower. The thought of there being running water out here made me giggle and he looked at me with a questioning glance.
“Just the thought of having such a beautiful bathroom in such a rustic cottage made me wonder about how you would get running water out here. It’s magic, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s magic,” he replied. “When I first built it, I used an outhouse and washed at the pump by the kitchen sink, but as personal hygiene improved over the centuries, I made improvements here as well. The addition was built by me, but the furnishings are all magic.”
“Were you always fae?” For a moment, I regretted my choice of words, but he must have sensed it because he smiled. “Sorry to be so nosy but you seem to like doing things by hand.”
“It’s a fair question to ask, since I admitted to building the structure manually, an unusual thing for my kind,” he answered. He breathed out. “I was half-fae, the result of a love affair between a mortal man and my fae mother, a descendant of Lilith. I lived with him for a time when I was searching for my own truth. He was a learned man who was a carpenter and taught me his trade. When it became evident that I had inherited my mother’s powers of longevity, and eternal youth, he encouraged me to join the world of the fae. It was the Middle Ages, and the plague took him in 1349 when I was away for a short time. I mourned him for he taught me much of how mortals live. It was a surprise to myself and to many when I was chosen as a candidate to be fae king. I became full fae upon my coronation.” He stepped towards the doorway. “I’m going to change and cut some wood for the fireplace and stove. There’s nothing like a fire to warm one’s soul. You can have the far dresser and closet in the room. Excuse me.”
He left me there in the bathroom, so I put my toiletries in the cabinet then ventured out to the bedroom, knocking before I came through. Buck was already gone so I put my clothes away and went down the ladder, noticing the candles in the bedroom went out behind me as I descended. I could hear the sound of an ax outside. Seeming to have found a steady rhythm of swinging and hitting the wood, I could hear it when he tossed the pieces into piles. While he did that, I looked around the main room of the cottage. There was a kitchen area, with a wood stove, sink with a pump beside it, shelves with plates, bowls, and drinking vessels. A cupboard was full of basic staples like sugar, salt, coffee, tea and the like. There was no refrigerator, although there was a pantry that seemed to have canned and dried foods. The fireplace area had two large armchairs facing it with a sofa behind them against the wall. There were bookshelves in many of the open spaces, full of many titles, both classic and modern.
When I finally made my way outside, I stopped in my tracks at the sight before me. Buck had taken his shirt off, displaying a broad muscular chest and shoulders. His biceps were impressive leading to powerful forearms with noticeable veins. On his left shoulder and chest was a large tattoo of a leafless tree, it’s branches seemingly splitting into infinity, with roots that went deep. It was very much in keeping with his presence in this forest. He turned towards me as I stepped out, smiling slightly at my sudden interest in his body.
“You up to some foraging? With your camping experience I would think you could tell edible mushrooms and berries from poisonous ones. There’s a basket with a handle in the kitchen. There should also be wild lettuce greens or fiddlehead greens near the trees. I would rather not fish or hunt for meat just yet. When we’ve been here a while, I’ll have a better idea of which animals are ready to leave their existence.”
He didn’t elaborate, returning to cutting the wood. Since our lunch had been interrupted, I was actually quite hungry. I found the basket and set out on a hunt for berries, finding strawberries mostly, and some fiddle head greens. I even found some asparagus, biting into one of the smaller stalks raw, enjoying the delicate taste. The mushrooms were another matter, and I brought a cloth to put the ones that looked closely like those I bought in the store, not wishing to contaminate the other food if they proved to be a poisonous variety. By the time I found my way back, which wasn’t hard, as all paths seemed to lead back to the cottage, Buck had finished cutting wood and started up the stove. He also put a shirt on, albeit one that seemed to display those impressive muscles quite well. He looked at the basket I was carrying.
“Well done,” he said. “Asparagus is still in season.” He lifted up the cloth to view the mushrooms, breathing their scent in. “They’re good, all of them. I should be able to make something quite tasty for us.”
He pulled some onions and garlic out of the pantry, chopping the former coarsely and the latter finely. Putting the onions on a low heat to sweat their juices out, he lightly sautéed the mushrooms whole, then took them out and added some chopped potatoes, which must have been hiding in the pantry as well, although I didn’t see them. After salting and peppering them he let them cook for a time while he used a gentle brush to clean the asparagus and fiddlehead greens. He did have some olive oil and poured some in a second pan, tossing the asparagus around first then removing it, and doing the same to the fiddlehead greens. Arranging everything on a platter he went into the pantry, coming out with a small jar with a round shaped dark brown mass inside. The mass glowed when he rested his hand on the jar for a moment, then he opened it and an earthy smell wafted out. He shaved several flakes of it off onto the food, then returned it to the jar, placing it under an enchantment again.
“Truffles,” he said. “Their smell and flavour are quite intense, so I just shave a little bit on. Since I don’t have a refrigerator, I have to use magic to preserve them.” He looked over at a cabinet. “There is some red wine inside there. The top row has some that don’t require a lot of airing. Any one of them should go with this little feast.”
I went to the cabinet, opening it to see a large selection inside and pulled a bottle from the top row. Bringing it over to the table as he brought the food and some dishes, as well as a couple of wine glasses, he opened the bottle with a corkscrew and poured it out into the glasses.
“No music, I’m afraid, except for the sound of the birds and the breeze outside.” He waited for me to sit, then sat across from me. “I don’t know what to say. It’s been a while since I cooked for anyone, fae or mortal. All we have to decide is what to do with the time given us. I think that fits.”
“Lord of the Rings,” I said, after we both sipped our wine, which was very very good. “Gandalf said that to Frodo.”
“I personally believe Tolkien knew a few fae,” replied Buck. “He certainly understood much of our world. Some mortals were capable of that.”
I cut one of the mushrooms in half and brought it up to my mouth. It was quite a difference tasting a freshly harvested mushroom from one that had sat on a store display for a time. The fiddlehead green was tender, as was the asparagus, while the potatoes seemed to be there to fill up our bellies with goodness. It was modest fare, but it was satisfying, and I thanked Buck for the tasty meal.
“Oh dear, you’ve said something you never should to a fae,” sighed Buck. “A mortal shouldn’t say thank you to a fae as it implies that you’re in their debt, in a contract you didn’t agree to. Instead, say I’m grateful. I’m worldly enough to know there is no obligation but certain fae would take advantage of your thanks.”
“Well then, I’m grateful for the meal and for everything you’ve done for me,” I stated. “I know I wasn’t the most understanding person in the Washington home but when Hope made it clear I’ve been under your protection for a long time I began to see things differently.”
“She shouldn’t have told you. What I said about not taking advantage is mostly true, but I am fae and there are times I let my own desires rule my actions.”
He picked up the dishes, taking them over to the sink. After filling a large pot with water, he set it on the wood stove to heat up, not making eye contact with me. At first, I watched, then I went over to where he stood, his back still to me, as he looked out the window to the early evening scene. Touching his arm gently brought a small smile to his face.
“Why don’t you tell me about it?”
“Because you might not like me after I tell you,” he answered, turning his gaze on me, “and I do like you very much. I have for a long time and have struggled not to let my personal feelings rule my decisions.”
Those blue eyes seemed uncertain, and I was intuitive enough to know that meant he had a hard truth to share. In my line of work there were many occasions when I needed to hear a hard truth. Sometimes we put people on a pedestal expecting a level of behaviour from them that is unrealistic, then are angry at them when they show they are human after all. Fae, or fairy people, in the stories I read were tiny creatures flitting about from flower to flower. Like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, they could be capricious, jealous creatures, sometimes doing something spiteful just so they could have their way, regardless of who it hurt.
The reality of meeting not just one fae but several had shown them to be physically attractive, although Buck had admitted his appearance wasn’t completely true. I had seen the wings and thought they were incredibly majestic. Physically he was a beautiful man with a poet’s soul. He startled me slightly, when I felt the touch of his fingertips on my cheek. His gaze was soft, seeming to stoke a response deep inside me, something I hadn’t really felt before.
“Let’s wash the dishes and relax for the evening,” he suggested. “Tomorrow, when we’ve both slept and had a chance to unwind from the events of today, I will tell you some things.”
When the water in the pot boiled, he poured it into the sink, adding a few pumps of cold water into it to make it manageable. Just like at the healing pond shower, there was a small sponge that lathered up as he wet it and rubbed it over the dishes. While he washed, I dried and put things back. When the pots were done, he pulled the sink plug and the water drained out to whatever magic septic tank system he had created in his sanctuary. The remaining wine was stoppered for consumption at another time.
With that agreed upon Buck picked a book out from a shelf and began reading. As it darkened outside, candles on the inside lit up, casting the space in a soft light. With a fire going in the fireplace, it was warm and cozy, as I settled in front of it, content to watch the flickering flames for my entertainment. I was tired and a lot of things had happened that I wanted to mull over in my own mind. Eventually, I could feel my head dropping as it became heavier.
“Sage,” said Buck, gently, kneeling beside the chair where I sat. “I think you should go to bed. I’m coming up to wash myself and grab some night clothes, but I’ll be out of your way quickly.”
With a nod, I stood up, then climbed the ladder ahead of him. As he disappeared into the bathroom, I chose some sleeping clothes then waited for my turn to wash up. As he exited, we said goodnight to each other and I washed, changed, then slipped under the covers of the bed, immediately feeling like I was sinking into something soft and warm.
I did wake up once and looked out the window. In the moonlight I could see a figure, who I assumed was Buck, but he was just far enough away that I couldn’t be sure. He faced the full light of the moon barefoot, wearing only a pair of cloth bottoms. His top was unclothed, and his arms were outstretched in the pale beams as if he was taking in its light for sustenance. His wings were also outstretched, almost straining to lift him up into the night sky. A bird swooped in close then landed and transformed into a dark-skinned man, his dark brown wings spreading apart. When he turned to face the moon’s light it seemed to be Sam Wilson, but he was too far away for me to be sure. After several long moments of them standing there, side by side, they faced each other, having an earnest conversation. Several times they both looked in my direction, but I didn’t know if they were aware I was watching. Eventually, I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until morning.
The sounds of food preparation in the kitchen area reached my ears in the bedroom, making me open my eyes. Sunlight shone through the window at the other end, and I sat up. Almost on cue a head appeared at the top of the ladder.
“Good morning,” said Buck. “I hope you slept well. I’m making some breakfast if you want to freshen up and join me. It’s going to be a beautiful day.”
When I descended, he had everything ready, omelettes with a soft cheese filling, toasted bread, and coffee, along with more berries. It was basic fare, but filling and I felt satisfied. We cleaned up the dishes together, then Buck left to get changed. When he returned, he looked like he was dressed for a hike.
“Do you feel up for a walk?” he said. “I’ll show you my little private corner of the world and we’ll talk.”
After giving me a moment to take care of some personal needs, I found him waiting outside for me. We headed into the forest, walking without talking for some time until we came to a sunlit glade. The morning dew was still on the blades of grass, making them look like they had diamonds on them. Even the spider webs strung between some of the taller grasses and brambles glistened in the morning light. We walked some more until we came out to a spot overlooking a broad valley. A split log rested between two boulders, and he gestured to me to sit on it.
“All this land, as far as the eye can see is under an enchantment,” he said quietly. “There are trees here that are older than a thousand years. It’s all so precious but even it is in danger. When I leave this life, my magic will no longer protect it and it will be as much at risk of exploitation as any other place in the world.”
“What of the next fae king?” I asked. “Won’t his magic protect it?”
“He could be a fae aligned with another element or be one of those who clings to the old ways, harassing mortal folk and kidnapping their children to be his servants. It’s not something I have control over.”
There was something sad about how he said that, as if he didn’t have much hope. Without even thinking I reached out my hand to his and squeezed it. He smiled and kept our hands together.
“Sam came to see me in the night. I know you saw us together. It’s safer for them to visit then as it’s harder to be tracked here. The person who betrayed our presence was a half-fae. Not Maria.” He noticed my look of concern. “They kidnapped her, used dark magic to get the location out of her. My people repelled the attack on the safe house but a couple of the dark fae broke through the barrier. The one who followed us was one of them. Thank goodness Loki saw him and followed him to the beach. He slew him and identified him as one of Rumlow’s Horde. It’s almost certain Rumlow is the Dark Overlord. His appearance in the court where you were is no coincidence.”
“So, he was trying to take me on the street?” I asked. “How would he know about me, if I’ve been under your protection?”
A distressed look appeared on his face, and he turned to me.
“What I’m about to tell you isn’t really known, not in its entirety,” he answered. “I’ve told differing versions of it even to my own people because I haven’t always acted in an honourable manner. But I promised you the truth. What I said about meeting your parents on their honeymoon camping trip was true. What I didn’t say was that somehow, as they hiked the back country they breached the boundary of my hidden haven. It was only when I confronted them that I realized your mother was a descendant of Lilith. My first instinct was to slay your father and take her for my own, which was well within my rights as fae king, but I realized your father also had fae in him, not as strongly evident as your mother but it was definitely there. In fact, his fae bloodline is an ancient one.  That stayed my hand, but I did fall in love with both of them, so I led them back to the cottage and allowed them to set up their tent outside. I originally offered them the bedroom, but I think instinctively they knew they would be obligated to me in a way they weren’t comfortable with.”
“You wanted a threesome?” That wasn’t something I expected to ask about my parents. “I thought you were still in mourning.”
He shrugged. “So did I, but fae can be gender fluid and I’m not immune to the pleasures of the flesh, at the right moment. It’s how my youngest child was conceived when his mother’s needs required my attentions in a very basic way. Yes, I admit a threesome would have been my expectation if they accepted my offer, but I read their reluctance accurately, quickly realizing their love was only for each other as they took the promise of fidelity in their marriage seriously. I tempered my desires, but I realized your mother’s bloodline was so strong that any other fae might not be so understanding and would slay your father outright. The Dark Overlord would definitely have taken Fern for his own.”
“A desire to protect your parents grew in me during their stay as my guests. I dampened your mother’s gift, with her knowledge and permission, for she had always known she was sensitive to otherworldly beings. Your father’s profession was one that could be bolstered by fae interests, and he agreed to help manage our financial assets. Even though he was a free spirit in many ways, he understood our need to be independent financially, especially in these modern times. It was his suggestion to invest in ethical operations, making them stronger, while making us wealthier. Gaia Life was his idea, a non-profit organization that strove to undo the damage done to the environment by encouraging sustainable development and ecologically sound practices. He was well ahead of his time and his association with Gaia Life meant it was easier for me to keep your family safe.”
It explained a lot of things. My parents were quite liberal in their love of music, art and culture, while voting progressively, openly pro-choice, and displaying a lot of empathy for social issues. My mother was a teacher, and my father a financial consultant who rarely talked about his clients. We lived a privileged life, yet we always spent time working in soup kitchens, going out on highway cleanup events and other things that involved us physically helping someone or something. I was surprised that he never mentioned Gaia Life to me, especially since I became an environmental lawyer, and I would have met Buck at some point.
“Why did I never meet you until my father’s funeral?” I asked. “You said you saw me as I grew up. If you met my father regularly you would have known that I went into environmental law.”
“I did know,” he sighed. “It was a promise I made to your father to stay out of your life as much as possible.” He was quiet again, making me wonder if this was the part where I might not like him. “Can I touch your forehead and temples? I want to share some memories with you. It will help provide context to many things.”
It was a strange request but in the last 5 ½ weeks I had been exposed to many new things that I never knew existed before. I agreed and we faced each other. With the lightest of touches, he spread his fingertips from both hands over my forehead and temples, then gazed at me intently before closing his eyes. Instinctively I closed mine as well and felt like I was being drawn through a swirling mass of images and voices until we ended up at a lake, a lake I remembered very well, as we went there every summer when my brothers and I were kids. It was the best of times, full of laughter and good memories. Then my father’s face appeared, and I realized it was a memory of him, my mother, and Buck talking as us kids played in the water.
“You have two choices,” said Buck, his voice sounding ominous. “Do nothing and the Dark Overlord will sense her. He will come for her and take her for his own, adding her fae powers to his. Or you can give her to me, and I can take her to our stronghold. She will be raised as fae royalty, given training to counter the dark fae magic, and most of all, she will be safe.”
My mother spoke then, and her face appeared in Buck’s view. “No, I refuse to believe there isn’t a third option. I know you fae don’t love your children quite the same way we mortals do but you can’t expect us to give her up. Will you use magic to make her forget us? She deserves to choose the life she wants. Whether that is to live as mortal or as a fae should be up to her, no one else.”
“I agree with Fern,” added my father. “You told us on our honeymoon that any daughter we had would have strong fae powers and we accepted that. We’ve encouraged her to read all sorts of fantasy and mythology-based books and to be open to other beings living hidden in this world. When she’s older we can reveal the truth to her, and she can decide then. But I’m not about to let you take her when she’s only eleven years old. She’s a child.”
“She’s about to enter puberty and her powers will shine like a beacon after her first bleed,” answered Buck. “Although the light fae would still see her as a child and allow her to mature at her own pace, the dark fae will consider her an adult at that point. The Dark Overlord will take her for his bride and will not be gentle with her.” His view went to the children in the lake, focusing on Sage, then back at her parents. “Do not ever accuse me of not loving my children the way mortals do. Even though we don’t raise them as humans raise their own, they are still loved and cared for. I have a half-fae son who chose to give up his powers and live a mortal life in the human world. His safety and wellbeing are important to me. Sage’s are just as important.”
“Can’t you dampen her gift like you did mine?” asked my mother. “Can’t you keep her hidden that way?”
Buck sighed. “It will take a lot out of me and there will be times I might not be able to maintain it, opening her to danger during those times. If she lived in the stronghold the combined powers of the fae there would be able to protect her when I cannot. Even I have my limits.”
“Please,” begged my father. “If you take her, it will destroy us.”
There was silence then Buck looked at me again before looking at my parents. “I can give her a gift. If she accepts it, then she binds herself to me. It is a promise that at some point I will collect on, but I can wait until she is an adult, when it will become my duty to enlighten her to her powers. The bond created by the gift will make it easier for me to dampen her powers so that the Dark Overlord doesn’t sense her.”
My parents looked at each other, then at me, their faces showing the dilemma of the decision they had to make.
“Promise, you’ll allow her to live as a mortal until she’s of age by fae standards.” My father was emphatic.
“For as long as it’s possible,” agreed Buck. “If she turns 30 and doesn’t manifest her powers I will wait even longer. You have my word.”
They both nodded their heads then Buck made them say it out loud, essentially creating the contract between them.  He reached around his neck and took a silver necklace off, a necklace with a pendant of a tree showing its bare branches and roots.
Automatically, my hand went to my neck, touching the necklace that in my memory had been given to me by my parents. I had worn it ever since, never taking it off. Although it was silver, it had never tarnished. Now, I knew why. Buck removed his fingertips from my face and sat on the bench, looking off into the distance. He said nothing, whether because he was ashamed or if whatever he said was irrelevant now didn’t seem to matter. Regardless, Buck waited.
“The orchid, that was a gift as well,” I said. “Was that also to bind me to you?”
“No, it was a talisman to provide extra protection after I met you at your father’s funeral. I thought it prudent to provide you with as much protection as I could. It still hurt when I saw it destroyed. The Dark Overlord would see it as something binding us and that was a message to me that he wouldn’t respect it. He didn’t know about the necklace but the man who choked you was burned by its power. He would certainly have reported it.”
“Were you lying to my parents?”
“No! I respected them too much and I respect you. I omitted to tell you things, hoping it wouldn’t be necessary. It was a false hope. But with my own powers stretched to the limit even then without any sort of binding agreement or contract there had to be something that could strengthen the protection I gave you. I didn’t intend to collect for a long time, as long as you were still protected. When you saw me at the funeral, I realized your powers were becoming stronger than the dampening spell and it was only a matter of time before the dark fae became aware of you. That proved to be very accurate.” He stood up. “There is more but I think you’ve heard enough for the day. I need to be alone for a while. Return to the cottage and stay close to it.”
His wings appeared and he took off, quickly fading into the distant sky. I remembered the day my parents seemed to have an intense discussion with a person while we were on holidays at the lake, but I still couldn’t picture who the third person was, realizing Buck had shielded himself from my memory. Perhaps it was him that made it seem the necklace given to me was from my parents, an acknowledgement that he wouldn’t reveal himself to me until he collected on the debt. He hadn’t revealed himself at the funeral either; that was my own magic doing it. I stood up to return to the cottage, seeing the path there was marked ahead of me with rocks. It was evident that Buck couldn’t waste any magic, making me wonder how much of the fae world needed his magic to protect it, yet he was using it on me, a mortal.
Maybe that is when I realized I was running away from what I really was. I had been hidden almost my entire life. Yes, it was for my own protection, but it also hid the real me. I was fae and even if I chose not to mate, losing powers that I didn’t know I had, nothing would change that. My mother’s bloodline extended to the first woman to say no to what was expected of her, Lilith. My father’s bloodline had fae in it as well, enough that Bucky didn’t kill him and take my mother as his prize. That left Bucky, the fae king who had offered me marriage, long life, eternal youth, power, and children, all of it on my terms.
Hope said he had feelings for me. Had he started to developed feelings for me when he gifted the necklace? Did he suppress those feelings about me as I grew older, became an adult, then a lawyer? By my reckoning it was 20 years between the time I received the necklace and my father’s death. I was 31, not a child anymore and any disgust he had possibly felt in himself about taking a child bride could no longer apply to me. Perhaps to a roughly 700-year-old fae I was still very young, yet he had been very much restrained in all of our meetings. It was always my choice; he made that very clear from the start.
When I arrived back at the cottage, I felt like staying busy, so I searched nearby for some greens and picked them along with some nuts that I found and more berries. Leaving them in the kitchen I returned outside and laid in a hammock, looking up at the sky. Letting my mind wander, I listened to the sound of the trees and the birds, letting them wash over me. It was calming and relaxing and soon I drowsed off. It was dusk when I felt a hand on my shoulder, startling me.
“I’m sorry I was gone for so long,” said Buck. He raised a hand, showing a couple of fish, hanging from a hook. “I had much to think about. At least, I caught us some dinner.”
Carefully getting out of the hammock I stood up and looked at him, at the last golden rays of the sun, making his dark hair look lighter. The forest was definitely his element. In a suit and tie, he looked elegant but here he looked like he belonged.
“I thought about what you said and showed me,” I began. “How much of your powers are being used to protect me?”
“A considerable amount,” he admitted. “Once the Solstice has passed a ritual can strip your powers and you can live as a mortal without fear. My powers will no longer be needed.”
“What if I wish to embrace my fae heritage? What if I decide to agree to the marriage and the Solstice ritual? Will you teach me how to be fae? Will that take more of your powers away from you?”
“No, I have no more to give. It would just be redirected into your education into the fae world. It means you would be open to attack although we should be safe here and you would learn how to defend yourself. The stronghold would also be safe with the combined powers of all the fae protecting you.” He swallowed. “Have you decided?”
“I think I have.” I touched my necklace. “I was always meant to be your queen, wasn’t I? You were looking for the right descendant of Lilith and the fact my mother was already taken meant her daughter was the next best candidate.” He looked uncomfortable as there was a bit of weirdness about it, by mortal standards anyways. “I’m not accusing you of anything nefarious. You’ve admitted your faults and haven’t lied outright about anything. You’ve told me what I needed to hear. So, my answer to your question is another question. If I say yes, will you allow yourself to love me, openly and without reservation? I can’t accept anything less.”
A softness came over Buck’s face then, making him seem younger and less burdened with the worries of his position. He laid the fish on a bench, then rubbed his hands through a nearby plant, releasing the scent of lemon. Placing his hands on my cheeks, he gazed into my eyes.
“I already love you, Sage. Telling you I was incapable of it was the only actual lie I spoke, as I didn’t want to pressure you into something you didn’t fully understand. If we marry, it is truly for life. I am 715 years of age, old for most fae, but a fae king can live for 1500 or more years. You are 31, barely out of childhood by fae standards but there are some who married younger than you. After the ritual your life span can extend to as long as that of a fae king, provided you truly wish it. I could say the words right now that I want to say when we marry but I want to wait.”
I started to protest as I was ready, but he placed his hands on mine, raising them to his lips.
“It is a life-changing commitment and asks you to sacrifice much. If you are truly ready, then a week will not change anything. In that week, I will tell you everything that I didn’t tell you earlier and show you my true self. You deserve that much before you make your final decision. If you still agree to marry me, I will advise my court of the decision and they can prepare for the Summer Solstice ceremony. You must understand that your family cannot be there, as it is not open to those not of the fae world, other than the bride. Plus, there is the matter that your mother no longer remembers me. There are ways around it, but it is something we need to talk about.”
He was right. There were still things that had to be said and done before I could make that final commitment. Leaving the real world to live in a mystical one was going to be a big adjustment, even if I would still have a presence in the human world. Reluctantly, I agreed, and he hugged me then began to release me. As I looked up at him, a change came over his face and he lowered his lips to mine, hesitating briefly before touching my lips with his. The kiss started out soft and sweet, then deepened, as our lips opened to each other. I could feel a heat stirring deep inside my body, an urgency unlike anything I had ever felt before. Pulling away, I breathed heavily, noticing Buck was also affected.
“We have to wait for the Solstice, right?”
He smiled in a way that sent a thrill through me. “No, we don’t. We can have all the sex we want until the day of the wedding.” His fingertips reached for my hair, and he ran his hand down my shoulder to my hand, pulling me closer. “The consummation requirements of the ceremony require us to make love when the sun is at its highest and the moon is at its lowest, in the sacred places where we’ll be. Until then, we can do what we damn well please.”
It was like a switch had been flipped as we threw ourselves at each other. Using magic, he sent the fish to the kitchen then he picked me up and carried me into the house, up the ladder into the bedroom, the candles coming on as we entered. As our clothes came off, I noticed his tattoo had changed, pointing it out to him. He laughed, a sound that was just as sexy now as the first time I heard him.
“My body is a living breathing canvas in constant flux,” he explained, as he pressed his lips into my neck, mouthing the pulse point under my ear. “The forest is always changing, and my tattoos reflect that. I am fae and my ties to the natural world involve my whole body.”
As he laid me down on the bed, removing the rest of our clothes effortlessly I couldn’t stop watching the way the markings on his body shifted and rippled as the level of our excitement rose. I forgot about all of that the moment we joined, yielding to the pleasure I was feeling. As my mind drifted towards the inevitable climax that was building it seemed I was on another plane of existence. When it happened, I could feel it all, the touch of the breeze in the night, the rustling of the leaves in that breeze, the scent of the flowers that bloom in the glow of the moon, ending with the sound of his wings unfurling and beating at the moment we both came, before enclosing us in their soft but protective embrace. It was profound and I never wanted to feel the touch of anyone else ever again.
“Amica mea,” whispered Buck. “At last, I found you.” His lips were on mine again as we both came down from the high of our union, then he gazed at me. “It means my love in Latin, the most sacred language of the fae.”
“Is it always like that?” I gazed right back at him, amazed that this beautiful man was mine.
“Always. When you transform, you will be part of the life of this planet and will feel it in your veins.” He interlaced his fingers with mine. “Together we will heal the scars that blight the land.”
That’s when I saw him. I saw a vision of the Dark Overlord in his human and fae form. He was wearing a suit, looking like he did that day in court when I failed to prove HYDRA Mining had polluted the waterways. As his gaze turned to see me, I stiffened in response. Then Brock Rumlow sneered at me.
“There you are,” he grinned. “I’ve been looking for you. It won’t take me long to find you, my treasure, my precious Sage. Tell Barnes I’ll find a way into his haven. When I do, I will slay him and take what is mine.”
He began to transform into his fae form, and I cried out as it was horrible, his red eyes and dark grey skin displaying the image of a demon, full of venom and fury. As I closed my eyes to rid myself of that image, Buck’s voice came through, calling my name, as he stroked my face and head. He didn’t need words to know what I had seen but wasn’t surprised when I told him who it was. There was a history there, that much was obvious. This vision was Rumlow’s shot across the bow, his revelation of his plans. It was a taunt and a promise, and I was very much afraid.
Part 5>>
Series Masterlist
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imnothulk · 3 months
@theironcan @thir-0dinson @that-punk-from-brooklyn @king-ofwakanda @official-buckybarnes @official-pietro-maximoff @officialscottlang @reallyreallyspiderman @clintbarton-thearrowguy @stephenstrange-md-phd @blackwidow-nat-official2 @mysister-isstillaposer @i-am-not-a-toaster @okoye-general-official @deadpool-wade-wilson
Anyone up for shawarma?
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
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Requests are OPEN!!!
- Why Him? fanfic
- If This Is Goodbye
- Good Enough | writing challenge |
- Faking It | writing challenge |
- Teach Him A Lesson | request |
- Jessie’s Girl | ONE | TWO |
- Keep It Between Us | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT |
- Let Me Show You
- The Heart Wants What It Wants | ONE | TWO |
- Tell Me You Love Me
- Knock You Up | request |
- The New Teacher
- Shoulder To Cry On | request |
- Only Love Can Hurt Like This | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX | SEVEN | EIGHT | NINE | TEN | ELEVEN |
- Over My Dead Body | request |
- Didn’t Mean It | request |
- It’s Over
- Your Filthy Addiction | request |
- Hood Sex | request |
- Pony | writing challenge |
- Get You Ready | request |
- Back Door Adventure
- Death By A Thousand Cuts | request |
- Misunderstood
- Knight In Shining Armour | request |
- Just Like Magic | request |
- Say It
- I Like You | request |
- Woman Like You | request |
- Music In Me | request |
- Moving On | request |
- Post Snap | request |
- The Owner 
- Dirty Dancer | request |
- You’re Fucking Perfect | request | 
- Right Kind Of Wrong
- Show Off | request |
- Moving On | request |
- Make You Feel Good | request |
- What Would They Say? | request |
- Back To December | request |
- Intrusion | writing challenge |
- You Deserve Better | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR |
- The Three Of You | YDB Sequel |
- Second Chances
- Do You Feel What I Feel? | request |
- I’ll Show You | request |
- In The Mirror | request |
- Runaway Bride
- A Younger Model | request |
- A Younger Model | Part Two | 
- Fight For Us
- I Got You
- Want You Back
- Cable Knit Loving | request |
- Worth The Wait | request |
- Punishments & Surprises | request |
- Just A Taste | request |
- Insecure | request |
- Jealous | request |
- It’s You | request |
- Get Through This | request |
- Battle For Dominance | request |
- Furry Companion | request |
- New Obsession | request |
- Unexpected | request |
- Sharing Is Caring | request |
- Almost | request |
- Sparks Fly At First Sight | request |
- Just For Daddy
- Ruin The Friendship
- A Fantasy Cum True | request |
- Guys Your Age | request |
- Daddy’s Orders
- Green Eyed Monster | request |
- That Way | request |
- Who Knows? | request |
- Endless Pining | request |
- Forever and Always | request |
- The Actor
- The First Time
- Nothing Like Your Last | request |
- Baby, I Love You | request |
- Two Course Meal | request |
- A Snack | request |
- I Miss You
- Sorry, Wrong Number | request |
- She’s My Girlfriend | request |
- Secret Love | request |
- Prove Them Wrong | request |
- Protection | request |
- My World | request |
- Best Friends Brother | request |
- Demons Unmasked | request |
- Hold My Hand | request |
- You’re Mine
- Not So Innocent
- Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time | request |
- Dancing With The Devil | writing challenge |
- What I Need
- Sharing Is Caring | request |
- His Name Is Daddy
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whatarethooseshuri · 2 months
Who's the final list?
i’m so glad you asked, anon~
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middleearthpixie · 4 months
Brilliant Disguise ~ Chapter Twenty-Six
Summary: Speech therapist Josephine Asharm has been brought into Erebor to work with Bifur, but trying to find her place among people who eye her suspiciously would be difficult enough under normal circumstances, but when Sophie finds herself caught between the king, his most trusted lieutenant, and the dwarf she’s there to help? She’s certain no good can come of it. Being of Man, not only does she stand out in the dwarf kingdom, she’s not entirely certain she’s actually welcome there at all. 
Thorin only agreed to allow Sophie to live amongst them out of a sense of duty to Bifur, who is recovering from an odd head injury (is there any other way to describe having an axe blade lodged in one’s head, only to have it later dislodged during the Battle of the Five Armies?) Before the battle, he spoke only khuzdul. But since it? He’s regained the ability to speak Westron—if only he could but remember any of it. As for Thorin? He’s trying his damndest to ignore the speech therapist, not to mention his own growing feelings for her, even as he is also recovering from his near fatal wounding in the same battle. 
Both Sophie and Thorin are haunted by their pasts and are uncertain of their futures, but sometimes, chances must be taken…  
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x OFC Josephine (Sophie) Asharm 
Warnings: None 
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.2k
Tag List:  @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell
@jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321
@dianakc @msjava1972 @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits
@heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
@sazzlep @night-ace
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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That night, Sophie had trouble sleeping. Between the pain in her ankle and the nightmares that plagued her, no sooner did she doze off than she jolted awake either in pain or terrified. Sten haunted her sleep, mocking her with his icy smile and oily words as he promised her that not only would she never be free of him, he would take Heather away from her forever. She heard the splash of him hitting the water. The squelch of the hammer striking him. The way the water reddened around him. And finally…
And each time she lurched awake, Thorin was there, wrapping her in his arms, whispering reassurance that she was safe, that Heather was safe, that Sten would never trouble her again. Then he held her until she drifted back off to sleep, only to repeat the scenario throughout the night. 
Sophie awoke to find herself alone. For a brief moment, she wondered if she’d imagined the previous day’s events. But then she shifted and the sudden throb in her ankle assured her that it had actually happened.
Still, she sat up and carefully slid to the edge of the bed, where her crutches were propped against the beside table. It took her a moment to situate herself, and then she carefully maneuvered from her room. 
It was slow going, but she moved to Heather’s room, only to find it empty, her bed neatly made. A hint of apprehension twisted her belly. Thorin might have gone back to his own flat, but where was Heather and why hadn’t he at least left a note?
She tried not to panic, but her nightmares clung to her, made her crutch toward the sitting room with her heart beating almost triple time. She had to see Heather for herself, to make certain her nightmares had been just that—only nightmares. 
And as she came into the sitting area, she stopped as short as one on crutches could stop and as she did, Heather looked up. Putting a finger to her lips, she whispered, “Shhh, Mama. Mister Thorin is sleeping.”
Sophie smiled. Thorin was indeed sleeping, stretched out on the sofa with one leg straight, the other bent, his foot flat on the floor. Heather sat in the vee of his legs, a picture book open across her lap. “I was reading to him,” she whispered as she closed the book and then carefully climbed over him. 
He snored, but remained asleep and Sophie gestured to the knit blanket draped over the sofa’s back. “Why don’t you cover him, love?” 
Heather nodded and came around to tug the blanket down, before carrying back around to cover him. Then, she whispered, “There.”
“Why are you both in here?” Sophie asked.
“I had a bad dream, Mama. When I came into your room, he was there. I thought he slept on the sofa?”
Sophie smiled as she smoothed Heather’s hair away from her face. “He was sitting with me last eve, because I had a bad dream of my own.”
“I don't know. Sometimes your mind likes to play tricks on you.” She gestured for Heather to follow her into her room, where Heather climbed up onto Sophie’s unmade bed. “What did you dream?”
Heather’s nose crinkled. “I don't remember, Mama. But Mister Thorin said I could sit in the sitting area and read, so we didn't wake you.” 
She looked up at Sophie, her blue eyes narrowed. “Does he really sleep on the sofa?”
“Why would you ask?”
“Because he was under the covers with you, like I do when I cuddle with you. Was he cuddling with you?”
Sophie smiled. “He was. As I said, I also had bad dreams.” 
Sophie hesitated. She hadn’t planned on telling Heather about Sten, but at the same time, she also felt Heather had the right to know. Not all of the details, of course, but just enough to know she never need live in fear of Sten any longer. 
“There’s something I need to tell you, love. About your papa.”
Heather’s eyes widened. “Is he here, Mama? Did he come for us? Do we have to go back with him?”
Her voice rose with each word, fear creeping into her words and expression and Sophie carefully sank onto the bed beside her, letting her crutches slide to the floor as she hurried to gather Heather in her arms. “No, love, no… you’ve nothing to fear, sweetling.”
“I don't want to leave here, Mama. Please don't make me…”
“Shhh…” She drew Heather across her lap, rocking her gently as she smoothed Heather’s tangled dark hair. “You’ve nothing to fear, baby, I promise you. We are not leaving Erebor. Not any time soon.”
Heather lifted her head. “Do you promise?”
“I promise, love.” Sophie brushed Heather’s hair away from her face. “And you never need worry about him coming back, either. He will not trouble us again.”
“Because he—he had an accident. On the lake. Mr. Bard told me about it. Yesterday, when I was in Dale.”
“He’s… gone?”
Sophie nodded slowly. “He is gone.”
“And he won’t come back?”
“He won’t come back.”
Heather smiled. “But Mister Thorin is here.”
“Yes, he is.”
“And he won’t leave, right?”
“I don't think so, no.” 
Sophie pulled Heather closer. “So, you’ll be happy to remain here?”
Heather nodded. “I would, Mama. It means I can see Miss Oakmane every day and play with Gimli all the time.”
“And what more would you need?”
Heather bobbed her head more emphatically. “Nothing, Mama. That would be perfect.”
Sophie gave her a gentle squeeze. “It sounds perfect, sweetling.”
Heather nestled her head against Sophie’s breast and cuddled quietly for a long moment, but then, she picked up her head. “Mama?”
“What, love?”
“Can I—” she looked toward the door, in the direction of the sitting area—“Do you think…”
“Do I think what, love?”
“Well…” Heather linked and unlinked her fingers, studying them intently. “Do you think Mister Thorin… that is…”
Sophie bit back a smile, but she didn't hurry Heather at all. Instead, she waited, her smile becoming more difficult to hide as Heather’s forehead wrinkled and her eyebrows drew close together. She had the feeling she knew exactly what Heather was going to ask, which made her eyes sting. 
“Do you think Mister Thorin would be mad if I called him papa?”
“What do you think?”
Heather shook her head, her expression beyond serious now. “He told me ’adad means papa and that he would like being tha—” her eyes went wide and she pressed her lips together. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”
“Because I wasn’t. I told Mister Thorin I wouldn’t say anything.”
“You’re keeping secrets with him?”
“Are you mad, Mama?”
“It depends on the secret,” Sophie replied carefully.
“I can’t tell you, but it’s a good one. Promise.”
“A good one?”
Heather nodded. “A very good one.” 
“Then I won’t be mad. And, I think Mister Thorin would like it very much if you called him papa, but just to be sure, you should ask him.”
“I will. But,” Heather looked up at her, “please don't tell Mister Thorin I told you about what ’adad means.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
Relief swept across Heather’s face. “Thank you, Mama.”
“There you are.”
Sophie looked up as Thorin appeared in the doorway, his hair poking up in all directions and his eyes puffy with sleep. He rubbed the back of his neck with a wince. “How’s your ankle feeling?”
“I’ve had better days, to be honest,” she said, patting the bed. “Come and sit.”
He offered up a sleepy grin as he sank beside her. “We should think about going up for breakfast.”
Heather sat up. “Can I go find Gimli, Mama?”
Sophie nodded. “You may, but if he is not in the Great Hall, you are to come right back here.”
“Yes, Mama.” 
Heather climbed down from the bed and hurried from the room, leaving Thorin to offer up a look of concern. “Aren’t you worried she’ll get lost?”
She shook her head. “Not any longer, really. She knows Erebor almost as well as you dwarves, you know.”
“So, she’s come to think of this as her home, then?”
“To a certain extent, yes.” Sophie shifted slightly as her ankle began to ache. 
“And what about you, Mrs. Asharm?” His eyes softened, his smile almost mischievous. “Have you come to think of Erebor as home?”
She met that soft gaze, a gentle flutter rippling through her belly as she did. “I have, yes. I don't like to think of the time when I’m no longer needed here.”
“What makes you think that will ever happen?”
“Bifur is doing remarkably well and really no longer requires therapy, so…”
“And what if I asked you to stay, mesmel? Would you?”
“Are you asking me?”
“I might be.” He smiled then as a hint of color swept along his cheekbones. “I’d actually not planned on this, but I think perhaps this suits better.”
“Thorin,” she asked softly, even as her heart beat a triple-time staccato against her ribs, “what are you going on about?”
“I love you, Sophie. And I don't want to think about a time when you might not be here, either. So, perhaps we should arrange it so neither of us has to think about it.”
She barely heard him over the thunder of her pulse in her ears and her throat and mouth felt oddly dry as she whispered, “How so?”
His fingers skimmed along her cheek, tucking her hair behind her left ear as he said, “Will you marry me, Sophie?”
Her heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“I love you, I love Heather. I want us to be a family and I know that the timing isn’t the best, but… it feels right to me and I can only hope it does to you as well.”
“Marry me, Sophie. Be my queen and I promise to treat you as such for the rest of my days.”
Sophie’s eyes stung with unexpected tears as she gazed into the blue eyes she’d come to know and love so very much. “And you want to take on a ready-made family?”
“You know how I feel about you, and how I feel about Heather and yes, I am ready to do just that.” He smiled, his fingers lingering along her neck. “So, will you marry me?”
“Are you certain?”
“I have never been more certain of anything, Sophie.”
“Absolutely certain?”
“Sophie.” His eyes glinted, crinkling at their outer corners. 
“One hundred percent certain?”
He leaned in to press his lips to hers, his kiss soft and lingering and when he drew back, he whispered, “Do you need more convincing, mesmel?”
“Ask me again, Thorin.”
His smile widened. “Will you marry me?”
He rose over her, covering her, and as his lips met hers, he whispered, “Mênu tessu.”
Sophie wound her arms about his neck, pulling him flush. “As you are my everything as well, Thorin.”
He bent to capture her lips with his, his kiss soft at first, but then deepening as he shifted to settle between her thighs. She parted her lips, her toes curling at the silken glide of his tongue along hers. A hint of pain flashed through her injured foot, but it was quickly forgotten at that soft caress. 
She let her fingers slip along his hair, let them wind through it, as the soft tingles took root deep within her. She welcomed his weight against her, and a hint of disappointment swept through her as he pulled away to whisper, “We should probably not do this, in case Heather comes—”
“Gimli wasn’t in—what are you and Mama doing, Mister Thorin?”
Thorin drew back with a soft chuckle. “Nothing, mimûna.”
“Were you… kissing? Ew.”
As Thorin rose once more, Sophie sat up, tucking a wayward curl behind one ear. “You don’t approve, Heather?”
Heather’s nose wrinkled. “It sounds so… squishy… when you do it.”
Heather nodded. “Squishy.”
Thorin reached down to tousle her hair. “Then perhaps it’s best you stopped it, Miss Heather. Besides, there are a few things I need to attend to and I could use your help.”
Heather stared up at him. “Me?”
He nodded. “Remember, you said you would help me.”
“I did!” Heather turned to Sophie. “Can I go with Mister Thorin?”
Sophie looked over at Thorin. “What do you have to do?”
He grinned. “You will just have to wait and see, mesmel,” he told her, bending to brush her lips with his. “But trust me, you will like it.”
“Thorin, what’s going on?”
Heather beamed up at her. “It’s a secret, Mama.”
She looked from Heather to Thorin, and when he winked, she had the feeling their secret had something to do with his proposal. With that, she smiled and nodded. “Very well. I suppose you will share when the time is right.”
“So, I can go with Mister Thorin?”
“Yes, love. You can go with Mister Thorin. But, make sure you keep him out of trouble.”
“I will, Mama.”
Thorin winked at Sophie as he scooped Heather up. “You rest, mesmel. We will see you later.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” 
He turned his smile to Heather. “Shall we go, then?”
She nodded. “We have a lot to do.”
“Then you should go,” Sophie told them, settling back against the pillows. “Especially if you have a lot to do.”
Heather grinned, her arms looped about Thorin’s neck. “You’ll love it, Mama. You’ll see.”
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