#kingdom karma
The Kingdom: K-pop Discography Deep Dive
The Kingdom (formerly known as Kingdom) is a group built around the idea that each member represents a different well-known king from a different country; in order, King Arthur of Britain, Emperor Chiyou of China, Emperor Ivan (the Terrible) of Russia, King Dann of Korea, King Louis XIV of France, Emperor Jinmu of Japan, and King Jahangir of India. Chiyou left for personal reasons in 2022, and an…
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candescentkpop · 1 year
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Kingdom: Karma
Kingdom Part 29 / ?
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turnaboutarchives · 4 months
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Gyakuten Saiban 1+2 4koma Kingdom- Full Raws
File Size is around 660 MB.
Find the files here!
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luminaunderscore · 1 month
I was a bad boy….
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I am loosing my marbles!!!! 😋
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jahayla-parker · 9 months
Karma : Kaz Brekker x Reader
(Some/mention of former Reader x Darkling)
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Description: Y/n suffered at the hands of the Darkling years before but her karma was now on her side. Whereas, the Darkling couldn’t say the same about his karma; especially when Kaz learns of his presence upon him nearing Kaz’s girlfriend, y/n once again. Hurt-comfort, Protective!Kaz, Exes-turned-enemies, angst, fluff, etc. Somewhat set to tone of (&/or connected to) Karma by Taylor Swift, but it goes beyond that.
Warnings: Typical SoC, S&B/SAB, and Grishaverse triggers and warnings, mentions and descriptions of violence, abuse and physical harm, stalking/tracking/hunting down people, the Darkling and his shadow army and other character related topics, lying, threats, fear and flashbacks (and other trauma related things), betrayal, themes related to topics and notions mentioned in Karma by Taylor Swift, weapons, protectiveness, emotions, a few curse words, and related warnings.
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Release Schedule is TBD
I’m in the rewriting, editing, and revision stage currently, so I’ll update the schedule soon)
I’m planning to release a minimum of the following number of parts, but there might end up being more once my rewriting, editing, and revision stage is done!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 TBD
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Kaz Taglist: @dil3mma @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @winstonthecow22 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @wolfmoonmusic @phoenix666stuff @kentucky-criedfricken @twlegit @valeridarkness @shara-ne @crazyhearttragedy @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @el-de-phi @adalia-jaycee @bookloverfilmoholic @beekeepingageissome
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Freddy Carter Navigation
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
karma's step by step from town to town is kanejs' one by one, brick by brick
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whats really funny is the next taylor event for us is the superbowl??? like…we are all waiting for a FOOTBALL game….guys what are we doing this is so silly!!!!!
(i’m excited for the game!)
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 5 months
Mineko Old Art Dump
Alrighty, gonna do this now. This’ll be two parts since I’ve got quite a bit stocked up (I don’t necessarily draw her very frequently… it’s just, when I do, I get into a li’l Mineko mood). I think they can all fit in one post, but I’m still thinking it may be too much for one, so imma separate the traditional from the digital and make it its own smaller post. I’ll share some info about her in that part, too.
*Disclaimer*: I’m putting these in order of when I drew them (the digital pieces, at least. I’ll try to put the traditional pieces in order as best I can. Very rarely do I mark my drawings with a year, much less a date). I started drawing her in 2021, so, em… don’t mind the old art too much ^^;
(Also, not everything’s gonna make it onto here: either it’s too sketchy/horrid to share, haha, or, for the traditional drawings, I’ve misplaced some notebooks some sketches were in and haven’t had any luck finding them (which really sucks because one or two, at least, were kingdom au sketches 😩). That, and also some sketches, I’d like to make them actual pieces or clean them up some more—I draw Mineko with her brothers, I do, but they fall into that category. On that note, boy am I glad I can add Mineko into family posts without worrying about posting it now that she’s finally public 🥳 haha)
Anyway, on to it!
Part 1 of 2 :
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likeanageoldclassic · 4 months
“thank you for making it halfway across the world” I AM SO SICK.
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musellanea · 2 months
KINGDOM: History of Kingdom End Credit
An edit to conclude the History of Kingdom 👑
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candescentkpop · 1 year
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Kingdom: Karma
Kingdom Part 31 / ?
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Karma by Taylor swift is so Kaz Brekker 👀
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ms-macklemore · 4 months
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Karma is the guy on the Chiefs, GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!!!!
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jahayla-parker · 9 months
Karma : Kaz Brekker x Reader Series
Part 1
For full warnings, descriptions, and other parts, see series masterlist here.
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2.1k wc
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Kaz squinted his eyes as he gave y/n a grave stare. He willed himself to wait a few more minutes in silence, hoping she’d open up and explain the cause behind her condition. Kaz was painfully aware that it had already been five minutes since she’d arrived and hadn’t so much as acknowledged him. He had watched in wrathful anticipation as y/n had tried to slide in under the radar. But, unbeknownst to her, y/n’s presence never went unnoticed by Kaz. Especially not right now when she had come in wearing a dazed expression, her hands trembling, and being uncharacteristically silent when she entered the room.
Upon not getting any explanation from y/n, Kaz sighed lowly. He ran his gloved hands down the sides of his pants as he rose from his desk. Kaz grabbed his cane and used its support to quickly make his way to y/n. When Kaz was within only a few feet of y/n’s tense body as she perched on the windowsill of his office, he cleared his throat. “You’re shaking,” Kaz murmured when y/n’s head shifted slightly at the sound.
“Huh?” Y/n asked absentmindedly, staring out of the cracked pane of Kaz’s window. She was seated parallel to the window with her legs tucked against her chest and arms around the top of her knees. Through the dirty window, Y/n was counting how many crows were flocking around the business across the street. Or, that had been her plan. If anyone asked y/n how many there were, she wouldn’t actually be able to answer as her mind was elsewhere.
Kaz cautiously moved closer, his steps slow as to not spook y/n. But, now that he’d at least let her hear his voice coming from nearby, he hoped that would be less likely. Kaz delicately tapped the end of his cane against the sole of y/n’s scuffed black boot to get her attention.
When y/n finally turned towards Kaz, he repeated his concern, “you’re shaking”. Kaz licked his lips, “what’s wrong?”. He watched as y/n took in his words and processed them, waiting to give him an answer. It wasn’t unusual for her to think things through before speaking, but Kaz could tell she was having a harder time doing so right now. Whatever had happened between the last time he’d seen y/n and now had clearly caused her mind to slow down.
“Nothing,” y/n lied, her voice lifeless. She faked a smile as she looked at Kaz. “I’m fine,” y/n protested, shrugging her shoulders to add to her lie.
Kaz lifted an eyebrow at y/n knowingly. But, he let it fall from his face when he took in the way her hands were still shaking. Even as y/n tried to pull herself together enough to cover up her predicament, Kaz could see her nerves were resisting. So, as much as Kaz hated being told even a small white lie, he knew this wasn’t personal. Rather, he suspected it was y/n trying to guard herself from further scrutiny.
That didn’t mean Kaz was going to let it go though. Rather, Kaz was even more determined to get to the bottom of this now. Y/n wasn’t an open book to many people, but after Kaz had discovered her scars and learned of the associated trauma a few years back, the two could talk without an emotional barrier between them. So, something major must have happened to cause y/n to be resorting to this type of response to Kaz’s line of questioning.
“No,” Kaz retorted, his gravely voice intentionally quiet so that it wouldn’t sound like he was angry. Which he wasn’t; at least not at y/n. “You are not fine,” Kaz pointed out simply, leaning against the wall beside her feet at the edge of the windowsill. “Answer me,” he demanded in a (at least when it came to speaking to/with others) uncharacteristically polite tone.
Y/n’s wandering eyes moved from Kaz’s focused attention to the dust that had collected along the crack in his window. She sheepishly picked at the buildup with her thumbnail. Y/n could still feel Kaz’s expectant eyes on her so she whispered, “noth-“.
Kaz shifted his jaw, closing his eyes for a moment to keep his composure. If she were anyone else, Kaz wouldn’t have even cared, much less have kept himself from snapping at them for not answering his question the way he was now. But, this was y/n, and Kaz not only cared, he’d never reacted in such a harsh way to her. Kaz didn’t want to accidentally start behaving that way now despite his frustration over this change in their dynamic.
“Y/n, you’ve never come back from a task looking like this,” Kaz stated matter of factly. He tried to soften his gaze as she shifted her gaze away from the window and over to him. “If you don’t tell me what caused this,” he began, voice calm, “I’ll find out for myself”.
Y/n’s emotionless eyes narrowed faintly at Kaz. “How are you going to do that?” she asked in a whisper.
Kaz dared to take a step closer to y/n. He analyzed her body language in response to his movement to determine if he needed to retract the step. Kaz realized y/n was okay with it, or perhaps hadn’t noticed the slight difference. “However I have to,” Kaz vowed confidently.
Y/n sighed as she saw Kaz’s expression. She knew that look. Not only was he serious about looking into this himself if needed, Kaz would do whatever he had to do to find the answer. Y/n had to accept that he’d know the cause of her behavior one way or another.
Kaz waited silently as he watched y/n bite her bottom lip. He could tell she was going to explain to him what was going on, he just needed to give her a moment to collect her thoughts. So, Kaz let his eyes rest casually, dropping their normal intense gaze and focus for a more calm appearance as he waited.
Y/n sighed loudly as she turned back to the window again. She frowned as she noticed most of the crows had flown away, leaving only one sad looking crow behind. She couldn’t help but see herself in that abandoned bird in this moment. “I hate that I still get like this,” y/n confessed, glancing down at her trembling hands that still hadn’t steadied.
Kaz pursed his lips and nodded slowly. “Over what?” He asked.
Y/n glanced over at Kaz. Her eyes were starting to water despite the fear they showed underneath. Y/n took a shaky breath as she held eye contact with Kaz, watching as the realization hit him. She knew she didn’t have to say it, and she appreciated that tremendously in this tense moment.
Kaz stiffened, his hand tightening around his cane. “You saw him?” He questioned, voice disdainful. Kaz’s desire for vengeance was instantaneously boiling inside of him as he asked the rhetorical question. He knew the answer was yes; there was nothing else that could make his strong and confident girl behave like this.
Y/n nodded. Her body quivered as the image of his face from earlier today flashed before her eyes again. Y/n hated that she was reacting like this after all this time. But, she couldn’t help the way her body responded to being in his presence again; in Ketterdam no less. This was her safe space, her sanctuary, and his presence threatened that.
“Where?” Kaz’s growl pulled y/n from her anxious thoughts. She shook her head as she shifted her lips and nose around to keep from tearing up more. “Doesn’t matter,” y/n answered in a defeated voice. She’d already accepted that her sanctuary, her freedom, and her confidence were over now.
Kaz’s groan echoed vibratingly from deep in his throat. “Yes it does,” he snapped. Kaz sighed as he saw the distant look in y/n’s eyes. Kaz slowly moved towards her until he was standing directly beside her head. “Yes, it does,” he said in a much softer manner. “Where?” Kaz inquired again.
Y/n took a shaky breath. “Too close,” she admitted, her fear and frustration over the proximity radiating in her voice. “…Zentsbridge,” y/n mumbled, looking into Kaz’s eyes. She knew her eyes told him how intense her conflicting emotions were today.
Kaz nodded silently. He swallowed thickly, grinding his teeth as he shifted his jaw. He couldn’t stand the dull look full of fear and pain in y/n’s usually comforting and glowing eyes. Kaz let out an exasperated sigh as he turned from y/n and began towards the door.
“Kaz?” Y/n’s fragile voice called out.
Kaz turned to face y/n and nodded.
“Where are you going?” Y/n questioned, her fearful eyes focused on Kaz’s departing frame. She fiddled with her fingers resting in her lap as her hands continued to shake.
Kaz noticed y/n’s worry and felt the corners of his lips curl downwards. “I’m seeing to this,” Kaz explained simply. He knew she didn’t want him to leave, but he had to handle this; then he’d be back.
“Kaz,-“ y/n murmured, her voice a soft and reluctant sound.
“I made you a promise and I intend to keep it,” Kaz declared firmly. His eyes were staring into y/n’s, communicating his intense desire to uphold the deal.
Y/n gave Kaz a weak half-smile, only the left side of her lips moving. “He didn’t hurt me,” she argued. Y/n appreciated Kaz’s protective behavior, but she didn’t want him to get into a situation he’d have to spend years trying to get out of.
“This isn’t hurt?” Kaz remarked, his eyes trailing y/n’s form. He looked at the way she was still trembling, had shut herself off from others, had a distant and fearful gaze, having flashbacks, etc. She was hurt and Kaz was going to address it the best way he could; attack the source directly.
Y/n promptly broke her gaze away from Kaz at the implication. Her eyes dropped down to her lap as she sighed. There wasn’t much y/n could say to argue with Kaz’s point. She was a mess and she knew it.
Kaz noticed y/n’s shy and embarrassed body language. He swallowed his guilt over his word choice and silently made his way back over to her. Kaz dropped his hold on his cane down to the stick, placing the crow’s head handle under y/n’s tucked chin. Kaz moved the cane softly, tilting y/n’s head up towards him. “He deserves everything he has coming,” Kaz proclaimed sternly.
Kaz saw y/n was about to argue so he shook his head to stop her. “No one is allowed to hurt you,” he vowed. Lowering the crow’s head from her chin, Kaz clenched his jaw. “No one.”
“Kaz,” y/n sighed quietly. She bit her lip nervously. “He-He’s-,” y/n stuttered, trying to warn Kaz of what he was getting into.
Kaz chuckled humorously. “I know who he is,” Kaz assured y/n. “I don’t care.” He pushed his tongue against the inside of his bottom lip, a quiet click sound ringing in his mouth. “No one, y/n,” Kaz stated, “No one”. Kaz stared warmly into her eyes, taking in the way the sunlight made her y/e/c eyes glow despite the uncharacteristically dull state of them today.
“It’s my fault…,” y/n argued in a muffled voice. She regretted bringing all of this chaos Kaz’s way. It hadn’t been her intention, but here they were. She should’ve known she couldn’t ever completely escape.
“No.” Kaz grumbled. He could read y/n well enough to know what she was referring to. And Kaz wasn’t going to have any of it.
“But,-“ y/n began, her voice cracking with just the one word.
Kaz shook his head, his eyes darker now. “No.” “What he did was wrong,” Kaz stated firmly, “and he might not have paid back then…”. Kaz’s clenched jaw twitched with fury. “But, he sure as hell is going to now,” Kaz declared.
“He made the wrong choice in coming here,” Kaz told y/n. He recalled how frail she sounded moments ago when telling him how close the Darkling had been earlier today. She deserved to feel safe and know that the Darkling couldn’t touch her; that Kaz wouldn’t let him. “This place belongs to us,” Kaz grinned wickedly, his mind already forming vengeful plans.
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Taglist: @dil3mma @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @winstonthecow22 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @wolfmoonmusic @phoenix666stuff @kentucky-criedfricken @twlegit @valeridarkness @shara-ne @crazyhearttragedy @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @el-de-phi @adalia-jaycee
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desertforged · 7 months
starter for @gloryseized [bodyguard au]
Ganondorf was a petulant young King and he was going to make sure his new bodyguard was aware of it. Still wholly new to being King and living amongst the Gerudo, no longer hidden away in the Labyrinth ruins by conspiring mothers, he was anxious of the attention. The eyes on him. The silent young knight who acted as his guard.
He needed to get away sometimes. Slyly sending Link to check the patrol, Ganon had taken the change to jump from the window of his bedroom, down to the sands outside the walls, and made a run for it. Sword strapped to his back, armor under his robe, he was looking for a bit of his own type of fun -
- and he soon found it with the tell-tale rumbling of a molduga to the west.
With any luck, he'd get a fight in before Link caught up with him.
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wafflesbooks1 · 2 years
No thoughts just the Crows vibing to Karma and Vigilante Shit
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